Complex Short Circuit MVA Method For Power
Complex Short Circuit MVA Method For Power
Complex Short Circuit MVA Method For Power
system studies
T.-H. Chen
Indexing terms: Complex short circuit M V A method, Ohmic method, Per unit method, Powerflow, Short circuit
parallel, and how to perform delta to wye conversions, or 13 8 k V
vice versa, are necessary work while conducting the short
circuit studies by hand calculations. Combinations of the
inverse short circuit M V A are easily seen from eqn. 6 to 13 8kV
be exactly the same as that of impedance. Combinations z=ooi51.10i5n
of inverse short circuit MVAs are therefore only a matter
of simple arithmetic. Procedures for the short circuit
hand calculations are as follows
( a ) All components are converted to inverse short
A ' '1 5000kVA
13 8kV-24kV
circuit MVAs.
(b) The inverse M V A diagram is reduced by combining
the inverse MVAs, following the same algorithms of com-
bining the per unit impedances.
(c) The short circuit M V A is calculated at the fault 2500 kVA
point. fault X''d 0.16 p.u
( d ) The total fault current is calculated.
Fig. 2 Three-bus system
1.94879L89.91 1.92835 L 89.93
unified the system parameters. All this suggests it could
= 1.92835 L 89.93 2.69394 ~ 8 8 . 3 0 be a valuable asset in the power industry and in educa-
1.64216L -93.59 2.29413L -91.96 tional training. Although improvements in memory
space, savings in computation time, etc. have not been
1.64216i -93.59
2 . 2 9 4 1 3 ~-91.96
12.01282 ~ 7 4 . 1 1
Step 3 : The short circuit MVAs are calculated as
1 x
significant, it has, nevertheless, become a reasonable
alternative to the standard per unit method convention-
ally practised by power engineers, students and teachers.
6 References
1 1
MVA,,,,, = -= 1 STAGG, G.W., and EL-ABIAD, A.H.: ’Computer methods in
Wl, 0.001 948 79 L 89.91
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= 513.14L -89.91 M V A 2 STEVENSON, W.D., Jr.: ‘Elements of power system analysis’, 4th
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1 1 3 WEEDY, B.M.: ‘Electric power systems’, 3rd edn. (Wiley, New
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= 371.12L -88.30 M V A matrix method‘, Trans. AIEE, Feb., 1961, Part 111, 79, pp. 1277-
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MVAX(3) = - -
W3, - 0.0120 128 2 ~ 7 4 . 1 1 cuits by matrix method‘, Trans. AIEE, June 1960, Part 111, 79,
pp. 323-332
= 83.33i -74.11 M V A 6 ROY, L.: ‘Generalized polyphase fault-analysis program: calcu-
lation of cross-country fault’, Proc. IEE. Oct. 1979, 126, (lo), pp.
Step 4: Calculate the total fault currents 995-1001
7 GLIMN, A.F., and STAGG, G.W.: ‘Automatic calculation of load
flows’, Trans. A I E E , 1957, Part 111,76, pp. 817-828
8 TINNEY, W.F., and HART, C.E.: ‘Power flow solutions by
Newton’s method‘, Trans. IEEE, Nov. 1967, PAS-% p. 1449
9 BROWN, H.E.: ‘Solution of large networks by matrix methods’, 2nd
edn. (Wiley and Sons, New York, 1985)
10 GLOVER, J.D., and SARMA, M.: ‘Power system analysis and
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11 YUEN, M.H.: ‘Short circuit ABC‘ (Gas Industries Association, San
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