Chapter 4 Enzymes and Vitamins
Chapter 4 Enzymes and Vitamins
Chapter 4 Enzymes and Vitamins
when substrate binds with the active site
- Orientation and proximity are favorable Linkage Specificity:
and reaction is fast - Involves a particular type of bond
irrespective of the structural features in the
Two Models for Substrate Binding to vicinity of the bond
Enzyme - most general of enzyme specificities
- E.g., Phosphatases: Hydrolyze
Lock-and-Key model: phosphate–ester bonds in all types of
- Enzyme has a pre-determined shape for phosphate esters
the active site
- Only substrate of specific shape can bind FACTORS THAT AFFECT ENZYME
with active site ACTIVITY
Induced Fit Model:
- Substrate contact with enzyme will change
• Temperature
- Higher temperature results in higher
the shape of the active site kinetic energy which causes an increase in
- Allows small change in space to number of reactant collisions, therefore
accommodate substrate (e.g., how a hand there is higher activity.
fits into a glove) - Optimum temperature: Temperature at
which the rate of enzyme catalyzed reaction
Forces That Determine Substrate is maximum
Binding - Optimum temperature for human enzymes
-H-bonding is 37ºC (body temperature)
- Hydrophobic interactions - Increased temperature (high fever) leads
-Electrostatic interactions to decreased enzyme activity
- pH changes affect enzyme activity
Absolute Specificity: - Drastic changes in pH can result in
- An enzyme will catalyze a particular denaturation of proteins
reaction for only one substrate - Optimum pH: pH at which enzyme has
- This is most restrictive of all specificities maximum activity
(not common) - Most enzymes have optimal activity in the
- E.g., Urease is an enzyme with absolute pH range of 7.0 - 7.5
specificity - Exception: Digestive enzymes
- Pepsin: Optimum pH = 2.0
Stereochemical Specificity: - Trypsin: Optimum pH = 8.0
- An enzyme can distinguish between
stereoisomers. Substrate Concentration
- Chirality is inherent in an active site (amino - At a constant enzyme concentration, the
acids are chiral compounds) enzyme activity increases with increased
- L-Amino-acid oxidase - catalyzes reactions substrate concentration.
of L-amino acids but not of D-amino acids. - Substrate saturation: the concentration at
which it reaches its maximum rate and all of
the active sites are full
- Turnover Number: Number of substrate Examples: Heavy metal ions Pb2+, Ag+, and
molecules converted to product per second Hg2+.
per enzyme molecule under conditions of
optimum temperature and pH Irreversible Inhibition
- An irreversible enzyme inhibitor inactivates
Enzyme Concentration: enzymes by forming a strong covalent bond
- not consumed in the reactions they with the enzyme’s active site.
catalyze - The structure is not similar to enzyme’s
- At a constant substrate concentration, normal substrate
enzyme activity increases with increase in - The inhibitor bonds strongly and
enzyme concentration increasing substrate concentration does not
- The greater the enzyme concentration, the reverse the inhibition process
greater the reaction rate. - Enzyme is permanently inactivated.
- E.g., Chemical warfare agents (nerve
ENZYME INHIBITION gases) and organophosphate insecticides
- Biochemical threats associated Vitamin B
with terrorism has thrust Cipro into the The preferred and alternative names for the
spotlight because it is effective against B vitamins:
anthrax. - Thiamin (vitamin B1)
- Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
MEDICAL USES OF ENZYMES - Niacin (nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, vitamin
Diagnose certain diseases: - Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal,
- Enzymes produced in certain organ/ pyridoxamine)
tissues if found in blood may indicate certain - Folate (folic acid)
damage to that organ/tissue - Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
- Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
- Exhibit structural diversity
VITAMINS - Major function: B Vitamins are
- Organic compounds components of coenzymes
- Must be obtained from dietary sources
- Human body can’t synthesize in enough
- Essential for proper functioning of the body
- Needed in micro and milligram quantities • Vitamins A, D, E, K
- 1 Gram of vitamin B is sufficient for - Involved in plasma membrane processes
- More hydrocarbon like with fewer
500,000 people
- Enough vitamin can be obtained from functional groups
balanced diet
- Supplemental vitamins may be needed
• Vitamin A
- Has role in vision - only 1/1000 of vitamin
after illness A is in retina
- Many enzymes contain vitamins as part of - 3 Forms of vitamin A are active in the body
their structures - conjugated enzymes - Derived from b-carotine
- Two Classes
- Water Soluble and Fat Soluble Functions of Vitamin A
- Synthetic and natural vitamins are same Vision: In the eye- vitamin A combines with
- 13 Known vitamins opsin protein to form the visual pigment
rhodopsin which further converts light
energy into nerve impulses that are sent to
Vitamin C Regulating Cell Differentiation - process in
- Humans, monkeys, apes and guinea pigs which immature cells change to specialized
need dietary vitamins cells with function.
Examples: Differentiation of bone marrow S
cells white blood cells and red blood cells.
Vitamin D
- Two forms active in the body: Vitamin D2
and D3
- Sunshine Vitamin: Synthesized by UV light
from sun
- It controls correct ratio of Ca and P
bone mineralization (hardening)
- As a hormone it promotes Ca and P
absorption in intestine
Vitamin E
- Four forms of Vitamin Es: a-, b-, g- and d-
Vitamin E
- Alpha-tocopherol is the most active
biological active form of Vitamin E
- Peanut oils, green and leafy vegetables
and whole grain products are the sources of
vitamin E
- Primary function: Antioxidant – protects
against oxidation of other compounds
Vitamin K
- Two major forms; K1 and K2
- K1 found in dark green, leafy vegetables
- K2 is synthesized by bacteria that grow in
VITAMIN A - unsaturated lipids coming from both plants
- there are 2 sources, retinal (aldehyde) from and animals such as germ oils and carotene
animals and retinol (alcohol) from plants. in yellow plants.
- retinal is an active component of rhodopsin - protects the lipids of the cell membrane
(visual purple). from the destructive effect of oxygen.
- provitamin A is from beta-carotene of plants - anti-oxidants for both plants and animals.
and is converted to Vitamin A by
- also known as alpha tocopherol or Vit. X.
- deficiencies:
- degenerative changes in the skin - component of a carboxylating enzyme.
and mucous membrane including those of
glandular structures, making them - synthesizes prothrombin to thrombin in the
susceptible to infection, thus known an anti- liver, essential to blood clotting.
infective vitamin.
- deficiency of rhodopsin is - deficiency results in the failure of blood to
(ability of the eyes to adapt itself to vision in
- also known as anti-hemorrhagic vitamin.
dim light after exposure to bright light).
WATER SOLUBLE VITAMINS: - required for methylation in the body.
5. Niacin or Nicotinic Acid or
Nicotinamide or Vit. B3
- pellagra preventive factor or P-P
- influence capillary fragility and permeability.
- citrin is isolated from lemon peel. 6. Pyrodoxine or Vit. B6
- anti-dermatitis factor.
- rutin has been found in cured tobacco,
leaves and tops of green buck-wheat. - anti-acrodynia factor.
7. Biotin or Vit. B7. or Vit. H
VITAMIN C - also known as coenzyme R.
- sources are citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage
and spinach. - anti-eggwhite injury factor.
- filtrate factor.
- chick dermatitis factor.
4. Choline or Vit. B4
- growth factor.
- prevents perosis (shortening and
thickening of bones in chicks).