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Batoul Abu Ali - Islamic University in Gaza .: Approach

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Batoul Abu Ali

.Islamic university in Gaza

GTM Approach
The grammar-translation method is a method of teaching foreign languages derived from the classical
method of teaching “dead’ languages like Greek and Latin. So, in grammar classes, students learn grammatical
rules and then apply those rules. Latin and Greek were taught more as academic subjects rather than a means of
oral communication. Thus, Grammar -Translation Method is also called Classical Method of teaching English.
Translation Method means teaching a target language (here it is English) by translating it into mother tongue. The
teacher translates each word and sentence in to the mother tongue. Grammar is one of determining points of
mastering English. It refers to a set of the structural rules of language which concerns with the grammar in any
.given natural language. Bonilla Carvajal 2013
.Historical background
Traditionally, studying a language was grounded on the principles of Greek and Latin grammar. During the
renaissance era, Greek and Roman literature were held in high regard and Latin was taught as a language mainly
for reading and writing.  Mastering Latin grammar rules became an educational goal. The invention of printing
machines and the development of local languages around Europe increased the need for second or foreign language
learning. Grammar was central in language teaching and language teachers adopted the Grammar Translation
Method which was based on traditional Latin teaching. Since grammar is an important aspect of learning English,
the teacher’s teaching will determine the learners’ success in learning the language. In this case, the approaches of
teaching grammar should be the main focus in teaching and learning process. The teacher’s way in delivering and
guiding the learners. Also, supports the learners’ effort in learning the language. Furthermore, according to
Thornburg, there are two main approaches in teaching grammar (GTM), the namely deductive approach and the
inductive approach. Firstly, Deductive starts from general argument into specific statement. As, like for example,
Today, I will talk about present continuous. It is followed (am, is, are) + v+ Ing. So, this is deductive because it
starts with grammar, rule, and function. So, they are taking the rules first and then given an example on this rule
and then the try to memories these examples that they can learn to make new similar example like them. Inductive
starts from specific statement into general conclusion like, (Today, I will talk about my experience. Now, I am
writing and reading a short story. So, this inductive because it starts with example and the teacher focus on rules.
inductive teaching-learning is an opportunity, learners observe the procedure. In learning English grammar, the
first place to learn at the school in which learners are introduced English grammar firstly. In teaching learning
grammar, the teacher acts as the facilitator for the learners. It is started in the curriculum that grammar is not a
subject. It is taught inclusively in other language skills, namely listening, speaking, and reading. Thus, grammar is
not learnt specifically in a lesson hour. It is learned generally included in English lesson. All of those include in a
time of English lesson. So that understanding grammar needs more attention because there is no specific time to
.serve the insight of the grammar

. Batoul Abu Ali

.Islamic university in Gaza

.Some techniques are used inside classroom to teach GTM

Translation: to make your students to translate from one language to another from different reading -1
.passages such as novel or story that is something related to the target language culture
Fill in the blanks: it is very simple by giving your students different sentences with a(slot) in the middle, _2
and then you ask them to fill it with a certain word that match the grammar in the sentence. Like, I am ……
video now? (watching)
- :Using word in a sentence _3
For example, if you teach your students the word (learn) so after you teach them the definition and the
meaning of this word (examples, how to pronounce). Thus, ask them to put the word (learn) in a sentence.
.So, they will give you different sentences to show you that they understand to use the word
_ :Synonyms/ Antonyms -4
Like, if I am saying these words (little and small) they are synonyms. And, if I am saying these words (light
.and dark) are antonyms. So, teacher should ask students to give him some synonyms and Antonyms
:Reading comprehension questions -5
Give your students a reading passage and then you will ask them 3 different questions * (to check
their understanding of the reading passage). * (make your students to understand something is not stated in
the reading passage) * (help students to relate the text to their experience and how they feel about it). So, the
first question is to check your student’s comprehension. The second question could be asking the students to
.think critically of the passage. 3 question to relate the reading to themselves
* .Advantages of Grammatical-Translation Method
.This method is useful in the class in which there are a large of students _1
It is beneficial to use in the class where there are students of various levels - very intelligent and not-so- .2
.very intelligent
It helps teacher much to clear the meaning of a word and sentence to the students easily by translating .3
.them into the mother tongue
* .Disadvantages of Grammar Translation Method
No oral work takes place in the class room due to this method. Only teacher speaks .1 .1
.The main focus remains only on the mother-tongue and the target language remains ignored .2
.No Speaking in the target language is possible. The only thrust that remains in the reading .3
.The students don't develop the power of thinking in the target language. They become mentally lazy .4
.It doesn't help the students to learn correct pronunciation of English Language (the target language) .5

. Batoul Abu Ali

.Islamic university in Gaza

.Main emphasis is given on the Rules of Grammar .6

.Students try to do everything by translating .7
.This method doesn't involve the students mentally and it is just like story telling method .8
?How to teach (GTM) inside classroom
Using of mother tongue to teach the target language. Grammar is *taught deductively. *Memorizing *
.vocabulary items that are taught in the form of word lists. *Memorizing grammar rules
.Elaborate explicit teaching of grammar*
.Focusing on morphology and syntax*
.Focusing on reading and writing*
.Reading of difficult texts early in the course*
The practice focuses on exercises in which students translate sentences or texts from their mother tongue to *
.the target language and vice versa
# :References
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.Bonilla Carvajal 2013
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. Batoul Abu Ali

.Islamic university in Gaza

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