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1 General Physics PDF

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General Physics

1 General Physics
1. Length and Time
2. Speed , velocity and acceleration
3. Mass and weight
4. Density
5. Forces
6 Work, energy and power
7. Pressure

1. Length and Time

What is the vernier reading ?
A. 2.23 B. 2.26
1. The diagram shows part of a vernier scale
C. 2.33 D. 2.36

5. The width of a wooden block is measured

using vernier calipers.

What is the reading on the vernier scale?

A. 6.50 cm
B. 6.55 cm
C. 7.00 cm
D. 7.45 cm

2. A student has been asked to determine , as

accurately as possible the volume of a piece
of wire. The wire is about 80 cm long and
about 0.2 cm in diameter.

Which measuring instruments should

the student use? What is the width of the block?
A. 3.5 mm
Length Diameter
B. 5.3 mm
A metre rule micrometer
C. 8.0 mm
B metre rule vernier calipers
D. 8.5 mm
C micrometer vernier calipers
D vernier calipers micrometer
6. The diagram shows a micrometer scale

3. Which instrument is used to measure the

internal diameter of a pipe with a single
measurement ?
A. manometer B. measuring cylinder
C. micrometer D. vernier calipers

4. The diagram shows a vernier V placed against Which reading is shown?

a scale S A. 5.64 mm
B. 7.14 mm
C. 7.16 mm
D. 7.64 mm

IGCSE Physics 1 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

7. The diagram shows part of a vernier


The can rolls over twice.

What is the circumference (distance al round) of
the can ?
A. 13 cm C. 26 cm
B. 14 cm D. 28 cm

11. A stop watch is used to time race. The

diagrams show the watch at the start and at
the end of the race.

Which is the correct reading ?

A. 30.5 mm
B. 33.5 mm
C. 38.0 mm
D. 42.5 mm

8. The diagram shows one method of measuring

the diameter of a beaker.
How long did the race take ?
A. 45.7 s C. 46.5 s
B. 46.0 s D. 47.0 s

12. A piece of cotton is measured between

two points on a ruler.

What is the diameter of the beaker ?

A. 4.5 cm C. 5.5 cm
B. 5.0 cm D. 8.0 cm

When the length of cotton is wound closely

9 In an experiment , a ball is rolled down a around a pen , it goes round six times.
curved track that is about half a metre long.

What is the distance once round the pen?

A. 2.2 cm
B. 2.6 cm
C. 13.2 cm
D. 15.6 cm

Which measuring device should be used to

13. A decorator wishes to calculate the area f a
measure the length accurately ?
bath room tile so that he can estimate the
A. metre rule
amount of adhesive that he needs to buy.
B. micrometer
What must he use ?
C. tape measure
A. a measuring cylinder only
D. vernier calipers
B. a ruler only
C. a measuring cylinder and clock only
10. A cylinder can is rolled along the ruler
D. a measuring cylinder and a ruler only
shown in the diagram.

IGCSE Physics 2 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

14. The diagram shows a thick- walled tube. The 18. A floor is covered with square tiles .The
thickness of the wall is 3 mm. diagram shows a ruler on the tiles.

What is the internal diameter d of the tube ?

A. 2.8 cm C. 3.4 cm How long is one tile ?
B. 3.1 cm D. 7.4 cm A. 3 cm C. 9 cm
B. 6 cm D. 12 cm
15. The diagram shows a stop watch, originally set
at 00:00 19. The diagram shows the times on stop clock at
When a car was first seen, the stop-start button the beginning and the end of an experiment.
was pressed. When the car passed the
observer , the stop watch showed 01:06.

How long did the car take to reach the

observer ?
A. 1.06 second C. 66 second How long did the experiment take ?
B. 6 second D. 106 second A. 10 s C. 35 s
B. 25 s D. 45 s
16. A girl uses a rule to measure the length of a
metal rod. Because the end of the rule is
damaged , she places one end of the rod at the
1 cm mark as shown. 2. Speed Velocity and Acceleration

20. An object is falling under gravity with terminal

What is happening to its speed ?
A. It is decreasing to a lower value
How long is the metal rod ? B. It is decreasing to zero
A. 43 cm C. It is increasing
B. 46 cm D. It is staying constant
C. 53 cm
D. 56 cm 21. Which quantity X is calculated using this
equation ?
17. A ruler is used to measure the length of a nail.
X= change in velocity
Time taken
A. acceleration
B. Average velocity
C. Distance travelled
D. Speed
What is the length of the nail ?
A. 1.3 cm C. 5.2 cm 22. The graph shows the movement of a car over
B. 2.9 cm D. 8.1 cm a period of 50 s.

IGCSE Physics 3 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

26. Which graph shows the motion of a heavy

steel ball falling from a height of 2 m ?

What was the distance traveled by the car

while its speed was increasing ?
A. 10 m C. 100 m
B. 20 m D. 200 m

23. Which graph represents the motion of a body

falling vertically that reaches a terminal
velocity ?

27. 27. A student drops a table-tennis ball in air.

What happens to the velocity and to the
acceleration of the ball during the first few
seconds after release ?
Velocity acceleration
A decreases decreases
B decreases increases
C increases decreases
D increases increases

28. What must change when a body is

accelerating ?
24. A car takes 1 hr to travel 100 km along a main A. the force acting on the body
road and then ½ hr to travel 20 km. along a B. the mass of the body
side road C. the speed of the body
D. the velocity of the body

29. A car driver takes a total of two hours to

make a journey of 75 km. She has a coffee
break of half an hour and spends a quarter of
an hour stationary in traffic jam.
At what average speed must she travel during
the rest of the time if she wants to complete
the journey in the two hours ?
What is the average speed of the car for A. 38 km/h C. 60 km/h
the whole journey ? B. 50 km/h D. 75 km/h
A. 60 km/h C. 80 km/h
B. 70 km/h D. 100 km/h 30. Which of the following defines acceleration ?
A.. Change in velocity. B. change in distance
25. A car is brought to rest in 5 s in a speed of Time taken time taken
10 m/s. C. change in speed
What is the average deceleration of the car ? time taken
A. 0.5 m/s2 C. 15 m/s2 D. change in distance in a fixed direction
B. 2 m/s D. 50 m/s2 Time taken

31. The graph shows the movement of a car over

a period of 50 s.

IGCSE Physics 4 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

What is correct ?

Vertical forces Horizontal

A L=W T = R
B L>W T > R
C L=W T > R
D L>W T = R

34. The graph illustrates the motion of an object.

What was the distance traveled by the car during

the time when it was moving at a steady speed ?
A.. 10 m C. 200 m
B. 100 m D. 400 m

32. The diagram shows a parachutist in four positions

after she jumps from a high balloon.
At which position does she have terminal velocity
Which feature of the graph represent the
A. not yet moving C. not accelerating
distance traveled by the object while moving at
constant speed ?
A. area S C. area T
B. area S + area T
C. the gradient at point X

35. The diagram shows a strip of paper that has

been pulled under a vibrating arm by an object
moving at constant speed. The arm was
vibrating regularly, making 50 dots per second.

B. accelerating
D. not moving

What was the speed of the object ?

A. 2.0 cm/s C. 100 cm/s
B. 5.0 cm/s D. 200 cm/s
33. An air craft, flying at a constant height, is gaining
speed. 36. The speed- time graph for a falling skydiver is
The forces acting are shown below. The skydiver alters his fall first by
L lift due to the wings spreading his arms and legs and then by using
R air resistance parachute. Which part of the graph shows the
T the thrust due to the engines diver falling with terminal velocity ?
W the weight

IGCSE Physics 5 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

37. The graph shows how the speed of a car

changes with time.

What is the distance traveled by the object

Which of the following gives the distance
in the first 3 s ?
traveled in time interval OR ?
A. 1.5 m C. 3.0 m
A. the area OPQR
B. 2.0 m D. 6.0 m
B. the length PQ
C. the length (QR- PO)
42. A small steel ball is dropped from a low
D. the ratio QR/PO
balcony. Ignoring air resistance , which
statement describes its motion ?
38. A snail crosses a garden path 30 cm wide at a
A. it falls with constant acceleration
speed of 0.2 cm/s.
B. it falls with constant speed
C. it falls with decreasing acceleration
D. it falls with decreasing speed

43. The three balls shown are dropped from a

How long does the snail take ?
A. 0.0067s C. 15 s
B. 6.0 s D. 150 s

39. The diagram shows a speed time graph for a

body moving with constant acceleration . Which balls have the same acceleration ?
A.. aluminium and lead only
B. aluminium and wood only
C. lead and wood only
D. aluminium, lead and wood

44. A car accelerates from traffic lights. The graph

shows how the car’s speed changes with

What is represented by the shaded area

under the graph ?
A. Acceleration C. speed
B. distance D. time

40. A tunnel has length of 50 km. A car takes 20

min to travel between the two ends of the
tunnel. What is the average speed of the car ? How far does the car travel before it reaches
A. 2.5 km/h C. 150 km/h a steady speed ?
B. 16.6 km/h D. 1000 km./h A. 10 m
B. 20 m
41. The diagram shows a speed time graph for an C. 100 m
object moving at constant speed. D. 200 m

IGCSE Physics 6 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

45. The graph represents the movement of a body The times taken to travel between one pole and
accelerating from rest. the next are measured.

Which time is the greatest ?

A. pole 1 and pole 2 C. pole 3 and pole4
B. pole 2 and pole 3 D. pole 4 and pole 5
After 5 seconds how far has the body moved ?
A. 2m C. 25 m 49. A train travels along a track from Aytown to
B. 10 m D. 50 m Beetown. The map shows the root.

46. A child is standing on the platform of a station,

watching the trains.

A train traveling at 30 m/s takes 3 seconds to

pass the child.
What is the length of the train ? The distance traveled by the train between
A. 10 m C. 90 m the towns is 210 km. It moves at an average
B. 30 m D. 135 m speed of 70 km/ h.
How long does the journey take ?
47. The graph shows the progress of an athlete in 100 A.. less than 70/210 hours, because the journey is
m race. not in a straight line.
B. exactly 70/210 hours
C. exactly 210/70 hours
D. more than 210/70 hours because the journey
is not in a straight line.

50. Which speed/time graph applies to an object

at rest ?

What time was taken to travel 10 m from the

start ?
A. 2.4 s C. 65 s
B. 2.8 s D. 70 s

48. Five telegraph poles are positioned at equal

distance along the side of a road. A car
accelerates until it level with pole 4 . The car then
continues along the road at a steady speed.

IGCSE Physics 7 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

51. A racing car is fitted with an on-board A. 4.0 s C. 10 s

computer. Every time the car passes the B. 6.0 s D. 16 s
straight line, the computer records the
distance traveled in the next two seconds. 54. A cyclist is riding along a road when an
Which set of data shows that the car is animal runs in front of him. The graph
increasing in speed during the 2 seconds ? shows the cyclist’s motion. He sees the
A. animal at P, starts to brake at Q and stops
Time/s Distance travelled/m at R.
0 0
1 100
2 200
Time/s Distance travelled/m
0 0
1 90
2 180
Time/s Distance travelled/m
0 0 What is used to find the distance traveled
1 80 after he applies the brakes ?
2 190 A. the area under line PQ
D B. the area under line QR
Time/s Distance travelled/m C. the gradient of line PQ
0 0 D. the gradient of line QR
1 100
2 180 55. A car travels along the route PQRST in 30
52. The graph represents part of journey of a car.

What is the average speed of the car ?

A. 10 km/hour C. 30 km/hour
B. 20 km/hour D. 60 km/hour
What distance does the car travel during this
56. A tennis player hits a ball hard and 0.4 s
part of the journey ?
later hears an echo from a wall.
A. 150 m C. 600 m
The speed of sound
B. 200 m D. 1200 m
in air is 330 m/s.
53. A man crosses a road 8.0 m wide at a speed
How far away is the
of 2.0 m/s.
player from the wall ?

A. 66 m
B. 132 m
C. 264 m
D. 825 m

How long does the man take to cross the


IGCSE Physics 8 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

4. Mass and weight and Density

57. On the Earth, the gravitational field strength is
10 N/kg . On the Moon , the gravitational field
strength is 1.6 N/kg.
If the object has a weight of 50 N on the Earth ,
what is its weight on the moon?
A. 1.6 N C. 8.0 N
B. 5.0 N D. 80 N

57. Ten identical steel balls, each of mass 27 g, are

immersed in a measuring cylinder containing 20
cm of water.
The reading of the water level rises to 50 cm3
What is the density of the steel?
0.90 g/ cm3 C. 9.0 g/ cm3
B. 8.1 g/ cm D. 13.5 g/ cm3

58. Which relationship defines gravitational field

strength ? 62. An object of mass 100 g is immersed in
A. mass x 10 water as shown in the diagram.
B. mass x weight
C. mass/weight
D. weight/mass

59. A measuring cylinder contains some water stands

on a scale pan. A solid ball is lowered into the
The water level rises from the 30 cm3 mark to the
40 cm3 mark. The scale reading increases from
100g to 180 g.

What is the density of the material from

which the object is made ?
A. 0.4 g/ cm3 C. 1.1 g/ cm3
B. 0.9 g/ cm D. 2.5 g/ cm3

63. A student does an experiment to estimate

the density of an irregular –shaped stone.
Which items of equipment are needed ?
What is the density of the material of the ball ? A. a balance and measuring cylinder
A. 2.0 g/ cm3 C. 8.0 g/ cm3 containing water
B. 4.5 g/ cm D. 18 g/ cm3 B. a balance and a ruler
C. a ruler and measuring cylinder
60. At a point of the surface of the Earth , the containing water
gravitational field strength is 9.8 N/kg. D. only a measuring cylinder containing
Which pair of values for mass and weight correct water
for an object placed at this point ?
Mass/kg Weight/N 64. In a laboratory on Earth, balances show that
A 9.8 10 an object has mass of 2 kg and a weight of
B 10 9.8 20 N.
C 10s 98 The same balances and object are taken
D 98 10 to the Moon , where the gravitational field
strength is less than on the Earth.
61. Some students measure the masses and volumes
of different sized samples of type of wood. Are the mass and weight of the object the
same, or less, than before ?
Which graph shows their result ?

IGCSE Physics 9 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

Mass weight 68. A student is trying to find the density of

A. less less a stone, but he has mixed up the
B. less same instruction cards.
C. same less
D. same same

65. The diagram shows a material with

dimensions 5 cm x 4 cm x 2 cm .It has mass
of 100 g.

What is the density of the material ?

A. 0.40 g/ cm3 C. 5.0 g/ cm3
B. 2.5 g/ cm D. 10 g/ cm3

66. A box X full of large granite rocks is weighted.

An identical box Y full of small granite
chippings then weighted.

Which box weigh more and why ?

Heavier reason
A X There is more air in box X
B X The density of a chipping is
less than a rock
C Y There is less air in box Y
D Y The density of a chipping is
greater than a rock

67. An object that has mass of 15 kg on the Earth

is taken to the Moon.
The gravitational field strength on the Earth is
10 N/kg and on the Moon is 1.6 N/kg. What What order should the cards be in ?
are the mass and weight of the object on the A. 5  3  6  2  1  4  7
Moon ? B. 1  5  3  6  2  7  4
Mass/kg Weight/N C. 5  6  3  2  1  7  4
A 15 24 D. 1  4  5  3  6  2  7
B 15 150
C 24 15
D 150 24

IGCSE Physics 10 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

69. Three objects are cut from the same sheet of The length QR and width RS of the tank are
steel. They are different shapes but they all have known.
the same mass. What other distance needs to be measured in
order to be able to calculate the volume of the

74. Which statement is correct ?

A. Mass a force measured in kilograms.
Which object has the greatest density ? B. Mass is a force measured in newtons
A. the disc D. the square C. Weight is a force measured in kilograms
B. the L shape D. Weight is a force measured in newtons
C. they all have the same density
75. Which statement about the mass of a falling
70. A body of mass 10 kg falling freely in the object is correct ?
gravitational field close to the Moon’s surface has A. It decreases as the object falls
an acceleration of 1.6 m/s2 B. It is equal to the weight of the object
What is the gravitational filed strength on the C. It is measured in newtons
Moon ? D. It stays the same as object falls
A. 0 N/kg C. 10 N/kg
B. 1.6 N/kg D. 16 N/kg 76. The weight of four objects, 1 to 4, are
compared using a balance.
71. What are the correct units used for mass and
weight ?
Mass Weight
A Kg Kg
B Kg N
C N Kg
Which object is the lightest ?
72. A shop keeper places two identical blocks of A. object 1 C. object 3
cheese on the set of scales and notices that their B. object 2 D. object 4
combined mass is 240 g. Each block measures
2.0cm x 5.0 cm x 10.0 cm. 77. Which of the following is the unit of density ?
A. cm3/ g C. g/ cm3
B. g/ cm D. kg/ m2

78 .Which statement is correct ?

A. The mass of bottle of water at the North
pole is different from its mass at the
B. The mass of bottle of water is measured in
What is the density of the cheese ?
A. 0.42 g/ cm3 C. 1.2 g/ cm3
3 C. The weight of bottle of water and its mass
B. 0.83 g/ cm D. 2.4 g/ cm3
are the same thing
D. The weight of a bottle of water is one of
73. A glass tank contains some water.
the forces acting on it.
79. A person measures the length, width and
height and mass of a rectangular metal block.
Which of these measurements are needed in
order to calculate the density of the metal ?
A. mass only
B. height and mass only
C. length, width and height only
D. length , width, height and mass

IGCSE Physics 11 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

80.The masses of a measuring cylinder before

and after pouring some liquid into it are shown
in the diagram.

What is the mass of the empty bottle ?

A. 0.40 kg C. 0.65 kg
What is the density of the liquid ? B. 0.50 kg D. 0.80 kg
100 180
A. g/ cm3 C. g/ cm3 84. Each of the solids shown in the diagram has
120 120
the same mass.
100 180 Which solid has the greatest density ?
B. g/ cm3 D. g/ cm3
140 140
81.A measuring cylinder contains some water.
When a stone is put in the water , the level

What is the volume of the stone ?

A. 50 cm3 C. 75 cm3
B. 70 cm D. 125 cm3
85. Which of the following statements is correct ?
82. Two stones of different weight fall at the same A. mass and weight are different names
time from a Table. Air resistance may be for the same thing
ignored. What will happen and why ? B. the mass of an object is different if the
A. both stones hit the floor at the same time object is taken to the Moon
because the acceleration of free fall is C. The weight of the car is one of the
constant forces acting on the car
B. both stones hit the floor at the same time D. The weight of the chocolate bar is
because they fall at constant speed measured in kilograms
C. the heavier stone hits the floor first
because acceleration increases with 86. A student tries to find the density of a metal
weight block. First he measures the weight with a
D. the heavier stone hits the floor first force meter (spring balance). Next he
because speed increases with weight measures the sides of the block using rule, in
order to calculate the volume of the block.
83. The mass of a full bottle of cooking oil is 1.30 Finally he divides the weight by the volume to
kg. When exactly half of the oil has been find the density.
used , the mass of the bottle plus the The student has made a mistake.
remaining oil is 0.90 kg. Why does his method not give the density ?

IGCSE Physics 12 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

A. density is volume divided by weight 90. A measuring cylinder is used to measure the
B. he should have measured the surface area, volume of the liquid ?
not the volume
C. he should have used the mass in his
calculation, not weight
D. weight is not measured with force meter

87. In an experiment , six identical bags of flour are

balance by a 9kg mass.

What is the volume of the liquid ?

A. 43 cm3 C. 48 cm3
Two bags of flour are removed. What mass will B. 46 cm D. 54 cm3
balance the remaining bags ?
A. 3 kg C. 7 kg 91 .In an experiment , five identical bags of rice
B. 6 kg D. 9 kg are balanced by a 10 kg mass.

88. The masses of a measuring cylinder before and

after pouring some liquid are shown in the

Two bags of rice are added to the other five.

What mass will now balance the bags ?
A. 3.5 kg C. 10 kg
B. 7.0 kg D. 14 kg

92. What is the gravitational force that the Earth

exerts on an object ?
A. the density of the object
B. the mass of the object
What is the density of the liquid ?
C. the volume of the object
217 77 D. the weight of the object
A. g/ cm3 C. g/ cm3
52 52
93. The same mass of four different liquids is
placed in some measuring cylinder..
217 77 Which measuring cylinder contains the liquid with
B. g/ cm3 D. g/ cm3 the greatest density ?
70 70

89. The diagram shows some liquid in a measuring

What is the density of the
liquid ?

A. 320 g/ cm3
B. 36 g/ cm3
C. 1.25 g/ cm3
D. 0.8 g/ cm3

IGCSE Physics 13 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

94. A student pours liquid into a measuring A. Mercury, Mars and Jupiter
cylinder. B. Mercury, Venus and Mars
C. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter
D. Venus, Mars and Jupiter

97. Some water is poured into four tubes of

different cross sectional areas.
Which tube contains the largest volume of
water ?

The student records the

volume of the liquid from
the scale on the measuring
cylinder. He then put the measuring cylinder
containing the liquid on a balance and records
the mass.
What else need to be measured before the
density of the liquid can be calculated ?
A. the depth of the liquid in the measuring
B. the mass of the empty measuring cylinder
C. the temperature of the liquid in the
measuring cylinder
D. the volume of the empty measuring

95. The diagram shows four blocks , each made

of glass of density 2.6 g/ cm The top of each
block has an area of 1 cm
Which block has a mass of 13 g ?

98. A student is trying to find the density of water

and of a large, regular shaped sold.
What apparatus is needed to find the density
of both ?
A. balance, clock, ruler
B. balance, measuring cylinder, ruler
C. balance, measuring cylinder , string
D. clock, ruler, string.

99. A metal drum has a mass of 200 kg when

empty and 1000 kg when filled with 1.0 m3 of
methylated spirit.
96. The table shows the weight of a 10 kg mass
What is the density of methylated spirit ?
on each of 5 planets.
A. 0.0050 Kg/ m3
Planet Weight of a
B. 0.11 Kg/ m3
10 kg mass/N
C. 800 Kg/ m3
Mercury 40 D. 1000 Kg/ m3
Venus 90
Earth 100
Mars 40
Jupiter 250
On which planet would an astronaut have a
smaller weight than on Earth ?

IGCSE Physics 14 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

104. A boy, who weighs 50 N , runs up a flight of

5. Forces, Work , Energy and Power stairs 6.5 m high in 7 seconds.
How much power does he develop ?
100. An extension-load graph is plotted to show the 6.5 7  6.5
result of increasing the load on a spring. A.. W C. W
Which point marks the limit of proportionality of 50  7 50
the spring ? 50 50  6.5
B. W D. W
7  6.5 7
105. Which is the statement of Newton’s third law
of motion ?
A. Every force causes a reaction
B. If there is no resultant force on a body
then there is no acceleration
C. The force acting on body are always
equal and opposite
D. To every action there is a equal but
opposite reaction
101. A person just supports a mass of 20 kg
106. A car is traveling at a constant speed along a
suspended from a rope.
road and drives over a large patch of oil. The
driver applies the brakes to stop the car.
Compared to braking on a dry road , what
may happen ?
A. The car slowdown more quickly because
of greater friction between the tyres and
the road
B. The car speeds up at first because of the
reduced friction between the tyres and the
What is the resultant force acting on the mass ? C. The car takes longer to slow down
A. 0 N B. 10 N C. 20 N D. 200 N because of the reduced friction between
the tyres and the road
102. A driver’s foot presses with a steady force of 20 N D. The car takes longer to slow down
on a pedal in a car shown ? because the thinking distance of driver is

107. A horizontal pole is attached to the side of a

building. There is pivot P at the wall and a
chain is connected from the end of the pole to
a point higher up the wall.

What is the force F pulling on the piston ?

A. 2.5 N B. 10 N C. 100 N D. 160 N

103. Which of the following groups of physical

quantities consists only of scalars ?
A. acceleration, force, velocity There is a tension force F in the chain.
B. acceleration, mass, speed What is the moment of the force F about the
C. force, time, velocity pivot P ?
D. mass, speed, time A. F  d C. F  l
B. F  h D. F  s

IGCSE Physics 15 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

108. A spring balance is calibrated to give readings

in Newton. The graph shows how the length
of the spring varies with the load.

What is the value of F ?

A.75 N B.150 N C. 225 N D. 300N

111. The diagrams show cross section of

different glasses.

A load causes he spring of the balance to

extend by 3 cm.
What is the balance reading ?
A. 3 N B. 5N C. 10 N D. 15 N

109. Force of 3 N and 5 N are acting as shown in Which one is the least stable when filled
the diagram with a liquid ?

112. The table shows how the extension of a

spring varies with load.

Between which two loads would you find the

limit of proportionality ?
Which diagram may be used to find the A. 0 N and 2 N C. 10 N and 12 N
resultant R of these two forces ? B. 8 N and 10 N D. 14 N and 16 N

113. Which is the correct statement about

force and velocity ?
A. force and velocity are both scalars
B. force and velocity are both vectors
C. force is a scalar and velocity is a vector
D. force is a vector and velocity is a scalar

114. Forces X and Y acts on a block shown on

the scale diagram

In which direction
110.The diagram shows a wheelbarrow and its is the resultant
load , which have a total weight of 150 N. This acting ?
is supported by a vertical force F at the ends
of the handles.

IGCSE Physics 16 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

115. The diagram shows an aeroplane turning in a 120. A metal wire initially 1.000m long, extends
horizontal circle at constant speed. by 4 mm when a load of 2 N is added to it.
In which direction is there a resultant force ? What will the length of the wire be if a further
3 N is added, assuming it does not extend
beyond its limit of proportionality ?
A. 1.060 m C. 1.010 m
B. 1.080 m D. 1.020 m

121. Forces are applied to a uniform beam

pivoted at its center. Which beam is balance ?

116. The inertia of a body is its resistance to

changes its motion.
Which property is a measure of body’s inertia ?
A. its density
B. its mass
C. the height of its sides
D. the size of its base

117. If a nut and bolt are difficult to undo , it may be

easier to turn the nut by using longer spanner.
This is because the longer spanner gives
A. a larger turning moment
B. a smaller turning moment
C. less friction
D. more friction

118. Some containers are made from thin glass

Which empty container is the most stable ?
122. When a block of wood of mass 2 Kg is
pushed along the horizontal flat surface of a
bench, the friction force measured is 4 N.
When the block is pushed along the same
bench with a force of 10 N, it moves with a
119. The propeller on a boat pushes water A. constant speed of 3m/s
backwards with a force of 2000 N. The boat B. speed of 5 m/s
moves through the water against a total C. acceleration of 5 m/s
resistive force of 1800 N. D. acceleration of 3 m/s

123. When two forces are combined , the size

of the resultant depends on the angle
between the two forces .
Which of the following can not be the
magnitude of the resultant when force of
magnitude 3 N and 4 N are combined ?
According to the Newton’s third law , what is the A. 1 N
forward force on the propeller due to the water ? B. 3 N
A. 3800 N C. 1800 N C. 7 N
B. 2000 N D. 200 N D. 8 N

IGCSE Physics 17 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

124. A steel spring is stretched by a load. The

load is increased. At first the extension is
proportional to the load. The spring reaches
its limit of proportionality at L.
Which is the correct graph of extension
against the load for the spring ?
128. A particle P is moving in a horizontal
circle about O. It moves at constant speed V.

Which statement is true ?

A. A force of constant size is acting in the
direction of V
B. A force of constant size is acting
towards O
C. The force of P varies in size as it moves
around the circle
D. There are no forces acting on P
125. The diagram shows a cyclist leaning over
in order to cycle around a corner. 129. The wheel of a moving car is driven by
Which force is necessary to maintain the the engine. The car is accelerating in the
motion around the corner ? direction shown. In which direction does the
frictional force act on the wheel ?


130. A stone is weighted using a Newton

meter(spring balance) and a pair of
126. Which property of a body cannot be scales(pan balance).
changed if a force is applied to it ?
A. its mass C. its size
B. its shape D. its velocity

127. Which diagram correctly shows the

addition of a 4N and 3N force ?

This experiment is repeated on the Moon.

IGCSE Physics 18 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

Are the readings for each balance the same or What is the extension of each spring ?
different when taken on Earth and the Moon ? A. 4 cm C. 8 cm
Reading on Reading on B. 6 cm D. 12 cm
Newton meter scales
A Different Different 134. A body P moves in a circle around a point
B Different Same S . A force F keeps it moving in the circle.
C Same Different
D same same

131. Four blocks , each made from a different

material , are placed on scales and balanced
as shown in the diagrams below.
In which diagram does the block have the
greatest density ?
What happens if the force suddenly
disappears ?
A. P moves directly towards S
B. P moves in a circle closer to S
C. P moves away from S in a curved path
D. P goes off in a straight line

135. Two forces act at right angles at point O

as shown.

132. A load is to be moved using a wheel What is the resultant of the forces ?
barrow. The total mass of the load and Magnitude Direction
wheelbarrow is 60 Kg. The gravitational field A 15N OQ
strength is 10 N/Kg. B 15N PR
C 21N OQ
D 21N PR

136. Which part of the graph shows the limit of

proportionality of for an elastic solid ?

What is the size of force F needed just to lift

the loaded wheelbarrow ?
A. 350 N C. 600 N
B. 430 N D. 840 N

133. A spring extends by 4 cm when 10 N is

suspended from it. Two of these springs are
used as shown to carry a 30 N load.
A. O
C. P

IGCSE Physics 19 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

137. When a body moves across a rough 140. A body of mass 10 kg falling freely in the
surface , a frictional force is produce. gravitational field close to the Moon’s surface
has an acceleration of 1.6 m/ s2
What is the gravitational field strength of the
Moon ?
A. 0 N/Kg C. 10 N/Kg
B. 1.6 N/Kg D. 16 N/Kg

Which statement about this force is always 141. A spring balance is calibrated to give
true ? readings in newtons.
A. it acts in the direction of the motion The graph shows below how the length of the
B. it is equal in value to the force producing spring varies with the load ?
the motion
C. it makes the body recoil in the opposite
direction after stopping it
D. it opposes the motion across the surface

138. A car moves in a circle at a constant

What is the direction of the resultant force
acting on the car ?

A load causes the spring of the balance to

extend by 3 cm.
What is the balance reading ?
A. 3 N B. 10 N C. 10N D. 15 N

142. Two objects X and Y are placed on a

beam as shown. The beam balances on a
pivot at its centre.

139. The diagram shows a boy of weight 500 N

sitting on a see-saw. He sits 2.0 m from the

What does this show about X and Y ?

A. They have the same mass and same
B. They have the same mass and same
C. They have the same volume and same
D. They have the same volume and same
What is the force F needed to balance the
see-saw ? 143. The table shows the length of a wire as
A. 250 N C. 1000 N the load on it is increased.
B. 750 N D. 3000 N

IGCSE Physics 20 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

Which subtraction should be made to find the Which line in the table shows the correct
extension caused by the 20 N load ? order of the children’s weight ?
A. 54.1 cm -0 cm
B. 54.1 cm- 50.0 cm
C. 54.1 cm- 52.1 cm
D. 56.3 cm-54.1 cm

144. A child tries to push over a large empty oil

drum .
Where should the drum be pushed to topple it
over with least force ?

147. What apparatus is needed to determine

the density of a regular shaped block ?
A. a balance and a ruler
B. a balance and a force meter(spring
C. a measuring cylinder and a ruler
D. a measuring cylinder and a beaker

148. A spring is suspended from a stand.

Loads are added and extensions are

145. A ball is released from rest and rolls down

a track from the position shown.
What is the farthest position the ball could
reach ?

Which graph shows the result of plotting

extension against load ?

146. Three children X ,Y and Z , are using a

see-saw to compare their weights.

149. What is the source of energy converted

by a hydro-electric power station ?
A. Hot rocks
B. Falling water
C. Oil
D. Waves

IGCSE Physics 21 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

150. A student uses a stand and clamp to hold 154. An experiment is carried out to measure
a flask of liquid. the extension of a rubber band for different
Which diagram shows the most stable loads. The results are shown below.
arrangement ?

Which figure is missing from the table ?

A. 16.5 B. 17.3 C. 17.4 D. 18.3

155. The diagram shows a man diving into the


151. A labourer on a building site lifts heavy

concrete blocks onto a lorry. Lighter blocks
are now lifted the same distance in the same
What happens to the work done in lifting each
block and the power exerted by the labourer.

Which form of energy is increasing as he

A. Chemical C. kinetic
B. Gravitational D. strain

156. A girl and a boy are pulling in opposite

152. The weights of four objects , 1 to 4, are directions on a rope. The forces acting on the
compared using a balnce. rope are shown in the diagram.

Which single force has the same effect as

the two force shown ?
A. 50 N acting towards the girl
Which object is the lightest ? B. 350 N acting towards the girl
A. object 1 C. object 3 C. 50 N acting towards the boy
B. object 2 D. object 4 D. 350 N acting towards the boy

153. A piece of card has its center of mass at 157. What is designed to change electrical
M. Which diagram shows how it hangs when energy into kinetic energy ?
suspended by a thread ? A. capacitor
B. generator
C. motor
D. transformer

IGCSE Physics 22 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

158. Objects with different masses are hung on Four masses(in total) are placed on the pans,
a 10 cm spring . The diagrams shows how with one or more on pan X, and the rest on pan
much the spring stretches. Y.
Which combination of masses can be used to
balance the pans ?
A. 1g 1g 5g 10 g
B. 1 g 2 g 2g 5g
C. 2g 5 g 5g 10 g
D. 2g 5g 10g 10g

162. Two forces act on a object.

In which situation it is impossible for the
object to be in equilibrium ?
A. the two forces act in the same direction
B. the two forces act through the same point
C. the two forces are of the same type
D. the two forces are the same size

The extension of the spring is directly 163. The diagram shows four models of buses
proportional to the mass hung on it. placed on different ramps.
What is the mass of the object M ?
A. 110g B. 150 g c. 200g D. 300 g

159. A power station uses nuclear fission to

obtain energy.
In this process , nuclear energy first changed
A. chemical energy
B. electrical energy
C. gravitational energy
D. internal energy

160. Below are four statements s about the

effect of forces on objects.
Three of the statements are correct.
How many of these models will fall over ?
Which statement is incorrect ?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
A. A force can change the length of an
164. Which form of energy do we receive
B. A force can change the mass of an object
directly from sun ?
C. A force can change the shape of an
A. Chemical C. nuclear
B. Light D. sound
D. A force can change the speed of an
165. A labourer on a building site lifts heavy
concrete blocks onto a lorry. Lighter blocks
161. A simple balance has two pans
are now lifted the same distance in the same
suspended from the ends of arms of equal
time. Which one of the following is true ?
lengths. When it is balanced the pointer is at
Work done in lifting Power exerted by
the block the labourer
A Less for the light Less for the light
block block
B Less for the light The same for
block both blocks
C More for the light More for the light
block block
D The same for both More for the light
blocks block

IGCSE Physics 23 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

166. The diagram shows bird in flight. 171. In which of these situations is no resultant
In which direction does the weight of the bird force needed ?
act ? A. a car changing direction
B. a car moving in a straight line
C. a car slowing down
D. a car speeding up

172. The diagram shows sections of four

objects ,all of equal masses. The position of
the center of mass of each object has been
marked with a cross.
Which object is more stable ?

167. A force acting on a moving rubber ball.

How many of the following could happen to
the ball because of the force ?
 A change in direction
 A change in shape 173. A car accelerates along a road as it rises
 A change in mass uphill.
 A change in speed
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

168. A light aircraft stands at rest on the

ground. It stands on three wheels, one at the
front and two further back. Which point could
be its center of mass ?
Which energy changes are taking place ?
Energy of motion Energy of position
(kinetic energy) (gravitational kinetic
A decreasing decreasing

B decreasing increasing

169. Which form of energy is used to generate C increasing Decreasing

electrical energy in a tilde power station ?
A. chemical energy D Increasing Increasing
B. gravitational energy
C. internal energy(thermal energy)
D. nuclear energy 174. In a car engine, energy stored in the fuel
is converted into thermal energy(heat energy)
170. Which line in the table gives an example and energy of motion(kinetic energy).
of stated form of energy ? In which form is the energy stored in the fuel ?
Form of energy example A. chemical
A Gravitational The energy due to the B. geothermal
movement of a train C. hydroelectric
B Internal The energy due to the flow of D. nuclear
cathode rays in a cathode ray
tube 175. A beam is pivoted at its centre. Two
C Kinetic The energy due to the masses are suspended at equal distances from
position of a swimmer the pivot as shown in the diagram.
standing on a high diving
D strain The energy due to the
compression of springs in car

IGCSE Physics 24 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

Which statement is correct ? 176. A large electric motor is used to lift a

A. If X has a mass of exactly 2 Kg, it will rise container off a ship.
B. If X has a mass of less than 2 Kg , it will fall Which of the following values are enough to
C. If X has a mass of more than 2 Kg, it will fall allow the power of the motor to be calculated?
D. If X has a mass of more than 2 Kg,it will rise A. the mass of the container and the
distance moved
175. The table below shows the length of a B. the force used and distance moved
wire as the load on it is increased. C. the current used and the work done
Load/N 0 10 20 30 D. the work done and the time taken
Length/cm 50.0 52.1 54.1 56.3
177. A tidal power station is made by building a
Which graph correctly shows the extension of the barrage across the mouth of a river. At high
wire plotted against load ? tide the sea water is trapped behind the

At low tide the water is allowed to flow back

into the sea through a turbine.
What is the useful energy change in a tidal power
station ?
A. Electrical energy  energy of
B. Electrical energy  energy of motion
C. Energy of motion  energy of position (
D. Energy of position  electrical energy

178. A spring is stretched by hanging a piece of

metal from it.
What is the name
given to the force
that stretches the
spring ?
A. friction
B. mass
C. pressure
D. weight

179. A student carries out an experiment to plot

an extension /load graph for a spring. The
diagrams show the apparatus at the start of
the experiment and with a load added.

IGCSE Physics 25 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

A. the force of the pin is larger on the finger

than on the thumb.
B. The force of the pin is larger on the thumb
than on the finger
C. The pressure of the pin is larger on the
finger than on the thumb
What is the extension caused by the load ? D. The pressure on the pin is larger on the
A. x B. y C. y + x D. y - x thumb than ion the finger

180. Three horizontal forces act on a car that 183. A child pushes a toy car along a level
is moving along a straight , level road. floor and then lets it go.
As the cars slows down, what is the main
energy change ?
A. from chemical to heat
B. from chemical to kinetic
C. from kinetic to gravitational
Which combination of forces would result in D. from kinetic to heat
the car moving at constant speed ? 184. The diagram shows a flat metal plat that
may be hung from a nail so that it can rotate
about any of four holes.

181. The diagram shows a cyclist riding along

a hilly road.
At which position does the cyclist have the What is the smallest number of holes from
least gravitational (potential) energy ? which the flat metal plate should be hung in
order to find its center of gravity ?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

185. Two equal forces F act on each of four

Which plank turns ?

182. A pin is squeezed between finger and


186. Which type of power station does not use

steam from boiling water to generate
electricity ?
A. geothermal
B. hydroelectric
Which statement is correct ? C. nuclear D. oil-fired

IGCSE Physics 26 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

187. A man standing at the top of the cliff throws a 191. The diagram shows the sections of four
stone. objects of equal mass. The position of the
center of mass of each object has been
marked with a cross.
Which object is the more stable ?
Which form of energy
does the stone have
at X and at Y ?

192. A cyclist travels down a hill from rest at

point X without pedalling.
The cyclist applies his brakes and the cycle
stops at point Y.

188. Four blocks, each weighing 10 N, rest on Which energy changes have taken place
horizontal table. Which block applies the between X and Y ?
greatest pressure on the table ? A. kinetic  internal(heat)  gravitational
B. kinetic  gravitational potential 
C. gravitational potential  internal(heat) 
D. gravitational potential  kinetic 

189. A heavy beam is resting on two supports, 193. An empty glass is placed on a join
so that there are three forces acting on it. between two tables as shown. The glass
remains stable. Which point is center of mass
of the glass ?

The beam is in equilibrium.

Which statement is correct ?
A. All the forces are equal in value.
B. The forces are in one direction and their
turning effects are in the opposite
C. The resultant force is zero and the 194. An aeroplane is in equilibrium.
resultant turning effect is zero The diagram shows the force acting on the
D. The total upward force is twice the total aeroplane
downward force

190. Which sources of energy uses the

production of steam to generate electricity ?
A. hydro electric
B. nuclear
C. tides D. waves

IGCSE Physics 27 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

What has the chemical has been

Lift force from wings converted to when she is at the top of the
A. kinetic energy and gravitational energy
B. kinetic energy and strain energy
C. gravitational energy and heat energy
D. strain energy and heat energy

196. Electrical energy may obtained from

nuclear fission
In what does is the energy transferred in this
position ?
weight A. Nuclear fuel  generator  reactor and
boiler  turbines
Which statement about the forces is B. Nuclear fuel  generator  turbines 
correct ? reactor and boiler
Force from engine Lift force from wings C. Nuclear fuel  reactor and boiler 
A Equal to air Equal to weight
generator  turbines
B Equal to air Greater than weight D. Nuclear fuel  reactor and boiler 
resistance turbines generator
C Greater than air Equal to weight
resistance 197. Which energy changes take place when a
D Greater than air Greater than weight pedalling cyclist uses a generator(dynamo) to
resistance light his bicycle lamp ?
A. chemical  kinetic  electrical  light
195. A student adds loads to the elastic cord. B. electrical  chemical  kinetic  light
He measures the length of the cord for each C. kinetic  chemical  lightelectrical
load . He then plots a graph from the results. D. light  electrical kinetic  chemical

198. Which represents the main energy

changes that takes place in a coal-fired power
station ?
A. Chemical  heat kinetic  electrical
B. Chemical  heat  light  electrical
C. Chemical kinetic  electricalpotential
D. kineticheatlightelectrical

Which length is plotted on the vertical axis ? 199. A car is driven along a level road. The
A. measured length total energy input from the petrol is 60 KJ, and
B. original length the car wastes 45 KJ of energy.
C. (measured length – original length )
D. (measured length + original length )

195. A person uses chemical energy to run up

some stairs
What is the efficiency of the car ?
A. 15% B. 25% C. 45 % D.75%

200. When a nucleus of Uranium-235 absorbs

a neutron ,nuclear fission occurs. In a typical
reaction the total mass decreases by
3  10-28 Kg. Given that the speed of the light
c is 3  10 8 m/s approximately how much
energy is released ?
She stops at the top of the stairs.
A. 9  10-20 J C. 3  10-11 J
B. 2  10 J
D. 3  10-6 J

IGCSE Physics 28 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

201. The diagram shows a curved curtain rail that has B. The water exerts the greatest pressure on
a steel ball rolling on it. The ball is releases at the base of vessel S.
point A. C. The water exerts the same force on base
At which point does the ball have maximum of the each vessel
kinetic energy ? D. The water exerts the same pressure on
base of the each vessel

206. The diagram shows a battery –operated

motor lifting a block of wood at constant

201. The speed of the light is 3  10 8 m/s.

What is the energy equivalent of 2kg of matter ?
A. 2  3  10 8 J
B. 2000  3  10 8 J
C.  2  (3  10 8 )2J
D. 2  (3  10 8 )2J

202. In a hydroelectric power station , water from a What is the overall energy change taking
reservoir falls down a long pipe before entering place ?
the turbines. The turbines then turn the A. chemical to gravitational potential
generator. B. gravitational potential to electrical
What is the overall energy conversion ? C. gravitational potential to kinetic
A. electrical energy into kinetic energy. D. kinetic to gravitational potential
B. Electrical energy into potential energy
C. Kinetic energy into chemical energy 207. Four students exercise in gym.
D. Potential energy into electrical energy Which student does the most work ?

203. Which statement about fission or fusion is correct Exercise Power

A. During fission, hydrogen converts into time/s developed/ W
helium and releases energy A 50 250
B. During fission, uranium converts into B 100 150
daughter products and releases energy C 200 200
C. During fusion , helium converts into D 250 30
hydrogen and releases energy
D. During fusion , uranium converts into 208. One oscillation of a swinging pendulum
daughter products and releases energy occurs when the bob moves from X to Y and
back to X again.
204. The input power to a motor is 300 W. In 20s it lifts
a load of 400 N through a height of 6.0m.
What is the efficiency of the motor ?
A. 12 % B. 25% C. 40% D. 75%

205. The diagram show, to the same scale the vertical

sections of a set of circular vessels. Each vessel
contains the same depth of water.
Using a stop watch, which would be the
most accurate way to measure the time for one
oscillation of the pendulum ?
A. time 20 oscillations and multiply by 20
B. time 20 oscillations and divide by 20
Which of the following statements is correct ? C. time one oscillation
A. The water exerts the greatest pressure on D. time the motion from X to Y, and double it.
the base of vessel P.

IGCSE Physics 29 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

209. Which formula gives the efficiency of an A. input energy = useful output energy
energy conversion ? B. useful output energy = input energy +
A. Efficiency = total energy input – useful wasted energy
energy output C. wasted energy = input energy +
B. Efficiency = total energy input  useful useful output energy
energy output D. wasted energy = useful output energy
C. Efficiency = useful energy output
Total energy input 213. When a 300 N force is applied to a box
D Efficiency = Total energy input weighing 600 N , the box moves 3 m
useful energy output horizontally in 20 s.

210. A girl uses paper clips to balance a toy

bird on her finger as shown.

What is the average power ?

A. 45 W B. 90W C. 900W D. 1800W

214. A tractor is being used in rough ground.

What is the safest position for its center of
mass ?

What is the effect of the paper clips ?

A. they help to raise the center of mass
above her finger
B. they help to raise the center of mass
above her finger
C. they help to lower the centre of mass
below her finger
D. they do not effect the center of mass but
increase the weight

211. Hydro electric, tidal and fossil fuel are

three sources of energy. 215. A plane lamina is freely suspended from a
Which of these are renewable energy sources point P.
The weight of lamina is 2.0 N and the center
Hydroelectric Tidal Fossil of mass is at C.
A no yes Yes
B no no Yes PC = 0.50 m
C yes no no PQ = 0.40 m
D yes yes no QC = 0.30 m
212. The diagram shows the energy transfer
through a machine. The lamina is
displaced to the position as shown.
What is the moment that will cause te
lamina to swing ?
A. 0.60 Nm clockwise
B. 0.80 Nm anti clockwise
C. 1.0 Nm clockwise
D. 1.0 Nm anticlockwise
The machine is 50% efficient.
What is correct ?

IGCSE Physics 30 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

216. Two forces act at right angles at a point O 219. A young child holds a ball over the edge of a
as shown. balcony. The ball has gravitational potential
energy. The ball is then released. It falls on to the
concrete path below and bounces back up.

What is the resultant of the forces ?

Which sequence represents , in the

correct order , the transformations of the
217. A mass hangs on a string fixed at point P. gravitational potential energy after the ball is
It starts from position 1 and swings to the released ?
farthest position on the opposite side, position A.  elastic potential energy  kinetic
2. It then oscillates several times with energy  chemical potential energy
decreasing amplitude before ending at
B.  elastic potential energy  kinetic
position 3.
energy  gravitational potential energy
C.  kinetic energy  elastic potential
energy  kinetic energy
D.  kinetic energy gravitational potential
energy kinetic energy

220. A 2Kg mass is moving with constant speed.

The kinetic energy of the mass is 400 J.
What is the speed of the mass ?
A. 0.4 m/s C. 200 m/s
B. 20 m/s D. 400 m/s
Where does the ball have most kinetic
energy ? 221. A crane moves its load diagonally , as
A. at position 1 shown. By what distance is the weight of
B. at position 2 the load multiplied in order to calculate the
C. the first time at position 3 increase in gravitational potential energy of
D. the last time at position 3 the load ?

218. How much energy would be released if

1  10 -20 kg of matter was entirely converted into
The speed of light is 3  10 8 m/s.
A. 3  10 -12 J
B. 9  10 -7 J
C. 4.5  10 -4 J.
D. 9  10 -4 J.

IGCSE Physics 31 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

222. The efficiency of an electrical generator is 225. A water manometer is connected to a gas supply.
65 %. The diagram shows the water level.
Which useful output can be expected if the
energy input to the generator is 12 KJ?
A. 4.2 KJ C. 19 KJ
B. 7.8 KJ D. 780 KJ

6. Pressure

223. Four different liquids are poured into

identical measuring cylinders. The diagram The water is replaced by mercury , which is
shows the depth of the liquids and their more dense than water.
densities. Which diagram shows the mercury levels when
the manometer is connected to the same gas
supply ?

224. The diagram show a simple mercury

Which diagram shows the distance to be
measured to find atmospheric pressure ?

226. The system shows in the diagram contains a


A downward force of 80 N is exerted on the

piston K.
What will be the upward force exerted by the
liquid on piston L ?
A. 1N C. 80 N
B. 4 N D. 1600N

IGCSE Physics 32 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

227. A girl of weight 500 N runs up a flight of stairs in 230. A manometer is connected to a gas
10 seconds. The vertical height of the stairs is 5 supply.

Pressure can be measured in cm of

What is the average power developed by the girl ?
What is the pressure of the gas ?
A. 50 W C. 250 W
A. 8 cm of water more than atmospheric
B. 100 W D. 100 W
B. 12 cm of water more than atmospheric
228. A brick of weight 80 N stands upright on the
ground as shown.
C. 8 cm of water less than atmospheric
D. 12 cm of water less than atmospheric

231.Diagram 1 shows some air trapped in a

Diagram 2 shows the same air after the piston has
been pushed in slowly.
What is the pressure it exerts on the ground ? The air in the diagram 1 is atmospheric pressure
80 PA.
A. N/cm2
20  10
20  10
B. N/cm2
C. N/cm2
10  5
10  5
D. N/cm2
229. Which would be the least likely to sink into soft
A. a loaded lorry with four wheels
B. a loaded lorry with six wheels
C. an empty lorry with four wheels
D. an empty lorry with six wheels

What is the pressure of the air in diagram 2 ?

6 10
A.  PA. C.  PA.
10 6
B. PA. D. 60  PA.

IGCSE Physics 33 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

232. The diagram show, to the same scale ,

the vertical sections of a set of circular vessels,
each containing the same depth of water.

Which one of the following statements are correct

A. The water exerts the greatest pressure on
the base of vessel P
B. The water exerts the greatest pressure on
the base of vessel S Pressure can be measured in cm of water.
C. The water exerts the same force on the What is the pressure of the gas ?
base of each vessel E. 8 cm of water more than atmospheric
D. The water exerts the same pressure on pressure
the base of each vessel F. 12 cm of water more than atmospheric
233. Which graph show the relationship G. 8 cm of water less than atmospheric
between the pressure and volume of a fixed pressure
mass of gas at constant temperature. H. 12 cm of water less than atmospheric

237. A gas trapped in a cylinder by a

movable piston. The length of the gas column is
50 cm and the pressure inside the cylinder is p.

The piston is pushed in a distance of 30 cm, so

that the length of the gas column is now 20 cm.
The temperature of the gas does not change.

What is the new pressure of the gas ?

A. 0.4 p C. 1.5 p
B. 0.6 p D. 2.5 p

238. If a nut and bolt are difficult to undo , it may

234. A man weighs 600 N . He runs up be easier to turn the nut by using a longer
stairs of total height 4 metres in 3 seconds. spanner. This is because the longer spanner
How much power is exerted by the man ? gives
A. 450W C. 2400W A. a large turning moment
B. 800 W D. 7200 W B. a small turning moment
C. less friction
235. Which of the following does not effect D. more friction
the pressure beneath the surface of a liquid ?
A. area of the liquid surface
B. density of the liquid 239. A small table weighing 40 N stands on
C. depth of the liquid four legs, each having an area of 0.001 m .
D. strength of the gravitational field What is the pressure of the table on the floor.
A. 400 N/ m2
236. A manometer is connected to a gas B. 1000 N/ m2
supply. C. 10 000 N/ m2
D. 40 000 N/ m

IGCSE Physics 34 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

240. Some containers are made from thin glass. 243.A boy who weighs 50 N , runs up a flight of
Which empty container is more stable ? stairs 6.5 m high in 7 seconds.
How much power does he develop ?
A. W
50  7
7  6.5
B. W
C. W
7  6.5
241. The diagram shows a glass block resting on a 50  6.5
table top. D.
244.The diagram shows a simple mercury
Which height is the measure of the atmospheric
pressure ?

The area of the block in contact with the table is X

and the area of the table top is Y.
The weight of the block is P and the weight of the
table is Q.
Which expression gives the pressure exerted on
the table by the clock ?
A. B. C. D.
242.The diagram shows the levels X and Y in a liquid
245.Bubbles of gas, escaping from the mud at the
manometer when the gas tap is opened.
bottom of a deep lack , rise to the surface.

As the bubbles rise they get larger.

Why is this ?
What is the pressure of the gas in the cylinder ? A. Atmospheric on the bubbles increases
A. 18 cm of the liquid below atmospheric B. Atmospheric on the bubbles decreases
pressure C. Water pressure on the bubbles decreases
B. 9 cm of the liquid below atmospheric D. Water pressure on the bubbles increases
C. 9 cm cm of the liquid above atmospheric 246. Two sharp nails and two blunt nails are
pressure held on a piece of wood. Each nail is hit
D. 18 cm of the liquid above atmospheric with a same hemmer with the same
pressure amount of force.
When it is hit , which nail causes the greatest
pressure on the wood ?

IGCSE Physics 35 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

249. The diagram shows two divers swimming in

the sea and two divers I the fresh water .
On which diver is there the greatest
pressure ?

247. The diagram shows a manometer

connected to a container of carbon dioxide.

250. The diagram shows a man diving into


Which statement correctly describes the

pressure exerted by the carbon dioxide ?
A. it is equal to the atmospheric pressure
B. It is equal to 5 cm of mercury
Which form of energy is increasing as he
C. It is equal to 5 cm of mercury above
falls ?
atmospheric pressure
A. chemical
D. It is equal to 5 cm of mercury below
B. gravitational
atmospheric pressure
C. kinetic
D. strain
248.The diagram shows the instrument used to
measure gas pressure
251. A boy and a girl run up a hill in the same

What is the instrument called ?

A. ammeter
B. barometer
C. manometer
D. thermometer
The boy weighs more than the girl.

IGCSE Physics 36 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

Which statement is true about the power

produced ?
A. The boy produces more power
B. The girl produces more power
C. They both produces the same power
D. It is impossible to tell who produced more
power What happens to the pressure and to the
volume of the trapped air as the pump handle is
252. The diagram shows a simple mercury pushed in ?
The barometer reading is h cm of mercury.

255. A water manometer is used to measure the

pressure of a gas supply to a house .It gives a
reading of H cm of mercury.

What is pressure at S ?
A. approximately zero
B. atmospheric pressure
C. atmospheric pressure + h cm of mercury.
D. h cm of mercury.

253 Two boys X and Y each have the same total Why is it better used to water rather than
weight and are standing on the soft ground. mercury ?
A. h would be too large if mercury were used
B. h would be too small if mercury were used
C. the tube would need to be narrower if
mercury were used
D. the tube would need to be wider if
mercury were used

256. A farmer has two carts. The carts have the

Which boy is more likely to sink into the soft same weight but one has four narrow wheels
ground and why ? and the other has four wide wheels.

In rainy weather, which cart sinks less into

soft ground, and why ?
254. A student places his thumb firmly on the
outlet of a bicycle pump , to stop the air
coming out.

IGCSE Physics 37 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

Cart wheels Why The water in the manometer is replaced

A Narrow Greater pressure on the with a liquid which is more dense.
ground How does the value of h change ?
B Narrow Less pressure on the A. it becomes zero
ground B. it decreases but not to zero
C Wide Greater pressure on the
C. it stays the same
D. it increases
D Wide Less pressure on the
260. The diagram shows a simple mercury
257. The diagram shows a thick sheet of glass.
Which edge must it stand on to cause the
greatest pressure ?

If atmospheric pressure increases, what

happens to level X and to level Y.

Level X Level Y
A Goes down Goes down
258. A manometer is being used to measure the B Goes down Goes up
pressure of the gas inside a tank. A, B, C C Goes up Goes down
and D show the manometer and different D Goes up Goes up
At which time is the gas pressure inside the
tank greatest ? 261. Four flower vases have circular bases. They
are filled with water so that they all have the
same weight.
Which vase exerts the greatest pressure on
its base?

259. A pressure is measured using a manometer

as shown in the diagram.

262. A large electric motor is used to lift a

container off a ship.
Which of the following values are enough to
allow the power of the motor to be
calculated ?
A. the mass of the container and the
distance moved
B. the force used and the distance moved
C. the current used and the work done
D. the work done and the time taken

IGCSE Physics 38 Namrata David Publications

General Physics

263. Which diagram shows the child exerting least 266. The diagram shows a simple mercury
pressure on the ground. barometer.

264. The diagram shows a mercury barometer.

The atmospheric pressure increases.
Which distance increases ?

267. The diagram shows a simple mercury


Which distance is used to calculate the

pressure of the atmosphere?
A. 25 cm C. 80 cm
B. 65 cm D. 100cm

265. To prevent a cement mixer sinking into soft

ground, the mixer is placed on a large flat
Atmospheric pressure increases.
What happens to the level L and to the
pressure P ?
Level L Pressure P
A Falls Increases
B Falls Stays the same
C Rises Increases
D Rises Stays the same

268. Which form of energy is used to generate

electrical energy in a tilde power station ?
Why does this prevent the mixer sinking ? A. chemical energy
A. The large area decreases the pressure on B. gravitational energy
the ground C. internal energy(thermal energy)
B. The large area increases the pressure on D. nuclear energy
the ground
C. The large area decreases the weight on the
D. The large area increases the pressure on
the ground

IGCSE Physics 39 Namrata David Publications

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