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Lesson Plan-13-Wood Technology-2nd Year

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Student Name: Gearóid Reynolds

ID: G00394631

Subject: WT Topic(s): Key Holder Project

Pupil Year Group: 2nd years No. of Pupils: 22
Lesson Number: 13 Length of lesson: 80 Minutes
Date: 26/1/2023 Time of Lesson: 11:20


Previous Knowledge

Students have been completing this project for the last 5 weeks, so they understand the jointing
techniques they are using and what tools are needed for each part. The students are also aware of
the health and safety aspects within the Wood Technology room.

Previous Skills

The students will be familiar with using different hand tools from the 1st year. Students are familiar
with using saws and chisels.

Implementing the hand skills, they have developed to help create a woodwork project.

The students have already used oil as a finish in a previous project they completed this year so I want
to recap on how to use it and the health and safety needed when using it.

Teacher Observation

In previous classes, I found that some students struggled with how to find the inside holes for the
dowels which is why I want to give a demonstration on how to find them.

A brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson and why you have selected KEY*
these teaching, learning, and assessment strategies- a justification for the lesson.

In this lesson, we will be continuing with the Key Holder project. I will have the students at (Rei
tables in which they are at the same stage in the project. This will mean that if I must give a
demonstration to a group, I won’t be repeating myself as the students will all be at that
I will then give a demonstration using the visualizer as tom how to find ad mark out the
holes in the center of the main piece and talk about the safety needed when operating the NL
pillar drill.
I will then go through how to oil the project as some students will be at this stage talking
them through the technique of oiling the piece.

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning


*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

1.10 apply recognised health and safety practices in the use of tools, equipment and materials

Learning Intentions (LI) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

At the end of this lesson, the students will be Learning LI’s L
enabled to: Getting students to Questioning
List the health and safety precautions needed list the health and (Socrates)
when using the pillar drill and when applying safety precautions Visual Assessment
an oil finish to a piece. needed to be
observed when
using the pillar drill
and when applying
an oil finish.

1.3 collaborate effectively in a workshop learning environment

Learning Intentions (LI) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

At the end of this lesson, the students will be Learning LI’s C
enabled to: The proper Visual Inspection PM
Implement the correct classroom rules and implementation of Excellent tidy-up
routines during and at the end of the lesson. rules and routines where all
in the classroom instructions are
along with a proper followed.
tidying of the room
at the end of the

1.9 demonstrate principles of craft excellence through the design and realisation of tasks and artefacts

Learning Intentions (LI) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

At the end of this lesson, the students will be Learning LI’s C
enabled to: Students will learn Class Discussion PM
Implement the knowledge they have learned how to mark out Marking and cutting
to correctly mark and cut out the piece and to and cut out their out their piece.
correctly apply an oil finish. piece and then Applying an oil
complete it finish.
themselves. Some Visual inspection.
students will
correctly oil their




0-5 Min The teacher greets the students The students arrive at class and 0
as they arrive at the room and take out their pieces and get
gets the students to take out ready for the lesson. Students
their pieces from the locker answer when their name is
where they are stored. The called for the roll.
teacher then takes the roll call.

5-10 Min The teacher will explain what he The students are in their groups CL
wants to compete in today’s and listen as to what the
lesson (Learning Intentions for learning intentions today are.
the class).

The teacher has the students in

each group depending on the
stage that the students are at


10-15 Min The teacher will give a Students will take note of how to
demonstration on how to mark mark out the holes for the piece
out the holes for the dowel rods and complete it themselves
using the visualizer and will then afterward. The students answer
put up the steps on the board any questions posed by the
along with the SolidWorks teacher. (Socrates) The students
model. can use the physical model or
SolidWorks Model for help.

15-40 Min The teacher will instruct the Students continue to work on L
students to carry on working on their project and the group
their pieces. watches how to oil the project. MA

The teacher will walk around the

room helping students.

The teacher will also give a

demonstration on how to oil the
Key holder using the correct

40-42 Min The teacher allows the students Students take their 2-minute
out for a 2-minute break in break.
between the 2 classes.

42-65 Min The teacher goes around the The students go to their benches L
class helping each student and and work on their pieces asking
advising the students on what to the teacher questions they might O
be done. have or if they are having any

Throughout the lesson, if CL

students have completed the
gluing or the oiling of the
keyholder the teacher will get
the students to help other
students with their work.
(Cooperative Learning) (Peer
Teaching) (UDL)

65-70 Min Before the teacher gets the The students go over a recap of O
students to tidy up, he goes over today’s lesson talking about CL
the main learnings from today’s oiling, tools, and health and
class talking about health and safety. (Socrates) (Class
safety and the tools that were Discussion)

70-79 Min The teacher instructs the Students pack up and tidy
students to put the tools back around their desks and the
into the lockers and stack their room.
projects neatly in the press and
sweep around the floor and
collect up the dust and wood

39-80 Min Once the room is clean and the Students leave the room in an
class has finished the teacher orderly manner.
allows the students to leave the

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.



SolidWorks Model

Working Drawing


Physical Model

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