United States of America finally demanded neutrality and excluded the United States from the
countries participating in World War 2. Meaning that the US was in complete isolation from
the rest of the world in the beginning. In addition to the major losses resulting from World
War 1, combined with the effects of the Great Depression happening before the declaration of
WW2, the US congress saw a dire need to isolate the United States from the rest of the world.
The isolation law was enacted in the period between 1936 and 1937 by the late president
Roosevelt. After the enaction of the said law, no ships could sail from or to the US, and no
military and business trades were passed between America and the rest of the world. Simply
put, all relations with the rest of the world were put on pause at the time. The US simply
became a self-reliant country and chose a non-entanglement position despite the fact that the
country at the time was split into citizens who supported entanglement and those who did not.
The president refused to declare war against the fascists at the time in order to maintain the
good security state of his nation and defend democracy at all costs. However, with years
passing by, his intentions started to shift towards declaring war on Germany and its allies. In
1939, the Fourth Neutrality Act allowed America to trade weapons with countries under the
condition that the latter would send soldiers to retrieve weapons from the US and pay in cash.
This process was named the “Cash and Carry” and had received national popularity at the
time. Another major process happened in 1941 known as the Lend-lease Act which was based
on allowing countries which shared the same defense with the United States to buy, sell, and
even lend any defensive products such as arms, food, ammunition, weapons, etc. While being
in a state of isolation, the U.S worked on supporting its business growth, expanding self-made
industrial projects, limiting immigration and creating special conditions to enter the state, and
cutting off tariffs on nationally produced goods. It aimed to put more focus on the nation’s
domestic problems to avoid going into another civil war and to ensure a better state of the
country. These procedures helped the U.S to partially heal from the losses of the World War
1. With time, the intentions of the nation began to gradually shift from a state of isolationism
to a state of war. After the attack on Pearl Harbor back on the 7 th of December, 1941,
president Roosevelt decided that it was high time the nation declared war on Germany to take
revenge of the invasion of property and wellbeing of the country, and also, to defend the
nation’s democratic beliefs. The US sent troops to back up its allies against Germany and a
dreadful war had been declared between the latter and its rivals. On the 6 th of April, 1917, the
U.S had officially declared war on Germany. At first. The U.S was on the way to winning the
war until ammunition and weapons began to go on shortage. It was until then that the U.S
president knew that the idea of going on war was a complete failure from the very beginning.
While being in a state of isolation, the U.S worked on supporting business growth,
produced goods. These procedures helped the U.S to heal from the losses of the World War 1.
However, by 1916, the U.S showed a great interest in creating what was called at the time the
league of nations for the sole purpose of keeping a global permanent state of peace. The
organization’s aims were to halt any type of tension between nations and look up to keep
peace among all nations of the world. However, the economic explosion led to a series of
problems which had shaken the country’s peace for a phase. American farmers noticed a huge
agricultural pile up, as well as the demand on goods had increased immensely, leading the
Concerning immigration, the process of restricting immigration began in 1917 with the
immigration act. The U.S started to impose literacy tests and tariffs on immigrants and
excluding the ill, the disabled, and the criminals to ensure a good security state for the