Contrast Media-Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines PDF
Contrast Media-Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines PDF
Contrast Media-Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines PDF
Contrast Media
Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines
Third Edition Radiology golden books
Medical Radiology
Diagnostic Imaging
Series editors
Maximilian F. Reiser
Hedvig Hricak
Michael Knauth
Editorial Board
Contrast Media
Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines
Third Edition
Henrik S. Thomsen Judith A. W. Webb
Professor of Radiology Consultant Emeritus
Department of Diagnostic Radiology Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Copenhagen University Hospital St. Bartholomew’s Hospital
Herlev London
Denmark UK
Within 30 months of the release of both the first and second editions of Contrast Media:
Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines, the book had sold out, even though more copies were
printed than is usual for a radiology book, and at a time when electronic media have
increasing impact. There have been changes in the field of contrast media since the
second edition, mainly because of increased knowledge about current agents rather than
because new agents have been introduced. We therefore decided to update the book and
have a new edition, instead of reprinting the second edition.
All of the chapters have been updated where appropriate and new chapters have been
added. The chapter on non-gadolinium-based contrast agents has been omitted because
the manganese- and iron-based agents are currently not marketed. There is a new
chapter on the hot topic of off-label use of contrast media. Previously a contrast medium
was approved, for example, for intravenous administration for all applications, but now
it must also be approved for use in different parts of the body, based on efficacy data. All
the currently available agents are not approved for imaging all parts of the body. The
radiologist must know whether the agent which is to be used is approved for the par-
ticular examination that is to be undertaken. If the agent is not approved, special
informed consent must be obtained in some countries. Another new chapter deals with
the use of contrast media in pediatrics. Off-label use is often necessary in pediatrics
because contrast media are not usually evaluated in children. Also, when administering
contrast media to children, it is important to allow for some of the physiological
differences between children and adults. A chapter on measurement of the glomerular
filtration rate (GFR) has been added. Nowadays, this is an important topic because
GFR decides which gadolinium-based agent can be used and whether or not there
should be volume expansion before iodine-based contrast media are given. The CKD-
EPI equation seems to be the best option for estimating GFR. The chapter on Contrast
Media Classification and Terminology has been updated with more physicochemical data
for the various commercially available agents. The chapter on prevention of acute
contrast medium reactions has been rewritten to include the concept that hypersensi-
tivity to contrast media may be allergic or non-allergic, and the increasing recognition of
the fact that mild symptoms may follow CT and MR scans even when no contrast
medium is given. The importance of recording acute reactions correctly is stressed, so
that patients who have mild symptoms not requiring medical treatment are not inap-
propriately denied contrast medium in future. The chapters on late adverse reactions,
contrast-induced nephropathy and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis have been revised. The
European Society of Urogenital Radiology Contrast Medium Safety Committee (ESUR
CMSC) recently reviewed the literature on these three topics and published update
papers in European Radiology based on its conclusions. The conclusions are included in
this book, and references to the guideline papers are given in Official publications from
the Contrast Medium Safety Committee of the European Society of Urogenital
vi Preface to the Third Edition
We are very grateful to all the contributors to the book: without their support the
project would not have been possible. We are also grateful to our academic colleagues in
the ESUR CMSC for their continued and invaluable participation in our many debates
and discussions. We thank Prof. Albert Baert and Prof. Maximilian Reiser as well as
Corinna Schaefer and her colleagues at Springer Verlag, for supporting the book, which
we hope will be an important source of reference on contrast media for all radiologists.
And finally, Henrik again thanks his wife Pia for her continuous support of this
project since it started in 1996.
A new edition of Contrast Media: Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines has become nec-
essary relatively soon after the first edition. Unusually for a book on contrast media
(CM), the first edition sold out in 30 months. Since the first edition, nephrogenic sys-
temic fibrosis, a serious adverse reaction after some of the gadolinium-based contrast
agents, has been recognised, and this has necessitated a reappraisal of these agents.
This second, fully revised edition continues to provide a unique and invaluable source
of information on the safety issues relating to CM. It contains a number of completely
new chapters, for example, on gadolinium-based CM, meta-analyses in CM research
and various regulatory issues. Comprehensive consideration is given to the many dif-
ferent safety issues relating to iodine-based, MR, barium and ultrasound CM. There are
chapters on both acute and delayed non-renal adverse reactions and on renal adverse
reactions. All the questions that commonly arise in radiological practice are addressed,
and the latest version of the well-known European Society of Urogenital Radiology
guidelines on CM is included. We hope that all radiologists will find this book helpful in
their everyday practice.
We are very grateful to our academic colleagues in the European Society of Uro-
genital Radiology Contrast Medium Safety Committee for their invaluable help. They
deserve thanks for their continuing involvement in our many debates and discussions.
We also thank Prof. Albert L. Baert, as well as Ursula N. Davis and her colleagues at
Springer Verlag, for their continuous support of this book.
Finally, Henrik thanks his wife, Pia, for endorsing this project again and again.
Preface to the First Edition
The European Society of Urogenital Radiology established its Contrast Media Safety
Committee in 1994. Over the years, it has consisted of between 12 and 14 members, the
majority of whom are experts in the field of contrast media research. There is currently
one member from the scientific section of each of the pharmaceutical companies pro-
ducing contrast agents (Bracco, Italy; GE Healthcare Diagnostics, USA; Guerbet,
France; Schering, Germany). Although the members of the committee have diverse
views, the Contrast Media Safety Committee works as one group for the good of
patients. The committee benefits from the wealth of knowledge on contrast agents
brought to it by the representatives of the pharmaceutical companies. However, the rules
of the Contrast Media Safety Committee forbid any commercial promotion and the
committee deals with all types of contrast agents based purely on objective analysis,
sound scientific data, well-documented clinical experience and clinical common sense.
Disagreement within the committee is discussed rationally and without commercial
influence. All contrast media are referred to by their generic names, except when the
generic name is confusing (e.g. ultrasound contrast agents). After 11 years of work, the
committee has covered all the topics of clinical importance regarding the safe use of
contrast media. The current book is mainly a collection of this work together with a few
new chapters. The chapters have been prepared by the individual authors based on their
original papers (see Appendix) when applicable and an up to date review of the litera-
ture. Some chapters are new and have never been published as papers by the committee.
The chapters have not been circulated among or discussed by the members of the
committee and have been edited by myself. In the appendix, the latest version of the
ESUR guidelines agreed at the meeting of the committee in Copenhagen, February
2005, is presented. The ESUR guidelines have been well received by the radiological
community. They are frequently cited in the literature. They have been incorporated into
the protocols of many departments all over the world. They are also used by the health
authorities in many countries as a reference for good radiological practice. Several of the
guidelines have been translated into languages other than English, for example Spanish,
Russian and Japanese.
I am sure the readers will agree that this book offers an invaluable, unique, practical
and unparalleled resource dealing with safety issues related to radiographic, MR and
ultrasound contrast media, and that it will ultimately benefit patients.
It has been a great honor for me to serve as chairman of this prestigious committee
for 9 years. Special mention goes to the secretary of committee, Dr. Sameh Morcos,
whose close cooperation has always been highly productive and inspirational. Without
his energy and enthusiasm, we would never have accomplished what we have. Also, the
past and current members of the committee deserve sincere thanks for their continuing
involvement and for the outstanding discussions at the annual committee meeting.
Despite disagreements, we have always reached a consensus. A special thank you goes
to Dr. Judith Webb, who has not only participated actively in our work but has also
ensured that our manuscripts were published in correct English. Dr. Webb has revised
x Preface to the First Edition
the English throughout this book and I am most grateful for her outstanding and
continuous support.
We also thank Prof. Albert L. Baert, Editor-in-Chief of European Radiology and
Editor-in-Chief of this book series, as well as Springer-Verlag for their immediate
endorsement and support of the book.
Finally, I wish to thank my family, especially my wife Pia, for allowing me to invest so
many hours of family time in this project.
xii Contents
Contrast Media and Interactions with Other Drugs and Clinical Tests . . . . . . . 125
Sameh K. Morcos
Part X Appendix
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
xvi Contributors
Contents Abstract
Current radiological imaging uses either electromagnetic
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 3 radiation (X-rays or radiowaves) or ultrasound. Contrast
2 Radiographic Contrast Agents........................................... 4 agents may be used with all of these imaging techniques
2.1 Iodine-Based Contrast Agents............................................... 4 to enhance the differences seen between the body tissues
2.2 Barium Contrast Agents ........................................................ 6 on the images. This chapter deals with the classification
3 MR Contrast Agents ........................................................... 8 of contrast agents and the terminology used to describe
3.1 Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents...................................... 8 them.
4 Ultrasound Contrast Agents............................................... 8
4.1 Classification ......................................................................... 11
References...................................................................................... 11
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 3
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_864, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
4 H. S. Thomsen et al.
without producing any adverse effect, but this has not yet 2.1 Iodine-Based Contrast Agents
been achieved and all contrast agents have adverse effects
(Dawson et al. 1999; Thomsen et al. 1999, 2014). This Water-soluble iodine-based contrast agents that diffuse
chapter deals with the classification of contrast agents and throughout the extracellular space are principally used
the terminology used to describe them. during computed tomography (CT), angiography and other
conventional radiography. They can also be administered
directly into the body cavities, for example the gastroin-
2 Radiographic Contrast Agents testinal tract and the urinary tract.
All these contrast agents are based on a benzene ring to
Radiographic contrast media are divided into positive and which three iodine atoms are attached. A monomer contains
negative contrast agents. The positive contrast media one tri-iodinated benzene ring and a dimer contains two tri-
attenuate X-rays more than do the body soft tissues and can iodinated benzene rings (Fig. 1).
be divided into water-soluble iodine-based agents and Iodine-based contrast agents can be divided into two
non-water-soluble barium agents. Negative contrast media groups, ionic and non-ionic, based on their water solubility
attenuate X-rays less than do the body soft tissues. No (Dawson et al. 1999; Thomsen et al. 1999). The water in the
negative contrast agents are commercially available. body is polarized unevenly with positive poles around the
Contrast Media Classification and Terminology 5
Fig. 1 continued
Table 1 Iodine-based contrast agents: Ionicity, class, trade name and maximum g-Iodine/ml
Contrast agent Trade name Structure Charge Class Maximum g–Iodine/ml
Diatrizoate Renografin, Hypaque Monomer Ionic HOCM 358–370
Amidotrizoate Urografin Monomer Ionic HOCM 300
Iothalamate Conray Monomer Ionic HOCM 370
Ioxithalamate Telebrix Monomer Ionic HOCM 350
Ioxaglate Hexabrix Dimer Ionic LOCM 320
Iopamidol Iopamiro, Isovue Monomer Non–Ionic LOCM 370
Iohexol Omnipaque Monomer Non–Ionic LOCM 350
Iomeprol Iomeron, Imeron Monomer Non–Ionic LOCM 400
Iopentol Imagopaque Monomer Non–Ionic LOCM 300
Ioxilan Oxilan Monomer Non–Ionic LOCM 350
Ioversol Optiray Monomer Non–Ionic LOCM 350
Iopromide Ultravist Monomer Non–Ionic LOCM 370
Iotrolan Isovist Dimer Non–Ionic IOCM 320
Iodixanol Visipaque Dimer Non–Ionic IOCM 320
HOCM High-osmolar contrast media, LOCM Low-osmolar contrast media, IOCM Iso-osmolar contrast media
indication of the osmolality of an agent is given by the con- dimers have a ratio of 3 (three iodine atoms per particle in
trast agent ratio, which is derived by dividing the number of solution), and the non-ionic dimers have a ratio of 6 (six
iodine atoms in solution by the number of particles in iodine atoms per particle in solution) (Fig. 3). The non-
solution: ionic dimers are iso-osmolar with blood (300 mosm kg-1) at
all concentrations.
Number of iodine atoms Viscosities are a function of solution concentration,
Contrast agent ratio ¼
Number of particles in solution molecular shape, and weak interactions among the contrast
The higher osmolality agents have more particles per agents and water molecules, including contrast media self-
iodine atom and therefore have lower ratios. Thus, the ionic association. The move from ionic to non-ionic agents
monomers have a ratio of 1.5 (three iodine atoms per two actually increased viscosity while decreasing osmolality
particles in solution), the non-ionic monomers and the ionic and toxicity (Fig. 4). The new dimers continue this trend.
Fig. 3 Classification of
iodine-based contrast agents
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
8 H. S. Thomsen et al.
2.2 Barium Contrast Agents Gadolinium contrast agents may be considered in two
categories: (1) non-specific extracellular gadolinium che-
Barium sulphate preparations used to visualize the gastro- lates (Fig. 5) and (2) high relaxivity agents/organ specific
intestinal tract consist of a suspension of insoluble barium agents/protein bound agents (Fig. 6). The non-specific
sulphate particles, which is not absorbed from the gut. extra-cellular gadolinium chelates do not bind to protein
Differences between the different commercially available and are excreted by the kidney only, while the high relax-
agents are very minor and relate to the additives in the ivity agents show protein binding and are excreted to a
different barium sulphate preparations. varying extent through the bile as well as by the kidney.
Nine gadolinium-based contrast agents are currently com-
mercially available (Table 2).
3 MR Contrast Agents Gadolinium-based agents are also classified by the
chemical structure of the ligand to which the gadolinium is
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging contrast agents contain bound (Dawson et al. 1999; Thomsen et al. 1999, 2013).
paramagnetic or superparamagnetic metal ions, which affect The ligands are either linear or cyclic, and may be ionic,
the MR signal properties of the surrounding tissues. They which have a charge in solution, or non-ionic (Figs. 5 and
are used to enhance contrast, to characterize lesions and to 6). Their osmolality varies between 600 and 2,000 mosmol
evaluate perfusion and flow-related abnormalities. They can kg-1 (Fig. 7). Unlike iodine-based contrast agents, high
also provide functional and morphological information. osmolality gadolinium-based agents do not cause more
Paramagnetic contrast agents are mainly positive acute non-renal adverse reactions and discomfort than low
enhancers that reduce T1 and T2 relaxation times and osmolality agents. This is probably because the molar
increase signal intensity on T1 weighted MR images amounts of gadolinium-based agents used for the MR
(Thomsen et al. 2014). In most paramagnetic agents, the examinations are significantly less than the molar amounts
active constituent is gadolinium, a paramagnetic metal in of iodine-based agents used for radiography.
the lanthanide series, which has a high magnetic moment The stability of gadolinium contrast agents depends
and a relatively slow electronic relaxation time. Another on their kinetic, thermodynamic and conditional stability
paramagnetic ion is manganese, which has similar relaxivity (‘‘Gadolinium Chelates and Stability’’). Although these
properties to gadolinium, but, unlike gadolinium, occurs parameters do not directly relate to molecular structure, the
naturally in the body. It is one of the least toxic metal ions contrast agents with cyclic ligands, in which gadolinium is
and is excreted by the hepatobiliary system. Agents con- caged in a preorganised cavity, are more stable than those
taining manganese are no longer commercially available. with linear ligands.
Superparamagnetic agents are extremely effective T2 The relaxivity (r1) of the extracellular gadolinium-based
relaxation agents, which produce signal loss on T2 and T2*- agents is almost identical at both 1.5 and 3T, since the
weighted images. They also have a T1 effect, which is change in field strength does not affect the relaxivity
substantially less than their T2 effect. However, super- (Fig. 8). Protein binding increases the relaxivity of gado-
paramagnetic agents are no longer commercially available. linium-based agents, particularly at 1.5T.
Iron was used as the active ion in many agents. The iron Extracellular non-specific gadolinium-based contrast
agents were metabolized by the macrophages and the iron agents are given by bolus injection, and their biodistribu-
entered the body iron pool. tion and pharmacokinetics are similar to those of iodine-
based radiographic contrast agents. High relaxivity gado-
linium-based contrast agents behave similarly to the
3.1 Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents extracellular non-specific agents immediately after intra-
vascular injection. However, because of their protein
In all paramagnetic agents which are given intravascularly, binding and biliary excretion, their pharmacokinetics differ
the gadolinium ion is bound to a ligand in a chelate to and the later liver uptake phase may be used for liver
minimize its toxicity. Gadolinium is a heavy metal, which imaging. Of the available high relaxivity agents, gadobe-
in its free form is very toxic and may cause liver necrosis, nate is mainly used as an extracellular agent, gadofosveset
hematological changes etc. A human being would not sur- was specifically designed for MR angiography, and gad-
vive 0.1 mmol kg-1 free gadolinium injected into the oxetate, which has the greatest biliary excretion, is mainly
circulation. used for liver imaging.
Contrast Media Classification and Terminology 9
Gadodiamide Gadoteridol
Gadoversetamide Gadobutrol
Fig. 6 High-relaxivity
gadolinium-based contrast
agents—all are ionic linear
Table 2 Gadolinium-based agents: brand names and characteristics (organ specific or extracellular, protein binding, biliary excretion)
Name Brand name Organ specific Extra-cellular Hepato-biliary excretion Protein-binding
Gadodiamide Omniscan No Yes No No
Gadoversetamide Optimark No Yes No No
Gadopentetate dimeglumine Magnevist No Yes No No
Gadobenate dimeglumine Multihance Yes Mainly Yes Yes
(Liver) (1–4 %) (4 %)
Gadoxetate disodium Primovist, Eovist Yes No Yes Yes
(Liver) (42–51 %) (10 %)
Gadofosveset trisodium Vasovist, Ablavar Yes No Yes Yes
(Blood) (5 %) (90 %)
Gadobutrol Gadovist, Gadavist No Yes No No
Gadoteridol Prohance No Yes No No
Gadoterate meglumine Dotarem, No Yes No No
4.1 Classification
Claudon M, Dietrich CF, Choi BI et al (2012) Guidelines and good
Ultrasound contrast agents can be divided into five different clinical practice recommendations for contrast enhanced ultra-
classes: (1) Nonencapsulated gas microbubbles (e.g. agi- sound (CEUS) in the liver—Update 2012. Ultraschall in Med.
tated or sonicated), (2) stabilized gas microbubbles (e.g.
Dawson P, Cosgrove DO, Grainger RG (1999) Textbook of contrast
with sugar particles), (3) encapsulated gas microbubbles media. Isis Medical Media, Oxford
(e.g. by protein, liposomes or in polymers), (4) micropar- Thomsen HS, Muller RN, Mattrey RF (1999) Trends in contrast
ticle suspensions or emulsions [perfluorooctyl bromide media. Springer, Heidelberg
Thomsen HS, Dawson P, Tweedle M (2014) MR and CT contrast
(PFOB), phase-shift], and (5) gastrointestinal (for inges-
agents for perfusion imaging and regulatory issues (Chapter 11).
tion). Products from all classes are not commercially In: Bammer R (ed) MR & CT perfusion imaging: clinical
available. applications and theoretical principles. Lippincott Williams and
Ultrasound contrast agents can also be classified based Wilkins, Philadelphia
Wilson SR, Burns PN (2010) Microbubble-enhanced US in body
on their pharmacokinetic properties and efficacy: (1)
imaging: What role? Radiology 257:24–39
non-transpulmonary UCAs, which do not pass the capillary
Requests for Imaging Using Contrast Media:
What Information Must be Provided
Sameh K. Morcos and Marie-France Bellin
Contents Abstract
A questionnaire is proposed for any imaging examina-
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 13 tion requiring contrast agent administration. Information
2 Iodine-Based Contrast Media ............................................ 14 about important risk factors is essential and drug history
2.1 Risk Factors for Acute Non-Renal Adverse Reactions ....... 14 is also important because of possible interactions
2.2 Risk Factors for Delayed Skin Reactions............................. 14 between contrast agents and other drugs. This informa-
2.3 Risk Factors for Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy... 14
tion should be available before the appointment, so that
2.4 Risk Associated with Concomitant Medications.................. 14
2.5 Patients with Thyroid Disease .............................................. 14 prophylactic measures can be planned or an alternative
imaging technique not requiring contrast agent admin-
3 MRI Contrast Agents.......................................................... 14
3.1 Nonorgan-Specific Extracellular MRI Contrast Agents ...... 14 istration can be advised.
3.2 Organ-Specific MR Contrast Agents .................................... 15
4 Discussion.............................................................................. 15
References...................................................................................... 15
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 13
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_865, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
14 S. K. Morcos and M.-F. Bellin
2 Iodine-Based Contrast Media several limitations for accurate assessment of renal function
(Morcos 2005b; Thomsen et al. 2005). eGFR is a better test
2.1 Risk Factors for Acute Non-Renal Adverse when serum creatinine is abnormal, but is not perfect as all
Reactions the equations used to calculate it overestimate renal func-
tion to varying degrees.
There is a 6-fold increase in incidence of severe reactions to
both ionic and non-ionic contrast agents in patients with a
history of previous severe adverse reaction to contrast 2.4 Risk Associated with Concomitant
agents. Asthma is also an important risk factor with a Medications
reported 6- to 10-fold increase in the risk of a severe
reaction in such patients. Patients with a strong history of Although contrast agents are not highly active pharmaco-
allergic reactions to different substances including those logically, interaction with other drugs may occur with pos-
with a history of troublesome hay fever are also at risk sible serious consequences to the patient (‘‘Contrast Medium-
(Morcos 2005a). Induced Nephropathy’’, ‘‘Contrast Media and Interactions
with Other Drugs and Clinical Tests’’). This is an important
topic which should be included in a questionnaire.
2.2 Risk Factors for Delayed Skin Reactions
A previous reaction to contrast medium is an important pre- 2.5 Patients with Thyroid Disease
disposing factor, increasing the risk of reaction by a factor of
1.7–3.3. A history of drug or contact allergy is a further risk Radiographic water-soluble iodine-based contrast media
factor, increasing the likelihood of a reaction by approximately solutions contain small amounts of free iodide, which may
a factor of two (‘‘Late Adverse Reactions to Iodine-Based cause thyrotoxic crisis in patients with Graves’ disease or
Contrast Media’’). There is an increased incidence of delayed with multinodular goiter and thyroid autonomy, especially
skin reactions to contrast agents in patients who have received if they are elderly and living in areas of iodine deficiency.
non-ionic dimers or interleukin-2 (IL-2) (Webb et al. 2003; Patients at risk of thyrotoxicosis should be closely moni-
Morcos et al. 2005). tored by endocrinologists after iodine-based contrast med-
ium injection. Prophylaxis is generally not necessary, but in
high-risk patients, particularly those in areas of dietary
2.3 Risk Factors for Contrast Medium- iodine deficiency, prophylactic treatment may be given by
Induced Nephropathy an endocrinologist (‘‘Effects of Iodine-Based Contrast
Media on Thyroid Function’’).
Pre-existing renal impairment, indicated by serum creatinine
[130 lmol l-1 or preferably by an eGFR \60 ml min-1
1.73 m-2, calculated using the Modification of Diet in Renal 3 MRI Contrast Agents
Disease (MDRD) study equation (Bostom et al. 2002), is
an important risk factor for contrast medium-induced MR contrast agents include extracellular and organ-specific
nephropathy (CIN). The risk of CIN is greater if renal agents. All current agents for intravascular use are based on
impairment is associated with diabetes mellitus. The degree gadolinium.
of renal insufficiency is a major determinant of the severity of
CIN (Thomsen 2006). An eGFR of 30 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 or
less markedly increases the incidence and severity of CIN 3.1 Non-organ-specific Extracellular MRI
(McCullough et al. 1997; Morcos et al. 1999). Other risk Contrast Agents
factors include dehydration, congestive cardiac failure,
concurrent use of nephrotoxic drugs such as nonsteroidal Most adverse reactions to extracellular agents are mild and
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and aminoglycosides, transient. Risk factors for acute reactions include a history
hypertension, hyperuricemia, or proteinuria (McCullough of allergy, bronchial asthma, or previous reaction to gado-
et al. 1997; Morcos et al. 1999; Morcos 2004, 2005b). linium-based contrast media (Niendorf et al. 1993; Shellock
Since pre-existing renal impairment is a critical risk and Kanal 1999).
factor for CIN, it is important to know the renal function CIN is rare with doses not exceeding 0.3 mmol kg body
before contrast agents are given, as precautions must be weight-1 (Sam et al. 2003; Thomsen 2004; Briguori et al.
taken in patients with renal insufficiency. Measurement of 2006; Ergün et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2006). However,
serum creatinine is widely used for this purpose, but has patients with pre-existing severe renal impairment may be
Requests for Imaging Using Contrast Media 15
at risk of CIN after administration of extracellular nonor- important risk factors for serious complications that are
gan-specific gadolinium-based contrast media (Ergün et al. most likely to be encountered in clinical practice. The
2006). High doses of gadolinium agents used for X-ray ESUR contrast agent questionnaire offers a practical
procedures have a significant risk of inducing nephrotoxi- approach for identifying patients at high risk of contrast
city (Thomsen et al. 2002). agent reactions without omitting important risk factors or
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis has been reported in patients being excessively demanding to use routinely. It should be
on dialysis or with a glomerular filtration below 30 ml min-1, considered as a supplement to the standard referral for
following administration of lower stability gadolinium- imaging examinations, and the completed questionnaire
based contrast agents (‘‘Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and should be sent with the request to the Imaging Department
Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media’’). for any further action. The ESUR questionnaire can be found
in ‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’.
Thomsen HS (2004) Gadolinium-based contrast media may be (ESUR) (2005) In which patients should serum-creatinine be
nephrotoxic even at approved doses. Eur Radiol 14:1654–1656 measured before contrast medium administration? Eur Radiol
Thomsen HS (ed) (2006) Contrast media: safety issues and ESUR 15:749–754
guidelines. Springer, Heidelberg Webb JAW, Stacul F, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of the
Thomsen HS, Almen T, Morcos SK, Members of Contrast Media Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European Society of
Safety Committee of European Society of Urogenital Radiology Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) (2003) Late adverse reactions to
(ESUR) (2002) Gadolinium-containing contrast media for intravascular iodinated contrast media. Eur Radiol 13:181–184
radiographic examinations: a position paper. Eur Radiol 12: Zhang HL, Ersoy H, Prince MR (2006) Effects of gadopentetate
2600–2605 dimeglumine and gadodiamide on serum calcium, magnesium,
Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of Contrast Media Safety and creatinine measurements. J Magn Reson Imaging
Committee of European Society of Urogenital Radiology 23:383–387
Off-Label Use of Medicines: Legal Aspects
June M. Raine
Contents Abstract
The use of medicines, including contrast media, outside
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 17 the terms of a marketing authorization is acceptable
2 Definition of a Medicine...................................................... 18 within European legislation, subject to provisos. This
takes account of the limited access to appropriately
3 The European Regulatory System..................................... 18
authorized medicines for certain patient populations and
4 Definition of Off-Label Use ................................................ 18 therapeutic areas, in particular medicines for use in
5 Special Populations and Special Therapeutic Areas....... 19 children. The physician who prescribes an unlicensed or
6 Legal Position of the Prescriber ........................................ 19
off-label medicine should be satisfied that such use
reflects a favorable benefit–risk balance according to the
7 Guidance for Prescribers.................................................... 20
scientific evidence, current clinical opinion and guid-
8 Conclusion ............................................................................ 21 ance. Prescribers should provide patients with appropri-
ate information and explanation, and should report any
suspected adverse reactions associated with unlicensed
and off-label use to the national authority responsible for
drug safety monitoring.
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 17
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_866, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
18 J. M. Raine
general guidance for prescribers considering off-label use or Agency, and sets up a scientific committee attached to the
the use of unlicensed medicines. Agency, the Committee for Human Medicinal Products. It
makes provision for medicines to be approved by the
European Commission via centralized authorizations valid
2 Definition of a Medicine in all member states.
The centralized procedure must be used for certain
As diagnostic agents, contrast media fall within the defini- specified categories of medicines and can also be used for
tion of a medicine in European law, since the definition medicines which contain a new active substance or which
includes: constitute a significant therapeutic, scientific, or technical
innovation. It is therefore unsurprising that a number of new
Any substance or combination of substances which may be
used in or administered to human beings … with a view to … diagnostic imaging agents have been authorized by the
making a medical diagnosis. centralized route. The Directive sets in place decentralized
and mutual recognition systems, enabling authorizations to
The legislation also encompasses radiopharmaceuticals: be granted nationally by Member States. For the foreseeable
Any medicinal product which, when ready for use, contains one future, depending on the route by which a medicine has
or more radionuclides (radioactive isotopes) included for a been authorized, differences may exist in Europe between
medicinal purpose. Member States’ authorizations for the same product, and in
Marketing authorization is required for radionuclide availability of medicines. The result is that use may be
generators, kits, radionuclide precursor radiopharmaceuti- within an authorization in one country and off label in
cals, and industrially prepared radiopharmaceuticals. A another.
marketing authorization is not required for a radiopharma- The terms in which a marketing authorization is granted
ceutical prepared at the time of use by a person or by an are specified in the Summary of Product Characteristics
establishment authorized, according to national legislation, (SPC), with which all advertising must comply. The SPC
to use such medicinal products in an approved health care contains detailed provisions covering indications, recom-
establishment exclusively from authorized radionuclide mended dosage, contra-indications, special warnings and
generators, kits or radionuclide precursors in accordance precautions, and adverse effects associated with the medi-
with the manufacturer’s instructions. cine. Copies of SPCs are available from the marketing
European medicines legislation does not apply to the authorization holder, from the European Medicines Agency
following: and from Member State competent authorities. The SPC
• Medicines prepared in a pharmacy in accordance with a also forms the basis for the Patient Information Leaflet
medical prescription for an individual patient (the (PIL) which accompanies the medicine and is written in
‘‘magistral formula’’). terms which are understandable by patients. Clearly, a
• Medicines prepared in a pharmacy in accordance with the medicine which is unlicensed will not have an SPC or PIL.
prescriptions of a pharmacopoeia and intended to be Marketing authorization holders are required to keep their
supplied directly to the patients served by the pharmacy authorizations up to date as new information accrues in
(the ‘‘officinal formula’’). clinical use, and there is naturally a particular focus on
• Medicines for research and development trials [covered safety data. New evidence on efficacy may not be so readily
by the Directive 2001/20/EC on good clinical practice in identified and manufacturers may legitimately decline to
the conduct of clinical trials for human use (‘‘the Clinical market a medicine for a purpose they do not wish to
Trials Directive’’)]. support.
• Intermediate products intended for further processing by
an authorized manufacturer.
• Any radionuclides in the form of sealed sources.
4 Definition of Off-Label Use
3 The European Regulatory System The term ‘‘off-label use’’ applies to prescribing or admin-
istration outside any of the terms of the marketing autho-
The European regulatory system governing the marketing rization, generally in relation to indications, dosage, or
of medicines for human use is set out in Directive 2001/83/ contra-indications. The expression relates to a term used in
EC as amended, Regulation (EC) No.726/2004 and asso- the US authorization process: the Food and Drug Admin-
ciated legislation. The Regulation lays down Community istration (FDA) approves product labeling. A medicine
procedures for the authorization, supervision and pharma- which is prescribed off label will be accompanied by
covigilance of medicines, establishes a European Medicines information which may not be consistent with its off-label
Off-Label Use of Medicines: Legal Aspects 19
use, creating the potential for concern or confusion on the and requirements to improve the availability of licensed
part of the patient, parent, or carer. medicines for children. In order to generate data to support
In the light of the regulatory framework, there are a a pediatric indication, companies must submit a drug
number of situations where off-label use or the use of development plan known as a Pediatric Investigation Plan
unlicensed medicines occurs: for agreement by the European Medicines Agency’s Pedi-
• Products for which a marketing authorization application atric Committee. The Committee may ask for long-term
or variation has yet to be made. These include drugs in safety measures, for example in relation to a contrast agent
development and undergoing clinical trials. being studied in very young children, as the renal system is
• Medicines for which a marketing authorization applica- not yet mature in the age subset from birth to less than 2
tion or variation has been refused. years of age. The decisions of the Pediatric Committee are
• Medicines which no longer have a relevant marketing published on the Agency website. Importantly, the Euro-
authorization because it has been suspended, revoked, not pean Regulation also contains provisions for research
renewed, or compulsorily varied. funding, improved information on the use of medicines in
• Products prepared in formulations specially adapted to children and publication of information from clinical trials
special populations such as lower strengths for children in children.
or liquids for the elderly, or without particular excipients
for patients allergic to them.
The use of unlicensed medicines, and off-label use, may
also occur in clinical trials; i.e., where use of the drug for a 6 Legal Position of the Prescriber
particular indication is still under development. The use of
such medicines is subject to the provisions of the Clinical The regulatory system aims to control the activities of
Trials Directive and is not dealt with in this chapter. pharmaceutical companies manufacturing, selling, or sup-
plying medicines. It is not intended to impact on the prac-
tice of medicine. European legislation does not require
5 Special Populations and Special Member States to prohibit the prescription or administration
Therapeutic Areas of medicines outside their authorized indications. Medicines
prescribed outside the terms of the marketing authorization
Off-label prescribing of medicines, and the prescribing of may be dispensed by pharmacists and administered by
unlicensed medicines, is common in the areas of oncology, nurses or midwives. In addition, the legislation contains a
obstetrics, and infectious disease in particular in HIV/AIDS specific exemption which enables Member States to permit
and is particularly common in the pediatric population. the supply of unlicensed medicines for individual patients
Hospital-based studies have shown that many drugs used in on the order of their doctor—Article 5 of Directive 2001/83/
children are either not licensed or are prescribed off label. EC provides that: ‘‘A Member State may, in accordance
On general pediatric surgical and medical wards, 36 % of with the legislation in force and to fulfil special needs,
children received at least one drug that was unlicensed or exclude from the provisions of this Directive medicinal
off-label during their in-patient stay. In pediatric intensive products supplied in response to a bona fide unsolicited
care, this figure was 70 % and in neonatal intensive care order, formulated in accordance with the specifications of
90 %. A study of children’s wards in five European coun- an authorized health-care professional and for use by an
tries found almost half of all prescriptions were either individual patient under his direct personal responsibility’’.
unlicensed or off label. This is consistent with the UK This provision is the basis for what is referred to as the
licensing position on contrast media—of around 90 licensed ‘‘specials’’ regime. The exemption helps preserve clinical
products; about 50 % are indicated in children. freedom to act in what is judged to be in the best interests of
This situation has resulted from practical, ethical, and the individual patient.
commercial considerations relating to conducting clinical The way in which European legislation is framed means
trials in children. There are difficulties in developing for- that doctors can:
mulations appropriate for children, and funding for research • Prescribe medicines off label.
into the pediatric use of established medicines has been • Prescribe unlicensed products for individual patients,
lacking. Following initiatives taken by the FDA in 1997 and either under the ‘‘specials’’ regime (i.e., when no suitable
1999 to create incentives and obligations to conduct trials in licensed alternative is available) or where they are spe-
children, the position is changing. cially prepared in a pharmacy.
Drawing on the experience of the US legislation, in • Supply another doctor with an unlicensed medicine, in
2007, Paediatric Regulation ((EC) No 1901/2006) came into accordance with the ‘‘specials’’ regime.
force in Europe which established a system of incentives • Use unlicensed medicines in clinical trials.
20 J. M. Raine
• Use or advise the use of licensed medicines for indica- to be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence and/or
tions or in doses or by routes of administration outside the experience of using the medicine in order to demonstrate its
recommendations given in the marketing authorization safety and efficacy. The prescriber should consider any
(i.e., off label). relevant published literature, clinical guidance, or clinical
• Subject to the points made below, prescribe or recom- trial data made available by regulatory authorities or com-
mend the use of a medicine contrary to any warnings or panies themselves. Prescribers can also rely on information
precautions given in the marketing authorization. and guidance from a responsible body of medical opinion.
While European legislation and the regulatory system In the area of pediatrics for example, the UK benefits from
permits the off-label use or, in certain circumstances, the the availability of the British National Formulary for Chil-
use of unlicensed medicines, consideration also needs to be dren which itself was based on the publication ‘‘Medicines
given to potential civil liability of the prescriber, in par- for Children’’ produced by the Royal College of Pediatrics
ticular for negligence, in the event that such use results in an and Child Health. Other examples of specific therapeutic
injury to a patient. guidance are available.
Even in relation to an unlicensed product, manufacturers In relation to unlicensed medicines, other than a medicine
retain a responsibility for the efficacy and safety of their prepared in a pharmacy in accordance with a prescription,
product under Directive 85/374/EEC on the liability for the doctor must also be satisfied that an alternative licensed
defective products (in the UK, see the Consumer Protection medicine would not meet the patient’s needs.
Act 1987), subject to the product being stored and admin- The second responsibility of prescribers undertaking off-
istered correctly. A manufacturer is, however, unlikely to be label prescribing or the prescribing of unlicensed medicines
liable if injury results not from an inherent defect in the is to ensure that the patient, parent, or carer is adequately
product or its accompanying information, but from the informed about the risks and benefits of the medicine, in the
decision of the doctor to use the product off label, or to use absence of authorized product information. It has been
an unlicensed product for a particular patient. recommended that when obtaining consent to treatment, the
The law relating to medical negligence differs in differ- doctor should tell the patient of the drug’s marketing
ent Member States, but generally provides for the imposi- authorization status, and that for an unlicensed medicine its
tion of liability on individual prescribers in certain effects will be less well-known and understood than those of
circumstances. In the UK, a doctor owes a duty of care to a licensed product. The provision of information by the
his individual patients; if he breaches that duty by failing to prescriber is particularly important in relation to off-label
take reasonable care and a patient is injured as a result, he use, where the PIL may provide conflicting information or
will be liable for negligence. A doctor will generally not be information not relevant to such use, and in relation to
considered negligent if his actions would be accepted as unlicensed medicines, where no such leaflet is available. In
proper by a responsible body of medical professional relation to off-label use, the prescriber should have access to
opinion. The courts will not, however, consider a body of the up-to-date SPC, in order to give appropriate information
opinion as responsible if that opinion is not capable of and advice.
withstanding logical analysis. Providing a full verbal or written explanation to the
A doctor is also responsible for obtaining the consent of patient and recording that in writing, helps ensure that the
the patient to the treatment in question. Failure to obtain patient understands the risks involved and gives genuine and
fully informed consent may amount to negligence. informed consent. This also reduces the risk of liability on
the part of the prescriber in the event of injury to the patient.
Thirdly, prescribers have a professional responsibility for
7 Guidance for Prescribers monitoring the safety of medicines and for submission of
reports of any suspected adverse drug reactions to the
The responsibility for prescribing any medicine falls on the competent authority of the Member State. In 2012, the
prescribing physician or health care professional. If the European medicines legislation was extensively revised to
prescription is for an unlicensed medicine or for off-label strengthen public health protection and clarify roles and
use, these responsibilities are enhanced. responsibilities. The definition of an adverse drug reaction
First, when prescribing an unlicensed medicine or a has been simplified and extended; it is now simply specified
medicine for off-label use, the prescriber is responsible for as ‘‘any response to a medicinal product which is noxious
determining whether it is appropriate to use the medicine as and unintended’’. This definition makes no reference to use
proposed for the individual patient. Where the proposed use within the terms of an authorized SPC and it therefore
is not covered by the terms of a marketing authorization, the encompasses adverse drug reactions associated with use of
prescriber should consider the safety and efficacy of the unlicensed medicines and off-label use. Some Member
product in relation to the proposed use. The prescriber needs States have introduced a legal requirement requiring health
Off-Label Use of Medicines: Legal Aspects 21
professionals to report suspected adverse drug reactions, Member States or the European Commission. It is generally
and this is also provided for (though not a requirement) in understood and accepted that there are clinical situations
the revised European legislation. It should, however, be where off-label use or the use of unlicensed medicines may
noted that all Member States are required to introduce be judged by the prescriber to be in the patient’s best
systems for patients to report suspected adverse drug reac- interests, on the basis of the evidence available indicating a
tions, following initial experience in some EU countries likely favorable benefit–risk balance. In such cases, the onus
which demonstrated the value of patients’ experience in is on the prescriber to be familiar with the available evidence
identifying and characterizing drug safety issues. on risk and benefit, to make appropriate information avail-
able to the patient, parent or carer, and to monitor safety in
use. If appropriate care is taken, information provided and
8 Conclusion decisions related to off-label use or use of unlicensed med-
icines recorded, the risk of a prescriber being found liable for
The use of medicines according to the terms of the marketing any mishap should be minimized.
authorization is supported by evidence of safety, quality,
and efficacy which has satisfied regulatory authorities of
Off-Label Use of Contrast Media: Practical
Peter Reimer and Rolf Vosshenrich
Contents Abstract
The chapter deals with the practical aspects and extent of
1 Definitions and Scope of Off-Label Use............................ 23 off-label use of medicines, particularly the off-label use
2 Magnitude of Off-Label Use............................................... 24 of contrast agents. A number of MR and US contrast
agents lack approval for some age groups or indications.
3 Off-Label Use of Contrast Agents ..................................... 25
3.1 Special Populations ............................................................... 25 Using a contrast agent off-label can be avoided in most
3.2 Special Indications................................................................. 25 cases by checking the label/Summary of Product Char-
3.3 Limited Approval .................................................................. 26 acteristics and using another contrast agent which is
3.4 Clinical Trials ........................................................................ 26 approved. The physician prescribing the contrast agent
4 Off-Label Use in Radiological Practice............................. 26 must be aware of the contrast agent label/Summary of
5 Conclusion ............................................................................ 26 Product Characteristics and is responsible for the
administration of the contrast agent in accordance with
References...................................................................................... 26
current medico-legal regulations.
EU European Union
MAH Marketing Authorization Holder
MR Magnetic Resonance
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
SPC Summary of Product Characteristics
US Ultrasound
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 23
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_867, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
24 P. Reimer and R. Vosshenrich
may no longer have an authorization. Also, there may not be or if administered intra-arterially, the administration is off-
authorization for particular population groups, such as label. Other examples of off-label use are use in children
children or allergic patients. when a contrast agent is only approved for adults [18 years
Short definitions of the most commonly used terms are as of age, or in lactating or pregnant women. It is surprising
follows: how many contrast agents such as gadolinium chelates
• A ‘labeled-use’ is a clinical use within a label as differ in their approved indications and how many are not
approved for given indications, doses, and route of approved for the current spectrum of clinical applications.
administration. The ‘Summary of Product Characteris- Also, the approved indications differ from country to
tics’ (SPC), which is used in some countries rather than country. This poses a continuing problem for the user,
the term ‘label’, provides identical information. which may result in legal problems or may affect reim-
• An ‘off-label use’ is a clinical use of an approved drug in bursement. Reimbursement based on labels/SPCs differs
a manner which has not been approved, or has not been from country to country. To prevent liability shifting
addressed in the package insert, such as administering completely to the physician, he/she has to explain the rea-
liver specific MR contrast agents to patients under the age son for the off-label use, such as that ‘‘no product is
of 18 years. available with this indication in the label’’ (Kairuz et al.
• A ‘compassionate use’ is a clinical use of a medicine that 2007; Reimer and Vosshenrich 2008). The legal and regu-
is not yet authorized, and is in the development process, latory aspects are described in ‘‘Off-Label Use of
which is made available to patients when there is no Medicines: Legal Aspects’’.
satisfactory alternative (EMEA 2010; Whitfield et al.
• An ‘unlicensed’ use is a clinical use without marketing 2 Magnitude of Off-Label Use
• A contraindication is a potential indication which is The off-label use of diagnostic or therapeutic medication is
clearly stated as a contraindication by the manufacturer in a daily problem. Prescription of an unlicensed medicine or
the label/Summary of Product Characteristics approved of a medicine for off-label use increases the responsibility
by the Medicines Agency (Dresser 2008; Reimer and of prescribing the medicine, as described in ‘‘Off-Label
Vosshenrich 2008). Use of Medicines: Legal Aspects’’.
During the approval process of a contrast agent, the A review of the current literature gives an idea in which
manufacturer proposes a label/SPC, which describes the areas and clinical disciplines off-label use is a substantial
properties of the compound based on the results of preclin- part of providing appropriate health care consistent with the
ical and clinical studies. The approving agency may require current level of medical knowledge. Limited or absent
changes to the label/SPC and will then approve the label/ approval is common in age or disease groups where clinical
SPC together with the compound. The label/SPC describes trials are difficult to perform or revenue from the sale of
the compound, including its chemical structure, physico- such medication may be limited, given the complex
chemical data, and clinical pharmacology. The preclinical approval regulations.
testing in various species and the results of clinical trials are An important example is the lack of testing of medica-
summarized. Clinical indications and usage are given, with a tion in children or teenagers, because clinical trials usually
list of contraindications, and an explanation of warnings and rule out any patients \18 years. Therefore, the label/SPC
precautions. A list of any adverse events observed follows. typically excludes administration to patients below 18 years
Use in the pediatric population and pregnant or lactating of age. Furthermore, if some approval is given following
women are usually specified. The dosage and route of clinical trials, it often does not include the full age range,
administration is stated and a dosage chart is usually pro- for example often the newborn or younger children, such as
vided. Information on the packaging sizes in which the below 2 years of age, are excluded. (Gavrilov et al. 2000;
compound is supplied and how it has to be stored is given Regan and Alderson 2003; Askin 2006; Jain et al. 2008;
(Reimer and Vosshenrich 2008). Pasquali et al. 2008; Hsu and Brazelton 2009; Winterfeld
The label/SPC gives guidance for the use of a contrast et al. 2009; Oguz et al. 2012). The frequency of off-label
agent with specific information on the dose range and prescriptions in children may be higher than 60–80 %
indications such as imaging of a particular organ system. An (Bazzano et al. 2009).
MR contrast agent may be approved for contrast enhanced In the current system, a contrast agent is approved for
imaging of the central nervous system with a standard dose some indications and then, based on data in the peer-
of 0.1 mmol/kg bodyweight and a maximum dose of reviewed literature, the experience of colleagues, and pro-
0.2 mmol/kg bodyweight, both for intravenous injection. If fessional guidelines, many radiologists use the agent off-
used for imaging of other organ systems or at a higher dose, label, in the interests of patient care. This off-label use has
Off-Label Use of Contrast Media 25
increased over the years. Few severe adverse reactions have Radiologists prefer a contrast agent to have general
occurred, with no difference in adverse reactions between approval, because of concern that some patients (or even
use for approved and unapproved body area indications. some local authorities) will question their judgment, when
Another important area is oncology because of the they see that the contrast agent being used for a scan is not
development of new drugs and the growing potential for approved for that particular body area by the Medicines
combinations of drugs which have never been tested in Agency.
controlled trials. Off-label prescribing in an acute hospi- Since the physician prescribing the contrast agent is
talized oncology population was reported to account for responsible for the correct use of the agent, he or she should
more than 20 % of all prescriptions for off-label or unli- be aware of the contrast agent label/SPC. As described in ‘‘
censed medication (Poole and Dooley 2004; Scheinfeld Off-Label Use of Medicines: Legal Aspects’’, the prescriber
2004; Verhagen et al. 2008; Jansen and Gouws 2009; Roila is responsible for deciding whether it is appropriate to use
et al. 2009; Sox 2009). the contrast agent as proposed for the individual patient and
Pediatric and adult psychiatry is another specialty with a has to consider the safety and efficacy of the product in
documented high rate of off-label prescriptions, of the order relation to its proposed use.
of 50 % or higher (Scheltema Beduin and de Haan 2010;
Weiss et al. 2000; Regan and Alderson 2003; Barbui et al.
2004; Knoester et al. 2004; Haw and Stubbs 2005; and 3.1 Special Populations
Winterfeld et al. 2009).
These three clinical specialties reflect the magnitude of the Most MR and US contrast agents are not systematically
current problem of the use of off-label prescription. A study studied in patients \18 years (Reimer and Vosshenrich
by Cras et al. 2007 concluded that 70 % of patients received at 2008, 2013). In this age group, there is inconsistent
least one off-label medicine during their hospital stay. Most approval of medication including contrast agents (Conroy
off-label prescriptions were related to an unapproved indi- 2002; Olsson et al. 2011).
cation (75 %). The other main reasons were unapproved Among non-specific gadolinium chelates only three
dosages (14 %) and dosing schedules (9 %). Anti-thrombotic (gadopentetate dimeglumine, gadoterate meglumine, gado-
and anti-ulcer agents accounted for more than 40 % of the off- teridol) had approval for use in the newborn in Germany in
label prescriptions. The problem of off-label prescription is December 2012. Three of the approved MR contrast agents
immense and may require a change in policy by the regulatory in Germany (gadoxetate disodium, ferumoxsil and gadoter-
agencies, because liability is currently almost entirely the ate meglumine in a dilute preparation) are only approved for
problem of the physician responsible (Cras et al. 2007). patients [18 years (Reimer and Vosshenrich 2013). Of
these, only gadoxetate is for intravenous administration and
is liver specific, and ferumoxsil and gadoterate meglumine
3 Off-Label Use of Contrast Agents in a dilute preparation are approved for oral intake and
intraarticular injection, respectively. It is unlikely that it will
The off-label use of contrast agents is an important clinical be possible to collect enough studies with these agents to
problem, with limited or absent approval for certain age obtain approval in children. By comparison, iodine-based
groups or indications. Current regulations for the approval contrast agents are typically approved for use in children and
of new contrast agents, age groups, or indications require the newborn, with specific recommendations for dosage.
specific testing in clinical trials with subsequent specific
approval. Approval of a contrast agent within a given class
of contrast agents such as low molecular weight gadolinium 3.2 Special Indications
chelates (i.e., gadopentetate dimeglumine, gadoterate
meglumine, gadodiamide, gadoteridol, gadobenate dime- There are also contrast agents with approval for quite
glumine, gadobutrol) does not necessarily cover similar or specific indications. These contrast agents should not be
identical approval for other contrast agents within that class used like non-specific gadolinium chelates with a broad
(Runge and Knopp 1999; Knopp et al. 2001; Runge 2001; approval.
Heinemann and Lollgen 2007; and Reimer and Vosshenrich Examples of contrast agents with approval for special
2008). To obtain approval, the MAH would have to perform indications are gadoxetic acid approved only for hepatic
expensive phase 3 studies, which they are not motivated to MRI, ferumoxsil (Lumirem), approved only for the gas-
do, because they are likely to already sell a lot of the agent trointestinal tract, or gadofosveset trisodium for blood-pool
for that use, and the potential increase in sales from an MR angiography of arteries and veins of the body and
approval would never cover the costs. peripheral vessels (Reimer and Vosshenrich 2013).
26 P. Reimer and R. Vosshenrich
3.3 Limited Approval of the chosen contrast agent, and explain the absence of
authorized product information. Finally, in some countries
Currently, approval of a contrast agent is given for certain it is necessarily to obtain special informed consent where
indications based on clinical trials for those indications. The the patient or the parents, on behalf of a child, confirm that
strategy of many companies is to try to enter the market they are aware of the fact that the agent is used off-label
with a first indication, which is subsequently broadened (not included in the Summary of Product Characteristics).
following further clinical trials. Whole body approval, The prescriber is also responsible for monitoring the patient
which was granted for gadopentetate dimeglumine as the for adverse effects and for reporting suspected adverse drug
first MR contrast agent, was a historic decision of the reactions (‘‘Pharmacovigilance: When to Report Adverse
authorities at that time (Knopp et al. 2001; Reimer and Reactions to Contrast Media’’).
Vosshenrich 2008). As summarized by Runge and Knopp (1999), use of an
Coverage of the various applications is not complete approved contrast agent for a clinical purpose not included
among non-specific gadolinium chelates. Only three out of in the package insert or the Summary of Product Charac-
this group (gadopentetate dimeglumine, gadobutrol and teristics is not necessarily a legal violation and the use of an
gadodiamide) are approved for whole body administration approved contrast agent for a clinical purpose not explicitly
in Germany, while in other countries gadoteridol and included in the labeling does not necessarily expose the
gadoterate meglumine are approved for whole body radiologist to malpractice liability. With regard to reim-
administration. Individual prescribers should check the bursement, there is no guarantee that any payer will reim-
label/SPC before administration and use approved contrast burse a provider for use of a contrast agent not included in
agents whenever possible (Reimer and Vosshenrich 2013). the package insert indications. The best way to ensure
Current approval in Europe varies among member states, reimbursement is to provide the payer with detailed infor-
and providing an overview of approval for contrast agents mation before the claim is submitted (Runge and Knopp
in Europe is therefore beyond the scope of this chapter. 1999).
However, given the increase in EU wide regulations, it is In most countries, the MAH is not allowed to market off-
likely that variations in approval will decrease. label use of their agents, and this includes not being per-
mitted to provide the physician with information about such
3.4 Clinical Trials
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other medications since MR contrast agents are approved mistakes? AWHONN Lifelines 10:160–162
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prescriptions of antipsychotic agents in ordinary in-patient practice.
can be avoided in the vast majority of patients. When a Acta Psychiatr Scand 109:275–278
physician decides to use a contrast agent off-label, he/she Bazzano AT, Mangione-Smith R, Schonlau M et al (2009) Off-label
has to be satisfied that an alternative contrast agent, which is prescribing to children in the United States outpatient setting. Acad
licensed, would not be a valid alternative. The physician has Pediatr 9:81–88
Conroy S (2002) Unlicensed and off-label drug use: issues and
to adequately inform the patient about the risks and benefits recommendations. Paediatr Drugs 4:353–359
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contrast agents outside of approved indications (off-label use). drugs in pain medicine and palliative care: an algorithm for the
Radiologe 41:296–302 assessment of its safe and legal prescription. Pain Pract 8:157–163
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drug use in neonatal intensive care units in Turkey: the old-inn antipsychotic drugs. J Clin Psychopharmacol 20:695–698
study. Int J Clin Pharm 34:136–141 Whitfield K, Huemer K-H, Winter D et al (2010) Compassionate use
Olsson J, Kimland E, Pettersson S et al (2011) Paediatric drug use with of interventions: results of a European Clinical Research Infra-
focus on off-label prescriptions in Swedish outpatient care—a structures Network (ECRIN) survey of ten European countries.
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Poole SG, Dooley MJ (2004) Off-label prescribing in oncology.
Support Care Cancer 12:302–305
Pharmacovigilance: When to Report
Adverse Reactions to Contrast Media
Doris I. Stenver
Contents Abstract
The main objective of pharmacovigilance is the early
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 29 detection of new adverse drug reactions. Health care
2 The Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting System............... 30 professionals play a key role in safety surveillance, as
they are frontline observers if serious and unexpected
3 Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions Makes
a Difference........................................................................... 30 adverse effects occur. They are obliged to report their
observations and suspicions to the regulatory authorities,
References...................................................................................... 31
thereby enabling the authorities to react in an appropriate
and timely manner.
1 Introduction
D. I. Stenver (&)
Danish Health and Medicines Authority (DHMA), Definitions: Adverse reaction. A response to a medicinal product
Department of Drug Safety Surveillance and Medical Devices, which is noxious and unintended, Unexpected adverse reaction. An
Axel Heides Gade I, 2300 København S, Denmark adverse reaction, the nature, severity, or outcome of which is not
e-mail: consistent with the summary of product characteristics.
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 29
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_868, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
30 D. I. Stenver
It is important to be aware that drug safety surveillance is appears in the labeling. Furthermore, health care profes-
necessary for the entire life cycle of drugs, beginning in the sionals should also consider reporting known non-serious
pre-marketing phase and continuing throughout the post- reactions, as the perceived frequency based on clinical trials
marketing period. The condition nephrogenic systemic may in fact differ from that observed in the post-marketing
fibrosis (NSF) associated with the administration of gado- setting.
linium-based MR contrast agents to patients with renal The authorities are responsible not only for registration
impairment underlines this fact (Stenver 2008). Occasion- of the reports in a national database, but also for forwarding
ally, it is necessary to monitor safety after marketing has the reports to the marketing authorization holder responsi-
ceased, for example, in the case of suspected late-onset ble for putting the product on the market. Following receipt
adverse events, or to gather information on the outcome of of adverse drug reaction reports from health care profes-
observed events. sionals, the authorities are also obliged to forward the
During the pre-marketing phase, information on risk is reports to the Eudravigilance database established at the
provided from the various pre-clinical and clinical studies. European drug regulatory authority, EMA, and to the WHO.
After marketing authorization, information on risk is col- All adverse drug reactions classified as serious should be
lected from several sources, primarily through the sponta- exchanged between authorities and marketing authorization
neous reporting system and from post-marketing safety holders (and vice versa) within 15 days after receipt. The
studies. reports are also submitted to the WHO database. Thus,
through the reporting system all the observations made by
health care professionals at a national level are in effect
2 The Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting available to a large international community.
System The assessment is undertaken by the authorities and
marketing authorization holders in collaboration. The
For a number of decades the system for adverse drug assessment is made on the basis of individual case reports
reaction reporting has been a cornerstone and mainstay of when they are received, and also after individual reports
drug safety surveillance. have been included in the periodic safety update reports
The thalidomide tragedy in the 1960s (Lenz 1966) led to which marketing authorization holders are obliged to sub-
the establishment in many countries of national public insti- mit to the authorities at intervals after marketing has started.
tutions responsible for collecting, registering, and assessing Every assessment concludes with a decision about
adverse drug reaction reports (Finney 1965; Dukes 1985). whether new safety data have been discovered, and—if this
Since then, the field of pharmacovigilance has undergone is the case—whether the safety profile of the product has
significant development, and is today primarily governed by changed. Every periodic safety update report should include
internationally agreed legislative rules (Regulation 2012). a thorough assessment of the benefits and the risks as well
Originally, the key stakeholders in the spontaneous as an integrated benefit/risk assessment of the product. The
reporting system were health care professionals, national need to revise the labeling (Summary of Product Charac-
and international authorities, and marketing authorization teristics, Package Insert Leaflet) by introducing, for exam-
holders. In 2012, the legal basis was provided for citizens ple, new contraindications, warnings or precautionary
and patients to report adverse drug reactions directly to the measures, or by adding new adverse drug reactions has to be
authorities (Regulation 2012). considered. Whether further risk minimization measures are
Health care professionals are responsible for reporting required, for example, a request for further studies or cre-
suspected adverse reactions to the authorities. In some ation of registries, and whether new information should be
countries reporting of adverse drug reactions by health care provided to health care professionals and the public also
professionals is voluntary and in other countries either need to be considered.
mandatory or a mixture of mandatory and voluntary. In
Denmark, for example, reporting is mandatory during the
first 2 years of marketing, during which health care pro- 3 Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions
fessionals should report all suspected adverse drug reactions Makes a Difference
they observe. Following the first 2-year period health care
professionals in Denmark are obliged to report all suspected It is well known that underreporting of adverse drug reac-
or serious unexpected adverse reactions they observe for the tions occurs all over the world. A variety of difficulties have
entire marketing period. been identified, such as insufficient time to fill out reporting
Ideally, health care professionals should report all sus- forms, lack of knowledge about the impact of reporting, and
pected serious adverse drug reactions to the authorities, the fact that the patient’s symptoms may not be recognized
even though the adverse reaction may be known and by the health care professionals to be drug-related.
Pharmacovigilance: When to Report Adverse Reactions to Contrast Media 31
The finding that the severe, disabling, and occasionally possible to introduce measures to minimize risk. There can
fatal condition of NSF is associated with the use of gado- be no doubt that reporting of adverse drug reactions makes a
linium-based MR contrast agents illustrates the challenges difference and is in the interest both of individual patients
of drug safety surveillance. It is striking that gadolinium- and of society as a whole.
based contrast agents had been used for more than a decade
in a huge number of patients, and that the condition of NSF
had been described in the literature for some years, before References
Grobner (2006) in 2006 finally realized that NSF and gad-
olinium could be linked. It is also noteworthy that many Dukes G (1985) The effects of drug regulation. A survey based on
health care professionals seemed to be reluctant to report European studies of drug regulation. MTP Press Limited, Lancaster
new suspected cases of NSF to the national regulatory Finney DJ (1965) The design and logic of a monitor of drug use.
J Chronic Dis 18:77–98
authorities and instead preferred to publish small case series Grobner T (2006) Gadolinium—a specific trigger for the development
in scientific journals. This led to considerable delay in of nephrogenic fibrosing dermatopathy and nephrogenic systemic
collecting sufficient data for the necessary regulatory fibrosis? Nephrol Dial Transpl 21:1104–1108
actions to be taken to prevent further cases and to protect Lenz W (1966) Malformations caused by drugs in pregnancy. Am J
Dis Child 112:99–106
patients. Regulation (EU) no. 1235/2010 amending Regulation (EC) 726/2004
In addition, the adverse drug reaction reports led to and Directive 2010/84/EU amending Directive 2001/83/EC
increased understanding of the risk profile across the whole Stenver DI (2008) Pharmacovigilance: what to do if you see an
class of gadolinium contrast agents, and meant that it was adverse reaction and the consequences. Eur J Radiol 66:184–186
What is Required in Order to Get the Authorities
to Approve a New Contrast Medium?
Doris I. Stenver
Contents Abstract
The evaluation of diagnostic agents is governed by the
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 33 same regulatory rules and principles as those for other
2 General Principles of Evaluation....................................... 34 medicinal products. This chapter summaries relevant
sections of the Guideline on Clinical Evaluation of
3 Quality Aspects .................................................................... 34
Diagnostic Agents issued by the EMEA (2010). The
4 Non-Clinical Evaluation...................................................... 34 requirements for authorization for completely new
5 Clinical Evaluation .............................................................. 35 contrast agents may differ from those for contrast agents
5.1 Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Ethics ............................ 35 similar to contrast agents which have already been
5.2 Fundamental Requirements ................................................... 35 approved.
5.3 Methodological Considerations............................................. 36
5.4 Strategy and Design of Clinical Trials ................................. 36
5.5 Clinical Safety ....................................................................... 36
Reference ....................................................................................... 37
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 33
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_869, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
34 D. I. Stenver
administration. Further details specific for imaging agents, or at least discussed in the submission. However, if the
which concern classification, efficacy criteria, methodolog- impact of the diagnosis provided by the comparator contrast
ical issues, and safety assessments, are outlined in the agent which has already been approved is widely accepted,
appendix to this Guideline. better technical and diagnostic performance may be suffi-
The European Public Assessment Reports for the two cient to support a claim of superiority.
latest approved gadolinium-containing MR contrast agents, If use for a new indication not approved for the similar
gadofosveset trisodium (Vasovist—the name was changed contrast agent is claimed, the requirements for approval are
to Ablavar on January 10th 2011) and gadoversetamide identical to those required for a new product. It is then
(Optimark) will be used to illustrate the non-clinical and necessary to show adequate technical and diagnostic per-
clinical parts of the process of application for approval. On formance in relation to a standard of truth (for example, the
18 October 2011, the European Commission issued a deci- histopathological diagnosis). In addition, when appropriate,
sion to withdraw the marketing authorization for Ablavar as technical and diagnostic performance should be compared
requested by the Marketing Authorization Holder. to an established contrast agent in the clinical context in
which the new agent is to be used.
as renal contrast enhancement, imaging performance in procedural convenience), diagnostic performance, impact
cerebral metastatic disease, and permeability of the blood– on diagnostic thinking, impact on patient management,
brain barrier should be documented. Comparisons between impact on clinical outcome and safety. In addition, a clin-
contrast agents with similar structure may facilitate the ical pharmacology study program should be performed
evaluation. As an example, in vitro and in vivo investiga- to provide data on safety, tolerance, pharmacokinetics,
tions of primary as well as secondary pharmacodynamics and pharmacodynamic dose-related effects. EU and US
were performed for the recently approved contrast agent requirements are very similar, but there are a few differ-
gadoversetamide in comparison with gadopentetate ences. For example, the FDA requirements do not include
dimeglumine. impact on diagnostic thinking, impact on patient manage-
In vitro and in vivo safety pharmacology studies should ment, and impact on clinical outcome.
provide data on the effect on vital organ functions, such as It is necessary to assess technical performance, for
convulsive threshold and risk of QT-prolongation. example from image quality, but this on its own is not
Ideally, the potential for pharmacodynamic drug inter- enough to show the clinical benefit of a new contrast agent
actions should also be investigated. For example, for gad- and cannot be the sole basis for approval.
ofosveset trisodium a series of drug interaction studies were The diagnostic performance consists of the sensitivity
performed to assess the ability to displace frequently used and specificity of a test. The trade-off between sensitivity
drugs, such as digoxin and warfarin, from their binding sites and specificity requires careful analysis in relation to the
on human serum albumin. In addition, the potential effect of intended applications and the implications for patient care.
commonly used drugs on MRI efficacy was examined. For The impact of disease prevalence should also be taken into
gadoversetamide, no studies on pharmacodynamic drug consideration, as co-morbidity, specificity, and sensitivity
interactions were available before the marketing authori- may vary in different study populations.
zation was issued. The impact on diagnostic thinking refers to the impact of
The pharmacokinetic data set should include data on a test result on post-test versus pre-test probability of a
absorption, biodistribution or bioavailability, metabolism, correct diagnosis in a well-defined clinical context which
and excretion. The pharmacokinetic testing is typically includes patient characteristics and other diagnostic proce-
performed in two or more of the species used for toxicology dures. All diagnostic agents should have an impact on
testing (rat, rabbit, dog, monkey) and using the adminis- diagnostic thinking (higher probability of correct diagnosis
tration route intended for use in man. after the test than before the test, or change in diagnosis).
The toxicology test program should as a minimum Positive as well as negative predictive values are important
include single dose toxicity, repeat dose toxicity, genotox- parameters which influence the impact on diagnostic
icity, carcinogenicity, and reproduction toxicity. thinking in a given patient. Both negative and positive
Finally potential ecotoxic and environmental risks predictive values depend on the prevalence of the disease in
should be assessed. the studied series and may not necessarily reflect the
prevalence of a disease in the overall population. The role
of a diagnostic test in the determination of the prognosis
5 Clinical Evaluation may have significant impact on diagnostic thinking. Prog-
nostic value should be demonstrated by adequate statistical
5.1 Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Ethics methods such as multivariate analysis.
A description and quantification of the impact of the
The clinical trials used to support the marketing authori- diagnostic information obtained on the management of a
zation application should be designed, conducted, recorded, patient and of the clinical outcome are generally obtained
and reported in compliance with the GCP principles as laid through an appropriate questionnaire or by sequential un-
down in regulations and guidelines. In addition, all studies blinding. Patient follow-up data should be available for this
should be conducted in accordance with the Declaration of purpose. Studies assessing patient outcomes may be
Helsinki. required if there is no standard of truth to compare. In all
other cases these studies are not mandatory, but, if per-
formed, can be the basis for a specific claim. An assessment
5.2 Fundamental Requirements of the potential benefits and risks arising from the impact on
therapeutic decisions should be made. In particular, the
According to the guideline on clinical evaluation of diag- consequences of an incorrect diagnosis (false positive or
nostic agents (EMEA 2010), in order to establish an indi- false negative) must be considered.
cation for a contrast agent, it is necessary to demonstrate its For each claim the contrast agent may be used alone or in
benefit by assessing its technical performance (including combination with other diagnostic procedures or medicinal
36 D. I. Stenver
products necessary for the indication claimed. This should dimeglumine in CNS or liver lesions. For gadofosveset tri-
always be specified in the study protocol. If several indi- sodium (Vasovist), no head-to-head comparisons with
cations or claims are planned for one imaging agent it may currently available MRA contrast agents were carried out
be considered necessary to perform separate clinical trials. because no extracellular agent had European-wide approval
for MRA during the development of gadofosveset trisodium.
diagnostic thinking and patient management to support a agent itself (e.g. immunogenicity, allergic reactions), risks
marketing authorization claim. related to the potential for incorrect diagnosis following its
Clinical safety assessments of contrast agents should be use should be taken into consideration while assessing
designed based on their characteristics and intended use(s) benefit/risk balance of the contrast agent.
and on the results of other relevant clinical studies. Safety
follow-up of patients should not be limited to the duration
of the diagnostic procedure, but extended to a longer time Reference
period corresponding at least to the pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic properties of the product. Not only short EMEA (2010) The guideline on clinical evaluation of diagnostic
term but also long-term safety data should be provided. An agents. EMEA.Doc. Ref. CHMP/EWP/1119/98/Rev.1. http://
appropriate risk management plan should be established for
guideline/2009/09/WC500003580.pdf. Accessed 1 Feb 2010
agents accumulating in the organism (e.g. deposits of gad-
olinium in bones and skin). As well as risk(s) related to the
A Critical Review of Meta-Analysis of Adverse
Events After Contrast Media
Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai and Giacomo Frati
Contents Abstract
Systematic reviews provide a point of view on a specific
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 39 clinical topic by using explicit and structured methods
2 Basic Concepts of Systematic Reviews for study search, selection, appraisal, and data extraction.
and Meta-Analyses .............................................................. 41 When data pooling is performed using ad hoc statistical
2.1 Definitions.............................................................................. 41 methods, a systematic review may also be described as
2.2 Strengths ................................................................................ 41
a meta-analysis, although this type of analysis would
2.3 Limitations ............................................................................. 42
2.4 Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: more appropriately be described as a systematic review
How to Do It Yourself .......................................................... 43 with meta-analysis. Adverse events after contrast agent
3 Appraising Primary Studies, Systematic Reviews administration are an ideal topic for systematic reviews,
and Meta-Analyses .............................................................. 44 as they are uncommon. Any single randomized trial is
unlikely to be adequately powered to accurately assess
4 Focus on Adverse Events After Contrast Agents............ 44
4.1 Analytical Challenges Caused by Low Event Rates............ 45 the incidence of adverse events and to compare adverse
4.2 Risk of Alpha Error............................................................... 45 event rates between treatment groups while at the same
4.3 Risk of Beta Error ................................................................. 45 time focusing on clinically relevant (i.e., hard) end-
4.4 Reliance on Surrogate End-Points ........................................ 45
points. This chapter provides a concise but comprehen-
4.5 Small Study and Publication Bias ........................................ 46
4.6 Conflicts of Interest and Funding Issues .............................. 46 sive overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses,
with particular focus on their application to adverse
5 Conclusions and Future Perspectives................................ 46
events after contrast agent administration.
References...................................................................................... 46
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 39
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_874, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
40 G. Biondi-Zoccai and G. Frati
Year of
Fig. 1 Histogram showing the ongoing exponential increase in ‘‘systematic overview’’; meta-analysis; meta-regression; ((indirect or
published systematic reviews, systematic overviews, and meta-analysis. network) and meta-analysis) or (‘‘mixed treatment comparison’’). ITC
MEDLINE/PubMed search performed on January 11, 2013 with the indirect treatment comparison or indirect meta-analysis, MTC mixed
following strategies: overview or review; ‘‘systematic review’’ or treatment comparison, and NMA network meta-analysis
a specific topic (Table 1 and Fig. 1) (Egger et al. 2001; administration of contrast media are ideal subjects for sys-
Biondi-Zoccai et al. 2003, 2011). tematic reviews because of their diversity and their low
However, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, despite incidence rates (Fig. 2).
their major strengths, may, like any other analytical and The aim of this chapter is to provide a concise but sound
research tools, also have major weaknesses, especially when framework to help critical reading of systematic reviews
applied to a challenging topic such as adverse events after and meta-analyses, with a particular focus on adverse events
contrast agents. Adverse reactions or events following the after contrast agents.
A Critical Review of Meta-Analysis of Adverse Events After Contrast Media 41
Systematic review
Systematic reviews Observational studies
Meta-analyses from
Observational controlled Meta-regression
individual studies
studies Network
Meta-analyses from
individual patient data Randomized controlled trials
2 Basic Concepts of Systematic Reviews Lu and Ades 2004). These are specific types of meta-anal-
and Meta-Analyses ysis which use randomized trial data from different treat-
ments to generate indirect comparisons and weighted
2.1 Definitions averages of direct and indirect (i.e., network) comparisons.
They may be considered to be the ultimate step in
A systematic review provides a point of view on a specific systematic reviews because they are both comprehensive
clinical problem, be it therapeutic, diagnostic, or prognostic and statistically precise (Palmerini et al. 2012; Kwok et al.
(Egger et al. 2001; Biondi-Zoccai et al. 2004). The term 2013). Finally, overview of reviews represents a novel but
systematic means that all the steps underlying the reviewing useful tool to summarize and compare results obtained from
process are explicitly and clearly defined, and so may be separate systematic reviews focusing on similar conditions
reproduced independently by other researchers. Thus, a (Kwok et al. 2013).
formal set of methods is applied to study search (i.e., to the
extensive search of primary or original studies), study
selection, study appraisal, data abstraction and, when 2.2 Strengths
appropriate, data pooling according to statistical methods.
The term meta-analysis describes a statistical method which Systematic reviews have several unique strengths, espe-
combines results from several different primary studies in cially if they include meta-analytic pooling of quantitative
order to provide more precise and valid results (Fig. 3). data (Egger et al. 2001; Biondi-Zoccai et al. 2004). They
Thus, not all systematic reviews include a meta-analysis, as use systematic literature searches and so allow the whole
not all topics are suitable for sound and robust pooling of body of evidence about a specific clinical question to be
data. In addition, meta-analysis can be conducted outside retrieved. Their standardized methods for search, appraisal,
the realm of a systematic review, without extensive and and selection of primary studies facilitate reproducibility
thorough literature searches, but then the results of the and objectivity. Thorough evaluation for internal validity
attempted meta-analysis are best viewed as generating a and risk of bias in individual primary studies clearly iden-
hypothesis only. This is mainly because meta-analyses tify the limitations of these studies. Often the greatest
outside the framework of a systematic review have a serious strength of systematic reviews is their ability to pinpoint
risk of selection bias, for example small study or publication weaknesses and fallacies in apparently sound primary
bias. Additional definitions and pertinent examples useful studies (Lau et al. 1998).
for readers and writers of systematic reviews and meta- Quantitative synthesis using meta-analysis also substan-
analyses are provided in Table 2. tially increases statistical power, and yields narrower con-
A major recent development has been the introduction of fidence intervals for statistical inferences. Assessing the
indirect meta-analyses, network meta-analyses, and mixed effect of an intervention, including an exposure or diag-
treatment comparisons (Bucher et al. 1997; Lumley 2002; nostic test, in different settings and at different times gives
42 G. Biondi-Zoccai and G. Frati
estimates and inferences of much greater external validity, test) or significant statistical inconsistency (as evidenced by
which are more likely to be successfully applied in different I2 values [ 50 %) (Higgins et al. 2003).
conditions (Kandzari et al. 2005). While Canadian authors have suggested that systematic
The huge sample sizes often achieved by systematic reviews and meta-analyses from homogenous randomized
reviews may even provide the opportunity for testing post controlled trials represent the apex of the evidence-based
hoc hypotheses or for exploring the effects in selected medicine pyramid (Guyatt et al. 2002), others have main-
subgroups (Thompson and Higgins 2002). Clinical and tained that very large and simple randomized clinical trials
statistical variability (i.e., heterogeneity and inconsistency) offer several major advantages, and, if available, are always
may be exploited by advanced statistical methods such as preferable to systematic reviews (Cappelleri et al. 1996).
meta-regression, with the possibility of testing new and It is also all too common to retrieve only a few studies on
hitherto untried hypotheses (Biondi-Zoccai et al. 2005). a given clinical topic from the literature, or to find studies of
Meta-regression methods or more complex hierarchical such low quality that including or even discussing them in
models based on frequentist or Bayesian approaches can the setting of a systematic review may be misleading. This
even be used to perform adjusted indirect comparisons, drawback is only associated with small study bias, which is
network meta-analyses, or mixed treatment comparisons a major threat to meta-analysis validity (Egger et al. 2001).
(Bucher et al. 1997; Lumley 2002; Lu and Ades 2004). Especially when datasets are large, small primary studies
are more likely to be reported, published, and quoted if their
results are significant. Conversely, small nonsignificant
2.3 Limitations studies often fail to reach publication or dissemination, and
may thus be very easily missed, even after thorough liter-
There are also significant drawbacks to systematic reviews ature searches. Combining results from these ‘‘biased’’
and meta-analyses (Egger et al. 2001; Biondi-Zoccai et al. small studies with those of larger studies, which are usually
2009). Since the first criticisms that they were ‘‘an exercise published even if negative or nonsignificant, may inappro-
in mega-silliness’’ and inappropriately ‘‘mixing apples and priately deviate summary effect estimates away from the
oranges’’ (Glass 1976), there has been ongoing debate about true value. Unfortunately, despite the availability of several
the correct approach to choose. Meta-analytic pooling graphical and analytical tests (Peters et al. 2006), small
should be used when there is statistical homogeneity and study bias, which encompasses publication bias, is poten-
consistency, and is not suitable when there is marked sta- tially always present in a systematic review and must not be
tistical heterogeneity (as evidenced by p values \ 0.10 at v2 forgotten (Biondi-Zoccai et al. 2008).
A Critical Review of Meta-Analysis of Adverse Events After Contrast Media 43
Another common criticism is that systematic reviews and 1. Definition of question and hypothetical solution
meta-analyses are not original research. The reader can
2. Prospective design of the systematic review
form an independent opinion on this issue. Nonetheless, the
main parameter for judging a systematic review should be 3. Problem formulation (Population, Intervention
its novelty and its usefulness for the reader, not whether it or exposure, Comparison, Outcome [PICO])
represents original or secondary research (Biondi-Zoccai
et al. 2003). Also, the recent introduction of indirect and 4. Data search
network meta-analyses and mixed treatment comparisons 5. Data abstraction and appraisal
allows accurate predictions which can be tested by sub-
sequent randomized trials, so making this type of research 6. Data analysis ± quantitative synthesis (i.e.meta-
design highly scientific. analysis )
Finally, a burning issue is whether results from large
systematic reviews and meta-analyses can ever be applied 7. Results interpretation and dissemination
to the single individual under our care. There is no universal Fig. 4 Simplified algorithm for the design and conduct of systematic
answer to this question, and judgment needs to be used reviews in clinical research. This scheme may appear quite rigid, but
about applying meta-analysis results to a particular patient. the systematic review process in fact requires repeat piloting of several
steps of the review process to adjust it to the limitations inherent in the
However, like the advocates of evidence-based medicine,
primary literature, for example the lack of high-quality studies on a
we believe that all patients are likely to benefit similarly given topic
from a specific treatment or diagnostic strategy, unless
proven otherwise, for example by a significant test for sta- undergoing digital subtraction angiography (P), with the
tistical interaction (Guyatt et al. 2002). intervention of interest being the administration of isosm-
olar contrast agents (I), the comparators being low-osmolar
contrast agents (C), and the outcomes defined as risk of
2.4 Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: death or permanent hemodialysis within 30 days (O).
How to Do It Yourself After these preliminary steps, the actual review begins
with a thorough and an extensive search, encompassing
Even those who do not have to undertake a systematic several databases (not only MEDLINE/PubMed) with the
review can get a helpful insight into this method of clinical help of library personnel experienced in literature searches.
research by understanding the key steps involved in the When a list of potentially pertinent citations has been
design, conduct and interpretation of a systematic review retrieved, these should be assessed and included or excluded
(Biondi-Zoccai et al. 2004). based on criteria, which stem directly from the PICO
Briefly, a systematic review should always stem from a approach of defining the clinical question. The study
specific clinical question (Fig. 4). Even if the experienced assessment also includes a formal evaluation of study
reviewer can probably guess the answer to this question validity and of the risk of bias of primary studies. Data
(i.e., the hypothetical solution), the goal of the systematic abstraction is generally performed by at least two inde-
review is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis in a formal pendent reviewers with differences of opinion resolved by
and structured way. With this goal in mind, the review consensus and provides the quantitative data, which will
should be designed as prospectively and in as much in detail eventually be pooled by meta-analysis (Higgins and Green
as possible, to avoid conscious or unconscious manipula- 2008).
tions of methods or data. Current recommendations entail Provided that the studies are relatively homogenous and
preliminary online registration in suitable registries, such as consistent, meta-analytic methods are employed to combine
PROSPERO (Liberati et al. 2009; Chien et al. 2012). effect estimates from single studies into a unique summary
The next important steps define the boundaries of the effect estimate, with corresponding p values for effect and
review. Specifically, the reviewer needs to define the pop- confidence intervals.
ulation of interest, the intervention or exposure to be The last step relies on the interpretation and dissemina-
appraised, the comparison(s) or comparator(s), and the tion of the results, possibly by publication in a peer-
outcome(s). The acronym PICO is often used to remember reviewed journal. In many cases, the results may make the
this approach. As an example, we might wish to conduct a reviewer go back to the original research question and, very
systematic review of diabetics with critical limb ischemia often, to revise his or her working hypothesis.
44 G. Biondi-Zoccai and G. Frati
Table 3 Risk of bias assessment tool recommended by The Cochrane Collaboration for the appraisal of primary studies
Question Answers Meaning
Adequate sequence generation? Yes, no, or Was the allocation sequence generated appropriately (e.g. computer or table of random
uncertain numbers)?
Allocation concealment used? Yes, no, or Were physicians unaware of allocation code up to actual patient enrolment?
Blinding? Yes, no, or Were patients, caregivers, outcome assessors, ancillary personnel, and/or statisticians
uncertain unaware of actual treatment?
Concurrent therapies similar? Yes, no, or Were concurrent medical and nonmedical treatments similar in the groups under
uncertain comparison?
Incomplete outcome data Yes, no, or Were all data analyzed, minimizing the impact of losses to follow-up?
addressed? uncertain
Uniform and explicit outcome Yes, no, or Were definitions clearly spelled out and employed consistently to adjudicate events or
definitions? uncertain outcomes?
Free of selective outcome Yes, no, or Were all relevant outcomes thoroughly reported?
reporting? uncertain
Free of other bias? Yes, no, or Was the risk of any other bias low?
Overall risk of bias? High, moderate, What is the comprehensive assessment of the risk of bias of the study?
or low
3 Appraising Primary Studies, Systematic usually difficult to consider a poorly reported systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses review and meta-analysis as being of great value. Assessing
the internal validity of a review is quite complex and based
Appraisal of primary research studies, as well as systematic on several assumptions, including study search and
reviews and meta-analyses should be based on their internal appraisal, methods for data pooling, and approaches to the
validity and then, provided this is reasonably adequate, on interpretation of study findings. Useful guidance was pro-
their results and external validity (Guyatt et al. 2002). While vided by Oxman and Guyatt with their well validated
the interpretation of the results and external validity of any method (Table 4).
research project is highly subjective and best left open to the More recently, other tools for the appraisal of systematic
individual judgment of the reader or decision-maker, reviews have been suggested, such as the a measurement
internal validity can be appraised in a very structured and tool to assess systematic reviews (AMSTAR), which how-
validated way. ever awaits further validation (Shea et al. 2007).
Recent guidance on the appraisal of the risk of bias in
primary research studies in the context of a systematic
review has been provided by The Cochrane Collaboration, 4 Focus on Adverse Events After Contrast
and includes separate assessment of the risk of selection, Agents
performance, and attrition and adjudication bias, as clearly
given in Table 3 (Higgins and Green 2008). Other valid and While systematic reviews and meta-analyses have several
complementary approaches, devised for specific study general limitations (Egger et al. 2001), a number of draw-
designs, have been proposed by advocates of evidence- backs and potential threats to validity are specifically
based medicine methods (Guyatt et al. 2002). relevant to research on adverse events after contrast agents.
The quality of a systematic review and meta-analysis These include analytical issues associated with low event
also depends on a number of factors, which include the rates and the ensuing risk of alpha and beta errors, the
quality of the primary pooled studies. Nonetheless, the common reliance on surrogate (thus softer) end-points,
quality of the report, for example the compliance with the impact of small study or publication bias, and, finally,
current guidelines on drafting and reporting a meta-analysis, the possibility that funding or conflicts of interest will
should be clearly characterized by internal validity (Moher affect the analysis. A detailed description of these threats
et al. 1999; Biondi-Zoccai et al. 2006; Liberati et al. 2009). to validity will be provided with some specific examples
This can be low even in well reported reviews, but it is relevant to the contrast agent literature.
A Critical Review of Meta-Analysis of Adverse Events After Contrast Media 45
Table 4 Oxman and Guyatt index for the appraisal of reviews (Egger et al. 2001)a
Question Details
1 Were the search methods used to find evidence stated?
2 Was the search for evidence reasonably comprehensive?
3 Were the criteria for deciding which studies to include in the overview reported?
4 Was bias in the selection of studies avoided?
5 Were the criteria used for assessing the validity of the included studies reported?
6 Was the validity of all studies referred to in the text assessed using appropriate criteria?
7 Were the methods used to combine the findings of the relevant studies reported?
8 Were the findings of the relevant studies combined appropriately relative to the primary question the overview addresses?
9 Were the conclusions made by the author(s) supported by the data and/or analysis reported in the overview?
10 This question summarizes the previous ones and, specifically, asks to rate the scientific quality of the review from 1 (being
extensively flawed) to 3 (carrying major flaws) to 5 (carrying minor flaws) to 7 (minimally flawed)
The Oxman and Guyatt index evaluates the internal validity of a review on 9 separate questions for which three distinct answers are eligible
(‘‘yes’’, ‘‘partially/cannot tell’’, ‘‘no’’). The developers of the index specify that if the ‘‘partially/cannot tell’’ answer is used one or more times in
questions 2, 4, 6, or 8, a review is likely to have minor flaws at best and is difficult to rule out major flaws (i.e. a score B4). If the ‘‘no’’ option is
used on question 2, 4, 6 or 8, the review is likely to have major flaws (i.e. a score B3)
4.1 Analytical Challenges Caused by Low thumb is only to trust meta-analyses which report on at least
Event Rates 100 pooled events per group being compared.
Small study bias is always a potential threat to the results of Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collaboration (2002) Collaborative meta-
a systematic review, because this type of problem affects all analysis of randomised trials of antiplatelet therapy for prevention
clinical topics and research study designs (Biondi-Zoccai of death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in high risk patients.
BMJ 324:71–86
et al. 2008). While this type of bias may have less impact in
Aspelin P, Aubry P, Fransson SG et al (2003) Nephrotoxic effects in
studies on recent and well financed drugs (e.g., fenoldopam) high-risk patients undergoing angiography. N Engl J Med
or devices, in other examples of cheaper interventions, 348:491–499
publication bias may profoundly undermine the results of a Barnes DE, Bero LA (1998) Why review articles on the health effects
of passive smoking reach different conclusions. JAMA
systematic review. This applies particularly not only to the
research evidence, which has now accumulated on acetyl- Biondi-Zoccai G, Abbate A, Agostoni P et al (2005) Long-term
cysteine for the prevention of CIN (Biondi-Zoccai et al. benefits of an early invasive management in acute coronary
2006), but also to other commonly prescribed agents such as syndromes depend on intracoronary stenting and aggressive
antiplatelet treatment: a metaregression. Am Heart J 149:504–511
contrast media (Kwok et al. 2013).
Biondi-Zoccai G, Agostoni P, Abbate A (2003) Parallel hierarchy of
scientific studies in cardiovascular medicine. Ital Heart J
Biondi-Zoccai G, Lotrionte M, Abbate A et al (2006) Compliance with
4.6 Conflicts of Interest and Funding Issues QUOROM and quality of reporting of overlapping meta-analyses
on the role of acetylcysteine in the prevention of contrast
Another major threat to the validity of a systematic review, associated nephropathy: case study. BMJ 332:202–209
Biondi-Zoccai G, Lotrionte M, Anselmino M et al (2008) Systematic
as to any other research project, is caused by conflicts of review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials appraising
interest, including how studies are funded. It is recognized the impact of cilostazol after percutaneous coronary intervention.
that reviewers with underlying financial conflicts of interest Am Heart J 155:1081–1089
are more likely to draw conclusions that favor an inter- Biondi-Zoccai G, Lotrionte M, Landoni G, Modena MG (2011) The
rough guide to systematic reviews and meta-analyses. HSR Proc
vention, which benefits the source of any financial gain Intensive Care Cardiovasc Anesth 3:161–173
(Barnes and Bero 1998). Most studies on contrast media Biondi-Zoccai G, Testa L, Agostoni P (2004) A practical algorithm for
were undertaken by investigators with either overt or systematic reviews in cardiovascular medicine. Ital Heart J
probable conflicts of interest (Aspelin et al. 2003; Solomon 5:486–487
Biondi-Zoccai GG, Abbate A, Sheiban I (2009) Systematic reviews
et al. 2007). Whether these facts should just lead to more
and meta-analyses ‘‘For Dummies’’. EuroIntervention 5:289–291
critical reading of their work or should stimulate a com- Bucher HC, Guyatt GH, Griffith LE, Walter SD (1997) The results of
prehensive re-evaluation of their whole research project is direct and indirect treatment comparisons in meta-analysis of
best left to the discretion of the reader. It also depends on randomized controlled trials. J Clin Epidemiol 50:683–691
Cappelleri JC, Ioannidis JP, Schmid CH et al (1996) Large trials vs
the internal validity of the study, for example the blinding
meta-analysis of smaller trials: how do their results compare?
of patients, physicians, adjudicators, and analysts. JAMA 276:1332–1338
Chien PF, Khan KS, Siassakos D (2012) Registration of systematic
reviews: PROSPERO. BJOG 119:903–905
Egger M, Smith GD, Altman DG (2001) Systematic reviews in health
5 Conclusions and Future Perspectives care: meta-analysis in context, 2nd edn. BMJ Publishing Group,
Glass G (1976) Primary, secondary and meta-analysis of research.
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are powerful meth- Educ Res 5:3–8
ods to assess the clinical effects of interventions in health- Golder S, Loke Y, McIntosh HM (2006) Room for improvement? a
care. They may be particularly helpful for assessing the risk survey of the methods used in systematic reviews of adverse
of adverse effects after contrast agents and for comparing effects. BMC Med Res Methodol 6:3
Guyatt G, Rennie D, Meade M, Cook D (2002) Users’ guides to the
the risk of adverse effects with different contrast agents. medical literature. A manual for evidence-based clinical practice.
However, more collaborative research effort is needed to set AMA Press, Chicago
up international groups able to design, conduct, and dis- Higgins JP, Thompson SG, Deeks JJ, Altman DG (2003) Measuring
seminate individual patient data meta-analyses, which can inconsistency in meta-analyses. BMJ 327:557–560
Higgins JPT, Green S (2008) Cochrane handbook for systematic
combine the results from individual clinical trials in an reviews of interventions. The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford
unbiased and rigorous way (Antithrombotic Trialists’ Col- Kandzari DE, Roe MT, Chen AY et al (2005) Influence of clinical trial
laboration 2002). A further worthwhile goal is to foster enrollment on the quality of care and outcomes for patients with
collaboration to further develop and apply network meta- non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Am Heart J
analytic methods, which identify the best preventive and Kwok CS, Pang CL, Yeong JK, Loke YK (2013) Measures used to
management strategies for contrast medium-associated treat contrast-induced nephropathy: overview of reviews. Br J
adverse events based on all the clinical evidence. Radiol 86:20120272
A Critical Review of Meta-Analysis of Adverse Events After Contrast Media 47
Lau J, Ioannidis JP, Schmid CH (1998) Summing up evidence: one Peters JL, Sutton AJ, Jones DR et al (2006) Comparison of two
answer is not always enough. Lancet 351:123–127 methods to detect publication bias in meta-analysis. JAMA
Liberati A, Altman DG, Tetzlaff J et al (2009) The PRISMA statement 295:676–680
for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that Shea BJ, Bouter LM, Peterson J et al (2007) External validation of a
evaluate healthcare interventions: explanation and elaboration. measurement tool to assess systematic reviews (AMSTAR). PLoS
BMJ 339:b2700 ONE 2(12):e1350
Lu G, Ades AE (2004) Combination of direct and indirect evidence in Solomon RJ, Natarajan MK, Doucet S et al (2007) Cardiac angiog-
mixed treatment comparisons. Stat Med 23:3105–3124 raphy in renally impaired patients (CARE) study: a randomized
Lumley T (2002) Network meta-analysis for indirect treatment double-blind trial of contrast-induced nephropathy in patients with
comparisons. Stat Med 21:2313–2324 chronic kidney disease. Circulation 115:3189–3196
Moher D, Cook DJ, Eastwood S et al (1999) Improving the quality of Sweeting MJ, Sutton AJ, Lambert PC (2004) What to add to nothing?
reports of meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials: the Use and avoidance of continuity corrections in meta-analysis of
QUORUM statement. Lancet 354:1896–1900 sparse data. Stat Med 23:1351–1375
Palmerini T, Biondi-Zoccai G, Della Riva D et al (2012) Stent Thompson SG, Higgins JP (2002) How should meta-regression
thrombosis with drug-eluting and bare-metal stents: evidence from analyses undertaken and interpreted? Stat Med 21:1559–1573
a comprehensive network meta-analysis. Lancet 379:1393–1402
Part II
Iodine- and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media:
General Adverse Reactions
Acute Adverse Reactions to Contrast Media:
Mechanisms and Prevention
Olivier Clement and Judith A. W. Webb
Contents Abstract
Acute adverse reactions are defined as reactions occur-
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 51 ring within the hour following contrast medium injection.
1.1 Lalli and Weber Effects ........................................................ 52 They may occur after any of the contrast agents used for
2 Iodine-Based Contrast Media ............................................ 52 radiography, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging.
2.1 Classifications of Reactions .................................................. 52 The majority of reactions are mild, and some of the mild
2.2 Mechanisms of Acute Reactions........................................... 53
symptoms reported are not even caused by the contrast
2.3 Risk Factors for Acute Hypersensitivity Reactions ............. 53
2.4 Extravascular Administration of Iodine-Based Contrast agent. However, severe and life threatening reactions
Media ..................................................................................... 55 may still occur. Hypersensitivity reactions after contrast
2.5 Diagnosis of an Acute Hypersensitivity Reaction ............... 55 medium may be allergic or non-allergic. The factors
2.6 Prevention of Acute Hypersensitivity Reactions.................. 55
predisposing to acute reactions and the methods to reduce
2.7 Summary: Iodine-Based Contrast Media.............................. 56
the incidence of acute reactions to both iodine- and
3 Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media ................................... 57 gadolinium-based reactions are discussed in this chapter.
3.1 Types of Reaction and Frequency ........................................ 57
3.2 Risk Factors for Reactions .................................................... 57 The use of premedication is controversial, as the limited
3.3 Prevention of Reactions ........................................................ 57 scientific basis for its use is now recognized. Even after
3.4 Summary: Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media..................... 57 premedication, adverse reactions may still occur.
4 Records of Acute Adverse Reactions
(CAVE or Warning)............................................................ 58
References...................................................................................... 58 1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 51
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_926, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
52 O. Clement and J. A. W. Webb
HS) or not immune (non-allergic HS). The different terms Comparative studies of acute non-renal adverse reactions
are summarized in Fig. 1. to contrast media must ensure that the different agents are
Most of this chapter is concerned with acute hypersensi- given under identical conditions. In retrospective studies the
tivity reactions to iodine-based contrast media, particularly Lalli and Weber effects are not controlled, so prospective
the factors predisposing to these reactions and the measures randomized studies are the only way to obtain reliable data
that may be taken to prevent them. At the end of the chapter, (Thomsen and Webb 2012).
acute reactions to gadolinium-based contrast media are also
discussed (‘‘Acute Adverse Reactions to Gadolinium-Based
Contrast Media’’). 2 Iodine-Based Contrast Media
Most acute reactions occur early after contrast medium the variable Fab site of specific antigen binding (Lasser
administration. In Katayama et al.’s (1990) study of over 2004).
330,000 patients, over 70 % of reactions to both ionic and When mast cells are activated, heparin is also released
non-ionic contrast media occurred in the first 5 min. In all and can activate the contact system with the release of
44 patients who died after intravascular contrast medium bradykinin (Lasser 1987, 2004). In addition, other media-
(reviewed by Shehadi 1985), the acute reaction to contrast tors, such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and cytokines,
medium started within 15 min of administration. are likely to be involved (Dewachter et al. 2006).
The general incidence of anaphylactic reactions is Complement levels in the blood decrease after contrast
increasing (Resuscitation Council (UK) 2008). It is not medium, both in control subjects and reactors, with the
known whether this is also the case for anaphylactoid decreases being greater in the reactors (Eloy et al. 1991).
reactions to contrast media. Although contrast media may be able to activate the com-
Mild acute adverse reactions are the most frequent. The plement system, it is considered unlikely that this mechanism
frequency of such reactions reported in the literature varies is responsible for acute reactions (Dewachter et al. 2006).
from 1 to 50 %. The lowest figures are found in retro- The immediate nonallergic effects of contrast media
spective studies based on reviews of patient records. With could be caused by direct chemotoxicity.
prospective studies the frequency depends on whether Nonallergic hypersensitivity could also relate to the non-
adverse events were spontaneously reported or were sought specific release of small amounts of histamine from mast
by interview and on how detailed the interview was. When cells and/or basophils, which occurs in up to 80 % of
patients who have had CT or MR scans are interviewed a patients in the minutes immediately after contrast medium
number who had the examinations without contrast medium (Eloy et al. 1991; Rodriguez et al. 2001; Dewachter et al.
report the same mild symptoms as patients who received 2006). This effect relates to the nature of the contrast
intravenous contrast medium. (Azzouz et al. 2013). medium molecule as well as the dose and osmolality of the
contrast agent.
agents. This is probably valid for the most frequent mild 2.3.4 Allergy
reactions, but not for severe reactions, which unfortunately Several conditions, such as hay fever, eczema, allergy to
still occur despite the general use of non-ionic agents. foods, drugs, or other substances are associated with an
In Katayama et al.’s (1990) series there was no signifi- increased risk of contrast medium reaction, usually by a
cant difference in mortality between the ionic and non-ionic lesser amount than a history of asthma (Ansell et al. 1980;
agents, but other data suggest a lower mortality with non- Witten et al. 1973; Shehadi 1975; Katayama et al. 1990).
ionic agents (Lasser et al. 1997). These generally accepted statements in the radiological
In summary, although the incidence of acute reactions literature related to all patients with an apparent hypersen-
has generally decreased with the widespread use of low- sitivity reaction, but did not separate those with allergic
osmolality agents, severe life threatening reactions may still from those with nonallergic hypersensitivity. Since there are
occur, and the radiology department staff must be trained to no cross-allergic reactions between foods, drugs, and
institute the correct treatment. iodine-based contrast agents, it is more likely that these
conditions are a risk factor for nonallergic hypersensitivity
2.3.2 Previous Contrast Medium Reaction only (Dewachter 2006).
A previous reaction to an iodine-based contrast medium is Allergy to foodstuffs that contain iodine, e.g., seafood,
the most important patient factor predisposing to an acute often causes particular anxiety. However, the available data
hypersensitivity reaction (Bettman et al. 1997). With ionic suggest that allergy to seafood is no more significant than
agents, the risk of a reaction in a patient who had reacted allergy to other foodstuffs (Witten et al. 1973; Shehadi
previously has been stated to be 16–35 % (Witten et al. 1975; Leder 1997).
1973; Shehadi 1975) and to be 11 times greater than the risk Allergy to topical iodine skin preparations is a type of
in a non-reactor (Ansell et al. 1980). In these studies, contact dermatitis and does not seem to predispose to acute
however, the reactions were not evaluated to distinguish idiosyncratic contrast medium reactions (Thomsen and
allergic from nonallergic hypersensitivity. In allergic HS, it Bush 1998).
is to be expected that reinjecting the culprit agent will again
trigger a reaction, since the patient is truly allergic to the 2.3.5 Drugs
agent. In such patients the triggering agent should be Whether b-blockers affect the incidence of idiosyncratic
avoided and a contrast agent to which the patient is not contrast medium reactions is controversial. Greenberger
allergic should be used. In a nonallergic HS reaction, any et al. (1987) reported that neither b-blockers nor calcium
iodine-based contrast agent could trigger this non-specific antagonists, given separately or together, increased the risk
phenomenon and reproduce the initial symptoms. It is of reaction. Subsequently, however, Lang et al. (1991)
therefore very important to characterize acute reactions found that b-blockers did increase the risk of reaction. It is,
precisely using biological and allergological tests so that however, agreed that the use of b-blockers can impair the
appropriate advice can be given before future injections. response to treatment if a reaction does occur (Thomsen and
Bush 1998; Greenberger et al. 1987; Lang et al. 1991).
2.3.3 Asthma Since a large number of patients are receiving b-blockers,
and the probability of a severe reaction is very low, it does
Asthma is a risk factor that is frequently cited. Shehadi not seem warranted to stop beta blocking drugs before
(1975) found that 11 % of asthmatics had a reaction to ionic contrast medium injection.
contrast media, and Ansell et al. (1980) stated that the risk Patients who are receiving or have received interleukin-2
of reaction to ionic agents was increased 5 times in an are at increased risk of adverse events following iodine-based
asthmatic. In patients with asthma, Katayama et al. (1990) contrast media. Some of these adverse events appear to recall
described an 8.5 times increased risk with ionic agents and a the side-effects of interleukin-2 (e.g., fever, nausea, vomit-
5.8 times increased risk with non-ionics. ing, diarrhea, pruritus, and rash) (Zukiwski et al. 1990;
The degree of control of the asthma appears to be more Fishman et al. 1991; Oldham et al. 1991; Choyke et al. 1992).
important than the fact that the patient is an asthmatic Reactions are often late, occurring more than 1 h after con-
(Liccardi et al. 2009). If the asthma is unstable, and the trast medium, but can also occur within the first hour (Choyke
patient has had an attack in the week before the proposed et al. 1992; ‘‘Contrast Media and Interactions with Other
contrast medium injection, the contrast medium injection Drugs and Clinical Tests’’).
should be postponed until the asthma has been stabilized. If
the asthma is stable, however, there is no need to give 2.3.6 Other Factors
additional treatment before contrast medium administration Female gender has been associated with an increased risk of
(Vervloet et al. 2007). acute reactions (Lang et al. 1995; Bettman et al. 1997).
Acute Adverse Reactions to Contrast Media: Mechanisms and Prevention 55
Table 1 Ring and Messmer’s four-grade classification of hypersensitivity reactions gives a more detailed and reproducible documentation of
acute hypersensitivity reactions (Laroche et al. 1998; Idee et al. 2005)
Grade Symptoms Abdomen Respiratory tract Cardiovascular system
I Pruritus, flush, urticaria, angio-
II Pruritus, flush, urticaria, angio- Nausea, Cramping Rhinorrhea, hoarseness, Tachycardia ([20 beats/min), BP change
edema (not mandatory) dyspnoea ([20 mmHg systolic), arrhythmia
III Pruritus, flush, urticaria, angio- Vomiting, Laryngeal edema, Shock
edema (not mandatory) defecation, bronchospasm, cyanosis
IV Pruritus, flush, urticaria, angio- Vomiting, Respiratory arrest Cardiac arrest
edema (not mandatory) defecation,
Ethnicity may also increase the risk of acute reaction, with Alternative contrast agents should also be tested (Dew-
more reactions in the UK occurring in Indians and subjects achter et al. 2009; Torres et al. 2012).
of Mediterranean origin than in the indigenous white pop-
ulation (Ansell et al. 1980).
2.6 Prevention of Acute Hypersensitivity
2.4 Extravascular Administration of Iodine-
Based Contrast Media In patients at increased risk of contrast medium reaction,
especially if there has been a previous reaction to an iodine-
Acute adverse reactions to iodine-based contrast media are based contrast agent, the possibility of obtaining the nec-
almost always associated with intravascular administration. essary diagnostic information from another test, not using
However, there are case reports of hypersensitivity reac- iodine-based contrast medium (e.g., ultrasonography, mag-
tions after administration of iodine-based contrast media netic resonance imaging), must be considered. If iodine-
into body cavities—for example, during cystography, ret- based contrast medium is still considered necessary, the use
rograde pyelography, arthrography, and oral administration of an appropriate contrast medium is essential. The use of
for evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract (Weese et al. premedication remains controversial.
1993; Hugo et al. 1998; Miller 1997; Armstrong et al. Because most severe reactions occur within the first
2005). In such cases, the reaction may occur later than after 20 min after contrast medium injection (Hartman et al.
intravascular injection, because of the time needed for the 1982; Shehadi 1985), patients should remain in the Radi-
contrast medium to enter the circulation. ology Department or in a medical environment for at least
this period (usually 30 min).
the results of skin testing and on other allergological evi- 2.6.3 Premedication: Controversies
dence obtained after the previous reaction. With the ionic agents, the higher risk of reaction and the
stronger evidence for the value of premedication meant that
2.6.2 Premedication: Possible Regimes steroid premedication was widely recommended and used
and Evidence of Their Efficacy (Greenberger et al. 1984; Lasser et al. 1987). With non-
A variety of premedication regimes have been used. Most ionic agents, the use of premedication is more controversial
frequently, steroids with or without additional H1 antihis- and practice is variable (Dawson and Sidhu 1993; Lasser
tamines have been recommended, and other drugs, such as 1994, 1995; Dore et al. 1994, 1995; Lasser and Berry 1994;
ephedrine and H2 antagonists, have also been tried. Seymour et al. 1994; Cohan et al. 1995; Dawson 2005;
With ionic agents, there is good evidence that steroids Radhakrishnan et al. 2005).
reduce the rate of reactions. In a randomized study of 6,763 Since a systematic examination of hypersensitivity
unselected patients, Lasser et al. (1987) showed a reduction reactions with blood and skin tests has not yet been per-
in the incidence of reactions to ionic contrast media from 9 formed, the available literature provides very weak evi-
to 6.4 % when methylprednisolone was given 12 and 2 h dence for using premedication. Anaphylactic shock caused
before the contrast agent. In patients who have previously by true allergic hypersensitivity will never be prevented by
reacted to ionic contrast media, a combination of steroid premedication with antihistamines and steroids. However, a
and H1 antihistamine reduces the repeat reaction rate, mild grade 1 cutaneous nonallergic HS reaction may be
estimated to be 16–35 % without premedication (Witten avoided if antihistamines are given.
et al. 1973; Shehadi 1975). The addition of the H2 antag- After premedication has been given, the radiologist
onist cimetidine to the steroid, antihistamine, and ephedrine should not feel secure (Freed et al. 2001) because only mild
premedication was associated with a higher risk of reaction skin reactions will potentially be avoided. The radiologist
(Greenberger et al. 1985). With the ionic low-osmolality should always be ready to treat the patient if there is a
agent meglumine ioxaglate, Bertrand et al. (1992) found severe adverse reaction, with the drugs and equipment for
that the antihistamine hydroxyzine reduced the risk of treatment readily available and the team trained in resus-
urticaria from 12.5 to 1.0 % in 200 subjects. citation. (‘‘Management of Acute Adverse Reactions to
With the non-ionic, low-osmolality agents, there is less Contrast Media’’).
evidence of the value of premedication, but the available The ACR Committee on Drugs and Contrast Media (2012)
evidence suggests that premedication may further reduce the states that the higher the risk of reaction, the stronger the case
incidence of reactions. In a randomized study of 1,155 that can be made for premedication. The European Society of
unselected patients, Lasser et al. (1994) found a statistically Urogenital Radiology guidelines indicate that opinion on this
significant decrease in the total number of reactions from 4.9 topic is divided, and therefore do not give a directive.
to 1.7 % when patients given non-ionic contrast media were
premedicated with methylprednisolone given 12 and 2 h 2.6.4 Pretesting and Injection Rate
before the contrast agent. The number of moderate and severe The practice of pretesting—giving a small preliminary test
reactions was also less after steroids, but the numbers were dose of contrast medium intravenously before the full dose
small and no statistically significant difference was found. In is given—has been shown to be of no value and is poten-
previous reactors, Greenberger and Patterson (1991) found tially dangerous (Shehadi 1975; Fischer and Doust 1972;
that the combined use of a non-ionic agent together with both Yamaguchi et al. 1991).
prednisone and antihistamine or prednisone, antihistamine, Injection rate does not appear to have any effect on the
and ephedrine reduced the repeat reaction rate to 0.5 % in rate of adverse reactions (Jacobs et al. 1998).
181 patients. In patients who had previously reacted, or who
had a history of allergy or severe cardiopulmonary disease, 2.7 Summary: Iodine-Based Contrast Media
H1 and H2 antagonists reduced the reaction rate to 1.57 % in
1,047 patients, as compared to a reaction rate of 4.37 % in To reduce the risk of an acute reaction to intravascular
those who were not pre-medicated (Fink et al. 1992). iodine-based contrast media, the important measures for all
When steroid premedication is used, the steroids should patients are as follows:
be given at least 12 h before the contrast medium. The • Use non-ionic contrast media.
minimal effective time interval between steroids and con- • Keep the patient in the Radiology Department or in a
trast medium is considered unlikely to be less than 6 h medical environment for 30 min after contrast medium
(Lasser et al. 1987; Morcos et al. 2001). injection.
Acute Adverse Reactions to Contrast Media: Mechanisms and Prevention 57
• Have the drugs and equipment for resuscitation readily 3.2 Risk Factors for Reactions
There is an increased risk of an acute reaction to intra- 3.2.1 Type of Contrast Medium
vascular iodine-based contrast media in patients with a There appears to be no significant difference between the
history of incidence of reactions with the different gadolinium-based
• previous generalized reaction to iodine-based contrast agents, both ionic and non-ionic (Kirchin and Runge 2003;
medium, either moderate (e.g., urticaria, bronchospasm) ‘‘Acute Adverse Reactions to Gadolinium-Based Contrast
or severe (e.g., hypotension, severe bronchospasm, Media’’).
pulmonary edema, cardiovascular collapse, convulsions).
• unstable asthma. 3.2.2 Patient Risk Factors
• an allergy requiring medical treatment. Patients witha history of previous reaction to iodine-based or
In patients with an increased risk of a reaction to intra- gadolinium-based contrast media, or with a history of asthma
vascular iodine-based contrast media or allergy, have an increased risk of acute reaction following
• Consider whether the use of iodine-based contrast med- administration of gadolinium-based contrast media (Nelson
ium is essential and whether another test (e.g., ultraso- et al. 1995; Li et al. 2006; Dillman et al. 2007).
nography, magnetic resonance imaging) would give the
diagnostic information needed.
3.3 Prevention of Reactions
• Consider the use of a different iodine-based agent for
previous reactors to a contrast medium, with the help of
No evidence is available in the literature to indicate what
skin tests performed by an allergist.
measures should be taken to prevent a reaction to gadolin-
• Premedication for previous reactors to iodine-based
ium-based contrast media. The measures to be taken when a
contrast media and high-risk patients remains controver-
patient has previously had a reaction to gadolinium-based
sial and cannot prevent anaphylactic shock.
contrast agent or is considered to be at high risk are therefore
Note: Practice for the use of premedication is vari-
based on principles similar to those for iodine-based contrast
able. If premedication is used, a suitable corticosteroid
agents (see ACR Manual 2012 and Sect. 3.4 below). How-
premedication regime is prednisone 30 mg orally (or
ever, premedication does not prevent all reactions, especially
methylprednisolone 32 mg orally) given 12 and 2 h
the severe ones. Even after corticosteroid and antihistamine
before contrast medium. H1 antihistamines may also be
administration, break-through reactions have occurred after
gadolinium-based contrast agents (Dilman et al. 2008).
Since contrast media administered into body cavities
may reach the circulation in small amounts, take the same
precautions as for intravascular administration (‘‘ESUR 3.4 Summary: Gadolinium-Based Contrast
Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’). Media
• Choose a different gadolinium-based agent to that used Cochran ST, Bomyea K, Sayre JW (2001) Trends in adverse events
when the patient had a previous reaction, after iv administration of contrast media. Am J Roentgenol
• Premedication is, as for iodine-based agents, Cohan RH, Ellis JH, Dunnick NR (1995) Use of low-osmolar agents
controversial. and premedication to reduce the frequency of adverse reactions to
radiographic contrast media: a survey of the society of Uroradi-
ology. Radiology 194:357–364
Davenport MS, Dilman JR, Cohan RH et al (2013) Effect of abrupt
substitution of gadobenate dimeglumine for gadopentetate dimeg-
4 Records of Acute Adverse Reactions lumine on rate of allergic-like reactions. Radiology 266:773–782
(CAVE or Warning) Dawson P (2005) Commentary: repeat survey of current practice
regarding corticosteroid prophylaxis for patients at increased risk
It is very important that acute adverse reactions are properly of adverse reaction to intravascular contrast agents. Clin Radiol
noted in the patient’s records, so that the necessary infor-
Dawson P, Sidhu PS (1993) Is there a role for corticosteroid pro-
mation is available before the next examination and phylaxis in patients at increased risk of adverse reactions to
appropriate precautions can be taken. All reactions which intravascular contrast agents? Clin Radiol 48:225–226
require medical treatment should be recorded, but mild Dewachter P, Laroche D, Mouton-Faivre C, Clement O (2006)
Immediate and late adverse reactions to iodinated contrast media: a
reactions not requiring any treatment should not be recor-
pharmacological point of view. Anti-Inflamm Anti-Allergy Agents
ded, because they may not relate to the contrast medium. Med Chem 5:105–117
The only exception to this would be if a skin test has been Dewachter P, Laroche D, Mouton-Faivre C et al (2009) Immediate
done and shown evidence of allergic hypersensitivity. If reactions following iodinated contrast media injection: a study of
38 cases. Eur J Radiol 77:495–501
minor symptoms, e.g., dizziness or nausea, which may be
Dilman JR, Ellis JH, Cohan RC (2007) Frequency and severity of
due to the examination and not the contrast agent, are acute allergic-like reactions to gadolinium-containing IV contrast
recorded, the patient may in future be denied a clinically media in children and adults. Am J Roentgenol 189:1533–1538
important enhanced examination. Dilman JR, Ellis JH, Cohan RH et al (2008) Allergic like breakthrough
reactions after corticosteroid and antihistamine premedication. Am
J Roentgenol 190:187–190
Dore CJ, Sidhu PS, Dawson P (1994) Is there a role for corticosteroid
prophylaxis in patients at increased risk of adverse reactions to
References intravascular contrast agents? Clin Radiol 49:583–584
Dore CJ, Sidhu PS, Dawson P (1995) Is there a role for corticosteroid
prophylaxis in patients at increased risk of adverse reactions to
ACR Committee on Drugs and Contrast Media (2012) ACR Manual
intravascular contrast agents? Clin Radiol 50:198–199
on Contrast Media version 8.0. ISBN: 978-1-55903-009-0
Eloy R, Corot C, Belleville J (1991) Contrast media for angiography:
Ansell G, Tweedle MCK, West CR et al (1980) The current status of
physicochemical properties, pharmacokinetics and biocompatibil-
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Armstrong PA, Pazona JF, Schaeffer AJ (2005) Anaphylactoid
contrast media with special regard to high-risk patients. Eur Radiol
reaction after retrograde pyelography despite preoperative steroid
preparation. Urology 66:880
Fischer HW, Doust VL (1972) An evaluation of pretesting in the
Azzouz M, Rømsing J, Thomsen HS (2013) Acute non-renal adverse
problem of serious and fatal reactions to excretory urography.
events after unenhanced and enhanced CT and MR. Open J Clin
Radiology 103:497–501
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Fishman JE, Aberle DR, Moldawer NP et al (1991) Atypical contrast
Bertrand PR, Soyer PM, Rouleau PJ et al (1992) Comparative
reactions associated with systemic interleukin-2 therapy. Am J
randomised double-blind study of hydroxyzine versus placebo as
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premedication before injection of iodinated contrast media. Radi-
Freed KS, Leder RA, Alexander C et al (2001) Breakthrough adverse
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reactions to low-osmolar contrast media after steroid premedica-
Bettman MA, Heeren T, Greenfield A, Gondey C (1997) Adverse
tion. Am J Roentgenol 176:1389–1392
events with radiographic contrast agents: results of the SCVIR
Greenberger PA, Patterson R (1991) The prevention of immediate
contrast agent registry. Radiology 203:611–620
generalised reactions to radiocontrast media in high- risk patients.
Brockow K, Romano A, Aberer W et al (2009) Skin testing in patients
J Allergy Clin Immunol 87:867–872
with hypersensitivity reactions to iodinated contrast media—a
Greenberger PA, Patterson R, Radin RR (1984) Two pre-treatment
European multicenter study. Allergy 64:234–241
regimens for high-risk patients receiving radiographic contrast
Bush WH, Swanson DP (1991) Acute reactions to intravascular
media. J Allergy Clin Immunol 74:540–543
contrast media: types, risk factors, recognition and specific
Greenberger PA, Patterson R, Tapio CM (1985) Prophylaxis against
treatment. Am J Roentgenol 157:1153–1161
repeated radiocontrast media reactions in 857 cases. Arch Intern
Caro JJ, Trindade E, McGregor M (1991) The risks of death and severe
Med 145:2197–2200
nonfatal reactions with high-versus low- osmolality contrast media:
Greenberger PA, Meyers SN, Kramer BL et al (1987) Effects of beta-
a meta-analysis. Am J Roentgenol 156:825–832
adrenergic and calcium antagonists on the development of
Choyke PL, Dl Miller, Lotze MT et al (1992) Delayed reactions to
anaphylactoid reactions from radiographic contrast media.
contrast media after interleukin-2 immunotherapy. Radiology
J Allergy Clin Immunol 80:698–702
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Hartman GW, Hattery RR, Witten DM, Williamson B (1982) Leder R (1997) Letter. Am J Roentgenol 169:906–907
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Iodine-Based Contrast Medium Temperature
and Adverse Reactions
Henrik S. Thomsen
Contents Abstract
Warming changes the bolus kinetics of iodine-based
1 Viscosity ................................................................................ 61 contrast media and the pressure needed to inject them. It
2 Acute Adverse Reactions and Heated may also reduce the rate of acute non-renal adverse
Contrast Medium................................................................. 62 reactions.
3 Conclusion ............................................................................ 62
References...................................................................................... 62
1 Viscosity
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 61
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_880, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
62 H. S. Thomsen
There is speculation that both osmolality and viscosity can injections of iopamidol 300 but was associated with a sig-
affect kidney toxicity, contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN), nificant reduction in extravasation and overall adverse event
because the contrast agents can be heavily concentrated in the rates for the more viscous iopamidol 370. The authors did
renal tubules during excretion (Seeliger et al. 2012). not have any data which allowed the evaluation of the effect
of extrinsic contrast media warming on patient comfort or
physiological adverse events, such as nausea or a sensation
2 Acute Adverse Reactions and Heated of warmth.
Contrast Medium
Contents Abstract
This chapter describes the optimal first-line treatment of
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 63 acute non-renal adverse reactions to contrast media.
2 Risk Factors for Acute Reactions to Iodine-Based These reactions are infrequent and often occur unex-
Contrast Media .................................................................... 64 pectedly. Prompt and effective treatment is very impor-
3 Acute Adverse Reactions .................................................... 64 tant and requires knowledge, training, and preparation.
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 63
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_881, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
64 H. S. Thomsen
They surveyed radiologists’ knowledge about the manage- (Katayama et al. 1990). The potential risks of the procedure
ment of severe contrast-material-induced allergic reactions. should be explained to the patient, and the resuscitation
No radiologist gave the ideal response, but 41 % provided team should be present when the contrast medium is given
an acceptable drug administration route, concentration, and (Morcos et al. 2001) (Resuscitation Council (UK) 2008).
dose. Only 11 % knew which concentration of epinephrine Reactions can be divided into mild, moderate, and severe.
was available in their drug kit and/or crash cart and which The mild reactions include flushing, nausea, arm pain,
equipment would be required to administer it to a patient. A pruritus, vomiting, headache, and mild urticaria. They are
poorly managed resuscitation situation and adverse outcome usually of short duration and self-limiting, and generally
will be costly to practice as well as the individual in terms require no specific treatment. Moderate reactions include
of financial loss and professional respect. All radiologists more serious degrees of the above symptoms and/or mod-
should be prepared to give immediate treatment for acute erate degrees of hypotension and bronchospasm. They
contrast medium reactions. Therefore, first-line manage- usually respond readily to appropriate treatment. Severe
ment should be simple and suitable for the current era when life-threatening reactions include severe manifestations of
acute adverse reactions are rare. The subsequent manage- all the symptoms included under mild and moderate reac-
ment of severe adverse reactions including administration tions in addition to symptoms such as convulsions, uncon-
of second-line drugs should be handled by the resuscitation sciousness, laryngeal edema, pulmonary edema, cardiac
team. dysrhythmias and arrest, and cardiovascular and pulmonary
collapse (Grainger 1997).
The discussion of risk factors and incidence refer to iodine- An acute adverse reaction is defined as an adverse event that
based contrast agents about which much more data is occurs within 60 min of an injection of contrast medium.
available. A history of previous moderate or severe adverse Most anaphylactic reactions occur within 20 min after intra-
reaction to iodine-based contrast media is an important risk venous injection. Acute adverse reactions may occur despite
factor (Katayama et al. 1990; Morcos et al. 2001). In premedication (Dilman et al. 2008; Davenport et al. 2009).
Katayama al.’s (1990) series of over 330,000 patients, there
was a six-fold increase in reactions to both ionic and non-
ionic contrast media following a previous severe adverse 4 Incidence of Acute Reactions
reaction. Asthma is also an important risk factor with a to Iodine-Based Contrast Media
reported six- to ten-fold increase in the risk of a severe
reaction in such patients (Katayama al. 1990). Patients Mild adverse reactions are encountered in as many as 15 %
treated with interleukin-2 are at increased risk of adverse of patients after intravenous ionic, high osmolality, iodine-
reactions to contrast media, whereas whether or not ß- based contrast agents (1,000–2,000 mOsm kg-1H2O) and
adrenergic blockers affect the incidence of idiosyncratic up to 3 % of patients after non-ionic, low-osmolality con-
contrast medium reactions is controversial (Greenberger trast media (500–1,000 mOsm kg-1H2O). Severe and very
et al. 1987; Oldham et al. 1990; Fishman et al. 1991; Lang severe reactions occur much less frequently, with an inci-
et al. 1991, 1993; Choyke et al. 1992; Vervloet and Durham dence of 0.22 and 0.04 % (respectively) in patients after
1998; Taylor 1998). Greenberger et al. (1987) reported that intravenous high-osmolality contrast media and 0.04 and
neither ß-blockers nor calcium antagonists given separately 0.004 % in patients after low-osmolality contrast media.
or together increased the risk of reaction. Subsequently, Thus, the incidence of contrast reactions with low-osmo-
however, Lang et al. (1991, 1993) found that ß-blockers did lality contrast media is lower than with high-osmolality
increase the risk of reaction. Today, ß-adrenergic blockers contrast media by a factor of 5 for mild reactions and by a
are seldom stopped before giving intravascular contrast factor of 10 for severe reactions. Fatal reactions to both
medium (Morcos et al. 2001). types of contrast media are exceedingly rare (1:170,000),
In patients who have had a previous severe reaction to with no difference in mortality reported between the two
iodine-based contrast medium, most radiologists avoid types of agent (Katayama et al. 1990; Thomsen and Dorph
giving intravascular contrast media if at all possible (Mor- 1993; Thomsen and Bush 1998). In a retrospective study,
cos et al. 2001). If the examination is considered essential, Hunt et al. (2009) found that medical treatment was nec-
non-ionic contrast media are the agents of choice on the essary after 0.026 % of 298,492 intravenous injections of an
basis of the evidence in the literature that with non-ionic iodine-based contrast medium and after 0.009 % of the
agents the risk of reaction is reduced by a factor of 4–5 158,439 injections of a gadolinium-based contrast medium.
Management of Acute Adverse Reactions 65
Adverse reactions to drugs are generally classified into The vast majority of patients with severe anaphylactoid type
those that occur only in susceptible subjects and those that reactions recover if they are treated quickly and appropri-
may occur in anyone. Reactions occurring in susceptible ately. Most patients have reactions while they are still in the
subjects include drug intolerance (low threshold to the radiology department, and 94–100 % of severe and fatal
normal pharmacological action of a drug), drug idiosyn- reactions occur within 20 min of the contrast medium
crasy (a genetically determined, qualitatively abnormal injection (Shehadi 1985). The ability to assess and treat the
reaction to a drug related to metabolic or enzyme contrast reaction effectively is an essential skill that the
deficiency), drug allergy (an immunologically mediated radiologist should have and maintain. The first-line drugs
reaction, characterized by specificity, prior exposure, and equipment should be readily available in rooms in
transferability by antibodies or lymphocytes, and recurrence which either iodine- or gadolinium-based contrast agents
on re-exposure), and pseudoallergic reactions which are are injected, and a list of recommended drugs and equip-
similar to allergic reactions but lack immunological speci- ment is given in ‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast
ficity (non-specific complement activation and non-specific Media Version 8.1’’. A survey has shown that most
histamine release mimicking type 1 allergic reactions) departments have these items available (Morcos et al.
(Stacul 1999). 2001).
Although some reactions are difficult to categorize, most The radiologist should remain near the patient for at least
non-renal side effects of intravascular contrast media are the first critical minutes following contrast medium injec-
considered idiosyncratic or pseudoallergic reactions. tion and should remain in the immediate vicinity for the
They are unpredictable and not dose-dependent, and may next 30–45 min. If there is an increased risk of an adverse
involve the release of histamine and other active biological reaction, venous access should be left in place.
mediators such as serotonin, prostaglandins, bradykinin, Important first-line management includes establishment
Leukotrienes, adenosine, and endothelin (Almen 1994). of an adequate airway, oxygen supplementation, adminis-
Activation and inhibition of several enzyme systems have tration of intravascular physiological fluids, and measuring
also been implicated. There is no conclusive evidence to the blood pressure and heart rate. Talking to the patient as
indicate that reactions to iodine-based contrast media are you check their pulse rate provides useful initial informa-
allergic in nature since antibodies against contrast media tion: breathing is assessed, the possibility of a vagal reaction
including IgE have not been consistently demonstrated (bradycardia) is determined, and a rough estimate of sys-
(Almen 1994; Siegle 1999; Laroche et al. 1998). tolic pressure is obtained (a palpable radial artery pulse
Chemotoxic-type effects may also occur and are deter- approximates to a systolic pressure of 80–90 mmHg).
mined by dose, the molecular toxicity of each agent, and the
physiological characteristics of the contrast agents (i.e.,
osmolality, viscosity, hydrophilicity, affinity to proteins, 6.1 Drugs, Fluid, and Oxygen
calcium-binding properties, and sodium content). Chemo-
toxic effects of iodine-based contrast media are more likely The first-line drugs and most important emergency equip-
to occur in patients who are debilitated or medically ment (‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’)
unstable. High osmolality (osmotoxicity) causes shift of should be available either in or just outside the room where
fluids from the intracellular to the extracellular space, contrast media are given.
leading to cell dehydration and an increase in intracellular
fluid viscosity precipitating cellular dysfunction (Almen 6.1.1 Oxygen
1994; Siegle 1999). Low hydrophilicity may reduce the Oxygen by mask at relatively high rate (6–10 l min-1) is
biological tolerance to iodine-based contrast media since it very important in the initial treatment of all severe reactions
is associated with an increase in lipophilicity and higher to intravascular contrast media and for other emergencies
affinity of the contrast medium molecule to plasma proteins unrelated to contrast media that occur in the radiology
and the cell membrane. High hydrophilicity of non-ionic department or angiography suite (e.g., vagal reaction,
contrast media is produced by hydroxyl (-OH) groups which hypotension, cardiac ischemia). Hypoxia can be a major
are symmetrically distributed, thereby offering a good complicating factor in all these situations, and can be
coverage of the benzene ring and restricting access to induced by drugs such as adrenaline used for treating reac-
lipophilic areas of the iodinated contrast molecule (Bon- tions. A ‘‘non-rebreather’’ mask is optimal; nasal ‘‘prongs’’
nemann et al. 1990; Almen 1994; Siegle 1999). are much less effective and should be avoided in an acute
66 H. S. Thomsen
situation for preventing hypoxemia. Oxygen should be used and hypotension (Entman and Mosie 1984). Because uterine
for all patients; a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary vessels are sensitive to the a-effect of adrenaline, the
disease or emphysema is not a contraindication to start combination of hypotension plus adrenaline can cause
oxygen therapy for an acute reaction. harmful sequelae to the fetus. Ephedrine is a possible
6.1.2 Intravascular Fluid Administration Only one concentration (1:1,000) of adrenaline should be
Intravascular fluid administration is very important, and it available in the radiology department to avoid confusion
alone has been reported to be the most effective treatment under stressful emergency conditions, where ampoules of
for hypotension (van Sonnenberg et al. 1987). Starting different concentrations can be misidentified. The 1:1,000
intravenous fluid early before drug treatment is the highest preparations should be given intramuscularly only. Intra-
priority in treating hypotension. There is no evidence to venous administration of adrenaline by inexperienced staff
support the use of colloids over crystalloids in this setting. can be dangerous. The intramuscular route has several
For initial resuscitation, 0.9 % saline is a suitable fluid. benefits: (1) there is a greater margin of safety (2) it does
not require intravenous access, and (3) the intramuscular
6.1.3 Adrenaline route is easier to learn. The best site for intramuscular
Adrenaline is an effective drug for treating certain serious injection is the anterolateral aspect of the middle third of the
contrast medium reactions. Although there are no random- thigh. The needle used for injection needs to be sufficiently
ized controlled trials, adrenaline is a logical treatment long to ensure that the adrenaline is injected into the muscle
(Resuscitation Council (UK) 2008). There is consistent (Resuscitation Council (UK) 2008). Dilution of adrenaline
anecdotal evidence supporting its use to ease breathing for intravenous use is time consuming and delays treatment.
difficulty and restore adequate cardiac output. The a-agonist Only 43 % of the participants in an Australian audit knew
effects of adrenaline increase blood pressure and reverse the recommended dose of adrenaline (Bartlett and Bynevelt
peripheral vasodilatation. The vasoconstriction induced 2003). This reinforces the need for a standard dose such as
decreases angioedema and urticaria. The b-agonist actions 0.5 mg in adults and 0.3 mg in children between 6- and 12-
of adrenaline reverse bronchoconstriction, produce positive years old (‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media
inotropic and chronotropic cardiac effects (increase in Version 8.1’’). Below 6 years of age, the Resuscitation
strength and rate of cardiac contractions), and may increase Council in UK (2008) recommends 0.15 mg. If there is no
intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) improvement in the patient’s condition, the intramuscular
(Smith and Corbascio 1970; Hoffman and Lefkowitz 1990). adrenaline dose can be repeated at about 5 min intervals by
Increments in baseline cyclic AMP levels are generally non-specialists if the specialist resuscitation team has not
considered to inhibit mediator release from inflammatory arrived.
cells. There are b-2 adrenergic receptors on mast cells that
inhibit activation. 6.1.4 H2 Antihistamines and H2 Receptor
The use of adrenaline demands careful attention (Bush Blockers
and Swanson 1991). For example, in individuals with a H2 antihistamines and H2 receptor blockers have a limited
fragile intracerebral or coronary circulation, the a-agonist role in treating contrast media reactions. They are used
effects of a large dose of adrenaline may provoke a primarily to reduce symptoms from skin reactions.
hypertensive crisis that could cause a stroke or myocardial
ischemia (Barach et al. 1984). b-receptor sites usually 6.1.5 Corticosteroids
respond to lower doses of adrenaline than a-sites, but if a High-dose intravenous corticosteroids do not play a role in
patient is on b-blockers, the refractory response that may the first-line treatment of the acute adverse reaction. How-
occur might encourage the radiologist to increase the dose ever, very high doses of corticosteroids may have an
of adrenaline to the point that there are unwanted a-effects. immediate stabilizing effect on cell membranes and may be
Patients with chronic asthma may simulate patients used in the second-line treatment. Standard doses can be
receiving b-blockers since they may have a systemic effective in reducing delayed recurrent symptoms, which
b-adrenergic hyporesponsiveness. When chronic asthmatics can be observed for as long as 48 h after an initial reaction.
develop an anaphylaxis-like reaction with asthmatic symp- It takes 6 h before corticosteroids are fully active (Lasser
toms requiring b-receptor stimulation, one option is to use et al. 1977; Gillenberger et al. 1986).
isoproterenol as the primary adrenergic drug, combined
with more conservative doses of adrenaline (Ingall et al. 6.1.6 Inhaled b-2 Adrenergic Agonists
1984; Bush 1996). Inhaled b-2 adrenergic agonists such as albuterol, metap-
When possible, adrenaline should be avoided for treating roterenol, and terbutaline deliver large doses of bronchod-
a pregnant patient with a severe contrast medium reaction ilating b-2 agonist drugs directly to the airways with
Management of Acute Adverse Reactions 67
2008; Project Team of The Resuscitation Council (UK) Bartlett MJ, Bynevelt M (2003) Acute contrast reaction management
1999; Hughes and Fitzharris 1999). by radiologists: a local audit study. Austr Radiol 47:363–367
Berden HJJM, Willems FF, Hendrick JMA et al (1993) How
Hypoxia increases the risk of severe cardiac arrhythmias. frequently should basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation training
Also, the amount of adrenaline should be limited in patients be repeated to maintain adequate skills? Br J Med
who are receiving non-cardioselective b-blocking medica- 306:1576–1577
tions (e.g., propranolol) as discussed above. Adrenaline Bonnemain B, Meyer D, Schaffer M, Dugast-Zrihen M (1990) New
iodinated low osmolar contrast media. A revised concept of
should be avoided, if possible, in a pregnant patient expe- hydrophilicity. Invest Radiol 25(Suppl):S104–S106
riencing an anaphylactoid reaction with hypotension. When Brown JH (1990) Atropine, scopolamine and antimuscarinic. In:
adrenaline is contraindicated, bronchospasm can be treated Gilman AG, Rall TW, Nies AS, Taylor P (eds) The pharmacolog-
with a b-2 agonist inhaler (b-2 with no a-effects). ical basis of therapeutics. Pergamon, New York, pp 150–165
Bush WH (1996) Risk factors, prophylaxis and therapy of X-ray
contrast media reactions. Adv X-Ray Contrast 3:44–53
Bush WH, Swanson DP (1991) Acute reactions to intravascular
7 Serum Tryptase Measurement contrast media: types, risk factors, recognition, and specific
after Acute Reactions to Contrast treatment. Am J Roentgenol 157:1153–1161
Agents Bush WH, McClennan BL, Swanson DP (1993) Contrast media
reactions: prediction, prevention, and treatment. Postgrad Radiol
During anaphylaxis, tryptase is released from the mast cells Chamberlain DA, Turner P, Sneddon JM (1967) Effects of atropine on
into the blood. Blood tryptase levels peak at 1–2 h, and heart-rate in healthy man. Lancet 2:12–15
decline rapidly with a 2 h half-life. Whether or not collapse Choyke PL, Miller DL, Leder MT et al (1992) Delayed reactions to
after contrast medium represented an anaphylactoid reaction contrast media after interleukin-2 immunotherapy. Radiology
may be important to future care of the patient. The UK Cohan RH, Leder RA, Ellis JH (1996) Treatment of adverse reactions
Resuscitation Council recommends that blood samples for to radiographic contrast media in adults. Radiol Clin North Am
tryptase are taken following suspected anaphylaxis, so that the 34:1055–1060
diagnosis can be established. The minimum recommendation Davenport MS, Cohan RH, Caoili EM, Ellis JH (2009) Repeat contrast
medium reactions in premedicated patients: frequency and severity.
is one sample 1–2 h after the reaction. Ideally, three samples Radiology 253:372–379
should be obtained—the first once resuscitation is underway, Dillman JR, Ellis J, Cohan RH et al (2008) Allergic-Like breakthrough
the second at 1–2 h after the reaction, and the third at 24 h or reactions to Gd contrast agents after corticosteroid and antihista-
during convalescence (Resuscitation Council (UK) 2008). mine premedication. AJR Am J Roentgenol 190:187–190
Emergency Cardiac Care Committee and Subcommittees (1992)
American Heart Association. Guidelines for cardiopulmonary
resuscitation and emergency cardiac care, III: adult advanced
8 Be Prepared cardiac life support. JAMA 268:2199–2241
Entman SS, Moise KJ (1984) Anaphylaxis in pregnancy. South Med J
Prompt recognition and treatment can be invaluable in 77:402
blunting an adverse response of a patient to iodine- or Fishman J, Aberle D, Moldawer N et al (1991) Atypical contrast
reactions associated with systemic interleukin-2 therapy. Am J
gadolinium-based contrast agents and may prevent a reac- Roentgenol 156:833–834
tion from becoming severe or even life threatening. Radi- Gillenberger PA, Halwig TM, Patterson R et al (1986) Emergency
ologists and their staff should review treatment protocols administration of a radiocontrast media in high risk patients.
regularly (e.g., at 6–12 monthly intervals) so that each can J Allergy Clin Immunol 77:630–635
Grainger RG (1997) Intravascular contrast media. In: Grainger RG,
accomplish his or her role efficiently (Gillenberger et al. Allison D (eds) Grainger and Allison’s diagnostic radiology: a
1986; Bush and Swanson 1991; Emergency Cardiac Care textbook of medical imaging. Churchill Livingstone, New York,
Committee and Subcommittees 1992; Berden et al. 1993; pp 40–41
Bush et al. 1993; Cohan et al. 1996; Bartlett and Bynevelt Greenberger PA, Meyers SN, Kramer BL et al (1987) Effects of beta-
adrenergic and calcium antagonists on the development of
2003). Knowledge, training, and preparation are crucial for anaphylactoid reactions from radiographic contrast media.
guaranteeing appropriate and effective treatment if there is J Allergy Clin Immunol 80:698–702
an adverse contrast-related event. Hoffman BB, Lefkowitz RJ (1990) Catecholamines and sympathom-
imetic drugs. In: Gilman AG, Rall TW, Nies AS, Taylor P (eds)
The pharmacological basis of therapeutics. Pergamon, New York,
References pp 192–198
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guidelines emphasize importance of intramuscular adrenaline. Br
Almen T (1994) The etiology of contrast medium reactions. Invest Med J 319:1–2
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Barach EM, Nowak RM, Tennyson GL, Tomlanovich MC (1984) adverse effects of iodinated and gadolinium contrast materials:
Epinephrine for treatment of anaphylactic shock. JAMA retrospective review of 456,930 doses. AJR Am J Roentgenol
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Ingall M, Goldman G, Page LB (1984) Beta-blockade in stinging Project Team of the Resuscitation Council (UK) (1999) Emergency
insect anaphylaxis (letter). JAMA 251:1432 medical treatment of anaphylactic reactions. J Accid Emerg Med
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to ionic and nonionic contrast media. Radiology 175:621–628 Resuscitation Council (UK) (2008) Emergency treatment of anaphy-
Lalli AF (1980) Contrast media reactions: data analysis and hypoth- lactic reactions.
esis. Radiology 134:1–12 Shehadi WH (1985) Death following intravascular administration of
Lang DM, Alpern MB, Visintainer PF, Smith ST (1991) Increased risk contrast media. Acta Radiol Diagn 26:457–461
for anaphylactoid reaction from contrast media in patients on ß- Siegle RL (1999) Mechanisms of reactions to contrast media. In:
adrenergic blockers with asthma. Ann Intern Med 115:270–276 Dawson P, Cosgrove DO, Grainger RG (eds) Textbook of contrast
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of anaphylactoid reaction from radiographic contrast media is Smith NT, Corbascio A (1970) The use and misuse of pressor agents.
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Part III
Iodine- and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media:
Renal Adverse Reactions
Chronic Kidney Disease, Serum Creatinine
and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)
Georg M. Bongartz and Henrik S. Thomsen
Contents Abstract
Because of the nephrotoxicity of iodine-based contrast
1 History and Initiatives ........................................................ 73 media and the more recently accepted role of gadolin-
2 Indicators of Chronic Kidney Disease .............................. 74 ium-based contrast media in the etiology of nephrogenic
systemic fibrosis, the renal function of patients under-
3 Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease ..................................... 74
going contrast enhanced imaging studies must be known
4 Laboratory Testing for Renal Insufficiency ..................... 74 so that, if necessary, appropriate preventive measures
4.1 Exogenous Markers ............................................................... 75
can be taken. The risk of these two adverse reactions
4.2 Endogenous Markers ............................................................. 75
4.3 Serum Creatinine-Based Assessment of Glomerular increases with decreasing glomerular filtration rate,
Filtration Rate ........................................................................ 76 which cannot be measured directly. Measurement of
5 When Should Serum Creatinine Be Measured serum creatinine with calculation of the glomerular
and eGFR Calculated?........................................................ 78 filtration rate is used to identify at-risk patients. The
5.1 Questionnaires........................................................................ 78 possible methods for measuring renal function using
6 Conclusion ............................................................................ 79 laboratory tests and the various equations for estimating
glomerular filtration rate are reviewed, and question-
References...................................................................................... 79
naires to replace serum creatinine measurement in
outpatients at low risk are discussed.
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 73
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_882, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
74 G. M. Bongartz and H. S. Thomsen
of clear nomenclature and staging of kidney disease. The stable and non-progressive. In the early stages of CKD,
US based National Kidney Foundation (NKF) took the first some patients have subclinical disease with normal labo-
steps by focusing on outcome research and guidelines at a ratory tests, but are still at increased risk for secondary
national level, which led in 1997 to the ‘‘National Kidney cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease. Their CKD may
Foundation Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative’’ not be detected until their laboratory tests become abnor-
(NKF K/DOQI) (Steinberg et al. 2000). In 2002, K/DOQI mal. Patients with subclinical CKD do not necessarily
published a guideline on the definition, classification and progress to renal failure and hemodialysis but they need
evaluation of chronic kidney disease (CKD), which was specific care when they are given potentially nephrotoxic
refined recently (National Kidney Foundation 2012). medication such as iodine-based contrast agents. Prognosis
At an international level, the Kidney Disease Improving directly correlates with the stage of disease at the time of
Global Outcome (KDIGO) was founded in 2003, to har- diagnosis and it is very important to recognize early CKD in
monize strategy and prepare global guidelines for renal order to prevent progressive disease, or at least to delay
failure prevention, diagnosis and treatment (Eknoyan et al. complications.
2004). The original staging system for chronic kidney dis- CKD encompasses a variety of clinical states, including
ease was recently refined by KDIGO (CKD Work Group normal, elevated or reduced eGFR. The cut-off eGFR value
2013). for diagnosing CKD is 90 ml min1 1.73m-2, and all eGFR
measurements less than this indicate renal insufficiency.
However, renal damage may exist with normal or even with
2 Indicators of Chronic Kidney Disease high eGFR values. When eGFR is normal, risk factors, such
as proteinuria and hypertension, or abnormal imaging
Raised serum creatinine, proteinuria and hypertension are findings may indicate early CKD. Proteinuria is defined as a
all related, either directly or indirectly, to chronic renal urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) [30 mg g-1
disease. Proteinuria is correlated to kidney injury, while (Levey et al. 2009).
raised serum creatinine, or data derived from it, such as a In 2008, the National Institute for Health and Clinical
decreased estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR), Excellence introduced a classification of CKD into five
indicate impaired renal function. These indicators can occur stages. This was subsequently updated by dividing CKD 3
separately or together. Hypertension may be the cause or the into stages A and B (Table 1). In the 2013 position paper,
result of kidney disease (Levin et al. 2001; Weiner et al. K/DOQI recommended a similar classification, which is
2004), and kidney disease is listed as an independent risk now used world-wide (CKD Work Group 2013).
factor for cardiovascular disease in a position statement of
the American Heart Association.
Laboratory tests, such as serum creatinine (s-creatinine) 4 Laboratory Testing for Renal
measurement, provide a straightforward method for Insufficiency
assessing renal function and for staging renal disease.
Glomerular filtration can be estimated from s-creatinine In renal insufficiency the kidney does not excrete water and
together with various individual factors, such as age, weight the products of metabolism appropriately. The causes may
and gender, to provide the eGFR, which is the current be pre-renal, if the renal vascular supply is impaired, renal,
recommended method for staging kidney disease. The uri- if there is intrinsic renal disease, or post-renal, if there is
nary excretion of proteins, particularly albuminuria, and the obstruction to the passage of urine through the excretory
degree of hypertension also give an indication of the stage system. As a result, excess water, salts and other metabolic
of renal failure. end products are retained in the blood, which upsets met-
A system including all these criteria would be ideal for abolic balance and may affect many organs. Also, renal
differentiating the various degrees of CKD, but eGFR is disease affects hematopoiesis by a hormonal mechanism.
currently in general use because it is simple and is univer- Renal insufficiency tends to worsen steadily over time.
sally accepted. While in the early stages symptoms may be absent or only
mild, in the advanced stages many critical body functions
are affected and the condition may become life-threatening.
3 Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease Subclinical disease can be diagnosed by laboratory testing,
either of blood or of urine. Although optimal correlation of
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) includes many abnormalities the diagnostic test with the stage of disease involves anal-
of renal microstructure or renal function, which are some- ysis of a 24 h urine sample, simple blood tests are easier to
times related. It most often progresses over time, but may be perform.
Chronic Kidney Disease, Serum Creatinine and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) 75
Table 1 Stages of chronic kidney disease according to National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2008)
Stages GFR (ml min-1 1.73 m-2) Description
1 C90 Normal or increased GFR, with other evidence of kidney damage
2 60–89 Slight decrease in GFR, with other evidence of kidney damage
3A 45–59 Moderate decrease in GFR, with or without other evidence of kidney damage
3B 30–44
4 15–29 Severe decrease in GFR, with or without other evidence of kidney damage
5 \15 Established renal failure including on dialysis
Natural aging causes decreased renal function. The first used and is available in Europe, but not in some countries,
sclerotic glomeruli can be seen by light-microscopy from for example the USA. 99mTc-DTPA can also be used. Small
the age of 18 years, but because of ‘‘activation’’ of sleeping amounts of radioactive and non-radioactive iodine-based
glomeruli, the glomerular filtration rate does not decrease contrast media, too little for radiographic imaging, may also
on average before the age of 40 years provided that reasons be used. However, isotope methods are also cumbersome
other than aging are not present. From approximately and impractical for daily use in patients undergoing
40 years, renal function decreases slowly and at the age of enhanced CT or MRI.
70 years, more than 25 % of people have a glomerular fil-
tration rate less than 60 ml min1 1.73 m-2.
4.2 Endogenous Markers
if so, whether they require volume expansion before the Table 2 ACR and ESUR questionnaires on renal status (for iodine-
contrast medium (‘‘Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy’’ based contrast media)
(CIN)). Exact cut-off values or standardized algorithms, ACR questionnaire (ACR Committee on Drugs and
based on kidney function, to calculate the dosage of neph- Contrast Media, 2012)
rotoxic medication, such as iodine-based contrast media, Age [60
cannot be derived from s-creatinine without taking other History of renal disease, including:
factors into account. The frequently quoted cut-off value of Dialysis
132 lmol l-1 (1.5 mg dl-1) s-creatinine may be suitable Kidney transplant
for a ‘‘standard’’ mature patient but is not applicable to Single kidney
elderly or very sick patients. Elderly patients with s-creat-
Renal cancer
inine below 132 lmol l-1 (1.5 mg dl-1) often have a glo-
Renal surgery
merular filtration rate below 60 ml min1 1.73 m-2, while in
patients aged 20 years, this GFR level only occurs in one History of hypertension requiring medical therapy
out of 20. Also, serum creatinine becomes abnormal when History of diabetes mellitus
there is a 50–60 % reduction in GFR.
ESUR questionnaire (‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media
Version 8.1’’)
4.2.2 Cystatin C
More than 15 years ago Cystatin C was proposed as an Diabetes mellitus
alternative endogenous marker for testing renal function. It History of renal disease
is a small protein molecule which is continually produced Previous renal surgery
by all nucleated cells at a constant rate, independent of History of proteinuria
muscle mass, sex, and age. It is freely filtered in the Hypertension
glomeruli and is secondarily reabsorbed, but then is com- Gout
pletely catabolized in the tubular cells. Cystatin C is a
Most recent measurement of serum creatinine (value/date)
reliable marker for GFR, especially in the early stages of
Medication with nephrotoxic drugs
CKD, but measuring it is more expensive than serum cre-
atinine measurement and the test procedure is less stan-
dardized. Recently, further improvement in the
measurement of GFR in pediatric patients was achieved
4.3.1 The Cockcroft-Gault Equation
The Cockcroft-Gault equation is the oldest formula for
using both the serum Cystatin C and creatinine levels
calculating creatinine clearance. It is based on laboratory
(Bouvet et al. 2006; Herget-Rosenthal et al. 2007).
data derived from 249 male inpatients who had creatinine
clearances varying between 30 and 130 ml min-1. The
equation includes weight, age and sex, but does not include
4.3 Serum Creatinine-Based Assessment
the Body Mass Index (BMI). eGFR is generally slightly
of Glomerular Filtration Rate
overestimated because the equation does not include tubular
secretion (Cockcroft and Gault 1976) and because the
The estimated GFR (eGFR) gives an approximation of the
muscle mass of the patients included was less than in the
actual GFR from a standard s-creatinine measurement by
general population.
using a mathematical formula which takes into account
patient factors which affect renal function, such as age, sex
and weight. This method is suitable for outpatients and
4.3.2 The MDRD Equation
The MDRD equation Modification of Diet in Renal
emergency situations (Table 2).
Disease (MDRD) is based on a multicenter trial on the
Various different equations have been proposed: the
effect of dietary protein restriction and blood pressure
Cockcroft-Gault formula (Cockcroft and Gault 1976), the
control on the progression of renal disease (Klahr et al.
MDRD formula (Levey et al. 1999), the CKD-EPI formula
1994, Levey et al. 1999). More than 1,500 patients were
(Levey et al. 2009), and for children the Schwartz formula
included with the aim of developing a formula which would
(Schwartz et al. 1976) and the Counahan-Barratt formula
estimate GFR correctly. Several variants exist, but the
(Counahan et al. 1976). Radiologists have still not agreed
so-called ‘‘4-variables’’-MDRD formula (MDRD-short) is
about which equation should be used to calculate eGFR
the most frequently used clinically. It includes age, sex,
(White et al. 2008; Soliman et al. 2013), but CKD-EPI is the
s-creatinine and ethnic group (white/black), based on the
current preferred measurement in adults, particularly in the
differences in muscle mass in the different groups. The
USA. The various formulae to be used in adults can be
longer variant of the MDRD formula (MDRD long) also
found in Table 3.
Chronic Kidney Disease, Serum Creatinine and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) 77
Table 3 Equations for estimating the glomerular filtration rate from serum creatinine level. Creatinine levels in lmol/L can be converted to mg/
dL by dividing them by 88.4
Creatinine Clearance CCr
Creatinine clearance (CCr) is calculated from the creatinine concentration in the collected urine sample (UCr), urine flow rate (V), and the
plasma concentration (PCr)
CCr ¼
Estimated GFR (eGFR) using Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) formula
The most commonly used formula is the ‘‘4-variable MDRD’’, which estimates GFR using four variables: serum creatinine(SCr), age, race, and
gender. The original MDRD used six variables with the additional variables being the blood urea nitrogen and albumin levels.
For creatinine in lmol/L:
eGFR ¼ 32788 SCr1:154 age0:203 ½1:212 if black ½0:742 if female
For creatinine in mg/dl:
eGFR ¼ 186 SCr1:154 age0:203 ½1:212 if black ½0:742 if female
A more elaborate version of the MDRD equation also includes serum albumin and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels:
eGFR ¼ 170 SCr0:999 age0:176 ½0:762 if female ½1:180 if black BUN0:170 Albuminþ0:318
where the creatinine and BUN concentrations are both in mg/dL. The albumin concentration is in g/dL
includes measurements of serum albumin and urea, but the adults with all stages of CKD from several cohort-studies,
result is not very different from the short version. an improved estimation of GFR for the less severe stages of
In patients with CKD stages 3–5, the MDRD equation CKD (1 and 2) was obtained, without loss of accuracy in the
appears to be more precise than the Cockcroft-Gault formula. more severe stages (Matsushita et al. 2012). This new
A criticism of the MDRD equation is that it is inaccurate in equation appears preferable because it leads to less over-
patients with CKD stages 1 and 2 (GFR [ 60 ml min-1) diagnosis of CKD stage 3 to stage 4 so that fewer patients
because it has not been validated in this group. Also inac- require further medical investigation.
curacies have been claimed in patients over age 70, children,
and patients with extremely high or low body weights 4.3.4 Schwartz Formula for Children
(anorexia or bodybuilders, patients undergoing chemother- In the pediatric patient group, none of the equations
apy etc.). already described is suitable. While the Cockcroft-Gault
equation may be acceptable in patients over 12 years if the
4.3.3 The CKD-EPI Equation body surface area is taken into account, the MDRD formula
Recently, the MDRD formula has been revised by using has not been validated in patients below 18 years. In 1976,
different weighting of the same four parameters as in the Schwartz et al. published a formula, which includes s-
standard MDRD formula to derive a new equation called creatinine and patient size (height) and also a constant
CKD-EPI (Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Coop- factor, which was determined empirically (Schwartz et al.
eration). Based on the data from more than one million 1976). This constant factor was varied in further studies and
78 G. M. Bongartz and H. S. Thomsen
compared to direct GFR determination studies in young and/or diabetes (Choyke et al. 1998). Questionnaires pro-
patients, which led to the Counahan-Barratt formula posed by the American College of Radiology (ACR Com-
(Counahan et al. 1976). These equations are very similar but mittee on Drugs and Contrast Media 2012) and ESUR
the constant factor in the Schwartz formula differs for (Thomsen and Morcos 2006) concentrate on medical (renal)
infants less than 1 year and for boys older than 13 years, history, current and previous medication, and concomitant
while the Counahan-Barratt constant factor is identical for disease. There are only minor differences between the most
all ages and is lower than the Schwartz constant. There is a commonly used questionnaires (Table 2). When the
general trend to overestimate GFR by the Schwartz formula response to any question is positive, s-creatinine measure-
compared to the Counahan-Barratt formula (Bouvet et al. ment and eGFR calculation are indicated.
2006; Grönroos et al. 2008; Schwartz et al. 2009). However, a questionnaire cannot be used when official
authorities, such as the EMA in Europe or the FDA in the
United States of America, state that s-creatinine measure-
5 When Should Serum Creatinine Be ment and subsequent eGFR calculation is mandatory. Thus,
Measured and eGFR Calculated? s-creatinine must be measured and eGFR calculated before
gadolinium-based contrast media considered to be at
Contraindications of drug use and restrictions of drug dose high-risk of inducing nephrogenic systemic fibrosis are
which relate to renal function rely on proper evaluation of administered (‘‘Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and
true kidney function. The medical support for eGFR Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media’’). With the other gad-
determination as an accurate measure of renal insufficiency olinium-based agents, GFR estimation is recommended but
has been shown by its use in national drug regulations and an alternative, at the discretion of the radiologist, is to use a
international guidelines. For example, the ESUR guidelines questionnaire to save both time and money.
on contrast media recommend the measurement of eGFR Ideally, the questionnaire should be completed by the
within 7 days before administration of iodine-based contrast referring clinician, but if the extra effort involved is con-
medium in patients likely to be at risk of developing CIN sidered too much, the patient may be asked to complete it.
(Thomsen et al. 2013). Alternatively, technicians or nurses can complete the
The uncertainty which occurs when patients whose renal questionnaire, with the advantage that they can explain the
function is not known require contrast-enhanced radiogra- questions to the patient. Unfortunately, if people other than
phy, DSA, CT, or MRI, is a common problem. The risk of the referring physician complete the questionnaire, false
CIN with iodine-based contrast media is to some extent positive answers may lead to unnecessary blood tests with
dose-dependent, but it is more important to decide whether their associated costs and delays.
volume expansion should be undertaken before adminis- In 2010, Ledermann et al. published a retrospective
tration of contrast medium or whether an alternative test not analysis of using the ESUR questionnaire in 1,766 consec-
using contrast medium should be used (‘‘Contrast Medium- utive outpatients scheduled for contrast enhanced CT. If a
Induced Nephropathy’’). For MR, the administration of risk factor was identified, s-creatinine was determined on-
gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCA) is controlled by site. The most frequently detected risk factor was hyper-
official restrictions and contraindications in the more severe tension (38 % of patients), followed by nephrotoxic medi-
stages of CKD, particularly if the least stable agents are cation (21 %). There were a variety of other risk factors,
used (‘‘Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and Gadolinium- none in more than 10 %. A total of 45 % of the patients
Based Contrast Media’’). needed s-creatinine measurement and 6.6 % of the patients
In all these at risk situations, measurement of the serum were found to have moderate to severe renal impairment.
creatinine and subsequent calculation of eGFR is the most The two questions with the highest relative risk ratio and
appropriate investigation. with the highest group-dependent odd ratios when compar-
ing patients with eGFR \ 60 ml min1 1.73 m-2 to patients
with eGFR [ 60 ml min1 1.73 m-2 were a history of renal
5.1 Questionnaires disease and gout. Patient age over 70 years correlated best
with the presence of moderate to severe kidney disease.
In 1998, Choyke et al. evaluated the accuracy of a ques- In an as yet unpublished study, presented at ECR 2012,
tionnaire checking for evidence of kidney disease or Newerla et al. 2012 found in 1,304 patients who answered the
increased risk of CIN compared to s-creatinine measurement. ESUR questionnaire before contrast enhanced CT or MRI
Based on the results, they recommended that s-creatinine that only age above 70 years correlated strongly with renal
should only be measured before the administration of iodine- impairment. None of the other data obtained from the ques-
based contrast media in patients with preexisting renal dis- tionnaire correlated significantly with a raised s-creatinine
ease, proteinuria, prior kidney surgery, hypertension, gout level. They recommended that s-creatinine should be
Chronic Kidney Disease, Serum Creatinine and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) 79
measured in all elderly patients (above 70 years) and in Counahan R, Chantler C, Ghazali S et al (1976) Estimation of
patients who give a positive answer to the question as to glomerular filtration rate from plasma creatinine concentration in
children. Arch Intern Med 51:875–878
whether they have a history of renal disease. This would Eknoyan G, Lameire N, Barsoum R et al (2004) The burden of kidney
speed up the process and still allow effective screening for disease: improving global outcomes. Kidney Int 66:1310–1314
CKD in a standard outpatient group. For hospital inpatients, a ESUR Contrast Media Safety Committee (2012) ESUR guidelines on
recent s-creatinine measurement remains the standard of contrast media, Version 8.0. Accessed Dec 2012
Filiopoulos V, Hadjiyannakos D, Vlassopoulos D (2012) New insights
care. into uric acid effects on the progression and prognosis of chronic
Whether gout should be included in the ESUR ques- kidney disease. Ren Fail 34:510–520
tionnaire is still under discussion (Filiopoulos et al. 2012; Grönroos MH, Jahnukainen T, Irjala K et al (2008) Comparison of
Murea 2012), but the combination of a raised serum urea, glomerular function tests in children with cancer. Pediatr Nephrol
indicating renal impairment, together with the known Herget-Rosenthal S, Bokenkamp A, Hofmann W (2007) How to
increased cardiovascular morbidity and the frequent use of estimate GFR-serum creatinine, serum cystatin C or equations?
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in patients Clin Biochem 40:153–161
with gout, may combine to a give a higher risk of renal Klahr S, Levey AS, Beck GJ et al (1994) The effects of dietary protein
restriction and blood-pressure control on the progression of chronic
disease (Abdellatif and Elkhalili 2012). renal disease. N Engl J Med 330:877–884
The ideal questionnaire does not exist. Ledermann HP, Mengiardi B, Schmid A, Froehlich JM (2010)
Screening for renal insufficiency following ESUR guidelines with
on-site creatinine measurements in an outpatient setting. Eur
Radiol 20:1926–1933
6 Conclusion Levey AS, Bosch JP, Lewis JB et al (1999) A more accurate method to
estimate glomerular filtration rate from serum creatinine: a new
Measurement of renal function is not simple. The best prediction equation (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study
methods are time-consuming and not suitable for clinical Group). Ann Intern Med 130:461–470
Levey AS, Stevens LA, Coresh J (2009) Conceptual model of CKD:
radiological practice. At present, the CKD-EPI equation for applications and implications. Am J Kidney Dis 53:4–16
estimating GFR seems to be the best choice whenever Levin A, Djurdjev O, Barrett B et al (2001) Cardiovascular disease in
information about renal function is important before patients with chronic kidney disease: getting to the heart of the
administration of contrast media in adults. In children the matter. Am J Kidney Dis 38:1398–1407
Matsushita K, Mahmoodi BK, Woodward M et al (2012) Comparison
Counahan-Barratt formula should be used. GFR measure- of risk prediction using the CKD-EPI equation and the MDRD
ment using Cystatin C may have a role in the near future. Study equation for estimated glomerular filtration rate. JAMA
Questionnaires may help to identify at-risk patients, but as 307:1941–1951
yet there is no ideal questionnaire. Murea M (2012) Advanced kidney failure and hyperuricemia. Adv
Chronic Kidney Dis 19(6):419–424
National Kidney Foundation (2012) KDOQI clinical practice guideline
for diabetes and CKD: 2012 update. Am J Kidney Dis
References 60(5):850–886
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2008) Early
identification and management of Chronic kidney disease in adults
Abdellatif AA, Elkhalili N (2012) Management of gouty arthritis in in primary and secondary care. Accessed
patients with chronic kidney disease. Am J Ther 2012. PMID: 3 April 2013
22960848 Newerla C, Bongartz GM, Hohmann J, Potthast S (2012) Serum
ACR Committee on Drugs and Contrast Media (2012) ACR manual on creatinine measurements: Evaluation of a questionnaire according
contrast media VERSION 8.0. ISBN: 978-1-55903-009-0 to the ESUR guidelines. Final results. Poster Nr C-0332 presented
Blaufox MD, Aurell M, Bubeck B et al (1996) Report of the at the Europ Congress of Radiology, Vienna March 1–5, 2012.
radionuclide in nephro-urology committee on renal clearance. Accessed 31 Mar 2013
J Nucl Med 37:1883–1890 Schwartz GJ, Haycock GB, Chir B, Spitzer A (1976) Plasma creatinine
Bouvet Y, Bouissou F, Coulais Y et al (2006) GFR is better estimated and urea concentration in children: normal values for age and sex.
by considering both serum cystatin C and creatinine levels. Pediatr J Pediatr 88:828–830
Nephrol 21:1299–1306 Schwartz GJ, Muñoz A, Schneider MF et al (2009) New equations to
Choyke PL, Cady K, DePollar SL, Austin H (1998) Determination of estimate GFR in children with CKD. J Am Soc Nephrol
serum creatinine prior to iodinated contrast media: is it needed in 20:629–637
all patients? Tech Urol 4:65–69 Soliman AR, Fathy A, Khashab S, Shaheen N (2013) Comparison of
CKD Work Group (2013) Kidney Disease: Improving Global abbreviated modification of diet in renal disease formula (aMDRD)
Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and the Cockcroft-Gault adjusted for body surface (aCG) equations
and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease. Kidney Intern, Suppl in stable renal transplant patients and living kidney donors. Ren
3:1–150 Fail 35:94–97
Cockcroft DW, Gault MH (1976) Prediction of creatinine clearance Steinberg EP, Eknoyan G, Levin NW et al (2000) Methods used to
from serum creatinine. Nephron 16:31–41 evaluate the quality of evidence underlying the National Kidney
80 G. M. Bongartz and H. S. Thomsen
Foundation-Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative Clinical Practice Weiner DE, Tighiouart H, Stark PC et al (2004) Kidney disease as a
Guidelines: description, findings, and implications. Am J Kidney risk factor for recurrent cardiovascular disease and mortality. Am J
Dis 36:1–11 Kidney Dis 44:198–206
Thomsen HS, Morcos SK (2006) Contrast-medium-induced nephrop- White CA, Huang D, Akbari A et al (2008) Performance of creatinine-
athy: is there a new consensus? A review of published guidelines. based estimates of GFR in kidney transplant recipients: a
Eur Radiol 16:1835–1840 systematic review. Am J Kidney Dis 51:1005–1015
Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Almén T et al (2013) Nephrogenic systemic Work DF, Schwartz GJ (2008) Estimating and measuring glomerular
fibrosis and gadolinium-based contrast media: updated ESUR filtration rate in children. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens
contrast medium safety committee guidelines. Eur Radiol 17:320–325
Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 81
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_902, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
82 H. S. Thomsen et al.
found that CIN occurred in one out of six intensive care unit clear cause are CIN may lead to over-estimation of its
patients who received iodine-based contrast medium and was incidence. Serum creatinine levels are by no means an
associated with both short- and long-term worse outcomes, optimal expression of renal function because serum con-
such as need for renal replacement therapy, worse kidney centration depends on several factors (e.g., glomerular fil-
function at discharge, increased length of stay in the intensive tration rate, exercise, intake of food, hydration, and
care unit and hospital, and mortality. posture). CIN ranges in severity from asymptomatic, non-
The term ‘‘contrast medium-induced nephropathy’’ is oliguric, transient renal dysfunction to oliguric, severe,
widely used to refer to the reduction in renal function seen acute renal failure necessitating dialysis. Luckily, the latter
after exposure to contrast media. It implies impairment in adverse reaction is the least frequent of them all. Serum
renal function (an increase in serum creatinine by more than creatinine often peaks within 3–4 days after the adminis-
25 % or 44 lmol l-1 (0.5 mg dl-1)) that occurs within tration of contrast media (Katzberg 1997; Morcos 1998).
3 days following the intravascular administration of con- Fortunately, most episodes of CIN are self-limited and
trast media in the absence of an alternative etiology (Mor- resolve within 1–2 weeks. Some non-anuric episodes are
cos et al. 1999; Stacul et al. 2011). However, the two probably undetected, because the serum creatinine is rarely
definitions of CIN—either an increase in serum creatinine measured after administration of contrast media if the
by [44 lmol l-1 (0.5 mg dl-1), or [25 % from baseline— patients have no symptoms, especially if they are outpa-
do not reflect the same changes in kidney function. The first tients who have received intravenous contrast medium.
definition is more sensitive for detecting CIN in patients Permanent renal damage is very rare.
with advanced renal impairment, whereas the second one is Diagnostic and interventional procedures using contrast
more sensitive in those with better pre-existing kidney media are performed with increasing frequency. The patient
function (Thomsen and Morcos 2009). In an analysis of population subjected to these procedures is progressively
58,957 patients undergoing percutaneous coronary inter- older with more co-morbid conditions (Solomon 1998).
vention, a rise in serum creatinine [44 lmol l-1 Prevention is important to avoid the substantial morbidity
(0.5 mg dl-1) was superior to [25 % increase in serum and even mortality that may sometimes be associated with
creatinine for identifying patients at risk of adverse renal CIN. Even a small decrease in renal function may greatly
and cardiac events (Slocum et al. 2012). Classifications of exacerbate morbidity and mortality caused by coexisting
acute kidney insufficiency such as the RIFLE (Bellomo conditions (Gruberg et al. 2000; McCullough et al. 1997).
et al. 2004) or the AKIN (Mehta et al. 2007) include, as Patients with CIN have a higher mortality rate (31 %) than
minimal diagnostic criteria, changes in serum creatinine as patients without it (0.6 %) after primary angioplasty for
low as 26 lmol l-1 (0.3 mg dl-1), and validation studies acute myocardial infarction (Marenzi et al. 2004). The 30-
demonstrated that such marginal conditions are associated day mortality is higher in patients with CIN (16.2 %) than
with worse outcomes (Chertow et al. 2005). The Kidney in those without (1.2 %), and the difference is maintained at
Disease Improving Global Outcomes group (KDIGO) 1 year (23.3 vs. 3.2 %) (Sadeghi et al. 2003). Sepsis,
(2013) defines acute kidney insufficiency as any of the bleeding, coma, and respiratory failure are frequently
following: (1) an increase in serum creatinine of observed in patients with acute renal failure. An important
[26 lmol l-1 (0.3 mg dl-1) within 48 h, (2) an increase in issue has been the recognition that even a small postpro-
serum creatinine to[1.5 times the baseline that is known or cedural decline in kidney function can have a dramatic
presumed to have occurred within the prior 7 days, (3) urine impact on prognosis. In a retrospective analysis of 14,782
volume \0.5 ml kg-1 h-1 for 6 h. The diversity in CIN patients undergoing coronary angiography, the adjusted risk
definitions explains the differences across the studies. When of 3-year mortality increased with growing severity of acute
the results of various studies are compared, it is important to kidney injury (James et al. 2011). However, all this infor-
ensure that the same definition of CIN is used in all of them. mation derives from intra-arterial administration of contrast
In the same study, the frequency of CIN ranged from 3.3 to media for cardiac studies. As yet, there is no adequate
10.5 %, depending on the definition used (Jabara et al. information about whether CIN after an intravenous injec-
2009). tion is associated with increased mortality and morbidity
CIN is a diagnosis based on exclusion of other causes of after 1 or more years. A recent study from Korea showed
the reduction in the renal function and not a diagnosis based that intravenous contrast media used in the standard CT
on a specific and reproducible change. The reduction in scan have no significant long-term effects (8 months follow-
renal function can easily have other causes e.g., cholesterol up) on renal function in CKD patients (Kim et al. 2012).
emboli due to catheter manipulation, cardiac dysfunction From et al. (2008) performed a 2-year retrospective case
causing renal ischemia, and natural variations in S-creati- matched cohort study at Mayo Clinic’s site in Rochester.
nine levels. Thus, stating that all increases in s-creatinine A total of 809 patients who developed CIN were matched to
levels after exposure to iodine-based contrast media with no 2,427 patients who did not develop CIN after contrast
Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy 83
3 Incidence
Table 1 Incidence of CIN in prospective randomized trials comparing intravenous iso- to low-osmolality contrast media in patients mainly with
moderately reduced renal function
Study Low-osmolality CM Iso-osmolar CM Criteria Statistical result
(monomers) (iodixanol)
Carraro et al. (1998) 0/32 (iopromide) 1/32 50 % : SCr No difference
Nguyen et al. (2008) 10/65 (iopromide) 3/61 44 lmol l : Iodixanol superior
SCr p \ 0.05
Kolehmainen et al. 4/25 (iobiditrol) 4/25 44 lmol l-1 : No difference
(2003) SCr
Barrett et al. (2006) 0/77 (iopamidol) 2/76 44 lmol l-1 : No difference
Thomsen et al. (2008b) 0/76 (iomeprol) 5/72 44 lmol l-1 : Iomeprol superior
SCr p \ 0.05
Kuhn et al. (2008) 7/125 (iopamidol) 6/123 25 % : SCr No difference
Chuang et al. (2009) 1/25 (iohexol) 1/25 25 % : SCr No difference
(intravenous urography)
TOTAL 22/425 22/418 No difference
(5.18 %) (5.26 %)
SCr Serum creatinine
definition of CIN was an increase in serum creatinine of equilibrium is generally reached within 2 h. Continuous
44 lmol l-1 (0.5 mg dl-1) or more, particularly in the most elimination through the glomeruli also occurs. Less than
recent studies. 1 % is excreted extrarenally in patients with normal renal
The incidence of CIN appears to be much lower after function (Thomsen et al. 1993). Following intravascular
intravenous administration. Studies reported 0–2 % inci- administration in patients with normal renal function, the
dence of CIN, defined as an increase in serum creatinine elimination half-life of contrast media is about 2 h, and
level of 44 lmol l-1 (0.5 mg dl-1) or more in an unselected 75 % of the administered dose is excreted in the urine
group of patients with chronic kidney disease 3 and 4 within 4 h (Katzberg 1997). After 24 h, 98 % of the
(Barrett et al. 2006; Thomsen et al. 2008b). Kuhn et al. injected contrast medium should have been excreted. After
(2008) reported a 5 % incidence of CIN, defined as an approximately 150 min, the concentration of contrast
increase of 25 % or more in serum creatinine in patients medium decreases in a mono-exponential way in patients
with diabetic nephropathy. In a group of cancer patients with normal renal function, but in patients with severely
with underlying renal insufficiency receiving the contrast reduced renal function this phase is delayed (Almén et al.
agent intravenously, 9.0 % developed CIN, defined as an 1999). In such patients it takes weeks before the contrast
absolute increase of 44 lmol l-1 or 25 % increase in serum agent is completely eliminated from the body.
creatinine level, with 4.8 % of patients developing irre-
versible renal damage (Cheruvu et al. 2007).
Based on a number of studies (Table 1) the best estimate 5 Pathophysiology of Contrast Medium-
of the incidence of CIN is around 5 % for both non-ionic Induced Nephropathy
monomers and dimers in patients with a glomerular filtra-
tion rate between 25 and 60 ml min-1. Below 25 ml min-1 In spite of the clinical importance of CIN, our under-
the incidence is probably higher, but experience is extre- standing of the pathophysiology behind CIN is still
mely limited. Most referring physicians request an unen- incomplete. Mechanisms underlying CIN include direct
hanced examination in such patients. cytotoxic effects, auto-, and paracrine factors that upset
renal hemodynamics, altered rheological properties that
affect renal hemodynamics and tubulodynamics, and
4 Renal Handling of Contrast Media regional hypoxia (Seeliger et al. 2012). Taken together,
there appear to be three relatively distinct mechanisms or
After intravascular administration, contrast medium mole- pathways for the pathophysiology of CIN: (1) reduced renal
cules move across capillary membranes (except an intact perfusion (hemodynamic effects), (2) toxicity directly
blood–brain barrier) into the interstitial extracellular space. affecting the tubular cells, and (3) endogenous biochemical
Reverse movement from the extracellular space into the disturbances (Katzberg 2005). Most clinical attention has
intravascular compartment occurs, and a state of focused on the hemodynamic effects of contrast media
Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy 85
because tubular hypoxic injury is considered to play a interval of 20 days there was a significant increase in mean
central role in the renal dysfunction (Heyman et al. 2005). serum creatinine and decline in eGFR after the second
The mechanisms responsible for hemodynamic effects are exposure, and 4 subjects (14.3 %) developed CIN (Trivedi
believed to involve tubular and vascular events. The and Foley 2010). In a prospective series of 747 patients who
importance of direct effects of contrast media on tubular had a total of 944 procedures, repeated contrast medium
cells is debated, although evidence of direct tubular cell administration was found to be an independent predictor of
toxicity of the contrast agents independent of either hemo- CIN with an odds ratio of 2.8 (Balemans et al. 2012).
dynamic mechanisms or osmolality has been reported Knowledge about multiple injections of iodine-based con-
(Heinrich et al. 2005). An increase in oxygen-free radicals trast medium within a short period of time is limited. There
or a decrease in antioxidant enzyme activity triggered by are cases where the patients received more than 1 L of
contrast medium administration as the third potential iodine-based contrast medium during a single procedure
pathway is speculative. There has been no clinical sub- without any effect on kidney function (Thomsen and Rei-
stantiation of the suggestion that the liberation of oxygen- mer 2014).
free radicals is the mechanism of CIN (Katzberg 2005). Although there are no trials directly comparing intrave-
Osmolar and viscous properties of contrast media can nous and intra-arterial CM, increasing data supports a
aggravate the cytotoxic and vasoactive effects of contrast higher risk of renal complications, including CIN, after
media, and can also trigger pathophysiological mechanisms intra-arterial administration above the level of the renal
on their own. High viscosity reduces glomerular filtration arteries than after intravenous administration. Intravenous
and medullary oxygenation and impedes urine flow, so contrast medium for enhanced computed tomography (CT)
leading to renal retention of the contrast medium (Seeliger is usually given in lower doses than for arteriography and
et al. 2012). lower concentrations of contrast medium reach the kidneys.
Although several studies have been undertaken during Also, with enhanced CT, there are usually fewer hemody-
the last 5 years, our knowledge about the pathophysiologic namically unstable patients, and dislodged atheroemboli,
mechanism has not improved. The lack of understanding of which may occur during intra-arterial procedures, and result
the cause of CIN makes prevention difficult. in cholesterol embolization that can mimic CIN, are not a
risk. Thus, the route of administration is also important, and
procedures requiring intravenous contrast medium admin-
6 Predisposing Factors istration involve a lower risk of nephrotoxicity than pro-
cedures in which contrast medium is given intra-arterially
Patients at the highest risk for developing contrast medium- into the renal arteries or the aorta proximal to the origin of
induced acute renal failure are those with pre-existing renal the renal blood vessels (Stacul et al. 2011; Stratta et al.
impairment (serum creatinine [132 lmol l-1 (1.5 mg dl-1) 2013).
or GFR \60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2), particularly when the Dehydration and congestive cardiac failure are risk fac-
reduction in renal function is secondary to diabetic tors because they are associated with a reduction in renal
nephropathy (Morcos et al. 1999; Rudnick et al. 1995). perfusion, which enhances the ischemic insult of the con-
Diabetes mellitus alone without renal impairment is not a trast media. The concurrent use of nephrotoxic drugs such
risk factor (Rudnick et al. 1995). The degree of renal as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and
insufficiency present before the administration of contrast aminoglycosides potentiates the nephrotoxic effects of
media to a great extent determines the severity of CIN. contrast media. Renal dysfunction is found more frequently
Baseline renal insufficiency in patients with acute myocar- in patients with hypertensionI, hyperuricemia, or proteinuria
dial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary than in patients without these conditions (Choyke et al.
intervention is associated with markedly increased mortality 1998). The type of contrast medium is also an important
as well as bleeding and restenosis (Sadeghi et al. 2003). The predisposing factor. High-osmolality contrast media are
extent to which the contrast medium contributes to the more nephrotoxic than low- and iso-osmolality contrast
clinical deterioration is unknown, since for ethical reasons media (Morcos 1998; Katzberg 1997; Rudnick et al. 1995).
the studies did not include a control group. Except for a low hematocrit, no new risk factors have come
Large doses of contrast media and multiple injections to our attention this century.
within 72 h increase the risk of developing CIN. Repeat Multiple myeloma was considered in the past to be a risk
exposure to iodine-based contrast media within a short time factor for CIN. However, if dehydration is avoided, contrast
increased the risk of CIN, even in subjects with relatively medium administration rarely leads to acute renal failure in
preserved renal function. In a small prospective study on 28 patients with myeloma (McCarthy and Becker 1992).
subjects with baseline eGFR [60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2, who Pahade et al. (2011) recently studied retrospectively 46
underwent a second contrast medium exposure after a mean patients with multiple myeloma who had 80 examinations.
86 H. S. Thomsen et al.
Their average creatinine level before contrast enhanced CT questions indicating reduced renal function (‘‘Chronic
was 85 lmol l-1 (0.97 mg dl-1). CIN (serum creatinine Kidney Disease, Serum Creatinine and Estimated
[25 % or [44 lmol l-1) (0.5 mg dl-1) occurred within Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)’’). However, even the
7 days of the examinations in 12 patients (15 %). They eGFR is not ideal, because one of the components in the
concluded that the incidence of CIN in patients with mul- equations is the insensitive serum creatinine, but it is much
tiple myeloma with a normal creatinine level is low and is better than nothing.
correlated to b2-microglobulin levels. The administration of
contrast agents to patients with myeloma appears to be safe
but should still be based on an assessment of the potential 7.1 Validation of eGFR Measurements
benefit of the examination versus an expected low risk of
developing CIN. Serum creatinine is not an ideal marker of renal function
(Blaufox et al. 1996). The serum creatinine level depends
on muscle mass and is not usually raised until the glomer-
7 Identifying Patients at Risk of Contrast ular filtration rate has fallen by at least 50 %. Endogenous
Medium-Induced Nephropathy serum creatinine clearance as a measure of glomerular fil-
tration rate is also inaccurate, especially when renal func-
Patients with pre-existing renal impairment are at particu- tion is low, because of a compensatory increase in tubular
larly high risk of CIN. Serum creatinine has often been used secretion of creatinine which limits its validity as a glo-
to determine the renal function and to identify high-risk merular filtration marker. Radionuclide techniques are
patients. Several studies have shown that, despite its many preferable (Blaufox et al. 1996) but labor intensive and,
limitations, serum creatinine is a relatively satisfactory therefore, are not suitable to use in all patients receiving
marker for identifying patients at the greatest risk of contrast medium. Alternatively, renal function can be esti-
developing CIN because patients with severely reduced mated using specially derived predictive equations. The
renal function are at the greatest risk (Rudnick et al. 1995; most accurate results are obtained with the Cockroft-Gault
McCullough et al. 1997; Parfrey et al. 1989; Thomsen equation, while the most precise formula is the Modification
et al. 2005, 2008a). However, renal function can be con- of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD)study equation (Cockroft
siderably reduced (Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3 and Gault 1976; Levey et al. 1999). However, the predictive
(30–60 ml min-1)) when the serum creatinine levels are capabilities of these formulae are suboptimal for ideal
within the normal range (\132 lmol l-1 (1.5 mg dl-1)). patient care (Bostrom et al. 2002). In addition, they are not
More than 25 % of older patients have normal serum cre- useful for patients with a glomerular filtration rate above
atinine levels but reduced glomerular filtration rates. 60 ml min-1 (Stevens et al. 2006). Even below this level,
Unfortunately, serum creatinine is a rather poor marker for they do not always result in the same glomerular filtration
glomerular filtration rate. Serum creatinine is determined by rate (Stevens et al. 2006; Band et al. 2007; Eken and Kili-
the interplay of creatinine production, glomerular filtration, caslan 2007) (Fig. 3). For instance, a 43-year old, 70-kg
and the kinetics of creatinine distribution among the body’s male patient with a creatinine level of 132 lmol l-1 has a
fluid compartments. Because of the exponential relationship glomerular filtration level of 63 ml min-1 if calculated by
between serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate, the Cockcroft-Gault equation. The same patient will have
serum creatinine is very insensitive in patients with normal a glomerular filtration level of 66 ml min-1 if he is African-
pre-existing renal function. Also, serum creatinine is noto- American and 54 ml min-1 if he is Caucasian, if it is
riously insensitive to rapid changes in the glomerular fil- calculated by the MDRD equation. Nonetheless, these
tration rate such as the immediate drop in glomerular equations provide a better assessment of renal function than
filtration rate induced by contrast media (Seeliger et al. does serum creatinine measurement.
2012). In 2009, a third equation—CKD-EPI (Chronic Kidney
The most precise method of measuring renal function is Disease Epidemiology Collaboration)—was published
the inulin clearance , and isotope methods give similar (Levey et al. 2009). It was developed in an effort to create a
results (Blaufox et al. 1996). However, both methods are more accurate formula than the MDRD formula, especially
cumbersome and impractical for daily use. Also, a single when actual GFR is greater than 60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2.
determination of the glomerular filtration rate does not Pooled data from 10 studies including 8254 patients were
exclude acute renal insufficiency. used to validate the new equation. Sixteen additional stud-
The best method in routine clinical practice is to measure ies, which included 3896 participants, were used for
the serum creatinine level and then calculate the estimated external validation. The CKD-EPI equation performed
GFR using the CKD-EPI equation either in all patients or better than the MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal
only in those patients who give an affirmative answer to Disease Study) equation, especially at higher GFR, with less
Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy 87
bias and greater accuracy. Michels et al. (2010) concluded The number of serum creatinine measurements within
that the absolute bias of all formulae is influenced by age. the given period also affects the findings and requires some
The CKD-EPI and MDRD formulas are also influenced by standardization. Reddan et al. (2009) analyzed data pub-
GFR, and the Cockcroft-Gault equation is additionally lished by Davidson et al. (1989) and showed that a single
influenced by body weight and BMI. In general, CKD-EPI 24-h measurement would have missed 58.2 % of the CIN
gives the best estimation of GFR, although the performance cases that were detected by the 48-h measurement.
is close to that of MDRD (‘‘Chronic Kidney Disease, McCullough and Sandberg (2003) found that serum creat-
Serum Creatinine and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate inine typically peaks 3–5 days after contrast medium
(eGFR)’’). administration and returns to baseline or near baseline
Another possibility is to use cut-off values for serum within 1–3 weeks.
creatinine to indicate several levels of renal impairment.
However, low cut-off levels will include some patients with
normal renal function and high cut-off levels will exclude 7.2 In Which Patients Should eGFR be
some patients with renal impairment (Couchoud et al. Measured?
The timing of serum creatinine determinations after the A questionnaire designed to elicit a history of renal disor-
procedure is another topic of debate. The AKIN criteria ders as well as additional risk factors for CIN may be used
suggest a period of 48 h for diagnosing CIN to ensure that to identify patients with normal serum creatinine in whom
the process being diagnosed is acute and representative blood testing would be unnecessary (Choyke et al. 1998).
(Molitoris et al. 2007). Waikar and Bonventre (2009) The majority of patients (85 %) in Choyke et al’s. (1998)
agreed with this time period. They emphasized that patients study had normal serum creatinine values (\114 lmol l-1
with subacute rises in serum creatinine may not be identi- (1.3 mg dl-1) for women, 123 lmol l-1 (1.4 mg dl-1) for
fied, but noted that the significance and prognosis of such men). All except two patients (99 %) who gave negative
subacute rises is unknown. answers to the questionnaire had serum creatinine levels
88 H. S. Thomsen et al.
\150 lmol l-1 (1.7 mg dl-1). There was a strong associ- good predictive ability for identifying patients in whom
ation between raised serum creatinine values and a history preventive strategies are indicated. Independent variables
of renal disease, proteinuria, prior kidney surgery, hyper- (with weighted scores) include estimated creatinine clear-
tension, gout, and diabetes. Only 6 % of patients with ance \60 ml min-1 (2), urgent percutaneous coronary
negative answers to the six questions had abnormal serum intervention (2), intra-aortic balloon pump use (2), diabetes
creatinine levels. mellitus (1), congestive heart failure (1), hypertension (1),
In a study of 2,034 consecutive outpatients referred for peripheral vascular disease (1), and contrast medium volume
CT examinations, only 3.2 % (66 patients) had a raised [260 ml (1). The incidence of CIN after percutaneous
serum creatinine level ([176 lmol l-1 (2.0 mg dl-1)) and coronary intervention increased with each unit increase in
the majority of these patients (97 %) had risk factors for score. No patient with a score \1 developed CIN, whereas
CIN (Tippins et al. 2000). Two of the 66 patients with a 26 % of patients with a score [9 developed CIN.
raised serum creatinine (0.1 % of the total number of Mehran et al. (2004) also developed a simple risk score
patients) had no identifiable risk factors. Serum creatinine for CIN after percutaneous coronary intervention. On the
was measured in a prospective study of 640 consecutive basis of a study of 8,357 patients they identified eight
adult patients presenting to the emergency department with variables, which were assigned a weighted integer: hypo-
a clinical indication for intravenous administration of tension (5); intra-aortic balloon pump (5); congestive heart
iodine-based contrast medium (Olsen and Salomon 1996). failure class III/IV by New York Heart Association classi-
A total of 35 (5.5 %) patients had abnormal serum creati- fication and/or a history of pulmonary edema (5); age
nine levels ([141 lmol l-1 (1.6 mg dl-1)). Of these 35 [75 years (4); anemia (3); diabetes (1); contrast medium
patients, 77 % (27) were considered to have risk factors for volume (1 for each 100 ml); serum creatinine
renal insufficiency. The remaining eight patients (1.3 % of [132 lmol l-1 (1.5 mg dl-1) (4); or estimated creatinine
the total number) had no identifiable risk factors for renal clearance \20 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 (6), 20-40 ml min-1
insufficiency. 1.73 m-2 (4), and 40-60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 (2). In patients
A retrospective analysis of using the ESUR question- with a risk score \5 the risk of CIN was 7.5 % and the risk
naire in 1766 consecutive outpatients scheduled for contrast of dialysis was 0.04 %, whereas the figures for patients with
enhanced CT was undertaken by Ledermann et al. (2010). If a risk score [16 were 57.3 and 12.6 %, respectively. Fu
a risk factor was identified, s-creatinine was determined et al. (2013) developed a risk score for CIN in 668 elderly
on-site. The most frequently detected risk factor was patients; 105 (15.7 %) developed CIN. There were 9 risk
hypertension (38 % of patients), followed by nephrotoxic factors for CIN (with weighted integer): estimated glo-
medication (21 %). There were a variety of other risk fac- merular filtration rate (eGFR) \60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 (4),
tors, none in more than 10 %. A total of 45 % of the diabetes (3), left ventricular ejection fraction \45 % (3),
patients needed serum creatinine measurement and 6.6 % of hypotension (2), age [70 years (2), myocardial infarction
the patients were found to have moderate to severe renal (2), emergency percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
impairment. The two questions with the highest relative risk (2), anemia (2), and contrast agent volume [200 mL (2).
ratio and with the highest group-dependent odd ratios when The incidence of CIN was 3.4, 11.9, 36.9, and 69.8 % in the
comparing patients with eGFR \60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 to low risk (\4), moderate risk (5–8), high risk (9–12), and
patients with eGFR [60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 were a history very-high-risk groups ([13). A problem with these pro-
of renal disease and gout. Patient age over 70 years corre- posals for risk score is that they include factors (like volume
lated best with the presence of moderate to severe kidney of contrast medium and intra-aortic balloon pump), which
disease. are unknown before the procedure.
Thus, most patients at risk of CIN may be identified by Kim et al. (2011) attempted to develop a risk stratifica-
appropriate questions, but a questionnaire does not exclude tion nomogram for CIN in patients having emergency
the presence of renal insufficiency. abdominal contrast enhanced CT. Nephropathy was
observed in 34 out of 750 patients. Age and baseline serum
creatinine appeared to be risk factors. The risk of
7.3 Risk Stratification nephropathy could be predicted by the nomogram based on
these two risk factors, but this nomogram has not been
Risk stratification of patients to identify those susceptible to tested in other studies.
CIN has not been fully evaluated. On the basis of two Methods of stratifying patients being given contrast
cohorts (one derivation cohort (1993–1998) and one media appear to have potential but need further evalua-
validation cohort (1999–2002)) of 20,479 patients, tion, particularly when contrast medium is injected
Bartholomew et al. (2004) proposed a CIN risk score with intravenously.
Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy 89
Table 2 Current status of measures that have been proposed to decrease the risk of CIN after iodine-based contrast media
Measures proven to decrease the risk Measures for which evidence is equivocal Measures proven to increase the risk or to have no
Extracellular volume expansion Hemofiltration Loop diuretics
Normal strength (0.9 %) saline for Intravenous hydration in preference to Sodium bicarbonate intravenously in large amounts
intravenous hydration controlled oral hydration
Sodium bicarbonate intravenously Maximum dose of contrast medium in g I Mannitol
Low dose of contrast medium equal to 2 times the GFR
8 Measures to Reduce the Incidence During the last 20 years, only a few randomized trials
of CIN examining prophylactic fluid therapy have been published
(Table 3). They include patients with normal and decreased
A number of measures (Table 2) have been recommended kidney function. The fluid has been administered orally,
to reduce the incidence of CIN (Sholy et al. 2012; intra-arterially, and intravenously. The study sample size
Thomsen 1999; Morcos 2004, 2005). The main methods has varied from 18 to 1,620, but not more than 2,500
are extracellular volume expansion, administration of non- patients (in total) have participated in these trials. It is clear
ionic contrast media, and the use of a variety of drugs, all that forced diuresis by adding mannitol or furosemide to
of which are discussed in this section. Other measures that hypotonic saline does not work (Dussol et al. 2006; Solo-
have been tried include hemodialysis, hemofiltration, mon et al. 1994; Weinstein et al. 1992). The same applies to
and use of gadolinium-based contrast media instead of a rapid bolus of isotonic saline (250–300 ml) at the time of
iodine-based agents, and they are discussed in contrast medium exposure (Bader et al. 2004; Krasuski
‘‘Dialysis and Contrast Media’’ and ‘‘Radiography with et al. 2003). Unrestricted access to water for 12 h before
Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media’’. contrast medium administration does not appear to be
effective either (Trivedi et al. 2003). The potentially
effective measures are (1) hypotonic (0.45 %) saline at
8.1 Extracellular Volume Expansion 1 ml kg1 h-1, starting 12 h before and continuing for 12 h
after contrast medium exposure (Solomon et al. 1994); (2)
Extracellular volume expansion is the most effective of all isotonic saline at 1 ml kg-1 h-1 4 h before and continuing
the measures used to prevent CIN (Morcos et al. 1999; for 12 h after contrast medium exposure (Mueller et al.
Mueller et al. 2002; Trivedi et al. 2003; Allaqaband et al. 2002); (3) oral hydration (1,000 ml over 10 h) followed by
2002; Solomon et al. 1994; Taylor et al. 1998; Thomsen hypotonic saline (300 ml h-1) starting 0.5 h before contrast
et al. 2008a). Early studies of CIN often described those medium exposure and continuing for 6 h in total (Taylor
affected as dehydrated. Intravascular volume expansion et al. 1998).
may increase kidney blood flow, reduce vasoconstriction in Intravenous infusion of 0.9 % saline solution at a rate of
the kidney, reduce the dwell time of contrast medium within 1 ml h-1 kg-1 body weight starting 6 h before contrast
the kidney, improve tubular clearance of uric acid and cast medium administration and continuing for 6 h afterwards
material, and exert variable neurohormonal effects that seems to be effective (‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast
reduce the rate of CIN. In addition, diuresis produced by Media Version 8.1’’). In areas with a hot climate more fluid
effective hydration is associated with an increased intrarenal should be given. This regime is suitable for patients who are
production of prostacyclin, leading to vasodilation in the not in congestive heart failure and are not allowed to drink or
vulnerable region of the renal medulla. eat before undergoing an interventional or surgical
Table 3 Studies of prophylactic fluid therapy for prevention of CIN
Study Osmolality/ Intervention regimen Control regimen Number of Mean baseline kidney Outcome measure Results Statistical
route of participants function Intervention significance
contrast v. Control N
medium (%) or mean
Bader et al. LOCM/IV 300 ml IV fluid during +1.5-2.01 fluid PO 2 l IV fluid (12 h pre/ 39 eGFR 110 ml min-1 Mean change in -34.6 v. p \ 0.05
2004 (12 h post) 12 h post) GFR by contrast -18.3
clearance at 48 h ml min-1
1.73 m-2
Mueller et al. LOCM/IA 1 ml kg-1 h-1 IV 0.9 % saline (24 h from 1 ml kg-1 h-1 IV 1,383 eGFR 84 ml min-1 SCr increase by 5 (0.7 %) v. p = 0.04
2002 morning of procedure) 0.45 % saline (24 h 50 kg lean mass [44 lmol l-1 14 (2 %)
from morning of (0.5 mg dl-1)
procedure) within 48 h
Taylor et al. Multiple/ 75 ml h-1 IV 0.45 % saline (12 h pre/12 h 1 l water PO (over 36 eGFR 48 ml min-1 Mean maximal 0.21 v p = NS
1998 IA post) 10 h pre), change in SCr .0.12 mg dl-1
300 ml h-1 IV within 48 h
0.45 % saline (6 h
from call to lab)
Trivedi et al. LOCM/IA 1 ml kg-1 h-1 IV 0.9 % saline (24 h) Unrestricted oral 53 eGFR 79.6 ml min-1 SCr increase by 1 (3.7 %) v. 9 p = 0.005
2003 fluids [44 lmol l-1 (34.6 %)
(0.5 mg dl-1)
within 48 h
Krasuski et al. ?/IA 1 ml kg-1 h-1 0.45 % saline (12 h pre and 250 ml 0.9 % saline 63 eGFR *45 ml min-1 SCr increase by 0 (0 %) v. 4 p = NS
2003 post) (pre) and 1 ml kg- [44 lmol l-1 (10.8 %)
10.45 % saline (0.5 mg dl-1)
(12hpost) within 48 h
Dussol et al. LOCM/IA 15 ml kg-1 0.9 % saline (6 h pre) 1 g per 10 kg weight 153 eGFR 34 ml min-1 SCr increase by 5 (6.6 %) v. 4 p = NS
2006 or IV salt and unrestricted 1.73 m-2 [44 lmol l-1 (5.2 %)
water PO (2 days pre) (0.5 mg dl-1)
within 48 h
Merten et al. LOCM/ 3 ml kg-1 h-1 (1 h pre), 1 ml kg-1h-1 (6 h 3 ml kg-1 h-1 (1 h 119 eGFR SCr increase by 1 (1.7 %) v. 8 p = 0.02
2004 Multiple post) IV sodium bicarbonate 154 mmol l-1 pre), 1 ml kg-1 h-1 41–45 ml min-1 [25 % within (13.6 %)
(6 h post) IV 0.9 % 1.73 m-2 48 h
Briguori et al. IOCM/IA 3 ml kg-1 h-1(1 h pre), 1 ml kg-1 h-1 (6 h 1 ml kg-1 h-1 0.9 % 220 eGFR SCr increase by 2 (1.9 %) v. p = 0.01
2007 post) IV sodium bicarbonate 154 mmol H saline, (12 h pre and 32–35 ml min-1 [25 % at 48 h 11 (9.9 %)
plus NAC 12 h post) plus NAC 1.73 m-2
Recio- Mayoral LOCM/IA 5 ml kg-1 h-1 IV (1 h pre), sodium 1 ml kg-1 h-1 0.9 % 111 eGFR 75 ml min-1 SCr increase by 1 (1.8 %) v. p = 0.0009
et al. 2007 bicarbonate 154 mmol l-1 plus 2400 mg saline IV (12 h post) 1.73 m-2 [44 lmol l-1 12 (21.8 %)
NAC, unspecified fluid at 1.5 ml kg-1 h-1 plus NAC 600 mg (0.5 mg dl-1)
(12 h post), plus NAC 600 mg PO q12 h x 2 PO q12 h X 2 next within 3 days
next day day
Clavijo et al. HOCM or 11 bolus 5 % dextrose in water IA before Not specified 976 eGFR 44 ml min-1 SCr increase by 2 (1.4 %) v. P = 0.03
2006 (not an LOCM/IA procedure [44 lmol l-1 47 (5.7 %)
RCT) (0.5 mg dl-1)
between 24 and
72 h post
H. S. Thomsen et al.
procedure. If there is no contraindication to oral administra- optimal isotonic saline regimen and might be useful for
tion, free fluid intake should be encouraged. At least 500 ml outpatients. Additional studies are required to assess whe-
of water or soft drinks orally before and 2,500 ml during the ther a single bolus of sodium bicarbonate administered just
24 h following contrast medium administration is before contrast medium administration is effective as
recommended. Tamura et al. (2009) suggested, as this protocol would be
The use of sodium bicarbonate instead of sodium chlo- extremely useful in daily practice.
ride has been advocated. It is suggested that the resulting Prolonged intravenous fluid therapy is difficult to
urine alkalinisation reduces the generation of free radicals. administer for outpatient procedures. A novel fast strategy
Bicarbonate appears capable of scavenging reactive oxygen of infusing 1 l of 5 % dextrose immediately before cardiac
species, as well as increasing urine flow. Also, the large catheterization was associated with a lower rate (1.4 %) of
amounts of chloride in isotonic saline may cause constric- CIN than in the comparison group (5 %) in a retrospective
tion of the renal vasculature (Joannidis et al. 2008). Merten study of high-risk patients. Further studies are required to
et al. (2004) published the first trial comparing infusion of test this approach (Clavijo et al. 2006).
sodium bicarbonate (154 mEq l-1 in dextrose 5 % water) Marenzi et al. (2012) looked at the effect of furosemide-
with sodium chloride. Infusion was started 1 h before the forced diuresis and intravenous saline infusion matched
CM injection at a rate of 3 ml kg-1 h-1 and continued for with urine output, using a novel dedicated device designed
6 h after at a rate of 1 ml kg-1 h-1. A number of further for CIN prevention (RenalGuard). A total of 170 consec-
trials followed and their results have been pooled in recent utive patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing cor-
meta-analyses (Joannidis et al. 2008; Merten et al. 2004; onary procedures were randomized to either furosemide
Brar et al. 2009; Hogan et al. 2008; Meier et al. 2009; with matched hydration or to standard isotonic saline
Navaneethan et al. 2009; Weisbord and Palevsky 2008). hydration. Only 4.6 % of the patients in the furosemide
These suggest that sodium bicarbonate may provide better group developed CIN ([25 % or [44 lmol l-1
protection against CIN than normal saline. However, in all (0.5 mg dl-1) rise in serum creatinine) versus 18 % in the
these meta-analyses, study heterogeneity was reported and control group. However, this procedure may be difficult to
there was even publication bias in some studies. When use during a short CT procedure and seems more appro-
heterogeneity is present, meta-analysis is not the right tool priate for use during conventional angiography.
for summarizing data (Biondi-Zoccai et al. 2006). However,
a more recent meta-analysis showed no evidence of heter-
ogeneity or publication bias and favors hydration with 8.2 Non-ionic Contrast Media
sodium bicarbonate (Trivedi et al. 2010). The reduced risk
of CIN after sodium bicarbonate does not seem to translate The type of contrast medium used is an important risk factor
into decreased mortality or a reduced need for hemodialysis, for the development of CIN, with iso-osmolar contrast media
but the incidence of these complications is low and a pooled (IOCM) and low-osmolar contrast media (LOCM)being less
analysis is probably underpowered to detect significant nephrotoxic than high-osmolar contrast agents in patients
differences (Meier et al. 2009). The safety of sodium with pre-existing renal impairment (Morcos 1998; Morcos
bicarbonate in cardiac patients might be a source of con- et al. 1999; Katzberg 1997; Rudnick et al. 1995; Thomsen
cern, but sodium bicarbonate does not appear to cause et al. 2008a; Sholy et al. 2012). Therefore, low-osmolar or
deterioration in congestive heart failure or to trigger acute iso-osmolar non-ionic contrast media are recommended in
pulmonary edema (Navaneethan et al. 2009). In a multi- high-risk patients to reduce the risk of CIN. Time has shown
center trial, Gomes et al. (2012) showed that sodium that there is no difference in nephrotoxic potential between
bicarbonate in patients with a glomerular filtration rate the non-ionic monomers and the non-ionic dimer.
below 50 ml min-1 or serum creatinine below 106 lmul l-1 A total of eight non-ionic monomeric LOCM (iohexol,
(1.2 mg dl-1) was not superior to saline, with CIN rates iomeprol, iopamidol, iopentol, ioxilan, iopromide, ioversol,
after saline and bicarbonate of 6 and 6.1 %, respectively. It and iobiditrol), one ionic dimer LOCM (ioxaglate), and one
appears that sodium bicarbonate provides equal protection non-ionic dimer IOCM (iodixanol) are approved for
to isotonic saline. intravascular use (’’Contrast Media Classification and
For sodium bicarbonate, the most widely used regimen Terminology‘‘). Their approved use varies from country to
(3 ml kg-1 h-1 for 1 h before contrast medium followed by country.
1 ml kg-1 h-1 for 6 h after) seems appropriate Several studies have compared LOCM with IOCM, and
(‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’), in most cases the contrast agents were given intra-arterially.
although the dose of sodium bicarbonate should be Aspelin et al. (2003), in a randomized trial in 129 patients
increased until urine alkalinisation is achieved (Meier et al. with moderate chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus,
2009). The sodium bicarbonate protocol is quicker than the showed a significantly higher incidence of CIN, defined as
92 H. S. Thomsen et al.
an absolute increase in serum creatinine greater than underwent invasive coronary angiography (ICA) and/or
44 lmol l-1 (0.5 mg dl-1), within 72 h with intra-arterial percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with either
iohexol than with iodixanol (26 vs. 4 %). The two groups iohexol, iopamidol or ioversol, death in hospital, need for
differed significantly with regard to interventional proce- hemodialysis, and readmission for CIN were all uncommon,
dures and duration of diabetes, but were otherwise compa- with no apparent clinical advantage among these three
rable. Laskey et al. (2009) repeated Aspelin et al.’s study in agents (LaBounty et al 2012).
a larger group of similar patients; no difference between the Also, after intravenous injection, there is no difference in
monomer (iopamidol) and the dimer (iodixanol) was found. the nephrotoxic potential between LOCM and IOCM
Using the same endpoint as Aspelin et al. (2003) and Las- (Table 1). Thomsen et al. (2008a) reported 7 % CIN after
key et al. (2009), Jo et al. (2006) did not find a significant intravenous injection of 40 g I iodixanol (320 mg I ml-1)
difference overall between the IOCM iodixanol and the and 0 % CIN after 40 g I iomeprol (400 mg I ml-1) in
LOCM ionic dimer ioxaglate in 275 patients with chronic patients with reduced kidney function (p \ 0.05). Also,
kidney disease undergoing coronary procedures; but in using the same endpoint as in the NEPHRIC study (Aspelin
some subgroups, e.g., patients with diabetic nephropathy, et al. 2003), Barrett et al. (2006) showed a 2.6 % CIN rate
there was a significant difference. At least eight other after intravenous injection of iodixanol for CT and 0 %
angiographic studies showed no significant difference after injection of iopamidol in a randomized, multicenter
between IOCM and LOCM (Table 4). In a retrospective trial. Kuhn et al. (2008) found no difference between
study of 225 patients with moderate to severe kidney dis- iopamidol and iodixanol in patients with diabetic nephrop-
ease, Briguori et al. (2006) could not find differences in CIN athy. Previous smaller studies by Carraro et al. (1998) and
rates between iodixanol and the LOCM, non-ionic mono- Kolehmainen and Soiva (2003) in patients with chronic
mer iobitridol. Neither Solomon et al. (2007) nor Wessely kidney disease did not show any difference between
et al. (2008) found a difference between iopamidol and iodixanol and their respective comparators (iopromide and
iodixanol in their prospective randomized studies of 414 iobiditrol) either (Table 1). On the other hand, Nguyen et al.
and 334 patients with kidney disease, respectively. (2008) found iopromide to be inferior to iodixanol in a
Comparisons between studies that compared a variety of randomized study of 117 patients with average GFR of
LOCM with the IOCM iodixanol have raised the possibility 52 ml min-1. It is surprising that 18.5 % developed CIN
of differences in nephrotoxic potential between the different after only 100 ml of 370 mg I ml-1 iopromide. In 41
LOCM (Bettmann 2005; Solomon and Dumouchel 2006). patients who did not receive acetylcysteine (control arm),
Since the higher nephrotoxic potential of the LOCM Tepel et al. (2000) reported a 21 % rate of CIN after
iohexol compared to the IOCM iodixanol (Aspelin et al. intravenous injection of 75 ml iopromide of 300 mg I ml-1.
2003) was not replicated in studies using other LOCM, the In both studies the same endpoint ([44 lmol l-1
possibility was raised of a difference in nephrotoxic (0.5 mg dl-1) was used. Pugh et al. (1993) compared
potential between iohexol and the other non-ionic mono- iopromide and iodixanol for femoral arteriography;
mers (Bettmann 2005; Sharma and Kini 2005; Solomon and according to McCullough et al. (2006a, b) they found a
Dumouchel 2006). Solomon and Dumouchel (2006) con- lower rate of CIN after iopromide than after iodixanol. Chen
ducted a systematic analysis of published papers and the et al. (2012) did not find any difference in nephrotoxicity
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports of adverse between iopromide and iodixanol in patients undergoing
events, and found that the risk of CIN was higher in patients coronary angiography who had moderately reduced renal
following administration of iohexol than of another non- dysfunction. These conflicting results are typical of this
ionic monomer, iopamidol. Bettmann (2005) and Sharma topic. They apply to all agents and this indicates that there is
and Kini (2005) analyzed control arms of studies of patients no difference in nephrotoxic potential between agents. The
with chronic kidney disease receiving no premedication and variable results are likely to be due to natural fluctuations in
showed that the average incidence of CIN after iopamidol serum creatinine.
administration was significantly lower than after iohexol, A number of reviews have recommended that the non-
whereas the incidence after iodixanol varied from 3 to ionic iso-osmolar dimer should be used rather than the non-
33 %. Thus, it is possible that there may be a difference in ionic monomers in patients at risk of developing CIN
the nephrotoxic potential between the various LOCM. (Gleeson and Bulugahapitaya 2004; Cavusoglu et al. 2004;
Although there are no important differences in the physi- Maeder et al. 2004; Nikolsky and Mehran 2003; Mitchell
cochemical properties between the different non-ionic et al. 2004; Asif and Epstein 2004; Andrew and Berg 2004;
monomeric LOCM, it may be argued that it is inappropriate Nicholson and Downes 2003; Erdogan and Davidson 2003).
to put all non-ionic monomers together in any review or However, there is no conclusive evidence of a difference in
meta-analysis. In a retrospective multicenter observational the nephrotoxic potential between the various monomers
study including 107,994 patients not on hemodialysis who and the dimer. Based on a more recent meta-analysis,
Table 4 Prospective randomized trials comparing intra-arterial iso- to low-osmolality contrast media
Low- N Iso- N Examination Pre-proceduralSCr Diabetes Statistical result Endpoint Reference
osmolar osmolar lmol l-1 (mg dl-1) Mellitus
CM CM (%)
Iohexol 48 Iodixanol 54 Coronary 273 (3.1) 35 No difference SCr C 25 % from baseline Chalmers
and Jackson
Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy
Iohexol 65 Iodixanol 64 Arteriography 132 (1.5) 100 Iodixanol superior SCr increase C 44 lmol Aspelin
(0.5 mg dl-1) et al. (2003)
Iopamidol 263 Iodixanol 263 Diagnostic and/or 138 (1.57) 100 No difference SCr increase C 44 lmol Laskey
therapeutic coronary (0.5 mg dl-1) et al. (2009)
angiographic procedures
Ioxaglate 135 Iodixanol 140 Coronary 117 (1.34) 48 Iodixanol may be SCr increase C 44 lmol l-1 Jo et al.
superior in certain (0.5 mg dl-1) (2006)
Iopamidol 204 Iodixanol 210 Coronary 128 (1.45) 41 No difference SCr increase C 44 lmol l-1 Solomon
(0.5 mg dl-1) et al. (2007)
Iopamidol 48 Iodixanol 54 Coronary \176 (2) 100 No difference SCr C 25 % from baseline Hardiek
et al. (2008)
Iopamidol 41 Iodixanol 46 Coronary artery stenting CrCL \ 60 ml min-1 19 No difference SCr increase C 44 lmol l-1 Jingwei
(0.5 mg dl-1) or C 25 % increase et al. (2006)
from baseline
Ioxaglate 74 Iodixanol 75 Percutaneous coronary 161 (1.83) 45 No difference SCr increase C 44 lmol l-1 Mehran
diagnostic or (0.5 mg dl-1) et al. (2009)
interventional procedures
Iopromide 278 Iodixanol 284 Cardiac Catherization 124 (1.41) 30 No difference First endpoint: SCr increase [50 % Chen et al.
Second endpoint: SCr increase C 44 (2012)
lmol l-1 (0.5 mg dl-1) or C 25 %
increase from baseline
Iomeprol 162 Iodixanol 162 Coronary angiography 120 (1.36) 37 No difference SCr increase C 44 lmol l-1 Wessely
(0.5 mg dl-1) or C 25 % increase et al. (2008)
from baseline
SCr Serum creatinine
94 H. S. Thomsen et al.
Heinrich et al. (2009) concluded that the iso-osmolar intervention has proven efficacious beyond doubt. Strongly
iodixanol is not associated with a reduced risk of CIN positive initial trials have often not been replicable.
compared to LOCM after intravenous administration. In Acetylcysteine is an antioxidant and scavenger of oxy-
patients with renal insufficiency given contrast media intra- gen-free radicals. It enhances the biologic effect of the
arterially, low-osmolar iohexol was associated with a endogenous vasodilator nitric oxide by combining with
greater risk of CIN than iodixanol, but no significant dif- nitric oxide to form S-nitrosothiol, which is a more stable
ference between iodixanol and other LOCM was found. and potent vasodilator than nitric oxide. Acetylcysteine also
Why the nephrotoxicity of iohexol should differ from the increases the expression of nitric oxide synthase, the
other monomers is still unclear. enzyme responsible for the endogenous production of nitric
It is important to remember that all these agents are oxide in the body (Safirstein et al. 2000). Nitric oxide is
potentially nephrotoxic, although the risk associated with crucial for maintaining the perfusion of the kidney, partic-
them is less than that with the old, high-osmolar contrast ularly in the vulnerable region of the renal medulla.
agents. Therefore, acetylcysteine might reduce the nephrotoxicity
of contrast medium through antioxidant and vasodilatory
effects (Meschi et al. 2006). The results of an initial trial
8.3 Avoidance of Nephrotoxic Drugs were dramatic, but the event rate in the controls was
unexpectedly high for patients given a low dose, intrave-
The use of nephrotoxic drugs is likely to increase the risk of nous, low-osmolality contrast medium (Tepel et al. 2000).
developing CIN. This is supported by experimental obser- Subsequent trials have largely involved patients with
vations (Morcos 2005), but clinical data are lacking. A trend reduced kidney function having cardiac angiography. Some
toward a higher incidence of CIN in patients receiving loop have shown benefit and others have not; many are limited
diuretics , nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , coxibs, by low power and a lack of blinding (Fishbane et al. 2004;
aminoglycosides, or amphotericin B has been reported Brigouri et al. 2004a; Liu et al. 2005; Pannu et al. 2006;
(Alamartine et al. 2003). CIN in patients treated with cis- Marenzi et al. 2006). The dose of acetylcysteine used in
platinum has also been described. Conflicting data have most trials has not been chosen on the basis of pharmaco-
been reported on angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) logic principles. Two trials comparing doses of acetylcys-
inhibitors, with some suggesting an increased risk of CIN, teine have suggested that higher doses may be required,
and others suggesting a decreased risk. A more compre- especially if higher doses of contrast medium are being used
hensive list of nephrotoxic drugs has been published; it (Brigouri et al. 2004b; Marenzi et al. 2006). There have
includes drugs that have not been reported in the medical been several meta-analyses of trials of acetylcysteine
history of patients who developed CIN (Naughton 2008; (Alonso et al. 2004; Pannu et al. 2004; Fishbane et al. 2004;
Pannu and Nadim 2008). Withdrawal of nephrotoxic drugs Liu et al. 2005; Zagler et al. 2005; Kshirsagar et al. 2004;
at least 24 h before CM administration in at-risk patients Bagshaw and Ghali 2004; Bagshaw et al. 2006; Vaikus and
was suggested in the first guideline from the ESUR CMSC Brar 2007; Biondi-Zoccai et al. 2006). The results of these
(Morcos et al. 1999). Current literature supports this advice, meta-analyses must be interpreted with caution given the
but the recommendation is poorly followed in clinical heterogeneous results of the individual trials, and the pos-
practice (Fishman and Reddan 2008; Reddan and Fishman sibility of publication bias, with small negative studies
2008). It seems reasonable to continue the use of under-represented (Bagshaw et al. 2006; Vaitkus and Brar
ACE-inhibitors, loop diuretics, and small doses of nonste- 2007; Biondi-Zoccai et al. 2006). A recent meta-analysis on
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for antiplatelet the role of acetylcysteine in preventing CIN in patients
treatment in patients with stable renal function, because undergoing peripheral angiography showed that there is
temporary cessation may be more harmful for the patient. insufficient evidence to recommend prophylactic acetyl-
Possible withdrawal of nephrotoxic drugs before contrast cysteine in these patients (O’Sullivan et al. 2013). Also, the
medium in patients at risk of CIN should be discussed with effect of acetylcysteine on outcomes other than minor
the referring physician and the judgment should balance the changes in serum creatinine is largely unknown. Indeed,
relative benefits and harms (‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast studies in healthy volunteers have suggested that acetyl-
Media Version 8.1’’). cysteine might have an effect on creatinine levels unrelated
to an effect on GFR (Hoffmann et al. 2004; Curham 2003).
Poletti et al. (2007) found no effect of acetylcysteine when
8.4 Pharmacological Manipulation they used Cystatin C as the measure of glomerular filtration
rate, but they found a significantly lower CIN rate in the
In recent years, it has been claimed that various substances acetylcysteine group than in the control group when they
or drugs may protect the kidney against CIN. However, no used serum creatinine as the measure of renal function.
Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy 95
Cystatin C is not secreted by the tubular cells, whereas In one study, 3 days treatment with 20 mg nitrendipine
creatinine is. Thus, there is no conclusive evidence that prevented the development of CIN in patients with mod-
acetylcysteine provides consistent protection against CIN erate renal impairment (Neumayer et al. 1989), but in
and its routine use for prophylaxis is not recommended. another study a single dose (20 or 10 mg) given 1 h before
Theophylline and aminophylline (nonselective adenosine contrast medium administration failed to prevent CIN
receptor antagonists) have the potential to reduce CIN (Carraro et al. 1996). The incidence of CIN was 6.5 % with
through antagonizing adenosine-mediated vasoconstriction. 20 mg nitrendipine, 3.7 % with 10 mg nitrendipine, and
Adenosine is an important intrarenal mediator, which can 8.3 % in the control group, and the differences were not
induce a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate through statistically significant. Thus, the role of calcium channel
vasoconstriction of the afferent arterioles and contraction of blockers remains uncertain and their protective effect in
the mesangial cells of the glomeruli (Oldroyd et al. 2000). patients with advanced renal impairment has not been
Adenosine also induces vasoconstriction in the renal cortex proven. In addition, these drugs are not suitable in patients
and vasodilatation in the renal medulla, increases the gen- with heart failure.
eration of oxygen-free radical cells, and is a mediator of the The use of the vasodilators dopamine and atrial natri-
tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) response. Clinical studies uretic peptide may be harmful in patients with diabetic
have given conflicting results. In one study, administration nephropathy. The frequency of CIN in patients who were
of 200 mg theophylline intravenously had a preventive pretreated with either drug plus hydration was 83 %,
effect (Huber et al. 2002), but in another study 810 mg whereas the frequency in the control group, who received
theophylline orally daily for 3 days did not offer additional only hydration, was 43 % (Weisberg et al. 1994).
protection compared to hydration alone (Erley et al. 1999). The selective dopamine-1 receptor agonist, fenoldopam,
In a recent study Dai et al. (2012) found no beneficial effects in contrast to dopamine, increases both cortical and med-
of theophylline in patients with high baseline creatinine ullary blood flow. Fenoldopam has the advantage of not
values ([132 lmol l-1 (1.5 mg dl-1)). Meta-analyses stimulating a- and b-adrenergic receptors or dopamine-2
found that the mean rise in serum creatinine was signifi- receptors, which can produce renal vasoconstriction. One
cantly, but only slightly, lower at 48 h after contrast medium study has shown that fenoldopam offers some protection
administration among those receiving active therapy com- against CIN (Kini et al. 2002), but two studies indicated that
pared to placebo (Ix et al. 2004; Bagshaw and Ghali 2005). it offered no protection (Allaqaband et al. 2002; Stone et al.
The clinical importance of this finding is not clear (Thomsen 2003). In addition, fenoldopam has the disadvantages that it
et al 2008a; Goldenberg and Matetzky 2005). There was has to be given intravenously and it induces hypotension, so
heterogeneity among studies with regard to changes in regular monitoring of the blood pressure is necessary
serum creatinine. There is potential for adverse effects with (Morcos 2004).
theophylline particularly in patients with ischemic heart Experimental studies have indicated that the potent
disease in whom it may induce cardiac arrhythmias (Morcos endogenous vasoactive peptide endothelin may play an
2004). The optimal dose for preventing CIN has not been important role in mediating CIN (Oldroyd et al. 1995).
established. Further studies using a selective adenosine Therefore, it was suggested that endothelin antagonists
receptor (A1) antagonist are warranted. The effectiveness of (Benigni and Remizzi 1999) would reduce the incidence of
theophylline in preventing CIN remains uncertain. CIN in humans. However, Wang et al. (2000) found that a
The antioxidant ascorbic acid has been tested in two nonselective endothelin receptor antagonist and intravenous
randomized trials of patients undergoing cardiac angiogra- hydration were associated with a CIN rate of 56 % com-
phy (Briguori et al. 2007; Spargias et al. 2004). In the first pared to 29 % in the hydration only group. In addition,
study, CIN occurred in 11 (9 %) of patients given ascorbic hypotension was more frequent in the treated group. Wang
acid compared to 23 (20 %) given placebo (p = 0.02) et al.’s (2000) study has been criticized (Haylor and Morcos
(Spargias et al. 2004) However, these results are difficult to 2000) because the choice of a nonselective endothelin
interpret, as the baseline serum creatinine level was lower in receptor antagonist, which blocks both endothelin-A and the
the placebo group and both groups reached a similar level endothelin-B receptors, was not appropriate. Endothelin-B
after contrast medium administration. In the more recent receptors are responsible for vasodilatation and clearance of
trial, ascorbic acid given with acetylcysteine and saline was endothelin, and blocking them abolishes the vasodilatory
associated with the same rate of CIN as when acetylcysteine effect and prolongs the vasoconstrictor effect of endothelin,
and saline alone were given (Briguori et al. 2007). which is released in response to contrast medium. Also, the
Calcium channel blockers prevent the influx of calcium endothelin receptor antagonist was given only 12 h after
ions through voltage-operated channels, so causing a va- contrast medium injection so that there was no sustained
sorelaxant effect in all vascular beds including the kidney. drug cover.
96 H. S. Thomsen et al.
Two studies of captopril as a prophylactic agent yielded Guidelines should be concisely and clearly written using
divergent results (Gupta et al. 1999; Toprak 2006; Toprak accurate terminology and avoiding vague recommendations.
et al. 2003). In the first trial, serum creatinine rose by more The ESUR guidelines on the prevention of CIN (Morcos
than 0.5 mg dl-1 (44 lmol l-1) in 2 (6 %) patients given et al. 1999), which required 3 years of preparation and
captopril for 3 days vs. 10 (29 %) given placebo (p \ 0.02) involved wide consensus, remain valid in spite of the large
(Gupta et al. 1999). In the second study, CIN was reported number of new studies reported in the literature since their
as occurring in five (10 %) patients given captopril vs. one publication in 1999. They have recently been updated
(3 %) given placebo (p = 0.02) (Toprak 2006; Toprak et al. (Stacul et al. 2011).
2003). Recently KDIGO (Fliser et al. 2012) produced a guide-
Several other interventions have been proposed to reduce line on CIN, which is summarized in this paragraph. Overall,
the risk of CIN, but data to support them are limited. Forced it does not differ from the ESUR guidelines (‘‘ESUR
diuresis with furosemide, mannitol, dopamine, or a com- Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’). They use the
bination of these given at the time of the contrast medium same definition of CIN as for acute kidney insufficiency
exposure has been associated with similar or higher rates of (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO)
CIN when compared to prophylactic fluids alone (Solomon 2013). They recommend that before an intervention which
et al. 1994; Weinstein et al. 1992; Stevens et al. 1999; Gare involves a risk of CIN, a baseline serum creatinine should be
et al. 1999; Hans et al. 1998). Negative fluid balance might measured and, for high-risk patients, a repeat serum creati-
underlie some of the detrimental effects. nine 12 and 72 h after administration of contrast medium. In
In summary, none of the many proposed pharmacologi- individuals who develop changes in kidney function after
cal manipulations has been proven to be of consistent intravascular contrast media, not only CIN but also other
benefit in reducing the incidence of CIN. possible causes of acute kidney injury should be considered.
The risk of CIN should always be weighed against the
benefit of administering contrast medium. Alternative
9 Recommendations During the Last imaging methods not requiring contrast medium should
15 Years always be considered in patients at increased risk of CIN, as
long as these give the same diagnostic accuracy. For
In 2006, Barrett and Parfrey (2006) reviewed the literature example, the potential risk of CIN must be balanced against
and recommended using intravenous saline therapy and the the potential diagnostic loss from not giving contrast med-
lowest possible dose of low-osmolality contrast media. They ium, such as overlooking a resectable tumor. The risk of CIN
also indicated that NSAIDs and diuretics should be withheld increases with decreasing baseline GFR, particularly in the
for at least 24 h before and after exposure to contrast med- presence of diabetes and dehydration. Several drugs have a
ium and that N-acetylcysteine was not recommended rou- prolonged nephrotoxic action because of long-lasting accu-
tinely, given the inconsistent results of clinical trials. Their mulation in the renal cells. To minimize the risk of kidney
recommendations were in accordance with ESUR guidelines damage, these drugs would have to be stopped for days or
from 1999 (Morcos et al. 1999). Thomsen and Morcos even weeks, not just hours, before contrast medium admin-
(2006) evaluated a plethora of reviews and guidelines on istration. The rationale for stopping loop diuretics is mainly
prevention of CIN. They concluded that guidelines should be based on their detrimental effect when used as prophylaxis
prepared after careful study of published literature and with against CIN. Volume expansion with either isotonic sodium
a thorough understanding of the subject, and recommenda- chloride or sodium bicarbonate solutions in patients at
tions should be evidence-based whenever possible, relying increased risk for CIN is recommended. Hydration may be
on consistent results of well-structured, large studies. Rec- given orally, provided that there is adequate intake of fluid
ommending a change in clinical practice based only on a and salt. When adequate oral fluid and salt intake is not
single study cannot be justified, particularly in the field of possible in patients at increased risk of CIN, hydration
CIN, since inconsistency of results of clinical studies is a should be given intravenously. Prophylactic intermittent
real problem. Clinical investigation of CIN regularly faces hemodialysis (IHD) or hemofiltration (HF) to prevent CIN
the problem of finding a perfectly matching control group, as only is not recommended.
there are many variables that can influence renal function. In
addition, it is important to emphasize that meta-analysis of
inconsistent study results cannot provide confident recom- 10 Residual Function
mendations about treatment (Higgins et al. 2003). There is a
great need for randomized clinical trials. Guidelines should It is essential to preserve residual renal function in dialysis
be based on proven clinical practice. In areas of contention, a patients as long as possible. Among the suggested prophy-
consensus among experts on the subject should be sought. lactic strategies are angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy 97
inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers, use of bio- function. A total of 167,140 scans were performed in 53,439
compatible dialysis solutions, prevention of peritonitis, and patients. Counterfactual analysis revealed no significant
avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs such as aminoglycosides, difference in acute kidney injury incidence following
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and iodine-based enhanced and unenhanced CT scans in the same patients.
contrast media (Lameire 1997; Suzuki et al. 2004). Patients They concluded that, after adjustment for presumed risk
on dialysis are never included in the major prospective trials factors, the incidence of CIN was not significantly different
mentioned above—for obvious reasons. Dittrich et al. (2006) from contrast medium independent acute kidney injury, and
looked at residual renal function in 10 patients treated that these two phenomena were clinically indistinguishable
with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) using established serum creatinine criteria. This suggests
who electively received intravenous or intra-arterial admin- that intravenous iodine-based contrast media may not be the
istration of contrast medium for diagnostic purposes cause of reduced renal function after contrast medium
(median dose 107.5 ml/patient). Eight CAPD patients who administration. Davenport et al. (2013) did a similar study
did not receive contrast medium acted as the control group. based on examinations performed over 10 years. A one-to-
There was no significant difference between the two groups one propensity-matched cohort analysis with multivariate
in age, gender, diabetes, duration of dialysis, and renal analyses of effects was performed with post CT acute kid-
clearance at baseline. In the study group, a temporary but ney injury as the primary outcome measure (10,121 unen-
statistically significant decline in residual renal clearance hanced and 10,121 unenhanced CT examinations in 20,242
was observed. On day 30, clearances were not significantly patients). They found that intravenous low-osmolality
different from baseline. This is in agreement with several iodine-based contrast medium is a nephrotoxic risk factor,
retrospective studies, which either showed no long-term but not in patients with a stable serum creatinine level less
influence of intravenous contrast medium on the decline of than 132 lmol l-1 (1.5 mg dl-1). There is no doubt that in
residual renal function in patients on peritoneal dialysis or the past natural fluctuations in serum creatinine have been
did not consider this aspect (Dittrich et al. 2006). identified as CIN and that the incidence of CIN has,
Residual function is of less importance in hemodialysis. therefore, been overestimated. However, severe cases, for
Whether CIN occurs in patients with residual function who example those with acute anuria cannot be explained as
are treated with chronic hemodialysis is unclear, as there natural serum creatinine fluctuations. The truth is very
may be other factors causing renal function to stop. In likely somewhere in between and the overwhelming
patients without residual function, CIN is not an issue. majority ([95 %) of patients are not at increased risk of
CIN during routine CT.
One of the major problems in these studies is the control
11 Is CIN Just a Result of Natural group. Optimal randomization is not possible. For example,
Fluctuations in Serum Creatinine? a patient with suspected liver metastasis cannot be ran-
domized to receive or not to receive contrast medium. The
Newhouse et al. (2008) reported that hospitalized patients opposite applies to a patient referred for an unenhanced
who were not exposed to contrast medium had rates of examination such as MR of the knee. For proper randomi-
increased serum creatinine similar to the reported rates of zation, all patients need a needle in an arm vein and
CIN after contrast medium. For a long time, only two apparently identical contrast medium or saline has to be
studies (Cramer et al. 1985; Heller et al. 1991) comparing prepared without contact with the personnel doing the scan.
these two groups had been published and in neither study If the scan is performed enhanced and unenhanced, the two
did contrast medium produce renal dysfunction in more examinations must be relatively close so that the disease
patients than in patients who did not receive contrast does not change between them. The possibility of increased
medium. Over the last 5 years, another 11 studies with radiation dose to the patient must be considered. Other
control groups have been published (McDonald et al. problems relate to whether younger patients should be
2013a). They constitute only 0.9 % of the 1489 studies included and whether patients will consent to participate.
dealing with nephrotoxicity following intravenous contrast Retrospective studies suffer from the fact that someone
medium administration. A meta-analysis of these 13 studies decided not to give contrast medium. The reason for this is
showed a similar incidence of acute kidney injury, dialysis, often unclear and may have been that the patient had
and death in the contrast medium group and the control impaired renal function. It is difficult to establish an ideal
group (McDonald et al. 2013a). Four studies were pro- control group.
spective and the rest retrospective. McDonald et al. (2013b) Becker et al. (2013) looked at measured GFR in relation
looked at all contrast medium enhanced and unenhanced to injection of three non-ionic monomers and the non-ionic
abdominal, pelvic, and thoracic CT scans from a 10-year dimer in patients at low risk of CIN (\123 lmol l-1
period and classified patients according to their renal (1.4 mg dl-1)). They concluded that the four agents were
98 H. S. Thomsen et al.
comparable in their lack of a significant effect on measured metformin blood levels potentially increase the risk of lactic
GFR. They suggested that renal function formulas offer acidosis, renal impairment has been considered to be a
little because they are creatinine driven and result in an contraindication to metformin, with manufacturers recom-
estimate that has limited relation to measured GFR (Botev mending that it should not be given if eGFR is less than
et al. 2011). Recent research appears to minimize the 60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 (Electronic Medicines Compendium
problem of CIN, particularly in patients with moderately 2012a, b).
reduced renal function. Using better measurements of GFR Despite this, the increasing recognition of the low inci-
than eGFR, it may be possible in the near future to reduce dence of lactic acidosis in diabetics taking metformin has
the cut-off level for being at low risk of CIN after an led to metformin being given to patients with CKD3 (eGFR
intravenous injection of an iodine-based contrast medium to 30–59 ml min-1 1.73 m-2) (Holstein and Stumvoll 2005;
30 ml min-1 1.73 m-2. Shaw et al. 2007; Warren et al. 2007). There was only one
case of lactic acidosis in approximately 2,500 patients in
whom a variety of contraindications to metformin were not
12 Metformin and Contrast Media observed (Holstein and Stumvoll 2005). The most recent
guidelines from the UK National Institute of Clinical
In non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus not controlled by Excellence (NICE) (2009) state that metformin can be given
diet and exercise, the biguanide metformin is the first line to patients with eGFR [45 ml min-1 1.73 m-2, that the
drug of choice (Bolen et al. 2007; NICE Clinical guideline metformin dose should be reviewed if eGFR \45 ml min-1
CG87 2009). The risk of lactic acidosis with another 1.73 m-2, and that metformin should be stopped if
biguanide, phenformin, was considered unacceptable and eGFR \30 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 (NICE Clinical guideline
phenformin was withdrawn in the late 1970s. Although the CG 87 2009).
risk of lactic acidosis with metformin was recognized to be Metformin is contraindicated in conditions associated
much lower than with phenformin (Bailey and Turner with lactic acidosis, especially liver disease and conditions
1996), concern persisted. More recent data indicate that the causing hypoxia, such as cardiac and respiratory failure and
risk of metformin causing lactic acidosis in diabetics is very severe infection (Bailey and Turner 1995).
low, between 4.3 and 9 cases per 100,000 patient years
(Stang et al. 1999; Salpeter et al. 2010), and that the risk of
metformin-associated lactic acidosis is no greater than the 12.3 Iodine-Based Contrast Media
risk with sulphonylurea (Cryer et al. 2005; Salpeter et al.
2010). Diabetics with reduced renal function have an increased risk
of CIN compared to nondiabetics with similar renal func-
tion (Parfrey et al. 1989; Rudnick et al. 1995; McCullough
12.1 Metformin Pharmacokinetics et al. 2006a, b). The possibility that diabetics with renal
impairment might develop CIN after intravascular iodine-
Metformin is readily absorbed from the gut and blood levels based contrast media, and so be at risk of metformin
peak at 2.5 h (Electronic Medicines Compendium 2012a). retention and lactic acidosis, led to restrictions on the
Renal excretion of metformin is rapid with 90 % excreted administration of metformin when iodine-based contrast
by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion in the first agents were given.
12 h (Bailey and Turner 1996). In slow release metformin There is insufficient evidence in the literature on which
tablets, a polymer layer around the metformin slows to base guidelines for the administration of iodine-based
absorption, and blood levels peak later, at 7 h, but excretion contrast media to patients taking metformin and guidelines
is then identical to immediate release metformin (Electronic have therefore had to be produced by expert consensus
Medicines Compendium 2012b). based on the pharmacokinetics of metformin and the path-
ophysiology of CIN (Goergen et al. 2010; Thomsen et al.
2010). The early guidelines recommended that metformin
12.2 Impaired Renal Function and Metformin was stopped for 48 h before iodine-based contrast media
Contraindications and only restarted 48 h after contrast medium if renal
function was normal (Thomsen et al. 1999). As the guide-
When renal function is reduced, metformin is excreted more lines for the use of metformin in patients with impaired
slowly. Metformin clearance was reduced by 23–33 % in renal function have relaxed, so have the guidelines for use
mild renal impairment and by 74–78 % in severe renal of metformin when iodine-based contrast media are given.
impairment, with associated increases in blood metformin The current ESUR guidelines state that patients with an
concentration (Sambol et al. 1995). Since increased eGFR of 45 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 or greater can continue to
Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy 99
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Dialysis and Contrast Media
Sameh K. Morcos
Contents Abstract
Extracellular water soluble contrast media, whether
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 105 gadolinium- or iodine-based, can be removed from the
2 Hemodialysis in the Removal of Iodine-Based circulation by hemodialysis and less efficiently by
Contrast Media .................................................................... 106 peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis has no role in preven-
3 Elimination of Iodine-Based Contrast Media tion of contrast-induced nephropathy and patients on
by Peritoneal Dialysis.......................................................... 107 hemodialysis do not need to receive dialysis shortly after
administration of iodine-based contrast media. The
4 Prophylactic Hemodialysis in the Prevention
of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy..................................... 107 administration of low stability gadolinium-based contrast
media to patients receiving dialysis has been associated
5 Elimination of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media
by Dialysis............................................................................. 108 with development of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Only
highly stable gadolinium-based contrast agents at the
6 Prophylactic Hemodialysis after Gadolinium-Based
Contrast Media .................................................................... 108
smallest possible dose should be used if contrast
enhanced MR is considered essential in patients receiving
7 Conclusion ............................................................................ 108
dialysis. Patients already on hemodialysis should undergo
References...................................................................................... 108 a hemodialysis session as soon as practically possible
after administration of gadolinium-based contrast agents.
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 105
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_883, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
106 S. K. Morcos
iodine- and gadolinium-based contrast agents in patients Table 1 Factors that influence the elimination of contrast media
with end-stage renal disease will be outlined. The value of during hemodialysis
hemodialysis in preventing CIN in patients with pre-exist- [A] Contrast media
ing renal impairment, and whether hemodialysis has a role 1. Molecular size and weight
after gadolinium-based contrast media in patients with pre- 2. Protein binding
existing renal impairment will be discussed. 3. Electrical charge
4. Hydrophilicity
[B] Hemodialysis procedure
2 Hemodialysis in the Removal of
Iodine-Based Contrast Media 1. The permeability and surface area of the hemodialysis membrane
2. Dialysis membrane material
The pharmacokinetic properties of water-soluble, iodine- 3. Blood flow rate
based contrast media are such that they are distributed in the 4. Dialysate flow rate
extracellular fluid only, protein binding is minimal, they are 5. Duration of dialysis
not metabolized and excretion is mainly by glomerular fil- [C] Patient factors
tration. The half-life of iodine-based contrast media in 1. Degree of hepatic and renal excretion
patients with a normal glomerular filtration rate is approx-
2. Contrast medium plasma concentration
imately 2 h but in patients with severe renal dysfunction it
can be prolonged to over 30 h depending on the extent of
renal impairment. Therefore, in patients with end-stage hemodialysis of contrast media. The hydrophilicity of non-
renal failure the plasma contrast medium concentration ionic contrast media is an important factor in determining
remains high for a long period of time. Such patients are at the protein binding of their molecules.
risk of central nervous system reactions such as convulsions The higher the hydrophilicity, the lower the affinity of
and respiratory depression, which may be due either to the molecules to proteins. The elimination by hemodialysis
contrast media or to uremia (Morcos et al. 2002). Delayed of the non-ionic dimer iodixanol which has high hydro-
severe skin disorders including vasculitis and salivary gland philicity and low protein binding was similar to that of the
swelling have also been reported in chronic renal failure non-ionic monomer iohexol (Sterner et al. 2000). The pro-
patients after high-dose urography (Furukawa et al. 1996). tein binding of the ionic dimer ioxaglate on the other hand
To reduce the risk of these complications, it has been is relatively high and amounts to 7.6 ± 1.5 %, compared to
suggested that contrast media should be removed from the the value for iohexol of 1.5 ± 0.3 % determined by means
body as soon as possible. of equilibrium dialysis. This difference might be partly
Several factors influence the elimination of contrast responsible for the fact that iohexol was more easily elim-
media by hemodialysis (Table 1) (Waaler et al. 1990; Moon inated than ioxaglate (Furukawa et al. 1996). Another
et al. 1995; Furukawa et al. 1996; Ueda et al. 1996; possible factor is the molecular aggregation that occurs with
Matzkies et al. 1999; Sterner et al. 2000). The first factor is ioxaglate, leading to the formation of large particles which
the size and weight of the contrast media molecules; the are less permeable by hemodialysis. The electrical charge of
smaller the solute molecule, the easier it moves across the molecule also influences dialysance. Ioxaglate is almost
the membrane. Comparisons of dialysance (Dialysance = completely dissociated in plasma and is negatively charged.
blood flow rate of the hemodialysis X extraction ratio) As the cellulose diacetate membrane is slightly negatively
values of contrast media from one study to another are charged, solutes with a negative charge such as ioxaglate
usually meaningless as the time period between contrast move less easily across the membrane (Furukawa et al.
medium injection and starting dialysis, and the dialysis 1996).
conditions, are likely to vary from one study to another. In The degree of hepatic and renal excretion (in patients
one study, under the same conditions the dialysance of non- who are not anuric) may also affect the elimination rate of
ionic, monomeric contrast media was slightly higher than contrast media during hemodialysis in patients with chronic
that of ionic, dimeric contrast media, partly because of the renal failure (Waaler et al. 1990; Ueda et al. 1996).
lower molecular weight and size of the former (Furukawa The elimination of contrast media is not dependent on
et al. 1996). However, in another study the elimination by the pore size of the membrane during dialysis. Under clearly
hemodialysis of the non-ionic monomer iohexol was similar defined conditions, the mean clearance rate for the non-
to that of the non-ionic dimer iodixanol which has a ionic monomer iopromide was 108 ml min-1 for high- and
molecular mass almost twice that of iohexol (Sterner et al. low-flux membranes, both with a surface area of 1.3 m2
2000). Second, binding to the plasma proteins, which have (Matzkies et al. 1999). The clearance rate of contrast agents
large molecular size, also decreases the efficiency of for polyacrylonetrile membranes is 1.5–3 times higher than
Dialysis and Contrast Media 107
that of cuprophane membranes (Matzkies et al. 2000), were seen and no patient required emergency dialysis. It
whereas there is no difference between polyamide and was concluded that postprocedural dialysis was not war-
hemophane membranes (Matzkies et al. 1999). ranted routinely (Younathan et al. 1994). Further, larger
Blood flow does not seem to have an important effect. studies have demonstrated that hemodialysis does not offer
Removal of contrast agents can be performed at low blood any protection against CIN (Dehnarts et al. 1998; Vogt et al.
flow rates without loss of efficacy and this is preferable in 2001; Huber et al. 2002). The additional cost of hemodi-
uremic patients who are prone to develop disequilibrium alysis and the associated risks including venous cannulation
syndrome because of the rapid removal of the low molec- and the possibility of heparin-induced bleeding could only
ular weight products during intensive dialysis (Moon et al. be justified if hemodialysis were shown to prevent CIN
1995). The osmotic process contributes to the elimination. (Morcos 2004).
Greater amounts of substance are transported across the Thirty patients with reduced renal function (mean serum
dialysis membrane when it is exposed to higher concen- creatinine concentration 212 ± 14 lmol l-1) were ran-
trations. Thus, fast reduction of contrast medium concen- domly assigned to receive either hemodialysis for 3 h
trations can be achieved by dialysis in patients with high starting as soon as possible (63 ± 6 min) or conservative
initial plasma levels. A short dialysis time of 2 h can be treatment with no hemodialysis after administration of a
sufficient for contrast medium removal (Matzkies et al. non-ionic monomeric contrast medium (Dehnarts et al.
1999). 1998). All patients received intravenous infusion of 0.9 %
saline at the rate of 83 ml h-1 beginning 12 h before
injection of the contrast medium (350 mgI ml-1, mean dose
3 Elimination of Iodine-Based Contrast 3 ml kg-1 body weight). In the control group, only the
Media by Peritoneal Dialysis infusion of saline was continued for another 12 h after the
radiographic procedure. Serum concentrations of the con-
Three patients with chronic renal failure (serum creatinine trast agent and creatinine were followed for up to 14 days.
389–804 lmol l-1) underwent coronary angiography with Both the groups were treated with calcium channel antag-
iohexol. Intermittent automated peritoneal dialysis (36–60 l onists (nitrendipine 10 mg 12 hourly). The incidence of
dialysis fluid) was able to remove 43–72 % of the iohexol CIN in the hemodialysis group was 53 % and in the control
over 16–18 h (Moon et al. 1995). In another study, inter- group was 40 %, so hemodialysis treatment did not
mittent peritoneal dialysis for 64 h removed 56 % of the decrease the incidence of CIN. The poor efficacy of
injected meglumine diatrizoate (Brooks and Barry 1973). hemodialysis in preventing CIN, despite the fact that the
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) removed patients were hemodialyzed as early as possible after con-
54 % (range 36–80 %) of the administered dose of iopamidol trast medium, relates to the rapid onset of renal injury after
300 mgI ml-1 (30 ml) over 7 days using 8 l of dialysis fluid administration of contrast medium (Morcos 1998).
daily. During the same period, 27 % (range: 36–80 %) of the Of 113 patients with chronic renal impairment and serum
injected contrast medium was excreted in the urine (Donally creatinine above 200 lmol l-1, 55 were randomly assigned
et al. 1992). Thus, peritoneal dialysis is also effective for to hemodialysis and 58 to non-hemodialysis after injection
removing contrast agents from the body, but takes longer of non-ionic monomeric contrast media (Vogt et al. 2001).
than hemodialysis. No side effects of the contrast agents were The mean dose of contrast medium injected in the non-
reported in the three studies and this is important since the hemodialysis group was 143 ± 15 and 210 ± 19 ml in the
residual renal function in these patients must be protected. hemodialysis group. The baseline serum creatinine levels
were 316 ± 16 and 308 ± 15 lmol l-1, respectively. All
patients received saline infusion following the same proto-
4 Prophylactic Hemodialysis col as the previous study. The hemodialysis began
in the Prevention of Contrast-Induced 30–280 min after the radiographic procedure (median time
Nephropathy 120 min). The incidence of CIN in the hemodialysis group
was 24 % and in the non-hemodialysis group was 16 %.
A variety of approaches have been suggested to prevent There was no significant difference between the two groups
CIN, including saline hydration, administration of agents in relation to clinically important events (stroke, pulmonary
that cause increased renal blood flow or diuresis (Morcos edema, myocardial infarction, and death). The higher inci-
et al. 1999; Morcos 1998, 2004) and hemodialysis. In an dence of nephropathy in the hemodialysis group could be
early study, ten patients on regular hemodialysis (three attributed to the larger doses of contrast medium used in
times a week) who had received between 40 and 225 ml of these patients than in the control group. In addition,
non-ionic iodine-based contrast media were followed up by hemodialysis may cause deterioration of the renal function
laboratory tests and clinically. No significant adverse effects through activation of inflammatory reactions with the
108 S. K. Morcos
release of vasoactive substances that may induce acute 24 h. The elimination half-time of gadolinium-based contrast
hypotension. Although a recent study suggested that pro- media in patients with significant reduction in renal function
phylactic hemodialysis after coronary angiography (dialysis can be prolonged to several hours depending on the degree of
was initiated 81 ± 32 min after the angiography) is effec- renal impairment. Over 80 % of the administered dose is
tive in improving renal outcome in patients with advanced usually excreted within 7 days in such patients. It may take
renal impairment (creatinine clearance 13 ml min-1) (Lee several days/weeks before the remainder is completely
et al. 2007), the general consensus is that performing pro- eliminated. The extrarenal elimination of gadolinium is very
phylactic hemodialysis immediately after administration of small and less than 2 % of the injected dose is excreted in the
contrast media in patients with reduced renal function does feces within 5 days of injection (Joffe et al. 1998).
not diminish the rate of complications, including the com- In patients with end-stage renal disease, including those on
plication of CIN (Morcos 2004; Cruz et al. 2006; Rodby dialysis, low stability gadolinium-based agents are contra-
2007). A recent systematic review also concluded that indicated, because the slow elimination of these agents allows
hemodialysis does not reduce the risk of CIN and suggested dissociation of the gadolinium-chelate complex with release
that hemodialysis actually appears to increase the risk of of free gadolinium, which may lead to nephrogenic systemic
this complication (Cruz et al. 2012). fibrosis (NSF) (‘‘Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and
Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media’’). If enhanced MR is
essential for clinical management in patients with end-stage
5 Elimination of Gadolinium-Based renal failure on dialysis, one of the most stable gadolinium-
Contrast Media by Dialysis based agents should be used. Although there is no evidence
about the ability of hemodialysis to prevent NSF, current
Good hemodialysability of MRI gadolinium-based contrast understanding of the pathophysiology of NSF suggests that
agents has been reported (Joffe et al. 1998; Okada et al. 2001). such patients should have a hemodialysis session as soon as is
After three consecutive hemodialysis sessions over 6 days, practically possible after the contrast agent is given to reduce
97 % of the initial blood concentration of gadodiamide was the possibility of release of gadolinium.
eliminated (Joffe et al. 1998). In another study of 70 patients,
no early side effects were noted (Okada et al. 2001), nor were
there side effects in the six patients in whom hemodialysis 7 Conclusion
was performed 3 days after the contrast medium injection. A
total of four routine hemodialysis sessions was required to Hemo- and peritoneal dialysis are effective for eliminating
achieve nearly complete removal of gadolinium-based con- iodine- and gadolinium-based contrast media. Relating the
trast medium from the blood (Okada et al. 2001). time of iodine-based contrast medium injection to the
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) for dialysis schedule is unnecessary since it does not offer any
20 days eliminated 69 % of the total amount of injected protection against contrast-induced nephropathy and may
gadodiamide (Joffe et al. 1998) reflecting the low peritoneal increase the risk of this complication. There is as yet no
clearance. The slow removal is probably a consequence of convincing evidence to show that hemodialysis prevents the
altered apparent volume of distribution because of dialysis development of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. However,
fluid in the peritoneal cavity and of the limitations of the current knowledge about the pathophysiology of NSF sup-
peritoneum as a dialysis membrane. The peritoneal clear- ports the recommendation that, for patients already on he-
ance of gadopentetate dimeglumine in patients undergoing modialysis, a dialysis session should be scheduled as soon
CAPD was about 5 ml min-1. No side effects were recor- as possible after a gadolinium enhanced MRI examination.
ded during a 1 week observation period (Tombach et al.
2001). Injection of gadolinium-based contrast media for
MRI examinations (0.1–0.3 mmol kg-1 BW) caused no
significant change in renal function (Dörsam et al. 1995;
Joffe et al. 1998; Okada et al. 2001; Tombach et al. 2001).
Brooks MH, Barry KG (1973) Removal of iodinated contrast material
by peritoneal dialysis. Nephron 12:10–14
Cruz DN, Perazella MA, Bellomo R et al (2006) Extracorporeal blood
6 Prophylactic Hemodialysis purification therapies for prevention of radiocontrast-induced
after Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media nephropathy: a systematic review. Am J Kidney Dis 48:361–371
Cruz DN, Goh CY, Marenzi G et al (2012) Radiocontrast-induced
nephropathy: a systematic review. Am J Med 125:66–78
In normal subjects, the half-life of a nonspecific extracellular Dehnarts T, Keller E, Gondolf K et al (1998) Effect of haemodialysis
gadolinium-based contrast agent is about 1.5 h and 90 % of after contrast medium administration in patients with renal
the injected dose is removed via the kidneys within the first insufficiency. Nephrol Dial Transplant 13:358–362
Dialysis and Contrast Media 109
Donally PK, Burwell N, McBurney A et al (1992) Clearance of Morcos SK (1998) Contrast media induced nephrotoxicity—questions
iopamidol, a non-ionic contrast medium, by CAPD in patients with and answers. Br J Radiol 71:357–365
end-stage renal failure. Br J Radiol 65:1108–1113 Morcos SK (2004) Prevention of contrast media induced nephrotox-
Dörsam J, Knopp MV, Schad L et al (1995) Elimination of icity-the story so far. Clin Radiol 59:381–389
gadolinium-DTPA by peritoneal dialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant Morcos SK, Thomsen HS, Webb JAW and members of the Contrast
10:1228–1230 Media Safety Committee of the European Society of Urogenital
Furukawa T, Ueda J, Takahashi S, Sajaguchi K (1996) Elimination of Radiology (ESUR) (2002) Dialysis and contrast media. Eur Radiol
low-osmolality contrast media by haemodialysis. Acta Radiol 12:3026–3030
37:966–971 Okada S, Katagiri K, Kumazaki T, Yokoyama H (2001) Safety of
Huber W, Jeschke B, Kreymann B et al (2002) Haemodialysis for the gadolinium contrast agents in haemodialysis patients. Acta Radiol
prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy. Outcome of 31 42:339–341
patients with severely impaired renal function, comparison with Rodby RA (2007) Preventing complications of radiographic contrast
patients at similar risk and review. Invest Radiol 37:471–481 media: is there a role for dialysis? Semin Dial 20:19–23
Joffe P, Thomsen HS, Meusel M (1998) The pharmacokinetics of Sterner G, Frennby B, Mansson S et al (2000) Assessing residual renal
gadodiamide in patients with severe renal insufficiency treated function and efficiency of hemodialysis- an application for
conservatively or undergoing hemodialysis or continuously ambu- urographic contrast media. Nephron 85:324–333
latory peritoneal dialysis. Acad Radiol 5:491–502 Tombach B, Bremer C, Reimer P et al (2001) Renal tolerance of a
Lee PT, Chou KJ, Liu CP et al (2007) Renal protection for coronary neutral gadolinium chelate (gadobutrol) in patients with chronic
angiography in advanced renal failure patients by prophylactic renal failure. Results of a randomized study. Radiology
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iopromide during haemodialysis with high and low flux mem- ioversol by hemodialysis. Acta Radiol 37:826–829
branes. Acta Radiol 40:220–223 Vogt B, Ferrari P, Schonholzer C et al (2001) Pre-emptive haemod-
Matzkies FK, Reinecke H, Tombach B et al (2000) Reduced ialysis after radiocontrast media in patients with renal insufficiency
iopromide elimination in hemodialysis with cuprophan mem- is potentially harmful. Am J Med 111:692–698
branes. Acta Radiol 41:671–673 Waaler A, Svaland M, Fauchald P et al (1990) Elimination of iohexol,
Moon SS, Back SE, Kurkus J, Nilsson-Ehle P (1995) Haemodialysis a low osmolar non- ionic contrast medium, by haemodialysis in
for elimination of the non-ionic contrast medium iohexol after patients with chronic renal failure. Nephron 56:81–85
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70:430–437 indicated immediately after administration of non-ionic contrast
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Part IV
Iodine- and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media:
Other Adverse Effects
Pregnancy and Lactation: Intravascular
Use of Contrast Media
Judith A. W. Webb
Contents Abstract
Iodine-based contrast media can be given during preg-
1 Pregnancy ............................................................................. 113 nancy. Neonatal thyroid function should be checked
1.1 Mutagenicity and Teratogenicity of Contrast Media ........... 113 during the first week because of the potential for
1.2 Placental Transfer of Contrast Media................................... 114
1.3 Iodine-Based Contrast Media during Pregnancy.................. 114
depressed thyroid function. Lactating women who
1.4 Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media During Pregnancy........ 115 receive iodine-based contrast media can breastfeed
normally. The most stable macrocyclic agents should
2 Lactation ............................................................................... 117
2.1 Iodine-Based Contrast Media in Milk .................................. 117 be used if gadolinium-based contrast media are given to
2.2 Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media in Milk ......................... 117 pregnant women. Although only small amounts of
References...................................................................................... 118 gadolinium-based contrast media reach the milk, if a
lactating woman receives one of the lower stability
agents, breastfeeding should be discontinued for 24 h.
1 Pregnancy
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 113
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_884, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
114 J. A. W. Webb
mutagenic or teratogenic effects were found in vivo with pregnancy after 0.1 mmol kg-1 gadopentetate dimeglumine
non-ionic iodine-based contrast media tested in animals (Marcos et al. 1997).
(Felder 1984; Shaw and Potts 1985; Ralston et al. 1989;
Krause et al. 1994; Morisetti et al. 1994; Fujikawa et al.
1995; Heglund et al. 1995; Donandieu et al. 1996). 1.3 Iodine-Based Contrast Media
Abnormal micronuclei indicating chromosomal damage during Pregnancy
have been detected in lymphocytes following radiological
investigations using iodine-based ionic and non-ionic agents 1.3.1 Pharmacokinetics
(Norman et al. 1978; Cochran et al. 1980; Cochran and Iodine-based contrast agents which cross the placenta into
Norman 1994). This effect, however, appears to be cyto- the fetal blood are then excreted by the kidneys into the
toxic rather than genetic, and only to occur in cells circu- bladder. When the bladder empties, urine containing the
lating in the blood at the time of the examination (Norman contrast agents enters the amniotic fluid. In later pregnancy,
et al. 1978, 2001). fetal urine is the main source of amniotic fluid, with a lesser
No evidence of either teratogenic effects or chromosomal contribution from fluid secreted by the lung and a minor
damage has been shown with gadopentetate dimeglumine contribution from transudation across the umbilical cord
either alone or together with magnetic resonance imaging in and fetal skin and from fetal metabolism (Beall and Ross
mice or rats (Rofsky et al. 1994, 1995). No teratogenic 2009). The entire amniotic fluid volume turns over on a
effects have been shown in animals with gadoteridol, gado- daily basis. Resorbtion of fluid occurs by an intramembra-
benate dimeglumine or gadoversetamide (Soltys 1992; nous pathway across the amnion into the fetal vessels and
Morisetti et al. 1999; Wible et al. 2001). also by fetal swallowing (Beall and Ross 2009).
It has been known for many years that intravenous ionic
contrast media given to the mother could result in a neonatal
1.2 Placental Transfer of Contrast Media pyelogram, or opacification of the neonatal gut (Thomas
et al. 1963; Kelleher et al. 1979). Opacification of the neo-
In the human placenta, there is only a single layer of cho- natal gut has also been described after the non-ionic agents
rionic epithelium separating maternal blood from fetal iohexol (Moon et al. 2000), iopromide (Vanhaesebrouck
connective tissue (Broughton-Pipkin et al. 1994). Most et al. 2005), and ioversol (Hill et al. 2007; Saigal and
drugs traverse the chorionic epithelium by diffusion. Cur- Abdenour 2007) had been given to the mother in late preg-
rent iodine-based non-ionic monomers and gadolinium- nancy. Contrast media injected into the amniotic fluid have
based contrast agents, which are water-soluble and have been used to opacify the fetal gut before intrauterine trans-
molecular weights in the range 500–850 Da, would be fusion (Raphael et al. 1967). Assays of amniotic fluid for
expected to traverse the placenta less easily than lipid-sol- iodine when amniocentesis was done following maternal
uble or smaller water-soluble molecules (Bloomfield and intravenous urography showed large amounts of iodine 24 h
Hawkins 1991). after urography, and much lower amounts 22 days later
The human placenta is structurally similar to the pla- (Etling et al. 1979). This suggests that contrast media diffuse
centas of rabbits, mice, and rats, and pharmacokinetic out through the placenta into the mother as well as passing
studies of contrast media have been done in these animals. from the mother into the fetus.
Only small amounts of iobitridol and iohexol, non-ionic
iodinated agents, crossed the placenta of rabbits in the 24 h 1.3.2 Effect of Iodine-Based Contrast Media
following injection (Bourrinet et al. 1995). When gadoter- on the Fetal Thyroid
ate meglumine (0.5 mmol kg-1) was given to pregnant The most important potential harmful effect of iodine-based
mice, the maximum placental concentration of gadolinium contrast media which cross the placenta is depression of the
was 0.15 % of the injected dose, at 10 min after injection. fetal thyroid. By 12 weeks’ gestation, thyroid stimulating
The maximum fetal gadolinium concentration was 0.077 % hormone (TSH) is detectable, and the fetal thyroid is trapping
of the injected dose, at 30 min after injection and this iodide and synthesizing thyroxine (T4). The levels of TSH
decreased to traces at 48 h (Muhler et al. 2011). In pregnant and T4, however, remain low until 20 weeks gestation, and
rats given 0.3 mmol kg-1 of gadodiamide, 0.01 % of the from then until term thyroid iodide uptake and T4 and T3
injected dose was found in the fetus at 5 min (Okazaki et al. secretion increase markedly (Nader 2009). At birth, there is a
1996) and in pregnant rabbits given 0.1 mmol kg-1 of TSH surge in the neonate, with the TSH returning to normal
gadopentetate dimeglumine, only small amounts of gado- within days, and an accompanying increase in T3 and T4
linium were found in the fetal tissues (Novak et al. 1993). which decrease to adult levels in the first 4–6 weeks (Nader
Gadolinium uptake into the placenta was sufficient for 2009). Fetal thyroid function is essential for the normal
placental imaging in 11 women at 16–37 weeks of development of the central nervous system (Semba and
Pregnancy and Lactation: Intravascular Use of Contrast Media 115
Delange 2001; Delange et al. 2001). Medicines containing An early study on the effect of a high dose of iopamidol
iodine are usually considered contraindicated during preg- (1500 mg I kg-1) in the first month of life found no effect
nancy because of the potential for iodide uptake depressing on thyroid function (Bona et al. 1992). A recent systematic
the fetal thyroid (Bloomfield and Hawkins 1991). review of 11 studies of thyroid function in neonates who
When amniography was carried out using a mixture of had received iodine-based contrast media found a trend
lipiodol (iodized ethyl esters of the fatty acids of poppy seed towards increased TSH and decreased T4, although it was
oil) and water-soluble agents, elevated TSH levels were considered that all studies were highly affected by bias
found in most of the neonates in the first week (Rodesch (Ahmet et al. 2009). 8.3 % of term infants and 18.2 % of
et al. 1976). Several infants subsequently developed hypo- premature infants needed treatment for hypothyroidism
thyroidism (Rodesch et al. 1976; Stubbe et al. 1980). The (Ahmet et al. 2009), consistent with the recognized greater
fat-soluble agent lipiodol is deposited on the vermix and susceptibility of premature infants to iodine induced hypo-
can then be absorbed by the fetus over a long period. In thyroidism (Brown 2003).
rabbits, lipiodol crosses the placenta and accumulates in the
fetal thyroid (Bourrinet et al. 1997). Lipiodol persists in the 1.3.3 Other Clinical Data
body when given intramuscularly. It is used to treat iodine There are no reports of other adverse effects when iodine-
deficiency and results in increased urinary iodine levels for based contrast media are given during pregnancy. When
over 12 months (Leverge et al. 2003). arteriography and amniography were undertaken with ionic
When water-soluble iodine-based contrast media were agents, no harmful effects were reported (Raphael et al.
used alone for amniography, no abnormalities in cord blood 1967; Wholey 1967; Blumberg et al. 1967).
T4 and T3 were detected (Morrison et al. 1973). The decline
in amniotic fluid iodine levels over time after water-soluble 1.3.4 Conclusion
iodine-based contrast agents were given to the mother In summary, when water-soluble iodine-based contrast
suggests diffusion of contrast agents back across the pla- media are given intravascularly to pregnant women, the
centa into the mother (Etling et al. 1979). With water-sol- most important risk to the fetus is depression of the thyroid.
uble agents, the free iodide is the potentially harmful However, fetal exposure to the contrast agent and any
component (van der Molen et al. 2004). In a contrast agent associated free iodide is short-lived. Nonetheless, it is rec-
with 300 mg I ml-1, the upper level of free iodide allowed ommended that, following exposure, neonatal thyroid
immediately after production is 50 lg ml-1 and at function is checked during the first week of life. Although in
3–5 years after production is 90 lg ml-1. In practice, the many countries it is standard pediatric practice to check
free iodide concentration is usually one-tenth of these neonatal thyroid function (Klein and Mitchell 2000), it is
amounts (van der Molen et al. 2004). If the free iodide mandatory that this is done when the mother has received an
content of a contrast agent is 50 lg ml-1, and if 150 ml of iodine-based contrast agent during pregnancy (‘‘Contrast
the agent is used for CT pulmonary angiography in a Media Use in Pediatrics: Safety Issues’’).
pregnant woman, the total free iodide dose is 7,500 lg.
Although there are no data about the pharmacodynamics of
the free iodide, it is likely to traverse the placenta readily in 1.4 Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media
both directions so that the fetal thyroid is only exposed to During Pregnancy
the iodide for a short period of time.
In four recent studies which included a total of 503 1.4.1 Pharmacokinetics
neonates whose mothers had received iodine-based contrast Animal studies support the suggestion that gadolinium-
agents during pregnancy, neonatal thyroid function was based contrast media are handled very similarly to iodine-
normal in 501 (Atwell et al. 2008; Bourjeily et al. 2010; based agents during pregnancy. In mice at 16 weeks
Kochi et al. 2012; Rajaram et al. 2012). One neonate had an gestation, corresponding to the third trimester of human
abnormal TSH at birth which had returned to normal by day pregnancy, who received gadoterate meglumine in a dose of
6 (Bourjeily et al. 2010) and one which had been born very 0.5 mmol kg-1, fetal gadolinium concentration was maxi-
prematurely at 25 weeks had a low T4 level (Kochi et al. mal at 30 min, when it was 0.077 % of the injected dose.
2012). The mean half-life of gadolinium in the fetus was 4 h and at
In pregnant women with impaired renal function, blood 24 h the fetal concentration was 0.006 % of the injected
levels of contrast medium and free iodide remain higher for dose. The amniotic fluid gadolinium concentration was
longer, and exposure of the fetus is therefore likely to be maximal at 30 min, and the mean half-life of gadolinium in
longer. the amniotic fluid was 5 h (Muhler et al. 2011). In pregnant
116 J. A. W. Webb
rabbits, gadopentetate dimeglumine 0.1 mmol kg-1 given very rapidly; the equivalent dose in man would be
intravenously to the mother reached peak concentration in 0.3–0.4 mmol kg-1. In rats the T is only 20 min, whereas
the placenta at 5 min and then decreased up to 60 min. in man it is between 90 and 120 min. The highest concen-
Concentrations in fetal muscle, brain, heart, and liver trations of gadolinium in the skin, liver, and femur occurred
remained stable from 5 to 60 min, while the concentration with gadodiamide. With gadopentetate there was 10 times
of the contrast agent in the kidneys increased up to 60 min less gadolinium in skin and with gadoterate and gadobutrol
(Novak et al. 1993). In pregnant rats, radio-actively labeled there was 30 times less (Sieber et al. 2008). When skin
gadodiamide given in a dose of 0.3 mmol kg-1 crossed the gadolinium concentrations were measured in rats up to
placenta in small amounts. Concentrations in the placenta 1 year after repeated injections of gadolinium-based con-
and most fetal tissues decreased from 5 min onwards, while trast media (2.5 mmol kg-1) small amounts of gadolinium
concentrations in the amniotic fluid, brain, and kidney were still present at 1 year, with the amounts greatest with
peaked at 4 h. At 4 h, the amount of contrast medium in the the non-ionic linear agents and least with the macrocyclic
fetus was estimated to be 0.01 % of the maternal dose, and agents (Pietsch et al. 2009).
only traces remained at 24 h (Okazaki et al. 1996). Retention of gadolinium in bone has also been shown in
patients, with four times greater retention after gadodiamide
1.4.2 Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis than after gadoteridol (White et al. 2006). Abraham et al.
In 2006, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF), in which (2008) showed that in NSF patients the amount of gado-
there are fibrotic changes in skin, muscle, and the internal linium in the skin increased over time, leading to the sug-
organs in patients with severe renal impairment, was linked gestion that gadolinium which has been stored in the bone
to previous administration of gadolinium-based contrast may be released over time.
media (Grobner 2006; Marckmann et al. 2006). NSF has
been described after administration of the linear agents 1.4.5 Clinical Reports
gadodiamide, gadoversetamide, and gadopentetate. In gad- There are relatively few clinical reports of the effect on
olinium-based contrast media, the gadolinium is bound to a neonates of giving gadolinium-based contrast media to the
chelating agent to prevent exposure of the body to free pregnant mother. No adverse effects on the infants were
gadolinium, which is toxic. The current hypothesis for the detected in a total of 57 cases reported when the pregnant
etiology of NSF suggests that the slow excretion of the mother had been given gadopentetate dimeglumine in doses
gadolinium-based contrast media in patients with severe of 0.1–0.2 mmol kg-1 (Barkhof et al. 1992; Shoenut et al.
renal impairment allows the release of gadolinium from the 1993; Marcos et al. 1997; Spencer et al. 2000; Birchard
less stable linear contrast media (Morcos 2007). Gadolin- et al. 2005; de Santis et al. 2007).
ium has been detected in the skin biopsies of affected
patients (High et al. 2007; Boyd et al. 2007). 1.4.6 EMA Recommendations
In July 2010, the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
1.4.3 Neonatal Renal Function updated their recommendations on the use of gadolinium-
Neonatal renal function is immature. In normal neonates based contrast media (Commission Decision of 1-7-2010).
aged 1 week, mean GFR is 40 ml min-1 1.73 m-2, at age The recommendations state that high risk gadolinium-based
2–8 weeks mean GFR is 65 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 and over contrast media should not be given to neonates less than
the age of 8 weeks mean GFR is 95 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 (K/ 4 weeks old, because of their immature renal function, and
DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines 2002). Neonates may should be restricted to the minimum recommended dose in
therefore have a risk of NSF if they receive the less stable infants less than one year old. No specific recommendations
gadolinium-based contrast media, and concerns have been about pregnant women are made, but it would seem prudent
raised that this may also apply to the fetus. to follow the recommendations for neonates to protect the
fetal kidneys.
1.4.4 Retention of Gadolinium in the Tissues
Residual gadolinium was detected in the bone and liver of 1.4.7 Conclusion
mice and rats 14 days after exposure to gadolinium-based Animal data indicate that a relatively small proportion of a
contrast media (Tweedle et al. 1995). The amount of gadolinium-based contrast agent given intravascularly to a
residual gadolinium was greater with the linear agents pregnant female traverses the placenta (Novak et al. 1993,
gadopentetate and gadodiamide than with the macrocyclic Okazaki et al. 1996; Muhler et al. 2011) and the first ESUR
agents gadoteridol and gadoterate (Tweedle et al. 1995). guideline stated that gadolinium-based contrast media could
Sieber et al. (2008) gave repeated injections of be safely given to the pregnant female (Webb et al. 2005).
2.5 mmol kg-1 of gadolinium-based agents to rats, for The recognition since then of NSF, and the fact that fetal
which this is not a high dose because they clear the agents renal function, like that of the neonate, is likely to be
Pregnancy and Lactation: Intravascular Use of Contrast Media 117
immature, together with the evidence indicating long-term when a lactating mother is given one of these agents
retention of small amounts of gadolinium in the bone and intravascularly. The amounts entering the neonatal blood
other tissues after gadolinium-based contrast media, have are tiny compared to the amounts of iodine-based contrast
led to more restrictive recommendations (Kanal et al. 2007; media given to infants during imaging. The very low risk to
Thomsen et al. 2013). the neonate suggests that the potential disruption to the
It is recommended that: mother and baby if breastfeeding is stopped for 24–48 h
Gadolinium-based contrast media should only be given after iodine-based contrast medium is not warranted
to pregnant women when there is a very strong clinical (‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’). As
indication. with all drugs and foodstuffs, the baby may notice a change
One of the more stable, macrocyclic gadolinium agents in the taste of the milk.
(gadoterate meglumine, gadoteridol, or gadobutrol) should
be used in the lowest dose consistent with a diagnostic result.
2.2 Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media in Milk
patient receives the contrast medium. For medium and low- Bourjeily G, Chalhoub M, Phomphutkul C et al (2010) Neonatal
risk agents, the decision about whether to stop breastfeeding thyroid function: effect of a single exposure to iodinated contrast
medium in utero. Radiology 256:744–750
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mother and the doctor. passage and milk excretion of iobitridol. Invest Radiol 30:156–158
Bourrinet P, Dencausse A, Cochet P et al (1997) Secretion in milk and
2.2.3 Conclusion transplacental transfer of two iodised oils, Lipiodol UF and
Oriodol, in rabbits. Biol Neonate 71:395–402
The previous ESUR guideline indicated that when gadolin- Boyd AS, Zic JA, Abraham JL (2007) Gadolinium depositon in
ium-based contrast media were given intravascularly to the nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy. J Am Acad Dermatol 56:27–30
pregnant woman, breastfeeding could continue normally Broughton-Pipkin F, Hull D, Stephenson T (1994) Foetal physiology.
(Webb et al. 2005). However, the new information already In: Lamming GE (ed) Marshall’s physiology of reproduction, 4th
edn. Chapman and Hall, London, p 777
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immature neonatal renal function, indicate that despite the edn. Humana, p 65
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to be absorbed into the blood by the breastfed infant, Cacheris WP, Quay SC, Rocklage SM (1990) The relationship
breastfeeding should be discontinued for 24 h if the lactating between thermodynamics and the toxicity of gadolinium com-
mother receives a high risk intravascular gadolinium-based plexes. Magn Reson Imaging 8:467–481
contrast agent (gadodiamide, gadoversetamide, gadopente- Cochran ST, Norman A (1994) Induction of micronuclei in lympho-
cytes of patients undergoing excretory urography with ioversol.
tate dimeglumine). The decision about whether or not Invest Radiol 29:210–212
breastfeeding should be temporarily discontinued after a Cochran ST, Khodadoust A, Norman A (1980) Cytogenetic effects of
medium or low risk gadolinium-based agent (gadobenate contrast material in patients undergoing excretory urography.
dimeglumine, gadoxetate disodium, gadofosveset trisodium, Radiology 136:43–46
Commission Decision of 1.7.2010 concerning, in the framework of
gadobutrol, gadoteridol, gadoterate meglumine) should be Article 31 of Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and
made by the mother in consultation with her doctor (‘‘ESUR of Council, the marketing authorizations for Gadolinium-contain-
Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’). ing contrast agents for human use which contain one or more of the
active substances ‘gadodiamide, gadopentetic acid, gadobenic acid,
gadoxetic acid, gadoteridol, and gadoteric acid ’. http://ec.europa.
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Pheochromocytoma and Contrast Media
Judith A. W. Webb
Contents Abstract
Patients with catecholamine-producing tumors (pheochro-
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 121 mocytomas and paragangliomas) do not need any special
2 Iodine-Based Contrast Media ............................................ 122 preparation before they receive non-ionic iodine-based
contrast medium or any gadolinium-based contrast
3 Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media ................................... 123
medium intravenously. It is recommended that such
References...................................................................................... 123 patients should receive oral a- and b-adrenergic blocking
drugs before they are given non-ionic iodine-based
contrast media intra-arterially.
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 121
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_885, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
122 J. A. W. Webb
iodine-based contrast medium and if MR is used, a gado- In patients with adrenal masses incidentally detected on CT,
linium-based contrast agent may be given intravenously. it was considered unsafe to characterize them fully using
Adrenal masses are not infrequently incidentally detec- enhancement with iodine-based contrast medium before
ted during abdominal imaging with CT, MR, or ultrasound. catecholamine assay.
Incidental adrenal masses occur in 5–9 % of the general More recently, the effects of intravenous lower osmolality
population at autopsy (Ilias and Pacak 2004). The majority non-ionic iodine-based contrast medium have been studied
are non-functioning adrenocortical adenomas of no clinical in patients with pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma.
significance (Grumbach et al. 2003). They can be identified Mukherjee et al. (1997) studied ten patients with pheo-
on unenhanced CT by their low density (\10 HU), and/or chromocytoma or paraganglioma and six controls. The
by typical washout behavior after iodine-based contrast patients were under full a- and b-adrenergic blockade and
medium (Korobkin 2000). However, a proportion of inci- had received phenoxybenzamine intravenously 24 h before
dentally detected adrenal masses are pheochromocytomas contrast medium. No significant differences were detected in
and some pheochromocytomas have as low density as the plasma noradrenaline or adrenaline levels between the
adenomas on unenhanced CT (Blake et al. 2003). Full patients and controls in the 60 min after either iohexol or
evaluation of incidentally detected adrenal masses often saline. However, plasma catecholamine levels in several
involves administration of iodine-based agents during CT. patients fluctuated throughout the study and one patient with
high basal levels (indicating a highly secretory tumor)
showed both an increase in plasma catecholamine after
2 Iodine-Based Contrast Media saline and a delayed increase in plasma catecholamine at
60 min after contrast medium, considered to be spontaneous.
In the 1960s, adrenal angiography with ionic iodine-based Although catecholamine release had not been precipitated
agents, usually following alpha-blockade with phenoxy- by the contrast medium, Mukherjee et al. (1997) recom-
benzamine, was reported to be relatively safe (Rossi et al. mended that it would be prudent to give all patients with
1968; Alfidi et al. 1969). However, in some patients who biochemically proven catecholamine-producing tumors oral
had not received alpha-blockers, ionic iodine-based contrast a- and b-adrenergic blockade before intravenous non-ionic
media used for selective angiography and adrenal venog- contrast medium, but that intravenous phenoxybenzamine
raphy caused significant increases in blood pressure was no longer necessary. No special preparation was rec-
(Meaney and Buonocore 1966; Alfidi et al. 1969; Gold et al. ommended before intravenous contrast medium was given to
1972). The contrast media were presumed to have caused evaluate incidentally detected adrenal masses. The previous
catecholamine release from the tumors. ESUR guideline was based on these recommendations.
This was supported by plasma catecholamine measure- Baid et al. (2009) evaluated 22 patients with pheochro-
ment after the ionic contrast medium meglumine iothala- mocytoma, 11 of whom were taking blocking drugs (7 under
mate was given intravenously (Raisanen et al. 1984). The a- and b-blockade, 2 each taking a- and b-blockers only).
mean change in plasma noradrenaline at 10 min after con- They found no significant changes in plasma catecholamines
trast medium was not significantly different between eight in the patients or in 8 control subjects after intravenous
patients with pheochromocytomas and 12 controls. How- iopamidol, but noted labile blood pressure changes in sev-
ever, in five of the patients the increase in plasma nor- eral of the patients. A retrospective review of 25 patients
adrenaline at 10 min was considered sufficient to have with one or more pheochromocytomas or paragangliomas
produced a rise in blood pressure if they had not already found no adverse effects recorded after intravenous iohexol
been under alpha-adrenergic blockade (Raisanen et al. or iopamidol. None of the patients had received blockading
1984). It became standard practice for all patients with medication (Bessell-Browne and O’Malley 2006).
biochemically proven pheochromocytoma to have full The data presented indicates that intravenous non-ionic
alpha- and beta-adrenergic blockade (e.g., by oral phenox- iodine-based contrast media do not cause catecholamine
ybenzamine and propranolol) for at least 1 week before release from pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas. It is
contrast medium injection, and to have further phenoxy- current clinical practice to give these agents intravenously
benzamine intravenously in the 24 h before the procedure both to patients with biochemically diagnosed catechol-
(Francis et al. 1992; Bouloux and Fakeeh 1995). amine-producing tumors and with incidentally detected
While this approach was safe, it had several disadvan- adrenal masses without adrenergic blockade and the ESUR
tages. The preparation for imaging localization in guideline has been modified to reflect this. However, before
biochemically proven pheochromocytoma was time intra-arterial iodine-based contrast medium, especially if
consuming. Also, intravenous phenoxybenzamine could it is given selectively into the renal or adrenal arteries,
interfere with subsequent MIBG imaging (Patel et al. 1995) a- and b-adrenergic blockade using oral drugs is still
so that this had to be delayed for at least 10 days after CT. recommended.
Pheochromocytoma and Contrast Media 123
Contents Abstract
Water soluble contrast media may interfere with the
1 Introduction........................................................................ 125 pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of other drugs,
2 Classification of Contrast Media Interactions ............... 126 as well as with some biochemical assays and with
2.1 Drugs Which Will Be Retained in the Body if There isotope imaging. These topics are reviewed in this
is Reduction in Renal Function Induced chapter, with the aim of raising the awareness of both
by Contrast Media ............................................................... 126
radiologists and clinicians to the possibility of these
2.2 Drugs Which Enhance the Renal Effects
of Contrast Media................................................................ 126 problems.
2.3 Drugs Which Enhance the Renal Effects of Contrast
Media and are Retained in the Body Because
of Reduction in Renal Function.......................................... 126
2.4 Drugs Which Enhance Allergy-like Reactions
1 Introduction
to Contrast Media................................................................ 127
2.5 Drugs Which Interfere with the Hematological Effects Iodine-based water-soluble contrast media in clinical use are
of Contrast Media................................................................ 128 high-osmolar ionic monomers, low-osmolar ionic dimers,
2.6 Contrast Media and Drugs Acting on the Central
low-osmolar non-ionic monomers and iso-osmolar non-ionic
Nervous System................................................................... 128
2.7 Drugs Which Enhance the Effects of Contrast Media dimers. Nowadays, high-osmolar contrast media are rarely
on the Heart ......................................................................... 128 used intravascularly in the developed world. Currently,
2.8 Effects of Contrast Media on Isotope Studies ................... 128 available magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents
2.9 Mixing Contrast Media with Other Drugs ......................... 129
are all gadolinium-based. Some of the gadolinium prepara-
2.10 Effects of Contrast Media on Biochemical Assays ........... 129
tions are ionic and have high-osmolality; others are non-ionic
3 Conclusion .......................................................................... 129 with varying osmolality (600–2,000 mOsmol kg-1 H2O).
References...................................................................................... 129 Ultrasound contrast agents are microbubbles which produce
acoustic enhancement. They are pharmacologically almost
inert and safe (Jakobsen et al. 2005).
The use of contrast media is continuously growing in a
wide range of imaging and interventional procedures. Also,
the patient population receiving contrast media has chan-
ged, and many older patients with multiple medical prob-
lems, who are receiving a variety of drugs, are now actively
investigated with imaging techniques which require contrast
agent administration.
A drug interaction is defined as a drug’s possible capacity
to influence the pharmacological action of another drug.
Such interactions between contrast agents and therapeutic
medications have not been widely investigated (Morcos
et al. 2005). Although contrast agents are not highly active
S. K. Morcos (&)
Diagnostic Imaging, University of Sheffield, pharmacologically, interaction with other drugs may occur
Sheffield, S36 2TS, UK with possible serious consequences to the patient.
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 125
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_889, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
126 S. K. Morcos
In this chapter, potential interactions between drugs and et al. 1999; Thomsen and Morcos 2003). If renal function is
contrast agents are presented with the help of an extensive reduced after contrast medium administration, metformin
review of the literature. The interactions are grouped will be retained, with the potential for the serious compli-
together according to clinical importance and the body cation of lactic acidosis. This subject is reviewed in
system involved. In addition, the effects of contrast media ‘‘Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy’’. Drugs which
on isotope studies as well as the danger of mixing contrast cause diuresis and natriuresis can be hazardous and should be
media with other drugs before intravascular use are high- avoided in patients receiving lithium. Although iodine-based
lighted. Contrast media may also interfere with biochemical contrast media, especially those of high osmolality, can
assays of body fluids. The aim of this chapter is to raise the induce significant diuresis and natriuresis, their potential for
awareness of both radiologists and clinicians to the possi- increasing the toxicity of lithium has not been studied widely.
bility of such events.
normal saline (100 ml h-1) for at least 6 h before and after also found an increased risk of contrast media induced
the contrast medium injection should also be offered (Har- bronchospasm, particularly in asthmatics (Lang et al. 1991,
ned and Mascarenhas 2007). 1993). Anaphylaxis-like reaction in these patients is more
refractory to conventional treatment because of low reac-
tivity to emergency medication. Adrenaline may be inef-
fective or promote undesired a-adrenergic or vagal effects.
2.4 Drugs Which Enhance Allergy-Like
Anaphylaxis associated with b-blockers was nine times
Reactions to Contrast Media
more likely to result in hospitalization than in matched
controls (Lang et al. 1991, 1993).
In general, the rate of allergy-like reactions after adminis-
tration of non-ionic iodine-based contrast media is very low.
Patients receiving b-receptor blockers, interleukins or 2.4.2 Interleukin-2
interferon have an increased tendency to develop allergy- IL-2 is a lymphokine, produced by helper T cells, which
like reactions following the administration of contrast acts as an antineoplastic agent. Alone or in combination
media. Delayed reactions to iodine-based contrast media are with lymphokine-activated killer cells, it can induce partial
more likely to develop in patients who received interleukin- or complete responses in more than 20 % of patients with
2 (IL-2) treatment (Choyke et al. 1992). In addition, patients advanced melanoma or renal cell carcinoma (Choyke et al.
on hydralazine treatment, which can induce a systemic 1992). In a prospective study of patients undergoing CT
lupus erythematosus (SLE) like syndrome, may develop who had received IL-2 and intravenous non-ionic low-
cutaneous vasculitis several hours after intra-vascular osmolar or oral ionic high-osmolar iodine-based contrast
administration of non-ionic iodine-based contrast medium. media, or both, there were immediate urticarial reactions in
Hypersensitivity reactions to iodine-containing compounds 1.8 % of the patients within an hour of contrast medium
have also been described in patients with SLE. It has been administration. No acute reactions were observed in a
suggested that injection of iodine-based contrast media control group who received contrast media but had not been
should be avoided in patients receiving hydralazine as they treated with IL-2. Delayed reactions (erythema, rash, fever,
may provoke severe reactions (Reynolds et al. 1993). flushing, pruritus and flu-like symptoms) developed in
12 % of IL-2 patients and in only 4 % of the control group.
2.4.1 b-Blockers Two of the IL-2 patients required admission to hospital.
Anaphylaxis-like reactions that may occur following the The mean onset of symptoms was 4.5 h after injection of
administration of contrast media require aggressive treat- contrast media and the mean duration of reaction was
ment including adrenaline. However, if the patient is 16.4 h. The patients had no risk factors for delayed reac-
receiving b-receptor blockers the effectiveness of the sym- tions other than IL-2 therapy and all had had previous
pathomimetic drugs, which are crucial in a potentially lethal uneventful exposure to contrast media. None of the patients
situation, will be reduced. b-Blockers selectively block the with immediate reactions developed delayed reactions. The
b-adrenergic effects of adrenaline and inhibit adenylate average time since IL-2 therapy was 6 months (range
cyclase activity which leads to increased release of ana- 24 days–2.4 years). The main concern with delayed side
phylactoid mediators. b-Blockers are often prescribed for effects is that the patient may be out of hospital when the
hypertension, angina, arrhythmias and after myocardial reaction occurs. Previous iodine-based contrast media
infarction. Eye-drop preparations are used for the treatment reaction in an IL-2 patient should be considered a relative
of glaucoma. To avoid the risk of exacerbating angina, contraindication to further contrast media administration
acute myocardial infarction and malignant tachycardia and (Choyke et al. 1992). An increased risk of contrast reactions
causing sudden death, b-blockers should not be stopped may remain for 2 years after stopping IL-2 treatment.
suddenly. Gradual withdrawal over 10–14 days is recom- The administration of iodine-based contrast media may also
mended (Laurence and Bennett 1992). precipitate IL-2 toxicity. Fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting
Whether or not b-blockers affect the incidence of idio- have been observed 2–4 h after CT scanning enhanced with
syncratic reactions is controversial. Greenberg et al. (1987) non-ionic low-osmolar contrast media. The exact mechanism
reported that neither b-blockers nor calcium antagonists is not clear and immunologic interactions are probable. Con-
given separately or together increased the risk of reaction to trast media may generate the release of endogenous IL-2 or
iodine-based contrast media. Subsequently, however, (Lang reactivate the IL-2 receptors (Abi-Aad et al. 1991). Patients
et al. 1991, 1993) found that patients on b-blockers, who develop these reactions should avoid further exposure to
including the ophthalmic preparations, who were given contrast media and imaging techniques such as MRI or CT
iodine-based contrast media were three times more likely to without contrast media injection should be considered for
have an anaphylactoid reaction than matched controls. They monitoring response to treatment (Abi-Aad et al. 1991).
128 S. K. Morcos
2.5 Drugs Which Interfere 2.6 Contrast Media and Drugs Acting
with the Hematological Effects on the Central Nervous System
of Contrast Media
Cerebral angiography may lower the fit threshold in patients
2.5.1 Effects of Contrast Media on Coagulation receiving antipsychotics such as phenothiazines, (chlor-
It is well established that iodine-based contrast media promazine, perfenazine, prochlorperazine, thioridazine),
interact with the coagulation mechanism, platelet activation antihistamines (promethazine, trimeprazine), thioxanth-
and degranulation and with thrombolytic drugs (Frohlich enes (chlorprothixene, haloperidol, thiothrixene) or tricy-
2001). Ionic iodine-based contrast media inhibit both the clic antidepressants (amitryptyline, desipramine, doxepin,
intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation cascades at several lev- imipramine, protryptiline), butyrophenones, or analeptics
els. They act as direct inhibitors of thrombin production. (amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, methylpheni-
They also inhibit both platelet activation and aggregation, date) (Frohlich 2001). During the time when high-osmolar
increase the bleeding time and cause enzyme inhibition of iodine-based contrast media were in general use, it was
fibrinolysis. Iodine-based ionic contrast media are more suggested that these drugs should be discontinued for 48 h
effective than non-ionic agents at increasing the clotting before and 24 h after cerebral angiography. However, dis-
time and give a fourfold increase in the whole blood clotting continuation of antipsychotics may lead to an increased rate
time when compared to non-ionic agents (Frohlich 2001). of suicides. Since the routine use of modern non-ionic
Non-ionic contrast media cause less significant alteration of iodine-based contrast media for angiography, antipsychotic
clotting by inhibiting the coagulation cascade after the drugs are no longer stopped.
generation of thrombin at the step of fibrin monomer
polymerization (Parvez et al. 1982; Massee et al. 1991).
Thus, both ionic and non-ionic iodine-based contrast media 2.7 Drugs Which Enhance the Effects
can prolong clotting time and may exaggerate the effects of of Contrast Media on the Heart
anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs (Frohlich 2001). In
addition, clotting times will be falsely prolonged after the
Calcium channel blockers prevent influx of calcium ions
administration of iodine-based contrast media and should
only be performed 6 h or more after contrast media have into the cell, so affecting the tone of heart and vascular
been given (Parvez et al. 1982). smooth muscle cells and leading to vasodilatation and
negative inotropic effects on the myocardium. Patients
2.5.2 Effects of Contrast Media on Fibrinolysis receiving calcium channel blockers may develop hypoten-
Iodine-based contrast media impede fibrinolysis and delay sion after left ventriculography with ionic high-osmolar
the onset of lysis by recombinant tissue-type plasminogen iodine-based agents since the contrast agents can also
activator (rt-PA), urokinase and streptokinase (Dehmer et al. induce peripheral vasodilatation and have a negative ino-
1995). This effect is reduced by increasing the concentration tropic effect on the heart. These effects are not significant
of the lysis agent. Contrast media cause fibrin to form in long/ with modern low-osmolar non-ionic iodine-based contrast
thin fibrils which have a lower mass/length ratio and are more media which are less vasoactive and have minimal negative
resistant to fibrinolysis (Parvez et al. 1982). In vitro studies inotropic effect on the myocardium (Higgins et al. 1983;
have shown that diatrizoate and iohexol delay the onset of Morris et al. 1985; Morcos et al. 1998).
lysis induced by all the lysis agents. However, ioxaglate A harmful synergism between high-osmolar iodine-
delayed the onset of lysis by rt-PA and urokinase but not by based contrast media and digitalis has also been suggested
streptokinase (Dehmer et al. 1995). In vivo studies in dogs following experimental studies in the rat (Fischer and
showed that alteplase-induced thrombolysis could be inhib- Morris 1980). However, there are no human data supporting
ited by iohexol and amidotrizoate (Pislaru et al. 1998). this observation.
In clinical practice, if coronary angiography is performed
before starting thrombolysis, the recent administration of
iodine-based contrast media may reduce therapeutic suc- 2.8 Effects of Contrast Media on Isotope
cess. Reocclusion of coronary arteries was more common Studies
after contrast media administration despite concomitant
aspirin and heparin therapy (Pislaru et al. 1998). The The administration of iodine-based contrast media interferes
hematological effects of iodine-based contrast media are with both diagnostic scintigraphy and radioiodine treatment.
described in detail in ‘‘Effects of Iodine-Based The reduced uptake of the radioactive tracer is caused by the
Contrast Media on Blood and Endothelium’’. free iodide in the contrast medium solution. A delay before
Contrast Media and Interactions with Other Drugs and Clinical Tests 129
undertaking scintigraphy of 4–6 weeks for water-soluble with the assays using the Arsenazo III method (Normann
and 12 weeks for cholangiographic contrast media is advo- et al. 1995; Proctor et al. 2004). The false measurements of
cated, depending on the indication for scintigraphy and serum calcium did not occur with gadopentetate dimeglu-
whether the patient is euthyroid or hyperthyroid. A more mine or gadoteridol (Choyke and Knopp 2003). In very high
detailed discussion of the effects of contrast media on the concentrations, Gd-DTPA may interfere with calcium
thyroid gland can be found in ‘‘Effects of Iodine-Based determination when methylthymolblue is used (Junge and
Contrast Media on Thyroid Function’’. Troge 1991). It is important to be aware of this effect on
Intravascular administration of iodine-based contrast calcium measurements of some MRI contrast agents so as to
media shortly after injection of isotope material (99mTc- avoid incorrect and potentially hazardous treatment (Prince
pyrophosphate) for bone imaging can interfere with the et al. 2003). Iodine-based contrast media may interfere with
body distribution of the 99mTc-pyrophosphate. Increased the determination of bilirubin, copper, iron, phosphate and
uptake of the isotope material in kidneys and liver with low proteins in blood (Junge and Troge 1991). Caution should be
uptake in bones was observed. The diuretic effect of con- exercised when using colorimetric assays for angiotensin-
trast media may increase the elimination of the isotope converting enzyme, calcium, iron, magnesium, total iron-
material in urine, so less is available for deposition in binding capacity and zinc in serum samples from patients
skeleton. The increased uptake in the liver is not fully who have recently received gadolinium-based contrast
explained (Crawford and Gumerman 1978). media (Proctor et al. 2004). Therefore, biochemical assays
Intravascular administration of iodine-based contrast are better performed before contrast media injection or
media may also interfere with red blood cell labeling with delayed for at least 24 h afterwards, or longer in patients
isotope material. 99mTc labeling of red blood cells should with renal impairment. Urgent laboratory tests performed on
not be performed within 24 h after contrast media injection. specimens collected shortly after contrast media injection
How contrast media interfere with red blood cell labeling is should be carefully assessed. Accuracy of unexpected
not fully understood (Tatum et al. 1983). abnormal results should be ascertained and discussed with
colleagues from the hospital laboratories.
Fischer HW, Morris TW (1980) Possible factors in intravascular Morcos SK, El Nahas AM, Brown P, Haylor J (1992) Effect of
contrast media toxicity. Invest Radiol 15(Suppl 6): S232–S238 iodinated water soluble contrast media on urinary protein assays.
Frohlich JM (2001) Systematic survey of interactions between contrast BMJ 305:29
media and other drugs, Special edition by Guerbet Switzerland Morcos SK, Thomsen HS, Webb JAW, ESUR Contrast Media Safety
Greenberg PA, Myers SN, Kramer BL et al (1987) Effects of beta- Committee (1999) Contrast media-induced nephrotoxicity: a
adrenergic and calcium antagonists on the development of consensus report. Eur Radiol 9:1602–1613
anaphylactoid reactions from radiographic contrast media. Morcos SK, Thomsen HS, ESUR Contrast Media Safety Committee
J Allergy Clin Immunol 80:698–702 (2005). Contrast media: Interactions with other drugs and clinical
Harned TM, Mascarenhas L (2007) Severe methotrexate toxicity tests. Eur Radiol 15:1607–1614
precipitated by intravenous radiographic contrast. Clin Lab Observ Morris DL, Wisneski JA, Gertz EW et al (1985) Potentiation by
29:496–499 nifedipine and diltiazem of the hypotensive response after contrast
Higgins CB, Kruber M, Slutsky RA (1983) Interaction between angiography. J Am Coll Cardiol 6:785–791
verapamil and contrast media in coronary arteriography: compar- Normann PT, Frøysa A, Svaland M (1995) Interference of gadodiam-
ison of standard ionic and new nonionic media. Circulation ide injection (OMNISCAN) on the colorimetric determination of
68:628–635 serum calcium. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 55:421–426
Kim SH, Lee HK, Han MC (1992) Incompatibility of water-soluble Parvez Z, Moncada R, Messmore HL, Fareed J (1982) Ionic and non-
contrast media and intravascular pharmacologic agents. An in vitro ionic contrast media interaction with anticoagulant drugs. Acta
study. Invest Radiol 27:45–49 Radiol Diagn (Stockh) 23:401–404
Jakobsen JÅ, Oyen R, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, members of Contrast Pislaru S, Pislaru C, Szilard M et al (1998) In vivo effects of contrast
Media Safety Committee of the European Society of Urogenital media on coronary thrombolysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 32:1102–1108
Radiology (ESUR) (2005) Safety of ultrasound contrast media. Eur Prince MR, Erel HE, Lent RW et al (2003) Gadodiamide adminis-
Radiol 15:941–945 tration causes spurious hypocalcemia. Radiology 227:639–646
Junge W, Troge B (1991) Kontrastmittel als Störfaktoren in der Proctor KAS, Rao LV, Roberts WL (2004) Gadolinium magnetic
laborchemischen analytik. In: Peters PE, Zetler E (eds) Röntgen resonance contrast agents produce analytic interference in multiple
Kontrastmittel. Springer, Berlin, pp 76–82 serum assays. Am J Clin Pathol 121:282–292
Laurence DR, Bennett PN (1992) Clinical pharmacology, 7th edn. Reynolds N, Wallington TB, Burton JL (1993) Hydralazine predis-
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp 416–423 poses to acute cutaneous vasculitis following urography with
Lang DM, Alpern MB, Visintainer PF, Smith ST (1991) Increased risk iopamidol. Br J Dermatol 129:82–85
for anaphylactoid reaction from contrast media in patients on beta- Swanson DP, Chilton HM, Thrall JH (eds) (1990) Pharmaceuticals in
adrenergic blockers or with asthma. Ann Intern Med 115:270–276 medical imaging: radiopaque contrast media, radiopharmaceuti-
Lang DM, Alpern MB, Visintainer PF, Smith ST (1993) Elevated risk cals, enhancement agents for magnetic resonance imaging and
of anaphylactoid reaction from radiographic contrast media is ultrasound. Macmillan. New York, Toronto, p 42
associated with both beta-blocker exposure and cardiovascular Tatum JL, Burke TS, Hirsch JI et al (1983) Pitfall to modified in vivo
disorders. Arch Intern Med 153:2033-2040. Erratum in Arch Intern method of technetium-99 m red blood cell labeling Iodinated
Med 153:2412 contrast media. Clin Nucl Med 8:585–587
Massee DR, Smith DC, Westengard JC, Bull BS (1991) Heparin Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, ESUR Contrast Media Safety Committee
supplementation of nonionic contrast agents. J Vasc Interv Radiol (1999) Contrast media and metformin. Guidelines to diminish the
2:209–213 risk of lactic acidosis in noninsulin dependent diabetics after
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Contrast Media Extravasation Injury
Contents Abstract
Extravasation of contrast medium during injection,
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 131 especially when doing contrast-enhanced CT, is now a
2 Risk Factors.......................................................................... 132 common problem. The risk factors include patient
2.1 Patient Factors ....................................................................... 132 factors, the class of contrast medium used, and the
2.2 Class of Iodine-Based Contrast Medium.............................. 132 injection technique. The mechanisms discussed are
2.3 Volume................................................................................... 132
effects of osmolality, cytotoxicity, volume, and com-
2.4 Access Site............................................................................. 132
2.5 Injection Rate......................................................................... 132 pression. The clinical picture varies from no subjective
2.6 Indwelling Cannulas or Lines ............................................... 132 complaints to pain, ulcers, and compartment syndrome.
3 Mechanisms and Toxicity ................................................... 132 However, nearly all cases can be effectively handled by
3.1 Osmolality.............................................................................. 132 simple conservative treatment with a cold pack and
3.2 Cytotoxicity ........................................................................... 133 elevation of the arm. The treatment and follow-up of the
3.3 Volume and Compression ..................................................... 133 patient must be documented.
3.4 Indwelling Catheters.............................................................. 133
4 Clinical Picture .................................................................... 133
4.1 Symptoms and Signs ............................................................. 133
4.2 Imaging Findings................................................................... 134
1 Introduction
5 Prevention, Treatment, and Information Subcutaneous extravasation is a well-recognized compli-
to the Patient ........................................................................ 134
5.1 Aborting the Contrast Medium Injection ............................. 134 cation of intravenous administration of iodine-based con-
5.2 Choice of Injection Site, Catheter Size and Contrast trast media (Pond and Dorr 1993; Cohan et al. 1996; Federle
Medium .................................................................................. 134 et al. 1998; Cochran et al. 2001; Runge et al. 2002; Wang
5.3 Inspect and Plan .................................................................... 135 et al. 2007). The incidence of extravasation after mechan-
5.4 Elevation of the Affected Limb............................................ 135
5.5 Topical Application of Heat or Cold.................................... 135 ical bolus injection is higher than that reported for hand-
5.6 Drugs, Aspiration of Fluid, and Surgery .............................. 135 injection or drip-infusion techniques, but there seems to be
5.7 Follow-up of the Patient ....................................................... 136 no relation between injection rate, volume, and extravasa-
6 Conclusion ............................................................................ 136 tion frequency (Pond and Dorr 1993; Jacobs et al. 1998;
Wienbeck et al. 2010). The clinical presentation is variable.
References...................................................................................... 136
Most extravasations involve small volumes of contrast
material and cause minimal swelling or localized erythema,
which diminish rapidly. Pain is the most common subjective
symptom (Wang et al. 2007). Extensive tissue necrosis and
severe skin and subcutaneous ulceration are rare and usually
follow high-volume extravasations (Cohan et al. 1996;
Ayre-Smith 1982).
J. Å. Jakobsen (&)
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, 4950 Nydalen,
0027 Oslo, Norway
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 131
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_888, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
132 J. Å. Jakobsen
osmotic loads and the volumes that are administered are vascular resistance in the same way as an injection does.
markedly less than with iodine-based agents. However, in Other mechanisms include the inadequate placement of the
rats, extravasation of dimeglumine gadopentetate catheter in the vein, multiple punctures of the same vein,
(1960 mmol kg-1 water) was associated with a higher and high injection pressure, which can rupture the vessel
incidence of necrosis, hemorrhage, and edema than gado- wall. Theoretically, using central venous access may
teridol (789 mmol kg-1 water) (Cohan et al. 1991; Runge increase the risk, especially if the catheters are not approved
et al. 2002). Gadoteridol, in a concentration of 0.5 mol L-1, for high pressure and flow.
was no more toxic than 0.9 % saline. Runge et al. (2002)
also showed, after extravascular injection of 0.3 mL of MR
contrast medium in the hind limb of rats, that higher 4 Clinical Picture
osmolality agents, such as gadopentetate dimeglumine and
gadoversetamide (1110 mmol kg-1 water), had more The presentation of the extravasation of iodine-based and
harmful consequences than lower osmolality agents, such as gadolinium-based contrast media varies from minor ery-
gadodiamide (789 mmol kg-1 water) and gadoteridol thema and swelling to tissue necrosis associated with pro-
(630 mmol kg-1 water). gressive edema and skin ulceration as well as the
compartment syndrome. The injuries may heal or rarely
may lead to long-term sequelae including hypoesthesia,
3.2 Cytotoxicity marked weakness, and pain (Federle et al. 1998).
Fig. 1 Extravasation of contrast medium during CT cerebral angiog- due to be removed, the radiographer noticed the extravasation
raphy. Transverse (left), longitudinal (middle), and coronal (right) CT (* white) as a dense swelling. The contrast medium appears to be
images of the elbow region. The patient was given 100 mL of non-ionic outside the biceps aponeurosis (not visible). The indwelling catheter
iodine-based contrast medium at a rate of 5 mL/s through an 18 G can be seen both outside and inside the vessel (black arrows)
plastic cannula and experienced no discomfort. When the catheter was
patients who received iodine-based contrast material 5.1 Aborting the Contrast Medium Injection
(Shehadi 1975; McCullough et al. 1989). The pain may last
for several days (mean, 3 days; range, 1–30 days) and may The injection of contrast medium should be stopped
progress to phlebitis in rare cases (Panto and Davies 1986). immediately when extravasation is suspected, either by the
radiographer observing the injection site during injection, or
by the patient. Ideally, to detect extravasation early, there
4.2 Imaging Findings would be a trained radiographer or nurse beside the patient,
but exposure to ionizing radiation makes such close
Extravasated iodine-based contrast medium can be seen on observation difficult when scanning starts immediately after
radiographs as a dense, confluent mass at the injection site the start of the injection. New devices to detect extravasa-
(Chew 2010; Schummer et al. 2010; Earhart and McMahon tion are under evaluation. In a study of 500 patients
2011). With CT, the tissue compartments and other details (Birnbaum et al. 1999), an extravasation detection acces-
can be visualized (Fig. 1). sory (EDA) had a sensitivity of 100 % and a specificity of
Extravasated gadolinium-based contrast medium is also 98 % for detecting clinically relevant extravasation
easily demonstrated. It may produce a zone of signal void on ([10 mL). The device was easy to use, safe, and accurate
short relaxation time MR images because of the high local for monitoring intravenous injections for extravasation, and
concentration (Carrier et al. 1993). The precise depth of the could prove especially useful in high flow rate CT appli-
extravasation into soft tissue can also be assessed (Fig. 2). cations. Other devices are currently being evaluated,
including those using Doppler ultrasonography (Hoff et al.
5 Prevention, Treatment, and Information
to the Patient
5.2 Choice of Injection Site, Catheter Size
There is no consensus about the best approach for the and Contrast Medium
management of extravasation (Katayama et al. 1990; Park
et al. 1993; Yucha et al. 1994; Cohan et al. 1996; Federle High risk injection sites, such as the back of the hand, the
et al. 1998). The following recommendations are taken from ankle, or the neck should be avoided, if possible. Veins that
the papers referred to in this chapter, as well as guidelines have recently had multiple recent punctures should not be
from the American College of Radiology, the Royal College used. Smaller catheters (22 G) have a higher risk than the
of Radiologists, an earlier publication from European wider ones (18G–16G) (Wienbeck et al. 2010). High-
Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) (Bellin et al. osmolar contrast media should be avoided, because the
2002), and the most recent ESUR guidelines (‘‘ESUR evidence in the literature indicates that low-osmolar agents
Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’) produce less tissue damage if they extravasate.
Contrast Media Extravasation Injury 135
Fig. 2 Extravasation of a gadolinium-based contrast medium in the arrows) appears black due to the T2 effect of this very concentrated
elbow region during cerebral MR. Six mL were given by automated contrast medium, The image on the right is a T1 weighted image with
injector, and the examination was of adequate quality, On the T1 longer TE than the left image, and with fat suppression. The contrast
weighted image (left), the extravasated contrast medium (black medium appears bright (black arrows) and is seen to be superficial
extravasation. Dose recommendation is variable, and effi- easily treated. Early identification is important and conser-
cacy has not been convincingly shown. Some animal and vative management is effective in most cases.
clinical studies suggest a beneficial effect (Laurie et al.
1984; Heckler 1989; Cohan et al. 1996), while McAlister
and Palmer (1971) reported that hyaluronidase injected into References
rat tissues with contrast media was associated with a more
marked inflammatory reaction. ACR Manual on contrast media—version 8, 2012. http://www.acr.
Corticosteroids, vasodilators, and a variety of other agents org/*/media/ACR/Documents/PDF/QualitySafety/Resources/
have been proposed for treating extravasation, but most Contrast%20Manual/FullManual.pdf. Accessed 20 Jan 2012
Ayre-Smith G (1982) Tissue necrosis following extravasation of
studies either failed to demonstrate any value of these agents contrast media. J Can Assoc Radiol 33:104
or evaluated extravasation of drugs other than contrast media. Bellin MF, Jakobsen JA, Tomassin I et al (2002) Contrast media safety
The usefulness of fluid aspiration from the extravasation committee of the European society of urogenital radiology.
site is controversial, as it usually removes only a small Contrast medium extravasation injury: guidelines for prevention
and management. Eur Radiol 12:2807–2812
amount of extravasated fluid and in addition carries a risk of Benson LS, Sathy MJ, Port RB (1996) Forearm compartment
infection. syndrome due to automated injection of computed tomography
Most plastic surgeons believe that the majority of contrast material. J Orthop Trauma 10:433–436
extravasation injuries heal without surgery and recommend Birnbaum BA, Nelson RC, Chezmar JL, Glick SN (1999) Extrava-
sation detection accessory: clinical evaluation in 500 patients.
conservative treatment (Cohan et al. 1990a). Surgical Radiology 212:431–438
drainage or emergency suction applied within 6 h can be Carrier DA, Ford JJ, Hayman LA (1993) MR appearance of
effective (Loth and Jones 1988) and the use of emergency extravasated gadolinium contrast medium. AJNR 14:363–364
suction alone or combined with saline flushing has also been Chew FS (2010) Extravasation of iodinated contrast medium during
CT: self-assessment module. AJR 195:S80–S85
helpful (Gault 1993; Vandeweyer et al. 2000). However, Cochran ST, Bomyea K, Sayre JW (2001) Trends in adverse events
these measures do not seem in practice to be used to any after IV administration of contrast media. AJR 176:1385–1388
extent. Cohan RH, Dunnick NR, Leder RA, Baker ME (1990a) Extravasation
of nonionic contrast media: efficacy of conservative treatment.
Radiology 174:65–67
Cohan RH, Leder RA, Bolick D et al (1990b) Extravascular
5.7 Follow-up of the Patient extravasation of radiographic contrast media: effects of conven-
tional and low-osmolar contrast agents in the rat thigh. Invest
Observation of the patient for 1–2 hrs in the department, Radiol 25:504–510
Cohan RH, Leder RA, Herzberg AJ et al (1991) Extravascular toxicity
with a final inspection of the injection site before discharge of two magnetic resonance contrast agents: preliminary experience
should be considered, and, if done, should be noted in the in the rat. Invest Radiol 26:224–226
patient’s records. However, the usefulness of this does not Cohan RH, Ellis JH, Garner WL (1996) Extravasation of radiographic
appear to have been published. contrast material: recognition, prevention, and treatment. Radiol-
ogy 200:593–604
The patient should be given information about the inci- Cohan RH, Bullard MA, Ellis JH et al (1997) Local reactions after
dent, preferably in writing. This information should include injection of iodinated contrast material: detection, management,
signs that may indicate the need for further contact with a and outcome. Acad Radiol 4:711–718
physician and contact details. Examples of forms from Duke Earhart A, McMahon P (2011) Vascular access and contrast media.
J Infus Nurs 34:97–105
University Hospital and from Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Elam EA, Dorr RT, Lagel KE, Pond GD (1991) Cutaneous ulceration
Cambridge, can be found on their homepages (http:// due to contrast extravasation: experimental assessment of injury and potential antidotes. Invest Radiol 26:13–16
php?id=55; Federle MP, Chang PJ, Confer S, Ozgun B (1998) Frequency and
effects of extravasation of ionic and nonionic CT contrast media
information_leaflets/PIN2856_contrast_medium_extravasation. during rapid bolus injection. Radiology 206:637–640
pdf). Gault DT (1993) Extravasation injuries. Br J Plast Surg 46:91–96
The incident should be recorded in the patient’s hospital Gothlin J (1972) The comparative frequency of extravasal injection at
or radiology records, as well as in the written report to the phlebography with steel and plastic cannulas. Clin Radiol
referring physician.
Hastings-Tolsma TM, Yucha CB et al (1993) Effect of warm and cold
applications on the resolution of IV infiltrations. Res Nurs Health
6 Conclusion Heckler FR (1989) Current thoughts on extravasation injuries. Clin
Plast Surg 16:557–563
Hoff L, Brabrand K, Andersen NB, Medhus S (2008) Monitoring X-
Extravasation of contrast material is a frequent complica- ray contrast agent injections with Doppler ultrasound. In Proceed-
tion of enhanced imaging studies. Although severe damage ings IEEE international ultrasonics symposium. doi: 10.1109/
has been reported, the consequences are usually minor and ULTSYM.2008.0004
Contrast Media Extravasation Injury 137
Jacobs JE, Birnbaum BA, Langlotz CP (1998) Contrast media Pond GD, Dorr RT, McAleese KA (1992) Skin ulceration from
reactions and extravasation: relationship to intravenous injection extravasation of low-osmolar contrast medium: a complication of
rates. Radiology 209:411–416 automation. AJR 158:915–916
Kaste SC, Young CW (1996) Safe use of power injectors with central Runge VM, Dickey KM, Williams NM, Peng X (2002) Local tissue
and peripheral venous access devices for pediatric CT. Pediatr toxicity in response to extravascular extravasation of magnetic
Radiol 26:499–501 resonance contrast media. Invest Radiol 37:393–398
Katayama H, Yamaguchi K, Kozuka T et al (1990) Adverse reactions Schummer C, Sakr Y, Steenbeck J et al (2010) Risk of Extravasation
to ionic and non-ionic contrast media: a report from the Japanese after Power Injection of Contrast Media via the Proximal Port of
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Part V
Iodine-Based Contrast Media
Late Adverse Reactions to Iodine-Based
Contrast Media
Fulvio Stacul and Marie-France Bellin
Contents Abstract
The most commonly reported late adverse reactions to
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 141 iodine-based contrast media are headache, skin rash,
2 Reaction Type and Severity ............................................... 141 itching, nausea, dizziness, urticaria, fever, arm pain and
gastrointestinal disturbances. When late reactions to
3 Pathophysiology ................................................................... 142
enhanced and unenhanced CT were compared, only skin
4 Frequency ............................................................................. 142 reactions occurred more frequently in the group who
5 Reaction Onset and Duration ............................................ 143 received contrast medium (non-ionic monomer or dimer)
6 Predisposing Factors ........................................................... 143
and skin reactions appear to account for the majority of
true late reactions. Late skin reactions occur three to four
7 Management ......................................................................... 144
times more commonly with the non-ionic dimer iodix-
8 Skin Testing.......................................................................... 144 anol than with the non-ionic monomers. Most reactions
9 Prophylaxis ........................................................................... 144 are self-limiting, resolve by 3–7 days, and appear to be
T-cell mediated.
10 Conclusion ............................................................................ 144
References...................................................................................... 145
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 141
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_890, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
142 F. Stacul and M.-F. Bellin
Munechika 1998; Schild et al. 2006) and skin reactions tests which can identify both IgE and T-cell mediated
appear to account for the majority of true late reactions mechanisms, as well as patch tests which only identify
(Loh et al. 2010). The types of late skin reactions and their T-cell mediated reactions. These tests are carried out on
relative frequencies are similar to those which occur with patients who have reacted to contrast media, so-called
many other drugs (Bigby et al. 1986). Maculopapular rash ‘‘reactors’’.
is observed in more than 50 % of the affected patients The recent literature suggests that a T-cell mediated
(Hosoya et al. 2000). Other frequently occurring skin mechanism, involving CD4 ? and CD8 ? lymphocytes is
reactions are angioedema, urticaria, erythema, macular the pathophysiological basis of delayed reactions (Torres
exanthema and scaling skin eruption (Bigby et al. 1986; et al. 2008; Seitz et al. 2009; Torres et al. 2012). These
Rydberg et al. 1998; Christiansen et al. 2000; Sutton et al. T-cells also demonstrate cross-reactivity with similar con-
2001, 2003; Vernassiere et al. 2004; Kanny et al. 2005). trast media, which occurs among ionic and non-ionic, and
Lesser-known delayed skin reactions have been discussed monomeric and dimeric agents (Kanny et al. 2005; Lerch
by Böhm and Schild (2006). et al. 2007; Brockow et al. 2009). In patients who have had
In most cases, skin reactions are mild or moderate, i.e., late adverse reactions to iodine-based contrast media, skin
they may cause discomfort and may require specific tests showed significant cross-reactivity with other iodine-
treatment (steroids, antihistamines, topical emollients) based contrast media, but there was rarely a reaction with
(Rydberg et al. 1998; Hosoya et al. 2000; Sutton et al. 2001, inorganic iodine (Seitz et al. 2009; Scherer et al. 2010). This
2003; Munechika et al. 2003). In most cases, they are self- suggests that the whole contrast medium molecule has an
limiting. Depending on their site, these reactions cause immunogenic role but free iodine rarely does (Scherer et al.
some discomfort, the most troublesome being those affect- 2010). The observation that peripheral blood lymphocytes
ing the palms, soles of the feet or face (Sutton et al. 2001). from patients who have previously had late adverse reac-
Severe delayed reactions needing hospital treatment and/or tions are activated in vitro when exposed to contrast med-
leading to persistent disability or death have been reported, ium provides support for this putative immunogenic role
but are very rare. In the eight cases Christiansen et al. (Torres et al. 2008). Further support comes from evidence
(2000) collected from the literature, four had underlying that dendritic cells from reacting patients are involved in the
serious medical conditions (Goodfellow et al. 1986; Savill recognition and presentation of contrast medium molecules
et al. 1988; Reynolds et al. 1993; Sadi et al. 1995) and there to cells of the immune system and influence T-cell prolif-
are only a few other case reports of serious reactions eration and cytokine production (Antunez et al. 2011).
(Conroy et al. 1994; Rosado et al. 2001; Vavricka et al.
2002; Atasoy et al. 2003; Laffitte et al. 2004).
4 Frequency
1993). Ueda et al. (2001) reported late reactions in 8.4 % of not find a significant difference in the overall incidence of
patients having enhanced CT, and in 7.9 % having plain delayed reactions between the non-ionic dimer iotrolan and
CT, while Loh et al. (2010) reported late reactions in the non-ionic monomer iopromide, but they found a higher
14.3 % of patients having iohexol-enhanced CT, and in incidence of cutaneous symptoms (itching or skin rash) in
2.5 % having plain CT. Schild (1996) reported more late the dimeric group. In another study, the frequency of late
adverse reactions following plain CT than enhanced CT, skin reactions with iodixanol was similar to that with non-
with the exception of skin reactions which were more ionic monomer, but more of the iodixanol patients were
common after enhanced CT. Recently, Böhm et al. (2011) treated with hydrocortisone or antihistamine (Rydberg et al.
assessed the causative agent in adult patients with hyper- 1998). Fransson et al. (1996), however, found no difference
sensitivity reactions that occurred during and after contrast in the frequency of late skin reactions between iodixanol
medium-enhanced procedures. In 28/38 patients, the and ioxaglate. The non-ionic dimer iotrolan was withdrawn
hypersensitivity reactions were induced by the contrast in 1995 because of the high incidence of late reactions,
medium and in 6/38 cases the reaction was partly contrast- particularly skin reactions, initially reported from Japan but
medium related. Four patients had reactions that were not subsequently also from the USA (Niendorf 1996; Hosoya
contrast medium-related. et al. 2000).
In most studies, it appears that skin rashes account for
the majority of true late reactions to iodine-based contrast
media (Loh et al. 2010). In 1996, Schild et al. considered 5 Reaction Onset and Duration
895 patients who underwent CT after injection of a dimeric
or a monomeric agent or without contrast material injection. Late skin reactions after contrast medium develop within
They found that the overall rates of delayed reactions were 1–7 days, with the majority occurring within the first 3 days
comparable in all the three study groups (53.1, 50.8, and (Hosoya et al. 2000). Most reactions are self-limiting and
48.4 %, respectively), and again skin reactions were more resolve by 7 days, with up to three-quarters resolving within
common after enhanced CT. 3 days (Yoshikawa 1992; Hosoya et al. 2000).
The frequency of late adverse reactions to non-ionic
monomers has been reported to be between 0.52 and 50.8 %
(Higashi and Katayama 1990; Choyke et al. 1992; 6 Predisposing Factors
Yoshikawa 1992; Cochran et al. 1993; Mikkonen et al.
1995; Pedersen et al. 1998; Rydberg et al. 1998; Yasuda and A number of factors appear to predispose a person to the
Munechika 1998; Bartolucci et al. 2000; Hosoya et al. 2000; development of late adverse reactions. A previous reaction
Ueda et al. 2001; Munechika et al. 2003; Schild et al. 2006; to contrast medium is an important predisposing factor,
Loh et al. 2010.) Several studies suggest that the incidence increasing the risk by a factor of 1.7–3.3 (Yoshikawa 1992;
in the 1–24 h period is 4 % or less (Choyke et al. 1992; Mikkonen et al. 1995; Hosoya et al. 2000). However, there
Beyer-Enke and Zeitler 1993; Pedersen et al. 1998) and in is no evidence that patients with a previous late reaction are
four large studies the frequency of late skin reactions was at increased risk for a subsequent immediate anaphylactic
1–3 % over a period of 7 days (Rydberg et al. 1998; Yasuda reaction (Yamaguchi et al. 1992; Yoshikawa 1992; Hosoya
and Munechika 1998; Munechika et al. 1999; Hosoya et al. et al. 2000). A history of allergy is a further risk factor
2000). There do not appear to be significant differences in (Higashi and Katayama 1990; Yoshikawa 1992; Oi et al.
the incidence of late reactions between ionic and non-ionic 1997; Munechika et al. 1999, 2003; Hosoya et al. 2000;
monomers (McCullough et al. 1989; Panto and Davies Schild et al. 2006), increasing the likelihood of a reaction
1986; Yamaguchi et al. 1992; Pedersen et al. 1998), nor approximately two-fold. A history of drug and contact
between the different non-ionic monomers (Panto and allergy especially seems to predispose to late skin reactions
Davies 1986; Yamaguchi et al. 1992; Pedersen et al. 1998). after contrast medium exposure (Aoki and Takemura 2002;
No significant differences have been found between the Vernassiere et al. 2004; Kanny et al. 2005). A seasonal
non-ionic monomers and the ionic dimer ioxaglate either variation in the incidence of late skin reactions has been
(Bertrand et al. 1995; Mikkonen et al. 1995; Oi et al. 1997). described with 45 % of the reactions occurring in the period
The available evidence suggests that late skin reactions April to June in Finland (Mikkonen et al. 2000). A relation
are more common with non-ionic dimers (Lapi et al. 2008). to the pollen season and/or to the possible photosensitizing
In two studies conducted by the same group, late skin effect of contrast media has been postulated. A significantly
reactions occurred three to four times more commonly with higher incidence of late adverse reaction during the pollen
the non-ionic dimer iodixanol than with the non-ionic season was confirmed by Munechika et al. (2003). Females
monomers iopamidol and iomeprol and the ionic dimer are more likely to develop late adverse reactions than males
ioxaglate (Sutton et al. 2001, 2003). Schild et al. (2006) did (Higashi and Katayama 1990; Mikkonen et al. 1995;
144 F. Stacul and M.-F. Bellin
Oi et al. 1997; Bartolucci et al. 2000; Hosoya et al. 2000; was 100 % for both of these tests, and the negative pre-
Schild et al. 2006). Patients of Japanese descent may be dictive values (NPV) were 85.4 and 82.4 %, respectively. In
more susceptible to late reactions (Christiansen et al. 2000) a recent study of 161 subjects, Torres et al. (2012) found
Coexisting diseases also appear to predispose to late reac- that patients with non-immediate reactions to contrast
tions, especially renal disease, but also cardiac and liver medium were identified by skin testing in 43.6 % and by
disease and diabetes mellitus (Mikkonen et al. 1995; drug provocation testing in 56.4 %. Despite this, most
Bartolucci et al. 2000; Hosoya et al. 2000). Some of the recent studies suggest that if a patient with a confirmed late
most severe skin reactions reported occurred in patients adverse reaction to a contrast medium needs further
with systemic lupus erythematosus or in patients who were administration of contrast medium, skin testing may be
taking hydralazine, which induces a lupus-like syndrome in useful for choosing an alternative contrast agent (Brockow
some patients (Goodfellow et al. 1986; Savill et al. 1988; et al. 2005; Seitz et al. 2009).
Reynolds et al. 1993). Bone marrow transplantation patients
were reported to be another risk group for severe contrast
medium induced skin eruptions (Vavricka et al. 2002). 9 Prophylaxis
The increased incidence of late reactions to contrast
media in patients who have received interleukin-2 (IL-2) Given the relatively low rate of occurrence of late adverse
immunotherapy is well documented, with an increased reactions and the fact that they are usually mild and self-
frequency of two to four times (Oldham et al. 1990; limiting, it does not seem appropriate to warn patients with
Zukiwski et al. 1990; Fishman et al. 1991; Choyke et al. no special risk factors about the possibility of a late reac-
1992; Shulman et al. 1993). Skin rash, pruritus and flu-like tion. However, it is recommended that patients who have
syndrome were all more frequent in patients who had had a previous late skin reaction after contrast medium
received IL-2 (Choyke et al. 1992). Interestingly, both IL-2 administration, who suffer from major drug or contact
and pre-existing stimulation of the immune system in sys- allergy or who have received interleukin-2 are warned about
temic lupus erythematosus reduce the threshold for T-cell the possibility of a late skin reaction and told to contact a
activation by enhanced cytokine secretion or monocyte physician if they have a problem. Steroid prophylaxis has
activation (Schnyder et al. 1998; Christiansen 2002). been proposed in the literature (Watanabe et al. 1999), but
its value is unclear and drug prophylaxis is generally not
recommended (Bellin et al. 2011).
7 Management If patients who have previously had a late skin reaction to
iodine-based contrast medium require further contrast med-
Management of late adverse reactions is symptomatic and ium, it is recommended that an alternative contrast medium is
similar to the management of other drug-induced reactions. chosen. Skin testing may be useful for choosing an alternative
Oral antihistamines, topical steroids and emollients have agent. Patch and delayed reading intradermal tests can help
been used (Sutton et al. 2003; Schild et al. 2006). confirm a late skin reaction to contrast medium and can be
helpful to study cross-reactivity patterns with other agents. To
reduce the risk of repeat reaction, it is recommended that a
8 Skin Testing contrast agent other than the agent which precipitated the first
reaction is used, and that agents which have shown cross-
If there is doubt about whether contrast medium is reactivity on skin testing are avoided (Bellin et al. 2011).
responsible for a skin reaction, skin testing (patch and
delayed intradermal tests) may be indicated (Schick et al.
1996; Akiyama et al. 1998; Courvoisier and Bircher 1998; 10 Conclusion
Gall et al. 1999; Watanabe et al. 1999; Brockow et al. 1999,
2005; Kanny et al. 2001, 2005; Sedano et al. 2001; Bohm Late adverse reactions to iodine-based contrast media have
and Schild 2006; Bellin et al. 2011). However, it should be been recognized for 20 years. They are mainly mild or
noted that some patients who have had late adverse reac- moderate skin reactions which develop from 1 h to 7 days
tions to a contrast agent do not have a positive skin test with after contrast medium administration and usually resolve
the agent. Goksel et al. (2011) reported that the sensitivities within 3–7 days. The majority of these cutaneous reactions
of delayed readings of intradermal tests and patch tests were are T-cell mediated allergic reactions. A simple guideline
14.3 and 25 %, respectively, while the specificity for both has been produced by the Contrast Media Safety Committee
these tests was 100 %. The positive predictive value (PPV) (‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’)
Late Adverse Reactions to Iodine-Based Contrast Media 145
Munechika H, Hiramatsu Y, Kudo S et al (2003) A prospective survey Schnyder B, Frutig K, Maauri-Hellweg D et al (1998) T-cell mediated
of delayed adverse reactions to iohexol in urography and computed cytotoxicity against keratinocytes in sulfamethoxazol-induced skin
tomography. Eur Radiol 13:185–194 reaction. Cin Exp Allergy 28:1412–1417
Niendorf HP (1996) Delayed allergy-like reactions to X-ray contrast Sedano E, Vega JM, Rebollo S et al (2001) Delayed exanthema to non-
media. Problem statement exemplified with iotrolan (Isovist) 280. ionic contrast medium. Allergy 56:1015–1016
Eur Radiol 6 [Suppl 3]:S8–S10 Seitz CS, Pfeuffer P, Raith P et al (2009) Radiocontrast media-
Oi H, Yamazaki H, Matsushita M (1997) Delayed vs. immediate associated exanthema: identification of cross-reactivity and toler-
adverse reactions to ionic and non-ionic low-osmolality contrast ability by allergologic testing. Eur J Radiol 72:167–171
media. Radiat Med 15:23–27 Shulman KL, Thompson JA, Benyunes MC et al (1993) Adverse
Oldham RK, Brogley J, Braud E (1990) Contrast medium ‘‘recalls’’ reactions to intravenous contrast media in patients treated with
interleukin-2 toxicity. J Clin Oncol 8:942–943 interleukin-2. J Immunother 13:208–212
Panto PN, Davies P (1986) Delayed reactions to urographic contrast Sutton AGC, Finn P, Grech ED et al (2001) Early and late reactions
media. Br J Radiol 59:41–44 after the use of iopamidol 340, ioxaglate 320 and iodixanol 320 in
Pedersen SH, Svaland MG, Reiss A-L, Andrew E (1998) Late allergy- cardiac catheterization. Am Heart J 141:677–683
like reactions following vascular administration of radiography Sutton AGC, Finn P, Campbell PG et al (2003) Early and late reactions
contrast media. Acta Radiol 39:344–348 following the use of iopamidol 340, iomeprol 350 and iodixanol
Reynolds NJ, Wallington TB, Burton JL (1993) Hydralazine predis- 320 in cardiac catheterization. J Invas Cardiol 15:133–138
poses to acute cutaneous vasculitis following urography with Torres MJ, Mayorga C, Cornejo-Garcia JA et al (2008) Monitoring
iopamidol. Br J Dermatol 129:82–85 non-immediate allergic reactions to iodine contrast media. Clin
Romano A, Viola M, Gaeta F et al (2008) Patch testing in non- Exp Immunol 152:233–238
immediate drug eruptions. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol 4:66–74 Torres MJ, Gomez F, Dona I et al (2012) Diagnostic evaluation of
Rosado A, Canto G, Veleiro B, Rodriguez J (2001) Toxic epidermal patients with non-immediate cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions
necrolysis after repeated injections of iohexol. Am J Roentgenol to iodinated contrast media. Allergy 67:929–935
176:262–263 Ueda S, Mori H, Matsumoto S et al (2001) True delayed adverse
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adverse reactions following injection of intravascular nonionic Radiol 11(Suppl 1):377
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CT: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Radiology
Effects of Iodine-Based Contrast Media
on Blood and Endothelium
Fulvio Stacul and Sameh K. Morcos
Contents Abstract
The effects of contrast agents on red blood cells and
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 147 white blood cells have been shown not to be clinically
2 Red Blood Cells.................................................................... 148 important. High-osmolar contrast media can induce
2.1 Red Blood Cell Morphology................................................. 148 thrombosis after injection, mainly because of endothelial
2.2 Red Blood Cell Aggregation................................................. 148 injury. However, all contrast media have anticoagulant
2.3 Blood Rheology..................................................................... 148
properties, especially the ionic agents. There is general
2.4 Sickle Cell Disease................................................................ 148
consensus that good technique is the most important
3 White Blood Cells ................................................................ 149 factor to reduce thrombotic complications following
3.1 Phagocytosis .......................................................................... 149
3.2 Chemotaxis, Granulocyte Adherence, and Inflammation .... 149 angiography.
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 147
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_891, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
148 F. Stacul and S. K. Morcos
2 Red Blood Cells dehydration of red blood cells produces only minor rheo-
logical change (Aspelin et al. 1980; Nash and Meiselman
The effect of contrast media on red blood cells can be 1991). However, the overall in vivo effect is a mixture of
divided into the effects on morphology, aggregation, and the effect of contrast media on red blood cell morphology,
rheology (flow properties of the blood). When iodine-based rigidity, viscosity, and vascular tone. Contrast media can
contrast media come into contact with red blood cells, the induce both vasoconstriction and vasodilatation in different
normal discoid shape of the red blood cells changes organs (Mills et al. 1980; Almén et al. 1980; Liss et al.
(Aspelin et al. 1980; Nash and Meiselman 1991). Extraction 1996; Morcos et al. 1998). In the pulmonary circulation,
of water may cause either shrinkage of the red blood cells, contrast media can induce red cell rigidity and pulmonary
producing a dessicocyte, or changes in shape, called echi- arterial vasoconstriction, leading to an increase in pul-
nocyte or stomatocyte deformation. monary vascular resistance (Almén et al. 1980; Mills et al.
1980; Pugh 1996; Morcos et al. 1998). In the kidney, con-
trast media can reduce the blood flow in the vasa recta in the
2.1 Red Blood Cell Morphology medulla (Liss et al. 1996). It is not clear whether in vivo this
effect is mainly caused by stasis due to vasoconstriction or
Dessicocyte formation is an in vitro effect of dehydration of by increased red blood cell aggregation. The morphological
the red blood cell and is proportional to the osmolality of red cell changes may also affect the capacity for oxygen
the contrast media to which it is exposed (Aspelin et al. delivery and pH buffering (Galtung et al. 2002). However,
1980). It is observed only in a fraction of the red blood cells these effects have not been proven to be of importance in
exposed to almost undiluted high-osmolar contrast medium. clinical studies (Strickland et al. 1992a).
Echinocyte formation in vitro is dependent on the The overall effect of contrast media on red blood cells
chemotoxicity (including electrical charge, pH, or salt has not been shown to be of clinical importance.
concentration) (Chronos et al. 1993) and not on the osmo-
lality of the contrast agent. All contrast media including the
iso-osmolar dimers may induce some degree of echinocyte 2.4 Sickle Cell Disease
formation (Aspelin et al. 1987; Hardeman et al. 1991; Jung
et al. 2008; Mrowietz et al. 2008, 2012). HbSS in the red cells of patients with sickle cell anemia is
susceptible to polymerization, causing the cells to become
flattened and rigid (sickling). Sickled cells undergo more
2.2 Red Blood Cell Aggregation hemolysis than normal red blood cells and the impaired
passage of sickled cells through the microcirculation may
Contrast media in vitro cause disaggregation of red blood lead to small vessel occlusion, with resultant infarction.
cell rouleaux and not aggregation as sometimes believed Sickling may be precipitated by hypoxia, acidosis, dehy-
(Aspelin et al. 1987). The reason for the misunderstanding dration, or hyperosmolality.
could be that contrast media make red cells more rigid There were a number of reports of vascular occlusions
causing precapillary stasis, which can be mistaken for and hemolytic episodes after hyperosmolar iodine-based
increased red blood cell aggregation (Aspelin and Schmid- contrast media were given to patients with sickle cell dis-
Schonbein 1978; Aspelin 1992). ease (Losco et al. 2001; Campbell et al. 2012). In vitro, the
ionic agent meglumine iothalamate caused greater increases
in mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
2.3 Blood Rheology and more irreversibly sickled cells in blood from patients
with sickle cell anemia than did the non-ionic agent
The combined effect of dessicocyte, echinocyte, and sto- iopamidol (Rao et al. 1982). Losco et al. (2001) compared
matocyte formation is reduced plasticity of the red blood the effects of the ionic agent sodium/meglumine diatrizoate,
cells compared to normal red blood cells (Aspelin and the non-ionic monomer iohexol, the ionic dimer ioxaglate,
Schmid-Schonbein 1978; Aspelin 1992; Losco et al. 2001; and the non-ionic dimer iodixanol on blood from sickle cell
Katsanos et al. 2008). Plasticity is essential for the smooth disease patients in vitro. The degree of red cell shrinkage
flow of red blood cells through small capillaries and when it induced was proportional to the osmolality of the contrast
is lost there is a decrease in blood flow especially after intra- agent. The isosmolar iodixanol produced no significant
arterial injections (Dawson et al. 1983; Le Mignon et al. change in red cell volume at any concentration, and the
1988; Strickland et al. 1992b; Pugh 1996; Jung et al. 2012). other agents all caused a reduction in mean corpuscular
Pure echinocyte and stomatocyte formation without any volume (MCV), with the ionic agent producing the greatest
Effects of Iodine-Based Contrast Media on Blood and Endothelium 149
effect. In patients with sickle cell disease, a retrospective Zhan et al. 1998; Blann et al. 2001; Barani et al. 2002).
review found no increase in the rate of adverse events Contrast media may interfere with the inflammatory
compared to the general population following a variety of response of white blood cells in the body (Hernanz Schul-
low or iso-osmolar iodine-based contrast agents (Campbell man et al. 2000; Fanning et al. 2002; Laskey and Gellman
et al. 2012). Hydration before contrast medium adminis- 2003; O’Donnell et al. 2010).
tration was associated with a reduced incidence of adverse There are no clinical data to suggest that any of these
events (Campbell et al. 2012). interactions between contrast media and white blood cells
With gadolinium-based contrast media, the smaller doses are of clinical importance.
given compared to iodine-based agents suggest that contrast
medium osmolality is unlikely to be a significant problem in
sickle cell disease patients. However, it was postulated that
sickle cell alignment perpendicular to the magnetic field 4 Endothelium
might be increased by gadolinium agents, so increasing the
risk of vascular occlusions or hemolysis. There have been Endothelial cells contribute to the regulation of many
no reports of vessel occlusion or hemolysis following aspects of vascular homeostasis, including coagulation,
gadolinium-based contrast media (Dillman et al. 2011). A fibrinolysis, and platelet function. In addition, they are
retrospective review of patients with sickle cell disease who important modulators of vascular tone, primarily by the
received gadolinium-based contrast media found no sig- regulated secretion and rapid clearance of powerful vaso-
nificant increase in adverse events in the week following active mediators such as prostacyclin, nitric oxide, endo-
contrast medium compared to sickle cell disease patients thelin, and adenosine. The endothelium also controls solute
who had unenhanced MR (Dillman et al. 2011). permeability and leukocyte movement during the generation
of inflammatory and immune responses (Pearson 1991).
Endothelial cells are exposed transiently to high con-
3 White Blood Cells centrations of contrast media following intravascular
administration. The endothelial effects of contrast media
The function of the white blood cells is mainly host defense, may contribute to the hemodynamic disturbances, throm-
but their interactions with the endothelial cells and platelets bosis, and pulmonary edema associated with the intravas-
are also important. White blood cells must be able to adhere cular use of these agents.
to the endothelium and migrate through the vessel wall in Modulation of the production of endothelial vasoactive
order to phagocytose and inactivate toxic products. This substances plays an important role in mediating the hemo-
involves adherence, chemotaxis, degranulation, and dynamic effects of contrast media particularly in the kidney
phagocytosis. In vitro studies have shown that all these (Morcos 1998). Contrast media can increase the release and
processes are affected by contrast media. expression of the potent vasoconstrictor peptide endothelin
by the endothelial cells (Oldroyd and Morcos 2000; Franke
et al. 2009). In addition, contrast media may decrease the
3.1 Phagocytosis endothelial production of nitric oxide by reducing the
activity of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase which is
Contrast media reduce the ability of white blood cells to responsible for the endogenous synthesis of this vasodilator
exhibit phagocytosis (Rasmussen et al. 1988, 1992b; Ras- (Schwartz et al. 1994; Heyman et al. 1998). How contrast
mussen 1998). This effect has been studied only with ionic, media increase the release of endothelin or reduce the
high-osmolar contrast media. It may also be caused by production of nitric oxide is not fully understood.
calcium chelating agents in the solution. The clinical Contrast media, particularly high-osmolality ionic
importance of these in vitro observations is not known. agents, have cytostatic and cytotoxic effects on endothelial
cells which may precipitate thrombosis (Laerum 1983;
Morgan and Bettmann 1989; Wilson and Sage 1994;
3.2 Chemotaxis, Granulocyte Adherence, Barstad et al. 1996; Fauser et al. 2001; Gabelman et al.
and Inflammation 2001; Sumimura et al. 2003). In addition, contrast media
can induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) of endothe-
Contrast media have been shown in vitro to inhibit the lial cells (Zhang et al. 2000). An increase in the frequency
chemotoxic response of white blood cells. In vivo studies of apoptosis in the endothelium may alter vascular
have not shown this finding to be significant (Rasmussen homeostasis, including coagulant and thrombotic properties,
et al. 1992c). All contrast media decrease the adherence permeability and tone of the blood vessel wall, as well as
property of white blood cells (Rasmussen et al. 1992a; vessel growth and angiogenesis (Zhang et al. 2000).
150 F. Stacul and S. K. Morcos
ventriculography or coronary angiography with iohexol one study, the non-ionic dimer iodixanol was found to be
(Albanese et al. 1995). Similarly, Arora et al. (1991) and significantly less anticoagulant than the non-ionic monomer
Brzoko et al. (1997) did not find a significant difference iohexol (Corot et al. 1996), while in another study it was
between ionic and non-ionic contrast media when platelet reported that iodixanol affected the bleeding time similarly
degranulation markers were measured in peripheral venous to non-ionic monomers (Melton et al. 1995). However, the
samples. Polanowska et al. (1992) reported an increase in precise mechanisms responsible for this inhibition are still
the venous level of P-thromboglobulin following arteriog- unclear. It has been suggested that the main factors are
raphy with a high-osmolar contrast agent. inhibition of activation of factor X, which leads to the
Conversely, following cardiac catheterization, Jung et al. formation of thrombin from prothrombin (Eloy et al. 1991;
(2002) found no platelet activation with ioxaglate, whereas Fay and Parker 1998; Idée and Corot 1999) and inhibition
serotonin release was detected following injection of a non- of fibrin polymeriztion (Stormorken et al. 1986; Dawson
ionic monomer. Jaumdally et al. (2007) showed that iom- et al. 1986; Fay and Parker 1998; Dawson 1999). Al Dieri
eprol produced a minimal effect on soluble and physical et al. (2001, 2003) showed that ioxaglate blocks feedback
indices of platelets within the coronary artery, primarily due activation of factors V and VIII, significantly inhibits
to plasma volume expansion. Most of these studies, with the platelet-dependent thrombin generation, and boosts the
exception of those of Albanese et al. (1995) and Jaumdally effect of abciximab, whereas iodixanol does not. Interfer-
et al. (2007), evaluated peripheral venous and not blood ence with the assembly of fibrin monomers by contrast
samples from close to the injection site. It is known that media results in poor fibrin stabilization of clots (Engelhart
arterial catheterization itself may activate platelets. et al. 1988; Chronos et al. 1993).
Most clinical pharmacology studies of platelet aggrega- Therefore, ionic monomers and dimers have similar
tion have shown a higher antiaggregatory effect for ionic anticoagulant activity in vitro, which is more pronounced
agents than non-ionic monomers, as confirmed by Eloy than that of non-ionic monomers and dimers. Non-ionic
et al. (1991) and Dalby et al. (2002). However, Stormorken monomers probably have more anticoagulant effect than
et al. (1986) did not show a difference between the ionic and non-ionic dimers.
non-ionic agents.
The clinical impact of these in vitro and experimental
in vivo changes is debatable and is discussed in the section 6.2 Clinical Trials
on coagulation.
In summary, there are no clinical data to suggest that the Clinical data are less easy to evaluate because of patient-
effect of non-ionic contrast media on platelets induces related and procedure-related variabilities (state of the he-
increased coagulation. The mechanisms responsible for the mostatic system, condition of the vessel wall, use of
effects of contrast media on platelets are still unclear and guidewires, catheters, balloons, and stents). Because of the
clinically significant effects have not been shown. rapid clearance of contrast media, their anticoagulant effect
is local rather than systemic and their effect may be not
significant if measured in distant peripheral blood vessels.
6 Coagulation Following the in vitro observation by Robertson (1987)
of more frequent clot formation in blood contaminated
6.1 In Vitro Effects of Contrast Media syringes with non-ionic monomers than with ionic agents, a
few case reports of thrombotic complications in diagnostic
All contrast media inhibit blood coagulation but to different angiography with non-ionic monomers have been published
extents. Prothrombin time, reptilase time, activated partial (Bashore et al. 1988; Grollman et al. 1988; Millet and
thromboplastin time , and recalcification clotting time are Sestier 1989). However, trials have shown no clinical evi-
significantly increased in proportion to the dose of contrast dence of significant differences in thrombotic complications
medium (Eloy et al. 1991). Comparison of assays of fibro- when ionic agents are compared to non-ionic monomers for
peptide A and thrombin-antithrombin complex between coronary angiography (Davidson et al. 1990; Schrader
ionic agents (both monomeric and dimeric) and non-ionic 1998).
monomers showed that coagulation times were shorter for Randomized trials comparing ioxaglate to non-ionic
non-ionic monomers, but were always longer than in the monomers during PTCA have produced conflicting results
controls (Parvez and Moncada 1986; Engelhart et al. 1988; (Piessens et al. 1993; Grines et al. 1996; Esplugas et al.
Corot et al. 1989; Rasuli et al. 1989; Grabowski et al. 1991; Malekianpour et al. 1998; Schrader et al. 1999; Fle-
1991a, b; Parvez and Vik 1991; Idée et al. 2002). isch et al. 1999; Danzi et al. 2003). In the two studies with
The ionic dimer ioxaglate has anticoagulant activity the largest number of patients, one showed no significant
similar to that of the ionic monomers (Eloy et al. 1991). In difference between ioxaglate and iomeprol in the incidence
152 F. Stacul and S. K. Morcos
of sudden vessel occlusion (Schrader et al. 1999), whereas the catheter. Some of these factors are difficult to control or
the other showed a trend toward less thromboembolic standardize in clinical studies.
complications with ioxaglate compared to ioversol (Fleisch Catheter and guidewire materials probably play a sig-
et al. 1999). Scheller et al. (2001) reported that patients nificant role in clinical studies of contrast media and
undergoing stent placement had fewer acute and subacute coagulation. The use of equipment with technically
stent occlusions when imaged using ioxaglate compared to improved surfaces will probably largely overcome this
multiple non-ionic agents. However, Danzi et al. (2003) problem.
reported that non-ionic monomers (iopamidol and iopro-
mide) did not adversely affect stent patency when compared
to ioxaglate. The considerable periprocedural use of anti- 7 Fibrinolysis
platelet agents may explain their results. A meta-analysis
comparing non-ionic monomers to ioxaglate showed a Contrast media impede fibrinolysis and delay the onset of
significant reduction of coronary vessel abrupt occlusions lysis by recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator
with ioxaglate (Cucherat and Leizorovicz 1999). Iodixanol (rt-PA), urokinase, and streptokinase (Dehmer et al. 1995).
was compared to ioxaglate in three trials. In one, no sig- This effect is reduced by increasing the concentration of the
nificant differences with regard to major adverse cardiac lysis agent. Contrast media cause fibrin to form in long or
events (MACE) were detected (Bertrand et al. 2000). In the thin fibrils, which have a lower mass/length ratio and are
second, high-risk patient group, less abrupt vessel occlu- more resistant to fibrinolysis (Parvez et al. 1982; Gabriel
sions (p = 0.05) were found with iodixanol (Davidson et al. et al. 1991). In vitro studies have shown that diatrizoate and
2000). This difference was more significant in patients who iohexol delay the onset of lysis induced by all lysis agents.
did not receive GpIIb/IIIa blockers. In the third, no signif- However, ioxaglate delayed the onset of lysis by rt-PA and
icant differences between the two contrast media were urokinase but not by streptokinase (Dehmer et al. 1995).
found and there was no clear advantage with the use of an Another in vitro study showed that thrombi formed with
ionic contrast agent in a large population of patients iodixanol and iohexol are larger and more resistant to
undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for both thrombolysis compared to thrombi formed with ioxaglate
stable and unstable coronary artery disease (Sutton et al. (Jones and Goodal 2003). Bellemain-Appaix et al. (2012)
2002). A recent review showed no important difference in showed that fibrin formed with iodixanol was stiffer and
the incidence of clinically significant thrombotic events or displayed more fibrin fibers than after ioxaglate or in con-
MACE between isoosmolar and low-osmolar contrast trols. This resulted in a profound reduction in the lysis front
media (Reiner 2010). velocity. In vivo studies in dogs showed that alteplase-
induced thrombolysis could be delayed by iohexol and
amidotrizoate, whereas ioxaglate had no significant effect
6.3 Contrast Media Interactions (Pislaru et al. 1998). In a small group of patients undergoing
with Angiographic Devices pulmonary angiography, iohexol significantly increased
plasma levels of PAI-1, an inhibitor of t-PA and urokinase,
Interactions of contrast media with angiographic devices while ioxaglate did not (van Beek et al. 1994). A systematic
have been investigated both in vitro and in vivo. The syr- review and meta-analysis investigated the proportion of
inge material greatly influenced the possibility of clot for- patients with acute stroke experiencing recanalization after
mation in syringes containing contrast media and blood. thrombolytic therapy who had received contrast media
Glass was a more powerful activator of coagulation than compared to those who had not. Eighteen studies were
plastic, and among the plastic syringes those made of sty- considered and recanalization rates were not significantly
rene acrylonitrile activated coagulation more than those different between the two groups (Dani and Muir 2010).
made of polypropylene. Furthermore, clots formed only Other effects on fibrinolysis caused by interactions of
in situations where there was very poor angiographic contrast media with concomitantly given drugs are descri-
technique (Dawson et al. 1986). bed in more detail in ‘‘Contrast Media and Interactions
Teflon-coated catheters and guidewires are more with Other Drugs and Clinical Tests’’.
thrombogenic than polyurethane materials and much more
than polyethylene materials (Dawson 1999). Idée and Corot
(1999) comprehensively reviewed the many factors influ- 8 Conclusion
encing clotting in catheters, including the length of the
procedure, blood/catheter contact time, volume of blood in All contrast agents may alter the morphology and function
the catheter, size and type of the catheter, type of contrast of red blood cells. However, the overall effect of contrast
material, and degree of blood/contrast medium mixture in media on red cells has not been shown to be of clinical
Effects of Iodine-Based Contrast Media on Blood and Endothelium 153
importance. Similarly, the effect on white blood cells has Almén T, Aspelin P, Nilsson P (1980) Aortic and pulmonary arterial
not been shown to be clinically important. In patients with pressure after injection of contrast media into the right atrium of
the rabbit. Comparison between metrizoate, ioxaglate and iohexol.
sickle cell anemia, there does not appear to be an increased Acta Radiol Suppl 362:37–41
risk of adverse events either with low or iso-osmolar iodine- Arora R, Khandelwal M, Gopal A (1991) In vivo effects of non-ionic
based contrast agents, or with gadolinium-based agents. and ionic contrast media on beta-thrombo- globulin and fibrino-
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Aspelin P (1992) Contrast media and red blood cell aggregation:
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firmed these in vitro observations. contrast media on red cell aggregation in vitro. Acta Radiol Diagn
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Contrast media have cytostatic, cytotoxic, and apoptotic Aspelin P, Stöhr-Liessen M, Almén T (1980) Effect of Iohexol on
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Effects of Iodine-Based Contrast Media
on Thyroid Function
Aart J. van der Molen
Contents Abstract
Iodine-based contrast media contain free iodide in the
1 Introduction........................................................................ 157 solution, which may cause thyrotoxicosis in at-risk
2 Terminology ....................................................................... 157 patients with Graves’ disease or thyroid autonomy.
Systematic evaluation of thyroid function in all patients
3 Iodine Deficient Areas....................................................... 158
before iodine-based contrast medium administration is
4 Free Iodide ......................................................................... 158 not necessary. It may, however, be appropriate to
5 Effect of Contrast Media on Thyroid Function identify patients with a known nodular goiter, and
in Euthyroid Patients ........................................................ 159 to recommend follow-up tests of thyroid function for up
5.1 Adults................................................................................... 159 to 2 years after they receive iodine-based contrast media.
5.2 Neonates............................................................................... 159
6 Contrast Medium-Induced Thyrotoxicosis..................... 159
6.1 Mechanism of Contrast Medium-Induced
Thyrotoxicosis ..................................................................... 159
1 Introduction
6.2 Biochemical Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism ...................... 160
6.3 Prevalence of Contrast Medium-Induced From time to time contrast medium or iodine-induced
Thyrotoxicosis ..................................................................... 160 hyperthyroidism (IIHT) is brought to the attention of radi-
6.4 Clinical Symptoms of Thyrotoxicosis ................................ 160
6.5 Clinical Studies on Contrast Medium-Induced
ologists. Since contrast medium solutions contain some free
Thyrotoxicosis ..................................................................... 160 iodide, contrast media may induce hyperthyroidism or
7 Prevention and Prophylaxis of Contrast
Media-Induced Thyrotoxicosis......................................... 161 The two main reasons for development of thyrotoxicosis
are preexisting Graves’ disease and thyroid autonomy. In
8 Nuclear Medicine Studies and Contrast Media............. 162
8.1 Effect of Contrast Media on Thyroid Scintigraphy ........... 162 Graves’ disease thyroid-stimulating autoantibodies enhance
8.2 Effect of Contrast Media on Radio-Iodine Treatment....... 162 iodine uptake and thyroid hormone synthesis. In thyroid
autonomy, the autonomous tissue is not under the control of
9 Effect of Impaired Renal Function ................................. 162
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and, if subjected to
10 Nonvascular Routes of Administration........................... 163 high iodide loads, produces and secretes excessive thyroid
10.1 ERCP ................................................................................... 163
10.2 HSG ..................................................................................... 163 hormone with or without a concomitant decrease in TSH.
Iodine deficiency is an important factor in the development
11 Conclusions......................................................................... 163
of thyroid autonomy and goiter. Therefore, iodine-induced
References...................................................................................... 163 thyrotoxicosis is more commonly seen in areas where the
iodine intake is low.
2 Terminology
A. J. van der Molen (&)
Department of Radiology C-2S, The terms iodine and iodide are often used interchangeably.
Leiden University Medical Center, Iodine is often used in the generic sense as in ‘‘iodine defi-
Albinusdreef 2, NL-2333 ZA,
Leiden, The Netherlands ciency’’ or in describing diseases like ‘‘iodine-induced thy-
e-mail: rotoxicosis’’. Iodide refers to the metabolically important,
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 157
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_892, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
158 A. J. van der Molen
Fig. 1 Degree of public health importance of iodine nutrition based on urinary iodine in 2011 (Andersson et al. 2012) - Reprinted with the
permission of the Publisher, Journal of Nutrition
inorganic free form that can be present in excess for a number The International Council for Control of Iodine Defi-
of reasons. Iodine enters the body in the form of iodide or ciency Disorders (ICCIDD) designated European countries
iodate ions. Iodate is rapidly converted to iodide which can with sufficient, or likely sufficient, and deficient, or likely
be trapped and organically bound in the thyroid gland. deficient, iodine nutrition status (Table 1) (
The term hyperthyroidism is used to describe excessive More than 60 % of nearly 600 million Europeans live in
secretion of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland which iodine deficient countries, which include countries such as
may or may not become clinically symptomatic. Thyro- Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, and Spain.
toxicosis is the preferred term for the clinical syndrome
caused by excess thyroid hormone. This excess can be
caused by endogenous or exogenous sources of iodide. 4 Free Iodide
Table 1 Iodine nutrition status in Europe by country as designated by TSH values. Thyroid hormone levels were unchanged. This
the International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders suggests transient subclinical hypothyroidism, a condition
more frequently seen in patients with autoimmune
Sufficient Likely sufficient Deficient Likely (Hashimoto) thyroiditis (Roberts and Ladenson 2004). Thus,
in the majority of normal euthyroid patients no changes in
Austria Iceland Belgium Albania thyroid functional parameters are seen, although transient
Bosnia Luxembourg Denmark subclinical hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism may some-
Bulgaria Norway France times occur. However, administration of contrast media to a
Croatia Sweden Germany population of geriatric patients may lead to long-lasting
Cyprus Greece subclinical hyperthyroidism with increased free T4 and
Czech Republic Hungary decreased TSH for as long as 8 weeks after injection (Conn
et al. 1996). This is thought to be caused by undiagnosed
Finland Italy
autonomous nodules in the thyroid glands of these elderly
Macedonia Ireland
Netherlands Montenegro
Poland Romania
5.2 Neonates
Portugal Slovenia
Slovak Republic Spain In two large studies, the newborn infants of women evalu-
Serbia ated during pregnancy with CT pulmonary angiography did
Switzerland not show disturbed neonatal TSH levels (Bourjeily et al.
UK 2010; Rajaram et al. 2012). These results were substantiated
in another small study (Atwell et al. 2008).
In newborns with immature thyroid glands excess
0.01–0.15 % (1 h—1 week circulation time) of the amount iodine may block thyroid hormone synthesis. A systematic
of organically bound iodine administered. Biliary contrast review of 11 studies of neonates who had received iodine-
media circulate longer and are metabolized at a greater rate based contrast media found a trend toward increased TSH
resulting in the release of a significant amount offree iodide in and decreased free thyroxine (FT4) levels, which was more
the circulation. Therefore, the effects of biliary contrast media marked in the premature infants. 8.3 % of term infants and
on the thyroid may be greater and persist longer than for the 18.2 % of premature infants required treatment for hypo-
other water-soluble media, but since biliary media are no thyroidism (Ahmet et al. 2009). See also ‘‘Pregnancy and
longer used clinically, this is now only of theoretical interest. Lactation: Intravascular Use of Contrast Media’’.
Excess iodide ingestion also reduces the release of thy- 6.4 Clinical Symptoms of Thyrotoxicosis
roxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3) from the thyroid.
This results in small decreases in serum T4 and T3 con- Hyperthyroidism caused by free iodide in contrast media is
centrations with compensatory increases in thyrotropin usually self-limiting, but in rare cases, and in the presence of
releasing hormone TRH) and thyroxine stimulating hor- risk factors, the free iodide can lead to clinically significant
mone (TSH) concentrations. thyrotoxicosis. Hyperthyroidism occurs more frequently in
Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism is not a single etiologi- the elderly so the diagnosis may not be apparent, particularly
cal entity. It may occur in patients with a variety of in the presence of cognitive impairment (Martin and Deam
underlying thyroid diseases, the most important of which 1996). Contrast medium-induced thyrotoxicosis cannot be
are Graves’ disease, and multinodular goiter in patients differentiated clinically from other forms of thyrotoxicosis
living in areas of iodine deficiency. Rare causes of hyper- and, depending on the underlying risk factors, may give rise
thyroidism include the presence of ectopic thyroid tissue to symptoms such as weight loss, nervousness, easy fatiga-
(e.g., in the tongue or thorax), or abnormal autoregulation of bility, intolerance to heat, hyperkinesia, periodic paralysis,
thyroid tissue, as can occur in patients with well-differen- palpitations, and cardiac arrhythmias.
tiated papillary, and follicular thyroid carcinoma or its The most important effects of thyrotoxicosis are car-
metastases (Roti and Uberti 2001). The exact pathophysi- diovascular. It can aggravate preexisting cardiac disease and
ology and epidemiology of the complete spectrum of can also lead to atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure,
iodine-induced hyperthyroidism goes beyond the scope of worsening of angina, thromboembolism, and rarely death.
this chapter, and has been reviewed elsewhere (Braverman In the absence of preexisting cardiac disease, treatment of
1994; Stanbury et al. 1998). thyrotoxicosis usually returns cardiac function to normal
In addition to contrast media, other sources of iodide (Dunn et al. 1998).
excess include disinfectants, secretolytic agents, the iodine- Palpitations are probably the most common cardiac
containing antiarrhythmic amiodarone, eye drops and oint- symptom. They are caused by either sinus tachycardia or the
ments, seaweed, multi-vitamin preparations, skin ointments, development of supraventricular tachycardia, usually atrial
toothpaste, etc. (Hehrmann et al. 1996). fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation occurs in 15–20 % of patients
with hyperthyroidism, compared with less than 1 % of
euthyroid adults. Angina is another common symptom. It
6.2 Biochemical Diagnosis
usually occurs in patients with known coronary disease, but
of Hyperthyroidism
angina from coronary spasm in previously healthy patients
has also been reported. Dyspnea on exertion, pulmonary
Hyperthyroidism is defined as elevation of plasma free
edema, and other signs of heart failure can also occur,
thyroxine (FT4) or total tri-iodothyronine (T3) level and
particularly if cardiomyopathy has developed.
suppression of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level
Thromboembolic events complicating atrial fibrillation
(Martin and Deam 1996).
may be the presenting symptom of thyrotoxicosis (Dunn et al.
1998; Roti and Uberti 2001). Tachycardia is the most com-
6.3 Prevalence of Contrast Medium-Induced mon sign of thyrotoxicosis on physical examination, occur-
Thyrotoxicosis ring in more than 40 % of patients on initial presentation.
Other signs of a hyperdynamic circulation, such as systolic
Little is known about the true prevalence of iodine-induced hypertension and prominent cardiac pulsations, are frequent.
thyrotoxicosis caused by contrast medium. It was calculated
(Rendl and Saller 2001) that in an iodine deficient country,
38 cases of thyrotoxic crisis (the most severe form of thy- 6.5 Clinical Studies on Contrast
rotoxicosis) caused by contrast medium are seen per year Medium-Induced Thyrotoxicosis
while in the same year about 5 million contrast-enhanced
studies are performed (0.0008 %). Two large studies in There are very few studies dealing with the development of
unselected populations in an iodine deficient area showed a thyrotoxicosis following injection of contrast media. Patient
prevalence of 0.25–0.34 % (Nolte et al. 1996; Hintze et al. populations and results may differ depending on whether the
1999), while in an iodine sufficient area this figure is tenfold study was performed in an iodine-deficient or iodine-suffi-
lower at 0.028 % (de Bruin 1994). In an iodine deficient cient area.
population having CT, the percentages of latent and overt A number of studies have been undertaken in areas
hyperthyroidism are estimated to be 5.8 and 0.8 %, respec- without iodine deficiency. One study showed no effect on
tively (Saam et al. 2005). serum T4, T3, or FT4 index up to 56 days after cardiac
Effects of Iodine-Based Contrast Media on Thyroid Function 161
catheterization using meglumine ioxaglate (Grainger and most patients, in agreement with the report by Thomsen and
Pennington 1981). Seven patients with multinodular goiter, Faber (2012).
out of a cohort of 24,600 CT scans performed over a 3-year A large case-controlled study has looked at the relation-
period, needed hospital admission because of clinically ship between iodine-based contrast media and incident thy-
severe iodine-induced hyperthyroidism following adminis- roid disturbances. A review of 20 years data from a large US
tration of a total dose of 3–12 mg free iodide in non-ionic healthcare registry found 178 hyperthyroidism cases in a
contrast media (de Bruin 1994). After CT of the thyroid population of more than 4,500,000 individuals giving an odds
using 100 ml iohexol, 8 of 22 patients with thyroid disease ratio (OR) of 1.98 (Rhee et al. 2012). The calculated preva-
had a temporary change in thyroid function. Four patients lence is similar to that in a Danish study, probably in the order
showed increases in TSH levels, while, in a further four, of 0.0004 % so hyperthyroidism is a very rare adverse
temporary hyperthyroidism developed over a period of reaction, which is treatable. (Thomsen and Faber 2012).
1 month (Nygaard et al. 1998). In geriatric populations, Systematic evaluation of thyroid function before iodine-
iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis following contrast radiogra- based contrast medium administration in all patients would,
phy with iopamidol 370 mgI/ml was the cause of 7 of 28 therefore, be like looking for a needle in a hay-stack. It might,
cases of hyperthyroidism seen over 20 months (Martin et al. however, be appropriate to identify patients with a known
1993). Although the condition appeared self-limiting, it was nodular goiter, and to recommend follow-up thyroid function
associated with increased patient morbidity and prolonged tests for up to 2 years after iodine-based contrast medium.
hospital stay. In another study from the same group in 60 Iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis after iodine-based contrast
patients with hyperthyroidism over the age of 70 years, agents does not seem to be a clinically significant problem
23 % had been exposed to iodine-based contrast media in unselected patient populations or in euthyroid patients. It
within the previous 6 months. In 62 % of the patients appears to be significant only in patients with previous
hyperthyroidism was not suspected at admission (Martin thyroid disease or in patients at risk, especially in areas of
and Deam 1996). iodine deficiency and in geriatric populations. In such
In an iodine-deficient area, the prevalence and patho- patients, information about thyroid status may be of
genesis of thyrotoxicosis following contrast media admin- importance to the radiologist before they administer the
istration were evaluated between 1971 and 1979 (Stiedle contrast medium.
1989). In 89 (15 %) of 663 patients with thyrotoxicosis the
condition could be related to iodine-based contrast media.
The majority (95 %) occurred after 12 weeks. Goiter was 7 Prevention and Prophylaxis of Contrast
present in 63 % of the patients and the majority of them Media-Induced Thyrotoxicosis
were elderly. In a large study in unselected patients, only 2
of 788 developed hyperthyroidism within 12 weeks of Prevention of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis in patients at
coronary angiography (Hintze et al. 1999). Administration high risk is important because treatment with thyrostatic
of non-ionic iodine-based contrast medium to 102 euthyroid drugs is hindered by the high iodide levels in the blood, and
patients did not lead to hyperthyroidism in any patient, there are more complications associated with treatment than
despite the large number of nodularly transformed glands in other forms of thyrotoxicosis.
and patients with goiter (Fassbender et al. 2001a). The same In patients with risk factors, a strong indication for
study showed that thyroid morphology at ultrasound was administering iodine-based contrast medium is essential. If
not a prognostic indicator for the development of there is manifest hyperthyroidism, administration of contrast
hyperthyroidism. media is contraindicated. In other patients at increased risk,
Marracini et al. (2013) measured free T3, free thyroxine diagnostically equivalent alternative imaging methods not
(T4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in 1752 con- requiring iodine-based contrast media should be considered,
secutive patients before administration of iodine-based e.g., ultrasound, MRI, scintigraphy, or unenhanced CT.
contrast medium. Urinary free iodine was measured before In thyroid autonomy, the amount of autonomous tissue is
and 24 h after contrast medium. In 17 patients with low T3 one of the key determinants of the risk of iodine-induced
syndrome, the thyroid hormone profile was determined 48 h hyperthyroidism. The results of a previous Technetium
after contrast medium. Patients were divided into 4 groups: scintigram have been used to quantify the amount of
euthyroid (60 %), low T3 syndrome (28 %), hypothyroid autonomous tissue to stratify risk (Emrich et al. 1993;
(10 %), and hyperthyroid (2 %), and were followed up for Hehrmann et al. 1996; Fricke et al. 2004). However, this
an average of 63.5 months. Thyroid dysfunction was fre- indication for scintigraphy fell into disuse when very sen-
quent in patients who received iodine-based contrast med- sitive TSH assays became available. To reduce the inci-
ium and low T3 syndrome was the predominant abnormality. dence of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis further, it has been
However, the clinical consequences appear to be limited in suggested that prophylactic drugs could be administered,
162 A. J. van der Molen
starting well before the examination. The subject of medical 8.1 Effect of Contrast Media on Thyroid
prophylaxis is controversial and recommendations are Scintigraphy
related to the presence or absence of iodine deficiency.
A number of indications and regimens have been In the nuclear medicine literature, after intravascular (water-
suggested. Prophylaxis by perchlorate only in cardiac soluble) contrast medium administration an interval of
patients with a goiter and subnormal levels of TSH has 3–6 weeks is advocated before scintigraphy, depending on
been recommended (van Guldener et al. 1998). In a pro- the indication for the study, and on whether the patient is
spective randomized study in high-risk subjects with euthyroid or hyperthyroid (Wilson and O’Mara 1997; Martin
autonomy, prophylaxis with either perchlorate or thi- and Sandler 2003). To avoid non-diagnostic studies, some
amazole only prevented small increases in circulating hospitals use an interval as long as 3 months. As biliary
thyroid hormone levels, but was not able to prevent contrast agents are metabolized and excreted more slowly, a
hyperthyroidism completely and combination therapy was longer interval of 2 months applies. For reasons of consis-
advised (Nolte et al. 1996). Administration of perchlorate tency and simplicity, a conservative period of 2 months for
and a thioamide class drug to elderly patients with sup- all types of water-soluble contrast media is recommended
pressed serum TSH and/or palpable goiter has been sug- (‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’)
gested (Lawrence et al. 1999). It has been recommended (van der Molen et al. 2004).
that this combination is started the day before and con-
tinued for 2 weeks after contrast medium administration in 8.2 Effect of Contrast Media on Radio-Iodine
patients with thyroid autonomy (Hehrmann et al. 1996; Treatment
Lawrence et al. 1999; Rendl and Saller 2001), but others
restrict its use to patients with high Tc-uptake levels Before radio-iodine treatment with 131I, excess iodine should
(Joseph 1995). A sample combination protocol for pro- be avoided. Nuclear medicine literature and a European
phylaxis is summarized in Table 2. Association of Nuclear Medicine guideline advise that
An alternative strategy is to monitor high-risk patients iodine-based water-soluble contrast media should be with-
closely using biochemical tests (Nygaard et al. 1998). In held for 1–2 months before radio-iodine treatment (Tuttle
euthyroid, not-at-risk patients, iodine-induced hyperthy- et al. 2003; European Association of Nuclear Medicine
roidism after coronary angiography was rare and therefore 2003), although some hospitals use even longer periods. Also,
prophylactic therapy was not considered necessary (Hintze in preparation of patients iodine-containing antiseptics (e.g.
et al. 1999). The risk of side effects from medical prophy- povidone-iodine) should not be used 2 weeks before radio-
laxis in these patients is probably greater than the risk of iodine treatment (Tuttle et al. 2003). It seems advisable to
developing iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis. wait for 2 months after giving iodine-based water-soluble
contrast media before undertaking radio-iodine treatment
(‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’) (van
8 Nuclear Medicine Studies and Contrast
der Molen et al. 2004). Because of slower metabolism and
excretion, biliary contrast agents should be withheld for a
longer period of 3–4 months.
For a long time, it has been known that giving iodine-based
contrast media interferes with both diagnostic scintigraphy
and radioiodine treatment. It is believed that the reduced 9 Effect of Impaired Renal Function
uptake of the radioactive tracer is due to the amount of
inorganic free iodide in the contrast medium solution which Water-soluble iodine-based contrast medium molecules are
can range from 1 to 20 lg ml-1 (Coel et al. 1975; Laurie almost completely eliminated from the body within 24 h
et al. 1992). after injection in patients with normal renal function.
Effects of Iodine-Based Contrast Media on Thyroid Function 163
In patients with a decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR), patients is at increased risk and radiologists should be aware
elimination is delayed and a longer period of interference of the potential effects on thyroid function associated with
with nuclear medicine studies can be expected. There is, administration of iodine-based contrast media. The history
however, no evidence of an increased risk of contrast med- and physical examination are important, and risk factors
ium-induced thyrotoxicosis in patients with severely reduced should always be communicated to the radiologist via the
renal function (GFR \ 20 ml/min). There is no evidence in request form.
the literature to suggest that deiodination leading to thyro- Patients with Graves’ disease or multinodular goiter with
toxicosis occurs in patients with end-stage renal failure. thyroid autonomy are at increased risk of developing thy-
rotoxicosis after iodine-based contrast medium. In at-risk
patients, the prevalence of contrast medium-induced thy-
10 Nonvascular Routes of Administration rotoxicosis is significantly higher in iodine deficient areas
(Rendl and Saller 2001). Also, iodine-induced thyrotoxi-
10.1 ERCP cosis has been reported to occur more frequently in the
elderly (Conn et al. 1996). Clinically, this thyrotoxicosis is
Very little data exists on the administration of iodine-based most relevant in patients with an associated cardiovascular
contrast media by non-vascular routes. Most information is risk (Dunn et al. 1998). Nowadays, this geriatric population
about contrast medium administration during endoscopic is exposed to diagnostic imaging, including imaging-guided
retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Administra- intervention, more frequently than in the past because of
tion of iodine-based contrast agents into the biliary and major technological advances and increased longevity.
pancreatic ducts during ERCP led to significant increases of Although thyroid stimulation is more common in these
serum levels of total iodine and free iodide and of urinary patients (even following nonvascular administration of
iodine excretion which returned to normal in 2–3 weeks in contrast medium), the literature does not unequivocally
one study (Mann et al. 1994). Levels of TSH, free T4, and prove an increased incidence of clinically relevant thyro-
free T3 remained unchanged and no hyperthyroidism toxicosis in the elderly.
occurred. However, even a small amount of contrast med- Nonetheless, in high-risk patients, knowledge of thyroid
ium given enterally can be associated with thyroid stimu- function (at least TSH) before a contrast-enhanced study is
lation (Fassbender et al. 2001b). A decrease of TSH and an helpful. All at-risk patients should be monitored closely
increase in total T3, free T4, and urinary iodine excretion after the injection of an iodine-based contrast medium,
was reported after ERCP, especially in patients with mul- preferably by endocrinologists (Nygaard et al. 1998).
tinodular goiter. However, clinical symptoms of hyperthy- Selected patients (e.g., the elderly patient with multinodular
roidism did not occur. A third study concluded that routine goiter and concomitant cardiac disease) may benefit from
measurement of TSH and thyroid hormone levels before prophylactic thyrostatic therapy. In patients with established
ERCP is not indicated, given the relatively low iodine load hyperthyroidism, administration of iodine-based contrast
administered during the procedure (Mönig et al. 1999). media is contraindicated. It is not advisable to use intra-
venous cholangiographic media in patients at risk (Rendl
and Saller 2001).
10.2 HSG A more frequently observed problem in clinical practice
is decreased uptake of radioactive technetium and/or iodine
If hysterosalpingography (HSG) is performed with the oil- in nuclear medicine studies following exposure to iodine-
soluble contrast medium Lipiodol, there is a risk of clinical based contrast agents. This has compromised diagnosis of
hypothyroidism, especially in patients that were subclini- thyroid disorders and treatment of thyroid carcinoma. When
cally hypothyroid before the procedure (Mekaru et al. urgent treatment is essential, gadolinium-based contrast
2008). The clinical importance of this is minor since in media up to 0.3 mmol/kg body weight may be used in
Europe most HSG for infertility is nowadays performed diagnostic studies (Thomsen et al. 2002; Christensen et al.
with iodine-based, water-soluble contrast media. 2000). However, this seldom results in satisfactory radio-
graphic or CT examinations.
11 Conclusions
In patients without risk factors, contrast medium-induced
thyrotoxicosis is very rare, and it is not necessary routinely Ahmet A, Lawson ML, Babyn P, Tricco AC (2009) Hypothyroidism in
to assess thyroid function or morphology before injection of neonates post-iodinated contrast media: a systematic review. Acta
iodine-based contrast media. However, a small group of Ped 98:1568–1574
164 A. J. van der Molen
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142:744–750 contrast agents. J Endocrinol Invest 22:405–407
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pregnant patients. Am J Roentgenol 191:268–271 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography. Eur J Endocri-
Braverman LE (1994) Iodine and the thyroid: 33 years of study. nol 130:498–501
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Pulmonary Effects of Iodine-Based
Contrast Media
Sameh K. Morcos
Contents Abstract
Water soluble iodine-based contrast media may increase
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 167 the airway resistance, the pulmonary vascular resistance
2 Effects of Contrast Media on Airways Resistance .......... 167 (PVR), and also the permeability of the microcirculation.
The pathophysiology of these effects and their clinical
3 Effects of Contrast Media on Pulmonary Circulation.... 169
importance are discussed in this chapter.
4 Contrast Medium-Induced Pulmonary Edema................ 170
References...................................................................................... 170
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 167
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_893, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
168 S. K. Morcos
Table 1 Summary of the pulmonary effects of different classes of iodine-based contrast media
Effect Most marked with following categories Mechanism
of contrast medium
Bronchospasm (Littner et al. 1981; Longstaff and Henson 1985; Low-osmolar ionic dimer Remains unknown
Cipolla et al. 1995; Laude et al. 1999) High-osmolar ionic monomer
Pulmonary edema (Mare et al. 1984; Hauggaard 1996; Low-osmolar ionic dimer Endothelial injury
Sendo et al. 2000; Tominaga et al. 2001; Paul and George 2002; High-osmolar ionic monomer Fluid overload in cardiac
Morcos 2003) patients
Increase in pulmonary vascular resistance (Dawson et al. 1983a, b; High-osmolar ionic monomer Vasoconstriction
Liss et al. 1996; Wang et al. 1997; Spitzer et al. 1999; Pulmonary edema
Emery et al. 2001)
Low-osmolar ionic dimer Rheological effects on
Iso-osmolar non-ionic dimer red blood cells
Histamine release from lung mast cells (Peachell and Morcos 1998) High-osmolar ionic monomer Direct effect on the mast
Complement activation
Histamine release from basophils (Assem et al. 1991; High-osmolar ionic monomer Direct effect on basophils
Peachell and Morcos 1998) Low-osmolar ionic dimer
Iso-osmolar non-ionic dimer Complement activation
(FEV1), is common. It tends to be less pronounced with low- basophils through a direct effect and indirectly by activating
osmolar non-ionic contrast media (Littner et al. 1977, 1981; the complement system (Assem et al. 1991; Peachell and
Dawson et al. 1983a; Longstaff and Henson 1985). How- Morcos 1998). In vitro studies showed dose-dependent his-
ever, Wilson and Davis (1988) found that both high-osmolar tamine release from human lung mast cells and basophils in
ionic and low-osmolar non-ionic contrast media produce a response to all types of contrast media (Assem et al. 1991;
comparable fall in FEV and forced vital capacity. Experi- Peachell and Morcos 1998). The high-osmolar diatrizoate
mental studies in the guinea pig found that the high-osmolar induced the largest histamine release from human basophils
ionic monomer diatrizoate, the low-osmolar non-ionic and human lung mast cells. Ioxaglate and iotrolan caused
monomer iopromide, and the iso-osmolar non-ionic dimer histamine release from human basophils but not from human
iotrolan did not induce a significant increase in airways lung mast cells. The low-osmolar non-ionic monomer
resistance, and only the low-osmolar ionic dimer ioxaglate iopromide was a relatively ineffective activator of histamine
caused bronchospasm (Table 1) (Cipolla et al. 1995; Laude release from both human lung mast cells and basophils
et al. 1999). Some retrospective clinical studies have also (Table 1) (Peachell and Morcos 1998). The importance of
documented a higher incidence of allergy-like reactions with histamine in causing contrast media-induced bronchospasm
ioxaglate compared to other types of contrast media has not been proved conclusively. Experimental studies have
(Greenberger and Patterson 1991; Lasser et al. 1997; Lar- shown that pretreatment with antihistamine H1 receptor
oche et al. 1998). However, there are no prospective clinical antagonist did not prevent contrast media-induced increase
studies that have confirmed these observations. In one pro- in airways resistance (Cipolla et al. 1995; Laude et al. 1999).
spective clinical study, ioxaglate was found to be less likely Pretreatment with prednisolone did not offer any protection
than conventional high-osmolar agents to produce coughing against contrast media-induced bronchospasm either,
during pulmonary arteriography (Smith et al. 1987). despite the use of the two-dose regime recommended by
The pathophysiology of the changes in airways resistance Lasser et al. (1987) (Lasser 1981, 1998, Lasser et al. 1994;
induced by contrast media remains obscure and could be Cipolla et al. 1995; Laude et al. 1999). The use of cortico-
multifactorial. The underlying mechanism may involve the steroid prophylaxis to prevent contrast media reactions
release of bronchospastic mediators (such as histamine, including bronchospasm is controversial. It has been sug-
endothelin (ET), 5-hydroxytryptamine, prostaglandins, gested that the use of non-ionic agents alone is better at
thromboxane, and bradykinin), cholinesterase inhibition, preventing all categories of reactions than the use of high-
vagal reflex, or a direct effect on the bronchi (Lasser et al. osmolar ionic agents with corticosteroid prophylaxis (Wolf
1971; Ring and Sovak 1981; Dawson et al. 1983a; Assem et al. 1991; Dawson and Sidhu 1993).
et al. 1991; Szolar et al. 1995a, b; Laude et al. 1999; Peachell The role of endothelin (ET) in mediating the broncho-
and Morcos 1998). Contrast media can cause the release of spastic effects of contrast media has also been investigated
histamine, a potent bronchoconstrictor, from mast cells and (Laude et al. 1999). ET is a potent smooth-muscle
Pulmonary Effects of Iodine-Based Contrast Media 169
constrictor and produces an increase in the vascular resis- the PVR was not directly measured and was calculated from
tance and marked bronchospasm in the lung (Laude et al. the formula PVR = (pulmonary artery pressure–pulmonary
1999; Oldroyd and Morcos 2000). A pharmacologically venous pressure)/cardiac output. The increase in cardiac
effective dose of nonselective ET antagonist provided no output was attributed to reduced peripheral vascular resis-
protection against iodinated contrast media-induced bron- tance of the systemic circulation caused by contrast med-
chospasm in the guinea pig (Laude et al. 1999). ium-induced vasodilatation (Almen et al. 1980; Peck et al.
Leakage of fluids from the microcirculation into the lung 1983; Schrader et al. 1987; Sunnegardh et al. 1990;
tissues and bronchi may also cause an increase in airways Sorenson et al. 1994; Kuhtz-Buschbeck et al. 1997). The
resistance. Experimental studies in the guinea pig did not fall in PVR could be due to an increase in the capacity of
show fluid accumulation in the lungs and the bronchi in the pulmonary vascular bed by recruitment of closed vessels
association with the contrast medium-induced rise in air- and active vasodilatation of pulmonary arteries (Emery
ways resistance (Laude et al. 1999). Also, aerosolized ß2- et al. 2001). Experimental studies have shown that contrast
adrenergic agonist treatment was able to reverse contrast media can induce both dilatation and constriction of pul-
medium-induced increases in airways resistance completely, monary arteries, but in systemic vascular beds they induce
suggesting that any airway narrowing resulting from edema mainly vasodilatation, except in the kidney where vaso-
is minimal (Cipolla et al. 1995; Laude et al. 1999). constriction predominates (Morcos et al. 1998; Wang et al.
A role for cholinesterase inhibition or the vagal reflex in 1997; Morcos 1998).
mediating contrast medium-induced bronchospasm has In the isolated blood-perfused lung of the normal rat,
not been confirmed. A direct effect of contrast medium iodine-based contrast media (iotrolan, iopromide, ioxaglate,
on bronchial smooth muscle cells is possible, and the and diatrizoate) and hypertonic solutions of mannitol
contribution of other bronchospastic mediators such as caused an overall rise in pulmonary artery pressure,
leukotrienes and kinins requires further investigation. reflecting an increase in the PVR. The maximum increase in
pulmonary artery pressure was observed with the ionic
dimer ioxaglate and the least increase with the non-ionic
3 Effects of Contrast Media on Pulmonary monomer iopromide (Emery et al. 2001). In isolated lungs
Circulation from chronically hypoxic rats, where baseline pulmonary
artery pressure and resistance are high, a slow rise in pul-
An increase in pulmonary artery pressure has been reported monary artery pressure was observed in response to the
following the intravascular injection of contrast media contrast media (ioxaglate, iotrolan, and iopromide) (Emery
(Frisinger et al. 1965; Almen et al. 1980; Mills et al. 1980; et al. 2001). The rise in pulmonary artery pressure with
Peck et al. 1983; Schrader et al. 1987; Nicod et al. 1987; ioxaglate was comparable to that with iotrolan but signifi-
Rees et al. 1988; Tajima et al. 1994; Pitton et al. 1996; cantly greater than that with iopromide (Emery et al. 2001).
Sunnegardh et al. 1990; Sorenson et al. 1994). This sudden Surprisingly, the iso-osmolar iotrolan with the lowest
increase in pulmonary artery pressure is thought to con- vasoactivity induced a significant increase in the PVR in the
tribute to the morbidity and mortality associated with pul- isolated blood-perfused lung of both the normal and
monary angiography, particularly in patients with chronically hypoxic rat (Emery et al. 2001). High viscosity
pulmonary hypertension (Schrader et al. 1987; Nicod et al. and rheological effects on red blood cells of iotrolan could
1987; Rees et al. 1988; Tajima et al. 1994; Pitton et al. be responsible for the observed increase in the vascular
1996). There are conflicting reports in the literature about resistance of the isolated lung preparation, which is per-
the mechanisms responsible for these effects (Almen et al. fused with blood (Table 1) (Emery et al. 2001). The non-
1980; Peck et al. 1983; Schrader et al. 1984, 1987; Rees ionic monomer iopromide had the least effect on PVR of
et al. 1988; Sunnegardh et al. 1990; Sorenson et al. 1994; both the normotensive and hypertensive rat lung preparation
Kuhtz-Buschbeck et al. 1997; Emery et al. 2001). (Emery et al. 2001). This is understandable as iopromide
Some studies showed that the rise in pulmonary artery has low vasoactive properties including low viscosity. Its
pressure is secondary to an increase in pulmonary vascular effects on the endothelium are minimal and are unlikely to
resistance (PVR) (Schrader et al. 1984; Emery et al. 2001), cause pulmonary edema leading to an increase in PVR
whereas others indicated that it is due to an increase in (Emery et al. 2001; Zhang et al. 2000). Clinical experience
cardiac output associated with a decrease in pulmonary has also shown the absence of major hemodynamic effects
vascular resistance (Almen et al. 1980; Sunnegardh et al. with the use of low-osmolar non-ionic monomers in pul-
1990; Sorenson et al. 1994; Kuhtz-Buschbeck et al. 1997). monary angiography, even in patients with pulmonary
In the studies that suggested a fall in the vascular resistance, hypertension (Zuckerman et al. 1996; Nilsson et al. 1998).
170 S. K. Morcos
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Part VI
MR Contrast Media
Gadolinium Chelates and Stability
Sameh K. Morcos
Contents Abstract
The gadolinium ions which enhance the signals in MR
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 175 images are very toxic, so in the contrast medium
2 Chemistry.............................................................................. 176 molecule they have to be strongly attached to a chelate
to avoid adverse effects. The linear chelate molecules are
3 In Vitro Measurements to Assess Stability ...................... 177
open chains which can fold and unfold off the gadolin-
4 In Vivo Measurements to Assess Stability ....................... 178 ium ion with ease. In contrast, the macrocyclic chelate
5 Transmetallation .................................................................. 178 molecules are rigid rings of almost optimal size to cage
6 Stability and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis................... 179
the gadolinium ion. Experimental data, both in vitro and
in vivo, and clinical observations, have confirmed the
7 Conclusion ............................................................................ 179
lower stability of the linear gadolinium-based molecules
References...................................................................................... 179 compared to the more stable macrocyclic agents.
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 175
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_895, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
176 S. K. Morcos
Table 1 Stability measurements of clinically available extracellular gadolinium-based contrast agents (Morcos 2007)
Gadolinium-based Type Thermodynamic Conditional Amount of excess Kinetic stability (dissociation
contrast agent stability constant stability (mmol l-1) half-life at pH 1.0)
Gadoversetamide, Non-ionic 16.6 15 28.4 Not available
Gd-DTPA-BMEA linear
Gadodiamide, Non-ionic 16.9 14.9 12 35 s
Gd-DTPA-BMA linear
Gadobutrol, Non-ionic 21.8 Not available Not available 24 h
Gd-BT-DO3A cyclic
Gadoteridol, Non-ionic 23.8 17.1 0.23 3h
Gd-HP-DO3A cyclic
Gadopentetate, Ionic linear 22.1 18.1 0.4 10 min
Gadobenate, Ionic linear 22.6 18.4 None Not available
Gadoterate, Ionic 25.8 18.8 None [1 month
Gd-DOTA cyclic
In this chapter, the chemical structure of gadolinium- atoms are directly coordinated to Gd3+, the binding is
based contrast agents is discussed, highlighting the impor- weaker compared to that with carboxyl groups. This
tant features that determine the stability of the molecules. weakens the grip of the non-ionic chelate on the Gd3+ and
The methods used to assess the stability of these agents are decreases the stability of the complex (Dawson 1999;
presented and the relevance of the stability of gadolinium- Desreux and Gilsoul 1999; Morcos 2007).
based contrast agents to the development of NSF is The other feature influencing the binding between the
discussed. Gd3+ and the chelate is whether the configuration of the
molecule is cyclic or linear. The macrocyclic molecule
offers better protection and binding of Gd3+ because it is a
2 Chemistry pre-organized rigid ring of almost optimal size to cage the
Gd ion. In contrast, the linear structure, which is a flexible
The chemical principles involved in the production of Gd- open chain, provides weaker protection of the Gd ion (Idee
chelates are presented in a simplified manner but with the et al. 2006; Morcos 2007). For the Gd3+ to break free from a
intention of not compromising scientific accuracy. The macrocyclic chelate, it must simultaneously break 5–6
gadolinium ion has nine coordination sites. Coordination coordination sites, while Gd3+ can break free easily from
sites represent the number of atoms or ligands directly the linear chelate because the separation occurs sequentially
bonded to the metal center such as Gd3+. A ligand is a (Gibby et al. 2004).
molecule or atom that is bonded directly to a metal center. All the macrocyclic agents available for clinical use,
The bonding between the metal center (Gd3+) and the whether ionic or non-ionic, are derived from a 12-mem-
ligands is through valent bonds in which shared electron bered macrocyclic polyaminocarboxylate ring (Brücher and
pairs are donated to the metal ion by the ligand. In an ionic Sherry 2001). The number and identity of the side chains
linear molecule such as Gd-DTPA, Gd3+ is coordinated with affect the stability of these agents and a minimum of three
five carboxyl groups and three amino nitrogen atoms. The carboxylate side groups is necessary to form reasonably
remaining vacant site is coordinated with a water molecule stable Gd-complexes (Fig. 1).
which is important for signal enhancement by the contrast Because of charge neutralization in the complexation
agent in T1-weighted MR imaging (Dawson 1999; Desreux process, lanthanides prefer carboxylate donor atoms rather
and Gilsoul 1999; Morcos 2007; Rofsky et al. 2008). The than etherial or alcoholic oxygens (Tweedle 1992; Kumar
three negatively charged carboxyl groups neutralize the 1997). The negatively charged carboxylate oxygens are
three positive charges of the Gd ion and the remaining two more powerful donor atoms than are uncharged hydroxyl
carboxyl groups are neutralized by two meglumine cations oxygen atoms (Tweedle 1992). Using the ionic macrocyclic
(Dawson 1999). In a non-ionic linear molecule such as complex Gd-DOTA, which has four carboxylate side
gadodiamide or gadoversetamide, the number of carboxyl groups, as a reference, when one carboxylate group is
groups is reduced to three because each of the other two replaced with a hydroxy-propyl group [Gd-DOTA to Gd-
carboxyl groups has been replaced by a non-ionic methyl HP-DO3A], the stability and binding constants decrease
amide (Dawson 1999). Although both amide carbonyl (Tweedle 1992; Brücher and Sherry 2001). The replacement
Gadolinium Chelates and Stability 177
and zinc results in the formation of zinc chelate, which is into fibroblasts, leading to fibrotic changes and deposition of
excreted in urine. The released Gd3+ becomes attached to collagen in the affected tissues (Perazella 2007). See also
endogenous anions, such as phosphate, citrate, hydroxide, ‘‘Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and Gadolinium-Based
or carbonate, which deposit in the tissues as insoluble Contrast Media’’.
compounds (Fig. 2) (Gibby et al. 2004). In vivo (Corot et al.
1998), in vitro (Laurent et al. 2001, 2006), and human
studies (Kimura et al. 2005; Puttagunta et al. 1996) have 7 Conclusion
shown that linear chelates, particularly the non-ionic ones,
cause a large increase in zinc excretion in urine. The non- The chemical structure of gadolinium-based contrast
ionic linear chelate gadodiamide induced a decrease of agents determines their stability. The least stable gado-
32 % of plasma zinc after a single injection in healthy linium-based contrast agents are the non-ionic linear che-
volunteers (Puttagunta et al. 1996). This is thought to be lates and the most stable are the macrocyclic chelates. The
secondary to transmetallation and the presence of excess stability of the Gd chelate used is an important factor in
chelate in the gadodiamide preparation. In patients under- the pathogenesis of NSF.
going contrast-enhanced MRI examination, gadodiamide
caused a large increase in zinc excretion in the urine, which
was almost three times greater than that induced by the References
ionic linear molecule Gd-DTPA (Kimura et al. 2005). In
comparison, the ionic macrocyclic Gd-DOTA had no effect Brücher E, Sherry AD (2001) Stability and toxicity of contrast agents.
on zinc excretion (Kimura et al. 2005). Ex vivo studies have In: Merbach AE, Toth E (eds) The chemistry of contrast agents in
also confirmed that all macrocyclic gadolinium-based con- medical magnetic resonance imaging. Wiley, Chichester,
pp 249–257 (Chap. 6)
trast agents are insensitive to transmetallation by zinc ions Cacheris WP, Quay SC, Rocklage SM (1990) The relationship
compared to the open-chain complexes (Laurent et al. 2001, between thermodynamics and the toxicity of gadolinium com-
2006). plexes. Magn Reson Imag 8:467–481
Corot C, Idee JM, Hentsch AM et al (1998) Structure-activity relationship
of macrocyclic and linear gadolinium chelates: investigation of
transmetallation effect on the zinc-dependent metallopeptidase
6 Stability and Nephrogenic Systemic angiotensin-converting enzyme. J Magn Reson Imag 8:695–702
Fibrosis Dawson P (1999) Gadolinium chelates: chemistry. In: Dawson P,
Cosgrove DO, Grainger RG (eds) Textbook of contrast media. Isis
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body through the kidneys and their biological half-life in complexes. In: Thomsen HS, Muller RN, Mattrey (eds) Trends in
patients with normal renal function is 1.5 h. In patients with contrast media. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 161–169 (Chap. 15)
advanced renal impairment, half-life can be prolonged to Douthwaite JA, Johnson TS, Haylor JL et al (1999) Effects of
transforming growth factor-beta1 on renal extracellular matrix
30 h or more (Thomsen et al. 2006). Patients on hemodialysis components and their regulating proteins. J Am Soc Nephrol
would require three consecutive dialysis sessions over 6 days 10:2109–2119
to remove 97 % of the administered dose of gadolinium- Frenzel T, Lengsfeld P, Schirmer H et al (2008) Stability of
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human serum at 37 C. Invest Radiol 43:817–828
peritoneal dialysis for 20 days eliminates 69 % of the Fretellier N, Idée JM, Dencausse A et al (2011) Comparative in vivo
injected dose of gadolinium-based contrast agents (Morcos dissociation of gadolinium chelates in renally impaired rats: a
et al. 2002). Transmetallation is likely to occur when the relaxometry study. Invest Radiol 46:292–300
Gd-chelate remains in the body for a long period, as, for Gibby WA, Gibby KA, Gibby WA (2004) Comparison of Gd DTPA-
BMA (Omniscan) versus Gd-Hp-DO3A (ProHance) retention in
example, in patients with end-stage renal disease, including human bone tissue by inductive coupled plasma atomic emission
those on dialysis (Morcos 2007). Transmetallation of gado- spectroscopy. Invest Radiol 39:138–142
linium-based contrast agents leads to release of free gado- Green RWF, Krestin GP (2006) Non-tissue specific extra cellular MR
linium, which is deposited in the tissues as phosphates, contrast media. In: Thomsen (ed) Contrast media. Safety issues and
ESUR guidelines. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 107–112 (Chap. 16)
carbonate, hydroxide, or citrate complexes. It is postulated Haylor J, Dencausse A, Vickers M et al (2012) Skin gadolinium
that the gadolinium salts are engulfed by local macrophages, following MRI contrast agents in a rat model of nephrogenic
leading to the release of a variety of cytokines, particularly systemic fibrosis. Radiology 263:107–116
transforming growth factor beta (TGF-b), which is a potent Idee J-M, Port M, Raynal I et al (2006) Clinical and biological
consequences of transmetallation induced by contrast agents for
fibrogenic cytokine (Douthwaite et al. 1999; Perazella 2007). magnetic resonance imaging: a review. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 20:
The cytokines would attract circulating fibrocytes, which 563–576
would leave the circulation and deposit in the dermis and Kimura J, Ishguchi T, Matsuda J et al (2005) Human comparative
other organs containing Gd. The fibrocytes could then mature study of zinc and copper excretion via urine after administration of
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Laurent S, Elst LV, Copoix F, Muller RN (2001) Stability of MRI tion to compare different gadolinium-based agents regarding their
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Diagnostic Efficacy of Gadolinium-Based
Contrast Media
Aart J. van der Molen
Contents Abstract
Since the introduction of gadolinium-based contrast
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 181 agents, multiple studies have shown that they improve
2 Terminology and Populations ............................................ 182 the diagnostic efficacy of MRI significantly. Compared to
unenhanced MRI, all agents help to improve the detection
3 Efficacy in Single Dose Administration ............................ 182
3.1 Standard (0.5 M) Concentration Agents............................... 182 and delineation of lesions and so alter the diagnosis in up
3.2 High (1.0 M) Concentration and Protein-Binding Agents... 183 to 40 % of patients. Doubling or tripling the standard
dose of 0.1 mmol kg-1 body weight may be beneficial
4 Efficacy in Triple versus Single Dose Administration .... 183
for particular indications, such as brain perfusion, equiv-
5 Comparative Efficacy of Agents ........................................ 184 ocal single dose MRI study for brain metastasis or small
5.1 Standard (0.5 M) Concentration Agents............................... 184
5.2 High (1.0 M) Concentration and Protein-Binding Agents... 184 vessel MR angiography. Comparative studies do not
5.3 High (1.0 M) Concentration versus show clinically significant differences in diagnostic
Protein-Binding Agents ......................................................... 185 efficacy between the various extracellular gadolinium-
6 Liver-Specific Agents........................................................... 185 based contrast media. Agents at a higher concentration, or
6.1 Protocol Optimization ........................................................... 185 which bind protein, may be relatively more suitable for
6.2 Efficacy in the Management of Incidental Liver Lesions ... 186 particular applications, such as dynamic contrast MRI.
6.3 Efficacy in the Evaluation of Hepatocarcinogenesis
and HCC ................................................................................ 186
Gadoxetate disodium provides improved liver diagnosis.
6.4 Efficacy in Liver Metastases................................................. 186 It has a primary role in the characterization of benign
6.5 Efficacy in MR Cholangiography and Other Indications .... 186 liver lesions and is an important problem-solving or
7 Summary and Conclusions ................................................. 187 presurgical tool in the diagnosis and management of liver
metastases and hepatocellular carcinoma.
References...................................................................................... 187
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 181
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_896, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
182 A. J. van der Molen
Since the introduction of gadopentetate dimeglumine, a weighted (T1w) spin echo sequences showed enhancement
number of other extracellular Gd-based contrast agents have that made small posterior fossa tumors more conspicuous
been introduced. These agents together with their most (Stack et al. 1988). In the brain, gadopentetate revealed
important physicochemical data are summarized in many lesions not shown by unenhanced imaging (Hesselink
‘‘Contrast Media Classification and Terminology’’. et al. 1988; Russell et al. 1989), and the diagnosis was
changed in up to 37 % of patients (Runge et al. 1988;
Russell et al. 1989). In the spine, gadopentetate was espe-
2 Terminology and Populations cially helpful for intradural tumors (Stimac et al. 1988),
providing additional information in almost all cases and
In the era of evidence-based medicine, it is important to changing the diagnosis in 30 % of patients (Sze et al. 1990).
understand the terminology used. The terms efficacy, Gadopentetate administration in infants and children also
effectiveness, and efficiency all have different meanings led to improved tumor detection and lesion conspicuity
(Haynes 1999). (Bird et al. 1988; Elster and Rieser 1989; Eldevik and
Efficacy (‘‘Can it work?’’) refers to the extent that con- Brunberg 1994). As a result of the immature renal function
trast media do more good than harm under ideal conditions. in infants, the imaging time window is significantly pro-
With optimized clinical trial conditions, the effects are longed (Elster 1990). In infants and children, gadolinium-
usually studied in selected populations in which con- based contrast agents should be used selectively, based on
founding factors such as concomitant medications, inter- the findings of the clinical examination and unenhanced
ventions, etc. are limited as much as possible. imaging (Elster and Rieser 1989; Eldevik and Brunberg
Effectiveness (‘‘Does it work in practice?’’) refers to the 1994). In MR angiography (MRA), a review of more than
extent that contrast media do more good than harm under 4,000 patients across a variety of vascular territories showed
everyday conditions in routine clinical practice. The criteria good efficacy of gadopentetate in doses of 0.1–0.3 mmol
for trials studying effectiveness are much more relaxed, and kg-1 (Goyen and Debatin 2004).
concomitant medications and interventions, etc. are per- For the renal arteries, a dose of 0.1 mmol kg-1 is suffi-
mitted. While efficacy trials are designed to study causal cient (Heverhagen et al. 2009), while for the peripheral
relationships, effectiveness trials study management of arteries, the contrast medium dose can be reduced to
disease. Ineffectiveness of a specific intervention, such as 0.1 mmol kg-1 when scanned at 3T (Habibi et al. 2008).
the use of contrast media, may therefore not only relate to In the abdomen, gadopentetate can be used effectively
its efficacy, but also to other factors such as the particular for multiple indications and it can also be used as an oral
clinical setting, provider compliance, patient adherence, contrast agent for bowel imaging. When combined with
reimbursement, etc. pineapple juice, it is an effective agent to lower signal
Finally, efficiency (‘‘Is it worth it?’’) measures the effect intensity in the duodenum during MR cholangiopancrea-
of an intervention in relation to the resources it consumes. tography (MRCP) (Duarte et al. 2012).
Trials of efficiency are commonly referred to as cost- The macrocyclic agent gadoterate meglumine can be
effectiveness trials. used for multiple indications, and has a good safety profile,
including in small children (Emond and Brunelle 2011), and
patients with chronic kidney disease (Deray et al. 2013). In
3 Efficacy in Single Dose Administration brain imaging, its use improved the definition of patho-
logical lesions and so improved sensitivity and specificity
The value of using extracellular gadolinium-based contrast (Parizel et al. 1989). In vascular imaging, it produced better
agents in neurological, spinal, cardiac, abdominal, and vas- definition between mural thrombus and slow flow in time-
cular imaging has been described in many clinical studies in of-flight MRA (Laissy et al. 1995). In children, gadoterate
the literature. Most of the specific quantitative efficacy data was helpful for diagnosing tumors in the brain and spine
reviewed in this chapter come from the clinical trials nec- (Lipski et al. 1990). In MRA, multiple studies in non-
essary for registration of these agents. In the first section, coronary vascular territories have shown the superiority of
only studies that deal with a particular agent are described. contrast-enhanced MRA over time-of-flight MRA at 1.5T
and 3T (Kang et al. 2010).
After administration of gadoteridol (the first non-ionic
3.1 Standard (0.5 M) Concentration Agents agent on the market), additional diagnostic information was
obtained in the majority of patients, making a change in
Specific efficacy data were published for gadopentetate diagnosis possible in 29.4 % of cranial, 33.5 % of spinal,
dimeglumine in the late 1980s and early 1990s, especially and 35.1 % of head and neck studies (Runge et al. 1990,
for brain and spinal applications. First results using T1- 1991a, b, 1992; Zoarski et al. 1993). In children, the benefit
Diagnostic Efficacy of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 183
was even greater in the brain than in the spine, with brain enhanced aortoiliac or total body MRA had high sensitivity
diagnosis modified in 48 % and spinal diagnosis modified in (92–96 %) and high specificity (89–97 %). There was
20 % (Ball et al. 1993). Efficacy was not reduced by using excellent interobserver agreement and comparable perfor-
higher doses (Carvlin et al. 1992). Early studies using mance for therapy planning using intra-arterial DSA
enhanced time-of-flight intracranial MRA showed a more (Schäfer 2003, 2007; Hentsch et al. 2003; Herborn et al.
limited benefit, with additional findings only changing the 2004; Mohrs et al. 2004).
diagnosis in 8 % of patients (McLachlan et al. 1994). Gadobenate dimeglumine was initially developed for
Use of the non-ionic, linear agent gadodiamide improved liver imaging and the results were better than dynamic MRI
lesion detection and delineation, which facilitated diagnosis (Marin et al. 2009; Morana et al. 2011). It has a slightly
in the brain or head and neck in the majority of patients higher R1- and R2-relaxivity in vitro, but because of protein
(Kaplan et al. 1991; Sze et al. 1991, Aslanian et al. 1996; binding its relaxivity in blood is almost 50 % higher than
Ekholm et al. 1996, 2001). In large, multicenter studies it gadopentetate (‘‘Contrast Media Classification and
was shown that its use could change the diagnosis in Terminology’’). The beneficial effect of this increased re-
17.0–28.6 % of patients (Sze et al. 1991, Aslanian et al. laxivity was soon investigated in other applications, such as
1996). In children, efficacy was similar, and in infants brain imaging, perfusion MR, and MRA. Using gadobenate
efficacy was good (Marti-Bonmati et al. 2000). In older in brain studies improved the detection and delineation of
children, imaging after gadodiamide gave additional diag- lesions and increased diagnostic confidence (Schneider
nostic information in 65–82 % of cases (Lundby et al. 1996; et al. 2001; Baleriaux et al. 2002). In brain perfusion, the
Hanquinet et al. 1996). Phase-3 studies of MRA of the renal increased R2-relaxivity allowed good T2* perfusion MRI
and peripheral arteries showed good results with 0.1 mmol/ and post-processed maps, even with a dose of 0.1 mmol
kg doses of gadodiamide compared to noncontrast MRA, kg-1 (Cotton 2006).
and equivalent to intra-arterial digital subtraction angiog- Contrast-enhanced MRA significantly increases diag-
raphy (IA-DSA) (Bui et al. 2010; Garovic et al. 2010). For nostic quality compared to unenhanced MRA. Diagnostic
renal arteries, double dose MRA at 1.5T outperformed quality in many vascular beds is better at 0.1 mmol kg-1
single dose studies at 3T (Herborn et al. 2008). than at lower doses (Schneider et al. 2007). A further dose
Experience with gadoversetamide is limited. Like the increase has no clinically relevant benefit (Kroencke et al.
other agents, administration in adults and children resulted 2002; Wikstrom et al. 2003). In the runoff vessels, MRA
in increased diagnostic confidence and better delineation of enhanced with gadobenate led to improved sensitivity and
brain pathology (Grossmann et al. 1998; Lowe et al. 2006). specificity for clinically relevant ([50 %) stenoses com-
Diagnosis of acute and chronic myocardial infarction can be pared to time-of flight MRA (Thurnher et al. 2007). In the
done safely and well with doses of 0.2 mmol kg-1 (Kim renal arteries, single dose gadobenate gave good sensitivity
et al. 2008; Huber et al. 2008). for clinically significant renal artery stenosis (Soulez et al.
2008). For the diagnosis of internal carotid artery stenosis,
3D contrast-enhanced MRA correlated better with 3D
3.2 High (1.0 M) Concentration and Protein- rotational angiography than did intra-arterial (2D) DSA
Binding Agents (Anzalone et al. 2005).
equivocal or when a single dose study showed a solitary changed treatment in 17.0 % of gadoterate and 17.3 % of
lesion (Sze et al. 1998). More recent studies of MRA showed gadopentetate patients, respectively.
no benefit of higher doses for vessel enhancement, but vessel Multiple studies have compared the efficacy of gadodi-
contrast improved. In large vessels like the abdominal amide to gadopentetate and/or gadoterate in CNS applica-
arteries (Heverhagen et al. 2007) or the carotids (Jourdan tions and none showed any significant difference in efficacy
et al. 2007), a dose of 0.1 mmol kg-1 is considered sufficient. (Myhr et al. 1992, Baleriaux et al. 1993; Valk et al. 1993;
A high dose of gadodiamide resulted in better delinea- Akeson et al. 1995). In a double-blind randomized MRA
tion of pathologic structures and tumor size in the brain with study with intra-arterial DSA as reference standard, Schäfer
increasing contrast agent dose (Demaerel et al. 1994). In et al. (2006) found no substantial differences between
peripheral MRA, high doses improved sensitivity and gadodiamide and gadopentetate in sensitivity and specificity
specificity, and the depiction of collateral circulation was for detecting stenosis.
similar to intra-arterial DSA (Krause et al. 2005). Gadoteridol and gadoversetamide have been compared
With gadoteridol, brain lesions were also shown better at with gadopentetate in liver and brain imaging. Multiple
higher dose with improved lesion detection (Runge et al. readers found no significant difference between the agents at
1992; Yuh et al. 1992, 1994, 1995). In a preliminary study, either site (Greco et al. 2001; Rubin et al. 1999; Grossman
additional information from high dose gadoteridol led to a et al. 2000).
potential modification in the treatment of 35 % of patients,
which was likely to be cost-effective (Yuh et al. 1992; Mayr
et al. 1994). 5.2 High (1.0 M) Concentration and Protein-
High doses of gadobutrol can be administered with rel- Binding Agents
atively smaller volumes or lower injection rates. The added
benefit from triple dose imaging was less than that between Agents with special characteristics may have a special role.
standard dose imaging and unenhanced MRI. Nevertheless, In particular, gadobenate with its higher relaxivity in
the added information from triple dose examinations could plasma due to protein binding has been extensively tested.
change treatment in up to 20 % of patients (Lemke et al. Gadobutrol for contrast-enhanced pulmonary perfusion
1997; Vogl et al. 1995). Application of Magnetization MRI performed best at 0.1 mmol kg-1, but did not lead to
Transfer combined with a single dose may be equivalent to increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to gado-
triple dose imaging (Knauth et al. 1996). pentetate in the low-dose range (0.025–0.1 mmol kg-1)
Because of its improved T1-relaxivity, gadobenate (Fink et al. 2004). For the diagnosis of brain metastases, an
improved reader confidence and lesion conspicuity. There equimolar dose of gadobutrol showed improved conspicuity
was only improvement in the number of detected lesions up of lesions compared to gadopentetate (Anzalone et al.
to a dose of 0.2 mmol kg-1, but not beyond that (Schneider 2009). As expected, double dose gadobutrol outperformed
et al. 2001). Results were similar if the first dose of double dose gadopentetate in the diagnosis of brain
0.1 mmol kg-1 was split into two lower doses of metastases, both in detection and conspicuity (Kim et al.
0.05 mmol kg-1 each (Baleriaux et al. 2002). 2010). However, compared to gadoteridol, no superiority
for single or double dose MRI was seen for brain metastasis
detection (Katakami et al. 2011).
5 Comparative Efficacy of Agents In multiple MRA studies in volunteers and patients,
improved signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise of gadobutrol
5.1 Standard (0.5 M) Concentration Agents 1 M compared to equimolar doses of gadopentetate 0.5 M was
shown, with a high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing
Most of the newer agents have been compared with the aortoiliac stenosis (Goyen et al. 2001, 2003). In a recent large
older ones, especially with gadopentetate and to a lesser multicenter study of focal renal lesions, 0.1 mmol kg-1
extent with gadoterate. gadobutrol 1 M was diagnostically equivalent to an equimolar
Gadoterate was compared to gadopentetate in two dose of gadopentetate 0.5 M (Tombach et al. 2008).
studies. No differences in efficacy were found by Brugeries A single dose of gadobutrol is as efficacious as double
et al. (1994). Interestingly, the authors concluded that ‘‘the dose gadopentetate for diagnosing myocardial infarction on
greater stability of gadoterate theoretically might reduce delayed enhanced MRI (De Cobelli et al. 2012).
biological interactions in man.’’ Similar results were In the liver, gadobutrol was not inferior to gadopentetate
obtained in a large central nervous system study by Oud- in equimolar doses in a large Phase 3 trial (Hammerstingl
kerk et al. (1995), who found that additional findings et al. 2009), but showed superiority in double dose
Diagnostic Efficacy of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 185
administration for hypervascular hepatocellular cell carci- (gadobenate). In brain perfusion MRI, susceptibility effects
noma (HCC) (Kim et al. 2008). for a single dose were not significantly different between the
More recently, gadobutrol has also been compared to agents, for quantitative parameters and parametric maps,
gadoterate. For brain metastases, gadobutrol was qualita- either at 1.5 T (Essig et al. 2002) or at 3 T (Thilmann et al.
tively and quantitatively superior (Anzalone et al. 2013). 2005). Double doses of the two agents produced better
Both agents were comparable for evaluating bone osteo- overall image quality but no clinical benefit over single dose
myelitis (Pennekamp et al. 2011). Gadobutrol was better examinations. (Thilmann et al. 2005; Essig et al. 2006a). In
than gadoterate for analyzing delayed enhancement in the MERIT-study, 0.1 mmol/kg gadobenate performed
chronic myocardial infarction. It showed the size of the better than gadobutrol for the diagnosis of brain metastases
infarct well and gave good discrimination between infarcted (Seidl et al. 2012).
myocardium and the ventricular lumen (Wagner et al. 2013). In MRA, both diluted and undiluted gadobutrol and
MRI of the brain with normal dose gadobenate may be a gadobenate resulted in significantly higher signal-to-noise
valid alternative to using high doses of the other agents. than gadopentetate, but there was no difference between the
Comparative cross-over studies with equal doses of gado- higher signal-to-noise ratio agents (Herborn et al. 2003).
pentetate or gadoterate have repeatedly shown improved Single dose gadobenate at 3T is similar in efficacy to double
percentage contrast enhancement, higher sensitivity for dose gadobutrol at 1.5T (Attenberger et al. 2010).
lesion detection, increased lesion-to-brain contrast, and In recent comparisons of body applications, gadobutrol
reader preference for gadobenate in both intra-axial and and gadobenate showed similar efficacy in breast lesion
extra-axial CNS tumors (Colosimo et al. 2001, 2004; Essig detection and characterization (Pediconi et al. 2013).
et al. 2001, 2006b; Knopp et al. 2004; Maravilla et al. 2006;
Kuhn et al. 2007). This has also been shown at 3T (Rum-
boldt et al. 2009). In a multicenter study comparing multiple 6 Liver-Specific Agents
doses of gadobenate and gadodiamide, both agents had
similar efficacy, but at a slightly lower dose for gadobenate Gadobenate dimeglumine, with its higher R1- and R2-re-
(Runge et al. 2001, 2002). laxivity and limited (2–4 %) hepatobiliary excretion, was
Another application in which the higher relaxivity may be initially developed for liver imaging (Marin et al. 2009;
beneficial is MRA of the aortoiliac and runoff vessels. Morana et al. 2011, Frydrychowicz et al. 2012a), but
Higher signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise ratios with nowadays is used mainly as an extracellular agent. A he-
higher diagnostic image quality in the smaller femoro-tibial patobiliary phase of 60-120 min was impractically long.
or pedal vessels was demonstrated with gadobenate com- Currently, the most widely used liver-specific gadolinium-
pared to gadopentetate (von Tengg-Kobligk et al. 2003; based agent is gadoxetate disodium. Because it has 10 %
Knopp et al. 2003; Kreitner et al. 2008; Gerretsen et al. protein binding, its R1- and R2-relaxivity in plasma is high.
2010). However, when gadoterate was the comparator agent, Hepatobiliary uptake is mediated via organic anion-trans-
sensitivity and specificity was equal between agents. Most porting polypeptide 8 (OATP8) transporters and excretion
benefit is probably in showing vessels below the knee, where via multi-drug resistance proteins (MRP), predominantly
the number of non-assessable vessel segments was lower for MRP-3, and is of the order of 50 %, allowing for a short,
gadobenate (Wyttenbach et al. 2003; Rasmus et al. 2008). practical delay of the hepatobiliary phase (HBP) of
For the renal arteries and lower aorta, efficacy was not 15–20 min, preferably slightly longer if MR cholangiogra-
reduced when single dose (0.1 mmol kg-1) gadobenate was phy (ce-MRC) is the main purpose of the study.
compared to double dose (0.2 mmol kg-1) gadopentetate
(Prokop et al. 2005; Soulez et al. 2008). A newer indication
where a higher relaxivity is beneficial for tumor diagnosis is 6.1 Protocol Optimization
MRI of the breast. In a large multicenter study, an equi-
molar dose of gadobenate gave superior results to gado- A time-efficient MRI protocol includes T1 weighted (T1w)
pentetate (Martincich et al. 2011). in and out of phase gradient echo, T2 weighted (T2w) turbo
spin echo, and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) sequen-
ces. During contrast medium administration, a dynamic,
5.3 High (1.0 M) Concentration multiphase 3D T1w gradient echo sequence in the arterial,
versus Protein-Binding Agents portal venous and early delayed or equilibrium phases
(3 min) is done. The enhancement in the dynamic phase
Some studies have directly compared the two methods of with gadoxetate may be less conspicuous than with
achieving higher signal intensity, namely higher concen- other agents, including gadobenate (Gupta et al. 2012).
tration agents (gadobutrol) and protein-binding agents The protocol is completed by the delayed hepatobiliary
186 A. J. van der Molen
phase (15–20 min), and, if needed, a separate ce-MRC 0-A cirrhosis, more HCC lesions can be found, and this
sequence can be added. In these latter phases the signal-to- alters clinical management and prognosis (Jin et al. 2013).
noise can be increased by increasing the flip angle to 25–40 DWI is complementary, since hyperintensity can help to
(Kim et al. 2013). As there is no adverse effect of the diagnose small lesions and to predict which hypovascular
contrast media on T2w or DWI imaging, these sequences HCC lesions will later progress to hypervascular HCC (Kim
may be acquired in the interval between the dynamic T1w et al. 2012a). Gadoxetate MRI is also an optimal technique
gradient echo sequence and the hepatobiliary phase (Fry- for diagnosing early HCC, a recently defined well-differ-
drychowicz et al. 2012a). entiated subtype with slower growth which is hypointense
on HBP images and fat-containing with signal drop on out-
phase T1w gradient echo images, but may not enhance in
6.2 Efficacy in the Management of Incidental the arterial phase (Sano et al. 2011). In the growing number
Liver Lesions of patients with HCC nodules after minimal invasive ther-
apies such as radio-frequency ablation, gadoxetate MRI
One of the best documented indications for gadoxetic acid may prove to be a very sensitive technique to evaluate
MRI is the differentiation of focal nodular hyperplasia residual disease or recurrence.
(FNH) from hepatocellular adenoma (HCA). FNH and HCA
can be diagnosed with very high accuracy (92–100 %) by a
combination of T2w, dynamic and HBP images. FNH 6.4 Efficacy in Liver Metastases
usually enhances more than HCA in the arterial phase
(Purysko et al. 2012, Grazioli et al. 2012). In hemangioma The MRI protocol has best results if gadoxetic acid for
the signal intensity matches the signal in the portal vein, optimal detection is combined with DWI for improved
while most lesions are hypointense in the equilibrium and characterization, especially for small metastases (Chung
hepatobiliary phases (Tamada et al. 2011). et al. 2011, Koh et al. 2012). Usually, both hypervascular
and hypovascular metastases become relatively hypointense
on HBP images. Breast cancer metastases may show a
6.3 Efficacy in the Evaluation target appearance with peripheral hypointensity and central
of Hepatocarcinogenesis and HCC enhancement (Ha et al. 2012). Patterns in the dynamic
phase are crucial for differentiating metastases (ring
Multistep hepatocarcinogenesis, the process by which a enhancement) from hemangiomas (peripheral nodular or
dysplastic nodule develops into a hepatocellular carcinoma homogeneous enhancement and bright on T2w images)
(HCC), is often more likely in lesions smaller than 1.5 cm. (Goshima et al. 2010, Motosugi et al. 2011). Multiple
Nodules suspect for HCC classically show hyperintensity studies have shown better results with gadoxetate MRI for
on T2w images and DWI with strong enhancement in the diagnosing liver metastases than with multidetector CT
arterial phase and wash-out in portal venous and equilib- (Motosugi et al. 2011, Kim et al. 2012b) or contrast-
rium phases. The enhancement of HCC correlates positively enhanced PET-CT (Seo et al. 2011). In patients scheduled
with uptake transporter OATP-8 and excretion transporter for liver resection, gadoxetate-enhanced MRI helps to
MRP-3, but is not necessarily correlated with histologic define vascular and biliary variations and can give an esti-
grade. If there is cirrhosis, enhancement of the fibrotic mate of liver function of the remnant liver.
parenchyma will be decreased and the study may even be
non-diagnostic. This can be reduced to some extent by
double dose techniques. Hypointensity in the HBP is the 6.5 Efficacy in MR Cholangiography
most important marker of malignancy, but 5–10 % of and Other Indications
hypervascular HCC may show iso- to hyperintensity on
HBP, which is associated with lower aggressiveness. Contrast-enhanced T1w-MR cholangiography (MRC) as an
Hyperintensity on T1w before contrast agent administration addition to T2w-MRC has been shown to be helpful by
may occur, especially in moderately or well differentiated providing functional as well as morphological information
HCC. Gadoxetate MRI with dynamic and hepatobiliary in a variety of bile duct pathologies (Gupta 2013), such as
imaging is superior to 64-slice MDCT for diagnosing primary sclerosing cholangitis (Frydrychowicz et al.
hypervascular HCC in patients with cirrhosis, especially for 2012b), sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia, and post-surgical bile
smaller lesions (Di Martino et al. 2010, Baek et al. 2012, duct stenosis or leaks (Allegre Castellanos et al. 2012).
Hwang et al. 2012). Chronic liver disease will decrease the signal intensity of
When gadoxetate MRI is added to multidetector CT in the bile ducts on T1w-MRC, and images can often become
patients with Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) grade non-diagnostic.
Diagnostic Efficacy of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 187
Promising new applications of gadoxetate MRI include comparison of gadobutrol with gadopentetate dimeglumine. Acta
the evaluation of liver fibrosis using quantification of con- Radiol 50:933–940
Anzalone N, Scarabino T, Venturi C et al (2013) Cerebral neoplastic
trast medium uptake or MR Elastography (Noren et al. enhancing lesions: multicenter, randomized, crossover intraindi-
2013), and its increasing role in the evaluation of mass- vidual comparison between gadobutrol (1.0 M) and gadoterate
forming intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (Kang et al. meglumine (0.5 M) at 0.1 mmol Gd/kg body weight in a clinical
2012). setting. Eur J Radiol 82:139–145
Aslanian V, Lemaignen H, Bunouf P et al (1996) Evaluation of the
clinical safety of gadodiamide injection, a new nonionic MRI
contrast medium for the central nervous system: a European
7 Summary and Conclusions perspective. Neuroradiology 38:537–541
Attenberger UI, Haneder S, Morelli JN et al (2010) Peripheral arterial
occlusive disease: evaluation of a high spatial and temporal
Since the introduction of the first gadolinium-based contrast resolution 3-T MR protocol with a low total dose of gadolinium
agent in 1988, it has become clear that these agents sig- versus conventional angiography. Radiology 257(3):879–887
nificantly improve the diagnostic efficacy of MRI. Studies Baek CK, Choi JY, Kim KA et al (2012) Hepatocellular carcinoma in
on single agents have shown that, when compared to un- patients with chronic liver disease: a comparison of gadoxetic acid-
enhanced MRI and multiphasic MDCT. Clin Radiol 67:148–156
enhanced sequences, all agents help to improve the detec- Balériaux D, Matos C, De Greef D (1993) Gadodiamide injection as a
tion and delineation of lesions and this can alter diagnosis in contrast medium for MRI of the central nervous system: a
up to 40 % of patients. comparison with gadolinium-DOTA. Neuroradiology 35:490–494
Doubling or tripling the standard dose of 0.1 mmol kg-1 Balériaux D, Colosimo C, Ruscalleda J et al (2002) Magnetic
resonance imaging of metastatic disease to the brain with
body weight may be beneficial for selected indications, such gadobenate dimeglumine. Neuroradiology 44:191–203
as brain perfusion, equivocal single dose MRI study for Ball WS Jr, Nadel SN, Zimmerman RA et al (1993) Phase III
brain metastasis, and small vessel MRA. A more limited multicenter clinical investigation to determine the safety and
number of studies has compared the various agents. These efficacy of gadoteridol in children suspected of having neurologic
disease. Radiology 186:769–774
studies do not show clinically significant differences in Benner T, Reimer P, Erb G et al (2000) Cerebral MR perfusion
diagnostic efficacy between the various extracellular gado- imaging: first clinical application of a 1 M gadolinium chelate
linium-based contrast agents. Agents with higher concen- (Gadovist 1.0) in a double-blinded randomized dose- finding study.
tration or protein binding may be relatively more suitable J Magn Reson Imaging 12:371–380
Bird CR, Drayer BP, Medina M et al (1988) Gd-DTPA-enhanced MR
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higher relaxivity agents may be used in somewhat lower 169:123–126
doses than the extracellular agents. For the liver, the number Brugières P, Gaston A, Degryse HR et al (1994) Randomised double
of specific agents has been reduced in recent years. Gad- blind trial of the safety and efficacy of two gadolinium complexes
(Gd-DTPA and Gd-DOTA). Neuroradiology 36:27–30
oxetate disodium provides improved diagnosis, based on the Bui BT, Miller S, Mildenberger P et al, Omniscan MRA Investigator
combination of dynamic and hepatobiliary phases. It has a Panel (2010) Comparison of contrast-enhanced MR angiography to
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Radiography with Gadolinium-Based
Contrast Media
Henrik S. Thomsen and Peter Leander
Contents Abstract
The atomic weight of gadolinium renders it radio-opaque
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 193 at the KeVs used for radiography. Based on the incorrect
2 Molar Concentrations of Gadolinium- assumption that gadolinium-based contrast media were
and Iodine-Based Contrast Agents .................................... 194 not nephrotoxic, several investigators started using
3 Attenuation of X-Rays by Iodine and Gadolinium ......... 194 gadolinium-based contrast media for radiography,
including CT, in patients with reduced renal function
4 Pharmacokinetics................................................................. 195
instead of using iodine-based contrast media. Nephro-
5 Toxicity (LD50) ..................................................................... 195 toxicity of gadolinium-based contrast agents when used
6 Incidence of General Reactions to Gadolinium-Based for radiographic studies, CT and MRI has now been
Contrast Agents ................................................................... 195 described in both man and animals with renal impair-
7 Clinical and Experimental Studies .................................... 195 ment. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is another important
adverse reaction after some gadolinium-based contrast
8 Experimental Nephrotoxicity ............................................. 197
media in patients with renal impairment. Gadolinium-
9 Gadolinium-based Contrast Media based contrast media should not be used as contrast
and Nephrotoxicity in Patients .......................................... 197
agents for radiography, including CT, in patients with
10 Risk of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis ............................ 198 reduced renal function. Gadolinium-based contrast
11 Conclusion ............................................................................ 198 media may be helpful for radiography in patients with
normal renal function who have had multiple severe
References...................................................................................... 198
adverse reactions to iodine-based contrast media.
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 193
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_894, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
194 H. S. Thomsen and P. Leander
Dawson 2000). Prince et al. (1996) compared nephrotoxi- of gadolinium [0.5 mmol ml-1 9 14 ml (0.2 ml kg-1
city of high doses (0.2–0.4 mmol/kg) of a gadolinium-based BW 9 70 kg BW)]. Thus, the number of iodine-based con-
agent with iodine-based contrast medium and found the trast agent molecules administered for CT would be
gadolinium-based agent was less harmful for the kidney. approximately 17 times that of gadolinium containing mol-
Although this study did not investigate the use of gadolin- ecules for MR, and the number of iodine atoms administered
ium-based contrast medium as a radiographic agent, it was would be 51 times that of gadolinium. For smaller and larger
nonetheless cited as indicating the lower nephrotoxicity of patients, the dose may differ depending on whether CT-
gadolinium-based agents by many authors who proposed protocols have fixed contrast medium doses or take BW into
the use of gadolinium agents in radiography. Another pos- consideration.
sible indication suggested for using gadolinium-based
contrast agents rather than iodine-based agents is before
thyroid treatment with radioactive iodine to avoid interfer- 3 Attenuation of X-Rays by Iodine
ence by iodine-based agents with the therapeutic iodine and Gadolinium
Gadolinium-based contrast agents are in general known Iodine has the atomic number 53 and an atomic weight of
to be safe and not nephrotoxic in the usual MRI doses of up 127, whereas gadolinium has the atomic number 64 and an
to 0.3 mmol kg-1 body weight (BW). However, the dose atomic weight of 157. Attenuation increases with the atomic
requirement for a satisfactory diagnostic study differs number of the atom but decreases with the energy (keV) of
between MR and X-ray examination because different the X-ray photons, except at the K-edges. At photon ener-
properties of the gadolinium are being used in the two gies between the K-edge of iodine [33 kilo electron Volt
modalities. The use of gadolinium-based contrast agents in (keV)] and that of gadolinium (52 keV), iodine attenuates
radiographic examinations is contentious and the risks are approximately twice as many X-ray photons as gadolinium
poorly understood (Thomsen et al. 2002; Thomsen 2003). does. At all other photon energies, the opposite prevails
(Nyman et al. 2002). For CT, the maximal X-ray photon
energy is between 120 and 140 keV and the most common
2 Molar Concentrations of Gadolinium- photon energies in the spectrum are between 60 and
and Iodine-Based Contrast Agents 70 keV. This is above the K-edge of gadolinium, so the
attenuation by gadolinium in this situation is about twice
The first four marketed gadolinium contrast media (gado- that of iodine; but since there are three iodine atoms per
pentetate dimeglumine, gadoterate, gadodiamide, gadoteri- contrast medium molecule, the iodine-based contrast agent
dol ) are available in a concentration of 0.5 mmol ml-1. molecule attenuates 1.5 times more radiation than the
Gadobenate dimeglumine is also available in this concen- gadolinium-based contrast molecule does. For common
tration but, unlike the other four agents, is also excreted radiographic examinations, the maximal X-ray photon
via the liver (4 %) (‘‘Contrast Media Classification and energy is between 70 and 90 keV and the most common
Terminology’’). Gadobutrol has been introduced in a con- photon energies in the spectrum are above and below the
centration of 1 mmol ml-1. All six agents have one Gd- K-edge of gadolinium (50 keV). Because of the range of
atom per molecule, so the molar concentration of the agent photon energies, attenuation is approximately the same for
and of the gadolinium is the same. Traditionally, iodine- iodine and gadolinium atoms. Hence, the attenuation by the
based radiographic contrast media are marketed based on iodine-based contrast agent molecule is three times that of
the mg of iodine per ml, with a concentration of 300 mg I the gadolinium-based contrast molecule (Nyman et al.
ml-1 being equal to 2.38 mmol I ml-1. Since there are three 2002).
iodine atoms per molecule, the molar concentration of the It should theoretically be possible to obtain radiographic
agent is only 0.8 mmol ml-1. images of diagnostic quality with gadolinium-based contrast
The commonly used dose for body CT is 150 ml of a agents, but the image quality will generally be inferior to
300 mg I ml-1 (2.38 mmol I ml-1) solution. For body CT, a that achieved with iodine-based contrast agents. This can be
patient weighing 70 kg would receive 120 mmol of the explained by the difference in molar concentrations between
iodine-based agent molecule (0.8 mmol ml-1 9 150 ml) gadolinium- and iodine-based contrast agents. A 0.5 mmol
and approximately 360 mmol of iodine (2.38 mmol ml-1 9 ml-1 concentration of iodine-based contrast agent contains
150 ml). The standard dose for contrast-enhanced MR 63 mg I ml-1. Assuming that a 0.5 mmol ml-1 concentra-
examination is 0.1 mmol kg-1 resulting in 0.2 ml kg-1 BW tion of gadolinium-based contrast agent attenuates to the
of a 0.5 mmol ml-1 gadolinium-based contrast agent. For same extent as a 0.5 mmol ml-1 concentration of the
MR examination, the same 70 kg patient would receive iodine-based agent, a patient receiving these equi-attenuat-
7 mmol of the gadolinium-based agent molecule and 7 mmol ing concentrations receives only 1/3 of the contrast medium
Radiography with Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 195
molecules with the iodine-based agent that would be nec- conventional high osmolality iodine-based contrast agent
essary with the gadolinium-based agent. Considering the diatrizoate is about 50 mmol iodine kg-1. The LD50 of low
molar concentration of an iodine-based contrast agent at osmolality non-ionic monomers, e.g., iopromide, is much
300 mg I ml-1, the attenuation of this preparation is almost higher, about 150 mmol iodine per kg) (Weinmann et al.
five times that of gadolinium preparations of the same 1990; Weinmann 1999). When amounts of contrast medium
volume. Thus, the volume of gadolinium preparation producing equal attenuation of X-rays are compared, these
required to obtain ‘‘comparable’’ attenuation is five times LD50 values suggest that the acute intravenous toxicity of
that of the iodine preparation. the gadolinium-based contrast media is 7.5–25 times that of
the non-ionic iodine-based monomers.
4 Pharmacokinetics
6 Incidence of General Reactions
The gadolinium chelates have pharmacokinetics similar to to Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents
those of iodine-based radiographic contrast agents with the
exception of gadobenate dimeglumine which is also General adverse reactions similar to those observed with
excreted by the liver in small amounts (‘‘Contrast Media iodine-based contrast media may be seen following injec-
Classification and Terminology’’, ‘‘Diagnostic Efficacy tion of gadolinium-based contrast agents, but the frequency
of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media’’, ‘‘Organ-specific is lower, with the incidence of moderate and severe reac-
Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media’’). Gadobenate dimeg- tions well below 1 % (Niendorf et al. 1991; Thomsen 1997).
lumine is, however, mainly used for non-liver-specific However, the number of patients exposed to unapproved
indications similar to the six other ‘‘extracellular’’ gado- dosages (above 0.3 mmol kg-1 BW) is still too small to
linium chelates (‘‘Contrast Media Classification and draw any conclusion about the safety of these higher doses.
Terminology’’, ‘‘Diagnostic Efficacy of Gadolinium-Based In the few published studies, varying doses of gadolinium-
Contrast Media’’). Both gadolinium- and iodine-based based agents (20–440 ml) have been used and the number
agents are distributed in the extracellular space and excreted of patients has been small.
by glomerular filtration. Thus, the T is almost the same,
and both types of agents can be used to measure the glo-
merular filtration rate. In patients with normal kidney 7 Clinical and Experimental Studies
function about 98 % of these agents are excreted within
24 h of injection. However, in patients with severe renal Prince et al. (1996) studied 64 patients undergoing MR
impairment, excretion of gadolinium- and iodine-based examination with a gadolinium-based contrast medium and
agents differs and it may take weeks before the agents are a radiographic examination with an iodine-based contrast
eliminated from the body. Nearly no gadolinium is found in medium. They concluded that high-dose gadolinium che-
the feces in patients with renal insufficiency, whereas up to lates are significantly less nephrotoxic than iodine-based
6 % of the injected iodine has been recovered in the feces of agents, since eleven of the 64 patients had a significant
such patients (Joffe et al. 1998). No free gadolinium is increase in serum creatinine after intravenous or intra-
found in the blood several days after injection of gadolin- arterial administration of iodine-based contrast media,
ium chelates in patients with end-stage renal failure despite whereas none had increased serum creatinine levels after
the slow excretion (Joffe et al. 1998; Normann et al. 2000), intravenous administration of a gadolinium-based contrast
but this does not mean that it cannot be found in other parts agent. However, the molar doses and concentrations of the
of the body such as bone and liver. iodine and gadolinium atoms were not comparable.
Although the exact dose of the iodine-based contrast agent
used for each patient could not be verified, between 30 and
5 Toxicity (LD50) 60 g I was administered. For the MR examinations between
0.2 and 0.4 mmol kg-1 BW were used. Assuming that all
Acute intravenous LD50 of contrast media in mice is patients were of standard BW (*70 kg), the dose of iodine
expressed as mmol iodine or gadolinium per kg BW. For the atoms was approximately 17 times greater than that of
five gadolinium-based contrast agents, dimeglumine gado- gadolinium atoms. Had equi-attenuating doses been used,
pentetate, gadobenate dimeglumine, gadoterate, gadoteridol the results might have been different.
and gadodiamide, the figures are 6, 8, 8, 18, and 20 mmol Over recent years, gadolinium-based contrast agents
gadolinium kg-1, respectively. According to Idée et al. have been used for examinations such as CT, intravenous
(2006) the determination for gadodiamide is based on two urography, and digital subtraction angiography of various
subsequent injections 30 min. apart. The LD50 for the parts of the body (e.g., liver, renal, and peripheral arteries).
196 H. S. Thomsen and P. Leander
Albrecht and Dawson (2000) studied 15 patients receiving from 350 to 820 lmol ml-1 and the deterioration was
0.3 mmol kg-1 BW gadopentetate dimeglumine; five had considered most likely due to the contrast agent.
abdominal CT, five had abdominal DSA and five had A total of 31 patients with azotemia or previous severe
intravenous urography. No side effects were reported, but adverse reaction to iodine-based contrast media underwent
generally the image quality was inferior to that obtained digital subtraction angiography with between 20 and 60 ml
subsequently with standard doses of iodine-based contrast of 0.5 mmol ml-1 gadopentetate (Hammer et al. 1999). In
media (50–150 ml of a 300 or 350 mg I ml-1 solution). The nine cases, CO2 was also used and in eight cases between 6
authors suggested that higher doses including more con- and 40 ml of iohexol 350 mgI ml-1 (mean 17.8 ml) were
centrated solutions of gadolinium-based contrast media used. In no patient did S-creatinine increase more than
might be useful (Albrecht and Dawson 2000). To optimize 44 lmol l-1 within 48 h. Spinosa et al. (1998) studied 13
visualization of gadolinium-based contrast media, Hui et al. renal transplant patients with suspected vascular causes of
(2011) recommended the use of a flat panel detector as it renal insufficiency and/or accelerated hypertension with
improves the conspicuity of the agents during digital sub- both CO2 and a gadolinium-based contrast agent (16–60 ml
traction angiography. gadodiamide). Digital subtraction angiography was con-
Gadolinium-based contrast media have also been used sidered adequate in all patients. In two patients renal failure
for endoscopic retrograde cholangiography, cystography, progressed ([44 lmol l-1 within 48 h), but concurrent
urethrocystography, and retrograde pyelography and during causes of the renal dysfunction were also present; one had
percutaneous nephrostomy and biliary tract drainage giving received 20 ml and the other had received 60 ml of gado-
adequate image quality with no side effects (Velmas and diamide. During peripheral arteriography Spinosa et al.
Markkola 1998). Coche et al. (2001) reported successful (1999) found that gadodiamide with an osmolality of
detection of pulmonary embolism using gadolinium- 789 mOsm per kilogram of water was less painful than
enhanced helical CT (0.4 mmol kg-1 gadodiamide), with- gadopentetate dimeglumine with an osmolality of greater
out any problems, in a 77-year-old woman with previous than 1,800 mOsm per kilogram of water. No effects on renal
allergy-like reaction to iodine-based contrast medium and function were found. Later Spinosa et al. (2000) reported
renal insufficiency (serum creatinine of 200 lmol ml-1). one of 18 azotemic patients (6 %) whose renal function
Henes et al. (2011) evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of deteriorated after undergoing CO2 angiography supple-
gadolinium- and iodine-enhanced CT of the pulmonary mented with 0.5 mmol ml-1 gadodiamide (20–100 ml;
arteries for the detection of pulmonary embolism in pigs. mean volume 55 ml; 0.13–0.4 mmol kg-1). The affected
Down to segmental level the diagnostic accuracy in detec- patient received 70 ml gadodiamide (0.3 mmol kg-1 BW).
tion of pulmonary embolism was identical. Injections of 80–440 ml of gadodiamide during arteri-
A total of 14 patients with abnormal S-creatinine levels ography have also been reported (Gemmete et al. 2001). A
underwent digital subtraction vena cavography with a serum creatinine increase of 53 lmol ml-1 or more occur-
gadolinium-based contrast agent (maximum 0.4 mmol kg-1 red in 8 of 20 patients (40 %) with a pre-procedural serum
BW) for filter placement, thrombolysis, or diagnosis. Three creatinine of 115–548 lmol ml-1. In three of the eight
of the 14 patients had a significant increase in serum cre- patients, the creatinine values did not return to baseline
atinine ([44 lmol ml-1), but there were other concurrent value. Following peripheral arteriography with a gadolin-
causes, which might account for the deterioration of renal ium-based agent, angioplasty and stent placement, a patient
function (Kaufmann et al. 1999). It was concluded that with renal insufficiency (340 lmol l-1) developed acute
gadolinium-based contrast agents were suitable for digital renal failure and acute pancreatitis (Schenker et al. 2001).
subtraction venography in patients with renal insufficiency. Acute pancreatitis has been seen both after intra-arterial
In an azotemic patient with suspected renal artery ste- (Gemery et al. 1998) and intravenous (Terzi and Sokmen
nosis, a total of 40 ml (0.5 mmol ml-1) undiluted dimeg- 1999) injection of a gadolinium-based contrast agent.
lumine gadopentetate was injected arterially (Matchett et al. Based on a literature review, Saleh et al. (2011) concluded
1996). The serum creatinine increased from 290 to that gadolinium-based contrast agents are a potential alter-
390 lmol l-1, but this might have been attributable to a native for radiography in patients with severe allergy to
myocardial infarction which the patient developed 3 days iodine-based contrast media. However, they should only be
after the procedure. Acute renal failure was described fol- used in doses up to 0.4 mmol/kg-1 BW, which may limit their
lowing lower extremity arteriography with 80 ml of use in complex interventional peripheral and coronary pro-
0.5 mmol ml-1 (0.44 mmol kg-1 BW) of gadoteridol in an cedures. Also, there is a higher risk of ventricular arrhythmias
insulin-dependent diabetic patient with nephropathy with intracoronary gadolinium-based contrast media than
(Gemery et al. 1998). Serum creatinine transiently increased with iodine-based contrast media (Saleh et al. 2011).
Radiography with Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 197
8 Experimental Nephrotoxicity did not cause significant reduction in renal function (Brown
et al. 1993). However, an equimolar dose per kg BW of
Intravenous injection (9 ml kg-1) of gadopentetate iodine atoms in a 70 kg man would be 10 ml at concentration
(0.1 mol ml-1), iohexol (300 mg I ml-1), metrizoate of 265 mg I ml-1.
(300 mg I ml-1), and normal saline in rabbits produced
nephrotoxicity of the same order for all three contrast agents
(Leander et al. 1992). The molar concentration and dose of 9 Gadolinium-based Contrast Media
iodine atoms was 24 times higher than the molar concen- and Nephrotoxicity in Patients
tration and dose of gadolinium atoms. Thus, the iodine-
based agents might have had a lower nephrotoxic effect than Sam et al. (2003) reported that in 3.5 % of 195 patients with
the gadolinium-based agents if the two agents had been abnormal pre-examination creatinine clearance levels, acute
compared in equi-attenuating doses and concentrations. Rat renal failure (anuria) developed after gadolinium-based
studies where high equimolar doses (4.59 mmol kg-1 BW) contrast medium administration. For MR angiography the
of gadolinium-based agents (gadopentetate and gadodiam- incidence was 1.9 % and for digital subtraction angiography
ide) and iodine-based agents (diatrizoate and iohexol) were 9.5 %. Dialysis was required in three of the seven patients
injected intravenously showed no significant deterioration who developed acute renal failure. The average baseline
in the function of normal and diseased kidneys (Thomsen creatinine clearance in the whole group was
et al. 1994, 1995). There was a significant correlation 38.2 ± 1.6 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 and in the seven patients
between albuminuria and the osmolality of the contrast who developed contrast medium induced nephropathy (CIN)
medium, with gadopentetate causing the highest excretion was 32.5 ± 7.8 ml min-1 1.73 m-2. The doses of dimeg-
of albumin and gadodiamide and iohexol the least, but the lumine gadopentetate ranged from 0.31 to 0.41 mmol kg-1
degree of albuminuria does not correlate with the nephro- for MR angiography and 0.27–0.42 mmol kg-1 for digital
toxic potential of a contrast medium. In these studies, the subtraction angiography. CIN occurred after a moderate,
dose of iodine atoms was three times the dose of gadolinium approved dose (0.14 mmol kg-1) of a gadolinium-based
atoms. contrast medium in a patient with moderate to severe diabetic
In an ischemic rat model, intra-aortic injections of 1.5 ml nephropathy and chronic heart failure (Thomsen 2004).
(0.5 mmol ml-1) gadopentetate (0.75 mmol Gd atoms) and Akgun et al. (2006) reported acute tubular necrosis in a renal
2.6 ml 370 mg l ml-1 diatrizoate (7.6 mmol iodine atoms) biopsy following exposure to a gadolinium-based contrast
caused a significant decrease in creatinine clearance of sim- agent. In diabetic patients with multiple risk factors it may be
ilar magnitude, 50 and 67 %, respectively (Deray et al. 1990; appropriate to take the same precautions before enhanced
Brillet et al. 1994). Gadoterate [1.5 ml (0.5 mmol l-1)] alone MR examinations as before enhanced radiographic examin-
caused no decrease in renal function in this model. The dose ations. After having a gadolinium-based contrast agent 3
of iodine was ten times higher than the dose of gadolinium three times within 3 weeks an 80-year-old patient developed
and the two different doses produced a similar significant rapid deterioration of pre-existing renal insufficiency and
decrease in creatinine clearance. Whether the iodine-based uremic symptoms and pulmonary edema; temporary he-
contrast medium would produce less decrease in creatinine modialysis (three times) was performed and renal function
clearance than the gadolinium-based medium if equimolar improved (Fujisaki et al. 2011). In a patient with impaired
doses had been given remains speculative. renal function the possibility remains that, for CT aortogra-
In an experimental model of renal ischemia in pigs, 0.5 phy, using a low concentration iodine-based contrast medium
molar gadopentetate dimeglumine (3 ml kg-1 BW) caused of equal attenuation to a gadolinium-based contrast agent
severe impairment of renal function, while the low-osmolar may have less risk of causing CIN (Nyman et al. 2008).
gadodiamide caused less deterioration in renal function, and Bridges et al. (2009) retrospectively studied 33 patients
the low-osmolar iohexol (3 ml of 190 mg I ml-1 per kg BW) with impaired renal function, but not on dialysis, in whom
caused even less (Elmstahl et al. 2004). Three ml per kg BW estimated glomerular filtration rate had been measured
of iohexol (70 mg I ml-1), which for angiography is equi- within 48 h before and within 5 days after injection of
attenuating with 0.5 M gadopentetate dimeglumine, caused 40–200 ml gadodiamide for radiography. The change in
no change in renal function. Iodine-based contrast agents had estimated glomerular filtration rate ranged from -8.8
better renal tolerance and radiodensity than did gadolinium- to ? 42.9 ml min-1 1.73 m-2, with a statistically signifi-
based contrast agents during arteriography in ischemic cant median improvement of 2.4 ml min-1 1.73 m-2. In
porcine kidneys (Elmstahl et al. 2008). An in vitro study contrast, Sambol et al. (2011) found a prevalence of acute
using the isolated perfused rat kidney showed that a large renal failure of 11.2 % (20 patients) on a retrospective
dose of gadopentetate dimeglumine (0.3 mmol kg-1 BW) review of 153 patients undergoing 179 intra-arterial
198 H. S. Thomsen and P. Leander
nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and decline in renal function. AJR Leander P, Allard P, Caillé JM, Golman K (1992) Early effect of
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Acute Adverse Reactions to Gadolinium-Based
Contrast Media
Henrik S. Thomsen and Georg M. Bongartz
Contents Abstract
Acute non-renal and renal adverse reactions occur after
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 201 administration of gadolinium-based contrast media just
2 Acute Non-Renal Adverse Reactions ................................ 202 as after iodine-based contrast media. However, the rate
2.1 Incidence ................................................................................ 202 of acute non-renal adverse reactions is much lower after
2.2 Types of Reaction ................................................................. 202 gadolinium-based contrast media than after iodine-based
2.3 Predisposing Factors.............................................................. 202
contrast media. Acute renal adverse reactions (contrast
2.4 Treatment and Premedication ............................................... 203
2.5 Reaction Rates with Different Agents.................................. 203 medium-induced nephropathy, CIN) do occur after
2.6 Further Safety Data for Individual Gadolinium-Based gadolinium-based contrast media but are extremely
Agents .................................................................................... 203 infrequent after administration of the low doses
2.7 Comparison of Gadolinium- and Iodine-Based Agents ....... 204
(0.1–0.3 mmol l-1 kg-1) used for MRI. Knowledge
3 Acute Renal Adverse Reactions about higher doses is limited, but the frequency of renal
(Contrast-Induced Nephropathy)....................................... 204 adverse reactions is predicted to be closer to that seen
4 Conclusion ............................................................................ 205 after iodine-based contrast media.
References...................................................................................... 205
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 201
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_897, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
202 H. S. Thomsen and G. M. Bongartz
times less than that used for enhanced CT. This chapter Takahashi 2010). Gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vom-
focuses on acute adverse reactions to gadolinium-based iting) were the most commonly reported adverse reactions
contrast agents which are similar to reactions which occur in both the European (0.56 %) and the Japanese study
after iodine-based contrast media. Late adverse reactions, (0.49 %). Li et al. (2006) reported a reaction frequency of
extravasation, and laboratory abnormalities are covered in 0.48 % in 9,528 patients, based on prospective recording in
‘‘Contrast Media and Interactions with Other Drugs and an incidence log book over 5 years in a single center in
Clinical Tests’’, ‘‘Contrast Media Extravasation Injury’’, Hong Kong. Different rates of reaction are unlikely to be
‘‘Late Adverse Reactions to Iodine-Based Contrast Media’’, due to geographical or genetic differences.
respectively. Prince et al. (2011) reported 40 deaths after administra-
tion of gadolinium-based contrast agents between 2004 and
2009 which were reported to the FDA; the incidence of
2 Acute Non-Renal Adverse Reactions reactions varied between 0.15 and 0.7 per million injections,
and none of these cases were related to NSF.
2.1 Incidence The number of published studies is too small to draw any
conclusions about safety of higher unapproved dosages.
Because of differences in study design and definitions of
adverse reactions used, it is difficult to draw definite con-
clusions about the incidence of adverse effects following 2.2 Types of Reaction
gadolinium-based contrast media. In European and Japanese
studies, gadopentetate dimeglumine had low adverse inci- The most common reported adverse events with gadolin-
dence rates (0.63 %), while in the USA, where different rules ium-based contrast agents are headache, nausea, vomiting,
for registration and documentation of adverse events are hives, and altered taste (Kirchin and Runge 2003; Runge
legally imposed, the incidence was 7.6 % (Niendorf et al. 2000; Shellock and Kanal 1999; Heborn et al. 2007; Ish-
1991a). Early studies suggested that the safety profiles of iguchi and Takahashi 2010). Symptoms such as headache
gadopentetate dimeglumine, gadoterate meglumine, gado- may not be related to the contrast agent. For example,
teridol, gadodiamide, gadobenate dimeglumine, and gado- headache might be caused by the patient’s disease, or might
versetamide were comparable (Shellock and Kanal 1999; relate to the noise in the MR scanner. Interestingly, patients
Kirchin and Runge 2003). In general, the total incidence rate undergoing MR examination in an almost silent scanner
of adverse events appears to be less than 5 % and the inci- (0.1 T) do not report headache after enhanced MRI
dence of a single adverse event is below 1 % (Niendorf et al. (Thomsen 1997).
1991a, b; Oudkerk et al. 1995; Thomsen 1997). Anaphylactoid reactions to gadolinium-based contrast
Murphy et al. (1996) described a 0.1 % frequency of agents do occur, but their incidence is very low. The first
allergic-like reactions to gadolinium-based contrast agents documented anaphylactoid reaction to gadopentetate di-
among 21,000 patients over an almost 5-year period. A meglumine was not seen in clinical trials but some time
retrospective survey involving 53 institutions showed that after approval (Runge 2000). The true incidence of ana-
241 allergy-like reactions (0.03 %) occurred after 825,535 phylactoid reactions for gadolinium chelates is not known,
injections (Murphy et al. 1999). Dillman et al. (2007) but appears to be between 1:100,000 and 1:500,000 (Shel-
reported that there were 54 (0.07 %) acute allergy-like lock and Kanal 1999).
reactions in 78,353 intravenous administrations of gado-
linium-based contrast agents in a retrospective study over
6 years. Seventy-four percent of the reactions were 2.3 Predisposing Factors
considered mild. One patient experienced three acute
allergy-like reactions during the period. Possible factors that may increase an individual’s risk of an
A European post marketing surveillance study of 24,308 acute allergy-like reaction include a history of previous
patients who received gadoterate meglumine intravenously allergy-like reaction to intravenous contrast media (either
for a variety of diagnostic examinations reported that the gadolinium- or iodine-containing) and previous allergic
incidence of adverse events was 0.4 % (Heborn et al. 2007). reaction to a substance other than contrast media. The risk
Most reactions were rated as minor, such as a feeling of of adverse reactions to gadopentetate dimeglumine was 3.7
warmth or altered taste. In a Japanese post-marketing sur- times higher in patients with a previous history of reaction
veillance study of the same agent over 4 years, which to iodine-based contrast media (Niendorf et al. 1991b).
involved 1,300 inpatients and 2,144 outpatients, 40 adverse However, this finding has not been confirmed in other
reactions were recorded in 32 patients, giving an overall studies. It is now generally accepted that there is no cross-
incidence of adverse reactions of 0.93 % (Ishiguchi and reaction between gadolinium- and iodine-based agents.
Acute Adverse Reactions to Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 203
Although acute allergy-like reactions occurred more uncertainty about what to do after the link between some
frequently in adults than in children, and in females than gadolinium-based contrast agents and the development of
male patients in one study, these differences were not sta- nephrogenic systemic fibrosis became apparent. This
tistically significant (Dillman et al. 2007). change may have led to increased reports of adverse events
with the new contrast agent (Thomsen and Webb 2012). In
support of this suggestion, Davenport et al. (2013) showed a
2.4 Treatment and Premedication
significant transient increase in the frequency of reported
allergic-like reactions after gadobenate dimeglumine was
Treatment of adverse reactions to gadolinium-based
substituted for gadopentetate dimeglumine. After 2 years,
contrast agents is the same as for iodine-based agents
the rate returned to the previous level.
(’’Management of Acute Adverse Reactions to Contrast
Retrospective studies may underestimate the true rate of
Media‘‘). Prompt recognition and treatment are crucial and
adverse reactions. In particular, mild reactions may be
invaluable in blunting an adverse response of a patient to
underestimated whereas the rate of severe reactions is more
gadolinium-based contrast agents and may prevent a reac-
likely to be correct.
tion from becoming severe or even life-threatening.
Also, retrospective studies do not take into account the
Dillman et al. (2008) recently reported that allergy-like
so-called Lalli effect, when minor symptoms after contrast
reactions to gadolinium-based contrast agents could occur
medium may be caused by anxiety. Prospective randomized
despite premedication with corticosteroids and antihista-
studies are the only way to obtain reliable data (Thomsen
mines. Two-thirds of the reactions were mild. All patients
and Webb 2012).
had a history of allergy-like reactions to either a gadolin-
ium- or iodine-based contrast agent. Currently, there is no
evidence of any advantage of premedication before
2.6 Further Safety Data for Individual
administration of gadolinium-based contrast agents, even in
Gadolinium-Based Agents
patients who have reacted earlier to contrast agents.
In a descriptive study of moderate to severe reactions after
2.5 Reaction Rates with Different Agents either gadopentetate dimeglumine or gadoterate meglumine
in approximately 30,000 patients over a 10-year time per-
As has already been noted, the majority of early studies and iod, three moderate to severe reactions occurred, all after
reviews did not show significant differences in reaction rates gadoterate meglumine (de Ridder et al. 2001).
among the different gadolinium-based agents (Shellock and In 56 patients with multiple sclerosis, who had monthly
Kanal 1999; Kirchin and Runge 2003; Greenen and Krestin MRI examinations with gadopentetate dimeglumine
2006). However, there have been recent suggestions that 0.1 mmol kg-1 for research purposes, no significant effects
there may be different adverse event rates among different on routine hematology, serum chemistry, renal and liver
agents. function, and serum iron profiles were found. Patients had
Abujudeh et al. (2010) reported that the rates of acute received between 3 and 53 doses of gadopentetate dimeg-
non-renal adverse reactions to gadopentetate dimeglumine lumine. It was concluded that repeated monthly adminis-
and gadobenate dimeglumine were 0.14 and 0.28 % based tration of gadopentetate dimeglumine at the standard dose is
on 32,659 administrations (gadopentetate 27,956 adminis- safe (Tresley et al. 1997). However, the long-term effects
trations and gadobenate 4,703 administrations). However, have not yet been studied. In a phase III study in 199
direct comparison of adverse reactions rates of the two patients with suspected CNS pathology, patients either
agents was not possible because of the prospective uncon- received 0.1 or 0.3 mmol kg-1 gadopentetate dimeglumine
trolled study design. (Haustein et al. 1993). A total of 15 adverse events in 12
Prince et al. (2011) raised the possibility, based on data patients were encountered, 8 in the 0.1 mmol kg-1 group
from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and 7 in the 0.3 mmol kg-1 group.
Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) collected from During phase I–III studies with gadoversetamide, no
2004 to 2009, that there might be different incidences of significant differences in adverse event rates for doses
severe reactions among gadolinium agents. However, ret- between 0.1 and 0.4 mmol kg-1 were noted (Brown et al.
rospective studies of adverse events may be influenced by 2002). In another study with gadoversetamide, patients
the over-reporting of acute adverse events when a new drug received 0.1, 0.3, or 0.5 mmol kg-1 and the incidence of
is first marketed, described by Weber (Weber 1984), and adverse events increased significantly with increasing dose
known as the Weber effect . Many radiologists switched (Swan et al. 1999a).
from a non-ionic linear gadolinium-based agent to an ionic In a phase III clinical trial, 38 patients received the
linear agent or a macrocyclic agent when there was standard gadodiamide dose and 40 received a triple dose.
204 H. S. Thomsen and G. M. Bongartz
Five patients from the standard dose group and two from the contrast agents may be the much lower doses of the agents
triple dose group reported adverse events, none of which used for MRI than for radiography. For example, the molar
were judged to be related to the contrast medium (Demaerel dose of contrast medium for enhanced MRI of the brain is on
et al. 1994). In a double blind multicenter study of single average eight times lower than that for CT of the brain.
versus triple dose gadodiamide, no adverse events possibly
related to gadodiamide administration were recorded
(Thurnher et al. 2001). 3 Acute Renal Adverse Reactions
Over 13 months, 23,553 doses of gadobenate dimeglu- (Contrast-Induced Nephropathy)
mine were administered (Bleicher and Kanal 2008). 178
reactions (0.76 %) were recorded, of which 13 % required In most patients with moderate to severe impaired renal
treatment. function, gadopentetate dimeglumine , gadoterate meglu-
Morgan et al. (2011) prospectively assessed the adverse mine, gadodiamide, gadobenate dimeglumine, gadoteridol,
reaction rates during gadoteridol-enhanced MR in 28,078 gadobutrol, and gadoversetamide do not significantly affect
patients. The overall reaction rate was 0.66 %, including 177 serum creatinine levels when administered in standard
mild (95 %), 6 moderate, and 4 severe reactions. The most doses (Bellin et al. 1992; Haustein et al. 1992; Joffe et al.
frequent reaction was nausea, which occurred in 149 patients 1998; Swan et al. 1999a, b; Tombach et al. 2001; Yoshik-
(79.7 %) of the patients who had an adverse reaction and in awa and Davies 1997). However, CIN may occur after
0.53 % of the overall population. There was no difference in gadolinium-based contrast media, just as after iodine-based
type or severity of reactions between patients receiving a contrast media (‘‘Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy’’,
half dose versus patients receiving the standard dose. ‘‘Radiography with Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media’’).
Gadobutrol produced adverse reactions are considered to CIN is more likely to occur after larger doses of gadolin-
be possibly drug-related in 4.6 % of patients (Balzer et al. ium-based contrast media, as with iodine-based contrast
2003). Gadobutrol is contra-indicated in patients with media.
uncorrected hypokalemia. Also, special care is needed in Nephrotoxicity of gadolinium-based contrast agents has
patients with a family history of congenital long QT syn- been documented in both man and animals. Use of high
drome, who have a history of arrhythmias after taking drugs doses ([0.3 mmol kg-1 BW) of gadolinium-based contrast
that prolong cardiac repolarization or who are taking class agents in patients with impaired renal function is clearly
III antiarrhythmic drugs. Recommendations are based on contraindicated (Thomsen et al. 2002). In 2003, Sam et al.
the assumption that gadobutrol in a high dose ([4 times reported that after gadolinium-based contrast agents acute
maximal dose) can block potassium channels, resulting in renal failure developed in 3.5 % of 195 patients with an
prolonged QT interval and accelerated ventricular rhythm. abnormal creatinine clearance. After MR angiography the
incidence was 1.9 % and after digital subtraction angiog-
raphy 9.5 %. Doses of gadopentetate dimeglumine ranged
2.7 Comparison of Gadolinium- and Iodine- from 0.31 to 0.41 mmol kg-1 for MR angiography and
Based Agents from 0.27 to 0.42 mmol kg-1 for digital subtraction angi-
ography. Dialysis was required in 40 % of the patients who
Hunt et al. (2009) studied retrospectively the frequency and developed acute renal failure. CIN has even been reported
characteristics of adverse reactions to low-osmolar iodine- after an intravenous injection of 0.14 mmol l-1 of a gado-
and gadolinium-based contrast agents at a single center. linium-based contrast agent (Thomsen 2004).
Adverse reactions were identified using recording by radi- A study of X-ray arteriography in pig kidneys, made
ologists and nurses. A total of 456,930 contrast medium temporarily ischemic by arterial balloon occlusion, found
doses (298,491 low-osmolar iodine-based, 158,439 gado- that 0.5 M gadolinium-based contrast agents were more
linium-based) were administered over the study period. The nephrotoxic than both equal-attenuating (70 mg I ml-1) and
frequency of adverse reactions was 0.15 % after iodine- equimolar (190 mg I ml-1) concentrations of iodine-based
based contrast media and 0.04 % after gadolinium-based agents (Elmstahl et al. 2004). Using the same ischemic
agents. The most common adverse effects were hives (274, porcine model, Elmstahl et al. found that the histomorpho-
52.5 %) and nausea (92, 17.6 %). Seventy-two of the adverse logical changes caused by gadolinium-based contrast agents
events after low-osmolar iodine-based contrast agents and 15 were similar to those caused by iodine-based agents
of the events after gadolinium-based contrast agents required (Elmstahl et al. 2007). Vacuolization appeared to be inde-
treatment. Only 16 patients with adverse effects needed pendent of osmolality and viscosity of the contrast medium,
transfer to the emergency department for further observation and did not seem to be an indicator of renal impairment.
or treatment. One possible reason for the lower prevalence of Briguori et al. (2006) showed in a prospective study that
adverse reactions to gadolinium-based than to iodine-based using gadolinium-based contrast agents in patients with
Acute Adverse Reactions to Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 205
chronic renal insufficiency did not appear to reduce the rate References
of CIN, as compared to iodine-based contrast agents.
In a retrospective study, which included 473 patients Abujudeh HH, Kosaraju VK, Kaewlai R (2010) Acute adverse
with stages 3 and 4 renal failure who received 0.2 ml kg-1 reactions to gadopentetate dimeglumine and gadobenate dimeglu-
of gadolinium-based contrast medium, Ergun et al. (2006) mine: experience with 32,659 injections. Am J Roentgenol
found that the risk factors for acute renal failure after
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gadolinium-based contrast agents included diabetic MR angiography employing gadobutrol 1.0 M as contrast material.
nephropathy and low glomerular filtration rate. Eur Radiol 13:2067–2074
The risk of CIN is very low when doses of gadolinium- Bellin MF, Deray G, Assogba U et al (1992) Gd-DOTA: evaluation of
its renal tolerance in patients with chronic renal failure. Magn
based contrast agents approved for MR (\0.3 mmol kg-1)
Reson Imaging 10:115–118
are used. When approved doses are used, the risk of CIN is Bleicher AG, Kanal E (2008) Assessment of adverse reactions to a
much lower than the risk of NSF when less stable gadolin- newly approved MRI contrast agent: review of 23,533 administra-
ium-based agents are used (‘‘Radiography with Gadolinium- tions of gadobenate dimeglumine. Am J Roentgenol 191:W307
Briguori C, Colombo A, Airoldi F et al (2006) Gadolinium-based
Based Contrast Media’’, ‘‘Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
contrast agents and nephrotoxicity in patients undergoing coronary
and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media’’). When stable artery procedures. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 67:175–180
agents are used in approved doses, the risk of CIN may be Brown JJ, Kristy RM, Stevens GR et al (2002) The OptiMARK
slightly higher than the risk of NSF, which is close to zero. clinical development program: summary of safety data. J Magn
Reson Imaging 15:446–455
Davenport MS, Dillman JR, Cohan RH et al (2013) Effect of abrupt
substitution of gadobenate dimeglumine for gadopentetate dimeg-
4 Conclusion lumine on rate of allergic-like reactions. Radiology 266:773–782
De Ridder F, de Maeseneer M, Stadnik T et al (2001) Severe adverse
reactions with contrast agents for magnetic resonance: clinical
Clinical trials and experience have shown that in general,
experience in 30000 MR examinations. JBR-BTR 84:150–152
gadolinium-based contrast agents produce relatively few Demaerel P, Marchal G, Wilms G et al (1994) Gadodiamide injection
acute reactions. However, acute reactions are possible and at 0.1 and 0.3 mmol/kg body weight: a phase III double-blind,
may occur in any patient. Allergy-like reactions occur after parallel, randomised clinical investigation of known or suspected
central nervous system lesions at 1.5T. Neuroradiology
less than 1 % of gadolinium-based contrast agent adminis-
trations. There is no difference in rate between the various Dillman JR, Ellis JH, Cohan RH et al (2007) Frequency and severity of
approved extracellular gadolinium-based agents. Reactions acute allergic-like reactions to gadolinium-containing IV contrast
are the same as those seen after iodine-based contrast media in children and adults. Am J Roentgenol 189:1533–1538
agents. In most cases they are mild, but a few severe ana- Dillman JR, Ellis JH, Cohan RH et al (2008) Allergic-like break-
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phylactoid reactions have been reported. Allergy-like and antihistamine premedication. Am J Roentgenol 190:187–190
reactions may occur despite pretreatment with corticoste- Elmstahl B, Nyman U, Leander P et al (2004) Gadolinium contrast
roid and antihistamine. Therefore, one must always be media are more nephrotoxic than a low-osmolar iodine medium
prepared to treat an adverse reaction after administration of employing doses with equal X-ray attenuation in renal arteriogra-
phy: an experimental study in pigs. Acad Radiol 11:1219–1228
a gadolinium-based contrast agent. Management is similar Elmstahl B, Leander P, Grant D et al (2007) Histomorphological
to that of reactions to iodine-based contrast agents. changes after renal X-ray arteriography using iodine and gadolin-
Appropriate knowledge, training, and preparation are ium contrast media in an ischemic porcine model. Acta Radiol
essential to ensure prompt effective treatment. Premedica- 23:1–11
Ergun I, Keven K, Uruc I et al (2006) The safety of gadolinium in
tion before administering gadolinium-based contrast agents patients with stage 3 and 4 renal failure. Nephrol Dial Transplant
is not generally indicated. 21:697–700
Acute renal adverse reactions may occur after adminis- Greenen RWF, Krestin GP (2006) Non-tissue specific extracellular
tration of gadolinium-based contrast agents in approved MR contrast media. In: Thomsen HS (ed) Contrast media: safety
issues and ESUR guidelines. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 107–120
doses (\0.3 mmol kg-1 BW), but these occur very infre- Haustein J, Laniado M, Niendorf HP et al (1993) Triple-dose versus
quently. Above 0.3 mmol kg-1 BW, the risk is much higher standard-dose gadopentetate dimeglumine: a randomized study in
in patients with reduced renal function, and gadolinium- 199 patients. Radiology 186:855–860
based contrast agents should not be used in these patients at Haustein J, Niendorf HP, Krestin G et al (1992) Renal tolerance of
gadolinium-DTPA/dimeglumine in patients with chronic renal
doses greater than 0.3 mmol kg-1 BW. failure. Invest Radiol 27(2):153–156
Prospective randomized studies are the only way to Heborn CU, Honold E, Wolf M et al (2007) Clinical safety and
obtain reliable data about adverse events. Comparative diagnostic value of the gadolinium chelate gadoterate meglumine
studies of acute non-renal adverse reactions to contrast (Gd-DOTA). Invest Radiol 42:58–62
Hunt CH, Hartman RP, Hesley CH (2009) Frequency and severity of
media must ensure that the different agents are given under adverse effects of iodinated and gadolinium contrast materials:
identical conditions. This does not occur in retrospective Retrospective review of 456,930 doses. Am J Roentgenol
studies, where the Lalli and Weber effects are not controlled. 193:1124–1127
206 H. S. Thomsen and G. M. Bongartz
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DOTA) as a contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging: results contrast agents. J Magn Reson Imaging 10:477–484
of a post-marketing surveillance study in Japan. Drugs RD Swan SK, Baker JF, Free R et al (1999a) Pharmacokinetics, safety, and
10:133–145 tolerability of gadoverset-amide injection (OptiMARK) in subjects
Joffe P, Thomsen HS, Meusel M (1998) Pharmacokinetics of with central nervous system or liver pathology and varying degrees
gadodiamide injection in patients with severe renal insufficiency of renal function. J Magn Reson Imaging 9:317–321
and patients undergoing hemodialysis or continuous ambulatory Swan SK, Lambrecht LJ, Townsend R al (1999b) Safety and
peritoneal dialysis. Acad Radiol 5:491–502 pharmacokinetic profile of gadobenate dimeglumine in subjects
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imaging. Safety update. Top Magn Reson Imaging 14:426–435 Thomsen HS (1997) Frequency of acute adverse events to a nonionic
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Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media
Henrik S. Thomsen
Contents Abstract
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) is an adverse reac-
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 207 tion to gadolinium, which is toxic in its free, unchelated
2 Was Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis a Surprise? ............ 207 form. NSF is seen after the least stable gadolinium-based
contrast agents in patients with reduced renal kidney
3 Clinical Features of NSF .................................................... 208
3.1 Pathophysiology..................................................................... 209 function or on dialysis. The introduction of guidelines has
3.2 Validation of NSF Cases....................................................... 210 led to a reduction in the incidence of NSF, but it is too soon
3.3 Cofactors in the Development of NSF ................................. 210 to state that it has been totally eliminated. The long-term
3.4 Prevalence .............................................................................. 211 effects of retention of gadolinium in the body require
3.5 Registries................................................................................ 211
further investigation.
4 Patients at Risk for NSF..................................................... 212
4.1 Determination of Glomerular Filtration Rate....................... 212
4.2 What to Do? .......................................................................... 213
5 Why did it Take so Long?.................................................. 213
1 Introduction
6 Has NSF Been Eliminated? ................................................ 214
7 Legal Aspects........................................................................ 214 Since early 2006, evidence has accumulated that some
gadolinium-based contrast agents, particularly gadodiamide,
8 Gadolinium and Patients with Normal
Renal Function ..................................................................... 215 may cause a potentially devastating or even fatal sclero-
derma-like, fibrosing condition called nephrogenic systemic
9 Conclusion ............................................................................ 215
fibrosis (NSF) in patients with renal failure (Thomsen 2006;
References...................................................................................... 216 Thomsen et al. 2007a; Thomsen and Bennett 2012). Some
months later it was shown that gadopentetate dimeglumine
may also trigger NSF, but not with the same frequency as
gadodiamide (Wertman et al. 2008). This development
shocked the radiological community because for many years
it was believed that gadolinium-based contrast agents were
very safe. However, since gadolinium-based agents were
introduced, there have been rapid developments in MR
techniques and in the use of these agents, which could not
have been foreseen when most of the agents were developed
and underwent early testing (phase I–III trials).
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 207
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_903, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
208 H. S. Thomsen
lanthanides (Evans and Drouven 1983). ‘‘Biochemistry of hemodialysis treatment, but there are centers where most
Lanthanides’’, a comprehensive text about these ions, was patients were not on hemodialysis.
published in 1990 (Evans 1990). The abstracts and discus- The first signs of NSF may be seen within hours of
sions of the 1991 workshop on contrast-enhanced magnetic exposure to gadolinium-based contrast agents, but may
resonance organized by the Society of Magnetic Resonance occur as late as 3 months after exposure (Marckmann et al.
in Medicine were published in Magnetic Resonance in 2008). It has even been claimed that NSF may occur several
Medicine (SMRM workshop on contrast enhanced magnetic years after exposure to a gadolinium-based contrast agent.
resonance 1991), but were not widely read. At this meeting, During the latent period, gadolinium may have accumulated
the stability of non-ionic linear-chelated gadolinium agents in a tissue other than skin, for example, bone. Tweedle et al.
was heavily debated. It was noted that pathological changes (1995) studied 153Gd release from four different gadolin-
which occurred after exposure to a non-ionic linear chelate ium-based contrast agents in mice and rats and found that
gadolinium agent were not seen after exposure to an ionic gadolinium was retained in liver and bone, with greater
linear agent. Preclinical findings with a new non-ionic linear amounts with the linear than with the macrocyclic agents.
chelate, gadopendiamide, were reported in 1992. Because of These findings were confirmed by Wadas et al. (2010) in
concerns about the safety findings, which were similar to mice, and they also showed that retention of gadolinium in
those seen after other non-ionic linear chelates, clinical trials bone was greater in renally impaired mice. Transmetalla-
of gadopendiamide were not undertaken (Müller et al. 1992). tion, in which gadolinium exchanges with cations that occur
In 1995, a Belgian group showed that, over time, gadodi- naturally in the body, starts immediately after the agent has
amide releases gadolinium in serum (Maton et al. 1995). entered the blood (‘‘Gadolinium Chelates and Stability’’),
Unfortunately, the report of this observation was not released particularly when there is increased phosphate in the blood
until 2012 when it was made public by the Danish Ministry of (Frenzel et al. 2008).
Health. Frenzel et al. (2008) made similar observations and In most patients NSF begins with subacute swelling of the
noted that in serum non-ionic linear agents released the toxic distal extremities, followed in subsequent weeks by severe
gadolinium ion, differing significantly from other agents. The skin induration , which may extend to involve the thighs,
first paper discussing transmetallation was published in 1988 forearms, and lower abdomen (Cowper et al. 2008;
and actually included a warning about the use of less stable Marckmann et al. 2008). The skin induration may be
gadolinium-based contrast media in patients with renal aggressive and associated with constant pain, muscle rest-
impairment (Tweedle et al. 1988). It will never be known lessness, and loss of skin flexibility. In some cases, NSF leads
why these safety concerns did not receive attention outside a to serious physical disability, including becoming wheel-
small group of experts, but the sequence of events illustrates chair bound. For many patients, the skin thickening inhibits
the importance of disseminating all information to physicians flexion and extension of joints, resulting in contractures.
and to the regulatory authorities. Severely affected patients may be unable to walk or fully
extend the upper and lower limb joints. Complaints of
muscle weakness are common, and deep bone pain in the
3 Clinical Features of NSF hips and ribs has been described. Radiography may show soft
tissue calcification. There is great variability. NSF severity
NSF was first described in San Diego, California, USA in may be graded from 0 to 4: 0 no symptoms, 1 mild physical,
1997 as an idiopathic skin condition characterized by cosmetic, or neuropathic symptoms not causing any kind of
thickening and hardening of the skin of the extremities and disability, 2 moderate physical and/or neuropathic symptoms
sometimes the trunk, with an increase in the number of limiting physical performance to some extent, 3 severe
dermal fibroblast-like cells associated with collagen symptoms limiting daily physical activities (walking, bath-
remodeling and mucin deposition. However, it took another ing, shopping, etc.), and 4 severely disabling symptoms
3 years before the observation was reported in the peer- causing dependence on aid or devices for common, daily
reviewed literature (Cowper et al. 2000). Observations from activities (Marckmann et al. 2008). Marckmann et al. (2008)
four medical centers were included in the report. The reported that approximately 50 % of their patients had
diagnosis of NSF is not easy. It requires systematic exam- developed severe or ‘‘disabling’’ stage 3 and 4 NSF.
ination of the skin as well as careful light-microscopy of a NSF was initially observed in and thought to affect the
deep skin biopsy. The diagnostic scoring system proposed skin only, so it was called nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy
by the NSF registry in New Haven (Connecticut) should be (NFD), but it is now known that it may involve organs such as
followed (Girardi et al. 2011). the liver, lungs, muscles, and heart. Involvement of internal
NSF affects all ages and races. The typical patient has organs may explain the suspected increased mortality of NSF
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) (Thomsen et al. 2007a; patients. In up to 50 % of patients the disease is progressive
Cowper et al. 2008). Most reported patients are on regular and severe. NSF may contribute to death by causing scarring
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 209
of organs (which impairs normal function), by restricting in NSF is caused by circulating fibrocytes recruited from the
effective ventilation, or by restricting movement leading to circulation, rather than by proliferation of resident dendritic
falls, which may cause fractures or hemorrhage. Other cells. In addition, hybridization studies have showed a
patients have died as a result of renal disease or transplant marked increase in TGF b mRNA levels in the skin and
surgery. In one study it was shown that 18-month mortality fascia of patients with NSF (Cowper 2007; Cowper et al.
was increased significantly compared to patients without 2008).
NSF (40 vs. 16 %, respectively), with an adjusted hazard Sieber et al. (2008a) gave rats with normal renal function
ratio of 2:9 (95 % CI (1.3–6.5), p = 0.008) (Todd et al. repeated injections of 2.5 mmol kg-1 of six different gad-
2007). Swaminathan et al. (2008) found that of 32 patients olinium-based contrast agents over a 20-day period.
with nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, 10 died at a median of 2.5 mmol kg-1 is a high dose for humans but not for rats
112 days after diagnosis. At autopsy (3 patients) there were because of the much more rapid clearance of these agents
appreciable amounts of gadolinium, iron, and aluminum, as from the blood in rats. Skin lesions consistent with human
measured by indirectly coupled plasma-mass spectrometry NSF were seen as early as 8 days after starting nonformu-
and confirmed by X-ray fluorescence, in the heart, blood lated gadodiamide exposure and 20 days after starting for-
vessels, and skin. In this high-risk group, it is difficult to mulated gadodiamide [gadodiamide plus the excess ligand
differentiate deaths caused by complications of the underly- caldiamide, (the commercial solution)] solution, but not
ing disease and its treatment from those due to NSF. when gadopentetate was given. The highest Gd3+ concen-
Since the first 2–3 years after the link between gadolin- trations in the skin and the most advanced skin lesions were
ium and the development of NSF was recognized, very little found in animals that received the low stability agents. Skin
has been added to the typical clinical picture: (1) use of a changes occurred despite the rats’ normal renal function and
non-ionic linear gadolinium-based contrast agent (not nec- the fact that the biological half-life of gadolinium-based
essarily in high doses as it has occurred after agents in rats is approximately one-sixth of that in man. In a
0.1 mmol kg-1), (2) renal insufficiency including treatment further study of rats given 2.5 mmol kg-1 of six gadolin-
with dialysis, (3) great variability in involvement from a ium-based agents, the highest concentrations of gadolinium
small skin plaque to generalized involvement of the skin in skin, liver, and bone occurred with gadodiamide. With
and internal organs. There is very likely to be a further gadopentetate, skin gadolinium concentration was 10 times
unknown factor, or factors, as all patients with renal less and with gadoterate and gadobutrol 30 times less
insufficiency exposed to a non-ionic linear chelate do not (Sieber et al. 2008b). A previous study in humans showed
develop NSF, at least within the current follow-up period. that Gd3+ deposition in bone occurs in patients with normal
renal function: Gd3+ retention in bone with gadodiamide
was 2–4 times more than with the macrocyclic agent gad-
3.1 Pathophysiology oteridol (White et al. 2006). These studies suggest that
multiple large doses of low stability gadolinium-based
In patients with advanced chronic kidney disease, the contrast agents may cause heavy metal intoxication even in
elimination half-life of gadolinium-based contrast agents patients with normal renal function.
can be prolonged to 30 h or more (Morcos et al. 2002). Serum from NSF patients has recently been shown to
Release of free Gd3+ from gadolinium-based contrast agents stimulate fibroblast hyaluron synthesis by up to sevenfold
by transmetallation and spontaneous dissociation is likely to and collagen by up to 2.4-fold compared to control fibro-
occur if the contrast agent remains in the body for a long blast cultures incubated with serum derived from healthy
time, as, for example, in patients with end-stage renal dis- volunteers and dialysis patients not suffering from NSF.
ease, including those on dialysis (Morcos 2007). Three Fibroblasts exposed to gadodiamide (1.0 mM) for up to
consecutive hemodialysis sessions over 6 days would be 7 days showed significant stimulation of proliferation
required to clear 97 % of the dose of gadolinium- based (Edward et al. 2008). Gadodiamide has also induced the
contrast agents from the body. Only 69 % of the dose would expression of a-smooth muscle actin staining, suggesting
be removed after 20 days of continuous ambulatory peri- induction of a myofibroblast phenotype (Edward et al.
toneal dialysis (Morcos et al. 2002). It seems reasonable to 2008). Further studies comparing various gadolinium-based
suggest that free Gd3+ ions become attached to endogenous contrast agents are required to show whether they have
anions particularly phosphate and form insoluble salts that different effects on fibroblasts. In vitro studies on human
deposit in tissues. These insoluble molecules will then be fibroblasts in culture showed that gadodiamide stimulates
engulfed by local macrophages, which in turn will release a fibroblast proliferation and collagen production but has no
range of cytokines, including TGF b, which attract circu- significant effect on keratinocytes. The stable macrocyclic
lating fibrocytes and initiate the process of fibrosis (Morcos agent meglumine gadoterate had no effects except at very
2007; Parazella 2007). There is evidence that tissue fibrosis high (10 mM) concentrations (MacNeil et al. 2011).
210 H. S. Thomsen
The ultrastructural site of gadolinium retention in the probably was the cause of the second patient’s death
skin of rats with impaired renal function given formulated (Marckmann 2008; Bennett et al. 2012a, b). Sadly neither
gadodiamide (gadodiamide plus the excess ligand caldia- the Medicines Agency nor the manufacturer started a major
mide) has been evaluated. Gadolinium was detected extra- review of these cases.
cellularly around segments of the collagen fibrils and The authorities only need four simple facts: (1) initials,
intracellularly within fragments of collagen fibrils in fibro- birth date, and sex of the patient, (2) the adverse event, (3)
blasts and in histiocytes (Haylor et al. 2012). In rats given name of the drug, and (4) name of the reporting person,
the same doses of gadoterate no gadolinium was detected including occupation. However, this limited information
within skin collagen fibrils or fibroblasts and there were no requires validation before the case can be confirmed as
skin changes similar to NSF. Bone, liver, and kidney were being NSF associated with use of a gadolinium-based
also examined and the greatest difference between gadodi- contrast agent. Validation becomes even more difficult
amide and gadoterate was in the skin, where the concen- when several gadolinium products have been used in a short
tration of gadolinium was 40 times greater with period of time. Thus, if two different gadolinium-based
gadodiamide than with gadoterate (Haylor et al. 2012). contrast agents have been injected, for example, within
8 weeks of each other or longer, it may be impossible to
determine with certainty which agent triggered the devel-
3.2 Validation of NSF Cases opment of NSF and the situation is described as
‘‘confounded.’’ In this situation, the agent that is most likely
Because NSF may mimic other skin lesions that occur in to be responsible is the one that has triggered NSF in other
patients with end-stage renal failure (Tables 1 and 2), the unconfounded situations.
diagnosis of NSF should never be made without histological
evaluation by an experienced dermatopathologist as well as
a careful inspection of the skin by an experienced derma- 3.3 Cofactors in the Development of NSF
tologist or nephrologist (Girardi et al. 2011). The diagnostic
scoring system proposed by the NSF registry in New Haven Time has shown that two factors are important for the
(Connecticut) should always be used (Girardi et al. 2011); it development of NSF: (1) reduced renal function and (2)
allows more objective assessment of cases. Use of the Yale exposure to one of the less stable gadolinium-based contrast
scoring system should be an essential criterion used by agents. However, NSF does not develop in all at-risk patients
editors when they accept papers. Some cases reported as after exposure to the less stable gadolinium-based contrast
NSF, for example, to the health authorities, after investi- agents (Thomsen et al. 2007a) and many investigators have
gation turned out not to be NSF. sought cofactors that may destabilize these agents.
Correlation of the disease with exposure to drugs or Many cofactors have been suggested: High doses of
contrast media requires adequate documentation of patient erythropoietin (EPO), metabolic acidosis, iron and ferritin,
exposure. Not all radiology departments had adequate reg- chronic inflammation, hypercoagulability, thrombotic
istration systems for the dose and name of the contrast events, recent vascular surgery, recent renal transplant
medium used. Sometimes nicknames were used indepen- failure, recent surgery, anion gap, or increased phosphate.
dent of the product administered or a brand-name continued However, no universal cofactor apart from renal failure has
to be used even though a new product had been introduced. been identified. Marckmann et al. (2007) could not identify
Also the patient’s weight was not recorded. Incomplete any exposure/event other than gadodiamide common to
records caused problems in retrospective studies looking for more than a minority of the patients who developed NSF.
unsuspected NSF cases. In the future it is very important The Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that
that a record is always kept of the type and amount of each only exposure to gadolinium-based contrast agents during
injection of gadolinium-based contrast agent given and that the preceding 6 months or preceding year remained statis-
all new cases of NSF are reported to the appropriate tically significant in their case–control study of 19 NSF
National Regulatory Authority. Interestingly, no National cases (Center For Disease and Prevention 2007). Over 36 %
Medicines Agency had any record of NSF before the first 20 of the patients in the Four American University Study were
cases of gadodiamide-induced NSF were submitted to them outpatients (Wertman et al. 2008) and the authors concluded
on March 30th 2006 (Stenver 2008) or almost 1 year after that NSF is also seen in patients who have renal compro-
the first thoughts about a correlation were submitted for mise but whose medical condition is relatively stable. The
publication (Grobner 2006). In Denmark, one case was majority of 19 patients in the study by Marckmann et al.
reported in 2003 and another in 2004 under another diag- (2007) belonged to this group.
nosis; review of the histopathologic specimen in 2006 Current knowledge suggests that there may be several
showed that the correct diagnosis was NSF and this cofactors that increase the risk of NSF after some
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 211
gadolinium-based contrast agents. However, some of the About 6 years after the first paper (Grobner 2006) indi-
factors may have been listed just by chance because cating a link between gadolinium-based contrast agents and
enhanced MRI was performed when the particular factors development of NSF, only a few questionable cases of NSF
were present. For example, in some departments enhanced after exposure to a macrocyclic agent or to a high-relaxivity
MRI is done as part of the evaluation of thromboembolic agent (i.e., the protein-binding agents gadobenate dimeg-
symptoms, post surgical complications, etc., whereas in lumine, gadofosveset trisodium, gadoxetate disodium) have
other departments MRI is not used in these situations. been published in the peer-reviewed literature. A few
Therefore, one institution may report that NSF occurs more unconfounded cases have been reported after gadobutrol,
frequently in patients with particular conditions but others but there is uncertainty about the histopathologic changes
cannot confirm it because they use enhanced MRI differ- (Wollanka et al. 2009; Elmholdt et al. 2010; Collidge et al.
ently. Although NSF has not been totally eradicated, the 2010). Reilly (2008) found no NSF cases in 141 patients on
number of patients is so small, at least in Western Europe, long-term dialysis who had received gadoteridol and Janus
North America, and Japan, that it is unlikely that the missing et al. (2010) found no cases of NSF in 135 patients with
factor or factors will ever be identified in man. The high-risk advanced renal impairment (GFR \ 30 ml/min) who had
agents are now little used in the above-mentioned countries. received gadoterate. Nearly the same number of patients
have received a macrocyclic agent as a non-ionic linear
agent, when the three macrocyclic agents are taken together.
3.4 Prevalence Up to 2012, a total of 711 NSF cases have been pub-
lished (Pirovano et al. 2012). It is likely that they constitute
In several studies, based on pathologic or nephrologic reg- only a small percentage of all cases. It is not known how
isters, the prevalence of NSF after exposure to gadodiamide many patients developed NSF because only two studies
has been reported to be between 3 and 7 % in patients with include systematic inspection of the skin in patients with
reduced renal function (Thomsen and Marckmann 2008). In reduced renal failure or on dialysis, and patients may have
patients with CKD 5 (GFR less than 15 ml min-1 died with or of undiagnosed NSF between 1996 and 2006.
1.73 m-2), who have been contacted and examined, it may
be as much as 18 % (Rydahl et al. 2008); all those with
suspicious lesions had a skin biopsy. The prevalence was 3.5 Registries
higher after two injections (or more) (36 %) than after a
single injection (12 %), indicating a cumulative effect Many registries have collected data about NSF cases and
(Rydahl et al. 2008). Todd et al. (2007) reported that 30 % this leads to confusion. The International Center for
of patients on dialysis had developed NSF based on a sys- Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy Research (ICNFDR,
tematic examination of the patients in five dialysis centers; has collected cases of NSF submit-
biopsies were only taken in a few patients. In the peer- ted to them since 2000. A case can only be registered if the
reviewed literature only one center has reported a large head of the registry, Dr. Shawn Cowper, has evaluated the
number ([10) of NSF cases after gadopentetate dimeglu- histologic specimen and agrees with the diagnosis of NSF.
mine (Todd et al. 2007), whereas many centers have Since 8 June 2006, the FDA has encouraged reporting of
reported more than 10 cases after gadodiamide (Thomsen American cases through Med-Watch. The cases are not
and Marckmann 2008). This difference is not just a reflec- validated and many do not fulfill the aforementioned criteria
tion of the market share of the two products, because gad- or the criteria for being included in the International Reg-
opentetate dimeglumine has been administered to as many istry. Nonetheless, the figures are quoted frequently. The
as 4–5 times the number of patients who have had gado- same applies to the reports submitted to National Regula-
diamide. In the Four American University Study, the overall tory Authorities in the various European countries, all of
incidence was 0.039 % after gadodiamide and 0.003 % which rely on the vendor to collect the validating data. Both
after gadopentetate dimeglumine (Wertman et al. 2008). the Contrast Media Committees of the American College of
The benchmark incidence of NSF was one in 2,913 patients Radiology and the European Society of Urogenital Radi-
who underwent gadodiamide-enhanced MRI and one in ology have asked their members to report cases, but these
44,224 patients who underwent gadopentetate dimeglu- again are not validated. Also the vendors have a registry,
mine-enhanced MRI (p \ 0.001). The study was based on which should be identical to that of the National Regulatory
patient records from databases of dermatology, pathology, Authorities, but is not, because vendors do not use the same
internal medicine, nephrology, transplant surgery, and criteria. Finally, there is the peer-reviewed literature, which
radiology departments and not systematic examination of provides the most reliable information, but suffers from
patients with reduced renal function exposed to a gadolin- delays in the collection of data and the publication process.
ium-based contrast agent. By 1 February 2008, 190 cases (confirmed by biopsy and
212 H. S. Thomsen
clinical examination) had been reported in the peer- creatinine excretion per body weight (UV/kg) was esti-
reviewed literature: 157 had gadodiamide, 8 had gadopen- mated from age in hospitalized patients; creatinine clear-
tetate, 3 had gadoversetamide, and in 5 no exposure could ance was then calculated by multiplying by weight and
be verified. In 18, the agent could not be identified and 4 dividing by serum creatinine (P) using the standard ‘‘UV/P’’
received several agents (Broome 2008). During the fol- clearance formula. Not surprisingly, the high-risk patients
lowing 4 years the figure for published cases increased to who were used to develop the Cockcroft-Gault equation had
711 (Pirovano et al. 2012), and gadodiamide is still the lower muscle mass (creatinine excretion) than healthier
agent in most cases. individuals in the general population.
The Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD)
equation was published in 1999 and later simplified (Levey
4 Patients at Risk for NSF et al. 1999, 2000, 2007). This equation automatically esti-
mates GFR from serum creatinine for most laboratories.
Patients at higher risk are those with CKD 4 and 5 The equation was developed using patients who had CKD
(GFR \ 30 ml min-1), those on hemo- or peritoneal dial- identified by elevated serum creatinine levels and who had a
ysis and patients with reduced renal function who have had fourfold higher risk for progressing to ESRD. Despite the
or are awaiting liver transplantation (Thomsen et al. 2007a; selective nature of the equation population, it has been
Thomsen 2007). Patients at lower risk are those with CKD 3 widely advocated that estimated GFR (eGFR) be reported
(GFR 30-59 ml min-1) and children under 1 year, because when \60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 instead of reporting serum
of their immature renal function. To date, no cases where creatinine levels.
the patient had normal renal function, CKD 1 and 2 The most accurate results are obtained with the Cockroft-
(GFR [ 60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2), have been reported in the Gault equation, whereas the most precise formula is the
literature. Patients with acute renal failure are at particular Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) study
risk as the reduced renal function may be overlooked by a equation. Unfortunately, the predictive capabilities of these
single determination of their estimated glomerular filtration formulae are suboptimal (Bostom et al. 2002). In addition,
rate (eGFR). If they receive a less stable gadolinium agent they are not useful for patients with a glomerular filtration
when they have low renal function and then develop NSF, rate above 60 ml min-1 (Stevens et al. 2006). Different
NSF does not disappear when the renal function improves methods also can result in very different values for glo-
(Kalb et al. 2008). merular filtration rate (Stevens et al. 2006; Band et al. 2007;
Eken and Kilicaslan 2007). For example, a 43-year-old
70 kg male patient with a creatinine level of 264 lmol l-1
4.1 Determination of Glomerular Filtration has a glomerular filtration level of 32 ml min-1 if it is
Rate calculated by the Cockcroft-Gault equation. The same
patient will have a glomerular filtration level calculated by
Accurate determination of the glomerular filtration rate is the MDRD equation of 33 ml min-1 if he is Afro-American
not easy. The most precise method measures inulin clear- and 27 ml min-1 if he is Caucasian. Thus, it would have
ance and isotope methods give similar results (Blaufox et al. been illegal to use one of the less stable agents in a Cau-
1996). However, both methods are cumbersome and casian if the glomerular filtration rate had been estimated by
impractical for daily use (Thomsen et al. 2005). Measure- the MDRD equation, but not if it had been estimated by the
ment of serum creatinine is not satisfactory because more Cockcroft-Gault equation.
than 25 % of older patients have normal serum creatinine In 2009, a third equation CKD-EPI (Chronic Kidney
levels but reduced glomerular filtration rates. A single Disease Epidemiology Collaboration) was published (Levey
determination of the glomerular filtration rate does not et al. 2009). It was developed in an effort to create a formula
exclude acute renal insufficiency more accurate than the MDRD formula, especially when
Renal function can also be estimated using specially actual GFR is greater than 60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2. Pooled
derived predictive equations that use not only serum cre- data from 10 studies including 8,254 patients were used to
atinine but also characteristics such as weight, height, race, validate the new equation. Around 16 additional studies,
and gender (‘‘Chronic Kidney Disease, Serum Creatinine which included 3,896 participants, were used for external
and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)’’). validation. The CKD-EPI equation performed better than the
The Cockcroft-Gault equation was published in 1976 and MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study)
was widely adopted for estimation of creatinine clearance equation, especially at higher GFR, with less bias, and
from serum creatinine levels (Cockroft and Gault 1976). greater accuracy. Michels et al. (2010) concluded that
The equation was developed using two steps: First, urinary the absolute bias of all formulae is influenced by age. The
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 213
CKD-EPI and MDRD formulas are also influenced by GFR, Table 1 Skin lesions that may mimic nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
and the Cockcroft-Gault equation is additionally influenced on clinical examination [adapted from Cowper (2007)]
by body weight and BMI. In general, CKD-EPI gives the Scleromyxedema
best estimation of GFR, although the performance is close to Eosinophilic fasciitis
that of MDRD (‘‘Chronic Kidney Disease, Serum Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome
Creatinine and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Toxic oil syndrome
Sclerodermoid graft-versus-host disease
Fibrosis (induced by drugs, silica, or organic solvents)
undiagnosed and only severe changes that have led to sig- 7 Legal Aspects
nificant disability have been noticed. Access to MRI has
increased considerably since 2000 and new techniques such In May 2006, the FDA issued their first warning based on the
as step-wise angiography based on a single contrast medium reports from Austria and Denmark. In February 2007 the
injection are now available. Until recently, most radiolo- European Medicines Agency (EMA) stated that the use of
gists and clinicians did not know about NSF. Since this gadodiamide in patients with poor renal function was con-
adverse effect was unknown, it was not included in the traindicated and in June 2007, the contraindication was
approved summary of product characteristics, and would extended to gadopentetate dimeglumine. In July 2007 gad-
not have been linked to the contrast medium by physicians, oversetamide was approved for the European market with
even if an adverse drug effect was considered (Thomsen and the same contraindication as had already been issued for
Bennett 2012). There must be sufficient cases of a new gadodiamide and gadopentetate dimeglumine. In November
syndrome to evaluate before clinicians can recognize its 2008 Denmark requested a European review of gadolinium
association with a particular drug (Bennett et al. 2012a, b). contrast media. In July 2010 the European Commission
In view of all these circumstances, it is not surprising that it endorsed changes to the product summaries of the different
took time for the connection to be recognized. gadolinium-based contrast agents proposed by the EMA; in
general the review confirmed the decisions taken by the
EMA in 2007 (Commission Decision of 1.7.2010). In their
6 Has NSF Been Eliminated? reports, the EMA classify agents as being at high, interme-
diate, or low risk of inducing NSF, based on their chemical
The FDA has received more than 1600 reports of NSF, all properties. They recommended that intermediate risk agents
of patients who had an injection of gadolinium-based are avoided in patients with poor renal function and that low
contrast medium before 2010 (Bennett et al. 2012a, b). A risk agents can be used with caution. There are no clinical
total of 711 NSF cases have been published (Pirovano studies to support the differentiation of intermediate from
et al. 2012). These cases probably represent the tip of the low risk agents and the FDA does not make this distinction.
iceberg. Many patients with NSF may have died from In September 2010, the FDA finally followed the EMA and
1996 through 2006 without having their diagnosis recog- stated that gadoversetamide, gadodiamide, and gadopente-
nized. In a French study of more than 500 patients tate dimeglumine were contraindicated in patients with poor
undergoing dialysis, 56 % received a gadolinium-based renal function (Food and Drug Administration. Press
contrast agent after 2009 (Amet et al. 2012), and they did Release September 9th 2010). The marketing authorization
not find any cases of NSF. The overwhelming majority holder of gadoversetamide had already voluntarily stated
received gadoterate, but six received a gadolinium-based that its use was contraindicated in patients with poor renal
contrast agent that was contraindicated according to the function in November 2009. Since the fall of 2010, the drug
Summary of Product Characteristics. Possible explanations regulatory authorities in Europe and the US have agreed
are that information about dialysis treatment was not about the precautions necessary for the use of gadolinium-
included on the request for the examination, that the based contrast agents (Thomsen 2010).
technician administered the wrong vial by mistake, or that Recently, the American College of Radiology (ACR
kidney function tests were not recorded or were incorrectly Committee on Drugs and Contrast Media 2012) changed
recorded. While agents which are contraindicated in some their recommendations. The Committee stated that NSF
patients are available in a department, mistakes will hap- developing after gadolinium-based contrast medium
pen. Such mistakes may not be recognized, but, if they administration to patients with eGFR [ 30 ml min-1
are, will any skin changes which occur be reported to the 1.73 m-2 is exceedingly rare but eGFR determinations may
health authorities? Because administration of gadodiamide, fluctuate from one day to the next (with an eGFR level just
gadopentetate, and gadoversetamide in patients with above 30 on one day changing to an eGFR below 30 on
reduced renal function has been contraindicated in Europe another day). Therefore, they concluded that the precautions
since 2007, the responsible radiologist will be in a difficult described above for CKD4 and CKD5 patients should also
legal situation if the patient mistakenly receives this be recommended for patients with an eGFR \ 40 ml min-1
product and develops NSF. Thus, it is premature to con- 1.73 m-2, whereas no special precautions are required in
clude that NSF has been totally eliminated. As part of the patients with an eGFR of 40–59 ml min-1 1.73m-2. In
process of eliminating NSF, the introduction of guidelines Europe the recommendations still follow the Summary of
(Thomsen 2007) for the use of gadolinium-based contrast Product Characteristics of gadodiamide, gadoversetamide,
agents has been beneficial. and gadopentetate, and these agents may only be used with
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 215
Table 2 Histopathologic differential diagnosis for nephrogenic gadolinium will accumulate in the bone and it will stay there
systemic fibrosis [adapted from Cowper (2007)] for many years (Abraham and Thakral 2008). What will
Scleromyxedema happen when the gadolinium is released from bone, for
Eosinophilic fasciitis example, when osteoporosis increases bone turnover? The
Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome release of an overload of gadolinium might cause classic
Toxic oil syndrome toxicity symptoms, not NSF. Free gadolinium may produce
liver necrosis, obstruct calcium ion passage through muscle
Sclerodermoid graft-versus-host disease
cells, and interfere with intracellular enzymes and cell
Fibroblastic rheumatism
membranes by the process of transmetallation, a phenome-
B2-microglobulin amyloidosis non whereby Gd3+ replaces endogenous metals such as zinc
Systemic sclerosis/morphea and copper. The safety of multiple injections of gadolinium-
Sclerodermia of Buschke based contrast agents has never been studied; the phase I-III
Amyloidosis studies that led to approval by the health authorities included
Carcinoid syndrome only a single injection in man and in most cases at a dose of
Porphyria cutanea tarda 0.1 mmol kg-1 body weight. Since then there has been a
major revolution in the use of enhanced MRI. The chance of
having several enhanced MRI examinations within a shorter
period is much higher now than 15 years ago when there
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
were only 1,000–2,000 MRI units world-wide and each had
Melanoma (spindle-cell variant) a lower throughput. The phase I-III studies did not foresee
Granuloma annulare these changes and can therefore not be used to document
safety of these products as they are now used. One product
could easily be safe in the 1993 environment, but not
special caution in patients with an eGFR of 30–59 ml min-1 15 years later.
1.73-2 (Thomsen et al. 2013; ‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Another risk group could be patients with diabetes
Contrast Media Version 8.1’’). mellitus; after approximately 10 years, 50 % may develop
diabetic nephropathy, but these patients cannot be identified
when they have normal renal function. If some gadolinium
8 Gadolinium and Patients with Normal remains in the body from a MR-examination when the
Renal Function patient had normal function, it is possible that this patient
will develop more severe NSF after enhanced MRI with a
Gadolinium has been demonstrated in the skin of patients less stable agent when their GFR becomes severely reduced
with NSF (High et al. 2007; Abraham et al. 2008) and in the (CKD 5). Marckmann et al. (2007) showed that, indepen-
bone of patients who had received a gadolinium-based dent of renal function, patients with severe NSF had a
contrast agent but did not develop NSF (White et al. 2006). higher life-time dose of the gadolinium-based agent than
The bone accumulation was about four times greater after a those developing non-severe NSF.
linear chelate agent than after a non-ionic cyclic agent in A lot of detailed and careful research is vital before we
patients with normal renal function (White et al. 2006). The can be sure that there will not be new problems in
rates of dissociation of gadolinium from macrocyclic ligands 10–20 years because of retention of the heavy metal gad-
are several orders of magnitude slower that their dissociation olinium in the body for long periods of time.
from linear systems (Rosky et al. 2008). The amount of
gadolinium in the skin of patients with NSF seems to
increase up to 3 years after the last exposure to a gadolin- 9 Conclusion
ium-based contrast agent (Abraham et al. 2008). Where does
it come from? Bone has a slow turnover. The long-term NSF is an important delayed adverse reaction to some
implications of gadolinium deposition in bone , which is gadolinium-based contrast agents, which occurs in patients
likely to occur more commonly in pediatric patients because with impaired renal function (Thomsen 2006). The recog-
of the more active bone creation in this population, have yet nition of this reaction to agents previously considered to be
to be determined (Wertman et al. 2008). Another risk group very safe emphasizes the need to have a good clinical
could be patients who undergo multiple-enhanced MRI indication for all enhanced MRI examinations, to choose an
examinations, for example, women with an increased risk of agent that leaves the smallest amount of gadolinium in the
breast cancer who may follow recommendations to undergo body (stable agents and high relaxivity agents), and to keep
annual enhanced MRI. After each examination some complete records of the type and dose of agent given.
216 H. S. Thomsen
Research into the etiology of NSF has drawn attention to Cowper SE, Robin HS, Steinberg SM et al (2000) Scleromyxoedema-like
the retention of gadolinium in the body tissues long after an cutaneous disease in renal dialysis patients. Lancet 356:1000–1001
Cowper SE, Rabach M, Girardi M (2008) Clinical and histological
enhanced MR examination even in patients with normal findings in nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Eur J Radiol 66:200–207
renal function. The safety implications of this are as yet Diego DR (2008) Nephrogenic system fibrosis: a radiologist’s
unclear and further research is necessary. practical perspective. Eur J Radiol 66:220–224
Edward M, Quinn JA, Mukherjee S (2008) Gadodiamide contrast
agent ‘activates’ fibroblasts: a possible cause of nephrogenic
systemic fibrosis. J Pathol 214:584–593
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Organ-Specific Gadolinium-Based
Contrast Media
Marie-France Bellin and Peter Leander
Contents Abstract
Organ-specific contrast agents were developed after
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 219 conventional extracellular gadolinium chelates and there
2 Organ-Specific Gadolinium Chelates ................................ 219 are fewer data about their safety. They belong to different
2.1 Gadobenate Dimeglumine ..................................................... 220 classes of agent and therefore exhibit different physico-
2.2 Gadoxetic Acid ...................................................................... 221 chemical properties, modes of action, and metabolic
3 MR Angiography Blood Pool Agent: Gadofosveset pathways. Currently, agents for both hepatobiliary imag-
Trisodium.............................................................................. 222 ing and blood pool imaging are available commercially.
4 Conclusion ............................................................................ 223 Based on laboratory data, all these agents are considered
to be in the ‘intermediate risk’ category for inducing NSF.
References...................................................................................... 223
NSF has not been reported after any of these agents, but
clinical experience is extremely limited for two of them.
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 219
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_898, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
220 M.-F. Bellin and P. Leander
central nervous system (CNS), hepatic MRI and MR angi- currently approved in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, and
ography, and gadoxetic acid disodium (Gd-EOB-DTPA), Australasia for MR imaging of the central nervous system
which is approved for hepatic MRI in some European (CNS) and related tissues, liver, and MRA of the renal and
countries, Japan and the US. They are paramagnetic com- aorto-ilio-femoral vessels in adults and children over
pounds that are taken up by functioning hepatocytes and 2 years of age.
excreted in bile. Gadobenate dimeglumine and gadoxetic Gadobenate dimeglumine behaves as a conventional
acid disodium are eliminated by both the renal and hepa- extracellular contrast agent in the first minutes following
tobiliary routes. Hepatic uptake accounts for 2–4 % of the administration and can be used for dynamic bolus imaging.
injected dose of gadobenate (kidney pathway: 96–98 %) It then behaves as a liver-specific agent in a later, delayed
and 50 % of the injected dose of gadoxetic acid disodium phase, 40–120 min after administration. As it is taken up
(kidney pathway: 50 %) in patients with normal hepatic and specifically by normally functioning hepatocytes through a
renal function. complex interplay of various carrier systems, it produces a
marked and long-lasting enhancement of the normal liver
parenchyma. As most tumor nodules are devoid of func-
2.1 Gadobenate Dimeglumine tional hepatocytes, they do not take up the agent and thus
appear hypointense on enhanced MR images (Hamma et al.
The ionic, linear agent gadobenate dimeglumine (Gd- 1999; Kirchin et al. 2001). Numerous clinical trials have
BOPTA) was initially developed for liver imaging. It has shown that Gd-BOPTA increases sensitivity and specificity
only slightly greater R1- and R2-relaxivity than gadopen- and thus increases detection and characterization of liver
tetate in vitro, but its relaxivity in plasma is almost twice tumors (Rosati et al. 1994; Caudana et al. 1996; Vogl et al.
that of gadopentetate because of weak protein binding. The 1997; Kirchin et al. 1998; Manfredi et al. 1998, 1999;
beneficial effect of this increased relaxivity was soon Hamm et al. 1999; Grazioli et al. 2000; Peterstein et al.
explored in other routine applications such as brain imag- 2000).
ing, perfusion MR, and MR angiography. Unlike other Four exhaustive reviews have been published (Rosati
available gadolinium-based agents that are excreted exclu- et al. 1994; Hamm et al. 1999; Kirchin et al. 2001; Shellock
sively by glomerular filtration in the kidneys, Gd-BOPTA is et al. 2006), including extended clinical experience from
eliminated by both the renal and hepatobiliary pathways phase I studies to post-marketing surveillance. They
(Kirchin et al. 1998, 2001; Spinazzi et al. 1999). Hepatic reported a low incidence of serious events and confirmed
uptake accounts for 2–4 % of the injected dose in man. the excellent safety profile of Gd-BOPTA. Between July
In addition, this agent has a capacity for weak and 1990 and September 2000, 2,891 subjects participated in 65
transient protein binding (Cavagna et al. 1997), making it clinical trials, including 2,540 subjects (2,430 adults and
suitable for MR angiography (Schneider et al. 2010) with an 110 children) who received Gd-BOPTA. One thousand nine
in vivo T1 relaxivity approaching twice that of the con- hundred and eighty-six (78.2 %) subjects received a single
ventional gadolinium chelates. The approved dose for injection and 554 subjects received two or more injections.
hepatic imaging is 0.05 mmol kg-1 (0.1 ml kg-1 of a For adult patients and volunteers, the overall incidence of
0.5 M solution) and for CNS imaging and MR angiography adverse events was 19.8 % and events potentially related to
0.1 mmol kg-1 (0.2 ml kg-1 of a 0.5 M solution). Gadob- Gd-BOPTA administration were reported in 15.1 % of adult
enate dimeglumine should be administered undiluted fol- patients. Headache, injection site reaction, nausea, abnor-
lowed by a bolus of 0.9 % sodium chloride solution. It is mal taste, and flushing were the most common adverse
Organ-Specific Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 221
events, with a reported frequency of between 1.0 and 2.6 %. conditional stability constant and no excess chelate. It is yet
Serious adverse events potentially related to Gd-BOPTA not known whether biliary excretion conveys a decreased
were reported in five (0.2 %) patients. An apparent ten- risk for developing NSF. Because of the increased relaxivity
dency toward a greater incidence of both total and study of gadobenate dimeglumine, it may be possible to inject a
agent-related events was noted in patients younger than half dose (0.05 mmol kg-1) without losing efficacious
65 years and in studies conducted in the US compared to contrast enhancement. This possible advantage should be
Europe. evaluated by further research (Lin and Brown 2007).
A study comparing gadobenate dimeglumine and gado- The package insert indicates that patients should be
pentetate dimeglumine for MR imaging of liver tumors observed during the 15 min following injection as the
reported an incidence of adverse events of 4.7 % (6/128) for majority of severe adverse events occur within 15 min after
gadobenate versus 1.6 % (2/127) for gadopentetate, but the injection. Gadobenate dimeglumine is contraindicated in
difference was not significant (Küwatsürü et al. 2001). patients with known allergy or hypersensitivity reactions to
Results of controlled studies were available in 410 patients gadolinium.
and revealed no differences between Gd-BOPTA and Gd-
DTPA or placebo in the incidence and type of adverse
events. For the controlled liver study and for patients with 2.2 Gadoxetic Acid
renal impairment, end-stage renal disease, or hepatic
impairment, the incidence of adverse events following Gd- Gadoxetic acid disodium (Gd-EOB-DTPA) is a paramag-
BOPTA administration was similar to that following pla- netic hepatobiliary contrast medium with hepatocellular
cebo administration. There were no clinically important uptake via the anionic-transporter protein and a molecular
changes in vital signs, clinical laboratory data, or ECG weight of 726 Da. In human plasma, it has a higher
findings. The most frequently reported adverse event among T1-relaxivity than Gd-DTPA (R1 8.2 mM-1 s-1) because
the hematology parameters was hypochromic anemia of a greater degree of protein binding (*10 %). At body
(0.6 %). In the pediatric population (n = 110 subjects), the temperature, the aqueous formulation of 0.25 mol l-1 has
incidence of adverse events was 12.7 %; one event was an osmolality of 890 mOsmol kg-1 water, a viscosity of
classified as severe but not related to the study agent, and 1.22 mPa, and a thermodynamic stability constant of log
two events were classified as serious (one report of wors- KGdL=23.46. Biodistribution studies revealed dose-depen-
ening of vomiting that was considered to be possibly rela- dent renal (40.9 ± 2.35 %) and biliary (57.0 ± 2.49 %)
ted, and one report of hypoxia that was considered to be not excretion without signs of metabolism and an enterohepatic
related). In a review evaluating the safety and tolerability of recirculation of approximately 2.1 ± 0.56 % (Schühmann-
gadobenate dimeglumine relative to that of gadopentetate Giampieri et al. 1992; Weinmann et al. 1992; Hamm et al.
dimeglumine in 924 subjects (including 174 pediatric sub- 1995).
jects) enrolled in ten clinical trials, Shellock et al. (2006) Like other gadolinium agents, gadoxetic acid disodium
showed that the safety profile of gadobenate dimeglumine behaves as a conventional extracellular contrast agent in the
was similar to gadopentetate dimeglumine in patients and first minutes following administration and can be adminis-
volunteers. In a retrospective analysis of the occurrence of tered as a fast intravenous bolus. The liver-specific, delayed
adverse events which included 38,568 patients (Herborn phase starts earlier than Gd-BOPTA and delayed imaging
et al. 2009), adverse events totaled 1.2 %, and 11 patients can be started as early as 15–20 min after administration,
(0.03 %) experienced serious adverse events. The most giving it a logistic advantage over the other liver-specific
frequent findings were nausea, vomiting, and a feeling of media (Giovagnoni and Paci 1996; Reimer et al. 2004).
warmth (Herborn et al. 2009). No safety concerns were Since it is given as a bolus, dynamic imaging is possible.
noted in a phase III study comparing gadobenate dimeglu- The uptake of Gd-EOB-DTPA by the hepatocytes allows
mine and gadopentetate dimeglumine (Martincich et al. imaging to be performed in parenchymal phases as well.
2010). The excellent safety profile of gadobenate dimeg- Therefore, twofold lesion information is obtained: lesion
lumine was confirmed in the pediatric population in a ret- vascularity during the dynamic phase and lesion cell com-
rospective study which included 200 pediatric inpatients position during the late phase of imaging (Halavaara et al.
(Schneider et al. 2013). No clinically adverse events were 2006; Raman et al. 2010; Ichikawa et al. 2010), leading to
reported among children and there were no changes in improved detection and characterization of focal hepatic
creatinine or bilirubin levels even in very young children. lesions compared with unenhanced MR imaging (Raman
No unconfounded case of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis et al. 2010, Ichikawa et al. 2010). The excretion by the
(NSF) that could be related to the administration of gad- biliary system is significantly greater than with Gd-BOPTA
obenate dimeglumine has been reported in adults or in (2–4 %), making contrast-enhanced MR cholangiography
children. Gadobenate dimeglumine has a very high also feasible (Bollow et al. 1997).
222 M.-F. Bellin and P. Leander
A preclinical safety evaluation study of gadoxetic acid Gd-EOB-DTPA reported 21 drug-related adverse events
disodium concluded that it was well tolerated with high (Ichikawa et al. 2010). In another single-center study, it has
safety margins between the single diagnostic dose and the also been shown that the total clearance of Gd-EOB-DTPA
doses showing adverse effects in animal studies (Dohr et al. did not significantly change in patients with mild and
2007). No indications of reproductive or developmental moderate hepatic impairment, while the pharmacokinetics
toxicity, potential contact allergenic, or genotoxic effects profile significantly changed in patients with end-stage renal
were observed. No organ toxicity was observed. failure, with an increased T1/2 (Geshwend et al. 2011). In
For gadoxetic acid disodium, premarketing safety data in addition, no unconfounded case of NSF has been reported in
humans are available from registration clinical trials. In the literature that could be related to the administration of
phase I trials with tested doses between 0.01 and Gd-EOB-DTPA. However, the number of patients with
0.1 mmol kg-1 body weight, no serious side effects or reduced renal function who have received this contrast
changes in laboratory values were seen in 44 healthy vol- agent is not known.
unteers (Hamm et al. 1995). The phase II trials were con- Recently, Davenport et al. (2013) reported that intrave-
ducted in two parts. As a result of these trials, nous gadoxetate disodium can result in acute self-limiting
0.025 mmol kg-1 body weight (or 7 ml for a 70 kg adult) dyspnea which can reduce the quality of arterial phase MR
was considered to be the optimum dose for clinical use. images. Dyspnea was observed in 14 out of 99 patients, and
While no adverse events were reported in any of 33 patients was significantly more frequent than in the gadobenate
in the first part (Reimer et al. 1996), eight minor adverse group, in which it occurred in 5 out of 99. This effect was
events were reported in the second part in six of 171 not seen in the registration studies and needs further
patients. No adverse effects were graded as serious and investigation.
there were no significant changes in vital parameters or Interactions of Gd-EOB-DTPA with commercially
laboratory values (Stern et al. 2000). In the phase III mul- available drugs have only been tested in animal models. In a
ticenter trial reported by Huppertz et al. (2004), 162 patients rat model, only rifampicin significantly decreased hepatic
received Gd-EOB-DTPA and showed improved liver lesion enhancement, while prednisolone, doxorubicin, cisplatin,
detection. A total of 21 adverse events were recorded in 11 and propanolol led to a slight increase in enhancement
patients (6.8 %). Of these, 13 were definitely, possibly, or (Kato et al. 2002).
probably related to the contrast medium, and most frequent
symptoms included nausea, headache, altered taste, vaso-
dilatation, and injection site pain (Bollow et al. 1997; 3 MR Angiography Blood Pool Agent:
Huppertz et al. 2004). In a review summarizing the safety Gadofosveset Trisodium
data on Gd-EOB-DTPA from phase II and phase III clinical
studies conducted in Europe, Japan, and the US (Breuer Gadofosveset (MS-325) was the first intravascular contrast
et al. 2003), a total of 120 (8.5 %) of the 1,404 patients agent approved in 2005 in the European Union for magnetic
experienced one or more adverse effects, which in 3.4 % of resonance angiography (MRA) in adults. Its indications were
the patients were considered by the investigator to be def- peripheral arterial disease, aortoiliac occlusive disease, crit-
initely, possibly, or probably related to the drug. None of ical limb ischemia, and renal artery stenosis. In 2008, the
the eight serious adverse events that occurred in five FDA approved its use for the evaluation of aortoiliac occlu-
patients were considered to be drug related. The excellent sive disease in adults. On 18 October 2011, the European
clinical tolerance of Gd-EOB-DTPA was confirmed by the Commission issued a decision to withdraw the marketing
results of the phase III study conducted by Bluemke et al. authorization for gadofosveset, following a decision of the
(2005), which enrolled adult patients who had liver lesions marketing authorization holder to voluntarily withdraw the
and were scheduled to undergo liver surgery. They received marketing authorization for commercial reasons. Today, the
25 lmol kg-1 (0.1 ml kg-1) Gd-EOB-DTPA as an intra- product is still in use in the US and Canada.
venous bolus injection at a rate of 2 ml s-1. Fifteen events This gadolinium-based blood-pool contrast agent non-
in 10 patients were classified as definitely, probably, or covalently binds to albumin in the blood. This reversible
possibly contrast material-related and were all mild or binding to albumin enhances the paramagnetic effectiveness
moderate in intensity. The authors concluded that compared of gadolinium and allows the administration of lower con-
with pre-contrast imaging, post-contrast MR imaging with trast agent doses compared with the doses needed for con-
Gd-EOB-DTPA gave improved sensitivity for lesion ventional MR angiography (Nikolaou et al. 2006).
detection in two of three blinded readers, with no substantial Gadofosveset is 2–3 times more stable than Gd-DTPA at pH
adverse events (Bluemke et al. 2005). In a multicenter 7.4 and is 10–100 times more kinetically inert (Caravan
prospective study which included 178 patients with sus- et al. 2001). In addition, the albumin-binding characteristic
pected focal hepatic lesions, 9.6 % of patients who received extends the vascular lifetime of the agent and thus allows
Organ-Specific Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media 223
longer vascular imaging time, potentially higher spatial appeared higher with gadofosveset trisodium (9.2 % of
resolution, and larger anatomic coverage. T of the agent is patients in the renal studies and 7.7 % in the peripheral
about 18 h in patients with normal renal function or 12 studies after gadobenate dimeglumine compared with
times longer than that of the traditional extracellular gad- 30.3–22.1 % of patients after gadofosveset trisodium). It is
olinium-based contrast agents. The recommended dose is not known how many patients with end-stage renal failure
only 1/3–1/4 of the standard dose recommended for the have been examined with gadofosveset and as yet no
extracellular agents. Hepatic uptake accounts for 9 % of unconfounded cases of NSF following its administration
the injected dose of gadofosveset with 91 % excreted by the have been reported (Chrysochou et al. 2010).
kidney. This contrast agent has been reported to provide Other possible applications of blood-pool agents are now
significant improvement in effectiveness (increase in accu- being considered. They include the assessment of venous
racy, sensitivity, and specificity) over unenhanced MRA for thromboembolism, coronary artery disease, sinus venous
the assessment of aortoiliac occlusive disease (Goyen et al. thrombosis, and also perfusion MR studies, and monitoring
2005; Rapp et al. 2005) and arterial disease of the foot of inflammatory changes.
(Bosch et al. 2008). However, recent comparative studies
with gadobenate dimeglumine for MR angiography of the
renal or aorto-iliac-femoral arteries reported either similar
4 Conclusion
(Iezzi et al. 2011) or better (Schneider et al. 2010) diag-
nostic performance for gadobenate dimeglumine than gad-
Organ-specific contrast agents were developed later than
ofosveset trisodium.
conventional extracellular gadolinium chelates and fewer
Results of previous dose-range studies have shown that
data exist about their safety. They belong to different classes
0.03 mmol kg-1 was the most clinically appropriate dose
of agent and therefore exhibit different physicochemical
for MR angiography of aortoiliac occlusive disease (Per-
properties, modes of action, and metabolic pathways. In
reault et al. 2003). Steger-Hartmann et al. investigated the
each category, at least one agent has been approved for
toxicity of gadofosveset (Steger-Hartmann et al. 2006),
clinical use to improve lesion detection and characterization
including studies of acute, repeated-dose, reproductive, and
on MR examinations. Despite the inherent toxicity of the
developmental toxicity as well as local tolerance, immu-
Gd ion and the relatively newness of Gd-based organ-spe-
notoxicity, and mutagenic potential. They concluded that
cific contrast agents, these contrast agents are simple to use
gadofosveset was well tolerated with reasonable safety
and appear in general to be safe and well tolerated (Chry-
margins between the single diagnostic dose of
sochou 2010). Guidelines on the safety aspects are pre-
0.03 mmol kg-1 in humans and the doses resulting in
sented in Appendix A. The European Regulatory
adverse effects in animal studies. In 2006, Shamsi et al.
Authorities and the European Contrast Safety Committee of
published a summary of safety of gadofosveset at
the European Society of Urogenital Radiology classify all
0.03 mmol kg-1 body weight dose in phase II and phase III
three agents as having ‘‘intermediate risk of NSF’’ (Stenver
clinical trials. No severe adverse events were reported in the
phase II trial. Overall safety data were pooled from eight
studies that included subjects with known or suspected
vascular disease who were administered 0.03 mmol kg-1
gadofosveset (767 subjects) or placebo (49 subjects). References
Pooled data revealed no clinically significant trends in
adverse events, laboratory assays, vital signs, oxygen satu- Bellin MF, Zaim S, Auberton E et al (1994) Liver metastases: safety
ration, physical examination, and electrocardiography. and efficacy of detection with superparamagnetic iron oxide in MR
imaging. Radiology 193:657–663
Contrast agent-related adverse events were reported by 176
Bellin MF, Vasile M, Morel-Precetti S (2003) Currently used non-
(22.9 %) patients receiving gadofosveset and by 16 specific extracellular MR contrast media. Eur Radiol
(32.7 %) patients receiving placebo (Shamsi et al. 2006). 13:2688–2698
The most common adverse events were nonspecific and Bluemke AD, Sahani D, Amendola M et al (2005) Efficacy and safety
of MR imaging with liver specific contrast agent: US multicenter
were: feeling hot, nausea, headache, burning sensation,
phase III study. Radiology 237:89–98
feeling cold, paresthesia, vasodilatation, and dry mouth Bollow M, Taupitz M, Hamm B et al (1997) Gadolinium-ethoxyben-
(Rapp et al. 2005; Bosch et al. 2008). Most of the treatment- zyl-DTPA as a hepatobiliary contrast agent for use in MR
related adverse events occurred within 5 min after gado- cholangiography: results of an in vivo phase-I clinical evaluation.
Eur Radiol 7:126–132
fosveset administration, and most of them resolved spon-
Bosch E, Kreitner KF, Peirano MF et al (2008) Safety and efficacy of
taneously within 15 min (Bosch et al. 2008). In a study gadofosveset-enhanced MR angiography for evaluation of pedal
comparing gadobenate dimeglumine with gadofosveset tri- arterial disease: multicenter comparative phase III study. Am J
sodium (Iezzi et al. 2011), the rate of adverse events Roentgenol 190:179–186
224 M.-F. Bellin and P. Leander
Breuer J, Balzer T, Shamsi K et al (2003) Clinical experience from multicenter comparison between gadoxetic acid disodium-
phase II and phase III studies for Gd-EOB-DTPA: a new liver enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and contrast-enhanced
specific MR contrast agent. Eur Radiol 13(Suppl 2):S109 computed tomography predominantly in patients with hepatocellu-
Brismar TB, Kartalis N, Kylander C, Albiin N (2012) MRI of lar carcinoma and chronic liver disease. Invest Radiol 45:133–141
colorectal cancer liver metastases: comparison of orally adminis- Iezzi R, Soulez G, Thurnher S et al (2011) Contrast-enhanced MRA of
tered manganese with intravenously administered gadobenate the renal and aorto-iliac-femoral arteries: comparison of gadobe-
dimeglumine. Eur Radiol 22:633–641 nate dimeglumine and gadofosveset trisodium. Eur J Radiol
Caravan P, Comuzzi C, Crooks W et al (2001) Thermodynamic 77:358–368
stability and kinetic inertness of MS-325, a new blood pool agent Kato N, Yokawa T, Tamura A et al (2002) Gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-
for magnetic resonance imaging. Inorg Chem 40:2170–2176 diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid interaction with clinical drugs
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Part VII
Ultrasonographic Contrast Media
Ultrasonographic Contrast Media
Contents Abstract
Different microbubble ultrasound contrast agents have
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 229 been approved for abdominal and cardiac applications,
2 The Acoustic Properties of Microbubble-Based and their use has increased over recent years. Experi-
Ultrasound Contrast Media................................................ 230 mental studies with high power ultrasound beams have
3 Experimental Findings with Microbubble-Based shown that microbubbles produce bioeffects in the cells
Ultrasound Contrast Media................................................ 230 of nearby tissues as a result of cavitation. To prevent
these effects, the power of the ultrasound beam should be
4 Clinical Safety of Ultrasound Contrast Media ................ 231
kept below the cavitation threshold. Clinically, most
5 Nonvascular Use of Ultrasound Contrast Media............. 233 adverse reactions result in minor, self-resolving events
6 Recommendations for the Use of Ultrasound such as headache, nausea, altered taste, and a sensation
Contrast Media .................................................................... 233 of heat. Anaphylactoid reactions, however, may rarely
7 Conclusion ............................................................................ 233 occur and usually resolve spontaneously or with symp-
References...................................................................................... 233 tomatic treatment. In a few cases anaphylactoid reactions
may be severe, or even fatal. Despite this, microbubble
contrast agents are safe by any reasonable standard, and
certainly are safe compared to iodine- and gadolinium-
based contrast agents.
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 229
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_899, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
230 M. Bertolotto and R. Oyen
Table 1 Ultrasound contrast agents currently licensed for clinical use. Research names are given in brackets
Product name Active component Shell Manufacturer
OptisonTM (FS069) Octafluoropropane Sonicated albumin GE Healthcare, Chalfont St. Giles, United Kingdom
DefinityTM (DMP115) Perfluoropropane Phospholipids Lantheus Medical Imaging, North Billerica, MA, USA
SonoVue (BR1) Sulfur hexafluoride Phospholipids Bracco Imaging, Milan, Italy
SonazoidTM (NC100100) Perfluorobutane Phospholipids Daiichi Sankio, Tokyo, Japan
Table 2 Ultrasound contrast agents previously available for clinical use which were withdrawn from the market. Research names are given in
Product name Active component Shell Manufacturer
Echovist (SHU454) Air Galactose Bayer Healthcare AG, Berlin, Germany
AlbunexTM Air Sonicated albumin Molecular Biosystems Inc, San Diego, CA, USA
Levovist (SH U 508A) Air Galactose/Palmitic acid Bayer Healthcare AG, Berlin, Germany
Imagent/Imavist (AFO150) Perfluorohexane and nitrogen Surfactans Alliance Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, CA, USA
patients. Other relatively frequent adverse reactions are microbubbles collapse, producing a transient high intensity
nausea, flushing, paresthesiae, and altered taste. A limited broadband signal. With a lower power ultrasound beam, the
number of severe reactions have been documented, microbubbles undergo complex oscillation in the beam and
including, rarely, death. work by resonating, rapidly contracting and expanding in
Besides reactions that are apparent clinically, a number response to the pressure changes of the sound wave. A
of biological effects secondary to cavitation have been variety of contrast-specific ultrasound modes have been
shown experimentally. Cavitation may be responsible for developed to detect the nonlinear behavior of microbubbles.
subclinical tissue damage or physiological changes, Microbubble contrast agents are eliminated through the
including premature ventricular contractions and micro- lungs, by respiration, and through the liver. They are not
vascular damage. These effects can be avoided by keeping filtered by the kidney, nor are they able to enter the inter-
the power of the ultrasound beam (i.e., the mechanical stitial space. They act as blood pool agents until they are
index) below the cavitation threshold. metabolized. The absence of renal excretion explains why
they are not nephrotoxic. Some microbubble agents, how-
ever, have a postvascular hepato- and/or spleno-specific
2 The Acoustic Properties phase from 2 to 5 min after intravenous administration. This
of Microbubble-Based Ultrasound phenomenon is probably produced by adherence of the
Contrast Media microbubbles to the hepatic sinusoids or by selective uptake
of the microbubbles into the reticuloendothelial system by
Ultrasound contrast agents are gas-filled microbubbles with phagocytosis (Harvey et al. 2001).
a mean diameter less than that of a red blood cell (i.e.,
2–6 lm). They are composed of a shell of biocompatible
materials, including proteins, lipids, or biopolymers, which 3 Experimental Findings
contains gases of low solubility and diffusibility, such as with Microbubble-Based Ultrasound
perfluorocarbon or sulfur hexafluoride. There are only a few Contrast Media
products currently approved for clinical use (Table 1).
Some microbubble agents previously licensed have been The cavitation phenomenon refers to the activity, growth,
withdrawn for purely commercial reasons (Table 2). Other and disruption of microbubbles. It has long been recognized
microbubble agents have been tested experimentally and as the most likely potential mechanism for the nonthermal
had a good safety profile, but have not been introduced in bioeffects of diagnostic ultrasound (Fowlkes 2008; Ultra-
the market. sound 1998b). Cavitation does not occur unless the tissues
Microbubbles behave as an active source of sound and are insonated by sufficient energy. The cavitation threshold
modify the characteristic signature of the echo from blood. depends on the number of microbubbles, on their physical
They are excellent enhancers because the acoustic imped- properties, and on the characteristics of the ultrasound
ance of gas is very different from that of blood. When beam. Microbubble disruption causes large changes in
properly insonated with a high power ultrasound beam, pressure and temperature in the neighboring structures,
Ultrasonographic Contrast Media 231
which results in free radical production (Ultrasound 1998a). Cavitation effects are unlikely to occur during a baseline
In addition, fluid shear stress generated in the vicinity of a ultrasound examination because suitable gases are normally
pulsating microbubble (microstreaming) can produce tran- practically nonexistent in the body (Church et al. 2008;
sient cell membrane damage, even at ultrasound energies Miller et al. 2008; Stratmeyer et al. 2008). The cavitation
below the threshold of disruption (Miller and Dou 2004a, b; hazard increases when microbubble contrast agents are
Ultrasound 1998c). This phenomenon, called sonoporation, given. This has caused some concern about the safety of
raises the possibility of therapeutic applications of micro- ultrasound contrast agents and may be a potential safety
bubble contrast agents, because ultrasound-triggered tran- issue in specific situations where vascular damage would be
sient increased permeability of cell membranes allows the harmful and therefore clinically important, such as the eye
uptake of DNA, drugs, and other therapeutic compounds and brain (Piscaglia et al. 2012).
from the extracellular environment (Deng et al. 2004; During therapeutic ultrasound, excessive heating of tis-
Miller and Bao 1998; Miller and Quddus 2000b; Miller sue has been documented (Fujishiro et al. 1998; Sokka et al.
et al. 2008). 2003; Wu 1998). It is therefore recommended that thera-
The mechanical index (MI) and the thermal index (TI) are peutic ultrasound and lithotripsy are avoided in the day after
commonly used to quantify the output of medical ultrasound the use of ultrasound contrast agents (Brayman and Miller
systems. The mechanical index (MI) gives an estimate of the 1997; Dalecki et al. 1997; Delius et al. 1994).
maximum amplitude of the negative pressure pulse in tis- Pulmonary effects have been studied. Animal studies
sues, and so allows prediction of the likelihood of cavitation showed no significant influence of ultrasound contrast
bioeffects in real time during contrast-enhanced ultrasound media on left ventricular function or myocardial blood flow
(CEUS) examination. The higher the MI, the greater the (Main et al. 1997; Meza et al. 1996). Dramatic cardiopul-
likelihood of cavitation effects in the tissues and the greater monary compromise may occur when microbubble contrast
the probability of side effects (Barnett et al. 2007). The agents are given intravenously to animals which have
thermal index (TI) is used to estimate the risk of temperature abundant pulmonary macrophages, such as pigs (Ostensen
increases during diagnostic ultrasound examinations. It is et al. 1992). During their pulmonary transit, microbubbles
the ratio of the total acoustic power to that required to pro- are recognized as foreign bodies and pulmonary macro-
duce a maximum temperature increase of 1 C in the tissue phages try to engulf them. They also release toxic chemi-
under defined conditions. The temperature rise depends on cals, including thromboxane A2, which raise pulmonary
the type of tissue and is particularly marked in bone. vascular resistance and can lead to a decrease in cardiac
In vitro studies have shown that ultrasound contrast output and resulting hypotension. This effect can be pre-
agents may cause hemolysis and platelet aggregation vented by pretreatment with indomethacin or aspirin, or
(Carstensen et al. 1993; Everbach et al. 1998; Miller and with a specific thromboxane A2 receptor blocker. The
Gies 1998; Poliachik et al. 1999). In vivo experimental reaction of the lungs to ultrasound contrast media differs
studies have also documented bioeffects associated with between species (Kaul and Wei 2009). Pigs are far more
CEUS (Carstensen et al. 2000; Dalecki 2007; Miller et al. prone to pulmonary uptake than species which normally
2008; ter Haar 2002). Capillary rupture and cell death were have fewer pulmonary macrophages such as rats (Walday
observed in skeletal muscle, myocardium (Kobayashi et al. et al. 1994), monkeys (Ostensen et al. 1992), dogs (Yamaya
2003; Li et al. 2003, 2004; Miller and Quddus 2000a; Miller et al. 2002), rabbits, and humans (Wei et al. 2012). There is
et al. 2005; Skyba et al. 1998), small bowel, mesentery, and concern that some diseases may be associated with
kidney (Kobayashi et al. 2002; Miller and Quddus 2000a; increased pulmonary macrophage number or activity, but
Wible et al. 2002). In liver, platelet aggregation and endo- the importance of this in increasing the risks of using
thelial cell damage were seen (Shigeta et al. 2004). Dis- microbubble contrast agents in humans is yet to be proved.
ruption of the blood–brain barrier not associated with
damage of the brain microvasculature has been documented
in rats and mice (Choi et al. 2011; Haggag et al. 1998;
Mychaskiw et al. 2000). Microbubble disruption in rat 4 Clinical Safety of Ultrasound Contrast
hearts is associated with troponin T increase (a marker of Media
myocardial ischemia) (Chen et al. 2002). Premature cardiac
contractions and several types of arrhythmias have also Despite extensive investigations (Borges et al. 2002; Myr-
been observed (Chapman et al. 2005; Dalecki et al. 2005; eng et al. 1999; Morel et al. 2000; Robbin and Eisenfeld
Miller et al. 2011; Zachary et al. 2002). Premature cardiac 1998), the side effects documented in animal studies have
contractions are thought to be an electrophysiological not been observed in clinical practice. The most common
response to irreversible cardiomyocyte injury induced by general adverse events reported, which occur in approxi-
ultrasonic cavitation (Miller et al. 2011). mately 2 % of patients, are the same as those seen with
232 M. Bertolotto and R. Oyen
other types of contrast media, namely, headache, warm administration, and issued new warnings and contraindica-
sensation, and flushing. More unusual events, occurring in tions for their use. In May 2008, the FDA revised their
\1 % of patients, are nausea and vomiting, dizziness, chills changes in labeling, and relaxed their previous warnings.
and fever, altered taste, abdominal pain, respiratory disor- As data on large series of patients have accumulated,
ders, pharyngitis, pruritus, rash, abnormal vision, dry evidence has mounted that microbubble contrast agents are
mouth, dizziness, personality disorder, insomnia, nervous- safe by any reasonable standard. Symptomatic premature
ness, hyperglycemia, peripheral edema, ecchymosis, and ventricular contractions have been observed during trig-
sensory-motor paresis (Jakobsen et al. 2005; Herzog 2008; gered imaging with ultrasound contrast medium (van Der
Myreng et al. 1999; Rott 1999; ter Haar 2002; Weiss et al. Wouw et al. 2000), but other investigations did not confirm
2012). Such effects are usually transient and mild, are these data (Kudo et al. 2002). In a retrospective analysis of
similar for many contrast agents, and were also seen in 78,383 echocardiographic contrast examinations (66,164
placebo groups. with Definity, 12,219 with Optison), more than 10,000
Very rarely, features suggestive of hypersensitivity, such injections were given to critically ill patients or to patients
as skin erythema, bradycardia, hypotension, or anaphylactic with acute chest pain of suspected cardiac origin. Severe
shock , have been reported associated with the use of reactions considered to be ‘‘probably’’ related to the ultra-
microbubble contrast agents. Few of these had a fatal out- sound contrast agent occurred in eight outpatients (0.01 %),
come (EMEA 2004; Wei et al. 2008). and all recovered (Wei et al. 2008). In a retrospective series
In a postmarketing analysis of 157,838 patients who had of 42,408 patients receiving microbubble contrast agents
SonoVue injection (Dijkmans et al. 2005) there were 19 (Optison and Definity) during myocardial perfusion imag-
severe adverse events (0.012 %), three (0.002 %) with a ing, matched with a cohort of 15,989 patients not receiving
fatal outcome (EMEA 2004). The patients who died had a ultrasound contrast agents, no significant differences in
high underlying risk of major cardiac complications (severe death or myocardial infarction rates were observed (Dolan
coronary artery disease, bradycardia, and hypotension et al. 2009). In a retrospective series of 58,254 patients with
accompanied by myocardial ischemia and/or infarctions) contrast-enhanced echocardiography, there was a 24 %
which could have been fatal independent of microbubble decreased risk of short-term (1-day) mortality compared to
use. There was no clear evidence of direct cardiac toxicity the noncontrast study (Main et al. 2008). In a retrospective
in any of these serious events. Also in the US, a postmar- study on 10,792 patients who underwent contrast-enhanced
keting survey reported four deaths within 30 min of contrast (Optison and Definity) stress echocardiography, no statis-
agent administration (Definity) for cardiac imaging, but the tical difference in the incidence of short-term events within
deaths were not clearly attributable to the contrast agent 72 h was observed, compared to the noncontrast study
injection (ter Haar 2009; Wei et al. 2008). (Abdelmoneim et al. 2009). In a retrospective analysis of
Although they are very rare, the possibility of severe the safety of SonoVue in more than 23,000 patients, the
adverse events following microbubble injection raised overall reported rate of serious adverse events was
concerns about the safety of ultrasonographic contrast 0.0086 % (two serious adverse events and no deaths)
agents and led to restriction of their approved indications (Piscaglia and Bolondi 2006). Several other investigations
both in Europe and in the US. In May 2004, the European have confirmed these data (Aggeli et al. 2008, 2012;
Medicines Agency (EMA) took precautionary measures Dijkmans et al. 2009; Gabriel et al. 2008).
which restricted the use of SonoVue to non-cardiac imaging Safety of microbubble contrast agents has also been
procedures. This restriction was later removed, and a pre- extensively tested in critically ill patients and in those with
cautionary statement was issued stating that extra caution acute coronary disease. In 3,704 consecutive patients with
should be exercised in patients with conditions such as stable chest pain and with suspected acute coronary syn-
severe hypotension, bradycardia, cardiac arrest, and myo- drome stress, contrast-enhanced echocardiography was not
cardial infarction. At present, SonoVue may be used 7 days associated with excess adverse events compared with
after an acute coronary syndrome. Intracoronary adminis- patients undergoing the unenhanced study, despite the
tration is not approved and is considered contraindicated, greater comorbidities, ischemic burden, and worse left
although it has been used without complications in thou- ventricular function of the group which received contrast
sands of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy agents (Anantharam et al. 2009). In 115 consecutive
undergoing septal ablation (Senior et al. 2009). Similarly, in patients with acute (\24 h) myocardial infarction, contrast
October 2007, the United States Food and Drug Adminis- agent administration did not induce any significant change
tration (FDA) emphasized the risks of serious cardiopul- in vital signs, physical examination, and ECG (Nucifora
monary reactions following microbubble contrast media et al. 2008).
Ultrasonographic Contrast Media 233
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Barium Preparations
Barium Preparations: Safety Issues
Sameh K. Morcos
Contents Abstract
Barium preparations are generally safe and adverse
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 239 effects are uncommon. This chapter describes these
2 Barium Sulphate .................................................................. 239 adverse effects which include colonic retention of
barium, leakage of barium from the gastrointestinal
3 Adverse Effects of Barium Sulphate Preparations.......... 240
tract, aspiration of barium into the bronchial tree, and
References...................................................................................... 241 intravasation of barium. Allergic reactions to the addi-
tives in the barium preparations may also occur.
1 Introduction
2 Barium Sulphate
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 239
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_900, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
240 S. K. Morcos
3 Adverse Effects of Barium Sulphate Toxic dilatation of the colon may be aggravated by
Preparations barium enema (Morcos 2000; Williams and Harned 1991).
Barium sulphate, even when sterile, can cause marked
Barium sulphate is insoluble in water and theoretically peritoneal irritation with considerable fluid loss into the
nontoxic (Morcos 2000). The particles of barium sulphate peritoneal cavity (Morcos 2000). Perforation into the peri-
suspension remain in the intestinal lumen and are not toneal cavity following barium enema occurs rarely. Those
absorbed. Barium ions are toxic, but the extremely small at risk are children, debilitated adults, or patients in whom
amounts of barium ions that are present in the suspension the colon is already weakened by inflammatory, malignant,
and available for intestinal absorption are regarded as being or parasitic disease. The perforation may be triggered by
of no practical importance (Almen and Aspelin 1995). manipulations involved in giving the barium enema or may
The adverse effects of barium preparations are summa- result from hydrostatic pressure (Morcos 2000). Perforation
rized in Table 1. of the colon by barium enema may result in death (Morcos
Oral or rectal administration of barium sulphate is usu- 2000). The incidence of perforation is approximately one in
ally safe but constipation and abdominal pain may occur 6,000 examinations. The mixture of barium and feces pro-
after barium meals or enemas (Smith et al. 1988). The main duces severe peritonitis and dense adhesions. The mortality
risk is that barium may remain in the colon for 6 weeks or has been reported to be 58 % with conservative treatment,
longer in elderly patients or patients with partial colonic and still as high as 47 % with surgical intervention
obstruction. Prolonged stasis of barium may occur follow- (Zheutlin et al. 1952). Early surgery is indicated and large
ing a barium enema into the distal loop of a colostomy volumes of intravenous fluids improve the prognosis.
(Morcos 2000). Baroliths (barium fecoliths) are rare com- Patients who recover may develop fibrogranulomatous
plications of barium contrast examinations and usually seen reactions and adhesions, which can lead to bowel obstruc-
in colonic diverticula. Baroliths are often asymptomatic but tion or ureteric occlusion (Morcos 2000). Perforation of the
may be associated with abdominal pain, appendicitis, bowel duodenum and barium leakage into the peritoneal cavity
obstruction, or perforation. They may even have to be may also occur rarely in patients with duodenal ulcer
removed surgically (Smith et al. 1988; Morcos and Brown (Morcos 2000).
2001). Baroliths of the small bowel are rare. A case of small Extraperitoneal perforation and leakage of barium into
bowel obstruction secondary to a barolith which developed the retroperitoneum or mediastinum may cause few imme-
at the site of narrowing of a loop of ileum caused by a diate symptoms, but delayed endotoxic shock can develop
carcinoid tumor has been reported (Regan et al. 1999). 12 h later and is frequently fatal. Inflammatory reaction
Interference with the flow of barium at this segment pre- leading to formation of barium granulomata and fibrosis
cipitated the development of the barolith. may occur. Painful masses, rectal strictures, and ulcers have
Barium Preparations: Safety Issues 241
been described following extraperitoneal leakage (Morcos metabolized and is eliminated unchanged from the body.
2000). However, some studies have demonstrated that very small
Intravenous barium intravasation after enema examina- amounts of barium ions can be absorbed from the GIT.
tion has also been reported and may be associated with Isolated cases of barium encephalopathy have been attrib-
mortality of up to 55 %. Barium emboli in the lungs , dis- uted to absorption of barium following the use of barium
seminated intravascular coagulation, septicemia, and severe sulphate (Morcos 2000). Plasma and urine barium levels
hypotension have been documented following barium in- can be elevated after oral barium sulphate administration. In
travasation. Most cases have been attributed to trauma from addition, many additives are present in commercial barium
the tip of the enema tube or retention balloon, mucosal products and are essentially the same as the additives used
inflammation, or misplacement of the tube in the vagina. in food products. Some of these agents can induce an
The amount and speed of intravasation of the barium, as immune response. A patient with a history of a severe
well as the site of the intravasation and the general health of reaction to barium agents should not receive barium prod-
the patient determine the outcome of this complication ucts again (Morcos and Brown 1999; Seymour and Kesack
(Morcos 2000; Williams and Harned 1991). Accidental 1997; Stringer et al. 1993).
administration of a barium enema into the vagina instead of Reactions to other aspects of the barium enema proce-
the rectum may occur and can be very hazardous: in a dure are now being recognized with increasing frequency
number of these patients there has been rupture of the and could be as common as one in 1,000 (Morcos 2000).
vagina with fatal venous intravasation of barium (Morcos They vary from urticarial rashes to severe anaphylactic
2000). Barium leaking into a sigmoid abscess during a collapse, and can be particularly severe in patients with
barium enema examination and intravasating into the portal asthma (Morcos 2000). Hypersensitivity to the latex balloon
venous system has been reported (Wheatley and Eckhauser catheter used in double contrast barium enemas appears to
1991). be a common mechanism (Ownby et al. 1991), but hyper-
Disseminated intravascular coagulation, septicemia, and sensitivity to glucagon, to the preservative methylparaben,
severe hypotension have also been documented following or to other additives seems to be responsible in some cases
venous intravasation of Gastrografin, a high osmolar water- (Morcos 2000).
soluble contrast medium preparation containing sodium and A fatal case of poisoning resulted from the use of barium
meglumine diatrizoate used for imaging of the GIT and sulphide that had been mistaken for barium sulphate has
suitable only for oral or rectal administration. (Glauser et al. been reported (Morcos 2000).
1999). Low osmolar water-soluble contrast media should be A guideline on the safe use of barium preparations can
used in preference to Gastrografin or barium preparations in be found in ‘‘ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media
patients with suspected compromise of bowel wall integrity. Version 8.1’’.
Aspiration of barium sulphate preparation into the lungs
during barium meal examination can cause significant
respiratory embarrassment particularly in patients with poor References
respiratory function and general condition. If thick barium
paste is inhaled, it occludes small bronchi and may cause Almen T, Aspelin P (1995) Contrast media in diagnostic radiology. In:
fatal asphyxiation. Aspiration of barium may also cause Pettersson H (ed) The NICER centennial book 1995. A global
fatal pneumonia (Lareau and Berta 1976; Gray et al. 1980; textbook of radiology, Chap 7. NICER Institute, Lund, p 131
Bechem C, Gunther H (1910) Barium sulphate as a shadow- forming
Tamm and Kortsik 1999; Morcos and Brown 2001). Per- contrast medium in radiological investigations. Z Rontgenk Rad-
sistent alveolar deposition of barium sulphate is seen on the iumfortschr 12:369–376
chest radiograph, and only decreases slightly over time Ginai AZ, Ten Kate FJW, Ten Berg RGM, Hoornstra K (1994)
(Tamm and Kortsik 1999). Bronchoscopy has been rec- Experimental evaluation of various available contrast agents for
use in the upper gastrointestinal tract in case of suspected leakage.
ommended early after barium aspiration to extract barium Effects on lungs. Br J Radiol 57:895–901
from the bronchial tree, and prophylactic antibiotic therapy Glauser T, Savioz D, Grossholz M et al (1999) Venous intravasation of
is important to prevent lung infection (Tamm and Kortsik Gastrografin: a serious but underestimated complication. Eur J
1999). Water-soluble low osmolar contrast media, which Surg 165:274–277
Gray C, Sivaloganathan S, Simkins KC (1980) Aspiration of high-
are better tolerated, should be used instead of barium density barium contrast medium causing acute pulmonary inflam-
preparations if there is a possibility of aspiration during an mation—report of two fatal cases in elderly women with
upper GIT examination (Ginai et al. 1994). disordered swallowing. Clin Radiol 40:397
Hypersensitivity reactions to products used during bar- Lareau DG, Berta JW (1976) Fatal aspiration of thick barium.
Radiology 120:317
ium meal examinations are extremely rare (Morcos 2000). Morcos SK (2000) Radiological contrast media. In: Dukes MNG,
Barium sulphate is generally regarded as an inert and Aronson JKS (eds) Side effects of drugs, 14th edn, Chap 46.1.
insoluble compound that is neither absorbed nor Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1603–1605
242 S. K. Morcos
Morcos SK, Brown P (1999) Radiological contrast agents. In: Aronson Stringer DA, Hassal E, Ferguson AC et al (1993) Hypersensitivity
JK (ed) Side effects of drugs, annual 24, Chap 46. Elsevier, reaction to single contrast barium meal studies in children. Paediatr
Amsterdam, p 503 Radiol 23:587–588
Morcos SK, Brown P (2001) Radiological contrast agents. In: Aronson Tamm I, Kortsik C (1999) Severe barium sulphate aspiration into the
JK (ed) Side effects of drugs, annual 24, Chap 46. Elsevier, lung: clinical presentation, prognosis and therapy. Respiration
Amsterdam, pp 524–525 66:81–84
Ownby DR, Tomlanovich M, Sammons N et al (1991) Anaphylaxis Wheatley MJ, Eckhauser FE (1991) Portal venous barium intravasa-
associated with latex allergy during barium enema examinations. tion complicating barium enema examination. Surgery
Am J Roentgenol 156:903–908 109:788–791
Regan JK, O’Neil HK, Aizenstein RI (1999) Small bowel carci-noid Williams SM, Harned RK (1991) Recognition and prevention of
presenting as a barolith. Clin Imaging 23:22–25 barium enema complications. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol 20:123–151
Seymour PC, Kesack CD (1997) Anaphylactic shock during a routine Zheutlin N, Lasser EC, Rigler LG (1952) Clinical studies on the effect
upper gastrointestinal series. Am J Roentgenol 168:957–958 of barium in the peritoneal cavity following rupture of the colon.
Smith HJ, Jones K, Hunter TB (1988) What happens to patients after Surgery 32:96
upper and lower gastrointestinal studies? Invest Radiol 23:822
Part IX
Pediatric Use of Contrast Media
Contrast Media Use in Pediatrics: Safety Issues
Michael Riccabona
Contents Abstract
Contrast media appear to be just as safe in children as
1 Introduction.......................................................................... 245 they are in adults. The risk factors are the same and the
2 Oral/Gastrointestinal Radiopaque Contrast Media ........ 246 same precautions should be taken. The main differences
relate to differences in technique necessitated by differ-
3 Iodine-Based Contrast Media for Other Intraluminal
Applications .......................................................................... 247 ences in size, differences in relative body compartment
size, growth, immature renal function, etc., as well as to
4 Intravascular Iodine-Based Contrast Media.................... 247
limited published evidence on their use and safety. Not
5 Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media ................................... 249 all agents are approved for use in children, but most of
6 Ultrasound Contrast Media................................................ 250 the nonapproved agents can be used off-label with the
informed consent of the parents.
7 Conclusion ............................................................................ 251
References...................................................................................... 251
1 Introduction
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 245
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_901, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
246 M. Riccabona
5. In children, there is a greater risk of fluid imbalance further in this chapter, the remainder of which focuses on
between different compartments, which is particularly contrast media.
important for gastrointestinal, oral, and rectal contrast
medium administration. This is very important when
using hyperosmolar contrast media, especially in pre-
mature infants and in young and sick children and infants 2 Oral/Gastrointestinal Radiopaque
with labile circulatory systems. Contrast Media
6. Not all contrast media are approved for pediatric use. For
some specific applications, such as liver-specific MR Oral radiopaque contrast media are used to image the gas-
contrast media and ultrasound contrast media, no regis- trointestinal tract, with typical pediatric indications being
tered agents are available for neonates and children. If gastrointestinal and anorectal malformations (e.g., atresia,
such agents are used in neonates, infants or children their duplication, fistula, stenosis, Hirschsprung’s disease, etc.),
use is off-label, which necessitates more detailed informed and anatomical and functional assessment of persistent
consent from the parents (‘‘Off-Label Use of gastro-esophageal reflux and neonatal stool transport and
Contrast Media: Practical Aspects’’). Also, licensing of passage problems. In general, particularly in older children,
contrast media and the approval process, as well as legal the use of radiopaque contrast media is similar to that in
requirements, vary significantly throughout Europe and adults, although less frequent. However, in the very young,
the rest of the world, making general statements difficult. because of the immature mucosal barrier and the greater
The Summary of Product Characteristics must be con- risk of fluid and electrolyte imbalance, there are some dif-
sulted for the agent in question. ferences in the ways contrast media are used.
Some other general considerations apply to all contrast Most commonly barium-based contrast media are used
agent use in infants and children. First, a higher level jus- because they give good opacification of the gastrointestinal
tification is needed for invasive investigations, and use of tract and outline the mucosal lining well. However, in large
contrast medium is a first step of invasiveness. Second, all amounts and higher concentrations, barium agents can
imaging using ionizing radiation must be based on a valid cause constipation and, to reduce this, emulsifiers have been
indication because neonates, infants and young children are added in modern formulations. Also, if perforation with
significantly more sensitive to radiation than adults and barium spill into the peritoneum occurs, it may cause per-
have a longer expected life span in which to experience itoneal granulomata (Eklöf et al. 1983; Williams and Har-
possible long-term adverse effects (Hammer et al. 2011; ned 1991; Hernanz-Schulman et al. 2000). Whenever there
Krille et al. 2012; Pearce et al. 2012). Third, the different is the risk of impaired bowel wall integrity or if there is
physiology and anatomy of children suggest that contrast extensive inflammation, barium-based contrast media
agent dynamics and long-term effects may be different from should be avoided and water soluble low- or iso-osmolar
those in adults. For example, it has been suggested that non-ionic iodine-based contrast media should be used
gadolinium may accumulate in the bone marrow under (Zerin 1992; Hiorns 2011).
certain circumstances, and may be particularly toxic to bone Hyperosmolar ionic iodine-based contrast media, most
marrow in young children, in whom there is active hemo- commonly containing amidotrizoate, have traditionally
poiesis occurring in the peripheral red bone marrow (Ho- been used for upper gastrointestinal tract studies as well as
cine et al. 1995; Idee et al. 2006). Currently, there is no for diagnosing and/or treating meconium transport problems
evidence that this occurs but it has not been fully investi- in newborns, especially those born preterm (Kao and
gated. It therefore seems prudent to recommend that mac- Franken 1995). With these contrast media, there is a high
rocyclic gadolinium-based contrast media, which are likely risk of fluid and electrolyte imbalance and mucositis, with
to leave the smallest amount of gadolinium in the bone resultant potentially disastrous and even life-threatening
marrow and the body, should be used in children. consequences (Leonidas et al. 1976). High osmolar iodine-
Finally, other methods of achieving contrast between the based agents are, therefore, usually contraindicated in
tissues should be used whenever possible to reduce the need neonates and infants and in many departments are banned,
for contrast media. Examples are using air to fill the gas- with non-ionic low- or iso-osmolar iodine-based contrast
trointestinal tract on plain films or at fluoroscopy, using media used instead. The only acceptable exception is if high
saline or water to fill and distend bowel and body cavities osmolar agents are diluted at least 3:1 and used to treat
for CT, MRI, or ultrasound, and using cranberry or blue- preterm babies with meconium transport problems under
berry juice or similar manganese containing drinks as bowel proper monitoring and with appropriate fluid and electrolyte
contrast media in MRI. These methods will not be discussed replacement.
Contrast Media Use in Pediatrics: Safety Issues 247
Table 1 Suggested choice of intestinal/enteral radiopaque contrast agent in neonates and young infants
Barium suspensions
Hirschsprung disease. Avoid overfilling. A small amount of barium to fill the recto- sigmoid only is often sufficient, unless there is a very long
aganglionic segment. If the barium is not evacuated, rinse with a saline enema to prevent impaction.
Standard assessment after necrotizing enterocolitis or similar conditions, in the follow-up phase, to assess for possible bowel stenosis and for
bowel patency
Oesophageal assessment
Risk of leakage or perforation
Severe inflammatory bowel disease
Marked constipation
Hyperosmolar iodine-based contrast media
Treatment of neonatal meconium plug and transport problems. Use in 1:3 dilution with saline, and monitor fluid and electrolyte balance.
Low-or iso- osmolar iodine-based contrast media
All other diagnostic problems, particularly the assessment of neonatal bowel obstruction, the assessment of bowel at risk of perforation, or
when there is severe bowel inflammation or severe constipation
Table 2 Recommended age-adjusted amount of diluted oral iodine- improve radiopaque contrast medium demonstration of the
based contrast medium (2 % solution) for pediatric CT detail of the gastric wall and bowel.
Age CM amount (ml)
Under 6 month 100
6 month–1 year 200
3 Iodine-Based Contrast Media for Other
Intraluminal Applications
1–3 years 300
3–10 years 700 Iodine-based contrast media are used in children to opacify
Older than 10 years 1,000 the bladder for voiding cystourethrography, and also rarely
for bronchography, fistulography, arthrography, or sialog-
Non-ionic low- and iso-osmolar iodine-based contrast raphy, or for interventional procedures which require body
media are the agents of choice, particularly in neonates and cavities to be outlined. These studies, especially filling body
infants with possible fistula or at risk of aspiration or per- cavities to guide intervention, should be done with the same
foration, although they provide less good contrast and contrast media as are used intravascularly, i.e., low- or iso-
poorer outlining of the bowel contour. Very rarely, it may osmolar iodine-based agents. Hyperosmolar ionic iodine-
be necessary to use other agents where high mucosal detail based contrast media should only be used in intact systems
is required provided there are no specific contraindications where there is no risk of extravasation or accidental intra-
(Table 1). In older children, low-osmolar iodine-based vascular administration, for example, for voiding cystou-
agents can be used as an alternative when barium-based rethrography, commonly using a low-iodine concentration
suspensions are contraindicated (McAlister and Siegel such as 100–150 mgI ml-1. The subtle antimicrobial effect
1984; Basu et al. 2009). of the hyperosmolar agents may be advantageous for cys-
For oral bowel contrast during pediatric CT, diluted low- tography (Dawson et al. 1983; Speck 1999).
osmolar iodine-based contrast media (e.g., iopamidol) in a
2 % solution are usually used, with the volume given based
on the patient’s age (Table 2) (Sorantin et al. 2002; Sorantin 4 Intravascular Iodine-Based Contrast
2013). Media
For some indications, air may serve as an ideal negative
contrast agent, for example, to diagnose and reduce intus- Iodine-based contrast media are mainly used intravascularly
susception or to diagnose deep and high bowel obstruction, for CT and interventional procedures, and are also used for
and this may help to reduce the use of iodine-based contrast diagnostic angiography. Occasionally, they are used for
media. Air may also be used for double contrast studies to intravenous urography, but this is increasingly being
248 M. Riccabona
Table 3 Recommended weight- and age-dependent dose and concentration for pediatric intravenous iodine-based contrast agent use when using
age adapted KV settings
Age Iodine concentration (mg/ml) Dose (ml/kg b.w.)
Less than 1 year 150–200 2.5
Between 1 and 2 years 200–250 2.0
Older than 2 years 250–300 1.5
Older than 6 years 300–350 1–1.5
Note 1. Use a higher iodine concentration for smaller and more peripheral vessels, and with higher KV. 2. Do not administer more than 100 ml of
contrast agent
Adapted from Sorantin 2013
replaced by MR-urography or ultrasonography. Beyond (ACR) of oral Prednisone 0.5–0.7 mg/kg (up to 50 mg) at
infancy, the indications and contraindications for these 13, 7, and 1 h before contrast medium injection, and
agents and their renal excretion are similar to those in adults Diphenhydramine 1.25 mg/kg (up to 50 mg) 1 h before
and will not be discussed further as they are considered in contrast medium injection (ACR 2012, 2012a, 2012b).
other chapters. The risk of acute and delayed reactions A particular point of discussion is whether low- or iso-
after intravascular iodine-based agents was evaluated by osmolar iodine-based contrast media are preferable. It is
Mikkonen et al. (1995). possible that low-osmolar low-viscosity contrast media may
In neonates and infants, however, there is very little protect the immature kidney in particular, compared to iso-
evidence-based data on renal contrast agent excretion. The osmolar contrast media, by keeping sufficient fluid within
neonatal kidney is immature and its function is less than the vascular bed to prevent sluggish flow and secondary
20 % of that in an adult. Also, in neonates, especially those complications (Persson 2011). This phenomenon may also
that are premature, and in young infants, fluid volume and affect contrast medium flow through the renal tubules, and
osmolar balance are less stable and circulating relative low-osmolar agents may prevent stasis there also.
blood volume is larger than in older children and adults. Contrast agent concentration and iodine load have not
This means that particular care is necessary when contrast- been studied in infants, so there is insufficient evidence to
enhanced studies in neonates, infants, and in preterm babies produce general guidelines on the optimal contrast medium
are being considered. iodine concentration to use. It has been suggested that a
The recognized complications of iodine-based contrast concentration of 150–350 mg I ml-1 concentration is suf-
media, such as contrast-induced nephropathy, ‘allergic’ ficient in neonates, infants, and young children, with the
reactions, and thyrotoxicosis in patients at risk, also occur in lower concentration chosen for younger patients, especially,
children. Appropriate precautions, similar to those in adults, since lower KV settings of 80 or 100 kV are used. How-
have to be taken, such as checking for renal disease or renal ever, higher iodine concentrations and higher KV settings
functional impairment, and assuring adequate hydration may be necessary to assess small peripheral vessels on CT-
(Brasch 2008; Riccabona et al. 2010). Serum creatinine angiography (Frush 2008; Zoo et al. 2011; Sorantin et al.
levels in children are much lower than in adults because 2013a, b).
they have less muscle mass, and the appropriate normal The dose of a contrast agent depends on its concentration
range for age must be used (Schwartz et al. 1976). GFR and on the iodine load; the higher the iodine load, the lower
calculation should be done with equations adapted to be the dose and the greater the contrast achieved. However,
suitable for young pediatric patients (Filler et al. 2013, since neonates and infants have a relatively higher circu-
Langlois 2008; Ring et al. 2008, Schwartz and Work 2008; lating blood volume, a higher dose of contrast agent may be
Schwartz et al. 2009). necessary. In general, 2 ml kg-1 (to a maximum of
For premedication before contrast medium and treatment 3 ml kg-1) is suggested for neonates, 2 ml kg-1 for infants,
of adverse reactions, different strategies dependent on age and thereafter 1–1.5 ml kg-1 (Pärtan 2013; Sorantin et al.
are recommended. These are usually developed as a stan- 2002, 2013a, b) (Table 3). Higher doses and higher iodine
dard in a given institution, in cooperation with the pedia- concentrations have been used for CT-angiography or
tricians and anesthesiologists, and are similar to the interventional procedures, particularly cardiography and
recommended measures in adults. There are also some angiography, but this was associated with an increased
guidelines for more general use. An example is the corti- incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy (Frush 2008;
costeroid and antihistamine premedication regimen for Kurian et al. 2013; Heran et al. 2010). Higher contrast agent
children with known allergy to iodine-based contrast media doses therefore must be considered when risk versus benefit
recommended by the American College of Radiologists is being assessed for a particular patient and should be
Contrast Media Use in Pediatrics: Safety Issues 249
discussed with the clinicians involved, including the pedi- agents, in school children and adolescents as well as
atric nephrologist, as well as with the parents or carers. younger children. There is no good data available yet on the
handling of gadolinium-based agents by the neonatal kid-
ney, and therefore recommendations are based on extrapo-
5 Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media lation from adult physiology. In general, administration of
gadolinium-based agents should, if possible, be avoided in
There is little safety data available about the use of the first months of life.
gadolinium-based agents in children, particularly neonates Recommendations for using gadolinium-based contrast
and infants aged less than 1 year. As in adults, the important media in children are given below:
factors are gadolinium elimination, the risk of trans- 1. Gadolinium-based contrast media should only be used in
metallation, the effect of renal function, acidosis and children when the clinical problem cannot be solved
dehydration, and the possibility of nephrogenic systemic using other imaging methods, such as ultrasonography,
fibrosis (NSF) (‘‘Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and or unenhanced MRI techniques, such as MR angiogra-
Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media’’). phy or perfusion imaging based on Time-of-Flight or
There are very few, partially verified reports of NSF in arterial spin labeling techniques (Mannelli et al. 2012;
infants and children (Eldevik and Brunberg 1994; Karcaal- Penfield and Reilly 2008).
tincaba et al. 2009; Riccabona et al. 2008a). NSF has been 2. The most stable macrocyclic gadolinium-based agents
reported in one 6-year-old patient and in older children after should be used, and the less stable linear compounds,
administration of the least stable linear agents to children which are more likely to induce NSF, should be avoided
with renal impairment (Dharnidharka et al. 2007; Foss et al. (Penfield and Reilly 2008; Morcos 2007).
2009; Jain et al. 2004). Recent research on the prevalence of 3. Assessment of renal function by measuring creatinine
NSF in children identified 20 pediatric cases, 12 of which had and glomerular filtration rate is essential, using normal
documented gadolinium exposure (K. Darge, Personal ranges suitable for age, particularly in those at risk of
communication). To date, no case has been reported after renal disease or with a recent disease that might have
macrocyclic agents or in children with normal renal function. affected renal function. In children with a GFR lower
There is insufficient data to know whether NSF is less likely than 30 ml min-1 1.73 m-2, gadolinium-based contrast
to occur in children than in adults with a similarly degree of media should be avoided unless there is a compelling
renal impairment. In children, the guidelines recommended indication and no alternative substitute of less risk in
by the American College of Radiologists, the ESUR Contrast children.
Medium Safety Committee, the ESPR Uroradiology task 4. If the GFR is between 30 and 60 ml min-1 1.73 m-2, a
force and the ESUR Pediatric working group (ACR 2012; pediatric nephrologist should be consulted before the
Mendichovszky et al. 2008; Riccabona et al. 2009; Thomsen gadolinium-based agent is given and there should be
et al. 2013) should be followed (‘‘Nephrogenic Systemic appropriate preparation with hydration, correction of
Fibrosis and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media’’, ‘‘ESUR acidosis, and similar measures. Also, informed consent
Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1’’). It should be should be obtained from the parents and the patient (if
noted, however, that estimated GFR (eGFR) values in pre- legally applicable).
mature infants and neonates may be\30 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 5. Double dose administration should be avoided in chil-
because of immature renal function, not renal impairment. dren on general principles, although there is no direct
Age adapted normal creatinine values, which are much lower evidence that this is harmful. However, the dose may be
than in adults because of the smaller muscle mass (Schwartz corrected to allow for the relatively higher circulating
et al. 1976) and specific pediatric GFR calculations which blood volume which, in ml kg-1 body weight, is effec-
take the lower GFR values into account should be used tively about one and a half times higher than in older
(Langlois 2008; Ring et al. 2008; Schwartz and Work 2008; patients for the first months of life.
Schwartz et al. 2009). In premature babies and neonates, 6. In general, administration of gadolinium-based contrast
although an eGFR value\30 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 should not media should be avoided in the first months of life, unless
be considered to be an absolute contraindication to the most for serious indications, and after careful consideration.
stable agents, caution should still be exercised when 7. As repeated administration potentially leads to a higher
administering gadolinium-based contrast media, since the cumulative systemic dose and is a possible risk factor,
potentially fatal disease of NSF and the long-term effects of repeated investigations should be avoided and single
gadolinium retention in the body are not yet fully understood. dose techniques are advised. The patient’s cumulative
Problems have also occurred because of poor hydration dose should be recorded and in the patient’s file or in
and temporarily impaired renal function, with increases in a register. Careful documentation of an individual
serum creatinine after administration of gadolinium-based patient’s dose for follow-up, particularly in at-risk
250 M. Riccabona
Table 4 Dose suggestions for pediatric ultrasound contrast agent use (SonoVue, Bracco, Milano, Italy), based on clinical experience
Contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography (ce-VUS)
0.5–1 % of actual bladder filling volume
Note For Optison, 0.5 % of bladder volume appears sufficient (Darge et al. 2013)
Intravenous contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (iv. CEUS)
Neonates: 0.1–0.25 ml/kg b.w.
Infants: 0.1 ml/kg b.w.
Older children ([20 kg body weight): 0.05 ml/kg b.w.
Adolescents: adult doses 2.4–4.8 ml
No studies of appropriate dose are available, but some dose-finding studies have been done for ce-VUS
NB No ultrasound contrast agent has been approved for use in children; its use is off-label (‘‘Off-Label Use of Medicines: Legal Aspects’’,
‘‘Off-Label Use of Contrast Media: Practical Aspects’’)
patients, over a longer period of time is important, but it The same indications and contraindications apply as in
is also important to keep a register of all patients to adults (Ter Haar 2009; Torzilli 2005). Since ultrasound
obtain data for future analysis which will provide evi- contrast media are not excreted by the kidney, renal func-
dence for neonatal and pediatric administration of these tion, and renal immaturity do not affect the use of these
agents in the future. agents (Calliada et al. 1998). Possible impairment of the
In some countries no cyclic gadolinium-based contrast metabolic pathways of the carrier molecule, which may, for
media are registered for use in neonates and in the first years example, be a lipid, protein, or sugar, must be considered
of life. The safety and imaging potential of some agents, and may be a contraindication. Thus, galactosemia was a
however, have been specifically studied for children aged contraindication for the galactose-based ultrasound contrast
over 1 year (Baker et al. 2004; Hahn et al. 2009; Forsting medium, which has been taken off the market.
and Palkowitch 2010). If a contrast-enhanced study is There are a few studies and meta-analyses which have
necessary in neonates and young infants, the risk to benefit evaluated current knowledge about ultrasound contrast media
relation has to be properly considered, particularly taking administration during childhood, most of them focusing only
into account the risk of alternative iodine-based contrast on the intra-vesical use (i.e., contrast-enhanced voiding ur-
medium and radiation when a contrast-enhanced CT would osonography- ce-VUS) (Mccarville 2011; Piskunowicz et al.
be the only alternative. The summary of Product Charac- 2012; Papadopoulou et al. 2012; Riccabona et al. 2008b;
teristics (the ‘insert’) should always be checked to find to Riccabona 2012; Taylor 2000; Valentini et al. 2002; Zimbaro
what extent the contrast agent has been approved for chil- et al. 2007). Most studies looked at diagnostic reliability and
dren. If the agent is not approved, provided it is not con- details of the procedure, and safety aspects in children have
traindicated, it can be used with the informed consent of the rarely been addressed (Darge 2010; Ntoulia et al. 2013; Pa-
parents. Lack of approval is usually because phase 3 studies padopoulou et al. 2012). However, all the available data, even
are rarely done in very young children. if it is mostly from adults, indicate a good safety profile for
ultrasound contrast media. They have an extremely low
incidence of side effects, which are usually mild and far less
frequent than with iodine-and gadolinium-based contrast
6 Ultrasound Contrast Media media and also less frequent than in adults (Correas et al.
2001; Morel et al. 2000; Nolsoe et al. 2011; Piscaglia and
Currently, no ultrasound contrast media are approved for Bolondi 2006). As with all other contrast media, ultrasound
pediatric use and the only compound which was registered contrast media can be used in any body cavity as well as
for use in children has been taken off the market. However, intravascularly, most commonly intravenously in adults,
because of the higher radiation sensitivity of children, whereas in children the most common application is
particularly the very young, there is an increasing demand intravesically.
to use imaging methods not involving ionizing radiation. The indications for and findings on intravenous adminis-
This has led to an increased number of off-label adminis- tration are similar to those in adults. However, in children, the
trations of some ultrasound contrast media in neonates, incidence of malignancy is lower so there is less need for
infants, and children (Esposito et al. 2012; Piskunowicz malignancy-related liver imaging. Pediatric intravenous use
et al. 2011; Riccabona 2012; Schreiber-Dietrich and Die- of ultrasound contrast media is most often for trauma imag-
trich 2012). ing, differential diagnosis, and post-transplant assessment.
Contrast Media Use in Pediatrics: Safety Issues 251
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Part X
Appendix A: ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media
Version 8.1
Version 8.1 differs from version 8.0 because section A.3.4 has been updated.
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 257
DOI: 10.1007/174_2013_916, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
258 Appendix A: ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1
Mild Nausea, mild vomiting
Moderate Severe vomiting
Marked urticaria
Facial/laryngeal edema
Vasovagal attack
Severe Hypotensive shock
Respiratory arrest
Cardiac arrest
Note: The risk of an acute reaction to a gadolinium-based contrast agent is lower than the risk with an iodine-based contrast
agent, but severe reactions to gadolinium-based contrast media may occur.
A.1.1.3 Management
First line emergency drugs and instruments which should be in the examination room.
Adrenaline 1:1,000
Antihistamine H1—suitable for injection
b2-agonist metered dose inhaler
I.V. Fluids—normal saline or Ringer’s solution
Anti-convulsive drugs (diazepam)
One-way mouth ‘‘breather’’ apparatus
Simple guidelines for first line treatment of acute reactions to all contrast media
The same reactions are seen after iodine- and gadolinium-based contrast agents and after ultrasound contrast agents. The
incidence is highest after iodine-based contrast agents and lowest after ultrasound agents.
Transient: Supportive treatment
Severe, protracted: Appropriate antiemetic drugs should be considered.
Scattered, transient: Supportive treatment including observation.
Scattered, protracted: Appropriate H1-antihistamine intramuscularly or intravenously should be considered. Drowsiness
and/or hypotension may occur.
Generalized: Appropriate H1-antihistamine intramuscularly or intravenously should be given. Drowsiness and/or hypo-
tension may occur. Consider Adrenaline 1:1,000, 0.1–0.3 ml (0.1–0.3 mg) intramuscularly in adults, 50 % of adult dose to
pediatric patients between 6 and 12 years old and 25 % of adult dose to pediatric patients below 6 years old. Repeat as
260 Appendix A: ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1
Laryngeal Edema
Isolated hypotension
1. Elevate patient’s legs
2. Oxygen by mask (6–10 l/min)
3. Intravenous fluid: rapidly, normal saline or Ringer’s solution
4. If unresponsive: adrenaline: 1:1,000, 0.5 ml (0.5 mg) intramuscularly, repeat as needed
In pediatric patients: 6-12 years: 0.3 ml (0.3 mg) intramuscularly, \6 years: 0.15 ml (0.15 mg) intramuscularly.
Vagal reaction (hypotension and bradycardia)
1. Elevate patient’s legs
2. Oxygen by mask (6–10 l/min)
3. Atropine 0.6–1.0 mg intravenously, repeat if necessary after 3–5 min, to 3 mg total (0.04 mg/kg) in adults. In pediatric
patients, give 0.02 mg/kg intravenously (max. 0.6 mg per dose), repeat if necessary to 2 mg total.
4. Intravenous fluids: rapidly, normal saline or Ringer’s solution.
Note: Late skin reactions of the type which occur after iodine-based contrast media have not been described after
gadolinium-based and ultrasound contrast media
Definition: An adverse reaction which usually occurs more than 1 week after contrast medium injection.
Type of reaction
Iodine-based contrast media Thyrotoxicosis
Gadolinium-based contrast media Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
A.1.3.1 Thyrotoxicosis
A diagnosis of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) should only be made if the Yale NSF Registry clinical and
histopathological criteria are met (J Am Acad Dermatol 2011; 65:1095–1106). The link between nephrogenic
systemic fibrosis (NSF) and gadolinium-based contrast agents was recognized in 2006
Clinical features Onset: From the day of exposure for up to 2–3 months, sometimes up to years after exposure
of NSF Initially
• Pain
• Pruritus
• Swelling
• Erythema
• Usually starts in the legs
• Thickened skin and subcutaneous
tissues—‘woody’ texture and brawny plaques
• Fibrosis of internal organs, e.g. muscle, diaphragm, heart, liver, lungs
• Contractures
• Cachexia
• Death, in a proportion of patients
At higher risk • Patients with CKD 4 and 5 (GFR \30 ml/min)
• Patients on dialysis
• Patients with acute kidney insufficiency
At lower risk Patients with CKD 3 (GFR 30–59 ml/min)
Not at risk of NSF Patients with stable GFR [60 ml/min
Contrast agents: Risk classification (based on laboratory data) and Recommendations
Highest risk of NSF
Contrast agents Gadodiamide (Omniscan)
Ligand: Non ionic linear chelate (DTPA-BMA)
Incidence of NSF: 3–18 % in at-risk subjects
Gadopentetate dimeglumine (Magnevist plus generic products)
Ligand: Ionic linear chelate (DTPA)
Incidence of NSF: Estimated to be 0.1–1 % in at risk subjects
Gadoversetamide (Optimark)
Ligand: Non ionic linear chelate (DTPA-BMEA)
Incidence of NSF: Unknown
Appendix A: ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1 263
Recommendation These agents are CONTRAINDICATED in
• patients with CKD 4 and 5 (GFR\30 ml/min), including those on dialysis
• acute renal insufficiency
• pregnant women
• neonates
These agents should be used with CAUTION in
• patients with CKD 3 (GFR 30–60 ml/min)
- There should be at least 7 days between two injections
• children less than 1 year old
Lactating women: Stop breastfeeding for 24 h and discard the milk
Serum creatinine (eGFR) measurement and clinical assessment of patient before administration: Mandatory
These agents should never be given in higher doses than 0.1 mmol/kg per examination in any patient
risk of NSF
Contrast agents Gadobenate dimeglumine (Multihance)
Ligand: Ionic linear chelate (BOPTA)
Incidence of NSF: No unconfoundeda cases have been reported
Special feature: It is a combined extracellular and liver specific agent with 2–3 % albumin binding. Diagnostic
results can be achieved with 50 % lower doses than with usual extracellular agents. In man *4 % is excreted via the
Gadofosveset trisodium (Vasovist, Ablavar)
Ligand: Ionic linear chelate (DTPA-DPCP)
Incidence of NSF: No unconfoundeda cases reported, but experience is limited
Special feature: It is a blood pool agent with affinity to albumin ([90 %). Diagnostic results can be achieved with
50 % lower doses than extracellular Gd-CM. Biological half-life is 12 times longer than for extracellular agents (18 h
compared to 1 h, respectively); 5 % is excreted via the bile
Gadoxetate disodium (Primovist, Eovist)
Ligand: Ionic linear chelate (EOB-DTPA)
Incidence of NSF: No unconfoundeda cases have been reported but experience is limited
Special feature: It is an organ specific gadolinium contrast agent with 10 % protein binding and 50 %
excretion by hepatocytes. Diagnostic results can be achieved with lower doses than extracellular Gd-CM
Recommendation These agents should be used with CAUTION in
• patients with CKD 4 and 5 (GFR \30 ml/min)
- There should be at least 7 days between two injections
Pregnant women: Can be used to give essential diagnostic information
Lactating women: The patient should discuss with the doctor whether the breast milk should be discarded in the
24 h after contrast medium
Laboratory testing of renal function (eGFR) is not mandatory. Renal function assessment by questionnaire
should be used if serum creatinine is not measured
Lowest risk of NSF
Contrast agents Gadobutrol (Gadovist, Gadavist)
Ligand: Non-ionic cyclic chelate (BT-DO3A)
Incidence of NSF: A few unconfoundeda cases have been reported, but there is uncertainty about the
histopathologic changes
Gadoterate meglumine (Dotarem, Magnescope)
Ligand: Ionic cyclic chelate (DOTA)
Incidence of NSF: No unconfoundeda cases have been reported
Gadoteridol (Prohance)
Ligand: Non-ionic cyclic chelate (HP-DO3A)
Incidence of NSF: No unconfoundeda cases have been reported
264 Appendix A: ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1
Recommendation These agents should be used with CAUTION in
• patients with CKD 4 and 5 (GFR \30 ml/min)
- There should be at least 7 days between two injections
Pregnant women: Can be used to give essential diagnostic information
Lactating women: The patient should discuss with the doctor whether the breast milk should be discarded in the
24 h after contrast medium
Laboratory testing of renal function (eGFR) is not mandatory. Renal function assessment by questionnaire
should be used if serum creatinine is not measured
Patients with NSF Gadolinium-based contrast media should only be used if the indication is vital and then only intermediate or low
risk agents should be used
Recommendation for all Never deny a patient a clinically well-indicated enhanced MRI examination
patients In all patients use the smallest amount of contrast medium necessary for a diagnostic result
Always record the name and dose of the contrast agent used in the patient records
Confounded cases: If two different Gd-CM have been injected, it is impossible to determine with certainty which agent
triggered the development of NSF and the situation is described as ‘confounded’. Unconfounded cases: The patient has
never been exposed to more than one agent.
Definition: Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is a condition in which a decrease in renal function occurs within 3 days of
the intravascular administration of a CM in the absence of an alternative aetiology. An increase in serum creatinine by
more than 25 % or 44 lmol/l (0.5 mg/dl) indicates CIN.
Elective Examination
Identify patients who require measurement of renal function
• Patients with known eGFR less than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2
• Patients who will receive intra-arterial contrast medium
• Age over 70
• Patients with a history of:
- Renal disease
- Renal surgery Determine eGFR (or SCr) within 7 days of contrast medium administration
- Proteinuria
- Diabetes mellitus
- Hypertension
- Gout
- Recent nephrotoxic drugs
Emergency Examination
Identify at-risk patients (see above) if possible:
• Determine eGFR if the procedure can be deferred until the result is available without harm to the patient.
• If eGFR cannot be obtained, follow the protocols for patients with eGFR less than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 for intra-arterial
administration and eGFR less than 45 ml/min/1.73 m2 for intravenous administration as closely as clinical circumstances
Elective examination
At-risk patients • Consider an alternative imaging method not using iodine-based contrast media
(see above) • Discuss the need to stop nephrotoxic drugs with the referring physician
• Start volume expansion. A suitable protocol is intravenous normal saline, 1.0–1.5 ml/kg/h, for at least 6 h
before and after contrast medium. An alternative protocol is intravenous sodium bicarbonate (154 mEq/l in
dextrose 5 % water), 3 ml/kg/h for 1 h before contrast medium, and 1 ml/kg/h for 6 h after contrast medium
Emergency examination
At risk patients • Consider an alternative imaging method not using iodine-based contrast media
(see above) • Start volume expansion as early as possible before contrast medium administration (See elective examination)
Note: No pharmacological prophylaxis (with renal vasodilators, receptor antagonists or endogenous vasoactive mediators
or cytoprotective drugs) has yet been shown to offer consistent protection against contrast-induced nephropathy.
266 Appendix A: ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1
A.2.2.1 MR Examinations
• The risk of nephrotoxicity is very low when gadolinium-based contrast media are used in approved doses.
• In patients with reduced renal function refer to ESUR guidelines on NSF, Sect. A.1.3.2.
(1) Patients with eGFR equal to or greater than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 (CKD 1 and 2) can continue to take metformin
(2) Patients with eGFR 30–59 ml/min/1.73 m2 (CKD 3)
(a) Patients receiving intravenous contrast medium with eGFR equal to or greater than 45 ml/min/1.73 m2 can
continue to take metformin normally.
(b) Patients receiving intra-arterial contrast medium, and those receiving intravenous contrast medium with an eGFR
between 30 and 44 ml/min/1.73 m2, should stop metformin 48 h before contrast medium and should only restart metformin
48 h after contrast medium if renal function has not deteriorated.
(3) Patients with eGFR less than 30 ml/min/1.73 m2 (CKD 4 and 5), or with an intercurrent illness causing reduced
liver function or hypoxia. Metformin is contraindicated and iodine-based contrast media should be avoided.
(4) Emergency patients. Metformin should be stopped from the time of contrast medium administration. After the
procedure, the patient should be monitored for signs of lactic acidosis. Metformin should be restarted 48 h after
contrast medium if serum creatinine/eGFR is unchanged from the pre-imaging level.
No special precautions are necessary when diabetic patients on metformin are given gadolinium-based contrast medium.
All iodine- and gadolinium-based contrast media can be removed by hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. However, there is no
evidence that hemodialysis protects patients with impaired renal function from contrast medium-induced nephropathy or
nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. In all patients, avoid osmotic and fluid overload. To avoid the risk of NSF refer to Sect. A.1.3.2.
Patients on dialysis
Hemodialysis Iodine-based contrast medium
• Correlation of time of the contrast medium injection with the hemodialysis session is unnecessary
• Extra hemodialysis session to remove contrast medium is unnecessary
Gadolinium-based contrast medium
• Correlation of time of the contrast medium injection with the hemodialysis session is recommended
• Extra hemodialysis session to remove contrast medium as soon as possible after it has been administered
is recommended
Continuous ambulatory • Hemodialysis to remove the contrast medium is unnecessary for iodine-based contrast medium, but for
peritoneal dialysis gadolinium-based contrast medium it should be discussed with referring physician
Appendix A: ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1 267
A.3 Miscellaneous
The clinically important adverse effect of iodine-based contrast media on blood and endothelium is thrombosis. It is
recognized that:
• All contrast media have anticoagulant properties, especially ionic agents.
• High osmolar ionic contrast media may induce thrombosis due to endothelial damage, particularly in phlebographic
• Drugs and interventional devices that decrease the risk of thromboembolic complications during interventional proce-
dures minimize the importance of the effects of contrast media.
268 Appendix A: ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1
• Meticulous angiographic technique is mandatory and is the most important factor in reducing thromboembolic
• Low- or iso-osmolar contrast media should be used for diagnostic and interventional angiographic procedures including
(a) Before intravenous iodine- or gadolinium-based contrast medium: No special preparation is required.
(b) Before intra-arterial iodine-based contrast medium: a- and b-adrenergic blockade with orally administered drugs under
the supervision of the referring physician is recommended.
Biochemical assays
Recommendation Do not perform non-emergency biochemical analysis of blood and urine collected in the 24 h after contrast medium
Questionnaire for iodine-based contrast media administration to be completed by the referring clinician.
Yes No
4. Hyperthyroidism Yes No
Metformin Yes No
Interleukin 2 Yes No
Aminoglycosides Yes No
Yes No
272 Appendix A: ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media Version 8.1
Questionnaire for gadolinium-based contrast media administration to be completed by the referring clinician.
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
* Only if high risk agents are used.
Appendix B: Publications from the ESUR Contrast
Media Safety Committee
Aspelin P, Stacul F, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Molen AJvd, Members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of European
Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) (2006). Iodinated Contrast Media and Blood interactions. Eur Radiol 16:
Bellin M-F, Jakobsen JÅ, Tomassin I, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of the Contrast Media Safety Committee of the
European Society of Urogenital Radiology (2002) Contrast medium extravasation injury: guidelines for prevention
and management. Eur Radiol 12: 2807–2812
Bellin M-F, Webb JAW, Molen AJvd, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of
European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) (2005) Safety of MR liver specific contrast media. Eur Radiol 15:
Bellin MF, Stacul F, Webb JAW, Thomsen HS, Morcos S, Almén T, Aspelin P, Clement O, Heinz-Peer G, Reimer P, van der
Molen A on behalf of the Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European Society of Uroradiology (ESUR) (2011)
Late adverse reactions to intravascular iodine-based contrast media: an update. Eur Radiol 21: 2305–2310
ESUR Contrast Media Safety Committee (Thomsen HS) (2007) ESUR guideline: gadolinium-based contrast media and
nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Eur Radiol 17: 2692–2696
Jakobsen JÅ, Oyen R, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of European Society of
Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) (2005) Safety of ultrasound contrast agents. Eur Radiol 15: 941–945
Molen AJvd, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of European Society of Urogenital
Radiology (ESUR) (2004) Effect of iodinated contrast media on thyroid function in adults. Eur Radiol 14: 902–906
Morcos SK, Bellin M-F, Thomsen HS, Almén T, Aspelin P, Heinz-Peer G, Jakobsen JÅ, Liss P, Oyen R, Stacul F, Van der
Molen AJ, Webb JAW (2008) Reducing the risk of iodine-based and MRI contrast media administration: Recom-
mendation for a questionnaire at the time of booking. Eur J Radiol 66: 225–229
Morcos SK, Thomsen HS, Exley CM, Members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of European Society of Urogenital
Radiology (ESUR) (2005) Contrast media: interaction with other drugs and clinical tests. Eur Radiol 15: 1463–1468
Morcos SK, Thomsen HS, Webb JAW and members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European Society of
Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) (1999) Contrast media induced nephrotoxicity: a consensus report. Eur Radiol 9:
Morcos SK, Thomsen HS, Webb JAW and members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European Society of
Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) (2001) Prevention of generalized reactions to contrast media: a consensus report and
guidelines. Eur Radiol 11: 1720–1728
Morcos SK, Thomsen HS, Webb JAW, Members of the Contrast Media Safety Committee of European Society of
Urogenital Radiology. Dialysis and contrast media (2002) Eur Radiol 12: 3026–1629
Stacul F, van der Molen AJ, Reimer P, Webb JAW, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Almén T, Aspelin P, Bellin M-F, Clement
O, Heinz-Peer G on behalf of the Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology
(2011) Contrast induced nephropathy: updated ESUR Contrast Media Safety Committee guidelines. Eur Radiol 21:
Thomsen HS (ed.) Contrast Media. Safety issues and ESUR Guidelines 1st ed. Heidelberg, Springer 2006
Thomsen HS, Webb JAW (eds.) Contrast Media. Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines 2nd ed. Heidelberg, Springer 2009
274 Appendix B: Publications from the ESUR Contrast Media Safety Committee
Thomsen HS, Almén T, Morcos SK, Members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of European Society of Urogenital
Radiology (2002) Gadolinium-containing contrast media for radiographic examinations: a position paper. Eur Radiol
12: 2600–2605
Thomsen HS, Morcos SK and members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European Society of Urogenital
Radiology (ESUR) (1999) Contrast media and metformin. Guidelines to diminish the risk of lactic acidosis in non-
insulin dependent diabetics after administration of contrast media. Eur Radiol 9: 738–740
Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of European Society of Urogenital Radiology
(ESUR) (2004) Management of acute adverse reactions to contrast media. Eur Radiol 14: 476–481
Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of European Society of Urogenital Radiology
(ESUR) (2005) In which patients should serum-creatinine be measured before contrast medium administration? Eur
Radiol 15: 749–754
Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Almén T, Bellin M-F, Bertolotto M, Bongartz G, Clement O, Leander P, Heinz-Peer G, Reimer
P, Stacul F, van der Molen J, Webb JAW (2013) Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and Gadolinium based Contrast
Media: Updated ESUR Contrast Medium Safety Committee Guidelines. Eur Radiol 23: 307–318
Webb JAW, Stacul F, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of the Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European
Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR). Late adverse reactions to intravascular iodinated contrast media. Eur
Radiol 2003; 13: 181–184
Webb JAW, Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Members of Contrast Media Safety Committee of European Society of Urogenital
Radiology (ESUR) (2005) The use of iodinated and gadolinium contrast media during pregnancy and lactation. Eur
Radiol 15: 1234–1240
H. S. Thomsen and J. A. W. Webb (eds.), Contrast Media, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, 275
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36724-3, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
276 Index
S Ultrasound contrast media, 11, 230, 250, 269
Saline, 89, 265 Unconfounded cases, 211, 263, 264
Scaling skin eruption, 142 United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 18, 214, 222, 232
Schwartz formula, 76, 77 Unlicensed medicines, 17, 19, 20
Septicemia, 241 Unlicensed use, 24
Serotonin, 65 Urticaria, 52, 57, 64, 67, 141, 142, 258, 259
Serum creatinine, 74, 75, 78, 86, 213, 263
Serum creatinine fluctuations, 97
Sickle cell anemia, 148 V
Skin induration, 208 Vagal reactions, 67
Skin rash, 141, 144 Vagal reflex, 168, 169
Skin reactions, 141, 142, 261 Valent bonds, 176
Skin testing, 53, 144 Validation of NSF cases, 210
Small study bias, 42, 46 Vasoconstriction of the pulmonary arteries, 170
Sodium bicarbonate, 91, 265 Vasodilatation, 222, 223
Spironolactone, 126 Vasovagal reactions, 52, 258
Stability of gadolinium contrast agents, 8 Viscosity, 6, 7, 61, 65
280 Index