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1.4 Pressure

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Table of Contents 📱📱📱📱📱📱

Units of pressure
Pressure in liquids Connections
Liquid levels
Derivation of fluid pressure formula Building on…
Transmission of pressure in liquids
Hydraulic machines � Measurement (I)
Atmospheric pressure � Force
Mercury barometer
Arriving at …
Fortin barometer
Aneroid barometer � Defining Pressure, and
Pressure gauges working out calculations
Application of pressure in gases and liquids involving Pressure in both
Revision Exercise solids and fluids
� Describing the factors that
Specific Objectives affect pressure in fluids –
By the end of this topic, the learner should be able to: and deriving the fluid
a) define pressure and state its units pressure formula
b) determine pressure exerted by solids � Describing Pascal’s principle-
c) describe experiments to investigate factors affecting and its applications
pressure in fluids; � Describing the applications
d) derive the fluid pressure formula. of pressure
e) state the principle of transmission of pressure in fluids
(Pascals principle) Looking forward to….
f) explain atmospheric pressure and its effect
g) state and explain the applications of pressure Quantity of Heat
h) solve numerical problems involving pressure. Gas laws
Floating and Sinking

(24 Lessons)

1. Definition of pressure
2. Pressure in solids
3. Factors affecting pressure in fluids (Experimental treatment required)
4. Derivation of P = hρg
5. Atmospheric pressure
6. Simple mercury barometer, manometers
7. Applications of pressure: drinking straw, syringe, siphon, hydraulic press, hydraulic brakes,
bicycle pump, force pump, lift pump
8. Problems on pressure
2 Mechanics

The term pressure is used in day-to-day life. In many cases, a given force acting on an area causes
a penetration, depression or distortion. The effect is greater when the force acts on a smaller area
than when it acts on a larger area.
In general, when a force is applied on a given area, pressure is exerted on the surface.

Pressure is defined as the force acting normally (perpendicularly) per unit area.

Units of Pressure
force (F)
From the definition, pressure P =
area (A)
SI unit of force
Therefore, the SI unit of pressure =
SI unit of area
= N/m2 or Nm-2
The SI unit of pressure is thus newton per square metre (Nm–2), which is also called the Pascal (Pa).
1 Nm–2 = 1 Pa
Other units include the mmHg, the cmHg and an atmosphere (atm).

Pressure in solids
Pressure in solids is obtained by dividing Example
the force exerted by the object (weight A brick 20 cm long, 10 cm wide and 5 cm thick has a mass of
of the solid) by the area in which the 500 g. Determine the:
solid is in contact with a surface.
(a) greatest pressure that can be exerted by the brick on a
(i) If area is held constant, the flat surface;
higher the force, the higher the
(b) least pressure that can be exerted by the brick on a flat
pressure and the lower the force,
surface. (Take g = 10 Nkg–1)
the lower the pressure.
(ii) If force is kept constant, the Solution
smaller the area, the greater the (a) Dimensions of the brick are 0.20 m, 0.10 m and
pressure and the larger the area, 0.05 m.
the smaller the pressure. 500
Weight of the brick =
1 000
× 10 = 5 N
For maximum pressure, the area in
contact should be minimum. from the formula P = , P is greatest when area A is
For minimum pressure, the area in which smallest.
the body is in contact with a surface Area of the smallest face of the brick = 0.10 × 0.05
should be maximum. It is for this reason = 0.005 m2
that trucks carrying heavy loads have F 5
many wheels so that the pressure in Therefore, P = =
Asmallest 0.005
contact with the road surface is reduced
= 1 000 Nm-2
thereby avoiding damage to the roads.
(b) Pressure is least when area A is greatest.
Therefore, P =
0.20 ×0.10
= 250 Nm-2

Pressure in Liquids
Pressure is also exerted in liquids. This varies with depth, density and the gravitational pull g.
Generally, for liquids, the following observations hold:
(i) pressure in a liquid increases with depth below its surface.
(ii) pressure in a liquid increases with the density of the liquid.
(iii) the distribution of pressure in a liquid at a particular depth is the same in all directions.

Experiment to show that pressure in liquids varies with

A tall tin in which three holes A, B, C have been made on
one side is filled with water as shown.
It is observed that when the tin is filled with water, the
lower hole, A, throws water the farthest distance z,
followed by B distance y and lastly C distance x.
Pressure of water at A is greater than pressure at B and
pressure at B is greater than at C. Hence, pressure
increases with depth.
Increase in pressure with depth explains why dam walls are
constructed thicker at the bottom than at the top.
Additionally, the walls of the dam are curved to increase
the surface area, hence reduce the pressure.
Liquid Levels
When a liquid is poured into a set of open and connected
vessels with different shapes (and area of cross-section), it
flows until the levels are the same in all the vessels.
This shows that the liquid flows to find its own height
regardless of the shape of the vessel.
Liquid Levels in a U-tube
When water is poured into one arm of a U-tube, it will flow
into the other arm. The water will settle in the tube with
the levels on both arms being the same.
When one arm of the U-tube is blown into with the mouth,
the level moves downwards, while in the other arm it rises,
This is caused by the pressure difference between the two
arms. The pressure increases on the arm that is blown into
d h h
4 Mechanics

To investigate the relationship between pressure in liquids

and density.
A tall jar is filled with liquids of different densities. A thistle
funnel is then fitted with a U-tube filled to the same level with
water as shown below.
The thistle funnel is the lowered to different depths from the
surface and the difference in levels, h, of water in the U-tube is
noted for each liquid used. The direction of funnel inside the
liquid is then changed and the observations noted.
It is observed that,
(i) The deeper the funnel goes below the surface, the
greater the difference in levels, h.
(ii) The differences in levels, h, obtained with more denser
liquids at a particular depth is greater than that obtained
with water at that depth.
(iii) At the same depth in a given liquid, difference in levels
obtained is the same regardless of the direction which
the funnel faces.
It can thus be concluded that pressure in a liquid increases with
the density of the liquid and with depth. Also, the pressure in a
liquid at a particular depth is the same in all directions.

Derivation of Fluid Pressure Formula P = h𝛒𝛒g

If A is the cross-section area of the column, h the height
of the column and ρ the density of the liquid, then;
Volume of the liquid = cross-section × height = Ah
Mass of the liquid = volume of the liquid × density
= Ahρ
Therefore, weight of the liquid column
= mass of the liquid × gravitational force per unit From the formula P = hρg, it can be
mass seen that the pressure due to a liquid
column is directly proportional to:
= Ahρg
(i) height h of the column.
From the definition of pressure, P = (ii) the density ρ of the liquid.
weight of liquid column
P =
Pressure does not depend on the
= cross-section area of the container
which holds the liquid. The formula is
= hρg
also used to determine pressure due
Therefore, pressure P exerted by the column on A is to a column of gas.
given by, p = h𝛒𝛒g

Example 1 Example 2
A diver is 10 m below the surface of the water in a The density of mercury is 13 600 kgm–3.
dam. If the density of water is 1 000 kgm–3, Determine the liquid pressure at a point 76 cm
determine the pressure due to the water on the below the surface of mercury. (Take g = 10 Nkg–1)
diver. (Take g = 10 Nkg–1)
Pressure is given by;
Pressure on the diver is given by;
P = hρg
P = hρg
= 0.76 × 13 600 × 10
= 10 × 1 000 × 10
= 103 360 Nm–2
= 100 000 Nm–2

Transmission of Pressure in Liquids

The principle of transmission of pressure in liquids (Pascal’s Principle) states that pressure
applied at one part of an enclosed liquid is transmitted equally to all other parts of the enclosed
Gases may transmit pressure in a similar way when they are confined and incompressible.

Hydraulic Machines
The principle of transmission of pressure in liquids is made use of in hydraulic machines where a
small force applied at one point of a liquid produces a much larger force at some other point of
the liquid.

(i) Hydraulic Lift

The hydraulic lift consists of a small piston S
of cross-section area A 1 and a large piston L
Consider a force F1 applied on the small piston of
of cross-section area A 2. When a force is
cross-section area A1. Then, pressure P1
applied on piston S, the pressure generated
generated on the liquid by the piston S due to F1
by the force is transmitted throughout the
is given by;
liquid to piston L.
P1 =
This pressure is transmitted by the liquid to the
larger piston L. Therefore, pressure of liquid
acting on the area A2 of the large piston is equal
to P1. Thus, the force F2 produced on the large
piston is given by;
F2 = pressure × area
= P1 × A2
Hydraulic lifts are used to hoist cars in
But P1 = garages. Hydraulic presses on the other hand
are used to compress certain materials such as
So, F2 = × A2 cotton bales into the required shapes and
F2 A2
Therefore, =
F1 A1
6 Mechanics

A small force of 100 N applied on the small piston of area A1
equal to 0.25 m2 produces a bigger force F2 on a larger piston of
area A2 equal to 10 m2. Calculate F2.
F2 A2 A2
= ; F2 = × F1
F1 A1 A1
= × 100 NB: A small force applied on the
= 4 000 N small piston produces a much
bigger force on the larger piston.

The hydraulic Brake System

The force applied on the brake pedal exerts pressure on
the master cylinder. The pressure is transmitted by the
brake fluid to the slave cylinder. This causes the pistons
of slave cylinder to open the brake shoe and hence the
brake lining presses on the drum. The rotation of the
wheel is thus resisted.
When the force on the foot pedal is withdrawn, the return
spring pulls back the brake shoe which then pushes the
slave cylinder piston back.

The advantage of this system is that the pressure exerted

in master cylinder is transmitted equally to all the four
wheel cylinders. Hence, the braking force obtained is
The liquid to be used as a brake fluid should have
the following properties:
(i) Be incompressible, to ensure pressure
exerted at one point is transmitted equally to
all other parts in the liquid.
(ii) Have low freezing point and high boiling
(iii) Should not corrode the parts of the brake

Atmospheric Pressure
The pressure exerted on the surface of the earth by the weight of the air column is called
atmospheric pressure.

Experiment to demonstrate the existence of the atmospheric

pressure (crushing can experiment)
Tin container with a tight-fitting cork, water, tripod stand, Bunsen
• Remove the cork from the container and pour in some little
• Boil the water for several minutes.
• Replace the cork and allow the container to cool. You may pour
cold water on it to cool it faster. Observe what happens to the
During cooling, the container is crushed in.
Steam from boiling water drives out most of the air inside the
container, (a). When the cork is first replaced, the steam pressure
inside the container balances the atmospheric pressure outside. On
cooling, the steam condenses.
A partial vacuum is therefore created in the container. Since pressure
inside the container is less than atmospheric pressure outside, the
container is crushed, (b).

Maximum Column of Liquid that can be Supported by

Atmospheric Pressure
The straw
When water is sucked up a straw, the air pressure inside the straw reduces.
The atmospheric pressure acting on the water surface is now greater than
the pressure inside the straw. Water is thus pushed up the straw by the
atmospheric pressure.
If the straw was long enough and sealed at the top, it would be possible to
estimate the height of water in the straw that would be supported by
atmospheric pressure.

Water and Mercury columns

When glass tubes of different lengths are filled completely with water and
inverted in a water reservoir, it is observed that the water column can be very
large, in fact too large for the apparatus to accommodate.
However, if mercury, which is much denser than water is used, the column
supported is found to be much shorter(b). In this figure, the mercury column
in the tube exerts pressure at point B. For the height of this column to
remain constant, there must be a counter pressure to hold it up. This counter
pressure is provided by the atmosphere.
At sea level, the atmospheric pressure supports approximately 76 cm of
mercury column or approximately 10 m of water column.
8 Mechanics

Example 1
A sea diver is 35 m below the surface of sea-water. If density of the sea-water is 1.03 g/cm3
and g is 10 Nkg –1, determine the total pressure on him. Take atmospheric pressure to be
103,00 N/m–2
Pressure in liquid is given by P = hρg
But total pressure = atmospheric pressure, Pa + liquid pressure
= Pa + hρg
= 103 000 + (35 × 1 030 × 10) Nm–2 = 463 500 Nm–2

Example 2
The air pressure at the base of a mountain is 75.0 cm of mercury while at the top it is 60.0
cm of mercury. Given that the average density of air is 1.25 kgm–3 and the density of
mercury is 13 600 kgm–3, calculate the height of the mountain.
Pressure difference due to column of air (height of mountain) = Pressure difference due to
mercury column
Pressure at the top of the mountain = 0.60 × 13 600 × 10 = 81 600 Nm–2
Pressure at the base of the mountain = 0.75 × 13 600 × 10 = 102 000 Nm–2
Pressure difference = 102 000 – 81 600 = 20 400 Nm–2
Pressure due column of air = 20 400 Nm-2
haρag = 20 400
20 400
ha = = 1 632 m
1.25 ×10

The height of the mountain is 1 632 m

Measurement of Pressure

(a) U-tube Manometer

A manometer is an instrument that can measure

fluid pressure. It consists of a U-tube filled with
water or any other suitable liquid.
Suppose one limb of the manometer is connected
to a gas supply. Due to the pressure of the gas Pg,
the water level in the other limb rises to, say, Y.
This difference in water levels is the difference
between gas pressure Pg and the atmospheric
pressure Pa.
Since X and Z are at the same horizontal level,
pressure at X equals pressure at Z. Pressure at X is

pressure of gas Pg.

Pressure at Z = atmospheric pressure + pressure due to the column of water
Therefore, Pg = Pa + hρg
Since density of water, ρ, and g are known, we can determine pressure of gas if the atmospheric
pressure is known.
h = 20.0 cm and Pa = 103 000 Nm–2. Then, taking the density of water as 1 000 kgm–3,
Pg = 103 000 + 0.20 × 1 000 × 10 = 105 000 Nm–2

(b) Mercury Barometer

A barometer is an instrument used to measure pressure. It is an arrangement of a liquid column in
a tube supported by atmospheric pressure.
At sea level, a column of mercury and water supported by atmospheric pressure is approximately
76 cm and 10 m respectively.
Mercury, which is about 14 times denser than water, is chosen for atmospheric pressure
measurements since it gives a much shorter and measurable column.

Simple Mercury Barometer

The simple mercury barometer comprises a thick-
walled glass tube of about one metre long and
sealed at one end.
It is carefully filled with mercury to the top and any
bubbles of air in the tube removed by closing the
open end and inverting it severally.
It is necessary to remove the bubbles because they
make the barometer defective.
The tube is refilled and the open end closed tightly.
It is then inverted into a dish filled with mercury and
supported upright with a stand and clamp. The tightly closed end is then opened while under the
surface of the mercury. The column of mercury in the tube drops to create a vacuum in the space
above the column.
The height h of the column (barometric height) is a measure of the atmospheric pressure.
At sea level, h = 76 cmHg.
Since density ρ of mercury is 13 600 kgm–3,
Pa = hρg
= 0.76 × 13 600 × 10
= 103 360 Nm–2
This is the standard atmospheric pressure, and is sometimes referred to as one atmosphere.

Testing the Vacuum Barometer

If the barometer has air at the top, then it is faulty. The value of pressure indicated by such a
barometer is less than the actual value since the trapped air also exerts pressure on the mercury
10 Mechanics

To test for the vacuum, the tube is tilted as shown in

(a) so that the topmost part of the tube is below the
height that is supported by atmospheric pressure.
If there is air in the tube, the mercury will not fill the
tube completely. However, if the space is a vacuum,
the mercury fills the tube completely.
The space above the mercury in the tube when
upright is called Toricellian vacuum and contains a
little mercury vapour.

(c) Fortin Barometer

Fortin barometer is used where high precision is
The Fortin barometer has a:
a) vertical glass tube containing mercury.
b) leather bag as the reservoir of mercury.
c) short fixed main scale and a movable vernier scale
which facilitates accurate reading of the mercury
d) fixed ivory index with a sharp point at the bottom,
which acts as the ‘zero’ mark of the main scale.

Before taking the reading, the level of mercury surface in the reservoir is adjusted by turning the
adjusting screw until the surface of the mercury just touches the tip of the ivory index. The mirror-
like mercury surface produces an image of the tip which helps to make the adjustment very
accurate. The height of mercury is then read from the main scale and the vernier scale. Any
change in air pressure makes the surface of mercury in the reservoir move up and down and
therefore this adjustment is necessary before the barometer is read. The height of mercury is read
from the top part of the meniscus.
The readings obtained from the barometer are in terms of the height of mercury column and are
written as mmHg or cmHg (Hg is the chemical symbol for mercury). Therefore, the atmospheric
pressure at sea level is expressed as 760 mmHg.
The atmospheric pressure Pa when the mercury column is 760 mm long is given by;
Pa = hρg
= 0.76 × 13 600 × 10 (density of mercury is 13 600 kgm–3 and g is 10 Nkg-1)
= 103 360 Nm–2

(d) Aneroid Barometer

The aneroid barometer is a portable type of barometer consisting of a sealed, corrugated metal
box. This metal box expands a little if pressure outside is reduced, and reduces in volume a little if
subjected to higher pressure from outside. The motion due to the changes in shape of the metal
box is magnified by the corresponding movements of the spring strips, lever arm, chain and finally
the pointer on the scale.

Normally, the pointer would indicate a particular value of the atmospheric pressure of the
surrounding so that any changes in pressure would be noticeable by the movement of the pointer
to either side of this atmospheric value on the scale.
The aneroid barometer movements make it adaptable to measure heights. Altimeters are basically
aneroid barometers, and are used in aircrafts to measure heights.
The aneroid barometer is normally calibrated in millibars. 1 bar is a pressure of 100 000 Nm–2
(standard atmospheric pressure)
100 000
1 millibar (mbar) = = 100 Nm–2
1 000

(e) Pressure Gauges

Pressure gauges are portable and are used mostly for
measuring gas pressure, tyre pressure, pressure of
compressed air in compressors and steam pressure.
They are basically made of coiled flexible metal tubes
which uncoil when the pressure inside increases. The
movement of the tube is made to drive a pointer across
a scale, through a combined system of levers and gears.

(a) The Bicycle Pump Applications of Pressure in Gases

A bicycle pump is a simple form of a compression pump. and Liquids

It has a flexible leather washer which works both as a valve

and a piston inside the pump barrel. Before the pump is
used, it is connected to the tyre which has a rubber valve in
When the pump handle is drawn, the volume of air below
the washer increases and its pressure is reduced below the
atmospheric pressure. Air from outside the pump then
flows past the leather washer into the barrel. At the same
time, the higher air pressure in the tube closes the tyre
When the pump handle is pushed in, the air in the pump
barrel is compressed. The high pressure in the barrel
presses the leather washer against the sides of the barrel.
When the pressure of the compressed air becomes greater
than that of air in the tyre, air is forced into the tyre through
the tyre valve which now opens.
12 Mechanics

(b) The Lift Pump

A lift pump is used to raise water from wells. It consists of
a cylindrical metal barrel with a spout. It has two valves, P
and Q, as shown.
To start the pump, water is poured on top of the piston
(priming) so that a good air-tight seal is made round the
piston and valve P. The pump is operated by means of a
When the plunger moves up during the upstroke, valve P
closes due to its weight and pressure of water above it. At
the same time, air above valve Q expands and its
pressure reduces below atmospheric pressure. The
atmospheric pressure on water in the well below thus
pushes water up past valve Q into the barrel, as shown in
The plunger is moved up and down until the space
between P and Q is filled with water.
During downstroke, valve Q closes due to its weight and
pressure of water above, as shown alongside
Water is forced out through valve P and thus flows out of
the spout.
Limitations of the lift pump
The atmospheric pressure can only support a column of
water of about 10 m. This is, therefore, the theoretical
maximum height to which water can be raised by the
pump at normal atmospheric pressure.
In practice, the possible height of water can be raised by
this pump is less than 10 m because of:
(i) reduced atmospheric pressure in places high
above sea level.
(ii) leakages at the valves and pistons.

(c) The Force Pump

This pump can be used to raise water to heights of
more than 10 m.
During upstroke, air above the valve S expands
and its pressure reduces below atmospheric
pressure. The atmospheric pressure on the water
in the well below pushes water up valve S into the
The pressure above valve T is atmospheric. Hence,
this valve does not open in this stroke.
During the downstroke, the valve S closes.
Increase in pressure in the water in the barrel
opens valve T and forces water into chamber C so
that as water fills the chamber, air is trapped and
compressed at the upper part.
During the next upstroke, valve T closes and the
compressed air expands, ensuring a continuous
flow through P.

Advantages of the force pump over the lift

(a) it enables a continuous flow of water
(b) the height to which water can be raised
by this pump does not depend on
atmospheric pressure
The height to which water can be raised by a force
pump depends on:
(i) Amount of force applied during the
(ii) Ability of the pump and its working parts to
withstand pressure of the long column of water
14 Mechanics

(d) The Siphon

A siphon is obtained when a tube (usually plastic or
rubber) is used to empty tanks or draw petrol from
petrol tanks of cars.
The pressure at the surface of the liquid is atmospheric.
The tube is first filled with the liquid and end C held
below the surface. Pressure at C is greater than that at
the surface by an amount hρg.
The liquid will continue to run out so long as the end C
is below the liquid surface. Pressure at A and B is
atmospheric pressure since they are at the same
horizontal level. Pressure at C is equal to atmospheric
pressure plus pressure due to column h of the liquid.
That is;
Pressure at C, Pc = Pa + hρg, where Pa is atmospheric
pressure and ρ the density of water.
The excess pressure hρg thus causes the liquid to flow
out of the tube at C.
The siphon will only work if:
(i) the end C of the tube is below the surface of A of NB:A siphon
the liquid to be emptied. can operate
(ii) the tube is first filled with the liquid, without any in a vacuum.
bubbles in it.
(iii) the tube does not rise above the height of the
liquid surface A.
(iv) one end of the tube is inside the liquid to be
An application of the siphon is the automatic flushing
It is used where constant cleaning is necessary, like
urinals. When the water in the tank fills above the top of
the inverted U-tube, a pressure difference between the
two arms is created. This causes the water to flow out of
the tank. The tap can be adjusted to enable the flushing
unit to flush at pre-determined intervals.
The ordinary lavatory flusher is set to work by
mechanically filling the tube with water to create the
necessary pressure difference.

Review Exercises
1. Define the term pressure and give its SI unit.
2. Calculate the pressure in Nm-2 at the bottom of a well 10 m deep (density of water = 1030
3. Explain why a lady wearing sharp heeled shoes is not likely to skid on a slippery muddy road.
4. Give the factors that affect pressure in fluids.
5. What is the value of normal atmospheric pressure?
6. State Pascal's principle
7. On a certain day, the atmospheric pressure read 760 mmHg. Express this in N/m2. (Density
of mercury = 13.6 g/cm3 and g = 10 N/kg)
8. In the hydraulic system below, calculate the mass of H that will be counter balanced by the 1
kg mass if the area of piston A= 5 cm2 and that of piston B =50 cm2.

9. Describe the principle by which the typical rubber sucker drawn below functions.

10. The pressure of the atmosphere at a certain coastal town is found to be 76 cm of mercury.
Express this pressure in SI units. (The density of mercury is 1 .36 × 104 kg/m3, g = 10 N/kg).
11. Describe with the aid of a diagram, the crushing can experiment. Explain why the can
eventually collapses.
12. State the reasons why water is not suitable as a barometric liquid.
13. A gas supply was connected to a manometer containing mercury and the levels of mercury
was as shown below

Determine the amount of pressure of the gas in:

(a) mmHg
16 Mechanics

(b) pascals
(Take density of mercury as 13 600 kg/m3 and g = 10 N/kg and atmospheric pressure is 750

14. Name two practical uses of the hydraulic press.

15. In order to carry out some medical tests, doctors need blood from a patient. The doctors use
a syringe to draw blood. Explain how the syringe works in this case.
16. A block of glass of dens ty 2.5 g/cm3 has dimensions 8 cm by 10 cm by 15 cm. It is placed on
one of its faces on a horizontal surface. Calculate:
(a) the weight of the block
(b) the greatest pressure it can exert on the horizontal surface
(c) the least pressure it can exert on the horizontal surface
17. Name two characteristics of pressure at a point inside a fluid.
18. Give a reason why nose bleeding is likely to occur at the top of a mountain.
19. On the diagram below, indicate the height which measures atmospheric pressure.

20. Explain and justify why the pressure of the atmosphere on the peak of Mount Kenya is lower
than the corresponding pressure anywhere else in Kenya.
21. Draw the following and explain their action;
(a) a syringe
(b) a bicycle pump
(c) siphon
(d) mouth sucking on a drinking straw.
22. Give two properties of liquids used in hydraulic machines.
23. The reading of a mercury barometer is 75.58 cm at the base of a mountain and 66.37 cm at
the summit. Calculate the height of the mountain. (Density of mercury =13 600 kg/m3 and
density of air = 1.25 kg/m3).
24. State two differences in practise between a force pump and a lift pump.
25. (a) A newspaper article claimed that a woman wearing shoes with heels which have a
very small area exerted more pressure on the ground than an elephant. How could this be
(b) The weight of the woman was 540 N and the heels of her shoes were 0 .9 cm2 each.
The elephant weighs 31 500 N and each foot has an area of 750 cm2. Calculate how much
more pressure was exerted by the woman.
26. A piston whose diameter is 1.4 m is pushed into a cylinder containing a fluid. If the pressure
produced in the cylinder is 4.0 × 105 Pa, calculate the force applied on the piston.
27. State two advantages of a force pump over lift pump.
28. A metallic solid block whose mass is 10 kg, has dimensions 2 m by 1 m by 50 cm. Find the

difference between the maximum and minimum pressure it can exert on a flat surface?
29. State any three areas where we apply atmospheric pressure.
30. Name two machines that apply Pascal's principle.
31. State the reason why cranes are designed with tracks instead of wheels.
32. A block of concrete measuring 40 cm by 10 cm by 10 cm exerts a maximum pressure of 4.8 x
104 pa on a level ground.
(a) Determine its mass in kg.
(b) Determine the minimum pressure it can exert if placed on a horizontal bench.

33. State the reason why it is not possible to suck a liquid into your mouth using a drinking
straw on the moon.
34. Tracy blows into the manometer shown below through X. Calculate the total pressure
exerted on the manometer. (Take atmospheric pressure as 1.0 x 105 Pa and g = 10 N/kg)

35. The diagram below shows a hydraulic press.

Work out the force that is pushing up piston A.

36. Explain how a syringe is used to inject vaccine into a patient’s body
37. Water is settled in a glass whose radius is 3.5 cm. If the height of the water from the base of
the glass is 10 cm, calculate the pressure that the water is exerting on the base of the glass.
Take the density of water =1.0 × 103 kg/m3 and atmospheric pressure = 1.0 × 105 Pa.
38. Mark the level of mercury in tubes B and C.

39. A hydraulic press has two pistons whose areas are 4 cm2 and 30 cm2 respectively. A force of
15 KN pushes the bigger piston upwards as a result of a force applied on the smaller piston.
Calculate the force being applied on the smaller piston.
18 Mechanics

40. What is the pressure acting on a column of mercury 10.5 cm high if the density of mercury is
1.355 × 104 kg/m3 and the gravitational force is 10 N/kg?
41. The manometer shown below indicates the pressure of the gas inside the closed container. If
the atmospheric pressure is 100 000 Pa, calculate the pressure of the gas.

42. State the principle of transmission of pressure in fluids.

43. The diagram below shows a cross section of a dam built in Mwingi.

Explain the shape of the dam's wall as you get to the bottom.

44. Most flats in the urban areas have two water storage tanks; a very large one below the
building, and the other on the roof of the building. Explain why water from the lower tank
has to be pumped with a force pump into the tanks at the top of the building.

45. Calculate the minimum length of a tube required to make a barometer using water of density
1.03 × 103 kg/m3. Take atmospheric pressure as 1.03 × l05 N/m2.

46. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow

(a) Given that the density of water is 1 x 103 kg/m3, determine the density of liquid Y
(b) Give a reason why mercury has been used.
(c) State possible reasons why the height of liquid Y column is higher than that of the
water column.
47. You are provided with liquid of density 𝜌𝜌 in a container to a height h of the container as
shown below. The cross-sectional area of the container is A.

Prove that the pressure (P) exerted on A is equal to h𝜌𝜌g

48. The tank shown below was filled with milk. Ten holes with a diameter of 2 cm each were
then made at the sides of the tank. A lid which exactly fit into the open end was then placed
on the liquid and pressure applied on it such that it pushed the milk downwards.

Explain what was observed.

49. Jomo used the setup below to draw water

After some time, he noticed that nothing was happening.

(a) Explain what he has to do to get the setup working.
(b) Using a diagram correct the setup and explain how the set-up works.
50. The glass below was filled with water to its brim, then a card was used to cover it. Explain
why the card does not fall when the glass is in the inverted position.
20 Mechanics

Recent KCSE Questions

1. 2006 Q3
State Pascal's principle of transmission of pressure in fluids. (1 mark)

2. 2007 Q4, 5
Figure 3 shows the levels of two liquids A and B after some air has been sucked out of the
tubes through the tap. Use this information and the figure to answer questions 4 and 5.

4. State the reason for the rise in the levels of the liquids when air is sucked from the
tubes. (1 mark)

5. Given that the density of liquid B is 1200 kgm3, determine the density of liquid A.
(3 marks)

3. 2008 Q8
Figure 4 shows a conical flask 15cm high, filled with a liquid of density 1200kgm-3. The
atmospheric pressure of the surrounding is 8.4 x 104Pa.

Determine the pressure at the point marked X, at the bottom of the flask. (3 marks)

4. 2009 Q4
Figure 2 shows two cylinders containing a liquid and connected with a tight - fitting flexible
tube. The cylinders are fitted with air- tight pistons A and B as shown.

When equal forces, F are applied on the pistons as shown it is observed that piston A moves
up while B moves down. Explain these observations. (2 marks)

5. 2010 Q3
Some water in a tin can was boiled for some time. The tin can was then sealed and
cooled. After some time, it collapsed. Explained this observation. (2 marks)

6. 2012 Q15 (c)

In an experiment to demonstrate atmospheric pressure, a plastic bottle is partially filled with
hot water and the bottle is then tightly corked.
After some time, the bottle starts to get deformed.

(i) State the purpose of the hot water. (1 mark)

(ii) State the reason why the bottle gets deformed. (1 mark)
(iii) Explain your answer in c (ii). (2 marks)

7. 2012 Q19
(a) Figure 14 shows a lift pump.

Explain why, when the piston is:

22 Mechanics

(i) Pulled upwards, valve A opens while valve B closes. (2 marks)

(ii) Pushed downwards, valve A closes while valve B opens. (2 marks)

(b) After several strokes, water rises above the piston as shown in figure 15.

State how water is removed from the cylinder through the spout. (1 mark)

(c) A lift pump can lift water to a maximum height of 10m.Determine the maximum
height to which the pump can raise paraffin. (3 marks)
(take density of paraffin as 800kgm-3 and density of water as 1000kgm-3).

(d) State one factor that determines the height to which a force pump can lift water.
(1 mark)

8. 2013 Q3
Figure 2 shows some air trapped by mercury in a glass tube. The tube is inverted in a dish
containing mercury.

Given that the atmospheric pressure is 760 mmHg and the height of mercury column in the
tube is 600 mm, determine the pressure of the air trapped in the tube in mmHg.
(3 marks)

9. 2014 Q5; 2016 Q10

Figure 3 shows two cylinders of different cross-sectional areas connected with a tube. The
cylinders contain an incompressible fluid and are fitted with pistons of cross-sectional areas
4cm2 and 24cm2.

Opposing forces P and Q are applied to the pistons such that the pistons do not move.
If the pressure on the smaller piston is 5N cm-2, Determine force Q. (2 marks)

10. 2015 Q4
State two factors that determine the pressure at a point in a liquid. (2 marks)

11. 2015 Q5
A student wearing sharp pointed heeled shoes is likely to damage a soft wooden floor.
Explain. (2 marks)
12. 2017 Q18 (a)
Figure 8 shows part of a hydraulic brake system.

Describe how the systems works. (5 marks)

13. 2018 Q4
Figure 2 shows an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.
24 Mechanics

State with a reason the modification that would be required in a similar set up if mercury
were to be replaced with water. (2 marks)

14. 2018 Q17

(a) State Pascal's principle of transmission of pressure in liquids.

(b) Figure 10 shows heights of two immiscible liquids X and Y in a U-tube (drawn to

(i) State with a reason which of the two liquids X and Y has a higher density.
(2 marks)
(ii) Determine the value of h. (2 marks)

(iii) Given that the density of liquid Y is ρ, write down an expression for the
density d of liquid x in terms of ρ. (2 marks)

(c) (i) With the aid of a diagram, describe how a liquid may be siphoned from one
container to another using a flexible tube. (3 marks)

(iii) Sums one application of the siphon. (1 mark)

15. 2019 Q2
Figure 1 shows a defective straw used to suck milk from a glass

It is observed that upon sucking the straw, milk did not rise up the straw. Explain this
observation. (2 marks)

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