Biotic Landfill Cover Treatments For Mitigating Methane Emissions
Biotic Landfill Cover Treatments For Mitigating Methane Emissions
Biotic Landfill Cover Treatments For Mitigating Methane Emissions
Abstract. Landfill methane (CH4 ) emissions have been cited as one of the anthropogenic gas
releases that can and should be controlled to reduce global climate change. This article reviews
recent research that identifies ways to enhance microbial consumption of the gas in the aerobic
portion of a landfill cover. Use of these methods can augment CH4 emission reductions achieved
by gas collection or provide a sole means to consume CH4 at small landfills that do not have active
gas collection systems. Field studies indicate that high levels of CH4 removal can be achieved by
optimizing natural soil microbial processes. Further, during biotic conversion, not all of the CH4
carbon is converted to carbon dioxide (CO2 ) gas and released to the atmosphere; some of it will be
sequestered in microbial biomass. Because biotic covers can employ residuals from other municipal
processes, financial benefits can also accrue from avoided costs for residuals disposal.
1. Introduction
Solid waste management options have expanded over the last several decades, but
landfilling remains the dominant practice in many parts of the world (USEPA,
1997). A number of design advances have reduced the environmental impacts of
new landfills and concomitant public concerns, but landfills continue to require
technical and regulatory attention. This paper describes some innovative and low-
cost biological methods to mitigate emissions associated with the gases produced
in landfills. First the source and pollutional effects of some landfill gases are de-
scribed, then the key features of biological control are presented, and finally results
from an ongoing field test are described and discussed in the context of technology
options and policy decisions.
When organic wastes are degraded, carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and methane (CH4 ) are
produced. Although these originate deep in the landfill, they can readily migrate
to the surface and enter the atmosphere. The biochemical reactions that produce
them typically continue long after a landfill is capped, so that even after clos-
ure, emissions can continue (Tchobanoglous et al., 1993). Since both of these
gases contribute to global climate change, gas collection systems are recommended
and sometimes required at landfills. While some of the gas escapes capture, gas
collection systems can significantly reduce landfill gas emissions.
Although CO2 and CH4 are produced in about equal amounts during waste de-
gradation, the CH4 is of greater concern. The reason relates to the relative climate
change potential of CO2 and CH4 . Carbon dioxide, present in the atmosphere at
360 parts per million by volume (ppmv), is a well-known greenhouse gas, and con-
tinued anthropogenic additions are expected to enhance climate change by about
55%. However, contributions from the major anthropogenic sources of CO2 (fuel
and biomass burning) are so large as to make those from landfills insignificant
(McKinney and Schoch, 1998).
Methane, on the other hand, exists in the atmosphere at only 1.7 ppmv. Yet
even at this trace level, human additions to existing concentrations are expected
to be responsible for 17% of enhanced climate change, second only to CO2 in its
global warming impacts (IPCC, 1996). The potency of CH4 additions relates to
their greenhouse warming potential (GWP). GWP is an index used to compare the
relative tendency of different gases to cause climate change, and over a 100 yr span,
the GWP of one gram of CH4 is 21-fold greater than an equal mass of CO2 (IPCC,
1995). Based on 1997 measures, landfills are estimated to be the largest source
(37%) of anthropogenic CH4 emissions in the U.S.(which is the 4th largest emitter
behind China, Russia, and India) (USEPA, 1999a; USEPA, 1994).
When mitigation strategies for global climate change were first considered,
CH4 sources and emission rates were poorly characterized. National and global
source estimates were imprecise and predictions varied widely. Subsequent re-
search and analysis have clarified some of the major global CH4 sources and sinks
and helped to identify why atmospheric CH4 levels have doubled in the last two
centuries after having been stable for the previous several thousand years (Graedel
and Crutzen, 1989). It is now estimated that as much as 70% of the global CH4
emissions are anthropogenic, and as much as 19% of the increase can be attributed
to landfill emissions (IPCC, 1996). Further, economic analyses show that in some
cases, methane reductions can be accomplished for less cost than equivalent CO2
reductions (Reilly, 1999).
In countries where solid waste landfilling is highly regulated, several initiat-
ives have been undertaken to reduce landfill CH4 emissions. In the U.S., landfills
have been singled out among the major CH4 sources (natural gas systems, coal
mining, and agriculture) for emission reduction requirements. The Clean Air Act
was amended to include the Landfill Rule (U.S. Federal Register, 1996), which
took effect in 1997 and addressed both CH4 and other volatile compounds (non-
methane organic compounds, NMOCs) emitted from landfills. According to the
rule, requirements for gas collection at new and existing landfills are based on
size and emission test results, so that not all of the approximately 2200 landfills
nationwide will be affected (USEPA, 1999; Goldstein and Madtes, 2000). If, as
predicted, some of the collected gas is put to direct use as fuel or converted to
electricity and the remainder flared, this rule is expected to result in a decline of
landfill CH4 emissions from their 1997 level of 11.6 Tg to 9.1 Tg by 2010 (USEPA
In Europe, similar steps are being taken to curtail emissions. In the U.K. and
the European Union, landfills are the first (48%) and second (31%) largest sources
of anthropogenic CH4 respectively (NETC, 1999; CEC, 1996). Both entities have
adopted the approach of increasing landfill gas collection and making systematic
reductions in the quantity of biodegradable wastes that is buried. Other European
countries like Germany and Austria have set quantitative limits on the allowable
total organic carbon (TOC) of landfilled wastes to minimize landfill CH4 genera-
tion potential. Compliance with these more stringent regulations will require that
some form of thermal or biological pretreatment of wastes occurs before land-
filling. While all of these steps will likely be effective, they will require time to
plan, implement, and gain public support. Once underway, their success will be
constrained by economics, program management and public compliance.
In contrast to the tighter landfill controls appearing in the U.S. and Europe,
other countries are making only modest use of landfills. Many urban centers in
the developing world still rely on open dumps for solid waste disposal (World
Resources Institute, 1997). Methane production may be lower at these sites because
more aeration is possible, but such piles present health and safety problems and
with time will likely be replaced with sanitary landfills that produce CH4 . Thus, in
the absence of gas collection, the improvement from dumps to landfills will likely
add to the CH4 burden in the atmosphere. Total global CH4 emissions from landfills
are expected to increase by 2025, with contributions from Asia and Eastern Europe
rising to equal those of the U.S. and Western Europe (Meadows, 1997).
The expected rise in global landfill CH4 emissions would appear to justify the
promotion of cost-effective methods for mitigating anthropogenic CH4 releases
into the atmosphere. Certainly, gas collection in the U.S. will reduce overall emis-
sions, but some of the gas will escape capture, and there are many existing sites
where new regulations will have little impact. Despite the Landfill Rule, the U.S.
expects its landfill CH4 emissions to fall by little more than 20% from 1997 levels.
In some parts of the globe, solid waste management practices are likely to increase
rather than decrease CH4 emission rates, because improved sanitation will first lead
to waste coverage and only later to gas collection.
Microbial CH4 consumption is one of only a few biogeochemical sinks for re-
moving CH4 from the atmosphere (Topp and Hanson, 1991). It generally occurs
that composted municipal solid waste (MSW) used as landfill cover at moisture
contents as high as 45% exceeded performance of soil covers at 17% moisture.
These results suggest that high performance can be maintained at high moisture
levels, depending on the characteristics of the cover material (Humer and Lechner,
Not surprisingly, microbial CH4 uptake also shows seasonal temperature de-
pendence, with an optimum temperature in the range of 30–36 C (Whalen et al.,
1990; Boeckx and VanCleemput, 1996; Czepiel et al., 1996, Chanton and Liptay,
2000). In laboratory incubations of landfill soil under high headspace CH4 , the
maximum gas was consumed at a rate as high as 9.1 × 10−5 L/(g-d) in soil at
the lowest trial temperature of 2 C, although the response was significantly less
than the maximum at 15 C, which was 6.2 × 10−4 /(g-d) (Chistophersen et al.,
2000). The degree of responsiveness to temperature varied among the four landfill
soils tested, and the soil with the least organic matter and the lowest gravel content
showed the smallest response to temperature change. When microbial CH4 removal
was estimated using field comparisons of 13 C to 12 C isotope ratios, trials at 0 C
showed no evidence of microbial CH4 consumption (Borjesson et al., 2001). There
is evidence that the sensitivity to temperature change may be muted when the soil
is at optimum moisture content (Boeckx, et al., 1996).
Experiments with compost-filled columns in a climate-controlled chamber show-
ed that constant and high CH4 removal was obtained across a temperature range of
5 C to 30 C (Humer and Lechner, 2001). The tests started at a temperature of 18
C, and after an adaptation time of about 6 days, all of the supplied CH4 (approxim-
ately 150 L CH4 m−2 -day) could be removed. When the temperature was reduced
to approximately 4 C, the removal rates were 70–80% of those measured at 18
C, and rates increased immediately when the higher temperature was resumed. A
highly active and diverse microbial community (Methylococcus sp., Methylomonas
sp., Methylobacter sp. and Methylosinus sp.) was detected, which may explain the
good temperature adaptability observed. Also, the influence of organic matter on
moisture holding capacity may account for differences in temperature effects on
soil and compost media.
Although some nutrients enhance CH4 uptake in short-term incubation studies,
few have been studied in longer incubations. Of the latter (phosphate, lime, sewage
sludge, and ammonium), only lime (Hilger et al., 2000) and sewage sludge (Kight-
ley et al., 1995) were stimulatory. Short-term incubations have shown that nitrate,
lime (Hilger et al., 2000), ground wheat (high C:N) and sugar beet leaf amendment
(low C:N) (Boeckx and VanCleemput, 1996), added to fresh soil enhance CH4
uptake; but when amendments of KNO3, vitamins, EDTA or FeSO4 were added to
landfill soil after the soil had been incubated for several thousand hours with CH4 ,
no stimulation was observed over 2–3 day incubation periods (Hilger et al., 2000).
Ammonium addition enhanced CH4 uptake in short-term incubations (Bender and
Conrad, 1995; DeVisschner, 1999), while in long-term incubations it inhibited CH4
consumption in bare soil columns, and had no sustained inhibitory effect when the
The first major field trial of landfill covers designed to optimize biotic CH4 removal
is ongoing at a 14 ha operating landfill in Austria (Humer and Lechner, 1999;
Humer and Lechner, 2001). Although a gas collection system is in place, CH4
emissions as high of 800 L (m−2 -d) have been detected. Four 25 × 25 m test covers
are being monitored and compared to a 25 × 25 m control site with no cover
material. The test cell covers were constructed in spring 1999 over fill that was
actively producing CH4 . All cells contain 15 m of waste that was deposited during
1975 to 1995, overlain by 3–5 m of organic waste that was deposited between
summer and winter of 1998. Geosynthetic clay liners were placed around each
cell so that lateral CH4 escape is prohibited and the test areas are isolated from one
another. Trial cover designs include sewage sludge composted with woodchips (pH
7.2) that was (1) layered 0.4 m deep on top of the waste; (2) layered 0.3 m deep and
underlain by 0.3 m compacted loam, or (3) layered 0.9 m deep and underlain by 0.3
m coarse gravel; or (4) well-composted MSW (pH 7.8) that was underlain by 0.3 m
coarse gravel. The compost layers were placed without compaction, and vegetation
was permitted to colonize the cover material over the course of the trials.
Methane concentrations of 50–70% vol/vol (remainder carbon dioxide) were
measured in probes in the uncovered control site as well as in probes reaching
about 0.5–1 m into the waste beneath the different covers. Surface emissions were
measured with a portable flame ionization detector the first year and with an open
wind tunnel device since winter 2000. While CH4 is emitted from the surface of the
control cell and the cells with compost but without gravel (test plots 1 and 2), no
CH4 emissions (but rather high carbon dioxide emissions) have been detected from
tests plots 3 and 4 where compost covers are underlain by gravel (Figures 1 and
2). During the first year (1999), probe readings showed CH4 oxidation occurring
near mid-level in the summer and moving lower into the cover in winter. Since the
first winter, no CH4 has been detected above the bottommost gravel layers. Oxygen
penetration was detected through much of the cover at the onset of the trials, and it
has routinely been detected at the 90 cm depth since winter 1999.
On the control site, high CH4 fluxes were emitted constantly during the first year
of monitoring, after which broad CH4 emissions declined and were replaced by a
few regions of high emissions where fissures formed paths within the waste. Wind
tunnel flux measurements on the control site revealed emission rates of about 840
LCH4 m−2 -d. Occasionally CH4 emissions also appear at the surrounding slopes
of the covers in connection with wind direction and velocity.
The landfill receives about 650 mm of precipitation annually, and water accu-
mulation is being monitored in 300 L lysimeters constructed next to the test cells.
The lysimeters contain cover materials layered to simulate the test cell covers.
During the first year, when volunteer vegetation sparsely covered the lysimeter
surfaces, about 130 mm of leachate were measured in the bins with compost cover.
During the second year of monitoring, more vegetation has become established and
with increased transpiration, less leachate accumulation is anticipated.
The gas-filled pore volume of the composted sewage sludge cover is greater
with depth than that of the MSW compost, which allows CH4 oxidation to proceed
deeper into the cover. The greater depth penetration is advantageous, because it
allows oxidation to proceed in regions where the compost layers can maintain more
stable moisture and temperature conditions. Layers closer to the surface are subject
to drying from wind or solar radiation. Also, the heat generated from the oxidation
reaction is more likely to be retained if oxidation is occurring at greater depth, and
in the deeper test covers, weekly temperatures never fell below 10 ◦ C.
The first U.S. demonstration and data collection site for biocovers was de-
veloped recently at the Outer Loop landfill in Louisville, Kentucky. Waste Man-
agement, Inc. has undertaken the project as part of a Cooperative Research and
Development Agreement (CRADA) with the USEPA. The Outerloop biocovers
consist of 1.0–1.5 m of yard waste compost underlain by 15–20 cm of tire chips
and approximately 15 cm of clay. They are located over cells that are known to be
actively producing CH4 . Static chambers will be used to compare emissions from
the approximately two acres of compost-covered cells to those with a soil cover.
The aim of these trials is to evaluate the longevity and performance of a biocover on
flat and sloped surfaces for the mitigation of CH4 , NMOCs and hazardous air pol-
lutants (HAPs) emissions. Vertical gas profiles and measures of CH4 uptake in soil
from core samples will be combined with climate models to predict a hypothetical
whole landfill CH4 oxidation rate for a biocover.
In summary, the Austrian field tests are confirming that a biological CH4 re-
moval system can be an effective tool for reducing landfill CH4 emissions. The
greater air penetration, better temperature modulation, and nutrient supply offered
by compost is resulting in 100% CH4 capture compared to 10–50% estimates of
CH4 uptake efficiency measured in traditional soil landfill covers. The importance
of a gravel support layer is evident, presumably because it functions to accumulate
and distribute the gas into the compost. The data also indicate that the surface area
and depth of compost over a biocovered landfill cell interact to influence the effects
of climate on temperature, moisture content, and gas penetration into the compost
at various depths. Therefore, the cover configuration, the compost properties, and
local climate conditions should be considered on a site-by-site basis for optimum
cover design.
Monitoring data from Waste Management’s Outerloop Landfill will allow ex-
amination of some of the key interacting variables in a different biocover design
in a southern U.S. climate. It will also provide much needed information about the
potential for NMOC and HAP uptake in biocovers.
5. Discussion
U.S. policy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions appropriately emphasizes the
collection and oxidation of landfill CH4 . When energy is recovered from the CH4 ,
the conversion reduces the GWP of each CH4 molecule to that of one molecule of
CO2 . On a mass basis, the combustion reaction converts one gram of CH4 with a
100 yr GWP of 21 into 2.75 g of CO2 , with a GWP of 1. The net result is an 87%
reduction in GWP, and the CO2 emissions associated with producing an equivalent
amount of fossil fuel energy are avoided.
When energy capture is not economically feasible, flaring is recommended. It
has been argued that it is the removal of CH4 during the burn rather than the energy
recovered that is the more critical goal; 95% of the benefit is related to climate
change and 5% to the energy gain (CEC, 1996). Biotic CH4 removal systems
offer the same CH4 conversion to CO2 as flaring. However, unlike combustion, not
every molecule of CH4 consumed biotically is converted to CO2 . As much as 85%
(mole/mole) of the CH4 carbon may be incorporated into biomass and not released
to the environment (Borjesson et al., 2001). Therefore, any management technique
or technology that can optimize this conversion is economically valuable.
Composted organics foster good microbial growth and appear to make an effect-
ive medium for landfill cover. Long used as a biofiltration medium, compost offers
a good mix of porosity, water-holding capacity, pH, and nutrient supply. When used
as a thick layer of cover material, it provides the added benefit of avoiding disposal
costs for former waste products, such as sewage sludge, MSW, and yard waste.
Compost covers can be a polishing tool when paired with active gas collec-
tion systems. They can serve to capture CH4 that escapes collection, cometabolize
NMOCs, and provide an activated sink for atmospheric CH4 removal. Alternat-
ively, compost covers offer an inexpensive cover material where none exists, so that
sanitation conditions can be improved even when elaborate caps are not required
or are prohibitively expensive.
Subsequent investigations of biotic covers will need to address the durability
and active life of the cover material. This may depend, in part, on the nature and
source of the composted material and the depth at which maximum CH4 uptake
occurs. Factors such as temperature, moisture and gas ratios may influence the
optimum depth, which may even shift over time as the porosity and other character-
istics change as the compost degrades. Identification of the types of methanotrophs
selected by current systems may suggest other ways to optimize CH4 uptake.
Elucidation of the media characteristics that enhance success will also provide
valuable information. Higher microbial CH4 consumption in compost relative to
soil could be related to nutritional factors provided by the compost or to changes
in the microbial ecology and predator-prey relationships that develop. On the other
hand, physical factors such as the increased porosity, water-holding capacity, or
thermal mass of compost could be responsible for much of the observed effect,
so that synthetic materials with similar properties but greater durability could be
Finally, the impacts of combining biotic compost covers with operational factors
known to improve microbial CH4 uptake have yet to be investigated. The mainten-
ance of vegetation on the compost could increase rhizosphere-related microbial
activity, and through shading, provide some additional temperature and moisture
modulation. On the other hand, vegetation could compete with CH4 -consuming
microbes for nutrients and water, so that overall CH4 consumption is decreased.
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