Syphilis The Renaissance of An Old Disease With Oral Implications
Syphilis The Renaissance of An Old Disease With Oral Implications
Syphilis The Renaissance of An Old Disease With Oral Implications
DOI 10.1007/s12105-009-0127-0
Received: 29 May 2009 / Accepted: 2 July 2009 / Published online: 22 July 2009
Ó Humana 2009
G. Ficarra (&)
Department of Odonto-Stomatology, University of Florence, Epidemiology
Viale Morgagni 85, Florence, Italy
e-mail: In the USA, in the first half of the twentieth century,
syphilis was a frequent infection (66.4 cases per 100.000
R. Carlos
Pathology Division, Centro Clı́nico de Cabeza y Cuello, persons in 1947) and a leading cause of heart and neuro-
Guatemala City, Guatemala logical diseases [3, 6, 9]. In 1940s the introduction of
196 Head and Neck Pathol (2009) 3:195–206
penicillin therapy and prevention efforts made the disease other virulent treponemes cannot be cultivated in vitro
rare. Since the 1950s in the USA periodic epidemics have [2, 3].
been observed with peaks around the 1990 followed by a The primary mode of syphilis transmission is sexual
progressive decline of prevalence by the year 1993 until the contact. After T. pallidum penetrates through the genital
year 2000 [10–14]. However, during that time syphilis still mucosa or abraded skin, it enters the lymphatic and blood
remained a problem in the Southern States where the dis- stream and disseminates to various organs including the
ease used to spread especially among poor minority groups CNS [1–3]. The incubation time is directly proportional to
that did not have access to medical facilities [15–17]. In the the size of the inoculum and may vary from 3 to 90 days.
USA, the incidence of syphilis continued to cycle reaching In about 10–20% of cases the primary lesion is intrarectal,
an all time low in 2000, with 2.1 cases per 100.000 persons perianal or oral. At difference with other sexually trans-
[17]. During the last 8 years a significant resurgence of this mitted diseases (e.g. HIV) T. pallidum is easily transmis-
disease has been reported in several countries such as the sible by oral sex, kissing and close contact with an
USA, Canada, England, France, Spain, Ireland, Eastern infectious lesion [1–3, 6].
Europe, Russia and China [6–24]. Main epidemiology An important common mode of transmission is in utero
changes, at the basis of increasing prevalence, reflect sex transmission. In addition, transmission can occur at deliv-
industry, sexual promiscuity, decreasing use of barrier ery if the newborn comes in contact with a contagious
protection (i.e. condoms) due to a false sense of security lesion. Blood transfusion can be another mode of trans-
that today sexually transmitted disease are curable and lack mission although today quite rare. Healthcare workers and
of pertinent knowledge. laboratory personnel can acquire the infection if their
Today, more than 50–60% of new cases of syphilis unprotected hands come in contact with the spirochetes
occur in men who have sex with men (MSM) and are [2, 3, 6].
strongly associated with HIV coinfection and high risk The likelihood of a susceptible person who is exposed to
sexual behavior [6, 7, 25]. In the Russian Federation since an infected individual of developing syphilis is about 50%
the fall of the Soviet Union the incidence of syphilis has [1–3]. Spirochetes multiply locally at the site of entry and
shown a rapid and substantial increase. The reasons are some spread to lymph nodes and systemically through the
linked to changes in sexual behavior, drug abuse, increased bloodstream. T. pallidum has an innate capacity to evade
travel and migration which all have created the conditions the host’s immune system. Evaluations of the outer mem-
for a parallel epidemic of HIV infection [19]. Also in other brane show only a small number of integral proteins thus
European countries like Spain, syphilis has been linked in the immune system cannot mount, in the absence of proper
injecting drug users with high-risk sexual behavior [20]. In immunogenic targets, an efficient immune response capa-
China cases of syphilis have been recently observed in an ble of eradicating the infection. Serological tests detect
increasing number and in association with less education, antibodies to T. pallidum early in the primary stage which
alcohol use, unprotected anal sex with male partners and remain detectable during the infection and which are used
diagnosis of sexual transmitted diseases [8]. to monitor the response to treatment. Cellular immune
responses cause the resolution of both primary and sec-
ondary syphilis. However, despite these immune responses
Etiology and Mechanism of Infection and in absence of antibiotic therapy T. pallidum is able to
survive in the human host for decades [26–30].
The causative agent of syphilis is T. pallidum. There are The clinical manifestations of syphilis are quite protean
other organisms which belong to the genus Treponema that and can be recapitulated into four principal stages: primary,
are closely related antigenically to T. pallidum. Among secondary, latent and tertiary syphilis (see below). The
these spirochetes that are pathogenic to humans there are: pathologic changes associated with syphilis are character-
T. pallidum subsp. pertenue (causative of yaws); T. palli- ized by obliterative endarteritis that is found in all stages of
dum subsp. endemicum (causative of bejel, nonvenereal the disease. In the primary chancre an inflammatory infil-
endemic syphilis); and T. carateum (causative of pinta) trate formed by polymorphonuclear leucocytes and mac-
[2, 3]. rophages and rich of treponemes is the typical feature.
Treponema pallidum has a slender, coiled morphology Gummas are agranulomatous lesions formed by a necrotic
and when examined by dark field microscopy it moves with coagulated center and associated with small-vessels oblit-
a drifting rotary motion (corkscrew). T. pallidum cannot erative endarteritis. T. pallidum is difficult to demonstrate
survive outside its only known natural host (humans) in tissue albeit it can be revealed by special silver stains
because it has limited metabolic capacities in order to [1–3, 28]. An individual with active or latent syphilis is
synthesize its own bionutrients. Syphilis spirochetes like resistant to superinfection with T. pallidum. If the disease is
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eradicated by adequate antibiotic treatment, the individual 80% of cases about 7–10 days after the development of the
again becomes fully susceptible to infection [2]. genital chancre [1–3, 31].
Secondary Syphilis
Clinical Manifestations
The secondary stage develops after 2–12 weeks after the
Syphilis evolves through a series of four overlapping stages first contact with the organism. This stage is the result of a
commonly known as primary syphilis, secondary syphilis, hematogenous dissemination and the organism, in very
latent syphilis, and tertiary syphilis. Each stage has distinct high number, colonizes several organs giving constitutional
clinical characteristics and degree of infectivity (Table 1) and mucocutaneous manifestations (Table 2). A rash of
[1–3, 6]. Prenatal transmission may induce distinct clinical varying extension is the most common presenting symptom
manifestations. [1–3, 31, 32]. The rash typically does not cause pruritus
and develops as symmetrical 3–10 mm pink or red ma-
Primary Syphilis cules, which can progress to papular or pustular form
(Fig. 1). If untreated, the rash resolves over several weeks
The primary stage of infection is known as syphilis chan- without complications. Characteristic anatomical locations
cre, which occurs at the site of inoculation. Chancre starts are the arms, palms, flanks and soles (Fig. 2). Occasionally,
as a papule that may evolve into an indurated, painless, about 5–6% of patients may develop patchy hair loss of the
nonpurulent ulcer with clean base. The size varies from 0.3 beard, eyebrows and scalp localized alopecia (Fig. 3).
to 3 cm and the borders appear marginated. Chancres can Condyloma lata (white gray mucous patches) are mainly
be single or multiple and usually regress (without treat- found in the genital or anal area in 5–22% of patients; less
ment!) after 2–8 weeks. The majority of extragenital
chancres occur in the mouth (40–75%) although they can
Table 2 Constitutional and mucocutaneous manifestations of sec-
be observed in any body parts, including hands of health- ondary syphilis
care workers. Regional lymphadenopathy occurs in up to
Symptoms: fever, malaise, weight loss
Table 1 Syphilis: outline of stages and incubation times Skin rash (symmetrical and generalized), alopecia
EXPOSURE Condyloma latum in intertriginous areas
Primary incubation: 3 weeks (range 3-90 days) Lymphadenopathy
Oral involvement: multiple mucous patches covered by grayish, white
CNS invasion:25-60% of cases pseudomembranes and surrounded by erythema
Ocular involvement: uveitis, iritis, optic neuritis
Arthritis, periostitis
Early neurosyphilis
Secondary incubation : 4-10 weeks
Neurologic involvement: headache, meningitis, cranial nerve
paralysis, cerebrovascular accident
(gummatous syphilis: after 15 years; cardiovascular syphilis: after 10-30
years) Fig. 1 Secondary syphilis: maculopapular skin lesions of the neck
198 Head and Neck Pathol (2009) 3:195–206
Latent Syphilis
Tertiary Syphilis
Oral Manifestations
The treponemal tests are considered today the most spirochetes are usually identified at the dermal-epidermal
sensitive and specific [3, 58]. These tests are the fluorescent junction and around the capillaries [60, 61].
treponemal antibody (FTA-ABS) and the T. pallidum In secondary syphilis of the skin ulceration may be
hemagglutination (TPHA) and the MHA-TP which is a present and the surface epithelium often demonstrates
modified version of TPHA. The former is able to reveal hyperplasia with significant spongiosis and exocytosis. The
syphilis antibodies in the patient’s serum in the early stage, most common histologic changes of secondary syphilis are:
while the last two become positive somewhat later during (a) superficial and deep perivascular infiltrate containing
the course of infection. The MHA-TP test is highly specific plasma cells; (b) lichenoid infiltrate obscuring the epithe-
([98%) and sensitive in patients with secondary syphilis. lial-lamina propria junction; (c) lichenoid as well as
The T. pallidum immobilization (TPI) test reveals specific superficial and deep perivascular pattern; (d) epithelial
antibodies after the second week of infection but is rarely hyperplasia, and (e) thickening and/or dilatation of lamina
employed because it requires live treponemes and is propria blood vessels. Of interest, a perineural plasmacel-
expensive. lular infiltrate can be seen in about 2/3 of cases of skin or
The diagnosis of secondary syphilis remains largely mucosal lesions [53–56, 60, 61].
clinical with support by serologic methods. The RPR and The usual method for detecting spirochetes in tissue
VDRL are uniformly positive (with high dilution: at least sections is the silver stain (Fig. 10); however, they are
1:32) in secondary syphilis; thus a negative or non reactive often difficult to detect due to marked background staining
test in a patient with a suspect of syphilitic rash in reality frequently seen with this technique. Alternative methods
indicates the absence of the infection [3, 57, 58]. In Table 3 for tissue detection of spirochetes are immunofluorescence
is reported an interpretation scheme of the serological tests using both fresh and fixed paraffin-embedded tissue
for syphilis. [62–64]. Another method is the use of the immunoperox-
Neurosyphilis is diagnosed in cerebrospinal fluid using idase method [65]. Hoang et al. [62] have found that
the same methods [3, 58]. immunostaining with polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies
against T. pallidum is a more sensitive and specific method
in comparison to the silver stain method for detecting
spirochetes in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue of
secondary syphilis. Organism demonstrated by this method
The diagnosis of syphilis is often based on clinical and
serological findings without the employment of biopsy.
However, because of the multiform clinical manifestations,
rarity of oral lesions and unusual presentation in HIV?
patients, histological examination may be pivotal to con-
firm the diagnosis [2, 3, 60–62].
In primary lesions, the epidermis shows changes such as
acanthosis, spongiosis and exocytosis of lymphocytes and
neutrophils. In the center of the chancre, the epidermis is
thinner or completely absent and, when present, shows per-
meation of inflammatory cells. The connective tissue
appears edematous with a dense perivascular and interstitial
lymphohistiocytic and plasmacellular infiltrate which
occupies the whole dermis. Also an obliterative endarteritis
characterized by endothelial swelling and mural edema is
observed [60, 61]. Most of the features described above are
comparable to those observed in lesions of secondary syph- Fig. 10 Silver stain of syphilis showing the corkscrew-shaped
ilis. By silver staining or immunofluorescent techniques, treponemes (940)
Head and Neck Pathol (2009) 3:195–206 203
Fig. 11 Immunohistochemical method: the spirochetes are visible in Fig. 13 Secondary oral syphilis. A perineural and perivascular
the lower epithelial lamina (940) plasmacellular infiltrate is visible in the deep lamina propria (EE,
can be seen, due to the near absence of background
staining, in the epithelial lamina, at the junction or in the syphilis, particularly if there is a perivascular distribution
connective tissue around capillaries (Fig. 11). [61]. However, it should be stressed that plasma cells are
Regarding oral syphilis, few papers have reported common in oral biopsies then their significance must be
detailed studies of its histological features and this may be critically evaluated [60, 66]. The presence of a plasma cell
due to the rarity of the oral manifestations or that biopsy is infiltrate which extents deeply into the lamina propria and
rarely taken [60]. Several Authors [60, 66] have stressed on around the capillaries is a finding that should suggests the
the fact that a key microscopic feature is plasma cell diagnosis of syphilis. As for skin syphilis a perineural
infiltration and proliferative endarteritis, at least in primary plasmacellular infiltrate has also been described in oral
and secondary disease. Endothelial cells proliferate within lesions (Fig. 13) [60].
small arteries and arterioles, producing a concentric lay- Oral tertiary syphilis typically shows absence of the
ering of cells that result in a narrowed lumen. Plasma cell, epithelial lamina with peripheral hyperplasia of pseudo-
along with lymphocytes and macrophages can be found in epitheliomatous type. The lamina propria contains foci
a perivascular distribution or as a band-like infiltrate in the of granulomatous inflammation (large central zone of
lamina propria (Fig. 12). The presence of plasma cells in acellular necrosis) with well-circumscribed collections of
skin is unusual and immediately raises the possibility of histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells. Despite the use
of special stains, the spirochetes are not found in gummas
[3, 60, 66].
In conclusion, although there is no single microscopic
feature specific to syphilis if the clinical information are
matched with the microscopic features the combination of
the two can provide a logical basis for further laboratory
investigations able to rule out the infection.
Principles of Treatment
Drugs of Choice
longer in late stage [67]. This drug is very effective in early Syphilis in HIV? Patients
syphilis and less effective in late stages. The principal
contraindication is hypersensitivity to the penicillins [3, 6, Treatment of HIV? patients with primary and secondary
67]. syphilis is the same as for HIV-negative patients. However,
Oral tetracyclines are also effective in the treatment of because syphilis in HIV? patients has a more aggressive
syphilis for patients who are allergic to penicillin. Tetra- course and treatment failure with benzathine penicillin may
cycline, 500 mg orally four time daily for 14 days, or occur more commonly, some Authors recommend a more
doxycycline 100 mg orally twice for 14 days are effective aggressive treatment as 3 doses of 2.4 million units of
against T. pallidum. These regimens are valid for primary, benzathine penicillin intramuscularly at weekly intervals
secondary, and early latent syphilis. In syphilis of more instead of a single administration [68, 69]. In HIV?
than 1 year’s duration (or unknown duration), treatment is patients, accurate clinical and serologic follow-up should
given for 28 days in the same dosage. Recent data suggest be done at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 months [3, 6].
that both ceftriaxone and azithromycin are effective for the
treatment of early syphilis [2, 3]. A problem with azith-
romycin is increasing resistance of T. pallidum [6, 67]. Comment
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