Strategic Management Assignment
Strategic Management Assignment
Strategic Management Assignment
The business strategies are objectives oriented and are directed towards organizational goal. To
formulate strategies the business should know the objectives that are to be pursued.Strategic
management is a dynamic process .it is continual, evolving, iterative process. it means that it cannot
be a rigid, stepwise collection of few activities arranged in a sequential order rather it is a
continually evolving mosaic of relevant activities. Managers perform these activities in any order
contingent upon the situation they face at a particular time. And this is to be done again & again
over the time as the situation demands. There are four major phases of strategic management
process which are as under.
A) Establishment of strategic intent.
B) Formulation of strategies.
C) Implementation of strategies.
D) Strategic evaluation.
Strategic management provides the framework for all the major business decisions of an enterprise
such as decisions on businesses, products and markets, manufacturing facilities, investments and
organizational structure. In a successful corporation, strategic planning works as the Path finder to
various business opportunities; simultaneously, it also serves as a corporate defence mechanism,
helping the firm avoid costly mistakes in product market choices or investments.
Strategic management has the ultimate burden of providing a business organization with certain core
competencies and competitive advantages in its fight for survival and growth.