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Pakistan Bin Qasim Thermal Power Station Unit 6 Project

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Bin Qasim Thermal Power Station Unit 6 Project

Report date: March 2001

Field survey: August 2000
1. Project Profile and Japan’s ODA Loan

Project site

Project Site: 50-km east of the city of Site Photo: Bin Qasim Thermal Power
Karachi Station

. Background
At the beginning of the 1990s, maximum load demand for power in Karachi and
surrounding areas, which are served by Karachi Electric Supply Corporation Ltd.
(KESC), was increasing year on year, and in fiscal 1989/1990 (1989/7~1990/6) and
fiscal 1990/1991 (1990/7~1991/6) installed generation capacity fell short of peak
demand. The increase rate for maximum load demand was predicted to exceed 9% in
and after fiscal 1991/1992 as the result of sweeping increases in the demand for power
for household and industrial uses. Electrification of agricultural villages and the
dissemination of domestic electrical appliances was projected to yield sizable
increases in household demand for power. Whilst the easing of regulations relating to
trading policies, the abolition of foreign exchange controls and policies to promote
foreign investment, in combination with the activation of private investment, was
forecast to have a similar effect on power demand for industrial uses.
In contrast, from a supply perspective, despite the fact that a third generating unit was
scheduled to become operational at Bin Qasim Thermal Power Station (BQTPS) in
fiscal 1992/1993, projected suspension of operations at the seriously deteriorated West
Wharf thermal power plant and the Karachi nuclear power plant, which supplies
KESC catchment areas, and the leveling off of installed generation capacity, was
expected to result in the reemergence of supply shortages in and after fiscal
In order to handle these additional load requirements and the shortfalls in supply, the
construction of a thermal power station powered by imported heavy oil was urgently

1.2. Objectives
In order to resolve the projected shortfalls in supply within KESC jurisdictional areas
in and after fiscal 1993/1994, this project was to add a sixth generating unit (210MW)
to the facilities at BQTPS, located approximately 50km to the east of Karachi, by way
of plant expansion. The project also involved the provision of high voltage
transmission lines (220KV × 2, 35km) as part of the planned transmission circuit
system in order to strengthen the supply system within the catchment area.

1.3. Project Scope

The Project covered the provision of a steam turbine generator (fuelled by heavy
oil/natural gas; 210MW × 1), the addition of new equipment at Korangi West Grid Sub
station (220KV transformer or breaker), the installation of transmission lines between
BQTPS and Korangi West Grid Sub station (220KV, 2 lines, 30km), and related
consulting services. The Japan’s ODA loan (the “ODA loan”) covered part of the local
and foreign currency portions of the project.

1.4. Borrower/Executing Agency

President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Karachi Electric Supply Corporation
Ltd. (KESC)

1.5. Outline of Loan Agreement

Phase I Phase II*
Loan amount/Loan
¥13.551 billion/¥12.959 billion ¥13.974 billion/¥12.130 billion
disbursed amount
Exchange of notes/Loan
January 1992/March 1992 November 1994/November 1994
Interest Rate: 2.6%, Repayment Interest Rate: 2.6%, Repayment
Terms and conditions period (grace period): 30 years (10 period (grace period): 30 years (10
years), Partially untied years), Partially untied
Final disbursement date March 1999 February 2001
Since construction work for this project covered a total period of 6 years, the project was divided into
two phases: Phase I in the first 3 years and Phase II in the second 3 years, as an attempt to meet the
demand for funds.

2. Results and Evaluation

2.1. Relevance
The development targets for the power sector under Pakistan’s 7th Five-Year Plan
(1988~1993) included the following provisions: (1) sufficient power supply,
dissolution of supply restrictions, and rural electrification; (2) developmental
promotion of domestic petroleum, coal, natural gas, hydroelectric power generation;
and (3) effective use of energy and reductions in system loss. Specific developmental
policies were as follows: i) additional installed generation capacity; ii) construction of

oil/gas-fired thermal power stations for the short-term relief of supply restrictions; iii)
secure supply via the construction of large-scale thermal power stations that are not
affected by seasonal changes in the weather; iv) promotion of rural electrification, and
v) utilization of the private sector. Development target (1), and the specific
development policies i), ii) and iii), were applicable to this project.
Moreover, in recent years, Pakistan has been promoting the development of gas fields
and the construction of gas pipelines against a background of soaring heavy oil import
prices and environmental considerations, and is proceeding with the conversion to
gas-fuelled power stations. Imported heavy oil was to be employed at BQTPS in order
to fulfil short-term demand requirements, however, joint heavy oil/gas boilers were
installed with a view to the future developmental promotion of gas power in Pakistan
and a system was arranged in conformity with such changes in the external
environment. Accordingly, the construction plan for this power station is considered

2.2. Efficiency
Since the executing agency has not prepared any relevant data, there are no accurate
reports available. However, as far as the portion covered by the ODA loan is
concerned, a 2-year extension was made to the Phase I disbursement period, which is
considered to have delayed the overall construction period. According to the executing
agency, these delays were primarily caused by the general strikes in Karachi and
delays in procuring imported materials and equipment contingent upon changes in the
customs procedures system, among other things. Moreover, although the disbursed
amount was less than the approved loan amount, it has not been possible to obtain
reports on overall project costs from the executing agency.

2.3. Effectiveness
(2.3.1.) Stable Power Supply
Table 1 is a comparison of the main operating results of the No. 6 generating unit,
which was constructed under this project, against the levels planned at the time of
appraisal. The data shows that the project has achieved results in excess of planned
levels. As Table 2 shows, the operating status of the newest No. 6 generating unit is
favorable in terms of its high maximum output, thermal efficiency and utilization
factor, and low auxiliary factor, even when compared with the other units installed at
On the other hand, however, although actual maximum output, total power
generation and the plant utilization factor have all exceeded planned levels,
over-loading and the fact that periodic inspections are not being performed means
that there is a risk of early deterioration of the facilities, and it will be necessary to
bear these factors in mind in the future.
Table 1 Comparison of Planned / Actual Operating Conditions of Unit 6
Figures in parenthesis are achievement ratios against planned levels
1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000
Maximum Output Planned level 210 210 210
(MW) Actual level 219 (104%) 213 (101%) 210 (100%)
Total Electricity Planned level 981,194 1,174,210 1,174,210
Generation (MWh) Actual level 931,155 (95%) 1,443,015 (123%) 1,467,960 (125%)
Plant Utilization Planned level 63.83% 63.83% 63.83%
Factor* (%) Actual level 60.57% (95%) 73.63% (115%) 75.13% (118%)
Plant utilization factor = annual electricity generation / (rated output × 365 days × 24 hours)

Table 2 Operating Conditions for All Generating Units at BQTPS

in Fiscal 1999/2000
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6
Rated Output (MW) 210 210 210 210 210 210
Maximum Output (MW) 190 180 120 150 190 210
Total Electricity Generation
702,420 872,495 826,705 905,240 1,336,820 1,467,960
Thermal Efficiency* (%) 33.81% 35.24% 29.70% 31.08% 35.90% 38.17%
Auxiliary Power Ratio (%) 6.98% 7.08% 7.90% 7.41% 5.71% 5.85%
Plant Utilization Factor (%) 35.52% 44.07% 41.39% 45.56% 68.52% 75.13%
Suspended Operation (hrs) 299.12 58.58 822.20 1596.50 122.85 72.28
Thermal efficiency: ratio of heat capacity of transmitted electricity against heat capacity of fuel
Auxiliary power ratio: ratio of gross electricity generation against auxiliary power consumption
Source: Bin Qasim Thermal Power Station (BQTPS) data

(2.3.2.) Meeting Rapidly Increasing Demands for Power

Figure 1 shows the increases in 2000
Installed capacity
maximum load requirements in the of KESC power
1800 plants
KESC catchment area against the
potential output of all power 1600
Maximum demand
plants owned by KESC. In the last for power in KESC
1400 catchment areas
five years, maximum load demand
Output potential of
has posted an increase of 5.14%, 1200 KESC power
however, the installed capacity of 1000
92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00
KESC power stations has leveled
off and furthermore, potential Figure 1 KESC Regular Output and
Maximum Demand for Power
output is falling far short of
installed capacity. It is thus possible to comprehend that KESC power generation
facilities alone are becoming unable to meet maximum load requirement.
In order to remedy this situation, KESC is purchasing power from the Water and
Power Development Authority (WAPDA) and from the power stations of

Independent Power Producers (IPP), and there is a year-on-year increasing trend in
such external power purchasing (refer to Figure 2). Power shortages in the KESC
catchment area are chronic even in spite of such power importing and planned
outages (‘load-shedding’) are necessary, particularly during the summer months
(refer to Table 3).
Against these circumstances, the No. 6 generating unit, which was additionally
installed at BQTPS under this project, (GWh)
has continued to operate stably as a 12,000
base load generator, and in the two 10,000 Power purchased from
8,000 WAPDA / IPP
year period from July 1998 through
June 2000, was supplying 13.6% of 6,000 Total electricity
generated in KESC
the total supply within the KESC 4,000 catchment areas
2,000 Electricity generated
catchment area. It is thus
by Bin Qasim Unit 6
contributing to improving the tight 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00

power supply situation within this Figure 2 Power Supply Conditions

region. in KESC catchment areas

Table 3 Planned Load Shedding in KESC catchment areas

1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00
Maximum Power Supply
286 268 341 300 338 238
Cuts (MW)
Power Supply Cut (MWh) 30,853 53,188 85,934 50,201 101,963 7,307
Source: KESC data

(2.3.3.) Recalculation of Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR)

At the time of appraisal, FIRR was calculated to be 9.3%, on the following
Benefits: increases in revenue from power sales from the No. 6 generating unit
Costs: investment costs/fuel costs/operation and maintenance costs
When actual results data were used for recalculation of the same items, it became
clear that FIRR was negative because the net present worth of the costs (Rp 49.631
billion) surpassed the net present worth of benefits (Rp 45.319 billion).
The main reasons for this were increases in the system loss ratio caused by the rising
incidence of power theft, and low-level government controlled low power tariffs
despite climbing domestic petroleum prices.

Table 4 Comparison of Planned / Actual FIRR Calculation Bases
Electricity Unit Price Fuel Price per System Loss
generation (GWh) (Rp/kWh) kWh (Rp/kWh) Ratio (%)
At appraisal① 1,174.2 1.89 0.373 21.0
Actual level② 1443.0~1468.0 2.33~2.56 1.16~1.85 31.5%~38.6
Deviation②÷① 1.23~1.25 fold 1.233~1.35 fold 3.113~4.96 fold 1.503~1.84 fold
All prices are fixed-price indicators for fiscal 1997

2.4. Impact
(2.4.1.) Impact on Society
Planned load shedding in the KESC catchment area extends to general households
and the industrial sector, and is considered to have had a considerable effect on
industries and public welfare in metropolitan Karachi. The maximum power supply
cut value of approximately 102.0GWh recorded in fiscal 1998/1999, was
substantially reduced in fiscal 1999/2000 to 7.3GWh (refer to Table 3). This was the
result of increases made to the capacity of transmission lines linking the WAPDA
grid system and the KESC grid system, and to power supplies from IPP. The
installation of the No. 6 generating unit at BQTPS is also considered to have made a
proportionate contribution to this improvement.

(2.4.2.) Environmental Impact

BQTPS is located some 50km to the east of the city of Karachi in an unpopulated
desert area on the Arabian Sea, therefore it is not generating an impact from noise or
vibrations. Further, the heated effluent employed as coolant at the power station is
carried in pipes and discharged into the ocean at a spot 3km away; however, the
temperature differential to sea water is less than 7oC and is in line with initial
projections, thereby maintaining environmental standards and exerting no particular
impact on the marine environment. Initially, the measurement results of smoke
emissions monitoring could be confirmed in real time on panels in the control room,
however, the equipment has not been repaired since it broke down in 1998 and was
not operating at the time of the field survey by the ex-post evaluation mission in
February 2001. Nonetheless, a survey of the surrounding environment conducted by
the consultant employed by Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (the German
Development Bank: KfW) in 1999, confirmed that there were no specific problems
at the time. The Planning and Rehabilitation Division of BQTPS has subsequently
surveyed atmospheric conditions in the vicinity of the power station using the mobile
monitoring unit procured using the fund, and no particular issues have come to light.
However, the executing agency considers it necessary for repairs to be conducted to
the smoke emissions monitoring system.

2.5. Sustainability
(2.5.1.) Operation and Management System
In Pakistan, two public corporations, WAPDA and KESC, which are supervised by
the Ministry of Water and Power play a central role in the supply of electricity.
KESC is a government-linked company involved in power generation, transmission
and distribution of electricity in the greater Karachi metropolitan area (part of the
state of Baluchistan), and 63% of its stock is owned by the government of Pakistan.
As of the end of June 1999, KESC had 12,499 employees.
Operation and maintenance work is carried out by BQTPS under the supervision of
KESC. The power plant currently employs 862 workers, 122 of whom are
administrators, whilst the remaining 740 are employed as operators. On the other
hand, however, KESC head office originally approved a staff of 1,105, which means
that 243 posts are currently vacant. This is because KESC is proceeding with
rationalization of its organization under the guidance of the Asian Development
Bank (ADB), and both the recruitment of new staff and the replacement of retiring
employees have been forbidden for the last ten years, including at BQTPS. As of the
end of June 1993, the number of consumers per employee, which is one of the
indicators of productivity, stood at 85 for the entire KESC. By the end of June 1999,
this figure had risen to 116, evidencing a considerable improvement in productivity.
KESC is planning to adopt various policies including the promotion of outsourcing
for welding / metal processing operations, and is intending to proceed with
reductions in staff numbers and personnel expenses.

(2.5.2.) Current Operation and Management Conditions

The No. 6 generating unit has been operating favorably since it became operational.
Moreover, at the present time BQTPS has stored sufficient consumables to operate
and maintain the equipment for 5 years, and to date, no particular problems have
risen in terms of its maintenance. However, over-loading and the fact that periodic
inspections are not being performed means that there is a risk of early deterioration
of the equipment, and it will be necessary to pay due attention to these factors in the
The aging of generating units 1~4 has been accompanied by a deterioration in the
operating conditions at BQTPS, however, overhauls were conducted on unit 1
between December 1999 and February 2000, and on unit 2 from March through July
2000, which yielded considerable results as shown in Table 5. In addition,
inspections of the operating conditions of units 3 and 4 have been completed and
plans have been laid to overhaul the boilers and turbines of the units one by one from
2001 onwards.

Table 5 Results of Overhauls (O/H) of Units 1 and 2
Rated Maximum Output (MW) Benefits* Thermal Efficiency (%)
Cost of O/H
Output (million
Before O/H After O/H (million Rs) Before O/H After O/H
(MW) Rs/month)
Unit 1 210 80 190 81.48 59.43 29.5 36.20
Unit 2 210 140 200 65.49 28.38 34.75 37.50
Total monthly revenue from sales of power operating at a load factor of 80%
Source: BQTPS data

(2.5.3.) Financial Status of KESC

Profitability of KESC has been worsening year on year and the organization has
been posting losses since fiscal 1995/1996. Its pre-tax losses for fiscal 1998/1999
were Rp. 7.364 billion, marking its worst deficits to date. There are three main
reasons for its worsening profitability. The pricing policies for power selling set by
KESC have failed to reflect the rising prices of heavy oil, system loss is on the rise
(power thefts are increasing), and it has high financial costs.

Table 6 KESC Statement of Profits and Losses

(Unit: million Rupees)
93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99
■ Income
- Income from power
12,383.28 15,988.03 15,796.78 20,726.39 23,284.92
sales 11578.11
- Other income 218.69 307.66 351.40 493.64 412.56 496.23
Total 11,796.80 12,690.94 16,339.43 16,290.42 21,138.95 23,781.15
■ Expenditure
- Generation 5481.51 5344.3 7392.59 10980.67 10468.95 9312.09
- Power purchasing
1,390.23 1,704.40 3,444.09 7,739.79 11,400.58
expenses 836.28
- Depreciation
1,667.77 2,843.28 1,719.23 2,139.66 2,726.20
expenses 1962.39
- Interest 1387.33 1,720.32 1,793.37 2,112.35 3,161.41 3,041.65
* * *
- Bad debts reserve 1,438.03 1,698.30 1,212.93
- Other expenses 1953.41* 2,379.77* 3,074.66* 3,375.40 2,787.55 3,452.15
Total 11,620.92 12,502.39 16,808.30 23,069.77 27,995.66 31,145.60
Pre-tax profits and
188.55 (468.87) (6,779.35) (6,856.71) (7,364.45)
■ losses 175.88
For fiscal 1993/1994 ~ fiscal 1995/1996, the reserve for bad debts is included in other expenses.
Source: KESC annual report (1995~1999: 83rd~87th)

Table 7 KESC Balance Sheet
(Unit: million Rupees)
1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999
Current assets 6,746.70 8,845.58 11,623.88 12,938.91 16,364.87 19,466.76
Fixed assets 26,131.08 31,908.07 40,410.92 49,133.81 50,226.58 49,751.03

Investments & other

assets 126.50 128.64 199.17 191.16 481.12 392.25
Total assets 33,004.28 40,882.29 52,233.97 62,263.88 67,072.57 69,610.04
Capital Liabilities

Short-term liabilities 6,873.09 12,675.92 17,874.98 30,039.48 41,807.90 29,101.52

Fixed liabilities 18,829.81 20,725.40 27,246.33 30,716.94 29,434.93 49,113.44
Total liabilities 25,702.90 33,401.32 45,121.31 60,756.42 71,242.83 78,214.96
Paid-up capital 1,473.12 1,620.43 1,782.47 1,782.47 1,782.47 4,827.59
Reserves 5,828.21 5,860.49 5,330.18 (275.01) (5,952.72) (13,432.51)
Total capital 7,301.33 7,480.92 7,112.65 1,507.46 (4,170.25) (8,604.92)
Capital + liabilities 33,004.28 40,882.29 52,233.97 62,263.88 67,072.57 69,610.04
Source: KESC annual report (1995~1999: 83rd~87th)

The receivables turnover period has long been a problem for KESC and has been
deteriorating year on year. In the last five years, it has become 5~7 months. Looking
at a breakdown of the receivables in fiscal 1998/1999, receivables from federations,
the state government and the state-owned enterprises under its jurisdiction accounted
for 16.6% of the total. In addition, since KESC’s profit potential and liquidity are
low it is unable to secure sufficient internal reserves for investment in development,
thus its financial costs remains high because it is dependent on borrowing, which is
in turn pushing up its liabilities.

Table 8 Changes in KESC Principal Financial Indicators

1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999
Sales working profit ratio 1.49% 1.49% -2.87% -41.62% -32.44% -30.97%
Gross assets working profit
ratio 0.53% 0.46% -0.90% -10.89% -10.22% -10.58%
Gross assets turnover ratio 161.57% 169.64% 229.72% 1080.65% -506.90% -276.37%
Credit defrayal ratio 11.76% 13.56% 10.98% 12.97% 14.96% 12.79%
Liquidity ratio 98.16% 69.78% 65.03% 43.07% 39.14% 66.89%
Equity ratio 22.12% 18.30% 13.62% 2.42% -6.22% -12.36%
Receivables turnover
period 4.68 months 5.51 months 5.98 months 7.05 months 6.49 months 6.00 months
Source: Calculated on the basis of KESC’s annual report

Furthermore, the transmission and distribution loss ratio from the KESC grid system,
which stood at 19.77% in fiscal 1988/1989, had risen to 38.84% by fiscal 1998/1999
and is extremely high. The primary reason for this is the high incidence of power
theft (illegal connections to transmission lines and rigged meters) on the distribution
side. According to the predictions of
the executing agency, power theft
accounts for 20~25% of transmitted 31.37 31.2
electricity. Loss of power due to 26.04
power theft has a direct impact on
corporate profits and is an extremely 20 19.77
serious problem. KESC has been
covering distribution lines in a pilot 10
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
area and has implemented measures Figure 3 Transmission and Distribution
to crack down on power theft across Loss Factor of KESC System
the whole of its catchment area,
however, such steps have failed to produce any tangible results at this time.
Increased purchases of power from WAPDA and the launch of operations at BQTPS
enabled KESC to put a temporary stop to load shedding in its catchment areas,
however, in the months from July through November 2000, it again became
necessary to carry out rotating blackouts amounting to 82,148MWh. This is due to
the fact that KESC, which has a tendency to fall into arrears in its payments to
Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. (PPL), is now required to pay for its heavy oil in advance or
on the day of purchase. This has caused its capital turnover situation to deteriorate
thereby preventing it from being able to make sufficient purchases of heavy oil.

(2.5.4.) Conversion to gas fuelling

Soaring prices of heavy oil imports due to the falling local currency and rising
international heavy oil prices, and the 15% sales tax that began to be imposed on
petroleum and gas on July 1, 1999, have pushed up generating costs and increased
KESC’s business liabilities. Looking at fuel costs per KWh of power generation, it is
possible to see that gas is cheaper than either light or heavy oil (refer to Table 9).
In view of these circumstances, the government of Pakistan has been increasing
production volumes of domestically produced natural gas year on year and has
decided to prioritize allocation of this resource to the power sector. In line with
increases in the gas quota agreements for BQTPS, the volume of gas used to fuel
generating units 1~6, which are jointly operated using natural gas/heavy oil, is
currently being increased, and in February 2001, gas was being used to generate
some 44% of electric power at the plant.

Table 9 Bin Qasim Unit Fuel Costs (Paisa/kWh)
1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000
Gas - - 1.06 1.31
Light oil 1.41 1.52 2.73 3.13
Heavy oil (Bunker C) 1.72 1.69 1.35 2.06
Mean fuel costs 1.41 1.52 1.35 2.04
Fuel costs are averaged for BQTPS Units 1~6
Source: BQTPS data

(2.5.5.) Sustainability (of the effects)

As has already been mentioned above, the operating conditions of the No. 6
generating unit installed under this project are favorable. Moreover, since
appropriate maintenance work is being conducted on the other units at BQTPS,
including overhauls and so on, there are not considered to be any problems with
power generation facilities in terms of their operability. Personnel reductions at the
power station are causing slight confusion on site, but there are no specific problems
from a technological or personnel perspective. From an environmental standpoint,
there are no specific issues at the present time, and given the move towards the use
of gas to fuel power generation, reductions in the burden on the environment can be
Nonetheless, if KESC is to secure operation and maintenance costs and a stable
supply of power, it will need to implement various countermeasures including the
construction of an appropriate tariffs system reflecting its costs, further crackdowns
on power theft, the promotion of receivables collection and the use of domestically
produced gas, in order to improve its deteriorating financial status.
As cited above, starting with the financial status of KESC, the sound sustainability
of government enterprise management in Pakistan’s power sector is giving cause for
concern. The government of Pakistan has, however, demonstrated its focus on the
structural reform of the power sector ((1)the three separate functions of policy
drafting, regulation of this industry and operation of government enterprises,(2)
liberalization of the energy market, and (3) structural reform of government-owned
corporate systems and restructuring via the gradual advancement of privatization).

3. Lessons Learned

4. Recommendations (not for publication)

There are major concerns about the business conditions of all Pakistan’s
government-owned corporations including KESC. Since the collective proposals of the
World Bank and ADB will play a vital role in the Pakistani government’s
implementation of structural reforms in the power sector, it will also be necessary for
JBIC to follow such movements.

Comparison of Original and Actual Results

Item Plan Actual
1. Project scope Power station
(a) Boiler: heavy oil/natural gas Same as left
(b) Turbine generator: rated output 210 MW Same as left

Transmission lines
(a) Zone: BQTPS ~ Korangi West Grid Same as left
(b) No. of lines: 2 Same as left
(c) Length: 30-km 35-km
(d) Voltage: 220kV Same as left

Grid station
(a) Transformer capacity: 250MVA Same as left
(b) Switchgear SF6/gas-insulation type Same as left
2. Implementation Power station: January 1994 ~ July 1996 Power station: February 1994 ~ April 1998
schedule (31 months) (51 months)
Transmission lines: June 1994 ~ April 1996 Transmission lines: May 1994 ~ September
(24 months) 1998 (53 months)
3. Project cost
Foreign currency ¥24.221 billion N/A
Local currency Rp 3.7841 million N/A
Total ¥38.260 billion N/A
ODA loan ¥26.166 billion ¥25.089 billion
Exchange rate Rp. 1 = ¥3.71 (February 1994) N/A


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