Edtpa Lesson Plan 1
Edtpa Lesson Plan 1
Edtpa Lesson Plan 1
Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public 21st century Skills (4 C’s)
Schools Identify whether this lesson is attending to communication, creativity,
Or SHAPE America Grade Level Outcomes critical thinking, and/or collaboration
CA 1.1-Demonstrate mature techniques for the following patterns: Communication: Between teacher and students on procedures, equipment
striking and volleying. rules, and expectations. Teacher needs to clearly communicate skill
SHAPE S4.M7.7-Independently uses physical activity and exercise practice drills for today’s lesson.
equipment appropriately and safely. Collaboration: Between partners to achieve a record for the day on how
many pop-ups they can complete in a row. Between partners during
Think-Pair Share.
Learning objectives:These are TEACHER objectives
Psychomotor Domain: SWBAT practice pop-ups with a badminton racquet and count how many they can complete in a row individually
and with a partner.
Cognitive Domain: SWBAT demonstrate understanding of rules and expectations for the badminton unit.
Affective Domain: SWBAT keep in mind that learning a new skill takes practice and that everyone progresses at their own pace.
Learning Targets: These are for the students to know before, during and at end of lesson
WHAT (what are we learning today?): Students are learning rules and expectations regarding badminton and the equipment. Students are learning how
to perform pop-ups and how to pass with a partner.
WHY (Why is this important to learn?): Equipment rules and expectations are important to learn for safety and in order for the equipment to last.
Pop-ups and partner passing are important to begin practicing as they are a foundational skill in badminton.
HOW (How will I know I am learning it?): When students can progressively complete more pop-ups in a row.
Time Description of Introductory Activity/ Warm Up Task Variations Assessment Connection to GLO
and Progression and Objectives
5 minutes -“Okay, for warm-up today you will be staying in your roll call spots.” Modification 1: Students are
-Teacher will lead the students through a dynamic warm-up: 30 seconds Students perform performing
for each exercise-jog in place, jumping jacks, lateral lunges, arm circles warm-up dynamic
(both directions), core rotations, leg swings (each leg), side reaches exercises in a warm-up as
(each side). stationary instructed and
position, static demonstrated.
-When warm-up is completed, students will stay in their roll call spots stretching.
and listen to the following instructions for the activity.
Modification 2:
Students help
lead warm-up.
Time Lesson Focus Task Description Task Variations Assessment Connection to GLO
and Progression and Objectives
8 minutes -“Great warm-up everyone. We are now going to go over the badminton Modification 1: Students are SHAPE
equipment we will be working with. Here are the racquets we will be Have key words actively listening S4.M7.7-Independently
using. How are these different from a tennis racquet? [wait 1 minute for and instructions and asking uses physical activity
responses] A tennis racquet can probably accidentally hit the ground written out on questions if they and exercise equipment
after a swing and they will be okay, but, if you hit one of these on the the portable need appropriately and safely.
ground they can bend or even snap so we want to be extra careful. At whiteboard to clarifications.
the beginning of each class you will grab a racquet and inspect it: check give students a
strings, frame, and grips. If you notice something wrong please come visual.
tell me so I can get the racquet fixed and I will give you a new one.
Once you take a racquet you are responsible for it for that class.” Modification 2:
-Teacher now explains and shows different parts of the racquet: head, Have posters
shaft, handle. around the gym
-Next show the class the birdie: technical name is a shuttlecock. to remind
-“We also need to be gentle with the birdies because if they break they students about
won’t fly correctly. I will count how many birdies are handed out at the the equipment
beginning of class and how many are returned at the end of class. Let and class
me know if any get stuck up on the bleachers please. Any questions expectations.
about the equipment?”
-Ask students if they have any questions or concerns so far.
5 minutes -“Okay everyone, now we will get into some skills practice! Before you Modification 1: Students, CA 1.1-Demonstrate
move, let me explain. You will choose a partner. You and your partner Have students individually, mature techniques for
will line up across from each other as if you were each on one side of bounce the should be the following patterns:
the badminton court. We are doing this so we are all facing the same birdie once and attempting to striking and volleying.
direction, won’t get in each other's way, and won’t accidentally hit each then let it drop to continuously hit
other with our racquets.” the floor. the birdie with SHAPE
-Demonstrate partner positioning on court with another student. Modification 2: the racquet. S4.M7.7-Independently
-“First, everyone will grab a racquet, make sure you inspect it, and Have students uses physical activity
everyone will grab a birdie. You will start bouncing the birdie on the try flipping the and exercise equipment
racquet and see how many you can get in a row on your own. racquet from appropriately and safely.
[Demonstrate] You want to find a sweet spot in the center of the racquet forehand to
face to maintain control of the birdie. You and your partner are both backhand grip
doing this on your own to start, we are not passing to each other yet. between bounces
We are trying to get used to the racquet and the birdie so do not worry if to make it more
you mess up. Any questions? Okay pick your partner, grab a racquet challenging.
and a birdie, and spread out!”
8 minutes -“Okay everybody freeze! When I say freeze everyone should be Modification 1: Students are CA 1.1-Demonstrate
holding their birdie and their racquet should be by your side.” Have students trying their best mature techniques for
-Wait for all students to do so. stand closer to keep the birdie the following patterns:
-“Next, you are going to each count how many times you can bounce together to make in the air. striking and volleying.
the birdie in a row. You will then add up your high score with your passing easier.
partner to see how many you got together. Any questions? Ready, go!” SHAPE
-Give students 2 minute to do this. Modification 2: S4.M7.7-Independently
-“Freeze! Okay by show of hands how many pairs got over 10? Over Have students uses physical activity
20? Over 30? Amazing work everyone. Okay now you and your partner stand farther and exercise equipment
are going to try and beat your high score! Ready, go!” apart to make appropriately and safely.
-Give students another minute to go again. passing more
-Stop the class again and ask for high scores. challenging.
-Try again but this time with backhand pop-ups.
-“Now we will begin some partner passing. One partner bring your
birdie into the center of the gym please. You and your partner will now
try to get as many passes in a row as you both can. You will set a
record, and then try to break that record together. Questions? Begin!”
Time Description of Closure Assessment Connection to GLO
and Objectives
8 minutes -“Okay everyone, please one partner collect the racquets and the other partner bring the Students are SHAPE
birdie into the center of the gym. The partner who has the racquets, please show me the discussing S4.M7.7-Independently
racquets before putting them back in the cart. Once you have put everything back, please answers with uses physical activity
take a seat with your partner.” their partners. and exercise equipment
-“Really good work today everyone, I saw you all trying! We are going to quickly review Students are appropriately and safely.
some of the information we went over today. What is 1 rule we learned today about sharing their
racquets? You have 15 seconds to discuss with your partner and then when you come up answers with the CA 1.1-Demonstrate
with an answer please raise your hands” Let students discuss and then share out. class. mature techniques for
-Ask 2 more questions: the following patterns:
-What is one thing we learned about the birdies today? striking and volleying.
-How did it feel using the racquet and birdie today?