Icar Ar 2020 English
Icar Ar 2020 English
Icar Ar 2020 English
Additional Secretary and Financial Adviser, : Shri B. Pradhan (Till October, 2020)
DARE/ICAR Shri G. Srinivas (from 12 October, 2020)
Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about poultry was strengthened and 16 indigenous germplasm
58% of India’s population and contributes about 17% to were registered this year.
Gross Value Added (GVA). The Indian food industry is I am pleased that ICAR is not only focusing on
poised for huge growth, increasing its contribution to developing technologies to increase production of various
world food trade every year owing to its immense agri-commodities but working intensely with the farming
potential for value addition, particularly within the food community. Immediately after onset of COVID-19
processing sector. Agricultural research and development pandemic ICAR issued guidelines and advisories for
is fundamental for planned growth and sustainable farmers of all the States and KVKs network exhibited
development of agriculture in the country. Indian Council ground level presence and supported the farmers with
of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is an apex organization all means including innovative Agri-solutions, trainings
in the field of agricultural research at national level which and technology demonstrations. Agricultural education
plays a crucial role in promoting and accelerating is vital to develop trained and skilled human resource to
agricultural research, education, extension and support take up present and future challenges confronted by
in demonstrating the use of new technologies in Indian agriculture due to climate change and constraints
agriculture. The year 2020 saw one of the most to natural resources and ICAR is fully committed for this.
threatening catastrophes witnessed ever by humanity, the During this period ICAR issued advisories to Universities
COVID-19 pandemic tested our capabilities almost in to take necessary steps to connect each student through
all the fields and agricultural sector is one of the them. online tools and guidelines were prepared for e-learning,
Despite these difficulties, we have the responsibility to implementation of Student READY programme,
feed above 1.3 billion people of the country, and I am conducting examination etc. The National agricultural
satisfied that our farmers and scienists worked hard higher education project (NAHEP) has provided
during this difficult period and achieved about 3.4% excellent support to universities and now implemented
growth of this sector. in 58 agricultural universities and 3 Deemed Universities
During this year ICAR released 270 varieties of field across 23 states.
and horticultural crops including 18 biofortified varieties ICAR remained exceedingly vibrant, fully realizing
taking the total to 71 in different crops. Dedication of 17 the dividends of digital technology to not only address
biofortified crop varieties by the Prime Minister to the the farmers’ needs but successfully organizing national
nation on the occasion of World Food Day-2020, is a and international events. ICAR’s continuous efforts in
testimony of commitment of Indian Council of development of innovative technologies for the benefit
Agricultural Research (ICAR) towards fulfilling of Indian farmers is praiseworthy. I hope that ICAR
country’s food and nutritional security. Efforts of ICAR Annual Report 2020–21 will be useful to different
during this period have been internationally appreciated stakeholders and boost the research and development in
and ICAR recommended advisories for the fishery sector agriculture.
have been recognized by the FAO, Rome. Livestock and
fishery sectors have immense importance for Indian
agriculture and to ensure good health of cattle and fishes (Narendra Singh Tomar)
ICAR is continuing to develop vaccines and diagnostics President
and during this year also good progress was made in this ICAR Society
area. Registration of indigenous breeds of livestock and
...the country is very well familiar with the green revolution and white revolution.
Time has come to bring about the changes in the lives of our fishermen brothers
through blue revolution and to supplement the income of our farmers through
honey-bee keeping and honey production. We have been working to bring blue
revolution, sweet revolution along with green revolution and white revolution.
— Narendra Modi
Foreword iii
1. Overview 1
2. Soil and Water Productivity 9
3. Climate Change and Resilient Agriculture 14
4. Genetic Resources 18
5. Crop Improvement 31
6. Livestock Improvement 57
7. Crop Management 62
8. Livestock Management 76
9. Mechanization and Energy Management 86
10. Post-harvest Management and Value-addition 94
11. Agricultural Human Resource Development 105
12. Social Science 126
13. Information, Communication and Publicity Services 140
14. Technology Assessment, Demonstration and Capacity Development 143
15. Research for Tribal and Hill Regions 152
16. Organization and Management 160
17. Partnership and Linkages 166
18. Supporting Basic and Strategic Research 174
19. Training and Capacity Building 184
1. Activity Programme Classification 189
(Budget estimates and revised estimates of DARE and ICAR)
2. Indian Council of Agricultural Research Society 193
3. Members of the Governing Body of the ICAR Society 200
4. Senior Officers at the Headquarters of the ICAR 202
5. ICAR Institutes and their Directors 204
6. National Bureaux and their Directors 207
7. Project Directorates, ATARI and their Directors 208
8. National Research Centres and their Directors 209
9. All-India Coordinated Research Projects and Network Programmes 210
10. Agricultural Universities 211
11. Total Number of Employees in the ICAR and its Research Institutes 212
and Number of SC, ST and Other Backward Classes
12. ICAR Awards 213
Acronyms 221
Index 224
The Mandate of the
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu accompanied by Shri Muttamsetti
Srinivasa Rao, Minister for Tourism, Culture and Youth Advancement, Government of
Andhra Pradesh visited the Visakhapatnam Research Centre of ICAR-Central Institute of
Fisheries Technology, Cochin, Kerala on 7 December, 2020. Shri Naidu stressed on the role
of Indian fisheries, the most flourishing and enterprising sector as one of the major
contributors to the food and nutritional security. He emphasized on the health benefits of
fish consumption as an affordable and easy source of animal protein for combating the
malnutrition status of the country. He also urged the scientists for understanding and
exploring the need-based research issues for the well-being of the large scale fishers and
undertaking the innovative and modern research as a future agenda.
Climate change and resilient agriculture:
Pseudomonas putida
Bacillus subtilis Pseudomonas
putida Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
Genetic resources:
strengthened with fibroblast cell line from Jaisalmeri and hybrids identified were DOGR Hy-73, DOGR Hy-173
Bikaneri camel, Halari donkey and Zanskari horse with and DOGR Hy-179. White onion variety GJWO-3 was
at least five samples from each. A new freshwater fish identified for cultivation during rabi. Promising potato
species, Barilius torsai from Torsa river, Brahmaputra varieties identified were Kufri FryoM, Kufri Karan, Kufri
drainage was identified. Manik, Kufri Sahyadri, Kufri Thar-1, Kufri Thar-2, Kufri
Crop improvement: During 2020-21, a total of 172 Thar-3, Kufri Sangam and Hybrid Kufri Chipsona-4.
varieties/hybrids including 17 biofortified varieties were High yielding seed spices varieties developed were Ajmer
notified and released for commercial cultivation. These Ajwain-73 and Ajmer Nigella-1. For the first time, a draft
high yielding varieties included 62 varieties of cereals, genome sequence of the popular Indian cashew cv.
23 of oilseeds, 33 of pulses, 39 of commercial crops, 15 Bhaskara was generated using hybrid genome assembly
of forage crops and other crops. Using marker-assisted approaches.
selection strategy, lipoxygenase-2 free soybean variety Livestock improvement: The cattle Frieswal was
NRC 132 was developed and identified for cultivation declared a breed and subsequently a trademark
in Southern and Eastern zones. Two SNP markers linked FrieswalTM was obtained. Frieswal, a crossbred cattle
to wilt resistance in castor variety 48-1 were identified. variety, was released and included as a breed in national
These markers can be further used in the MAS for milch herd. A bull mother farm of Frieswal cattle was
development of wilt resistant castor varieties. The established at ICAR-NDRI, Karnal by selecting 208
miR156 binding site of the Ideal Plant Architecture gene Frieswal cows/heifers from 850 elite cows. The average
1(IPA1) was edited through CRISPR/Cas9 technique in 300-day lactation milk production potential of Frieswal
Swarna rice. The edited lines showed ~40% increase in cows is 3,335 kg. The total lactation milk yield of this
number of the spikelet’s per panicle. Cicer microphyllum, breed is 3,628 kg. The average age at first calving (AFC)
a wild relative of C. arietinum, may serve as a source of of Frieswal progenies decreased by 15.77% in KVASU
genes responsible for drought tolerance. During 2019- (957.1 days vs 1136.4 days), 31.91% in GADVASU
20, total breeders seed production in field crops was (811.6 days vs 1192 days), 18.79% in BAIF (793 days
115,711.9 q against the indent of 85,752.8 q. The cereal vs 976.5 days) and 14.2% in GBPUAT Unit (985.8 days
crops had a major share in total breeder seed production. vs 1149 days). Under the Indigenous Breeds Project
During 2019-20, the total production of quality seeds (IBP), genetic improvements of three breeds, viz. Gir,
including all classes was 420,812.6 q against the target Kankrej, and Sahiwal were carried out through the
of 376,553.0 q. selection of elite animals. Under Mega Sheep Seed
In horticultural crops during this year, a total of 65 Project, the improvement of indigenous sheep breeds was
improved varieties/hybrids comprising fruits (11), carried out by propagation of superior germplasm in the
plantation crops (8), vegetables (22), onion (4), garlic farmers’ flock. A total of 345 improved goat germplasm
(1), potato (9), tropical tubers (2), flowers (1), spices (3), of different breeds were supplied to farmers and different
medicinal plant (1) and mushrooms (3) were identified developmental agencies for improving production
for cultivation in different agro-climatic conditions of performance in field conditions. The institutional flock
India. A total of 258.96 q of Breeder’s seed of 193 of Jakhrana goats exhibited an average milk production
varieties and hybrids of different vegetable crops were 147.72±3.66l litres in 90 days and 192.40±5.58 litres in
produced. Further, as a part of technology dissemination, 120 days. The follicular dynamics concerning the changes
a total of 227.2 q truthful label seeds of 56 varieties/ in concentrations of hormones during the estrous cycle
hybrids of vegetables and 226 q TL seeds of seed spices in pubertal mithun was evaluated.
was produced and distributed to farmers. Two male lines of poultry, viz. PD-1 (Vanaraja male
In pummelo, Arka Chandra and Arka Anantha with line) and PD-6 (Gramapriya male line) and two female
high yield and suitable for fresh consumption were lines, PD-2 (Vanaraja female) and PD-3 (Brown egg layer
developed. Arka Supreme avocado having 370-400 kg line) were improved. A total of five crosses were
fruit yield was developed. Solapur Lal, the first produced by crossing Aseel males with females of PD-
biofortified hybrid pomegranate useful for juice or fresh 1, PD-2, PD-6, PB-1, PB-2 lines and evaluated up to 12
consumption, was bred. ARI-516 grape, a high yielding, weeks of age.
early ripening, evenly maturing hybrid with long, The indigenous ornamental fish, channa stewartii,
cylindrical, medium sized fruit bunches with 20-22°Brix collected from beels of Assam was raised to broodstock
and musky flavor was developed. Thettu Amalika in concrete tanks. The complete technology of breeding
tamarind was identified for cultivation in semi-arid zone and seed production of ornamental fish silver moony was
of Andhra Pradesh. The coconut varieties notified were developed and is ready for transfer and entrepreneurship
Kalpa Haritha, Kalpa Jyothi, Kalpa Surya and Kalpa development. Captive breeding and seed production of
Srestha. VTLCP-9 cocoa is a promising hybrid with 3 an important food fish, mangrove red snapper was
kg dry beans/tree/year yield and suitable for chocolate successfully undertaken, which not only is a suitable
industry. Two onion varieties, viz Bhima Subhra and species for farming in brackish water ponds and open
Bhima Safed were registered with PPV&FRA under cages, but it also grows fast, tolerates salinity and accepts
extant category for their protection. Kashi Baingani pelleted feed. A portable fiberglass reinforced plastics
French bean which flowers at 70-80 days after sowing, (FRP) hatchery was designed and fabricated for pabda.
has been identified for cultivation in Jammu & Kashmir, It possesses the capacity to accommodate 45,000-50,000
Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, fertilized eggs, which can produce 10,000-15,000 early
Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka. Promising onion fry in a single cycle. By adopting multiple stocking and
multiple harvesting (MSMH) farming models with banana plants. At Shillong, application of 75% of
milkfish, productivity could be increased in small and recommended-Phosphorous (RDP) as rock phosphate
traditional ponds. In 180 days, this model yielded 3.0- along with PSB inoculation exhibited potato tuber yield
3.8 tonnes/h fish with a benefit-cost ratio of 1.50-1.66. at par with the treatment receiving 100% RDP indicating
Crop management: A decision support tool (APSIM) a saving of about 25% RDP. Soil application of liquid
to design suitable crop management in sorghum formulation of Beauveria bassiana along with bunch
interventions for locations and to optimize rabi sorghum spraying with acephate followed by bunch covering with
systems productivity was developed. Simulation study polypropylene sleeve were found effective in
indicated that refined APSIM setup with gridded NASA management of banana scarring beetle. Utility of genome
data could be successfully used to simulate the yields of editing of mango fruit fly mediated by CRISPR/Cas 9
rabi sorghum across the country. Work on organic was demonstrated by disrupting white gene,
farming (OF) in pulses especially in long duration pigeon spermatogenesis pathway genes such as topi, per.
pea showed that higher crop performance could be Integrated management of leaf curl virus in chilli
realized with OF vis-a-vis inorganic or recommended Pusa Jwala was standardized with reduced incidence of
practice. Intercropping of maize + cowpea (1:1) was most leaf curl disease which increased yield by 78.61%.
effective with higher grain yield of maize (66 q/ha) Livestock management: New variety of sorghum
compared to that in maize – chickpea system (63.90 q/ fodder, CSV-43 BMR developed through pedigree
ha). Crop intensification with foxtail millet as pre-rabi method improved the performance of growing and
crop, is recommended in rainfed Alfisols of Prakasam lactating buffaloes. A composite feed additive developed
district for an additional net income of ` 10,000 to was effective in reducing enteric methane production and
25,000/ha, where farmers normally grow tobacco and enhancing performance in lactating murrah buffaloes. A
Bengal gram in rabi. Maize-tobacco cropping system is study indicated that Murrah buffalo males can grow
recommended as remunerative cropping system in terms faster, attain early puberty and AFE with better semen
of tobacco leaf yield (2,380 kg/ha) and net returns quality when provided with improved feeding and shelter
(` 139,285) in tobacco growing Vertisols of Andhra management. Supplementation of Tinospora cordifolia
Pradesh. The maximum soybean yield was recorded stem powder @2% in concentrate feed for 14 days could
under conventional tillage carried out after two years and prevent sub-acute lactic acidosis in small ruminants. The
remained at par with sub soiling once in four years and low live birth rate obtained with cloned embryos limits
conventional tillage carried out every year. A novel this technology on a large scale. Studies revealed that
rhizobial strain Bradyrhizobium daqigense was isolated treatment of cloned embryos with Dickkopf-1 improved
for the first time from root nodules of soybean. Five their developmental competence, quality and live birth
resources based farmer specific IFS models each of one rate. The growing goats and sheep fed with moringa
ha size were developed and demonstrated by IGFRI, based complete feed for long duration attained higher
Jhansi to enhance the livelihood of Bundelkhand farmers. body weight and appreciably highest efficiency of feed
Trichoderma isolates from pulses rhizosphere were tested conversion in comparison to other group of animals of
under in-vitro and green house conditions at ICAR-IIPR, similar age and fed with traditional ration. A pregnancy-
Kanpur; one isolate, 11PRTH-31 (Trichoderma associated glycoproteins-based diagnostic assay was
asperellum) was identified for maximum inhibition of developed for early detection of pregnancy in bovine.
mycelial growth of wilt pathogens, promoted root length, Study under controlled thermal stress conditions in
shoot length, and tolerated temperature up to 50oC. Blast psychrometric chambers and in different seasons revealed
pathogen Pyricularia grisea infect the spike or finger of that crossbred cattle are more immune to stress than
finger milletat flowering stage. Yield loss due to this indigenous cattle. A novel phytogenic blend was
disease varies from 28-36% and may go up under developed to replace antibiotic growth promoters in
favourable conditions for disease. Multiple parasitoid broiler production. Dietary supplementation of the bland
species for biological control of fall armyworm identified significantly improved body weight gain and feed
were Spodoptera frugiperda, Glyptapanteles creatonoti, conversion ratio and reduced Salmonella and coliform
Campoletis chlorideae, Cotesia ruficrus, Coccigidium counts in the caecum.
transcapsicum, Chelonus formosanus and Two effective kits, namely Surravey-kit for population
Phanerotoma sp. survey of Trypanosomiasis and indirect ELISA for
Application of FYM (10 kg/tree) with Arka microbial detection of antibodies against Classical Swine Fever in
consortium along with 100g AM fungi was observed pigs using recombinant Erns protein were developed and
effective in replacement of 25% of recommended dose launched. A total of 6,100 pig and 25,599 small ruminant
of fertilizers in custard apple Arka Sahan. Fertigation of serum samples received through AICRP-ADMAS centres
75% NPK along with irrigation at 80% ER and polythene were added to the National Livestock Serum Bank. An
mulching in combination with foliar spray (2%) of indigenous ELISA kit was developed to know the early
micronutrient formulation Banana Shakti and bunch presence of Rotavirus in diarrheic calves. Live attenuated
spraying with 2% potassium sulphate significantly CSF cell culture vaccine was developed from an
enhanced the yield of banana in Karnataka, Odisha and indigenous strain. The vaccine will be highly cost
Andhra Pradesh. In Grand Naine banana, the application effective and can be easily scaled up. A study aimed at
of poultry manure + groundnut cake + rural compost + treating mastitis and metritis diseases in cattle by
wood ash + VAM + PSB + KSB yielded bunches (23.5 treatment with Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). All the
kg) which were on par with 100% inorganically fertilized animals were cured completely demonstrating the
potential of MSCs for treatment of mastitis and metritis stress, solar-assisted micro-algae harvesting system and
in cattle. non-thermal plasma pyrolysis reactor. Initiatives were
A PCR-based identification kit was developed which undertaken to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. The
can identify magur and gariepinus and their hybrid in portable touch-free hand wash system, hand sanitizer unit
just two steps with genomic DNA as starting material. and pedal-operated sanitizer dispensing unit were
The full-length lgp2-cDNA sequence obtained through developed to prevent spread of COVID-19.
rapid amplification of cDNA ends-PCR consisted of 2299 Post-harvest management and value-addition:
nucleotides with an open reading frame of 2034 bp Green pea is used as fresh, frozen, canned and in dried
encoding 677 amino acids. To quantify the burden of seed form. The shelling/de-poding of pea seeds from the
antimicrobial resistance in food-producing animals and matured pods is a requisite operation. A small to medium
aquaculture through structured surveillance, ICAR scale green pea de-poding machine was developed with
in cooperation with FAO initiated a Network project a capacity of 45-55 kg/h, shelling efficiency of 90-95%
known as Indian Network for Fisheries and Animal and 2-3% damage. The on farm solar assisted dryer for
Antimicrobial Resistance (INFAAR). Lumiphage-a drying groundnut pods was developed. After drying, the
bacteriophage-based therapy as an alternative to groundnut pods can be stored for a longer time. The other
antibiotics was developed for shrimp hatchery operators machinery developed for post-harvest management and
for the prevention and control of bacterial diseases. A value-addition were: primary makhana roasting machine,
medicated feed mix, CIFE-ARGUNIL, which is effective loading/unloading device, poultry processing cum by-
for the control and treatment of Argulus and other product collection unit, automated amylose detection
ectoparasites of fishes was developed and granted patent. sensor system for assessment of ageing of rice grain,
Mechanization and energy management: A tractor- portable solar dryer for hills, portable ozone-based fruits
mounted six-row high speed (5-7 km/h) planter was and vegetables washer-cum-purifier/portable smart
developed with the pneumatic metering mechanism. The ultraviolet-C disinfection system.
approximate cost of the machine is ` 90,000 and its cost A novel process to produce protein isolates/
of operation is ` 615/h. The breakeven point and payback concentrates from oilseed cakes/meals without the
period of the planter were 64.8 h/year and 1.96 year, addition of strong or diluted acid was developed. The
respectively. The development of suitable matching protein produced using this method is superior in terms
equipment for the small tractor is of prime importance of solubility, wettability, water absorption capacity and
due to small fragmented land holdings, hill agriculture, degree of hydrolysis. A process for preparation of fat/oil
shifting cultivation and lack of mechanization for the free flavoured makhana was developed. Fat free
horticultural sector. The spraying system has been flavoured makhana is useful for the health-conscious
attached to the platform for the application of fungicide/ consumers. Testing kits for detection of adulterants in
pesticide. The developed system can be used in orchard selected spices, e.g. turmeric powder, red chillies, black
crops for pruning, spraying and fruits plucking. One of pepper, coriander etc. were developed based on
the possible ways to increase the digestibility of poor biochemical tests. The kit contains chemicals, glassware
quality roughages like rice and wheat straw is urea and procedure for the detection of adulterants, viz.
treatment. The handling task can be minimized metanil yellow, lead chromate, sudan dye, rhodamine,
substantially by treating straw with a retrofitted urea starch and papaya seed powder in spices. The other
solution spraying system on the straw baler. The capacity processes and products developed were activated carbon
of straw baler with urea spraying system is 109 bales/h from walnut hull, natural dye extracted from walnut hull,
for paddy at a straw load of 8.3 t/ha. A three-row multi- rose petal jam, soy based composite edible film, omega
crop planter cum herbicide applicator was developed for 3 rich flax seed and chia seed fortified eggless chocolate
planting of seeds and application of herbicide cake, cotton gin trash treatment system, cotton interlined
simultaneously. The performance of the implement was sleeping bags for better comfort, agro-residue reinforced
evaluated for the sowing of soybean, green gram and natural rubber garden pots, innovative lysimeter for on–
fodder maize crops. The cost of the implement is ` 15,000. farm water management, high value fine textiles from
A high-pressure variable range sprayer prototype was banana/jute/regenerated cellulosic fibres, sorghum
developed to control the hopper and adult locust. The yoghurt, omega-3 fatty acid fortified butter, seaweed-
other implements developed for farm mechanization based products etc.
were: animal cast mounted solar sprayer, ultra-low volume Agricultural human resource development: The
spraying system, tractor operated intra row cum inter row Education Division, ICAR, continues to strive for
weeder for orchards, sprayer equipped with electro- strengthening and quality assurance of higher agricultural
pneumatic system to control whitefly in cotton crop, education through implementation of scheme
tractor operated planter for tissue culture banana, dust ‘Strengthening and Development of Higher Agricultural
separation system for the wheat straw combine, trimming Education in India’. Quality assurance of AUs was
mechanism type banana sucker pairing equipment, banana ensured through accreditation and ranking of the AUs.
pseudo stem injector, tractor operated banana bunch Capacity building of the students and faculties was
harvester, cashew apple slicer, cleaner for multiplier enhanced in 16 programmes supported under Niche Area
onion, lifting platform for operations in green house, of Excellence including, one new programme sanctioned
power-operated mini rhizome planter, power-operated in 2019-20. Learning resources were enriched and
groundnut stripper cum decorticator, dust protection strengthened with e-books/print books and ICT in all
mask, solar fan-assisted headgear for environmental heat disciplines. Twenty new Experiential Learning Modules
were supported under student ‘READY’ component for relevance of agricultural higher education etc. So far, this
developing entrepreneurial skills of students. Financial program has benefited around 54,000 beneficiaries across
support was also provided for strengthening, renovation agriculture and allied sector.
and modernization of the structures pertaining to learning Social science: The frequency of climatic hazards
and teaching as well as for infrastructure pertaining to such as droughts, floods, heat waves and cold waves has
student amenities, viz. student hostels, laboratories, increased in the recent past and is predicted to increase
examination halls, smart classrooms. AUs were also in the future, that will affect the performance of
supported for encouraging holistic development of agriculture and livelihood of millions of people. In India,
students. the climatic hazards are estimated to reduce
Various programmes/activities also facilitated agricultural growth by about one-fourth. Keeping in view
promotion of higher agricultural education. These include the current resource constraints, particularly the water
centralized admissions in UG/PG and PhD to reduce in the Bundelkhand region, sustainable cropping pattern,
academic inbreeding, infuse merit and promote national and crop-livestock mix were envisaged. A goal
integration; award and distribution of fellowships to programming model was developed to maximize net
attract and retain the talent and promote merit, admission returns and minimize water use with set of physical,
of foreign students for globalization of agricultural economic and environmental constraints. A composite
education, capacity building of faculty through summer- agricultural sustainability indicator (CASI) was designed
winter schools and Centre of Advanced Faculty Training, especially suitable for the rice-wheat production system.
National Professorial Chairs and National Fellow Scheme The index covers four broad dimensions, viz. soil, water,
for promotion of excellence in research, Emeritus ecological and economic encompassing 79 indicators.
Scientist/Emeritus Professor Schemes as a structural The barometer so developed was applied to gauge the
method of utilizing skill bank of outstanding sustainability of Trans Gangetic plains of India. The
superannuated professionals. trends in scientific publications of emerging technologies
The support for Girls’ hostels, under the scheme of such as synthetic biology and artificial intelligence in
Agricultural Education Division was a step towards agriculture were studied. Applications of these
gender mainstreaming which increased the percentage technologies such as deep learning and algorithms to
of girls in higher agricultural education to 43.6%. The predict diseases and pest outbreaks, genome editing for
upgraded, improved and expanded infrastructure also new improved varieties are already in the market. To
increased the overall intake of the students across AUs. study the functional nature of Extension and Advisory
The National Agricultural Higher Education Project Services (EAS), a system level analysis was carried out
(NAHEP) is becoming increasingly visible to have with 36 service providers from Maharashtra and Odisha;
contributed towards transformation in agricultural higher including Public Private, Farmers’ Producers
education, enhancing its quality and relevance and Organizations (FPOs), and Non-governmental
development pursuit of the ICAR. The project Organizations (NGOs). All public EAS providers
implementation witnessed a desired pace during this year. reported linkages and cooperation with other public EAS
By now, 58 Agricultural Universities across the country providers as well as non-public EAS providers. The
were awarded projects under different components of linkages among non-public EAS providers were not as
NAHEP. During the year, activities majorly focused on expected; particularly, FPOs and some private EAS
teaching and research infrastructure development, faculty providers worked in isolation. The Government of India
development and training, networking and industry is committed to doubling of farmers’ income (DFI) by
collaboration, vocational training, students job 2022 with DFI strategies now under implementation.
placement, own revenue generation, strengthening of ICAR-NIAP estimated the interim growth rates in income
teaching and research infrastructure etc. Till now, nearly for effective monitoring of DFI strategies. The income
377 students and 120 faculties had undergone the assessment was done using seven sources of growth. The
international level trainings in reputed foreign real income growth was estimated from 2015-16 to 2018-
universities, whereas more than 2000 national level 19. The estimates are a positive direction of change.
workshops / seminars have been conducted for UG, PG Several initiatives of the government are seen to be
and Ph.D. level students under different components. yielding positive results, and the growth momentum can
Moreover, industry visits and Skill development be expected to pick up further. A value chain analysis of
programs have also been organized primarily to cater the three major spices-ginger, turmeric and chilli in the north-
current market needs and enable the students to emerge eastern region was analyzed to work out comparative
as “Job Creators” rather than “Job Seekers”. During the costs and returns mapping of value chain actors and
period, activities undertaken are strengthening of key estimation of compliance cost, investment and margins
digital infrastructures of ICAR AU system such as ICAR along the value chains.
– DC (Krishi Megh), e –enabled learning activities in In statistics and computer applications the following
AUs through demonstrations of virtual classrooms, methods were developed: latin hypercube designs,
implementation of Academic Management System in 52 modelling and forecasting of drought index using
AUs, development of AU – PIMS, progress on machine learning techniques, machine learning
constitution of External Advisory Panel, technical techniques based hybrid model for forecasting in
committee meetings to catalyze the participation of state agriculture, regression analysis from sample survey data
government representatives in raising the quality and using calibration approach, robust and efficient small area
estimation methods for agricultural and socio-economic were established taking the total number of KVKs to 722
surveys, development of state level estimates of crop area in the country. Besides lab to land activities for outreach,
and production, etc.. important programmes such as Farmers FIRST, Attracting
ICAR-CIWA has mandate of undetaking research on and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA), Cluster
gender issues in agriculture and allied fields, gender Frontline Demonstration of Pulses and Oilseeds, Cereal
equitable agricultural policies/programmes under gender- Systems Initiatives for South Asia (CSISA), National
sensitive agricultural sector responses and co-ordinating Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA),
research through its AICRP. The Institute’s primary Pulses Seed Hubs, Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav and
activities include standardisation of methodologies for awareness creation on government schemes etc. were
livelihood analysis and developing vulnerability taken up to address various challenges of engaging youth
framework for farm women, community and NRM based in agriculture, bringing self-sufficiency in the production
technological interventions for livelihood security, skill of pulses and oilseeds, sustainable agriculture, etc.
and entrepreneurship development of women and striving Technology assessment is one of the main activities of
for food and nutritional security of farm families KVKs to identify the location specificity of agricultural
including water, health and sanitation. technologies developed by the National Agricultural
Information, communication and publicity Research System (NARS) under various farming
services: The ICAR-Directorate of Knowledge systems.
Management in Agriculture (DKMA) is mandated to A total of 5,421 technologies of various crops were
showcase ICAR’s technologies, policies and other assessed at 13,094 locations by KVKs through 25,357
activities through the state-of-the-art dissemination trials on farmers’ field under thematic areas, namely
methods that cater to various stakeholders in the field of cropping systems, drudgery reduction, farm machineries,
agriculture. In the fast-changing knowledge intensive era, integrated crop management, integrated disease
the DKMA is committed to promote ICT-driven management, integrated nutrient management, integrated
technology and information dissemination system for pest management, integrated weed management,
quicker and more effective outreach. The ICAR-DKMA processing and value addition, resource conservation
has already taken steps to disseminate knowledge by technologies, seed and planting materials production,
using up-to-date most popular ICT tools for benefitting storage techniques besides varietal assessment for cereals,
the national as well as global agricultural world. The pulses, oilseeds, fruits, vegetable crops and commercial
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences and The Indian crops. Under livestock, 1,034 technologies interventions
Journal of Animal Sciences, the prestigious monthly across 3,338 locations covering 5,156 trials on animals
research journals with international impact factors were under the thematic areas of disease management,
available online (http://epubs.icar.org.in/ejournal). The evaluation of breeds, feed and fodder management,
popular periodicals like Indian Farming and nutrition management, production management,
Indian Horticulture and Kheti and Phal Phool were processing and value addition were taken up for
brought out to disseminate up-to-date knowledge and assessment. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
technologies to the stakeholders involved in agricultural New Delhi initiated National Level Cluster Frontline
production and processing in the country. Demonstration (CFLDs) on Pulses and Oilseeds with
To disseminate information in real-time, the ICAR main objective to demonstrate the production potential
website was updated on regular basis, and in total 3,965 of new varieties and the related technologies. A total of
pages were updated, with page-views from more than 17.27 lakh farmers/farm women, rural youth and
200 countries. On ICAR Facebook, total 399 posts were extension personnel were trained on various aspects
published, and it has 2,20,207 followers. The YouTube through 57,879 training programmes. KVKs produced
Channel of ICAR has video films, animations, lectures/ technological products like seeds and planting materials
interviews by dignitaries and eminent scientists, of improved varieties and hybrids, bio-products and elite
proceedings of national and international events, etc. The species of livestock, poultry and fish which benefited
Channel presently has 54,800 subscribers. The ICT 26.37 lakh farmers in the country. Soil, water, plant and
Roadmap of ICAR has been prepared for the development manure samples brought by farmers were analyzed at
and implementation of various software, IT tools, KVKs, and suitable advisories based on analysis were
databases and e-Governance software in line with the provided to them. Soil health cards (4.56 lakh) were also
Digital India Mission of the country. This ICT Roadmap issued to the farmers by KVKs. During the year, 5.81
envisaged short term and long-term ICT/IT activities lakh farmers visited ATICs for obtaining solutions related
which are needed for undertaking ICT/IT projects based to their agricultural problems.
on disruptive ICT technologies such as precision Research for tribal and hill regions: During the year,
agriculture, dynamic decision support and advisory the following crop varieties were released and notified:
system, e-Governance software using AI, DL, ML, VL Sweet Corn Hybrid 2, VL Masoor 148, VL Bhat 202
blockchain and big data analytical techniques. In order and VL Matar 61. A total of 220.52 q breeder seed of 42
to make paperless/ environmental friendly office, e-office released varieties/inbreds of 15 crops was produced. The
software has been implemented across 113 ICAR 15.18 q Truthfully Labelled (TL) seed of 25 varieties of
Institutes along with their Regional Stations/Sub-Stations 16 crops were produced. Sixty rice genotypes were
in the country. evaluated for leaf and neck blast diseases under the
Technology assessment, demonstration and Uniform Blast Nursery system. Four genotypes (VL
capacity development: During the year, 12 new KVKs 865U, A57, GSR 125 and GSR 142) for leaf and five
genotypes (VL 3187, VL 31851, VL 31916, VL 31997 Centres were notified in the Gazette under office
and GSR 132) for neck blast were found highly resistant, Language Rule 10(4). Till date, 141 ICAR institutes/
with 1 disease score on 0-9 scale. The susceptibility of centres have been notified. Four meetings of the Official
greenhouse whitefly against different insecticides, viz. Language Implementation Committee were organized.
Thiomethaxam, Imidacloprid and Pymetrozine were high In most of the ICAR institutes/centres, the Official
with LC 50 values 12.30, 18.62 and 22:38 ppm, Language Implementation Committee was constituted,
respectively. The brinjal accessions both cultivated and and their meetings were being conducted regularly. The
wild relatives were screened against the virulent strain quarterly progress report was sent online to the Regional
Fom-Megh 1 isolated from Meghalaya. All cultivated Implementation office of Rajbhasha Department. The
varieties of brinjal, Pusa Bhairan, Pusa Shyamla, Pusa quarterly progress reports received from various institutes
Uphar, Pusa Ankur and Pusa Purple Round were highly were reviewed and suggestions were given to them for
susceptible to Fom-Megh 1 in northeastern region. effective implementation. In accordance with the
Dragon fruit cultivation has a huge potential in Mizoram instructions/orders of the official Language Department,
as the climatic condition is highly suitable for better yield Ministry of Home Affairs, a total of 11 institutes were
and quality with market demand. Shweta Kapila, a cattle inspected for assessing the progress of Hindi during the
breed from Goa was registered with ICAR-NBAGR, period under report and suggestions were given to rectify
Karnal. The value-added formulation CCARI Bio 3 and shortcomings observed during the inspection.
CCARI Bio 4 was evaluated for their growth-promoting Two meetings of Directors of ICAR institutes and
efficiency in the soil @ 50 g/m2. Growth parameters were ATARIs were held under the Chairmanship of Secretary,
higher in the value-added formulation compared to DARE and DG, ICAR through Video Conferencing
untreated control. To improve the livelihood of the tribal during COVID-19 period. It was emphasized to strictly
farmers of Goa and coastal districts of Maharashtra and follow lockdown guidelines, maintain hygiene, use of
Karnataka farm and process machinery, technologies mask and social distancing under any circumstances.
developed by ICAR-CCARI were distributed. Training Besides these, various action points regarding the
and awareness required were also carried out for the research protocols to be developed and observed were
capacity building of the farmers. decided. It was decided to ensure the technology and
Organization and management: Fifty-three new input delivery among the farmers and other stakeholders
patent applications were filed during this year in different using ICT and all other possible means were decided to
subject domain of agricultural sciences at the minimize the impact of COVID-19 on farmers and the
Indian Patent Office (IPO). The cumulative figure of agricultural sector. The Umbrella Memorandum
patent applications at ICAR has now risen to 1,172 Understanding (UMoU) was signed between the ICAR
applications. To protect the plant varieties, proposals for and host Institutions, i.e. Central/States Agricultural
45 varieties (24 extant and 21 new varieties) were filed Universities and other Departments to cooperate in
at Plant varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority conducting research through AICRPs/Revolving Fund
(PPV&FRA). For applications filed earlier, 54 varieties Scheme/ and any other such schemes funded/ sanctioned
(43 and 11 new) were granted registration certificates by the Council. To commemorate the 92nd Foundation
during this period, which raised the cumulative figure of Day of ICAR, the Award Ceremony was organized.
registered varieties to 900. Thirty-seven trademark Various Awards for ICAR Awards 2019 were presented
applications were filed by eight ICAR institutes for to the winners on the occasion. The awards were given
different products and processes. Till date a total of 168 in 20 different categories to 161 awardees, these
trademark applications have been filed. This year, 325 comprised 94 scientists, 10 administrative personnel, 6
partnership agreements were formed for Consultancy/ journalists and 31 farmers. Two institutes, one university,
Contract Research and Service with 174 public and two AICRPs and 14 KVKs were also awarded.
private organizations. Finance: The Revised Estimates in respect of DARE/
Under the promotion quota following posts were filled ICAR for 2019-20 was ` 7,846.17 crores. An internal
up during this year, five Director/Joint Director cum resources of ` 368.37 crores (including interest on Loans
Registrar, one Director (F)/Comptroller, one Deputy & Advances, income from Revolving Fund Schemes and
Director (F)/Chief Finance & Accounts Officer, three interest on Short Term Deposits) was generated during
Deputy Secretary & three Chief Administrative Officer, the year 2019-20. The total allocation Budget Estimates
eleven Senior Finance & Accounts Officer, three Under- for 2020-21 is ` 8,362.58 crores.
Secretaries, five Senior Administrative Officer, three Partnership and linkages: ICAR works closely with
Deputy Director (OL), one Principle Private Secretary, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
ten Administrative Officer, nine Finance & Accounts Research (CGIAR) institutes. ICAR/DARE has strong
Officer, three Section Officers and two Private collaboration in the field of agricultural research and
Secretary. During the year, 69 eligible officers and staff capacity building through active MoUs and work plans
of ICAR (Hqrs.) and Institutes were granted the benefits with 12 out of 15 CGIAR institutes. During 2020-21,
of financial up-gradation under the Modified Assured ICAR entered into a work plan agreement with The
Career Progression scheme in accordance with the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC),
Government of India (Department of Personnel and Alabama, USA. Work Plan for the period 2020-25 was
Training) instructions in this regard. signed between ICAR and the International Food Policy
During the period under report, 4 ICAR Institutes/ Research Institute (IFPRI) to promote and accelerate the
collaborative efforts for research and training in food and had seven patents and 10 technologies.
agricultural policies. To foster the agricultural research Training and capacity building: As a new initiative,
in the Global South, a MoU has been signed between the Competent ICAR Institutes organized Trainers
ICAR and Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Development Programme for Developing Masters’
Research Institutions (APAARI), Bangkok, Thailand. Trainers in ICAR, training programme for Technical and/
The ICAR has been pioneering in the human resources or Administrative staff dealing with Security or Security
development for agricultural research in Afghanistan by Officer, Court cases, Assets Management, Works/Estate/
establishing the Afghan National Agricultural Sciences Building Maintenance, Capacity Building Programme for
and Technology University (ANASTU) at Kandahar. The CJSC Members and establishment matters for LDCs and
significant improvement in the expansion and UDCs of ICAR. Training programmes for Guest House
infrastructure development of CAUs happened during Caretakers/Incharges, stenographers grade, technical
2020 with Prime Minister dedicating the new building staff, regular drivers, farm manager, PME Cell Incharges,
of the School of Agribusiness and Rural Management of ITMU/ZTMU Incharges, Vigilance Officers, etc. were
RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur and academic building for also organized. An Executive Development Programme
College of Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry, on ‘Developing Effective Organizational Leadership for
administrative building, hostels and faculty residences at Senior Officers of ICAR’ was also organized in which
RLBCAU, Jhansi. Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister 45 Seniors Officers in 2 batches with both In-country
of India, dedicated the newly constructed the Academic and International exposurevisits, participated.
and Administrative buildings to the nation. As a measure All the ICAR-Institutes and HQ submitted the ATP
to reach out to cross sectional agencies and entities online for all the categories of employees through TMIS.
involved in the development of agriculture and the During the reporting period, 1,055 scientists; 728
farmers in the country, ICAR entered into MoUs with technical; 1,321 administrative including finance staff
the National Cooperative Development Corporation and 340 SSS were trained. Overall, 3,444 employees were
(NCDC), New Delhi, Indian Farmers Fertilizers trained which is about 20.1% of the total employees’
Cooperative (IFFCO), New Delhi; Ministries of MSME strength of ICAR. Compared to 2013-14, there was
for entrepreneurial development, and MoFPI for technical considerable improvement in a number of employees who
support and capacity building in food processing and received trainings particularly in case of Technical,
promotion of one-district one product programme of Administrative and Skilled Support Staff, where
Government of India. Agrinnovate India Limited has improvement was 96.8, 118.0 and 750.0%, respectively
successfully been able to turn a new leaf in the recent along with the overall improvement of 43.0% in all the
past by initiating effective partnerships with ICAR categories of employees. Compared to 2013-14, ICAR-
institutes and private companies. The company’s revenue Institutes/HQs organized 67.2 and 440.0% more training
from operations touched ` 153,76,950 for the first time, programmes for technical and skilled support staff,
as against 3,057,630 during the previous year. With a respectively with overall 4.1% higher trainings during
revamped website and increased efforts at bringing 2019-20. ICAR-Institutes had also organized the Field/
technologies developed by 35 ICAR institutes under Exposure visit of 288 SSS to other ICAR-Institute(s)
AgIn’s purview, nearly 340 technologies were added to within or nearby states.
the list of technologies ready for commercialization For the first time, a study conducted on the
through AgIn. effectiveness of trainings attended by 1,782 staff of all
Supporting basic and strategic research: The four categories during 2017-18 revealed that pooled
National Agricultural Science Fund supports basic and perceived training effectiveness index (PTEI) was 3.86,
strategic research in agriculture. The main objective of referring medium effectiveness of trainings. Significant
the scheme has been to build capacity for basic, strategic behavioural changes and changes in practices as a
and cutting-edge application research in agriculture and consequence of exposure to the trainings were observed
address issues which can be solved by intensive basic and it was concluded that the trainings organized by
and strategic research jointly by a team of organizations/ ICAR should continue for all staff to bring about desirable
institutions. The scheme has already funded 205 projects, changes in competencies.
mostly in consortium mode. At present, 66 projects are For a better understanding of the needs of agriculture,
in operation and out of which 62 are multi-institutional I present these achievements of the Council to the policy
in nature. During the last one year, NASF had taken many planners, researchers and all stakeholders, and hope that
new initiatives like the inclusion of allele mining, these will help them in future research and innovations
metabolomics, precision agriculture, application of for the improvement of Indian agriculture.
sensors and nanotechnology in agriculture and policy in
agriculture as new strategic areas; and one mega-project
on captive breeding of hilsa Tenualosa ilisha: Phase II. (T Mohapatra)
Besides supporting, reviewing, monitoring and Secretary
evaluation of the ongoing projects during the year, Department of Agricultural Research and Education
NASF evaluated 66 new full projects proposals received and
under different themes. A total of 27 new projects were Director General
approved during the period. Besides having more than Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
70 research publications in reputed journals, NASF New Delhi
Soil and Water Productivity
Soil quality assessment: Soil samples from five Nagaland, and Sikkim to generate site specific
different bio-climates were analyzed for soil organic information needed for farm/village level planning.
carbon (SOC) and soil inorganic carbon (SIC) to assess Detailed database generated at farm level and its
soil quality. SOC content reduced upon moving from subsequent abstraction to village, mandal, taluk, district,
per-humid to dry semi-arid and arid (Nimone series) state and country will form the basis needed for
climatic conditions. However, the SIC (CaCO3) content prioritizing, initiating and executing soil conservation
was higher in soils of drier areas with lower rainfall measures, irrigation planning and precision agriculture.
and soils under rainfed agriculture. Soil quality Glauconite nano-particle—a potential source of
assessment was done in areas dominated by cotton potassic fertilizer: The entire requirement for potassic
and sugarcane-based cropping systems (AESR 6.1) fertilizer is imported in our country. Glauconite as it
and rice-based cropping system (AESR 18.4). Majority is available in our country can be an alternative low
of districts with cotton-based cropping systems have cost source of potassic fertilizer for sustainable crop
relative soil quality index (RSQI) of Class II (80–90) production. An attempt was made to test glauconite
whereas the districts with sugarcane-based cropping nano-particle as a potassic fertilizer. Glauconite nano-
systems have RSQI of Classes II and III (70–80) in particles (GNP) were prepared by top down method
AESR 6.1. In AESR 18.4, the RSQI class is III and and obtained the GNP of size 19.9 nm. Besides 6–
IV (60–70) in majority of districts with small patches 10% K2O, GNP also contains Si (51%), Al (2%), Fe
of classes I (>90) and II. A positive correlation between (16%) etc. Application of GNP recorded higher crop
RSQI and crop yields in both AESRs suggested that yield and proved steady releasing behavior of K from
the former could serve as unified criterion for comparing GNP throughout the growth period of crop.
regional soil quality. Potential crop zones delineated: Area/region
Land Resource Inventory: Land Resource specific efficient and remunerative crops and cropping
Inventory (LRI) on a 1:10000 scale were prepared in sequences were delineated based on soils, landforms,
GIS environment for the different blocks of Manipur, rainfall, temperature, length of growing period and
Soil map of Mangan block of Sikkim at 1:10000 scale Revised oil palm suitability map of India for rainfed condition
irrigability. Potential crop zoning involves development rice and oil palm of the country were delineated.
of Land Management units (LMUs), bio-physical Subsurface drip irrigation in cereal based systems:
suitability evaluation and linking of bio-physical suitable Water and nutrient (N) management in rice–wheat
maps to the relative spread and productivity of reference systems using subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) was
crops and cropping sequences. The potential areas of standardized with laterals spacing and depth at
67.5×20 cm in normal soil and at 45×15 cm in salt
Bioreactor for rapid composting affected soils, respectively. On system mean basis,
SDI saved 47% (93.6 cm/yr) and 45% (29 cm/yr)
Ekcel-CompostR and Ekcel-ShredR for rapid irrigation water under rice–wheat (RW) and maize–
decomposition of waste biomass, were developed.
Ekcel-ShredR is used to produce fine textured cellulosic wheat (MW) system, respectively, compared to flood
food waste materials (3–6 cm) from different sources irrigation system under same management level. The
of food stuff. Ekcel-CompostR enhances the highest (4.46 q/ha-cm) irrigation water use efficiency
decomposition rate of shredded waste using was recorded with MW system and lowest (0.58 q/
thermophillic ligno-cellulolytic Accel microbial consortia, ha-cm) with farmers’ practice. The SDI system reduced
in turn reduces composting.
the fertilizer N requirement by 20% (30 kg N/ha)
All ingredients and microbial consortium are mixed
and fed together with required amount of water. The under each crop of rice, wheat and maize and on
mesophilic microbial consortium was added at initial system basis. On system basis, RW and MW systems
stage and thermophilic bio-inoculum was used after 15 recorded 45 and 50% higher partial factor productivity
days of decomposition. The final compost product was of N (PFPN) with SDI compared to conventional till
ready within 25–30 days of decomposition. (CT) flooding. The crop productivity and farm
profitability of RW-mungbean system increased by
~11 and 29%, respectively, under SDI system compared
to farmers’ practice (FP) of flood irrigation system.
However, in MW system, ~20% higher productivity,
49% higher profitability was recorded under SDI system
compared to flood RW system. The SDI enabled
integration of mungbean in cereal (RW/MW) systems,
which contributed to ~10 and 20% increase in
Bioreactor for rapid composting productivity and profitability, respectively, irrespective
of cropping systems.
Its mean peak recharge rate was 6.0 l/s and sediment 100% RDF through fertigation in equal splits at 6
filtering efficiency was 90.73%. days interval).
Automated drip fertigation: Automated drip Organic farming packages and models: Organic
fertigation in okra crop were evaluated for improving farming packages for 4 cropping systems suitable to
water use efficiency at Udaipur, Rajasthan. Different Gujarat, Kerala, Rajasthan, Sikkim and Uttarakhand
components of automated drip system were soil moisture were developed as per National Programme for Organic
sensor, controller, water meter and relay system. Production (NPOP) standards. Groundnut-wheat-green
Irrigation water was applied automatically based on gram system registered 6.1 t/ha of groundnut equivalent
availability of soil moisture in the crop root zone sensed yield with ` 1.43 lakh/ha as net returns while cassava-
by soil moisture sensor. Crop performance was better groundnut system in Kerala resulted in cassava tuber
with automated drip irrigation at 100% field capacity equivalent yield of 32 t/ha under organic production
(FC) along with application of 100% recommended system. Fennel-cluster bean system recorded fennel
dose of fertilizers (RDF) through fertigation in equal equivalent yield 2.2 t/ha with net income and B:C
splits at 4 days interval. Under this treatment, okra ratio of ` 75,808/ha and 2.21 respectively. Under Sikkim
yield was 8.60 t/ha and water use efficiency was 0.24 conditions, maize + ginger – French bean resulted in
t/ha-cm. There was 41.6% total water saving and 109% 15 t/ha of maize equivalent yield with net return of
higher crop yield compared to the control (i.e. water ` 2.99 lakh/ha.
application through manual drip irrigation along with
Organic farming packages
Andhra Pradesh Maruteru Field crops + horticulture + Ongole cow + 0.56 1.31 449
poultry + fish
Gujarat Junagadh Field crops + horticulture + Gir cow + fish 0.50 0.88 317
Navsari Field crops + multi-storied horticulture + 0.60 0.83 300
farm pond
Rajasthan Kota Field crops + 2-tier horticulture system + dairy 1.00 1.40 417
Climate Change and Resilient Agriculture
Groundwater management for enhancing sorghum (22.47%) at Parbhani (Maharashra) in
adaptive capacity to climate change in sugarcane comparison with uninoculated control. Both the
based farming system: In Muzaffarnagar district of consortia showed encouraging results for the last two
Uttar Pradesh owing to indiscriminate use of years by improving the grain yield of maize, kharif
groundwater for irrigation, the groundwater table is sorghum and rabi sorghum over uninoculated control.
declining at an alarming rate in three blocks (Shahpur, Rainfed crop varieties to cope up with delayed
Budhana, Baghra). To stop the decline of groundwater onset of monsoon: Agricultural production, productiv-
table, a two pronged approach (supply side and demand ity and stability in rainfed areas is more vulnerable to
side management) was pilot tested in village Rasulpur climate variability particularly during kharif owing to
Jattan of Sahapur block. Climate resilient improved
irrigation systems such as underground pipe conveyance
system in sixty farmers’ field were installed to minimize
conveyance loss. Solar powered drip system and rain-
gun system were also installed in the farmer’s field
(demand side management) for precision irrigation.
Groundwater resource was augmented (supply side
management) through installation of artificial recharge
structures (recharge cavity wells) along with check
dams. In addition to above interventions, the pilot
study also recommends crop diversification (shifting
from water guzzling crops to low water requiring crops)
in over-exploited areas for sustainable use of
groundwater. Fingermillet var. MR-1 (Bengaluru, Karnataka)
Microbial consortia to enhance drought tolarence
in rainfed crops: Plant beneficial microorganisms have
a great potential to enhance the drought tolerance and
crop productivity. Two microbial consortia, viz.
Pseudomonas putida P7 + Bacillus subtilis B30
(consortia 1) and Pseudomonas putida P45 + Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens B17 (consortia 2) were developed
and evaluated at Ballowal Saunkhri (Punjab), Parbhani
(Maharashtra), and Vijayapura (Karnataka) in maize,
kharif sorghum and rabi sorghum, respectively. The
seed + soil application of consortia 1 recorded highest
grain yield in maize (32.46%) and rabi sorghum
(29.48%) over uninoculated control at Ballowal
Saunkhri (Punjab) and Vijayapura (Karnataka),
respectively. Whereas, the seed + soil application of
consortia 2 recorded highest grain yield in kharif Groundnut var. TG 37A (Arjia, Rajasthan)
its high dependency on south-west (SW) monsoon. The days), multiple stresses (drought, submergence, disease
short duration and drought tolerant varieties identified and insect pest) tolerant, lodging resistant with desirable
for delayed onset of monsoon under diverse rainfall and cooking quality traits and having long slender grain
soil types are soybean (var. JS-9560) and cotton (var. type. Quality wise, Swarna Samriddhi Dhan possesses
PKV-Rajat) under semi-arid (hot moist), vertisols/20 days 77.8% hulling, 62.0% milling, 55.6% head rice recovery
delay in onset (Akola); fingermillet (var. MR-1, GPU- (HRR) with desirable intermediate alkali spreading
28), ricebean (var. RBL-1), pigeonpea (var. BRG-2, TTB- value, amylose content (24.33%) with long slender
7) and fieldbean (var. HA-3, HA-4) under semi-arid, grain type. Besides drought tolerant, this variety can
alfisols/15 days delay in onset (Bengaluru); rice (var. also tolerate 10–12 days submergence.
Gitesh, Ranjit, Dishang) and blackgram (var. Pant U-19) NICRA Aerobic Dhan 1: This is a medium early
under perhumid, alfisols/inceptisols/ 18 days delay in duration, 100 cm tall erect, highly vigorous, non
onset (Biswanath Chariali); rice (var. Vandana, Sahbhagi lodging, non-shattering and dark green in colour. Plants
Dhan), fingermillet (var. A-404), sorghum (var. CSV-20),
sesame (var. Shekhar) and horsegram (var. Madhu, GHG-
19) under semiarid (hot dry), inceptisols/ 20 days delay
in onset (Chianki); horsegram (var. AK-41, AK-42),
groundnut (var. TG-37A) and sorghum (var. Pratap 1430)
under semi-arid, vertisols/ 15 days delay in onset (Arjia);
pearlmillet (var. GHB 558), clusterbean (var. GG 2),
greengram (var. GM-4) and castor (var. GCH-7) under
semi-arid/arid (hot dry), entisols/ 21 days delay in onset
SK Nagar; pigeonpea (var. TS 3R), pearmillet (var. ICTP
8203), mothbean (var. KBMB 1) and horsegram (var.
GPM 6) under semi-arid (hot dry), vertisols/ 30 days
delay in onset (Vijayapura). On an average, these varie-
ties gave about 15–35% higher yields compared to lo-
cal/farmers’ varieties under delayed onset of monsoon.
Drought-prone multi-stress tolerant rice genotype
for rainfed areas: A medium duration high yielding
rice genotype IET 24306 (Swarna Samriddhi Dhan)
was identified for rainfed areas of Bihar. This variety
is suitable for cultivation under transplanted condition
in irrigated as well as rainfed shallow lowland ecology
of Bihar. Swarna Samriddhi Dhan is semi-dwarf, high
yielding (5.5–6.0 t/ha), medium duration (135–140
Soil loss projections in IFS based micro-watersheds [Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP)]
Observed Average 13.01 11.23 9.81 9.95 9.82 9.54 16.92 17.96
Percent (%) increase in soil losses over observed soil losses in each IFS system
Projection period RCPs FSW1 FSW2 FSW3 FSW4 FSW5 FSW6 FSW7 FSW8
2020 (2010–2039) RPC 2.6 4.27 5.12 6.64 7.98 4.30 4.63 9.57 7.78
RCP 4.5 4.59 4.52 5.04 8.20 3.14 3.90 11.82 11.28
RCP 6.0 4.59 5.54 7.34 3.49 5.83 3.69 8.54 7.92
RCP 8.5 8.48 8.37 8.71 10.31 7.17 5.09 13.24 13.87
2050 (2040–2069) RPC 2.6 4.15 6.40 10.74 3.05 4.24 4.72 13.52 11.23
RCP 4.5 5.82 5.63 4.69 8.11 5.92 5.45 11.74 8.84
RCP 6.0 7.95 6.04 7.31 5.59 8.11 0.63 17.38 13.72
RCP 8.5 9.75 8.89 10.40 14.35 6.77 5.38 19.21 20.99
*FSW1, Farming System Micro-watershed 1 Dairy Based; FSW2, Farming System Micro-watershed 2 Forestry; FSW3,
Farming System Micro-watershed 3 Agroforestry: FSW4, Farming System Micro-watershed 4 Agriculture; FSW5, Farming
System Micro-watershed 5 Agri+Horti+Silvi pastural; FSW6, Farming System Micro-watershed 6 Horticulture; FSW7,
Farming System Micro-watershed 7 Cultivated Fallow; FSW8, Farming System Micro-watershed 8 Abandoned Jhum +
Broom grass.
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Genetic Resources
Germplasm augmentation, conservation and use: kattuyanum from Tamil Nadu; ambe more, bangadu,
A total of 25 explorations were undertaken and 1,764 chahpure, chimansal, chirli, colin, dangi, desi dangi,
accessions (1,368 cultivated and 396 wild) were dobadia, dodadkiya, dudh-malai, dumania, hari, jeera
collected from parts of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, bhat, kabrudolo, kajalheri, kala bhat, kala dangar,
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Jammu and khadsi, krishnakamod, laldhanhar, lalkada, phutte,
Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya prabhavati, sathiya and tulasiabhat from Gujarat;
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, birendhan, chanmunidhan, kali jira, lal bahadur,
Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand masuridhan, moktadhan, ronijatdhan, satuki and
and West Bengal. Germplasm was collected in major taposhee from Assam; aamker, axi, roing, noginaamo,
crops including cereals (barley, wheat and maize-29), day, laldhan, panikheti and naminama from Nagaland;
species of Vigna (179), Cajanus (173), millets (167), sekughi, kumlupu, ghaboan, apaghi, ajo-ghi and tsungu-
Luffa (97), Oryza (92), Cucumis (82), Abelmoschus ghi from Arunachal Pradesh; laldhan, sirohidhan and
(70), Pisum (63), Brassica (59), Solanum (56), jeera phool from Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan; and
Phaseolus (40), Linum (33), Amaranthus (30), in sorghum–karuncholam, sencholam and vellaicholam;
Momordica (27), Trichosanthes (27), Dioscorea (21), little millet–kadaikanni from Tamil Nadu; ricebean-
Musa (19), Glycine (19), Cicer (16), Zingiber (15), rains, rayans, naurangi, pili rains, lal rains, hara
Coix (14), Citrus (12), Corchorus (09), Piper (08), mass, bhura mass and gurunsh from Uttarakhand; and
Ocimum (08), Curcuma (07), Allium (06), Chenopodium in coriander–kumbhraj, mithidhana, kudidhana,
(06), and Artocarpus (03). deshidhana and ramela from Madhya Pradesh and
The significant materials collected include the Rajasthan. On-farm conservation was promoted amongst
landraces of rice–kichali samba, senthalazhinel, 63 farmers in 17 villages for chwaridhan, chakrata
malaiarusinel, thuyamalli, kuzhiyadichan, and local rajma, panchgain local rajma, foxtail millet and
kala bhatt; and amongst 37 farmers of 14 villages for
meshre wheat landrace in Dehradun, Tehri and
Uttarkashi districts of Uttarakhand. A total of 315
herbarium specimens were processed (in addition to
604 virtual herbarium specimens) and added to the
National Herbarium of Cultivated Plants (NHCP), New
Delhi bringing the holdings to a total of 24,306
Germplasm conservation: Germplasm added to
the National Gene bank for long-term storage comprised
8,222 accessions of orthodox seed species and currently
the base collection of National Gene bank has a total
of 446,636 accessions. A total of 23 accessions of
fruits, tubers, bulbs and medicinal plants were added
Seed variability in rice bean germplasm from Uttarakhand to the in vitro Gene bank, making the total collection
(17). The harvest of the virus-free plants was released needs of molecular crop breeders (http://
to the indenters. In addition, 19 PEQ inspections of www.nbpgr.ernet.in:8080/NGRR/Home.aspx). User
exotic germplasm of barley (4,651), carrot (29), friendly genome analysis tools and algorithms–K-mer
chickpea (1,350), corn (4,951), chilli (255), faba bean Mate pair assembly algorithm and RNAseq pipleline
(471), grass pea (326), lentil (2,157), soybean (792), were developed. Luffa acutangula draft genome
tomato (1,130) and wheat (14,723) were undertaken assembly was improved using public domain
at indenter’s sites. A total of 14,928 seed samples chromosome level NCBI data and 89267 SSRs were
were subjected to prophylactic treatment with mined from the assembly.
fumigation; 2,642 samples of paddy were given Microbes: To maintain the authenticity of
mandatory hot water treatment; 1,153 vegetative biopesticides and to check the spurious and substandard
propagules were also given prophylactic pesticidal dips products, the CIB&RC has included molecular
treatment and 608 samples of Capsicum spp. and identification and DNA fingerprint as mandatory
Solanum lycopersicum were treated with tri-sodium requirement for registration and recognized ICAR-
orthophosphate (10%). A total of 19 post-entry NBAIM as the nodal agency for developing DNA
quarantine inspections were carried out by Plant fingerprints of microbial cultures to be registered as
Quarantine scientists for imported consignments. About biopesticides. More than 300 samples from more than
1,360 samples were processed for export after issuing 100 companies and biopesticide units under SAUs
8 Phytosanitary certificates. were processed for fingerprinting at NBAIM. The
Seed health testing for pest-free conservation: A samples mainly contained Trichoderma harzianum, T.
total of 4,906 indigenous samples including 139 cryo asperallum, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium
samples were processed for pest-free conservation. anisopliae, Verticillum lecanii, V. chlamydosporium,
Out of the total, 904 samples were subjected to X- Paecilomyces lilacinus, Pseudomonas fluorescens,
ray radiography and 491 samples were found infested Bacillus thuringiensis, B. subtilis etc.
with indigenous insect-pests of which 428 samples Plant germplasm registration: The XXXXI meeting
were salvaged through various physico-chemical of Plant Germplasm Registration Committee was held
methods while 63 samples were rejected due to heavy on 29 September 2020 in virtual mode. Out of 88
insect infestation. Additionally, 158 samples were found proposals received, 78 belonging to 38 species were
infected with different fungi of which 144 were salvaged approved for registration. Some notable registered
and 14 samples were rejected due to Tilletia indica germplasms were, rice with high zinc in grains, purple
in wheat, T. barclayana in rice and Ustilago crameri leaves and panicles; wheat tolerant to drought stress;
in foxtail millet. About 54 in-vitro accessions of Rubus barley highly resistant to stripe rust with high 1,000-
were virus-tested for associated viruses, viz. ArMV, grain weight (47.5 g) and low protein content (9.5%);
RBDV, RpRSV, SLRV, SMYEV and ToRSV. Two first CMS line in radish with higher heterosis for yield,
accessions were found to be infected with ArMV and root length and root weight; oil palm with more number
52 were found free from six viruses tested. of bunches and slow vertical growth; wild diploid
potato with wider genetic base highly resistant to late
DNA fingerprinting blight disease etc.
Plant: A total of 7,020 wheat germplasm lines were
evaluated for different agro-morphological traits during Plant germplasm registered by PGRC during
2019–20 rabi season. Transcriptome-wide identification 2020–21 with current status
of 50 WRKY TF in little millet (Panicum sumatrense)
was done. Potential accessions were identified from Crop group XXXXI PGRC Current
1,635 little millet accessions for different traits (Days (29 September 2020) status
to 50% flowering, 1,000-grain weight etc.) based on Cereals and pesudocereals 22 565
phenotypic data taken at two locations (Akola, Millets 1 83
Maharashtra and Issapur, New Delhi). DNA extraction Fibre and forages 1 120
procedures were optimized for 25 food derivatives Grain legumes 8 159
including oil and amplifiability was ensured using PCR/ Vegetables 7 91
real-time PCR assays and inhibition test. GM testing Commercial crops 4 104
services were provided for 12 consignments of papaya
Medical and Aromatic Plants 10 101
(10) and soybean (2). Molecular testing for 20 samples and spices
of imported transgenics of maize and cotton was done.
Ornamentals 7 69
GM testing lab successfully participated in USDA-
AMS-FGIS Proficiency Testing and two Inter-laboratory Oilseeds 15 218
Comparison Programmes organized by Export Fruits and nuts – 44
Inspection Council (Kochi) and NAWaL Analytical Tubers 3 42
Laboratories (Hosur). National Genomic Resource
Agro-forestry – 8
Repository conserved 6,447 genomic accessions of
45 species at both –70°C and –196°C to cater to the Grand total 78 1,604
Cauliflower (Brassica IC0632603 20030 Ogura based cytoplasmic male sterile line of early maturity
oleracea var. botrytis) IC0632604 group (25–30°C) of Indian cauliflower. CMS line with dwarf
plant type. Good combiner for earliness and curd yield in early
maturity group of Indian cauliflower
IC0632601 20031 Cytoplasmic male sterile line of early maturity group (25–30°C)
IC0632602 of Indian cauliflower. Carry Ogura sterile cytoplasm. Good
combiner for earliness and curd yield
Raddish IC0625064 20032 Cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line. First CMS line of
(Raphanus sativus) IC0625065 radish from good combiner and higher heterosis for yield, root
length and root weight
Watermelon IC0631247 20033 Derived from the cross Clanatus var. citroides × Arka Manik
(Citrullus lanatus ) possessing resistance to WBNV disease
IC0523059 20036 Possess resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f sp niveum race
1 and race 2. Performed good as a rootstock with respect to
different yield and quality traits of a susceptible scion grafted
onto it
Brinjal IC063540 20034 Purple colour with green tinge at distal end of the fruit, non-
(Solanum melongena) spiny nature, cooking quality (CRISPY nature)
Collard green (Brassica IC0632940 20035 A tropical type– first of its kind in the world that bolts, flowers
oleracea var. viridis) and sets seeds during spring season at Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
It does not require vernalization to stimulate/induce bolting and
flowering. Fast growing and high leaf yield potential, i.e. 45–50
Linseed IC096496 20037 Early flowering
(Linum usitatissimum)
Indian mustard IC0635042 20038 Tetralocular siliquae, long main shoot (11.967 cm), high siliqua
(Brassica juncea) density (109)
IC0635041 20039 White flower, yellow seed coat colour, appressed siliqua
IC0635043 20040 Extra dwarf (85 cm height), high oil content (413%), early maturity
(127 days)
IC0589658 20041 Resistant to powdery mildew disease
Oil palm IC0635046 20042 Medium height increment
(Elaeis guineensis) IC0635047 20043 More number of bunches and slow vertical growth
IC0635048 20044 Medium height increment
IC0635049 20045 Sterile Dura Virescence oil palm
IC0635050 20046 Sterile Dura Broad leaf sheath
IC0610027 20047 Pisifera with 985% sterility, nigrescence fruit form
IC0610024 20048 Parthenocarpic pisifera palm, good fruit set (6862%)
Groundnut IC0635044 20049 High oil content (56%)
(Arachis hypogaea) IC0635045 20050 High oil (56%)
Cumin IC0632088 20051 White flower, compact plant
(Cuminum cyminum ) IC0632089 20052 Hairy cumin seed, spreading plant
Lemon grass IC0635431 20053 Methyl isoeugenol rich more than 48% of essential oil and
(Cymbopogon sp.) myrcene is more than 39% in the essential oil
Sweet flag IC0635434 20054 Essential oil yield is more than 12% on dry weight basis. Cis
(Acorus calamus ) asarone is more than 80% of the essential oil. The ploidy of
the germplasm is triploid
Annatto (Bixa orellana) IC0635435 20055 Bixin content is more than 1.1%. Normal range of bixin content
is 0.3 to 1.3% in the germplasm
Lemon grass IC0635702 20056 High geraniol content more than 83% in the essential oil
(Cymbopogon spp.)
Tagar ( Tabernaemontana IC0630605 20057 High essential oil content: 0.331% (3.31 g/kg)
Gymnema IC0630558 20058 Leaf traits: Elliptic shape with obtuse base
(Gymnema sylvestre )
White dragonhead IC0635704 20059 High biomass yield 3.11 kg/plot (6 m 2). Essential oil content
(Dracocephalum 0.22%
Wormwood IC0635705 20060 High biomass yield 8.175 kg/plot (24 m2)
(Artemisia absinthium)
Tuberose IC0630783 20061 Open pollinated seedling selection from Arka Shringar
(Polianthes tuberose)
Gerbera IC0632114 20062 Flower form: Semi-double flower form; flower colour: NN155A,
(Gerbera jamesonii) white group
IC0632115 20063 Flower colour: 65A, red purple group; flower form: double flower
IC0630599 20064 Double flower shape. Red flower colour
Lily ( Lilium spp.) IC0635707 20065 Multiple shoots/sprouting, 100% flowering and larger bud size.
Low juvenile period. No vernalization requirement
Gladiolus IC0620379 20066 Spike with variegated florets. Floret colour [Red-purple (65.B)
(Gladiolus communis ) having red-purple (62.A) streaks with red-purple (67.B) splash]
IC0620380 20067 Resistant to fusarium wilt disease. Floret colour [Red (41.C)
having red (41.A) margin. Blotch red (46.B) with yellow (13.C)
Sugarcane IC0635051 20068 High sucrose at 240 days. Short duration clone (maturing @
(Saccharum sp. hybrid) 240 days). Sucrose %, 19.40
IC0635052 20069 High cane population (number of millable canes 107,670/ha).
Donor for ratoonability
IC0635053 20070 Drought tolerance. Interspecific hybrid with broadened genetic
IC0635054 20071 Potential pre-bred material for drought tolerance. Higher relative
water content and lower malondialdehyde content under drought.
Second backcross progeny of the cross involving Erianthus
arundinaceus and S. spontaneum having the cytoplasm of E.
Wild potato IC0635057 20072 Highly resistant to late blight disease. Diploid wild potato species
(Solanum jamesii) with wider genetic base
IC0635058 20073 Highly resistant to late blight disease. Diploid wild potato species
with wider genetic base
IC0635059 20074 Highly resistant to late blight disease. Diploid wild potato species
with wider genetic base
Cotton (Gossypium spp.) IC0626294 20076 CISG 20 (GMS) is a spontaneous mutant identified from
agronomically adapted line CISA 20 maintained by sib mating.
One among few GMS lines available in diploid would serve as
additional resource for hybrid development program in diploid
cotton. The line CISG20 (GMS) has open red flower which
facilitates easy crossing; red flower, red petal spot and red
plant body characters shall be used as marker characters
Sunflower IC0628528 20078 Resistant to powdery mildew (PDS<10%)
(Helianthus annuus)
Insect resources: ICAR-National Bureau of 349 primary and secondary type specimens and more
Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR) is the only than 1 lakh specimens preserved in alcohol, besides
institution in the country that is involved in the collection, vouchers specimens of invasive species, specimens and
cataloguing and conservation of insects and related representative specimens from different geographical
organisms of agricultural importance like mites, spiders regions collected from various agro ecosystems. The
and nematodes associated with arthropods covering all live insect repository at NBAIR holds live insects and
the agro ecosystems of the country. insect derived resources with a total of ~139 insects
The Insect Museum of ICAR-NBAIR is recognized comprising 108 parasitoids (species/strains), 17 predators
by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, and 14 host insects, besides 690 microbial comprising
Government of India as the National Repository for 203 Bt isolates, 18 insect viruses, 198 entomofungal
Agriculturally Important Insects, Spiders and Mites under pathogens, 148 fungal antagonists and 123
the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 on 12 September 2012. entomopathogenic nematodes. To maintain the
It comprises ~2.80 lakh insect specimens. At present, authenticity of the insects, the DNA barcodes using CO1/
the National Insect Museum has indigenous and exotic ITS genes of insects were developed for 676 insect
collections of around 188,830 dry mounted specimens, species and 2,815 other insect derived resources.
Microbial genetic resources: The National in agricultural and in particular as biopesticides were
Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection deposited by public and private institutions under safe
(NAIMCC), designated as national repository for deposit. About 75 cultures were supplied to both
agriculturally important microorganisms by the National academia and industry.
Biodiversity Authority under the National Biodiversity
Act, 2002 was conferred the status of International HORTICULTURE
Depositary Authority (IDA) under the Budapest Treaty
Collection/augmentation of germplasm
by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
in 2020. At present, the total number of holdings in Exotic sources
NAIMCC is 6,907 (bacteria 2,595, fungi 3,981, Tomato: Four genotypes of tomato were introduced
cyanobacteria 331). During the period under report, from AVRDC, The World Vegetable Centre, Taiwan.
107 agriculturally important microbial cultures were Potato: A total of 34 accessions of potato were
accessioned which includes 48 bacteria, 20 fungi and imported from various countries including 15 diploids
39 cyanobacteria. Some of the bacteria of rare from the US potato gene bank, 3 from the Peru, 15
occurrence like Chromobacterium violaceum, from Ireland and one from Denmark.
Thiobacillus, Kaistobacter, Devosia, Rhodoplanes,
Marinobacter, Geobacter, Oceanobacillus, Kurthia, Indigenous sources
Halobacterium, Clavobacterium, Grimontia, Fruit crops: A total of 186 germplasm accessions
Ochrobactrum pseudogrignonense were added to the of fruit crops comprising acid lime (2), annona (8),
culture collection. Forty-two microbial cultures used avocado (116), banana (10), ber (4), citrus (4), guava
(11), jackfruit (5), jamun (6), ker (12), lasoda (1),
mango (6) and rose apple (1) were collected from 15
Acquisition of the status of International Depository states Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat,
Authority (IDA) to “ National Agriculturally Important
Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra,
Microbial Culture Collection ” (NAIMCC) a unit of ICAR-
NBAIM by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Manipur, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttarakhand
Geneva and West Bengal, and Union Territories such as
Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Plantation crops: A total of 34 cashew accessions
Collection (NAIMCC), a unit of the ICAR-National Bureau
of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms, Maunath
from Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh,
Bhanjan, Uttar Pradesh, India was accredited the status West Bengal, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu
of International Depository Authority (IDA) by World were collected.
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, under Vegetable crops: A total of 440 germplasm
Article 7 (1) of the Budapest treaty by its notification
No. 338 w.e.f. 28 July 2020. Eighty-two countries are
accessions of vegetables crops such as amaranth (18),
part of this treaty and there are about 48 IDAs across bitter gourd (4), brinjal (135), capsicum (2), carrot
26 countries. The microbial resource centres having status (6), cauliflower (5), chilli (10), cho-cho (52), cluster
of IDA mainly accepts and maintains microorganisms bean (3), cucumber (30), drumstick (25), ivy gourd
for patenting of work related to live organisms that have
medical, agricultural and other uses. In view of this, an
(12), long melon (5), lotus (4), pea (43), pointed gourd
agreement called as Budapest Treaty was passed in (24), pumpkin (14), ridge gourd (6), satputia (1), spine
1977 for deposition of microorganisms in culture collection gourd (10), sponge gourd (20), water melon (5), water
centres for the purposes of patent procedure. NAIMCC chestnut (2) and water spinach (4) were collected from
is the third IDA of the country after Microbial Type Culture
Collection (MTCC), Chandigarh and National Centre for
10 states, viz. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal
Microbial Resources (NCMR), Pune. As IDA, NAIMCC Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya,
will be entrusted to conserve microorganisms used to Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,
develop patents. NAIMCC, a designated microbial Uttarakhand and Tamil Nadu, and union territories
repository for agriculturally important microorganisms
(AIMs) under the National Biodiversity Act, 2002, is an
such as Jammu and Kashmir.
affiliate member of World Federation of Culture Collections Potato: Four germplasm accession in potato were
(WFCC), and registered with the World Data Centre for collected from Jammu and Kashmir, Odisha and
Microorganisms (WDCM registration number 1060). Manipur.
Tropical tuber crops: A total of 12 accessions
comprising one wild Amorphophallus from Kerala,
one Curcuma augustifolia from Chhattisgarh and 10
cassava accessions from Andhra Pradesh were added
to the field gene bank.
Garlic: Five accessions of garlic were collected
from Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
Spices: A total of 43 perennial spices comprising
allspice (10), black pepper (15), cinnamon (6), Garcinia
(6), ginger (3) and turmeric (3) from Andaman and
Nicobar Islands, Karnataka and Kerala were collected
Garcinia (Garcinia andamanica) collected
from Andaman and Nicobar islands seedling population. It has deep pink fruit (22.56 g
weight), 21.59 °Brix and high anthocyanin (96.56 mg/
for augmenting the breeding programmes. 100 g) in peel. NRCL-88 has 16.22 g fruit weight,
Seed spices: A total of 86 new germplasm lines 76.38% pulp with small seed (7.63%).
(50 in coriander, five in fenugreek, four in fennel, 15
in ajwain, 10 in kasuri methi and one each in cumin Vegetable crops
and nigella) were collected from Jammu and Kashmir, Characterization of cow pea germplasm for
Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. micronutrient content in pods: There was a large
Medicinal plants: A total of 16 germplasm variation in cowpea genotypes with respect to
accessions of madhunashinee (Gymnema sylvestre) were micronutrients contents in the pods. Copper contents
collected from the Western Ghats of Maharashtra. ranged from 3.2 ppm in VRCP-112-4 to 14.45 ppm in
Mushrooms: A total of 236 specimen strains of VRCP-96-4, iron from 79 ppm in VRCP 71-1 to 229.6
different mushrooms were collected from 26 states of ppm in VRCP 167-3, zinc from 51.45 ppm in VRCP
the country. 158-3 to 98.25 ppm in Kashi Shyamal; and manganese
from 40.1 ppm in VRCP to 112.4 to 67.3 ppm in
Kashi Unnati.
Two promising red onion lines identified: DOGR-
1627 has medium red with globe shape bulbs weighing
67.4 g with thin neck and almost free from double
bulbs and bolters. It has 27% more (34.62 t/ha)
marketable bulb yield than check Bhima Super (27.25
t/ha). The line is early in maturity and harvested within
Wild mushroom Cantharellus sp. 95 days after transplanting during kharif.
quantified in seed extracts of Cassia tora samples weight, 8–10 seed per pod and 8.9 °Brix was identified
through reversed phase, high performance liquid promising under rainfed conditions of semi-arid regions
chromatography method. Emodin (EM) content (%) of Gujarat.
ranged from 0.0015 to 0.0182% with a mean of 0.0079. Garden pea: One
Maximum EM content (%) was observed in DCT-2 unique genotype of
(0.0182), followed by DCT-19 (0.0179), DCT-21 garden pea ‘VRPM-901-
(0.0178) and DCT-1 (0.0152). Chrysophenol (CRYP) 5’ bearing 3–5 pods on
content (%) ranged from 0.0058–0.1002%. Maximum one node was registered
CRYP was observed in DCT-4 (0.1002), followed (INGR19077) with
by DCT-14 (0.0538), DCT-10 (0.0458) and ICAR-NBPGR, New
DCT-5 (0.0413). Minimum CRYP was recorded in Delhi.
DCT-41 and DCT-28 (0.0058), followed by DCT-36 Watermelon: One
(0.0082). stable, andromonoecious
Garcinia species with high content of cytotoxic sex form in watermelon
polyisoprenylated benzophenone identified: A (AHW/BR-5) with ability
Garcinia species was identified which had higher to set fruits under net
content of xanthochymol in comparison to G. spicata. house conditions without
Further, a single step process was developed for pollinators and
isolation of xanthochymol. production of viable
Indian ginseng (Withania somnifera): Of the 327 seeds was identified. It
pure lines of Indian ginseng evaluated, 10 lines such produces round, red
as, DWS-184, DWS-228, DWS-266, DWS-290, DWS- fleshed fruits having light
296, DWS-300 and DWS-315 were identified with green rind (1.38–1.92 cm thick) devoid of stripes. It
higher (0.4%) anolides content. was registered (INGR 19081) with ICAR-NBPGR,
Germplasm sharing: A total of 1,314 germplasm New Delhi.
accessions in 18 different vegetable crops such as Ivy gourd: Accession (IC-632331) promising for
tomato (134), garden pea (42), cowpea (227), brinjal fruit weight (29.4 g) and yield (38.96 kg/plant) under
(139), Indian/Dolichos bean (16), muskmelon (45), semi-arid conditions was identified.
French bean (26), cluster bean (50), watermelon (53), Bottle gourd: The LS-4 × LS3-2 line was found
cucumber (77), chilli (165), winged bean (20), okra superior with round fruits, maximum number of fruits
(234), bottle gourd (12), sponge gourd (22), bitter (17.6/plant) and yield (13.2 kg/plant) with 750 g fruit
gourd (11), pumpkin (16), cauliflower (16) etc., were weight.
distributed to 40 organizations/institutes/universities Water melon: In
through Material Transfer Agreement for use in water melon, one advance
demonstration and research. line, YF 5-2-7 with entire
leaf (non-lobed), dark
Germplasm registration green rind with very
Wood apple: Thar narrow stripes and
Gaurav, a new variety blackish brown seed coat
with large fruit (450.25 was identified. The flesh
g), 124.36 kg/tree fruit contains carotenoid
yield in 12th year under (3.92–4.14 μg/g fresh
rainfed conditions of weight) and 0.25 mg AAE/g total antioxidant activity
western India was (TAA).
identified. The fruits are Onion: DOGR-1203-
rich in pectin (1.76%), DR is a very dark red
protein (pulp 18.13% and onion elite line registered
seed 24.38%), as genetic stock for very
phosphorus (0.07%), potassium (1.73%), calcium early maturity (90 days
(0.3%) and iron (16.72 mg) content. after transplanting) with
Khejri: Thar Shobha and Selection-2 were registered complete and uniform DOGR-1203-DR
with ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi with IC number 632064 neck-fall during rabi.
and 632065, respectively. Average yield is 20–22
Date palm: One elite, male date palm promising t/ha and 11–12% total
for more pollen production (672.7 g/palm) and number soluble solids. Storability
of spathes (25–30/palm) was identified and registered of bulbs is very good (5–
(IC No. 0632315) with ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi. 6 months).
Drumstick: One medium-dwarf genotype (CHESD- Ashwagandha: In ashwagandha, DWS-10
40) with 2.74 m plant height, 248 pods, 218 g pod (IC0627268, INGR19027), a male sterile line was
registered with ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi. It can (NBAGR) during the reporting period. These included
reproduce itself by selfing under long-day condition seven breeds of cattle, two breeds of pig, and one
(summer season; temperature >35°C), and becomes breed each of buffalo, sheep, donkey and duck and
male sterile during winter; temperature 10–30°C and three breeds of dog. The breeds of dog were first
RH 40–50%. It is useful in commercial exploitation time registered by ICAR. Total number of indigenous
of hybrid vigour. breeds of livestock, poultry and dog are now 200.
Isabgol: Two germplasm accessions, viz. DPO-185 Gazette Notification of livestock and poultry
(IC0627267, INGR19025) with Yellow leaf tip and germplasm: All the 13 newly registered breeds were
Downy mildew resistance, and Tetraploid DTPO-6- notified by the Government of India to provide statutory
6’(IC0627269, INGR19026) were registered with recognition of and claiming sovereignty over the native
ICAR-NBPGR, New germplasm in May, 2020 [Gazette Notification: Ministry
Delhi. DPO-185 is erect, of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, No. 1420
with distinct yellow leaf (S.O.1583(E)) (May 22, 2020)] and 1421 (S.O.1584(E))
tip coloration followed (May 22, 2020).
by tip drying during
flowering, resistant to Identification and characterization of new livestock
downy mildew (DM), populations
late maturing (130–140 Medini cattle of Jharkhand: It is a small size grey
days). colour animal. Muzzle, eyelids, hooves and tail switch
are black. Average herd size is 3.5 (1–8). Every village
Livestock had 6 to 8 breeding bulls and natural service is practiced.
Registration of new breeds of indigenous farm Average adult weight is 265.94±2.68 kg in males;
animals: Thirteen new breeds of livestock and poultry and 246.35±2.15 kg in females. Daily milk yield ranged
and three breeds of dog were registered by ICAR- from 0.7 to 2 kg with lactation length of 5 to 6 months.
National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal Bullocks are used for agricultural works.
Poda Thurpu cattle Poda Thurpu cattle from Nagarkurnool district of Telangana are migratory, medium
size, having compact body and reared mainly for draught purposes. Daily milk yield
ranges from 2 to 3 kg. Population size is approximately 15,000.
Nari cattle Nari cattle from Rajasthan and Gujrat are dual purpose, medium and have migratory
nature. They survive well on grazing. Daily milk yield ranges from 5 to 9 kg. Population
is approximately 55,000.
Acc No. INDIA_CATTLE_1704_NARI_03045
Dagri cattle Dagri cattle from Gujrat are small size animal with compact body. Coat colour is
predominantly white, sometimes with grey shade. Extensively used as draught animal
with milk yield 1.5–3.0 kg/day. Population size is ~2.8 lakh.
Acc No. INDIA_CATTLE_0400_DAGRI_03046
Thutho cattle Home tract Nagaland, medium in size, hardy, well-built, short horns, small hump and
docile. Used mainly for draught, manure and meat; daily milk yield is 0.5 to 1.5 kg.
Population is about 53,000.
Acc No. INDIA_CATTLE_1400_THUTHO_03047
Shweta Kapila cattle Completely white coloured cattle from Goa, short to medium statured with straight
and small horns. Daily milk yield ranges from 1.8 to 3.4 kg. Height ranges from 97
to 137 cm. Population size is approximately 22,000.
Himachali Pahari cattle These are small to medium in size with compact cylindrical body and short legs and
black/ blackish brown coat from moderate to high altitude hills of HP. Daily milk yield
ranges from 1 to 3 kg besides used for draught. Population is ~7.6 lakh.
Purnea cattle Small size animals from Bihar with grey, red and black coat colours. Daily milk yield
1 to 5 kg besides used for draught. Population is ~2.2 lakh.
Acc No. INDIA_CATTLE_0300_PURNEA_03050
Gojri buffalo Well adapted to foot hills of HP and in areas of Punjab and reared by Gujjar community
in pastoral system. Daily milk yield ranges from 3 to 8 kg.
Acc No. 50000. INDIA_BUFFALO_1606_GOJRI_01017
Kajali sheep Large size sheep from Punjab. Black Kajali is complete black or black-brown coat.
White Kajali have complete white coat with black or dark brown circle/patch around
the eyes, and in face and ears with Roman nose. Adult male weighs 57 kg and
female 43 kg. Population size is about 6,000.
Acc No. INDIA_SHEEP_1600_KAJALI_14044
Mali pig Black color, medium size pig from Tripura with pot belly. Small to medium bristles on
body, ears are short erect and snout concave. Adult male weighs 68 kg and females
71 kg. Litter size-3 to 7. Population size is about 45,000.
Acc No. INDIA_PIG_1900_MALI_09009
Purnea pig Black color medium size pig from Bihar and Jharkhand. Ferocious in nature with thick
line of bristle on topline from neck to shoulders. Small and thick snout and short,
conical and erect ears are the characteristics. Adult males weigh from 41 to 50 kg.
Litter size 4 to 6. Population is about 1 lakh.
Acc No. INDIA_PIG_0325_PURNEA_09010
Kachchhi donkey Found in Kachchh of Gujarat. Mainly grey coat colour, followed by white, brown and
black. Docile and used for agricultural and transportation. Population size is approximately
Maithili duck Light/dark brown plumaged duck from Bihar with circular spots on the feathers whereas
drakes have dark brown to ash colour. Egg production ranges 33 to 71. Body weight
at 6 month 1.12–1.24 kg. Population is ~46000.
Acc No. INDIA_DUCK_0300_MAITHILI_11002
Rajapalayam dog Medium size dogs from Tamil Nadu with compact body and coat colour is white.
Height at wither ranges from 55 to 72 cm in males. Adult body weight 14 to 32 kg.
Utilized for guarding of farms and houses. Highly obedient and easily trainable. Estimated
population is 3,000–4,000.
Chippiparai dog Chippiparai dogs from Tamil Nadu are also called as Kanni (virgin) or vettainaai
(hunting dog). Medium in size, coat colour varies from fawn to dark brown, brownish
black and black. Height at wither ranges from 60 to 76 cm in males. Utility is guarding
and hunting. Estimated population is about 6,000.
Mudhol Hound dog Also known as Pissouri Hound or Lahori Hound from Karnataka, is having aerodynamic
body with high stamina and endurance. Head is small, skull is long and narrow. Ears
are medium, thin, triangular and set high. Abdomen is tucked. The tail is long and
tapering. Height at wither ranges from 73 to 80 cm in males. Used for guarding and
shepherding. Estimated population is ~1,500.
Bawri (Garri) cattle by Gurjars for milk under extensive system in ravine
of Chambal region areas, characterized by medium size and moderate to
(Madhya Pradesh): wild in temperament. Milk production is 2–4 kg. Total
Unique population was population of Bawri cattle is about 20–25 thousand.
identified in Sheopur and These cattle are adapted to high temperature with less
Morena districts of intake of water.
Madhya Pradesh. Reared
Kathani cattle of Maharashtra: The breed is mainly sheep meat: Among the meat type sheep breeds in
used for draught purpose. Animals are mostly white India, organoleptic characteristics of meat of Bandur
in colour with black muzzle, eyelids, hooves and tail sheep are highly preferred by consumers. The
switch. Average age at first mating in females is 42.8 differential expression of miRNAs in Bandur and Local
months, lactation length 146 days and lactation yield sheep was elucidated using RNA sequencing. A total
136.64±4.04 kg, respectively. Average herd size is of 100 known, differentially expressed miRNAs were
5.30. Average daily milk yield is 0.96±0.03. identified. Total 154 genes were predicted as targets
Palamu goat of Jharkhand: Small size goat is of the differentially expressed miRNAs. The pathways
also known as Medini. Its distribution area is Palamu, were deciphered.
Latehar and Garhwa of Jharkhand. Average flock size Skin transcriptome for Pashmina production in
is 5.36±0.19. Average age at first mating in males is Changthangi goat: An attempt was made to unravel
8.32±0.86 months; and in females 7.22±1.35 months. the gene networks and metabolic pathways that might
Machrela sheep population of Andhra Pradesh: contribute to fiber development in Changthangi goats
Macherla sheep is famous for meat production and in comparison of Barbari goats. Among these, 525
distributed in Guntur, Krishna, Prakasham of Andhra upregulated and 54 down-regulated genes. The down-
Pradesh and Nalgonda district of Telangana state. More regulated activities were mainly related to hair follicle
than 99% of females are polled and males are horned. development and hair shaft differentiation in
Average adult body weight of males is 53.95±1.87 Changthangi.
kg. The age at first lambing in ewes is about 18 months Identification of informative SNPs in buffalo
as reported by most of the farmers. breeds through HTP genomic tools: High throughput
Balangir goat of Odisha: Goats are black or brown genotyping was done on 96 animals of 6 different
in colour with border on ears. Average age and weight breed of buffaloes for genome-wide SNPs mining.
at slaughter is 17.48±1.89 months and 20.56±1.15 kg. Phylogenetic tree showed that Pandharpuri formed a
Average age at first kidding, kidding interval and separate lineage to the rest of the breeds.
kidding rate are 11.09 months, 218.16±0.09 days and Generation of BMPR-IB gene edited goats using
1.94, respectively. Average herd size is 8.02 and CRISPR/Cas technology: BMPR1B gene specific
estimated population is 2 lakh. synthetic single guide RNA was produced and
Poonchi chicken of Kashmir: Landless or marginal conditions for transfection of CRISPR components in
farmers rear them for meat and egg. Adult body weight to the in vitro produced caprine embryos were
is 2.78±0.25 kg in males and 1.90±0.04 kg in females. standardized. For the first time, BMPR1B gene edited
Average age at first egg is 6 months and clutch size viable caprine embryos were produced using CRISPR.
is 16.13±0.46 with 14 days clutch interval. Genetic evaluation of traits of economic
Genetic characterization of livestock populations: importance using pedigree information in SNPs
Five indigenous livestock populations of Kathani cattle, marker in Murrah buffalo and crossbred cattle:
Balangir goat and Marwari, Sindhi and Kharai camel Estimated breeding values of Vrindavani cattle and
were characterized using a panel of 25 microsatellite Murrah buffaloes were determined for sire ranking.
markers, specific for each species. The MUFA and PUFA content was significantly high
Establishment of National Bovine Genomic in indigenous cows as compared to crossbred cattle
Centre–Indigenous breeds: A total of 1,676 animals and Murrah buffaloes. The concentration of iron
belonging to diverse breeds were sequenced at a and zinc were significantly high in indigenous
coverage of 10x, yielding 60 GB of data per animal. cattle; whereas the content of Cu and Mn was high in
The chips created and tested on 480 each of cattle Murrah.
and buffalo had given 99.8% call rate. Both the chips Milk phospho-proteome analysis and association
were validated for the informativeness of their markers. with geographical coordinates: The post translational
Total 14,006 animals belonging to CHRS Ajmer, CHRS modifications (phosphorylation, oxidation, acetylation,
Rohtak, CHRS Ahmedabad and BAIF were recorded carbamido-methylation) were observed in low and high
for milk traits. About 4,000 animals have completed
the lactation, their DNA was isolated.
Serum metabolome of animal germplasm of
Ladakh region: Metabolic profile of serum samples
(33) of livestock species in Ladakh (Ladakhi cattle,
Jeresy cattle, Ladakhi donkey and Changathngi goat)
adapted to high altitude was evaluated assessing a
complementary systems-wide approach to elucidate
the influence on these species. Such kind of analysis
will help to delineate the metabolites that are making
these species to naturally adapt and survive in harsh
and hypobaric conditions.
Transcriptomic analysis of Bandur (Mandya) Biological function of goat milk bioactive peptides
abundant proteins of genetically diverse goat breeds/ Isolation and characterization of a heterotrophic
genotypes. High levels of PTMs were observed in ammonia oxidising bacteria: A new species of
120 goat milk proteins. The rare conserved peptide Pseudomonas was isolated and identified from the
sequence of (SSSEE) was observed in S1 and S2 aquatic environment, and further confirmatory
casein. The genotyping by SDS PAGE was carried identification by 16S rRNA revealed that isolated
out for more than 1,500 goat milk samples of 17 breeds/ bacteria belong to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The
genotypes. sequence analysis using the NCBI BLAST showed
Ex-situ conservation of germplasm: Conservation 99% identity with P. aeruginosa. The isolated bacteria
through somatic cells was initiated under CRP on Agro- are capable of conducting heterotrophic nitrification
biodiversity recently. Somatic cell bank was and aerobic denitrification and are also having a good
strengthened with Jaisalmeri and Bikaneri camel, Halari ability to remove ammonia and nitrate without nitrite
donkey and Zanskari horse fibroblast cell lines from formation in the media.
at least five samples each. Somatic cells were cryo- Draft genome and associated genomics resources
preserved in 60 vials (1×106 cells/ml) for each breed. in Labeo catla: Accomplished de-novo genome
assembly in Indian major carp, Labeo catla. Assembled
Fisheries genome size was 1.01 Gb against an in silico estimated
First record of fish and shrimp species: Identified
a new freshwater fish species, Barilius torsai (Teleostei:
Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), from Torsa River,
Brahmaputra drainage (DOI: https://doi.org/10.11609/
jott.4746.11.14.14808-14815). This fish is highly
relished as food and fetches a high market price of
` 400–600/kg.
Crop Improvement
Crop varieties released and notified Details are given below.
Since 1965, 5,334 improved field crops varieties
have been developed which include 2,685 of cereals,
888 of oilseeds, 999 of pulses, 200 of forage crops, Sixty two high yielding varieties/hybrids of cereals
395 of fibre crops, 129 of sugarcane and 38 of comprising 31 of rice, 2 of wheat, 13 of maize, 4
potential crops. During 2020–21, a total of 172 each of sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet and foxtail
varieties/hybrids including 17 biofortified varieties millet were released for cultivation in different agro-
were notified and released for commercial cultivation. ecologies of the country.
Rice ( Oryza sativa)
Chhattisgarh Rice Hybrid-2 Chhattisgarh Suitable for irrigated mid-early duration, average
(IRH 103) (IET 24956) yield: 60.80 q/ha, maturity: 120–125 days, field
tolerance against bacterial leaf blight (BLB), rice
tungro and neck blast.
Rajendra Saraswati Bihar Suitable for upland and midland ecology, high
(IET 23423) yielding, short duration rice variety, average yield:
50 q/ha, maturity 110–115 days, field tolerance to
BLB, sheath rot, leaf blast, sheath blight and rice
tungro virus.
Sukumar (IET 21261) West Bengal Suitable for irrigated, transplanted and mid-early
duration, average yield: 39.98 q/ha, maturity 125–
130 days, moderately tolerant to sheath rot, blast,
leafblast and neck blast, moderately tolerant to stem
borer, leaf folder, white backed plant hopper (WBPH)
and green leafhopper (GLH).
KPH-471 (IET 25746) Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Suitable for irrigated mid early duration condition,
Telangana, Kerala and Karnataka average yield: 59.70 q/ha, maturity: 124 days,
moderately resistant to leaf blast.
CR Dhan 313 (IET 25489) Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh Suitable for rainfed mid land and irrigated ecology,
semi dwarf variety (average plant height 115–125
cm), average yield: 47.25 q/ha, maturity: 130–135
days in both kharif and rabi season, resistant to
false smut and moderately resistant to bacterial blight,
neck and leaf blast diseases.
Pusa Basmati 1692 (IET Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh Suitable for kharif irrigated, late transplanting and
26995) (Basmati GI area) high fertility condition, semi-dwarf, non-lodging and
non-shattering of grains at maturity, average yield:
52.58 q/ha, maturity: 110–115 days, moderately
resistance blast, false smut sheath blight diseases,
moderately resistant to brown plant hopper.
CR Dhan 602 (IET 26692) Assam and Tripura Suitable for irrigated high fertility condition in boro/
dry season, average yield: 57.52 q/ha, maturity:
154–163 days, moderate resistance to leaf blast,
sheath blight and sheath rot, resistance to plant
hopper and moderately resistant to stem borer.
CR Dhan 308 (IET 25523) Chhatisgarh and Maharashtra Suitable for rainfed mid land and irrigated ecology,
semi dwarf variety (average plant height 110–120
cm),average yield: 50.30 q/ha, maturity: 130–135
days in both kharif and rabi season, resistant to
neck blast and false smut, moderately resistant to
rice tungro and glume discolouration.
Teja (BPT 2595) Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated late condition, average yield:
(IET 25486) 62.93 q/ha, maturity: 150 days, moderate resistant
to blast and BPH.
Nellore Dhanyarasi Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated medium duration condition,
(NLR3354) (IET 26226) average yield: 70.42 q/ha, maturity: 125–130 days,
tolerant to leaf blast and neck blast.
Maruteru Sujatha Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated ecology, average yield: 71.67
(MTU 1210) (IET 25305) q/ha, maturity: 135 days, resistant to blast and BPH.
Maruteru Mahsuri MTU Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated late condition, average yield:
1262 (IET 27151) 64.32 q/ha, maturity: 150–155 days, resistant to
blast and BPH.
Maruteru Samba MTU Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated medium duration condition,
1224 (IET 26225) average yield: 65.59 q/ha, maturity: 135 days,
resistant to blast and BPH.
Protezin (IET 25470) Chhattisgarh Suitable for irrigated medium duration condition,
(R-RHZ-R-56) biofortified variety rich in protein (9.29%) and zinc
(20.9 ppm), average yield: 45 q/ha, maturity: 126
Kunaram Rice-1 (KNM Telangana Suitable for irrigated ecology, average yield: 65.36
733) (IET 27405) q/ha, maturity: 125–130 days, resistant to leaf blast
and moderately resistant to neck blast and to BPH.
WGL-915 (IET 25284) Telangana Suitable for irrigated late condition, average yield:
75 q/ha, maturity: 135 days, moderately tolerant to
blast, BLB, RTD and moderately tolerant to BPH.
Numali (IET 27405) Assam Suitable for irrigated medium ecology, average yield:
54.51 q/ha, maturity: 130–140 days.
IR 64-Sub 1 (IET 21247) Uttar Pradesh Submergence tolerant variety, developed through
marker assisted backcross breeding, yield: 3–3.5
q/ha under submergence, maturity: 120–125 days,
moderately tolerant to blast, RTV, stem borer, leaf
Trombay Karjat Kolam Maharashtra Suitable for irrigated ecology, compact panicle with
(BARCKKV 13) high grain density, developed through radiation
(IET 27000) induced mutation breeding, average yield: 42.39 q/
ha, maturity: 130–135 days, moderately resistant
to BLB and blast, moderately resistant to stem borer,
leaf folder and BPH.
Bastar Dhan-1 Chhattisgarh Suitable for irrigated early direct sown condition,
(IET 26624) average yield: 44.9 q/ha, maturity: 105–110 days,
moderately tolerant to stem borer and blast.
CR Dhan 102 Odisha Suitable for direct seeded short duration condition,
(IET 25121) drought tolerant, maturity: 110 days, average yield:
3.9 t/ha (best check Sahabhagi Dhan produced 3.66
t/ha under direct seeded condition), moderately
resistant to leaf blast, rice tungro virus, stem borer
(dead heart), leaf folder and whorl maggot.
CR Dhan 410 Odisha Suitable for rainfed shallow lowlands, long slender
(IET 24471) grain, photosensitive, flowering in 1 st week of
November, average yield: 43.53 q/ha, maturity: 160–
165 days, resistant to stem borer (both dead heart
and white ear heads) and leaf folder while moderately
resistant to neck blast, bacterial blight, sheath rot
and brown spot diseases.
ADT 54 (AD 09493) Tamil Nadu Suitable for irrigated medium duration
(IET 24249) condition,average yield: 63.07 q/ha, maturity: 130–
137 days, resistant to leaf folder and moderately
resistant to blast and yellow stem borer.
CO 53 (CB 06803 Tamil Nadu Suitable for direct sown rainfed condition, short
(IET 24057) duration drought tolerant rice variety, average yield:
37.18 q/ha, maturity: 115–120 days, moderately
resistant to leaf blast, neck blast, sheath rot, brown
spot and rice tungro disease (RTD), moderately
resistant to GLH.
Sasya (BPT-2411) (IET Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated late duration condition, average
23081) yield: 67.38 q/ha, maturity: 140 days, moderately
resistant to blast, brown spot, sheath rot and BLB.
Bhavathi (BPT-2782) (IET Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated late duration condition, average
27124) yield: 66.90 q/ha, maturity: 140–145 days, resistant
to leaf blast and brown plant hopper.
Nellore Siri (NLR 4001) Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated late duration condition, average
(IET 25273) yield: 66.91 q/ha, maturity: 140–145 days, tolerant
to neck blast and brown planthopper (BPH).
Nellore Sugandha (NLR Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated mid-early duration ecology,
40054) (IET 23194) aromatic, photo insensitive, fine grain rice variety,
average yield: 63.18 q/ha, maturity: 130–135 days,
tolerant to leaf blast and gall midge.
Wheat (Triticum
Phule Satwik (NIAW 3170) Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Suitable for restricted irrigation, timely sown condition
(excluding Kota and Udaipur of NWPZ & PZ, average yield: NWPZ (50.8 q/ha)
division), Western Uttar Pradesh and PZ (33.7q/ha), maturity: NWPZ 148 days and
(except Jhansi division), Jammu PZ (107 days), resistant to leaf, stem and stripe
and Kathua district of Jammu & rusts, Karnal bunt, powdery mildew and flag smut
Kashmir, Poanta Valley and Una diseases, end product quality: soft grains with very
district of Himachal Pradesh and good biscuit spread factor, viz. NWPZ (10.18) and
Tarai Region Uttarakhand PZ (9.34).
MACS 4058 (d) Maharashtra and Karnataka Suitable for restricted irrigation, timely sown condition
of PZ, biofortified variety with high protein content
(12.8%), average yield: 29.6 q/ha, maturity: 106
days, resistance to prevailing pathotypes of leaf
and stem rust.
Ladhowal Quality Maize Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Suitable for irrigated condition of kharif season,
Hybrid 1 (LQMH 1) Pradesh, Uttarakhand (Hill region), average yield: 84.56 q/ha at NHZ (Zone-1), early
(IMHQPM 1530) (Hybrid) Meghalaya, Sikkim, Assam, maturity: 100 days (NHZ) and less than 85 days in
Tripura, Nagaland, Manipur, other zones, exhibited high tryptophan (0.80%) and
Arunachal Pradesh lysine content (3.53%) in endospermic protein,
moderately resistant response to turcicum leaf blight
and banded leaf and sheath blight in northern hill
zone (Z1), moderately tolerant to C. partellus in
ADV 759 (ADV 1390064) Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Suitable for irrigated and rainfed areas of peninsular
(Hybrid) Telangana, Maharashtra and Tamil zone (PZ), average yield: 94.78 q/ha in peninsular
Nadu zone (PZ), maturity: 120 days, resistance to sorghum
downey mildew (SDM), curvularia leaf spot (CLS),
Rajasthan downey mildew (RDM), and moderate
resistance to turcicum leaf blight (TLB), banded leaf
and sheath blight (BLSB), charcoal rot (CR) and
bacterial stalk rot (BSR), moderate tolerant against
Chilo partellus.
ADV 757 (ADV 7037) Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Suitable for irrigated condition in peninsular zone
(Hybrid) Telangana, Maharashtra and Tamil (PZ) during Rabi season, average yield: 92.71 q/
Nadu ha in peninsular zone (PZ), maturity: 120 days,
resistance to sorghum downey mildew (SDM) and
moderate resistance turcicum leaf blight (TLB) and
charcoal rot (CR), moderate tolerant against Chilo
partellus and Sesamia inferens.
ADV 764 (ADV 1390164) Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions of north
(Hybrid) (Plains) and Western Uttar Pradesh western plain zone (NWPZ), average yield: 97.57
q/ha in NWPZ, maturity: 120 days, moderate
resistance to maydis leaf blight (MLB), turcicum
leaf blight, banded leaf and sheath blight, charcoal
rot, Rajasthan downey mildew (RDM), curvularia
leaf spot (CLS), common rust and polysora rust,
moderate tolerant against Chilo partellus .
Baby corn GAYMH-1 Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Suitable for kharif season in PZ and CWZ, average
(GAYMH-1) Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, yield: 14.36 q/ha in PZ and 22.99 q/ha in CWZ,
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, moderate susceptible to moderate resistant against
Chhattisgarh and Gujarat c. rust and turcicum leaf blight (TLB) in PZ, moderate
resistant against c. rot, Rajasthan downey mildew
(RDM) and curvularia leaf spot (CLS) diseases in
CWZ, moderate resistant against Chilo partellus in
both PZ and CWZ.
Ladhowal Popcorn Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Suitable for irrigated condition during kharif season
Hybrid 2 (LPCH 2) Chhattisgarh and Gujarat in CWZ, average yield: 26.68 q/ha in CWZ, maturity:
(IMHP 1535) (Hybrid) early (84 days), moderate resistant to fusarium stalk
rot (FSR) and curvularia leaf spot (CLS), moderate
tolerant to Chilo partellus.
Ladhowal Popcorn Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh Suitable for irrigated condition during kharif season,
Hybrid 3 (LPCH 3) (Eastern region) , Odisha, West average yield: 31.61 q/ha in NEPZ; 43.93 q/ha in
IMHP 1540 (Hybrid) Bengal, Telangana, Andhra PZ and 26.62 q/ha in CWZ, maturity: early (85 days),
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, moderate resistant to maydis leaf blight (MLB)
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya diseases in NEPZ; moderately resistant to c. rot,
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat fusarium stalk rot (FSR) and curvularia leaf spot
(CLS), moderately tolerant to Chilo partellus in NEPZ,
PZ and CWZ.
GAPCH-21 Mahashweta Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Suitable for kharif season, average yield: 38.76 q/
(IHPC-1203) (Hybrid) Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, ha in NWPZ; 32.94 q/ha in NEPZ and 49.22 q/ha
Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, in PZ, maturity: medium (91 days), moderate resistant
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra against MLB and charcoal rot diseases in NWPZ
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and moderate susceptible against MLB and TLB
and Gujarat diseases in NEPZ, moderate resistant against C.
Rot, P. Rust and TLB diseases in PZ, moderately
resistant against Chilo partellus in both NWPZ, NEPZ
and PZ.
AH 7043 Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, UP Suitable for irrigated condition and high fertility during
(Eastern region), West Bengal, kharif season, average yield: 19.32 q/ha without
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra husk and 52.49 q/ha with husk in NEPZ; 12.54 q/
Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, ha without husk and 56.61 q/ha with husk in PZ
Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal and 13.15 q/ha without husk and 49.42 q/ha with
Pradesh, Uttarakhand (Hill region), husk in NHZ, moderate susceptible reaction for
Meghalaya, Sikkim, Assam, maydis leaf blight in NEPZ; moderately resistant to
Tripura, Nagaland, Manipur and TLB in NHZ, moderately resistant reaction to Chilo
Arunachal Pradesh partellus in NEPZ, PZ and NHZ.
OMH 14-27 Odisha Suitable for Odisha state under irrigated as well as
(Kalinga Raj) rainfed situation during kharif season, orange grain
colour, average yield: 76.01 q/ha in irrigated and
54.03 q/ha under rainfed condition, maturity: medium
(90–95 days), resistant to common rust (CR),
Rajasthan downy mildew (RDM), moderately resistant
to maydis leaf blight (MLB), turcicum leaf blight
(TLB), charcoal rot, fusarium stalk, and cyst
nematode, moderately resistant to Chilo partellus.
Gujarat Anand Sweet Gujarat Suitable for Gujarat state under irrigated condition
Corn Hybrid 11 (GASCH during rabi season, yellow kernel single cross sweet
11: Madhuram) (GSCH- corn hybrid, average fresh green cobs yield: 10.71
0913) q/ha, TSS: 16.70–18.40%, maturity: medium (70–
75 days—fresh green cobs harvest), moderately
resistance to maydis leaf blight (MLB) disease and
insect Chilo partellus .
Sorghum (Sorghum
CSV 42 (SPV 2423) Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Suitable for rainfed ecology during kharif season,
Pradesh and Gujarat average yield: 38–39 q/ha, maturity: 115–118 days,
moderately tolerant to grain mold diseases,
moderately tolerant to moisture stress.
Palem Pacha Jonna 1 Telangana Suitable for rainfed and irrigated ecologies during
(PYPS-2) kharif and rabi season, yellow pericarp grains, good
roti making and keeping quality and high protein
content, average yield: 20–22 q/ha, maturity: 95–
105 days, terminal drought tolerance.
GS-23 (Kanaka) Karnataka Suitable for rabi season, average yield: 11–15 q/
ha, maturity: 105–112 days, moderately resistant
to charcoal rot resistant to lodging and rust.
CO 32 (SPV 2369) Tamil Nadu Suitable for both rainfed and irrigated condition,
grain yield: 24–29 q/ha, maturity: 105–110 days,
moderately resistant to shoot fly and stem borer,
moderately resistant to downy mildew and grain
Pearl millet
(Pennisetum glaucum)
Central Pearl Millet Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana Suitable for rainfed condition with high/low fertility
Hybrid BHB-1602 conditions, average yield: 25.29 q/ha, maturity: 76
(MH 2192) days, highly resistant to downy mildew and blast
and resistant to smut, highly resistant to shoot fly,
stem borer and grey weevil, biofortified variety (Fe
55 ppm and Zn 37 ppm).
Jam Shakti (GHB 1129) Gujarat Suitable for kharif and summer seasons, average
(Hybrid) seed yield: 29.57 q/ha ( kharif ) and 53.03 q/ha
(Summer), maturity: 83 days, resistant to downy
mildew, smut and ergot diseases, tolerant to shoot
fly and stem borer, biofortified variety (Fe 72 ppm
and Zn 43 ppm).
Moti Shakti (GHB 1225) Gujarat Suitable for kharif season, average seed yield: 30.23
(Hybrid) q/ha (kharif ), maturity: 82 days, resistant to downy
mildew, blast, smut, ergot and rust diseases, tolerant
to shoot fly and stem borer, biofortified variety (Fe
76 ppm and Zn 46 ppm).
Proagro Marutej Rajasthan Suitable for low rainfall condition, average seed yield:
(XMT 1358) 16.89 q/ha, maturity: 70 days, tolerant to downy
mildew, rust and blast diseases, tolerant to shoot
fly and stem borer, high iron and zinc content (Fe
43 ppm and Zn 35 ppm).
Finger millet
(Eleusine coracana)
Gowthami (PR 10-45) Andhra Pradesh Suitable for rainfed kharif and rabi season, average
seed yield: 36–38 q/ha, maturity: 117 days,
moderately resistant to leaf blight, banded blight,
leaf blast and neck blast diseases, moderately
resistant to grass hoppers and ear head caterpillar,
high calcium (341.5 mg/100 g) and zinc (26.5 ppm).
KMR-630 Karnataka Suitable for rainfed kharif and late kharif seasons,
average seed yield: 35–40 q/ha, maturity: 95–100
days, resistant to neck and finger blast disease,
tolerant to stem borer, aphids, grass hopper and
ear head caterpillar.
VR 988 Andhra Pradesh Suitable for rainfed condition in kharif and irrigated
condition during rabi seasons, average seed yield:
30–32 q/ha, maturity: 105 days, resistant to leaf,
finger and neck blast, foot rot and moderately
resistant to blight diseases, resistant to grass hoppers
and ear head caterpillars, high calcium (428.3 mg/
100 g), iron (58 ppm) and zinc (44.5 ppm) content.
Kalua (OEB 532) Odisha Suitable for rainfed uplands during kharif and irrigated
during summer seasons, average seed yield: 17–
18 q/ha, maturity: 110 days, resistant to leaf and
neck blast, moderately resistant to finger blast
diseases, resistant to myllocerus weevil, ear head
caterpillar, stem borer and grass hoppers.
Foxtail millet ( Setaria
italica) Andhra Pradesh Suitable for rainfed kharif and rabi seasons, average
Garuda (SiA 3222) seed yield: 15–20 q/ha, maturity: 58–62 days, tolerant
to blast and downy mildew, moderately tolerant to
shoot fly and stem borer, high iron (34 ppm) and
zinc (14 ppm) content.
Renadu (SiA 3223) Andhra Pradesh Suitable for rainfed kharif and rabi season, average
seed yield: 28–30 q/ha, maturity: 86–90 days, tolerant
to blast and downy mildew, moderately tolerant to
shoot fly and stem borer, high iron (33 ppm) and
zinc (18 ppm) content.
Hagari Navane-46 Karnataka Suitable for rainfed kharif season, average seed
(HN-46) yield: 16–18 q/ha, maturity: 85–90 days, resistant
to leaf blast, rust and leaf shredding diseases,
resistant to shoot fly.
ATL 1 (TNSi 331) Tamil Nadu Suitable for rainfed condition, average seed yield:
20–22 q/ha, maturity: 80–85 days, tolerant to blast
and rust diseases, tolerant to shoot fly.
Oilseeds: Twenty three high yielding oilseeds soybean, toria and safflower, 01 each of sunflower,
varieties comprising 03 of Indian mustard, 02 of yellow caster and sesame were released for different agro-
mustard, 06 of groundnut, 03 of linseed, 02 each of ecological regions.
DRMR 1165-40 Jammu, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Suitable for timely sown rainfed condition, heat
Rajasthan. tolerant at seedling stage, moisture stress
tolerant, average seed yield: 2,200–2,440 kg/
ha, maturity: 133–151 days.
DRMR 150-35 (Bharat Sarson Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Suitable for rainfed condition with protective
7) Bengal, Assam, Chhattisgarh, irrigation during Rabi season, average yield: 12–
Manipur 18 q/ha, maturity 114 days, moderate resistance
to Alternaria blight and powdery mildew, moderate
resistance to aphid infestation.
Anushka (YSWB-2011-10-1) West Bengal Suitable for early maturity, timely sown irrigated
condition, oil content (%): 44–45, maturity: 85
days, seed yield (under optimum date of sowing
and ideal management): 1,400–1,600 kg/ha.
Groundnut (Arachis
Pratap Mungphali-3(UG 116) Rajasthan Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions,
average pod yield: 33.88 q/ha (irrigated) and
20 (rainfed), maturity: 108 days; tolerant to early
leaf spot, late leaf spot, rust, collar rot and dry
rot diseases, moderately resistant to spodoptera,
leaf miner, defoliators, jassids, thrips and leaf
Jagtiala Palli-1 (JCG-2141) Telangana Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions,
average pod yield: 32 q/ha, maturity: 100 days
(rainfed) and 115 days (irrigated), tolerance to
early leaf spot, late leaf spot, rust, moderately
tolerant to sucking pest complex and Spodoptera.
ICGV 06189 Karnataka Suitable for rainfed conditions, HPS type, used
in confectionary, average pod yield: 24.5 q/ha,
maturity: 110 days, tolerance to Spodoptera
defoliar insect and rust disease.
Gujarat Groundnut 41 (JPS Gujarat Suitable for rainfed condition, high oil and medium
65) (Padma) bold kernel, useful for oil industry and table
purpose, average pod yield: 27.22 q/ha, maturity:
120 days, resistant to stem rot, collar rot, LLS
and rust diseases, resistant to leaf defoliators
and thrips.
Girnar 4 (ICGV 15083) Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat, Tamil Suitable for rainfed with protective irrigation during
Nadu and Andhra Pradesh kharif season, high oleic containing healthy oil, direct
consumption as healthy food, developed through
marker aided back cross breeding, average yield:
32.18 q/ha (pod) and 21.33 q/ha (kernel), maturity:
112 days, moderate tolerance to late leaf spot, rust,
stem rot and peanut bud necrosis diseases, moderate
tolerant to leaf hopper, leaf miner, thrips and
Girnar 5 (ICGV 15090) Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat, Tamil Suitable for rainfed with protective irrigation during
Nadu and Andhra Pradesh kharif season, high oleic containing healthy oil, direct
consumption as healthy food, developed with marker
aided back cross breeding, average yield: 31.24 q/
ha (pod) and 21.33 q/ha (kernel); maturity: 113 days,
moderate tolerance to late leaf spot, rust, stem rot
and collar rot; moderate tolerant to leaf hopper,
leaf miner, thrips and Spodoptera.
Phule Kimaya (KDS 753) West Bengal, Jharkhand, Suitable for rainfed condition during kharif season,
Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Assam and average yield: 23.62 q/ha, maturity: 95–100 days,
North Eastern states, Southern resistance to rust and moderately resistance to stem
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, fly, girdle beetle.
Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
Toria (Brassica
Raj Vijay Toria 3 (RVT 3) (RTM Madhya Pradesh Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions, average
08-6) seed yield: 13.88 q/ha, resistant to white rust,
alternaria leaf blight, powdery mildew, downy mildew
and sclerotinia stem diseases.
Jeuti (JT 90-1) Assam Suitable for normal condition during Rabi season,
average seed yield: 4.76 q/ha, maturity: 91 days,
moderately susceptible to Alternaria blight diseases,
moderately susceptible to aphids.
Linseed ( Linum
Kota Barani Alsi 5 (RL 29005) Rajasthan Suitable for rainfed and un-irrigated conditions, oil
content 35–36%, average seed yield: 11.50 q/ha,
maturity: 140 days, moderately resistant to wilt and
alternaria blight diseases, moderately resistant to
bud fly.
Jawahar Linseed-165 (PKDL- Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Suitable for irrigated condition, average yield: 13.92
165) Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab and q/ha, oil content 33.84%, maturity: 165 days,
Haryana moderately resistant against most obnoxious pest
i.e. budfly (dsyneuralini), high level of resistance to
rust diseases, moderately resistant to wilt and
powdery mildew.
RLC-161 Jammu, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab Suitable for rainfed condition, oil content 32.1%,
and Chhattisgarh average yield: 12.62 q/ha, maturity: 170 days,
moderately resistant to bud fly.
Safflower ( Carthamus
Chhattisgarh Kusum-1 (RSS Chhattisgarh Suitable for irrigated conditions, average seed yield:
2012-11) 16.77 q/ha, maturity: 120 days, moderately resistant
to Alternaria leaf spot.
SSF-13-71 Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana Suitable for rainfed and irrigated area of Zone-1,
and Andhra Pradesh average yield: 19.99 q/ha, maturity: 125 days,
moderately tolerant to aphid, tolerant reaction to
Alternaria leaf spot.
Sunflower ( Helianthus
KBSH-78 Karnataka Suitable for irrigated condition, average seed yield:
25.36 q/ha, maturity: 85 days (early maturing),
moderately resistant to necrosis, alternaria leaf spot
and powdery mildew diseases, resistant to sucking
pests, thrips, leaf hoppers and caterpillars.
Sesame (Sesamum
AST-1 (AAUDR 9304-14-4-1), Assam Suitable for rainfed as well as irrigated condition,
Dikrut lodging tolerant; average seed yield: 850–1,000 kg/
ha, maturity:75–78 days
Pulses: Thirty three high-yielding varieties of pulses pea and 01 of rice bean were released for different
comprising 07 of chickpea, 08 of urdbean, 05 of agro-ecological regions.
mungbean, 06 of urdbean, 03 each of lentil and field
IPC 2004-01 Uttar Pradesh Suitable for rainfed and irrigated condition, average
yield: 13.96 q/ha, maturity: 139 days, moderately
resistant to wilt.
Kota Desi Chana-1 (RKG 13- Rajasthan Suitable for irrigated condition, 100 seed weight:
515) 22.49 g, average yield: 24.55 q/ha, maturity: 116
days, moderately resistant to wilt.
Kota Kabuli Chana-1 (RKGK Rajasthan Suitable for irrigated condition, 100 seed weight:
13-271) 31.15 g, average yield: 24.70 q/ha, maturity: 110
days, moderately resistant to wilt.
IPC 2011-112 Uttar Pradesh Suitable for timely sown condition, average yield:
12.96 q/ha, maturity: 137 days, moderately resistant
to wilt.
Chhattisgarh Chana-2 (CG Chhattisgarh Suitable for rainfed and semi irrigated condition,100
Chana-2) seed weight: 23.5 g, average seed yield: 18.73 q/
ha, maturity: 97 days, moderately resistant to
Fusarium wilt.
Nandyal Gram 452 (NbeG Andhra Pradesh Suitable for rainfed condition, 100 seed weight: 26.1
452) g, average yield: 20.24 q/ha, maturity: 95 days,
moderately resistant to wilt diseases.
Chhattisgarh Arhar-1 (RPS Chhattisgarh Suitable for rainfed condition in kharif and irrigated
2007-10) condition during rabi seasons, average seed yield:
19.25 q/ha in kharif and 15.35 q/ha in rabi seasons,
maturity: 175 days, moderately resistant to Fusarium
wilt, sterility mosaic and phytopthora stem blight
diseases, resistant to pod borer and sucking pests.
Warangal Kandi-1 (WRGE-97) Telangana Suitable for rainfed condition in kharif season,
average seed yield: 17.80 q/ha, maturity: duration
160 days, moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt
disease and tolerant to drought.
Krishna (LRG 105) Andhra Pradesh Suitable for rainfed condition during kharif season,
average seed yield: 17.70 q/ha, maturity: 170 days,
moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt and sterility
mosaic diseases, tolerant to Maruca, pod borer and
pod fly and tolerant to drought.
Tirupati Kandi 59 (TRG-59) Andhra Pradesh Suitable for rainfed condition during kharif season,
average seed yield: 15.35 q/ha, maturity: 170 days,
tolerant to Fusarium wilt and sterility mosaic diseases
and tolerant to drought.
Gujarat Til 5 (GT-105: Janki) Gujarat Suitable for rainfed condition during kharif season,
average seed yield: 16.06 q/ha, maturity: 140 days,
moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt and sterility
mosaic diseases and tolerant to drought.
Pusa Arhar-151 (Pusa 151) Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Suitable for rainfed and late sown conditions, average
West Bengal and Assam yield: 20.82 q/ha, maturity: 240 days, resistance
against sterility mosaic disease (SMD) and moderate
resistance against Fusarium wilt, phytophthora blight
and leaf spot diseases, tolerant to pod borer, pod
fly, pod bug and bruchids, moderate resistance to
root knot nematode (M. javanica).
Raj Vijay Arhar 19 (RVA 19) Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Suitable for rainfed/ irrigated condition, average yield:
(RVSA-16-1) Pradesh, Telangana and Odisha 15.62 q/ha, maturity: 185 days, moderately resistant
to Fusarium wilt and sterility mosaic diseases, tolerant
to Helicoverpa armigera, maruca and pod fly.
IPM 512-1 (Soorya) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Suitable for cultivation in irrigated conditions during
Assam and West Bengal spring season, green, shining, attractive and medium-
large seeds, average yield: 12.55 q/ha in NEPZ,
maturity: 65 days, highly resistance to MYM diseases,
cercospora leaf spot and anthracnose.
IPM 312-20 Uttar Pradesh Suitable for irrigated condition during spring season,
average seed yield: 6.59 q/ha, maturity: 72 days,
resistant to yellow mosaic disease, cercospora leaf
spot and powdery mildew diseases, resistant to
whitefly and thrips.
IPM 409-4 Uttar Pradesh Suitable for irrigated condition during spring season,
average seed yield: 8.11 q/ha, maturity: 70 days,
resistant to yellow mosaic disease, cercospora leaf
spot and resistant to leaf crinkle and leaf curl
diseases, resistant to thrips.
Azad Moong 1 (KM 2342) Uttar Pradesh Suitable for kharif season of Uttar Pradesh, yield:
8–10 q/ha, maturity: 65–70 days, moderately resistant
to MYMV.
VBN 11 (VBG 12-062) Tamil Nadu Suitable for rainfed and irrigated conditions, average
seed yield: 9.4 q/ha under irrigated condition and
8.65 q/ha under rainfed conditions, maturity: 75 days,
resistant to mungbean yellow mosaic virus, leaf
crinkle virus and moderately resistant to powdery
mildew diseases.
Kota Urd 3 (KPU 524-65) Rajasthan Suitable for rainfed normal sown conditions, average
seed yield: 11.98 q/ha, maturity: 72 days, resistant
to mungbean yellow mosaic virus, leaf spot and
anthracnose diseases resistant to stem fly, white
fly and thrips
Gujarat Urd 2 (GJU 1509) Gujarat Suitable for rainfed conditions, average seed yield:
10.79 q/ha, maturity: 82 days, resistant to yellow
mosaic virus, powdery mildew and leaf curl diseases,
resistant to pod borer, white fly, aphids and thrips.
Gujarat Urdbean 3 (GU-3: Gujarat Suitable for rainfed conditions, average seed yield:
Anjani) 9.34 q/ha, maturity: 100 days, resistant to yellow
mosaic virus, ULCV and cercospora diseases.
Kota Urd 4 (KPU 12-1735) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Suitable for spring season irrigated sown cultivation,
Assam and West Bengal average yield: 12.21 q/ha, maturity: 77 days, resistant
to cercospora leaf spot and moderately resistant to
MYMV, YMV, and web blight in NEPZ, less incidence
of pod borer and maruca, tolerant to major biotic
PSL-9 Haryana and Uttar Pradesh Suitable for moderate salinity stress conditions of
NWPZ and NEPZ, average yield: 9.83 q/ha in NEPZ
and NWPZ, maturity: 116 days, resistance to
Fusarium wilt, rust, powdery mildew, stemphylium
blight, aphids and pod borer.
PDL-1 Haryana and Uttar Pradesh Suitable for moderate salinity stress conditions of
NWPZ and NEPZ, average yield: 9.49 q/ha in NEPZ
and NWPZ, maturity: 111 days, resistance to fusarium
wilt, rust, powdery mildew, stemphylium blight, pod
borer and aphid.
IPFD 13-2 Uttar Pradesh Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions during
Rabi season, average seed yield: 14.09 q/ha,
maturity: 121 days, resistant to powdery mildew,
downy mildew and rust diseases, moderately resistant
to pod borer.
Kota Matar 1 (KPF 101) Rajasthan Suitable for rainfed condition, average seed yield:
18.11 q/ha, maturity: 124 days, resistant to powdery
mildew, downy mildew, rust and rot knot nematodes
diseases, moderately resistant to pod borer.
Commercial crops: Thirty nine high-yielding cotton, 07 of sugarcane and 01 of jute were released
varieties/hybrids of commercial crops including 31 of for different agro-ecological regions.
GTHV 13/28 Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan Suitable for irrigated conditions, average yield: 19.96
and Madhya Pradesh q/ha, maturity: 180 days, observed as better for
reaction against different diseases of cotton,
moderately resistant to leaf hopper.
Phule JLA-0906 (JLA-0906) Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Suitable for rainfed conditions, average yield: 13.60
Gujarat and Orissa q/ha, maturity:180 days, moderately resistance
reaction to bacterial leaf blight, Alternaria leaf blight
and gray mildew, moderately resistant to sucking
pests and bollworms.
PA 812 Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Suitable for rainfed conditions, average yield: 12.49
Pradesh q/ha, maturity: 160 days, tolerant to bacterial blight
and alternaria leaf spot, tolerant to sucking pests.
RS 2814 North Western Rajasthan, Punjab, Suitable for irrigated conditions, average yield: 26.83
Haryana q/ha, maturity: 175 days, tolerance against CLCuD,
bacterial leaf blight and fungal foliar leaf spot, tolerant
against whitefly, leaf hopper and boll worm.
Central Cotton CICR CNA Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Suitable for rainfed conditions, average yield: 13.24
1028 (CNA 1028) Pradesh q/ha, maturity:165 days, tolerant to major diseases
of cotton tolerant to sucking pests.
Central Cotton CICR CNA Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Suitable for rainfed conditions, average yield: 13.174
1032 (CNA 1032) Pradesh q/ha, maturity: 160 days, tolerant to major diseases
of cotton, tolerant to sucking pests.
Gujarat Anand Desi Cotton 3 Gujarat Suitable for rainfed condition, average cotton yield:
(GADC 3: Wagad Gaurav) 21.50 q/ha, maturity: 192 days, moderate tolerant
(GVhu 767) to root rot, bacterial leaf blight, Alternaria leaf blight
and fusarium wilt diseases, moderately tolerant to
sucking pests and boll worm.
CO 17 (TCH 1819) Tamil Nadu Suitable for rainfed and irrigated conditions, average
cotton yield: 16.04 q/ha, maturity: 135 days,
moderately resistant to root rot and Alternaria blight
diseases, moderately resistant to leaf hopper.
Adilabad Kapas-1 (ADB-542) Telangana Suitable for rainfed and irrigated conditions, average
cotton yield: 25.75 q/ha, maturity: 170 days, resistant
to bacterial leaf blight and tobacco streak virus
diseases, tolerant to jassids and boll worm.
Bt cotton/hybrids
ICAR-CICR Bt-6 Haryana and Punjab Suitable for irrigated conditions, contains Cry 1Ac
gene Maturity: 160–170; Yield: 26 q/ha.
ICAR-CICR 16 Bt Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Suitable for irrigated conditions, contains Cry 1Ac
Gujarat gene Maturity: 140–150; Yield: 13 q/ha.
ICAR-CICR 23 Bt Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Telangana Suitable for rainfed conditions, contains Cry 1Ac
and Andhra Pradesh gene Maturity: 150–160; Yield: 15 q/ha.
ICAR-CICR GJHV 374 Bt Maharashtra Suitable for rainfed conditions, contains Cry 1Ac
gene Maturity: 160–170; Yield: 25 q/ha.
ICAR-CICR PKV 081 Bt Maharashtra Suitable for rainfed conditions, contains Cry 1Ac
gene Maturity: 140–150; Yield: 25 q/ha.
ICAR-CICR Rajat Bt Maharashtra Suitable for irrigated conditions, contains Cry 1Ac
gene Maturity: 160–170; Yield: 23 q/ha.
ICAR-CICR Suraj Bt Central Zone Suitable for irrigated conditions, contains Cry 1Ac
gene Maturity: 160–170; Yield: 23 q/ha, Medium
fertility, Kharif Season.
JKCH 15551 BGII Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Suitable for irrigated conditions, belong to MON
Telangana, and Tamil Nadu 15985 containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab genes
Maturity: 160–170; Yield: 20 q/ha.
YCH 7475 Bt 2 Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Suitable for rainfed conditions, belongs to MON
Pradesh 15985 containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab genes
Maturity: 140–150; Yield: 17 q/ha.
PRCH 2799 Bt 2 Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions, belongs
Pradesh to MON 15985 containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab
genes Maturity: 140–150; Yield: 22 q/ha (I); 18 q/
ha (RF).
FBt 16-4 PAU Bt 3 Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan Suitable for irrigated conditions, contains Cry 1Ac
gene Maturity: 160–180; Yield: 28 q/ha.
Indam-1642 BG II Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Telangana Suitable for irrigated conditions, belong to MON
and Andhra Pradesh 15985 containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab genes
Maturity: 150–180; Yield: 15 q/ha.
Samir BG II Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Suitable for irrigated conditions, belong to MON
Karnataka and Tamilnadu 15985 containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab genes
Maturity: 160–170; Yield: 20.91 q/ha.
Raghuvir BG II Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan Suitable for irrigated conditions, belong to MON
15985 containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab genes
Maturity: Medium; Yield: 35 q/ha.
Hemang BG II Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Suitable for rainfed conditions, belong to MON 15985
Gujarat containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab genes Maturity:
150–160; Yield: 17 q/ha.
Ajeet-1155-2 BG II Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Suitable for irrigated conditions, belong to MON
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu 15985 containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab genes
Maturity: 150–16; Yield: 22 q/ha.
NBC-1103 BG II Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Suitable for rainfed conditions, belong to MON 15985
Gujarat containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab genes Maturity:
150–155; Yield: 18 q/ha.
NBC-1111 BG II Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Suitable for irrigated conditions, belong to MON
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu 15985 containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab genes
Maturity: 160–165; Yield: 26 q/ha.
NBHB 2205 BG II Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Suitable for irrigated conditions, belong to MON
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu 15985 containing Cry 1Ac and Cry 2Ab genes. Extra
long staple cotton Maturity: 170–180; Yield: 14 q/
Karan 14 (Co 13035) Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Suitable for mid-late group for North-West zone,
Uttarakhand and Central and average cane yield 86.76 t/ha, Reaction to red rot
Western Uttar Pradesh is resistant to moderately resistant, least susceptible
to shoot borer, top borer and stalk borer.
Sahaj-3 (CoS 12232) Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Suitable for medium and high fertility soil under
Rajasthan and Central and Western irrigated areas, average cane yield: 88.86 t/ha
Uttar Pradesh moderately resistant reaction to red rot and smut.
Sankalp (Co 12009) Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Interior Andhra Suitable for irrigated conditions, average cane yield:
Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, 119.65 t/ha, moderately resistant reaction to red
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya rot, smut and YLD, less moderately susceptible to
Pradesh and Chhattisgarh shoot fly and highly susceptible to internode borer.
Vasista/ Pampavathi [2009A Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions, average
107 (CoA 14321)] cane yield: 131.07 t/ha, moderately resistant to red
rot, smut, wilt and YLD diseases, moderately
susceptible to early shoot borer, internode borer
and scale insect pests.
Arundhati/ Naveen [2009 A Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated condition, average cane yield:
252 (Co A 14-323)] 124.10 t/ha, moderately resistant to red rot, smut,
wilt and YLD diseases, moderately susceptible to
early shoot borer, internode borer and scale insect
Rajendra Ganna-1 Bihar Suitable for irrigated upland condition, average cane
(CoP16437) × (Co 08139) yield: 99.50 t/ha, moderately resistant to red rot,
smut and wilt diseases, moderately susceptible to
shoot and root borer, top borer and stalk borer.
Jute (Corchorus olitorius)
NJ-7005 West Bengal, Assam, Bihar, Suitable for early March sowing, average fibre yield:
Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and Tripura 30 q/ha, potential yield: 35–37 q/ha, days to maturity:
(fibre) 120–125 days, days to maturity: (seed) 140–
150 days, resistant to pre-mature flowering
and tolerant to insect pests (semi-looper and BHC)
and stem rot disease, fibre strength (tenacity: 2,070
g/tex, fibre fineness: 2.70 tex.
Forage and other crops: Fifteen high yielding and grain amaranth, 01 each of setaria grass, forage
varieties/hybrids of forage crops comprising 04 of sorghum and Jawahar vicia were released for cultivation
oat, 02 each of rye grass, bajara napier hybrid, lucerne in different agro-ecologies.
Central Oat OS 405 (OS 405) Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Suitable for normal fertility and irrigated conditions,
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Central annual rabi season cultivated fodder crop, average
Uttar Pradesh yield: 513.94 q/ha (green fodder), 114.73 q/ha (dry
fodder) and 15.39 q/ha (seed), maturity: 155 days,
moderately resistant to leaf blight diseases.
OL 1861
Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Suitable for normal fertility and irrigated conditions,
Assam, Imphal, Kolkata, annual rabi season cultivated fodder crop, average
Jharkhand, Bihar, Odisha, Uttar yield: 4,487 q/ha (green fodder) and 19.6 q/ha (seed),
Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, maturity: 160 days, moderately resistant to leaf blight.
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Hyderabad, Karnataka and Tamil
Central Fodder Oat 424 (OS Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Suitable for normal fertility and irrigated conditions
424) Pradesh and Uttarakhand in hill zones, annual rabi season cultivated fodder
crop, average yield: 296.5 q/ha (green fodder), 65.1
q/ha (dry fodder) and 13.5 q/ha (Seed), better
nutritional quality, moderately resistant to leaf blight.
Punjab Ryegrass 2 (PBRG f2) Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Suitable for tropical, sub-tropical, sub-temperate and
Pradesh and Uttarakhand temperate climate under irrigated conditions, average
yield: 463 q/ha (green fodder) and 76.8 q/ha (dry
matter), maturity: 225 days, moderately resistant to
resistant reaction to powdery mildew.
BNH-11 (BAIF Napier Hybrid- Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Tamil Suitable for irrigated areas, perennial crop under
11) Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra multicut system under high input condition, average
Pradesh and Telangana, green fodder yield: 1219.25 q/ha and dry matter yield:
Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar 276.79 q/ha, maturity: 55 days interval for quality green
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and fooder, green foliage, thick elliptical stem, soft, long
Chhattisgarh and broad leaves without pubescence.
Alamdar-51 Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Suitable for high to low fertility and irrigated condition
Pradesh and Telangana during rabi season. Suitable for perennial multicut
system. average yield: 595.3 q/ha (Green fodder)
and 129.5 q/ha (dry matter), seeds are yellowish,
kidney shaped, bold and free from cuscuta weeds,
moderately resistant to downy mildew, resistant to
H. armigera and weevils.
KBGA-4 Karnataka Suitable for kharif season, average seed yield: 22.05
q/ha, maturity: 95 days, resistant to leaf spot and
leaf rust diseases, resistant to stem weevil, sucking
pests and defoliators.
indicated that (i) 124 alleles were present in all the foundation seed, 1,63,159.06 q of certified seeds,
three populations, (ii) seven alleles were unique to 97,109.52 q of truthfully labelled seed and 39,267.5
Eastern Plateau and Hills population, (iii) seven alleles q of planting material of field crops. In addition, 169
were present only in Eastern Plateau and Hills, and lakh planting material and 8 lakh tissue culture plantlets
Middle Gangetic Plain Region populations, and (iv) were produced against the targets of 187 and 7 lakh,
four alleles were present only in Eastern Plateau and respectively.
Hills, and Eastern Himalayan Region populations. Seven
alleles unique to the Eastern Plateau and Hills HORTICULTURE
population were those amplified by the primers JFSSR-
4, JFSSR-18, JFSSR-20, JFSSR-101, JFSSR-134, Crop Improvement
JFSSR-135, and JFSSR-172. Out of these seven unique Fruit crops
alleles of the Eastern Plateau and Hills population, Pummelo: Arka Chandra has high yield (35–40
five were specific to a small pocket near the Jharkhand- kg/plant at 4 years) potential with 0.8–1 kg fruit weight,
Odisha border area. The finding further suggests that creamy white pulp (White group 155 A), 11–12°B
the Jharkhand-Odisha border area is a priority site for TSS, 0.89% acidity, low (344.75 ng/ ml) bitter principle
the in-situ conservation of A. heterophyllus. ‘naringenin’ and suitable for fresh consumption.
Arka Anantha: It has higher yield (45–50 kg/plant
Seed production
Breeder seed production: During 2019–20, total
breeder seed production in field crops was 1,15,711.9q
against the indent of 85,752.8 q. The cereal crops had
a major share in total breeder seed production, i.e.
68,872.8 q as against the indent of 42,152.1 q. Under
pulse crops, a total of 19046.8 q breeder seed was
produced against the indent of 13,476.1 q. In oilseeds,
total breeder seed production was 26,862.5 q against at 4 years) potential with 0.9–1.2 kg fruit weight,
the indent of 29,433 q. Breeder seed produced in the pink pulp, 11–12°B TSS, 0.9% acidity, very low (156.64
case of fibre crops was 179.5 q against the indent of ng/ml) bitter principle ‘naringenin’ and suitable for
85.6 q and in forage crops, 750.3 q was produced fresh consumption.
against the indent of 605.8 q.
Solapur Anardana
(40–50 t/ha), early
ripening (110–120 days
after flowering), evenly
maturing hybrid (Vitis
labrusca L. × V.
vinifera L.) with long,
cylindrical, medium Hybrid apple progenies
sized fruit bunches
and Ambri × Top Red. Of these, two hybrid (Prima
with 20–22°Brix and
and Pride) progenies are scab resistant.
musky flavour. Juice
content in berries Plantation crops
varies from 65 to 70%
Coconut: Following coconut varieties were notified
and it is suitable mainly
by the Central Subcommittee on Crop Standards,
for processing. This
Notification and Release of Varieties for Horticultural
variety is tolerant to
Crops, Govt. of India.
downy and powdery
Kalpa Haritha, is selection from Accession IND
mildew and resistant to
Grape hybrid ‘ARI-516’ 045, yields 118 nuts/palm (20,886 nuts/ha/year). It is
anthracnose. It needs
tall palm and green nut variety. It is suitable for copra
single pruning and has been identified for cultivation
(3.72 t/ha) production or tender nut (440 ml nut water)
in Punjab, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Telangana.
Tamarind: Thettu Amalika is selection from the
variable seedling population of tamarind collected from
Thettu village near Madanapalli, Chittoor, Andhra
Pradesh. Pods are 15 to 20 cm long, slightly curved
with rounded ends; pulp firm, soft and deep brown.
Pod yield varies from 180 to 230 kg/tree. It has been
production with 5.85°Brix, 17.5 ppm Na and 2,100 Oct, 2019) were registered with PPV&FRA, New Delhi
ppm K. This variety has been notified for cultivation under extant category for their protection.
in Kerala and Karnataka. In addition, two new onion varieties (Bhima Dark
Kalpa Jyothi, is selection from accession IND 058, Red and Bhima Light Red) and one extant garlic variety
114 nuts/palm yield (20,178 nuts/ha/year), yellow tender Bhima Purple have been registered with PPV&FRA,
nut (380 ml water) with 5°Brix, 36 ppm Na and 1,988 New Delhi.
ppm K. This variety has been notified for cultivation
in Assam, Kerala and Karnataka. Identification/notification of improved varieties of
Kalpa Surya, is selection from accession IND 048, vegetable crops
yields 123 nuts/palm (21,771 nuts/ha), orange tender
nut with 400 ml nut water having 6.2°Brix, 35 ppm Brinjal Long
Na and 2,142 ppm K. This variety has been notified Punjab Raunak (PBL-232): Plants medium tall
for cultivation under irrigated conditions in Karnataka, and thorn-less with green
Kerala and Tamil Nadu. foliage, flowers are
Dwarf × tall hybrid Kalpa Srestha (IND 058 × purple, borne in cluster
IND 125) has high yield (167 nuts/palm equivalent to and solitary; fruits are
29,227 nuts/ha/year), copra production (216 g/nut medium long (16.3 cm)
equivalent to 6.28 t copra/ha/year) with 64% oil yield and thin (3.72 cm), deep
and notified for cultivation under irrigated conditions purple and shining, yield
of Kerala and Karnataka. 368 q/ha; indentified for
cultivation in Zone VI
Cocoa (Delhi, Haryana, Gujarat)
VTLCP-9: It is a promising hybrid (I-56 × III-35) and Zone VII (MP.
with 3 kg dry beans/tree/year yield. The hybrid is Maharashtra and Goa).
suitable for chocolate industry with 12–13% shelling, Vaibhav (DBPR-23):
87–88% nib recovery and 50% fat content. It is tolerant It is suitable for growing
to black pod rot and tea mosquito bug. in kharif in zone IV
(Punjab, Uttar Pradesh,
Bihar, Jharkhand); plants
are tall (105–110 cm) with
light purple pigmentation
on stem. Fruits are round
(15 cm length, 7.5 cm
diameter), shiny purple,
borne solitary with 250
g weight. It takes 55–60
days from transplanting to first picking (harvest) with
410 q/ha yield having potential of 580 q/ha. It has
good culinary attributes, i.e. suitable for Bharta. It is
resistant to Fusarium wilt, virus and little leaf complex
under field condition in Delhi.
Coco hybrid ‘VTLCP-9’
Kashi Vijay (IVBL-
Oil palm: Godavari Ratna, has average bunch yield 23): Plants are bushy with
of 158.67 kg/palm/year, Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) yield sturdy stems, fruits
of 22.69 t/ha and recommended for cultivation in medium long, purplish
Maharashtra. pink, potential yield 470–
Godavari Swarna, has higher bunch yield (210.56 530 q/ha, tolerant to
kg/palm/year), FFB yield (30.11 t/ha) and identified Phomopsis blight and
for cultivation in Andhra Pradesh. Fusarium wilt under field
Godavari Gold, has medium bunch yield (198.39 conditions; identified for
kg/palm/year), FFB yield (28.37 t/ha) and identified cultivation in Uttar
for cultivation in Tamil Nadu. Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand
and Punjab.
Vegetable crops
Registration of varieties Hybrid CTH 1: Fruits are flat, round, thick pericarp
Onion and garlic: Two onion varieties viz. Bhima (5.84 mm) with extended shelf life (10 days at room
Shubhra (Reg. No. 120 of 2019 dated 10 Oct, 2019) temperature). Fruits are borne in clusters of 5–6, with
and Bhima Safed (Reg. No. 115 of 2019 dated 10 an average fruit weight of 75.3 g. The hybrid has
long harvesting period pungent (0.8% capsaicin), high in dry matter (26%)
(20–22 harvests) in 150 and rich in colouring matter (242 ASTA units). It is
days with a yield of 2.94 resistant to leaf curl virus, fruit rot and root knot
kg/plant (92.3 t/ha) and nematodes, tolerant to thrips and mites. Fruit weight
moderately resistant to is 4.2 g and yield of red ripe fruits is 146 q/ha.
leaf curl virus.
Arka Aditya (H-331): Capsicum
Plants are semi- KTC-1: Identified and
determinate with dark green foliage, jointed pedicel recommended for
with triple resistance to cultivation in Zone-I. It
leaf curl (Ty2+Ty3) virus, is an open pollinated
bacterial wilt and early variety of capsicum with
blight. Fruits are firm, non-pungent, bell shape
deep red, oblate round, with attractive green fruits
medium large (90–100 g), having 5–6 lobes at
suitable for cultivation marketable stage and turn
during summer, kharif and orange at maturity. It has potential fruit yield of 21.3
rabi and bred for fresh t/ha under open field conditions.
market and yield potential
60 to 70 t/ha in 140–150 Radish
days. UHF R-12-1 (IC 0598463): It has been developed
BT19-1-1-1, is a selection from the Cross of LE- through Half-sib Recurrent Selection from a round-
79 × Sel-22 with plant height of 95.7–100.2 cm, round rooted landrace ‘Doonagiri mooli’. The roots have
to oval fruits yielding 338 to 490 q/ha, resistant to sweet pungent taste with peculiar aroma. The roots
bacterial wilt and identified for cultivation in Jammu are round to slightly tapering, 10–12 cm long, white,
and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. weighing 180–200 g at edible maturity. Roots attain
Kashi Chayan (Kashi Tamatar-8): It is harvestable size in 55–60 days after sowing. As
indeterminate in vegetative growth, high yielding (950 compared to long rooted varieties, it is 15–20 days
to 60 t/ha), tolerant to late in maturity. It has 418.5 q/ha root yield and
Tomato Leaf Curl Virus identified for cultivation in Zone-I (Jammu and Kashmir,
(ToLCV) carrying Ty3 Himachal Pradesh and
gene; identified for Uttarakhand).
cultivation in Uttar Kashi Aardra
Pradesh, Bihar, (VRRAD-150): It has
Jharkhand, Punjab, attractive dark-green &
Madhya Pradesh, soft leaves. Roots are
Maharashtra and Goa. white, tapered, 22–24 cm
long weighing 150–225 g.
Cherry Tomato First harvesting starts at
VL Cherry Tomato 1 (VT 95): It has been identified 40–45 days after sowing.
and recommended for Root yield ranges from
cultivation in Zone I, III 240 to 400 q/ha; identified
and VII. It has fruit yield for cultivation in Tamil
of 250–300 q/ha in open Nadu, Kerala, Puducherry,
and 400–450 q/ha in West Bengal and Assam.
polyhouse. Fruits are
smooth, oval, attractive Pea (Early)
red, firm (15 to 25 g), rich Matar Ageta-7 (IC
in Vitamin C (86 mg/ 611572): It is an early
100 g). maturing variety, first
picking in 65–70 days
Chilli after sowing with pods
CH-27 (IC 613996): having 7–9 seeds/pod.
Hybrid CH-27 (MS-12 × Pods are of medium
S-343) bears medium long length (9 cm), slightly curved from tip, borne singly
(7.6 cm) fruits, thin or in doubles, shelling out turn is 45% with 91.5 q/
skinned, light green when ha green pod yield.
immature and deep red VL Sabji Matar 16 (VP 1305): It is early in maturity,
when mature. Fruits are identified for cultivation in Zone I (Jammu and Kashmir,
Ladakh, Uttarakhand and first harvesting in 40–45 days after sowing during
Himachal Pradesh). It has spring-summer and kharif. It has 24.52 t/ha yield
97.4 q/ha green pod yield potential.
with early maturity,
therefore, escapes Bottle gourd
powdery mildew. It has Arka Ganga: It has
attractive dark green, the yield potential of 60
medium-long, slightly t/ ha, resistant to Gummy
curved pods, 8–9 seeds/pod and high shelling per cent Stem Blight (GSB). Fruits
(>50%). It has less incidence of pests like pod borer are green, oblong/oval,
under mid hills conditions. retain firmness and colour
up to 10 days at room
French bean temperature.
Kashi Baingani (VRFBP-14): It flowers at 70–80 Arka Shreyas: It has
days after sowing. Pods are initially green for 5–7 the yield potential of 48
days and subsequently t/ha and resistant to
turn purple in the next 8– Gummy Stem Blight
10 days. Pods are 14–15 (GSB). Fruits are green,
cm long and potential club shaped and retain
yield is 160 q/ha. It has firmness and colour up to
been identified for 10 days at room
cultivation in Jammu & temperature.
Kashmir, Himachal Arka Nutan: It has the
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, yield potential of 46 t/ha
Madhya Pradesh, and resistant to Gummy
Maharashtra, Goa and Stem Blight (GSB). Fruits
Karnataka. are green, cylindrical and
retain firmness and colour
Cabbage up to 10 days at room
F1 hybrid ‘KTCBH-822’ has been identified for temperature.
release for zone I (Humid Western Himalayan Region,
i.e. Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Teasel gourd
Uttarakhand) and Zone-VI (Arid Western Plains: Arka Bharath: It is robust, vigorous growing with
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana and Delhi). It has dark up to 6 m long vines.
green and waxy leaves, flat and very compact head Fruits are attractive, dark
covered with outer leaf. It matures in 70–75 days green, long-oval,
after transplanting and has very good field staying weighing 110 g/fruit with
capacity after head formation. It has field tolerance to 10 t/ha potential fruit
black rot disease. Average yield is 41.4 t/ha. yield. It has been
observed suitable for
Okra cultivation in high altitude
AOL 12-52: The fruits areas such as, Kodagu
are dark green with district (1,200 m above
attractive shape and size MSL), Karnataka.
and recommended for
cultivation in Zone V. Onion
Promising hybrids of onion identified are described
Cucumber below.
Pusa Gynoecious Cucumber Hybrid-18 (DGCH- DOGR Hy-73: It has uniform globe shaped,
18): It has been identified for cultivation in Zone I attractive dark red bulbs,
(Jammu and Kashmir, and is suitable for
Himachal Pradesh and cultivation during kharif.
Uttarakhand). Fruits are It has 11.2% higher
attractive green, 18–20 marketable bulb yield
cm long, 200–210 g (33.7 t/ha) than check
weight with mild whitish Bhima Super (30.31 t/ha)
green stripes originating with 61.3 g bulb weight
from the blossom end and brownish green blotchy and thin neck. It is free from double bulbs and bolters.
patches near the stem end. Fruits become ready for The hybrid attains early maturity and harvested in 91
Sweet potato
Promising sweet potato accessions identified:
Accession No. 47 and 52 were the high yielders (1
White flesh sweet potato hybrid Orange flesh sweet potato
SPH 65 hybrid SPH 44
weevil infestation were identified. SPH 29 had no Ajmer Nigella-1 (AN-1) has 9.09 q/ha potential
weevil infestation whereas, SPH 30 had good shape seed yield. It is medium maturity (145–150 days) and
and may be used for fried chips making. It also showed the seeds contain 19.7% total oil. Total oil fraction
deep purple colour and could be used for anthocyanin contains 21.14% 9-Octadecenoic Acid (Oleic Acid),
extraction. Hybrid progenies such as, SPH 14, 15 and 3.32% Octadecenoic Acid (Oleic Acid), Cis-11, 14-
31 had less amount of latex which are good for table Eicosadienoic Acid (3.14%). This variety is tolerant
purpose. to root rot.
Promising elite line of
yam: A promising line of
yam ‘SD-15’ with
significantly higher yield
(36 t/ha), good tuber
shape and culinary quality
than the check variety
Sree Dhanya (23.5 t/ha)
was identified.
Greater yam: Sree Tubers of white yam ‘SD-15’ Medicinal plants
Hima, has been identified
for cultivation in Kerala Isabgol: A stable tetraploid (2n=4x=16) (DTPO6-
with higher productivity 6) line of isabgol was developed from the variety GI
(38 t/ha), medium sized, 2 using colchicine (0.1 to 0.5%) seed treatment. The
digitate, fused tubers with tetraploidy was confirmed
dark brown skin, purple through flow cytometry,
rind and white flesh. It root anatomy, phenotypic
has medium starch (21%) observation and cytology.
and crude protein content Greater yam var. Sree Hima The tetraploid was fertile
(4.8%). and stable over the years
( 2 0 1 0 – 2 0 1 7 ) .
Morphologically the
tetraploids were more vigorous than the diploids but
PLANTS late maturing. The anatomical comparison revealed
Gerbera that the size of xylem and phloem of stem and
Arka Red: Flowers are inflorescence stalk were larger in tetraploids than
double and bright red, diploids. The seed yield was higher in tetraploids than
yielding 360 flowers/m2/ the diploids.
year. Under Bengaluru Bach (Acorus calamus): A new, high yielding
conditions, it is suitable variety, of bach (Acorus calamus) namely, Swarna
for growing outdoors Swara (APAc-5) was identified for cultivation in Andhra
throughout the year for display in beds or cut flower Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Assam, Chhattisgarh, West
production. Bengal, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,
Spices Odisha and North Eastern
Nutmeg: IISR-Keralashree, is a high yielding (75.6 q States. It has higher
nut/ha and 15.12 q mace/ha), high quality nutmeg (69.05%) rhizome yield
variety developed through farmer’s participatory (27.8 q/ha) as compared
breeding, suitable for growing in Kerala and Tamil to check Symbolia. The
Nadu. beta-asarone content in
APAc-5 is 15.9 mg/g.
Seed spices Mushrooms: A total of three strains, two in Button
Ajmer Ajwain-73, is medium maturing (165–170 and one in Milky mushroom were released.
days) and high yielding (10.7 kg/ha) variety with seeds DMR-button-14 and DMR-button-59 giving average
containing 9.15% total oil and 6.38% essential oil. yields of 23–25 kg
and 22–24 kg/100
kg compost. The
Plantation crops
Profile of XDAGSM69 primer with 26 germplasm of
Medicinal plants Gymnema sylvestre
Assessment of genetic diversity of madhunashinee
(Gymnema sylvestre) germplasm by SSR markers: an N50 of 2,912 bp. SSR search using MISA yielded
Of the 100 SSR markers used for screening of 26 3,14,206 SSRs with a frequency of 1.08/kb. Over
genotypes of madhunashinee (Gymnema sylvestre), 58 2,00,000 genomic SSR markers were developed of
primers produced alleles ranging from 1 to 6; with which 100 SSR markers validated by PCR amplification.
Livestock Improvement
Cattle Project (IBP), genetic improvements of three breeds,
Development of a crossbred strain of cattle viz. Gir, Kankrej and Sahiwal were carried out through
Frieswal: On 3 November 2019, DG declared Frieswal the selection of elite animals maintained at the
as a breed and subsequently obtained a trademark Germplasm (GP) unit and also at Associated herds
FrieswalTM (Indian Patent (AH) maintained by different agencies including farmer
Office No. 4361504 dated herds in the respective breeding tract.
28-11-2019). Established a
Network Project on Buffalo Improvement
bull mother farm of
Frieswal cattle at ICAR- All India Coordinated Research Project on buffaloes
NDRI, Karnal by selecting was initiated in the year 1970–71 and the main thrust
208 Frieswal cows/heifers was to test the sires with a view to produce proven bulls
from 850 elite cows for enhancing milk production. In 1993, this was changed
belonging to 18 Military Farms for production of young to Network Project on Buffalo Improvement and running
male calves for Field Progeny Testing Programme. at ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Buffalo, Hisar.
Total 65,543 doses of Frieswal bull semen were Progeny testing in Murrah Breed is carried out at six
produced cumulating to 4,695,266 doses since the participating institutional /SVU centres, viz. CIRB Hisar,
inception of the project. At present, a total of 2,055,322 NDRI Karnal, IVRI Izatnagar, GADVASU Ludhiana,
semen doses are available in the stock. During the LUVAS Hisar and ICAR Research Complex for Eastern
period, 7,319 semen doses were distributed to Military Region Patna. About 17,200 artificial inseminations were
Farms, and 22,829 doses were sold to para-vets, state carried out in 2019–20 at farmer’s doorstep in the village
AH Departments, LDBs, and SAUs. to produce daughters. The milk yields of daughters are
Genetic improvement of crossbred cattle under- being recorded for use in sire evaluation.
Field Progeny Testing Project (FPT): Under the Field At present, 5 important breeds of buffaloes namely
Progeny Testing (FPT) project, the increase since 1995 Murrah, Nili Ravi, Jafrabadi, Surti and Bhadawari are
to 2019 in average first lactation 305 days milk yields being addressed under the Network Project. About 1,044
of the Frieswal progenies was recorded as 67.77% in breedable buffaloes are being maintained at institutional
KVASU (3285.69 kg vs 1958.4 kg), 41.95% in Murrah centres for production of high genetic merit male
GADVASU (3829.6 kg vs 2697.8 kg), 12.41% in BAIF and female calves. There are 15 superior Murrah bulls
(3294.3 kg vs 2930.4 kg) and 36.07% in GBPUA&T (3 bulls from CIRB Hisar, 4 bulls from GADVASU
unit (3394.8 kg vs 2494.8 kg). Also, the average age Ludhiana, 4 bulls from LUVAS Hisar and 4 bulls from
at first calving (AFC) of Frieswal progenies in NDRI Karnal are in the XVIII set being used since 01-
corresponding period decreased by 15.77% in KVASU 01-2019 onwards till June 2020). So far, 234 superior
(957.1 days vs 1136.4 days), 31.91% in GADVASU bulls have been test-mated in 17 sets. Data of 581
(811.6 days vs 1192 days), 18.79% in BAIF (793 daughters born from the 13th set of bulls which completed
days vs 976.5 days), and 14.2% in GBPUA&T unit 1st lactation was compiled and bulls were evaluated. Bull
(985.8 days vs 1149 days). no. 2234 and 2269 from GADVASU, Ludhiana ranked
Genetic improvement of indigenous cattle breeds first and second with sire index value of 2,688 and 2,619
through Progeny Testing: Under the Indigenous Breeds kg, respectively. The percent superiority over their
contemporary daughters was 14.80 and 13.86%,
Release of Frieswal respectively.
Elite herds of Jaffarabadi, Surti, Bhadawari and Nili
Dr Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) & DG (ICAR) Ravi breeds of buffaloes have been established in their
released ‘Frieswal’ a national milch crossbred cattle respective breeding tracts. Semen freezing laboratories
variety on 03-11-2019 during the inaugural function
have been established at all the centres. Nili-Ravi and
of ‘National Conference on Livelihood Improvement
through Sustainable Livestock Production’ and IV Bhadawari breed centres are functioning as conservation
Annual Convention of Pashu Poshan Kalyan Samittee and improvement units, and Jaffarabadi and Surti breed
(PPKS) organized on the occasion of the 33 rd centre are concentrating on field progeny testing along
Foundation day celebrations of ICAR-Central Institute with maintaining the elite herd for bull production and
for Research on Cattle, Meerut. The average milk testing. A breedable herd of 682 of four breeds (Nili-
production potential of Frieswal cows based on 300
day milk yield is more than 3,335 kg. The mature
Ravi-355, Jaffarabadi-213, Surti-66 and Bhadawari-48)
lactation milk yield of Frieswal cows is 3,628 kg. is being maintained. A total of 404,827 semen doses
produced and 450,262 semen doses were sold/used.
Murrah breeding bull’s 327,997 semen doses production Body weight gain and lactation performance of goats
and 40,813 dissemination of Murrah breeding bulls was Barbari: The overall least squares means of part
there, in other breeds 76,830 semen doses produced and lactation milk yield in 90 and 140 days were 84.52±2.08
42,131 disseminated i.e sold/used in farm herd/ field and 117.69±4.16 liters. Year of kidding had significant
under field progeny testing program. influence on all the lactation traits.
Jamunapari: The least squares means of body
weight of kids at birth, 9, and 12 month were
The project includes farm and field based cooperating 18.86±0.34 and 22.69±0.23 kg, respectively. Least
centres located in various ICAR Institutes and SAUs/ square means for total lactation yield and lactation
SVUs. Presently, there are six ongoing cooperating length were 82.46±1.13 litres and 113.61±2.13 liters,
centres with its coordinating unit at ICAR-CSWRI, respectively.
Avikanagar. Four of these units are farm based units Developed database of goat milk proteins and
while two of them are field based units. The body peptides: A database of more than 2,000 proteins and
weight at 12 months in Muzzafarnagri, Deccani and peptides in milk samples collected from various tropical
Nellore were 37.73±0.52, 29.57±0.34 and 25.00±0.48 goat breeds was developed which would potentially
kg, respectively. In field units, Madras Red and Mgra be used for multiple human health benefits.
had 20.72±0.17 and 28.94±0.13 kg body weight,
respecyively at 20 weeks. Camel
Mega Sheep Seed Project (MSSP): There are four
cooperating units, viz. KVAFSU, Bidar for Mandya The PCR products (TLR 4 exon 2) were sequenced,
Sheep; TANUVAS, Chennai for Mecheri Sheep; submitted to NCBI (accession no: MT365024) and
RAJUVAS, Bikaner for Sonadi Sheep and ICAR- analyzed. One polymorphic SNP at the positions in 5’
CSWRI, Avikanagar for Malpura sheep with project UTR region of TLR4 gene was identified, whereas
coordinating (PC) unit at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar. no SNPs were found in exons. The phylogenetic analysis
The major objective of the project is improvement of was also performed.
indigenous sheep breeds by propagation of superior Mithun
germplasm in the farmers’ flock by each unit.
Follicular dynamics studies in pubertal mithun
animals: The follicular dynamics concerning the
changes in concentrations of hormones during the
estrous cycle in pubertal mithun was evaluated.
Generation-wise genetic evaluation of Rani pig
crosses: A high producing crossbred pig variety Rani
was developed and released by ICAR-NRC on Pig.
The breed characters of Rani crossbred was stabilized.
Top 3 and 8% of male and female were selected for
Mecheri sheep flock producing subsequent generation based on performance
Distribution/sale of superior breeding
rams and ewe covered Poultry
Improvement of germplasm
Unit (Breed) Rams distributed/ Breedable ewes
sold coverage by rams Rural poultry germplasm: Two male lines, PD-1
(Vanaraja male line) and PD-6 (Gramapriya male line)
Mandya 75 2,058 and two female lines, PD-
Mecheri 134 2,050 2 (Vanaraja female line)
Sonadi 62 1,610 and PD-3 (Brown egg
Malpura 75 2,873 layer line) were improved.
Total 346 8,591
The genetic and
phenotypic response to
Goat selection for higher shank
A total of 345 improved goats germplasm of different length at 6th wk in PD-6
breeds were supplied to farmers and different was 2.39 and 1.44 mm,
PD-6 adult birds
developmental agencies for improving production respectively, over the last
performance in field conditions. The institutional flock 9 generations. In PD-3 line (S-8), the direct selection
of Jakhrana goats exhibited an average milk production response over the last seven generations was 151.5 g
of 147.72±3.66 liters in 90 days and 192.40±5.58 liters on genetic scale and 79.7 g on phenotypic scale for
in 120 days. egg mass at 40 wks, the primary trait of selection.
Native chicken populations: In Vanashree (PD-4) variability and improve the juvenile growth traits of
population (S-10), the shank length improved at 8 PB-2 line, settable eggs were obtained from Bengaluru
wks of age by 1.1 mm, while the egg production up centre of AICRP. The body weight and breast angle
to 40 wks of age (80.16) improved by 6.15 eggs at 5 wks of age in this new population were 1,042 g
compared to S0. In Ghagus native population, body and 80.7°, respectively.
weight at 8 wks (471.7 g) increased by 36.5 g in the Layer populations: Three layer lines, viz. IWH,
S-2 generation. IWI and IWK are under selection for higher egg
The hen housed egg numbers up to 64 wks of age, whereas IWD, IWF
production (73.0 eggs) up and Layer Control (LC) are under random breeding
to 40 wks of age in Nicobari programme. The ASM increased across all the lines
breed increased by 10.5 during the year. The annual egg production of IWH
eggs compared to S0. Body was 297 eggs. The egg weight of IWH, IWI and IWK
weight at 4 (211.4 g) and 8 at 64 wks was 56.9, 55.3 and 56.9 g, respectively.
(492.3 g) wks of age in the
A pair of Vanashree Poultry breeding
next (G-7) generation
increased by 110 and At Mannuthy centre, the egg production up to 40
90.6 g, respectively, wks was 79.0 eggs in the native chickens (S-4) with
compared to S 0 . In the egg weight of 43.0 g. The genetic response per
Kadaknath population, generation was 4.58 eggs in IWN. At the Anand centre,
procured from Jabalpur the egg production of Ankleshwar chicken up to 40
Centre, body weight at 8 wks was 71.1 eggs. Egg production up to 72 weeks
wks was 376.3 g. (EP 72 wk) was 324.5 in IWN and 306.3 eggs in IWP
Evaluation of crosses Nicobari male strain, whereas EP 40 wks was 116.7 in IWD and
for rural poultry farming: 114.7 in IWF strain. At the Bengaluru centre, the 5
A total of five crosses were wk body weight was 1,247 and 1,093 g in PB-1 and
produced by crossing Aseel PB-2, respectively, and the EP 40 wks in PB-1 and
males with females of PD- PB-2 lines were 55 and 53 eggs, respectively.
1, PD-2, PD-6, PB-1 and At the Ludhiana centre, the 5 wk body weight was
PB-2 lines and evaluated 1,237 and 1,156 g in PB-1 and PB-2, respectively. In
up to 12 wks of age. Aseel Kadaknath chickens
Punjab Brown, the 8 wk body weight was 767.1 g.
crosses with coloured The EP 40 wks of age was 56.12 eggs. At the ICAR-
broiler lines (PB-1 and PB-2) had higher body weights, CARI, Izatnagar centre, the 40 wk egg production
while Aseel × PD-1 cross recorded higher shank length was 68 and 69 eggs in CSML and CSFL, respectively.
at all the ages. Aseel crosses with PD-1 and PD-6 had At the Bhubaneswar centre, Hansli birds matured at
suitable body weight, and optimum meat quality traits 176 days and laid 34 eggs up to 52 wks of age. The
with overall acceptability like native chicken meat. phenotypic response for 5 wk body weight in CSFL
A two-way cross (PD-1 × PD-4) was evaluated under and CSML over the last eight generations was 38.4
farm and field conditions. The sixth week body weight and 59.6 g, respectively. At the Tripura centre, the
was 578.2 in male and 548 g in females. Under field body weight at 20 wks was 1,821 and 1,378 g in
evaluation in Thatiguda village, Adilabad district, the male and females of 3-way cross under farmer’s
body weight at 12 weeks was 1.3 kg in cocks and 1.0 backyards. The annual egg production (AEP) was 133
kg in hens, and the hens produced 39 eggs up to 40 under field conditions and 162 in farm conditions. At
wks of age with 50 g egg weight. Jabalpur centre, the body weight at 40 wks was 2,130
and 1,570 g in Jabalpur colour and Kadaknath,
respectively. The egg production up to 52 wks was
161 eggs in Jabalpur coloured population and 94 eggs
in Kadaknath. The Narmadanidhi variety produced
94 eggs under field conditions up to 52 wks. At the
Guwahati centre, the body weight at 20 and 40 wks
was 1,021 and 1,681 g, respectively in Daothigir
indigenous breed of Assam. The EP 52 wks was 76
Aseel × PD-1 cross 2-way cross birds in the eggs with an egg weight of 44 g in Kamrupa variety.
rural backyard
At the Ranchi centre, the body weight of native
Broiler populations: In the PB-1 line (S-28), the chicken at 20 wks was 1,476 g in males and 1,181 g
egg production increased by 5.7 eggs as compared to in females, while the 64 wk egg production was 71
the last generation. In PB-2 line (S-28), the phenotypic eggs. The body weight of Jharsim at 20 wks was
and genetic response to selection for the 40 wks egg 1,830 and 1,670 g in males and females, respectively,
production over last 15 generations was 0.29 and 0.78 and AEP was 148 eggs under field conditions. The
eggs per generation, respectively. To increase the AEP of Himsamridhi was 146 eggs under field
conditions. At Udaipur centre, the body weight at 40 peak egg production (17.46±3.30) during 53–
wks was 1,700 and 2,300 g in female and male birds 56 weeks of age.
of Mewari, respectively. The annual egg production • Small size turkey: The overall body weight of
was 160 eggs in Pratapdhan under field conditions. A Black and Multicoloured turkey birds at 36 weeks
total of 8,75,866 chicken germplasm was distributed was 3,298.9 and 3,384.5 g, respectively.
to the farmers from different centres with a total revenue • Germplasm supplied: Approximately 50,000
generation of ` 222.01 lakhs. diversified poultry germplasm was supplied to
more than 150 beneficiaries belonging to more
Poultry Seed Project than 9 states.
The Poultry Seed Project was operated at 12 centres
across the country. A total of 417,813 improved chicken Fisheries
varieties were distributed by different centres in their Breeding of ornamental and food fishes: Channa
respective regions/states with a revenue receipt of stewartii, commonly known as the Assamese snakehead
` 133.12 lakh during the year 2019. or golden snakehead, is an indigenous ornamental fish.
The Vanaraja chick were supplied by Kolkata The species collected from beels of Assam were raised
(11,053), Patna (71,700) and ICAR-NOFRI Gangtok to broodstock in concrete tanks. Upon attaining maturity,
(96,815) centres. Jharnapani centre distributed 79,375 the males (160–190 g) and females (250–300 g) were
improved chicken germplasm to farmers of Nagaland selected and kept in breeding tanks for natural spawning.
and neighbouring states. Manipur Centre distributed After spawning, hatchlings were allowed to be with
38,709 improved chicken germplasm to the farmers. the parents as this fish exhibit parental care. After
Hosur, Tamil Nadu Centre distributed 127,327 improved three weeks, the hatchlings (25–29 mm/0.18–0.29 g)
rural chicken (Vanaraja and Gramapriya) germplasm. were reared separately.
Goa centre supplied 39,893 improved chicken
germplasm. Port Blair centre distributed 22,063
improved chicken germplasm (Vanaraja and Srinidhi)
to farmers in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. ICAR-
RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Barapani, centre
distributed 12,606 improved chicken germplasm.
SVVU, Tirupati supplied 31,858 chicks to the farmers.
PVNRTVU, Warangal distributed 24,794 improved rural Channa stewartii Silver moony,
chicken germplasm was distributed to the farmers. Monodactylus argenteus
Genetic improvement of elite germplasm of
Japanese quails: Genetic improvement in different Silver moony, Monodactylus argenteus, is a brackish
elite germplasms of J. quail was continued. Feed water ornamental fish, which can be adopted to
conversion ratio (FCR) from 0 to 5 weeks in different freshwater. The complete technology of breeding and
crosses ranged from 2.81±0.02 to 3.22±0.02. seed production of silver moony was developed and
Genetic improvement of guinea fowl germplasm: is ready for transfer and entrepreneurship development.
Average body weight at 12 weeks in pearl, lavender Captive breeding and seed production of an important
and white varieties were 1145±1.5, 1130±7.0 and food fish, Mangrove red snapper, Lutjanus argentima
875.8±7.25 g, respectively. culatus, was successfully undertaken, which not only
Conservation and utilization of indigenous
chicken: A total of 13,614 good chicks of different
pure breeds of chicken were produced with pooled
fertility % as 64.04 and hatchability on total egg set
as 71.44. Gain of 5.6% in 20 week body in Aseel was
achieved in third generation of selection.
Farm evaluation of new crosses -CARI Dhawal
and CARI Neera Safed: Average liveability in
corresponding crosses were 95.31 and 92.30. Overall
20-week body weights were 1499.64±14.31 and
1655.18±24.86 g, 52-week egg production were
Mangrove red snapper, Lutjanus argentima culatus and its
184.78±1.53 and 183.05±1.47 with an egg weight (52 different stages of development
week) as 61.02±1.21 and 59.61±1.87 g.
is a suitable species for farming in brackish water
Genetic improvement of turkey ponds and open cages, but it also grows fast, tolerates
• Higher body weight turkey: Average body a wide range of salinities and accepts pelleted feed.
weight at 12, 18 and 26 weeks of age were Three rare and endemic fish species from Western
1,549.7, 2,915.3 and 3,908.1 g, respectively. Ghats, viz. Nilgiri Mystus Hemibagrus punctatus,
Average age at first egg was 241.8±6.81 d with Clarias dussumieri and Peninsular carp Puntius kolus
Crop Management
Crop Production in rice–wheat–mungbean system for cropping system
Decision support tool (APSIM) to design suitable intensification.
crop management in sorghum: A decision support Cropping system in Peninsular region:
tool (APSIM) to design suitable crop management in Intercropping of maize +cowpea (1:1) was most
sorghum interventions for locations and to optimize effective with higher grain yield of maize (66 q/ha)
rabi sorghum systems productivity is being developed. compared to that in maize–chickpea system (63.90 q/
Simulation study indicated that refined APSIM setup ha). On liquid fertilizer supplementation, highest grain
with gridded NASA data could be successfully used yield of cowpea DC-15 was recorded in water soluble
to simulate yields of rabi sorghum across different complex fertilizer applied (1%) at flowering stage (60
parts of India. The support system allows its practical DAS) in the peninsular India.
use by farmers/researchers for taking decisions on site
specific management options for optimizing the G×E
management for augmenting grain yield.
conditions to enhance soybean nodulation, growth and for salt, acid and drought tolerance capabilities. Seed
physiological status of plants under stress conditions priming with carrier-based inoculants of PSM produced
under ICAR-NBAIM-AMAAS Network sub-project. fodder cowpea and oat yield with only 50% P fertilizer
The application of B. daqingense in soybean improved which was at par with 100% P as per RDF in normal
plant fitness against stress and performed better, which poor soil, acid soil and salt affected soil. Two efficient
signify the role of this inoculant in stress tolerance of strains (Burkholderia cepacia and Talaromyces
soybean plants. The co-inoculation of Rhizobium with pinophilous) genomes were sequenced to understand
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi at 75% RDF, produced stress tolerance and phosphate solubilizing mechanism.
significantly higher yield than control (100% RDF) and These inoculants were also tested in > 50 farmers’
saved 25% use of N fertilizers without compromising fields of Jhansi, Niwari and Datia districts of
productivity. Bundelkhand region and got similar results. This can
Role of ethylene during fibre development in be a major breakthrough in integrated nutrient
cotton: Tissue specific expression of ACS (1- management and would be cost effective and safer
aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase) and for soil environment.
ACO (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase) Integrated nutrient management in bajra ×
in six medium long to long-linted desi cotton Napier hybrid-based system: Application of 50%
(Gossypium arboreum), viz. PA812, PA 760, PA 528, nutrients through chemical fertilizers (38 kg N, 55 kg
PA 402, DLSa 17, CNA 1041 genotypes and a short
staple check- Phule Dhanwantary was planted under
high density planting system. Results showed higher
expression of both these enzymes in ovules as compared
to subtending leaves of bolls. Temporal expression
analysis of the same revealed their involvement in early
fibre elongation stage than fibre initiation stage. A
positive correlation was established between the
amount of ethylene and fibre length of respective
genotypes, wherein, genotypic variation of ethylene
may be accredited as responsible factor to decide final
fibre length. Further, role of two candidate genes;
BONZAI and PEX1 involved in H2O2 and other ROS
(Reactive Oxygen Species) homeostasis during fibre
development was confirmed and re-validated in G.
arboreum. Bajra × Napier – Cowpea intercropping with INM
Development of phosphate solubilizing bio-
fertilizers for fodder crops: Identified and P2O5 and 30 kg K2O/ha), 25% through vermicompost
characterized 20 PSM (phosphate solubilizing microbes) (4.38 Mg/ha/vermicompost) + bio-fertilizer in BN
hybrid + (cowpea – berseem) cropping system recorded
12.6% higher green fodder yield over 100% RDF.
Parthenium (locally available weeds) enriched compost
(4.1 Mg/ha) has also recorded similar results instead
of vermicompost. Furthermore, the integrated use of
inorganic (50%), organic (25%) and biofertilizers
(Consortia of Rhizobium + Azotobacter + PSB) has
also significantly moderated physical properties;
increased SOC, soil available nutrients, microbial and
Evaluation of PSB in fodder oats enzymatic activities.
Livestock based integrated farming systems for also simultaneously promoting above IFS models on
semi-arid Bundelkhand farmers: Five resources based fields of representative farmers in the area and planning
and farmer specific IFS models (2 for rainfed and 3 for further up-scaling on larger scale through other
for irrigated farmers) each of 1 ha size were developed inter-institutional programmes.
and demonstrated by IGFRI, Jhansi to enhance the Integrated Farming System: A step towards
livelihood of Bundelkhand farmers. The models are doubling farm income: Integrated farming system
irrigated intensive IFS with balanced enterprise (IFS) model was developed with the concept of
combinations (for resource rich farmers), irrigated dairy integration of multiple enterprises (crops, livestock’s,
based IFS with greater emphasis on milch animals beekeeping, fisheries etc.) in a single farm unit to
and fodder (for dairy farmers), high value IFS with ensure year-round income and employment for a farm
greater emphasis on high value crops like vegetables family having 1 ha irrigated land. Net income of model
and fruits (for peri-urban and farmers near cities/ was ` 3.87 lakh/year along with 628 man days engaged
throughout the years. The highest net income (` 1.68
lakh/year) was obtained from livestock (3 crossbreed
cows) enterprise followed by crop (` 1.06 lakh). Model
depicted that the total carbon assimilation by the crop
enterprises was 4,448 kg/annum. Carbon cycle assessed
using farm design tool showed that total input of carbon
from the crop enterprises to household and animal
was 603 and 5,555 kg/annum respectively. The addition
of carbon from crop and livestock manure to the soil
was 256 and 1,698 kg/annum respectively. Overall
accumulation of carbon in the soil was 1,955 kg per
annum which ultimately enriches the organic matter
pool of the soil.
market), rain-fed crop dominated IFS with greater An android based nitrogen fertilizer
emphasis on rainfed crops and water harvesting (rainfed recommendation app for riceNxpert: ICAR-NRRI
crop based farmers) and rainfed livestock dominated developed ‘riceNxpert’ an android based mobile
IFS with focus on livestock, rainfed fodder and crops application to monitor the leaf N content based on
and water harvesting (for rainfed livestock based leaf greenness and determine real time N fertilizer
farmers). Among the irrigated IFS models, dairy based requirements to synchronize the demand and supply.
IFS resulted in the highest net return (` 162,593), The N application using riceNxpert produced higher
employment (431 man-days/year) and resource yield in rice compared to the blanket recommendation.
recycling followed by intensive IFS with balanced Farmers can download riceNxpert to their smart phone
enterprises (` 108,638 and 336 man-days/year, from google play store or ICAR-NRRI website or
respectively) while the B:C ratio was the highest in
intensive IFS with balanced enterprises (1.58) followed
by dairy based IFS (1.52). On the other hand, among
the rainfed models, highest net return (` 37,424) and
B:C ratio (2.03) was observed in rainfed crop dominated
IFS as compared to rainfed forage dominated IFS.
The average annual income of irrigated and rainfed
farmers in Bundelkhand region is ` 80,000 to 10,000 Graphical user interface
and ` 25,000 to 30,000, respectively, which can be of riceNxpert; riceNxpert
being used by a farmer in
enhanced to ` 160,000 and ` 40,000 by adopting his field
dairy and rainfed IFS models, respectively. IGFRI is
resilienceindia.org. By using this application, images on the affected plant parts along with black coloured
of 10 fully expanded healthy leaves are taken by mobile irregularly circular sclerotia resembled those of white
phone placing a white sheet on the back of the leaf mold fungus, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Pathogenicity
during 8–10 AM from 14 days after sowing or 21 of the fungus was proved using detached leaf/twig
days after transplanting at 3–5 days interval. On basis inoculation. Morphological characters and the sequences
of leaf colour analysis riceNxpert makes real time N of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (MK828202)
recommendation in terms of urea for top dressing in of the fungus confirmed the causal agent of the disease
different rice ecologies. to be Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. This is the first report
of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Rhynchosia bracteata
Crop Protection not only in India but in the world also.
Multi-trait Trichoderma based formulation for
soil-borne diseases of pulse crops: Several species
of Trichoderma were identified from pulses rhizosphere
and characterized for their antagonistic potential against
soil-borne and root rots diseases and plant growth
(germination percentage, plant height, shoot and root
length) promoting ability in major pulse crops. Among
the Trichoderma isolates tested under in-vitro and green
house condition at ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses
Research, Kanpur, one isolate, IIPRTh-31 (Trichoderma
asperellum) was identified for maximum inhibition
of mycelial growth (>80%) of wilt pathogens, promoted
root length, shoot length, and tolerated temperature Leaf and stem blight symptoms
up to 50°C. Three formulations were developed using
different carrier materials (Talc, parafin oil, glycerol) Detection and diagnosis of inner boll rot of cotton:
and tested for their shelf-life up to 6 months at room During 2019–20, higher incidences of inner cotton boll
rot were reported from farmers’ fields from major cotton
growing regions of Maharashtra. This unusual emerging
problem in cotton has been associated with reduced boll
development, quality of fibres and total yield. On detail
investigation, bacterial species belonging to members
of Enterobacteriaceae family (facultative anaerobe) were
predominately isolated from rot affected green cotton
bolls. On basis of polyphasic characterization and Koch’s
postulates study, association of phytopathogenic bacteria
Pantoea dispersa was identified as a potential and
principal pathogenic agent causing inner cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum) boll rots in Maharashtra state,
Preparation of DALHANDERMA
Effect of blast on grain size of finger millet: Blast GE48 and GE64 showed >3.0 g/1,000. Grain size
pathogen Pyricularia grisea infect the spike or finger reduction varied from 2–91%. In majority of the acc.
at flowering stage. Yield loss due this disease varies (15 Nos), there was more than 40% reduction. Accession
from 28–36% and may go up under favourable GE140, 147, 168 and 416 showed least reduction of
conditions for disease. Twenty-six finger millet grain size due to finger blast.
accessions were tested for effect of finger blast on Determination of life-table parameters of fall
grain size, which affects yield. Various types of armyworm fed on maize: Thorough knowledge of
symptoms were recorded on finger and neck. Healthy life-table traits is essential for the development of
looking and blasted fingers were sampled from each
accession, at the time of harvest, and threshed separately.
It was observed that the pathogen can infect a finger
at a single or multiple site along its length. Lesion
size gradually increases and reaches the base of the
spikelet. Such spikelet generally fails to form seed. Life-table parameters of FAW
Spikelets away from the lesion may form seed but (a) Neonates; (b) Larva; (c) Female adult; (d) Egg mass
groups, Asia II-6 and Asia III were recorded in Natural enemy complex of invasive fall
Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh while another new armyworm identified: Multiple parasitoid species for
group, Asia II-3 was recorded in Odisha and biological control of FAW Spodoptera frugiperda -
Maharashtra for the first time. Glyptapanteles creatonoti, Campoletis chlorideae,
Barcoding of mealybug: Different populations of Cotesia ruficrus, Coccygidium transcaspicum, Chelonus
mealybugs were collected on cassava from Namakkal formosanus Sonanand Phanerotoma sp. were identified.
and Salem Districts of Tamil Nadu during August 2020 Spodoptera frugiperda is the first host record for G.
and were subjected to molecular identification using creatonoti and C. transcaspicum across the globe. A
cytochrome oxidase –I gene (CO-1). Furthermore, the strain of S. frugiperda nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpfrNPV
mealybug sequences were compared with already NBAIR1) infected S. frugiperda was isolated from
available sequences in National Centre for the diseased larvae and in morphological biological
Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. The characteristics were studied . Electron shaped SpfrNPV
sequences were matching 100% as Phenacoccus occlusion bodies (OBs) of size 1.64 μm. Dose–mortality
manihoti with GenBank Acc. Nos. KY611349; bioassays revealed that first, second and third instar
KY611348; KY611347; KY611346 (deposited from larvae were equally susceptible (LC50 3.71–5.02 OBs/
China) and were confirmed as P. manihoti and Genbank mm2) to SpfrNPV infection. A PCR technique for
Acc No: MT895817 was obtained for the first time in detection of viral DNA in S. frugiperda NPV was
India. developed by employing the polyhedrin gene (polh)-
In pursuit to identify effective, cheap and easily interpretable microbe-based indicator of arsenic pollution, survey
of Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh and 5 districts of West Bengal, viz. Howrah, North 24 Pargana, South 24
Pargana, Nadia and Kolkata which are known high as contaminated belt in India was done and rough estimation
of As pollution was assessed. It was found that level of arsenic pollution level was higher in West Bengal samples
as compared to that of Ballia. The lowest record of arsenic contamination in West Bengal sample was 82.25 ppm
which was higher than highest record of arsenic contamination (76.242 ppm) from Ballia district. Based on arsenic
contamination and geographical location, three samples from Uttar Pradesh and six samples from West Bengal
were selected for met genomic studies. The comparative data analysis from samples from various locations of
two arsenic contaminated regions (Ballia district and 5 districts of West Bengal) will possibly throw light on
microbial indicator for arsenic contamination. (Comparative met genome analysis between control and arsenic
contaminated samples from regions under test, revealed that samples from same geographic location but different
in arsenic contamination, change the relative abundance of bacterial community at various taxonomic levels as
well as read counts for various functions like arsenic related pathways and many xenobiotics biodegradation and
metabolism pathways). From analysis genus like Nitrososphaera, Candidatus entotheonella, Nitrospira, Pyrinomonas,
Pseudomonas, and Bacillus were affected with increase in arsenic contamination in soil and appeared to be
suitable choice of indicator for arsenic pollution.
Relative abundance of genus along with the arsenic contamination from soils from
Ballia and 5 districts of West Bengal.
facultative autotroph was identified as the most potent Actinomycetes (713×101), fungi (45×102) and bacteria
S-oxidizing bacteria in two years field experiment on (153×103). The B/C of this best treatment was 1.9
mustard var. Pusa Bold. Application of gypsum alone against 2.8 that of inorganic fertilizer alone. The ‘r’
at S equivalent of 20 kg/ha recorded the highest yield values for soil available nutrients indicated a significant
(1,992 kg/ha) and was at par with treatment with matching of nutrient releasing and uptake patterns in
inoculation of BS104 along with S amendment (1,875 organic banana farming.
kg/ha). With regards to oil content highest oil content DRIS norms for oil palm: The Diagnosis and
was recorded with BS104 + sulphur (41.78%) treatment Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) indices
closely followed by gypsum treatment (41.72%). The for oil palm in two districts of Andhra Pradesh, viz.
application of the sulphur oxidizers may be excellent Srikakulam (–1.78, 1.23, –0.87, –0.9 and 2.32 for N,
eco-friendly choice for increasing sulphur uptake by P, K, Mg and B respectively. N>Mg>K>P>B is the
mustard crop and thereby increasing seed yield and order of importance of nutrients) and Vizianagaram
oil content. (the order of importance of nutrients is K>P>N>B>Mg
and their corresponding DRIS indices are –2.4, –0.7,
0.39, 1.64, 3.98, respectively) were developed.
Crop Management The critical leaf nutrient concentrations were worked
Fruit crops out for both the districts separately using Beaufills
Integrated nutrient management in custard apple method. The optimal ranges for N, P, K, Mg and B in
Arka Sahan: Application (10 kg/tree) of FYM leaf samples of Srikakulam District were 0.84–1.31,
incubated (for 48 h) with Arka Microbial Consortium 0.13–0.23, 0.61–1.03, 0.47–0.77% and 49–92 ppm,
(109 to 1010 CFU/g of Azatobacter tropicalis, Bacillus respectively. In Vizianagaram district the critical leaf
aryabhattai and Pseudomonas taiwanensis) along with concentrations ranged at 0.98–1.53, 0.13–0.20, 0.73–
100 g AM fungi (mixture of three Glomus spp. @ 1.11, 1.81–2.82, 0.50–0.63, 0.66–1.58 (%) and 57–
100 spores/g of substrate), was observed effective in 103 ppm for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and B respectively.
replacement of 25% of recommended (250:125:125 g
N, P2O5 and K2O/tree) dose of fertilizers in custard Vegetable crops
apple Arka Sahan. This way, there was saving of 25 Indian good agricultural practices (GAP) for
kg N and 12.5 kg each of P2O5 and K2O/ha (400 production of potato: Indian GAP for the potato
trees/ha) without any adverse effect on fruit size (334.7 production as per the guidelines of Quality Council
g/fruit), productivity (15.61 kg/tree) or quality (32.72 of India (QCI) was documented. The requirements of
°Brix), when compared to 100% RDF along with 10 both basic GAP as well as INDGAP were taken into
kg FYM/tree (13.72 kg/tree, 320.2 g/fruit, 31.65 °Brix) account for production of seed, ware and processing
either under rainfed or fertigated situations. potatoes. Compliance criteria of different control points
Precision farming technology in banana: were ensured for potato production. All modules of
Fertigation of 75% N, P2O5, K2O (derived from STCR GAP developed by QCI were included in the final
equation) along with irrigation at 80% ER and document. It is expected that adoption of GAP norms
polyethylene mulching (100 μ thickness) in combination shall help Indian potato growers in getting higher net
with foliar spray of (2%) micronutrient Banana Shakti returns and sustained productivity by conserving the
(at fourth, fifth and sixth MAP) and bunch spraying individual farms and the environment. It will also be
with 2% potassium sulphate (once at male bud removal very useful for other stakeholders in potato supply
and again 30 days later) significantly enhanced the chain as they shall be aware about production
yield of banana cv. Grand Naine in Karnataka, Odisha environment of this crop, thus, there will be drastic
and Andhra Pradesh. The yield enhancement was to a reduction in the rejection of inland and offshore
tune of 22 to 44% with B:C ratio of 2.78 to 3.37. The consignments.
treatment can also significantly advance the harvest Phosphorus management in potato in acid soils:
by 28 to 40 days, besides improving the fruit quality The sole and synergistic effects of rock phosphate
with respect to TSS and shelf life. (RP) and phosphorus solubilising bacteria (PSB) on
Organic farming in banana: In Grande Naine potato yield were studied in acidic soils of Meghalaya.
banana, the application of poultry manure + groundnut At Shillong, application of 75% of recommended–P
cake + rural compost + wood ash + VAM + PSB + (RDP) as rock phosphate along with PSB inoculation
KSB yielded bunches (23.5 kg) which were on par exhibited potato tuber yield at par with the treatment
with with 100% inorganically fertilized banana plants. receiving 100% RDP (140 kg P2O5/ha through RP),
The nutrient uptakes (g/plant) and the leaf nutrient indicating a saving of about 25% RDP. Hence, the
concentrations of organically grown banana were also application of 75% RDP through rock phosphate along
on-par with 100% inorganically fertilized crop. The with seed inoculation with PSB could be recommended
organic inputs caused decline in soil pH from 8.2 to for higher yield of potato in the acidic soils of
7.2, increased EC (dS/m) from 0.21 to 0.23 and organic Meghalaya.
matter from 0.12 to 0.72%, at harvesting. The organic In another study at Ooty, application of 100% RDP
banana grown soil had good number of CFUs of as RP + PSB inoculation exhibited highest potato tuber
First crop of rice (var. Manu Ratna) Short-duration cassava + cluster bean
yield over other treatments, which again indicated that facing inside polyhouse and other half (back of box)
rock phosphate in combination with PSB can prove a remains outside polyhouse. This box is provided with
suitable source of P in acid soils of Ooty. In another two exits at front and back of the hive so that bees can
study at Ooty, 50% P + PSB + lime @ 5 t/ha gave move in either of directions. The hive has to be placed
potato yield equivalent to application of 100% P + when crops are about to flower. In stingless bee, two
PSB. Overall, application of phosphatic fertilizers along hives of T. iridipennis are hung from top at crop canopy
with PSB and lime proved beneficial for P-management level. Observations revealed both pollinator species
in potato under acid soils with a saving of 25 to 50% P. foraging efficiently on both male and female flowers
Intercropping short-duration cassava and legumes of muskmelon and cucumber and thus effecting pollen
in rice-based cropping system: Intercropping short- transfer to stigma.
duration cassava with cluster bean, irrespective of
fertility level was productive due to cassava tuber
yield (22 t/ha; yield reduction of 7%) on par with
sole cassava (23.5 t/ha) and saving of nutrients. Nutrient
saving to cassava to the extent of half FYM and N a b c
and full P was possible.
(a) Stingless bee foraging on muskmelon flower; (b, c) Indian
Use of native honey bees for pollination of
honey bee foraging on cucumber and muskmelon flowers.
cucurbits grown under polyhouse conditions: Hand
pollination to achieve satisfactory fruit set in There was no fruit set in plants excluded from
cucurbitaceous vegetables, such as, cucumber and bees whereas, fruit set, number of fruits per plant and
muskmelon under polyhouse conditions for want of fruit weight due to bee pollination were 92.5%, 1.85
pollinating insect visitors is laborious. A protocol for and 1.6 kg, respectively, in musk melon, and 88.6%,
using two native bee species, viz. Indian honey bee, 21.4 and 375.5 g, respectively, in cucumber; and
Apis cerana and stingless bee, Tetragonula iridipennis comparable with hand pollination. The estimated yield
for pollination of muskmelon (var. Arka Siri) and was 50 t/ha for muskmelon and 80 t/ha for cucumber
cucumber grown under polyhouse was standardized. with honey bee assisted pollination. This technology
The technology involves placing a honey bee hive (of has potential in overcoming the pollination problem
eight frames size) at the border of polyhouse in such of cross pollinated vegetables under polyhouse without
a way that half of box remains with main entrance need of exotic pollinator insect species.
Substrate preparartion and cultivation technology
for mushroom: A total of four compost formula using
wheat straw, paddy straw, mustard straw and sugarcane
baggasse were evaluated and successful results were
obtained in all the formulations with a maximum yield Panus velutipes Lentinus tigrinus
in wheat straw (18.30 kg/100 kg compost) followed first seasonal cultivation trial Morchella spp strain
by sugarcane baggasse (17.77 kg/100 kg compost) ANG, conidial stage (asexual stage) and a mature
further followed by paddy straw (16.31 kg/100 kg ascoma of total 13 cm length was produced under
compost). green house for the first time in India.
Crop protection
Taxonomy of banana scarring beetle: The correct
names of banana leaf and fruit feeding beetles of the
Indian region were clarified for future phytosanitary,
quarantine and management purposes and Basilepta
subcostata was found to be the economically most
important pest species in northern and north-eastern
Cultivation technologies for Panus velutipes and India.
Lentinus tigrinus were developed. Both these Management of banana scarring beetle, Basilepta
mushrooms were cultivated on sterilized saw dust subcostata: Soil application of liquid formulation of
substrate supplemented with 20% wheat bran. P. Beauveria bassiana (1×107 cfu/ml -200 ml/plant) @
velutipes gave 50% BE and Lentinus tigrinus gave 3 ml/l during October along with bunch spraying with
18% BE.
Substrate preparation technique was standardized
for cultivation of Morchella mushroom (guchchhi) using
wheat (46%), cotton seed cake (18%), gypsum (1%),
calcium carbonate (1%), forest soil (8%), saw dust
(10%) and coir pith (16%). Under in vitro studies on
induction of ascoma in Morchella spp strain ANG,
three small ascomata of 5–10 mm were obtained. Under Banana Scarring beetle Basilepta subcostata
Livestock Management
Nutrition showed a decrease (44.6%) in methane concentration
New variety of sorghum fodder, CSV-43 BMR in exhaled air of supplemented buffaloes with increase
(JAICAR NUTRIGRAZE/SPV 2018) improves in digestibility of feed in comparison to control. Total
performance of growing and lactating buffaloes digestible nutrient (TDN) content of the ration fed to
(IIMR, Hyderabad and CIRB, Hisar collaborative the supplemented buffaloes increased. The daily milk
programme): A brown midrib (bmr) sorghum, CSV-43 yield, 6% fat corrected milk (FCM) yield and immune
BMR (JAICAR NUTRIGRAZE/SPV 2018) was response also increased in buffaloes. The study suggests
developed through pedigree method of breeding at ICAR- that the supplementation of composite feed additive
Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad and was was effective to reduce enteric methane emissions and
evaluated for feeding value at ICAR-Central Institute for improvement in production performance and health
Research on Buffaloes, Hisar was superior in various status of buffaloes.
nutritional qualities. The variety contains less lignin
(4.12% ADL), promotes early ruminal fermentation with
higher truly degradable dry matter and ruminal fibrolytic
enzymes production, and lowers methanogenic archaeal
population with reduced methane production as
compared to popular MP Chari and MFSH-4 varieties.
The buffalo calves fed SPV 2018 fodder had 14% more
body weight gain with significant increase in feed
efficiency compared to calves fed with CSH 24MF and
MP Chari. Feeding trial on lactating buffaloes
demonstrated increased daily milk yield (9.64%), 6% fat
corrected milk (18.55%) and fat protein corrected milk
(11.53%) in comparison to buffaloes fed with MFSH-4
sorghum fodder. The in vivo digestibility of DM, OM,
NDF and ADF were higher in buffaloes fed this variety
than MFSH-4 fed buffaloes, suggesting better nutrient
availability, which was reflected in milk production. The Improved feeding and shelter management to
variety has been released and commercialized for the reduce age at puberty in Murrah bulls: The study
widespread fodder cultivation throughout the country. was undertaken at ICAR-NDRI to evaluate the effect
of dietary energy and linseed on growth performance,
age at first ejaculation, semen quality and to study
the behaviour, physiological responses, hormones and
blood biochemicals of Murrah buffalo males under
different shelter management conditions. It was
concluded that Murrah buffalo males can grow faster,
attain early puberty and AFE with better semen quality
when provided with improved feeding and management.
Comparative probiotic potential of faecal lactic
acid bacteria isolated from crossbred and indigenous
dairy calves: A total of 69 lactic acid bacteria (LAB)
strains were isolated from faeces of newborn calves.
Carbohydrate fermentation ability was similar in both
Feed additives supplementation for reducing the genetic groups. However, Tharparkar isolates
enteric methane production and enhancing exhibited the ability to ferment esculin indicating their
performance in lactating Murrah buffaloes: A 90 greater ability to survive in the presence of bile.
days trial in early lactating buffaloes was conducted Dietary supplementation of Tinospora cordifolia
with supplementation of a composite feed additive stem can prevent sub-acute lactic acidosis in goats:
which contained an ideal combination of methane Effect of dietary supplementation of T. cordifolia for
inhibitors, alternate hydrogen sinks and rumen reducing the risk of lactic acidosis in goats was
stimulating agents along with basal feed of green fodder, investigated in Jamunapari goats. Supplementation of
wheat straw and concentrate mixture. The results T. cordifolia stem powder at the rate of 2% in
on gestation days 17–20 and 30 of cattle were 61.54, whereas 9% (14/153) in cattle and 38.5% (59/153) in
92.39 and 72.22, 92.39%, respectively. human from Gujarat was observed.
Climate resilience of native Indian cattle: Study Sero-prevalence of economically important viral
under controlled thermal stress conditions in disease: The national serosurvey was carried out to
psychrometric chambers and in different seasons (under estimate the burden of porcine reproductive and
different THI) revealed that crossbred cattle are under respiratory syndrome (PRRS), an emerging viral disease
more immune stress than indigenous cattle. of pig in India. The mean sero-positivity was 22.1%
Semi-intensive mithun rearing units: The Institute (1346/6089). The seroprevalence of the disease was
developed an alternative package of practices of mithun 24.17% in NE region of the country. Similarly, the
rearing under a semi-intensive rearing system. Under burden of CSF was estimated to be 36.6% nationally.
this system, the mithun can be monitored by the owner A total of 15,812 samples of sheep and goat serum
regularly for growth, reproduction, health care, and collected from 18 states were screened for PPRV
breeding. antibodies which showed that the population immunity
Phytogenics: Phytogenics reported to improve health was high in the states with regular vaccination
and growth of poultry, are considered as safe and programme. The burden of emerging zoonotic disease,
residue free. A novel phytogenic blend was developed Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) was also
to replace antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) in broiler estimated by sero-survey with findings of mean apparent
production. Dietary supplementation of the blend (@ 1% prevalence of 9.53% in goats and 13.86% in sheep. A
level) significantly improved body weight gain and total of six serotypes of bluetongue virus, viz. 1, 2, 5,
feed conversion ratio and reduced the Salmonella and 16, 23 and 24 were detected in Karnataka out of 150
coliform counts in the caecum. isolates isolated during the year.
Anti-microbial resistance: AMR study from 256
Livestock protection isolates covering animal, foods of animal origin,
Disease informatics: The National Animal Disease aquaculture, environment and human hospital settings
Referral Expert System v2 (NADRESv2) developed were sequenced using WGS approach. A total of 14
and maintained by ICAR-NIVEDI was updated with sequences were submitted to NCBI-GenBank with the
4,986 district wise livestock disease outbreaks data accession numbers. The preliminary analysis revealed
from November 2019 to September 2020. The that Staphylococcus aureus ST 772 is epidemiologically
prediction results, risk maps, post prediction maps important in animal and aquaculture as in human. The
were disseminated through forecasting bulletin to all genetic characterization of AMR bacterial isolates from
the State Animal Husbandry Departments and DAHD, Karnataka and Assam revealed a high prevalence of
GoI for initiating preventive action. A bluetongue methicillin resistance in dairy environment. Three
forewarning Mobile App was developed and launched genomes of Pasteurella multocida of sheep origin were
to provide forewarning of bluetongue two months in also sequenced and submitted to GenBank. Escherichia
advance for all Taluks of Karnataka. The mobile app coli ST131 was identified as epidemiologically
can be downloaded from Google play store. The important in Indian context in one-health environment.
maintenance and updation of National Surveillance
Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases (NSPAAD) Diagnostics
with 28,756 baseline, biological, disease outbreak and Diagnostics released: ICAR-NIVEDI, Bengaluru
hatcheries data was done. Nation-wide Sampling plan developed and launched two effective kits, namely
for sero-surveillance and sero-monitoring of FMD,
brucellosis and PPR in India was formulated and
provided to DAHD, GoI.
Sero-prevalence of economically important bacterial
disease: The burden of economically important diseases
or diseases of public health importance was estimated
by sero-survey. The seroprevalence of porcine
brucellosis at national level was estimated to be 4.4%
(n-5431). The disease burden in bovine population
from Chhattisgarh (159 blocks in 22 districts) showed
4.64% seropositivity (n-3144). A total of 1,583 serum
samples (sheep 272, goat 868, cattle 164, swine 126
and human 153) collected from more than 10 states
were screened for Leptospira and provided the
diagnostic reports. Of the 1,167 samples from South
India screened for leptospirosis, the seropositivity of
46.32% in sheep and 38.13% in goats was estimated, Diagnostic kits developed by ICAR–NIVEDI
Surravey-Kit for population survey of trypanosomiasis diagnostic specificity, when compared with a
and indirect ELISA for detection of antibodies against commercial JE IgM ELISA kit for horses (Biospes,
classical swine fever in pigs using recombinant Erns China). A total of 228 equine serum samples collected
protein. from different endemic parts of India were screened
Indirect ELISA based on four recombinant proteins by using JE IgM ELISA kit, which revealed a sero-
(Ag1, Ag1V1, Ag2 and Ag2V1) for sero-surveillance positivity of 21.05% for IgM against JEV.
of porcine cysticercosis and indirect ELISA using Development of multiplex RT-qPCR kit for avian
cathepsin B2 and B5 for fasciolasis in cattle and influenza: A Multiplex Real Time Reverse Transcriptase
buffaloes were also standardized. PCR kit for avian influenza A virus typing and
The patent applications for ‘Competitive ELISA differentiation of H5 and H9 subtypes developed was
for the differential diagnosis of brucellosis infected released.
from vaccinated animals’ and ‘Recombinant Leptospiral Sandwich ELISA kit for detection of Rotavirus:
surface antigen-based immuno-diagnostic test for An early and rapid detection of Rotavirus (RVs) is a
Leptospirosis’ were filed. feasible alternative for initiating necessary measures
Serum repository: A total of 6,100 pig and 25,599 to prevent the spread of infection to other animals as
small ruminant serum samples received through AICRP- well as humans. The present indigenous ELISA kit
ADMAS centers were added to the National Livestock provides an efficient way to know the early presence
Serum Bank maintained at the Institute. of the RVA in diarrheic calves.
CIRC-Cattle BLAD diagnostic assay kit: It is Synthetic endometrium: Developed a structurally
used for diagnosis of Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion and functionally competent ‘3-dimensional endometrial
Deficiency (BLAD) carrier bulls at their early stage cell culture (3D-ECC) system for ruminants, as an
of life based on identification of an SNP (D128G) in alternate to animal experimentation to study early
CD18 gene. The test will help avoid the transmission embryonic development and uterine infection in
of BLAD from breeding bulls to its progeny. The test ruminants. Devised ‘Endometrium-Pathogen/ Embryo’
described in the kit is earmarked with its rapidity, interactions model using developed 3D-ECC system
user friendliness, economy and specificity. help study patho-physiology of embryonic development
Quick and early detection kit for coenurosis in and uterine infection.
goats: Coenurosis resulted due to parasitic cyst lodged
in brain and spinal cord, which lead to culling of Therapeutics
animals. The advantage of this serological technique Development of in vitro serology based statistical
is excellent specificity cum early detection of coenurosis models for potency testing of commercial FMD
due to the use of Oncosphere based peptide antigen vaccine: ICAR-IVRI, Bengaluru developed a serology
unique to Taenia multiceps. A total of 341 sera samples based (serum neutralization test) statistical model for
were subjected to TM16p-iELISA, of which 6.16% potency testing of FMD vaccine. The tests were
were positive for Coenurosis. standardized by estimating antibody titer on 28th day
New isolate for ET in goat for diagnostic kit: after vaccination before challenging them. The
Novel isolates of Clostridium perfringens, which are protection data of individual animals were correlated
unique with mutations at the ETX gene were identified with antibody titer by statistical modelling technique
based on molecular characterization and phylogenetic such as probit and logistic regression. The cut-off or
analysis. Both these ELISA diagnostic tools were threshold antibody level for each of three virus types
validated on-site at CADRAD, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, was established to replace challenge-based potency
and will be subsequently commercialized. testing. Except administration of vaccine and collection
Development of an IgM-ELISA kit for of blood, no other intervention is required on the
serodiagnosis of Japanese encephalitis in equines: animals. This method has additional advantage of
An Indirect IgM ELISA kit was developed for finding the protective level of antibody response for
serodiagnosis of JE in equines. The kit had 100% all the three types of virus present in the commercial
relative diagnostic sensitivity and 73.3% relative FMD vaccine.
Selection of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) vaccine
candidate strains: Based on the genetic, antigenic
characterization of currently circulating bovine
pestiviruses in India and virus growth kinetics studies,
3 BVD vaccine candidate strains, one each for BVDV-
1, BVDV-2 and HoBiPeV species were selected to
develop inactivated vaccine.
Live attenuated Classical swine fever cell culture
vaccine: Live attenuated CSF cell culture vaccine was
developed from an indigenous strain. The titre of the
vaccine virus was very high (1×109 TCID50/ml) and
around 60 lakh doses can be produced from a 75 cm2
culture flask. This vaccine will be highly cost effective present study documented that anti-CPV IgY have
and can be easily scaled up. This technology was assigned significant therapeutic potential in management of CPV
to AgrInnovate India Ltd for commercialization. associated gastroenteritis of dogs.
Pig Equine
Developed rapid laboratory and field assays kits: Evaluation of mitochondrial membrane potential
NRC, Pig developed two multiplex PCR kits; one for in equine spermatozoa using JC-1: The JC-1 staining
simultaneous detection of Porcine Circovirus -2 (PCV- technique was standardized to assess the mitochondrial
ml concentration for all the recombinant proteins. freshwater fish, comprising 628 isolates of E. coli, 11
Cloning and characterization of full-length lgp2- isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, 560 isolates of
cDNA (complementary DNA) in rohu: The full-length Staphylococcus sp and 554 isolates of Aeromonas sp.
lgp2-cDNA sequence obtained through rapid Similarly, a total of 896 bacterial isolates were recovered
amplification of cDNA ends-PCR consisted of 2299 from shrimp and marine fish, comprising 245 isolates
nucleotides with an open reading frame of 2034 bp of E. coli, 73 isolates of S. aureus, 217 isolates of
encoding 677 amino acids. Rohu lgp2 consisted of Staphylococcus sp, 247 isolates of Vibrio sp and 114
four conserved domains with several important isolates of V. parahemolyticus. In E. coli strains, the
functional motifs. In respect to both in vitro and in highest AMR was observed against ampicillin (36%),
vivo treatments using double-stranded RNA (polyI:C), enrofloxacin (30%) followed by amoxicillin/clavulanic
lgp2 gene expression was significantly up-regulated acid (25%) and cefotaxime (25%). Resistance to
in all tested tissues and also in the LRG (L. rohita cefoxitin (indicative of methicillin resistance) was
gill) cells. lgp2 gene expression significantly increased observed only in 8.5% of the S. aureus isolates. Higher
on stimulation of LRG cells using -D-glutamyl-meso resistance (31%) to cefoxitin was observed in CONS
diaminopimelic acid and muramyl dipeptide. In-vivo as compared to S. aureus isolates (8.5%). Vibrio
treatment using lipopolysaccharide and Aeromonas parahemolyticus isolated from shrimps and marine fish
hydrophila-derived RNA resulted in both up and down was mainly resistant to cefotaxime (54%), ampicillin
regulation of lgp2 gene expression. (47%) and cefoxitin (43.9%). However, Aeromonas
Immune response of Labeo rohita to Dactylogyrus species isolated from freshwater aquaculture ponds
scorpius: A new species of Dactylogyrus was isolated showed a low level of AMR to most of the antibiotics.
from infected Labeo rohita from Puri district of Odisha. The data generated by INFAAR will lead to the
It was identified as D. scorpius using 28s rDNA identification of strategies to prevent and reduce the
sequencing. Sequence analysis revealed that the emergence and spread of AMR in aquaculture and
identified parasite was having 96.21% sequence food animals.
homology with D. scorpius belonging to African National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic
Dactylogyrus lineage III. A cohabitational challenge Animal Diseases: The National Surveillance Programme
study revealed that rohu was a susceptible species for Aquatic Animal Diseases (NSPAAD) operated in
among Indian major carps. Gill tissue of rohu juveniles the country for the last seven years which is being
at different time points post-infection was subjected implemented by ICAR-NBFGR through 31 collaborating
to expression analysis of different immune genes, viz. centers and with the financial support of the National
specific immune-related genes (IgM, IgZ, MHC I), Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), Government of
recognition molecule (TLR 22), pro-inflammatory India, has been successful in the strengthening of passive
cytokines (IL 1, IL 6, IL 8, IL 15, TNF), anti- disease surveillance in the country. The programme is
inflammatory cytokines (IL 10), antioxidant (MnSOD,
GPx, catalase) and antimicrobial peptide genes (ApoA-
I, Lysozyme G). A significant up-regulation of all
immune genes except MHC I and IL-15 was observed
indicating the role of both specific and non-specific
immune responses during D. scorpius infection.
Indian Network of Fisheries and Animal
Antimicrobial Resistance (INFAAR): Antimicrobial
resistance (AMR) is recognized as one of the most
important public health threats of the 21st century. To
quantify the burden of AMR in food-producing animals
and aquaculture through structured surveillance, ICAR
in cooperation with FAO initiated a Network project
known as Indian Network for Fisheries and Animal
Antimicrobial Resistance (INFAAR). INFAAR is
currently operational through 18 organizations (15 ICAR
institutes and 3 State Agriculture Universities) in 20
centers (9 centers from fisheries and 11 from the
livestock sector) spread across the country. Under the
Fisheries component, the fish and shrimp samples were
collected from 35 districts of India covering 11 states.
A total of 1,037 farms were sampled and 1,037 fish/
shrimp samples were analysed for isolation of E. coli,
Aeromonas/Vibrio sp, Staphylococcus aureus and States and Union Territories being covered under NSPAAD and
Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CONS). During collaborating centres responsible for implementing surveillance
the study, 1,753 bacterial isolates were recovered from in each state
Mechanization and Energy Management
Farm mechanization application efficiency, field capacity and field efficiency
High speed planter for soybean: Timely sowing are 71%, 0.16 ha/h and 82%, respectively.
of field crops is one of the major challenges especially Small tractor mounted hydraulic platform: The
during kharif when number of clear sky days available development of suitable matching equipment for small
for sowing/planting is very limited. A high speed planter tractor is of prime importance due to small fragmented
will cover more area per unit time in comparison to land holdings, hill agriculture, shifting cultivation and
conventional seed-cum-fertilizer drill/planter. Keeping lack of mechanization for leading horticultural sector.
these points into consideration, a tractor mounted six- The operating height of the machine is 3 m (10 feet
row high speed (5–7 km/h) planter was developed approx.). Overall dimension of the system is 3,000 ×
with modified pneumatic metering mechanism at ICAR- 1,500 × 1,450 mm, it weighs 700 kg and its load
CIAE, Bhopal. The approximate cost of machine is carrying capacity is 150 kg. Spraying system (500 l
` 90,000 and its cost of operation is ` 615/h. The tank capacity) is attached with platform for application
breakeven point and payback period of the machine of fungicides/pesticides from top of the plant aiming
were 64.8 h/year and 1.96 year, respectively. at uniform distribution over the canopy. The field
capacity and field efficiency of the machine is 0.3 ha/
h and 85%, respectively for orchards having 6 × 6 m
plant geometry. Cost of the equipment is ` 400,000.
Operating cost of the equipment is ` 6,520/ha. The
developed system can also be used for other operations
in orchard crops like pruning, spraying and fruits
armyworm at the spray volumes of 0.5–3.0 l/ha. The is no need of ultra light sensor based movement of
sprayer can produce the droplets in the range of 50– the arm. In the weeder, wrap around frame ensures
100 μm. One nozzle was mounted on each side having upfront visibility to the operator. Mechanical linkages
a discharge rate of 0.2–0.6 l/min. The performance with hydraulic mechanism were used to reduce cost
of the sprayer was evaluated using water-sensitive of the machine. The effective field capacity of the
paper. Water sensitive papers (WSP) were used to machine is 0.17 ha/h with 89% field efficiency in
collect the spray droplets at a height of 1.5 m (top pomegranate orchard and 0.15 ha/h with 81% field
surface), 1 m (middle surface) and 0.5 m (bottom efficiency in grape vineyard. The weeding efficiency
surface) from the ground. Deposit scan open-source
image analysis software (USDA affiliated) was used
for them to measure the droplet characteristics from
WSP. The results showed that the droplet range VMD
varied from 195 to 450 μm at the pressure of 4 bar.
The per cent coverage and deposits/cm2 were 9.06,
16.3 and 9.62%, and 293.2, 235.6, 42.5 deposits for
bottoms middle and top surface.
High pressure variable range sprayer: A high
pressure variable range sprayer prototype was developed
to control the hopper and adult locust. The developed
system comprises the spray gun (15 m range), UV
stabilised HDPE PVC tank having capacity of 1,000
l, diaphragm type pump, pressure regulator, automated of the machine is 95%. There is net saving of ` 1,775/ha
spraying unit and braided flexible pipe. Automated in pomegranate orchard and ` 1,480/ha in grape
spraying unit developed from DC motor (72 watt), vineyard over traditional method.
speed controller driver (20A, 12 V DC), battery (42 Sprayer equipped with electro-pneumatic system
Ah, 12 V) and regulator to control the direction of to control whitefly in cotton crop: The cotton crop
spray gun. The automated spraying unit was mounted is cultivated in an area of 0.67 million ha in Haryana
with production of 1.63 million bales. The whitefly
attack causes a lot of damage to cotton crop resulting
into reduction of plant growth and crop yield in Haryana
state. A prototype of sprayer equipped with electro-
pneumatic system was developed. At 550 PTO rpm,
the aspirator speed, forward speed, effective field
capacity and field efficiency of machine were 1,825
rpm, 1.74 km/h, 0.091 ha/h and 78.45%, respectively
which resulted in 38% reduction in number of whitefly.
Similarly, at 760 PTO rpm, the aspirator speed, forward
speed, effective field capacity and field efficiency of
machine were 3,018 rpm, 3.45 km/h, 0.15 ha/h and
65.22%, respectively, which succeeded in 40% reduction
in number of whitefly. And at 860 PTO rpm, the
aspirator speed, forward speed, effective field capacity
and field efficiency of unit were 4,068 rpm, 4.19 km/h,
0.168 ha/h and 60%, respectively, which reduced 42% unit and eventually in the bruised straw. For wheat
whitefly. crop variety HD 2967, the average effective field
Tractor operated planter for tissue culture capacity of the machine was 0.30 ha/h at forward
banana: Conventional planting of tissue culture banana speed of 2.02 km/h. The fuel consumption of the
is done manually making the process labour intensive machine was 6.28 l/h. The average size of the bruised
and tedious. Therefore, a tractor operated planter for straw was 18 mm, which was 16% higher than the
tissue culture banana was developed by AICRP on average straw size obtained from Harambha thresher
FIM (TNAU, Coimbatore centre). The planter can plant (16 mm) and 19% lower compared to straw obtained
tissue culture banana at a spacing of 1.82×1.52 m. from existing commercial straw combine (22.5 mm).
The valve is designed to open automatically at fixed The average dust concentration in developed machine,
plant to plant spacing of 1.52 m through ground wheel Harambha thresher and commercial straw combine,
measuring system with the help of cam and lever. were 6.70, 5.40 and 11.25%, respectively.
Seedlings are earthed up by a suitable shovel and the Trimming mechanism type banana sucker pairing
soil around the plant is compacted by the set of press equipment: At present sucker paring is done manually
rollers. The effective field capacity of the machine is and it requires more labour and tedious operation. To
0.19 ha/h. Cost of the planter is ` 50,000 and cost of eliminate human drudgery the sucker pairing device
operation is ` 3,500/ha. The operation can be done with trimming mechanism was developed. The
timely and accurate plant spacing may be maintained, equipment consisting of the holder on which the banana
thus leading to higher productivity. It helps in saving sucker to be trimmed is placed. The spring loaded
50% in time, 81% in cost of operation, and 90% in holder from the top, gives the grip on the sucker to
labour requirement as compared to traditional practice be trimmed and it can be locked in the required position.
of manual planting. The holder is rotated with the help of 1 HP motor at
the required speed. The trimming knife is placed at
the required position so that the banana sucker placed
on the rotating holder is trimmed to the desired shape
to get the paired banana sucker ready for planting.
An additional knife is mounted on the working platform, Cashew apple slicer: Two models of cashew apple
which can be used to cut the bottom roots before slicer were developed.
placing it on the holder for trimming. The equipment Multiblade type cashew apple slicer: The multiblade
is best suited for large size suckers. The capacity of type cashew apple slicer consists of nine blades of
the equipment is about 120–150 suckers/h. 165 mm diameter coupled to 1 HP motor. Motor was
Banana pseudostem injector: It consists of chemical coupled to a variable speed drive wherein the speed
tank, peristaltic pump, control unit with non-return of the cutting blade could be controlled. The gap
valve and injector. The peristaltic pump is attached to between the two blades was kept at 2 mm so that the
pump the liquid from chemical tank to injection system. output of 2 mm is obtained. There is an ejector
The control unit is attached with electronic embedded mechanism kept on the rear end side of multi blade,
system to control chemical quantity and depth of in the cashew apple slicer. The capacity of the equipment
injection by 8 mm I/P and O/P Screw Variable valve. is about 70 kg/h.
The non-return valve (¼ thread, one way valve) is
attached with control unit to restrict the chemical back
flow to the injector after injection. Quantity of liquid
injected is 2–4 ml/tree ml, coverage 140–150 trees/h,
spillage percentage and injector efficiency was recorded
as 2% and 95%, respectively.
Post-harvest Management and
Machines/equipment conditions may affect the product quality. The developed
Green pea depoder machine: The Pisum sativum Primary roasting machine is an indirect batch type
(commonly known as pea) contributes approximately conduction heating system. Sun-dried and graded raw
2.88% (5,422.14 thousand MT) share of the total makhana seeds can be roasted in the machine
vegetable production and 4.6% of the total vegetable conveniently. It consists of a rotating iron pan, which
producing area in India (NHB 2018). Green pea is used is heated by using LPG. The agitators placed at specific
as fresh pod, frozen seed and for preparation of various locations mix the seeds continuously during roasting
recipes. The shelling/de-poding of pea seeds from the (at 260–300°C). After completion of roasting (4–8
matured pod is requisite unit operation for its min), roasted seeds are discharged through a hollow
consumption in various forms such as fresh peas, frozen pipe and collected directly in jute bags. This machine
pea, canned pea and in dried pea seed form. The is operated by a 1 hp geared motor at 40–60 rpm and
machinery available for de-poding are of large capacity can roast 8–10 kg seeds in one batch. One skilled
(minimum 1 ton/h) and costly for the marginal farmers labour can operate this machine as well as the roasting
and also leads to the damage or splitting of kernel during machine can be operated manually. Roasting by this
operation. A small to medium scale green pea de-poding machine reduces about 25% fuel and labour expenses.
machine was developed at ICAR-CIPHET with capacity
of 45–55 kg/h, shelling efficiency of 90–95%, and
damage of 2–3%. The better capacity and efficiency of
the machine in comparison to manual shelling (3–3.5
kg/h) will help to reduce the human drudgery. The
machine is developed to cater the needs of small and
medium scale farmers who generally sell their produces
in local mandies. These farmers can also establish a
small pea processing plant to generate more income
and employment. The complete de-poding system costs
around ` 1.75–2.0 lakh.
structure and loading into tractor trolley or grading providing hygienic and wholesome meat to the
machine with capacity 15–20 tonnes/day (8 h). Food consumers at the doorstep besides keeping the city
grade PU belt is used for loading unloading device. clean. The cost of the machine is ` 160,000.
Wheels are provided to make the unit mobile. This Automated amylose detection sensor system for
assembly of loading unloading device was found assessment of ageing of rice grain: The developed
economically viable. The cost of machine is sensor consists of different light sources (red, green
approximately ` 2.85 lakh. and blue LEDs) along with the red LED of wavelength
Solar assisted dryer for drying of groundnut pods: 652 nm, which are connected to the ESP8266 (Node
The on-farm solar assisted dryer for drying ground MCU) microcontroller with the help of suitable resistors.
nut pods was developed. After drying, the ground nut LDR photodiode is used as a light detector for recording
pods can be stored for a longer time. The capacity of the light intensity before and after placing the test
the machine is 120 kg/h. The cost of the machine is solution in the cuvette. A 9 V battery is used as a
about ` 360,000 and is easy to operate. power source to run the device. All the components
Portable ozone based fruits and vegetable washer- of gram-negative bacteria. The influence of the treatment
cum-purifier (Ozo-C): During the COVID-19 parameter, i.e. the exposure duration was investigated
pandemic as people bring home fruits, vegetable, mutton on E. coli. Findings indicated that no visible E. coli
and fish, the fear of contracting corona virus from the colonies were observed after six minutes of continuous
same also looms large. To ensure food safety, after UV-C exposure. The developed system is unique,
buying such commodities from the vendors and bringing portable and cost-effective which can be installed in
home a suitable gadget with standard protocol is offices, homes, shops, hospitals, malls, etc. The
urgently required to ensure complete safety of technology was transferred to two firms, M/s CRD
commodities at home. Invotech, Maharashtra and M/s Sakhi Soaps, Hindustan
ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana, has developed a portable Soaps and Salts Company, Andhra Pradesh.
fruits and vegetable washer-cum-purifier named Ozo-
C based on Ozone technology. The portable system is
an excellent ozonator which removes pesticides,
bacteria, viruses and harmful chemical from the surface
of fruits and vegetable, sea food and meat, making
them hygienic. The system works on principle of silent
corona discharge method. It uses electric discharge to
produce ozone by splitting the normal oxygen molecules
in the air into single atoms. These atoms recombine
with air (i.e. O2) to form ozone (O3). The unit cost of
the device is approximately ` 3,500. This compact
device may find a place in every kitchen, hotels, small
scale fruit vegetable processors and vendors where it
can play a vital role in reducing the risk of infection
especially during this pandemic period. The technology
has been transferred to two firms, M/s Siri Labs, Ongole
and M/s CRD Invotech, Maharashtra.
Novel process for production of protein isolates/
concentrates from de-oiled cakes/meals: At present,
chemical process comprising alkaline extraction and
acid precipitation is followed for production of protein
isolates. The strong alkaline and acidic conditions alters
the functional properties of the protein, which adversely
affects its quality. A novel process to produce protein
isolates/concentrates from oilseed cakes/meals (example
soy meal, groundnut cake) without addition of strong
or diluted acid was developed. The developed process
is unique as it is added acid free and also provides
Portable smart ultraviolet-C disinfection system about 5% higher yield of protein as compared to the
(UViC): A portable surface disinfection system for existing chemical process. The protein produced using
disinfecting personal items and office stationery was ICAR-CIPHET method is superior in terms of solubility,
developed to help fight against COVID-19 pandemic. wettability, water absorption capacity and degree of
Unlike chemical sanitizers, UV-C does not leave a hydrolysis. The yield so obtained is about 35–36% of
residue and does not require extensive safety equipment. the total weight of soy meal and 25% of total weight
It works as a mode of surface sterilization by destroying of groundnut cake used, whereas, in the existing process,
nucleic acid and disrupting the DNA of microorganisms. maximum 30% protein yield from soymeal can be
The developed system exceeds UV-C exposure of 1.22 obtained. The developed method comprises novel
J/cm2 (total dose) which is well above the amount of bacterial strains isolated from a food sample for
exposure needed to inactivate SARS-CoV-2. The producing protein from de-oiled meal/flour. The
working capacity of the unit in terms of the total obtained supernatant after precipitation of protein from
surface area of the objects to be treated/exposed is 25 a particular batch may be used for precipitation of
× 25 cm 2 . The estimated cost of the unit is another batch and so on. National and International
approximately ` 1,500. However, the system can be (PCT) patent applications were filed. The protein
scaled up as per the need. The system has been tested produced through developed process may find demand
for inactivation of Escherichia coli as classic examples at national as well as international level to boost
fell prey to adulteration. Turmeric is known to be people. Flax seed consumption in the diet prevents
adulterated with metanil yellow and/ or lead chromate; serious diseases like coronary diseases, cancer, diabetes,
red chilli with Sudan and/or Rhodamine dye, in obesity, gastrointestinal, renal and bone disorders. Chia
coriander starch is added in bulk and black pepper is (Salvia hispanica) seeds are rich in protein, dietary
adulterated with papaya since both papaya and black fibre, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Chia gum
pepper seeds have similar appearances. Dyes are is also an important food ingredient due to its emulsifier
generally added to give bright and attractive colour and stabilizer potentials. To utilize nutrients in flax
to the spice. However, these dyes are non-permitted seed and chia especially -linolenic acid, chocolate
and carcinogenic. Need is always there to develop cake was fortified with flax seed meal and chia gel.
simple, quick and easy methods so that the pure and Eggless cakes were developed using chia gel as egg
adulterated powder samples can be differentiated. replacer; whole wheat flour cake and wheat flour along
Keeping this in view ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana has with 5% flax seed meal. The batters and cake were
developed biochemical tests based testing kit for tested for physical, colour, rheological, textural,
detection of above mentioned adulterants in turmeric, nutritional and organoleptic properties to study the
red chillies, black pepper, and coriander. The method effect of chia gel as egg replacer with wheat flour;
of detection is quick and simple to perform and also combination of wheat flour, flax seed meal and egg
validated by NABL accredited Punjab Biotechnology replacer and comparison with whole wheat flour cakes
Incubator Laboratory, Mohali. Approximate cost for with eggs. Texture analysis of the batter showed that
the kit involving six tests with 100 tests (each) is the firmness, consistency, cohesiveness and index of
around ` 5,000. The kit contains chemicals, glassware viscosity of wheat flour cake along with 5% flax seed
and procedure for detection of adulterants, viz. metanil meal were similar to the control cake. Wheat flour
yellow, lead chromate, sudan dye, rhodamine, starch cake along with 5% flax seed meal contained the highest
and papaya seed powder from spices. -3 fatty acids (7.84% of total fatty acids present).
Soy based composite edible film: Soybean aqueous Test cakes showed
extract was used as the main ingredient for the higher phenolics,
development of an edible film with different additives flavonoids and anti-
which increased the water barrier, mechanical and anti- oxidants compared to
bacterial properties. The water barrier property of the the control cake.
film ranged from 5.3 to 9.2×10–10 g/ms Pa. The tensile Sensory analysis
strength of the film varied from 5.1 to 8.2 MPa, which showed that the
is higher than similar composite edible films. The acceptability of test
elongation of the film ranged from 70 to 88%. The cakes especially of
edible film was used as a packaging material for the wheat flour cake along with 5% flax seed meal was
instant masalas of ready-to-cook noodles. Sensory high (8.2 on the 9 point hedonic scale). Therefore,
evaluation of the film showed very good consumer whole wheat eggless cakes with chia and flax seeds
acceptability of the product with an overall acceptability are a tasty and good way to boost the omega-3 fatty
score of 7.80 out of 10. The film was also tested as acid, and antioxidants in the diet.
a cheese slice separator in cheese packaging. The Cotton gin trash treatment system: Cotton ginning
industries serve as a source for reintroduction of pink
bollworm (PBW); as during ginning operations, alive
PBW may escape through gin trash and get disseminated
in neighbourhood cotton fields. Pink bollworm, a
dreaded pest, adversely affects cotton yield, fibre quality
and thus income of farmers and ginners. Ginning
performance of PBW infected cotton on DR gin showed
17%, 14% and 11% reduction in ginning percentage,
fibre length and tenacity, respectively, along with
significant deterioration in colour grade of cotton. SEM
analysis indicated poor fibre development and growth
application of edible film to the cheese slice reflects of microbes on PBW infested cotton in comparison to
its suitability for separating ingredients in sandwiches healthy cotton. Hence, it is must to breakdown life
and burgers or to wrap the food product. cycle of PBW and prevent damage to cotton crop in
Omega 3 rich flax seed and chia seed fortified subsequent season.
eggless chocolate cake: Essential polyunsaturated fatty A gin trash treatment system comprising centrifugal
acids cannot be produced by the human body and trash fan, cyclone and compactor was developed with
must be obtained from the diet. Flax seed (Linum a capacity of 2.5 tonnes of trash per hour to crush
usitatissimum) is an important oilseed crop which is and treat gin trash in such a way that all PBWs are
high in fibre and is a significant source of -linolenic destroyed. The trash fan wheel which crushes gin trash
acid (omega 3 fatty acid) in the diet of vegetarian should have minimum of six straight blades with
• Used for both surface or pressurized irrigation
• Cost effective solution that is easy to install,
operate and maintain.
• User-friendly soft tool gives user customized
solutions and guidance.
Value apparel and home textile products developed from banana/jute/viscose fibres
paper and different attractive handicrafts. The fibre is yarns were used to produce woven fabrics in handloom
coarser and stiffer as compared to jute fibre, but possesses to develop stripe design, which can be judiciously utilised
good ultraviolet (UV) resistance and fire resistance for making fine table cover, bed cover, jackets, etc. as
properties and very much suitable for making coarse yarns shown above. Only bleached ternary blended yarn can
with good tensile strength. Therefore, a pre-treatment also be converted into plain weave fabric in handloom
or surface modification of fibre is needed to make them and later on can be effectively dyed with bright and wash
soft and fine so that it can be blended with jute in different fast colours using reactive dyes without deteriorating
proportions to make a comparatively finer yarn. Blending fabric’s strength. Ternary blended white fabric was also
of the fibres helps to utilise the unique properties of taken for printing with different design to improve the
individual fibres and to produce yarn with superior look of the products.
all the mulches used for experiments. There was one hair fibre. At ICAR-NINFET, Kolkata, in an effort to
demonstration in Malda in collaboration with ICAR- develop high value textile products by encompassing
CISH regional station and KVK, Malda on summer the positive attributes of both the yak and jute fibres,
tomato crop. Various soil parameters were improved, fabrics were developed from coarser yak hair (diameter
evaporation losses were restricted, weed growth was 80–120 μ) and jute fibres with an areal density of
controlled and water use efficiency (WUE) improved 400 g/m2. These fabrics were used to prepare long
significantly. Yield of summer tomato crop increased coat, half jacket and full jacket with a good thermal
significantly by 40%. Therefore, it may contribute to insulation value. Likewise, the fine yak fibre (diameter
narrowing the yield gap between actual yield and 20–30 μ) was used to develop high value shawl, suiting
attainable yield. Site specific knowledge is very much fabric and jackets. The shawl consists of 30% jute,
needed for the mulch management of crops. 40% fine yak fibre and 30% silk fibres by weight
Jute and yak fibres blended high value textiles: with a price approximately ` 2,500. To improve the
Yak is one of the important domesticated bovid animals, feel and softness of the jute/yak fibres blended fabric,
conducive to grow in extreme cold region, and is found it was finished with suitable chemical. The chemical
throughout the Himalayan region of the Indian finish leads to improvement in total-hand-value (THV)
subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau, Mongolia and Russia. of the fabric from 2.38 to 3.28 (1 means poor and 5
Total population of yak in India is approximately means excellent). Scientific intervention in this area
56,000. It is mainly domesticated for its milk and will be beneficial to jute farmers and yak herders
meat. However, the use of yak hairs (both coarse and (farmers).
fine) has not been explored much for making value Chemical free process technology for the
added products, including textile. Presently, the production of raisins: The existing practices of raisin
availability of yak fibre in India is estimated as 220 making involve intense use of chemicals especially
tonnes—200 tonnes of coarser and 20 tonnes of fine for pre-treatment, during drying and post drying as
well. In this practice, the drying time of grapes is
about 13–20 days depending on the environmental
conditions; the process involves more number of unit
operations and is tedious and laborious. Disposal of
solution of chemical and water after use creates
environmental issues. On the other hand, there is a
consumer demand for chemical free products.
A package of technology with chemical free process
was developed at ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal for the production
of raisins. It includes a grape de-bunching machine
(capacity: 150 kg/h) to separate intact grape berries,
abrasive pre-treatment equipment (capacity: 135–150
Tubular condenser integrated bio-oil apparatus
kg/h) to remove waxy layer from the grape surface,
A bio-oil production unit capable of converting biomass drying protocol for grapes, packaging and storage of
to bio-oil in slow pyrolysis mode was developed having raisins. This package of technology is suitable to produce
loading capacity of one kg powdered biomass. The good quality raisins with no use of chemicals in entire
main unit is vertical
stainless steel reactor.
The reactor was coupled
with specially designed
tubular condenser for
condensing the bio-
vapour generated during
heating treatment of
biomass. The condenser
is equipped with five SS
tubes. The pyrolysis
vapour is immediately Grape de-bunching Abrasive pre-treatment
passed through the heat machine equipment
exchanger to condense
the bio-oil from gas. The
process temperature for
destructive distillation of biomass is precisely
controllable in this system from ambient until 700°C.
The unit has been tested with recovery until 48%
with pine needle biomass. System also has provision
for injecting nitrogen for maintaining inert atmosphere
to conduct the studies on pyrolytic behaviour of Drying of grapes Mechanized whey dewatering
biomass. system
process and there is reduction in drying time of grapes good enough to meet around 50% of its RDA at a
(by 30–40%). Solar dryer or convective type hot air serving size of 10 g. The shelf life of the developed
dryer can be used to dry the grapes. product was 120 days under refrigerated storage.
Salient features of the developed technology— CIRC-COWCAM assay kit: It is useful for
• No use of any chemicals in entire process of detecting cow milk adulteration in camel milk and
raisin making; vice versa at a minimum level of 1%. The kit is less
• reduced drying time; expensive, user friendly, rapid and specific in detection
• reduced processing cost; and of adulteration of camel milk with cow milk or vice-
• suitable to produce organic raisins, if production versa. The test described can be completed in less
is organic. than 4 h.
Sorghum yoghurt: Non-dairy plant based lactose Coarse wool core braided rope for foot mat: The
free yoghurt was developed from sorghum and soya study was conducted to know the effect of coarse
milk. Sorghum milk was wool core and different natural fibre sheath on braided
prepared from sorghum Sorghum-soya yoghurt rope water absorption capacity. The water absorption
grain. The milk was capacity was higher (289%) for wool sheath braided
cooked to carry out rope as compared to cotton sheath braided rope (142%).
complete gelatinization Jute braided rope absorbed 57% less water in
of starch. Further, comparison with wool braided rope. Thickness of coarse
sorghum milk was wool braided rope was between 4.9–8.1 mm.
blended with soya milk Camel milk and products: In order to promote
in different use of camel milk, different consumer friendly value
concentrations. Yoghurt added products are being prepared. The protocol for
culture was added at 15% concentration. It was found
that sorghum-soya blend containing 60% sorghum milk
and 40% soya milk gave the best quality yoghurt.
The developed product was superior in nutritional value
with total solids, 5.305, titratable acidity as 0.07425%
as lactic acid, and 6.31 g/100 g of protein and was
microbiologically stable. Shelf life of the product was
up to 7 days under refrigeration.
Development and quality evaluation of omega-
3 fatty acid fortified butter: The process for omega-
3 fatty acid fortified butter was optimized by studying
the effect of flax seed oil @ 2.9 to 5.1% and its
Braided rope mats
emulsion @ 4.8 to 8.6% into cream at two different
stages, i.e. before ageing and after ageing on textural,
sensory and colour characteristics. No yeast and mould, production of good quality paneer from blends of camel
coliform was detected during 90 days storage. and buffalo milk, camel and skimmed milk powder
Developed butter provides nearly 25% recommended and camel and cow milk was standardized. Good quality
dietary allowance of ALA in one serving. fresh cheese from camel milk could be prepared and
Technology of probiotic curd rice: A technology popularized as high value camel milk products.
was developed for production of probiotic curd rice Camel milk and its products were developed,
containing probiotics in the form of encapsulated bead. popularized and tested for their commercial viability
Inulin at a concentration of 3% was used as prebiotic by sale of pasteurized milk, kulfi, flavoured milk, ice
for encapsulation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRD- cream, tea, coffee, etc., at the Centre’s camel milk parlour.
11 in alginate beads. Microencapsulation significantly
increased the survivability of probiotic against low Meat
pH, high bile and moderately high thermal conditions. The process standardized and cost evaluation was
For probiotic curd rice, free and encapsulated probiotic performed for the following products—
were added in curd separately. Standardized levels of • Standardization of natural preservatives in
curd, rice and salt for probiotic curd rice were 55%, development of chicken kebabs utilizing spent hen.
50% and 0.75%, respectively. The probiotic count was • Shelf-life evaluation of chicken seekh kebab
9.78 log cfu/g. during storage at 4 ± 1ºC under aerobic packaging
Technology for omega-3 rich table spread: A table conditions.
spread was developed at ICAR-NDRI using flax seed • Determination of cost of production for processing
oil (as a source of vegan omega-3 fatty acid) and of chicken seekh kebabs and consumer evaluation
butter as a source of fat. The salient feature of the study.
product was its alpha-linolenic acid content which • Development of different value added poultry
was around 13.8 g -linolenic/100 g of fat and is products for income generation: Processing
PlanktonPlus-Fish waste to wealth: Fish trimming
waste were fermented and developed in a product called
PlanktonPlus for boosting plankton density in aquaculture
ponds. An increase in plankton density reduces the
demand for feed and increases productivity. Application
of PlanktonPlus in shrimp ponds at 30 ppm increased
productivity to 1.60 tonnes/ha with a 20% reduction in
feed use. Hence, PlanktonPlus could save 20% feed as
well as could enhance productivity to the tune of 1.6 Seaweed-based hand sanitizer
ASTA CIFT-Astaxanthin capsules: ASTA CIFT,
astaxanthin capsules, were prepared using astaxanthin
Solar fish cooler
extracted from shrimp heads. Extracted astaxanthin was
dispersed in virgin coconut ICAR-CIFT developed a solar-powered cooling system
oil with chitosan as a that can be used by retail fish
stabilizing agent that was vendors. This solar fish cooler is
produced from a powered by two solar panels and
can hold 50 kg fish at 0 to 5°C.
deproteinized shell. The
The solar-powered cooler is
resulted sample exhibited expected to reduce the dependency
better colour and high on ice, prolong the shelf-life and
viscosity compared to ensure the quality and hygiene of
control samples. Astaxanthin is characterized by its fresh fish sold in the retail markets.
antioxidant and UV protective properties.
to be effective for bone health development. an efficient drying method with a total drying time of
CadalminTMAOe suppresses the osteoclast activity and 2 h, which is one-third reduction in normal drying
increases the alkaline phosphatase activities, which time.
are related to osteoblastic cell formation in bone tissue Time-temperature indicator (TTI) for frozen
to combat osteoporosis related disorders and improve stored products: Chitosan and gold nanoparticle-based
bone health. ‘Time-Temperature Indicator (TTI)’ for frozen stored
Seaweed-based hand sanitizer, containing spirulina, products was developed to indicate frozen temperature
isopropyl alcohol, glycerol and aloe vera gel was abuse. Upon exposure to higher temperatures, developed
developed. The seaweed component was used as an TTI changes to irreversible colour change, which can
emulsifying agent while aloe vera gel was used as a be easily identified by the common man.
moisturizing agent. The technology was Marine ambulance: The first marine ambulance
3D printed product from fish surimi: Standardized
the process parameters for development of 3D printed
products from fish surimi. Shrimp shaped product was
developed using lizardfish surimi incorporating shrimp
flavour using 3D printing technology.
Hot air assisted IR dryer: Developed a prototype
of hot air-assisted IR dryer and evaluated its
performance under the various mode of operation like
IR alone, hot air alone and IR with hot air assistance
using shrimp. IR with hot air assistance was found as
Marine ambulance
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Agricultural Human Resource
Agriculture is a major sector in Indian economy and examination. Accordingly, online portal was developed.
technological progress in agriculture is crucial for Further, the Standard Operating Procedure for this
overall economic development of the country. India’s portal available at https://accreditation.icar.gov.in along
food grain production is increasing every year, and with user manuals for NAEAB Secretariat, NAEAB
presently the country is among the top producers of Regional Centre and Registrar of degree awarding
several crops such as wheat, rice, pulses, sugarcane University. The Online portal was launched on 11
and cotton. It is the highest producer of milk and August 2020.
second highest producer of fruits and vegetables.
Developing quality human resources in the field of
agriculture and allied sciences is a pre-requisite for
agricultural development. ICAR has been playing a
leadership role towards building and nurturing future
ready agri graduates and skilled human resources,
equipped with research as well as entrepreneurial
acumen. Support is provided for strengthening teaching,
PG research, overall capacity building, skill
development and quality assurance of higher agricultural
education in agricultural universities across the country.
The National Agricultural Education and Research Ranking of agricultural universities: The ranking
System (NARES) is one of the largest in the world. of Agricultural Universities was initiated by ICAR to
The effective functioning of this system in close drive the universities towards improving quality
association with education and extension has contributed standards and enhance their visibility. The ranking
towards the rapid growth of agriculture in the country. status allows the students to make informed choices
The present system comprises essentially of two main for university placement. Further, the ranking process
streams, viz. ICAR at the National level and agricultural is expected to help the universities, to self-assess
universities at the state level, besides other organizations themselves on the quality and enhance their abilities.
involved in agriculture and allied activities. The emphasis on parameters such as teaching resources
The Agricultural Education Division, ICAR through and outcome, faculty profile, students’ performance,
its Plan Scheme supports and enables 74 Agricultural research productivity, research impact, research
Universities (AUs), viz. State Agricultural Universities excellence, extension activities, outreach programmes,
(63 SAUs), Deemed-to-be-Universities (4 DUs) and revenue generation and peer recognition of the faculty,
Central Universities (4 CUs) with Agricultural faculties students and staff of the university, etc., are considered
under the National Agricultural Research and Education while evaluating the agricultural universities.
System (NARS), to maintain quality higher agricultural So far, the ranking has been done for the last three
education through accreditation, periodic course years based on the information received from the
updation/revision, attracting talented students, capacity
building of faculty in challenging areas, as well as
through promotion of holistic higher education.
universities in the prescribed proforma through hard Experiential learning: Experiential learning is the
copies. In view of the Covid-19 pandemic situation, process of gaining ‘Hands-on-experience’ where the
the required information is being obtained online from students have access to real-time coaching and feedback.
the universities. Accordingly, an Agricultural University Twenty new modules were sanctioned under
Ranking System (AURS) was developed to enable Experiential Learning during the year in various
the submission of the required data by the universities profitable areas. The total number of modules supported
and the evaluation/verification by the Committee online. by Council for skill development of UG students is
Development of syllabus for BSc (Hons) Agri- now 485. The modules were supported in the disciplines
business Management: Considering the importance of Sericulture, Community Science, Crop Sciences,
of Agri Business Management as a subject, it was Agricultural Engineering, Agriculture Biotechnology,
recommended to include this as one of the subjects of Fisheries and Horticulture. The various modules
Agricultural Sciences for inclusion in the Fifth Deans’ sanctioned were Mushroom production, biofertilizer
Committee Report. Accordingly, an expert committee production, nursery raising, chawki rearing, protected
under the chairmanship of Dr PG Chengappa, former cultivation, processing, ornamental fish raising, etc.
VC, UAS, Bengaluru was constituted to develop the in 13 agricultural universities.
syllabus as per the framework of Fifth Deans’
Committee encompassing Student READY programme.
Subsequently, the syllabus developed by the committee
was duly approved by DG, ICAR, and was shared
with all the universities for its implementation.
Student READY: For building skills in project
development and execution, the component of Student
READY (Rural Entrepreneurship Awareness
Development Yojana) programme is supported across
AUs. The aim of the programme, offered to
undergraduate students during the final year of the
course, as an essential prerequisite for the award of
degree, is to ensure hands on experience and practical
training depending on the requirements of respective
discipline and local demands. The programme helps
to reorient graduates of Agriculture and allied subjects
to develop entrepreneurs in emerging areas.
The final year UG students undergoing Rural
Awareness Works Experience (RAWE) across AUs
are exposed to farm planning, watershed programme,
agro-clinics, KVKs, NGOs during their village stays
and this serves as an excellent opportunity to rediscover
and connect with the farmers. It also enables the students
to gain rural experience, gives them confidence for
problem solving in real life situations encountered in
fields as they work closely with the farmers. The
students are also exposed to various agri industries.
13,438 students were trained under RAWE through
Council’s support.
Significant achievements
• MOOC on Teaching Excellence was conducted
during 1–30 November 2019 with 1,329
participant enrolments and course completion rate
of 51.92% with revenue generation of ` 5.98
lakh by the centre at ICAR-NAARM.
Mainpuri, Firozabad, Mathura, Agra, Bulandshahr, -sulphur bonding between AITC and TRP391.
Kannauj, Farukhabad, Auraiya, Sahajanpur, SEM imaging confirmed that the oil readily
Muzaffarnagar, Bagpat, Saharanpur, Meerut, entered the nematode body through lipid layer
Bijnor, Badaun, Bareilly, Pilibhit. In addition, of the cell wall and asserted its effect.
1,000 irrigation water samples were also collected • In a study conducted by centre at GADVASU,
across these districts for analysis of metals and Ludhiana, Staphylococcus aureus was observed
metalloids by centre at IARI, New Delhi. to be the most predominant organism isolated
from mastitis animals (clinical and subclinical)
followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae, E. coli and
Streptococcus spp. Antibiotic sensitivity test
revealed that Staphylococcus spp. was sensitive
to sparfloxacin, tetracycline, gentamicin,
vancomycin and doxycycline and resistant to
amoxicillin, and Vibrio isolates from fishes were
highly sensitive to gentamicin, tetracycline,
chloramphenicol and sulfisoxazole.
the protection lasted for 5 months. The animals 61 summer/winter schools of 21 days, and 50 short
are protected from day 30 and continued to be courses for 10 days were organized at various ICAR
as such till day 150. institutes and SAUs. The skills, knowledge and capacity
• Fifteen types of scaffolds (6 types of hydrogel, building of 2,513 (1,756 M/757F) faculty were
8 types of electrospun scaffolds and 1 bead type) enhanced.
were developed at ICAR-IVRI centre. The 39 Centres of Advanced Faculty Training
imparted training to about 1,500 (1,038 M/ 462 F)
scientists/ faculty members from the National
Agricultural Research System through 63 training
programs in cutting edge areas of agriculture and allied
sciences to 3,952 faculty members/scientists. All the
Visual aspects of lyophilized SF Hydrogels with various MW- training programs sponsored by Agricultural Education
CNT-COOH concentrations Division were monitored through workflow based online
management system.
• Pratapdhan gained maximum body weight under
organic poultry production as compared to other Attracting talent
breeds, viz. Mewari, Kadaknath, Rhode Island All-India entrance examination for admission to
Red and supplementation of the organic feed UG: The 25th Undergraduate Examination for admission
with either aswagandha (Withania somnifera) to 15% seats (100% seats at ICAR-NDRI, Karnal,
or satawari (Asparagus racemosus) at 1% in RLBCAU, Jhansi and Dr RPCAU, Pusa) of degree
the daily diet of chicks grown under organic programmes in agriculture and allied subjects, other
management gave an increase of 80% in body than veterinary sciences, including the award of National
weight as compared to farmers’ practice. Talent Scholarship (NTS) was held on 16, 17 and 22
September 2020. The examination attracted 197,902
applications, out of which 139,360 candidates (70.42%)
appeared. Of these, the highest number of candidates
(100,370) appeared in PCB (Physics, Chemistry,
Biology) group, followed by ABC (Agriculture, Biology,
Chemistry) group (21,560), PCM (Physics, Chemistry,
Mathematics) group (16,297) and PCA (Physics,
Chemistry, Agriculture) group (1,133).
All-India entrance examination for admission to
PG: The examination was conducted on 23 September
2020 for admission to 25% seats (100% seats of ICAR-
DUs, RLBCAU, Jhansi and Dr RPCAU, Pusa) in PG
programmes including award of ICAR-PG scholarship.
A total of 19,945 candidates appeared in the examination
(69.18%), out of 28,832 applicants. The highest number
of candidates (2,975) appeared in the major subject
group of Plant Sciences, followed by those in Agronomy
(2,913) and Horticulture (2,809).
All-India competitive examination for PhD
admission and award of Junior/Senior Research
Fellowship: The examination was held on 23 September
2020 for admission to 25% seats (100% seats of Dr
Performance of RIR and Kadaknath breed poultry under RPCAU Pusa and ICAR-DUs) in PhD programmes
backyard organic production at MPUAT, Udaipur including award of ICAR-JRF/SRF(PhD). A total of
9,516 candidates appeared (67.56%) in the examination,
The NAE centres organized 26 training programmes/ out of 14,086 applicants. The highest number of
awareness workshops/ camps/ workshops leading to candidates (760) appeared in Subject Genetics and
capacity building of 79 faculty and 322 farmers and Plant Breeding, followed by Agronomy (725) and
101 other stakeholders. 27 PG students completed Agricultural Biotechnology/Biotechnology/Molecular
degree programme and 28 students are continuing Biology and Biotechnology (649).
research work and pursuing degree, utilizing the Merit-cum-means scholarship: Scholarships to
facilities developed under NAE programmes being meritorious under-graduate students belonging to below
supported by Council in AUs. poverty line families to study agriculture, and allied
Centre for Advanced Faculty Training/ Summer/ subjects are awarded annually on the basis of merit-
Winter schools and Short courses: During the year, cum-means. During the year, 829 students were awarded
111 summer winter schools/short courses comprising scholarship.
Post-matric scholarship: It was granted to 8 universities for Overseas and Indian candidates,
students. respectively. The amount of fellowships for Indian
Internship allowance: It was provided to 3,153 and overseas candidates is @ US$ 2000 and ` 40,000
veterinary graduates trained by agricultural/veterinary per month respectively. During the year, based on the
universities was provided. priority areas of study related to plant sciences, animal
National Talent Scholarship (NTS): Merit based sciences, social sciences, fisheries, agricultural
support through National Talent Scholarship to the engineering, food processing and natural resource
under-graduates (UG) and Master degree students management, 29 candidates were selected for their
admitted in AUs through ICAR All India Entrance Ph D study including 22 Indian candidates at overseas
Examination (AIEE), was provided. During the year universities and 7 foreign candidates at Indian SAUs/
3,917 UG and 1,857 PG students were provided ICAR DUs. So far, 209 candidates have been selected
NTS. and out of which 147 joined in overseas laboratories
ICAR Fellowships for post-graduate students: for pursuing PhD and 28 foreign candidates have joined
For recognition of talent and promotion of merit in in Indian laboratories. Because of COVID-19 pandemic
general, and for encouraging talented students to situation, 34 candidates are waiting for the
undertake higher agricultural education in particular, commencement of their academic programme.
the ICAR awards ICAR-PG scholarships and JRF/ India-Africa Fellowship Programme: India-Africa
SRF Fellowships (PGS) to post-graduate (PG) and Forum Summit III (IAFS-III) has been implemented
doctoral students, in different disciplines of agriculture since session 2017–18 with allotment of 500 seats
and allied sciences. The 600 and 297 students were (375 PG and 125 Ph D) for African nationals under
awarded ICAR-PG Scholarships and ICAR-JRF/ Special Agricultural Scholarship. Twenty African
SRF(PGS) for Master’s and Doctoral studies, candidates (16 PG; 04 Ph D) from 16 countries have
respectively. joined the programme during session 2019–20. A total
ICAR-Post Doctoral Fellowship: The ICAR Post- of 114 African nationals (88 PG; 26 PhD) from 17
Doctoral Fellowship (ICAR-PDF) is a new programme countries were enrolled successfully in 33 Indian
initiated to identify and support motivated young Agricultural Universities/ CAU/Deemed Universities.
researchers for conducting research in frontier areas India-Afghanistan Fellowship Programme: India-
of agriculture and allied sciences to build the national Afghanistan Fellowship Programme has been
capacity. It provides them a platform to develop as an implemented since 2010–11 for providing fellowships
independent researcher capable of initiating a new to Afghan nationals for attaining higher education in
programme in nationally important priority areas under agriculture and allied sciences in identified Indian
the supervision of a mentor. Against the approved agricultural Universities (AUs). To attain maximum
slots of 25 PDFs (10 per year for ICAR-IARI Pusa, enrolments in India-Afghanistan Fellowship
New Delhi, and 5 each per year for ICAR-IVRI Programme, the tenure of programme is extended up
Izatnagar, ICAR-NDRI Karnal and ICAR-CIFE, to 2020–2021 with the available slots of 614 fellowships
Mumbai respectively), two fellows joined the for Bachelor’s 50%, Master’s 30% and Ph D 20%.
programme at ICAR-IARI, Pusa New Delhi. During academic year 2019–20, a total of 74 Afghan
Globalization of agricultural education: ICAR nationals (2 UG, 60 PG and 12 PhD) are currently
awards Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowships enrolled in Indian AUs.
and coordinates Special Agricultural Scholarships under
India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS), Indo-Afghan Introduction of new Fellowships
Fellowship Scheme to support the human resource BIMSTEC Fellowships: On the basis of the decision
development in newer and challenging areas through taken in the First BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative
formal education of scientists/faculty/students in India. for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic
The ICAR facilitated admission of 143 foreign students Cooperation) Ministerial meeting on Agriculture which
from 21 countries in Indian Agricultural Universities by was held on 12 July 2019 and as well as preceding
considering the applications received through the DARE, the First Senior Official Meeting on Agriculture (1st
Education Consultants India Ltd (EdCIL) and Indian SOM-A) on 11 July 2019, it was decided to introduce
Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR). Total 219 BIMSTEC Fellowships to pursue Master’s and Ph D
applications were received from the students from 38 programmes in agriculture and related business in
countries. agricultural universities in India. The BIMSTEC
Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowships: With Secretariat will be the nodal agency for collecting
the objectives to develop competent human resource applications from all member states and forwarding
and showcasing the strengths of National Agricultural these to DARE/ICAR.
Research and Education System (NARES) and to create ASEAN Fellowships: During 16th ASEAN-India
a pool of scientist-envoys for enhanced future co- Summit held at Bangkok during November 2019, the
operation, Netaji Subhas ICAR International Prime Minister announced 50 Scholarships to
Fellowships are offered for pursuing Ph D programme agricultural scientists and technicians. These
at Indian agricultural universities (AUs) and overseas scholarships are available to the member states of
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to • A major QTL for anaerobic germination
pursue PG and PhD programmes in Agricultural contributed by wild rice accession NKSWR70
Universities and ICAR Institutes and will be was mapped on chromosome 7 using 95
implemented from 2021 to 22. segregating families. Another F2:3 mapping
population from cross IR64/NKSWR397
Promoting excellence comprising 300 families was developed and a
ICAR National Professor: ICAR operates National major QTL for anaerobic germination and
Professor Scheme with the twin objectives to promote coleoptile elongation under water was mapped
excellence by recognizing outstanding scientist with on rice chromosome 6 using random 92 of these
proven output and outcome for creating a culture of families.
basic research through their project work in the National • Chloroplast genome based Oryza species specific
Agricultural Research System (NARS) and establishing SSR, InDels and SNP markers were identified. Total
and nurturing a novel school of thought around the 15 InDel markers were validated in PAGE and 399
recognized person. During the period under report, 6 SNP markers differentiating 22 Oryza species was
National Professors were in position and among these identified and a SNP chip was designed.
4 are in Crop Sciences, one each in Natural Resource • Collection and screening of 25 accessions from
Management and Economics, Statistics and Management. five wild chickpea (C. judaicum, C. reticulatum,
C. microphyllum, C. bijugum, C. cuncatam) and
Salient achievements three cultivars of chickpea (C. arietinum)
Crop sciences (reported to be mild tolerant) for defence against
• Long term selection under aided epiphytotic H. armigera was done.
conditions allowed identification of introgression • Trypsin protease inhibitor gene (Ti) from ILWC-
lines with resistance to Sclerotinia stem rot and 46 (accession from C. reticulatum that had highest
mustard aphid. Predicted 11 candidates linked Trypsin Inhibitor protein) was cloned.
to mustard aphid in three introgression lines (IL64, • Construction of a cisgenic cassette for the
IL, 101, IL104), on the basis of whole genome expression of Trypsin protease inhibitor gene
sequencing. (Ti) from cultivated and wild accessions of
• Two sets of chromosome segment substitution chickpea driven by a RUBISCO SSU promoter
lines (CSSLs) were developed. In the genetic from chickpea has been completed.
background of two widely grown, popular rice • Promoter sequences (1000 base pair) of FHG
varieties MTU1010 and Swarna using one O. (Floral Homeotic gene) and MADS
rufipogon accession from Odisha which showed (Minichromosome Maintenance1, Agamous,
high photosynthesis. Two sets of CSSLs were Deficient and Serum response protein) genes that
also identified from previous backcross inbred expressed at high level in flower and pod wall
lines (BILs) derived from two crosses of Swarna of chickpea were isolated and validated through
with O. nivara accession IRGC81848 from Uttar GUS expression.
Pradesh and IRGC81832 from Bihar.
• Novel quantitative trait loci were mapped for Natural resource management
traits related to yield, photosynthesis, nutrient • The modelling studies suggested that the effect
and water use efficiency using SSR markers in of global warming on soil organic carbon in
BC2F2 and BC4F2 of MTU1010 × O. rufipogon, majority of soils in India will be minimal as the
BC2F2 of Swarna × O. rufipogon, BC2F8 of two warming effect will be foremost at mean annual
Swarna × O. nivara populations and one F2:3 temperatures below 25ºC.
population using selected BILs. Elite high yielding • Quantification of C footprint of agriculture in
introgression lines (IL) were identified from other Punjab showed that the current carbon equivalent
interspecific crosses of Swarna and KMR3 with (CE) emissions (4705 Gg) are 3-times higher
introgressions from O. nivara (3 accessions) and than in 1980–81. Groundwater irrigation and
O. rufipogon WR120 respectively. fertilizer use have dominant influence on C
• 23 elite ILs showed moderate resistance to BLB, footprint of food grain production. Carbon cost
Blast, BPH, and tolerance to low phosphorus per unit grain production (kg CE M/g) was highest
and high temperature at IIRR. ILs from 6 for rice (693) followed by wheat (207) and least
interspecific crosses were shared with scientists for maize (152). While carbon use efficiency of
in IIRR-Hyderabad, NRRI-Cuttack, NRCPB- rice has decreased over time (15.5 to 7.8) that
Delhi, RARS-ANGRAU-Maruteru, IIAB-Ranchi for maize remained stable between 11.9 and 14.8.
to evaluate for yield and tolerance to abiotic The environment footprint of food grain
(including tolerance to submergence, water limited production can be reduced by diversifying to
and aerobic conditions) and biotic stresses less water requiring crops, improving irrigation
(including resistance to false smut, nematodes, water productivity and pumping efficiency, and
leaf folder) and map QTLs. increasing fertilizer use efficiency.
• Based on the genomic data and previous studies, tubes were permanently installed to act as SSM
a draft array was designed for screening animals and SSSM monitoring network at IARI farm
incorporating production as well as adaptation (by using soil moisture probe).
traits. For identification and development of heat • The 137Cs data revealed that there were different
tolerant animals, pigs from different breeds (Large redistribution patterns in different phases of
White Yorkshire and Ghungroo) reared at ICAR- erosion. In the study areas, the 137Cs
NRC on Pigs were identified and screened for concentration ranged from 198.71±15.54 Bq m-
presence/expression levels of thermo-tolerance 2 in very severely eroded phase to maximum
related genes. 1081.87±89.97 Bq m-2 in reference site.
• Designed and synthesized shRNA molecules to • Based on the findings at plot scale it was observed
analyse their effect under in vitro cell culture that at the national level in India, erosion
system initially and later, under in vivo system. transported about 4.87 Pg of soil and 115.36 Tg
Developed knock down chicken for two important of C every year, which consequently emits about
genes namely, acetyl Co-A carboxylase alpha 34.61 Tg of C to the atmosphere.
(ACACA) and sterol regulatory element binding • The results also revealed that the contribution
protein 1 (SREBP-1) involved in de novo lipid of C-losses due to erosion was 15% in very
biosynthesis. Overall, the knock down birds severely eroded unfertilized pots and was 4% in
showed reduction of 20.2 and 24.8% serum slightly eroded unfertilized plots.
cholesterol and triglycerides content as compared
to the control birds. It is concluded that knock Horticulture
down of ACACA and SREBP-1 genes showed • Regeneration and hardening of transgenic onion
significantly lower serum cholesterol content over plants expressing GFP-tail swap was done.
the control birds, which may reduce the • Targeted mutagenesis silencing of AcCenH3, gene
cholesterol content in meat and egg in the knock in onion is done.
down birds. • Klebsiella oxytoca was shown to be responsible
• In total, 5,371 genes (>2 FPKM) are identified for sexual behaviour and reproductive organ
to be involved in the fertility related functions maturation in insects, is transmitted to the next
including early embryonic development. The generation by females, and is responsible for
paternally delivered transcripts for 413 genes sexual attraction cues in Bactrocera dorsalis.
were identified in buffalo sperm. • GC-EAD studies using volatiles from different
stages of B. dorsalis infested mangoes helped
Crop sciences identify specific cues that attracted the
• E-Herbarium launched to public access endoparasitoid, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata.
(pgrinformatics.nbpgr.ernet.in/nhcp). This study is extremely beneficial for developing
• The water atmosphere GHGs fluxes were higher biological control strategy.
from stagnant water as compared to during tide • It was observed earlier that B. cucurbitae females
and ‘after tide’. Soil labile C pools namely RMC, and males were highly attractive to the volatiles
MBC, KMnO4-C and WSC were significantly of cut cucumber and ridge gourd volatiles, with
higher during summer followed by winter in this information, blends were constituted and
mangrove ecology. tested in fields. The highest numbers of insect
• These soil labile C pools were higher in mangrove catch (males and females) were observed in the
than that of adjacent rice and aquaculture blends like CB (cucumber blend) followed by
considering all the locations and seasons. CB + C (cucumber blend + cu-lure), RB + C
• The microbial diversity under mangrove ecology (ridge gourd blend + cu-lure) in the field of
was significantly different than that of adjacent bitter gourd, bottle gourd and cucumber fields
rice soil due to difference in salinity, tidal intrusion suggesting that the above blends could be used
and continuous wet drying nature of the mangrove as part of IPM.
sediments. Total methanogens population was Agricultural engineering
less in mangrove sediments due to higher salinity • Fortification of chocolate cake with flax seed
and regular tide flow (wetting-drying condition) meal and chia gel was performed to enhance
in mangrove system. the consumption of health beneficial
polyunsaturated fatty acids like eicosapentaenoic
Natural resource management acid, docosahexaenoic acid. The total omega 3
• Over 1,300 and 282 field observations on surface content (ALA) was found highest for chocolate
soil moisture (SSM) and sub surface soil moisture cake with flaxseed meal and chia gel and found
(SSSM) were collected using soil moisture meter to be best among all the cakes with high potential
and soil moisture probe, and partly by gravimetric to be used as an alternative to refined flour and
methods. These will serve as ground truth for eggs in cakes.
satellite data estimates of SSM. Twenty access • Encapsulation of flax seed oil through freeze-
drying and spray drying was studied with the indicator 2.1.2—severity of food insecurity. The
aim of protecting it against environmental estimates and map of food insecurity incidence are
conditions. The results showed that nanoparticles expected to deliver invaluable information to policy-
encapsulated with gum arabic had the highest analysts and decision-makers.
encapsulation efficiency (EE) and the lowest
surface oil. Competency enhancement
• Sensitization workshops were conducted Fifty three Emeritus Scientists and 45 Emeritus
specifically to sensitize farmers regarding the Professor were supported. The aim of this programme
opportunities in production and processing is to complete the work in hand for its fruitful
through incubation at CIAE. The technology conclusion, utilize their talent in teaching specialized
developed under NF project was showcased such courses, student research guidance, developing
that the interested farmers can turn entrepreneurs instructional material/ textbooks including e-learning
bringing in profit in their chosen enterprise. resources for use in national agricultural education
• High pressure processed pineapple had superior programme and distance education and use their
textural and nutritional properties compared to experience in addressing nationally important issues
minimally processed pineapple. in different ICAR-institutes and SAUs.
• High pressure processed ripe jackfruit samples
showed the best textural and nutritional quality Emeritus scientist
with increased shelf-life. Hence high pressure Salient achievements
processed ripe jackfruit bulbs could be stored Crop Sciences
for long period without affecting organoleptic • Out of 494 fungal isolates studied from the salt
quality. tolerant Pokkali rice variety, two endophytes–
• Blanching time and temperature of pineapple V4J (Fusarium sp) from Pokkali rice and F.
was optimized based on enzyme inactivation. oxysporum (MH511104) from I. pes-caprae
The best combination for blanching of pineapple imparted salinity tolerance in the salt sensitive
was 100°C with 3 min. IR-64 rice variety as there was significant
• Retort processing parameter for pineapple was enhancement in the root and shoot ratio in the
standardized. Pineapple processed at 80°C plants enriched with the above endophytes.
temperature for 12 min exhibited good quality • To understand the molecular mechanism
parameters. transcriptome analysis of the 10-day old IR-64
• Retort processing parameter for tender jackfruit seedlings with V4J (Fusarium sp) under salinity
was standardized. Heat penetration curve of stress (E-S+ and E+S+; E: Endophyte; S: salt
thermally processed tender jackfruit showed that stress) was carried out. A total of 46.31 million
the time taken by sterilization at 121°C reads (9.26 GB; E+S+) and 52.17 million reads
temperature for attaining F0 value of one was (10.43 GB; E-S+) were generated. Further,
15 min. 81.50% (E+S+) and 73.25% (E-S+) HQ reads
• Retort processing parameter for matured jackfruit were successfully aligned to the reference
was standardized. Matured jackfruit processed genome. Alternative splicing (AS) of transcripts
at 110°C temperature for 10 min exhibited good is a well-recognized phenomenon in plants. Using
quality parameters and sensory properties. the above transcriptome data, AS events were
• Retort processing parameter for ripe jackfruit mined and the results showed an unequivocal
was standardized. Ripe jackfruit processed at decrease in the number of AS events under salinity
108°C temperature for 6 min exhibited good stress as influenced by the endophyte. This is
quality parameters and sensory properties. the first documented evidence of an endophyte-
induced alteration in the frequency of alternative
Economics, statistics and management
splicing event in plants subjected to salinity
Small area estimation of food insecurity incidence stress.
for the state of Uttar Pradesh by combining survey • Soil application with neem cake at seed treatment
and census data: The method is applied to estimate of groundnut with T. harzianum Th3 at 8 g/kg
the extent (or incidence) of food insecurity in rural seeds + drenching with T. harzianum Th3 at 8
households in different districts of Uttar Pradesh in ml/l water at 40 days after sowing exhibited the
India by linking data from the 2011–12 HCES collected root rot complex reduction up to 64.4% with
by the NSSO of India and the 2011 Population Census. increased yield of 3.65 t/ha at Jaipur 73.9% with
A map showing district level inequality in distribution biological yield of 3.56 t/ha at Banswara agro-
of food insecurity in Uttar Pradesh is also produced. climatic conditions. Maximum pod yield per plant
This map provides important information for analysis of ~40–42 was observed in the combined
of spatial distribution of food insecurity among different treatment with T. harzianum Th3, M. anisopliae
districts of the state. The disaggregate estimates are Ma1 and also with chemical.
useful and relevant to sustainable development goal • The maximum disease reduction of 68.02% was
observed at combined application of T. harzianum MDV-1 antibody in field chicken serum samples.
Th3 + M. anisopliae Ma1+ Flonicamid and also • Recombinant antigen (rpp38) based immunocomb
increased yield of cumin up to 541.50 kg/ha at dot-ELISA was developed and evaluated for
Banswara agro-climatic conditions. detection of MDV-1 antibody in chicken serum
• Purified Salkathi (CR AC. 35181; IC IC0256801; samples.
INGR 17069) and Dhobanumberi (CR AC. 35184;
IC0256804; INGR19005) for Brown Plant Hopper Horticultural Sciences
(BPH) resistance, were registered as rice donors. • Ready-to-eat and convenience foods such as
• High BPH-resistant and multiple resistant Instant Halwa mix, Idli mix, Dhokla mix, Khichdi
genotype CR2711-76 (Tapaswini × mix and Daliya mix were standardized and
Dhobanumberi) submitted to the SVRC, Odisha developed using different composite flours of
as CR Dhan-317 after its promising performance coarse cereals, germinated chickpea and tulsi
in farmers’ field of BPH endemic areas of Odisha leaves. The products prepared using composite
with average yield of 5.42 t/ha. High BPH- flour of blanched pearl millet: sorghum: dehusked
resistant breeding line CR3006-8-2 (Pusa 44 × oat: germinated chickpea in ratios of 60:10:10:20
Salkathi), also performed well in farmers’ field and blanched pearl millet: sorghum: dehusked
during 2018 and 2019, and the variety release oat: germinated chickpea: tulsi leaves powder
proposal is in progress. in ratios of 60:10: 10: 15:5 were found to be
• Ten stabilized promising rice genotypes were most acceptable organoleptically and nutritionally
identified with seed protein content of more than superior as compared to wheat based products
12% and zinc grain content of 20%. Two promising (control). It could be stored in polythene bags
lines with high zinc and iron content, and five at room temperature (25–30°C) for 3 months
genotypes with high methionine, lysine, and and were acceptable up to 3 months.
amylose content were listed. Including higher grain Supplementation of tulsi leaves powder caused
yield, six genotypes were separated for further significant reduction in fat acidity and peroxide
multiplication and bigger trials (Plant Nos.23-5- value in all stored instant mixes.
237, 23-5-297, 23-5-224, 23-5-92, 23-5-94, and • Supplementation of tulsi at 5% level further
23-5-279) and based on performance one genotype increased the nutritional value of products in
23-5-297 was taken for field farm trial in identified respect of available minerals (calcium, iron and
farmer field for large scale testing. zinc), in vitro protein and starch digestibility.
The antioxidants activity (total phenolic content
Animal Sciences and DPPH free radical scavenging activity) of
• The mycoplasmological examination of 74 tissue all the products blended with tulsi was better.
samples collected from the commercial poultry
affected with respiratory infections from different Natural Resource Management
parts of Haryana revealed the isolation of 10 • Compatibility among the plant growth promoting
Mollicutes organisms (13.5%) including 4 M. bacteria (PGPB) was assessed to identify the
gallisepticum (MG), 1 M. synoviae (MS) and 5 prospective PGPB for consortium formulation.
mixed infections of MG and MS confirmed by The W1 (Bacillus sp.), S36 (Salinicola sp.), SV4
different biochemical and molecular tests. Higher (Bacillus sp.), RP8 (Enterobacter sp.), NR4
prevalence of MG 9/74 (12.16%) was reported (Pseudomonas sp.) and Avi2 (Azotobacter sp.)
as compared to MS 6/74 (8.1%) among poultry were most potent PGPB. However, they
flocks. differentially retained PGP functions under 6%
• Anthelmintic efficacy of ethanolic fruit extract NaCl, CO2 and 40°C stresses. Maintenance of
of E. ribes was assessed in in vivo trial in sheep. all PGP functions by S36 under different stress
The results suggested promising efficacy of (but 40°C) adjudged it as the most effective stress
ethanolic fruit extract of E. ribes against most tolerant PGPB.
pathogenic GI nematode H. contortus and an • The Swarna, Naveen and salt tolerant Luna Sankhi
effective formulation can be developed from fruit seeds treated with 108 bacteria/ml resulted in
extract of E. ribes. 100% germination and improved radical/plumule
• Polymerase spiral reaction (PSR) test and Loop- length, root/shoot fr./dr. wt., tiller/leaf no., 100
mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) test grain/panicle wt. etc. Single treatment with
were developed and standardized using in-house 1.2×108 cells/ml or second treatment after 5 d
synthesized primers specific for MDV-1 oncogene growth with 1.2×105 cells/ml had better effect
(Meq) to visualize the amplified product under on Swarna seedlings.
naked eye or UV light after addition of SYBR • FRET tagged diazotroph (Avi2) confirmed
Green-I dye. colonization and upward migration of the
• Latex agglutination test (LAT) was developed endophytic PGPB through the natural or injury
and standardized using rpp38 antigen to detect openings of the roots.
Under this project, Krishikosh is supported which
is a digital repository which captures, preserves, archives
and provides policy based access to the intellectual
output of Indian National Agricultural Research and
Education System (NARES). It is a unique repository
of knowledge in agriculture and allied sciences. having
collection of thesis, old and valuable books, institutional
publications, technical bulletins, project reports, lectures,
preprints, reprints, records and various documents
spread all over the country. It is a customized digital
repository platform for users of NARES Institutions,
where they can upload and manage their own contents
for compliance to open access policy of ICAR. Currently
this digital repository (https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/)
has more than 201,000 items.
XX Agrisports (All India Inter Agricultural
Universities Sports and Games) at SVVU, Tirupati,
guiding and managing agricultural higher education infrastructure for research and teaching (under sub-
in the country. During FY 19–20, activities undertaken component 1a, may have negative impact on the
are—strengthening of key digital infrastructures of surrounding environment. The interventions proposed
ICAR AU system such as ICAR-DC; e-enabled learning under sub-components 1b and 1c CAASTs and
activities in AUs through demonstrations of virtual Innovation Grants offers scope for enhancing the
classrooms; implementation of Academic Management positive impacts on environment through integration
System in 22 AUs; development of AU-PIMS (a of pro environmental measures.
workflow-based system developed with an objective Over the year, 17 AUs have initiated implementation
to create unified information base for research projects); of green courses, lectures and workshops. Out of 5
progress on constitution of External Advisory Panel; compliances under ESM, E-waste management rules
technical committee meetings to catalyze the 2016 were made mandatory to all AUs to follow as
participation of state government representatives in per regulation of GoI. AUs have taken up the green
raising the quality and relevance of agricultural higher initiatives in their campuses such as tree plantations,
education, etc. development of farm ponds, water harvesting structures,
compost pits, etc. Some of the campuses have also
been declared as plastic free campus.
Social safeguard measures: The project does not
have any significant involuntary resettlement impact
and the project overall was categorized as “C” as per
the Social Safeguard Policies. The project institutions,
especially those in low-income states, are located in
states inhabited by tribal communities. Therefore, the
World Bank Operational Policy on Indigenous Peoples
(OP/BP 4.10) was triggered, and an Equity Action
Plan (EAP) developed to incorporate social
considerations in project planning, implementation,
and monitoring and to ensure that potential adverse
impacts are adequately mitigated and benefits of project
are further enhanced to improve the effectiveness as
well as the sustainability of the project. New
The major activities and achievements under construction activities are not allowed but the project
Monitoring and Learning component included was financing limited construction activities within
finalization of M&E framework; development and the existing premises. These activities not causing any
implementation of Project Monitoring and Tracking significant environmental or social impacts, Hence,
System (PMTS) in awarded AUs; capacity building the World Bank Operational Policy on Involuntary
activities; documentation of learning and monitoring Resettlement (OP 4.12) was not triggered, but as limited
related activities. construction activities are financed, keeping in mind
In order to establish a fair and transparent system, the safety and security of labour, student, teaching
while effectively addressing the grievances of project and non-teaching staffs, a labour-management plan
stakeholders, a 3 tier grievance redressal mechanism was developed and implemented for civil construction
was also established at PIU NAHEP, and made fully work.
operational. Over the year, awarded AUs have improved the
Environmental safeguard measures: The project performance of the weaker students by organizing
is categorized as Category B as per the environmental remedial classes, language learning trainings, student
safeguard policy of the World Bank, as the interventions mentoring programs. Out of total beneficiaries ~10%
like Institutional Development Plans that would update female and ~11% male students from SC and ST were
benefitted through various programs organised under
Whereas, other key initiatives like establishing user
friendly campus for differently abled students were
taken up by most of the awarded partner AUs during
the year. In this initiative more than 500 facilities
such as ramps, washrooms, Napkin vending machines,
etc. have been established so far.
dissemination and application of knowledge through Collaborative programmes: Ten collaborative in-
its academic, training, research, consultancy and policy campus and off-campus programmes were organized
support programmes. The Academy expanded its in collaboration with IINRG, Ranchi, Sri Venkateswara
activities to reach all stakeholders of NARES. The Veterinary University, National Bank Staff College,
Academy has also widened the scope of its activities Lucknow; Coromandel International Limited, Institute
and initiated number of activities to develop a new of Hospitality Management, Catering Technology and
generation of young leaders and managers who can Applied Nutrition (IHMCT & AN), Global Centre for
contribute to sustainable agricultural development at Land-Based Innovation and Assam Agricultural
the national level. University, benefitting 625 participants.
NAARM Registered Copyrights on Project ICAR-NAARM as a Think Tank of ICAR:
Management Software: ICAR-NAARM developed Academy also actively helps to maintain a futuristic
three management tools, viz. AHP Analyser, Research vision as a Think Tank to address the diverse challenges
Concept Writer and Project Log Frame Writer, which in the field of agriculture. Therefore, to delineate the
are web based open access applications and were roadmap for transitioning the academy to be credible
copyright registered. These softwares are being used Think Tank of ICAR, scoping workshop was held at
by more than 2,000 users in more than 80 countries. ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research
The software also works as wonderful classroom Management (NAARM), Hyderabad, which
teaching tool, and are available on following links; recommended that NAARM should strive to provide
AHP Analyser: https://naarm.org.in/ahp, Research sustained, general operating support for transnational
Concept Writer: https://naarm.org.in/dwrp/, Project Log and interdisciplinary research-based support on a range
frame Writer: https://naarm.org.in/logframe/ of policy issues, to the respective agencies through
Capacity building programmes: 2,654 participants ICAR. The Think Tank Expert Committee constituted
successfully completed 75 need-based and mandated under the Chairmanship of Dr J C Katyal, presented
capacity building programmes of ICAR-NAARM the report during March 2020.
consisting of Foundation Course for Agricultural
Research Services, Induction training Programme to Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
newly recruited Assistant Professors of SAUs, The Academy also signed Memorandum of
Management Development Programme, Understanding (MoU) with various public and private
Entrepreneurship Development programme and Off sector organizations like National Centre for
Campus Programme, etc. Several programmes for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM), National
administrative and technical staff for enhancing Horticulture Board, Administrative Staff College of
competency and efficiency were also organized for India (ASCI), Hyderabad in order to strengthen its
discharging their functions. activities in various areas.
1,322 participants registered for online certificate Start Up through AGRI UDAAN: The Academy
course, viz. ‘Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in partnership with CIIE, IIM-A, supported by DST
on Competency Enhancement for Effective Teaching’ launched Food and Agribusiness Accelerator
aimed at improving the quality of teaching. Programme, 3.0 called AgriUdaan 3.0 in association
Academic programmes: The Academy is imparting with NABARD, Caspian, AgrInnovate, Omnivore, and
Postgraduate Education in Agribusiness Management other prominent partners to encourage startups to scale
(PGDMA), Educational Technology and Management up. AgriUdaan 3.0 was launched in Hyderabad on 31
(PGDETM) and Technology Management in Agriculture August 2019 and organized its roadshows in Bengaluru,
(PGDTMA) to develop a new generation of young Pune, Patna, Lucknow, Gurugram, Bhopal and
leaders and managers who can contribute to sustainable Guwahati. Providing a truly Pan-India presence,
agricultural development at the national level. NAARM AgriUdaan seeks to bring out innovations from across
achieved 100% placement of final year PGDMA students. the country while also aiming to provide support to
Workshop on Development of Soft skills for Entrepreneurship among Veterinary and Dairy Science -Graduates under
NAHEP component – 2A
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[ksrksa esa Qly dh dVkà dj jgk Fkk vkSj cqvkà ds u, fjd‚MZ cuk jgk Fkk A
— ujsUnz eksnh
Social Science
Agriculture economics and policy hand, MGP (Bihar and parts of Uttar Pradesh) and EPH
Climate resilience across agro-climatic zones of (primarily comprising Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and
India: Total of 26 indicators, relating to environment Odisha) had the lowest resilience. In addition, other zones
(5), technology (7), socio-economic (7) and infrastructure namely, WDR, EHR and UGP were also categorized
and institution (7) dimensions were employed to purport under lower degree of resilience to climate change.
inter and intra ACZ differentials in the level of resilience Most of the districts falling within the Gangetic Plains
using district level information. Based on their index region and WDR had very low level of environmental
scores, 14 ACZs and 616 districts were categorized into resilience. Out of 89 districts lying in the EHR, about
different homogenous groups. The values of the estimated 67% had very high environmental resilience. Among the
indices, did not reflect the absolute resilience, rather it districts with very low to low level of technological
only indicated the relative strength of ACZ/district to resilience about 54% were concentrated in the EHR and
withstand climate risks. Overall high climate resilience EPH. Districts lying in the SPH had medium level of
was found in WCG, TGP, GPH and ECH. On the other socio-economic resilience. Districts in southern India
a b
Maps showing intra-ACZ (district level) distribution of resilience (ACZ demarcation is shown with black boundary line).
(a) Technological Index, (b) CRA Index
Categorization of ACZs
Environmental index CPH, EHR, EPH, WCG ECH, GPH, UGP, WHR, WPH LGP, MGP, SPH, TGP, WDR
Socio-economic index ECH, TGP, WCG, WDR EHR, GPH, SPH, WHR, WPH CPH, EPH, LGP, MGP, UGP,
infrastructural index
Note: Western Himalayan Region (WHR), Eastern Himalayan Region (EHR), Lower Gangetic Plains (LGP), Middle
Gangetic Plains (MGP), Upper Gangetic Plains (UGP), Tans-Gangetic Plains (TGP), Eastern Plateau and Hills (EPH),
Central Plateau and Hills (CPH), Western Plateau and Hills (WPH), Southern Plateau and Hills (SPH), East Coast Plains
and Hills (ECH), West Coast Plains and Ghats (WCG), Gujarat Plains and Hills (GPH), Western Dry Region (WDR)
particularly districts of Kerala state and those falling are comparatively small but more sustainable against the
within GPH and TGP showed better intuitional and frequent climatic hazards. The adaptation strategies are
infrastructural foundation. Overall, in CRA index among mostly traditional ones, but their effectiveness can be
124 districts with very low level of resilience, 66 districts improved through the provision of support services and
were under north-eastern states forming part of EHR, 40 finances required to scale these up. One of the main
districts from EPH with maximum concentration from implications is to strengthen the weather advisory
the states of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh and 25 districts services to enable farmers to take appropriate decisions
from MGP particularly from the state of Bihar. On the regarding the adaptation measures. Another implication
other hand, most of the districts in TGP and WCG showed relates to the animal husbandry, an important source of
very high resilience to manage climate risks. livelihood for 70% of the farm households who often
To bring robustness in climate change adaptation cultivate tiny pieces of land and maintain a few low-
planning, there is need to develop suitable location-need- producing animals. Improving their scale of production
context specific interventions and policy that builds requires policy support in terms of investment, financing
resilience of agricultural system. In zones with injudicious and information on production practices related to breeds,
extraction of groundwater, a comprehensive water feeds and health. Further, given the growing water
resources management policy must be developed. For scarcity there is a need to adopt water-efficient cropping
reducing agriculture emissions, mitigation alternatives patterns and technologies to conserve water resources.
should be researched with appropriate management of Multi-objective optimization for sustainable
agri-activities and operations. Under climate change, agriculture in Bundelkhand: Considering current
enhancing equitable accessibility to irrigation along with resource constraints, particularly the water in
suitable location-based cropping pattern is crucial for Bundelkhand region, sustainable cropping pattern and
optimization of returns, water use efficiency and value crop-livestock mix was envisaged. The input output
creation. Moreover, to sustainably improve productivity, coefficients were estimated using unit level data of cost
penetration and adoption of micro-irrigation systems such of cultivation scheme for the TE 2014 while the level of
as drip, sprinklers must be evolved with appropriate resource availability was estimated using secondary data.
building of farm capacity. In particular, diversifying to Goal programming model was developed to maximize
agro-forestry in ecologically fragile regions, increasing net returns and minimize water use with set of physical,
thrust on crop diversification and strengthening animal- economic and environmental constraints. Five different
based/crop-livestock system promotes farm resilience. scenarios were built by simulating various resource
Further, strengthening credit support to the zones with saving technologies and policy interventions.
limited access to finance especially the eastern region The findings suggested that currently the resources
could expand both the ex-ante and ex-post climate in the Bundelkhand region are used sub-optimally. Four
response space. Moreover, devising action plans with out of five scenarios suggested to declining the area under
emphasis on awareness, preservation of natural resources, paddy and wheat and even the plan with improved
diversification, building physical infrastructure, irrigation efficiency also indicated for capping the area
strengthening of grass-root institutions and under these crops up to existing level. Study brought out
mainstreaming climate adaptation in the developmental that increase area under sorghum, pulses and oilseeds
policy is crucial for climate resilient pathways. (sesame) will help in utilising huge kharif fallow and
Impact of climatic hazards on agricultural growth: also improve the crop-livestock integration in the region
The frequency of climatic hazards such as droughts, in turn augment the income of farmers. Plans with local
floods, heat-waves and cold waves has increased in the cattle and small ruminants were found to be more
recent past and an increase is predicted in the future, that profitable than the crop based plans. Inadequate
will affect the performance of agriculture and the infrastructural support for agriculture and farm credit
livelihood of millions of people dependent on it directly were the most sensitive factor in the region, and provision
or indirectly. In India the climatic hazards are estimated of additional credit enhanced income as well as
to reduce agricultural growth by about one-fourth. But employment in the region. Study further found that
different climatic hazards impact it differently. Droughts though mentha is profitable crop but not sustainable from
and heat-waves have a larger negative impact, than other natural resource perspective.
climatic hazards, and more so in the poor and pre- Development of agricultural sustainability
dominantly agrarian states. Nonetheless, the negative barometer with special reference to rice–wheat
growth effects of climatic hazards taper-off in the long- production system: Sustainable Development Goals
run due to the increasing use of mitigation and adaptation (SDGs) are the key milestones for economic and
measures such as irrigation, crop diversification, changes agricultural development across the globe. A composite
in input-use and integration of animal husbandry into agricultural sustainability indicator (CASI) was designed
the farming systems, among others. Irrigation and crop especially suitable for rice–wheat production system. The
diversification provide significant adaptation benefits index covers four broad dimensions, viz. soil, water,
against droughts and heat-waves, but these become ecological and economic encompassing 79 indicators.
smaller in case their frequency rises. The adaptation The barometer so developed was applied to gauge the
benefits of animal husbandry and fertilizer-use although sustainability of Trans-Gangetic plains of India. The
composite index showed a moderate level of agricultural phase 1 (1990–2002), lesser regulatory phase 2 (2002–
sustainability in the region (CASI 0.52). The 07), strong re-regulations phase 3 (2008–2019).
sustainability indices for socio-economic and soil related Based on the timeline analysis, it was revealed that
indicators were comparatively better and environmental the new business model (sub-licensing) resulted in
and water dimensions of the sustainability were the most barriers to entry for a non-patented product. Government
eroded dimensions, needing special attention. The results intervention through enforcing price cap also discouraged
have two major implications. Firstly, there is an urgent the firms from investing in R&D based on new patents.
need to adopt district-specific cropping pattern based on The study showed that an interaction of business model
natural resource availability and improve the efficiency and regulatory policies resulted in anti-competitiveness
of the production, by adoption of better technology and in the industry.
conservation practices. Secondly, the response variables Structural transformation, regional disparity and
like high investment in R&D, irrigation efficiency, institutional reforms in agriculture: Promoting
drainage, etc., need special attention. Increasing agricultural exports could help to increase farmers’
efficiency of input and resources like increasing area income. Using Social Accounting Matrix (SAM)
under conservation agriculture, promotion of agro- framework, impact of export promotion policies on
biodiversity, and diversity of production systems, should national output and employment were estimated. Three
be given high priority. In some cases, policy correction different scenarios were developed. The first scenario
like targeting subsidy can lead to better sustainability considered the case of increasing export of processed
outcomes. The framework has a potential for its foods by 10%, the second considered the same extent of
application in other parts of the country. It would require rise in food grains and oilseeds, and the third considered
concerted efforts to capture data on a large number of the case of fruits and vegetables. Two different SAM
indicators periodically, particularly on agro-diversity matrices corresponding to the years 2007–08 and 2012–
indicators. Emphasis should be given on assessing the 13 were considered for simulation. Results indicated
sustainability trends with relevant indicators feasible in export promotion in processed foods will contribute
terms of implementation and responsiveness. higher to the GDP than other food groups in the
Technology foresight in agriculture: The trends in contemporary economy. While it was estimated to
scientific publication of emerging technologies such as contribute 0.04% additional GDP with 2007–08 base,
synthetic biology and artificial intelligence in agriculture contribution tripled in 2012–13 base to 0.11%. Export
were studied. The study used lens.org, an open access promotion of food grains and oilseeds was estimated to
platform, to search for articles, patents and citation of contribute half of the contribution of processed foods,
emerging technologies such as synthetic biology and while fruits and vegetables had the least impact. Similar
artificial intelligence in agriculture. Both the technologies was the impact on employment generation. While
have application across different sectors. These are the processed foods created an additional employment by
key emerging disruptive technologies of the fourth 0.07%, contribution from food grains was 0.03%, and
industrial revolution. Application of these technologies from fruits and vegetables it was just 0.01%. Promoting
such as deep learning and algorithms to predict disease the export of processed foods rather than unprocessed
and pest outbreaks, genome editing for new improved foods would contribute more to economic growth. From
varieties are already in market. consumption perspective, it was also found that share of
The new technologies and business systems are the farm sector in total demand has declined from 12%
evolving in agricultural sector and it needs newer set of in 2007–08 to 9.5% in 2012–13, and share of capital with
laws and research. For example, the regulations on data respect to labor has increased from 50-66%. Demand for
sharing, new breeding techniques (CRISPR-Cas 9), rural labor as well had declined from 58-53% during the
requires the existing laws to evolve suiting the such study period.
rapidly advancing scientific improvements. In case of Improving irrigation is an effective way of rising
artificial intelligence, India needs to design and develop productivity. At this front, the impact of governance in
policy framework supporting democratization and irrigation sector on agricultural productivity was
distribution of data which can be utilized by these analysed. The Irrigation Governance Index (IGI) was
ventures to develop innovative solutions and business constructed using 14 indicators, ranging from receipts
models. The policy should also take care of the issues from public irrigation, electricity charges in agriculture,
with ownership, privacy, protection, security and revenue and capital expenditure on public irrigation,
transparency of these data. irrigation potential created under the Accelerated
The causes and consequences of various litigations Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP), net area irrigated
on the intellectual property and competition, effect of by public canals and tanks, stages of groundwater
regulatory policies of the government on anti- development as per the usage/extraction of water etc. The
competitiveness in the bt cotton industry were also performance in public irrigation system was captured
investigated. The timeline analysis was performed to through the gap between irrigation potential created and
understand the events in detail and concise the potential utilized, and the role of irrigation governance
counterfactuals and consequences of the events. The (IGI), rainfall and proportion of area under non-food
timeline is divided into three phases, initial regulation crops were studied using panel regression. The results
revealed that an improvement in irrigation governance vegetables, livestock and fishery, in varying degrees.
leads to a reduction in the gap between the irrigation Other EAS providers had varied orientation based on
potential created and utilized. On farmers’ perception on business interest.
risk-taking, insurance uptake and governing factors, field As compared to crops, livestock extension was not a
survey was conducted in different districts of Uttar major target for all categories of EAS providers. At macro
Pradesh. About 400 farmers were surveyed for this level, decomposition of extension expenditure showed
purpose. Risk preference attitude was perceived to be that around 92% of total was allocated for crop husbandry
influenced by raising more income and profits. Around and only 0.9% was allocated to animal husbandry and
40% of farmers reported profit-making as the key driver dairy segment. There was not much discrimination in
of risk taking. Equally, the other 40% farmers reported targeting farmers by public service providers covering
risk-taking as a way of experimenting with new methods. all categories of farmers; others targeted farmers based
On existing insurance schemes, they opined that premium on their objectives and business activities. In terms of
rates are relatively higher, and delay in compensation individual, group, and mass contact, SAUs and KVKs
payments are much frequent. Both these factors were using all the methods in a balanced way;
contributed 54% of farmers’ response as major Departments of Agriculture reported greater use of
dissatisfaction factors. individual contact method. Considering more number of
Analysis of agricultural extension and advisory smallholdings, higher use of individual contact methods
services in India: A system level perspective: To study by public EAS providers can be understood. However,
the functional nature of Extension and Advisory Services they were spending less time on advisory and considering
(EAS), a system level analysis was carried out with 36 the number of vacancies in the department; it is not
possible for them to reach all farmers. Therefore, more
use of group contact method (like exhibitions, agriculture
fair, farmers’ day, etc.), or mass media or ICT is
recommended so that they can reach large number of
farmers with the same resources and time.
Framing policy for overseas acquisition of raw
material by the Indian fertilizer companies: Study
for Department of Fertilizers, Ministry of Chemicals
and Fertilizers, on Framing policy for overseas
acquisition of raw material by the Indian fertilizer
companies and role of the government was undertaken.
Farmers’ perception and awareness
The study looked into (i) the overall fertilizer’s
Impact of governance in irrigation sector on agricultural
productivity availability scenario, India’s import dependence both
at present and in future likely scenario, (ii) import
service providers from Maharashtra and Odisha; mechanism and international market scenario of import
including Public, Private, Farmers’ Producers of fertilizers, their raw materials, feedstock, natural gas
Organisations (FPOs), and Non-Governmental and intermediaries, (iii) comparable policies/policy
Organisations (NGOs). All public EAS providers framework of any other department of GoI and
reported linkages and cooperation with other public EAS international practices, (iv) develop a policy framework
providers as well as non-public EAS providers. Though that aims at encouraging international co-operation, and
from government organisations’ point of view all EAS
providers were linked, the same is not always
reciprocated by the other organisations, indicating that
not all organisations are linked, and some are left outside
as the linkages of public extension organisations.
Moreover, linkages among non-public EAS providers
were not as strong as expected; particularly, FPOs and
some private EAS providers worked in isolation.
Therefore, more synergy and inclusive convergence is
needed at district level. Here, role of public organisations
is important which can cement all them together. Among
all the EAS providers, 65% time of field staff was devoted
to extension and advisory service. Time devoted to
extension activities was less in public extension
organization (27% for District Agriculture Office, overall
43 for public organisations); the remaining time was
Note: OTA– Offtake Agreement, JTC– Joint Trade Comission,
devoted to research, administration and management, etc. JV– Joint Ventures, LTA– Long Term Agreement, MoU–
All public EAS providers were providing advisories Memorandum of Understanding, DoF– Department of Fertilizer,
related to cereals, pulses, oilseeds, cash crops, fruits, MoPNG– Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.
(v) possibility and desirable of the revival of either and used for assigning the sub-indicator weights within
reviving UVL or SPV for international co-operation. the major sources of growth. Diversification towards
The study discussed various approaches such as Joint high-value crops is producing encouraging results. The
Venture, Long Term Agreement and direct market terms of trade showed a positive increase during 2015/
purchase for acquiring raw materials and finished 16 to 2018/19. Cropping intensity was used for evaluating
products of fertilizers. The study also discussed policies the change in income and there is an increase in cropping
for supporting and encouraging these approaches. The intensity from 149% in 2015–16 to 154% in 2018–19.
study recommended that Department of Fertilizer should Livestock and fish production was considered keeping
play a facilitator role for both public and private entities in view its important role in enhancing farmers’ income.
(non-discriminatory) for exploring these approaches.
Agricultural input markets in India: Recent policy Policy imperatives for promoting value chains of
reforms and ways forward: The study reviewed the agricultural commodities in India
policies in three major input sectors: seeds, pesticides Buffalo meat: This study assessed the performance
and fertilizers. The agriculture input markets in India are of buffalo value chain in terms of transaction costs and
undergoing numerous changes in terms of scale of distribution of benefits realised by various chain actors.
operation, participation, and diversification. Various new Further, risk analysis was carried out to identify the
policy reforms such as nutrient based subsidy scheme disease risk hotspots in the value chain. The quantitative
2010, Neem coated urea 2015, Direct benefit transfer mapping showed that aggregators constituted the main
(2017) in fertilizers sector, Price control order of bt-cotton link between farmers and live animal markets and
2015, Seed Bill 2011 (pending) in case of seed sector, accounted for 72% of the total flow of buffaloes to
and the proposed Pesticide management bill 2008 and livestock markets. Of the total meat produced, 71% is
Insecticides (Amendment) Draft Rules 2017 in case of shipped directly to importing countries and the rest to
pesticides were intended to have greater implications on local markets. The risk analysis across value chain
restructuring the sector. The new policies and regulations revealed the 8 risk hotspots in the value chains. These
were tailored for the changing dynamics in the input are overstocking of vehicles by traders, irregular ante-
sector and were intended to have greater implications on mortem examination in livestock markets, animals
restructuring the sector. The input sectors are governed transported for long distances without health certificates,
by different actors and roles. A sector wise discussion on no measure for pre and post-movement isolation and
policies, challenges and way forward were analysed. The testing, non-cleaning/disinfection of vehicles after each
study concluded that considering the dynamic nature of trip, no measure for check for pathogens at slaughter
the sector, policies need to be realigned and reformed in houses, lack of hygienic practices at retail outlets, and
a faster pace. There is a need to strengthen policies to use of contaminated meat cutting wooden slabs.
build partnership; public–private partnership, for R&D The findings of value chain identified structural
in case of seed, for quality control in case of pesticides, deficiencies and vulnerabilities and provided the
and for foreign joint ventures in case of fertilizers. framework for intervention policies that can improve
Doubling of farmers’ income in India: The system efficiency. These may be helpful in streamlining
Government of India is committed to doubling of farmers’ the animal preservation acts in the country to promote
income (DFI) by 2022 with DFI strategies now under scientific practices of meat animal production,
implementation. The committee considered the year rejuvenating the scheme on salvaging and rearing of male
2015–16 as the base year, and extrapolated the average calves for meat production and implementation of
income for that year by using NSSO, 2012–13 farmer integrated and inclusive contract farming system for meat
income estimates. The next income estimates by NSSO buffalo production.
are expected soon. Pending this, ICAR-NIAP estimated Dairy start-ups: The value chain of dairy
the interim growth rates in income for effective entrepreneurs was mapped based on data from 48 startups
monitoring of DFI strategies. The income assessment was covering states of Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh,
done using the seven sources of growth. The real income Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Gujarat
growth was estimated from 2015–16 to 2018–19. The and Jharkhand. It is evident that informal sector
estimates indicated a positive direction of change. Several dominates in the dairy industry and 48.15% of dairy start-
initiatives of the Government are seen to be yielding ups adopted direct selling of milk from producer to
positive results, and the growth momentum can be consumer. This could be due to realization of higher
expected to pick up further. profits. These startups were focusing on quality milk
Crop productivity and resource use efficiency were supply mainly to urban dwellers in hygienic conditions
considered to indicate increase in agricultural output per like selling raw milk in clean glass bottles and few of
unit of land. Aggregate estimates of crop productivity them were selling milk of indigenous cow (Sahiwal, Gir,
were obtained as area weighted productivity estimates. Kankrej) which fetched higher price ranging from ` 60
Production function approach was followed by using crop in Ganganagar (Rajasthan) to ` 110/litre in National
productivity as the output variable and considering major Capital Region (Delhi, Faridabad and Noida). The
farm inputs as the input variables. The elasticity consumers also preferred raw fresh milk over pasteurised
coefficients were obtained based on production function pouch milk. Other channels identified were selling milk
to aggregator vendor and cooperative society. Majority forecasting of effective drought index (EDI). For drought
of the farmers had adopted multiple channels to avoid model development, 52 years of data of Sagar and
marketing risk, to manage fluctuations in milk production Chattarpur districts of Bundelkhand region were used.
and to efficiently manage fluctuating demand in the The forecasting capability of MK-ELM and W-MK-ELM
market for milk and milk products. The value addition is benchmarked with Extreme Learning Machine (ELM),
along the chain and profits were realised higher in the artificial neural network (ANN), least squares support
value chain of integrated production and processing vector regression (LSSVR) models and was found to be
system. superior.
The study developed food safety adoption index by Machine learning techniques based hybrid model
considering 68 scientific practices adopted by different for forecasting in agriculture: Agricultural dataset are
stakeholders in the milk value chain. The regression mostly nonlinear, nonstationary and leptokurtic in nature.
analysis between food safety index and its determinants These properties of dataset pose a variety of problems in
revealed positive association between adoption of food forecasting. Precise forecasting helps both farming
safety measures in the value chain and milk prices. community and policy makers to undertake informed
Organic spices: A value chain analysis of three major decisions. Three different hybrid models, i.e. empirical
spices–ginger, turmeric, and chilli in the north-eastern mode decomposition based support vector regression
region–was done to work out comparative costs and (EMD-SVR), time delay neural network with error
returns, mapping of value chain actors and estimation of correction term (TDNN-ECT) and multivariate adaptive
compliance cost, investment and margins along the value regression splines based artificial neural network
chains. The states having the highest areas under the (MARS-ANN) models were proposed. The EMD-SVR
selected spices were selected and compared with the state model has the capability of smoothing and reducing the
adopting organic production practices. Sikkim was noise (inherited from EMD) and the capability of filtering
purposively chosen as control state as it has largest area dataset and improving forecasting performance (inherited
under organic production. from SVR). TDNN-ECT uses the error correction term
In north-eastern region, ginger is grown in three farm from the two co-integrated series as auxiliary variable.
situation—upland, terrace and jhum/shifting cultivation. The auxiliary information in the form of ECT improves
The non-adopter states of Meghalaya, Mizoram, the forecasting accuracy. MARS-ANN hybrid model was
Arunachal Pradesh and adopter state, Sikkim were developed in which the MARS algorithms were
selected for the study. Major collection centres were employed to extract important factors determining crop
identified in the selected states. The per hectare cost of yield, and the extracted factors were used for yield
cultivation of ginger in organic state was high due to the prediction using ANN methodology. The performance
relatively higher price of organic rhizomes than in the of proposed hybrid models was evaluated with individual
non-adopter states. The net returns, however was highest forecasting models using three different agricultural
in the organic adopter state. A huge return gap of 60.98%, datasets. The results indicated that the performances of
77.83% and 64.85% was observed between the states of the proposed hybrid models are substantially superior as
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh with Sikkim. compared to the individual forecasting model.
These evidences implied that cultivation of organic ginger Regression analysis from sample survey data using
fetches premium prices. The producers’ share in the calibration approach: The calibration approach is
consumer rupee for the organic adopted state was fairly commonly employed in survey estimation to modify the
higher than the non-adopted states. sampling design weights using auxiliary information to
produce efficient estimator for the finite population
STATISTICS AND COMPUTER parameters. Efficient estimator of regression coefficients
APPLICATIONS were developed by extending the calibration approach.
In particular, calibrated estimators developed based upon
Latin hypercube designs: Latin hypercube designs the auxiliary variable(s) correlated with the dependent
(LHDs) are commonly used in designing complex and/or explanatory variable. The estimators of variance
computer models. A new type of Latin hypercube design of proposed estimators were also developed using two
known as Sliced LHD (SLHD) are now a days gaining approaches, viz. analytical and bootstrap. The
importance in the field of computer experiments. SLHDs performance of the proposed estimators along with its
are a special type of LHDs, which can be further corresponding variance estimators were evaluated
partitioned into different slices and act as batches of through simulation studies. The empirical results based
smaller Latin hypercube designs. Developed methods of on simulation studies using both synthetic population and
construction of sliced Latin hypercube designs and sliced real data showed that the developed estimators performed
orthogonal Latin hypercube designs with both equal and better than the existing estimator. Further, the empirical
unequal batch (slice) for up to three slices. results revealed that both analytical and bootstrap
Modelling and forecasting of drought index using variance estimators perform reasonably well.
machine learning techniques: Multiple kernel extreme Robust technique of association for genome wide
learning machine (MK-ELM) and wavelet based MK- case-control study: Analysis of SNPs and haplotypes
ELM (W-MK-ELM) algorithms were implemented for offer a promising new research avenue for finding
Potato (https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/potato/); (3) AICRP on major purposes both for the spatial data generator and
Pesticide Residues (https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/Pesticide/) for the spatial data user. For the generator, the metadata
(4) All India Network Project on Soil Biodiversity provides a framework to document the spatial data and
Biofertilizers (https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/Biofertilizers); (5) declare its content for users. For the user, metadata serves
AICRP on Biological Control of Crop Pests and Diseases many important purposes, including finding the spatial
(https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/biocontrol/); (6) AICRP on data as per need; browsing spatial data; deciding on
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants including Betelvine whether the spatial data will meet the application needs
(https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/map/); (7) All India Network and finding how the spatial data can be accessed.
Project on Honey Bee Research and Training (https:// Developed a workflow based application for geo-
aicrp.icar.gov.in/honeybee/); and (8) All India metadata.
Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops
(https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/potentialcrop/); (9) AICRP on ICAR video and audio gallery
Tobacco (https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/tobacco/); (10) AICRP For providing single window access of all the videos,
on Groundnut (https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/gnut/); (11) audios, mobile apps of ICAR institutes, developed
AICRP on STCR (https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/stcr/); (12) version 2 of (i) ICAR Video Gallery, (ii) ICAR Audio
AICRP on Nematode (https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/ Gallery and (iii) Mobile App Galleries separately using
nematodes/); (13) AICRP on Agroforestery (https:// Angular JS with CAS Spring web App and hosted
aicrp.icar.gov.in/Agroforestry/); (14) AICRP on Goat at https://krishi.icar.gov.in/video; https://krishi.icar.
(https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/goat/); (vii) AICRP on Castor, gov.in/audio and https://krishi.icar.gov.in/mobileapp/
Safflower and Sunflower (https://aicrp.icar.gov.in/css/); respectively. At present 2000+ videos, 70+ Audios and
and hosted on KRISHI Portal. 250+ mobile apps are available in this gallery. Search
Information systems for AICRPs: Developed can be made using keyword(s) or SMD, institute and
Information System for (i) AICRP on Pearl millet and language with drop down filters. Links of the videos of
(ii) AICRP on Castor, Safflower and Sunflower; (iii) CG Centres; AAFC, Canada; CAAS, China; Emprapa,
AICRP on Small Millets to plan and design experiments, Brazil, INRAE, France; CSIRO, Australia; DD KISAN;
generate data, analyze data and prepare report of AICRP KRISHI Darshan, etc. are also provided on this gallery.
experiments. It is also useful for creation of research data Academic management system (AMS): Academic
repository and standardization of analysis and reporting Management system (AMS) Version 2.0 was developed
of experiments. and customized under the NAHEP Component 2 for its
ICAR IPR repository: ICAR institutes are using implementation at various agricultural universities. It is
different IP tools to protect their intellectual assets, viz. a web enabled system for management of all the various
patents, trademarks, copyrights and designs. To compile academic activities of a university. The system caters to
intellectual assets in a scientific manner with its regular the needs of different users: Dean, Registrar, Professor,
update at inventor level, developed an integrated Head, Guide, Faculty, Teacher, Student, Administrators
workflow based application on Patents, Copyrights and and Officials for performing their assigned tasks. The
Varieties registered with PPVFRA. system was designed in a modular approach with in-built
work flows. System ensures that the individuals
responsible for the next task are notified and receive the
data they need to execute at their stage of process. At
present five modules were envisaged, viz. Student
Management, Faculty Management, Course
Management, Administration Management and E-
Learning. Thus, AMS facilitates in automation of various
academic processes of the University and enhances the
transparency and efficiency of the overall system by
saving time and efforts involved in manual processes.
At present, the system is operational in 30 agricultural
universities and implementation was initiated in another
22 universities.
KRISHI-MEGH (NARES Cloud Infrastructure
and Services): With the endeavour to modernize and
digitize the agricultural sector in the country, the National
Spatial meta data repository: Geospatial Metadata Agricultural Research and Information System- Cloud
consists of metadata elements of spatial data in a Infrastructure and Services named KRISHI-MEGH was
documented and structured format. Geo-spatial metadata initiated. This platform is established by ICAR-IASRI
provides the geospatial data producers with the format under the ICAR-World Bank’s National Agricultural
and content for properly describing their data, allowing Higher Education Project’s (NAHEP) with the core
users to evaluate the usefulness of the data in addressing objectives of improving access of agricultural universities
their specific needs. Geo-spatial metadata serves two to the ICAR Data Centre using sophisticated IT solutions.
KrishiMegh was strategically established at NAARM, practitioners, researchers and students through the
Hyderabad, due to its suitable geographical and climatic positive power of digital technology. It can promote
disposition. KrishiMegh integrates the ICAR Data Centre greater access to resources and increase equity especially
at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute with respect to student employment. The platform can
(IASRI), New Delhi with the Disaster Recovery Centre be access on http://alumni.icar.gov.in.
at the ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Accreditation portal for higher agriculture
Management (NAARM), Hyderabad. The platform is education institutions (HAEI): A national platform for
equipped with latest Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Deep- accreditation of HAEIs was developed by ICAR-IASRI
Learning Software/toolkits that enable development and under NAHEP-component-2 to allow HAEIs apply for
execution of deep learning-based applications for ICAR accreditation online. This portal will allow both
agricultural research and development in the country. government and private HAEIs to apply for accreditation
Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare online. This is an important development in agricultural
launched KrishiMegh. The platform was well received, education provisioning in the country. The portal will
and is also in consonance with the New Education Policy facilitate improvements in quality education by enabling
2020 that beckons provision of relevant and high-quality universities and colleges to comply with specific norms
educational resources to Agricultural University students and regulations, prescribed by ICAR. Moreover, the
in India. portal itself will ensure smoother transactions during the
Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Chhatr Alumni Network– process of accreditation, in turn fostering time efficiency,
KVC ALUNET: Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Chhatr transparency and greater accountability.
Alumni Network– KVC ALUNET was developed by Any HAEI wanting to become accredited by ICAR
ICAR-IASRI under NAHEP-component-2. This digital will have to first submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) along
alumni platform will foster the development of a vibrant with Institutional Eligibility for Accreditation (IEA) and
multicultural Alumni association wherein alumni can Statement of Compliance (SoC) to the National
contribute towards strengthening their existing Agricultural Education Accreditation Board (NAEAB)
networks, interact in real time and participate in Secretariat. Next, once these documents are accepted,
university level events. the HAEI will be requested to submit a Self-Study
KVC ALUNET was established to facilitate alumni Report (SSR) to the respective Regional Centre of
from 74 agricultural universities onto a common NAEAB through the portal. Regional Centres will
platform. Furthermore, this platform will help current examine SSR to determine compliance with NAEAB
students’ network with alumni for internships and guidelines. Upon receiving a satisfactory assessment
placements. Finally, the platform will allow alumni to by the Regional Centre, the HAEI will be accredited
explore various on-going research activities and by ICAR.
collaborate with faculty and students. KVC ALUNET Online agricultural university ranking system: In
has the potential to strengthen the network of agri- line with the National Initiative on Ranking of Indian
and medical degree programmes, practicing veterinarians, wise gender work participation in agriculture. Female
health care workers and general public. agriculture work participation (as percent of population)
IVRI-Veterinary Clinical Care-App: This app was calculated for all the 640 districts and thematic maps
targets to impart knowledge and skills to Graduating were generated using QGIS3.10. Thematic map for female
Veterinarians and Field veterinary Officers about most agriculture work participation was overlaid with 15 agro-
frequent clinical conditions encountered in field climatic regions (ACR) for analysing the spatial
conditions related to medicine, gynecology and surgery. distribution of female agricultural workers across different
The App covers information about each of these ACR. Under the extramural research project on
conditions under the various subheads, viz. About, development of gender sensitive entrepreneurship model,
Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention, and three major sectors, viz. horticulture, dairy and farm
Control. implements for establishing institute-industry-women
farmers’ linkage were identified and a survey of
Mobile App for ICAR-Technologies: Technology participating 100 farm women from each sectors was
Mobile App developed based on the Technology conducted on their role performance, needs, perceptions
Repository which consists of proven technologies/ to understand the women and gender issues in selected
methodologies generated by ICAR institutions. The agro-based industries.
mobile app provides the information on the selection on Livelihood and socio-economic policy for food and
commodity, major resource, technology group and nutritional security: With an aim to develop gender
technology related particular field. It also provides search sensitive model for doubling farmers’ income,
facility based on key word. More than 1,270 technologies technological and developmental gaps were analysed by
are available in open access. experts and logical technological modules were designed.
The need based modules were demonstrated through
WOMEN EMPOWERMENT training, demonstrations, capacity building programmes,
input support and advisory services, promoting high
ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture (ICAR- yielding varieties and hybrids through 16 programmes
CIWA) is an institution first of its kind in the world that covering 125 farm families. Nutritional interventions for
is exclusively devoted to gender related research in enhancing the protein consumption of farm families of
agriculture. ICAR-CIWA has a mandate of undertaking Semla village of Umarkote Block, Nabrangapur, an
research on gender issues in agriculture and allied fields, aspirational district was made by introducing the
gender-equitable agricultural policies/ programmes and cultivation of high yielding variety of black gram PU 31
gender-sensitive agricultural-sector responses and co- to capitalize on the residue moisture available after paddy
ordinating research through its AICRP centres spread cultivation as paira cropping. The intervention had a
across 12 states in India. The Institute’s primary activities positive impact on the Chronic Energy Deficiency where
include standardization of methodologies for livelihood it showed a decrease to the tune of 4.53% and 6.59% in
analysis and developing vulnerability framework for farm women and men, respectively. To improve women’s
women, community and NRM based technological health condition involved in household chores, terafil
interventions for livelihood security, skill and water filter and smokeless chulhas were also distributed.
entrepreneurship development of women, management To understand the impact of establishment of milk
of operational drudgery for farm women and striving for producers’ cooperative, Khalagaon Milk Producer Co-
food and nutritional security of farm families including operative Society (MPCS) was selected and its activities
water, health and sanitation. were analyzed and mapped. The Khalagaon MPCS has a
Extension systems, grass-root institution and total of 161 members of which only 10 were female. The
capacity building: The institute has taken an initiative society generated revenue of ` 62.76 lakh for its members
to develop the technology hub and gender sensitization by collecting 2.37 lakh litres of milk (2018–19). On an
micro-lab to highlight the contribution of women in average, the members earned ` 5,082/month. The average
agriculture, work participation and malnutrition scenario, milk price was ` 26.48/litre.
photo gallery of rural women, daily activity clock, women Under the IRRI-CIWA collaborative project, 8
centric government initiatives, technologies in drudgery producer groups mobilizing 1,000 women farmers
reduction and success stories through Voice of Women. processed and marketed aromatic rice through Chitri Dora
Designing and development of Gender Sensitive Agri- farmers Producer Company in Koraput district of Odisha.
Nutri (GSAN) farming system model was undertaken and Under the DSIR funded project on adding value to fish,
it could be observed that most of the problems were related consumer perception on value added products (VAP)
to state departments, hence, it is suggested that necessary were studied by conducting a survey of 150 urban
policy measures may be taken up by the government to consumers of Odisha. Thirty per cent consumers opined
address the farm women’s problems and issues. A gender- that they are willing to buy VAP products of fish if they
sensitive model for doubling farmers’ income was evolved are available in prices comparable to that of chicken/veg
by addressing gender concerns and technological gap. A products. Perceived occupational needs of fisherwomen
web based dynamic database was developed for were studied through survey of 200 fisherwomen selected
generating data tables related to state-wise and district- from 20 different SHG groups from Astaranga and Puri
Sadar blocks of Puri district, Odisha, in which credit was 80–130 kg/0.17 ha prior to project) and a net profit of
noted as the most important need by 100% women. ` 20,560. On an average, 174 kg vegetables were
Recipes of prawn pickle harvested from the trellis system around ponds and pond
and other value added fish bunds with a monthly income of ` 6,419 (pond area
products were standard- ranging from 0.08 to 0.22 ha). Women friendly gill
ized. Market link nets introduced to facilitate regular biweekly harvesting
developed for the brand of small indigenous fishes resulted in a harvest of 200–
Fishlikes prepared by 750 g/15 days which was entirely used for home
women SHG groups. The consumption. A study was conducted to study the effect
penetration of the product of supplementary feeding on production performance
into the market growing of Vanaraja laying hens and income of farm women
with sales through 4 falcon reared under extensive system of production.
fresh stores and local Supplementary feeding @ 35 g/bird/day during 16-40
shops. women getting a weeks of age resulted in significantly higher egg
profit of ` 130–150/kg of production and egg size. Calculating the feed cost at
pickle. The ICAR-CIWA ` 20/kg, the net return was higher by ` 1,790 per
facilitated for procurement beneficiary (n=20) due to supplementary feeding. A
of FSSAI license and GST and also trade license from family poultry production model was developed for
Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation under the trade enhancing income and improving nutrition security of
name Fishlikes. farm families through working with a cluster of 40
Technology assessment and refinement: Various farm families in Chanrapada and Parichanrapada
intercropping models suitable for mango orchards were villages of Nimapada block of Puri district, Odisha.
demonstrated in a participatory mode to cater to the Drudgery and vulnerability: The existing
financial and nutritional requirements of 55 farm families technologies related to fish processing developed by
in 2 villages of aspirational district Mayurbhanj. A ICAR and other national institutions were documented
sustainable livelihood index was developed in which and also assessed the gender based drudgery prone
pineapple as intercrop got the highest score (86.6). activities, testing the solution through available/ refined
Pineapple proved to be the best intercrop in terms of technologies in fish processing. Drudgery experienced
environmental conservation, input recycling, by women was assessed on a 5 point scale, with the
employment generation and income enhancement. A field highest score given to drudgery experience during
study was conducted to assess the effect of critical marketing of fish (28.01). Two model prototypes of disc
supplementation of mineral mixture in lactating crossbred ridger based on the anthropometry and strength of farm
and it resulted in improved milk yield by 14.5% with women were developed and tested. As a part of livelihood
significantly enhanced reproductive efficiency. The net improvement of tribal farm women through secondary
return over feed cost and feed efficiency was improved agriculture, technological interventions in the processing
by 21 and 12% in mineral supplemented group, of ragi, mango, tomato and cashew nut was given to tribal
respectively. A similar study was conducted in goats women of Ganjam district and a schematic model for
which resulted in improved number of services per establishing small scale enterprise was developed.
pregnancy, reduced post parturient complications Under the collaborative project of ICAR-CIWA and
predominantly abortion (30%), retention of placenta and Mahindra and Mahindra, custom hiring centre was set
dystokia (10%) in mineral mixture supplemented group. up by the cluster or village level organization in 42
The analysis of gender roles and needs in the villages in districts Mayurbhanj and Koraput. On-farm
homestead aquaculture was analysed and social skill demonstration through resource farmers, refresher
acceptance, support from counterpart/ family members, trainings at cluster level, interactive session with
technological knowhow scientists, exposure visits and linkage with service/ repair
on polyculture of small centres was imparted by ICAR-CIWA. Drudgery
indigenous fishes with reducing tool kits were distributed to 360 women farmers
Indian major carps, timely and effectiveness was also studied. Under AICRP on
availability of quality seed Ergonomics and Safety in Agriculture, a pre- and post-
and availability of credit perception study, physiological test and postural analysis
were perceived as most was done for newly developed harvest bag. Performance
important by all the evaluation and economic analysis of the women friendly
women farmers. In power operated groundnut stripper-cum-decorticator
polyculture of Indian showed stripping output capacity of 12.12 kg/h, reduction
major carps with small in stripping cost of ` 0.37/kg compared to manual stripper
indigenous fishes, an and 50% reduction in cost of equipment as compared to
average production of existing decorticator which performs only one operation.
298.2 kg of IMC was A questionnaire to develop a scale for assessing level of
obtained from 0.17 ha water area (which was around mechanisation among farm women was developed.
All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) and published. A study on promoting Farm Women
on Home Science: The research projects under AICRP Knowledge Groups (FWKGs) for enhanced use of ICT
on Home Science were carried out through five in agriculture and allied sectors was undertaken and to
components within the micro and macro ecosystems to enhance the use of ICT tools in these activities, capacity
bring about qualitative changes in family life of rural building programmes organized, intervention packages
households. A total of 362 foods from different food were validated and tested for their effectiveness. Based
groups having low Glycemic Index (GI) were on the constraints faced by the farm women due to the
documented and a database on low GI foods for the effects of climate change, different region specific climate
management of diabetes was prepared which were interventions were provided.
effective in maintaining blood sugar levels within normal Drudgery was characterized and field trials were
levels and in reverting pre-diabetic status. The products conducted for promotion of gender friendly technologies
of high fibre multigrain mix were formulated from locally in different production systems. Fifty one (51) improved
available functional food ingredients for management of technologies were recommended for farm women in 11
over nutrition/obesity. Region specific nutri-dense ready production systems, which can enhance the production
to use mix with focus on high calorie, high protein and and efficiency and reducing drudgery. Ergonomic
micronutrient rich, Convenience mix was developed from assessment was carried out in different selected agro
locally available food systems for management of under enterprises, where the extent of involvement of women
nutrition. The nutridense food mix products increased was significant. Twenty one (21) technologies were
the body weight of experimental group. Two MoUs were developed for reduction of drudgery of women workers
signed for commercialization of high fibre food mix. A in the selected enterprises. A package on Reproductive
mobile app on diet for diabetic persons was developed health care for psychological wellbeing of married
by AAU, Jorhat Centre. women, was developed. For development of Parenting
An effort was made to design and develop products Index for Rural Families (PIRF), data were collected from
for various end uses using locally available underutilized 6,428 families by considering different parameters
fibres under textile component. Products of the eco-based analysed for making Index. Effect of parenting practices
fabric such as clothing and gadgets for sportech, hygiene on developmental outcomes of the children was also
products were designed, developed and evaluated for assessed. A mobile app on parenting was developed by
functional performance and found that treated fabrics UAS, Dharwad Centre and another mobile App on
have no adverse effects on wearers. A patent on Menopause and Health was developed by CSKHPKV,
Biodegradable Mesta Composite Pots for Nurseries Palampur Centre.
invented by AICRP on HS, UAS, Dharwad, was filed K
13. Information, Communication and
Publicity Services
The Directorate of Knowledge management in monthly magazines/journals namely Indian Farming,
Agriculture (DKMA) is mandated to showcase ICAR’s Kheti, The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences and
technologies, policies and other activities through state The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences and bi-monthly
of the art dissemination methods that cater various popular magazines Phal Phool and Indian Horticulture
stakeholders in the field of agriculture. In the fast to the subscribers and stakeholders. DKMA could not
changing knowledge intensive era, the DKMA is organize/participate in any exhibition for showcasing
committed to promote ICT-driven technology and ICAR technologies and publications due to COVID19
information dissemination system for quicker and more pandemic during the period April to December 2020.
effective out reach. The ICAR-DKMA publishes Achieved the revenue of approximately 21 lakh from the
periodicals, books, handbooks, annual reports, sale of publications and e-products during the year April
newsletters, bulletins, monographs, e-books, media to December 2020.
columns, social media contents, advisories, etc. The
knowledge banks are available in open access as well as Social media
in closed access models to the stakeholders in agriculture. In order to disseminate information in real-time and
ICAR-DKMA has already taken steps to disseminate also the last time, the ICAR website is updated on regular
knowledge by using up-to-date most popular ICT tools basis, and in total 3,965 pages were updated, and page-
for benefitting the national as well as global agricultural views 7,284,515 from more than 200 countries.
world. The Directorate makes sincere efforts to take the Knowledge seekers across the globe visited the website.
knowledge through mass media for enhancing the The top five countries visiting the website include India,
knowledge of the people. ICAR-DKMA maintains United States of America, United Kingdom, United Arab
knowledge in the Consortium of e-Resources in Emirates, and Nepal. On ICAR facebook total 399 posts
Agriculture (CeRA), Library Management and Open were published and it has 220,207 followers. ICAR
Access National E-Library on Agriculture (e-pubs). twitter handle https://twitter.com/icarindia has more than
120,970 followers. On an average one tweet is posted
Knowledge and information products every day, there are total 409 tweets. The YouTube
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences and The Channel of ICAR has video films, animations, lectures/
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, the prestigious interviews by dignitaries and eminent scientists,
monthly research journals with international impact proceedings of national and international events, etc. It
factor are available in the open access mode (http:// has 54,800 subscribers.
epubs.icar.org.in/ejournal). The in-house publications
like ICAR Reporter and ICAR News are also available ICT and E-Governance in ICAR
on ICAR website for wider global reach. These are The ICT Roadmap of ICAR was prepared for
viewed in about 140 countries the world over. The popular development and implementation of various software,
periodicals like Indian Farming and Indian Horticulture IT tools, databases and e-Governance software in line of
in English and Phal Phool and Kheti in Hindi were Digital India Mission of the country. This ICT roadmap
brought out to disseminate up-to-date knowledge and envisaged short term and long-term ICT/IT activities
technologies to the stakeholders involved in agricultural which is needed for undertaking ICT/IT projects based
production and processing in the country and at global on disruptive ICT technologies such as Precision
level having similar climatic conditions and geographical Agriculture, Dynamic Decision Support and advisory
similarities. system, e-governance software using AI, DL, ML, block
The Business Unit is playing a pivotal role in revenue chain and big data analytical techniques. This will not
generation for Directorate of Knowledge Management only help in increasing farmer’s income through
in Agriculture by adopting new marketing strategies. This increasing agricultural productivity by use of optimum
Unit is responsible for distributing important publications agricultural inputs but also help for smooth functioning
like DARE/ICAR Annual Report, ICAR Budget Book, of the Council. In this ICT roadmap, five functional
ICAR Reporter, ICAR News and other important groups were created to cater different ICT/IT
publications to all the officers of ICAR Institutes, Project development and implementation requirement of
Directors, Co-ordinators, Vice-Chancellors, SAUs, different databases/software/tools/mobile and Web
NGOs, Scientists, Extension Workers, Members of services. Also, in order to implement this roadmap, a
Parliament and other important dignitaries regularly. separate IT unit was created in ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi.
Apart from this, the unit is responsible for taking Further, e-Governance Division of ICAR Headquarters
initiatives for marketing and timely distribution of was renamed as ICT Unit. This ICT Unit of ICAR
Headquarters was further strengthened by merging the Council for agricultural research and development.
Agriculture Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU) of This e-office platform, which is being developed by NIC
ICAR Headquarters. In order to make paperless/ is implemented in the Council by hosting it in fully
environmental friendly office, e-office software secured ICAR data center at ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi.
developed by NIC was implemented across 112 ICAR There is more than 13 times increase in number of e-
Institutes along with their Regional Stations/Sub-Stations files created, e-receipt generated and movements of files/
in the country by 15 July 2020. This is not only a major receipts from January 2020 to October 2020 in all ICAR
step forward of the Council towards National Digital institutes.
India Mission but it also brought more efficiency, A DARPAN Dashboard was developed by NIC and
transparency, accountability in the overall working of hosted on common framework in the Country. This
provides centralized, easy-to-access platform for display developed by Directorate General of Employment,
and access of data from multiple sources. In this Ministry of Labour and Employment, was implemented
Dashboard, Manual/real time data on Key Performance in all ICAR institutes. The NCS portal brings together
Indicators (KPIs) is presented for selected Schemes/ various stakeholders like Job Seekers, employers,
Projects in tabular as well as in graphical form which government organizations, skill providers, career
indicates (i) success, (ii) helps in policy formulations and advisors, local service providers etc., to facilitate job
(iii) identification in areas for improvement by postings, job search, shortlisting of candidates based on
implementing Department/Agency. It has major various parameters like qualification, college, city, state
analytical capacities including drill down/rollup both in etc. Further, in Personal Management System (https://
tabular and graphical format. It is accessible through Web pms.icar.gov.in/) of ICAR recent transfer policy was
on any browser and device. An Integrated dashboard of implemented and it is open for transfer of scientists within
ICAR was developed (https://icar.dashboard.nic.in) ICAR institute. This makes the transfer of scientist based
under nine different themes (i) Crop Seed Production on objective criteria and it is completely transparent and
and Distribution, (ii) Horticultural Seed Production, highly efficient. Also, now scientist can seek direct
(iii) Animal and Fish Seed Production, (iv) Training and transfer at different Regional Station of ICAR institute.
Capacity Building, (v)Animal Genetic Resources, Further, implementation of Learning Management
(vi) Variety released, (vii) Technologies and Machinery System (LMS) (https://icar.lms.gov.in) and DigiLocker
developed, (viii) Animal and Fish Production developed by MeitY were initiated in the Council in
Management, and (ix) Frontline Extension. related institutions. Also, due to COVID-19 pandemic
Apart from this, the National Career Service (NCS) situation, different meeting and conferences were
portal (www.ncs.gov.in), an integrated platform to organized using ICT through Virtual Meeting Tools.
connect career opportunities with aspirations of the youth K
Technology Assessment, Demonstration
and Capacity Development
Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), part of frontline management, as well as processing and value addition
extension system, are mandated for technology were taken up for assessment. The major theme was
assessment and demonstration for its application and Feed and Fodder Management with 202 technologies
capacity development under different farming situations and 774 trials at 719 locations. The major livestock
across the country. During the reported year, 12 new species covered were cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, poultry,
KVKs were established taking the total number of pig and fish.
KVKs to 722 in the country. Besides lab-to-land Other enterprises: Under other enterprises category,
activities for outreach, important programmes such as 363 technologies were tested at 1,172 locations through
Farmers FIRST, Attracting and Retaining Youth in 2,971 trials. Major thematic areas under enterprises
Agriculture (ARYA), Cluster Frontline Demonstration were mechanization, processing and value-addition,
of pulses and oilseeds, Cereal Systems Initiatives for drudgery reduction, small-scale income generation,
South Asia (CSISA), National Innovations in Climate storage techniques, health and nutrition, energy
Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), Pulses Seed hubs, Mera conservation, household food security, organic farming,
Gaon Mera Gaurav and Awareness creation on agro-forestry management and resource conservation
government schemes, etc. were taken up to address technology. The major enterprises also included
various challenges of engaging youth in agriculture, mushroom cultivation, vermi-compost production,
brining self-sufficiency in production of pulses and processing of fruits and vegetables, nutritional garden
oilseeds, sustainable agriculture, etc. and rural craft.
Women empowerment: Farm women related 280
Technology assessment technologies were assessed through 2,797 trials at 699
Technology assessment is one of the main activities locations. Major themes under this category were
of KVKs to identify the location specificity of drudgery reduction (technologies 92, trials 880,
agricultural technologies developed by National locations 126), and health and nutrition (technologies
Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) under various 59, trials 492, locations 74).
farming systems. The details of technologies assessed
at different locations are discussed here. Frontline demonstrations
Crops: A total of 5,421 technologies of various Cluster frontline demonstration
crops were assessed at 13,094 locations by KVKs The Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New
through conduct of 25,357 trails on the farmers’ field Delhi initiated national level Cluster Frontline
under different thematic areas, namely cropping systems, Demonstration (CFLDs) on Pulses and Oilseeds with
drudgery reduction, farm machineries, integrated crop funding support from Department of Agriculture,
management, integrated disease management, integrated Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare with main objective
nutrient management, integrated pest management, to demonstrate the production potential of new varieties
integrated weed management, processing and value and the related technologies. The project also aimed
addition, resource conservation technologies, seeds and for enhancing the pulses and oilseeds production in
planting materials production, storage techniques the country.
besides varietal assessment for cereals, pulses, oilseeds, Pulses: Out of a total of 23,245.00 ha area planned,
fruits, vegetable and commercial crops. Varietal 22,329.53 ha area was covered by conducting 60,166
evaluation was the major theme of technology demonstrations across the country. A total of 8,175.59
assessment with 1,442 technologies assessed through ha area (22,421 demonstrations) was covered in kharif,
5,550 trials. Other major themes on which technology 10,834.04 ha area (29,440 demonstrations) in rabi
assessment was made include integrated nutrient and 3,319.90 ha (8,305 demonstrations) in summer
management (788 technologies, 3,169 trials, 1,852 season.
locations) and integrated pest management (767 There was 263.23, 175.51 and 33.95% increase in
technologies, 3,070 trials, 1,924 locations). yield over national average yield, state average yield
Livestock: Under livestock, 1,034 technological and local check yield, respectively, in blackgram; 78.04,
interventions across 3,338 locations covering 5,156 26.23 and 38.64% in green gram; 62.62, 111.78 and
trials on animals under the thematic areas of disease 34.68% in pigeon pea; 131.84, 126.93 and 29.51% in
management, evaluation of breeds, feed and fodder chickpea; 71.41, 184.20 and 34.69% in fieldpea; 59.20,
management, nutrition management, production 118.68 and 34.05% in lentil; and 4.35, 77.90 and
Yield advantage through CFLDs on oilseeds over national, state and check yield
The increase in yield recorded under FLDs as compared targeted productivity enhancement and cost reduction
to farmers’ practice was 47.10% in vegetables, 19.58% of field crops (23.01%), horticultural crops (14.88%),
in fruits, 37.41% in flowers, 38.30% in spices and plant protection (13.42%), livestock production and
condiments, and 17.46% in plantation crops over the management (10.81%), soil health and fertility
farmers’ practices. management (10.14%), empowerment of rural women
Commercial crops: Across the country, 416 including home science (11.74%), agricultural
demonstrations were conducted in an area of 163.5 ha engineering (3.93%), capacity building for group actions
through KVKs. The yield increase in FLDs was 32.74% (4.88%), production of inputs (3.54%), fisheries (2.37%)
in sugarcane and 8.38% in cotton as compared to and others including agro-forestry (1.29%). Out of
local checks. these training courses 41.25% were organized on-farm
Fibre crops: In all, 1,129 demonstrations were while rest (58.75%) were organized off-campus. Within
conducted on different fibre crops in an area of 468.50 field crops, integrated crop management was the leading
ha area through KVKs. The yield increase in FLDs theme in which 23.64% of courses were organized
was 15.16% in cotton and 18.41% in jute as compared followed by weed management (8.96%), seed
to local checks. production (8.81%), cropping systems (7.16%),
Fodder crops: Demonstrations on crops such as integrated farming (5.48%), resource conservation
berseem, maize, sorghum, Napier grass, etc., were technologies (7.85%), nursery management (3.48%),
conducted in 2,838 farmers’ fields covering an area crop diversification (5.35%), water management
of 454.92 ha. The yield increase in fodder oats was (2.86%) and production of organic inputs (4.70%).
40.52% over farmers’ practice. Berseem recorded yield Among the training courses on horticulture, vegetable
increase of 29.52%, fodder grass 36.49% and fodder crops constituted 47.97% while proportion of courses
maize 31.12% in the demonstrations over their on fruits was 29.29%. However, the respective share
respective farmers’ practices. of training courses on medicinal and aromatic plants,
Hybrids: To achieve higher harvest index in crops, spices, tuber crops, plantation crops and ornamental
KVKs conducted 6,024 demonstrations on hybrids plants was less than 7%.
covering an area of 2,111.41 ha in cereals, millets, Rural youth: Training courses (7,309) for the skill
oilseeds, pulses, fodder crops, commercial crops and development of rural youth were organized for 1.90
horticultural crops. Demonstrations on hybrids of lakh participants out of which 69,345 (36.48%) were
oilseeds were conducted across the country covering the young women during this year. The highest
226.53 ha and a total of 2,280 demonstrations were proportion of training courses under this category were
conducted on various vegetables, fruits, flowers and imparted on mushroom production (9.34%) followed
spices in 669.5 ha area. by value addition (7.13%), seed production (5.88%),
Farm mechanization: Demonstrations (9,706) were bee keeping (5.01%), nursery management of
conducted on improved tools and farm implements horticultural crops (4.32%), poultry production (4.27%),
including drudgery reduction technologies covering vermi-culture (4.08%), integrated farming (4.04%),
an area of 3,211.47 ha. production of organic inputs (3.86%), dairying (3.67%),
Livestock and fisheries: Demonstrations on dairy protected cultivation of vegetable crops (3.22%), sheep
animals, poultry, sheep and goat, poultry including and goat rearing (2.90%), post-harvest technology
chicken, quail turkey and duck, piggery, rabbit, etc., (2.79%) and repair and maintenance of farm machinery
were carried out at 15,533 farmer’s locations and 1,576 and implements (2.52%). There were other areas on
demonstrations were conducted on fisheries. which relatively smaller number of training courses
Enterprises: Demonstrations on 20 enterprises like was organized for the rural youth. These trainings
mushroom cultivation, apiary, sericulture, value- were conducted mainly on-campus (62.01%).
addition, vermicompost, nursery, etc., were conducted Extension personnel: Capacity development of 1.51
involving 1,7159.15 units in which 15,126 farmers lakh extension personnel was carried out through 4,934
benefitted. On women and children, 3,426 courses in the country. The proportion of female
demonstrations were conducted on various enterprises participants in these programmes was 26.33%. Different
like value addition, kitchen garden, nutrition, etc. extension functionaries working both in government
and non-government organizations for the development
Capacity development of agricultural sector in the country were included in
A total of 17.27 lakh farmers/farm women, rural these training programmes. The trainings mainly
youth and extension personnel were trained on various focussed on agricultural technologies aimed at
aspects through 57,879 training programmes including productivity enhancement in field crops (13.21%),
the sponsored training courses. integrated pest management (12.53%), integrated
Farmers and farm women: Training courses nutrient management (8.51%), management of farm
(45,636) on various technologies benefitted 13.86 lakh animals (4.50%), protected cultivation technology
farmers and farm women out of which 8.83 lakh (64%) (4.13%), production and use of organic inputs (3.99%),
participants were from other classes while 5.03 lakh livestock feed and fodder production (3.71%), women
(36%) were from SC/ST category. These courses and child care (3.65%), capacity building on ICT
application (3.04%), care and maintenance of farm hybrids, bio-products and elite species of livestock,
machinery and implements (2.61%), rejuvenation of poultry and fish which benefitted 26.37 lakh farmers
old orchards (2.57%), low cost and nutrient efficient in the country.
diet designing (2.21%), group dynamics and farmers Seeds: During the year, 1.70 lakh quintal seeds of
organization (2.19%), formation and management of improved varieties and hybrids of cereals, oilseeds,
SHGs (2.09%), household food security (1.93%), pulses, commercial crops, vegetables, flowers, fruits,
information networking among farmers (1.82%) and spices, fodder, forest species, medicinal plants and
gender mainstreaming through SHGs (1.22%). Higher fibre crops were produced and provided to 9.22 lakh
proportion of trainings for extension personnel were farmers.
organised on-campus (69.96%) compared to the off- Planting materials: Total of 436.99 lakh quality
campus (31.04%). planting materials of elite species of commercial crops,
Sponsored training programmes: With a vegetables, fruits, ornamental, medicinal and aromatic
specialized focus, 5,608 sponsored training courses crops, plantation crops, spices, tuber crops, fodder
were organized for 2.48 lakh participants mainly and forest species were produced and provided to 6.05
comprised farmers, farm-women, rural youth and lakh farmers.
extension personnel. The women participants constituted Bio-products: Bio-products, namely, bio-agents
26.57% of the total in these training programmes. (19,569.94 q), bio-pesticides (1,664.62 q), bio-fertilizers
The sponsored programmes were mainly focussed on (29,859.16 q) and other bio-products (12,985.42 q)
crop production and management (51.01%), livestock including vermi-compost, mineral mixture, etc., were
and fisheries (14.08%), home science (6.43%), produced. Thus, a total of 64,079.15 q bio-products
agricultural extension (19.84%), farm machinery were produced and supplied to 10.26 lakh farmers.
(2.97%) and miscellaneous (5.68%). Similarly, there Livestock strains and fish fingerlings: In all, 8,234
were 3,534 sponsored training for vocational courses animals of improved breeds of cow, sheep, goat, buffalo
which benefitted 80,573 rural youth of the country. and breeding bull were produced and supplied to 11,766
farmers. Similarly, 6.12 lakh strains/breeds/eggs of
Extension programmes poultry birds (chickens, quails, ducks and turkey) were
KVKs organized 6.60 lakh extension programmes/ provided to 40,808 farmers. Improved breeds of pigs
activities in the form of advisory services, diagnostic (2,922) were provided to 1,193 farmers. KVKs also
and clinic service, celebration of important days, enabled 46 farmers to establish small rabbit rearing
exhibitions, exposure visit, ex-trainees sammelan, farm units by providing 293 rabbits. Fish fingerlings (110.59
science club conveners’ meet, farmers’ seminar, farmers’ lakh) were produced and supplied to 29,690 farmers.
visit to KVK, field days, film shows, group meeting, Thus, a total of 116.82 lakh livestock strains and fish
kisan goshthi, kisan melas, lectures delivered as resource fingerlings were produced and supplied to 83,503
persons, mahila mandal conveners’ meetings, method farmers.
demonstrations, plant/animal health camps, scientists’
visit to farmers’ fields, self-help group meetings, soil Soil, water and plant analysis
health camps, soil-test campaigns, workshop and others Soil, water, plant and manure samples brought by
to create awareness among farmers, extension personnel, farmers were analysed at KVKs and suitable advisories
other stakeholders and public about various technologies based on analysis were provided to them. During the
in agriculture and allied sectors. These programmes reporting period, 3.98 lakh samples comprising 3.65
were attended by 402.21 lakh participants of which lakh soil samples, 0.28 lakh water samples, 0.05 lakh
397.61 lakh were farmers and 4.60 lakh were extension plant samples and 0.003 lakh manure samples were
personnel. analysed by KVKs covering 5.34 lakh farmers
Besides, a total of 2.69 lakh mass contact extension belonging to 0.69 lakh villages across the country
activities were conducted in the form of TV and the revenue generated was ` 297.13 lakh. Soil
programmes, radio talks, CDs/DVDs and print media, health cards (4.56 lakh) were also issued to the farmers
viz. extension literature, newspaper coverage, popular by KVKs.
articles, research articles, training manuals, technical Mobile advisory services: For providing timely and
bulletins, leaflets, folders and books/booklets. Large need based information to farming community, the
number of activities were covered through extension KVKs send agro-advisories to the farmers on their
literature (1,44,974). About 19.57 lakh farmers made mobiles through mKisan portal of Department of
their footfall to KVK and 25,753 news items were Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare.
published in local and national dailies. Scientists of Information on weather, market, various farm operations,
KVKs published 4,620 popular articles besides 4,088 outbreak of pest and disease incidence and their control
radio talks and 2,608 TV talks. measures are given to farmers through Short Message
Service (SMS). Advisories on various aspects of
Production of technological products agriculture, animal husbandry and other allied sectors
KVKs produced technological products like seeds were sent by KVKs through 6,457.76 lakh messages
and planting materials of improved varieties and during the reporting period.
Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare. During the reporting crops. During the year, 39,659.52 q seeds of pigeon
period, as many as 821 skill training programmes were pea, blackgram, green gram, lentil, chickpea, field
organized for 15,926 rural youth. Majority of trainings pea and lathyrus were produced and made available
programmes were organized in the job roles of to farmers.
Mushroom grower, Nursery worker, Quality seed Crop residue management: The KVKs (60) are
grower, organic grower, Small poultry farmer, Dairy implementing the Information, Education and
farmer entrepreneur, Beekeeper, Assistant gardener, Communication (IEC) component of the Scheme on
Agriculture extension service provider, Animal health Promotion of agricultural mechanization for in situ
worker, etc. management of crop residue in the state of Punjab,
Farmer FIRST: Farmer FIRST Programme is a Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi to educate
flagship programme initiated by ICAR to move beyond the farmers and other stakeholders about ill effects of
production and productivity; to privilege the smallholder crop residue burning. In situ management of crop
agriculture; and complex, diverse and risk prone realities residue was the prime focus of Government of India
of majority of the farmers through enhancing farmers and ICAR during 2019. A total of 410 machines were
scientists interface. During the reporting period, a total procured by the KVKs in this period out of which
of 32,817 demonstrations were conducted, 2,582 Happy seeder assumed the lead role followed by zero
extension programmes were organized, 73,202 animals till drill and rotavator, etc. Under this component 44
(livestock and poultry) were covered and 98,267 farm Kisan melas were organized in which 3.96 lakh
families were benefitted in all modules. participants were educated on the significance and
urgency of CRM followed by 650 awareness programs
targeting 71,392 participants, 543 schools and colleges
mobilizing 46,386 students through essay, debate and
painting competitions; 12,469 demonstrations focusing
on 17,239 farmers; 194 training programs benefitting
7,423 participants; 175 exposure visits of 4,777
participants and 183 field/ harvest days to demonstrate
results to 8,535 persons.
Other activities under IEC initiative of CRM project
include distribution of 4.11 lakh publicity material
(leaflets/ pamphlets etc.); placing 20,553 posters/
Module-wise number of demonstrations/programme and banners; 3,672 wall paintings; fixing of 1,187 hoardings
number of farm families under Farmer FIRST Programme at mandi/ road side/ market/ schools/ petrol pumps/
Panchayats, etc.; publication of 431 articles and news-
Out of the total demonstrations conducted, highest items in the newspapers and magazines; 292
number of demonstrations (11,399) were conducted advertisements in the print media; and 81 TV
in crop module followed by 9,245 demonstrations in programmes/ panel discussions on Doordarshan/ DD-
livestock and poultry; 5,669 demonstrations in Kisan and other private channels.
horticulture module; 5,606 demonstrations in NRM Nutri-sensitive Agricultural Resources and
module; and 898 demonstrations in IFS module. Innovation: Nutri-sensitive Agricultural Resources and
Out of the total farm families, 17,595 farm families Innovations (NARI) is a nutrition centric initiative by
in crop module; 7,661 in NRM module; 12,589 in ICAR for improving their health and nutrition of rural
horticulture module; 17,497 in livestock and poultry mass. Under this programme, a total of 7,968 activities
module; 2,185 in IFS module; and 40,740 in extension on nutritional garden, biofortified varieties of crops,
activities, were benefitted. value addition and other enterprises including 2,155
Mera gaon Mera gaurav: An innovative initiative training programmes and 3,514 extension activities
Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav (MGMG) aimed to promote were conducted.
the direct interface of scientists with the farmers to Out of the total activities, 6,125 activities on
hasten the lab-to-land process. The objective of this nutritional garden; 552 activities on bio-fortified
scheme is to provide farmers with required information, varieties of crops, 914 activities on value addition
knowledge and advisories on regular basis by adopting and 377 activities on other enterprises were conducted.
villages. A total of 117 institutions including ICAR Out of the total participants (863,182), 18,490
institutes and SAUs implemented MGMG programme participants in activities on nutritional garden; 3,689
which is monitored by concerned ATARIs. During participants in activities on bio-fortified varieties of
reporting year, total 4,861 scientists constituting 1,222 crops; 11,922 participants in activities on value addition;
groups worked with 6,96,109 farmers of 5,615 villages 3,968 participants in activities on other enterprises;
to provide them with required information, knowledge 59,117 participants in training programmes and 765,996
and advisories on regular basis. participants in extension activities were benefited.
Pulses seed-hubs: Seed-hubs were set-up at 97 Knowledge System and Homestead Agriculture
KVKs for production of quality seeds of major pulse Management in Tribal Areas: Knowledge System
Success stories
Farmers participatory rabi onion seed and seedling Training to rural youth on the job role “Nursery worker”-
production in district Bageshwar, Uttarakhand KVK, Rangareddy, Telangana
Onion crop in Uttarakhand is grown in an area of 4.08 Four enthusiastic youth among the trainees formed
thousand ha area with the production of 41.6 thousand two groups of 2 each and established two nursery units
MT. But the productivity of onion in Uttarakhand is only (Mana nursery, Green Mithra Nursery) in March, 2020
10.2 MT per ha, which is far below with respect to the immediately after getting certified and supplied quality
average national productivity of 16.98 MT per ha. One planting material to the needy farmers and also for the
of the major causes for this low productivity is bolting. “Harithahaaram” project of Telangana government on
ICAR-VPKAS, Almora has released a rabi season onion recommendation by department of Horticulture and
variety namely VL Piaz 3 which does not lead to bolting Forestry. K. Madhukumar and K. Umamaheswari of Mana
in the crop. But its expansion to the farmers’ fields was nursery produced 12,500 saplings of forest and
slow, because of the limited availability of quality seed multipurpose fruit trees and earned ` 124,000 through
and planting material. Considering the importance of sale of 4,000 saplings in 4 months duration. Similarly,
this variety for district Bageshwar, farmer to farmer R. Tejaswini and R. Laxmi of Green Mithra Nursery
extension approach was applied for the production and produced 46,800 saplings/seedlings of fruit trees, forest
spreading of VL Piaz 3 seed and seedlings by KVK, trees, flower and vegetable crops and made a net profit
Bageshwar by conducting various activities comprising of ` 235,000 since March through sale of about 31,500
training, demonstrations and field days by involving 684 plants. Three trainees got placement in commercial
farmers. The average yield of the farmers’ practice was nurseries as a field supervisors.
only 156 q/ha, whereas the onion yield of demonstration
was 276 q/ha. Efforts of KVK for the past six years
motivated 11 farmers from different villages to go for International Convention on Perspectives to Face
seed and seedlings production of rabi onion variety VL Contemporary Challenges of Agricultural Development
Piaz 3. All 11 farmers together produced 2.46 q of onion was organized in collaboration of Bhartiya Kisan
seed, 6,070,000 onion seedlings and sold to 6,302 farmers
within the district and also adjoining districts of Bageshwar Sanghat NASC Complex, New Delhi during 18–19
(Uttarakhand) thereby gained ` 659,800 as net income February 2020 with participation of about 300
per season. Impact of these efforts reflected directly in participants.
the form of onion yield enhancement by 76% as well as National Animal Disease Control program
reduced the problem of bolting.
(NADCP) for FMD and Brucellosis and National
Artificial insemination program: National Animal
Disease Control Program (NADCP) for FMD and
Brucellosis and Nationwide Artificial Insemination
program was launched in 600 districts out of 637
district having less than 50% AI coverage. As part of
the launch program, country-wide simultaneous
workshops at 651 KVKs in 32 states/UTs were
organized with topics on vaccination and disease
management and artificial insemination (AI) and
productivity. Vaccination and Artificial insemination
were carried out to 65,262 animals.
Tree plantation campaign organized by KVKs:
Seed production of Rabi onion variety VL Piaz 3 Tree plantation campaign was organized on 17
September 2019 by 649 KVKs in collaboration with
The Jahajpur Panchayat Samiti is a tribal area of Bhilwara district. In addition to poor economic status, farmers are
having lack of knowledge in improved agriculture technology, breeding and feeding management of animals and rearing
of local poultry breed. After purposeful selection of cluster comprising of Rawatkhera and Ramgarh in Jahajpur Panchayat
Samiti under TSP activities, KVK Bhilwara started capacity building programme of the farmers through different activities
like on and off campus training, field visits, frontline demonstrations, field days, animal health camps, gosthi, farm
advisory services, etc. Technological interventions like farmers’ participatory seed production on new varieties of wheat
(Raj 4079), mustard (RH 406), gram (GNG 1581), barley (RD 2786), and breed improvement programme in cow and goat
through Gir bull and Sirohi buck were initiated. KVK also demonstrated improved breed of poultry (Pratapdhan and
Kadaknath), Azolla, vermicompost, vermiwash and waste decomposer.
Farming community of the village started to use improved variety seed and seed replacement rate of cereals,
oilseeds and pulses was reached up to 27.80 % within span of three years. A total of 150 tribal farmers were covered
by providing 20 chicks to each. Considering 10% mortality farmers are getting on an average egg production of 156 eggs/
bird/year totalling to 374,400 eggs (150×156×16)/year. By selling of 370,000 eggs @ ` 8/egg they have obtained ` 2,960,000/
year and generated revenue ` 2,810,000 after deducting the expenditure of ` 150,000. The net additional income
generated per demonstration is ` 18,733/year. By the use of Azolla, the milk production (6–8%) as well as fat content
also increased resulting in their income generation and nutritional security. Breeding efficiency in dairy animals was also
improved. By the use of vermicompost in their field they are not only improving the fertility status of the soil but also
reducing the input cost of fertilizer. The farmers are very much satisfied with the improved package of practices and
adoption of the integrated farming system.
Successful cultivation of bio fortified wheat variety WB-02 in district Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh
The area under wheat is about 145,000 ha in Bijnor district, out of that about 75,000 ha area is under timely sown
condition. The variety WB-02 is rich in zinc (42 ppm) and iron (40 ppm) in comparison to 32 ppm zinc and 28 ppm iron
in other wheat varieties with maturity of 138–140 days, bold grained, resistant against yellow rust and leaf blight. WB-
02 was introduced and demonstrated by KVK Bijnor during rabi 2017–18 and 2018–19 at 25 farmers’ field through OFT
and FLD. Average yield at farmers field recorded was 57.50 q/ha (63.75 q maximum yield per ha) with cost of cultivation
of ` 46,345/ha and net profit ` 91,605/ha. The area under this variety has now spread to more than 850 ha in just two
years. Farmers are satisfied with the yield of this variety and also claim that it is better for chapatti making with higher
enrichment of zinc and iron. The successful farmer is Sri Satish Kumar belonging to Sidiyawali village in Noorpur block
of Bijnor district.
of KVK as an
enterprise in the year
2019–20. Every youth
possessed one low
IFFCO with the following activities: cost polyhouse. In this
Under the tree plantation programme at 649 KVKs, low cost poly house
total 710,740 plants were planted with participation they grow vegetables
of 141,243 farmers, MPs, 50 MLAs and 2,000 other seedling of tomato,
VIPS. brinjal, cauliflower
and cabbage good for early vegetable production.
Production of vegetable seedlings in low cost poly Cucurbitaceous crop like bottle gourd, bitter gourd,
houses in district East Singhbhum, Jharkhand and cucumber were grown in side poly house in poly
KVK, East Singhbhum trained 235 rural youth on tubes. Also used this poly house for the cultivation of
low cost poly house management for vegetable seedlings leafy vegetable (spinach, coriander, amaranthus). Their
production. Out of which, 25 trainees established average net annual income is ` 65,000 from polyhouse
vegetable seedlings unit under the technical guidance based vegetable cultivation.
Research for Tribal and Hill Regions
North-west Himalayas Truthfully Labelled (TL) seeds of 25 varieties of 16
Breeder seed production: During the period under crops were produced. Including the carry-over stock
report, 220.52 q breeder seed of 42 released varieties/ of TL seed; a total of 39.95 q seed was supplied to
inbreds of 15 crops were produced. A total of 180.29q different stakeholders. In addition, 142.52 q TL seed
breeder seed was supplied to different seed producing was also produced under farmers’ participatory seed
agencies to take up further multiplication. production programme.
Quality seed production: During the period, 15.18 q
VL Sweet Corn Hybrid 2 Jammu and Kashmir, • Green cob yield (dehusked): 103 q
Himachal Pradesh, • Harvestable maturity (green cob): 75–77 days in mid-
Uttarakhand (Hills) and hills
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, • Moderately resistant to turcicum and maydis leaf blight,
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, banded leaf and amp; sheath blight and curvularia leaf
Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura spot
(North Eastern Hills Region) • TSS: 14.5–15.3%
VL Masoor 148 NHZ comprising the states of • Grain yield = 1,148 kg/ha, maturity in 147–163 days
Uttarakhand, Himachal • MR against pod damage and aphids
Pradesh, J&K and NE hills • Nutritionally superior with 30.46% protein in its grains
VL Bhat 202 Uttarakhand hills • Grain yield = 1,596 kg/ha, maturity in 110–114 days
• Resistant to FLS and MR against pod damage and aphids
• High protein (39.19%) in its grains
VL Matar 61 Uttarakhand hills • Grain yield: 1,130 kg/ha, maturity in 152–156 days
• MR against wilt, powdery mildew, aphid incidence, pod
damage and leaf minor damage
Crop protection
Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of blast
R genes in rice: Sixty rice genotypes were evaluated
for leaf and neck blast diseases under Uniform Blast
Nursery (UBN) system. Four genotypes (VL 8654, A
57, GSR-125 and GSR-142) for leaf and five genotypes
(VL 31817, VL 31851, VL 31916, VL 31997 and
GSR-132) for neck blast were highly resistant, with 1
disease score on 0–9 scale. None of the entry showed Whiteflies infecting French bean
highly susceptible reaction with 8 and 9 disease score
against both the leaf and neck blast disease. VLH1 found infecting greenhouse whiteflies on Salvia
For molecular screening, these rice entries were divinorum plants in ICAR-VPKAS, Experimental farm,
genotyped for the presence of 13 blast resistance genes. Hawalbag (29.63°N and 79.63°E, 1250 amsl). The
A total of 18 markers available for these genes were fungus was highly virulent against T. vaporariorum
used for molecular screening. The frequency of positive with LC50 values of 1.3×106 and 1.4×105 spores per
alleles of R gene ranged from 11 to 16 in the rice mL against nymphs and adults, respectively.
Mrs Pooja Karki who hails from a tiny village of Baitholi in Now after getting trainings, Mrs Karki follows the proper
high hills of Berinaag block, Pithoragarh district in scientific guidelines of growing vegetables. In the very first
Uttarakhand has now become the role model for other season she was able to obtain a good yield of vegetables
farmers of the area. She improved the financial and more than sufficient for home consumption. She also sold
nutritional situation of her family by adopting improved vegetables in nearby local markets. Then gradually other
practices of vegetable cultivation, mushroom cultivation, nutrition-sensitive agricultural interventions were also
vermicomposting, honey bee rearing and vegetable introduced such as—vermicomposting, fruit plantation,
seedling production under protected conditions. honey bee rearing and mushroom cultivation. In the initial
phase, women of the area were hesitant to grow and
consume mushrooms due to their traditional thinking. Mrs
Pooja Karki was one of the first women to grow mushroom
at her home. She not only included it in her diet but also
was able to produce enough for selling at local market.
She encouraged other women of the area for the cultivation
of mushroom and now most of the women of the area
have adopted it. She has also started bee-keeping which
will not only provide honey for nutritional security but will
Like other farm families in the hill region of Uttarakhand, help in pollination to enhance vegetable productivity.
Mrs Pooja Karki was earlier practicing traditional Earlier farmers of the area used to purchase seedlings of
subsistence farming and produced food enough to sustain inferior quality from local markets which has a very high
the family for three to four months in a year and was mortality rate. She has learnt nursery preparation of
dependent on the market for food for rest of the period of vegetable crops and is instrumental in providing seedlings
the year. The financial conditions of the family forced her of improved varieties of vegetables to fellow farmers. She
husband to migrate from the village in search of livelihood, has installed HDPE vermicomposting bed in her backyard
leaving behind the wife Pooja, two children and old
parents. Now it was her responsibility to manage the family.
She was engaged in agricultural activities such as
producing wheat, rice, finger millet, soybean, colocasia
along with livestock management for their livelihood like
most of the other women in the village. As agricultural
productivity was very low, she was forced to purchase
most of the household needs like cereals, pulses and
vegetables from the local market. She was growing very
few vegetables of local variety in their backyard in a
traditional way. Household dietary diversity was very low
as cereals and roots and tubers were the main food groups
consumed by them in their daily diet. to generate vermicompost from farm waste.
She came in contact with scientists of ICAR-VPKAS, She is now able to sell a good quantity of individual
Almora in 2018 and was trained in vegetable cultivation fresh vegetables in the local market. According to her,
practices, mushroom cultivation, vermicomposting, honey she is harvesting 12–15 kg of particular vegetables in 2–
bee rearing and vegetable seedling production under 3 days interval regularly in every season. By providing a
protected condition. Although she was educated only up fresh supply of vegetables, she easily got some fixed
to 8th standard, she was very eager to learn about nutrition, shops in the local market to dispose of her vegetables.
the importance of growing fruits-vegetables and other Moreover, some families of nearby areas are also giving
improved agricultural technologies to enhance nutritional her advance demand for fresh vegetables. She can now
status. Under the NMHS project “Strategies to improve sell vegetables to customers directly from her nutri-garden.
health and nutritional status of hill farm women through
technological interventions”, nutri-gardens were designed
for 100 m² to 200 m² of land in the backyard. Layout and
crop allotment in nutri-gardens were modified depending
on climatic and seasonal changes. More than 16 types of
vegetables along with fruit plants rich in various micro-
nutrients were grown in nutri-gardens. She took a keen
interest in the demonstration of model nutri-garden in her
back yard with a land area of 200 m² which is enough for
meeting the daily micro-nutrient requirement of her family.
She has worked almost single-handedly on her land to
achieve the right mix of farming and other allied activities.
Poly-cement tank technology is boon for water harvesting and ensuring livelihood security
The Himalayan region faces acute water shortage during lean period (October to June) not only for agriculture
but also for domestic and other uses despite the fact that region received sufficient rainfall and source of origin
of several perennial rivers. Water springs are main source of water for domestic use and also to some extent
used for irrigation but springs are getting dried due to unplanned construction activities, deforestation and extension
to cultivation in unsafe slopes. The irrigation facilities are meagre (10% irrigated land in hills) and costly. However,
hill climatic conditions are more suitable for growing off season vegetables. One of the effective ways to utilize
available water from various sources like spring, surface run-off and rain water for crop production and/or harvest
this water in storage tank and use for cultivating high value (vegetables, fruits, etc) crops. The kaccha tanks/ponds
are not suitable viable option in hills due to high percolation losses (300 to 400 litre/m 2/day). The cement tanks
are costly (` 10 to 15/litre water storage) and prone to damage by earthquake and landslides. The low cost (`
0.80 litre water storage) poly-lined tanks are another option to store water. But these poly-lined tanks are also
prone to damage by children, wild animals, cattle’s and decay of poly film under temperature stress. In view of
the above scenario under project AICRP-IWM, ICAR-VPKAS, Almora centre carried out experiments (2011–2017)
to find out most appropriate tank construction technology. After experimentation a poly-cement tank technology
was found suitable for storing water to be used for irrigation and other purposes. These tanks were developed
by utilizing locally available resources (sand, gravels/stones), costing very low (` 1/litre water storage).
The technology was demonstrated in more than eleven villages, i.e. Kotli, Salla Rautela, Naula, Kasson, Jolly,
Challar Musouli, Jud, Kaffon, Jogiadhunga, Bhagartola and Artola at the fields of 30 beneficiaries in Kumaun
region of Uttarakhand. The tanks were made in participatory mode, farmers bore the cost of labour to dig the
tanks, withdrawing of sand and gravels and block preparation and Institute provided silpaulin, pipes, cement and
extended technical help for constructing tanks. The estimated contribution of farmers is `37,493 and Institute
` 52,636 for construction of tank size 21.3 × 5 × 1.5 m, which can store 1 lakh litre water. This is widely adopted
technology by hill farmers. The same technology was adopted by the Himalayan Environmental Studies and
Conservation Organization (HESCO) one of the NGO and they have constructed poly-cement tanks in different
villages (Dotial Gaon, Bhakuna, Jairaj in Kumaun region and Jaun Sar area in Garhwal region) of Uttarakhand.
A large tank (1.92 lakh litre) was constructed in ICAR-VPKAS, KVK Kafligare farm for demonstrating technology
to the farmers.
One-litre water storage cost comes ` 1.20 of 25 m3 tank and ` 0.70 of 500 m3 tank lined with silpaulin and
pitched with blocks and fenced with agroshed net using 15 mm square pipe. The fencing is done around those
tanks used by farmers to cultivate fish. The tank construction is very economical in comparison to cement tank
cost ` 7 and ferro cement ` 15/litre of water. Institute also used to construct tanks (20 to 100 m3) by covering
poly-film using round river boulders (cost around ` 1.30/litre of water). This technology although protects film but
the extraction of round boulders is banned/prohibited activity and required permission of government. Moreover
this technology is suitable only in the areas near to river course. The cost of boulders increases if transported
higher upland area located at distance from road head and river course. Therefore, present poly-cement tank can
be constructed anywhere in upland areas by collecting sand and gravels/stones from the area and only cement
can be transported from road head. So, these tanks are more economical than boulder tanks and poly-cement
tanks is very easy to construct at any site of hills.
These tanks were found very useful for irrigation and fish cultivation. These tanks are able to tolerate earthquake
tremors, temperature stresses and damage by physical factors. These are cost effective with longer life (more
than 40 years) than poly lined or cement tanks. The tanks life estimated is based on tanks performance from last
10 years at ICAR-VPKAS Almora farm and farmers field. These tanks are working properly without damage from
last ten years. The block covered lined tank is more economical than the polyline tank, as silpaulin lined tanks
mostly get damaged every five years and LDPE lined in 3 years. Therefore, one need to repair and line tank eight
time with silpaulin and 12 times with LDPE in 40 years, which is expected life of poly-cement tank. Therefore,
100 m3 LDPE tank will require ` 2.32 lakh and silpaulin tank ` 2.40 lakh both are almost same and three times
more than poly-cement tank.
The multiple water use model which include 100 m3 water tanks for fish farming, irrigation, poultry farming,
cattle rearing, fruit (kiwi), vegetables and Azolla cultivation. The estimated gross returns of ` 6 lakh from 4,000
m2 land by adopting above package. Farmers earned (gross income) around ` 1 to 1.5 lakh through fish,
vegetables and kiwi cultivation by constructing tanks. The kiwi cultivation in 1,000 m2 and vermicomposting in 100
m2 area will increase income of farmer manifolds and give a stabilized production. The livelihood security can be
insured by constructing tank and by adopting multiple water use model.
(WRC) for resistance against the virulent strain, Fom- combination of neem oil, fruit fly trap and Trichoderma
Megh 1 isolated from Meghalaya. Forty-eight genotypes based module was effective in reducing biotic stresses
were used for screening the resistant genotypes during in cucumber. Module I: Neem oil spray + fruit fly
2018–2019. Among all brinjal and WRC genotypes trap + Trichoderma (seed treatment + foliar spray +
tested, high level of resistance was detected in WRC soil drenching) showed effectiveness against red
than cultivated varieties. Edible WRC of brinjal, pumpkin beetle (0.64 beetle/plant) and fruit flies
Solanum sisymbriifolium (Man-1), S. incanum (MZBR- (14.24% fruit damage) in cucumber, whereas in control
15), S. macrocarapon (Sentiderm -MZSEN-1), S. (1.8 beetles/plant) and fruit flies (36.5% fruit damage).
underatum (EC 790349) and S. torvum (MZTO-1) and Module I also recorded 39.03% increase in yield over
S. aethiopicum var. gilo (Samtrok MZSAM-1, Samtrok control plots. Therefore, neem oil + fruit fly trap based
MZSAM-2, and MZSAM-3) showed high level of module may be considered as an important component
resistance (R) with the least wilt disease index. All for eco-friendly management of insect pests in cucumber
cultivated varieties of brinjal, Pusa Bhairav, Pusa for promoting organic production of cucumber in
Shyamla, Pusa Uphar, Pusa Ankur, Pusa Purple Round Meghalaya.
were highly susceptible to Fom Megh-1 in the north Package and practices of dragon fruit cultivation
eastern region and recorded the maximum disease index under Mizoram condition: Dragon fruit cultivation
(DI) up to 100% at fourth week after inoculation. has a huge potential in Mizoram as the climatic
These results are important for breeding resistant condition is highly suitable for better yield and quality
rootstocks and cultivars that can be used to manage with a high market demand fetching a market price of
this endemic disease. ` 200–250/kg. The fruits start bearing after 15–20
Eco-friendly management practices for managing months of planting and can continuously take yield
insect pests of cucumber: Insect pest infestation in up to 25–30 years with proper orchard management.
cucurbits causes heavy losses through reduction in Dragon fruit has huge neutraceutical properties and
yield, lowering quality of produce and by increasing many health benefits and can control many diseases.
cost of production. The extent of losses can be up to It can therefore be considered as a super fruit, fruit of
100%, depending on the cucurbit species and the season. the future and super food for heart patient. The
Therefore, eight modules were evaluated for eco- experiment was conducted to develop standard package
friendly management of major biotic stresses in to benefit farmers and other allied sectors in Mizoram.
cucumber (variety: Malini) during kharif season under An experiment was conducted to standardize the
field condition. Among the bio-pesticide modules tested, package and practices in ICAR-RC-NEH Region,
Mizoram Centre, Kolasib with different combination
of inorganic and organic nutrient managements revealed
that application of NPK @ 25-75-75 g/plant along
with FYM (@ 2 kg/plant and vermicompost (@ 1 kg/
plant) produced more than 3-folds higher yield than
control (21.0 t/ha). The INM practice of incorporating
NPK, FYM and vermicompost for producing 66.6 t/
ha yield of dragon fruit was recommended.
Technologies to detect food-borne pathogens in
meat and meat products: Meat and meat products
of pig origin often become contaminated with a number
Damaged fruits by fruit fly
of food borne pathogens during and after slaughter.
Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium
perfringens are among the top pathogens causing food-
borne illnesses and deaths in consumers.
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam,
Meghalaya developed three simple, rapid polymerase
spiral reaction (PSR) assays to detect Salmonella spp.,
S. aureus and C. perfringens in pork and its products.
This PSR assay to detect Salmonella was 10-fold more
sensitive than conventional end-point PCR, however
comparable to real-time PCR. The limit of detection
(LoD) of the developed assay was 4×103 CFU/g of
pork without enrichment and 4 CFU/g after 6 h
enrichment. The detection of 4 CFU/g of pork was
achieved within 8 h. The sensitivity of PSR assay to
detect S. aureus was 100-fold more than real-time
PCR. The detection limit of 19.9 CFU/g of pork was
Leaf damaged by red pumpkin beetle attained within 8 h. The assay developed to detect C.
perfringens was 100-fold more sensitive than SHWETAKAPILA_03048. The breed is found in North
conventional end-point PCR with an analytical Goa and South Goa districts of Goa. It has ccomplete
sensitivity of 80 fg. The LoD of the PSR and PCR white coloured cattle extending from muzzle to tail
assay was 980 CFU/g and 9.8×104 CFU/g of pork, switch including eyelashes and muzzle (whitish brown).
respectively. The detection of 980 CFU/g of pork was It has short to medium statured animal with straight
attained within 90 min. face, straight and small horns directed upwards and
Developed novel PSR assays for detection of three outwards, and small to medium hump. The udder is
important food-borne pathogens in pork and pork bowl shaped and small to medium in size with
products were compliant with the ASSURED cylindrical teats having rounded tips. Daily milk yield
(affordable, sensitive, specific, user-friendly, robust ranges from 1.8 to 3.4 kg with an average of 2.8 kg
and rapid, equipment-free, and deliverable) concept and lactation milk yield from 250 to 650 kg. The
proposed by World Health Organization for the height ranges from 97 to 137 cm. The population size
development of diagnostics. Since these assays have is approximately 22,000. The Institute is undertaking
multiple advantages over many food-borne pathogen systematic research on the cattle breed for its suitability
detection assays currently employed; the extensive use in the events of the climate change in the coastal
of newly developed assays for routine detection of region of the country.
pathogens in small or resource-limited food testing
laboratories is expected. Crop improvement
Isothermal RNA Amplification Technology (iRAT) CCARI Bio 3– Value-added formulation of PGPB
reagents and detection method for Classical swine (Bacillus methylotrophicus STC-4) for vegetables:
fever virus (CSFV)/any RNA virus: According to The population of the bacterium in the value-added
the World Organisation of Animal Health (OIE), formulation is >109 CFU/g with the shelf life of at
Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is one of the least 18 months. There is no difference in the population
notifiable viruses of swine worldwide. A novel between standard talc formulation and the value-added
isothermal RNA amplification technology (iRAT) was formulations. Agro byproduct could be added up to
developed to detect the CSFV genome in the infected 10% (w/w) to the formulation and the other nutrient
tissue samples of pigs. The developed iRAT based supplements could add value to the formulation.
CSFV detection method is specific, sensitive, easy to
operate and cost effective. The reaction time as well
as the detection time was reduced down to just 60
min in comparison to the conventional RT-PCR method
which usually takes 150 to 180 min. In addition, the
assay is advantageous in terms of enhanced accuracy
(detect 5.3 μg/μl of viral RNA as compared with RT-
PCR) and cost (` 86/ sample against ` 905 by Brinjal seedlings in CCARI Bio 3 treated soil (15 DAS);
Control (15 DAS)
conventional RT-PCR).
(30 DAS)
Organization and Management
Department of Agricultural Research and Education Agriculture and Farmers Welfare is the supreme authority
The Department of Agricultural Research and of the ICAR. Its members include, Ministers for
Education (DARE) was established in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, and the
Agriculture, Government of India in December 1973 to senior officers of the various state governments, Members
coordinate and promote agricultural research and of Parliaments and the representatives from industry,
education in the country. DARE provides necessary research institutes, scientific organizations and farming
government linkages for the Indian Council of community (Appendix 2). The Governing Body
Agricultural Research (ICAR), the premier research (Appendix 3) headed by the community Director General,
organization for coordinating, guiding and managing who is also the Secretary, DARE is the chief executive
research in areas including crop science, horticulture and decision making authority of the ICAR. The
science, natural resource management, agricultural Governing Body consists of eminent agricultural
engineering, animal science, fisheries science, scientists, educationist, public representatives and
agricultural education and agricultural extension in the representatives of the farmers. It is assisted by the
entire country. With 112 ICAR institutions and 74 Accreditation Board, Regional Committees, Policy and
agricultural universities spread across the country, this Planning Committee, several Scientific Panels and
is one of the largest national agricultural research systems Publications Committee. In scientific matters, the Director
in the world. Apart from ICAR the Department of General is assisted by 8 Deputy Directors General, one
Agricultural Research and Education has other each in (i) Crop Science, (ii) Horticulture Science, (iii)
autonomous bodies, viz. Agricultural Scientists Natural Resource Management, (iv) Animal Science, (v)
Recruitment Board, the Central Agricultural Universities Agricultural Engineering, (vi) Fisheries Science, (vii)
(CAUs) at Imphal (Manipur), Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh), and Agricultural Education, and (viii) Agricultural Extension,
Pusa (Bihar); Agrlnnovate India Limited, Delhi, under who are also assisted by Assistant Directors General, and
its administrative control. The Agrlnnovate India Limited are the Heads of their Subject Matter Division (SMDs)
(incorporated on 19 October 2011) aims to work on the for the entire country. SMDs are responsible for extending
strengths of DARE and ICAR and promotes, and spreads all technical and financial guidance and support to the
its research and development outcomes. The Agrlnnovate research Institutes, National Research Centres and the
India Limited is an extended independent commercial Project Directorates within their respective Divisions. In
outfit, which is expected to capitalize on the vast network addition, Assistant Directors General of National
of the ICAR institutes where the researchers are engaged Agricultural Science Fund (NASF), Coordination, Plan
in their mission to innovate and harness science to provide Implementation and Monitoring, Intellectual Relations
citizens access to food, nutrition, livelihood and income and Human Resource Management also assist the Director
security. General in their respective job roles. The Senior Officers
at the ICAR (headquarters) are listed in Appendix 4. The
Indian Council of Agricultural Research research set up of the ICAR include 112: 72 Research
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is an Institutes (Appendix 5), 6 National Bureaux (Appendix
autonomous organization under the Department of 6), 22 Project Directorates and Agricultural Technology
Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Application Research Institutes (Appendix 7), 12 National
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. Research Centres (Appendix 8), and 82 All India
Formerly known as the Imperial Council of Agricultural Coordinated Research Projects and Network Research
Research, it was established on 16 July 1929 as a registered Projects (Appendix 9). The Directorate of Knowledge
society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 on the Management in Agriculture (DKMA) functions as
recommendations of the Royal Commission of communication arm of the ICAR responsible for delivery
Agriculture. It was reorganized in 1965 and again in 1973, of information/knowledge generated by the network of
with its Headquarters located in Krishi Bhawan, New the ICAR and its institutions; and addresses mandate of
Delhi, with support facilities in Krishi Anusandhan ICAR through publications, information, ICT, Public
Bhawan 1 and 2 and NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi. Relations Unit and CeRA. The ICAR promotes research,
The Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare education and frontline extension activities in 74
is the President of ICAR. The Principal Executive Officer Agricultural Universities, which include 63 State
of the ICAR is the Director General, who also functions Agricultural Universities, 4 Deemed Universities, 3
as Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Central Agricultural Universities, and 4 Central
Education, Government of India. The General Body of Universities with agricultural faculty by giving financial
the ICAR Society, headed by the Union Minister of assistance in different forms (Appendix 10).
Technology licensing: This year, 297 such partnership initiate their own business. To provide awareness and
agreements were developed with 208 public and private training on agri-business enterprises 94 Entrepreneur
organizations and 25 farmers/entrepreneurs. In this Development Programme (EDPs) were organized by
process 41 ICAR institutes were involved from different these centers, wherein different stakeholders were
Subject Matter Divisions, and transferred 227 benefitted. To boost-up the partnerships with public and
technologies in different disciplines include; Animal private organizations, 563 meetings/negotiations/
Production Technologies (18); Crop Production technology discussions were organized. These centers
Technologies (12); Farm Machinery and Tools (25); Fish were also visited by 2,347 technology seekers/inventors/
Farming and Processes (19); Food Processing business people/VIP/VVIP/ foreigners.
Technologies (59); Plant Protection Technologies (23); ICAR-NAARM conducted a Virtual Orientation
Seed and Planting Material (63); Textile Process (4); and Workshop and Training Program in collaboration with
four technologies from allied sectors. The highest number IP&TM Unit for 50 ABI Centres of ICAR during 17–19
of technologies were developed by the ICAR-IIHR, August 2020 on Micro Soft (MS) team’s platform where
Bengaluru (33); followed by ICAR-CPCRI, Kasargod 58 Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs of these
(27); ICAR-CIRCOT, Mumbai (20); and 17 each by centers participated. The pedagogy of the porgramme was
ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar; ICAR-CIFT, Cochin; and ICAR- sharing the experiences of 25 old ABIs, with recently
IIVR, Varanasi. opened 25 new ones through lectures and group
Of 297 partnerships, 90 were IP protected technology discussions. The basics of incubation system and critical
(i.e. protection under Design/Patents/Trademark/ success factors; design thinking and operational
Copyright/PPV&FR registry) partnerships. guidelines for ABIs; entrepreneur’s selection and
Professional service: This year, 325 such partnership services; IP issues; and grass root innovations were the
agreements were formed for Consultancy/Contract core areas for discussion. The top officials of ICAR
Research and Service with 174 public and private shared their views and observations with the way forward
organizations. In this process 24 ICAR institutes were for better agri-business environment.
involved from different Subject Matter Divisions, by
providing 301 professional services. Progressive use of Hindi
Joint Hindi Advisory Committee of Agriculture, Co-
operative and Farmers Welfare Department and
Department of Agricultural Research and Education
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research) was re-
constituted under the Chairmanship of Minister for
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and its meeting is
scheduled to be conducted shortly. During the period
under report, 4 ICAR Institutes/Centres were notified in
the Gazette under Official Language Rule 10(4). Till date
141 ICAR institutes/centres have been notified. During
the period under report, 4 meetings of Official Language
Implementation Committee were organized. Three
meeting of the Joint Official Language Implementation
Committee of DARE and ICAR were held under the
chairmanship of Special Secretary, DARE and Secretary,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research/ senior officer
nominated by him. One meeting was held under the
chairmanship of Secretary, DARE and Director General,
In most of the ICAR Institutes/Centres, Official
Language Implementation Committees were constituted
and their meetings are being conducted regularly.
Proceedings of these Committee meetings received at the
headquarters were reviewed regularly and appropriate
suggestions were given to the concerned institutes for
Incubation fund taking remedial measures. The quarterly progress report
To enhance the agri-business environment at Council is sent online to the Regional Implementation Office of
50 Agri-Business Incubation (ABIs) Centers were Rajbhasha Department situated at Delhi. The quarterly
supported at various institutes for facilitating the progress reports received from various institutes are
entrepreneurs/innovators/scholars/start-ups. During the reviewed and suggestions are given to them for effective
reporting period, these centers had facilitated 235 such implementation. ICAR is participating regularly in
stakeholders for their business incubation activities. TOLIC’s meetings. The employees are nominated
These efforts, motivated 214 entrepreneurs/startups to regularly for Hindi language, Hindi typing and shorthand
training. At headquarters, training in Hindi typing on Institutes. Under this scheme, awards are given away in
Unicode is also being imparted by the Hindi Anubhag. two categories, one is for A, and B regions institutes
During the period from 1.10.2019 to 30.09.2020, 3 Hindi combined and other is for institutes located in ‘C’ region
Workshops were conducted. First such workshop was for the best magazine. During the year 2018–19, the
conducted on 27.11.2019 for officers of Technical magazine of the following Institutes were awarded.
Category on Work Efficiency and Stress Management Details are as under:
and 18 officers participated in this workshop. Second
workshop was conducted on 26.06.2020 through video Name of selected Name of the Award
magazine Institute
conferencing mode for Section Officers on Stress free
and Efficient Management of Official Work, in which For A and B region Institutes
22 officers participated. Third workshop was conducted Maru Baagvani Central Institute for First
for Under Secretaries on 28.09.2020 on Crash Translation Arid Horticulture,
for Executive Official Work in Simple Hindi as per Bikaner
Official Language Policy and Rules and 15 officers Dugdh Ganda National Diary Second
Research Institute,
participated in this workshop.
As usual, during this year also, Rajbhasha week/
Prasanskaran Pragati Central Institute of Third
fortnight/month was organized at Council’s Headquarters Post-Harvest
and its institutes. At Council headquarters, various Engineering and
Rajbhasha Competitions were conducted. Rajbhasha Technology, Ludhiana
Ullas Pakhwara was organized at Council’s Headquarters Institutes of C Region
from 14 September 2020 to 29 September 2020. On the Neelitima Central Institute of First
occasion, the inspiring messages of Union and State Freshwater Aquaculture,
Ministers for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare were Bhubaneshwar
issued. The Director General also issued an online video Dhaan National Rice Research Second
appeal thereby urging all officers/employees to do their Institute, Cuttak
maximum official work in Hindi. Under the Cash Award Baagvani Indian Institute of Third
Horticultural Research,
Scheme of Official Language being run at Council Bengaluru
Headquarters, 10 personnel were given cash awards for
doing their maximum work in Hindi during the year 2019- In accordance with the instructions/orders of Official
20. Two more award schemes are being implemented by Language Department, Ministry of Home Affairs, a total
the council at its own level which are as follows. of 11 Institutes were inspected for assessing the progress
Rajarshi Tandon Rajbhasha Puraskar Yojana: of Hindi during the period under report and suggestions
Under this scheme, Institutes falling under ‘A’, ‘B’ and were given to rectify the shortcomings observed during
‘C’ linguistic region awarded region-wise in different the inspection. This also includes inspections of
categories for excellent implementation of official Parliamentary Committee on Official Language. House
language. During the year 2018-19 the following journal of ICAR Headquarters ‘Rajbhasha Alok’
Institutes were awarded for doing their maximum work depicting the Hindi activities of different institutes is
in Hindi: being published regularly and the edition of the
magazine for the year 2019 was released through video
Largest Institutes Award conferencing by Union Minister of Agriculture and
I. 1. Indian Agricultural Research First Prize
Farmers Welfare on 16 July 2020 on the occasion of
Institute, New Delhi the foundation day of the Council. Keeping in view of
2. Central Potato Research Institute, Second Prize the guidelines issued by Finance Ministry, decision was
Shimla taken to release all the publications in audio-form.
II. Awards to other Institutes/Centres
Various training programmes of public interest and
of ‘A’ and ‘B’ Region useful for the farmers are being organized in Hindi and
1. National Fisheries Genetic First Prize regional languages by various ICAR institutes. There
Resources Bureau, Lucknow has been a significant progress in the use of Hindi and
2. Directorate of Mushroom Second Prize other regional languages in respect of all the agricultural
Research, Solan extension activities being undertaken by the KVKs
III. Institutes/Centres of ‘C’ Region situated in Hindi speaking regions and the Council.
1. Central Fisheries Technology First Prize Besides, all materials to be presented in the Parliament,
Institute, Cochin works related to annual action report, review of grants-
2. Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Second Prize in demand, governing body, Standing finance
Coimbatore committee, Parliamentary Committee of Ministers of
Agriculture, including annual general body meetings
Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Hindi Patrika Puruskar of ICAR Society, all proceedings of these various
Yojana: This scheme is applicable for the Official meetings were prepared bilingually in Hindi and
Language Magazines being published by various English. The Agriculture Minister and other Senior
Officers delivered their addresses in Hindi. Their technology and input delivery among the farmers and
speeches were originally drafted in Hindi in the Council. other stakeholders using ICT and all other possible means
were decided to minimise the impact of the COVID-19
TECHNICAL COORDINATION on farmers agricultural sector. It was also decided to
assess the losses in various agricultural commodities due
Two meetings of Directors of ICAR institutes and to the pandemic along with the strategies for its
ATARIs were held under the Chairmanship of Secretary, mitigation. Need to create a bank of breeder’s seed to
DARE and DG, ICAR through Video Conferencing (VC). mitigate emergency situations and to study the plant
All the 114 Directors of ICAR institutes and ATARIs pathogens including viruses along with the host resistance
besides, Secretary, ICAR, Financial Advisor DARE/ along with the host-pathogen interaction to improve the
ICAR, DDGs, ADG and senior officers from the ICAR preparedness to address such issues in future were
Headquarters attended the meeting from their respective emphasised. Use of plant genetic resources to identify
locations. First one was held on 19 March 2020 before resistance genes especially for viral diseases was
the lockdown decision, wherein all Directors and senior identified as the top priority area of agricultural research.
officers from SMDs were asked to provide all possible Meetings of ICAR Regional Committees No. I and II
assistance/ advisories to farmers and government in this were held on 30 June 2020 and 8 October 2020 through
critical situation of COVID-19 which should help not Video Conferencing from ICAR, New Delhi. The meeting
only sustain their farm activities but also to take care of of RC-I was inaugurated by Shri Narendra Singh Tomer,
their health and welfare. Second meeting through Video Agriculture Minister. Shri Parsottam Rupala and Shri
Conferencing was held on 10 April 2020 wherein it was Kailash Choudhary, Ministers of State for Agriculture
emphasized to strictly follow lockdown guidelines, and Farmers Welfare participated as the guests of Honour.
maintain hygiene, use of mask and social distancing in The meeting of RC-II was inaugurated by Shri Parsottam
any circumstances. Besides these, various action points Rupala, Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers
regarding the research protocols to be developed and Welfare. Shri Kailash Choudhary, Minister of State for
observed were decided. It was emphasised to ensure the Agriculture and Farmers Welfare participated as the
Shri Mohammed Fawas T C, a 21 years old highly ambitious young man ventured to start the entrepreneurship in
seafood sector with the Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Mussel products. The mussels are considered as one of the most nutritive
foods, which stimulates the brain functions, improves heart health,
promotes cellular functions, facilitates blood circulation, reduces
arthritis and prevents anaemia and asthma. Shri Fawas and his
partners consulted the ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology
(CIFT), Cochin to get the technical support for improved packaging of
RTE Mussel Produces, where institute had suggested the technique
of thermal processing or high temperature processing for product
storage without adding any chemical preservatives to enhance the
products’ shelf life at room temperature. Shri Fawas got registered as
an Incubatee at the Agri-business Incubation Centre of ICAR-CIFT
during the month of November, 2018.
The ICAR-CIFT-ABI provided him
with the necessary technical
supports for processing the Classic
Malabar Snack “Stuffed Green Mussel” from the inception stage itself. It involved
procurement of fresh Green Mussels, stuffed with traditionally blended rice and other
ingredients, then packed carefully in food grade retort pouch at high temperature,
sufficient to kill pathogens of public health significance and, thus, increasing the
product’s shelf life. After the successful test marketing, Shri Fawas registered a
company during April-2019 by the name of M/s Foo Foods Pvt Ltd at Chaliyam,
Kozhikode to create a marketing brand “FOO FOODS” for the product. The technology
was transferred by ICAR-CIFT through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding
with the party. Later, Dr Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) and DG (ICAR)
launched the product christened as Kallummakkaya Nirachath on 25 May 2019.
The RTE stuffed Mussel product “Kallummakkaya Nirachath” was highly appreciated
by the consumers and retailers in respect of its quality, taste and cost. The product is
now available in the Hypermarkets and Supermarkets in Kozhikode and Malabar regions
throughout the year with a market price of only ` 140/pack (125 g) containing five stuffed Mussels. The cost of production
was estimated to be ` 740/kg of mussels with average monthly production of 375 kg of RTE stuffed Mussel products.
The net profit of the company after meeting all the expenditures is around ` 142,500/month with BCR 1.51.
guests of Honour. The Regional Committee Meetings Institutes/ Agricultural Universities/KVKs to be resolved
held once every two years, provides an ideal platform in a targeted time frame. The action taken on the issues
for reviewing the status of agricultural research, raised in the previous Regional Committee Meetings were
education and extension in the mandated states and union also reviewed.
territories. The Committee provides a forum for liaison During the period October, 2019–2020 to the Council
and coordination among the institutes of the Indian provided financial support to 56 societies for the
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), State publication of Scientific Journals. In addition, Societies/
Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and State Departments associations/universities were supported for holding
of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and National Seminars/ Symposia/Conferences (72 Nos) and
Fisheries. Ministers of Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Animal International Seminars/Symposia/Conferences (33 Nos).
Husbandry/Fisheries and the Secretaries of various Annual Report of DARE/ICAR for the year 2019–
agriculture and allied departments of State Departments, 2020 along with review statement was laid on the table
Members of ICAR Governing Body, Senior Officials of Lok Sabha (17.03.2020) and Rajya Sabha
from ICAR Headquarters and State Departments, Vice- (19.03.2020). The Annual Account and Audit Report of
Chancellors of SAUs, Directors and Scientists of ICAR ICAR for the year 2018–2019 along with review and
Institutes in the region participated in the meeting, which delay statement was laid on the table of Lok Sabha and
is chaired by Secretary DARE and DG, ICAR. The Rajya Sabha on 17.03.2020 and 12.03.2020, respectively.
problems being faced by the states in the areas of The Umbrella Memorandum of Understanding
agriculture and allied fields and the technology options/ (UMoU) are being signed between the ICAR and host
potential solutions available to be developed by the Institutions, i.e. Central/States Agricultural Universities
National Agricultural Research System (NARS) were and other Departments to co-operate in conducting
discussed threadbare and actionable points were research through All India Coordinated Research Projects
identified and assigned to the respective ICAR Research (AICRPs) / Revolving Fund Scheme / and any other such
schemes funded/ sanctioned by the Council under various
schemes to the Host Institution from time to time at
Coconut chips positioned to become the NewGen coconut specified location(s) under the specified Supervisor/
Principal Investigator/Leader of the Host Institution.
Over the years, the novel coconut product developed Total 44 such UMoUs were signed with the Central/State
by the ICAR-CPCRI has become a consumer product Universities. Besides these, 14 Memorandum of
across India. It is a ready to eat, non-fried crispy Understanding (MoUs) were signed with other
snack prepared from 8 to 9 months old coconut. The organizations to collaborate research activities of national
fresh kernel is cut into thin slices and subjected to
osmotic dehydration and electric drying thereafter. It
is an emerging, globally high demand micro food
enterprise. The Institute has transferred the technology
92nd Foundation Day of ICAR and Award
know-how of coconut chips to 38 licensees till now. Ceremony
Out of these, 20 firms are producing coconut chips Incentivizing individual employees and teams for their
regularly. These firms realize an output of 6 to 45 outstanding performance, across organizations, makes
tonnes a year. The retail price of coconut chips varies
them more efficient, responsive and productive apart from
improving their level of job satisfaction. The awards,
besides recognizing merit and accomplishments, generate
healthy competition among individuals, groups and
institutions to strive and attain still higher levels of
excellence in their respective areas of work. The Indian
Council of Agricultural Research has been recognizing
and rewarding the institutions, scientists, teachers,
farmers and agricultural journalists every year. To
from ` 800 to ` 1,500/kg. The entrepreneurs are adding commemorate 92nd Foundation day of ICAR, the Award
further value addition to chips in terms of flavours ceremony was organized at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
and packaging types. Some of the firms have started through video conferencing on 16 July 2020. Various
exporting of coconut chips to Canada, USA and Gulf
countries. One of the attractions of this technology
Awards were presented to the winners on the occasion.
is its low investment requirement. One can start a The awards were given in 20 different categories to 161
moderate unit with an investment of ` 5 lakh. Such awardees, these comprise 94 scientists, 10 administrative
a unit will employ three persons regularly. The efforts personnel (including 2 women), 6 journalists and 31
of ICAR-CPCRI to promote marketing of coconut chips, farmers (including 5 women farmers). It is heartening to
especially under NAIP on value chain in Coconut
note that among 94 scientists, 12 were women. Two
had also contributed substantially for creating
consumer awareness. Institutes,1 university, two AICRPs, 14 KVKs were also
Partnership and Linkages
DARE extended up to December, 2020. This Work Plan
International collaboration was signed under the MoU between ICAR, New
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Delhi, India and Sri Lanka Council of Agricultural
Research (CGIAR) is a global partnership that unites Research Policy (SLCARP), Sri Lanka for
international organizations engaged in research for a scientific and technical cooperation concluded
food-secured future. CGIAR research is dedicated to on 2 July 1998.
reducing rural poverty, increasing food security, • Work Plan for the period 2020–25 between ICAR
improving human health and nutrition, and ensuring and International Food Policy Research Institute
sustainable management of natural resources. was signed on 1 May 2020. Work-plan (2020–
India is a donor member country to CGIAR from 25) was developed in accordance with the MoU
decades and also a voting member in CGIAR system. signed between ICAR and IFPRI in 1988 and
The Council, represents South Asia Constituency along for keeping with their desire to promote and
with two alternate partner countries, viz. Bangladesh accelerate the collaborative efforts for research
and Sri Lanka. India has assumed important role in and training in food and agricultural policy.
CGIAR system as a permanent voting member. This • An MoU was signed on 23 October 2020 between
responsibility requires reciprocation from India also. ICAR, New Delhi, India and Asia-Pacific
Accordingly, it contributes to CGIAR system through Association of Agricultural Research Institutions
budget provisions of DARE/ICAR. (APAARI), Bangkok, Thailand for cooperation
CGIAR research is carried out by 15 CGIAR centers in agricultural research and education.
in close collaboration with hundreds of partners, including
Collaborative research projects
national and regional research institutes, civil society
organizations, academia, development organizations and Following projects are under different stages of
the private sector. Out of the 15 Centres, ICAR/DARE progress.
has strong collaboration in the field of agricultural • “Exploitation of Inter-specific Diversity for
research, education and capacity building. Durum Wheat Improvement” in collaboration with
University of Nottingham, International Center
Work plans for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
• A Work Plan for the period 2020–2021 was signed (ICARDA) and International Wheat and Maize
on 04.12.2019 between Indian Council of Research Centre (CIMMYT) and ICAR-Indian
Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, India Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR),
an autonomous body under the aegis of DARE Karnal for the year 2015–2018 and extended
and The International Fertilizer Development for the year 2019.
center (IFDC), Alabama, USA. This Work Plan • Deployment of high-yielding stress tolerant and
was signed under the provision of Memorandum top industrial quality durum wheat elites to targeted
of Understanding (MoU) for Cooperation in growing regions of India, in collaboration with
Agricultural Research and Education signed on Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New
16 May 1994 between ICAR, New Delhi, India Delhi and International Centre for Agricultural
and IFDC, Alabama, USA. Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
• A Work Plan for the period 2020–2021 was signed • Management and mitigation of the spread of
on 13.02.2020 between ICAR, New Delhi, India, Tropical Race 4 of Fusarium wilt on Banana—
an autonomous body under the aegis of DARE Mapping of the TR 4 affected area of Banana in
and The Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria, India, in collaboration with ICAR-National
South Africa. This Work Plan was signed under Research Centre for Banana (NRCB), Trichy and
the MoU for Cooperation in Agricultural Research Bioversity International (BI), Rome, Italy.
and Education signed on 26 July 2018 between • Evaluation of Sunflower pre-bred lines for stress
ICAR, New Delhi, India and The Agricultural resistance and associated trade-offs with yield.
Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa. • Impact of emerging nanomaterials and
• A Work Plan for the period 2017–2019 signed environmental contaminants on human and
on 3 October, 2017 between ICAR, New Delhi, livestock reproductive health and identification
India, an autonomous body under the aegis of of biomarkers.
DARE and The Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural • The mechanism behind formation of coocable
Research Policy (SLCARP), Sri Lanka was milk gels (GELCOOK).
• Transfer of mitigation technologies for heat stress stakeholders. They were exposed to parallel production
in farm animals. system of Integrated Organic Farming system and
• Assessing the productive and adaptive of two towards Organic Agriculture promoted by the institute
different goat breeds to heat stress based on at village Sardhana of Meerut district. The delegates
differences in the phenotype and genotype traits. were also given first hand/practical information on
• Dialogues in Gender and Coastal Aquaculture preparation of liquid/solid manures for organic farming
Gender and the seaweed farming value chain. besides interaction with participants of Certified Farm
• Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) south Advisor on Organic Farming. BIMSTEC delegates have
Asian Nitrogen Hub. also visited ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute
campus (CPRI), Modipuram and ICAR-Central Institute
Germplasm exchange for Research on Cattle (CIRC), Meerut and interacted
The cases of export of germplasm are processed in with the scientists about climate resilient technologies
IC- Division as per the provisions/guidelines of the and food systems.
Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and the Biological Over all, the International Seminar on Climate Smart
Diversity Rules, 2004 also subject to guidelines/ Farming Systems brought new insights and enriched
notifications issued by Ministry of Environment and the very process of the cooperation amongst BIMSTEC
Forests, from time to time. countries.
The six Bureaus/Institutes under ICAR system were
designated by Ministry of Environment and Forests Indo-Afghanistan Research Collaboration
to act as repositories under the BD Act, 2002 for IARI is playing important role in developing trained
different categories of biological resources. Approvals human resource for agricultural research in Afghanistan
of competent authority in respect of 2 cases were and in establishing Afghan National Agricultural
conveyed. Sciences and Technology University (ANASTU) at
Kandahar in Afghanistan, with the support of the
Annual Membership Contribution Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of
Annual Contribution to Centre for Sustainable India under the bilateral cooperation programme
Agricultural Mechanization, CSAM (Regional between Afghanistan and India. IARI conducted various
Institution of UN ESCAP) Beijing, China amounting activities during the year.
to US$ 15,000 was released for the year 2019–2020
on 07.01.2020 and for the year 2020–2021 on Indo-SAARC Collaboration
15.09.2020. India’s Annual Contribution was paid to India is collaborating in promoting Agricultural
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific Sectoral Research and Developmental activities in the
(NACA), Bangkok, Thailand for the years 2019–20 SAARC Region. Several training proposals were
in March 2020. Annual contribution payable to NACA received from SAARC Secretariat/SAARC Agriculture
is US $ 60,000/annum. Centre (SAC) and the same were conducted successfully
by obtaining necessary clearances and coordinating
Indo-ASEAN Research Collaboration between SAARC Sectt., ICAR Institutes and other
The 5 th ASEAN India Ministerial Meeting on organizations. Institutional charges were waived off
Agriculture and forestry (AIMMAF) was held during for the SAARC Programmes held at ICAR Institutes.
16–17 October, 2019 at Brunei Darussalam. The
Ministerial Meeting reaffirmed the commitment to Foreign visits/deputations
contribute towards the vision and priorities of the • Secretary (DARE) & Director General, ICAR
ASEAN-India Partnership for Peace, Progress and who is also the Vice-Chair of the Executive
Shared Prosperity (2016–2020), post-2015 Sustainable Committee of APAARI has participated in Online
Development Goals and related goals of the UN Zero Executive Committee Meeting (ECM) of Asia-
Hunger Challenge. Pacific Association of Agricultural Research
Institutions (APAARI) held from July 8–10, 2020
Indo-BIMSTEC Collaboration through digital video conferencing.
International Seminar on Climate Smart Farming
Systems for BIMSTEC member states was held during
11–13 December, 2019 in New Delhi wherein 13
delegates from BIMSTEC countries and BIMSTEC
Secretariat attended the Seminar.
BIMSTEC delegates visited IARI and expressed
their interest to take IARI model to their country.
The delegates visited the ICAR-Indian Indian
Institute of Farming Systems Research (IIFSR),
Modipuram and visited the farmers’ field and different
IFS models developed and interacted with different
NRCE, Hisar attended International Veterinary being one of the members from ICAR visited
Vaccinology Network Laboratory Exchange Hanoi, Vietnam for attending India-Vietnam Joint
Award, Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh Working Group on Agriculture meeting held from
at Animal Health Trust, New Market, UK from 18 November to 21 November 2019.
01/03/2020 to 30/04/2020.
Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI),
Jhansi for attending ICAR International Central Agricultural University (CAU), Imphal
Fellowship at Murdoch University, Australia for (Manipur)
a period of three years from 16/03/2020 to Central Agricultural University (CAU), Imphal was
15/03/2023. established in the year 1993 under the Central
• Dr Bappa Das, Scientist, ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural University Act, 1992 of the Parliament
Agricultural Research Institute, Goa for attending (Act No. 40 of 1992). The university is a fully residential
Agriculture Research Organization, Israel university having 13 constituent colleges covering 7
Postdoctoral Fellowship 2020–21 at Institute of North-East Hill states under its jurisdiction except
Soils, Water and Environmental Sciences, Israel Assam.
from 01/04/2020 to 31/03/2021.
• Dr Shaik N Meera, Principal Scientist, ICAR- Academic activities
IIRR, Hyderabad attended Technical Session on The University offered 9 Undergraduate, 38 Masters
“Realizing the Potential of Digital Extension and 21 PhD Degree Programmes in different subjects/
Strategies” in the International Forum on disciplines through its 13 constituent colleges. On the
Innovation in Agriculture and Food Systems for recommendations of the ICAR Peer Review Team,
achieving SDGs at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from the National Agricultural Education Accreditation
15/03/2020 to 17/03/2020. Board, ICAR, New Delhi granted accreditation for
• Dr Shashank P R, Scientist, ICAR-IARI, New various academic programmes (UG/PG/PhD’s) to the
Delhi attended visit and training on Sphingidae Central Agricultural University, Imphal (Manipur) and
Museum management sample’s DNA analyses its constituent colleges from 28 March 2016 to 27
and collection treatments organized by Ekologicke March 2021.
Centrum Orlov-Sphingidae Museum, Czech A total of 506, 183 and 38 students including 13
Republic from 15/03/2020 to 21/03/2020. foreign students were admitted in various Under-
• Mr T Lakshmi Pathy, Scientist, ICAR-SBI, graduates, Masters and PhD programmes, respectively
Coimbatore for pursuing PhD Under ICAR during the academic year 2020–21. A total of 328 UG
International Fellowship at Commonwealth and 140 PG students completed their degrees and 21
Scientific and Industrial Research Organization students were also awarded PhDs during this period.
(CSIRO) in collaboration with University of Till date, 73% of the passed out students from this
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia for 3 years from University are already employed/absorbed in
01/04/2020 to 31/03/2023. government departments. During the period under
• Ms Divya Parisa, Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Zone- report, 10 students have qualified Agricultural Research
VII, Umiam for attending ICAR International Service (ARS), 14 students Junior Research Fellowship
Fellowship organized by University of (JRF) examination and 4 students ICAR SRF
Kiel, Germany for 3 years from 01/05/2020 to examination. Two students, viz. Keisham Geenita and
30/04/2023. D Bernice Ekhe topped in the ICAR AIEEA JRF
• Mr Hemant Balasaheb Kardile, Scientist, ICAR- examination in the streams of Fisheries Science and
Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla for Community Science respectively.
pursuing PhD under Graduate School Oregon
State University Heckart Lodge 2900 SW Research activities
Jefferson Way Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA At present, the university has 75 ongoing internally
from 14/12/2020 to 13/12/2023. funded research projects and 112 externally funded
• Dr Kuldeep Kumar Lal, Director, National Bureau projects including 35 All India Coordinated Research
of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR), Lucknow Projects (AICRPs) and 4 All India Network Research
visited Bangkok, Thailand from 5 to 7 November Projects (AINRPs). Farmer friendly technologies (86)
2019 and attended the regional consultative and location specific recommendations (380) in the
workshop on Strengthening Governance of field of agriculture and allied disciplines were developed
aquaculture for sustainable development in Asia for adoption by the farmers and agri-preneurs of NEH
and related country review studies and Region. Three varieties of rice, viz. CAU-R2
demographic change in Fishing communities in (Tomthinphou), CAU-R3 (Mangalphou) and CAU-R4
Asia organized by NACA and FAO-RAP. (Enotphou) were released and notified in the Gazette.
• A delegation led by Dr Joy Krushna Jena, DDG One patent on Multi-Column Sand Filter a Method
(Fy. Sci), ICAR and Dr J P Mishra, ADG (PIM) Thereof was also granted during the reporting year.
The University released its first ever variety RLB
Chana Kabuli-1 (RLBGK 1). The main features of
the variety include mean weighted seed yield of 1,549
kg/ha, besides resistant/moderately resistant to Fusarium
wilt, dry-root rot, collar rot and stunt.
Research work under various ICAR-AICRPs, viz.
on Chickpea, and Rapeseed–mustard, aside from A set of 82 indigenous wheat germplasm lines,
voluntary trials in the purview of AICRP-Maize, Barley, released varieties, and genetic stocks was also evaluated
Pearl millet, MULLaRP and Sesame and Niger were for different agro-morphological characters and biotic
undertaken towards enhancing productivity and stresses. A coordinated germplasm nursery of wheat
production of these crops through development of high- (Elite International Germplasm Nursery, EIGN) with
yielding, multiple disease-resistant varieties for central 91 germplasm lines, was evaluated. Fifteen promising
India. Water absorption capacity of Desi and Kabuli wheat genotypes were identified from EIGN based
chickpea cultivars showed wide variations among the on yield and chlorophyll content. The sowing techniques
respective groups. The mean per cent water absorption for green gram were standardized to promote line
capacity of Desi and kabuli chickpea cultivars was sowing for increasing crop productivity and input-
90.6 and 92.7, respectively. Seedling vigour showed use efficiency. Time taken by different sowing machines
wide variations from 0.46–4.34 cm in Desi group and was the lowest for zero-till ferti-seed drill, i.e. 4 h/ha,
0.48–2.95 cm in Kabuli group, with a mean of 1.64 whereas it was maximum under farmer’s practice (6.5
cm and 1.60 cm, respectively. h/ha). Similarly, seed yield obtained under the
Agrinnovate India Limited (AgIn) collaborated with control of bovine brucellosis developed by ICAR-IVRI,
BIRAC in licensing out the Brucella Vaccine Bareilly, to Hester Biosciences Limited, Gujarat for a
Technology (Brucella abortus S19$#Äper) for the global market access for 15 years (September 2020)
Supporting Basic and Strategic Research
The ‘National Agricultural Science Fund’ supports basic finalization of strategic areas of NASF for invitation
and strategic research in agriculture with an outlay of of new pre proposals under Call IX, wherein members
` 164.5 crores during the period 2017–18 to 2019–20. of Expert Committees, all senior officers of ICAR,
The main objective of the scheme has been to build Directors of neighboring ICAR institutes and other
capacity for basic, strategic and cutting edge application specialized experts were also invited. In this meeting,
research in agriculture and address issues which can the seven strategic areas were finalized as
be solved by intensive basic and strategic research jointly (i) Biotechnology, genomics and allele mining in plants,
by team of organizations/institutions. Underlying this animals and fisheries; (ii) Abiotic and biotic stresses
objective are the following aims: (i) Foster research and, quality traits in plants, animals and fisheries;
and a research culture that will use and advance the (iii) Precision agriculture and management of natural
frontiers of scientific knowledge to effectively meet the resources and application of sensors in crops, animals
present, anticipated and unanticipated problems of and Fisheries; (iv) Nanotechnology in agriculture,
agriculture through various modes and critical (v) Metabolomics in agriculture; (vi) Farm
investments in research projects; (ii) Build the capability Mechanization and energy and (vii) Social Sciences
of the National Agricultural Research System through and policy in agriculture.
development of wide partnerships in science through Monitoring of ongoing projects: The on-going
projects; (iii) Build a storehouse of advancement of projects are being monitored at three levels, i.e. the
knowledge in science related to agriculture and awareness projects are being reviewed by the ‘Expert Committees’
of the national importance of basic and strategic research and the ‘Empowered Committee. Besides, to mentor,
in agriculture; (iv) To provide policy support to the monitor and review the projects each project also has
decision makers for use of basic and strategic research an ‘Advisory Committee’. Six Annual Review meetings
in agriculture and; (v) Organization of workshop, were held in the months from December, 2019 to
seminars, conferences, etc. to create awareness, February, 2020 and August, 2020 to review the 59
prioritization, scientific popularization and related issues. ongoing projects. More than 10 advisory committee
The scheme has already funded 205 projects, mostly in meetings were held during 2019–20 to mentor, monitor
consortium mode. At present 66 projects are in operation, and evaluate the projects. Besides, the Empowered
out of which 62 are multi-institutional in nature. During Committee also reviewed the progress of three mega
last one year, NASF has taken many new initiatives projects, viz. ‘Genetic improvement of rice for yield,
like inclusion of allele mining, metabolomics, precision NUE, WUE, abiotic and biotic stress tolerance through
agriculture, application of sensors, nanotechnology and RNA Guided Genome Editing (CRISPR-Cas9/Cpf1)’,
policy in agriculture as new strategic areas; and one ‘Development of sustainable management tools for
mega project on Captive Breeding of Hilsa, Tenualosa the invasive pest, Fall Armyworm Spodoptera
ilisha: Phase II. frugiperda (J.E. Smith) in maize’ and ‘Production of
Besides supporting, reviewing, monitoring and multiple copies of elite buffalo bulls using animal
evaluation of the ongoing projects during the year cloning technology in September, 2020. In addition
2019–20, NASF evaluated 66 new full project proposals to the results in terms of high impact publications,
received under different themes of Call VIII by the patents and technologies, a strong and sustainable
respective expert committee. A total of 27 new projects platform for developing scientific capacity and culture
were approved during the period. NASF also invited that encompasses the extended NARS is being
the pre proposals for new research projects under seven established. This will ensure continuous flow of
strategic areas for Call IX and received 1,345 pre- knowledge, ideas and working together among different
proposals, which are under the process of evaluation. stakeholders in the basic, strategic and frontier
NASF was also engaged in creating awareness for application research for solving problems in agriculture
the need and nature of the basic research for agriculture and also forming science policy in agriculture.
among institutions within and outside the traditional
NARS for prioritization of research. During the last Salient achievements
year, four meetings of the Empowered Committee were During 2019–20, besides having more than 70
organized for approval/ratification of new project research publications in reputed journal, NASF had
proposals, review of the ongoing projects and to review/ seven patents and 10 technologies. The research
decide the administrative and financial issues of the highlights of some selected projects are as follows:
NASF. Besides one meeting of the Empowered Phenomics of water use efficiency and nitrogen
Committee was also held on 4th March, 2020 for use efficiency in rice: RIL population (170) of
BVD109 (drought tolerant) × IR 20 (drought in MTU1010. The ckx2 mutant in MTU1010 produced
susceptible) was phenotyped for diurnal and nocturnal about 53–64% increase in the grains per panicle as
water use towards identification of donors for compared with WT plants. The miR156 binding site
component traits of water use. RILs C-822-103, C- in the coding sequence of Ideal Plant Architecture 1
822-105, C-822-123, C-822-130, C-822-99, C-822- (SPL14/IPA1) gene was edited in Swarna. Putative
124 and C-822-129 showed high transpiration mutants were developed by using CRISPR-Cas9 in
efficiency as compared with both the parents BVD109 Swarna with increase in grain number per panicle
and IR20. The parents and RIL population were and about 20% high grain weight per plants were
genotyped with 50 K SNP chip for QTL mapping. obtained. For enhancing abiotic stress tolerance,
QTLs for nocturnal and diurnal transpiration and WUE Drought and Salt Tolerance (DST) gene was edited
were mapped. Similarly, for identification of by using CRISPR-Cas9 in MTU1010 led to the
germplasm lines with high NUE, 300 rice germplasm generation of different 19 mutants for the two guide
lines were phenotyped under nitrogen sufficient and RNAs of DST gene. A homozygous deletion mutant
deficient conditions. NUE varied from 3.6 to 32 g (deletion of 549–914 nucleotides) with loss of function
grain/g N uptake by plant at normal recommended was identified. Physiological analysis showed that this
dose of nitrogen application, while it varied from mutation conferred enhanced leaf width, reduction in
6.3 to 49.6 g grain/g N uptake by plant under nitrogen stomatal conductance and enhanced salt and osmotic
deficient conditions. Genome-wide association study stress tolerance at seedling stage. For introducing tungro
(GWAS) led to the identification of QTLs associated virus resistance, eIF4G gene was edited in rice cv.
with NUE in rice. ASD16.
Genetic improvement of rice for yield, NUE, Epigenetic regulation of host-pathogen genetics
WUE, abiotic and biotic stress tolerance: Four genes in leaf rust resistance of wheat: A total of 50 miRNAs
were selected for genome editing for improving yield and 1178 lncRNAs were identified through in silico
of elite rice varieties. Teosinte Branched1 (TB1) gene, analysis of RNA-seq data; of these, 16 miRNAs and
a negative regulator tillering, was edited to crease a 22 lncRNAs were differentially expressed (DE).
loss of function mutant of TB1 gene with 13 bp deletion Expression of 8 miRNAs was induced in resistant
in rice cv. MTU1010. The transgene free tb1 mutant NIL which targeted several important genes including
produced about 35 tillers as compared with 15 tillers disease responsive genes. As many as 49 lncRNAs
in WT MTU1010 plants and yielded 66–70% higher were found to be the targets for miRNAs; the results
grain yield per plant. were also validated using qRT-PCR analyses. Role of
Dense and Erect Panicle 1 (DEP1) codes for G histone modification (H3K4me3 for activation and
protein subunit, involved in the regulation of number H3K27me3 for repression) was examined using ChIP-
of grains per panicle. By using CRISPR-Cas9, a single Seq; several differentially binding sites (DBSs) and
base pair insertion mutant of dep1 was created in the associated genes for modified H3 were identified.
MTU1010. The dep1 mutant produced 52–54% and The role of DNA methylation is being examined using
21–15% higher grains/plant and grain yield per plant, bisulfite sequencing and context specific (CG, CHG
respectively as compared with WT MTU1010. The and CHH) differential methylation is observed during
OsCKX2 (Cytokinin oxidase/ dehydrogenase2) gene compatible and incompatible interactions. A number
catalyzes the degradation of active cytokinin and thus, of disease response genes undergoing differential
reduces the grain number. Hence, this gene function methylation have been identified including the cross
was knocked out by using CRISPR-Cas9 in rice cv. interactions involving histone modifications, gene
Distribution of (a) context-wise DMRs and (b) hypo/hypermethylated DMRs in four pairs of comparisons.
Hypo, hypomethylated; Hyper, hypermethylated
AtSPO11 and AtCENH3 genes sequences. Two gRNA accessions that have high spikelet fertility under high
targets were also identified in each gene and were temperature were identified. Availability of the
assembled into pHSE401 CRISPR/Cas9 vector genotypic dataset (SNPs) based on Rice SNP-Seek
independently for MiMe and CENH3 and were database (further filtered using several parameters to
confirmed by digestion. Multicistronic construct with remove false and low quality bases) and the phenotypic
all the three MiMe genes was prepared using gtRNA data gave a very good opportunity to understand how
after each target gRNA sequence and assembled in the allelic variation contributes to the phenotypic
pHSE401. Further the construct was used for genetic variations. The above processes aided in materialising
transformation of potato variety Kufri Jyoti using inter our primary objective to perform the association analysis
nodal stem cuttings for editing all the 3 MiMe genes between the SNP markers and phenotypic data using
simultaneously and CENH3 gene construct the mixed linear model (MLM) for the identification
independently. Around 80 calli and 60 calli were of superior donors as well as candidate genes/alleles
generated using 5 mg/ml hygromycin selective media contributing to spikelet fertility and grain chalkiness
for MiMe and CENH3 construct, respectively. under high temperature stress in rice.
Production of multiple clones of a superior buffalo
breeding bull: Seven clones were produced from a
single superior bull, named ‘M-29’, and birth of a re-
cloned calf of a cloned bull, named ‘Hisar-Gaurav’
was successfully achieved. The genotype of cloned
calves was confirmed by microsatellite analysis
(parentage verification). The produced clones have
normal physiological parameters such as blood
hematological indices, respiration rate, body
temperature, and heart rate. Besides, the institute has
also produced 11,000 frozen semen doses and 25
The safe, stable and characterized flowable (F10) and natural cream formulations were developed to tackle the resistant
tick problem. Identification and quantification of five active compounds in the formulation were validated by a reversed
phase HPLC-PDA method. Both the formulations were 80–90% effective under in vitro model and 60–90% efficacious
against ivermectin resistant ticks. Both the formulations were evaluated against experimental challenge infestations and
70–90% efficacy was recorded within 7 days of application. Fragility of mid gut with ingested blood spillage after 12 h
and complete structural disorganization of mid gut after 48 h of treatment was recorded. The efficacy of anti-tick natural
formulations (F10 and cream) was validated on more than 100 animals at different locations of Parbhani district of
Maharashtra and reported more than 80% efficacy. Field trial of the formulation was also done in Uttarakhand and initial
data revalidated the results obtained in Maharashtra. The first generation anti-tick technology has been transferred to
Ajay Bio-tech India Ltd, Pune.
progenies of ‘Hisar Gaurav’. The Assamese cloned in liver and degenerative tubular epithelial lining in
bull, which was produced in 2017, has been trained kidney tissues were observed.
to produce semen, and to date, 1,200 semen doses
have been produced. It has also been demonstrated
that the cloned bulls have similar fertility as the donors
and other non-cloned breeding bulls. So far, 10 cloned
buffalo bulls have been produced, which can produce
10–15 lakh semen doses that can inseminate 5–7 lakh
buffaloes for improving their genetic potentials.
Synthesis, characterization and effect of graded
levels of nano selenium on performance of broiler
chicken: Nano selenium was synthesized by chemical Pelleted Feed prepared with nano selenium; Experimental;
birds fed nano selenium
method by taking inorganic sodium selenite as selenium
source, GSH as reducing agent and Bovine Serum Elucidating the mechanism and assessing
Albumin (BSA) as stabilizer. The size of the nano Se amelioration potential of Ocimum and Lucas in
particle was 40–80 nm and shape was spherical with zebrafish: The organic carbon, microbial biomass
the concentration of 3,200 ppm. Supplementation of carbon and phosphorous availability in soil regulate
0.15 ppm of nano selenium improves the body weight S-adenosyl-L- methionine (SAM) and Ursolic acid (UA)
gain, higher anti-oxidant enzyme status like GPx and and exceptionally high concentration of SAM was
SOD activity, both cellular and humoral immunity of detected in Ocimum and Lucas. The exposure to
the commercial birds. Nano Se concentration in liver, hypoxia, acidic pH stress, density and excess fat (HFD)
breast muscle, gizzard, kidney and brain is an indicator impair metabolic homeostasis through down regulation
of Se bioavailability. Se levels in liver, breast muscle, of energy sensors (SIRT1, pAMPK and PGC1) and
gizzard, kidney and brain in all the Se treated groups disruption of mitochondrial ATP production in muscle
were significantly higher but no effect on the organ tissue. Interestingly, HPLC-purified SAM could
weight was noticed. At higher level of supplementation, suppress Fetuin A (FetA) and ameliorate impaired
i.e. 0.60 and 1.20 ppm levels vacuolar degeneration energy homeostasis. Additionally, abiotic stress in the
form of polluting organic ambience (Bisphenol A, confirmed formation of niosomes and the encapsulation
4-Nonylphenol), at environmentally relevant doses, of catechins into them. HPLC analysis before and
severely impacted fish health. While elevated follicular after encapsulation confirmed that catechins were
death (atresia) and reduced maturational competence completely recovered in the niosomes. Aqueous
lead to reduced fecundity and reproductive fitness in solubility of catechin improved after their
BPA-treated females, 4-NP could alter redox balance nanoencapsulation. Free catechins were highly
(oxidative stress), inflammatory response, lipid photosensitive to artificial UV light, whereas
accumulation (steatosis) and apoptotic index in zebrafish nanoencapsulated forms exhibited good photo stability.
liver. Low dose of SAM, isolated from plant source The catechins-loaded niosomes exhibited a sustained
(Ocimum spp), has the potential to induce oocyte release under simulated GI conditions. Antioxidant
maturation and formation of fertilizable female gamete. activity of catechins was retained in the niosomes.
A mouse model for PPRV and a novel vaccine The niosomes were stable up to 30 and 90 days at
vector for animals: Goat plague disease is caused by 30°C and 5°C, respectively. In the second approach,
a virus named peste-des-petits-ruminants or PPR virus. resveratrol and catechins were converted into the dry
The immunological responses during virus infection proniosomes using GRAS encapsulants. The
would not only help to devise better vaccines but also morphological, ultrastructural, entrapment and release
in applying appropriate disease curing measures. The properties of resveratrol and catechins-loaded
genetically defective mice, developed for interferon proniosomes were evaluated for fortification in milk.
response serve as an excellent in-vivo animal model Maltodextrin produced proniosomes with hydrodynamic
for investigating PPRV pathogenesis. Replicating virus diameter below 200 nm and entrapment efficiency
and its antigens were detected in most of the critical above 90%. Also, catechins were converted into
organs of infected mice. Innate immune cells such as electrospun nanofibres. The surface morphology and
neutrophils and macrophages likely transported the topography of the nanofibres and the antioxidant activity
replicating virus to the central nervous system to cause and release characteristics of catechins were determined.
encephalitis. This established and employed a laboratory The nanofibres had cylindrical and non-porous
animal model for investigating PPRV pathogenesis ultrastructure with continuous three-dimensional
and protective role of CD8+ T cells of immune system. network, and mean fibre diameter and encapsulation
A viral vector system based on the Indian vaccine efficiency less than 100 nm and 92%, respectively.
strain (Sungri/96) of peste-des-petits-ruminants virus Role of dietary trace minerals in animals: Feeding
(PPRV), specifically for the development of next rats higher (300 to 450 ppb) than recommended (150
generation live attenuated dual/combined vaccines for ppb) level of Se in the purified diet and exposed to
other viral/bacterial/parasitic diseases of livestock in heat stress conditions for 6 h daily for two weeks
addition to PPR was also developed. resulted in restoration of blood hemoglobin and hepatic
Identification of biomarkers for early diagnosis function, maintenance of higher serum T3 and insulin
of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis hormones levels and reduced heat stress induced
(MAP): MAP 2191c or mammalian cell entry protein oxidative stress by decreasing serum MDA levels
and ModD Secretome protein in the form of peptide besides increasing serum GSH, catalase and SOD
was targeted for the development of DIVA ELISA. enzyme activity. However, serum GPx activity of the
Early detection of MAP infection even before the onset heat stressed rats increased only with 450 ppb Se
of clinical signs could aid in effective control of the level. Selenium at 300 and 450 ppb concentration in
disease transmission. The inflammatory biomarker IL18 the diet significantly reduced serum pro-inflammatory
was consistently up-regulated in MAP infected animals cytokine IL-1 and 450 ppb Se significantly improved
as early as 30 days post inoculation of MAP in anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, however, 300 ppb
experimental animals. While, IL1 and IFN genes Se in the diet improved humoral immunity of rats
were transcriptionally elevated in chronic cases as well reared under stress conditions. Hence, Selenium at
as vaccinated animals beyond >90 dpt timeline. Besides, 450 ppb level ameliorated heat stress induced harmful
the calcium signaling and MAPK pathways were effects by improving antioxidant status, regulating
identified as key mechanisms which help in the survival thyroid and insulin hormone, reducing inflammatory
of MAP inside the macrophages of host and successful cytokines and improving humoral immunity indicating
chronic infection, that could be exploited in the nation- higher requirement of dietary selenium under heat stress
wide control programmes on JD. conditions. On assessing the effects of higher dietary
Resveratrol and catechin-loaded niosomes and levels of trace element zinc it was found that higher
nanoparticles for fortification of milk and milk zinc at 24 and 36 ppm level lowered oxidative stress
products: The process conditions of catechins-loaded biomarker in rats. Feeding 36 ppm zinc in the diet
niosomes were optimized, and the niosomes were reduced hepatic Metallothionein-1 (MT-1) gene
characterized for fortification of milk, dahi and yoghurt. expression irrespective of stress condition, however,
SEM, TEM and AFM analysis revealed that the endotoxin exposure up-regulated intestinal zinc
catechins-loaded niosomes were monodispersed with transporter genes (ZIP-1 and ZnT-1) expression in
spherical morphology and size 60 nm. FTIR spectra rats feed diet containing 12 ppm zinc, but higher zinc
at 24 and 36 ppm concentration resulted in down- Electronic nose for the optimum harvesting time
regulation of zinc transporter genes under healthy as and fruit quality in apple and papaya: A portable
well as endotoxin stress conditions. and low cost sensor technology for non-invasive
Production of protein isolates/concentrates from detection of ripening stages and selected nutritional
de-oiled cakes/meals: A novel process to produce
protein isolates/concentrates from oilseed cakes/meals
(example soy meal, groundnut cake) has been developed
without addition of strong or diluted acid. The developed
process is unique as it is added acid free and also
provides about 5% higher yield of protein as compared
to the existing chemical process. The protein produced
by this method is superior in terms of solubility,
wettability, water absorption capacity and degree of
hydrolysis. The yield so obtained is about 35–36% of
the total weight of soymeal and 25% of total weight
of groundnut cake used, whereas, in the existing process,
maximum 30% protein yield from soymeal can be
obtained. The developed method comprises novel
bacterial strains isolated from a food sample for
producing protein from de-oiled meal/flour. The
Fruit-nose sensor prototype to measure apple ripeness
Soy protein isolated through novel method Field testing of sensor at apple orchards
slow pyrolysis increased the total carbon (48% to 80%; depth to be 11.38 and 1.29 g/m2/day for open raceway,
at 200 to 450°C). The thermal degradation process and 11.75 and 1.37 g/m2/day for closed raceway ponds,
was found to impart the changes in the surface respectively. In the hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL)
morphology of the processed biomaterial and SEM study, the maximum bio-crude yield (36%) of C.
image highlights the formation of micro-channel and minutissima was obtained at 300°C under 200 bar
micro-cavities on surface of thermally degraded pressure at 60 min retention time without catalyst use.
biomaterial. The iso-conversional FWO model was The effect of various acid catalysts, viz. CH3COOH,
found better than other models for measuring activation HCOOH, HCl, H2SO4 and H3BO3 were studied, and
energy for complete range of conversion (from 0.1 to CH3COOH was found to stimulate the bio-crude yield
0.9). Thermal degradation processes were found to up to 45%. A protocol was standardized for maximum
reduce, on an average, the activation energy levels of extraction of microalgal protein from C. minutissima
the lignin segment as the process temperature increases. biomass that can be substituted in the diets of freshwater
fishes as a protein supplement. The selected protocol
produced maximum extraction of protein up to 0.4 g/g.
Biological filter for safe waste water irrigation:
The sorption of cadmium and chromium as well as
degradation of paracetamol by novel strains
Pseudomonas aeruginosa IIWM-DW-02E (E), Bacillus
cereus IIWM-DW-01O (O) and Acinetobacter
baumannii IIWM-DW-03H (H) encapsulated in alginate
beads was analyzed. Based on Langmuir equation the
adsorption of Cd and Cr by the microbial isolates
were in the order E > O > H. Isolate E had the maximum
Formation of micro channel and cavities in thermally
potential of degrading paracetamol. Three more novel
degraded bio-material bacterial isolates having potential of absorbing heavy
metals and degrading paracetamol were identified and
Lactic acid bacteria based biorefineries for their RNA sequences were submitted in NCBI: Bacillus
converting agro and food based biomass: Lactic acid megaterium IIWM-DW-09I, Enterobacter asburiae
bacteria based bio refineries for converting agro and IIWM-JS-07L and Bacillus cereus IIWM-OMS-06N.
food based biomass into PLA and high value-added Synthetic municipal wastewater (COD=259.24±100.12
products, an enzymatic process for the production of mg/l and Sulphate=180.17±31.65 mg/l) spiked with
polylactides was developed. Purified lactic acid (LA) metals: Fe (5 ppm), Mn (2 ppm), Cu (2 ppm), Zn
was used for the synthesis of poly-lactic acid (PLA), a (2 ppm), Ni (2 ppm), Cr (5 ppm), and Pb (2 ppm)
biodegradable and biocompatible plastic by enzymatic was treated for a period of 37 weeks at two differing
method. PLA is a high value-added product synthesized flow rates of 50±2 and 26±3 ml/h for testing the
from LA. PLA was characterized by NMR, FTIR, TGA, performance of Graphite, Gravel and FRP biofilters
XRD, SEM, and diffraction scanning calorimetry. for metal removal. The COD and sulphate removal
Furthermore, foods with improved organoleptic and were up to 100% and 70%, respectively with highest
nutraceutical properties were prepared by using in graphite. Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr, Pb concentrations in effluent
co-products polyols, GABA, and EPS. Encapsulation were 0.1–0.15 ppm, attributed to biosorption and bio-
of GABA and LAB using exopolysaccharides as a coating chemical precipitation. Manganese removal, generally
agent was carried out and its stability study under problematic as requires elevated pH (>8), differed
different process conditions was evaluated. Shelf-stable considerably in graphite (40–72%), FRP (32–62%)
microcapsules of LAB and GABA containing inulin and and gravel (60–80%), respectively. This was also due
dextran as wall materials were prepared using spray to composition of material. SiO2 shows good adsorption
drying technology. Spray drying produced a highly stable for Mn and so gravel filter is effective for it.
microcapsule of desirable flowability with higher Microbial consortia for improving soil health:
encapsulation efficiency (99.6%). The liquid formulation of microbial consortia was
Production and processing of microalgal biomass developed for rapid development of compost from
for biodiesel: Among different microalgal species bio-wastes. Compost quality standard has been assessed
Chlorella minutissima was a good lipid accumulator. and it was found that compost is ready for field
Anabaena variabilis is rich in carbohydrate content, application after 20 days from kitchen and vegetable
whereas Oscillatoria formosa, Calothrix sp. and waste followed by horticultural waste compost (30
Spirulina subsalsa are rich in protein + carbohydrate days) and farm waste (45 days). The developed bio
contents. While, Aulosira fertilissima, Calothrix sp., filters using selective fungi were effective for elicitation
and O. formosa are poor lipid accumulators. High of Zn (~30%) and Ni (>30), Pb (>40%), Cd (>20%)
lipid accumulator, C. minutissima, grown in open and and therefore improve the quality of compost. The
closed raceway ponds reported the average areal manurial value of compost was enriched by using 0.5%
productivity of biomass and lipid at 30 cm culture Urea-N, 2.5% P2O5 through rock phosphate, 5% Pyrites
Training and Capacity Building
Training is a systematic learning event to methodically organized by ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad in
impart required knowledge, skills and behaviour to coordination with Administration Section and HRM
the employees. ICAR is perusing training and capacity Unit, ICAR HQs during 4 to 9 December 2019 for
building of employees of all categories. The highlights the first time. In this training programme, 22
of Training and Capacity Building of ICAR employees Administrative and Finance staff participated, all of
of all categories undertaken during 2019–20 are them attended such type of training first time after
enumerated here. joining ICAR service.
Training programme for staff dealing with security
New initiatives or security officer: For the first time, a Capacity
Online submission of Annual Training Plan (ATP): Building Programme for a Secure and Resilient
As per ICAR HRM Policy, Training and Capacity Workplace, was designed, developed and organized
Building, it is utmost important for all the Institutes/ by ICAR-CPRI, Shimla, in coordination with HRM
HQs to develop Annual Training Plan (ATP) based Unit, ICAR HQs from 25–27 November 2019 in which
on Training Need Assessment (TNA) for all categories 33 Technical and Administrative staff of 26 ICAR-
of employees and submit to Training Manager, ICAR Institutes dealing with Security or Security Officers
in the beginning of the year. participated.
Trainers development programme: To support Training programme for administrative staff
ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad and other ICAR-Institutes dealing with court cases: For the first time, a training
for organizing various training programmes for programme on Improving Skills of Administrative Staff
Administrative and Finance staff, a specialized Trainers of ICAR dealing with Court Cases, was designed,
Development Programme for Developing Masters’ developed and organized by ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur
Trainers in ICAR, was designed, developed and in coordination with Legal Cell and HRM Unit, ICAR
Trainers Development Programme at ICAR-NAARM, Training of administrative staff dealing with Court Cases at
Hyderabad ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur
Training of staff dealing with Security or Security Officer at Training of staff associated with Works/Estate/Building
ICAR-CPRI, Shimla Maintenance at ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal
HQs from 25–27 November 2019 in which 18 the training as well as their Reporting Officers from
Administrative staff dealing with court cases 106 ICAR-Institutes across 26 states/UTs. It was
participated. revealed that pooled perceived training effectiveness
Training programme for staff associated with index (PTEI) was 3.86, referring to medium
works/estate/building maintenance: For the first time, effectiveness of trainings. The mean PTEI score was
a training programme on Repair and Maintenance of the highest for SSS (3.94) followed by Administrative
Office, Residential Building including Guest Houses, staff (3.90). Overall, most of the participants (58.83%)
was designed, developed and organized by ICAR-CIAE, reported medium degree of effectiveness of the training
Bhopal in coordination with Works/Engineering Cell programmes. Significant behavioural changes and
and HRM Unit, ICAR HQs from 21–23 January 2020 changes in practices as a consequence of exposure to
in which 29 Administrative/Technical staff associated the trainings were observed. The study also revealed
with Works/Estate/Building Maintenance participated. that the perceived training effectiveness was
Training programme on assets management: significantly associated with age, gender, experience
Suitable training programme for Administrative of the trainees and duration of training programmes.
including Finance staff dealing with Assets Management The PTEI was positively and significantly associated
in ICAR was lacking in the system. Therefore, for the with age and gender while negatively and significantly
first time, a new training programme on Assets associated with experience of trainee. Some observed
Management, was designed, developed and organized constraints of the trainees were inadequate infrastructure
by ICAR-IARI, New Delhi in coordination with Finance at the Institute, particularly with regard to lodging
Division and HRM Unit, ICAR from 4–8 November and boarding; lack of practical exposure; and sometimes
2019 in which 28 administrative including finance lesser relevance of few topics, etc. The major
category of staff participated. suggestions were inclusion of more practical sessions;
follow up programmes for trainer-trainee meet, and
increasing the duration of trainings in few cases.
The PTEI was strongly associated with Subject
Matter Divisions (SMDs) and category of employees.
Scientists of Agricultural Engineering Division had
highest PTEI score (3.98) followed by Animal Science
(3.87). In case of other than Scientist category
(Technical, Administrative and Skilled Support Staff),
the highest PTEI score was achieved by Fisheries
Science Division (4.16) followed by Crop Science
Training of administrative staff dealing with Assets Division (4.04). It was concluded that the trainings
Management at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
organized by ICAR should continue for all staff to
Capacity building programme for CJSC Members: bring about desirable changes in competencies. About
For the first time, a Capacity Building Programme 65.3% participants from Agricultural Engineering
for CJSC members was designed, developed and Division attached medium level of effectiveness of
organized by ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad from 27– training programmes followed by Crop Science Division
31 January 2020 in which 89 CJSC Members of ICAR (54.1%). About 42.9% participants from Horticulture
Institutes/HQs participated. All the CJSC member Science Division attached high level of effectiveness
participated for the first time in such kind of training of training programmes closely followed by Agricultural
programme after being elected as CJSC member. Education Division (42.1%).
Implementation of training management
information system (TMIS): The Training Management Other initiatives
Information System (TMIS) has been effectively Executive development programmes for senior
implemented in ICAR w.e.f. 1 April 2019. It is officers with international exposure: During the
mandatory for all ICAR-Institutes/Headquarters/PC year, an Executive Development Programme (EDP)
Units with ICAR employees to submit the Annual on Developing Effective Organisational Leadership
Training Plan (ATP) and applications for attending for Senior Officers of ICAR, was organized by ASCI,
Training Programme in ICAR/Non-ICAR Institutes Hyderabad in coordination with ICAR-NAARM,
through TMIS to make all the HRD related activities Hyderabad and HRM Unit, ICAR HQs. The programme
paperless. Most of the Institutes including HQs was envisaged to enhance leadership capacities,
submitted ATP for 2019–20 and applications online competence, skills of senior research managers and
through TMIS. officers to improve the organizational efficiency.
Effectiveness of trainings conducted/attended: The Overall, 45 multidisciplinary Senior Scientific and
effectiveness of trainings conducted/attended during Administrative staff together in 2 batches with both
2017–18 in ICAR was studied and statistically analysed. In-country (ASCI, Hyderabad; 2–4 August 2019 for
The assessment study was based on response of 1,782 Batch 1 and 9–11 August 2019 for Batch-2) and
staff belonging to all four categories who attended International components (Netherlands, Belgium,
Crop Sciences 274 260 343 94 971 16.2 18.7 40.6 7.1 82.6
Horticultural Sciences155 108 181 86 530 21.2 15.7 46.9 15.2 99.0
NRM 151 125 159 34 469 19.0 12.6 38.0 5.7 75.3
Agricultural Education30 22 63 23 138 20.8 23.4 59.4 39.7 143.3
Agricultural Engg. 39 21 82 18 160 19.9 8.0 59.9 15.1 102.9
Animal Sciences 203 102 185 48 538 26.9 13.5 37.9 4.0 82.4
Fisheries Sciences 166 76 165 37 444 27.5 15.2 55.4 9.4 107.6
Agricultural Extension11 8 35 0 54 31.4 30.8 58.3 0.0 120.5
ICAR HQs 26 6 108 0 140 20.8 23.4 59.4 39.7 34.3
Total 1,055 728 1,321 340 3,444 21.0 15.2 43.1 7.9 20.1
Notes on Demands For Grants, 2020-2021
Department of Agricultural Research and Education
A. The Budget allocations, net of recoveries, are given below: (Rupees in crore)
Gross 7943.58 ... 7943.58 8078.76 ... 8078.76 7846.17 ... 7846.17 8362.58 ... 8362.58
Recoveries -399.33 ... -399.33 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Receipts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Net 7544.25 ... 7544.25 8078.76 ... 8078.76 7846.17 ... 7846.17 8362.58 ... 8362.58
I Establishment Expenditure of the Centre
1. Secretariat 2415 6.25 ... 6.25 6.85 ... 6.85 6.40 ... 6.40 6.30 ... 6.30
3451 6.64 ... 6.64 7.95 ... 7.95 6.78 ... 6.78 7.55 ... 7.55
Total-Secretariat 12.89 ... 12.89 14.80 ... 14.80 13.18 ... 13.18 13.85 ... 13.85
II Central Sector Schemes/Projects
2. Agricultural Extension 2415 205.53 ... 205.53 208.67 ... 208.67 208.67 ... 208.67 228.82 ... 228.82
2552 ... ... ... 12.48 ... 12.48 12.48 ... 12.48 13.68 ... 13.68
Total -Agricultural Extension 205.53 ... 205.53 221.15 ... 221.15 221.15 ... 221.15 242.50 ... 242.50
3. Agricultural Engineering 2415 59.50 ... 59.50 62.30 ... 62.30 62.23 ... 62.23 67.05 ... 67.05
2552 ... ... ... 1.72 ... 1.72 1.79 ... 1.79 2.95 ... 2.95
Total -Agricultural Engineering 59.50 ... 59.50 64.02 ... 64.02 64.02 ... 64.02 70.00 ... 70.00
Crop Sciences
6. Crop Science 2415 651.99 ... 651.99 652.94 ... 652.94 602.00 ... 602.00 680.38 ... 680.38
2552 ... ... ... 48.59 ... 48.59 33.00 ... 33.00 35.12 ... 35.12
Total-Crop Science 651.99 ... 651.99 701.53 ... 701.53 635.00 ... 635.00 715.50 ... 715.50
7. Horticultural Science 2415 165.75 ... 165.75 173.47 ... 173.47 156.43 ... 156.43 174.60 ... 174.60
2552 ... ... ... 4.87 ... 4.87 17.18 ... 17.18 19.40 ... 19.40
Total -Horticultural Science 165.75 ... 165.75 178.34 ... 178.34 173.61 ... 173.61 194.00 ... 194.00
8. National Agricultural Science Fund 2415 50.75 ... 50.75 54.80 ... 54.80 50.00 ... 50.00 55.00 ... 55.00
Animal Sciences
9. Animal Science 288.98 ... 288.98 300.55 ... 300.55 299.57 ... 299.57 297.00 ... 297.00
2552 ... ... ... 10.43 ... 10.43 10.43 ... 10.43 33.00 ... 33.00
Total -Animal Science 288.98 ... 288.98 310.98 ... 310.98 310.00 ... 310.00 330.00 ... 330.00
10. Fisheries Science 2415 132.34 ... 132.34 141.38 ... 141.38 141.38 ... 141.38 152.40 ... 152.40
2552 ... ... ... 1.01 ... 1.01 1.01 ... 1.01 3.60 ... 3.60
Total-Fisheries Science 132.34 ... 132.34 142.39 ... 142.39 142.39 ... 142.39 156.00 ... 156.00
Agricultural Education
11. Agricultural Universities and Institutions 2415 525.59 ... 529.59 535.35 ... 535.35 429.84 ... 429.84 454.40 ... 454.40
2552 ... ... ... 30.16 ... 30.16 20.16 ... 20.16 25.60 ... 25.60
Total -Agricultural Universities and
Institutions 525.59 ... 525.59 565.51 ... 565.51 450.00 ... 450.00 480.00 ... 480.00
12. Economic Statistics and Management 2415 27.66 ... 27.66 29.76 ... 29.76 29.76 ... 29.76 30.00 ... 30.00
13. National Agricultural Higher Education 155.28 ... 155.28 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
14. National Agricultural Higher Education 52.63 ... 52.63 223.68 ... 223.68 207.85 ... 207.85 230.00 ... 230.00
Project (EAP)
Total -Central Sector Schemes/Projects 2508.72 ... 2508.72 2699.00 ... 2699.00 2488.61 ... 2488.61 2729.00 ... 2729.00
III Other Central Sector Expenditure
b Autonomous Bodies
15. ICAR Headquarters 5056.09 ... 5056.09 4711.75 ... 4711.75 4721.23 ... 4721.23 4977.75 ... 4977.75
2552 ... ... ... 157.05 ... 157.05 147.57 ... 147.57 160.00 ... 160.00
1. Secretariat—The provision is for the expenditure on salary of DARE staff.
2. Agricultural Extension- The provision is for the activities to reach out to the farmers at grass root level through Krishi Vigyan Kendras to disseminate and refine frontline agricultural technologies.
It includes training of farmers and extension personnel on local technologies, distribution of seed and planting materials and testing of soil and water samples.
3. Agricultural Engineering—The provision is for research, development and refinement of farm equipment, process and value addition protocols.
4. Natural Resource Management Institutes including Agro-Forestry Research—The provision is for research to address low farm productivity and profitability, land degradation, low water
productivity, soil health deterioration and low nutrient use efficiency, deterioration in ecosystem services, abiotic stresses, etc. It is necessary to encounter deteriorating natural resource base for
long term sustainability.
5. Climate Resilient Agriculture Initiative—The provision is to conduct strategic research and technology demonstration to enhance resilience of Indian agriculture to climate change and climate
vulnerability. The research on adaptation and mitigation covers crops, livestock, fisheries and natural resource management.
6. Crop Science—Research provision is to develop trait-specific high yielding field crop varieties/hybrids having tolerance to pest and diseases, besides various abiotic stresses. The quality
attributes are also given due importance with no yield penalty. The All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRPs)/Network Research Projects with active collaboration with State Agricultural
Universities (SAUs) are engaged in the development of improved crop varieties/ hybrids, cost-effective production and environment-friendly protection technologies in different agro-climatic
7. Horticultural Science—The provision is to address thrust areas of enrichment of horticultural genetic resources, development of new cultivation with resistance mechanism to biotic and abiotic
stresses, appropriate production technology and health management system of horticultural and vegetable crops.
8. National Agricultural Science Fund—Supports basic and strategic research in agriculture to address the prioritized research problems.
9. Animal Sciences—The provision is to develop new technologies to support production enhancement, profitability, competitiveness and sustainability of livestock and poultry sector for food and
nutritional security. It will facilitate need based priority research in livestock and poultry sector in on-going and new emerging areas to support productivity increase, thereby reducing the gap
between potential and actual yield.
10. Fisheries Science—The provision is to implement research and academic programmes in fisheries and aquaculture. It also provides technical, training, analytical, advisory support and
consultancy services in the field of resources assessment and management, standardization of aquaculture hatchery and grow-out culture technologies, responsible fishing system and species
diversification and utilization of inland saline soils for aquaculture, fish health monitoring, etc.
11. Agricultural Universities and institutions—The provision will provide financial support to all the agricultural universities in the country comprising State Agricultural Universities (SAUs),
Deemed universities (DUs), and Central Universities (CUs) with Agriculture Faculty. The scheme is also responsible for maintainance and improvement of standard of agricultural education
through (i) accreditation of educational institutions, (ii) providing International/national fellowships both at post and undergraduate levels, (iii) organization of training and capacity building
programmes for the scientists/faculty of National Agricultural Research System in cutting-edge areas.
12. Economics, statistics and management—The provision is for conducting research in the areas of agricultural economics and agricultural statistics to address the policy, management and
database issues and accordingly provide need-based support to other schemes and agricultural stakeholders.
13. The provision is for National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) which aims to develop resources and mechanism for supporting infrastructure, faculty and student advancement, and
4(i) Minister-in-charge of the portfolio of Agriculture in the 10. Dr Seediri Appalaraju Ex-officio
Union Cabinet- President of the Society Minister for Animal Husbandry & Fisheries,
Government of Andhra Pradesh,
1. Shri Narendra Singh Tomar Ex-officio A.P. Secretariat, Valagapudi,
Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500 022
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj,
Government of India, Krishi Bhavan, ARUNACHAL PRADESH
New Delhi 110 001 11. Shri Tage Taki
Minister for Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture
4(ii) Minister of State in the Union Ministry of Agriculture & & Fisheries,
Farmers Welfare dealing with ICAR Government of Arunachal Pradesh
CM Secretariat, Itanagar,
2. Shri Kailash Choudhary Ex-officio Arunachal Pradesh 791 111
Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare,
Government of India, Krishi Bhavan, ASSAM
New Delhi 110 001 12. Shri Atul Bora Ex-officio
Minister for Agriculture & Horticulture & Animal
4(iii) Union Ministers holding charge of Finance, Planning, Husbandry
Science & Technology, Education and Commerce Government of Assam, Assam (Civil) Secretariat,
(in case the Prime Minister is holding any of these Dispur, Guwahati, Assam 781 006
portfolios, the Minister of State in the Ministry /
Department concerned) 13. Shri Parimal Suklabaiya
Minister of Fisheries,
3. Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ex-officio Government of Assam, Assam (Civil) Secretariat,
Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam 781 006
Government of India, North Block,
New Delhi 110 001 BIHAR
14. Sh. Amrendra Singh Ex-officio
4. Shri Rao Inderjit Singh Ex-officio Minister for Agriculture
Minister of State for Planning Government of Bihar, Vikas Bhavan,
Government of India, Room No. 132, New Secretariat, Bailey Road,
NITI Aayog, New Delhi 110 001 Patna, Bihar 800 015
30. Shri Prabhu Chauhan Ex-officio 43. Shri Shorokhaibam Rajen Ex-officio
Minister of Animal Husbandry Minister for Fisheries
Government of Karnataka, Government of Manipur, Secretariat,
Vikasa Soudha, Vidhan Soudha, Imphal, Manipur 795 001
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560 001
31. Shri Kota Srinivas Poojary Ex-officio 44. Sh. Banteidor Lyngdoh Ex-officio
Minister of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture & Horticulture
Government of Karnataka, Government of Meghalaya,
Vikasa Soudha, Vidhan Soudha, Meghalaya Secretariat (C),
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560 001 Shillong, Meghalaya 793 001
54. Captain Amarinder Singh, Ex-officio 66. Shri Pranajit Singha Roy Ex-officio
Chief Minister holding the Charge of Ministry of Minister for Agriculture & Horticulture,
Agriculture & Horticulture, Government of Tripura, Civil Secretariat,
Government of Punjab, Punjab Civil Secretariat, Agartala, Tripura 799 001
Chandigarh, Punjab
67. Shri Narendra Chandra Debbarma Ex-officio
55. Shri Tript Rajinder singh Bajwa Ex-officio Minister for Fisheries
Ministry for Animal husbandry & Fisheries, Government of Tripura, Civil Secretariat,
Government of Punjab, Punjab Civil Secretariat, Agartala, Tripura 799 010
Chandigarh, Punjab
68. Smt. Santana Chakma Ex-officio
PUDUCHERRY Minister for Animal Resource Development,
56. Shri R. Kamalakannan Ex-officio Government of Tripura, Civil Secretariat,
Minister for Agriculture Agartala, Tripura 799 001
Government of Puducherry,
Puducherry 605 001
72. Shri Laxmi Narayan Chaudhary Ex-officio 4(x) CEO, NITI Ayog
Minister of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries,
Government of Uttar Pradesh, UP Civil Secretariat, 87. Shri Amitabh Kant Ex-officio
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh CEO, Niti Ayog,
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
73. Sh. Shriram Chauhan Ex-officio New Delhi 110 001
Minister of State for Horticulture (Independent Charge)
Government of Uttar Pradesh, UP Civil Secretariat, 4(xi) Secretary, Department of Bio-technology
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
88. Dr Renu Swarup Ex-officio
WEST BENGAL Secretary, Department of Biotechnology,
74. Dr Ashish Banerjee Ex-officio Block 2, 7th Floor, CGO Complex,
Minister for Agriculture, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003
Government of West Bengal,
”NABANNA”, HRBC Building, 3rd Floor, 325, 4(xii) Director-General, Council of Scientific and Industrial
Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah Research
Kolkata, West Bengal 711 102
89. Dr Shekhar C. Mande Ex-officio
75. Shri Swapan Debnath Ex-officio Director General, Council of Scientific and
Minister of State for Animal Resources Development Industrial Research,
(Independent Charge), Anusandhan Bhavan, 2-Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg,
Government of West Bengal, New Delhi 110 001
Prani Sampad Bhavan, LB-2, Sector-III,
Salt Lake, Kolkata, West Bengal 700 091 4(xiii) Chairman, University Grants Commission
90. Dr D. P. Singh Ex-officio
76. Sri Chandranath Sinha Ex-officio Chairman, University Grants Commission
Minister for Fisheries Department, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
Government of West Bengal, New Delhi 110 002
BENFISH TOWER, 8th Floor, GN Block,
Salt Lake, Sector-V, Kolkata, West Bengal 700 091 4(xiv) Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission (or Director,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, if nominated by the
77. Sri Janab Abdur Rezzak Mollah Ex-officio Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission)
Minister for Horticulture
Government of West Bengal, Mayukh Bhavan, 91. Shri Kamlesh Nilkanth Vyas Ex-officio
2nd Floor, Sector-I, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission
Salt Lake, Kolkata, West Bengal 700 091 Department of Atomic Energy, Anushakti Bhavan,
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Marg,
4(vi) Member, NITI Ayog, In-charge of Agriculture Mumbai 400 001
78. Dr Ramesh Chand Ex-officio 4(xv) Member, Finance (Secretary/ Additional Secretary) in
Member (Agriculture) NITI Ayog, the Ministry of Finance, Government of India
Niti Bhawan, New Delhi 110 001
92. Sh. Rajeev Ranjan Ex-officio
4(vii) Six members of Parliament—four elected by Lok Sabha Additional Secretary (Expenditure)
and two elected by Rajya Sabha Department of Expenditure
Ministry of Finance, North Block
79. VACANT New Delhi 110 001
4(xvi) Five Vice-Chancellors of Agricultural Universities, 4(xviii) Fifteen scientists from within and outside the Council
nominated by the President including one representative from the Indian Council of
Medical Research
94. Prof S. K. Rao, 17.05.2023/ VC Term-25/10/2022
Vice Chancellor, 104. Dr N.C. Gautam 07-02.2021
Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Vice-Chancellor,
Race Course Road, Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya
Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474 002 Vishwavidhyalaya
Chitrakoot, Satna, Madhya Pradesh 485 334
95. Dr Parvinder Kaushal 17.05.2023/VC Term
Vice Chancellor, -31/03/2022 105. Dr Kamala Kanta Saharia 07-02.2021
Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Professor (Extension Education)
Solan, Nauni, Himachal Pradesh 173 230 Department of Extension Education,
College of Veterinary Science, AAU,
96. Dr N. Kumar 17.05.2023/VC Term-15/11/2021 Khanpara, Guwahati, Assam 781 022
Vice Chancellor,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, 106. Dr T.V.R.S. Sharma (Emeritus Scientist) 07-02.2021
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 003 Former Head, Field Crops,
ICAR-Central Agricultural Research Institute,
97. Prof. G.K. Singh 17.05.2023/ VC Term-01/03/2022 Garacharma, Port Blair,
Vice Chancellor, Andman-Nicobar Island 744 101 India
UP Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa
Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go-Anusandhan 107. Dr P.S. Rathore 07-02.2021
Sansthan, Former Vice Chancellor,
Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281 001 Tara Nagar C, Plot no. 60, Near Khirni Phatak,
Thothwara, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302 012
98. Dr Anupam Mishra 29.12.2023/VC Term. 01/03/2022
Vice Chancellor, Central Agricultural 108. Dr Prakash Shastri, 07-02.2021
University, Imphal, P.O. Box No. 23, Professor (Plant Pathology),
Imphal, Manipur 795 004 College of Agriculture (RVSKVV),
Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh 450 001
4(xvii) Five Technical Representatives, namely Agricultural
commissioner, Horticultural Commissioner, animal 109. Pro. Arun Kumar Das 07-02.2021
Husbandry Commissioner, fisheries Development Agricultural university Bhubaneswar,
commissioner, from the Union Ministry of Agriculture Odisha. Residence-159/3907,
and Inspector-General of forests, government of India Bhakt Madhunagar, Gundamunda, Khandagiri,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751 030
99. Dr S.K. Malhotra Ex-officio
Agriculture Commissioner, 110. Dr M. Premjeet Singh 07-02.2021
Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation, Vice Chancellor,
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Central Agricultural University,
Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 110 001 Imphal, Manipur
Representative from the Indian Council of Medical Research 131. Shri Suresh Chandel 11.04.2021
118. Dr Raman R. Gangakhedkar 30.09.2022 Ex-member of Parliament,
Scientist-G & Head, Village – Gandhi Ropa, Post Beri Ropa,
Division of Epidemiology (ECD), Distt.&Tehsil-Bilaspur 174 001, Himachal Pradesh
ICMR Hqrs., Ansari Nagar, Shri Suresh Chandel
New Delhi 110 029 Ex-member of Parliament,
House No. 70/5, Roura, Sector-3,
4(xix) Three representatives of commerce and industry, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh 174 001
nominated by the President
132. Shri Akhilesh Kumar 11.04.2021
119. Sh. Rajendra Prasad Gupta 07.03.2022 Shyama Bhavan, Mathiya Zirat,
Harsidhi, East Champaran, Motihari, East Champaran (Bihar)
Bihar 845 422
120. Sh. Anil Rao 07.03.2022
967, Sector 14, Gurgaon, Haryana 4(xxi) Four Directors of the Indian Council of Agricultural
Research Institutes, nominated by the President
134. Dr Manmohan Singh Chauhan 17.05.2023/Term-
4(xx) One farmer from each region of the country as Director, 31.03.2021/31.01.2022
mentioned in Rule 60(a) and four representatives of NDRI, Karnal (Haryana) 132 001
rural interests, nominated by the President.
135. Dr Ravishankar C.N. 17.05.2023/Term-
122. (Representative of Region-I) Director, 19.08.2021/30.04.2025
Shri Nripendra Chaudhary 07.09.2023 Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT)
Village- Seemli, Ward no. 2, P.O. -Luxere, CIFT Junction, Willingdon Island
Distt.–Haridwar, Uttarakhand 247 663 Matsyapuri P.O., Cochin, Kerala 682 029
140. Dr Rajesh Sharma 17.06.2023/Ex-officio 4(xxiv) One representative from a distinguished Non-
Secretary, Governmental Organization dealing with Agriculture/
Department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries & Gaupalan Extension nominated by President
Government of Rajasthan
Room No. 5008, Main Building, 143. Ms Sushma Singh 17.05.2023
Government Secretariat MSA Flat No. 103, Tower-1, Butler palace,
Jaipur, Rajasthan 302 015 Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226 001
National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) 2. Prof. (Dr) A.K. Srivastava, Member
1. Dr P. Ramasundaram, PS & NC 3. Dr P.K. Chakraborty, Member
2. Dr R.B. Sharma, PS & NC 4. Dr K.K. Singh, Member
3. Dr Prabhat Kumar, PS & NC
4. Dr (Mrs) Hema Tripathi, PS & NC Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture
1. Dr S.K. Singh, Project Director (Acting)
Agricultural Scientists’ Recruitment Board
1. Prof. (Dr) A.K. Misra, Chairman
15. AICRP on Plasticulture Engineering and Technology, 2. Network Programme on Organic Farming, Modipuram
Ludhiana 3. Network project on Engineering Intervention in Micro
16. AICRP on Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, irrigation system for Improving Water Productivity
Ludhiana 4. Network project on Processing and Value Addition of Natural
17. AICRP on Rice, Hyderabad Resins and Gums, Ranchi
18. AICRP on Wheat and Barley, Karnal 5. Network Project on Conservation of Lac Insect Genetic
Resources, Ranchi
19. AICRP on Maize, Ludhiana
6. All India Network Project (AINP) on Potential Crops, New
20. AICRP Sorghum, Hyderabad Delhi
21. AICRP on Pearl Millets, Jodhpur 7. Application of Micro-organisms in Agriculture and Allied
22. AICRP on Small Millets, Bangaluru Sectors (AMAAS)
23. AICRP on Forage Crops and Utilization, Jhansi 8. Network Project on Functional Genomics and Genetic
24. AICRP on Chickpea, Kanpur Modification in Crops, NIPB, New Delhi
25. AICRP on MULLaRP, Kanpur 9. AINP on Arid Legumes, Kanpur
26. AICRP on Pigeon Pea, Kanpur 10 AINP on Tobacco, Rajamundry
27. AICRP NSP (Crops), Mau 11. AINP on Jute and Allied Fibres, Barrackpore
28. AICRP on Oilseed, Hyderabad 12. AINP on Soil Arthropod Pests, Durgapura, Rajasthan
29. AICRP on Linseed, Kanpur 13. AINP on Agricultural Acarology, NCIPM, New Delhi
30. AICRP on Sesame and Niger, Jabalpur 14. AINP on Pesticides Residues, New Delhi
31. AICRP on Groundnut, Junagarh 15. AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management, Jodhpur
32. AICRP on Soybean, Indore 16. Network O&G
33. AICRP on Rapeseed and Mustard, Bharatpur 17. Network Project on Buffalo Improvement, Hisar
34. AICRP on Sugarcane, Lucknow 18. Network on Sheep Improvement, Avikanagar
35. AICRP on Cotton, Coimbatore 19. Network on Gastro Intestinal Parasitism, Izatnagar
36. AICRP on Nematodes in Cropping System, New Delhi 20. Network Programme on Blue Tongue Disease, Izatnagar
37. AICRP on Biocontrol of Crop Pests, Bengaluru 21. All India Network Program on Neonatal Mortality in Farm
Animals, Izatnagar
38. AICRP-Honeybees and Pollinators, New Delhi
22. All India Network Program on Diagnostic Imaging and
39. AICRP Fruits (Tropical and Sub Tropical), Bengaluru Management of Surgical Condition in Animals, Izatnagar
40. AICRP Potato, Shimla 23. Network Project on Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal
41. AICRP Floriculture, Pune 24. AINP Mericulture
42. AICRP Mushroom, Solan 25. AINP on Fish health
43. AICRP Vegetables, Varanasi
Total number of employees in the ICAR and its Research Institutes and number of employees of
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and PwD Employees
S.No. Class of post Total posts Total SC employees ST employees OBC employees PwD employees
sanctioned employees in No. % to total No. % to Total No. % to total No. % to total
position employees employees employees employees
1 Scientist Posts
a Scientist 4451 3776 542 14.35 214 5.67 1047 27.73 28 0.74
b Senior Scientist 1 295 889 60 6.75 16 1.80 113 12.71 0 0.00
c Pr. Scientist 665 323 15 4.64 3 0.93 26 8.05 1 0.31
d RMP 175 94 2 2.13 0 0.00 1 1.06 0 0.00
Total 6586 5082 619 12.18 233 4.58 1187 23.36 29 0.57
2 Technical Posts
a Category I 3699 2512 502 19.98 275 10.95 455 18.11 52 2.07
b Category II 2555 1689 297 17.58 126 7.46 339 20.07 28 1.66
c Category III 502 244 43 17.62 19 7.79 39 15.98 5 2.05
Total 6756 4445 842 18.94 420 9.45 833 18.74 85 1.91
3 Administrative Posts
b Category ‘B’ posts: 2808 1921 307 15.98 153 7.96 233 12.13 35 1.82
c Category ‘C’ posts: 1719 1042 194 18.62 94 9.02 240 23.03 23 2.21
Total 4860 3216 540 16.79 263 8.18 sos 15.70 63 1.96
Chaudhary Devi Lal Outstanding All India 1. All India Coordinated Research Project on Sorghum, Hyderabad
Coordinated Research Project Award 2019 2. All India Coordinated Research Project on Maize, Ludhiana
Vasant Rao Naik Award for Research 1. Dr Suresh Pal Singh Tanwar (Team Leader)
Application in Agriculture 2019 ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
2. Dr Akath Singh (Associate)
ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
3. Dr M Patidar (Associate)
ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
4. Dr B K Mathur (Associate)
ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
5. Dr Praveen Kumar (Associate)
ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award for Outstanding Crop and Horticultural Sciences
Research in Agricultural Sciences 2019 1. Dr Rajeev K Varshney
Research Program Director – Genetic Gains, ICRISAT,
Patancheru, Hyderabad
Natural Resource Management and Agricultural Engg.
1. Dr Cherukumalli Srinivasa Rao
Director, ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research
Management (ICAR-NAARM), Hyderabad
2. Dr Anandharamakrishnan Chinnaswamy
Director, Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT),
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), Govt. of India,
Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu
Animal and Fisheries Sciences
1. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta
Director, ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and
Physiology, Bengaluru, Karnataka
2. Dr Kishore Kumar Krishnani
Principal Scientist, Division of Aquaculture, ICAR-Central Institute
of Fisheries Education, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Social Sciences
1. Dr Suresh Pal
Director, ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and
Policy Research, New Delhi
Social Sciences
1. Dr Mir Asif Iquebal
Senior Scientist, Centre for Agricultural Bioinformatics, Computer
Building, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute,
Library Avenue, PUSA, New Delhi
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Award for Outstanding 1. Dr Adikant Pradhan (Team Leader)
Research in Tribal Farming Systems 2019 (II) Chief Scientist, AICRPDA, S. G. CARS, IGKV, Jagdalpur, Bastar,
2. Dr S K Nag
Sr. Scientist and Head, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, IGKV, Jagdalpur,
Bastar, Chhattishgarh
3. Dr Abhinav Sao
Scientist, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, IGKV,
Raipur, Chhattishgarh
4. Dr A Dixit
Principal Scientist ICAR-National Institute of Biotic Stress
Management, Raipur, Chhattishgarh
5. Dr Anurag Saxena (Team Leader)
Principal Scientist and Head, I/C, ICAR-Central Arid Zone
Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Leh, Ladakh
6. Dr Mahendra Singh Raghuvanshi
Principal Scientist (Agronomy), ICAR-National Bureau of Soil
Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur, Maharashtra
7. Dr Sanjeev Kumar Chauhan
Professor and Head, Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources,
PAU, Ludhiana
Agricultural Engineering
1. Dr Ashok Kumar
Bharimalla Matunga East, Mumbai
2. Dr Sandip Mandal
ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal,
Madhya Pradesh
Social Sciences
1. Dr Anirban Mukherjee
Scientist (AE), Division of Socioeconomics and Extension, ICAR-
Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar
2. Dr Shruti
Scientist (Agricultural Extension), ICAR-Directorate of Mushroom
Research, Himachal Pradesh
1. Dr Alice Kujur
Centre of Excellence in Genomics & Systems Biology (CEGSB),
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
(ICRISAT), Hyderabad, Telangana
2. Dr Hirpara Darshna Gordhanbhai
Department of Biotechnology, College of Agriculture, Junagadh
Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat
Zone XI
1. Sh. S C Thimmaiah
Nalloor Village, Kirgoor Post, Gonikoppal, Kodagu, Karnataka
2. Sh. T Purushothaman
Azad Bhavan, PayyanurPost, Kannur District, Kerala
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Puruskar for technical Crop and Horticultural Sciences
books in Hindi in Agricultural and 1. Dr D R Bhardwaj
Allied Sciences 2019 Principal Scientist, Vegetable Crops Improvement Division, ICAR-
Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi, U.P.
Natural Resource Management and Agricultural Engineering
1. Dr U K Behara (Team Leader)
Dean, College of Agriculture, Central Agriculture University,
Imphal, Kyrdemkulai, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya
2. Sh. Ranbir Singh (Associate)
Senior Technical Officer (T-6), Farm Operation Service Unit,
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi
3. Dr Pramod Kumar Sahoo (Associate)
Principal Scientist, Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR-
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi
Animal and Fisheries Sciences
1. Dr Niteen Manmohanrao Markandeya
Associate Dean, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences,
Parbhani, Maharashtra
2. Sh. Amit Vinayak Gadre (Associate)
Chief Sub-Editor, ‘Agrowan’ (Associate)
Social Sciences
1. Dr Rekha Singh
Subject Matter Specialist (Home Science), KVK Bhadohi, ICAR-
Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi, U.P.
Zone III
1. Sh. Agya Ram Verma
Village -Kharkadewri,Post-Kodai Distt-Basti, Uttar Pradesh
Zone IV
1. Sh. Gandura Oraon
Village-Gurgurjari, Block-Mandar, Ranchi, Bihar
Zone V
1. Sh. Chandan Ray
Village-Bhogdabri Keshari Bari, PO- Elajaner Kuthi, Ps-Kotwali,
Distt.-Coochbehar, West Bengal
Zone VI
1. Sh. Biju Kalita
Village-Pub Balitara, Distt.- Nalbari, Assam
Zone VII
1. Sh. Atheo Lotha
Humtso Village, Wokha, Nagaland
1. Sh. Pralhad Gulabrao Vare,
A/p Malad, tal-Baramati, Distt.-Pune, Maharashtra
Zone IX
1. Sh. Jiyalal Rahangdale
At- Bagadmara, Post- Rajegaon. Th.- Kirnapur, Distt.- Balaghat,
Madhya Pradesh
Zone X
1. Smt. Tellam Ramana
W/o. Tellam Chinna Rao, East Rekulakunta, Buttaigudem Mandal,
West Godavari Distt., Andhra Pradesh
Zone XI
1. Sh. Sannayamanappa Bheemappa Rajapure
Basava Nagar, Pamaladinni, Tq: Gokak, Dist: Belagavi, Karnataka
Nanaji Deshmukh ICAR Award for Outstanding Animal Sciences & Fisheries
Interdisciplinary Team Research in 1. Dr P S Yadav (Team Leader)
Agricultural and Allied Sciences 2019 Principal Scientist, Animal Physiology and Reproduction Division,
ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar, Haryana
2. Dr Dharmendra Kumar (Associate)
Sr. Scientist (Animal Biotechnology), ICAR-Central Institute for
Research on Buffaloes, Hisar, Haryana
3. Dr Naresh Selokar (Associate)
Scientist (Animal Biotechnology), ICAR-Central Institute for
Research on Buffaloes, Hisar, Haryana
4. Dr R K Sharma (Associate)
Principal Scientist (Animal Reproduction), ICAR-Central Institute
for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar, Haryana
5. Dr Pradeep Kumar (Associate)
Scientist (Animal Reproduction), ICAR-Central Institute for
Research on Buffaloes, Hisar, Haryana
Social Sciences
1. Dr Rajbir Singh
Director, ICAR-ATARI Zone-I, PAU Campus, Ludhiana
2. Dr Jaskarn Singh Mahal (Associate)
Director of Extension, PAU, Ludhiana
3. Dr Arvind Kumar (Associate)
Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Ludhiana
4. Dr Subhash Chander Sharma (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK, Samrala & Ropar
5. Dr Jagdish Grover (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Faridkot
6. Dr Jitender Singh Brar (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Bathinda
7. Dr Vipin Rampal (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Fatehgarh
8. Dr Jugraj Singh Marok (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Kapurthala
9. Dr Gurjinder Pal Singh (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Mansa
10.Dr Mandeep Singh (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK, VPO Kheri, Sangrur
11.Dr Amandip S Brar (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Moga
12.Dr Bhupinder Singh Dhillon (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Amritsar
13.Dr Gurjant Singh Aulakh (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Ferozepur
14.Dr Balwinder Kumar (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Tarantaran
15.Dr Maninder Singh Bons (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Hoshiarpur
16.Dr Jasvinder Singh (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK patiala
17.Dr Nirmaljit Singh Dhaliwal (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Muktsar
18.Dr Kuldeep Singh (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Jallandhar
19.Dr Manoj Sharma (Associate)
Programme Coordinator, KVK Nawashar
20.Dr Sarbjit Singh (Associate)
KVK, Gurdaspur
Chaudhary Charan Singh Award for excellence in Print Media– (English Language)
Journalism in Agricultural Research and 1. Sh. Gurpreet Singh Nibber
Development 2019 Journalist, Hindustan Times
Print Media- (Hindi Language)
1. Sh. Brihaspati Kumar Pandey
Journalist, Farm N Food
Regional Language/Telegu
1. Sh. Amirneni Hari Krishna
Executive Editor, Annadata
Regional Language/ Marathi
1. Sh. Vinod DnyandeoIngole
Journalist, ‘Agrovan’
Electronic Media
1. Sh. Shiv Nandan Lal
All India Radio, New Delhi
Electronic Media
1. Sh. Umashankar Mishra
Digital Media
AARDO : African-Asian Rural Development CHC : Custom Hiring Centres
Organization CIAE : Central Institute of Agricultural
ABI : Agri-business Incubation Engineering
ACI : Adaptive Capacity Index CIARI : Central Island Agricultural Research
AER : Agro-ecological Region Institute
AES : Agriculture Expert System CIMMYT : Centro International de Mejormento de
AESR : Agro-ecological Sub-region Maize Trigo
AFC : Age at First Calving CLA : Conjugated Linoleic acid
AFLP : Amplified Fragment Length CP : Crude Protein
Polymorphism CPE : Cumulative Pan Evaporation
AGID : Agar Gel Immunodiffusion CPP : Caseinophosphopeptides
AI : Avian Influenza CRD : Chronic respiratory disease
AICRP : All India Coordinated Research Project CSFV : Classical Swine Fever Virus
AINP : All India Network Project CVM : Congenital Vascular Malformation
AKAP4 : A-kinase Anchor Protein 4 DAS : Days After Sowing
AKMU : Agricultural Knowledge Mangement DAT : Days After Transplanting
Unit DEs : Directorates of Extension
ALV : Avian Leukosis Virus DG : Distillers’ Grains
AMAAS : Application of Micro-organisms in DHA : Docosahexanoid acid
Agriculture and Allied Sectors DI : Drip Irrigation
AMPs : Antimicrobial Peptides DSn : Diagnostic sensitivity
ANASTU : Afghan National Agricultural Sciences DSS : Decision Support System
and Technology Unit DSWP : Defatted Silkworm Pupae Meal
APCTT : Asia-Pacific Centre for Technology EAS : Extension and Advisory Services
Transfer ECPI : Empowerment of Crop Production Index
ARYA : Attracting and Retaining Youth in EEE : Eastern Equine Encephalitis
Agriculture EHV : Equine Herpes Virus
ASAM : Alkaline Sulfite Anthraquinone Methanol EIA : Enzyme Immuno Assay
ASEAN : Association of South-East Asian Nations EIV : Equine Influenza Virus
ASRB : Agricultural Scientists’ Recruitment ELISA : Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
Board EPA : Eicosapentanoic acid
ATARI : Agricultural Technology Application EPN : Entomopathogenic Nematode
Research Institutes ETL : Economic Threshold Level
ATIC : Agricultural Technology Information EXPSS : Expert System on Seed Spices
Centre FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization
ATP : Annual Training Programme FCR : Feed Conversion Rate
BAT : BAIT Application Technique FEC : Faecal Egg Count
BOD : Biochemical Oxygen Demand FFP : Farmers FIRST Project
BoHV : Bovine Herpes Virus FINE : Festival of Innovation and
BRICS : Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Entrepreneurship
Africa FLD : Frontline Demonstrations
BTV : Blue Tongue Virus FMD : Foot-and-Mouth Disease
BVDV : Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus FPT : Field Progeny Testing Project
BVS : Bovine Vaccinate Serum FSH : Follicle-stimulating Hormone
CA : Conservation Agriculture FWKGs : Farm Women Knowledge Groups
CAFT : Centres of Advanced Faculty Training FYM : Farmyard Manure
CAU : Central Agricultural University GADVASU : Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal
CAZRI : Central Arid Zone Research Institute Sciences University
CC : Cellular Component GBNV : Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus
CCA : Climate Change adaptation GBPUAT : Govind Ballabh Pant University of
CER : Carbon enrinchment ratio Agriculture and Technology
CeRA : Consortium for e-Resources in GDP : Gross Domestic Production
Agriculture GEF : Global Environmental Facility
CFL : Current Fallow Land GHGs : Greenhouse Gases
CFLD : Cluster Frontline Demonstration GIS : Geographical Information System
CFT : Complement Fixation Text GO : Gene Ontology
CGIAR : Consultative Group on International GPA : Global Plan of Action
Agricultural Research GPS : Global Positioning System
HAB : Hyper Ammonia Producing Bacteria NARD : National Agricultural Research Database
HAPA : Hybridization-supplemented Apomixis NARS : National Agricultural Research System
Components Partitioning Approach NASF : National Agricultural Science Fund
HPAI : Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza NBSS&LUP : National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land
HPNA : Highly Pathogenic Notifiable Avian Use Planning
Influenza NDF : Non-detergent Fibre
HPTLC : High Performance Thin Layer NDMI : Normalized difference moisture index
Chromatography NDVI : Normalized difference vegetation index
HRR : Head Rice Recovery NDWI : Normalized difference water index
HS : Haemorrhagic Septicaemia NEH : North-Eastern Hills
HSP : Heat Shock Protein NET : National Eligibility Test
IAA : Integrated Agri-aquaculture NGOs : Non-Government Organizations
IBR : Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis NIABI : Network of Indian Agri-business
ICARDA : International Centre for Agricultural Incubators
Research in Dry Areas NICRA : National Innovations in Climate
ICMV : Indian Cassava Mosaic Virus Resilient Agriculture
ICRISAT : International Crops Research Institute for NISAGENET : National Information System on
Semi-Arid Tropics Agricultural Education Network
ICT : Information and Communication NLS : Nano-lignocellulose
Technologies NPOP : National Programme for Organic
IDM : Integrated Disease Management Production
IDS : Integrated Drying System NRC : National Research Centre
IFS : Integrated Farming System NSP-Ab : Non Structural Protein Antibody
IHC : Immuno-histochemistry NSSO : National Sample Survey Office
IPM : Integrated Pest Management NTM : Non-tuberculous Mycobacterium
IPNS : Integrated Plant Nutrient System NTS : National Talent Scholarship
IPR : Intellectual Property Rights NUE : Nitrogen Uptake
IRES : Internal Ribosomal Entry Site OAS1 : Oligoadenylate Synthase 1
IRR : Internal Rate of Return ODR : Overall Discomfort Rating
ITK : Indigenous Technical Knowledge OMF : Organo-mineral Fertilizer
IWMI : International Water Management OTC : Open Top Chamber
Institute PBMCS : Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
JE : Japanese Encephalitis PCA : Principal Component Analysis
JNKVV : Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa PCR : Polymerase Chain Reaction
Vidyalaya PCZ : Potentila Crop Zone
KKA : Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan PDDUUKSY : Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Unnat
KVAFSU : Kerala Veterinary, Animal Sciences and Krishi Shiksha Yojana
Fisheries University PFA : Pschological First Aid
KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra PGDTMA : Post-graduate Diploma in Technology
LAMP : Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification Management in Agriculture
LAT : Latency Associated Transcript PGFM : Prostagladin F2 Alpha Metabalite
LC-MS/MS : Liquid chromatographs/ Mass PGRC : Plant Germplasm Registration
spectrometry Committee
LD : Longissmus dorsi PIADC : Plum Island Animal Disease Center
LDF-Mobile App : Livestock Disease Forewarming-Mobile PID : Participating Technology Development
App PME : Priority Setting, Monitoring and
LEU : Landscape Ecological Unit Evaluation
LFA : Lateral Flow Assay PMIS : Personal Management Information
LRI : Land Resource Inventory System
MABB : Marker Assisted Backcross Breeding PPGSE : Plausible Potato Growing Seasons
MAS : Molecular Marker-assisted Selection Estimator
MAT : Macroscopic Agglutination Test PPR : Peste des Petitis Ruminants
MAT : Male Annihilation Technique PPV and FRA : Protection of Plant varieties and Farmers’
MF : Molecular Function Rights Authority
MGMG : Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav PPV : Porcine Parvovirus
MoU : Memorandum of Understanding PRRSV : Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory
MPP : Methane Production Potential Syndrome Virus
MS : Mass Spectrometry PSR : Polymerase Spiral Reaction
MW : Molecular Weight PSVs : Peer Support Volunteers
NABG : National Agricultural Bioinformatics PUFAs : Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Grid QPM : Quality Protein Maize
NADRES : National Animal Disease Referral Expert QTL : Quantitative Trait Loci
System RAWE : Rural Agricultural Work Experience
NAE : Niche Area of Excellence RDF : Recommended Dose of Fertilizers
NAEAB : National Agricultural Education RE : Revised Estimate
Accreditation Board RFD : Results-Framework Document
Academic management system 134 Breeder
Accreditation of agricultural universities 105 production 48
Administration 161 buffalo breeds 29
advisory services 129
aflatoxin B1 77 CadalminTM IBe 103
African swine fever 81, 83 CadalminTM AOe 103
agricultural calibration approach 131
commodities 130 capacity
engineering 113 building 107, 137, 161, 184
extension 129 programme 124, 185
Human Resource Development 105 Development 143, 145
input markets 130 CARI Dhawal 60
universities ranking 105 CARI Neera Safed 60
Agricultural Technology Information Centre 147 Cashew apple slicer 90
Agrinnovate India Limited 172 Cassia tora accessions 25
AgriUnifest 119 castor 46
Animal catechin 180
cart mounted solar sprayer 87 Central Agricultural Universities 169
drawn multi-crop planter cum herbicide applicator 87 Centres for Advanced Agricultural Science and
germplasm 29 Technology 122
Sciences 112, 115 Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia 143
Annual Training Plan 184 Cereals 31
Anti-fouling plate heat exchanger 93 CIFE-ARGUNIL 85
apple hybrids 49 Classical swine fever 79
Aquatic Animal Diseases 84 Cleaner for multiplier onion 91
arsenic pollution 69 Climate
ASEAN Fellowships 110 Change 14, 15
ASTA CIFT-Astaxanthin capsules 103 resilience 126
Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture 143 resilient approaches 17
Attracting talent 109 climatic hazards 127
audio gallery 134 cloned calves 77
Automated amylose detection sensor 95 Cluster Frontline Demonstration 143
avian influenza 79, 80 Coarse wool 102
Coconut chips 165
Banana coenurosis 79
bunchy top virus 74 Collaborative research projects 166
pseudostem injector 90 Commercial crops 42
scarring beetle 73 Communication 140
Bawri (Garri) cattle 28 Competency enhancement 114
Bee-keeping 151 Conservation agriculture 62, 183
BIMSTEC Fellowships 110 Cotton gin trash treatment system 98
bio-agents 74 COVID-19 pandemic 92
biological cow pea germplasm 25
control agents 74 Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever 78, 81
filter 182 CRISPR/Cas technology 29
biomarkers 180 Crop
bio-oil apparatus 101 Improvement 31, 48
Bio-products 146 Management 62, 70, 153
Bioreactor 10 production 62, 153
biorefineries 182 protection 66, 73, 153
Biotechnology 56 residue management 148
blast 67 sciences 111, 113, 114
Border disease 81 zones 9
Bovine Herpes virus 5 81 Crop varieties released and notified 31
Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency 79 Cropping
bovine viral diarrhoea 79 intensity enhancement 62
Breeder system 62, 63
seed 152 Vegetable based 72
228 Published by Dr. S.K. Singh, Project Director (DKMA), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan,
Pusa, New Delhi 110 012; Lasertypeset by M/s ICAR ANNUAL
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