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Degree Ceremony Programme July 2013 Updated

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The key takeaways are that the graduation ceremony celebrates the hard work and achievement of graduates and marks the beginning of an ongoing relationship between graduates and the University. Graduates are encouraged to stay connected with the University and its alumni network.

The purpose of the graduation ceremony is to celebrate the achievements of the graduates and confer their degrees. It also marks the beginning of a new stage in the relationship between graduates and the University.

Graduates are encouraged to stay connected with the University and become active alumni. The University offers opportunities such as careers advice, internship programs, and networking events. Resources are available on the University's website.

The University of Manchester

JULY 2013
At The University of Manchester,
we focus on making things happen,
turning enthusiasm into
achievement and ground-breaking
theory into cutting-edge practice.

from the President and Vice-Chancellor
Our newest graduates today join a prestigious We encourage our students to take charge
hall of fame that includes 25 Nobel Prize winners of their future, finding a voice and forming
among our current and former staff and opinions, getting involved and meeting fresh I welcome you all – graduands, family For those of you graduating today, these
students, and a worldwide community of more challenges, making the most of the multitude members and friends – to The University of ceremonies mark not the end of your
than 240,000 alumni who can be found holding of resources and opportunities that we have Manchester for this degree congregation. relationship with the University but the start
top positions in every imaginable field. to offer. of a new stage. It is my hope that the links
This is a time of celebration for all of us and I
Over a distinguished history spanning more And we know, with their intelligence, inspiration between the University and you will grow
very much hope that you find it an enjoyable
than 180 years, our innovative minds have and ambition, our new graduates will find they ever stronger and I look forward to you
occasion. As each graduand is presented for
accomplished feats of global importance, have what it takes to make their future happen. becoming an active member of the
conferment of their degree, the University
including the birth of the modern computer, University’s alumni body.
shares with you all a great sense of pride
the splitting of the atom, and the foundation in the award they have worked so hard I wish you every success for the future and
of modern-day economics. to attain. that you all have a truly memorable day.
Today, our students form a diverse and
fascinating community, drawn from all corners
of the globe, united in their goal to build a better
future via a world-class educational experience
of a lifetime.

Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell

President and Vice-Chancellor

The Faculty The Faculty
of Engineering and Physical Sciences of Life Sciences

The Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences The quality, breadth and volume of research The Faculty of Life Sciences is a world-class The Faculty's research fields include
is large and comprehensive with nine component activity at the Faculty of Engineering and Physical research establishment, recognised as an environmental biology, disease biology,
schools: Chemical Engineering and Analytical Sciences is unrivalled. There are more than 70 international site of excellence in terms of neuroscience, genetics and zoology. There are
Science; Chemistry; Computer Science; Earth, specialist research centres and groups at the research power and importance in the latest also world-leading researchers studying vision
Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences; Faculty, each undertaking pioneering research Research Assessment Exercise. science and the history of science, technology
Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Materials; into areas ranging from nuclear decommissioning and medicine.
It is home to more than 1,000 researchers, over
Mathematics; Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil and nanotechnology to artificial intelligence
2,000 undergraduate students and has an Academics regularly have their work published in
Engineering; and Physics and Astronomy. and aerospace.
annual budget in excess of £100 million. leading scientific journals and significant
Together they offer a diverse portfolio of research
Research is at the heart of The University of breakthroughs are consistently being made in
and teaching of the highest quality. Students benefit from modern facilities,
Manchester's Faculty of Engineering and Physical the understanding of a range of diseases.
innovative teaching techniques and the
Many of the major advances of the 20th century Sciences. The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise
opportunity to be taught by leading experts from Rapid advances in molecular and structural
began here, including the work by Rutherford revealed outstanding results, with all of our
across the breadth of the life sciences. The highly biology, genomics and bioinformatics will ensure
leading to the splitting of the atom and the departments demonstrating international or
interactive research and teaching environment that the life sciences continue to dominate
development of the world's first modern national excellence.
allows the Faculty to conduct the highest quality scientific discoveries in the 21st century.
computer. Today, research activities remain at the
research while maintaining an extensive range of
cutting-edge and the Faculty now generates
undergraduate and graduate programmes as
around £75 million in research funding a year.
well as vocational training.

The Faculty The Faculty

of Humanities of Medical and Human Sciences

The Faculty of Humanities is the largest of the Centre for Equity in Education and the The Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences has a The Faculty’s performance in the 2008 Research
University’s four Faculties, with a world leading Sustainable Consumption Institute. long and proud history of innovative teaching and Assessment Exercise (RAE) reflects its strength
reputation in research that spans academic areas ground breaking research, and is one of the largest across an entire range of biomedical and clinical
In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise,
as diverse as the arts, international development, faculties of clinical and health sciences in Europe. research areas from laboratory-based
Humanities was behind only Oxford and
modern languages, education, law, the social The Faculty has five Schools Medicine, Dentistry, investigations through to studies of the impact
Cambridge in the number of world-leading staff
sciences, education, business and management. Pharmacy, Psychological Sciences, and Nursing, of discoveries on the health of the population.
returned, classified as 4*. Of its activity, 22% was
With a total income of around £190 million per Midwifery and Social Work. It also has six Faculty There is a strong organisational capability for
classed as world leading and a further 40% as
annum, around 18,000, students and some 1000 research-focussed institutes: Brain Behaviour and undertaking cross-faculty teaching and research
internationally excellent.
academic staff, it is equivalent to a medium-sized Mental Health; Cancer Sciences, Cardiovascular activity in partnership with the public sector and
university in the UK. Sciences; Human Development; Inflammation and industry. For example, in around 450 community
Repair; and Population Health. The Faculty has placements/GP practices and 17 district hospitals,
Major activities include the Centre for New
strong interdisciplinary links with other Schools, the Faculty trains in excess of 450 doctors each
Writing, the Institute for Social Change, the
Faculties and Institutes across the University, year. Similarly, in partnership with the NHS and
Brooks World Poverty Institute, Humanitarian
including Life Sciences, Engineering and Physical Health Education England, it provides continuing
and Conflict Response Institute, the Manchester
Sciences, Economic and Social Sciences, Education professional development for 60,000 pharmacy
Institute for Innovation Research, the Research
and the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research. The professionals in England.
Institute for Cosmopolitan Cultures, the Centre
School of Medicine traces its past to the first
for Chinese Studies, the Institute for Furthermore, teaching and research is spread over
medical school established in England outside
Development Policy and Management, the a wide area with major links to Central
London, while the School of Nursing was the first
Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation
British school to offer a degree in the subject;
Trust, the Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Salford
similarly, Manchester was the first university to
Royal NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospital of
award degrees in Pharmacy and was the first
South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, and
university in Britain to appoint a full-time
Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust.
professor of psychology; the first degree
programme in dentistry was introduced in 1904.

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The University of Manchester Award for
Outstanding Academic Achievement is awarded
to the top students in each graduating year
based solely on academic performance and
consists of a certificate presented at graduation
and a cheque for £1,000.
Degree Congregations
The prestigious award reflects the exceptional performance of the
individual graduates during their time at The University of Manchester. Monday, 8 July 2013
in the Whitworth Hall

Outstanding Academic Order of Proceedings

The Procession with enter the Hall in the following order
(The Congregation standing)

Achievement Awards Procession Leaders

Members of Senate
Members of the Teaching and Administrative Staff
Wardens of Halls of Residence
Faculty of Hien Luu Faculty of Engineering Faculty of The Presenters
BSc (Hons) International The Mace Bearer
Humanities Business, Fianance and
and Physical Sciences Life Sciences
The Registrar and Secretary
Shalini Kanapathywasam Economics (IBFE) Andrei Cozma Philip Riddell
BEconSc Manchester Business School Mmath (Hons) Mathematics BSc Biomedical Sciences (with IE)
Social Sciences Mathematics Faculty of Life Sciences ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Doroteya Stoyanova
Elizabeth Cook BA(Econ) Lisa Rowlinson Rebecca Broome
Social Sciences At the Degree ceremony at 12.15pm
BA (Hons) Criminology BSc (Hons) Mathematics BSc Biomedical Sciences (with IE)
Law Mathematics Faculty of Life Sciences Professor Colin Bailey will Preside
Naomi Proszynska Miss Anne McGourlay, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Jonathan Collings BA (Hons) Linguistics Ian Jubb Alexander Howard
Arts, Languages and Cultures Professor Colin Bailey will address the ceremony
BSc (Hons) Geography with Mphys (Hons) Physics with Optometry (UG Masters)
International Study Theoretical Physics Faculty of Life Sciences Graduands from the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering will be presented by Professor Andrew Gibson
Environment and Development Anna Scott Physics and Astronomy Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA
LLB (Hons)
Helene Thiem Law Wojciech Zawodney Mace Bearer Peter Ball-Foster
BA (Hons) Arabic StudiesArts
Thomas Wilson
Mchem (Hons) Chemistry Faculty of Medical
Languages and Cultures Chemistry
BA (Hons) Language Literacy and Human Sciences At the Degree ceremony at 2.30pm
Ivet Vuchkova and Communication Laura Howarth-Kirke Katrina Dean Professor Colin Hughes will Preside
BA (Hons) International Education BSc (Hons) Computer Science MBChB
Business, Fianance and Computer Science Manchester Medical School Mr Will Spinks Registrar and Secretary
Economics (IBFE) Christopher Hill
Professor Hugh Coe will address the ceremony
Manchester Business School BA (Hons) Architecture Martin Schuster Abigail Hayes Graduands from the School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences will be presented by Professor Hugh Coe
Environment and Development Meng (Hons) Electrical and Bachelor of Midwifery (Hons)
Mathew Mills Electronic Engineering with Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work Professor Peter Stansby will address the ceremony
BA (Hons) Chinese Studies Industrial Experience Graduands from the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering will be presented by Professor Andy Gibson
Arts Languages and Cultures Electrical and Electronic Engineering Sarah Yee
Organist Philip Lowe LTCL, RMN, FBS
Sarah Churchlow Lingxi Zhang Pharmacy and Mace Bearer Vera Robertson
BEconSc Beng (Hons) Electrical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Social Sciences Electronic Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Karen Lee At the Degree ceremony at 4.45pm
Pharmacy and Professor Richard Reece will Preside
Pharmaceutical Sciences Mrs Catherine Croft, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Professor Paul O'Brien will address the ceremony
Ayesha Saleem
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) Graduands from the School of Materials will be presented by Professor Paul O'Brien
Dentistry Organist Philip Lowe LTCL, RMN, FBS
Amber Muhinyi Mace Bearer John green
Psychological Sciences

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Monday, 8 July 2013 Monday, 8 July 2013

Monday, 8 July 12.15pm Information Technology Engineering Project Jack Rogan Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Philip Antonis Mandalios Alexander Mark Kowalewski
Project Management Management Ashley Duncan Scillitoe with Industrial Experience Rhys John O'Leary Tin Cheung Lai
School of Mechanical, Adrian Sereda Aerospace Engineering Pavlos Paraskevaides Lily Anna Lewis
Wanyi Jin Min Han with Honours
Aerospace and Murshed Uddin Alexander Green Aadil Yusuf Patel Vishal Rajesh Malde
Charitha Mervyn Didier Palipane David Roger Sudall Josh Adam Maughan
Alexandra van Wanrooij Anas Kamal Daniel Michael Pierce
Civil Engineering Maintenance Engineering and Andrew Ewen Turner Daniel Mark Podesta Clare Mcguinness
Maintenance Engineering and Asset Management Thomas Edward Pringle Kosmas Michael
Aerospace Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Asset Management Muhammad Aleem Aleem Mechanical Engineering Matthew Quegan Vanessa Parmar
Doctor of Engineering with Industrial Experience Vijay Bapodra Ibrahim Sawalem
Akif Najafov Sevinj Israfilova with Management Kyeran Ramanathan
William Bodel with Honours Damon Byrne Yucheng Shan
Hernan Horacio Quiroz with Honours Alan Edward Roper
Alastair Peter West Bradley Robertson Welsh Jonathan Edwards Cho Chia Tan
Management of Projects Sankaranand Ananthanarayanan Miren Patel
Selina May Russell
Katherine Louise Willmott
Management of Projects Leo Teeney Uzair Safdar
Han Zhou Arshaan Kotwal Mohammad Izwan Bin Sanusi Danielle Wood
Doctor of Philosophy Zeng Chen Rehan Mughal Nima Salehi Jerome Wu
Guo Chen Aerospace Engineering Yuhan Shen Amin Yu
Hameed Al-Aasam Mechanical Engineering Design with Management Monday, 8 July 2.30pm Benjamin Scott Simpson
Armando Emanuel Mocho Fernandes Chin-Yu Ho
Shaoxuan Hong Joshua Carl Buck Bachelor of Engineering Edward Watson
E Alexandre
Yongxin Huang
with Honours School of Mechanical, Bachelor of Engineering
Basim Hassan Shnawa Al-Humeidawi Zayd Affan Hashmi Aerospace Engineering
Ahmed Fate Ali Jing Huang Structural Engineering Aerospace and Civil Engineering (Enterprise) Civil Engineering
Charalampia Kontaki with Honours
Mohamed Ali
Yuxuan Li Jason Daniel Forrest Mechanical Engineering Umer Alam
Civil Engineering with Honours Neofytos Anaxagora
Abdullah Mohammed Alshehri Sofiane Amine Mesbahi
Yusi Liao Liz Isomanga Aluvanze Cara Mulholland Yazan Hisham Akuzahia
Jaman Ibrahem Al-Zahrani Muhammad Syafiq Hisyam Bin Mohd with Honours
Zhe Liu Jamal Benmoussa Kieran Mulholland Saud Abdulaziz S A M Al-Bader
John Ashley Shaffiai Abdur Rahim Abdul Rahman Master of Engineering
Neil Ashton Hossein Marzbani Ka Yui Chan Mohammed Aamir Shaikh
Ruslan Ospanov Abdoulahate Seck Nathan Joshua Aldridge
Adetokunboh Bakenne Stefano Balduini Montanari Ariful Quader Choudhury Civil Engineering School of Earth, Atmospheric
Nicholas Bojdo Omar Pinto Ascuna Cedric Bastiant Choudjeu Njanang Civil Engineering with and Environmental Sciences
Abdullah Ahmed M Qarany Sustainable Electrical Building Daniel Bauhahn with Honours
Lu Chen Nicholas Crisp Industrial Experience
Li Keong Quah Services Engineering Samuel Carey Wilson Boardman Addis Abebaw Doctor of Philosophy
Lisa May Collins Rebecca George
Calum Botham Ghalia Albarazi with Honours
James Dixon Lin Wang Steven Robert Bruce Neil David Kirkwood Jennifer Claydon
Chaofan Bu Thomas Barron Vineet Abraham
Maged Elsaid Elnady Yingying Wu Tzong Tay Tay Ling Phai Duy Do
Ryan Christian Thomas Basley Orin Bovill
Tamer Abdelazim Elshenawy Xiaozhou Yang Pharmaceutical Engineering Mohamed Ghalaieny
Nicholas James Clayton Insha Ibne Najib Kah Peng Cheah
Juansethi Ramses Ibarra Medina Minjie Zhu Barry Patrick McCusker Rachel Tayiana Nyokabi Muito
Jiao Jiao
Advanced Training Michael Christopher Cridland Dk Nurul Hafiza Pg Hj Ariffin Jun Shee Chua
Philip McLoughlin Kabuyah
Neha Vijay Waikar raja pitalia Den Chuang
Lewis Luyken Emily Davis Jade Peak Richard Kimber
Reduan Mat Dan
Mechanical Engineering Design Jean-Louis Rawlence Nicholas Clegg
Ulugbek Djurabekov William Scott Cockton Zakarias Khan Raja Nicholas King
Mehdy Naimi Abdul Kadeer Mariusz Santora
Postgraduate Certificate James Elliott
Gavin Rhys Thomas Joe Corlett Markku Olavi Koskelainen
Matthew O'Sullivan Oladayo Akinlolu Elugbaju Ayodeji Patrick Oluboyo
Martina Wierzbicki Shamuil Dalvi Civil Engineering with
Murat Ozdenefe Project Management Advanced Manufacturing Can Adrian Elver Naomi Doherty Study in Europe Christophe Serié
Philip Pickering Laura Jessica Mary Bailey Technology and Systems Charalambos Flouris Simone Zucchet Rudra Kumar Shrestha
Thomas Flaherty
Mark Kenneth Quinn Paul Barrowman Management with Honours Rochelle Taylor
Thomas James Goulding Edward Flint
Ashkan Shahbazian Mechanical Engineering Deyan Georgiev Bridget Weston
Michael Butler Chao Feng Andrew Griffiths Adil Ghazanfar
Muhammad Treifi Jonathan Derek Wood
Michael John Clarke Mechanical Engineering Design Patrick John Hannah with Honours Afzal Ginwalla
Joel David Turner
Emmanuel Ufuah Gavin Peter Fletcher Zhixiang Zheng Guang Yuan Yuan Ho Erfan Abdollahi
Chung Siang Lionel Ho Civil Engineering with
George Vadakkel Shane Forth Rogiros Illambas Turki Abdulrahman M Abu Milhah
George Isitt Study in North America Master of Science by Research
Jim McCallum Gunstone Mohd Kamal Haziq Kamaruzaman Louis Kang-Mascarenhas
Jialin Wang Project Management Tofayel Ahmed Elizabeth Kelly with Honours
Liyang Yue Matthew Ingham Kelvin Lee Fares Ghassan Akasheh Joseph James Bloxham
Basin Analysis and
Lee Joseph Fenwick Emily Lachlan Petroleum Geoscience
Louise Lumley Chin Zhen Lim Yahya Al Lawati Matthew James Burrows
Amit Jassal Ryan Wai Yan Lee
Fiona McKay Usman Mahmood Kathleen Nolan
Master of Philosophy Glen Slaymaker
Daniele Rizzo Yazid Al Saaid Chia Khuan Lee Kristian David Ciupa
Wayne Michael Stoddard Mohammad Mani Omar Mustafa Hasan Al-Mosa Thokozani Manda Eimear McDaid
Mechanical Engineering Jonathan David Markland Rashid Bashir Kyle Jonnas Perks Earth, Atmospheric and
Aurangzeb Farooq Structural Engineering Samuel Edward Moreland William Casey Supasit Piyawannaphong Bachelor of Engineering Environmental Sciences
Sustainable Electrical Building Mohammed Haseeb Munir
Jinglong Ye Daniel Chisholm Hussain Rehman Quraishi
Services Engineering Ingvil Moland
Jonathan Oates Sam William Collins Jennifer Katharine Smith Civil Engineering
Master of Science Rasheeda February Niamh O'Hanlon David Matthew Taberner Master of Science
Sustainable Electrical Building Ben Darby with Honours
Aerospace Engineering Adebowale Patrick Oke Muhammad Kamran Haider Ming Jun Tan
Services Engineering Man Kit Elliot Wong Ahmed Mustafa Ali Al Lawati Petroleum Geoscience
Thermal Power and Fluid Oghene-ochuko Okperin Mohammad Bakr M. Ibrahim
Laila Jenniela John Robin Stuart Griffiths Shashwat Bhuwalka for Exploration
Engineering Victor Chukwunonso Okwuosa Almas Issayev
Abideen Grillo Civil and Structural Jad Ibrahim Boksmati Vincent Kwamla Hotor
Asith Chathuranga Marasinghe Seira Ann Ye Phing Ooi Manav Jain
Commercial Project John Anh Nguyen Omer Cem Cakmak
Ahmed Oyeleke Oliver Jones Engineering
Management Paul Worswick Worswick Adam Calland
Master of Engineering Daniel Anthony John Parry Michael Jones with Honours Shuxin Cao
Postgraduate Diploma
Zhibek Kaliyekova Angela Louise Roberts Ankit Kanodia Usman Abdul Razaq
Thermal Power and Anna Clarke-Janssen Petroleum Geoscience for
Wei Qin Aeropsace Engineering Nanae Sato Deepankar Lamba Adetayo Adedeji Adebayo
Fluid Engineering Ethan Conlin Reservoir Development
Shengwei Yuan Vishal Shah Yaspal Matharu Panayiotis Anastasiou
with Honours Giorgos Costa and Production
Khalil Abo Amsha Daniel Shrimpton Pawel Okroj Louise Aspinall
Oluwatobi Afilaka Iain Martyn Charles Cumpstey
Construction Project Norshah Aizat Shuaib Alexandru Rusu Elisio Augusto Assel Ospanova
Alexander Bennetts Zhiyuan Deng
Management Sujeevvan Sreekumar Majed Nabil Saadawi
Postgraduate Diploma Michael Ashley Bottom Christopher Beck Amy Magdalena Eastham
Sarah Wei Swan Teng Jordan Schofield Louise Alison Bird Master of Earth Sciences
Jain Aditya Robert Brooks Kar How Eing
Ahmad Bazgir Advanced Manufacturing Chung-Ming Tsang Josie St John Owen Carey Qusay Taleb Youssef Elshawa
Emma Farrimond with Honours
Batsirai Dangarembizi Technology and Systems Andrew Jonathan Griffiths
Maria Yankova Muhammad Suhaib Vaiyani Thomas Chapman Masoud Farrokhshad Michael John Allen
Andreas Georgiades Management Lavishal Gya
Ai Chuang Yip Fengnan Wang Declan Corrigan Jack William Forman Joseph Blackburn
Berk Kincioglu Yuan-Shao Su Dario Zahirovic Salman Zafar James Barry Disney Neelam Gokani
Benjamin Michael Heelan Jacinta Blythe
Alina Alexandra Pal Marc Henry Leo James Robert Emmett Isabelle Gordge James Gordon Greenfield
Krishnakumar Sreekumaran Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering with Alexandru Gaftea Richard Patrick Gray Chloe Harkness
Commercial Project Mohammad Ibrahim Ibrahim
(Nuclear Engineering)
Management Alexander Thomas Joyce Industrial Experience Amber Kathleen Gahan Omar Gulaid Artjoms Lepeskovs
Wali Khan with Honours Alex Griffiths Chaman Kavisha Gunawardena David Geoffrey Loeb
Engineering Project Yuan Zhang Joel Yew Jin Ang with Honours Adil Gul Daniel Magnone
Wai Yin Law Jack Christopher Hardisty
Management Alireza Brojerdian Elizabeth Adam Benedict Mark Harris Hawkins Francesca Elizabeth Mcdonald
David Angus Aneurin Neibig Amani Yazeed Abdallah Hawamdeh
Mohammed Abdulaziz M Alhassan Construction Project Johann Samuel James Nurse Nicholas Hugh Brown John Leslie Haygarth Samurdhi Natasha Koralage Dominic Sulaiman John Mulroy
Akitoye Suleiman Balogun Management Samuel Temidayo Oluwafemi Patrick Ciaran Eames Mechanical Engineering Daniel Lee Hughes Hikkaduwa Koralage Lewis Anthony Bazley Reece
Samar T Kh Nijem Baha Eddin Arab Oluwasakin Asad Hussain Christopher Daniel Hughes Sihao Huang Nicola Sellars
(Nuclear Engineering)
Olaolu Abiodun Amsayin Ojo Mohamad Norfirdaus Bin Awang Jonathan Pacheco Anthony Jones Khizer Hayaat Khan Abdul-Rasheed Olanrewaju Ibrahim Robert Neil Shuter
David Mark Roberts Tawang Hitesh Doulat Premjani Ee Jane Low with Honours Charles Lomas Charles Jackson Thea Rose Sida-Murray
Guoan Wu Hui Zeng Balint Rigo Alexander Salem Christopher James Mclaughlin Robert Matthew Maasz Nagendra Kadaba Anita Singh

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Monday, 8 July 2013 Monday, 8 July 2013

Master of Engineering Geochemistry Marco Chilo Master of Engineering Management for Fashion Kathryn Lynch Anita Devi Suthi Textile Design and Design
Hsin-Ying Cho Retailing Sarah Mallinson Jing Tan Management with Industrial
Petroleum Engineering with Honours Biomedical Materials Science Colette Lauren Manion Joanne Tattersall
Giuseppe Cornacchia Experience
Ellen Speakman with Honours Olivia Mulhall Selina Taylor
with Honours Fabio Di Gioacchino with Honours
Bader M H M Elkandari Veronika Bureeva Georgia Nightingale Jennifer Thomas with Honours
Mohamed Sami Farrag Sophie Rebecca Barnett
Kofi Osei-Bonsu Geography and Geology Lei Gong Julie Cringles Lucy Noon Lewis Walker Anna Doyle
Fatoumata Manjang
Raja Abdullah Hakim Raja Zainal Alam with Honours Liang Guo Qamar Hussain Shan Shan Ding Sarah Rachel O'Shea Beisi Wan Emma Louise Gibbs
Shah Farid Haddadi Frances Booth Abigail Anne Halidu Liang Pei Yuan Wang Usarae Gul Khan
Caspar Iskjaer Ackley
Muhammad Izzat Saffian Peter Michael James Laura Joanne Harrison Charlotte Powell Yu Wang Marcus Race
Siti Nur Ardina Binti Awang Daud
Alice Laferrere Dorina Kostadinova Imogen Alice Reade Qianying Wei Tanyaradzwa Sahanga
Aidan Baun Biomedical Materials Science Qingwei Xu
Bachelor of Engineering Edward Beesley Seyedeh Atefeh Mobasseri with Industrial Experience Xue Lei Loren Saunders-Long
Mengchen Liu Rachael Spiby Xiao Xu
George William Belfield Ayeesha Mujeeb
Linrui Zhang
Textile Science and Technology
Petroleum Engineering with Honours Victoria Makin Georgina Tilbrook
Sneha Chacko Shenela Naqvi Yinglin Zhang
Amy Elizabeth Baldwinson Shibei Ni Danielle Tunstall with Honours
with Honours William Colborn Raja Nor Izawati Binti Raja Othman Mengmeng Zheng
Faye Elizabeth Brown Hannah Elizabeth Nicholson Lijing Wang Rhys Archer
Anas Mohamed Omran Abumais Robin Hamilton Cooke Tanittha Pullawan Yier Zhou
Jonathan Lake Anastasia Prohhorenko Christopher Webster Laura Franklin
Emin Ahmedzade Oliver Dembo Luis Manuel Pessanha Ribeiro Wei Zhou
Kirsty Eccles Stuart Malcolm Maria Emily Richter Naomi Lavinia Wilde Chufeng Mao
Imamadi Aitzhanov Giancarlo Rios Boyang Zhu
Alistair Gray Annie Pallis Caroline Rimmer Jennifer Winkley Mowen Shi
Mohannad Alhuzaim Suhaila Salleh
Mikayla Jane Hale Jaya Lakshmi Sharma Louisa Roffe Amy Wood
Mohammed Faisal M. Aljumah Alastair Selby Management and
Wendy Johnston Stephanie Sharratt Mi Zeng Textile Science and Technology
Ahmed Abdulla Juma Alrumaidh Thomas Simm Marketing of Textiles
Kerry Lodge Materials Science and Lauren Jade Sinton Jing Zhang with Industrial Experience
Almas Apuov James Smith
Daniel Mulcahy Engineering Keying Su with Honours
Zhassulan Bakiyev Noor Adwa Binti Sulaiman
Yang Sun Fashion and Textile Retailing with Honours
Sarah Kate Barber jessica richmond Tahani Suliman with Honours Cecily Louise Bowditch
Joseph Rivers Xie Wang with Industrial Experience Catherine Elizabeth Pratt
Sajeda Saeed Maki Jasim Barni Tamer Wafy Zhuoer Chen Elena Morgan
Karan Singh Yixin Xiong Rowena Taylor
Meruyert Bisseyeva Junjie Wang Raul Francisco Chinchilla Adell with Honours Danielle Louisa Shepherd
Amar Singh Yingqi Zhao
Yastoor Ul Haq Hashmi Helen Louise Wilson William Owen Dempsey Julia Karolina Andersson
Kaisar Kazikanov Josie May Smith Sarah Wroe Management and Textile Technology
Michael Enotiades Design Management for Laura Bessant
Bekzhan Kenzhebekov James Steventon
Chundan Huang Jade Leanne Collett Marketing of Textiles with (Business Management)
Shina Marshall James Thomas Fashion Retailing with
Master of Philosophy Yinze Ji Industrial Experience Clemence Rich Industrial Experience Alina Tukeyeva
Sanym Paritova Lucy Waller
Mengting Ju Lauren Sadler with Honours
Imran Tayyab Biomedical Materials with Honours
Jianyang Li Textile Technology (Business
Ilyas Yechshanov Geology Alison Laura Farrow
Shelley Rawson Feng Li Kathryn Humphrey Fashion and Textile Retailing Management) with Industrial
Nurlan Zhaksylykov Charlotte Louisa Jones
with Honours Master of Philosophy Cheng Lin Emily Leonard with Study Abroad Experience
Dauren Zhanpeisov Fiona Sinclair
Katie Allsopp Xuanchen Lu Charlotte Smallcombe
Materials with Honours with Honours
Oluwabunmi Akinwonmi Ahmer Nadeem Design Management for
Bachelor of Science James Philip Ash Laura Helen Dodds Monday Olaye-Felix Fashion Retailing with Study Katherine Clark Eleanor Victoria Trimble
Guy Partridge Abroad Nia Louise Dawson Materials Science
Environmental and Andrew Robert Bate Miriam Reineking
Gareth Ritchie
and Engineering Textile Science and Technology
Resource Geology Alexander Owen Cobley with Honours
Bethany Laura Colgan Emma Sophie Wainwright Management and Marketing with Honours with Industrial Experience
with Honours Thomas Dale
Master of Science by Research Yanli Wen Jessica Kate Ingham
Natasha Wilson of Fashion Textiles Abhimanyu Aggarwal with Honours
Oluwafunto Osifuwa-Lordsown Katie Daly Textile Science and Technology Xiu Yan Hussam Zakaria Attar
Andrew Benjamin Watts Angus Doyne-Ditmas Junming Zhang with Honours Charlotte Wells
Md Rejaul Hasan Benjamin Gardner
Zachary Eyley Mingwei Zhang Fashion and Textile Retailing Zoe Bate Robert Hooley
Environmental Science Marcus Frew Sally Burton James Roscow
Paul Anthony Goodrich Master of Science with Honours Yilian Cai Mengshi Shi Sang Bachelor of Science
with Honours Materials Science and
Joshua Graham Emily Adams Siwen Cai Shailen Viren Seth
David George Burkill Advanced Engineering Engineering with Francesca Avis Jessica Carey Fashion and Textile Retailing
Tristan Hood Ze Rong Sim
Nicholas Richard Gwyn Cope Materials Industrial Experience Cecily Baer Ying Sin Chan Gemma Day
Emily Louise Davies Heather Ibbotson Albert Duncan Smith
David Ingle Ge Wang with Honours Helen Elizabeth Barnes Shuhan Chen Ziyi Wang
Alexandra Lucy Finlyson
Stacey Mckenna Sarah Becky Barrett-Duckett Aimee Mary Clegg Zhenteng Xu Management and Marketing
Cassandra Pui-Theng Foo Brendan Paul McKellar Basset
Samuel William Moffat Corrosion Control Engineering Aleksandra Besevic Anna Lisa Cresswell Chongtao Xu of Fashion and Textiles
Stephanie Gourley Rohima Begum
Jane Mulholland Sophie Ellen Bird Romina Dilshani de Mel Edoardo Maria Zatterin
Shababa Haque Abdulhakeem Ajibola Babatunde Mohammed Luqmaan Fazal Huaruo Diao
Willis Mungai Sasha Holly Brown Rebecca May England Chao Zhang
Earl Thomas Harper Thomas Grocott Elaine Wan Ling Wong
Isabelle Rebecca Pouncey Kathryn Callaghan Lok Wan Fong Yuyi Zhu
Grant Bradley Harrington Polymer Materials Science Fiazal Hussain
Alexander Sainty Alannah Campbell Xiang Gao
Alexander James William Haynes and Engineering Abdul Basit Ishaq Materials Science
Savannah Charles Meiyi Ge
Patrick Holt Jevgenijs Kitajevs Alex Clark Holly Francesca Graham
Textile Design and and Engineering
Geology with Mohit Tandon
James Jackson Lan Nguyen Design Management
Planetary Science Jiayi Guo Deniz Colak camilla gray Sagar Khandelwal
Zahra Yasmin Karim Jack Rose Paris Cundell Yehua Guan with Honours Kang Liang
Sairah Khalid with Honours James Anthony Taylor
International Fashion Retailing Yi Dong Emily-Rose Hills Rebecca Elizabeth Armstrong
Demetris Kouhartsiouk Sean James Corrigan Edward Tombs
(Business Process Harriet Jessica Rose Durban Sarah Elizabeth Hunt Monica Barot
Fiona Lomas Pavel Tsvetanov Kamenov
Improvement) Nur Adlina Binti Edlin Sau Yung Yvonne Ip Emma Louise Callaghan
Frederick Lowther-Harris
Glen Jonathan Marsden
Yo Nishimura Bachelor of Science Naomi Fletcher Henrietta Kerr Lucy Chatwin
Tianqi Yao Imogen Charlotte Gartside Natasia Khalid
Amelia Martin Helen Costello
Biomedical Materials Science Sophie Goble Eunjin Kim
Vinamra Mathur Monday, 8 July 4.45pm Amy Gan Pei Wei
Charlotte Gail Mills
Postgraduate Diploma with Honours Aisling Gough Sophie Kopczyk Mary Grocott
Ragini Mani Mistry
School of Mechanical Michael Durham Jessica Grant Ting Fung Timothy Lam Olivia Hallam
International Fashion Retailing Genny Greensted Donghoon Lee Natasha Jane Haslewood
Peter Orchard (Business Process Improvement) Helene Gleitz
Doctor of Engineering Ashton Gwinnell Rosanna Gunn Shea Jean Lim Eve Hazlett
Paul Owen
Chengcheng Shi Eseelle Hendow Elizabeth Hart Kaili Lin Emma Louise Hodgson
George William James Purvis Yin Jin Janin Choudhry Ahmed
Mohammad Isnad Christina Louise Hartley Wenting Lin Georgina Emily Horner
Sophocles Sophocleous Robert Kulka Wen Zhong Laura Loftus
Stephanie Iyathurai Kristina Grace Heather Sophie Marshall
Laura Jane Thomas James Russell Rolph Emily Charlotte Merrall
Ali Jabran Faye Howard Alona Molokova
Kallum Tolkien Malgorzata Danuta Witkowska Phoebe Newman
Polymer Materials Science Naomi Josie Muirhead-Smith Elle Jacks Hollie Monaghan
Jessica Ware David Marc Wright Clowie Symes Stoneley
and Engineering Sophie Victoria Oldbury Francesca James Natsuko Okumura
Ian Robert Watts Josephine Ann Teasdale
Mu Chen Izajur Rahman Elizabeth Eleanor Kaplan Hong Ju Park
Damira Abudanash Lucinda Todd
Jeanette Jiawen Choong
Doctor of Philosophy Ndubuisi Uchea Jennifer Rose Kettle Katherine Pascoe
Sarah Elizabeth Lewis Xuewan Peng Rose Emma Williams
Yue Guan Ramadan R Abuaisha Harriet Jessie Crowley Wright Jie Hu
Theo Valentin Orjans Hend Mohammed A.A. Almoughni
Textile Technology Yidi Yao
Wenyun Lin Yijia Qian Kaiyu Cui
Taimoor Waheed Susanna Liu Nabila Richardson Yongzheng Li
Ryan John Wainwright Onanong Cheerarot Chun Kit Kimmy Yeung
Changyi Liu Zi Sheng Kun Li

8 9
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Tuesday, 9 July 10am Postgraduate Diploma Claire Marie Baker Roxanne Taylor
Ascia Bibi Jean Gail Waters
School of Nursing Advanced Practice Kathryn Jane Bolton Paula Susan Winston
Interventions for Mental Rachel Laura Broadhead
Midwifery and Social Work Health - Dementia Care Alison Brown Midwifery Practice
Professor Ian Jacobs will Nichola Jane Bate Catherine Mary Colborn
address the ceremony then Helena Vivien Broude
Caroline Jayne Clifton-Olive Victoria Conroy
Professor Ann Wakefield will Elizabeth Louise Elson
Poornamathi Kandeeswaran Emma Jane Cooper
present Dr Catherine O'Keeffe Justine Crabtree
for the award of Oustanding Claire Louise Davies Nursing Studies
Advanced Practice
Alumnus 2013 Interventions for Mental Lewis Rees Davies Rachel Elven
Dr O'Keeffe will then address Health - Primary Mental Rachael Louise Dean
the ceremony. Health Care Charlotte Emily Dent Diploma in Professional
Krystina Joy Dewhurst Studies in Nursing
Natalie Claire Broad
Heather Dixon
Heather Shawcross
Doctor of Philosophy Jennie Louise Dyson
Degree Congregations Marina Gharibian Adra Advanced Practice
Glenn Lance Ellis Adult Nursing
Louise Margaret Fenn Tracey Ann Wheeler
Bashir Al Hajjar Interventions for Mental Estelle Rachael Flynn
Tuesday, 9 July 2013 Paula Beech
Ching-Ju Chen
Health - Psychosocial
Interventions for Psychosis
Michael George Ford
Emma Gee
Karen Nicholson
Yuki Pineger
Susan Casey
Jacqueline Collin Jennifer Anne Poyzer Nigel Gillen
in the Whitworth Hall Suzan Ogazi
Dina Mohamad Madi Khanyisile Nester Gwitsha Liza Joanne Kirkham
Saeed Moradian Advanced Nursing Studies Anna May Heaton
Order of Proceedings Katerina Thynne
Maurice Nagington Helena Heginbottom Jane Marie Keogh
Sajimy Jacob
The Procession with enter the Hall in the following order Kerry Jane Hince Annie Nyandoro
Master of Philosophy Lucy Hoyle
(The Congregation standing) Social Work Anita Humbir
Procession Leaders Christine Cooper Jacqueline Ann Humphreys
Mental Health Nursing
Jodie Heather Jean Reid
Members of Senate Kerry Johnson Rebecca Travis
Master of Arts Paul Jubb Esther Palmer-Massaquoi
Members of the Teaching and Administrative Staff Postgraduate Certificate
Maimunah Refaht Khan
Wardens of Halls of Residence Social Work Advanced Practice Emma Jayne Kilby Diploma in Professional
Stewards Michael John Hodson Interventions for Mental Morag Elizabeth Macpherson-Taylor Studies in Midwifery
The Presenters Anna Kingsley Health - Primary Mental Sarah Massey Johan Featherstone
Nobuhle Ndlovu Health Care Joanne Mcdonald Samantha Butcher
The Mace Bearer Fionnuala Helen McLaughlin
Carla Ann Russell Monika Joanna Bartczak
The Registrar and Secretary Fay Laverack Beasley Jeanette Meadowcroft
Danielle Bohne Carrie Anne Neild
Master of Clinical Research
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Julie Marie Booth Jacqueline Hyam Oldham Tuesday, 9 July 12.15pm
Janet Louise Brennan Dominic Page
Rhiane Caren
Eulyn Hodson
Laura Hamilton Sally Parkinson School of Medicine
At the Degree ceremony at 10am Lucy Joyce Nicola Jane Parkinson Central Manchester University
Professor Ian Jacobs will Preside Master of Research Eleanor Pearce Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Raphael Kada (MRI)
Ms Sarah Beer, will act as Registrar and Secretary Angee Khara Sarah Pearson
Health and Social Care Minara Khatun Tracey Pamela Ray
Professor Ann Wakefield will present Dr Catherine O’Keeffe for the award of Oustanding Alumnus 2013 Daniel Christopher Roberts Bachelor of Medicine,
Rosemary Fay Oram Kate Kubacki
Professor Karen Luker will address the ceremony Clare Robinson Bachelor of Surgery with
Stephen Paul Morley
Graduands from the School of Nuring Midwifey and Social Work will be presented by Professor Karen Luker Kieran Anthony Mugan Philip Russell European Studies
Master of Science Sian Russell
Organist James Hume MusM Joanna Eloise Norton
Advanced Nursing Studies Gemma Ottiwell Deborah Sharp with Honours
Mace Bearer Michael Gordon
Katy Rudd Anne Maria Simmonds Klara Doherty
Jaseentha Jacob
Diane Russell Alison Jane Stuart Caroline Fitton
At the Degree ceremony at 12.15pm Jane Elizabeth Montrose
Linda Lorraine Thelwell
Afrin Shaikh Bronte Caroline Torrance
Professor Ian Jacobs will Preside Maya Santosh Nair Nile Treesa Thomas
Rincy Sajith Heather Wynne Stevenson
Mr Will Spinks Registrar and Secretary Jade Stewart Rachel Elizabeth Thomas Bachelor of Medicine,
Professor Tony Freemont will address the ceremony Hannah Traynor Andrea Tilbee
Advanced Practice Hazel Ruth Walker
Bachelor of Surgery with
Graduands from the School of Medicine will be presented by Dr Raymond McMahon and Dr Mark Pugh Tanya Wallwork European Studies
Interventions for Mental Frances Anne Walton Agnes Wamuyu
Organist James Hume MusM Health - Primary Mental Kathryn Jane Wells Alma Iulia Dimitriu Hatley
Mace Bearer Colin Hart Health Care Andrea Jane Whitmore Hannah Jenkins
Bachelor of Midwifery
Noreen Asghar Erica Jane Wilson Layla Jordan Thurston
At the Degree ceremony at 2.30pm Farrah Atta with Honours Rachel Wood
Professor Aneez Esmail will Preside Julie Devlin Michelle Heyes Michael James Woodward Bachelor of Medicine,
Mrs Gabrielle Brennan, will act as Registrar and Secretary Anna Phyllis Hardisty Sarah Rayner Bachelor of Surgery
Maria Mufti Angela Yvonne Todd Nursing Practice
Professor Tony Freemont will address the ceremony
Julia Diane Robinson Nicola Jane Catchpole with Honours and Distinction
Graduands from the School of Medicine will be presented by Professor Tony Freemont and Prof Pam Vallely
Bachelor of Nursing Denise Anne Collins Jessica Ball
Organist Philip Lowe LTCL, RMN, FBS Sarah Louise Collins Katrina Dean
Advanced Practice Adult Nursing
Mace Bearer Dean Kelly Interventions for Mental Kaylie Marie Duffin
Health - Psychosocial with Honours Joanne Ellis Bachelor of Medicine,
At the Degree ceremony at 4.45pm Interventions for Psychosis Georgina Robertson Lisa Jane France-Marshall Bachelor of Surgery
Professor Ian Jacobs will Preside Jayne Houghton
Alex Gawain Cotton Julie Elizabeth Jones with Honours
Mrs Alison Howorth, will act as Registrar and Secretary Dawn Louise Evans Nursing Practice
Sarah Jane Keane Mayura Hanis Binti Ahmad Damanhuri
Professor Tony Freemont will address the ceremony Gemma Kirk with Honours Margaret Lumumba Stefan Krasimirov Atanasov
Graduands from the School of Medicine will be presented by Professor Felicity Stewart and Mr Stephen Hawes Natalie Kim Larvin Carrie Adams Kay Anne Lythgoe Helen Mary Cotton
Organist Philip Lowe LTCL, RMN, FBS Claire Mary Rae Maw Aniefon Akpan Heidi Fiona Mullin Thomas Stephen Curl-Roper
Martin Charles Quigley Rachel Allen Simekuhle Ndlovu Holly Eadsforth
Mace Bearer Mariam Pugh
Tracey Rogers John Richard Ash Diane Marie Potter Shao Rong Jonathan Foo
Helene Louise Strong Carrie Bailey Bernadette Stockton Felicity Jones

10 11
Tuesday, 9 July 2013 Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Kamilla Andrea Kingsley Zainulabedin Patel Ross McKean Richard Hoefield Clinical Rheumatology Susan Scott
Yumi Elizabeth Siu Lee Mehul Patel Lily Grace Monk Louise Jane Hussey Paul Scott
The 2013 Alumni Association Award
Tharaq Abdulla Barami
Emma Victoria Linton Zahra Patel James Winston Moore Andrew Jones Deborah Shakespeare
Hannah Pickford
Edward John Rice
Sarah May Patrickson
Jonathan William Penny
Divya Nagarajan
Natasha Su Lynn Ng
Saifudin Khalid
Sobia Khan
Amina Naseeb
Chitra Sundaramoorthy
Nikhila Vasudevan
Kirsty Leanne Sharples
Katy Louisa Sheard
Outstanding Alumna
Rebecca-Anne Florence Sheppard-
Paul Stirling
Samuel John Phillips
Gemma Christina Phillips
Naima Poonja
Elizabeth Jane Norris
Debra Suzanne Parkinson
Ailsa Susannah Marels Parratt
Leila Khoja
Sophronia Amabel Lewis
Timurs Maculins
Medical Education
Yvonne Denise Shorrocks
Joanne Frances Spinks
Joanna Splaine
Dr Catherine O’Keeffe
Charlotte Olivia Strzelecki Raja Ezman Faridz Raja Shariff Jiten Patel Catherine Elizabeth Armstrong
Georgi Valeriev Marinov Peter Thornton Outstanding Alumni Awards are presented each year by The University of
Sophie Louise Tudor Jones Maiedha Raza Amanda Christina Pedersen Jacqueline Lavin
Louise Mercer John Tobin Manchester Alumni Association to former students who have achieved
Emma Vaccari Kathy Ren Christine May Ting Poo Oliver Monfredi Karen Teresa Ward distinction in their field or have brought honour to the University through
Megan Li'An Whittaker Evie Donna Ricky Iain Proven Occupational Medicine
Alexandra Morgan Helen Webb their outstanding achievements.
Nur Ili Izyan Romli Reetu Sinha
Emmanouil Moschidis Jennifer Dodman Sara Wells
Bachelor of Medicine, Jessica Catherine Rose Wahidatol Hafshah Subari
Ram Prakash Narayanan James Hayes Valerie Ann Whitehouse Catherine graduated from The University of Manchester in 1985 with a
Bachelor of Surgery Ian Sampson Richard Alexander Walker
Theodora Nikolaidou Deborah Helen Hoar Denise Williams BNurs, RGN, RHV and DNcert. Shortly after graduating Catherine went to
Tabish Shah Holly Wolton
Ahmad Hariz Abdullah Stephanie Ogden Anita Kistler Michele Elizabeth Dibley Wood work in Honduras and Guatemala running primary healthcare programmes
Zainab Ali Sherazi Alison Wonnacott
Mariam Albazi Kathryn Oliver Walter Amobi Ugwuoke Margaret Ann Wood for a small charity. During this time she first became aware of the impact of
Kanchha Babu Sherpa Ruth Yates
Samuel Miles Baskind Sally-Anne Owen Katrina Marie Lohan the HIV/AIDS epidemic and was particularly concerned by the plight of those
Luke Anthony Simonds
Jessica Bell Rachel Louise Smith New graduates in MB ChB please
Benjamin Parker Physics and Computing in who, due to stigma, were marginalised and unable to receive even basic
Elliott Bertram-Ralph Lucy J Spurrell stand to read the affirmation on
Neesha Patel Medicine and Biology Clinical Biochemistry care. She worked to help set up hospices in both countries to care for those
Jack Edward Simpson Blake Sita Zoe Steed Omar Pathmanaban Reece Ashmore
page 60 Sheree Francis Blake in need.
Laura Elizabeth Bland Pengiran Syazwan David Noel Potier Jason Fazakerley
Frederique Lanna Brigham-Chan Adam Ze Wee Ting Tessa Prince On returning to the UK Catherine took the opportunity to study for an MEd
Michael Thomas John Brittain Lyazzat Toleubekova Tuesday, 9 July 2.30pm Laura Sadler Investigative Ophthalmology
Psychiatry in Education for Primary Care at Manchester to help her consider the
Sean Michael Brodie Kristy-Leigh Usher Nuthchyawach Sanguanchaiyakrit and Vision Science
Suhaib Bin Bilal Hafi complexities of providing care in resource-limited settings. Further work in
Piotr Brona Adil Vania School of Medicine Barbara Shih Furong Ye Thailand enabled Catherine to apply the theories she had explored on the
April Dianne Buazon Neda Montazeri
Glenn Lee Ke Ling Vetuz Peter Sipos
Alice Rose Carr MEd to developing community based approaches to HIV care.
Karl Walsh Monika Marta Stefanska Medical Education
Chun Ho Chan Robbie Whitaker Doctor of Science Zhangjie Su Advanced Postgraduate In 1997, Catherine joined Mildmay International, a pioneering HIV charity,
Saleem Sean Chaudhri Sarah Whitehorn Nicola Swinson Diploma Rebecca Pauline Exley
Linda Walsh working with teams from the Ministry of Health in Kenya to develop an
Chin Hiong Chong Ashleigh Williams Gerard Thompson Soleman Mustafa
Verena Wai-Yue Chu Occupational Medicine innovative model of home-based care. Building on her contacts with The
Ellena Wood Sarah Thurstan
Grant James Coleman Doctor of Medicine Andrew William Scott-Brown Medical Imaging University of Manchester, Catherine studied for an MPhil to research
James Samuel Wood Shaun Villa
Robert Andrew Cooke Emma Jane Woolley Raminder Singh Aul Chika Wagbara approaches to educating healthcare workers on HIV care. She also worked
Yanfang Wang Man Tak Ada Li
Konrad Csenki Alicia Li Tse Yong Jonathan Michael Bernstein with the Department of Nursing to establish a degree programme now run
Alexander Christopher West
Johanne Marie Davies Ammar Darwish by Mildmay in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The degree has raised
Christopher Peter Dixon Kate Williamson Postgraduate Diploma Physics and Computing in
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Martyn Dibb Caroline Wright awareness of the importance of educating healthcare professionals
Georgina Edwards Omsaad Guma Elshukri Applied Mental Health Medicine and Biology
NHS Foundation Trust Peter Yeates effectively in this region in ensuring people living with HIV receive the high
Areej El-Saafin Rachel Elvins (incorporating the Matthew David Wright
Daniel Fegredo (Preston) Hsin-Hsien Yeh standard of care they deserve. Her doctoral work explored how to support
Gemma Faulkner AMHP award)
Kirstie Julia Foster Xuekai Zhang healthcare professionals living in Kenya who are themselves living with HIV.
Bachelor of Medicine, Benoy Idicula Babu
Mohammed Zubair Sharon Bailey Psychiatry
Sarah Jean Garthwaite Bachelor of Surgery Daniel Edward Horner Hannah Lesley Barnes Now working in London, Catherine continues to draw on her international
Robert Stuart Gartshore Muneer Ahmed Junejo Amar Jyoti Gupta
Andrew Peter Barron HIV care and education expertise to teach and research in the field of
Kate Marie Goodchild with Honours Matthew Ping Chao Liew Master of Clinical Research Diane Bond
Shazia Khalil
Hilary Jane Graffy Andrew Timothy Matrunola education for healthcare professionals through her role as a Senior Lecturer
William Nicholas Allen Omar Masood Angela Jane Bowman
Huw Anthony Griffiths Eulyn Stephanie Hodson in Clinical Education at the Institute of Education and work with newly
Jessica Ruth Fairfield Kishen Neelam Salman Shafiq
Victoria Clare Brown formed local education and training boards.
Cassandra Elizabeth Harrison William John Gann Karen Isabelle Rose Suzanne Natalie Burke
Clare Hawkins Emily Taylor Muhammad Ameer Saif Master of Philosophy Public Health
William Niall Burns
James Barry Heald Laura Alice Ellen Farrington Christian Philipp Selinger Matt Richard William Rossall Mark Richard Butler Somayah Ahmad M. Abu-azamah
Stuart William Holmes Mitchell Foster Jagdeep Singh Caroline Pottinger Josephine Campbell Assaedi
Michael Horsley Clare Louise Mulqueen Christina On-Yu Yip
Rebecca Katherine Howes Mary O'Driscoll Carole Elizabeth Clarkson Llinos Ann Roberts
Rachel Olive Angela Louise Edwards
Christopher Paul Humphries William John Kitchen Daniel Zubli
Prudence May Jarrett
Doctor of Philosophy Josie Indra Austin Julie Edwards
Bachelor of Medicine, Charles William Firth
Samuel Elliot Johnson
Bachelor of Surgery Riham Abou-Leisa
Patricia Ann Hall
Postgraduate Certificate
Michael Johnston Engy Badry Abdellatif Master of Research
Andrew Johnston Haytham Alhamwi Alison (Known As Lisa) Denise Clinical Science (Blood Sciences)
Usman Adam Haywood
Fathema Johura Anam Ashraf Awal Zaki M Almohmedhusain Tissue Engineering and Kirstin Louise Bess
Regenerative Medicine Jennie Ann Henderson
Emily Kaye Elizabeth Berry Suha Mohammed A Althubaiti Demetris Vassilakos
Suzanne Howson
Hannah Mary Elsbeth Kenworthy Claire Margaret Borland Rania Abubaker Ali Bagabir Joshur Yew Loong Ang Meryl Ann Jones
Anas Ayub Khan Bridget Helen Buckley Caroline Gwen Baxter
Shelene Natalie Lammie Medical Education
Zoha Khan Matthew Byrne Guy Betts Master of Public Health Deborah Lees Rajiv Siotia
Sarah Lewis Hui Jian Chiu Julian Blaser
Steven John Lockley
Laura Mary Rose Maitland Han Hong Chong Elizabeth Bode Public Health Sandra Jean Manning
Dinara Makhadiyeva Jennifer Eve Cunliffe Elvan Boke Occupational Medicine
Shona Alison Hester Auty Christine Mason
James Nathaniel Marshall Ruwini Upeka Ratnasiri Dassanayake Tracy Briggs
Tina Ann Hayden Poppy McColl Jennifer Perry
Juliette Marshall Aratchige Deborah Brown
Bilal Malik Steven Merrick Sharmaine Raquel Gray-Stuart
Alison Marie Mathews Neena Dhillon Alan Neil Carter
Elizabeth Grace Droop Zainab Adeyinka Oyekan Lucy Mitchell
Charlotte May Nelly Dimitrova Chankova
Sam Fairclough Rachel Elizabeth Spencer Carolyn Molyneux Physics and Computing in
Sarah-Louise McAnelly Zoe Darwin
Rachel Foster Christine Ngozi Umeadi Sonja Alice Mooney Medicine and Biology
Stewart McKenna Marian Denson
Keira Lynn Haddow Shane North
Hafeza Mohamed Salleh Jennifer Louise Diffey Ganiyu Abolanle Sanusi
Pippa Kate Hagan Global Health Emma Jayne O'Brien
Elaine Morsman Helen Eddington
Arafat-Ur-Ibrahim Mulla James Michael Humphreys Sarah Frances Olsen
Sandra Marie Flynn Tristan Janko Holotnak Public Health
Farakh Rehman Naeem Adam Jackson Bethany Alice Fordham Patricia Mary Otty
Nam Tien Nguyen Christina Kaewchaluay Kate Hannah Gaffey Jonathan Paul Ousby Charlotte Elizabeth Davies
Applied Mental Health Mumtaz Patel Fati Murtala-Ibrahim
Adaeze Fiona Nneoma Nwamarah Ergul Kaide Brigit Fiona Greystoke
Sola Odunsi Weilin Claudia Koh Jenny Hankinson
(incorporating the Saralynn Peach Harriet Alice Elizabeth Swift
Hian Chuan Ong Yan Yi Zebada Kwok Guoliang Hao AMHP award) Julie Pickman
Tomos Meirion Owens Man Ho Kwok William Harris Geraldine Mary Earley Mari Elen Roberts
Translational Medicine
Jennifer Katherine Paskins Khai Leow Julia Hiscock John Fraser Maclennan Stephen Paul Roper
Bali Sangha Ellie Victoria Macintosh

12 13
Tuesday, 9 July 2013 Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Research in Medical Master of Science in Edward Ridyard Megan Jane Pryce Bachelor of Medicine, Central Manchester University
Bachelor of Medicine, Sciences and Bachelor of Healthcare Ethics and Law Thomas Sherman Huw Purssell Bachelor of Surgery Hospitals NHS Foundation
Bachelor of Surgery Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Medicine, Samuel Henry Shillito Ommid Rafie Trust (MRI)
Katherine Atley
Bachelor of Surgery Alexander Neil Stewart Kimberley Ralph Anandh Balu
with Honours with Honours Elizabeth Stone
Mark Ryan Debar Rasoul Daniel Christopher Bewick Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor
James Giles Elspeth Jane Rose Hill Markus Arnold Jayne Nicola Turner Sean Rezvani Rachel Bird of Surgery
Nathan Huneke David Anthony Paul Brooks Sarah Waqar Kerrie Richardson Viveka Biswas
Master of Arts in Lucy Anne O'Connor Reshmee Lakshini Doolub Catherine Elizabeth Warwick Nicola Blair
Daniel Leach
Amna Sadiq
Humanitarianism and Conflict Faezeh Sakhinia Nicola Jepson Philip Webb Catherine Mary Blogg
Rukhtam Saqib Bachelor of Economic Science
Response and Bachelor of Charlotte Li Emma Louise Whitaker Katherine Ann Bowman
Ruth Lister Ashleigh Elizabeth Saunders
Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Master of Research in Samuel Tobias Thiessen Briggs with Honours
Francesca Liuzzi Jessica See Scott Joseph Broadhurst
with Honours Medical Sciences and Jane Emma Frances Stratton Bachelor of Medicine, Syed Kazim Ali Shan Yvonne Chizoba Chizoba Ikwueke
Frederick Robert Burgess
Alice Rhiannon Lee Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Richa Sinha Emily Cant
Bachelor of Surgery Bachelor of Science Aisha Ali Emma Kate Smith Emily Jane Capay New graduates in MB ChB please
Annie Chapman stand to read the affirmation on
Master of Arts in Saira Ahmed Fahad Aaa Al-Qadeeri Oluwatosin Sotubo
Pathology (intercalating Matthew Craggs page 60
Humanitarianism and Conflict Katarina Antonica Bray MBChB/BDS students) Abdullah A.A. KH.E. Alshamali Sophia Stephanides
Sophie Francesca Myfanwy Cronin
Response and Bachelor of Hannah Alice Burns Caroline Anne Bailey Megan Alice Steward
with Honours Eleanor Clare Sophia Crook
Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Ibrahim Ibrahim Susannah Elizabeth Ball Stuart James Stewart
Nancy Allen Charlotte Ellerbie Davies
Jessica Alexandra Kimpton Laura Ballance Santosh Tadi
with European Studies Andrew Dean Iheukwumere Chukwuemeka Duru
Mohammad A.A.M.A. Kreimei Fatemah Behbehani Raisa Shireen Tahir Emma Eagleton
Jamie Alexander Ewan McAllister Conor McKenna
Abdelaziz Marzoug Jonathan David Bevan Yen Yeen Teh Elizabeth Rose Eisner
Lilli Sonia Nelson
Lucy Jayne McLellan Melanie Rekha Ramasawmy Milos Brkljac Alexander James Wallis Leonard Yong Tai Eng
Master of Arts in Jung Yin Tsang Jennifer Lingard Brodie Lu Ting Wang Alasdair Fatkin
Humanitarianism and Conflict Hannah Rachel Wardman Psychology Thomas Alexander Callender Louise Isabel Garcia-Rodriguez
Dhrupadh Reddy Yerrakalva
Response and Bachelor of Stuart Chapman Holly Nena George
with Honours
Master of Research in Leslie Xue Li Cheng Ewan Stewart Glassey
Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Sophie Kent University Hospital of South
Huey Ee Chong Jessica Green
Anna Gerrard Hughes
Oncology and Bachelor of Danielle Lewis Manchester NHS Foundation
Tze Lin Chong Laura Marie Healy
Joseph Harold Frederick Glover Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Emily Marsden
Trust (South) Charlotte Hickson
New graduates in MB ChB please Han Eyong Chong
Andrew Sherratt Jamieson with Honours and Distinction Elizabeth Ann Hodgson
stand to read the affirmation on Ozerah Anisah Choudhry
Leila Elizabeth Nutine Maheen Hussain
Christopher Thomas Mansbridge page 60 Louise Ellen Colborne Bachelor of Medicine, Donna Lisa Jacobs
Sophie Jane Connor Matthew James
Master of Public Health and Bachelor of Surgery with
Master of Research in Andrew Mark Crawford
European Studies Elizabeth Louise Jarman
Bachelor of Medicine, Oncology and Bachelor of Tuesday, 9 July 4.45pm Scarlett Currie Michael John Kemp
Bachelor of Surgery Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Thomas Donald with Honours Shi Hoay Lim
School of Medicine Hannah Donaldson Grace Lindsay
Onyibo Nwachukwu Okafor Salford Royal NHS Foundation Karlie Jade Whitehead
with Honours Stephanie Eeckelaers Marc James Kane Locherty
University Teaching Trust (Salford) Sonia Mansoor
Lauren Lea Sidon Nicholas Francisco Trengrouse Engall
Master of Public Health with Bachelor of Medicine, Kieran Francis McCormack
Thomas Gilbert Fyall
Emergency Humanitarian Aid Bachelor of Medicine, Weh Loong Gan Bachelor of Surgery with Lynette McKenzie
Master of Research in
and Global Health and Bachelor of Surgery with Jaskaren Gill European Studies Rebecca McKerrell
Oncology and Bachelor of European Studies Erin Rose Marion Meenan
Bachelor of Medicine, Kirstie Antonia Hanning
Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Jonathan Berger Katherine Millner
Bachelor of Surgery with Honours Akshay Hindocha
Anneke Laura Alves Sophie Brotherton Mohd Faiz Mohd Fauzi
Babatunde Oremule Thomas Gerard James Slater Rachel Hinsley Holly Marie Moxon
Sarah Carys Bowen Jones Tanya Kumar
John Timothy Hirst Angel Jacqueline Namuddu
Jacob Chen Ming Low Oghome Igbrude Sarah Louise Nash
Master of Research in Zahaan Wayne Alexandre Pinto
Bachelor of Medicine, Clive Ross Nash
Bachelor of Surgery with Craig Jones Joseph Alexander Nathan
Cardiovascular Sciences and Lyndon Paul Ridges-Jones
European Studies Adam Paul Jones Bachelor of Medicine, Ahmad Khalis Bin Nazib
Bachelor of Medicine, Zahira Karim Jonathan Mark Oliver
Savana Shakir Bachelor of Surgery
Bachelor of Surgery Master of Research in Tissue Lorraine Sheena Kasaven Thomas Matthew Parkes
Jamie Michael Addlestone Engineering for Regenerative Adeel Khan with Honours and Distinction Shaan Pawa
Bachelor of Medicine, Stephen Pearson
Sami Al-Othman Medicine and Bachelor of Bachelor of Surgery
Abdulaziz Salah A.A. Khurshed Nicholas Edward Steele Hopley
Rasitha Perera
Patrick Andrew Green Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Lydia Kinton
David Perry
Simon Arian Zakeri with Honours and Distinction Philip James Knox Bachelor of Medicine,
with Honours Ryan Petrucci
Kate Armstrong Tsun Yiu Mak
Rong Rong Khaw Mark Andrew Joyce
Bachelor of Surgery Nicola Louise Phillips
Master of Research in Kay Anne Kei Yan Mak Catherine Pierce
Thomas Key Thomas Dominik Vincent Markey with Honours
Maternal and Fetal Health and Eleanor Rose Pike
Bachelor of Medicine, Master of Research in Tissue Andrew John Marriott Corinne Deakin Acksa Rahim-Babar
Engineering for Regenerative Bachelor of Medicine, Matthew Antony May Oliver Josef Dumolo Ralley
Bachelor of Surgery Catherine Elizabeth Garrett
Medicine and Bachelor of Bachelor of Surgery Claire McCartney Hywel Owen Roberts
Tina Huang
with Honours Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery with Honours Aabida Merali Niall Roscoe
Aida Lai
Joshua Timothy Jones Simon William Meredith Michael Smith
Gemma Armstrong Magdalena Niestrata-Ortiz
Liam Anthony McMorrow Fahmida Miah Steven Stenhoff
Zoe Barker Aimi Elizabeth Akiko Nishimura
Rachael Jane Chrystal Jamie Motion Elliot Roy Street
Master of Research in Jo Sophia Phillips Kanchan Sunger
Master of Science in Benjamin Marshall Davies Simon Peter Scott Murphy
Maternal and Fetal Health Kimberley Fletcher Katherine Jayne Rankine James Taylor
Healthcare Ethics and Law Aisha Nasir
andBachelor of Medicine, Alex Jana Tom Gawthrope Adam William Seed Stacy Tivey
and Bachelor of Medicine, Christopher Michael Nemes Vanessa Isabel Warner
Bachelor of Surgery Kerry Marie Greenan Matthew Edward Sinnott
Bachelor of Surgery with Lynsey Anne Hunter
Graham Noble Richard Alan Westmoreland
Emma Joanne Badger Angela Hope Page Oliver John Smith
European Studies Louise Karsera Jade Whing
Sarah Kay Kelt Shakirabanu Patel Harry James Wardell Joel Kae Wei Wong
Niamh Patricia Kennedy
Claire Elise Pegorie with Honours and Distinction Rebecca Kirkwood-Wilson Amar Patel Alexander Joseph Warner Sophie Yelland
Emily Claire Stratta Ruth Michelle Tunney Katie Lawton Scott Pearson Mohammed Zeshan Yazid Bin Zaiki

14 15
Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Wednesday, 10 July 10am Bachelor of Science Biological and Genetics

Computing Science with Honours
Faculty of Life Sciences Biology
with Honours Elsa Axelsdottir
Professor Martin Humphries with Honours
Bede Constantinides Jack Bate
will address the ceremony then Elliot Adams Shahad Bawazeer
Andrej Gnip
Professor Matthew Cobb will Charles Ashley Amesbury Helen Ann Elizabeth Beck
Jonathan Barron Biological and Computing
present Jacqueline Caine for James Blundell
Sarah Bond Science with Industrial/ Kaci Idir Goucem
the award of Oustanding
Christopher James Bower Professional Experience Allison Michelle Gourley
Alumnus 2013
Oliver James Caiger-Smith with Honours Jason Green
Jacqueline Caine will then address Peter Campion Matthew David Humphreys
Michal Tykac
the ceremony. Elliot Chambers Michael Keenan
Seng Pil Cho Andrei-Stefan Lia
Biology with Business Martin Nurmik
Bachelor of Science Irene Chung
and Management Anna Mary Lincoln Page
Richard Cousins
Degree Congregations Biochemistry Joshua Cumming with Honours Jonathan Michael Roden
Alexander Shephard
with Honours Ashley Selene Deane Helen Anne Mercer
Gulten Tuncel
Simon Daniel Dunn
Wednesday, 10 July 2013 James Andrews
Samuel Max Burns Begg
Lauren Jane Ellis
Emily Grace Farrington
Biology with
Emma Wood

Olivia Bond Sebastian Fernandez-Cuervo

Genetics with
in the Whitworth Hall Nicole Brace Experience Industrial/Professional
Andrew Charles Gale
George Braileanu with Honours Experience
Order of Proceedings William Gaunt
Edward Busby Lisa Griffin Samuel Edward Arnold with Honours
The Procession with enter the Hall in the following order Shi Ern Chan Lois Haddington Helena Susan Davies Cornelio Fernandes
(The Congregation standing) Phillippa Dafinone Nicola Hartley Amandeep Kaur Hundal Danielle Higham
Procession Leaders Matthew James Darlington Connor Heeley Joseph Kelleher
Marc De Wind Amy Hicks Biology with Science Dragos Vasile Leordean
Members of Senate
Lauren Dixon Emily Joy Hind and Society Jason Parr
Members of the Teaching and Administrative Staff Ben Aden Phillips
Chante Halliday William Jones
Wardens of Halls of Residence Rebecca Howard Laura Frances Jones
with Honours Marco Tehini Pinheiro
Stewards Kate Jones Olivia Burton Ruth Alice Warren
Adam Hughes
Alice Carroll Katy Ann Nichola Willis
The Presenters Rajkumar Khera Megan Clare Jones
Harry Keates Kathryn Anne Finch
The Mace Bearer Justina Lasaite
George Halsey Medical Biochemistry
Matthew Mansell Robert Kelshaw
The Registrar and Secretary Alexander Jackson
Rose Mayston Dean Kenny with Honours
Emma Lampard Nathan Knight Tom Bemand
Michael Mckenna
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matthew Latham Rupert William Rhodes Dominique Georgina Flood
Darren Morgan
Joshua Libberton Hannah Skelton Victoria Goodger
Thomas Mosley Suzanne Vickers
At the Degree ceremony at 10am Emma Louise Marston Hila Gvardinskaite
Jack Matthew Pope Eleanor White
Sophie Louise Mcentegart Elliot Hurst
Professor Martin Humphries will Preside Matthew Preston
Emir Ilkerli
Melissa McGrail
Mrs Helen McGlashan, will act as Registrar and Secretary Gizem Rehber Kyle Steven Law
Jade Rebecca Mills Plant Science
Professor Matthew Cobb will present Jacqueline Caine for the award of Oustanding Alumnus 2013 Soroush Shakibakho Sahar Shammakhi
Luke Mortimore with Honours
Professor Cathy McCrohan will address the ceremony Paulina Sindrewicz Liam David Singh Tamber
Nicola Frances Parkinson
Emily Walker Daniel Rowson Helen Tanner
Graduands from the Faculty of Life Sciences will be presented by Professor Keith Brennan, Dr Holly Shiels and Dr Martin Pool David Howard Ratcliff
Sophie Walton Madeleine Louise Reilly Courtney Thwaites
Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA Henry Proctor Wood Plant Science with Harriet Maureen June Wood
Hannah Margaret Sophie Robinson
Mace Bearer Alan Jones Industrial/Professional
Emma Rowles
Biochemistry with Duncan Sanders Experience Medical Biochemistry with
At the Degree ceremony at 12.15pm Industrial/Professional
a Modern Language Emma Elizabeth Sarath with Honours
Professor Martin Humphries will Preside Experience
Ben Daniel Storer Joseph Moughan
Mrs Louise Walmsley, will act as Registrar and Secretary with Honours
Adam Stuart with Honours
Professor Cathy McCrohan will address the ceremony Joshua Kyle Stanfield Elisabeth West Alastair Corbin
Graduands from the Faculty of Life Sciences will be presented by Dr Philip Morgan, Dr Ingo Schiessl, Dr Ingrid Gouldsborough and Dr Nicola High Bradley Woliter Marigold Wood Bachelor of Science Rachel Foreman
Laura Suzanne Woodward Robin Wyn Priya Hari
Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA Developmental Biology
Mihai Zamfir Lisa Stacey Kent
Mace Bearer John Bromley with Honours Sarah Pinder
Biochemistry with
Industrial/Professional Biotechnology (Enterprise) Cemsel Bafligil Claire Shepherd
At the Degree ceremony at 2.30pm Emma Louise Williams
Experience Charlotte Susannah Eliza Brathwaite
Professor Martin Humphries will Preside with Honours Alexandra Hanna Ougolnikova Catherine Elizabeth Willoughby
Mr Paul Uncles, will act as Registrar and Secretary with Honours Muhammad Mustaqi Bin Ab Halim Jessica Sumner
Professor Cathy McCrohan will address the ceremony Aisha Asra Nurul Hidayah Binti Borhan Olivia Kate Trotman Zoology
Graduands from the Faculty of Life Sciences will be presented by Professor Ray Boot-Handiford, Dr Peter Brown, Dr Richard Prince and Dr Donald Ward Fraser Alexander Collins Haewon Byun with Honours
George David Cresswell Nurgul Imangali Developmental Biology
Organist Philip Lowe LTCL, RMN, FBS Josephine Beckett
Ami Elizabeth Day James Alexander Keeler (intercalating MBChB/BDS
Mace Bearer Patrick Shiels Ewan Brennan
Ella Patricia Dennis Angela On-Kei Lai students) Mark Briant
Charles George Gamble Dominic Thum Seema Chandel
At the Degree ceremony at 4.45pm Muhammad Izzat Yusoff with Honours
Gareth William Hughes Daniel Peter Derbyshire
Professor Luke Georghiou will Preside Jemma Sarah Martin
Abid Malik Javed Nathan Dowds
Mrs Emma Carter-Brown, will act as Registrar and Secretary Biotechnology (Enterprise) Richard Earnshaw
Danielle Owen
Professor Neil Humphrey will address the ceremony Thomas Francis Rice with Industrial/Professional Developmental Biology with Christopher James Exton
Graduands from the School of Education will be presented by Dr Steve Jones Experience Industrial/Professional Emma Harrison
Luke Peter Rigby
Experience Sam Horrocks
Organist Philip Lowe LTCL, RMN, FBS Nils Rorsman with Honours Seth Tay Lambert
Mace Bearer Ray Walton Lara Alex Shaylor Vitalijs Ovcinnikovs with Honours Barnaby Leigh
James Alexander Smythies Peter Rowe Adam Avi Shellard Lucy Mason
Michael Thompson Gurdeep Singh Hannah Amy Stanforth Fay Mook

16 17
Wednesday, 10 July 2013 Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Benjamin Samuel Newman Parmdeep Nandhra Alex James Facey Aileen Moncur Wednesday, 10 July 2.30pm The 2013 Alumni Association Award
Madeleine Newman Faiz Ahmed Nawaz Katherine Laura Graham Christie Mona Norris
Kok Ming Ng Abigail Oluyemi Ngwewa Megan Ashlea Gurney Christopher Nathan Payne Faculty of Life Sciences
Louise Alice Nisbet
Thomas Pennance
Chandan Notay
Ankit Patel
Sarah Jane Alicia Herbert
Liam Lloyd Ingleby
Jack Sandilands
David Sparks
Victoria Stout Doctor of Philosophy
Outstanding Alumna
Niall Phillips
Natalie Faye Piper
Adam Sealey
Talisa Patel
Maya Patel
Qasim Patel
Grace Jepson
Tom Laidler
Harry Lee
Oliver Wright Naglaa Abd El Halim Hassan Abu El
Halim Hassan Abu Mandil
Jacqueline Caine
Jamie-Lee Smith Chandni Patel Georgina Mair Anatomical Sciences Jila Ajeian
(intercalating MBChB/BDS Claire Aspinall Outstanding Alumni Awards are presented each year by The University of
Lucy Swinton Risha Patel Eleanor McCabe
students) Stephanie Atherton Manchester Alumni Association to former students who have achieved
Alexander Leslie Thomas Dk Za'imah 'Aqilah Pg Hj Md Asyraf Aisha Mclean
Edward Thomson Alexandria Pursehouse Henry Paul Jones Muttock Robin Henry Beaven distinction in their field or have brought honour to the University through
with Honours
Maria Toms Raeesa Ramzan Tanya Francis Partridge Paul David Blakeley their outstanding achievements.
Nathan Hunter Lisa Brackenbury
Chris Tyrrell Sanaa Ramzan Matthew Pearce
Thomas Lightburn Jackie Caine epitomises a new generation of Manchester alumni quickly
Lucy Welch Natalie Rathour Rosie Pigott Fiona Britton
Thomas Stock making a name for themselves in their chosen careers.
Niko Wright Simon Christopher Ray-Jones Natalie Power Laura Campbell
Sinead Katherine Rogan Anjlee Sakaria Thomas Campbell
Anatomical Sciences with Born and brought up in Middleton, Jackie graduated in 2006 with a first
Zoology with a Modern Language Avnish Rainath Rosunee Isabella Sinclair Santa Cruz Josef Caruana
Rebekah Claire Scott Toby Saunders Industrial/Professional Raymond Anthony Chambers class degree in Zoology, including a year’s placement studying Colobus
with Honours Tanvi Shah Mathhew Paul Shaw Experience Daphne Wei-Chen Chen monkeys and Black Rhino at Paignton Zoo.
Zara Reveley Haneefah Sheikh Jonathan David Shepherd with Honours Xi Chen
After graduation, her work at Paignton led her to Kenya, helping to conserve
Jessica Simon David Stiggelbout Luke Anthony Dabbs Jelena Chobotova
Nazanin Dadehbeigi wild Colobus monkeys and local primate populations along the Diani Coastline.
Zoology with Charlotte Sykes Jack Williams Hon Sing Geoffrey Wu
Industrial/Professional Experience Samson Yemane Tekle Matthew Williams Caitlin Clifford Katharine Sarah Dobb On her return from East Africa, Jackie showed the commitment and
Laura Turbett Alexandra Wilson Nicholas Edward Duvall
with Honours persistence that has been a hallmark of her career to date. She spent six
Sascha Verdi Yifang Yu Lauren Eastwood
Samuel Robert Blackledge Umar Yusaf
Bachelor of Science Daniël Joachim Peter Engelmoer
months working for the Society for Education and Exploration as an unpaid
Andrew Robert Church Sarah Forbes intern in London, while at the same time holding down several part-time jobs
Neuroscience with Cell Biology
Jessica Melody Doris Lea a Modern Language Nicola Ford to fund it.
Camren Garrett Williams
Bachelor of Science with Honours Georgina Goddard
with Honours Sarah Rixham Her hard work paid off when she was offered a three-month contract by
Optometry Emily Hankin
Wednesday, 10 July 12.15pm Niamh Joyce Rebecca Plowman Darin Hassan Chester Zoo, researching human-elephant conflict in India. After this, she
Maheen Hussain Emma Craig
Mark David Hayes found work at the Bat Conservation Trust, and began applying for numerous
Edel Patricia Ross Richard Ali
Faculty of Life Sciences Hui Xia Marilyn Tan Neuroscience with Xun Huang research grants to further her knowledge at masters level.
Stephen Chetwynd
Industrial/Professional Experience Guillaume Jacquemet
Ellen Denham Her efforts came to fruition when she was offered one of the last NERC
Master of Optometry Master of Neuroscience with Honours Scott George Wilcockson Nicholas Johnson
grants on a masters in Conservation at UCL, with an emphasis on
Holly Louise Mellor Jeremiah Kelly
Optometry Angela Bonsu conservation in the UK. At the same time, she worked as a volunteer for
Neuroscience Rebecca Bresnahan
Pablo Andrés Lara González
with Honours John Lees Wildlife and Policy LINK, helping with general administration duties and
with Honours Hannah Clarke Cell Biology with
Alexander Howard Industrial/Professional Jingjing Li gaining experience of environmental lobbying and policy work.
Deborah Lucy Abraham Catherine Emma Diamond
Ellis Johnson Nathan Grainger Experience Alina Mares
Robert Bedford Zenobia Benaifer Mehta Shortly after finishing her masters in 2011, she joined the Society of Biology,
Leanne Rose Richards Andrew Erskine Sally Milne with Honours Joanna Maria Merchut-Maya working with the policy team to provide government and other policy
Joana Marie Tandoc Leah Rowanne Evans Zoe Noakes
Ashley James Evans Suzanne Louise Meredith makers with authoritative, independent, and evidence-based opinion. She is
Molly Elizabeth Horton Francesca Mei Ling Ooi
Madeleine Seager Joshua Buckingham-Bostock Duncan Charles Miller currently Senior Science Policy Officer at the Society.
Bachelor of Science Optometry Aaron Kumar Korpal Harry Milton
Amy Coral Linnegan Melissa Chloe Wren Outside work, Jackie is a director and co-founder of ‘Groho’ – a non-profit
Optometry Microbiology Roger Douglas Montgomerie
Victoria Lynne Newton company which aims to make urban greening solutions more accessible to
with Honours Neuroscience with Honours
Bachelor of Science Alengo Marie Antoinette urban communities.
Mohamed Adam (intercalating MBChB/BDS students) Leonnie Wharton Nyamay'Antu
Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology Helen Louise Fleming
Manija Ahmadyur with Honours Pedro Olivares Chauvet
Graham Andrew Hill
Abdullah Al-Amin with Honours Christopher Chilstone-Vause Emily Hammond Ross Clint Overman
Mariam Amin Rebecca Louise Allen Aoife Eilis Dervin Helen Shanika Wigley Catherine Holly Page
Karishma Kiran Amlani Rachel Betterton Jacob George Drake Robert Cooper Martyn Kyle Peers
Asif Awais Lydia Brain Maeve Hanley Ross Cowie Diana Marisol Perez Madrigal
Nabila Azam Claire Susan Bushell Laura Heap Nurul Aqilah Binti Kamarudin Tom Pettini
Fahima Banglawala Charlotte Eleanor Croft Jon David Machin Danielle Weaver Grzegorz Pietka
Pritpal Bedi Pooja Dongre Rory Mawhinney Lisa Gidman Katie Powis
Zeinab Sofia Bibi Annabel Lucy Evans Vincent Erik Simpson Marie Reinholdt
Mitchell Bryl Amy Hammond David Ian Wilkinson Microbiology with Henry Forbes Robertson
Sneha Chauhan Zahra Alya Khatib Industrial/Professional Camilla Victoria Robinson
Sudip Chauhan Alya Latif Experience Emily Robinson
Wee Ling Winnie Chua
Bachelor of Science
Anna Maria Maehr with Honours Alex Ryan
Roisin Connolly Clare Louise Mc Cullagh Neuroscience Sadia Saeed
Kate Harrison
Sapreet Kaur Dhillon Peter Mellor Sibekithemba Charlotte Matiba Kanwal Sakhi
Rebecca Katie Shears
Rachael Jaye Ericson Andrea Roesser Sophie Anne Natasha Guinard Stephanie Sarri
Yong Teng Fan Thomas Daniel Scurr Andreja Simpson
Tim Gardner Victoria Short
Bachelor of Science Robert Angus Smail
Neema Ghorbani Mojarrad Molecular Biology
Grace Whitaker Anatomical Sciences Flavia Stefani
Jaspreet Gill with Honours Louise Anne Stephen
Sophie Grisenthwaite with Honours Jamie Lee David Linale
Neuroscience Natalie Stephenson
Bronica Gumbhir Nefissa Abu-El-Hawa Zsofia Miskolczi Christodoulos Tavelis
Steven Halstead with Honours Katriana Bacik Anastassia Kargina
Hayley Bonwick Yu-Yao Tseng
Misba Hussain Isabelle Abbey-Vital James Martin Ellinor Mary Tudge
Sean David Bradley
Shamsa Iqbal Fatima Abdimalik John Harry Turney
Laetitia Bullman
Kerina Isaac David Adler Brodie Calvert
Molecular Biology with Susanne Ulm
Neha Jain Joseph James Barlow Natasha Constantine Industrial/Professional Miguel Angel Vargas
Rashid Muhammad Javed Rupert Burge Ellen Coomber Experience Jakob Whitfield
Shreya Khatry Ronan Burns Callam Davidson with Honours Jeongmin Woo
Eshana Lalli Hannah Charleston Jared Wayne Leggett Liam Niall Gilding Chia-Yu Yeh
Craig McCoy Rio Cook Joseph Marchant Caroline Frances Roberts Tugba Yumak Tayyar
Sameeha Mohamed Patrick Edward De Klee Stuart Marshall Amy Margaret Hatch Siwei Zhang

18 19
Wednesday, 10 July 2013 Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Master of Philosophy Ziyi Goh Biomedical Sciences with a Pharmacology and Physiology Wednesday, 10 July 4.45pm Educational Leadership and Profound and Complex Postgraduate Certificate in
Animal Biology
Sarah Gomersal Modern Language
with Honours School of Education School Improvement Learning Disability Education
Emily Goodall Katy Jane Connell Kathryn Jane Fernando Saonli Basu
Charlotte Louise Cox with Honours Christopher Kane Dawson Jane Elizabeth Susan Crowley
Michael Harris Rebecca Jane Davidson James Bennison
Hannah Collins Christopher Alan Gilbert Doctorate of Education Nidhi Shaileshkumar Karekar
Philippa Hatton Rebecca Jane Chirgwin John Dylan Buckley
Biochemistry Benjamin Golden Patricia Marybelle Davies
Ahmed Hayderi Saira Choudhry
Alan Robert Francis Godwin Biomedical Sciences with William Bruce Gray Nigel Harrison Elizabeth Ann Crookall
Catherine Hayward Industrial/Professional Educational Technology Postgraduate Diploma in
Abdul Azim Haji Saifuddin Adrian Stewart Lythgoe Elizabeth Mary Kenny
Sureeporn Ho Yiqing Experience and TESOL Advanced Studies in Education
Neuroscience Grace Evelyn Macgregor Kate Eleanor Perry
Steven Hodgson Steven Meare Jacqueline Goulbourne Nazia Kausar
Rayna Eve Samuels with Honours Doctorate in Educational and
Thomas William Hopwood Grant Robertson Nergiz Kern Nayyer Khan Bachelor of Arts
Greta Santagata Rebecca Elizabeth Broome Child Psychology
Thomas Andrew Ives Nicola Louise Weston Catherine Anne Ohanlon
Thomas Chisnall Jenny Dutton Applied Community
Sarah Elizabeth Jackson Process Consultancy Astrid Catherine Von Barsewisch
Evolutionary Biology Ben Joshua Clark Naomi Sarah Parsons Shoshana Possenheimer and Youth Work Studies
Eunji Jeong Christian Covill-Cooke Pharmacology and Physiology Pamela Davenport
Hannah Fenton with Honours
Edward Samuel Jones Holly Jones with Industrial/Professional Gary Trevor Handforth
Emma Louise Partridge Experience Doctorate in Counselling Evelyn Ann Holdsworth Postgraduate Diploma Joseph Amos
Stem Cell Research Sophie Jurczak
Philip William Riddell Christine Rose Buscombe Elizabeth Jayne Bethany Campbell
Lauren Frances Harkin Benjamin Paul Keith with Honours Counselling Troy Carter
Amy Whitehouse Graham Mellors
Matthew Kwok Mezida Bedru Saeed Julian Edge Maoiliosa Clarke
Harry Wilson Carolyn Mary Olson
Master of Science Meera Lachhani Tom Morton Doctorate in Counselling Sarah Louise Hanlon Cliodhna Devlin
Jonathan Petts
Jiaxi Liang Psychology Anne Sheila Redmond Sobia Khan Denise Hayward
Bioinformatics Bachelor of Science Hannah Katarina Naylor
Phoebe Ellen Moriarty
Daniel Littler Pharmacology and Physiology Matthew Peter Shorrock Rosemary Christine Thornton Zohreh Nasri Mogaddam
Alana Abdool Kep Tian Loh Biomedical Sciences (intercalating MBChB/BDS Nicholas Tildesley Anntina Quinn Aurelie Ngengele Mpasa
Sarah Frances Bailey Sarah Elizabeth Samuels
Deniz Lopez Charlotte Arnold students) Doctorate in Educational Helena Pinnock
Mary Katherine Bispham
Elizabeth MacAllister Brian Derrig Psychology Teaching and Learning Rasyidah Samah
Thulaja Ratnala Naidu with Honours Ikmat Khadija Savage
Jennifer Mackay Shiv Parbhakar Jennifer Alison Collins Educational Leadership
Stephen Berry Philippa Grace Matthew Till
Cell Biology Louise Ayomi Newtina Marlin Stephanie Jennifer Lucy Teare and School Improvement
Jack De Wolf Helen Rebecca Wyton Hanan Warsama
Yiran Zang Simone Mclindon Bachelor of Science Xuan Gleaves Giorgos Pittiris
Eliza Meighen Emily Lauren Granger TESOL Education
Pharmacology Doctor of Philosophy
History of Science, Yasmine Menad Jonathan Hampson Christopher Wyatt Educational Technology
with Honours William Bulman with Honours
Technology and Medicine Jonathan Edward Mester Richard Hawley-Jones Shu Xu and TESOL
Sarah Kate Davis Stacey Clare Daly
Ruth Maria Lainez-Gonzalez Cameron Samuel Cabot Murison Ewan Baldwin Charlotte Lance Md. Eftekhar Uddin
Sofia Magdalena De Stefani Anna Denham
Sian Bladon Thomas Graham Moore Masters in Teaching and John Gillam
Nika Najimi-Varzanah
Oktawia Paulina Borecka Siddarth Nardeosingh James Roger Duggan
Science Communication Soo Weei Ng Learning Profound and Complex Laura Hunter
Astrid Born Tsediso Michael Makoelle Tracey Lowry
Robert Elliott Samuel David Naylor Learning Disability
Robyn Orme Charles Buckle Richard Melling Suzannah Celene Alexander
Joanne Emily Procter Leanne Cara Morgan
Jahan Ovezsahedova Margarita Chumarina Jeremy Oldfield Graham Colin Ball Catherine Anne Gordon Taibah Naqvi
Immunology and Rebecca Waterworth
Cenk Serhan Ozverel Hannah Rachael Crowson Mark Benjamin Peace Kelly Jayne Boag Samantha Jayne Clements
Immunogenetics Mark Pecover James Alexander Dunn Jill Kathleen Richford Helen Bowden Sue Ellis Language, Literacy
Hardeep Helina Grewal Natalia Perepelova Nadine Gavin Bachelor of Science Harriet Elizabeth Kate Rowley Jennifer Brierley Suzanne Vikki Smith and Communication
Ellis Gill Paul Vincent Smith Carolyn Victoria Byrom
William David Prest Physiology with Honours
Postgraduate Certificate Andrew James Hayward Diane Holt Whalley Lauren Chowdhury Psychology of Education
Catherine Quaye Circe Isobel Amos
Rebecca Hennessey with Honours Adam Jeffrey Connell
Bioinformatics Farhan Qureshi Elizabeth Amy Mcgahey Anika Burrowes
Robert James Holmes Agura Afiari Master of Philosophy Rebecca Elizabeth Cooper
Manoja Rasamanikkam Mariana Abreu Cerqueira
Helge Philipp Joshua Hope Frances Rebecca Barrand Clare Aimee Dixon Sian Collister
Osian Richards Mateusz Kacper Kedzierski Tyan Shiun Bekooy Sharon Jane Coman Rebecca Dore TESOL
Jasmine Dale
Bachelor of Science Aimee Olivia Roberts Richard Lyon Olivia Cranmer Aisling Sarah Duckworth Dafydd Huw Wright Mullin Ellie Dixon-Smith
Shradha Shah Stephanie Jane Mackay Rachel Farrell Master of Arts Victoria Anne Duperouzel Jordan Estill
Biomedical Sciences Nikita Mistry Megan Antoinette Hardman Lucy Evans
Usman Sheikh Alexander Gillespie Postgraduate Certificate
with Honours Michael Ogunmakin
Counselling Kate Elizabeth Hopkinson Karen Joanne Farrell
Samirah Siddiqui Mohammad Halimy
Shola Able-Thomas Michelle Kike Oladapo Fiona Greaves Jessica Amy Howarth Digital Technologies, Natasha Fiberesima
Amy Hoy Yee Siu Felicity Frances Hey
Magretta Dovi Adiamah Oluyemi Olatunbosun Kilmeny A Holleran Chris Hudson Communication and Education Calum Fisher
Amy Smith Jeshika Kurji John Andrew Garbutt
Mohammad Amin Ahmad Danielle Read Johanna Catherine Luise Turner Baker David Hunter
Matthew Smythe Laura Lewis Andrew Wilson Jennifer Anne Goddard
Mamoona Ahmed John Rutter Anthony Oliver Jackson
Robert William Taaffe Sarah Love Educational Research Africa Hart
Andrew Alexander Oliver james Smyth Counselling Studies James Koziaryn
Fahmy Masoud Badr Salman H Alsoliman Katie Hayhurst
Abigail Beath Nnenna Roselyn Ukegbu Tamarind Stanley (Non-Accredited) Wendy Larraine Lane
Patricia Matos Jennifer Hodgson
Michael Beavis Lydia Mairead Van Der Hoeven Chau My Ta Stephen McMahon
Nkechi Onokwai Gergana Ganeva Jennifer Hogg
Katie Bickford Jack Kevin Michael Warren Ma Gan Gan Teoh Steven Moore Process Consultancy
Faheemmuddeen Patel Emily Hunt
Emily Biesmans Sabrina Viney Amy Nokes James David Stephen Blackwell Nida Khalid
Kelly Wemyss
Siti Amanlina Binte Aman Ross Whitenstall
Oliver James Tett Digital Technologies, Charlotte Pym Farya Khan
David Whitehead Fiona Wendy Butt
Connor Blackmore Shi Quan Wong
Rebecca Jane Thompson Communication and Education Philippa Richards Kyriaki Levendi
Gina Williams Anita Patricia Connell
Adama L Bojang Camille Alecia Berry Lisa-Ruth Wilson Samantha Jane Levitt
Denis-John Woodhouse Debbie-Lee Gordon-Williams
Andrew Bradshaw Leo Withers Physiology with Roisin Mc Erlean
Mausmi D Jadhav Elizabeth Jane Hearnden
Danielle Broady Mark Woodward Industrial/Professional Elin Mcdonald
Pharmacology with Myu Nakajima Master of Education Michelle Howard
Chloe Broady Lara Belle Wyatt Tanita Tejal Mistry
Industrial/Professional Experience Joseph Bertrand Tatepo Soufo Alma Margaret Mason
Sophie Bruce Sarah Katherine Montagu
Novaria Yusuf Experience Yingzhen Weng Psychology of Education
Alexandra Chitty with Honours Catherine Margaret Parker Chloe Noble
Simon Coverley Aniqa Zubair Charlene Shaw Janet Mary Woods Charlotte Louise Pixton
with Honours Zohra Butt
Filzah Nabilah Dato Mohd Hamid Education Niamh Sarah Horan Lewis Richards
Thomas Blackmore Aimee Louise Heywood
Danesh Davar Biomedical Sciences Sarah Amelia Clynes Profound and Complex Thomas Richmond
Marcus Henry Dawson Mark Fife Physiology (intercalating Shelaine Martin Amy Rowlinson
(intercalating MBChB/BDS Laura Anne Hanns MBChB/BDS students) David Crosby Learning Disability
Christopher Daniel Delaney Angela Dawn Hall Stacey Smith
students) Tzer-Ren Ho Amanda Claire Phillips Bankole Olufemi Sogelola
Thomas Dunne with Honours Edward Andrew Muir Salma Umarji
Regimantas Jurkus Victoria Kate Raynor Paul Vicario Benjamin Wallace
Alexandra Emily Grace Elson with Honours
Yuen Ting Pang Ben Hunter Toni Alex Roberts Francesca Warrender
Amy Isabel Flitcroft Master of Science
Daniel Friedman Winifred Garr Dhruval Patel Tim Moore Anthony Stephen Taylor Sophie Wears
James Edward Townsend Educational Research Education Studies
Joseph Gavin Gavin Verity Christabelle Joshi Alice Mary Hart Pinkney Anil Singh Thomas Wilson
Eleanor Gill Lucy Moy Sophie Nicole Saxton Joanne Elizabeth Skinner Ariadne Claire Baker Jonathan David Lloyd Johnson Heather Kate Regan Joshua Mathew Wood

20 21
Thursday, 11 July 2013

Learning Disability Studies Thursday, 11 July 10.00am Rachael Catherine Graveson Claudio Greco Jake Peter Harle
Michael Anthony Greaves Victoria Jane Green Stephen Haygarth
with Honours School of Chemistry Daniel Griffin
Jonathon Hannabuss Sue Ying Heng
Eleanor Carrick Professor Colin Bailey will address Graham James Heaven
Letitia Harrison Laura Hill
Amy Mary Chew the ceremony then Professor Peter Rhiannon Henry
Sarah Hendley Joshua Hill
Tracy Betty Gororo Craig James Jobson
Duck will present Gerry Pennell Katy Holland
Rebecca Jayne Grogan Michael Holmes Oliver George Kanaan
OBE for the award of Oustanding Elliot Hughes
Leila Hamrang Nadia Intan Alexandra Lamacraft
Alumnus 2013 Sam Hully
Sicelile Khumalo Matthew James Jackson Lois Rachel Lindley
Laura Elizabeth Marshall Gerry Pennell will then address Tony Ireland
David Jevins Daniel Mould
Jane Mitten the ceremony. Ishita Jalan
Mohammed Hamid Kawser Adam Price
Katalin Okeke Louise James
Graham John Kenyon Harriet Violet Rugg-Easey
Donna Paterson Doctor of Philosophy Rebecca Ellen Ruscoe Thomas Kennedy
Chelsea Sarah Taylor Melissa Marie Keogh Azeefa Khan
Enteisar M. I . Albrasi Al-Brasi Oliver Jason Schofield
Laura Jane Thorpe Timothy Kerry Kunheung Kim
Yousef Gamaan A. Alghamdi Amanda Sarah Shufflebottom
Sarah Yapp
Degree Congregations Fatma Bashir Alhanash
Janette Choh Shin Li Aleksander Anthony Tedstone Neil Richard Koehler
Krishnamoorthy Arumugam Emily Kate Macdonald Antony Wozniak Heidi Ingelin Korsberg
Learning Disability Studies Katherine McKie Aaishah Laher
Daniel Whitfield Thursday, 11 July 2013 Victoria Louise Brewster
James Robert David Brown
Alexandra Bushell
Osman Mohamed
Andrew Moore
Chemistry with
Medicinal Chemistry
Pavandip Lallie
Chao Lv
Management and Leisure in the Whitworth Hall Sean Butterworth Laura Morrison with Honours Lewis Maddran
Ross Chawner Syed Thanveer Ahmed Peter Ian Maxwell
with Honours Helen Moylan
Order of Proceedings Felicity Jane De Cogan Rachael Dickman Rebecca Frances Middleton
Rachel Louise Alker James Paliga
Alessandro Del Grosso Robert Milne
Amelia Barratt The Procession with enter the Hall in the following order Elizabeth Hope Parker-Quaife Rowena Henderson
Andreas Economou Jonathan Latham Aidan Morris
Rikhi Bhella (The Congregation standing) Diego Ghislieri Benjamin Scarfield
Katherine Bowles Alice Julia Wadkin Rebecca Pyke
Procession Leaders Mark John Goodall Humera Hajra Sharif
Jenna Burbidge Nida Azad Rathore
Members of Senate Hugh Allen Hoather Joseph Sheridan
Dipika Chowdhury Chemistry with Patent Law Emma Roderick
Mark Andrew Holden Teresa smith
Jessica Emily Collinson - Shield Members of the Teaching and Administrative Staff Rajiv Robert Kay
Lisa Roe
Antony Smitham with Honours
Erasmia Constantinou Wardens of Halls of Residence Lindsay Lai Victoria Jane Coleman
Jack Smethurst
Jessica Charlotte Rose Davey Stewards Robert Alfred Roland Stallwood Samuel Kyan Sotoudemehr
Richard Lane Dipesh Kataria
Matthew James Dennis Leo Hao Liu Alistair Thomson Ayse Nur Soykan
The Presenters
Sarah Fletcher Samuel Mabbott Richard Underhill Thomas George Sutherland
Stephen Ian Foden The Mace Bearer Chemistry with Study
Ling Qin Natalie Louise Walker-Owen Florence Taylor
Rhiane Forber The Registrar and Secretary in Europe
Binto Simon Mark Williams Kipras Tornau
Joseph Ford Siafeldin Mohammed Babiker Siddeeg with Honours Kei Yee Tsang
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oliver Harry Howland Wimshurst
Clare Garcia-Rodriguez Charlene Amanda Smith Charlotte Elizabeth Morris
Wojciech Zawodny Katie Turner
Ross Geall Laura Hayley Susan Smith Tyler Alan Pilbeam Ashok Kumar Veerasekaran
Erica Gorham At the Degree ceremony at 10am Bianca Squillaci Qi Wang
Nao Hasegawa Professor Colin Bailey will Preside Gemma Louise Stansfield Chemistry with Business Chemistry with Study Kieran Joseph David Weldon
Karolina Jamruz Dr David Barker, will act as Registrar and Secretary Matthew James Thomason and Management in North America Alison Claire Woodhouse
Olivia Jeffrey Professor Colin Bailey will address the ceremony Martin Weissenborn
Ruta Kuisyte with Honours with Honours Stacie Wright
Professor Peter Duck will present Gerry Pennell OBE for the award of Oustanding Alumnus 2013 Peter William Wills
Jane Danielle Leonard-Myers Hayley Marie Wood Simon Michael O'Brien James Thomas Maurice Amphlett
Michal Lupinek Graduands from the School of Chemistry will be presented by Professor Christopher Whitehead Lee Bowles Chemistry with Business
Yongna Yuan Andrea Pia Elizabeth Ochaya
Emilia MacManus Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA Priyanka Comar and Management
Muhammad Aiman Rahmanudin with Honours
Blake Marshall Mace Bearer Fred Barker Jason Hui
Master of Philosophy Gyan Quartey
Shanna McGarrity Rosemary Jones
Jacob Messer At the Degree ceremony at 12.15pm Chemistry Chemistry with Forensic and John Sheridan Mcgough
Nicola Louise Mills Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President and Vice Chancellor will Preside Sheng Yao Dai Analytical Chemistry Daryl Patrick Mcmanus Chemistry with Forensic
Joshua Morgan Mr Colin Baines, will act as Registrar and Secretary Pietro Di Tondo Michael Plews and Analytical Chemistry
Phelan Murphy-Higgins with Honours
Professor Stephen Watts will address the ceremony Ross Oliver Shillingford
Camilla Nash Hollie Ashworth with Honours
Master of Science by Research Samuel Taylor
Sophie Florence Crawford Page Graduands from the School of Physics and Astronomy will be presented by Professor Stephen Watts Jeremy Dennis
Ben Ball Anna Taylor
Adam Pearce Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA Chemistry Ashley Rose
Siobhan Hazel Rose Foley
Harriet Alicia Pearson Mace Bearer Peter Ball-Foster Bachelor of Science Gareth Webber
Manjusha Roy Choudhury Lorna Jane Hepworth
Matej Pokorny
At the Degree ceremony at 2.30pm Lindsey Keeling Chemistry
Lachlan Pugh Chemistry with
Hermione Samengo-Turner Professor Keith Brown will Preside Postgraduate Certificate Adam Robert Lang
with Honours Industrial Experience
Harini Gimara Senanayake Mr Paul Govey, will act as Registrar and Secretary Ryan Steven McGahey Iram Anwar
Chemistry with Honours
Ashil Shah Professor Jeremy Gregory will address the ceremony Richard Barnes
Nikhil Shah Saira Choudhry Janine O'Connor
Graduands from the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures will be presented by Chemistry with Lucy Jordan Bird
Ji Ho Shin Katie Bolton
Dr Martina Faller, Dr Liam Harte and Dr Delia Bentley Master of Chemistry Industrial Experience
George Sneath Joshua Russell Booth Chemistry with
Nina Snopkova Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA Chemistry with Honours
Georgina Hannah Branch Medicinal Chemistry
Julian Taberer Mace Bearer Vera Robertson with Honours Altaaf Bhula Laurette Bukasa with Honours
Emily mai Turner William Dennis Adamson Samuel Guy Booth Sophie Cartwright
At the Degree ceremony at 4.45pm Yun Huang
Matthew Wheeler Frances Bailey Rebecca Broomfield Yik Wan Camille Chan
Professor Chris Taylor will Preside Yoshimichi Kobayashi
Charlotte Williams Nicholas Martin Barrow Sam Alan Davis
Robyn Harriet Bullough Kwan Sing Liem
Georgina Jasmin Wilson Lockett Mr Bernard Strutt, will act as Registrar and Secretary Nathan James Beal Ieuan Rhys Edwards
Jasmine Christian Sarah Elisabeth Quayle
Professor Jeremy Gregory will address the ceremony Lewis Clegg Alice Forshaw
Lorna Grace Christie
Profound and Complex Stuart John Cockram Daniella Furness
Graduands from the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures will be presented by Seb Cosgrove
Learning Disability Professor Stuart Campbell, Professor Peter Scott and Dr Andrew Fear Rebecca Elizabeth Dey Nicholas Greig Bachelor of Science
Kimberley Etherington Alyn Chad Edwards Josette Griffiths
with Honours Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA Chemistry
Joel Garner Leah Rose Gaffney Eleanor Gurden
Elaine Margaret Kilroy Mace Bearer John green Xiao Teng Feng
Conrad Goodwin Abby Gaya Christopher Hancock

22 23
Thursday, 11 July 2013 Thursday, 11 July 2013

Thursday, 11 July 12.15pm Master of Physics Lauren Perry Master of Mathematics Bachelor of Science Antony Harrison History Master of Modern Languages
Emily Llinos Pole and Physics Duncan Hay
School of Physics Physics Physics Sam Riley French and German
Chang Dong Rho Barry Hazley
with Honours Christopher Heath Benjamin Mark Rogers
and Astronomy with Honours Mark Riley Nasir Imran Bukhari with Honours
Alex Amos Shirin Hirsch Sophie Hall
Abdulkareem Afandi Andrew Craig Roberts Connor James Ramsay
Urslaan Khalid Chohan James Neil Hodgson Humanitarianism and
Euan Allen Aniela Rodak
Doctor of Philosophy Jason Simon Cowan Raluca Irene Huhulea Conflict Response
Christopher Armstrong James Clark Ross
Conor Devine Physics with Astrophysics Carl Stephen Kilcourse Bachelor of Arts
Ismail Adeniran Daniel Sarno Louise Rowen
Michael Richard Baines Michael James Dixon with Honours Kyung Hye Kim English Language
Gharam Abdullah Alharshan Jane Rebbecca Shortall Jae Hong Lee David Euan Trott
Christopher Bell Joshua Keyworth Jonathan Dingsdale
John Almond Edgar Simmons Sally Victoria Marshall with Honours
Lydia Audrey Beresford Doran Khamis Davin Evans
Charles Tomos Smith Ruselle Meade Literature and Culture Aysha Aktar
Liam Richard Britnell Yaadav Bhauruth Ryan John Mcmanus
Thomas James Stephenson Chloe Gillham Esther Meininghaus Salima Ali Alaiwa Darriz
Gareth Brown Ewan Benedict James Miller 1200-1700
Paul Binks Benjamin David Sutton Maksims Ivanovs Marvin Lloyd Miller Lana Ali
Michael Colman Alexander Nestor-Bergmann Jacqueline Anne Tomlinson
Christopher Blount Philip Alexander Thomas Saarah Nakhuda Robert Mitchell Amane A. M. Almaririg
Lizette Guzman-Ramirez Zhelyo Vasilev
Lewis Blunn Frederik Thuesen Georgios Nikou Jade Natasha Munslow Ong Katie Berkes
Timothy Head Jonathan Daniel Brammah Stephanie Lisa Sacker Halona Norton-Westbrook Modern British History Lauren Birchall
Alice May Tirbooman Bachelor of Science
Andrew Pollitt Charles Sutcliffe-Hyams Francesca Nottola Lisa Barber Matthew Michael Conway
Matthew Brazier Elizabeth Todd Davies
Thomas Procter Mathematics and Physics Clare O'Dowd Meaghan Janet Couture
Alicia Catherine Burn Yan Yin Yin Tse Samuel Joseph Tomlinson Sarah Cooper Young
Maria Angeles Rodriguez Rius David Aydin Theodore Onac Stephanie Day
David Burns Douglas Tsui with Honours Soojung Park
Margherita Sepioni Zoe Elizabeth Freya Turpin Jiawen Deng
Henry Cass John Vanya Burke Physics with Philosophy Matthew Pilcher Post-1900 Literatures,
Louise Suter Paul Bjorn Vriend Qinglin Dong
James Chapman Ying Yan Ho with Honours Mark Iain Pilkington Theories and Cultures
Peter Tompsett Michael Wagstaffe Timothy Edward Emerton
Shanzhen Chen Liang Li Siavash Rafiee Rad Christine Mary Swiderski
Annika Voss William Barkley Darian Jade Flowers
Matthew Codd Callum Walker Alexander McLean Muzna Rahman
Theodore Breuer-Weil emma zurowski Alexander James Ford
Adam Webber Joshua James Warbuton Christopher Phillips Helen Rajabi
Matthew Collini Philippa Lindsay Sarah Louise Gibbons
Recep Zan Jack Lawrence Warren Daniel Emerson Quiney Alfred Randriamampionona
Christopher John Welch Coulton Aidan Mosley Bryan Roby Religion and Political Life Sarah Godfrey
Pei Zhang Francis Warrick Dafydd Prys Roberts
John Crewe Sarah Joni Power Leigh Rolfe James Jackson Joseph Goggins
David Laurence Wei
Angus James Crowe Jonathan James Leonard Proctor Thomas Scriven Chelsea Green
Master of Philosophy Michael James Williams Physics
Shidi Cui Peter Smyth Caroline Summers Evie Gregory
Andrew Iain Williamson with Honours Translation and
Biological Physics Christopher Stuart Daniel Theodros Assefa Teklu Eleanor Griffiths
Samuel Peter Wood Tom Anderson Hubertus Marinus George van Interpreting Studies
Catherine Drum Sally Anne Halliwell
David Pearce Thomas Fenwick Woodroof Matthew David Ball Physics with Malssen Claudia Thomas Chloe Heyes
Jonathan Patrick Entwisle Steven Wren Olivia Brown Theoretical Physics Pamela Anne Walker Sarah Elizabeth Mackenzie Jessica Anne Hill
Theodore Evans Alessio Zirilli Amy Buck with Honours Laura Wilson
Astronomy and Astrophysics Hsiao-Han Kao Hannah Hopkins
Guy Alexander Evans Calum John Campbell Dong Han David Woodbridge
Magdalena Pawlik Olivia Hynes
George Christodoulides Aaron Farricker Physics with Astrophysics Hannah Crossley Nikolay Sosnin Natalie Jane Ingham
Luqi Zhu
William James Fawcett with Honours Somrudee Deepaisarn Doctor of Philosophy Stefanie Jones
Master of Science by Research Simon Douglas Fleming Sonia Baci Luke Alexander Dickens Bachelor of Science Posthumous Award Charlotte Giselle Kay
Sadie Dugan War, Culture and History
Giulio Tiziano Forcolin Steven James Holland Physics Patricia Ann Cooper Tean Keziah Kendall
Astronomy and Astrophysics Stephen Legg Christopher James David Evans Daniel Edmonds Victoria Kilford
Thomas Daniel Hamer Emily Muir
Don Pubudu Abeyratne Ethan David Francis Evans
Kieran Hanahoe Elliott James Polzin Master of Philosophy Nicole Lam
Jonathan Philip Goldser Mark John Wiseman
Julien Dassa Pizzinat Edgar Häner Matthew Robinson Master of Music Kimberley Lees
Piers Ashley Goodman Middle Eastern Studies
Constantinos Demetroullas Clarrissa Jean Sanders Yang Li
Iona Harries
Rosie Tomlinson
Sarah Harding Thursday, 11 July 2.30pm Fatemeh Amirkamali
Electroacoustic Music Desai Luo
Mohammad Hussein Hussein Jeremy Edmund Thomas Hewes Leon Harrison-Baker Composition
Lingjie Kong Luke Joel Vinton
Ewan Hogg
School of Arts, Languages Mohammed Yaseen Maroof
Micah Howley Nicholas James Casswell
Louis Robert Smith Benjamin James Watkin Music Elodie Hope McClean
Chao Huang David John Holderness and Cultures Katy Mcgarty
Sam James Weekes
Hangtian Hou Tomás Krácmar Postgraduate Diploma
Kyle Huddart Lucy Montgomery
Nuclear Physics Nur Atiqah Jaafar History
Shane Owen Hunt
Physics with Photonics Antri Katsifli
Doctor of Philosophy Master of Arts Josh Nicholls
James Cubiss Robert Michael Hutchinson Christopher Benjamin Ashley Paice
with Honours Andrew Kearney Terry Abbott Arts, Histories and Cultures
Duncan Hugh Adam Hodge Marcus Craig Ikin Harriet Annabelle Pickard
Christopher James Cox Moshe Kinshuck Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai (Constructions of the Sacred,
William David Johnson Translation and James Pickett
Elliot James Sandom Kirby Hedva Penina Abel the Holy and the Supernatural)
Particle Physics Lyndon Daniel Jones Interpreting Studies Natalie Porter
Thomas Knight Abdullah Mohammed Alkhamis
Physics with Study in Europe Alexandros Georghiou Sarah Jane Rowlands Sara Diane Pugh
Daniel Hall Sam Kelly Tristram Edward Macdonald Samuel Awinkene Atintono
with Honours Sophia Taylor Jonathan Purton
Abdul Khalid Timothy James Madden Mustafa Raza Khan Baig
Rebecca Alice Davey Calum Mark Rothwell
David John Lecutier Marco Michelangeli Richard MUNYURANGABO Benda Archaeology
Master of Science Sarah Ann Medley Thomas Morris Imman Ramadan Omran Sasi
Zongyi Li Samantha Caslin-Bell Matthew McTernan Postgraduate Certificate Adam David Seabrook
Jerry Orme Alexander William Munslow
Nuclear Science and Alexandra Kathryn Lightfoot Francesco Casti Andrew Shaw
Themistoklis Williams Jamie Ollerton Languages and Cultures
Technology Joshua Lewis Malkinson Jennifer Chandler Creative Writing Naomi Shin
Erini Papamichael Kelly-Marie Roberts
Anthony John Bell Ethan Miller Jon K. Chang Zulekha Sidyot
Physics with Alexander Rose Robert Muir
Mark James Davis Anil Mistry Shih-Chen Chao Lucy Margaid Saunders Spence
Theoretical Physics Jamie Semple Beth Isabel Underdown
Chiu-Yu Chou Global Health Simon Stafford
Robert James Greaves Riccardo Monfardini Nicholas Andrew Smith Mimi Pui Tak Webster
with Honours Sarah Corbett Jürg Peter Graf Eileen Stapleton
Ibrahim Said Ibrahim Benjamin Monteith Yingying Song
Aidan Burt James Corke-Webster Samantha Lowe Sheena Lois Tam
Gareth Lock Steven Alexander Murphy Chrysovalando Stavri Cultural History
Simon Freeman Richard John Davey Ayham Alomari Michael David Taylor
Jordan Frank Rice Matthew James Neat Elizabeth Tattum Hannah Elizabeth Kershaw
Ian Jubb Jessica Dixon Lucy Chu Hannah Thornton
Denis Tungotyo Tusiime James Philip Nelson Samuel Thompson
Bumsuk Ko Shantel Leah Ehrenberg Sharon Njobo Alexandra Jade Tracey
Richard Newton Yu Tian English and American Studies
Laura Elena Paduraru Katherine Fennelly Helen Casey Oliver William Urwin
Andreas Tofaris
Postgraduate Diploma James Ivory Oakey Michael Russell Aida Foroutan Daniel Abd-Allah Fiona Shevauneen O'Meara Natalie Vass
Joe Trippier
Christopher James Oldfield Je Ung Song Kimberley A Fowler Amanda Jane Cirillo Zlatko Kovac Danielle Whisker
Nuclear Science and Alexander Trolley
Alfie Michael O'Neill Laura Sumner Stephen Richard Gordon Li Zhang Concetta Buonaiuto Alexandra Williams
Wan Mohamad Husni Mohamad
Technology Elias Pambou Matthew Bryn Thomas Amanda Margaret Sarrazin Christopher Wosu
Husni Wan Mokhtar Uwe Gröschel
Richard John Tranter Viren Parekh Peter James Thompson Alexander Stephen Woollam Katherine Hunt Guinness Gender, Sexuality and Culture Mercedes Del Pilar Suarez Sidra Yousaf
Martin Judge Ignacio Xavier Partarrieu Jamie Williams Liang Xie Ruth Hadley Diane Marie Henry-Alexander Elizabeth Clare Wood Qiyao Zhao

24 25
Thursday, 11 July 2013 Thursday, 11 July 2013

Bachelor of Arts Catherine May Film Studies and Linguistics and English Philosophy and Hebrew Thursday, 11 July 4.45pm Burhannudin Islam Khadbai Bachelor of Arts
Hayley Murray Social Sciences Language and Psychology Adeline Wye Myn Loke
English Language with Honours Ancient History
Matthew Naylor with Honours with Honours
School of Arts, Languages Holly Masterman
Laura Percival Adam Shimon Rossano and Archaeology
Awil Ali Abokor Michael Edward Vousden Amanda Louise Bailey and Cultures Rosie Merotra
Patrick Preston Stephanie Whalley Sophie Jane Connolly Sally Oliver Richard Anthony James O'Connell
Naomi Rose D'Arbogast Proszynska Philosophy and Linguistics and
English Language and Yu Qu Camilla Loxton Meghan Christine Oosterhuis
French and Applied English Language Bachelor of Arts Archaeology
Screen Studies Kate Adriana Rudnicka
English Language Anthony William Organ
Christopher Adam Schwartz Linguistics and English with Honours Ancient History
with Honours with Honours Elliot Orsborn with Honours
Tom Sprack Language and Religious Frideswide O'Neill
Henry Baker Silvia Diez Ginestar Studies and Comparative with Honours Lauren Peevor Ryan Albrighton
Shichao Wang Bethany Ronald
Chloe Brant Joseph Woods Religion Matthew Lewis Arbidans Timothy Antonin Redigolo Carla Clynes
Michael Thomas Patrick Bryans French and Psychology with Honours Alexander Baker Katharine Tallulah Coral Rose Nat Dwyer
Lukas Chovan Linguistics and Screen Studies with Honours Katherine Gordon Philosophy and Religious Leo Macintyre Barron Matthew England
Bethan India Rudgley
Lydia Margaret Edwards with Honours Gemma Caroline Wood Studies and Comparative Jessica Blakesley Victoria Green
Annie May Smith
Joseph James Ellaway Siyu Guan Linguistics and English Religion Bartlomiej Bonecki Suzanna Haddow
Miles Zilesnick
Anqi Li French and Social Sciences Language and Social Sciences Joshua James Fyvie Bruce Daniel Harvey
Tyler Hatwell with Honours
Salma Qurashi with Honours with Honours Joe Bullimore Florence Hill
Michelle Hawksworth Edward Arthur Collins
Lesley-Anne Alexandra Cohen Temidayo Ajayi Kieran Byrne Classics
Rachel Kassyk Thomas Hogarth Sarah Hosker
Linguistics and Social Hannah Riley Shahnaz Biggs Henry Lewis Nugent Comyn
Gareth Lloyd Joseph Francis Kearney with Honours Felicity Howe
Anthropology Leah Blackaby
Milo Jaimie Corke Eleanor Claire Constable Claire Jefferies
Rory James O'Callaghan Historical Studies and Built Natasha Forbes Peter Edward Lorimer Lane
with Honours Philip Decker
Samuel Parr and Natural Environment Zina Patel Sam Jobson
Finn Cotton Lily Douglas
Manojkumar Patel Emily Fawthrop with Honours Literary Studies and Drama Philosophy and Spanish Edward Rothwell Columba David Keeling
and Classical Civilisation and Matthew Christopher Duckworth Andreas Michaelas
Clare Procter Philippa Hughes Charlotte Hipkiss
Rebecca Stanley Art History with Honours Conor Anthony Flannery
Claire Anne Ryder Classics and Ancient History Martin O' Doherty
Linguistics and Sociology with Honours Jack Evans George R Frazer
Ryan Vernon Marc Pollitt
Historical Studies and Nicola Thornberry Robert Mattingley Jozef Grzywinski with Honours
Shiqi Wan with Honours Tristan James Punnett
Liling Bian Classical Civilisation Joseph Hayes Charlotte Emma Regan
Caitlin Woods Laura Anne Salmon
Xin Chen with Honours Literary Studies and Drama Social Sciences and Philosophy Christopher Hopkinson
Zheming Wu Jennifer Seward
Yihui Fan Benjamin Anstis and Linguistics and English Aimee Horan
Anda Xie with Honours Latin Jamie Skuse
Kathryn Ferdani Thomas Joah David Foster Language Rosie Jackson
Yaoge Zhang Yanduo Gu Beatrix Mortimer with Honours Haarland Buckler-Sinclair with Honours Helena Stalebro
Tomos Kneale
Huan Zhao Guanhua Hou Tom Alexander Percival Hannah Brown Bethany Jade Garner Olivia Von Rabenau Lewington Anne Margaret Templeton
Charlotte Knowles
Yujing Li David Graham Hilton Abigail Smithson Charlotte Frances Tooze
Emma Milbourne
English Literature Wanran Li Historical Studies and French Literary Studies and Edgar Kennard Sara Tullo
Yangzi Liang Samuel Millar
and Linguistics with Honours Historical Studies Christopher Loh Mai Walker
Yu Weng Rachel Hannah Leigh
Matthew Francis Mutch Latin and English Literature
with Honours with Honours Amber Zaman
Jialin Xu Susannah Pick
Mandy Adams with Honours
Abbas Al-Maliki Liu Yang Historical Studies and Social Sciences and Thomas Laurence Pitcher
Robbie Mitchell James Watts
Jennie Bodin Yi Zhan Holocaust Studies Elizabeth Sarah Stancombe Religious Studies and Ben Oliver Pliener Archaeology and Art History
Charles Boorman with Honours Comparative Religion Daniel Riley with Honours
Centre for Combined Studies Antonios Savva Archaeology and
Kate Bullivant Rachel Hodgson Literary Studies and Gabriella Bartrop
with Honours
Helen Frear Christina Rachel Mallery History of Science, Adam Simons Anthropology Katherine Thomas
Bachelor of Arts Daniel Richards Technology and Medicine Clare Hanley-Humphries
Paul Smith
Christine Gormley with Honours
Darius Samadian
Naila Missous Classical Civilisation and with Honours Curtis Richard Stanier Lucy Appleyard Archaeology and
Art History and Science Historical Studies Sumiyya Begum Ali Penelope Thompson
Alix Roberts Simon Atkin Anthropology
and Psychology and Linguistics and Social Sciences and
Richard David Saint Laura Louise Watts Eleanor Melody Birt
English Language Built and Natural Sciences with Honours
Owen Thomas with Honours Literary Studies and Martyn White
with Honours Adele Ruth Caldwell Scarlett Pares Landells
Iysha Christianne Graham Philosophy with Honours Olivia Wild
Olivia Wild Rachel Williams Harry Caldecott Coulthard
with Honours Lucy Clark Jonathon Winter
Film Studies and Classical Harry Harbord
Historical Studies and Rosalind Pigden Benjamin Wright Theological Studies in
Linguistics Civilisation and Art History Thomas William Lister Heathcote
Philosophy Ella Speakman Philosophy and Ethics
with Honours with Honours Gabrielle Ellison-guare
Social Sciences and Lucy Victoria Lilwall
with Honours Life Sciences
Bachelor of Arts with Honours
Bethany Allen Hannah Zoe Burleigh Emma Neville-Rolfe
Adam Neill Literary Studies and Heather Clarke
Eleanor Rose Bartlett with Honours Ancient History Russell Odoni
Aggie Rice Religious Studies and Joel Haft
Lauren Baxendale Film Studies and Historical Comparative Religion Nicholas Griffiths David Ian Butterworth Rosie Southwell
Alex Mavor
Sarah Joy Bennett Studies Historical Studies and with Honours George Turner
Religious Studies and Leo Mercer
Catherine Jane Blower with Honours Comparative Religion Hannah Dempsey Social Sciences and Psychology Classical Studies
Paul Worrall
Amy Elizabeth Buckle James Balmont Ancient History and
with Honours with Honours with Honours
Lucy Sarah Cooke Linda Lace Literary Studies and
Daniel Yonatan Walker Rachel Elizabeth Dawson Mollie Rose Adamson-Hope Archaeology
Rachel Cooper Social Sciences Comparative Religion and
Film Studies and Linguistics Louisa Hodge Melissa Buray with Honours
Simone De Cia Historical Studies and with Honours Social Anthropology
and English Languages Tiffany Cathcart Molly Agnew-Henshaw
Frederikke Dixon Social Sciences Ailsa Nancy Martin with Honours
with Honours Spanish and Built Elizabeth Ruth Clark Thomas Charles
Zareta Esieva Aneesa Azam with Honours and Natural Environment Conor Doyle Amy Birtles
William Gordon France Philosophy and Built and Gregory Divall
Laura Gallagher Jessica Phyllis Hardiman Victoria Duthie Alice Rachel Carter
Simon Hardie Natural Environment with Honours Arthur Duncan
Richard David Gilbert Nia Evans Stephanie Dermott
Film Studies and Literary James Callum Johnson with Honours Hugh Gallie Matthew Ferguson
Jie Hu Phoebe Fisher Rebecca Duffy
Studies and Drama Julian Alexander Wakefield Jack Clay
Laura Marie Jones Linda Marie Jackson Lily Atlanta Glasser
Liam Freeman
with Honours Spanish and Social Sciences Nicola Catherine Mairs
Harriet Jones Italian and Linguistics and Philosophy and French Laura Mary Garratt Harriet Mason
Katherine Eleanor Blagden
Sophie Koonin English Language with Honours Georgia Rose Heritage Ruqaiyah Naqshbandi Daniel Jones Stables
Anna Freeman with Honours
Edward Leach Thomas Osborne with Honours Daniel Richard Esam Charles Brooke Matthew Alexander Hern Sarah Elizabeth Paris Georgina Tennant
Rachael Anne Marsh Rachel Pugh Mandy Cheryl Bond Kathryn Rhodes Rebekah Rachel Lewis Callum James Kelly James William Raphael Smith James White

26 27
Thursday, 11 July 2013

Study of Religions and Bachelor of Science Friday, 12 July 10.00am

Theology (Religion
The 2013 Alumni Association Award
Global Health (intercalated)
School of Arts,
and Society)
with Honours
with Honours
Eleanor Pitt-Watson Barnes
Outstanding Alumnus Languages and Cultures
Abigail Crocker
April Bowden-Neill
Rhian Alisa Davis
Alasdair John Frater
Gerry Pennell OBE Bachelor of Arts
James GIll History of Art
Outstanding Alumni Awards are presented each year by The University of
Nicholas Graham Houlston with Honours
Study of Religions and Manchester Alumni Association to former students who have achieved
Lauren Marks distinction in their field or have brought honour to the University through Will Agnew
Theology (Biblical Studies) Robert Geoffrey McTear Edmund Alcock
their outstanding achievements.
with Honours Samihah Zainab Mobeen Moazam Helena Allan
Sally Rhead A graduate in Mathematics, Yorkshire-born Gerry Pennell’s career quickly Charlotte Anscombe
Rhian Sarah Evans
developed into software development and project management. Florence Saran Bell
Hannah Louise Mulholland Holly Taylor
Charlotte Bloor
Georgina Louise Stirling He spent several successful years leading major IT and software-related Degree Congregations Charlotte Booth
Luther King House projects for a number of large organisations, including a period in Minty Brown

Study of Religions
Educational Trust
Master of Arts
management consultancy with PriceWaterhouseCoopers. But it wasn’t until
2000 when his name first came to wider prominence, when he took on the
role of Director of Technology for the 17th Commonwealth Games held in
Friday, 12 July 2013 Emma Butchers
Arabella Clare
and Theology Alexander Clayton-Payne
Manchester in 2002. in the Whitworth Hall Katherine Sarah Clowes
with Honours Contextual Theology
Elizabeth Cooper
Audrey Abbott It was a high profile, high pressure role that required him to lead the Order of Proceedings
Patrick Chales Steven Davies Emma Cosslett
establishment from scratch of an entire technology department, the
Richard Christopher August The Procession with enter the Hall in the following order Nicholas David Alexander Cox
selection of key suppliers and sponsors, and the delivery of the IT and Martha Craig
Adam James Bradshaw
telecommunications for the Games, which at the time was the largest
(The Congregation standing)
Isobel Dixon
Olivia Brady multi-sport event ever held in the UK. Procession Leaders
Lucie Elizabeth Donaldson
Laurel Buchanan Members of Senate Sophie Elizabeth Evans
After the success of the Games, Gerry moved across town to become to
Penny Ann Cartwright Members of the Teaching and Administrative Staff Phoebe Garratt
become CIO for the Cooperative Financial Services and the Cooperative
Judith Alison Clark Group – a £9.5bn turnover group of businesses covering banking, insurance,
Wardens of Halls of Residence Edward Garland
Stewards India Gore
Hannah Maria Clark retail and a whole host of other areas. As well as the re-engineering of the
Emma Jane Gregory
Natalie Clarke internet bank Smile and other major implementations, Gerry led an extensive The Presenters
Lorraine Gregory
Francesca Amy Duffy modernisation programme, including the out-sourcing and off-shoring of The Mace Bearer Phoebe Rose Hadlington
significant elements of IT. The Registrar and Secretary Georgia Tuesday Haughton
Robert Stephen Dunn
When London won the rights to stage the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Georgina Hilton
Helen Gordon
Games, Gerry was one of the obvious candidates for the role of CIO. He ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alice Hobhouse
Rachel Griffiths Philippa Hollington
joined LOCOG in 2008 and spent the next four years developing, managing
Emily Hallsworth
and delivering the massive technology programme necessary for staging the
At the Degree ceremony at 10am Nina Hooft Graafland
George Harrison Professor Aneez Esmail will Preside Eleanor Howard
largest event in the world.
Mr Michael Mercer, will act as Registrar and Secretary Jessica Howcroft
Dominique Henson
He was appointed a Member of the Olympic Order - the IOC's highest Jocelyn Hughes
Lucy Rebecca Holloway Professor Jeremy Gregory will address the ceremony
honour - in August 2012, and awarded an OBE in the Queen's New Years Alice Hughes
Harry Hughes-Davies Graduands from the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures will be presented by Oliver James Kirke
Honours List 2013 in recognition of his contribution to London 2012. Professor Maggie Gale, Dr Cordelia Warr and Dr Rebecca Herissone
Eve Carole Ingham Eleanor Lucas
In July 2013, Gerry’s career came full circle when he returned to Organist Elin Rees MusM, LRSM Alex Marsh
Natasha Irwin
The University of Manchester as director of IT. Mace Bearer Michael Gordon Alice Marshall
Keely Jackson Grace McCloud
Luke Ross James At the Degree ceremony at 12.15pm Rachel McDonald
Gracie Jerome Professor Kersti Borjars will Preside Hannah Louise Mellors
Mrs Catherine Schofield, will act as Registrar and Secretary Danielle Morton
Helen Elizabeth Jones
Professor Jeremy Gregory will address the ceremony Franco Necchi-Ghiri
Rizwana Khan Atticus Pappin
Graduands from the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures will be presented by Professor Hannah Barker
Katherine Lawson Esther May Parker
Organist Elin Rees MusM, LRSM David Parkin
Harriet Mawdsley
Mace Bearer Colin Hart Steven Parry
Azaria Morgan
Lara Louise Pelling
Chloe Palmer At the Degree ceremony at 2.30pm Richard Edward Lloyd Phillips
Felicity Peel Professor Nalin Thakker will Preside Alexandra Price
Jessica Price Mrs Kay Day, will act as Registrar and Secretary Francesca Ruby Reid
Professor Jeremy Gregory will address the ceremony Lucy Richardson
Rosanna Rackley
Graduands from the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures will be presented by Jessica Ringelberg
Katy Louise Robinson Camille Roberts
Dr David Matthews and Dr Karl Posso
Francesca Rockey Ines Antonia Rollason
Organist James Hume MusM
Zachary Sewell Isabel Rose
Mace Bearer Dean Kelly Rosie Sandford
shauna stockton
Robert Schiff
Harry Strouts At the Degree ceremony at 4.45pm Leo Schindler
Ivan Taylor Professor Nalin Thakker will Preside Georgina Scott
hannah thornton Mr Andrew Derbyshire, will act as Registrar and Secretary Henrietta Scrope
Ella Tyler Professor Jeremy Gregory will address the ceremony Ella Shrubsall
Graduands from the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures will be presented by Dominique Claire Louise Summers
Lindsay Warrington Lynda Chu Ing Tay
Dr Matthew Philpotts
Melissa Wignall Frances Mary Tomlin
Organist James Hume MusM
Jenny Willan Jessica Toomey
Mace Bearer Mariam Pugh
judith wright Hannah Turnbull

28 29
Friday, 12 July 2013 Friday, 12 July 2013

Jeorgia Turner Tessa Brummitt Ralph Warman Oliver Fitz-Gibbon History and Sociology James Field English Language and Italian Italian and Linguistics
Georgia Vesma David Butler Lucy Warwick William Alistair Furnell Faith Finney with Honours
with Honours with Honours
Isabel Sarah Michele Wallis Florence olivia Cady Lewis Arthur Wright Amy Garnett Thomas Grandjouan Emily Anne Blackman
Su-Ya Yeh Emily Gelder Amanda Clarke Michael Roger Green Victoria Sarah Buxton
gemma webster Jennifer Alys Chamberlain Marian Elizabeth Foss Cole Katherine Scarlett Burrows
David Francis Young Declan Francis Gillespie Caroline Harington Helen Irene Anastasia Pickering
Rose Whittemore Siobhan Durcan Leah Crowther
Catherine Willett Keziah Gardom Matthew Gillott Louis William Harris-White Japanese and Screen Studies
Jade Gordon-Johnson Sinead Doherty Andrew Charles John Hartridge English Language and Spanish
Harriet Williams Harry Griffiths Bachelor of Music with Honours
Jonathan Richard Graham Narinder Dosanjh Jack Heslehurst
Matt Holt joint with RNCM Madeleine Fitzgerald with Honours Andrej Arpas
Adam Halse Jack Jonathon Kelly
Bachelor of Arts Daisy-May Hudson with Honours Charlotte Howe Hannah Blake Malindy Hetfeld
Jessica Suzanne Hardman Aisling Kermath
Kelly Mason Josh Asquith Ciaran Milner Amii Oldham
Rebecca Harries Henna Khatri
Drama Verity Ellen Mullan Wilkinson Henry bertram ding shan Clay Amy Healey Oliver-John Swords-Shannon Daniel King English Literature and a Alexandra Viviana Prodan
with Honours Hannah Shore Leo Geyer Paul Hewson Nina Alice Thorpe Helen Lalor Modern Language (French)
Esme Bayley Knaggs Richard Michael James Southgate Stephanie Clare Tress Rebecca Jane Hindley Rebecca Lewis Linguistics and
Daniel Wintercross with Honours
Piers Black-Hawkins Matilda Thaddeus-Johns Jennifer Ho Shui Yiu Wong Jamie Alexander Lewis Middle Eastern Languages
Stephanie Thorpe Katy Elizabeth Atkinson
Niamh Ellen Brewer Friday, 12 July 12.15pm Joseph Gary Hoare Mehwish Zahid Joshua James Lumbard
Joanna Byrne with Honours
Roxanne Browne Daniel Tunstall Rosa Katharine Hodgkin Laurence Mackavoy Saphia Ahmed
School of Arts, Languages Marissa Hogg Patrick Madden Olivia Darby
Camilla Rose Burnside Medieval Studies Kimia Etemadi
Bachelor of Arts Patrick Hoose Thomas Maitland Linguistics and Russian
Emma Colledge and Cultures Katherine Hughes with Honours William Jack Marsh Gwynne George
Helena Davies Adele Mary Hayes with Honours
May Emily Drew Cooper
Music and Drama Richard Hunt Sigourney Fox John McBennett
Erica Pericas-Hewitt
Sarah Eastaff with Honours Master of History William Hunter Bethany Gent Conor McGuinness Grace Annabel Herrick
Viktorija Skurichina
Robert I'Anson Rebecca Guy-Ragan Benedict McKenna Ellen Howells
Harriet Eaves Emily Francesca Coates History Rohan Inamdar Stephen Hawthorne Sophie Meeks Lawrence Emmanuel Keogh
Khristine Michelle Gallagher Andrew Jonathan Stride Henry Simon Eric Message
Linguistics and Spanish
with Honours Aditya Iyer Charlotte Lowry-Corry Lucy Catherine Sienkowska
Hannah Gill Rachel Jagger Ross Leandro Mingotti with Honours
Oliver Bowcott Eleni Papadopoulos Roxanne Taylor
Caitlin Gleeson Bachelor of Music Rachel Jones Ross Mitchell Nicholas Edward Antrobus Cross
Holly Rogers Alice Traish Oliver Walker
Rosemary Hall with Honours Guy Kaufman Rory Molloy
Bachelor of Arts Victoria Watkins
Megan Holland Helen Arnold Sion Kendrick Adham Amir Naguib
Modern History with Daniel Henry Mustafa Nevzat Zoe Amanda Welch Middle Eastern and
Kathryn Howe Chiara Beebe Economic History and Daniel Robert Kenyon
Alice Chloe Whitaker Hughes Luke Bell Rebecca Kerr Economics Eamonn O'Brien Modern European Languages
Economics Maya Oppenheim English Literature and a
Annick Jenkins Dominik Billam Emma Kilpatrick with Honours with Honours
Richard Jones George Boomsma with Honours James Richard Knight Andy Clemerson Yasmin Patel Modern Language (German) Alessandra Miriam Awit
Charlotte Knope Jonathan Breakwell Gurdeep Chohan Jessica Langley-Jones Peter Dembrey Juan Alfredo Picasso with Honours Alice Ella Finden
Natasha Larkin Phillip Broadhouse Tochim Audrey Eduputa Richard Langridge Jennifer Douglas Daniele Martin Victor Pinnick Jonathon Martynski
Thomas Alan Draper
John Bungay Harveer Katie Kandhola Peter Kenneth Latham Toby Edwards Bethan Proctor Sophie Alexandra Ramm
Gayan Liyanage Gemma Lois Threlfall
Rachel Caccia Alice Macinnes Alexander Latham Lewis Quigg
Jane Elizabeth Martins Thomas Gover Charlotte Tickle
Victoria Caine Anthony Osho Jamie Burnard Lawlor Thomas Reid Middle Eastern Languages
Anna Maria Martins Robert Graham
Oliver Cartwright Samuel Riches Henry Lee Adam Robins with Honours
Holly Mazur Imogen Greener Emma Sadler English Literature and a
Phoebe Kate Chambre Anuj Sahnan Amy Lofthouse Lui James DelVerto
Joanna Mortimer Rory Howlett Jacob Short
Emily Clark Wuitsz Shing Feargal Logue Modern Language (Italian)
Hugo Nicholson Elizabeth Marsland Edward Lander Grace Skelton
Martha Cracknell Ajay Jonathan Smith Madhu Chandragupta Chitgopker Middle Eastern Studies
Joshua Ogle Jodi May William Longden Ryan Smallman
Joshua Dawson Simone Karmen Wan Hewie Dalrymple
Claire O'Neill Rhiannon Doogan Alice McArdle Johnny Munro Simon Christopher Tame with Honours
Amy O'Toole Rhiannon Sarah Douty Rory Mcfarland Omowunmi Ogundipe Kira Thompson Saad Aldouri
Dorothea Nancy Paulett Jonathan Evans History Joseph McGinn Alexander Patrick O'Shea Haydn David Toulson English Literature and a Sonia Anwar
Rosie Phillips Kimberly McIntosh Sienna Piccioni Sadia Wahid Modern Language (Spanish) Shabina Aslam
Robbie Eyre with Honours
Samuel Flynn Saimon Charles Mills Thomas Stewart Joe Wall with Honours Luke Derby
Erin Power Nicholas Allan
Emma Ravenscroft Eleanor Gaynard Kate Amory Jack Mollart-Solity Oliver Walsh James William Webb Sophie Banna Benjamin Eato
Lucy Geddes George William Robert Armitage James Moody Matthew John Yates Tomas Doherty Danielle Kempson
Ellie Scanlan
Elizabeth Green James Benjamin Balbes Edward Nugent Lucy Jane Firth Sam Lewis-Ellott
Alexander Simmons Bachelor of Arts Friday, 12 July 2.30pm Mitra Audrey Minoo Golsorkhi-Ainslie Lisa Murgatroyd
Lucy Sparks Berdel Gulsen Samuel James Bedford Muirinn O'Neill
Gemma Guy Nina Nell Beyers Jenny Phung Modern History and Economics Jessica Lloyd Roisin Pearson
Phoebe Rose Vigor
Chris Pigott
School of Arts, Languages Naveeda Raoufi
Eleanor Daisy Worth Lorna Haddon Emma Bezer Lawrence Marriage Bryoni Indigo Sadler
Nina Hall Katie Bishop John Matthew Platt and Cultures Hassan Sajjad
Florence Wright Zara Zubeidi
Zoe Hart Rory Blackshaw George Porter
William Lawrence Hooker Josie Bland William Porter Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts
Drama and Screen Studies Sara May Howell Rachel Bolland Edward Potter Bachelor of Arts History of Art and a Modern
Politics and Modern History Language (French) Middle Eastern Studies
with Honours David John Huntriss Nikolai Bond Daniel Powner Arabic Studies
Rachel Margaret Price Anneliese Speller
Thomas Blagden Fred Lange hewlett Nicholas Bradley-Watson with Honours with Honours
Stephanie Libby Sophie Brooker Jessica Purdie Kate Ainsworth with Honours
Natalie Clarke Chloe Julius
Michael Lumb Simon Browne Ata Rahman Rabia Alam Faizah Azeem Middle Eastern Studies and a
Hannah Crabtree Charlotte French Middle Eastern Language
Anna Catherine Dawson Samantha Gemma Marine Edward James Burgess Timothy Robbins Vimla Appadoo
Ausra Gelzinyte History of Art and a Modern (Hebrew)
Kingsley Hoskins Joshua Martin Mark Byrne Anna Lee Roberts Benjamin Atkinson
Emily Sarah Matthews James Frederick Carpenter Christian Robinson Rebecca Ball Samuel Holder Language (Italian) with Honours
William Hudson Shazan Iqbal
Rebecca Louise Hunter James McIntyre Victoria Rowenna Carroll Tanya Elizabeth Scanlon Rosie Baulcombe with Honours Ruth Emma Arkush
Emily Mitchell Aamira Challenger - Mynett Rebecca Seymour Talia Bijwe-Alexander Sarah McLynn Imogen Pickup
Marie Innes Harriet Merna
Samuel Mitchell Ellen Jean Codrington Daniel Shepherd Katherine Frances Blaxill Zara Naeem Miriam Saffer
Hannah May Kerslake Esme Parker
Henry Mitton Charlotte Cole Michael Edward Smith Alexander Brady Anna Richter
Rebecca Jane Lazarus Helene Thiem
Jessica Clementine Anne McCarten James Nissen Hannah Collins Eleanor Mary Smith Jessie Brener Modern Middle Eastern
History of Art and Modern History
Louise Elizabeth Monk Katherine Ovens Sam Comer Lyle Somerset Gabriel Frank Monck Bristow
Annabel Paget Eve Davies Commander Sasha Stancliffe Bird Katie Burgess English Language and a Language (Spanish) with Honours
Hannah Rose Muirhead
Winona Navin-Holder Tristan Parsons Caroline Sarah Cook Philippa Stannard Amy Burrowes Middle Eastern Language with Honours Tayba Ashraf
Nikki Patel Hannah Jayne Phillips Charlotte Coull Rebecca Stevens Charles Bush with Honours Theodora Backhouse Daisy Begolo
Sian Pescow Ewan James Phillips Richard Crook Stephanie Studders Nicholas Carter Mohammed Amin Hamida Begum
Ella Peterman Rebecca Reeves Rosie Culkin-Smith Daniel Eliezer Sugarman Cara Casey-Boyce French and Linguistics Asha Bhayani
Romilly Smith Jamie Ross James Cupitt Jack Surridge Leo Chandler Rachele Evaroa
Sophie Rutherford Joseph Michael Dale Hayel Wartemberg George Clark English Language and Chinese with Honours Joshua Fenton-Thomas
Maia Elizabeth von Hurter
James Warburton Naomi Ryder Douglas Daly Victoria Wastnedge Liam Cotterill with Honours Sophie Jallow Kirsty Hare
Ella Waters Lucinda Scott Rosemary Isobel Howard Dammers Holly Waughman Sarah Cowan Stefano Cereghetti Akbar Sikder Emma Hopkins
Polly Watson Jennifer Sleight Phoebe Eleanor Davies Edward Rhys White Roshan Croker Susannah Lee Jones Marie Wright Blue Sg Jackson
Jonathon Smith Grainne Diver Sophia Wigley Beth Crossfield Laura Jenkins
Nicholas James Sidney Smith Rebecca Dyson Robbie Peter Wilson Joel Ashley Deacey German and Linguistics Amy Amrit Kaur
Drama and English Literature English Language and French
Adam Paul Brian Stephenson Thomas Eccles William Winstone Sean Desai Benjamin Lobo
with Honours Rachael Stevens George Elek Samuel William Frank Winter Jack Downey with Honours with Honours Sabah Quayyum
Robert Beck Chloe Stratta Ronan Colman Faherty Edward Woudhuysen Jak Dyehouse Jennifer Stephanie Matthews Harriet Bailey Rachel Raymer
Joe Bradley Brenda Ty Francesca Fay Thomas James Wroblewski Charlie Fagan Alex Robertson Gergana Draganova Matthew Wallis

30 31
Friday, 12 July 2013 Friday, 12 July 2013

Modern Middle Eastern Sebastian Lassandro Lucy Desideri European Studies and German Studies Thomas Peter Pool Sarena Jia En Sia Modern Languages -
History and a Middle Eastern Helena Caroline Law Albert Farren Brown Modern Languages (French) Emilia Sarra Rees Loyi Wong Programme A: Italian/Russian
with Honours
Language (Persian) Hannah Lawrence Max King Fionnuala Rooney
with Honours Shaun Malachy Atkinson with Honours
Hannah Jade Lees Alastair Stephen Mooney Chloe Tai
with Honours Corina Campian Francis Cookson Elizabeth McGrath
Richard Peter Les Anthony Neverson Amy Louise Tayler
Thomas Markham Chloe Letcher Stefanie Mair Hannah Lucia May Fitzpatrick Modern Language and
Matthew Richard Norell Joana Sophie Greenshaw Francine Charlotte Turner Business and Management
Lauren Manson Modern Languages -
George William Sweeney Emily Oliver Cimarron Young (Japanese)
Modern Middle Eastern Peter Masheter European Studies and Programme A: Italian/Spanish
Charlotte West Eloise Payak with Honours
History and Arabic Catherine Elizabeth Mary Mc Parland Modern Languages (German) Amy Winstanley with Honours
Alexander James Mcfadyen Tom Wheeler Modern Language and Chun Yen Joe Kwok
with Honours with Honours Rebecca Lilli Adler
Georgina Marie McGough Business and Management Christopher Wilks
Esme Conway Victor Badilas History and French Scott Burns
Jack McSweeney Bachelor of Arts in Economic (German) Cassie Dawson
Imogen Townley Alastair Douglas Michael and Social Studies Anna Marion Daniell with Honours
Katrina Ives Catriona Mairi Byers
with Honours Modern Languages - Jake Matthew Dodd
Stephen Middleton with Honours Richard Golson Programme A: French/German Edwina Vincenza Gambino
Persian Studies Georgia Louise Valentine Miles Tereza Novakova Adeela Mir
Alisher Ukashev Emma Humphreys with Honours Susanna Larminie
Chloe Diane Millett Helen Salvin
with Honours History and German Brendan Martin Phoebe Parvin
Sophie Mills-Thomas Devkee Trivedi Sarah Donovan
Tim Hewitt
Hussein Mitha Friday, 12 July 4.45pm with Honours
Dharaa Patel
Patricia Guerreiro
Charlotte Pearson
Jade Rochelle Salter Victoria Emma Radette
Lily Mund School of Arts, Languages European Studies and Abbie Cresswell Olivia Reynolds
American Studies Katie Nicholas Thomas Glasser
and Cultures Modern Languages (Italian) Modern Languages - Claudia Sbraga
with Honours Jonathan David Niewiadomski Modern Language and
with Honours Programme A: French/Italian Diane Wiredu
Syra Ali Fiona Nugent History and Russian Business and Management
Alessandra Grassotti with Honours Candy Wong
James David Benfield Nathaniel Lawrence Ogle (Italian)
Kara Jayne O'Neill
Master of Modern Languages Michal Ondrousek
with Honours Olive Burnell Molyneux
Rosie Ann Charlotte Cain Letitia Adu-Sarkodie with Honours Modern Languages -
Amy Calvert Robynne Orley-Simmons French and German Rosie Diana Calderbank
Jessica Alu Programme A: Russian/Spanish
Jacob Anthony Calvert Maeve O'SullivanDaisy Owens European Studies and History and Spanish Lydia Hitchens
with Honours Jessica Bryant
Rosie Panter Modern Languages (Spanish) with Honours Alexandra Lucy Jessica Manley with Honours
Shaurna Cameron Caroline Louisa Barbara Booth Nicole Rothblum
Charlotte Ellen Parker with Honours Rebecca Helen Alexander Constance Louise Watts Michael James Brennan
Hallie Clancy Sarah Parker Tobias Colbourne
Jessica Alice Dick Cosmo Bernard Jonathan Beaney Lucy Daghorn
Georgia Amy Parker Elizabeth Krista Green Modern Language and Samuel Harold Hancock
Ryan Hurley Holly Brookes Imirpreet Chohan
Diana Catalina Pascu Sophie Hall
Alice Clara Engelhard
Business and Management Modern Languages - Katarzyna Szocinska
Rhiannon Lingwood Jeremiah Scott Cribb
Jessica Pooley-Litt Nicola Jane Murray Thomas Robert Glasgow Sophie Donovan (Russian) Programme A: French/Russian
Stevie Mackenzie-Smith Alice Rose Popplewell Daniel Wood Russian Studies
Morgan Edgar Hammond Francis Lloyd Keepfer with Honours with Honours
Danielle Layhe Mayoss Lewis Price Nicholas Angelo Zanette Dominic Campbell Maybrey Marta Kinga Ciolek with Honours
Sophie Mitchell Robert Rees-Hughes French and Spanish Aboobakar Nazir Rashid Vitaly Kobyashev Sally Hall Benjamin Brandreth
Calum Robert Ousby Eve Jasmine Richardson Alexander Edward Underwood
Sam Rigby with Honours French and Chinese konstantin sokolov Adelaide Rosa Mcginity-Peebles Anna Healy
Ashling Pickett
Charlotte Louise Rowland Sophia Lucy Halliwell Daniel Szabo Elizabeth Clare Poole Misael Herrera Rodriguez
George Simon Idris Pyrgos with Honours Italian and Chinese
Henry George Rylands Jane Louise Rutherford Yaroslav Writtle Alexandra Frances Lacey
Emily Sell Adam Fishlock
Emma Shaw with Honours Arabella Zara OBrien Nickols
Amelia Jane Thornton Gyan Rhodes Modern Languages - Micheala Tara O'Sullivan
Thomas Short German and Spanish Callum Wiggins Courtney Kimberley Pesche Modern Language and
Charlotte Sellers Programme A: French/Spanish Anastasija Tarasevic
English Literature William Simms with Honours Business and Management
Charles Smith with Honours
Venk Mani German with French (Spanish)
with Honours Emma Snowden Italian and Portuguese Caroline Abigail Addai-Bempah Spanish and Chinese
Talia Akhtar with Honours with Honours Orla Anne Breslin
Rosie Stafford with Honours with Honours
Abdullah Al-Moshin Italian and Spanish Samuel George White Lourizza Marie Ball Natasha Elizabeth Carter
Catherine Rebecca Anne Stewart Melissa Micaela Santos Martino Borin
Joseph Armstrong Margalit Suissa Charlotte Brady Thomas Coles
with Honours French and Japanese Nicola Emily Hall
Charlotte Armstrong Beth Terry Italian Studies Oliver Bromfield Alexander Henry Gordon Croft Emma Louise Taylor
Paul Andrew Clarke
Philippa Jayne Askew Theodore Michael Tobias with Honours James Cavell Hannah Turnbull Garmonsway Jasmin Kalin Thornburrow
Sophie Claire Baldock Vivienne Joanna Davies with Honours
Jane Townsend Benedict Patrick Lynn Camilla Henrietta Mercer Clark Cathryn Gillen
Matthew Barber Rebecca Louise Heyes Annise Eda Hirst
Christiana Vassilakis Juliet Grace Falconer Spanish and Japanese
Charlotte Elizabeth Bender Russian and Spanish Katrina Louise Sinclair Stachniewska
Toby Wareham French and Portuguese Katrina Woods Amy Hillier Sara Elen Hobday
Ellen Bowes Ruth Holtom with Honours
Amy Lilani Weerasekera with Honours with Honours Nicola Jane Hornsby
Siana Boyle Sally Florence Hulston Dami Fajobi
Dylan Cameron John Wiggan Bethany Louise Knipe Hayley McGovern Japanese Studies Callum Hughes
Mark Bracken Adele Wilkinson Christopher Simon Hunt Jessica Louisa Kelly
Rachel Elizabeth Van Der Vliet with Honours Spanish and Portuguese
Talitha Chloe Jacob Colchester Emma Catherine Williams Naveed Raza Iqbal Deeba Samantha Christy Nash
Ellen Conlon Chloe Williamson Bachelor of Arts Jessica Alice Anson David Mark Polden with Honours
French Studies Ross Aaron Linsey Britten
Harriet Kia Macfee
Rory Andrew Cook grace wilson Finola Anne Preston Alice Garcia-Rodriguez
James Cronin
American and with Honours Benjamin Devine Gordon Murphy
Emily Wood Laura Pulteney Ashley Hull
Bryony Clarice Cunningham Latin American Studies Tom Alexander Ambrose Thomas Edwards Thomas Ransom
Ivy Woolstenholmes Catherine Ryall Joshua Hunter
Jessica Cusack with Honours Omarah Aziz Aaron Cyril Frazer Harrison Scowsill
Bethan Sowerby Emma Simons
Annie Elizabeth Dickinson Rosanne Margaurita Norris Hooper Emma Bolland Stephanie Gawne Ella Stanton
English Literature and Jordan Stevens Emma Starling
Charlotte Dwan Jonathan Alan Pye Emma Brown Jennifer Grainger Stephan Weiss Luke Symes
American Studies Olivia Jane Swift
Joshua William Edgar Gemma Elizabeth Camlin Katharine Hassall Jade Williams Safia Mizon Thioune
Christine Violet Ellis with Honours Romily Case Max Horowitz Modern Language and Holly Turberfield
Chinese and Japanese Ellenor Jane Wilson
Gemma Fairclough Fred John Lee Barber Natalie Marie Doe Joshua Hutchinson Business and Management Lindsey Marrian Wherry
Sarah Nicole Yellowley
Laura Fletcher William Cummins with Honours Joanna Fox Magdalena Janina Kasprzycka (Arabic) Sarah Winterbottom
Rebecca Sarah Young
Orla Loren Gibbons Neil Alistair Richmond Graham Dionne Woodward Paul Hills Danielle Marie Male Heather Louise Wynne
Catherine Ann Jarvis Norbert Marciniak with Honours
Zoe Gosling Christina Victoria Hirst Bethany Yates
Isobel Greenfield Francesca Karakostas Christopher Orr Sarah Ali Modern Languages -
Phoebe Hurst Chinese Studies Asif Hafeez
Laura Hair Sabeen Khan Jack Porter Programme A: German/Italian
Harry Letherland with Honours Spanish, Portuguese and
Simran Hans Natasha McCann Joshua William Quinn Fesser Majid with Honours
Natalie Miller Emily Fenlon Latin American Studies
Elizabeth Harper Emily Mehigan Olga Shipunova Mark Wilkinson
Rose Tessara Iliffe Miller James Hunter
Rachel Hastings Caplan Jack Stokes Kelsey Ware Modern Language and with Honours
Joe Sedgwick Julian Joseph
Rachel Anne Heaton Charlotte Louise Wallis Business and Management Elizabeth Bowes
Jake Louis Slater Anne Therese Leonard Modern Languages - Thomas Daniel Gosden Clee
Rachel Heward Modern Language and (Chinese)
Elizabeth Smith Mathew Mills Programme A: German/Russian Anna De Brito
Jessica Holloway German and Chinese Business and Management
Louis Steven with Honours Jane Drummond
James Horrocks Thomas Patrick Jothan Mucklow (French) with Honours
John Utley with Honours Yu Wah Chan Melissa Jones
Chloe Howard Philippa Frances Roden Leah Brophy
Eleanor Carys Hughes Joanna Dryden with Honours Yu Hei Chiu Emily Lumb
Andrew Kelly Peter Tighe Tania Woodcock
Nathan Jeeawock Mitchell Goggins Victor Alan Calero Stoiber Joshua Richard Girling Phoebe Moxsom-Turnbull
History and American Studies Kiren Pandya Diana Holondo Andrew Alexander Hay
Peter Johnson European Studies and a Carmen Ogilvie
James Johnstone with Honours Eleanor Rachel Stuart Daniel Jake Isaacs Michael Anthony Johnson Modern Languages - Anna Elizabeth Palmer
Maryam Ahmed Modern Language (Russian) Mohammad Saalim Koomar Mikko Johannes Karhu Programme A: German/Spanish
Terri-Anne Jones Christopher Peatfield
Laura Jones Hugo Patrick Huntley Appleby with Honours German and Japanese Shefali Malontie Will Kong with Honours Sara Read
Daniel Jones Grace Ashton James Macfarlane with Honours Sakura Martin Kaa-Wai Ng Jamie Mcdonald Gregory Shaw
Connor Kendall Amelia Boccadamo Javier Moyano Perez Edith Carley Leanne Evelyn Louise Moore Yousuf Sadik Alexander Tobias Tinsley Philippa Clare Way

32 33
Monday, 15 July 2013

Monday, 15 July 10am Management and Robert Simon Chilton Master of Arts Zhi Gao
Implementation of Penny Christou Robert Darren Gilbert
School of Environment Development Projects Architecture and Urbanism Lee Goddard
Sophie Cook
Jointly awarded by UoM Hannah Grayson
and Development Ochirkhuu Togtokh Mariaelena De Dominici and MMU Fiona Griffiths
Hannah Rose Dixon
Charlotte Gildart-Butler Shenpei Ha
Doctor of Philosophy Management and Sara Dowle
Angela Marie Heaney Farha Nabila Halimuddin
Information Systems: Hannah Dyas Joseph Hamblin
Gordon Abekah-Nkrumah Change and Development Richard Edge Christopher Hill
Mohammed Fayal Al-Araimi Master of Architecture and
Sinan M.A. Abushanab James Aaron Ellis Laura Jane Hill
Nasser Mohammed Albadri Azubuike Glory Iroh
Master of Arts Flora Rosamund Hodson
Francesca Chloe Ames Fernandes
Hisham Mohamed Aqeel Ba Omar Yujie Mao Architecture and Urbanism Gemma Leigh Holyoak
Helen Flynn
Daniel Bendix Jayaramakrishnan Narayanan Jointly awarded by UoM Jack Hughes
Paul Gallacher
Carol Elizabeth Brunt Anitha Bangalore Selvan and MMU Alvin Ting Sing Hung
Bathsheba (Beth) Tatenda Chitekwe-Biti Christina Gregoriou
Fan Wang Oana Georgeta Ilnitchi
Jenny Frances Grimshaw Lisa Magdalena Kinch
Kledia Dallto Andrew Ryan Jackson
Degree Congregations Huraera Jabeen Postgraduate Diploma Benjamin Hale Anna Lucas
Kristian James
Claire Hamilton Zoe Mason
Gabriella Marie McMichael Karl Jefferson
Rajinder Singh Matharu
Monday, 15 July 2013 Admire Mutsa Nyamwanza
Francis Nangbeviel Sanyare
Development Economics
and Policy
Tuoxin Yi
Rachel Elizabeth Hare
Matthew Hayes
Sophie Heaford
Edward Charles John Patton
Jack Penford Baker
Ned Jolley
Dalia Juskaite
Marta Katakura
Julie Tadros Jana Kefurtova
in the Whitworth Hall Master of Arts Lucy Healy Mark Turner Andre Kelly
Development Finance Joanna Sze Nie Hiew Damien Woolliscroft Daniel Kempski
Order of Proceedings International Development: Samuel Higgins
Rui Jiang Lina Keturkaite
Politics and Governance
The Procession with enter the Hall in the following order Lu Wang Zoe Hobson Bachelor of Arts Ross Kilshaw
(The Congregation standing) Adela Maria Putinelu Charlotte Elizabeth Hornby Kiril Blagovestov Kirilov
Procession Leaders Development Studies Stella Ilia Elly Knott
International Development: Jointly awarded by Georgia Koliandri
Members of Senate Mio Kita Mohd Aqrabeen Bin Izani UoM and MMU
Social Policy and Social Development Rachel Amy Jenkins Alexia Koumna
Members of the Teaching and Administrative Staff Satnam Singh
with Honours Paulina Kowalska
Global Urban Development Alison Johnson
Vilte Kulikauskaite
Wardens of Halls of Residence and Planning Michael James Jolley
Joint with Manchester
Metropolitan University Diane Kwan
Stewards Master of Science Tianqi Zhang Belinda Jordan
Mohammad Akmal A Khadir James Jonathan Peter Lawrence
The Presenters Redeate Kenbata Petar Lazarov
Development Economics Iman Abrishami
The Mace Bearer Human Resource Management Charlie Marcus Kentish Mohammad Ezzad Abu Bakar Minhduc Le
and Policy Peter Sun Yin Lee
The Registrar and Secretary and Development Edward Kilvert Irina Teodora Adam
Caroline Sylvie Beaujet (International Development) Derin Kinacigil Adeniyi Oluwaseun Adekunle Jiajun Liang
Simon Robert Field Aidin Ahadzadeganahani Siew Yong Lim
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Colette Maria Boughton Emily Rose King
Arti Jethwa Ahmad Hakym Ahmad Hilmy Patrick Lyth
Nkatha Dorothy Muthuri David William Kofford
Niran Jisdhaul Natcha Asavareongchai Kyi Chaw May
At the Degree ceremony at 10am Michelle Koutsolambrou Douglas Meadway
Choeun Kim Maria-Magdalena Atanasova
Professor Clive Agnew will Preside International Development: Sean Anthony Leahy-Fitzgerald Ashlin Milton
Farah Muneer Atanasova
Development Management Bryn Lee Farah Haseenah Mohd Jais
Mrs Emma Carter-Brown, will act as Registrar and Secretary David Mutori Daisy Baker
Mari-Ama Nelson-Williams Andrew Lum Eleanor Baker Muhammad Akmal Waliuddin Mohd
Professor Tom Jefferies will address the ceremony Kamaludin
International Development: Tiago Luxton Michael Baldwin
Graduands from the School of Environment and Development will be presented by International Development: Nathaniel Barnes Yousef Mousavi
Development Finance Ompei Maenobo
Professor Tom Jefferies and Professor Uma Kothari Environment and Development Sam Lewis Beddingfield Mohamed Abid Mughal
Meor Naim Bin Meor Kamarul Zaman Diana Loredana Muresan
Organist Elin Rees MusM, LRSM Fang He Xin Bi
Thomas Sayers Salima Sabjali Mitha Sarah Catherine Murphy
Mace Bearer Alan Jones Minjing Li Rachel Bow
Cong Wang Sam Morris Rebecca Mwanja
Sofiya Vladimirova Bozhinova
Jia Xing International Development: Oliver Timothy Mould Eleni Nevradaki
At the Degree ceremony at 12.15pm Industrial Strategy and Katharine Bracey
Irina Nikova
Wenbo Zhang Christopher Andrew Mulholland Daniel Bramah
Professor Keith Brown will Preside Trade Policy Vanja Obajdin
Yue Zhang Lorcan Tem O'Connor Adam Brennan
Mrs Rosie Williams, will act as Registrar and Secretary Anqi Zhu Biao Guo Daniel Joseph O'Hara Sean Broadbent
Shay O'Donnell
Professor Simon Guy will address the ceremony Maciej Sylwester Olszak
Huey Wen Ong Joanna Butryn
Management and Information Khai Wen Ooi
Graduands from the School of Enviroment and Development will be presented by Globalisation and Development Nicholas David Ormesher Luke Carnaby
Systems: Change and Michael Orengo
Professor Simon Guy, Professor Martin Evans and Professor Uma Kothari Daniel Kwasi Oware-Amankwaah Chun Yin Brian Chan Anastasia Orphanidou
Owain John Guthrie Mortimer Development Gavin Chan
Organist Elin Rees MusM, LRSM Yuwen Yang Alan Richard Whitton Owst Jeanne Shun Yee Pang
Manjoong Kim Cheryl Chin Kelvin Neil Pankhurst
Mace Bearer Peter Ball-Foster Rachel Pettifer
Michael Sin Teck Lau Chai Yun Chung Emilija Panova
Human Resource Development Charalambos Pittakas Iulia Andra Elena Ciomu
At the Degree ceremony at 2.30pm Bing Zhang Kate Parker
(International Development) Mariella Polykarpou Damien Reiss Clayton Bogdan Ioan Pataliu
Professor Luke Georghiou will Preside Adam Thomas Pritchard Aoife Coigley
Shuang Li Organisational Change and Dominic Richard Narendera Southall
Mrs Sian Nash, will act as Registrar and Secretary Development Hyo - Sik Pyo Lawrence Cox Patel
Professor Margot Brazier will present Professor Michael Napier CBE QC for the award of Jack Edward Richardson Brook Coxon Amy Pearce
Human Resource Management Veronica Medina Sama Joanna Jennifer Cydzik
Oustanding Alumnus 2013 Christopher John Rodgers Giacomo Pelizzari
(International Development) Andreas Daniel
Professor Rodney Brazier will address the ceremony Robert J Rostron Aglika Bogomilova Petrova
Adenifemi Oluwatosin Adesokan Master of Architecture Mariam Felani Shaari
Edmund Davies Alice Phillips
Graduands from the School of Law will be presented by Professor Rodney Brazier Tamara Bell Boyle Peter Charles Dew Rasmus Pikk
Organist Philip Lowe LTCL, RMN, FBS Xiaolu Wei Jointly awarded by UoM James Ashley Sneyd Lora Dimova Raluca Rodica Pop
and MMU Stephanos Alexandros Spirakis Mihail-Sebastian Dinu Julie Anne Prior
Mace Bearer John Bromley
Human Resource Management and Lydia Maria Argiriov Jack Stewart Abigail Eleanor Dixon Abdul Qayum
At the Degree ceremony at 4.45pm Development (International Lei Ashlic Bao Stefani Thoma Brett Thomas Dobson Snejinka Valentinova Radulova
Rebecca Sarah Louise Bayliss Maria Tsouma Miruna Dunu Ketil Rage
Professor Kersti Borjars will Preside Development)
Scott Bearman Rachael Wakeham Richard Charles Durber Miles Dezi Reay-Palmer
Dr Pat Sponder, will act as Registrar and Secretary Adepeju Titilayo Benson Philippa Birch Ewa Edet Effiom Louise Ryder
Georgina Rose Walker
Mr Jon Spencer will address the ceremony Sandeep Kaur Birdi Samuel Esses Shahrol Ahmad Shuhaini Sahlin
Ciara Walsh
Graduands from the School of Law will be presented by Mr Jon Spencer ICTs for Development Simon Charles Bottomley Tristan Gregory Evans Chrystalleni Santi
Richard George Briggs Richard John Whelan Michael Eze Mona Sarreshtehdarzadeh
Organist Philip Lowe LTCL, RMN, FBS Garba Bashir Charles John Wood
Robert Broughton Emily Fribbance Oliver Savorani
Thomas Mwamulima M Zgambo
Mace Bearer Ray Walton Adrilafiq Che Din Jennifer Ching Tung Yan Saskia Rebecca Furman Siti Sazali

34 35
Monday, 15 July 2013 Monday, 15 July 2013

Sandra Schenavsky Postgraduate Diploma Geography Emile Boustany Monday, 15 July 2.30pm Catriona Gray Sydney Parkinson Bachelor of Laws
Jennifer Louise Sewart with Honours Alexandra Bright Jonathan Groves Mabel Poh
Geographical Information School of Law Ziyad Najeeb Ali Al-Rawas
Mariyam Zeina Shareef Maria Leila Alphonso Imogen Brown Melissa Gulcimen Ashley Porter
Science Michelle Ho
Dan Shen Madalena Alves Laura Gilroy Professor Luke Georghiou will Anum Gulraze Mir Frank Price Jones Traian Alexandru Zaharia
Sorina Ana Siddall Adeela Anser Paul Sebastian Beiboer Matthew Haley address the ceremony then Dalton Hale Cirelle Rabinowitz
Gary SikhosanaOctavian Dragos Nicholas Boyes In Young Kang Professor Margot Brazier will Chloe Hancock Abdul Rahim
Silaghi Environmental Impact Daniel King present Professor Michael Napier Elizabeth Handley Monday, 15 July 4.45pm
Carolyn Burr Nilima Rahman
Karolina Simankowicz Assessment and Management David Silverman CBE QC for the award of Asiya Haq
Victoria Canning Alia Ramjohn
Vlasios Sokos Robert Burns Yujing Yang Oustanding Alumnus 2013 Misbaul Haque Doctor of Philosophy
Samuel George Chesson Tanya Rashid
Maria-Despina Stasi Hannah Clapham Sakshin Dilip Haran
Professor Michael Napier will then Umar Rauf Kabir Ahmed
Rumen Dimitrov Stefanov Kathryn Coleman Bachelor of Science Helen Hayward
Rawan Al-Louzi
address the ceremony. Maya Ravindran
Nicholas Stone Planning Jonathan Richard Croston Geography Sajidah Heppenstall
Fionnuala Mary Gough
Victoria Stuart Sin-Yung Sharon Ho Zara Reaz
Xiaoling Zhou Alex Cust with Honours Verity Reeves Patrick Joseph Heavey
Wei Su James Dale Sophie Anderson Bachelor of Laws Sanwar Hossain Melinee Kazarian
Chyna Sudbury Clare Hurst Anastasia Elizabeth Rendle
Hermione Dawson Helen Anderton with Honours Long Long
Daryn Tamashayev Master of Town and William Dyson Beatrice Archer Elain Fflur Huws Rachel Rigg Yonghui Ma
Siti Umyra Ahmad Fikri
Hannah Marguerite Thomas Country Planning Joseph Ellery Oliver Banks Amin Al-Astewani
Raisa Ibrahim Kirsty Roberts Nnaemeka Franklin Ngwu
Ivana Tosheva Luke Evans Charlotte Amy Bateman Efstathia Anna Ioannou Emily Charlotte Roberts Xiaojing Qin
with Honours Holly Symine Alborz
Alexandru Trofin Edward Evison James Bird Naila Ali Martin Luther Irocheonwu Jessica Ann Rogerson Fang Sun
James Abbott Samantha Kerry Weston
Martin van Wijk Rachel Eyre Kirsty Bishop Hussain Ali Iram Javed Nicola Jayne Roskell
Matthew Atkin Aden Brooks Stephen Jefferson Zalina Zakaria
Cassandra Vaz Georgina Elizabeth Guy Richard Netheer Aljarrah Laura Rowson
Jessica Weeks Hannah Baker Emma Elizabeth Brown Anthony Jiang
Rita Mary Hackforth-Jones Chloe Allan Mohammed Rubani
Matthew James Carney James Burrell
Zhiwen Wei Samuel Best Harris Elizabeth Anderson Sarah Johnson Lisa Sabel Master of Philosophy
Larissa Weinmann Jake Philip Crompton Victoria Carlisle Jessica Jones
Alexandra Kate Hickey Neva Craven Sandra Awuraama Annan Sian Sanders
Jing Wen Adam Lee Day Emily Joyce Law
Sophia Hill Anna Fowler Samuel Aynsley Monica Savic-Jabrow
Evelyne Felicity Williams Jonathan Greenberg Phoebe Hockley Mumbi Theresa Kabimba Susan Vipont Hartshorne
Paul Gibson Madiha Azam James Bernard Andrew Scott
Pin Khiam Wong Idris Gulfraz Jade Hopeton Faith Kemi Bamidele Nisa Karim Kwangkug Kim
Rachel Hamilton Anna Scott
Jonathan Zhern Lin Wong Joshua Harry Hellawell Alexander Howarth Tom Hancock Nasima Begum Eugenia Kek Yun Wen
Heng How Khor Gemma Sarah Scott
Dhivya Yogarajah Alec Hickey Elizabeth Hunt Cara Hardman Rebecca Benbow Master of Research
Dominic James Holding Terezia Kianickova Jonathan Scott
Michael Yosief Nicola Louise Jamieson Matthew Harrison Joshua Benjamin
Daniel Ingram Lee Knowles Christabel Shu Yi Seah Criminology and Socio-Legal
Plamena Yotova Ellis Johnstone Kate Hibberd Khatija Bhamji
Xiaoyang Yuan Santokh Matthew Kaulder Declan Jones Chukwuka Christopher Ilogu Joshua Knowles Sayoni Sen Studies (Criminology pathway)
Amrik Singh Bhella
Jing Zhou Beatrice Kunaka Kathryn Elizabeth Keen Ian Lloyd Jones Rebecca Marie Kocerhan Joseph Seo Pao Sern Evangelia Koumentaki
Sarah Bibi
Clarissa Laing Marcus Langley Oscar Jack Kennedy-Blundell Andreea-Roxana Bica Sook Cheng Kok Kiranpreet Kaur Shergill
Sophie Luck Alina Khan George Langford Jasmin Jade Shingler
Monday, 15 July 12.15pm Eleanor Lomas
Rebecca Sarah Lawrence
Daniel Bomsztyk
Adebayo Lanlokun
Master of Arts
Alice Rebecca Lomas Bethany Lynwood Charlotte Boothroyd Lih Chuan Sieh
School of Environment and Thomas Andrew Daniel Matthews Yael Lethbridge Niall Dominic Boyle Jeff LeBlanc Kew Jia Sin Health Care Ethics and Law
Jonathan Lowden Callum Mccombie
Ben Mayo Michaela Brown Cher Ling Lee Sinead Elizabeth Mairead Sinclair
Development Michael Martin Megan McQuaid Jayne Marie Dunn
Sean Stephen Meager Jack Brown Kaysie Leonard Dharampal Singh
Joseph McKee Lindsey Milton Giles Emery Fitch
Guy Patrick Michels Jonathan Edward Brownson Nigel Leong Harprit Kaur Singh
Shahin Mohammed Miah Christopher Moxon Claire Louise Gilman
Doctor of Philosophy Tamsin Millard Lewis Burgess Cheung Weng Leong Ali Qaisar Siraj
Mairead Murphy Kristy Naylor Grace Jhung Yan Li
Erin Mills Nisha Patel Hannah Burrows Rebecca Jane Smith
Kathryn Adamson Timea Nacsa Olivia Mills Bilal Kazim Butt Charlyn Zhixing Lim Master of Laws
Elizabeth Cole Jorge Nash Laura Marie Peake Jennifer Louise Smith
Samuel Mutter Daisy Sherwood Megan Caulfield Nicholas Weijie Lim Corporate Governance
Julie Scott Crawshaw Richard Naylor Siew Thong Soh
Harry Newell-Wise Samuel Sparks Christopher Bing Zhen Cheong Tsu Qi Lim
Jessica Pineda Zumaran Luke Newland Zhili Lester Lin Marios Soteriou Muhammad Waqas Butt
Jeremy Jo-Hin Pang Edward Speirs Yan Yi Cheung
Jennifer Watts Christian Alexander Orr Stuart Long Robert Southworth
Hannah Louise Parker Simon Stallard Sarah Jane Chen Nee Chia
Charlotte Palmer Jessica Payne Siew Hong Chia Brendan James Looby Aarti Sreenivas International Business and
Nicola Sweeney
Master of Science Rosie Peniston Eliza Petit Lucia Tamburello Ramanathan Chinnaiah Rachel Shuxin Low Claudia Sturgeon Commercial Law
Simon Roberts James Ponnusamy Matthew Taylor Melanie Chisnall See Yau Lum Nikhita Suria Nelofar Azam
Global Urban Development Lauren Potts Michael Tolan Cheuk Wing Chiu Tobias Robert Lunn Robyn Sutton Christina Georga
Alice Routledge
and Planning William Richards Duncan Tysall Mei-Yan Chong Francesca Mack Jack William Taft Alvin Hwa Yee Lim
Kavi Saigal
Iulia Stoian Lauren Shallcross Josephine Robinson Oliver Wagstaff Wan Xia Rachel Chua Stephen Mackellar Ryan Ze Wei Tan Abdul- Rahman Sayed-Taha
Kate Rogers Daniel Whalen Hui Ming Chua Chloe Mackie Dione Shihui Tan
Charlotte Simpson Charles Withey
Geographical Information Megan Rutty Christopher Clarke Rehana Koser Mahmood Aloysius Tan Kia Peng International Financial Law
Mathewjon Spells
Science Christopher Shaw Simone Clough Orla Patricia Mahony Wen Yie Tang
Stefan Spicer Lan Song
Hannah Smith Geography with Wesley Coburn Sara Rose Malik Hui Shan Tay
Bernard Yeboah Oduro Olivia Mary St-Amour Jingjing Wang
Harry George Smith International Study Cormac Conway Ruan Malone Kate Taylor
Rachel Stephenson Charlotte Maloney
Alexandra Smith with Honours Owen Liam Luciano Coyle Amy Wee Jean Tee
Environmental Monitoring, Elizabeth Woodall Amy Stallard Peter Darby Christopher P Markou Law
Rachael Albrighton James Thomas
Modelling and Reconstruction Syeda Sofena Yasmin Charles Christopher Deeming Taylor Harriet Davies Zohaib Zaki Masood Chang Wang
Hannah Barrett Mathew Thompson
Jennifer Frances Ellen Campbell Poyaul Yu Victoria Verbi Baljinder Deepak Lauren Maycox
Jonathan Collings Christopher Peter Thornton
Zachary Colin Cecil Amber Ward Jade Louise Fawcett Ariana Demian Nuala McCarragher Public International and
Harrison John Woods Kirsty McMurray Michelle Tilley
Joanna Michelle Dodd Bachelor of Arts Bradley Gorman Amir Dhillon European Law
Josephine Lyn Hooker Yasen Ilkov Dimitrov Maria-Christina Metaxa Wei Gang Ting
Rebecca Hodnett Annabel Louise Toleman
Candace James Environmental Management Geography with Benjamin Adam Horn Catrinel- Irina Dinu Muhammad Suhaib Mohamed Yasmin Tivey
with Honours International Study Amy Jefferies Mark Donnelly Ibrahim Joseph Peter Tomlinson
Ciara Anne Catherine Merrick Paula-Magdalena Druhora Tanvi Mohandas Simon John Tottle Master of Science
Master of Arts Jacqueline Edwina Mukete Asinty with Honours
Kathryn Duggins Gamani Christopher Pinto Moragoda
Elinor Charlotte Barham Marsh Safana Sellman Andrew Siu Hang Tsang Health Care Ethics and Law
Grace Elizabeth Fleck Murad Mubin
Environmental Impact Jack Griffiths Alexander William Woods Ciara Josephine Dunlop Michael James Turner
Christopher Charles Halsall Carine Cherono Murgor Arissa Chloe Chun Ying Soo
Assessment and Management Nurrabizah Nazrah Haji Persidi Ahmad Jade Elliott-Archer Katie Walsh
Alice Jordan Nadiah Nasran
Matthew Joseph Jardim Krista Enziano Stephanie Ward
Michael James Highfield Ashley Aaron Lewis Bachelor of Arts Tom Errington Faith Nancy Natunga Postgraduate Diploma
Mark Timothy Roberts Grace Johnson Laura Monro Samuel Paul Wardleworth
Town and Country Planning Natasha Nicole Espat Jie Min Jamie Neo
Jamie Lynch Sarah Diana Ommanney Emma Whitehall Health Care Ethics and Law
Harriet Ruth Evans Yi Jia Ng
Urban Regeneration Sarah Maclachlan Hannah Grace Quilley Zhaoqian Lu Jessica Whitney
Kasra Firouzyar Dan Nobil Maria Kapsioti Fergadi
and Development Shameem Meerally Oliver Reynolds Hannah Williamson
William Kingsley Foster Christiana Elizabeth Nzeribe Danielle Ryan
Nuraqilah Binti Mohamad Guy Welsh-Donaldson Bachelor of Arts Jack Winter
Pragati Shashikant Jain James French Brendan Francis O' Neill
Alexander Reynolds Jennifer Galligan Ramesh Pani Ariane Wiseman Intellectual Property Law
Alyazia Said Sabra Town and Country Planning Social Science and Philosophy Dimitris Papamichael Charles Teen Long Wong Eleanor Jane Cornish
Master of Planning Emma Gaydon-Ward
Ellie Tyers with Honours with Honours Joel Chee Hsien Goh Theodora Papanicolaou Zheng Wei Christensen Woo Stephen Joseph Jones
Han Zhang Jerry Sia How Wong Jordon Boodhoo Haarland Buckler -Sinclair Molly Grace Aashna Parekh Khai Si Kay Yong Ben Michael Minogue

36 37
Monday, 15 July 2013

International Business and Law with Politics

Commercial Law with Honours
The 2013 Alumni Association Award
Essa M A A Mahmoud

International Financial Law

Olivia McQueen
Thomas Mills
Jacopo Walter Pistone
Outstanding Alumnus
Ruslan Polatbekov
Felix Nicholas Gregory Read
William Wright Michael Napier QC CBE
Law Bachelor of Laws Outstanding Alumni Awards are presented each year by The University of
Badr Awadh A Alsehaimi Manchester Alumni Association to former students who have achieved
Mrinal Vikram Javaji English Law with French Law distinction in their field or have brought honour to the University through
with Honours their outstanding achievements.
Postgraduate Certificate Ghazal Abdeh
Marina Sandra Carzol Michael Napier has been one of the UK’s leading lawyers for over 40 years
Law Amelia Lucy Mary Cave and has played a major role in law reform and the development of the civil
Reiss Patrick Bruin Anna Donnelly
Katie Good
justice system.
Degree Congregations
Ethan McIlroy He received his LLB from The University of Manchester in 1967, having also
Bachelor of Arts
Melissa-Jane Jane Mota
Laura Amy O'Donovan
been a stalwart of the rugby team and senior student at his hall of residence,
Hulme Hall. Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Nadiah Ramsamy
with Honours He continued his legal training at the College of Law in Guildford and at a
Harriet Tighe in the Whitworth Hall
Samantha Ainsworth-Davis Jonathan Richard Vick small firm in Loughborough that represented injured miners. From there, he
Reynold Akumah Ellen Wilson was inspired to join Thompson’s solicitors in Manchester, one of the largest Order of Proceedings
Abi Barber Ruta Zubaite personal injury law firms in the country.
Cassie Bemrose The Procession with enter the Hall in the following order
Kyle Aidan Bennett In 1972, Michael crossed the Pennines to Sheffield to join Irwin Mitchell, (The Congregation standing)
Law with Criminology
Emma Berry then a small high street firm but now a major national practice. Procession Leaders
Laura Jade Brennan with Honours
Sabah Ahmed It was there – a firm he led for 30 years as senior partner - and in the well Members of Senate
Reuben Brunt
Rebecca Bate known firm Pannone Napier, that he made his mark over four decades, Members of the Teaching and Administrative Staff
Jodie Leigh Bryan
Miranda Lydia Challen Emefa Naa Cordei Collison representing clients in many landmark cases and pioneering major Wardens of Halls of Residence
Chantelle Lianne Clifford Emma Duffy developments in the law of personal injury, clinical negligence, mental health Stewards
Elizabeth Cook Zeenat Ellahi and pensions.
Ioana Madalina Farcas The Presenters
Ayesha D'Costa The Mace Bearer
Coco Flood He was at the forefront of developing group actions in the 1980s and 1990s,
Lucy Dickson
Sarah Donovan
Fatima Fortia acting on behalf of victims of the major transport disasters of that period, The Registrar and Secretary
Rebecca Harvey including the Manchester Air Crash and the sinkings of the Herald of Free
Nicola Hollick Enterprise and the Marchioness. He was the first solicitor advocate to appear
Alexander David Fearn ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Viktor Ivanov before the European Court of Human Rights in 1981 in the Case of X, that
Doordarshinee Gajadur
Robynne Kiblawi
Danielle Gale Tony Alexander Lemom
established meaningful tribunal rights for detained mental patients. At the Degree ceremony at 10am
Manpreet Gill Verity Mckay Professor Matt Lambon Ralph will Preside
An honorary QC, he was President of the Law Society in 2000-01 and is a
Ross Gould Laura Mihailescu Mrs Catherine Tansey, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Jessica Sara Hall former President of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers. As a member
Nina Napier of the Civil Justice Council, he has been a leading voice in pressing for law Dr Veronique Pin-Fat will address the ceremony
Nadira Hassan Jessica Amy Nield
Jessica Clare Henderson reform to improve access to justice for consumers. Since 2002, Michael has Graduands from the School of Social Sciences will be presented by Professor Andrew Russell
Charlotte Nield
Mohamad Salihin Bin Hj Mohd Lisa Danielli Ofori-Atta been the Attorney General’s Pro Bono Envoy, was awarded the CBE in 2005, Organist Elin Rees MusM, LRSM
Emma Holland Holly Paterson and was named Lawyer of the Year 2012 in the Legal Business Awards. Mace Bearer Fred Barker
James Humphry Belinda Rathbone
Jessica Jackson At the Degree ceremony at 12.15pm
Sarah Jones Law with Politics Professor Keith Brown will Preside
Jordan Kerley Mrs Catherine Tansey, will act as Registrar and Secretary
with Honours
christopher kirkman
Thomas Archer Dr Veronique Pin-Fat will address the ceremony
Miranda Lee Laura Baker
Rebecca Louise Lythgoe Graduands from the School of Social Sciences will be presented by Dr Wendy Bottero
Jaya Chadha
Phoebe Mason Jordan Cooper Organist Elin Rees MusM, LRSM
Victoria Louise Matthew Polly Charlotte Faithfull Mace Bearer John Shiels
Claire Milnes Conor Michael Fallon McGuigan
Reshmaa Mohamed Ishaaq Ghani At the Degree ceremony at 2.30pm
Caroline Mou Jennifer Sandra Ginley Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell President and Vice Chancellor will Preside
Isobel Newman Eve Hemingway Mrs Catherine Tansey, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Faith Nicholson Emily Georgina Horton
Rose O'Reilly Professor Fiona Devine will address the ceremony
Karolina Kalinowska
Fiona Pang Neelam Kaur Graduands from the School of Social Sciences will be presented by Professor Chris Orme
Emily Pound Sakina Kiliya Organist James Hume MusM
Patrick Raffan Kieran Liam Roberts Mace Bearer Vera Robertson
Nicole Rayson Philine Luisa Scheer
Leanne Ryan Mudassar Shahbaz At the Degree ceremony at 4.45pm
Hannah Ashley Serene Rachael Sykes Professor Clive Agnew will Preside
Harriet Sommerville Claire Louise Thomas
Denise Thomas
Mrs Catherine Tansey, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Lauren Naomi Summers
Patricia Taflan James Weston Professor Fiona Devine will address the ceremony
Louise Elizabeth Thomas Paul Woolliscroft Graduands from the School of Social Sciences will be presented by Professor Jeanette Edwards
Eliya Todorova Organist James Hume MusM
James Vanstone Bachelor of Science Mace Bearer John Green
Yavor Yavorov Vazharov in Psychology
Alex Wiffill
Jake Robert Mark Withers with Honours
Charles Ross Workman Pooja Pandurang Kulkarni

38 39
Tuesday, 16 July 2013 Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 10.00am Samuel Charles Tildesley Carver Thomas Aird Hamish Fraser Amy Llambias Yaqin Huang Mariana Lopes De Castro Ceccotti Jonathan Benson James Midgley
Edward Carver Charles Daniel Freeman Mairi Maclennan Liyajun Huang Han Yee Yee Low Jake Berridge Iain Eduardo Alexander Milne
School of Social Sciences Mark John Casement Edwin Frimpong Luana Marquezoni Shaolu Huang Ying Lu Charlotte Sarah Bowyer Hitesh Mistry
Sung Hwan Chai Aisha Gaier Ramona Benedicta Jennie Mendis- Yan Huang Lok Hin Lui Jack Brettell Serena Mae Mitchell
Stewart Chan Osayomon Gaius-Obaseki Seneviratne Siyin Huang Emily Bunting Nasuha Binti Mohamed Ridza
Bachelor of Arts Joe Miller
Man Kam Kam Chan Lawrence Gale Olivia Grace Hughes Bachelor of Arts Elinor Campbell Syed Muhammad Mohamman
Economic and Social Studies Sze Chung Chan George Gane Omid Mojabi Patrick Hunt Reece Cohen Zayyad Nasidi Mohammed
Tsz Hin John Chan Xin Gao Steven Monaghan Iman Hussain Economic and Social Studies Jordan Corner Safina Mohammed Haruna
with Honours
Min Zhi Chan Weiyouzi Gao Charlotte Rosie Newton Zahid Hussain Yingna Hong Michael Davis Ahmad Syafiq Hamzi Mohd Lukman
Ezmira Abdul Malek
Tsz Yui Yui Chan Chu Gao Dominic Richard Edward Nice Christina Iacovou Kaveh Jalilian Lucy Dawkins Benjamin Morrison
Muhammad Aimen Abdullah
Prabhjit Singh Chandhok Adam Garnsey Benjamin North Vivian Ebam Idoko Shaharyar Khan Wendy De Vere Marios Mouchtaris
Jaime Ackroyd
Shiang Lynn Chee Victoria Garside Oyindamola Eyitayo Odusami Martha Otseilu Ilegar Sally Kirman Matthew Diclemente Bilal Moughal
Jack Paul Adams
Jie Chen Rohit Gehe Oluwadamilola Olufunke Olaniyi Victoria Iosson Woong Lee Eleanor Doyle George Mowles -Van Der Gaag
Damilola Ade-Odiachi
Fan Chen Vinaya Sevi George Zephia Ovia Attia Irshad Sum Li Simon Dumont Anuna Mullick
Harry Ager
Xi Chen Prokopis Georgiou Sarah Myfanwy Penrhyn Jones Aftekarul Ronny Islam Yiwei Liu Iona Evans Aanika Mumtaz
Vikki Aggarwal
Yuting Chen Daniel Geraghty Rehan Ranjaka Joshua Perera Ziaul Islam Bradley French Hassan Zulfiqar Munj
Lauren Narinder Ahluwalia
Ying Chen Amy Melissa Giles William Pett Catherine Siima Itabaaza Niall Alexander Harkin Matthew Murray
Mian Asad Ahmad Bachelor of Arts
Xiaojing Chen Jacob Glass George David Pierpoint Ashley Alexander Jacobs Claire Henderson Grace Nampereza
Maneck Ahmed
Sarah Wan Tze Chen Liam Glennon Anton Potter Sanum Jain Philosophy Timothy Holbrough Bilal Natha
Shehroz Ahmed
Shiyi Chen Shiv Goel Edward Pycraft Joe Harding Jakubowski Richard Hollingsworth Jonathan Michael Henry Nathanson
Bilal Ahmed with Honours
Yangguang Chen Koon Oh Goh Annaliza Ranetunge Maryam Ali Mohamed Janahi Ida Hoevde Holmane Gemma Ashley Naylor
Aisha Ahmed Arthur Armitstead
Zhuo Chen Charlotte Goodwin Charles Samuel Reid Jennifer Hilary Louise Jarvis Sarah Hopkins Hristiyan Nedkov
Ahmed Haider Ahmed Francis Atkinson
Xue Cheng Prerna Goswami Oda Ringstad Wei Jiang Nathan Kabir Hoyle Alexander Newlove
Gizem Nur Akbal Hannah Elizabeth Ayres
Cleopatra Chikaviro Thomas Graham Mike Laurence Salter Jirakiat Jirarattanachan Umar Hussain Charlotte Newsome
Hannah Arifa Akhtar Thomas David Beevers
Mei Fong Chin Charles Graham Niketa Sanderson Woo Seok Jo Antonia Jennings Tapiwa Isabella Ngoma
Ayesha Akhtar Michael Robert Born
Tinoda Chitsva Pirindu Graham De Silva Albina Shigapova Alex Johnston James Kennedy Huyen Thanh Nguyen
Abdulla Al Abbas Katherine Brewster
Anthony Fuk Yu Chu Liam Michael Grainger-Leigh Gemma Smith Amie Lee Jones Rosalind Kirk Hong Nguyen
Ali Faiq Dawood Al Lawati William Ian Christmas
Pui Hay Neol Chung Matthew James Grannell Ming Yan Tang Anna Laura Jones Jeffrey Levicki Phuong Minh Nguyen
Mohamed Al Mutawa Aaron Clegg
Laura Clavey Luke Gration Simona Tarailaite Raj Snehil Juneja Ross McKenna Hoang Giang Nguyen
Greta Angelova Alexandrova Paul Crescenzi
Rosemary Clayton Max Graves Ellis Vera Van Der Wulp Savak Junejo Naomi Moore Liam Colin Nicol
Husna Ali Kieron Patrick Curtis
Danyal Ali Khan Isabel Cleasby Rachael Elizabeth Green Akash Deep Deep Kang Ben Moore Jessica Nightingale
Ezgi Emel
Ivie Alonge Simon Clifford Harry Greene Bachelor of Social Science Kosuke Kawamura Tarek Ghadgoud
Katherine Mountain Pietro Novelli
Adam Al-Said Diana Coialnic Stephanie Greenhalgh Hebe Keith Vishal Nanwani Jack O'Connor
Politics and International Iain Alexander Glover
Fahim Amdani Amarinder Cooner James Griffith Inigo Kelsey Jason Ochere Richard O'Gorman
Relations Nicole Halsall
Arfa Amin Huw Corcoran Emma Gros Ashfaria Khair Liam O'Rourke Claire O'Kane
Robert Harvey
Abdallah Anjum Gregory Cornelissen Xiangyun Gu Min Kang Waleed Bin Khalid Gerard Pitt Mustafa Cem Okay
Joshua Owen Henley
Sean Archard Liam Michael Cox Tara Guinness Mitsuaki Yamaoka Ali Khalid Edward Luke George Powderham Oghenetejiri Okpurhe
Claire Holding
Arwin Arwin Shaun Crooks Song Guo Shoaib Ali Khan Baboo Akshaye Rye Ramdhonee Jake Olley
Rebecca Susan Howarth
Ali Asif Chunchun Dai Archit Gupta Tuesday, 16 July 12.15pm Bilal Khan Stuart Richardson Nur Syhuhada Binti Om
Claire Levers William Hughes
Bakhatiyar Assanov Thi Van Trang Dao Hassaan Ahmad Khan Naveen Rizvi Yu Wern Ooi
Gabriella Jackson
Ava Athari Kishan Davdra School of Social Sciences Tarana Khan Olivia Jennings
Muhammad Saqib Elizabeth Osibodu
Arash Azizi Jonathan Charles Davies Bachelor of Arts Matthew Kilroy Edward Sealy Galip Ozcan
Alice Mary King
Simon Philip Davies Kyu Jin Kim Edward Smith Styliana Panayi
Elliot Frederick Ball
Economic and Social Studies Bachelor of Arts Theo Kotz
Henry Cosmo Sutton
Harry Bamber Sarah Davis Hyung Ki Kim Jonathan Lee Achilleas Papadakis
Saurav Bansal William Dawbarn Maha Abu Nofal Economic and Social Studies Jonathan Marc Kleiman Liam Taylor Se Ri Park
Isabella Marsden
Joshua Barazetti-Scott Julia Eleanor Lily Dean Aparajit Basu Wooree Ko Annabelle Thomson Samuel William Parker
with Honours Francesca Jane Scott
Oliver Barker Sebastian Delamothe Jia Yiing Chang Andreas Koushiappas Bridget Unwin Nicholas Parker
Sukaina Haidar Lily Sloan
Amy Barlow Daniel Denehan Sebastian Clark Weng Man Lam Grace Vielma Beth Parkinson
Syed Razi Haider Claire Underhill
Guy Nathaniel Barrett Chris Dixon Simeon Duffy Edward Lamb Benjamin welbourn Jamie Parsonage
Duncan Hainsworth
William Jackson Bayley Emma Dixon Joshua Evans Pin Lioung Alex Laurent Lan Pak Kee Ethan Williams Faisal Pasha
Alexander Sam Halliwell Bachelor of Arts
Yash Bedi Haoxian Dong Feiyuan Gong Joshua Lancaster Kathryn Woodcock Harshna Patel
M Arshad Hamza
Paul Lawrence Beer Siobhan Donnachie Dong Guan Harshit Hapalia Wai San Lau Philosophy Uwais Patel
Aishah Begum Dawei Du Nafees Ul Haq Graham Taylor Lazenby
Craig Micheal Grady
Tuesday, 16 July 2.30pm Razina Patel
Jess Jane Bernardez Si Du Bachelor of Social Science Joanna Harper James David Leavesley Shivan Patel
Ashna Bhurtun Richard Duckett Max Harris Lee Lang Lee School of Social Sciences Alexander Paton
Edenla Ongmu Bhutia Henry Dunn Politics and International Sophie Harris Hana Lee Bachelor of Arts Ellen Payne
Dan Bi Laura Durbin Relations Jack Mark William Harrison Andrew Lee Bachelor of Arts Stephen Pearce
Philosophy and Politics
Nazirul Aslam Bin Mohd Nashir Louisa Adelaide Edwardes with Honours Michael Harrison Shinhyun Lee Matthew Percy
Elias Nahum Leghziel with Honours Economic and Social Studies James Thomas Andrew Perry
Akvile Birgelyte Jeffrey Edwards Ainaa Faiza Binti Ahmad Farik Hanin Nur Hidayah Binti Hasnor
Guro Leirvaag Faazilah Zainab Adam Hurvashee Persand-Gujadhur
Barney Blackhurst John Edwards Claire Allwright David Hayden with Honours
Katharine Letchfield Jack Armstrong Trang Pham
Betsy Bluer Abeer Ehtisham Esther Briault-Hutter Rachel Haynes Jade-Louise Maguire
Debbie Hoi Tung Leung Tanya Davison Thanawat Phipathananunth
Adam Boaks Ahmed Tarek Mohamed Mohamed Lucinda Claire Burke Xiaozhou He Nana Aisha Isah Mahamah
Hassan El Fatatry Chung Hin Leung Madeleine Gale Xingzhen Piao
Jack Richard Boldy Chloe Biba Rachel Carroll Yunjun He Siddra Mahmood
Fintan English Claire Levers Alexander Joseph Goldhill Kyriakos Pissarides
Rachel Bonney Kiron Chakraborty Fergus Laurence Hewlett Azhar Mahmood
Mathew James Fairhurst Pengfei Li Max Hird Reece Plunkett
Edward Booton Calvin Guohui Chia Charles Hicks Yasmin Maryam Mahmoudi
Yuwei Fang Wentian Li Christina Nick Dimana Vesselinova Popovska
James Bowman Christine Charlotte Dean Christopher Hill Linglee Mak
Ke Fang Xiaoting Li Natalie Nzeyimana Lewis David James Powell
Emma-Louise Boynton Jennifer Deegan Asher Hillsmith Ho Hin Mak
Josh Farley Tesi Li Ben Parker Isabel Powell
Ellen Brickell Charles Duckworth Vikesh Hirani Victoria Makova
Bryna Helena Felix Congyi Li George Rolls Kazi Tawseef Rahman Pranto
Alexander Frederick Brooke-Turner Michael John Durkin Hung Ming Ho Ilya Makunin
Damian Fernando Pulle Beth Isobel Kestine Rosser
Nicholas Brown Hannah Elliott John Hoang Xiaoze Li Zhalgas Mamyrbekov Anne Victoria Price
Joseph Ferrigno Oliver James Stout
Douglas James Brown Daniel Evans Elizabeth Emily Hodges Ho Li Sana Manglani Andrew Prince
Stefan Fielding Edward Usher
Katie Bryant Karen Grima James Holberry Sharon Li Sung Sang Oliver Donald Thomas Manners Noah Pryke
Jacob Bryk Hana Louisa Fitzpatrick Sara Danielle Hodgkinson Harriet Holloway Chen Liao Timothy Manson Susan Pullan
Daniel Buller Adam Daniel Demuth Fitzwilliam Nick Howard Ryan Anthony Holt Shu Fen Lim Politics, Philosophy Frederick Randall Owen Martin Samma- Uldin Qayum
James Burgess James Flynn Theodore Hughes Ford Christopher William Holton Pei Ying Lim and Economics Duncan Mathieson Cynthia Quao
Thomas Burrell Maggie Chi Kei Fong Ban Hussein Michael Horsman Fang Lin with Honours Benjamin Stuart McClean Lisa Quirke
Anton Elliot Burton Andrew Wei Xiong Foo Nikol Istiliyanova Michael Hoyle Tsz Kei Ling Roberta Akpan Eibhin McGinn Azmat Rahim
Preesha Busgeeth Linyu Foo Eline Jaktevik Giovanna Hsu Jiali Liu George Aldous Lucy Melville Imran Husainur Rahman
Oliver Canavan Kimberley Foster-Powell Jorgen Paschen Justvik Huizhi Hu Dongting Liu Ahmed Ammori Evros Menelaou Haingo Valencia Rakotomalala
Polly Candy James Fox Marcel Korff Liwen Hu Jonathan Lloyd Harriet Andrews Xue Mi Alvin Randy - Cofie
Ruiming Cao Jan Andres Frammelsberger Sophie Kreyer-peake Junyun Hu Hong Wai Daniel Lo Stuart Baxter Jabed Miah Robert Rapson
Jack Carnill Benjamin Franks Helen Langley Yilin Huang Weng Yee Loke Samuel Baxter Mila Micheva Yousef Rawas

40 41
Tuesday, 16 July 2013 Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Andrew Rayner Bachelor of Arts Tuesday, 16 July 4.45pm Philosophy Postgraduate Diploma Ben Vaughan Bachelor of Arts rachel anne knowles
Oliver Redpath Supakrit Vayakornvichitr Catherine Mannion
Economic and Social Studies Harry Hall Economics Economic and Social Studies
Christopher Rees School of Social Sciences Aashish Vikash Chhajer Rosie McDonald
James Elliott Regan Duc Anh Nguyen Jingyi Wang Carlos Antonio Villa Zihehui Wang Fiona McMorrine
International Politics Edward Vostrov
Saad Ur Rehman Giang Truong Nguyen Thompson Rexmond Kotey Chulong Wang Charlotte Victoria McNess
Doctor of Philosophy Delyana Nikolaeva Boyadzhieva
Mikhail Novikov Manh Cong Vu Jiahui Wei
David Renshaw Tian Yuan Qu Imogen Mew
Rong Gong Benjamin Walker
Kang Jin Rho Adriana Aguilar Rodriguez Jack Higgins Xinwen Xu
Raad Rahman Nina Emma Hart Hammad Anwar Alexander Walmsley Jessica Minnett
Thomas Gerard Patrick Richardson Abdilahi Ali Kevin Yap
Kathryn E Reynolds Piotr Pietrzak Andrew Walsh Edward Mott
Nicholas Timothy Rigby Natalie Gabriela Araújo Ruixin Zhang
Economics Wendi Wang Parisa Azar Namazi
Georgia Kathleen Robinson Fátima Maria de Jesus da Assunção
Kristina Stephanie Rocha Mello Bachelor of Economic Science International Politics - (Environmental Economics) Zhuo Wang
Social Anthropology Aimee Neville
Julia Bennett
Henry Joseph Rodwell International Political Economy Lili Wang Humphrey Teakle
with Honours Carna Brkovic Lawrence Manyo Agbor Shuyu Wang with Honours
Paul Rogerson (Research Route) Rebecca Tolcher
Olanrewaju Adebayo - Fari Phillip David Brooker Yalin Wang Oluwakanyinsola Abiona
Nicha Rojnpisarnvong Robert John Floyd Joanne Wagstaff
Charles Rupert James Ambler
Elizabeth Carley International Politics Jiawei Wang Harold Douglas Armitage
Zach Rooney Hannah-Lee Chalk Syed Mehdi Charlotte Ashton George Jr Wong
Maxwell Andrews Amarachi Ugo Uka Blane Watson
Hannah Roth Meng Chen Raphael Boulet Bethany Wroe
Alexandra Weekes Aggrey
Coral Rothwell Rebecca Archenhold International Politics - Fabrice Yala
Michael Clark Arthur Wellington Ella Bradbury
Josh Rowan Bhavika Borkhatria International Relations Philosophy
Christopher Courtney Xizhi Zhi Wen Cressida Bruce-Smith
John Royds Martha Bostock (Research Route) Derek Edward Beppu Thomas West Sean Busby Diploma in Higher Education
Laura Dixon
Lucy Russell David Bradley Alexander Westacott Anna Campbell
Alfonso Echazarra Mengxin Hao Simon Tuhumure Tukahirwa
William Luke Russell-Cobb Gavin Brooks Political Science Joe James Wheelan Natalie Amber Chard
Eli Grisheva Gateva Certificate in Higher Education
Fahim Sachedina Kin Ki Julie Chan Jack Whelan Fergus Coates
Carina Karapetian Giorgi Political Economy Chibuzor Tina Amadi
Siddharth Sahu Finnian White Hannah Mary Cobbold Jonathan Mark Welch
Paul Alexander Chapman Andrew Hodges
Abdul Hamed Salem Amit Ganatra Matthew Whittaker Isabel Colthurst
Junhong Chen Laura Jordan Nijat Garayev Politics
Petar Samarov Dyah Roro Esti Widya Putri Olivia Fitzsimons
Gurprit Kaur Samrai Bryan Cheung Paul Knights Sam Curzons Catherine Wilkinson Christopher Leslie Gaduzo
Jaeneeta Sandhu Karina Chopyk Oi Yeung Lam Political Economy - Bethany Williams Amy Louise Harris
Amy Louise Scaife Harry Christian Benjamin Lee Research Route Social Anthropology Christopher Paul Williams Diana Harvey
Alexandra Schofield Sarah Louise Churchlow Carly Lightowlers Sean Mawdsley Grace Wilson Kriston Jackson
Callum Ward
Diederik Schol Elizabeth Corbett Michelle Tiffany McComsey Roger Kiun Jie Wong Ambre Khan-Chambers
Leila Schrey Al Nasr Sarah Cuff Valentina Moise Ka Chi Chi Wong Louise Alice Knock
Political Science Social Change Lai Kwan Wong
Freddie Scobey Phoebe de Raeve Svetoslav Nenov Kate Elizabeth Lacey
Benjamin Scully Charles Place Liam Vincent Kinchley Khalid Mehmood Khadim Felicia Wong Chee Wee
Thomas Michael Douglas Catherine Langdon
Makanjuola Senbanjo Laurence Stanley James Roope George Wood Susannah Law
Stuart Eames Yulun Wu
Kazunaga Senga Heike Schaumberg Political Science - Sociology Tess Ledingham
James Alexander Fields Yizhi Wu
Mejul Shah Sujarwoto Sujarwoto Governance and Public Policy Saba Salam Claudia Lees
India Fitzpatrick Yuanhua Wu
Muhammad Behram Shah Ana Raissa T Trinidad (Standard Route) Ffion Legg
Emma Friend Siqi Xiong
Roshni Shah Leonidas Tsilipakos Nathan Samuel Street Postgraduate Certificate Kathryn Lifford
Eli Zack Goldberg Yelu Xu
Monish Paryank Ramesh Shah Lorena Liliana Valencia Galvez Patrick Russell McAuley Katheriin Liibert
Edward Gyde Economics Binghui Xue
Ammar Shaheen Samantha Watson Robyn Maby
Mishaal Yakub
Muhammad Shahmeer Lee To Ho Nana Pokua Boakye Zuzanna Marciniak
Daniel Welch Social Anthropology Jing Yan
Darina Shakhman Chizoba Ikwueke Toby Phillips
Rachel Jane Wilde Zeqi Yang
Chengchao Shan Robert Jones Sandra Ayda Penaloza Torrez Rice Politics Lyora Julie Esther Pissarro-Stern
Luke Yates Chun Yang
Kanishk Sharma Shalini Kanapathywasam Shu Han Yang Emma Powys Maurice
Rosemary Ann Crabtree
Asya Shchepina Martin Kelly Sociology Zhiru Yang Anna Quire
Ben Hui Shen Omeir Khan
Master of Philosophy Kalani Hargrove Hoor Yar Jacob William Simpson
John Shenton Bachelor of Arts Ziying Ye Charlotte Rose Singleton
Khaldoon Khan Politics Yasemin Hekimoglu
James Shepherd John James Paul Yiasoumis Lucy Turner
Jon-Henry Lamb Nanci Karyn Hogan
Economic and Social Studies
Wai Kit Shum Nicolette Shu Ling Yim Grace Henrietta Warman
Shawkeen Siddiquey Zhen Li Master of Science with Honours
Xiangyu Yin Imogen West
Joshua Ride Sikaona Anastasia Kim Pin Lim Dorottya Tamasi Grace Iris Williams
Social Anthropology Econometrics Ming Ying
Cora Jia Yuing Sim Beatriz Marques Chayo Tantivasin Amy Yip Heung Win Joanna Withers
Cosmin Radu Michael Gregory Coop Li Tao
Ashton Simpson Thomas McCaughey Jun Cheng Yoon
Nirali Mehta Panpan Tao Joo Hoon Hoon Yoon
Mae Yoong Sonia Sin Sociology
Social Research Methods Economics Veronica Magdalena Tarasiewicz Muhammad Yousaf
Dalwinder Singh Singh Laurie Morris with Honours
and Statistics Cheryl Tay Hao Yuan
Clare Yixin Siow James Moulds Matthew Hurley Nida Aslam
Matthew Taylor Ho Ming Yuen
Thanusiya Sivarajah Thomas Nash Naomi Marquis Timothy Liam Millar Zachary Balogun
Joshua Taylor Adam Zaidman
Aleksander Siwek Jia Hui Ng Jennifer Briggs
Ee Lynn Tee Nazneen Zaman
Siobhan Skerratt Economics (Environmental
Linde Jennifer Ngai Master of Research Nikoletta Telemachou Yiannis Zambas Alana Jayne Elizabeth Burton
Daniel Smith Economics) Phoebe Anna Cavell
Bhavini Shayless Panchmatia Arjun Thakur Kyriacos Zapouni
Holly Smurthwaite Betty-Ann Bristow Tessa Chay
Tom Phillips Ayokunmi Adeniyi Randeep Thandi Gengyou Zhang
Elizabeth Solverson Samantha Clarke
Phavinder Singh Poonian Juan Francisco Miranda Garcés Brinthan Thilagaraj Yuzhu Zhang
Xialin Song Master of Arts Fiona Elizabeth Grace Thompson Christina Connor
Nicol Rainy Brown Emmanouil Tyllianakis Yangyang Zhang
Konstantina Sotiriou Lauren Thornton Sicong Dai
Wanwan Zhang
Luca Spiri Brendan Colin Shiner Anthropological Research Kelly To Jonathan Robert Patrick Davies
Financial Economics Lin Zhang
Vasant Srimanothip Jun Lin Soh Lynne Rose Taylor Hanan Toheed Christie Alexandra Donald
Ruixue Zhang
Chloe Stevenson Ashish Sood Yue Dai Hannah Tosh Sophie Draper
Zhicheng Zhang
Neil Stewart George Squibbs Lizhi He Christina Trakoshi Jin Zhang Christopher Fearon
Leo Samuel Stone Alexander Squires Laura Tresias Rui Zhang Rosie Alys Feltham
Cait Stowell Nonye Esther Okeke Social Change Harrison Turner Thomas Flower
Mark Stevenson Yi Zhao
Doroteya Stoyanova Manik Ajadur Sabur Matthew Turrill Shasha Zhao Jasmin FlynnSophie Gardner
Oliver Bruce Taylor Nigel De Noronha
Rhea Subramanian Charles Benjamin Tuttle Peng Zhou Elliot Gribble
James Charles Tucker
Atheepan Sukumar Human Rights Alisher Ukashev Huishan Zhu Rebecca Hart
Shuai Sun Nathan Vurgest Social Research Methods
Tracey Ann Bryson Saleha Kasim Ullah Shaofei Zhuang Penny Harvey
Yidan Sun Binbin Wang and Statistics Daniil Zhukov
Lauren Underwood Frederick Haydn-Slater
Sau Yin Sun Andrew James Wheater Jonathan Peter Mulligan Paul Urmston Maria Zhukovskaya Chloe Hedley
Siyang Sun Vincent Man-Fai Wong Human Rights (Research) William Peck Janice Valentinus Umar Zubair Katie Howell
Archit Pradeep Sureka Pongpalin Yingchoncharoen Laura Emily Oakley Paul Sayles Jyoti Valji Jeremy Zucker Daehwi Kim

42 43
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Wednesday 17 July 10am Refinery Design and Operation Chemical Engineering with Chemical Engineering with School of Mathematics
Ayrat Valiev Energy and Environment Study in Europe
School of Chemical Engineering Doctor of Philosophy
Ángel Villanueva Perales with Honours with Honours
and Analytical Science Mary Idowu Akinyemi
Muhammad Hafiz Bin Hafiz Abdul Emma Johnson Badr Saad T Alkahtani
Master of Engineering Karim Bader Saleh Almohaimeed
Doctor of Engineering Chemical Engineering Siti Mariah Binti Abdul Murad Bachelor of Engineering Alaa Abdullah Altassan
Martin J Goodfellow Anojan Ananthathavam Alfredo Camacho Valle
with Honours Chemical Engineering
John Harper Westell Elliot Beasley Nurul Ain Azizan Alastair Edward Darby
Ryan Leigh Clayton Akeed Bin Azmi with Honours Sumaya Saleh M Eljabri
Doctor of Philosophy Tala Hanna Tawfiq Dahdah Zain Bhatti Mohamed Abusharida Andrew Gordon
Ben William John Eastwood Parva Chhantyal Timothy Peter Adams A.B.M. Shahadat Hossain
Zakariya Housni Al Yaqoub Zaheer Imdad
Abhit Ajitkumar Ghelani Richard Gerard Gray Khadijah Afzal
Abdullatif Alfutimie Wung Pok Liu
David Amienyo Thomas Kestner Mohamad Al Hafiz Fahmi Bin Harun Siddharth Agarwal
Nishant Khataniar Kun Liu
Francis John Ball Amna Jamshed Ohiorenua Joshua Ahanmisi
John McBride Aoife McMonagle
Degree Congregations Rosa Marisa Cuellar Franca
Konrad Matthew Dorling Thomas Patrick McEvilly Robert David Lane Mohammed Alharbi
Athirah Nawawi
Mohd Zol Helmi Bin Md Zuki Azeezat Oyinkansola Ali Daniel Mark Robinson
Temitope Falano Craig Milner

Wednesday, 17 July 2013 Sam Hanno Farrell

Suzanne Aleida Birgitta Geenen
Victoria Jane Jackson
Chiranjeevi Reddy Nallamilli
David Alistair Oakley
Matthew Robert Pannier
Zaidatul Azira Mohamed Zin
Nnamdi Nwaokocha
Omar Mohammed Aljuhani
Anuoluwatomi Are
Abdullah Wael Baidas
Kathleen Scott
Tom Shearer
Vasileios Tsitsopoulos
Muhammad Usman
in the Whitworth Hall Edward Lander Kent Samie Abbas Parkar William Barrow Natasha Jane Willoughby
Intisar A. Moftah Khalifa Jay Patel Nipun Bhargava
Helen Kotze Olumorayo Sodipo Chemical Engineering with
Order of Proceedings Ben Brierley Master of Philosophy
Alessia Longobardo Henry John Foster Stiles Environmental Technology Yoon Ming Chee
The Procession with enter the Hall in the following order Samaneh Miraee-Nedjad Marschenka Wray Towle with Honours Chung Lim Chia Mathematical Sciences
(The Congregation standing) Geraldine Monjardez Christopher Wiseman
Selina Nawaz Asima Anjum Alexander Clarke James Blair
Procession Leaders Nur Diyana Zuraimi
Caroline Mary Mary Paget Looh Zhen Choong Mohamed Yehia Mohamed El Sayed
Members of Senate Mohammed Shahraz Jasmin Cooper El-Shazly Pure Mathematics
Chemical Engineering
Members of the Teaching and Administrative Staff Holly Summersgill
(Business Management) Jonathon Mark Cooper Jack Garrety Vladimir Lukiyanov
Wardens of Halls of Residence Peter Taylor Million Ghebrehiwet Ghebremariam
Mark Walsh with Honours Caroline Shuey Hwan Lee
Stewards Tse Yui Ng Mehmet Goch
Paul Wilcock Mike Abaide-Owhotu Master of Science
Qi Yu Ho
The Presenters Jie Yang Linell Burdett Ying Ying Quah
Luke Callachan Holly Louise Walton
Arafat Ibrahim Umar Mathematics and
The Mace Bearer Computational Science
Akanksha Chawla Omotayo Idowu
The Registrar and Secretary Master of Philosophy
Man Ki Cheung Addil Ishaq Aizhan Kadyrkyzy Maden
Chemical Engineering and Qasim Mohamed Din Chemical Engineering with Robert John David James
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Analytical Science Waleed Bin Ghaffar Industrial Experience Aaron Johal Postgraduate Diploma
Mona Hamoudeh Abbas Ishaq with Honours Leon Franklin Julius
At the Degree ceremony at 10am Jayandran S/O Jeya Chandran Eleanor Sarah Akers Emile Khan Actuarial Science
Professor Colin Hughes will Preside Komal Kshoni
Master of Science Seng Tuck Lam
Ahmed Al-aaraji Yik Hao Khoo Yijun Huo
Mrs Catherine Grills, will act as Registrar and Secretary Nathan Alford Chee Hui Hui Kiew
Advanced Chemical Engineering Miriam Lander
Professor Mike Sutcliffe will address the ceremony Wai Lum Lee Amiir Asri Tomasz Kucharek Pure Mathematics
Sichen Yu Matthew Latham
Graduands from the School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science will be presented by Katie-Anne Lee James Blair Shaheera Saumtally
Professor Mike Sutcliffe then Professor Peter Duck will address the ceremony Hsiang Terk Lee Jawad Bokhari Abdullah Mohammed Maghrabi
Biotechnology Yile Li Nurul Ain Binti Mohd Yakob
Graduands from the School of Mathematics will be presented by Professor Peter Duck Luke Bray Master of Mathematics
Jeremiah Terhemen Unum Johanna Malmgren Stephen James Bunn Yon Xiang Ng
Organist James Hume MusM
Ceire McGinley Hieu Minh Nguyen Mathematics
Mace Bearer Michael Gordon Edward Cardy
Chemical Engineering Qun Ming Jerrold Ong Lillian Wairimu Njoro with Honours
Muhammad Bin Ahsan Rathore Harry Connor
with Design Andreas Pafitis Georgina Alexis-Brown
At the Degree ceremony at 12.15pm Mathew T Richards Danielle Epstein
Viviane Alexandra Nkwawo Man Tak Pang Joshua Thomas Alston
Professor Colin Bailey will Preside Muhammad Mughees Sardar Joshua Finch
Samuel Roe David Anstay
Mr Steven Broom, will act as Registrar and Secretary Jacob Shelley Adam Found
Refinery Design and Operation Arya Sam Michael Auty
Aaron Ho Lam Suen Jacqui Greason
Professor Peter Duck will address the ceremony Jeti Sawatdipong Matthew Banks
Steven Enach James Wilcock
Graduands from the School of Mathematics will be presented by Professor Peter Duck Philip Hampson Guy Christopher Bannister
mohammed usman zaheer Amar Shabir
Organist James Hume MusM Andrew Herbert Lee Bawn
Advanced Chemical Process Design Shahneela Shehereen
James Peter Hill Jennifer May Clayton
Mace Bearer Colin Hart David Leng Chemical Engineering with Yick Xiang Siew
Biotechnology Yee Yin Lau Max Clinton
Kieren Smith
Samuel Marsh Adam Cooper
At the Degree ceremony at 2.30pm with Honours Min-Suk Song
Postgraduate Diploma Callum McConchie Andrei Cozma
Professor Colin Hughes will Preside Jonathan Barker Warit Sudsaengphan Michael Dennett
Ms Karen Varty, will act as Registrar and Secretary Advanced Process Design Michael Brown Priyan Mistry Adrian Lee Jun Tan Joseph Egan
Professor Jim Miles will address the ceremony for Energy Benjamin Doherty Mitesh Mistry Yat Wah Tsui Amy Field
Chukwuma Carl Ukegbu Ben Michael Dolman Calum Nicol Mohit Wadhwani
Graduands from the School of Computer Science will be presented by Professor Jim Miles Sara Fishwick
Fangyao Li Michael O'Connor Qian Wang Niall John Gorton
Organist Philip Lowe LTCL, RMN, FBS Chenhao Sun
Enviromental Process Design Yetunde Omolara Olaosun Winnie Wing-yee Wong Ellen Nicola Gregory
Mace Bearer Dean Kelly Carl Wright
Miguel Santos Shalini Pal Phavit Wongsirichot Sarah Louise Haggarty
Andres Palacios Bingyu Zhuo Matthew Higgins
At the Degree ceremony at 4.45pm Chemical Engineering with Peter Latham
Professor Chris Taylor will Preside
Postgraduate Certificate David Palmer Noor Saudah Binti Zulkfli
Chemical Engineering with Design Chemistry Dmitrijs Salaks Wayne Lee
Mrs Ursula Hayes, will act as Registrar and Secretary with Honours Runfei Luo
Nicolas Alexander Yap Siddharth Saluja Bachelor of Engineering
Professor Tony Brown will address the ceremony Andrejs Aleksandrovs Damien MacFarland
Toritseju Amorighoye Adam Mark Southgate
Graduands from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering will be presented by Fang Fang Chemical Engineering Sarah Louise Matkin
Oliver Daniel Summers Adam Miles
Professor Tony Brown Lydia Josephine Gaunt
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Jiaju Ma Gabriella Thomas Neil Cornally Usman Mohammed
Organist Philip Lowe LTCL, RMN, FBS Design Daniel Thompson Jamie George John
James Colin Mercer Daniel O'Brien
Mace Bearer Marian Pugh Kevin Monis Dijun Wu Christopher Jordan Wilkes Yi Yen Yen Lim Natasha Pavlovskis

44 45
Wednesday, 17 July 2013 Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Matthew Thomas Peddie Guannan Sun Andria Papakyriacou Mathematics with a Meixuan Li Master of Philosophy Computer Systems Engineering Cleanthis Evangelos Evangelos
Camilla Sammut-Powell Jason Tang Charlotte Parker Modern Language Luting Li Metaxas
Computer Science with Honours
Paul Tucker Kit Yee Kitty Wan Amy Parkes Zixiang Lin Mulemwa Muwana
with Honours David Edwards
Liam Thomas Wardle Sarah Elizabeth Weir Jasmin Rose Parr Xuheng Lu Petch Sajjacholapunt Ihuoma Chidinma Njoku
Rosa Blaus Thomas Preston
James William Webber Matthew Wong Kajal Patel Si Eon Park Josh Nolan
Sarah Calvert
Hannah Weedon Ho Yin Raphael Wong Azeemah Patrick Patel Aroshi Patel Paul Nunnerley
Emily Frances Dop-Hughes Master of Science Computer Systems Engineering
Anneliese Lucy West Tin Ian (Koey) Wong James Pearce Qifan Qiu Rajan Patel
Thomas Peacock
Rachel Elizabeth Wilkinson Tim Yeh Domna Pericleous Ella Claire Sibley Advanced Computer Science with Industrial Experience Miren Pau
Thomas David Withers Edward Perera Jianbo Song
Joon Pei Yew Rosemarie Perry Paul J Brabban with Honours Christopher William Pomeroy
Joanne Woodage Sarah Smith Peng Wang
Ruth Ellen Pintilie Serge Goma Alexandru-Gala Popescu
Audrey Tsz Yin Yau Mathematics Jinjing Qiu Jiaxing Wang Danyal Prout
Tom Zelenka Mathematics with Xiaoxi Wang Advanced Computer Science Horia Ivan
Aamir Ramzan Nazerke Rakhymbayeva
with Honours Business and Management Rudi Willner and Information Technologies
Sownia Ramzan Luke Rodgers
Mathematics and Statistics Sumila Akthar Yulin Wu Management Bachelor of Engineering
Jack Raymond Rotheram Antonios Saliba
Jack Andrew Rui Yang Paul Mathew
with Honours Lisa Rowlinson with Honours Dumitru-Alin Simoiu
Waqar Raja Arshad Chenhan Zhang Computer Systems Engineering
Lucy Jane Fletcher Emily Rowntree Mohammad Ali Ansari Jonathan Sykes
Emily Daisy Atkinson with Industrial Experience
Samantha McCouig Mark William Ryan Thomas Evans Advanced Computer Science Yasharth Tahiliani
Aydin Avkan Bachelor of Science with Honours
Michael Thomas Phillips Huw Joseph Salmon Qingqing Li with Specialisation in Philip Timmins
Manpreet Badyal Avishai Herz Dov Schechter
Mian Bilal Sattar Rachael Mcloughlin Advanced Web Technologies
daryl banks Mathematics Farkhat Tneyev
Mathematics with Michael Scally Gila Pine Valentin Hudhra Bachelor of Science
Alice Barnett Sitong Chen Bogdan Trofin
Financial Mathematics Elizabeth Jane Schulz Kaiwei Xiao
Robert Besford Yinan Ding Cemre Uludag
Rebecca Anne Scully Yanling Zhang Artificial Intelligence
with Honours Jonathan Blatchford Danielle Skuse Thomas Finch Advanced Computer Science Thomas Vassiliou
Bei Hu Nicole Elizabeth Boylan with Specialisation in Artificial with Honours Andreas Vlachou
Robert Stansfield Alexander Frederick Grant
William Booker Mathematics with Ben Skelton Intelligence Jack Duffy Artjoms Vohmincevs
Miranda Stavrakantonaki Financial Mathematics
Bachelor of Science Jimmy Bradbury Michael Gareth Price Alexander Wain
Leanne Storey Mohammed Muzher Ali Sharif
Emily Bragg with Honours Mathematics with Louis Quirke Zihao Wang
Adam Subhani
Mathematics Nathaniel Brown Kunal Chauhan Financial Mathematics Sean Wood
Hannah Sykes Advanced Computer Science
with Honours Nicola Anne Brush James David Taylor Saul Clarke Computer Science Rose Mary Woods
Mohammed Nadeem Akhtar with Specialisation in
Andrew Stuart Brown James Henry Bull Paul Toouli Olivia Kate Victoria Cliff
Kevin Cameron
Jing Xu Computer Security with Honours
John Raymond Clark Andreas Tsangaridis Yuekai Deng Computer Science and
George Christou Seyedmostafa Sadegh Mousavi Siever Ahmed Ali
Daniel Robinson Andrew Liam Turner Grace Dunning Mathematics with
Graham Joseph Stansfield Ivy Chui Mathematics with Finance Sandip Sengupta Revanth Raju Alluri
Adam Joseph Turner Holly Ellis Industrial Experience
Elina Constantinou Zijun Guo Dana Alpysbayeva
Matthew Vasey Xi Fan
Hannah Ruth Coram Digital Biology Nayan Ardeshana with Honours
Wednesday, 17 July Joshua Morgan Waterworth Dingchen Feng
Marios Aristides Ian Johnson
James Cowper Daniel Whittingham Miloslava Kucerikova Undergraduate Diploma Stephen James Gelling
12.15pm Joe Cowperthwaite Wenxin Lan Samuel James Bell Simon Jonathan Levy
Ian David Williams Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud
Alexander Simon Crampton Rui Li
Mathematics Mohammed Saud Binsabbar Bogdan Cristian Toader
School of Mathematics Amy Rebecca Williamson Ibrahim
Mikaela Dribe Truman Wright Hao Li Chara Constantinou Sonam Singhania Connor David Bray
Emma Fairclough Thomas Steven Young Boya Liu Mathematics with Finance Scott Brown Computer Science and
Bachelor of Science Helen Faulkner Hidayet Zaimaga Ha Giang Nguyen Hua Zhong Nicholas Burns Mathematics
Dominic Harwood Fenton
Postgraduate Diploma
Actuarial Science and Hui Zhu Christopher Michael Pigram Colin Michael Caine with Honours
William Foote Benjamin Alexander Ramsey Bachelor of Arts Advanced Computer Science Georgios Chairepetis
Mathematics Christopher Abebreseh
James Gallacher Andrew Rusbridge and Information Technologies Bogdan Ciuca
with Honours Mathematics and Management Economic and Social Studies Joanna Aberneithy
Laura Garbutt Saken Shaikhov Management Robert Clarke
Loraine Adhiambo Achar with Honours Reshma Begum
James Gardner Junfen Shao with Honours Jiang Cong
Mayuri Amin Edward Andrew Chuhao Wang Matthew James Berry
Setoor Gathani Enqing Shi Bakhtiyar Assanov Adam Cook
Maham Amjad Tessa McPhillips Natasha Birch
James Nathaniel Gill Abida Shultan
Richa Beenessreesingh Grainne Montague Advanced Computer Science James Couperthwaite Ryan Michael Goodwin
Tyler Gill Andria Sofroniou
Yining Cai Nhat Luong Nguyen with Specialisation in Peter James Craven Shyam Gorasia
Jessdeep Jordan Singh Gill Alex Charles Duncan Stewart Wednesday, 17 July 2.30pm
Victoria Cassie Antrea Odysseos Computer Security Benjamin Anthony Joseph Edwards Matthew Mullery
Lucy Graham Rachel Swallow
Lok Chi Gigi Chan Kushal Pandya School of Computer Science Faisal Khalil Jamie Mark Ellesmere Paresh Parekh
James Gross Xiaofu Tang
Ming Hay Chan Kristian Epps Edgars Sedols
Zowie Catherine Heap Yadi Wang
Shuangxiang Chen Mathematics and Philosophy Yong Jie Yong Foo
Rebecca Higginson Tianfang Wang Doctor of Philosophy Postgraduate Certificate
Wenjie Chen Georgi Dimitrov Gaydarov
David Hilditch with Honours Zidong Wei Bachelor of Science
Man Ling Cheung Adrian Albin-Clark Advanced Computer Science Michail-Angelos Georgiadis
Lauren Holden Charlotte Elizabeth Mcfarlan Haotian Wu
Wing Kee Victoria Cheung Muhammad Raza Ali Ziyad Gideir Computer Science and
Frances Louise Houldsworth Joseph Montgomery Ran Yan Colin Andrew Shaw
Ho-Kwan Chik Rebekah Carter Mathematics
Irodotos Iacovou Abigail Peters Kimberly Alisha Goldson
Pui Wah Choi Yiyi Zhang Sergio Davies
Zeeshaan Ishaq Matthew Sharp Jon Gosling Bhavin Shah
Cathal Devenish Xiuxiu Zhu Chiara Del Vescovo Advanced Computer Science
Ahmed Hamdi Darren Kam Hummayra Sheikh with Specialisation in Thomas Edgar Neil Heyes
Elmira Kanimova Martin Paul Fergie
Zishan Mohammed Iqbal Edmund Trueman Software Engineering Adam James Higginson Computer Science with
Mathematics with Martin-Thomas Grymel
Muhammad Salman Jawaheer Beth Kearns Ian Wallbridge Jonathan Houston Business and Management
Bridie Kelley
Financial Mathematics Nam Shik Han Eltamih Mohamed Elmahdi
Ka Ho Law Sahir Zubair Leonard Maurice Howe Browne
with Honours Herath Mudiyanselage Isuru with Honours
Kevin Sinhay Li Abdul Ghalib Khan Prasenajith Herath Andrew Hu
Matthew Buckley Computer Science Funmi Adewole
Guoneng Lian Christopher Leach Mathematics and Statistics Kashif Khan Craig Johnson
Jung Eun Lee Christopher Chan Sayyid Alam
Kavisen Mauree with Honours Anthony Kleerekoper Bamidele Ogunjumelo Joshua Kathrani Stefania Francesca Chaplin
Matthew McDonagh Xiaoyi Li John Ty Sze-Liang Chew
John Barratt Lu Mao Henry Kay Ionica Durchi
Nor Asyiqin Binti Mohamad Radzi Yuhao Liu Adam David Clayton Grace Ebong Mbipom
Alexandra Benett Digital Biology Frederick Kelly Stephen Mark Hall
Paul Murray Lee Livsey Yuji Gao Eleni Mikroyannidi
Bethany Claire Lawton Alan Leonard Sharp Andreas Kouroupides Elise Hein
Jerome Manfredt Namaseb Deborah Lowi Wei He Raheel Nawaz
Shiyang Li Lauren Marie Highton Trondur Kruse Nikolai Antonov Ivanov
yvette o'hanrahan Christothea Christia Mavronikola Geoffrey Ndu
Shiming Li Aizat Kussainov Magdalena Anna Kazmierczak
Adedolapo Omotayo Ososami Laoise McGarry
Marios Papamichail
Weichen Hu Kitisak Osathanunkul Master of Engineering
Niamh Mcmorrow Jekaterina Jermakova Joao Pedro Lacerda Rossen Ivanov Kuzmanov
Fuzel Patel Sacha Roe Eustace Painkras
Hannah Monk Longjie Jia Computer Science Stefan Lesnjakovic Tuan Anh Nguyen
Jaineil Patel Adam Pocock
Oyindamola Susannah Pedro James Alexander Mosedale Wenlong Jiang Thomas Sharp with Honours Thomas Michael Macpherson-Pope Georgios Onisiforou
Krishen Prajapat Jessica Charlotte Murphy Mathematics and Statistics Peng Jin Zixu Song Niall Beard Elin Malikzade Mitesh Patel
Talha Raja Mohammed Nahim (Finance) Yizhou Jin Richard Stapenhurst Agnimesh Gautam Malak Mammadli Amish Patel
Shane Kreshan Ramma Katy Newman with Honours Wing Yi Lam Hugh Paul Steele Jacobus Meulen Benjamin Marshall Tu Anh Pham
Mihir Shah Dominic O'Brien Georgina Francine Rae Wai Ka Lam Avraam Tapinos Nicholas Salisbury Richard Mervin Yizhi Qian
Patrick Sharkey Oyeniyi Mobolaji Philip Osilaja Benjamin Tse Ka Chun Andrew Leung Zheng Xie Lukasz Wisniewski Flavius Mester Dan-Andrei Ruse

46 47
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Computer Science with Software Engineering Master of Engineering Ismet Askin Electrical and
Business and Management, with Honours Adam Bennett Electronic Engineering with
Jawad Abbas Alsayegh Electrical and Mahir Binhajeb Industrial Experienc
with Industrial Experience
Meruyert Baikuatova Electronic Engineering Joseph Buckwell with Honours
with Honours
Maryam Aliyu Aliyu Dikko with Honours Oliver Calderbank Hassaan Afzal Minhas
Radu Asandei Istiaque Emu Ahmed
Luigi Riefolo Siying Chen
Oana Bradulet Stefan Bucur Xuanjun Chen
Erkki Lukk
Mechatronic Engineering
Software Engineering with Nicos Countas Stefanos Christou
Nikolay Migineishvili with Honours
Industrial Experience Marcus David Junaid Dar
Reneta Mileva Talib Muhammad Talib Alhinai
Roberto Fernandez Bautista Lin Ding
Laurentiu Alexandru Sterie with Honours Ali Iqbal Bajwa
Gohar Iqbal Xin Dong
Veselin Todorov Falah Hamidi Andrew Chien Loong Chua
Kevin Karikari Cuicai Dong
Iulia Ungureanu Petyo Pahunchev Christopher Eanor
Firdaus Khalid Mingyu Fan
Joshua Sassel Sari Ali Moh'd Sartawi
Faqeeh Mannan Xiaonan Feng
Pawel Tylczak Bhawani Singh Tomar
Computer Science with Hasan Master Chen Feng Nealesh Kuldip Ummur
Industrial Experience David Morris Giorgos Filippidis
Diploma in Higher Education
with Honours
Neha Nikhat
Kritonas Nikolaou
Iain William Fryer
Mechatronic Engineering with Degree Congregations
Dharshena Vijayakumar Liyong Ge
Nima Ara Nail Noel Industrial Experience
Giorgos Georgiou
Daniil Archipov
Qasim Ashraf
Karl Edmund Barker Wednesday, 17 July 4.45pm
Joseph Paul Northwood
Alvaro Novoa
Yue Guo
Shufeng Guo
with Honours
Pranav Gupta
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Efosa Charles Osakue Tamoor Haider
Tania Bhakta
School of Electrical and Muhamad Ramli Mohammed Jubair Jalil Bachelor of Engineering in the Whitworth Hall
Nicolae Caprarescu Qurat Ulain Mohammed Shakeel Jamil
Edmond Chhung Electronic Engineering Saqib Zahir Electrical and Order of Proceedings
Suman Sarita Jena Electronic Engineering
Stephanie Leigh Cook Ting Ji The Procession with enter the Hall in the following order
Richard Gale Doctor of Engineering Electrical and Electronic Yang Jin Nisal Aravinda Manthriratne
Laura Howarth-Kirke Arturs Sinakovs (The Congregation standing)
Engineering with Zhaoyang Jin
Marius Tudor Morar Miles Weston
Industrial Experience Griffith Daniel Jones Procession Leaders
Jonathan Alexander Norman Robert John Knight Members of Senate
with Honours Mehnaz Kamal Khan
Matthew Thomas Oakes Tudor Balan Talgat Khassanov Members of the Teaching and Administrative Staff
Atanas Nikolaev Radev Doctor of Philosophy Daniel Carlson Jeffrey Kipchumba Kosgey Wardens of Halls of Residence
Shahab Rostami Norhawati Binti Ahmad Jason David Lea Nursaule Kuzembayeva
Matthew Schofield Abdoul Kadiri Lalaye Stewards
Michalis Antoniou
Cosmin Spataru Edmond Diouf Electronic Systems Engineering Yalei Li The Presenters
Chester Steven Spyros Efthymiou Yunan Liao The Mace Bearer
with Honours Xue Liu
Ashley Robert Wallis Nsikak Edet Ekpenyong The Registrar and Secretary
Maria McKavanagh Huan Liu
Xueshi Zhang Sönke Andreas Engelken
Samuel McLaren Hechuan Liu
Dongyin Feng
Edward Albert Morris Nan Liu ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Computer Systems Engineering Ebtihal Gismalla Yousif
Sertunc Tuncel James Roberts Lodge
Weilin Huang
with Honours John Waymont Xiaomin Lu At the Degree ceremony at 10am
Peter Andrew James
Husain Mohammed Al Sinan Jidong Jin Jing Lu Professor Matt Lambon Ralph will Preside
Fahad Mohammed AlArifi Shahrir Rizal Rizal Bin Kasjoo Electronic Systems Engineering Xin Lv
with Industrial Experience Mrs Sarah Featherstone, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Abdullah Khalid Aldossary Xin Li Saadul Haque Mirza
Ikemesit Okon Ansa Rory Morris Professor Michael Luger will address the ceremony
Hang Li with Honours
Ainur Begalinova Juan Ma Stephen Joseph Alderman Muhamad Syafiq Nasurudin Graduands from the Manchester Business School will be presented by Professor Cathy Cassell
Junjie Chen Muammar Bin Mohamad Isa Joshua Kliment Zhaohua Pang Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA
Ayush Goel Mayahsa Mohammed Ali Abdul Hadi Martin Schuster Jun Qian Mace Bearer Alan Jones
Aizat Kamarudin Bin Muslim Cahyo Mustiko Okta Muvianto Jack Wakley Weichen Qian
Alexandru George Plopeanu Nurgiyatna Nurgiyatna Andrei Alexandru Romila At the Degree ceremony at 12.15pm
Oliver Kaan Onel Mechatronic Engineering Jahangir Saif
Professor Matt Lambon Ralph will Preside
Computing for Mathaios Panteli Vincent Nicholas Sequerah
with Honours Mrs Janine Ellis, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Business Applications Sarinya Pasakawee Shivam Sharma
Benjamin Chia Hon Quan
Jinsheng Peng Maroof Solkar Professor Michael Luger will address the ceremony
with Honours Michael Sean Crossland
Robin Preece Jia Song Graduands from the Manchester Business School will be presented by Professor Cathy Cassell
Adrish Hussain Fazil Hussain
Georgios George Spyridakis Tong Sun
Nikul Makhecha Chuckles Felicity Olufeagba Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA
Geoffrey Tse Yipeng Wang
Michael Christopher Pearce Tian Ji Teh Mace Bearer John Bromley
Peter Wall Yuge Wang
Yit Lin Yeow
Li Yang Xiangyu Wang
Muhammad Khairulazri Zulkipli At the Degree ceremony at 2.30pm
Computing for Qi Zhong Xiaoyu Wang
Business Applications Wenqian Zhu Dongmiao Wang Mr Tom Bloxham, Chancellor will Preside
with Industrial Experience Ni Zhu Bachelor of Engineering Yuxin Wu Mrs Alison Walker Twiste, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Communication Systems Bin Wu Professor Michael Luger will the address the ceremony
with Honours
Master of Philosophy Engineering Yulin Wu
Mohammed Yaseen Ali And then present Adam Umarji for the award of Oustanding Alumnus 2013
Jing Xiang
Umar Iqbal Electrical and with Honours Graduands from the Manchester Business School will be presented by Professor Cathy Cassell
Wei Xin
Hamid Jemei Electronic Engineering Hanyang Xu Organist Elin Rees MusM, LRSM
Faruk Roshid Yusuf Buhijji Ke Xu
Tadashi Hemmi Ahmed Marhoon Habib Mace Bearer Ray Walton
Guocong Xue
Internet Computing Meruyert Satimova Gen Yang
Master of Science Ali Jamil Ali Sultan Sultan Guotong Ye
with Honours Assylzhan Upasheva
Adam David Burton Electrical Power Jia Yu
Stephan Fifield Systems Engineering Yichi Zhang
Electrical and Chao Zhang
Damien Walsh Ning Pang Electronic Engineering Xuefei Zhang
Jagruti Pala
with Honours Lingxi Zhang
Internet Computing with Jian Zheng
Abeer Al Riyami
Industrial Experience Digital Image and Ibraheem Rashid Alrashid Yi Zheng
with Honours Signal Processing Hussain Alsaffar Luqi Zhou
Edouard Van Der Wielen Angeliki-Spyridoula Vlachostergiou Raikhan Amirova Jiashun Zhou

48 49
Thursday, 18 July 2013 Thursday, 18 July 2013

Thursday, 18 July 10am Shun Yuan, Andy Tham Bachelor of Science Management (Marketing) Doctor of Philosophy Information Systems: Operations, Project and Olivia Staite
Fraser Thomson
with Honours Cletus Agyenim-Boateng
Business IT Supply Chain Managment Linh Ta Tuan
Manchester Business School Elizabeth Usher Management Irfan Timol
(Accounting and Finance) Leona Adesanya Mansoor Ahmad Delong Meng Adebimpe Wuraola Adebanjo
Natasha Louise Walsh Joharah Ibrahim Al-Mojel Sakeena Zahidah Mohamed Shah Kirti Vasta
Matus Miklas Alya Alchibani Alnahlawi
Victoria Alice Willocks Redza Ivet Vuchkova
Bachelor of Science Edward Allinson Amal Alrayes Information Systems:
Jonathan Wootton Ons Faisal Al-Shamaileh Organisations and Jake Wilmot-Sitwell
Abigail Brooks
Management Yi Xiao Management Bahar Ashnai Quantitative Finance Viktoria Radoslavova Zlateva
Emily Jane Brotherwood Management
Jiaqi Xie (Decision Science) Aisha Butti Bin Bishr (Risk Management)
with Honours William Burton Tolegen Tulepbergenov
Wang Yang with Honours Ke Chen Amirabdollah Ebrahim Ghafouri Bachelor of Arts
Lujean Ahmad Marcus Campbell Shreya Varma
Zhenliang Yi Jie Lu Emma Bethan Carr Leonie Dendler International Business,
Shazada Saddique Ahmed Postgraduate Certificate
Jaemi Yu Christopher George Williamson Erwin Guillermo Hansen Silva
Oliver Allen-Rogers Danielle Carr Finance and Economics
Yulian Zhang Ben Davies Balkis Haris Innovation Management Healthcare Governance
Lucy Andrew-Willis Yunying Zhou Management Thomas Hiebaum and Entrepreneurship Hui Cai
Harry Appleyard Lilia Plamenova Dikova Steph Jane Neville
(Human Resources) Jake Dipple
Tuan Quoc Ho Fenghang Lin
Taylor Atkinson Yifan Jiang Management and
Bachelor of Science with Honours Killian Michael Doherty Markos Loizides
International Business and Information Systems
Vinita Beri Florence May Applegate Sahar Karimi
Nicoleta Dumitru Management
Adarsh Bhagat Management Hannah Bridge Evgeny Klochikhin with Honours
Sarah Emily Felce Yong Woong Lee
International Business
Harry Booth Deborah Boyewa Joanne Cooper Jiapei Zhu Stephanie Roa Pineros
Joswin Dominic Fernandes Chu Yeong Lim
and Management
Sophie Bracegirdle Harshita Jain Sara Louise Crawford Kabir Singh
Clifford Fleming Liwei Liu Evelina Johanna Persson
Sarah Brearley Varun Maheswari Rebecca Katie Green Information Systems: Harmeet Virk
Frederick Gerrard Andreas Mebert Organisations and
James Brunsdon Rachit Poddar Robyn Hall Elena-Diana Zemlicof
Georgia Hunt Nor Zalina Binti Mohamad Yusof Management Management
Dana Burambayeva Ana Maria Purcaroiu Nadira Lalmohamed
Adam Michael Longworth Vedika Jaiswal Emi Moriuchi Deepa Chandaar Sundaravadhanan
Yasir Ali
Ye Rim Cha
Mazvydas Macys Mehnaaz Samantha Kamal Pantharak Phookpan Kalaivani Bachelor of Science
Xu Huang
William Henry Challoner Management Alice Kelly Noemi Sinkovics
Mandeep Uppal Accounting
Lok Yin Abby Melisa Odessa Chan (Accounting and Finance) Xinyu Yang Eunice Si-Ning Lau Noor Adwa Binti Sulaiman International Commercial and
Yixing Chen
Managerial Psychology with Honours
with Honours Xixi Yu Siqi Li Daniel Tischer Contract Management
Benjamin George Cowie Miao Zeng Xinqi Liu Tianna Yang Parveen Khalid Neophytos Apostolou
Ahmad Alhamadi Hussam Abu Irshaid
Shiv Dhawan Eman Almaimani Jacquelyn Mackenzie Cheng Zeng Bruno Arzur Graham Paul Bowen
Michael Doherty Ioana Alexandra Brezan Management Chloe Marchant Marketing (International) Patricia Blandin Amanda Teresa De Assis Chim
Dominic Eccles Chitsimran Kaur Chadha (International Business Lucy Mulligan Master of Business Mukesh Puliani Philippe Carniel Panayiota Demetriades
Georgia Everitt Qiongwen Chang Economics) Yexin Niu Kynat Raza Craig Dodds Agate Dombrovska
Global Business Analysis Bernard C. A. Gauvain Tingting Fan
Katie Ganly Nicole Cheung with Honours Nuur Haziqah Nabilah Noor Hadi
Robert Nuttall Hazrul Imran Bin Azahar Marketing Lyne Guindon Sara Fetiha
Alexander Glanville-Wallis Adam John Clitheroe Mursalin Ahmad
Anuusha Pariyada Huizi Ye David Stanley Harrop Selina Ha
Eng Khye Goh Zhaowei Deng Rizwan Ali Solomos Solomou
Shah Ali Katerina Popova Anne Joly Terry Stephen Hammond
Heejun Goo Adam Denny Pei-Shan Wu
Aisha Anwar Jan-David Schreitter-Schwarzenfeld Master of Enterprise Siyue Wang Jane Patricia Kerr Jennifer Mary Haworth
Teofana Grecea Ekaterina Deryabina
Annalise Baker Emmanuelle Malidor Jialing He
Jieqiong Gu Duo Feng Harry William Snow Environment and Development
Christopher Baker-Sams Pierre Marfisi
Pavel Gheorghelas Hannah Stables Operations, Project and Jonathan Robert Hughes
Mingcan Guo Jaspreet Singh Nyotta Christoph Montanus
Siyu Gou Thomas Edward Brown Mary Tran Supply Chain Managment Amjad Hussain
Henry Hitchcox Kyu Shik Choi Fabrizio Pampalone
Matthew Greenwell Yuan Wang Khan Muhammad Saqiful Alam Bernard Piquet Bansari Kamdar
Yanya Huang Thomas Durrant Business
Hongxue Hu Shiyu Yang Sourav Jha Olivier Rea Sher Mohammad Ibrahim Khan
Azaan Ali Jahangir Nateesha Grewal Derek De Filippo
Dong Huang Xiao Yu Nicole Yap Anas Zaeem Blake John Stevens Sae Ol Lim
Lu Jiang Alexander Evstatiev Gyurov Robert Martin
Bi Jin Chieh-Yin Yeh Suzanne Jayne Stratton Yang Liu
Alexandra Jobson Guanhua Hu
Yoon-Young Jung Elson Shifeng Yeo Quantitative Finance Terence John Wiseman Chenjia Ouyang
Chul Woo Jung Changxiang Huang
Audrey Judith Katz Renate Huijbregts Wei Zhang Master of Science (Risk Management) Yijun Pan
Kyunghwan Kim Ji Young Kim Leadership and Service Amelia Pearson
Anders Isberg Accounting and Finance Jian Yu
Yi Ji Kim Ping Hei Lam Improvement Tri Phan
James Kirk
Hiu Hung Lam Bachelor of Science Eleni Daskalaki
Jiali Li Tze Kwan Amy Lee Laura Mei Haddrell Prawira Rudini Saldin
Ashita Kundra Meng Li Management (Marketing) Shuchen Fan Postgraduate Diploma Wenwen Shan
Tsz Ching Leung Orla Reddington
Benjamin Las Jingru Lin Huiyi Li Nicholas Hurley Accounting and Finance Andrew John Simner
Yen Hui, Kendrick Lee Shiya Lin Jing Lu Commercial Management Organisational Psychology Michaela Spiller
Lakshmi Budanoor Shivarama
Sophie Leigh-Jones Jason Lo Hannah Macken Management Jayne Helen Cuff Darshini T Kanagarajah
Peter Darwin
Andrew Lovie Chantelle Rose-Ann Marie Lovell Josh Mcnally Charlotte Alexandra Eldridge Robert Matthew Edward Vaisey
(Operations and Technology) Enterprise Managment
Jonathan Lyons Meiwen Lu Marcin Michalski Paul Craig Sanderson Carl Allan Vernon
Yating Lu Ta'Shana-Lee Patrick with Honours Greg Black Bachelor of Arts
Omar Malas Yan Wang
Mingtao Luo Daniel Patrick Charles Pearce Habib Elahi Corporate Communications Richard Britton
Charlene Alice Louise McArdle International Business, Shiqi Wang
Mads Pedersen Vlad Pasconi and Reputation Management Stephen Cockerell
Kirsty Mcloughlin Ionut Cosmin Luzinschi Finance and Economics Rui Wang
Hannah Sadler Christopher Martin Cooling
Ngamanya Mhone Haocheng Miao Joan Alupo with Honours Danlin Wang
Prina Shah Matthew Liam Garlick
Petar Minchev Radhika Muralya Certificate of Jonathan Paul Manning Ralica Dimitrova Barova Charles Whitaker
James Thompson
Lucy Mulchinock Zhonglun Nie
Carolien Toor
Higher Education Finance Philip Michael Platt Harry Lal Chainani Emma Wilkinson
Yan Wen Pan Wanjin Choi Liang Yan
Duc Phong Nguyen Zlatina Tsaneva Management Zhen Wu
Dae Hee Park Sachit Varma Jasmin Dotzek Yu Yang
Chong Niu Finance and Economics
Dongmei Peng Bogdan Cristian Vasile Guang Yu He Razvan-David Dumitrascu Yang Zhou
Grace Pearson Finance and Business Deepinder Singh Dhillon Anton Georgiev
Simona Pukanova Matthew James Viner
Waris Qadir Economics Anh Dieu Ho
Safeena Rahail Rashid Ting Xu Thursday, 18 July 12.15pm
Mohammad Syafiq Bin Rasiman Ahmed Saleem Maryam Mohamed Saleh Abdulla Innovation Management Stian Kin Wai Jonsgard Bachelor of Science
Konglin Zheng
Alexander Renshaw Manchester Business School Kameshki and Entrepreneurship Geon Woong Kim
Faten Shabeeb Accounting
Kunaal Rochlani Soo Kiat Ter Shivani Agarwal Christien Lee
Management Azmir Hisyam Ahmad
Lim Rui-Jian Wilmer Natphawit Wikromchattarakhup Healthcare Management Chan Wei Li
(International Studies) Doctor of Business Antonina Litvinenko
Kartik Sardana Ching In Sabine Wong Ying Fan International Business
Dhiaan Shakthi Srinivasan
with Honours Administration Jesse Demar James Huong Thi Thu Mai Accounting, Management
Zewei Wu James Edward Bolding and Management Keke Pang
Sunit Sheth Wenxia Yin Kerry Claire Jenkins Tolulope Ojo and Information Systems
Pak Wing,Shirley Chan Iman Kamarudin Jin Young Park
Purvi Shroff Zhiyong Zeng Christian Davidson Li Kazuyuki Marukawa Anton Revega with Honours
Ondrej Sladecek Wan Zhang Shany Salem Andrew Mitchell Human Resource Management Nuclear Science and Menhel Saleh Mengying Cao
Bongeun Son Weiyi Zheng Andrew Taylor Natawat Saigosoom and Industrial Relations Technology Scott Silver Oliver Joshua Allen Kay
Roberta Staden Leila Chloe Rita Zoeftig Alina Terskykh Sylvana Clare Storey Namrata Ahuja Christopher Wallace Ashwin Sinha Joanne Simm

50 51
Thursday, 18 July 2013 Thursday, 18 July 2013

Information Technology Ivana Slavkova Nicholas Strong Fletcher Hideaki Doda Anthony Ademuyiwa Adedipe Mark Richard Januszewski Esam Omar Sherbini Manchester Global MBA
Management for Business Mantas Stoncius Thomas Christopher Gallop OMID FAKHRAEI Adedotun Bankole Adeyemi Navabalachandran S/O Jayabalan Sunil Kumar Singh (Engineering)
Rugile Stonyte James Gregory Kevin Scott Fuller Sarfaraz Ahmed Chng Jhuning Maritess Cruz Sobejana
with Honours Syed Bilal Gilani
Barbara Agnieszka Szwarc Zahra Haider Rajen Ghosh Olubukola Abidemi Akintade Goh Jia Lin Tan Soh Yuen Jasmine
Gaukhar Asrepova
Kim Chuang Teo Lana Hill Rachit Grover Veronica Tokunbo Akioya Ashish Joshi Shilpa Srinivas
Carla Louise Brierley Manchester Global MBA
Radu Trandafir Can Liu Erbei Guan Yuriy Aleksandrovskiy Li Jun Nekeisha Natalie Stevens
Anne-Marie Donaghy (Finance) (Accelerated)
Ilinca Vlad Joshua Michael McGuire Zulfiquer Ali Haider Sameera Al-Qenna Chen Junrong Justin James Robert Stroud
Alex Fraser
Min Wang Kirsten Anne Pettigrew Adrian Yu Chien Hoi Oladiran Olubukola Amao Yuen Ka Chun Samuel Fei Sun Ling Boon Hui
Stephanie Tinashe Garwe
Tianyi Wang James Rendall Sonoko Igarashi Zeeshan Arif Lei Ka Veng Yousuf Surmust Chan Chee Wai Tommy
James Ghafoor
Matthew Wardlaw Chloe Swycher Kyoji Iwadate Ayman Mostafa El Sebaey Assal Chibwe Kabende Low Sweet Ling Ng Gnee Seng
Wilma Wadzanai Gombedza
Matthew Wimpenny Michael Tomlinson Aidan Johnston Oludare Emmanuel Atoki Homam Mohamad Samy Kannout Monesh Talreja
Thomas Grice Foo Jit Hwee
Tayyibah Zafar Michael Thomas Walker Akshay Joshi Prince Ifeanyinachukwu Azubuike Lee Kar Keung Alan Sarath Raj Thaiveettil Rajiv
Hayder Hafid Chay Kin Mun Gavin
Ying Zhou Liam Nicholas Whitehouse Akiko Kasuga Akintoye Oluyemi Babalola Siraj Kattampallil Ismail Doan Phong Tony Tran
Thomas Hearsum Sanjiv Malhotra
Ali Riza Kerimoglu Kyoung Duck Bae Joel Mukui Kavyu Paul John Traynor
Daniel Hemingway Yeo Poh Hoon Catherine
Riya Rajput
Bachelor of Science Management (Innovation, Saif Khan Alireza Bagheri Hiu Kee Yan Nelson Cheuk Bun Tsang
W.R.A. Charindra Lakshitha
Sustainability and Rishabh Khurana Nareshkumar Balakrishnan Lam Kenny Ka Yee Liong Tuck Hoong
Ruiheng Ruan International Business, Luiz Cláudio Koerich Amarjit Balebil Singh Ranasingha
Entrepreneurship) Hoo Kia Wei Simon Peter Alfred Twivey
Sheenal Shah Finance and Economics Karan Krishnamurthy David Samuel Ross Barker Vishal Sachdeva
Vlada Kubagusheva Tang Tze Chin
Manjeet Singh with Honours Aditya Kumar Lecia Patrice Battick Devata Sai Venakata Subbarau
Thomas Smith Kah Wai Andrew Kum Faith Emmanuella Olamide Vincent-
Adam Skinner Tom Hinchliffe Nozomi Kurino Ganesh Kumar Baunthiyal Yang Shune Chiang Sean
Ashish Kumar Odje
Max Taylor Thomson Anton Pavlov Li Li Yeoh Bee Heng Lew Woon Wei
International Management Wong Kuo Fong Kenneth Manju Vinod
Humza Yusuf Lukasz Posnik Alejandro Lopez Escalera Herrera Ashok Kumar Gopaldas Bhadra Tan Yeong Lih
Chee Wai Lam Tien Wai Meng Alvin
with Honours Vladimir Serchenya Nor Adina Binti Mahadi Sugeeta R. Bhanoo Seock Young Crystal Lee Teng Wee Yeh
Bachelor of Science Amina Alaguzova Zimou Xu Monish Malik William Bernard Brady Hyosoo Lee Chamanthi Mangala Wehellage MBA (Accelerated)
Oliver James Barratt Ivan Eduardo Mendoza Morinaga James Breeze
Information Technology Andrew Bayliss
Le ALBERT Li Norval Adam Sylvester West for Financial Specialists
Bachelor of Science Edith Mitschnigg Marie-Pierre Buron Lanfang Li Kenneth Gustaaf Willems and Managers
Management for Business Francesca Belletty Torben Muller Patrick Cawley
Management (Innovation, Lara May Liebenberg William Jonathan Wilson
Raquel Louise Riley-Mckenzie Kyle Daniel McAuliffe Booysens João Carlos Neto Mendes Borga Ziad Chaba
Sustainability and Eu Jin Liew Xiaoyun Lillian Xu Bintu Adamu
Sarah Brown Joshua Wade Newell Youssef Riad Chahla
Entrepreneurship) Tsui Hsien Angie Lim Lee XunJian Kenneth Mohiuddin Ahmed
Stuart Howard James Coombe Tam Minh Nguyen Sin Man Astor Chan
Information Technology Yujuan Luo An Yang Ajith Mahinda Akmeemana
Thomas Joseph Cresswell Ruanchen Wang Maria Del Pilar Ocampo Moreno Chi Ping Chan
Management for Business with Stéphane Luthi Chen Yanqiong Gayle Ang Ru Ching
Sajni Durve Andre Ocuno Wei Chen
Industrial Experience Michael Norman Maragh Chin Yew Ru Donald S. Burns
Damian Foppa
with Honours Ivan Nikolaev Galabov
Thursday, 18 July 2.30pm Indah Oktiningtyas Man Biu Cheng Ganesh Marimuthu Wong Yik Lynn Lynette Chung Wai Chai
Hermes Eduardo Peraza Rodriguez King Berry Cheung Papa Makhtar Mbaye Tan Yin Kait
Thomas Anderson Stuart Heath Cherline Sue-Ann Charlery-Payne
Rachael Cass
Manchester Business School Paul Richard Phillips Andrew Lubuta Chibuye Martin Andrew Livingston McGinty Lee Ying Heng
David John Richard Jenkins Christopher Pillar Liew Chin Wei Stephanie Huin
Fred Esere Mr Tom Bloxham will address Nina Mian Terrence Yong Wai Kian
Wing-Sie Kam Pavitra Piyasoontrawong Wong Ching Hsia Panos Ioannis Kourouyiannis
Daniel James Howes the ceremony then Professor Theocharis Minadakis Dandan Zheng
Achilleas Kolonas Suze Pluviose Feroz Ahmed Choudhury Gareth John Lea
Jessica Jean Morris Mike Luger will present Fung Ming Tak Rong Zhou
Laura Louise Kopelciw Carmen Eleana Polo y La Borda Nadeem Ahmed Chowdhari Alan Little
Tim Skelley Adam Umarji for the award of Mohd Kamal Bin Misdar Zhou Zhou
Rebecca Leddy Cavero Tan Chuan Chew Siew Peng Rosalind Nah
Lauren Warburton Oustanding Alumnus 2013 Chinyama Rest Miyoba
Charlotte Manojlovic Gaurav Prasad Hui Chun Ho Eric Warren Ying Min Ng
Abigail Jayne Watling Adam Umarji will then address Mohd Zulkhairis Mohd Zain Global Master of
Joseph David Mathias Luis Miguel Rangel Sánchez Michael John Coker Kenneth Uchechi Obodo
the ceremony. Donovan Ashley Moore Business Administration
Kaveesha Guththika Mirissa Galbocke Neil Ratcliffe James Daniel Cooke Kazeem Olanrewaju Olowolaju
Hewage David William Moulder
International Business, Anjali Ray Li Da Ayodele Marvin Oni
Yuen Sum Ng Anthony Kituyi Mulisa Nanayakkara Igala Arachchige Thusith
Finance and Economics Master of Business Andrew Roberts Joseph Demian Kanishka Perera
Mared Rhys Owen Robert James Munro
with Honours Taner Soner Sahin Chetan Deshmukh Manchester Global MBA
Tomos James Pattinson Administration Anup Sasidharan
Udochidirim Chidozirim Muogilim Adesola Modupe Towobola Sotande-
Aron Adler Guofeng Duan Hanna Nassif Peters
Diana Raicu Shu Sato Mistry Adil Jimmy
Edward Patrick Allison Full Time MBA Programme Chew Ee Koon Eddie St. Iyke Maxwell Ndubuisi Oleg Zabolotsky
Arthur Richier Vishal Satish Shah Wassim Adlouni
Nipun Bansal Mohamed Abdalla Ahmed Refaat Mohamed EL Anuli Sylvia Ndubuisi Ashraf A Ziedan
Philippe Schuler Nidhi Sheoran Gharbawi Mohammad Hidayath Ali Ghazi
Alexandru Cretu Juan Carlos Acosta Gonzalez Yasuhiro Niihara Jane Buckingham
Victoria Seymour Stathopoulou Priyanka Nutan Shroff Tamer Fayez El-Gendy
Gareth John Davies Sana Aftab Nnamdi Ifeanyi Nwizu Simona Laura Ciurea MBA (Full) for Financial
Jack George Steele Jai Kishan Somasekharan Yasser Abdelwahab Ahmed Elkhouly
Georgi Dodov Shaurya Aggarwal Justice Anawomah Obeng Justin Nikolas Bentley Frank Specialists and Managers
Bianca Anna Strasser Vassil Stamenov Paul Robert Emmitt
Alexander Dowie Akshay Agrawal Michael Chukwudi Ogazi Adebayo Akeem Ganiyu
Keshvi Thakrar Alexander Stupnikov Lim Eng Lee George Abedrabbo
Alexander Wynne Dryden Malik Mehindi Ajani Jr Ibrahim Olakunle Ojekunle Amer Hajj-Chehade
Petre Andrei Voicu Patuan Logon Suprayogi Lua Eng Sin Narendra Adinugraha
Yitong Fan Uzayr Ali Akinbami Ikeoluwapo Ololade Dilshad Husain
Alicia Dallas Waite Chia-Yi Tai Oluwafolakemi Arike Fadahunsi Mohammed Rafidz Ahmed Rasiddi
Kris Gower Mohamed Aloui Adedoyin Adeola Olubunmi Laura Johnston
Jennifer Ann White Koranat Tangpanitanon Ayobamidele Olanrewaju Fadairo Chuks Henry Ajunwa
Stefan Greer Basit Altaf Orimolade Oluwaseun Weni-Weni Wa-a Kabota-Chona
Andrew Michael Whiteside David Tanuwijaya Abdulraheem Oladipupo Fahm Judith Nadine Anderson
Kitija Grosbaha Masaki Ando Victoria Chinyere Onuoha Chinyere Al Imran Hossain Khan
Wing Ki Wong Tanat Tirasuntornwong Leung Fei Wa
Marcus Hellman Veerachai Asawinchaichote Adesegun Orakayode Orafidiya HyungSuk Lee To Sheuk Han Audrey
Todor Ognianov Zlatev Maanas Varun Donnalee Patrice Findlay
Ei May Htaik Aman Ahmed Ashrafi Lubomir Osusky Ahmad Bilal Lodhi Nelly Ashinedu Azubuike
Andrey Vayner Tan Gat Khee
Joseph Henry Humphries Varun Atri Hao Pang Srinath Mani Francesco Ceravolo
International Management Mario Eduardo Velasquez Menendez Andrea Ann-Marie Gordon
Venelin Dimitrov Kabakchiev Sharon May Sze Aw Jyanthi Pattis Carla Maroun Wai Man Cheung
with American Business Varun Verdhan Richard Gunawan
Hong Liang Srinivasan Baashkaran Chia Pei Yen Anthony Masciarelli Ho Chiew Loon
Studies James Whitaker Tan Guong Khim Alice
Hien Minh Luu Abigail Blake Hewadeerage Sampath Bhagya Alan McFadden Goh Choon Tiong
Gareth Wilson Lu Haidong
Naveer Mattu with Honours Jacques Boudakian Gunarathne Perera Gerald Vincent Ebenezer
Yingqun Wu Ahmed El-Sayed Ahmed Tawfik Saifulmazli Mohd-Said
Oliver Mclintock James Al-Saffar Miguel Angel Calle Torres Hammad Lovyshia Pillai Marian Cassandra Edwards
Huachen Xu James William Masterson Murray
Dimitar Mitev Akshay Bansal Jose Antonio Cano Chambonnet David Hancock Zheng Ping Tamer Mohamed El Gohary
Naruhisa Yamada Janet Lesley Nickley
Shamik Morjaria James Barrie Juan Alvaro Castillo Diaz Wong Chi Hang Garry Charles Pryor Hisham Fouad Aly El-Ezaby
Ikki Yamamoto Adeyemi Oladapo Osuntogun
Abdul Hamid Muchlis Thomas Bedworth Sumitra Chaiworakitnan Syed Navaidul Hasan Aditya Purandare
Jianhui Yang Tatjana Pejchinovska Amin Ousama El-Kholy
Elzbieta Nevoina Adam Boespflug Charul Chandra Yanny Mohamed Mahmoud Hemida Gemaia Meenakshi Rajamani Rafeek Samaan Rosemarie Denise Gilbourne
Adriana Silvia Obreja Joanna Boyd Shemanti Chatterjee Qiong Zhang Tan Hock Heng Ron Steven Anthony Ramsay
Harjit Singh Sandhu Leung Ha Wai Edwin
Aarti Patel Ben Bradford Yen-Chuan Chen Hongwei Zhao Yew Hock Siong Jaime Laura Rosario
Dinesh Jivanand Sharma Dwight Isaac Hamilton
Ajay Patel Jade Brodie Hung-Chun Cheng Jun Jun Huang Eyad Khaled Sabbagh
Ian Storer Kathrin Hankel
Jacob Harry Pickup Moritz Maximillian Bromley Shao-Chi Cheng Chua Hwee Wong Sarimah Binte Salamon
Master of Business Hitesh Kanubhai Thakkar Richard Simon Hughes
Rahul Raj Prasad Holly Brooke Frederick Cheung Agbolahan Abolaji Idowu Katrin Schau
Administration Xenofon Varidakis Valentin Juhasz
Razvan-Nicolae Rapa Damaris Brown Anthony Andrew Clark-Jones Muhammad Hasan Muhammad Garry Frederick Scoble
Paula Diana Zietsman Kan Ka Wing
Luke Daniel Read Molly Byrne Anand Claudius Peter Hussein Abdel Maksoud Ahmed El Iftikhar Wang Se
Kinga Wiktoria Roszkowska Christopher Culligan Juan Pablo Cortes Valenzuela Ouby Sabinus Bob Igwe Tan Seng Yap Martin Keil
Ithichai Saengcharoentrakul Harry Dewhirst Marco Antonio Damian Carbajal Tarek Essameldin Abdelaal Jared Paul Ireland Usama Shaharyar Manchester Global MBA Ong Keng Loon Paul
Andrew Scanlon Michael Doake Rafael De Andrade Castelo Branco Muhammad Zamir bin Abdul Rashid Safa Mohammed Ismail Aamir Ali Shan (Accelerated) Mohammed Amer Khan
Michael Scott Roya Eftekhari-Tehrani Rohan Sujitkumar Dey Rafizah Binte Abdul Razak Prajoe Thomas Jacob Lai Sheau Wei Ghaith Raju Fayez Salim Uddin Khan
Georgi Krasimirov Shopov Elena-Maria Enotiades Santhosh Kumar Divakar Hashim Ali Hashim Abuelgasim Calvin Jacob Timothy James Shelton Basaveshwara Mahadevaiah Aileen Laemonta

52 53
Thursday, 18 July 2013

David Lee Tien Su Simon George Turner

Chua Lin Yew Naoyuki Ubayama The 2013 Alumni Association Award
Chau Lok Yuen Amy Pannirselvam Velu
Orville St. Aubyn Marshall
Lisa Florence O'Connor
Sandeep Jude Vincent
Gary O'Neil Walters
Outstanding Alumnus
Maizene Serena Porter
Hayat Rahmoune
Oliver Jonathan William Redrup
Tay Yen Pei
Chun Kei Jacky Yu Adam Umarji
Mohamed Shareef MBA for KPMG Outstanding Alumni Awards are presented each year by The University of
Nordialee Nicole Stewart
Matthew John Lewtas Manchester Alumni Association to former students who have achieved
Hiu Yeung Daniel Tang
Michelle Tay Shuling Amir Manzoor distinction in their field or have brought honour to the University through
Joanna Paula Taylor their outstanding achievements.
Ong Hwee Teng Part Time Exec. MBA
Adam Umarji and his brother Imtiaz came to Bolton as political refugees
Esther Testorelli Steven Wilkinson
Tracy Ann Thomas - Wright following the coup of 1977 in Seychelles. They established General Traffic,
Chioma Miriam Udofia
Cheung Wai Ip Marcus
Postgraduate Diploma
which started business in Farnworth in 1983 and has now expanded into
one of the largest stockists of automotive parts in the North West with
Degree Congregations
Soo Wai-Keng Business Administration 18 regional branches servicing garages all over Lancashire, Cheshire and
Martin Wenzel
Maria Andrea Williams-Irving
David Adelaja
Justin Amase
Staffordshire, employing over 300 people. In January 2013 the company
created a number of new jobs by opening three greenfield branches in
Friday, 19 July 2013
Gbemisola Kemi Aruwayo-Obe Manchester, Ellesmere Port and Birkenhead.
MBA (Full) with Institute Vaibhav Bhatnagar
in the Whitworth Hall
of Bankers in Ireland Nenya Blay In addition to his success as an entrepreneur, Adam is well known for his
Paolo Michele Faraone Sze Man Amanda Bok commitment to giving back to the community. One example of his charitable Order of Proceedings
Neil Richard Bradley involvement is his support for Essa Academy in Bolton. Essa Academy has The Procession with enter the Hall in the following order
MBA for Construction Tat Wei Freddy Chan been a remarkable success and is now rated in the top three secondary (The Congregation standing)
Executives (MBS Worldwide) Yuk Ha Carol Cheung schools in Bolton. Through General Traffic, Adam is very generously Procession Leaders
Andrew On Ki Cheung supporting the Manchester Business School building project. A lecture
Nitesh Gangaramani Members of Senate
Anthony Richard Harris Majid D. Dajani theatre in MBS East has been renamed the General Traffic Lecture Theatre in
Mohd Danil Daud Members of the Teaching and Administrative Staff
Ndingililo Doreen Hobona recognition of the company’s support.
Brian Matthew Kelly Alexis De la Fuente Wardens of Halls of Residence
Hareesh Kumar Parakkat Chalil Keng Yew Goh Adam recognises that the skills he learned as part of his MBA Stewards
Oluchi Olayinka Uduku Gurpreet Gujral Entrepreneurship programme helped shape the strategy and growth
Philip Hall The Presenters
Dan Walter Van Rooyen of his business.
Shing Sum Wong Jessica Kami Higgs The Mace Bearer
Chuen Yan Ricky Hung The Registrar and Secretary
Arun Indurti
MBA for Engineering
Piyush Jain
Business Managers ~~~~~~~~~~~~
David Maurice Jenkins
Segun Abati-Sobulo Raigul B Jetpissova
Nabeel Dhifallah Algoufi Vincent Koh At the Degree ceremony at 10am
Michael Peter Kudzo Anato-Dumelo Freddie Tai Kheng Koh Professor Rod Coombs will Preside
Chee-Liang Ang Arnold Kpogho Mrs Lucy Crompton, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Farwah Baig Arvind Lakshmanarao
Roger Georges Bassil Professor Rachel Calam will address the ceremony
Zeke Zeke Lan
Sanjay Krishnath Bhise E Chang Sean Lim
Graduands from the School of Psychological Sciences will be presented by Dr Lee Wickham
John Anthony Campbell Foy Cheong Martin Loh Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA
Chan Chui Yan Trina Diego Lopez Mace Bearer John Shiels
Rami (M.I) I. Dweik Roland Mader
Adrian William Grange Felicidad Sta Maria Meneses At the Degree ceremony at 12.15pm
Lit Hok Ming Harry Francis Mohammed
Zhao Jie Professor Nalin Thakker will Preside
Narasimha Murthy BSR
Vinit Ganesh Khanolkar Mrs Anna Reeder, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Boon Kok Kevin Ng
Hussein Khatoun Michael Olusola Ojowa Dr Anthony Mellor will address the ceremony
Paramanandan Koseelan Graduands from the School of Dentistry will be presented by Dr Anthony Mellor
Effiong Okokon
Sathish K. P Kumar
Adedipo Olagbegi Professor Kevin Munro will address the ceremony
Chi Wing Lee
Timo Palenius Graduands from the School of Psychological Sciences will be presented by Ms Fiona Kevan
Anina Mendez
Ashish Parnami
Swithurn Mwenifumbo Organist James Garratt MA, PhD, ARCM, FHEA
Christopher John Pugh
Aras Namvari Mace Bearer Vera Robertson
Naresh R.Neelakandan
Wee Lee Ng
Jorge Diaz Ramirez
Robert John Noden At the Degree ceremony at 2.30pm
Chau Wen Sai
Kevin Oelofse
Sajeeth Sidharthan Professor Richard Reece will Preside
Rizman Othman
Catherine Stretch Mrs Anna Reeder, will act as Registrar and Secretary
Brijesh Vasudevan Pillai
Ka Li Carie Tong
Wong Po Leung Professor Kay Marshall will address the ceremony
Uma Devi Raghavan Christopher Ukah
Claudia Cecilia Ramirez Castro Sean Sean Wallace Graduands from the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences will be presented by Dr Jason Hall
Mark Alexander Rhodes Jonathan Mark Wood Organist Elin Rees MusM, LRSM
Boris Romero Wong Yiu Tong
Mace Bearer Marian Pugh
Mohamed Roshdy
James Rosthorn Postgraduate Certificate
Jimena Ruesta Alvarez
Christophe Saint Martin Business Administration
Irene Seah Paul Darren Curry
Ng Lee Fen Serene Reuben John Esteves
Mahdi Shahriari Francis Samuel Godwyll
Sarah Jane Sharp Edidiong Ndabuk Ibanga
Antti Jukka Petteri Silvennoinen Azadeh Irandoost
Scott William Stewart Divya Prasad
Gopakumar Thekinath Vijayakurup Mohammed Vaizullah Shareef

54 55
Friday, 19 July 2013 Friday, 19 July 2013

Friday, 19 July 10am April Greaves Rosemary Anne Milton Friday, 19 July 12.15pm Postgraduate Diploma Olawunmi Macaulay Master of Philosophy Victoria Griffin
Fiona Green Priyanka Minhas Emily Jane Magee Dora Guyatt
School of Psychological School of Dentistry Restorative Aesthetic Dentistry Audiology
Stefany Green Fatima Mobarak Mustafa Makda Jessica Claire Hawkes
Kirpa Nidhan Kaur Chandan
Sciences Amelia Gumbrell Rebecca Clare Moore Doctor of Philosophy Mohsen Mobasseri Samira Hanie Mohamed Alix Louise Heron
Ceri Gunn Eleanor Moore Honar Shakir Nisha Narwal Natalie Hughes
Uriana Boye Clinical Psychology
Kamilla Putri Hagen Hadas Morris Hooi Pin Chew Arthur Mark Walsh Kaumil Naz Kiera Lubbeke
Bachelor of Science Sonja Louise Nightingale Laura Drage
Atiya Hanif Andrew Morrisby Kate Hawkins Susannah Rose Matthews
Helena Tucker
Psychology Katie-lee Harkin Kirsty Morrison Dental Public Health William Noble Lucy Hannah McEllin
Francesca Mulcahy Olutusen Ariyo Onafowokan Amber Muhinyi
with Honours Natashia Harris Master of Science Three Year Tanveer Fakaruddin Kabbinavar Psychology
Lucy Megan Allen Hanna Munden Zain Patel Amy Louise Norris
Sharon Hart Clinical Degree Jennifer Thomson
Stephanie Armstrong Melissa Murray Shreena Patel Timothy Osborne
Hannah Hawthorne Clinical Dentistry (Endodontics) Postgradaute Certificate
Daniel Armstrong Fazeela Naz Sonam Patel Nilufar Patel
Emily Haythornthwaite Sarika Priyenka Patel Master of Research
Emily Irene Atherton Amy Ogden Thomson Rawabi Al-Hosani Restorative Aesthetic Dentistry Charlotte Katie Robinson
Katie Louise Hesketh Ikenna Oparandu Mehul Patel
Nicholas Baldwin Psychology Amanda Jayne Sheldon
Eleanor Hibbitt Leyla Amini Andrew Howard Paterson
Saqba Batool Amanda Packham Master of Science Three Year Sagar Jagdish Abichandani Yumna Masood Juliette Smith
Emily Beech Emily Hinett Harriet Parish Adam Pourmahak
Clinical Degree Ghadir Al-Qadiri
Rebecca Jayne Wheatley
Jamila Begum Victoria Hockaday Katy Payne Andrew Pritchard
Clinical Dentistry (Fixed and Glykeria Kriatsoti Master of Science Gregory Paul Whitehouse
Benedict Bell Max Hofmann Alyssa Piasecki Rhiannon Catrin Roberts
Removable Prosthodontics) Asad Raza Hayley Woodbridge
Francesca Bender Eleanor Hughes Samantha Pike-Devlin Mohammed Salowdin Deaf Education
Rebecca Bennett Rebecca Hughes Rebecca Pitt Eman Mohamed Ib Abuhajar Preeti Sankla Caroline Jane Angus
Hester Claire Benson Wan Azila Wan Hamat Bachelor of Dental Surgery New graduates in Dentistry please
Rebecca Bryony Hughes Shannen Louise Potter Mariyam Sattar Andrea Jane Cappelli
Daniel Lee Berry Lindsey Jones stand to read the affirmation on
Leanne Hulme Jessica Pringle Sara Shah
with Honours page 60
Rae Sarah Irming Binger
Charlotte Humphrey Millicent Quinton Smith Master of Science Richard Alex Hague
Kajal Shah
Laura Marie Birch
Frederica Humphries Beal Abbiramie Ramakrishnan Chandni Soneji Postgraduate Diploma
Emma Blackburn Dental Specialties (Oral and Kate Louise Howson
Iqra Rehman Maxillofacial Surgery) Jagdeep Sulh Cognitive Brain Imaging Friday, 19 July 2.30pm
Laura Boundy Briony Alice Hunt Natalie Elizabeth John
Katie Rigby Ahmed Tahboub
Jonathan Bowers Fatimah Hussain Carla Pereira Goncalves Irving Catherine Lightfoot Liam James
Hinnah Hussain Charlotte Nicole Roberts Tanveer Singh Paik
Nidah Tahir School of Pharmacy and
Alexandra Boylan Nicola Jane Taylor
Catherine Robinson Thomas Albert Park Deaf Education Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kirsty Ann Brookes Natasha Ibrahim Master of Science Alison Waring
Charlotte Elizabeth Rollins Zarish Rahman
Sophie Louise Brown Emma Francesca Inwood Richard Wild Gareth Kane Adams
Victoria Root Restorative Aesthetic Dentistry Nadeem Sabir Alison Mary Anning Strevens
Lorna Bryant Catherine Iredale Doctor of Philosophy
Sarah Rowe Praveena Amitharaj Anastasia Zipa
Lucy Burrows Elisabeth Louise Jackson Ayesha Saleem Rebecca Jane Cutts
Joshua Callaghan Lucy Ryan Chandrapandian Alagesan Penina Schogger Sarah Louise Fidoe
Sian Jenkins Bachelor of Science Myasar Al-Kotaji
Louise Elizabeth Calland Searsha Sadek Mohammed Riaz Ul Alam Eleanor Halliday
Georgina Jennings Gemma Louise Stonier Wadiaa Abubaker Benamer
Laura Saunders Diana Awni Al-Buhaisi Ann / Jennifer O'Neill
Declan Campbell Simon Richard Threadgill Oral Health Science Christopher Cadman
Kelly Olivia Johnson ashlee scown Praveena Amitharaj Irene Price
Cheriece Carter Leigh Jane Woods Luz Del Socorro Flores Michel
Rebecca Annabelle Jones Gita Azizi with Honours Benjamin Thomas Scanlon
Lauren Holly Clarke Esme Shayler-Webb
Stephanie Karellen Roland Babakhanlou Laura Bailey Melanie Jane Williams Ryan Peter George
Eleanor Cook Alexander James Edward Short Shelley Dawn Young
Alice Louise Cox Prabhleen Kaur Jennie Smethurst
Sashiruban Balachandran Bachelor of Dental Surgery Lucy Barsby Katherine Gill
Hauwa Abubakar Bello Hazel Kerr Zahra Hamrang
Joanna Curry Elizabeth Keene Matthew Smith Asad Abbas
Vaira Berzina-Berzite Postgraduate Certificate Eleanor Howgate
Priyanka Datta Carmen-Josephine Kennedy-Ronan Frances Smith Catherine Headon Cassidy Zeina Abdul-Latif
Samantha Davies Bachelor of Science Deaf Education Travis Chung Kwan Leung
Rebecca Kenny Claire Francesca Smith Saad Chaudhry Nazma Akuji
Annabelle Davies Christine Isabella Connolly Sheryl Ann Perry
Sophie Kent Rose Southam Preetwant Cheema Husham Al-Kaillany Oral Health Science
Nicholas Dean Louise Taylor
Zulaikha Khan Katrina Strong Donald Charles Daniels Meera Amin
Alex Dear Sabah Ashraf Bachelor of Science
Rabiya Khan Amy Tawn Zdravko Dimitrov Paria Amiryavari
Heather Louise Deering Helmi El Sakka Erin Louise Bates Master of Philosophy
Charlotte Jade Kilroy Kelly Elizabeth Thorley Sara Anbarian
Katherine Louise Deverell-Smith Magdah Ahmed Elsharif Jack Button Audiology
Owen Terence Kinsella Hannah Timperley Haleema Sadia Anwar
Suzannah Elizabeth Devereux Yunus Muzaffer Essajee Gemma Nadine Chapman with Honours Pharmacy
Natasha Sabrina Krause Catherine Jane Tonks Mohammed Billal Arshad
Chloe Ding Azad Eyrumlu Rhianna Clarke Farzana Anwar Nidhi Joshi
Pooja Kulkarni Thomas Trencher Natalie Ball Azmat Arif
Jennifer Donnelly-Corbett Haseena Feroz Jack De Ste Croix
Gemma Trevers Rajesh kumar Beedh Olivia Austin
Portia Dore Ka Man Lai Hannah Louisa Flynn Rebecca Dore
Alice Downes Antonia Leane
Elaine Robyn Tyler
Seamus Joseph Flynn Louise Annabelle Bowyer Falak Begg Master of Science
Chandni Patel
Miroulla Valyandis Ioanna Georgopoulou Christopher James Brennan Victoria Anne Bettley
Katherine Dunne Huw Luke Lewis Industrial Pharmacy
Micha Christy Waite Georgina Blay
Emma Duxbury Danielle Lewis Sunita Hussain Thameena Chowdhury
Jessica Wan Michael James Ingram
School of Psychological Menbere Fisseha Joo Kok Ang
Kayleigh Montanna Dyer Henry Wai Shing Li Aimee Heidi Greta Clark Anna Rose Heaton
Karen Diane Eager April Josephine Wardy Huda Jawad Philip James Cooper
Science Jamie Joseph Farrar
Michelle Ee Shian Lim Maaria Ishaq
Grace Ellison Rhianna Lucy Warnes Manju John Lara Gonzalez-Ruiz
Fiona Louise Crawford Doctor of Clinical Psychology Saneah Javid
Hannah Lindsay Michael David Wilcock Sophia Jones David Gareth Humphreys
Elun Emeruwa Basim Dawoud Uzma Khan
Colette Chun Ting Lo Lucy Wilcoxon Ksenia Korsunova Paula Mary Butroid Melissa Korn Marcus Daniel Jenkins
Rachel Erskine Nisha Devalia
Marta Lodej Sally Wilkinson Stephen Mace Simeon Hanson Razwana Mahmood Jonathon Oliver Whitehouse
Jack Evans Rosemary Jane Donlon
Suthanthan Logeswaran Rose Williams Nyi Lay Maung Maria Constantina Papastergiou Nikolaos Markatos
Rachel marie Evans Sara El-Saafin
Callie Long Rory McEnhill Kimberley Routledge Donna Mc Manus
Anette Falch Rachael Louise Wilson Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Nilesh Measuria Rohit Farmah Deepna Mistry
Alexandra Ferguson Imogen Long Kathryn Wood Katy Silverman
Ali Ehsan Mobasseri Mishaal Tariq Gill Emily O'Connell Emma Tomlinson
Harriet Ferrabee Andrew Lothian Stephanie Wuelker Sian Olivia Trenchard
Mohanambal Nachimuthu Naika Kaur Gill Navjeet Kaur Sandhu
Joanna Finill Louise Loveder Ka Chun Yiu Abdullah Jamal Nazar Bhavika Sita Tailor
Keegan Davey Gowans Pharmaceutical Business
Rebecca Fishwick Megan Lyons Adam Brian Nulty Doctor of Philosophy
Rachel Griffiths Development and Licensing
Malin Fiske Samaira Mahmood Psychology (intercalating Richa Prasad Barsaiyan Speech and Language Therapy
James Ingham Marcella Carragher
Ryan Foden MBChB/BDS students) Tarek Jamil Rashdan Silvia Kainer
Shahd Majdub Junaid Iqbal Anna Chisholm with Honours
Diana Ana-Maria Foltean Ashish Rayarel
Rebecca Male with Honours Aliya Kassam Thomas James Couch Sarah Archer
Keturah Foster Syed Mujtaba Hussain Razvi Modelling and Simulation in
Emily Marsden Robyn Eithne Mulhall Matthew Ko Liam Mason Rebecca Helen Atfield
Emma Fowler Harry Hyungkyun Shin Emma Barr
Belinda Martin Rhian Proffitt Radhika Kotecha Alison Rees Pharmacokinetics and
Katie Fox Piotr Strojek Helena Lucy Caunt
Sarah Ann McCue Rebecca Louise Searle Mark Gar Ming Lam Jenna Roberts Pharmacodynamics
Michael James Gibson Ioannis Valilas Siobhan Conwell
Bilal Gill Aimee McLaughlin Lewis Shires Monik Mukundrai Vasant Matthew James Linney Zoe-Lydia Tsivos Robert Cunliffe Teresa Ann Collins
Karla S Gomez Netto Anita Midtli Lydia Williamson Shabnam Zai Alexandra Lyne Lauren Elizabeth Wroe Susan Dowd David Alan Fairman

56 57
Friday, 19 July 2013 The Affirmation

Postgraduate Diploma Ibrahim Faily Isabelle Soobramanien Tuesday, 9 July 12.15pm • be honest and trustworthy; Friday, 19 July 12.15pm • keep my professional knowledge
Zahra Farooq Samiyah Sultana • respect and protect confidential and skills up to date;
Clinical and Health Services Graduates in Bachelor of Medicine, information; Graduates in Bachelor of Dental • recognise the limits of my
adam fenton Callum Michael Sykes
Pharmacy Bachelor of Surgery please stand. • make sure my personal beliefs do Surgery please stand. professional competence;
Wan Hui Fong Yik Hang Tai
Alison Fryer Raeesa Tailor not prejudice my patients' care; • be honest and trustworthy;
Mansureh Sadet Ghari Seyed Fatemeh Pueh Li Tan "I affirm that I will: • act quickly to protect my patients "I affirm that I will: • respect and protect confidential
Ali Al-Chalabi from risk if I have good reason to information;
Heather Julia Bury Jaspreet Kaur Girn Aileen Choo Ai Tay
• make the care of my patients my believe that I or a colleague may • make sure my personal beliefs do
Miri Goshi Michael Rezene Teweldemedhin not be fit to practise; • make the care of my patients my not prejudice my patients' care;
James Anthony Clark first concern; first concern;
James Thomas Hagan Daniel James Tierney • avoid abuse of my position as a • act quickly to protect my patients
Alan Patrick Field • treat every patient politely and • treat every patient politely and
Sidrah Haider Wayne andrew Turner considerately; doctor; from risk if I have good reason to
Charlotte Marie Hay Sara Marie Valente considerately;
Naila Haq • respect patients' dignity and • work with colleagues in the ways believe that I or a colleague may
Claire Julia Holloway Emily Louise Hardaker Husain Ahmed Vali that best serve patients' interests. • respect patients' dignity and not be fit to practise;
Aneesa Kibria Arghavan Hassanzadeh Aizaz Ismail Haji Valli privacy; • avoid abuse of my position as a
• listen to patients and respect their
Kerry Lawton Ophelia Lucy Hazlehurst Yun Yi Wai views; In all these matters I will never • listen to patients and respect their pharmacist;
Paul Christopher McManamon Sophie Elizabeth Helsby Elizabeth Warnock • give patients information in a way discriminate unfairly against my views; • work with colleagues in the ways
Darren Staniforth they can understand; patients or colleagues. I will always be • give patients information in a way that best serve patients' interests.
Waqas Hussain Anita Kathryn Wilczynska
Faye Louise Zaslona Saira Iqbal Abigail Rosemary Williams • respect the right of patients to be prepared to justify my actions to they can understand;
fully involved in decisions about them." • respect the right of patients to be In all these matters I will never
Safa-Sami Ismail Jane Victoria Willis discriminate unfairly against my
their care; fully involved in decisions about
Industrial Pharmacy Mary Felita Iwenofu Zahra Mohammed Witwit patients or colleagues. I will always be
• keep my professional knowledge Graduates reply: "I so affirm". their care;
Marwa Mohammed Jasim Matthew Yates and skills up to date; prepared to justify my actions to
Pui Chuen, Paul Chow • keep my professional knowledge them."
Miriam Jassim Sarah Pui Min Yee • recognise the limits of my Graduates sit. and skills up to date;
Dorcas Oluwaseun Kalejaye Tiantian Zheng professional competence; • recognise the limits of my
Postgraduate Certificate Mayamiko Chitalu Kaoma • be honest and trustworthy; Graduates reply: "I so affirm".
Tuesday, 9 July 4.45pm professional competence;
Rebecca Keenan Bachelor of Science • respect and protect confidential • be honest and trustworthy;
Clinical and Health Services William Kerr information; Graduates in Bachelor of Medicine, Graduates sit.
Pharmacy • respect and protect confidential
Alice Kidd Pharmaceutical Sciences • make sure my personal beliefs do Bachelor of Surgery please stand. information;
David James Fox Jing Hui Koh with Honours not prejudice my patients' care;
• make sure my personal beliefs do
Wai Sin Kung Abanoob Anton • act quickly to protect my patients "I affirm that I will: not prejudice my patients' care;
Yin Chun Kwok from risk if I have good reason to
Andre Azarian • act quickly to protect my patients
Industrial Pharmacy George Labib
believe that I or a colleague may
Sanna Butt not be fit to practise; • make the care of my patients my from risk if I have good reason to
Emma Davies Priyesh Lad Samia Choudhary • avoid abuse of my position as a first concern; believe that I or a colleague may
Simon Alex Forsyth Karen Kwok Ling Lee Sinthiya Kaneshanesan doctor; • treat every patient politely and not be fit to practise;
Liam Quinn Jennifer Kar Lum Lee Yasmeen Ramzan • work with colleagues in the ways considerately; • avoid abuse of my position as a
Sara Sanchez Fernandez Mei Chi Lee Kamran Shafiq that best serve patients' interests. • respect patients' dignity and dentist;
Rebecca Lee Ho Chun Calvin Shu privacy; • work with colleagues in the ways
Hannah Alexandra Lee In all these matters I will never • listen to patients and respect their that best serve patients' interests.
Master of Pharmacy Chea Xin Lim discriminate unfairly against my views;
Chiew Yee Lim
Bachelor of Science patients or colleagues. I will always be • give patients information in a way In all these matters I will never
with Honours prepared to justify my actions to they can understand;
Alice Lingard Pharmaceutical Sciences discriminate unfairly against my
Sabira Mustak Adam them." • respect the right of patients to be patients or colleagues. I will always be
Fiona Lynch Sarah Jennifer Barnes
Moriam Adetokunboh-Ajala fully involved in decisions about prepared to justify my actions to
Sophie Lyon Salma Hafeez their care;
Faiza Adrees Graduates reply: "I so affirm". them."
Sabina Majid Yusura Hassan • keep my professional knowledge
Rizwan Ahmad
Abigail Mantey Che Lin Lin Im and skills up to date;
Zunnair Alam Graduates sit. Graduates reply: "I so affirm".
Kristy McGlynn Jessica Jardine • recognise the limits of my
Mujahid Al-Amin Sally Louise Midgley professional competence;
Usman Ali Hin Yeung Lai Tuesday, 9 July 2.30pm Graduates sit.
Saira Hamid Mirza Harvinder Singh-Raud • be honest and trustworthy;
Samera Ali Treesha Mistry Graduates in Bachelor of Medicine, • respect and protect confidential
Yusuf Yaqub
Saima Arshad Mubeen Ali Mohsin Bachelor of Surgery please stand. information;
Shahbaz Ashraf Farhana Motala • make sure my personal beliefs do
Friday, 19 July 2.30pm
New graduates in Master of not prejudice my patients' care; Graduates in Master of Pharmacy,
Mohammad Hassan Asif Huzaifa Suleman Motala "I affirm that I will:
Pharmacy please stand to read • act quickly to protect my patients please stand.
Umair Aslam Andrew David Mothershaw
the affirmation on page 60 from risk if I have good reason to
Naeema Atcha Mariam Nain • make the care of my patients my believe that I or a colleague may
Younus Jamal Azam Asiah Nazir first concern; not be fit to practise; "I affirm that I will:
Robert Bainbridge Juliet Ncube • treat every patient politely and • avoid abuse of my position as a
Alan Noon considerately; doctor; • make the care of my patients my
Asiffa Bashir
Joseph Okeleke • respect patients' dignity and • work with colleagues in the ways first concern;
Anuj Bhalla privacy;
Rachel O'Neill that best serve patients' interests. • treat every patient politely and
Dhara Bhogaita • listen to patients and respect their
Ebrahim Yusuf Patel considerately;
Adnan Bodalbhai views;
Sheenal Patel In all these matters I will never • respect patients' dignity and
Gwenno Llwyd Brunelli • give patients information in a way
Monika Patel they can understand; discriminate unfairly against my privacy;
Charlotte Burrows Rachel Charlotte Quilliam patients or colleagues. I will always be • listen to patients and respect their
Simon Joseph Celaire • respect the right of patients to be prepared to justify my actions to
Ramin Rafati fully involved in decisions about views;
Wing Sum Chan them."
Mohammed Muzamal Rafique their care; • give patients information in a way
Suman Chandi Raja Diyana Raja Zainal Raffik • keep my professional knowledge they can understand;
Reena Chauhan and skills up to date; Graduates reply: "I so affirm". • respect the right of patients to be
Aishah Rana
Wing Chi Cheung Nimrat Kaur Reehal • recognise the limits of my fully involved in decisions about
professional competence; Graduates sit. their care;
Chun Pui Cheung Claire Louise Rivett
Wei Xin Joyce Chong Oluwaseyifunmi Oladunni Rotimi
James Shang Pui Chow Lujain Ibrahim K A Saad
Alwyn Cheuk Shing Chow Yalda Sadiq
Pui Yee Penny Pui Yee Chu Ali Sadiq
Robert Clarkson Abigail Jayne Saffer
Hala Salam
Gemma Victoria Connor
Jodie Sanassy
Laura Costello
Annie Sellers
Caroline Mary Hannah Dalton Amrita Praful Bhagwanji Shah
Michael Davies Mohammed Belal Shahid
Christopher Dixon Rishveen Kaur Sidhu
Robert Doran Pui-Man Sim
Sophie Dowling Thomas William Skelland
Christopher John Durkiewicz Emily Louise Skinner
Ogochukwu Echem James Andrew Soderberg

58 59
Alumni Association
Congratulations on your graduation day and welcome Famous Manchester alumni
to the Manchester alumni ‘family’. Today you are Our graduates can be found in all walks of life and
Congratulations on your graduation joining a worldwide network of over 270,000 former include some highly successful people: Chuka Umunna
students. We hope that your graduation will be a MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Skills and
and we hope that you have thoroughly transition to a new stage of a lifelong connection
between you and your University.
Innovation; Winnie Cheung, former Chief Executive and
Registrar of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered
enjoyed your time in Manchester. We want you to get involved and realise all the benefits
we continue to offer you. Visit your alumni homepage
Public Accountants; Toby Jones, film actor whose
credits include Captain America, The Hunger Games
Chuka Umunna

Whether you have secured a job or a (www.manchester.ac.uk/alumni), become a Facebook

fan (www.facebook.com/alumniuom), follow us on
and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; Dame Sally Davies,
Chief Medical Officer for England; Tom Bloxham MBE,
the University’s Chancellor and founder of the
place on a postgraduate course, or are still Twitter and Instagram (@AlumniUoM), browse photos
of our campus and events on Flickr
pioneering urban renewal property development
company Urban Splash; Frances O’Grady, the first
(www.flickr.com/manchesteralumni), and join our
considering your options, we wish you LinkedIn group (bit.ly/Li_AlumniUoM).
female General Secretary of the TUC; Brian Cox,
Professor at The University of Manchester, Physicist

the best for your future career. Your Alumni Association is supported by the University’s
Division of Development and Alumni Relations,
working at CERN and science communicator; Leena
Gade, the first female F1 engineer to win Le Mans
providing you with a wide variety of opportunities for 24 Hours race; Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong,
engagement, such as volunteering, networking events, award-winning comedy writers of Peep Show and
social gatherings, career talks and resources, lectures by Fresh Meat; Benedict Cumberbatch, leading actor in Frances O’Grady
world-class academics and much more. With regular the BBC television drama Sherlock and world box office
events in Manchester, London and all over the world, hit Star Trek Into Darkness; Sir Peter Maxwell Davies,
you can always keep in contact with your University composer, conductor and Master of The Queen’s music;

Your career begins here and fellow alumni.

One of the ways you can help the next generation of
students is by supporting Scholarship funds. In this way,
Dr Mark Kermode, film critic; and George Maxwell
Richards, the fourth President of the Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago. To see more famous alumni
alumni can support and enrich the teaching and visit the distinguished alumni library on Your
learning of current students, contribute to outstanding Manchester Online.
University research programmes and help the University Manchester Business School Alumni Association
to continue to provide an excellent education for the (MBSAA)
Congratulations on your graduation The programme is especially ideal if you want to: Please let us know what you’re doing students of today and tomorrow. Graduates of Manchester Business School can benefit
You’ll also receive your annual alumni magazine, Your from an additional Alumni Association, MBSAA, which
Have you secured a graduate job offer or a place • Work for a small or medium-sized company In a few months you will receive an important has a global community of over 40,000 alumni across
Manchester, which is dedicated to keeping you updated Toby Jones
on a postgraduate course yet? If not, we are here (although we do occasionally advertise questionnaire from us (the ‘Destinations of 164 countries. MBS graduates are encouraged to
to help. You can use the Careers Service for up to Leavers from Higher Education’ survey) to find with University and alumni news. We’ll send you a copy
internships with large companies and indeed register for the MBS online community site –
two years after graduation, for services including: out what you have chosen to do. The or you can read it online – look out for it every year.
with the University itself) MBSNetwork Online – in order to access more benefits
government requires all universities to send out We also send a regular eNewsletter, in which many
• Job vacancies. We advertise hundreds of • Gain relevant work experience to improve your of our events are advertised and we feature topical and services unique to MBSAA members. These include
this survey and the information collected is used access to free online library resources, career
opportunities each month: graduate-level chances of getting onto a graduate scheme or news items.
to help prospective students make their choice of development tools and information, a global calendar
positions with immediate start dates; training into a competitive area of work (eg marketing) university. Please help us by filling it in and rest Alumni who want to keep in touch find it very easy to of events, and alumni groups. MBS graduates will
schemes with large organisations; jobs
• Earn money to go on to further study or to assured that the information you provide will be do so. You can always chat to us through social media. also receive an additional annual magazine and
overseas; internships, and much more.
go travelling anonymised and treated with confidence. monthly eNewsletter.
www.manchester.ac.uk/careerslink The alumni website, Your Manchester Online
www.manchester.ac.uk/careers/mgip (www.manchester.ac.uk/yourmanchester), gives you MBS graduates are invited to join the MBS LinkedIn
• One-to-one careers advice and guidance. access to everything you will need, including how to
Speak with a qualified and experienced Finally, keep in touch group with over 8,000 members and more joining
update your details online, as well as information about each day.
professional to discuss career possibilities and Your student email address will be switched off events, new research and alumni networks and groups
Autumn Careers Fairs Dame Sally Davies
the steps required to get a job. We can very soon. Please update your preferred email across the globe. For more information, go to:
arrange a meeting in person, over the phone If you are still looking for a graduate job or a address in Portal (my.manchester.ac.uk) or by www.mbs.ac.uk/alumni
or online (eg Skype). further course of study, you might want to come You automatically become a full member of the Alumni
visiting our stand near the robing room so that email alumnioffice@mbs.ac.uk
www.manchester.ac.uk/ along to one of our autumn fairs where you can Association on graduation but, to enjoy all of the
you can continue to access CareersLink for jobs
careers/students/services meet with hundreds of recruiters and training benefits, register online for your Alumni Association tel +44 (0)161 275 6485
and events: www.manchester.ac.uk/careerslink
providers. membership card and access to online services. Go to
• Careers information and news. Access a wealth We hope that you had an enjoyable time studying at
We wish you every success for the future. www.manchester.ac.uk/yourmanchester and register
of resources to help you with your research by Ethnic Diversity Fair Manchester and we look forward to seeing you again
Your Careers Service. YourFuture. using your student registration number (which is on
visiting our comprehensive website, Facebook 9 October very soon at one of our alumni events!
Careers and Employability Division your library card). This number is unique to you and will
Groups, Twitter accounts, blogs or our Careers Crawford House soon become your alumni number. Contact details
Resource Centre. Engineering, Science and Technology Fair
Booth Street East Division of Development and Alumni Relations
www.manchester.ac.uk/careers/interactive 16 October After you have registered you can enjoy the many
Manchester The University of Manchester
alumni services the University offers, including the ever
Finance, Business and Management Fair M13 9QS Room G9, Christie Building
expanding: ‘Your Manchester Extras’. You can get
17 October Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong
Want to work in Manchester? tel +44 (0)161 275 2829 continued free use of the University library and also free
Law Fair www.manchester.ac.uk/careers/ remote access to many academic eJournals and tel + 44 (0)161 306 3066
If you would like to stay and work in the 19 November reference material. The University’s sports facilities are www.manchester.ac.uk/yourmanchester
Manchester area after graduation, sign up today also still available to you at a preferential rate.
careers@manchester.ac.uk email alumni@manchester.ac.uk
for the Manchester Graduate Internship Postgraduate Study Fair
Programme (MGIP), an exclusive programme for 20 November We have also negotiated dozens of special offers with Twitter : @AlumniUoM
new graduates of The University of Manchester. various outlets on campus, as well as restaurants, Facebook: www.facebook.com/alumniuom
www.manchester.ac.uk/careers/fairs hotels, theatres and commercial companies around
Through MGIP, you could get a 4-12 month, paid Instagram: @AlumniUoM
graduate internship in Greater Manchester. Manchester (full details are available on Your
Flickr: www.flickr.com/manchesteralumni
Manchester Online).
LinkedIn: bit.ly/Li_AlumniUoM

Leena Gade

60 61
Emergency Evacuation procedure
for Whitworth Hall
During the course of this event no alarm test or an
emergency evacuation practice has been planned.
Therefore, if the alarm, which sounds intermittently is
activated it should be treated as a potential incident
requiring evacuation.
Graduands and Guests are asked to remain calm and
seated and follow the instructions given by
stewarding staff.
The Assembly point is on the front quadrangle which
is adjacent to the Whitworth Hall in front of the John
Owens Building.

The University of Manchester

Oxford Road
M13 9PL
tel +44 (0)161 306 6000
Royal Charter Number RC000797
M738 07.13

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