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Part 5 - 5.12 Waterproofing

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MOC General Specifications – November 1998


5.12.1 DESCRIPTION. The Work shall consist of furnishing and placing and an approved
waterproofing membrane over bridge deck and box-culverts, undersides of foundation to
bridges, box culverts and walls and faces of foundation to bridges as directed by the

The Work shall include the proper cleaning and preparation of the substrate; the
application, protection, drying, and curing of the waterproofing membrane; the protection
of pedestrian, vehicular or other traffic upon or underneath or near the Work; the protection
of all portions of structures (superstructure and substructure) and other portions of the
Work against disfigurement by spatters, splashes and smirches, or waterproofing
materials; and the supplying of all tools, scaffolding, labor, workmanship, and materials
necessary for the entire Work.


Waterproof Membrane

5.12.2 MATERIALS. Primer. Primer for sealing concrete surfaces prior to waterproofing shall be
fully compatible with the bonding agent and waterproofing. Bonding Agent. Unless otherwise specified, the bonding agent shall be hot
applied oxidized bitumen having a softening point (Ring and Ball) within the range of eighty
to one hundred degrees Celsius (80 to 100 o C.) and penetration within the range of twenty
to thirty degrees Celsius (20 to 30o C.). Proprietary Waterproofing Systems. Proprietary waterproofing systems

shall be bituminous membranes reinforced with two layers of suitable reinforcement to
provide impervious membranes easy to lay and able to withstand the laying and
compaction of bridge wearing courses. They shall be of a type accepted by the Engineer
who will give approval only after satisfactory site trials. Submittals. The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval
specifications, installation instructions and general recommendations by the
manufacturer(s) of the waterproofing membrane materials. Submittals shall include
published data or certified test data for each material, showing compliance with the
requirements specified herein.

The Contractor shall furnish a five year guarantee for repair or replacement of any
waterproofing barrier installed under this Contract, which leaks water or otherwise fails to
perform as required within the guarantee period, due to failure of materials or
workmanship. The guarantee shall include an agreement to remove and replace other
Work which has been superimposed on or otherwise placed against the waterproofing
barrier, to the extent required to repair or replace the waterproofing barrier Work.

All materials furnished under this specification shall be accompanied by the

MOC General Specifications – November 1998

manufacturer's Certificate of Guarantee. The certificate shall give the quantity of

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waterproofing material in the shipment and shall identify same by order number, project
location and destination. Materials not accompanied by a Certificate of Guarantee shall
be sampled in the field and samples submitted to an approved independent laboratory for
testing, all at the Contractor’s expense.

The Engineer will approve materials on the basis of the Certificates of Guarantee and/or
laboratory tests, but reserves the right to resample and have retested any materials used
during the progress of the work. Should any material not conform to the specifications, it
shall be rejected, previous approval notwithstanding.

Materials shall be tested by the methods specified herein or in the ASTM or AASHTO
as applicable. Membrane Waterproofing Materials.

1. Asphalt primer : ASTM D41, cut-back asphalt.

2. Waterproofing asphalt : ASTM D449, Type A for vertical wall surfaces below
grade, Type B for horizontal surfaces which are concealed, Type C for exposed
3. Asphalt-saturated felt : ASTM D226, No. 15 (630 gr/sq.m., organic fiber).
4. Asphalt-saturated fabric : ASTM D173 (215 gr/sq.m., cotton fabric, asphalt
5. Glass fiber fabric : ASTM D1668 (68 gr/sq.m., impregnated with bitumen).
6. Plastic cement : Proper type for application indicated and compatibility with
other materials.
7. Coated base sheet : ASTM D2626, Type I (1.5 kg/sq.m., asphalt coated).
8. Coal-tar pitch : ASTM D450.
9. Creosote primer for coal tar pitch : ASTM D43
10. Coal-tar saturated felt : ASTM D227.

5.12 .2.6 Miscellaneous Materials.

1. Primers, fillers, sealers, joint tapes, adhesives, flashings, cant strips, and
accessories shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the primary protective
barrier materials, for the intended application.

2. Paper slip sheet : two and seven tenths (2.7) kg. rosin-sized paper.

3. Protection Course : On waterproofed surfaces exposed to backfill, a twelve (12)

millimeter thick, asphalt impregnated and coated, rigid fiber-type insulation board shall be

5.12.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. Preparation of Surfaces. The concrete deck on which the waterproofing

membrane is to be laid shall have a surface finish as shown on the drawings. The surface
shall be finished to such an accuracy that when tested with a three meter straight edge,

MOC General Specifications – November 1998

the maximum depression shall not exceed ten (10) millimeters, and abrupt irregularities
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shall not exceed three (3) millimeters.

Immediately before waterproofing is laid, the surface to be waterproofed shall be clean,

dry and free from membrane curing compounds and projecting tying wire.

Waterproofing work shall proceed only after substrate construction and preparation, and
all penetrating work have been satisfactorily completed; and only when weather conditions
comply with the manufacturer's recommendations and will permit the materials to be
applied in accordance with such recommendations.

Preparation of concrete surfaces shall conform to the requirements of Subparagraphs through, in these General Specifications, and as specified herein.

The repair of defects in concrete shall be carried out in accordance with the
waterproofing membrane manufacturer's specific recommendations, specially insofar as
patching is concerned. Conventional Portland cement patching materials may not be
compatible with certain waterproofing systems, and proprietary materials may need to be
used for this purpose.

Acid to be used for etching, when approved, shall be a 10/90 to 15/85 dilution ratio of
commercial grade phosphoric acid in water solution, applied at a rate of one (1.0) liter per
square meter of surface to be prepared. In all other respects, the requirements of
Subparagraph in these General Specifications shall apply.

Upon completion of surface preparation, the surface to be waterproofed shall be primed,

cant strips shall be installed, joints shall be sealed and bond breakers shall be applied
thereto as shown or as directed. Separate flashings, as recommended by the
manufacturer, shall be installed, wherever indicated to precede the waterproofing system. Laying Waterproofing Materials. Waterproofing materials shall be laid and

installed according to the recommendations of the manufacturer and to the approval of the
Engineer. Waterproofing shall not be laid when the ambient temperature is below four
degrees Celsius (4o C.).

Only plant and equipment fitted with rubber tires may travel with the permission of the
Engineer, on water-proofed surfaces which have been adequately protected with an
approved protective layer.

The following requirements shall be complied with:

1. Hot bitumen shall not be applied under conditions which result in foaming of the
material. The manufacturer's limitations on heating shall be complied with. High
temperatures shall not be maintained for periods longer than needed for installation, and
in no case for more than three (3) hours. Bitumen shall not be heated to a temperature
higher than fourteen degrees Celsius (14 C) below flash point.

2. Multiple-ply courses of hot bitumen and felts or fabrics shall be installed in

MOC General Specifications – November 1998

individual courses, unless manufacturer recommends shingle-fashion courses. Courses

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shall be laid in the direction or directions recommended.

3. Membranes to vertical substrates shall be nailed as shown and as
recommended. Nails shall be covered with courses of fabric set in hot bitumen or plastic

4. Membranes shall be reinforced at corners and around projections in substrate,

with double course of glass fiber, set in hot bitumen or plastic cement.

5. Membranes shall be extended as flashing at edges, openings and projections,

so as to complete the waterproof enclosures as required for leak-proof performance.

6. Membrane composition : Alternate plies of felt and glass fiber fabric, set in
continuous moppings of bitumen, with top ply of felt, as shown on the plans :
(1) Two-ply Membrane : one (1) fabric, one (1) felt, forty (40) kg bitumen [three
(3) moppings].
(2) Three-ply Membrane : one (1) fabric, two (2) felt, fifty-four (54) kg bitumen
[four (4) moppings].

7. Membranes shall be protected from melting due to temporary exposure to high

ambient air temperatures, solar heat or other heat sources. Concrete Surfaces. Concrete Surfaces sealed with one coat of primer where
specified. Primed surfaces shall not be covered until all solvent constituent has
evaporated. When spirit-based primer is used, a minimum of twenty (20) hours at
temperatures between ten and sixteen degrees Celsius (10 to 16 o C.) shall elapse before
waterproofing is laid. When bituminous emulsion is used, all water shall be allowed to

The sheeting shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and
shall be laid so that no air is trapped between it and the concrete surface or between
successive layers of sheeting. Unless otherwise specified, joints between sheets shall
be lapped with end laps of at least one hundred fifty (150) millimeters and side laps of at
least one hundred (100) millimeters. The joints shall be arranged so that at no point are
there more than three thicknesses of sheeting, and, as far as possible, so that water will
drain away from the exposed edge. Protective Layers to Waterproofing. The protective layer shall be laid and
compacted without damage to the waterproofing. Painting with Tar or Bitumen. Prior to the application of tar or bitumen paint,
surfaces to which it is to be applied shall be clean and dry. The first coat shall be allowed
to dry before the second coat is applied.

Tar or bitumen painting shall consist of two coats of hot-applied tar complying with BS
76 of viscosity grade within the range thirty to thirty-eight degrees Celsius (30 to 38o C.)
equi-viscous temperature (evt) with a coverage of one (1.0) square meters per liter or two
(2) coats of cutback bitumen complying with BS 3690 of viscosity grade within the range

MOC General Specifications – November 1998

of twenty-five (25) to fifty (50) seconds (standard tar viscometer) at forty degrees Celsius
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(40o C.) with a coverage of one and eight-tenths (1.8) square meters per liter or any
material approved by the Engineer. Acceptance of Waterproofing Membranes.

1. The waterproofing membranes shall be water-tight and not deteriorate in

excess of limitations published by the manufacturer.

2. In-place Testing : Before completed membranes on horizontal surfaces are

covered by protection course or other Work, the surface waterproofed shall be tested for
leaks with fifty (50) millimeters depth of water maintained for twenty-four (24) hours.
Substrates shall be examined for leaks. Leakage, if any, shall be corrected, and the test
shall be repeated until no leakage is observed.

5.12.4 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT. Waterproofing membrane shall be measured by

the square meter laid, completed and accepted for different types of waterproofing
membranes. No separate measurement shall be made for site trials to determine the
suitability of waterproofing membranes, but shall be considered subsidiary to the type of
waterproofing membrane for which site tests have been carried out. The tuck-in of
waterproofing membranes will not be measured for payment.

Tar or bituminous painting to surfaces permanently in contact with backfilled material

shall be measured by the square meter of surface area so painted, irrespective of whether
or not more than one coat of paint is used.

No measurement will be made for protective layers to waterproofing membranes or to

surfaces painted with bituminous coatings, but shall be considered subsidiary to the
waterproofing membrane or to the bituminous paint.

No separate measurement shall be made of tapes, bond breakers, flashings, cant strips,
and other accessories as they are considered subsidiary to the pay items of this section.
No measurement shall be made of unauthorized areas as specified in Subsection 1.07.6
- "Unauthorized Work" in these General Specifications. In addition, waterproofing barriers
that are applied to unauthorized areas shall be completely removed, when so directed, to
the satisfaction of the Engineer and at the Contractor's expense.

5.12.5 PAYMENT. The amount of completed and accepted Work measured as provided
above will be paid for at the contract unit price(s) for "Waterproof Membrane, Two (2)
layer or Three (3) Layer," as specified in the Bill of Quantities, which prices shall be full
compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies and all other
items necessary for the completion of the Work as specified in Subsection 1.07.2, "Scope
of Payment" in these General Specifications.

MOC General Specifications – November 1998

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51201 Waterproof Membrane Square Meter

5120101 Waterproof Membrane, 2 Layer Square Meter

5120202 Waterproof Membrane, 3 Layer Square Meter


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