1 General Physics PDF
1 General Physics PDF
1 General Physics PDF
1 General Physics
1. Length and Time
2. Speed , velocity and acceleration
3. Mass and weight
4. Density
5. Forces
6 Work, energy and power
7. Pressure
14. The diagram shows a thick- walled tube. The 18. A floor is covered with square tiles .The
thickness of the wall is 3 mm. diagram shows a ruler on the tiles.
What is correct ?
B. accelerating
D. not moving
45. The graph represents the movement of a body The times taken to travel between one pole and
accelerating from rest. the next are measured.
A. 66 m
B. 132 m
C. 264 m
D. 825 m
69. Three objects are cut from the same sheet of The length QR and width RS of the tank are
steel. They are different shapes but they all have known.
the same mass. What other distance needs to be measured in
order to be able to calculate the volume of the
A. density is volume divided by weight 90. A measuring cylinder is used to measure the
B. he should have measured the surface area, volume of the liquid ?
not the volume
C. he should have used the mass in his
calculation, not weight
D. weight is not measured with force meter
A. 320 g/ cm3
B. 36 g/ cm3
C. 1.25 g/ cm3
D. 0.8 g/ cm3
94. A student pours liquid into a measuring A. Mercury, Mars and Jupiter
cylinder. B. Mercury, Venus and Mars
C. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter
D. Venus, Mars and Jupiter
109. Force of 3 N and 5 N are acting as shown in Which one is the least stable when filled
the diagram with a liquid ?
In which direction
110.The diagram shows a wheelbarrow and its is the resultant
load , which have a total weight of 150 N. This acting ?
is supported by a vertical force F at the ends
of the handles.
115. The diagram shows an aeroplane turning in a 120. A metal wire initially 1.000m long, extends
horizontal circle at constant speed. by 4 mm when a load of 2 N is added to it.
In which direction is there a resultant force ? What will the length of the wire be if a further
3 N is added, assuming it does not extend
beyond its limit of proportionality ?
A. 1.060 m C. 1.010 m
B. 1.080 m D. 1.020 m
Are the readings for each balance the same or What is the extension of each spring ?
different when taken on Earth and the Moon ? A. 4 cm C. 8 cm
Reading on Reading on B. 6 cm D. 12 cm
Newton meter scales
A Different Different 134. A body P moves in a circle around a point
B Different Same S . A force F keeps it moving in the circle.
C Same Different
D same same
132. A load is to be moved using a wheel What is the resultant of the forces ?
barrow. The total mass of the load and Magnitude Direction
wheelbarrow is 60 Kg. The gravitational field A 15N OQ
strength is 10 N/Kg. B 15N PR
C 21N OQ
D 21N PR
137. When a body moves across a rough 140. A body of mass 10 kg falling freely in the
surface , a frictional force is produce. gravitational field close to the Moon’s surface
has an acceleration of 1.6 m/ s2
What is the gravitational field strength of the
Moon ?
A. 0 N/Kg C. 10 N/Kg
B. 1.6 N/Kg D. 16 N/Kg
Which statement about this force is always 141. A spring balance is calibrated to give
true ? readings in newtons.
A. it acts in the direction of the motion The graph shows below how the length of the
B. it is equal in value to the force producing spring varies with the load ?
the motion
C. it makes the body recoil in the opposite
direction after stopping it
D. it opposes the motion across the surface
Which subtraction should be made to find the Which line in the table shows the correct
extension caused by the 20 N load ? order of the children’s weight ?
A. 54.1 cm -0 cm
B. 54.1 cm- 50.0 cm
C. 54.1 cm- 52.1 cm
D. 56.3 cm-54.1 cm
150. A student uses a stand and clamp to hold 154. An experiment is carried out to measure
a flask of liquid. the extension of a rubber band for different
Which diagram shows the most stable loads. The results are shown below.
arrangement ?
153. A piece of card has its center of mass at 157. What is designed to change electrical
M. Which diagram shows how it hangs when energy into kinetic energy ?
suspended by a thread ? A. capacitor
B. generator
C. motor
D. transformer
158. Objects with different masses are hung on Four masses(in total) are placed on the pans,
a 10 cm spring . The diagrams shows how with one or more on pan X, and the rest on pan
much the spring stretches. Y.
Which combination of masses can be used to
balance the pans ?
A. 1g 1g 5g 10 g
B. 1 g 2 g 2g 5g
C. 2g 5 g 5g 10 g
D. 2g 5g 10g 10g
The extension of the spring is directly 163. The diagram shows four models of buses
proportional to the mass hung on it. placed on different ramps.
What is the mass of the object M ?
A. 110g B. 150 g c. 200g D. 300 g
166. The diagram shows bird in flight. 171. In which of these situations is no resultant
In which direction does the weight of the bird force needed ?
act ? A. a car changing direction
B. a car moving in a straight line
C. a car slowing down
D. a car speeding up
B decreasing increasing
180. Three horizontal forces act on a car that 183. A child pushes a toy car along a level
is moving along a straight , level road. floor and then lets it go.
As the cars slows down, what is the main
energy change ?
A. from chemical to heat
B. from chemical to kinetic
C. from kinetic to gravitational
Which combination of forces would result in D. from kinetic to heat
the car moving at constant speed ? 184. The diagram shows a flat metal plat that
may be hung from a nail so that it can rotate
about any of four holes.
187. A man standing at the top of the cliff throws a 191. The diagram shows the sections of four
stone. objects of equal mass. The position of the
center of mass of each object has been
marked with a cross.
Which object is the more stable ?
Which form of energy
does the stone have
at X and at Y ?
188. Four blocks, each weighing 10 N, rest on Which energy changes have taken place
horizontal table. Which block applies the between X and Y ?
greatest pressure on the table ? A. kinetic internal(heat) gravitational
B. kinetic gravitational potential
C. gravitational potential internal(heat)
D. gravitational potential kinetic
189. A heavy beam is resting on two supports, 193. An empty glass is placed on a join
so that there are three forces acting on it. between two tables as shown. The glass
remains stable. Which point is center of mass
of the glass ?
Which length is plotted on the vertical axis ? 199. A car is driven along a level road. The
A. measured length total energy input from the petrol is 60 KJ, and
B. original length the car wastes 45 KJ of energy.
C. (measured length – original length )
D. (measured length + original length )
201. The diagram shows a curved curtain rail that has B. The water exerts the greatest pressure on
a steel ball rolling on it. The ball is releases at the base of vessel S.
point A. C. The water exerts the same force on base
At which point does the ball have maximum of the each vessel
kinetic energy ? D. The water exerts the same pressure on
base of the each vessel
202. In a hydroelectric power station , water from a What is the overall energy change taking
reservoir falls down a long pipe before entering place ?
the turbines. The turbines then turn the A. chemical to gravitational potential
generator. B. gravitational potential to electrical
What is the overall energy conversion ? C. gravitational potential to kinetic
A. electrical energy into kinetic energy. D. kinetic to gravitational potential
B. Electrical energy into potential energy
C. Kinetic energy into chemical energy 207. Four students exercise in gym.
D. Potential energy into electrical energy Which student does the most work ?
209. Which formula gives the efficiency of an A. input energy = useful output energy
energy conversion ? B. useful output energy = input energy +
A. Efficiency = total energy input – useful wasted energy
energy output C. wasted energy = input energy +
B. Efficiency = total energy input useful useful output energy
energy output D. wasted energy = useful output energy
C. Efficiency = useful energy output
Total energy input 213. When a 300 N force is applied to a box
D Efficiency = Total energy input weighing 600 N , the box moves 3 m
useful energy output horizontally in 20 s.
216. Two forces act at right angles at a point O 219. A young child holds a ball over the edge of a
as shown. balcony. The ball has gravitational potential
energy. The ball is then released. It falls on to the
concrete path below and bounces back up.
222. The efficiency of an electrical generator is 225. A water manometer is connected to a gas supply.
65 %. The diagram shows the water level.
Which useful output can be expected if the
energy input to the generator is 12 KJ?
A. 4.2 KJ C. 19 KJ
B. 7.8 KJ D. 780 KJ
6. Pressure
227. A girl of weight 500 N runs up a flight of stairs in 230. A manometer is connected to a gas
10 seconds. The vertical height of the stairs is 5 supply.
240. Some containers are made from thin glass. 243.A boy who weighs 50 N , runs up a flight of
Which empty container is more stable ? stairs 6.5 m high in 7 seconds.
How much power does he develop ?
A. W
50 7
7 6.5
B. W
C. W
7 6.5
241. The diagram shows a glass block resting on a 50 6.5
table top. D.
244.The diagram shows a simple mercury
Which height is the measure of the atmospheric
pressure ?
What is pressure at S ?
A. approximately zero
B. atmospheric pressure
C. atmospheric pressure + h cm of mercury.
D. h cm of mercury.
253 Two boys X and Y each have the same total Why is it better used to water rather than
weight and are standing on the soft ground. mercury ?
A. h would be too large if mercury were used
B. h would be too small if mercury were used
C. the tube would need to be narrower if
mercury were used
D. the tube would need to be wider if
mercury were used
Level X Level Y
A Goes down Goes down
258. A manometer is being used to measure the B Goes down Goes up
pressure of the gas inside a tank. A, B, C C Goes up Goes down
and D show the manometer and different D Goes up Goes up
At which time is the gas pressure inside the
tank greatest ? 261. Four flower vases have circular bases. They
are filled with water so that they all have the
same weight.
Which vase exerts the greatest pressure on
its base?
263. Which diagram shows the child exerting least 266. The diagram shows a simple mercury
pressure on the ground. barometer.