X English Mock Paper Solution 1
X English Mock Paper Solution 1
X English Mock Paper Solution 1
h i P ra c t i c e
# S a a i !
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SET-1; Q.P. CODE: 2/1/1
Reading Skills
1. (i) (b) Concerned. 2. (i) Intellectual growth
Explanation: The author shows concern (ii) fact, objective detail.
about how climate change would affect Explanation: The statement about Ladakh's
global political conflict. The passage describes water scarcity is a fact because it can be
verified, and it's an objective detail because
how conflicts and tensions are being caused
it's presented without personal opinions or
around the world, particularly in the Middle interpretations.
East and Africa, by climate change induced
(iii) The overall tone of the passage is informative.
problems like drought, food and water
It provides accurate information on the
shortages, and extreme weather events. problem of water scarcity in Ladakh, the
Hence, (b) is the right answer. function of glaciers, and the creation of man-
(ii) The author's tone can be described as made ice reservoirs.
"worried" or "concerned." The author creates (iv) Ladakh uses constructed ice reservoirs and
anxiety about the worsening effects by water management systems as part of its
referring to climate change effects as "stress technological repertoire.
multipliers" that intensify already-existing (v) The use of modern ice reservoirs in Ladakh
problems including poverty, environmental shows that their ways of managing water are
degradation, political instability, and social changing. They now employ new methods
tensions. for storing water, indicating that they are
(iii) conflicts over resources attempting to improve how they manage
water scarcity.
(iv) (a) catastrophic and disastrous
(v) concerned (vi) (c)
Explanation: The author feels apprehensive
about the consequences of climate change,
as indicated by the mentioning of conflicts,
security risks etc.
(vi) (c)
Climate change contributes to global
conflicts and security risks. (vii) According to the passage, a drawback of
Explanation: The passage shows that the Ladakh's reliance on melted ice from glaciers
effects of climate change act as stress for irrigation is that the meltwater comes
multipliers, increasing poverty, environmental quite late in the year due to the higher
degradation, political instability etc. Hence, (c) altitude of the glaciers. This leads to a regular
is the right answer. problem of severe water scarcity during the
(vii) The phrase ethnic tensions is used to months when planting crops begins.
describe the disputes that can emerge due to (viii) (c) Utilizing artificial glaciers and traditional
differences in ethnicity, culture, or race. water management practices
Explanation: The main takeaway from the
(viii) Just as sparks trigger rapid fires, climate-
passage is that Ladakh's solution to water
related factors like drought and resource scarcity involves utilizing both artificial
scarcity can escalate tensions, resulting in glaciers and traditional water management
violent conflicts and global instability. practices. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
6. (a) (i) Dr.
Urquhart's doubt challenged the pupae. This scepticism led him to conduct
understanding of the spots and encouraged experiments and gather evidence to uncover
Richard to investigate their purpose further. the true purpose of these spots. It was his
This scepticism ignited Richard's curiosity, curious nature that led him to challenge
leading him to conduct experiments to find people's beliefs about the spots.
the function of these spots. OR
(ii) False (b) (i) Natalya believes that Squeezer is a hundred
Explanation: By using the word "assumed," times better than Lomov's pet. The word
Richard implies that the belief that the spots choice in Natalya's statement, such as "silly
were just ornamental was without strong Guess" and "half-dead already," reflects
evidence to support it. Hence, option (2) can her lack of respect or seriousness towards
be applied to the question. Lomov's attachment to his dog. Hence, it
(iii) The word that would correctly substitute is correct to say that Natalya's tone while
‘ornamental’ in the given sentence is saying all this mocking and dismissive.
decorative. (ii) (b) Humour refers to the use of comedic
(iv) Curiosity played a pivotal role in Richard's elements, techniques, and devices to
life. His fascination with collecting butterflies entertain, amuse, and provoke
showcased his inquisitiveness. Richard's laughter in readers.
journey took a significant turn when Dr. Explanation: Natalya's remark about
Urquhart doubted the gold spots on monarch Lomov's dog being "half-dead" is a playful