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Phobia: The Word Itself Comes From The Greek Word Phobos, Which Means Fear or Horror

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The word itself comes

from the Greek word
phobos, which means
fear or horror
A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear
reaction. If you have a phobia, you may
experience a deep sense of dread or panic
when you encounter the source of your fear.
The fear can be of a certain place, situation, or
object. Unlike general anxiety disorders, a
phobia is usually connected to something

The impact of a phobia can range from

annoying to severely disabling. People with
phobias often realize their fear is irrational, but
they’re unable to do anything about it. Such
fears can interfere with work, school, and
personal relationships.
Genetic and environmental factors can cause phobias.
Children who have a close relative with an anxiety disorder
are at risk of developing a phobia. Distressing events, such as
nearly drowning, can bring on a phobia. Exposure to confined
spaces, extreme heights, and animal or insect bites can all be
sources of phobias.
Types of phobias:

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Acrophobia Social phobia Glossophobia

Social phobia is also referred to This is known as performance
This is the fear of heights.
as social anxiety disorder. It’s
People with this phobia avoid anxiety, or the fear of speaking
extreme worry about social
mountains, bridges, or the in front of an audience. People
situations and it can lead to self-
higher floors of buildings. with this phobia have severe
isolation. A social phobia can be
so severe that the simplest physical symptoms when they
Symptoms include vertigo,
interactions, such as ordering at a even think about being in front
dizziness, sweating, and feeling
restaurant or answering the of a group of people.
as if they’ll pass out or lose
telephone, can cause panic. <Glossophobia treatments can
consciousness. People with social phobia often go include either therapy or
out of their way to avoid public medication.
Other types of phobia:

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Claustrophobia Hemophobia
This is a fear of enclosed or This is a phobia of blood or
tight spaces. Severe injury. A person with
claustrophobia can be hemophobia may faint when
especially disabling if it they come in contact with
prevents you from riding in their own blood or another
cars or elevators. person’s blood.
Symptoms of phobia
Risk factors
People with a genetic predisposition to anxiety may be at high risk of developing a
phobia. Age, socioeconomic status, and gender seem to be risk factors only for
certain phobias. For example, women are more likely to have animal phobias.
Children or people with a low socioeconomic status are more likely to have social
phobias. Men make up the majority of those with dentist and doctor phobias.
Nyctophobia: This phobia is a fear of the nighttime or darkness. It
almost always begins as a typical childhood fear. When it progresses
past adolescence, it’s considered a phobia.
Does anyone suffer from
a phobia?

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