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X English Mock Paper Solution 1

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SET-1; Q.P. CODE: 2/1/1
Reading Skills
1. (i) (b) Concerned. 2. (i) Intellectual growth
Explanation: The author shows concern (ii) fact, objective detail.
about how climate change would affect Explanation: The statement about Ladakh's
global political conflict. The passage describes water scarcity is a fact because it can be
verified, and it's an objective detail because
how conflicts and tensions are being caused
it's presented without personal opinions or
around the world, particularly in the Middle interpretations.
East and Africa, by climate change induced
(iii) The overall tone of the passage is informative.
problems like drought, food and water
It provides accurate information on the
shortages, and extreme weather events. problem of water scarcity in Ladakh, the
Hence, (b) is the right answer. function of glaciers, and the creation of man-
(ii) The author's tone can be described as made ice reservoirs.
"worried" or "concerned." The author creates (iv) Ladakh uses constructed ice reservoirs and
anxiety about the worsening effects by water management systems as part of its
referring to climate change effects as "stress technological repertoire.
multipliers" that intensify already-existing (v) The use of modern ice reservoirs in Ladakh
problems including poverty, environmental shows that their ways of managing water are
degradation, political instability, and social changing. They now employ new methods
tensions. for storing water, indicating that they are
(iii) conflicts over resources attempting to improve how they manage
water scarcity.
(iv) (a) catastrophic and disastrous
(v) concerned (vi) (c)
Explanation: The author feels apprehensive
about the consequences of climate change,
as indicated by the mentioning of conflicts,
security risks etc.
(vi) (c)
Climate change contributes to global
conflicts and security risks. (vii) According to the passage, a drawback of
Explanation: The passage shows that the Ladakh's reliance on melted ice from glaciers
effects of climate change act as stress for irrigation is that the meltwater comes
multipliers, increasing poverty, environmental quite late in the year due to the higher
degradation, political instability etc. Hence, (c) altitude of the glaciers. This leads to a regular
is the right answer. problem of severe water scarcity during the
(vii) The phrase ethnic tensions is used to months when planting crops begins.
describe the disputes that can emerge due to (viii) (c) Utilizing artificial glaciers and traditional
differences in ethnicity, culture, or race. water management practices
Explanation: The main takeaway from the
(viii) Just as sparks trigger rapid fires, climate-
passage is that Ladakh's solution to water
related factors like drought and resource scarcity involves utilizing both artificial
scarcity can escalate tensions, resulting in glaciers and traditional water management
violent conflicts and global instability. practices. Hence, (c) is the right answer.

Set-1 (Q.P. Code: 2/1/1) 1

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Grammar and Creative Writing Skills
pick up trash and recyclables from our streets
3. (i) developed
and parks.
By working together, we can make our
(ii) Error Correction
neighbourhood cleaner and help our
have has environment. I request you to kindly consider
(iii) Mansi asked Pari if/whether she had bought this idea and help us to begin recycling
something for her. programs in our neighbourhood areas.
(iv) (c) ordered her to keep that room clean Thanking you

(v) the Yours faithfully

Samidha Singh
(vi) Error Correction
setted set (b) Queen Mary's School
Model Town
(vii) Error Correction
New Delhi-1100XX
Contribute contributed 4th August, 20XX
(viii) (b) was writing The Editor
(ix) she was truly satisfied The Times of India
New Delhi-1100XX
(x) (b) should
Subject: Urgent need for traffic lights and
(xi) (a) unfold
zebra crossing
(xii) Error Correction Respected Sir/Madam
opened open I am writing to draw the attention of the
concerned authorities to a pressing issue
4. (a) 42, Lawrence Flats, that poses a significant risk to the safety of
Indira Vihar, students in our locality. The road in front
New Delhi - 110006 of our school witnesses heavy traffic flow,
particularly during school dismissal hours. This
24th July, 20XX puts our fellow students' lives in danger.
The Chief Municipal Officer As a concerned student, I earnestly request
Municipal Corporation the installation of traffic lights and a zebra
crossing in front of our school premises.
Lawrence Road This action would not only make it safer for
New Delhi - 110009 students to cross the street, but it would also
improve traffiic management.
Subject: Urgent need for recycling programs
I request the authorities to act quickly and give
in residential areas
the safety of students top priority by making
Respected Sir/Madam these essential changes.
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am Thanking you
writing to you to urge the implementation of Yours sincerely
recycling programs in our residential areas. Rohan/Riya
Recycling is like giving a second life to 5. Favour
things we use. When we recycle, we help
(a) Gurmeet's decision regarding her admission
reduce pollution, save energy, and keep our
to the public-funded engineering college
surroundings clean. Implementing recycling
hinges on a well-balanced evaluation of
programs in our neighbourhoods can make a
available options. The presence of a strong
big difference. We can place special bins for curriculum, quality faculty, and vibrant
recycling next to our regular trash bins. These activity clubs promises an enriching academic
bins can be of different colours for different journey. Although the absence of a hostel
types of materials like paper, plastic, glass, and facility presents a challenge, she could opt
metal. Additionally, we can organise frequent for suburban accommodation or a daily
cleanups when neighbours get together to commute from her village. Exciting prospects


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like practise-based research, professional technical subjects, and low employee morale
partnerships, and an international student due to budget cuts, could affect her overall
exchange programme hold the potential to learning experience. So, it is recommended
elevate her professional and interpersonal that Gurmeet not apply for admission to the
skills. Gurmeet's hard work, responsible said college.
behaviour, and prudent decision-making OR
can enable her to thrive within the college's Children Under Threat
conventional culture. Embracing the strengths
(b) The increasing burnout among children
and opportunities of this institution not
only benefits her personal growth but prompted researchers to study its reasons.
also contributes to mending the negative The study involved following the routine of
perceptions surrounding public-funded school-going children. The results indicate
colleges and students’ outlook towards that students are under pressure both at
technical subjects. school and at home. Teachers want timely
Against submissions and parents expect high grades.
Considering Gurmeet Kaur's SWOT analysis, This puts an undue burden on children and
there are some concerns that suggest she makes them stay up late. They often do not
might want to reconsider joining the public- sleep for eight hours, which affects their
funded engineering college. The prevalent health. They feel lethargic during the day
students’ behavioural issues may give rise and are inattentive in class, which makes it
to concerns about a safe environment for a difficult to comprehend concepts. Modern
novice like Gurmeet. The absence of hostel gadgets are another distraction; children
facilities could pose challenges for someone
spend hours on social media and phone calls.
coming from a nearby village. The slow
Without realising, they lose out on time that
repair and maintenance work, along with
could have been used for studying. Therefore
underutilised IT services, might hinder her
learning process. The college's failure to adding to the stress. Parents must ensure that
effectively promote its strengths to out-of- children get complete sleep and stay away
state students could limit her opportunities. from gadgets. They must work with schools
Moreover, the threats faced by the college, to help relieve the pressure on children to lead
including declining student interest in a happy life.

6. (a) (i) Dr.
Urquhart's doubt challenged the pupae. This scepticism led him to conduct
understanding of the spots and encouraged experiments and gather evidence to uncover
Richard to investigate their purpose further. the true purpose of these spots. It was his
This scepticism ignited Richard's curiosity, curious nature that led him to challenge
leading him to conduct experiments to find people's beliefs about the spots.
the function of these spots. OR
(ii) False (b) (i) Natalya believes that Squeezer is a hundred
Explanation: By using the word "assumed," times better than Lomov's pet. The word
Richard implies that the belief that the spots choice in Natalya's statement, such as "silly
were just ornamental was without strong Guess" and "half-dead already," reflects
evidence to support it. Hence, option (2) can her lack of respect or seriousness towards
be applied to the question. Lomov's attachment to his dog. Hence, it
(iii) The word that would correctly substitute is correct to say that Natalya's tone while
‘ornamental’ in the given sentence is saying all this mocking and dismissive.
decorative. (ii) (b) Humour refers to the use of comedic
(iv) Curiosity played a pivotal role in Richard's elements, techniques, and devices to
life. His fascination with collecting butterflies entertain, amuse, and provoke
showcased his inquisitiveness. Richard's laughter in readers.
journey took a significant turn when Dr. Explanation: Natalya's remark about
Urquhart doubted the gold spots on monarch Lomov's dog being "half-dead" is a playful

Set-1 (Q.P. Code: 2/1/1) 3

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exaggeration that is intended to provoke a ball and the idea that no amount of money
humorous response. Additionally, Lomov's can bring it back. This imagery emphasises
emotional reaction during their absurd the irreversibility of the loss.
discussion when he says, 'Shut up! My heart’s (iv) (b) Grief
bursting!' creates a humorous effect. Hence, Explanation: The mention of the boy’s
(b) is the right answer. “desperate eyes” depicts the depth of the
(iii) When playing Lomov, the actor should use emotions the boy is feeling and the process
his voice to project strong feelings. When he of coming to terms with the reality of losing
cries out, "Shut up! My heart is bursting!" something precious. Hence, (b) is the right
his tone should be wavering to emphasise answer.
his emotional breakdown and portray his 8. (a) Everyone can relate to the seagull's plight. We
disturbed mood. all have fears, and the way the story is told
(iv) (d)Lomov is deeply saddened. lets us understand what he's going through.
Explanation: Lomov's emotional outburst, We experience the same joy and relief as the
"[weeps] Shut up! My heart's bursting!" seagull when he succeeds in learning how to
indicates that he is experiencing intense fly. We celebrate his success as though it were
sadness and emotional distress. Hence, (d) is our own because of the way the narrative is
the right answer. told.
7. (a) (i) change (b) The line like "Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!"
Explanation: The movement of the trees paints a picture of Amanda's present situation,
from their place of confinement to the forest where she is surrounded by rules, expectations,
represents a change or transformation and responsibilities. On the other hand, the
imagery of an emerald sea and a solitary
(ii) A line from the extract that justifies the
mermaid evokes a tranquil scene. The image
statement as false is, 'The trees inside
of the orphan roaming the streets suggests a
are moving out into the forest'. The use of
sense of freedom and exploration.
enjambment in this extract suggests a sense
(c) The sudden death of Kisa Gotami's only
of continuity, fluidity, and a smooth transition
son brought immense sadness to her.
between the lines.
Overwhelmed by grief, she went to her
(iii) (c) Anticipation
neighbours, hoping for a cure. Their response
Explanation: The lines describing the trees was, "She has lost her senses. The boy is
moving out into the forest and the forest dead," showed her deep sorrow. Her desperate
becoming full of trees by morning convey a actions and people's reactions highlight the
sense of excitement and eager expectation. desperation and helplessness she felt in the
Hence, (c) is the right answer. face of her son's death.
(iv) The poet has used rich imagery to describe (d) Anne personifies her diary by addressing it as
the movement of trees from inside to outside "Dear Kitty". This provides her the impression
the forest. This imagery paints a visual that she has a reliable friend to whom she
picture of the forest coming to life as the can confide her deepest thoughts, concerns,
trees appear. From the line "will be full of and dreams. Despite having friends and
trees by morning," we can observe that there family around, she often experiences a sense
is a rapid and significant transformation of disconnect. Writing to Kitty allows her to
happening in the forest. release her inner feelings and foster a sense of
OR friendship.
(b) (i) The lines discuss a relatable theme — the (e) In the poem, the poet's mood is uplifted by a
experience of loss and learning to cope with seemingly small event. The falling snow saved
it. This engagement with real-life emotions a part of his day that he had been regretting.
challenges the notion that poetry should This demonstrates that nature, even in its
solely focus on abstract concepts. simplest form, has the power to transform
(ii) In context of the poem, ‘the epistemology of sadness.
loss’ refers to the process of understanding 9. (a) This story shows us the significance of balance
and coming to terms with the concept of loss and discipline in caring for our pets. For example,
on a deeper level. In the poem, the boy is not Mrs. Pumphrey's excessive pampering led to
only learning how to cope with the emotional Tricki becoming overweight and unhealthy.
impact of losing his ball but also gaining a However, he made a remarkable recovery
deeper understanding of the inevitability of after being placed on a strict diet with exercise.
life. It serves as a reminder that loving our dogs
(iii) The lines "And no one buys a ball back. Money requires both responsible care and the ability
is external." create a visual image of the lost to make difficult decisions for their welfare.


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(b) Education plays a powerful role in changing irreplaceable thing will only bring gloom and
Hari's life. Hari is portrayed as a young thief despair into the life of an already grieving
who becomes friends with Anil so that he can person. Acceptance of the loss is the only
steal from him. But when Anil teaches him thing that can diminish the feeling of sorrow
from heart and bring contentment.
to read and write, Hari sees new possibilities.
Learning transforms him from a thief to a
However, for the boy who lost his prized
possession as a ball, it would be so difficult
person with potential. Education gives him
to understand these lessons because of
a chance to become a better, respected
his young age. The boy is quite young and
individual, showing that learning can change immature. He can’t understand these mature
lives for the better. meanings of life. He is a child who lost his
(c) The way the author has written the story is lovely ball and no other ball can bring back
really funny, and it matches perfectly with his memories attached to the lost ball.
the unusual and creative tale. There are many New Jersey
moments that make us laugh, like when Think- 11. (a) Right from the beginning, humour is introduced
Tank talks to his mirror and when the Martians through the character names and titles. Think-
mistake books for sandwiches and try to eat Tank, the Martians' leader, has exaggerated
them. The humour keeps us engaged and salutations like "O Great and Mighty Think-
Tank," which add a touch of humour. Think
makes the story even more fun to read. The
Tank's self-praise is an exaggerated depiction
irony of a book of nursery rhymes, "Mother
of vanity. This is based on the stereotype of an
Goose," being the key to saving the Earth from
overly self-obsessed character. Another comical
a Martian invasion is a humorous twist.. aspect is the use of vitamins to boost Martians'
10.(a) Parallel Narratives of Freedom and intelligence. The characters' exaggerated
Confinement reactions after they eat the vitamins and their
This presentation explores the parallel continuous attempts to decipher the codes are
narratives of freedom and confinement in examples of humour in the story. Moreover, the
the story "Mijbil the Otter" and “A Tiger in the Martians' misconceptions of Earthlings and
their misreading of books as sandwiches also
Zoo”. Mijbil's adaptation to his surroundings is
result in humorous scenarios. Lastly, the use
portrayed through his playful interactions with
of nursery rhymes as secret codes reflects the
water and spending hours shuffling a rubber
absurdity of the situation.
ball around the room. His change highlights the
(b) The climax is like the most exciting part of the
otter's capacity for environmental adaptation.
story, where everything is at its most intense.
The confined tiger's natural instincts and
In this story, it's the moment when Max is
behaviours, on the other hand, highlight its need
trying to get away with an important report.
for freedom. As Maxwell plans to take Mijbil to
England, they encounter challenges posed by He's holding a gun and wants to escape
air travel regulations. The restrictions imposed through the window. He warns Ausable that
on Mijbil symbolise the limitations on his he'll shoot if the police outside the door don't
freedom due to human constraints. Moreover, go away. He jumped out of the window, but
the mention of visitors and patrolling cars suddenly he screams. Then the door opens,
emphasises the tiger's captivity and reveals and a waiter arrives with a tray, a bottle, and
the impact of human control on the innocent two glasses. It's revealed by Ausable that the
animal. police weren't actually there, and there's no
Thank you balcony outside. This is a really tense moment
(b) The message from “The Sermon at Benaras” where we don't know what will happen, but
that I would include in my advice to the boy it quickly changes as the truth comes out. It's
who lost his ball in “The Ball Poem” would be the most exciting and uncertain part of the
that whining or lamenting over the loss of an story.

Set-1 (Q.P. Code: 2/1/1) 5

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