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Physico-chemical changes during processing and storage of UHT milk

Article · February 2021

DOI: 10.33785/IJDS.2021.v74i01.005

1 522

5 authors, including:

Suvartan Ranvir Rajan Sharma

Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences National Dairy Research Institute


Kamal Gandhi Pranali Nikam

National Dairy Research Institute college of Dairy Science and Food Technology


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Indian J Dairy Sci 74(1): 39-47


Physico-chemical changes during processing and storage of UHT milk

Suvartan Ranvir1, Rajan Sharma2, Kamal Gandhi2, Pranali Nikam2 and Bimlesh Mann2

Received: 20 June 2020 / Accepted: 19 December 2020 / Published online: 28 February 2021
© Indian Dairy Association (India) 2021

Abstract: In this study, physico-chemical and heat induced 6 months at room temperature (Al-Saadi and Deeth, 2008; Ranvir
changes during the preparation and storage of UHT milk were et al. 2020a). During processing and storage of UHT milk, various
evaluated. Parameters such as pH, acidity, viscosity, physio-chemical and biochemical reactions take place, including
sedimentation, colloidal calcium (Ca), colloidal magnesium (Mg), Maillard reactions, degradation of lactose, hydrolysis of lipid,
hydroxyl methyl furfural (HMF), lactulose and color value were aggregation and denaturation of whey proteins, formation of β-
evaluated. During conversion of raw milk to UHT milk, there was lactoglobulin and k-casein complexes and disturbance of salt
slight increase in viscosity, colloidal Ca, colloidal Mg, HMF, balance (Corredig and Dalgleish, 1996; Richards et al. 2014; Sakkas
lactulose and colour value, while decrease in pH value was et al. 2014). Apart from these changes, heating process causes
observed. During storage of UHT processed milk there was development of undesired colors and flavour (especially cooked)
significant (p<0.001) increase in viscosity, a value, b value, HMF which significantly affects the nutritional and sensory quality of
and lactulose content, whereas a significant (p<0.001) decrease UHT milk (Elliott et al. 2003; Elliott et al. 2005; Al-Saadi and
in pH, colloidal Ca, colloidal Mg and L value was observed. Deeth, 2008; Sakkas et al. 2014). These changes drastically affect
Increase in acidity, sedimentation content and formation of the quality of UHT milk, which limits its shelf life and thus the
Maillard browning products adversely affected the quality of consumer acceptance (Rauh et al. 2014; Gaur et al. 2018; Sunds et
UHT milk. These changes were noticed more in UHT processed al. 2018). The heat sensitive components, which are already
milk stored at 30°C vis-à-vis 5°C. present or develop in milk during heat processing, allow a direct
and quantitative assessment of the processing impact without
Keywords: UHT milk, Calcium, Magnesium, HMF, Lactulose, the detailed knowledge of the actual heat treatment history of
Sedimentation the product are called as heat load indicators or thermal time
integrator’s (TTIs) (Claeys et al. 2002). TTIs can be categorized
Introduction into two groups; first one is type- I and another one is type- II
indicators. Type I-indicators are heat sensitive components such
Ultra-high temperature (UHT) processing of milk is one of the as whey proteins, vitamins, enzymes etc. During processing and
promising heat processing technique for elongating the shelf life storage, these components undergo inactivation, degradation
of milk. UHT processing of milk is carried out at high temperature and denaturation. Type II-indicators are those which are not
(135-150 °C) for a short time (1-10 seconds), resulting in production originally present or present at a low level and are developed
of sterile milk which when packaged aseptically is stable for about during processing and storage of heated milk and milk products
e.g. HMF and lactulose (Elliott et al. 2003; Mayer et al. 2010;
Sakkas et al. 2014). Type I-indicators are more suitable parameters
for the evaluation of low intensity heat processing conditions
Dairy Chemistry Division, Warner College of Dairy Technology, e.g. pasteurization, while type II-indicators are better for
SHUATS, Prayagraj, UP, India assessment of severe heat treatments, such as UHT processing
(De Block et al. 1996; Sakkas et al. 2014; Meshram et al. 2018).
Dairy Chemistry Division, National Dairy Research Institute Karnal-
132 001, Haryana, India
Mostly two types of problems occurs in UHT milk during its
Rajan Sharma () storage, the first one is age gelation and the second one is
Dairy Chemistry Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, development of changes like off flavour, colour and nutritional
Karnal, 132 001 India loss. The rate of these changes is largely dependent on the
Email: rajansharma21@gmail.com ; Mob. 9416120181 storage time and temperature. They cause adverse impact on the
quality of UHT milk, thus limiting consumer acceptance (Corredig
and Dalgleish, 1996; Richards et al. 2014; Sakkas et al. 2014; Deeth
and Lewis, 2017; Ranvir et al. 2020b). Some of the researchers

Indian J Dairy Sci 74(1): 39-47

reported that during storage of UHT milk, there occurs reduction the cartons by leaving the bottom 4 cm. The cartons were then
in sweet taste and development of sugary aromatic flavor (Clare inverted for about 10 minutes, up righted and kept in the exhaust
et al. 2005; Jensen et al. 2015). The present study has been planned hood to dry. The cartons were allowed to dry for 48 hours after
to assess the physico-chemical changes during conversion of opening the bottom flaps or wings of cartons to facilitate the
raw milk to UHT milk and impact of storage time and temperature drying of any sediment entrapped there. The cartons were
on the quality of UHT milk. weighed and then washed thoroughly to remove any sediment
or residue adhering to the container. The washed cartons were
Materials and Methods again dried and weighed.

Reagents Colloidal Ca and colloidal magnesium content

Trifluoroacetic acid (TCA) was procured from Sisco Research UHT milk samples were defatted by centrifugation (Centrifuge
Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, India. Sodium acetate was procured from 5810 R, Eppendorf, Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) at 4000xg for 10 min
Loba chemie, India. Other chemicals required in the study were at 4°C and skim milk was ultrafiltered with Amicon® Ultra-15,
procured from Sigma-Aldrich, Germany. All sample preparations 10KDa Centrifugal Filter Devices (Merck, Germany) using
and measurements were carried out using double distilled water centrifuge (@ 5000xg, 40 min, 25°C). The permeate was discarded
(Cascada water purifier, UK) having conductance of 0.055 µS/ and retentate was analyzed for colloidal Ca and Mg content by
cm2. using atomic absorption spectrometry (AA-7000; Shimadzu,
Japan) as described in International Organization for
Collection of milk samples Standardization (ISO, 8070 2007).
Raw milk and subsequently pasteurized and UHT processed (by HMF
indirect method) toned milk samples were collected from Verka
dairy plant, Chandigarh, India. Raw and pasteurized milk were Total HMF content in UHT milk was determined using the method
analyzed for their physico-chemical parameters and heat induced suggested by Cais-Sokolinska (2005). Ten millilitre UHT milk
components. UHT milk was produced by heating milk at 140°C sample was acidified with 5 ml 0.3 N oxalic acid followed by heating
for 4 s by using an indirect tubular heat exchanger (STORK, at 100°C for 60 min. Content was then cooled to room temperature
Netherlands). Nine UHT milk (fat 3.0% and 8.5% SNF) samples and mixed with 5 ml of 40% trichloroacetic acid solution. The
were brought to the laboratory on the day of manufacture and mixture was thoroughly mixed and filtered thorough Whatman
divided into two groups; first group was stored at 5ºC and second paper No. 42 filter paper. One millilitre of aqueous solution of
group was stored at 30ºC. Samples were examined at a regular TBA (0.05 M) was then added to 4 ml of the filtrate. The solution
interval of one month till 4 months of storage. was mixed thoroughly and incubated in water bath maintained at
40°C for 40 min. It was then cooled to room temperature and
pH absorbance was measured at 443 nm.
The pH was determined in UHT milk by using Lab India pH Lactulose
analyzer (M-420, Cyberscan pH Tutor, EUTECH Instruments,
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Mumbai, India) with combined electrode The lactulose content was measured by enzymatic method using
at 20±2ºC. Prior to use, the pH meter was calibrated with standard kit (Cat No: K-LACTUL) procured from Megazyme, Bray,
buffer solution of pH 4, 7 and 11. Wicklow.

Acidity Color Value

Titratable acidity of milk samples was determined as per the Tristimulus spectrophotometer Hunter Lab model Color Flex®
procedure described in BIS (IS: 1479 (part-1) 2016). [Hunter Associates Laboratory Inc., VA, U.S.A with software
(version 4.10)] was used for measuring the color of UHT milk and
Viscosity the results were expressed in terms of the CIE-LAB system
according to the method of Popov-Raljic et al. (2008). The
The viscosity was measured at 20ºC under constant conditions instrument was standardized in day light at reflectance angle of
using Ostwald viscometer in athermostatically controlled water 10° (illuminant D65/10° standard observer). The instrument was
bath. calibrated with standard black and white tiles as specified by the
manufacturer. The light source was dual beam xenon flash lamp.
Sedimentation Measurements were made on the milk sample taken in a glass
sample cup (10 cm height and 6 cm diameter) supplied with the
Sedimentation test was carried out as per the method suggested
instrument by filling it to a fixed level (up to 3 cm) for each sample.
by Hassan et al. (2009). The UHT milk sample was drain out from

Indian J Dairy Sci 74(1): 39-47

Statistical analysis

The results of physico-chemical changes during preparation and
storage of UHT milk were compared using two-way ANOVA and
that obtained between raw, pasteurized and freshly processed

85.40±0.056ab -2.24± 0.042b

87.62±0.091c -1.80± 0.042c
85.72±0.092 -1.57± 0.007
UHT milk through one-way ANOVA employing Bonferroni Post-
Tests to compare results of different months using Prism Graph

Pad (Prism version 7.01) software.

Results and Discussion

Assessment of the changes in physico-chemical parameters and
production of heat induced components during pasteurization
and UHT treatment is required to understand their impact on

quality of milk. The changes in physico-chemical and heat induced
parameters of raw milk, subsequently pasteurized and UHT

processed milk are given in Table 1. During heating of milk,

Means within column with different lower case superscript are significantly different (p<0.05) from each other.
different chemical, physical and biochemical reactions take place.
Comparing raw, pasteurized and UHT milk, there was a non-
significant (p>0.05) change in acidity and viscosity, while the a
value, HMF and lactulose content showed a significant (p<0.001)

increase. HMF, colloidal Ca and colloidal Mg content was
increased significantly (p<0.05) in pasteurized and UHT milk as

compared to that of raw milk (Table 1). Thus, pasteurization and
UHT treatment cause several physico-chemical and heat induced
Table 1 Assessment of the physio-chemical parameters in raw, pasteurized and UHT milk

changes in milk. Similar results were also obtained by Jeurnink (mg/100mL)
and De Kruif (1993), Elliot et al. (2003), Pestana et al. (2003) Gaucher
et al. (2008) and Oh and Deeth (2017). Ritota et al. (2017) reported
increase in pH, viscosity, HMF, lactulose, colloidal Ca, colloidal
Mg and colour value and decrease in acidity during heating of
milk. It is worth mentioning here that a small amount of lactulose


(7.09 ± 0.071 mg/L) was also observed in raw milk. Previous

researchers (Elliott et al. 2003; Lan et al. 2010) have also reported
this important indicator of heat treatment in raw milk. Increase in
viscosity during heating may be due to the denaturation of whey
proteins (Jeurnink and De Kruif, 1993) and increase in pH may be

due to lower whey protein associating with the micelles (Pestana


et al. 2003). Burton (1984) reported that increase in colloidal Ca

because of ionic Ca combined with the phosphates or the

denatured proteins turns into the colloidal Ca form while the Ca

Data are presented as mean ± SEM (n = 3).

moves to the inside of casein micelles, reduced the content of



the ultrafiltrable Ca accordingly. There was also increase in


colloidal Mg due to their migration into the calcium phosphate


microgranules as evidenced by the increase in the size of these

particles (Oh and Deeth, 2017). Maillard reaction formed HMF,
Lactulose during heating of UHT milk (Sakkas et al. 2014) and
6.67±0.019 a

also formed brown-coloured pigments (pyralysins and

melanoidin) which caused change in colour value (Popov-Raljic
et al. 2008).

Milk Type



Indian J Dairy Sci 74(1): 39-47

pH sugars, ionic strength, pH, and heat also affects the aggregation
of the micelles which influences resistance to flow (Broyard and
The pH of UHT milk samples stored at 5 and 30°C was determined Gaucheron, 2015). Changes in the viscosity during storage of
by pH meter and the results are presented in Fig. 1(a). The pH UHT milk are depicted in Fig. 2(a). Viscosity of freshly prepared
value of freshly prepared UHT milk sample was observed to be UHT milk sample was found to be 1.64±0.029 cP which increased
6.67±0.019 which decreased significantly (p<0.001) to 6.54±0.019 significantly (p<0.001) to 1.87±0.005 and 2.01±0.009 cP after
and 6.45±0.032 after storage for 4 months at 5 and 30°C, storage for 4 months at 5 and 30°C, respectively. It was observed
respectively. It was observed that samples showed non- that samples showed non-significant (p>0.05) increase in the
significant (p>0.05) decrease in pH value at 5°C, while samples viscosity at 5°C, while that stored at 30°C showed a significant
stored at 30°C showed a significant decrease (p<0.01) after one increase (p<0.001) after one month of storage period. It was also
month of storage period. Decrease in pH during storage of UHT noted that UHT milk samples stored at 30°C showed higher
milk may be due to the dephosphorylation of casein micelles, viscosity than that of the sample stored at 5°C. Similar trends to
breakdown of lactose, precipitation of calcium phosphate, and our results of increase in viscosity was reported by Aldubhany
proteolysis (Al-Saadi and Deeth, 2008). Our results are agreeing et al. (2014), who also observed that higher increase in viscosity
with the corresponding results obtained by McMahon (1996) in UHT milk sample stored at 37°C than the sample stored at 4°C.
and Hassan et al. (2009). Aldubhany et al. (2014) also reported Increase in viscosity is directly related to the proteolysis and
that pH of UHT milk decreased during storage. Decrease in pH proteolysis results in gelation during storage of UHT milk which
value might be a major factor for causing gelation during storage leads to increase in viscosity value (Datta and Deeth, 2001; Rauh
of UHT milk. As previously reported by Hassan et al. (2009) at et al. 2014)
neutral pH (6.7), the casein micelles are stable, while the lowering
of the pH leads to aggregation of casein micelles and formation Sedimentation
of a gel.
The quality of sediment depends on the raw milk and on the type
Acidity and severity of the heat treatments. For any one type of process,
the amount of sediment increases with the severity of the heat
The acidity in UHT milk samples was determined by titration treatment (Sweetsur et al. 1975; Vankatachalm and MacMahon,
method and it was expressed in terms of percent lactic acid. The 1991). The amount of sediment decreases with homogenization
results of acidity in UHT milk sample stored at 5 and 30°C are pressure (Robinson, 1994). Sedimentation results of UHT milk
presented in Fig. 1 (b). The acidity value of freshly prepared samples during storage at 5 and 30°C are illustrated in Fig 2 (b).
UHT milk sample was observed to be 0.124±0.025 % lactic acid Sedimentation content in freshly processed UHT milk was
which increased significantly (p<0.001) to 0.144±0.017 and observed to be 0.102±0.006 g which was significantly (p<0.001)
0.164±0.0006 % after storage for 4 months at 5 and 30°C, increased to 1.937±0.018 and 3.417±0.026 g after storage for a
respectively. Moreover, the statistical analysis indicated that the period of 4 months at 5 and 30°C, respectively (Fig. 2b). The
storage period had a significant effect on titratable acidity. The higher increase in sedimentation value was observed after 2
acidity percentage increased significantly (p<0.001) during months of storage at 30°C. It was noted that sample stored at
storage at both 5 and 30°C temperature. The sample stored at 30°C showed higher rate of increase of sedimentation than the
30°C showed higher rate of increase as compared to that stored sample stored at 5°C. The increase in sedimentation value during
at 5°C. The Maillard reaction takes place during processing and storage of sample may be due to the aggregation of proteins or
storage, which degrade the lactose into acids. Formic acid is protein particles of various sizes (Malmgren et al. 2017; Gaur et
responsible for increasing titratable acidity of milk during storage. al. 2018). Similar to our findings, Ramsey and Swartzel (1984),
Our results are in agreement with earlier study carried out by Malmgren et al. (2017) and Gaur et al. (2018) also reported that
Aldubhany et al. (2014), who also reported that a progressive sediment formation during storage of UHT milk was increased
relation exists between the acidity of UHT milk samples and with storage period.
storage time and the rate of increase in acidity was slightly higher
in UHT samples stored at room temperature as compared to Colloidal Ca and colloidal Mg content
sample stored under refrigeration.
The equilibrium of Ca and Mg between soluble and colloidal
Viscosity phase in milk is important for their bioavailability and stability
(Aldubhany et al. 2014). Colloidal Ca and colloidal Mg content in
Viscosity is an important property of any liquid food because of milk are around 66.5 and 33%, respectively (Tewari and Juneja
its direct impact on its appearance and consumer acceptance 2007; Huppertz et al. 2017; Singh et al. 2019). The changes in
(DePeters and Cant, 1992). Casein micelles play an important role colloidal fraction of Ca and Mg content in UHT milk samples
in determining the viscosity of skim milk (Clare et al. 2005); stored at 5 and 30°C are presented in Fig.3 (a) and (b). Colloidal
however factors like addition of NaCl, pressure, reaction with Ca was decreased significantly (p<0.001) during storage from

Indian J Dairy Sci 74(1): 39-47

a b

Fig. 1 (a). Changes in pH (b) Changes in acidity content during storage of UHT milk sample at 5°(Ο) and 30°C ( ) after 0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
and 4th months.

Centre line shows the standard error; the circle (Ο) shows the milk sample stored at 5°C and the triangle ( ) shows the sample stored
at 30°C. All the readings were taken in triplicates. ns p >0.05, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 ***p<0.001.

a b

Fig 2 (a) Changes in viscosity (b) changes in sedimentation content of UHT milk sample at 5°(Ο) and 30°C ( ) after 0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
and 4th months.

Centre line shows the standard error; the circle (Ο) shows the milk sample stored at 5°C and the triangle ( ) shows the sample stored
at 30°C. All the readings were taken in triplicates. ns p >0.05, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 ***p<0.001.

77.2±0.282 to 73.4±0.351 and 71.3±0.312 mg/100 mL at 5°C and to soluble Ca and Mg phase than that stored at 4°C. The changes
30°C, respectively after 4 month of storage (Fig 3a). Colloidal Mg in colloidal Ca contents may be due to decrease in pH values
also significantly (p<0.001) decreased during storage from during storage, especially when the samples were stored at 30°C.
4.22±0.186 to 3.41±0.326 and 2.93±0.214 mg/100mL, at 5 and 30°C, In concomitant to our results, Aldubhany et al. (2014) also reported
respectively after 4 month of storage (Fig. 3b). Sample stored at that transfer of Ca and Mg from colloidal to soluble form occurs
30°C showed greater conversion of colloidal Ca and Mg phase

Indian J Dairy Sci 74(1): 39-47

a b

Fig. 3 (a) Changes in colloidal calcium (b) changes in colloidal magnesium content during storage of UHT milk sample at 5°(Ο) and
30°C ( ) after 0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th months.

Centre line shows the standard error; the circle (Ο) shows the milk sample stored at 5°C and the triangle ( ) shows the sample stored
at 30°C. All the readings were taken in triplicates. ns p >0.05, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 ***p<0.001.

a b

Fig. 4 (a) Changes in HMF content (b) changes in lactulose content during storage of UHT milk sample at 5°(Ο) and 30°C ( ) after
0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th months.

Centre line shows the standard error; the circle (Ο) shows the milk sample stored at 5°C and the triangle ( ) shows the sample stored
at 30°C. All the readings were taken in triplicates. ns p >0.05, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 ***p<0.001.

with storage and that the changes were more pronounced in Murata et al. 2007; Ritota et al. 2017). In earlier stage of Maillard
UHT milk sample stored at 37°C than that stored at 4 and 22°C. reaction, there occurs condensation of carbonyl group of lactose
and [-amino group of lysine residue, followed by development
of intermediate product HMF (Morales et al. 2000; Cais-
HMF is an important component used for assessing the intensity Sokolinska, 2005). Amadori rearrangement product (1-amino-l-
of heat treatment. It is also used as an indicator for degree of deoxy-2-ketoses) formed during severe heating is rapidly
progress of the Maillard reaction. It is not present in raw milk or converted into HMF under acid conditions (Nursten, 2005). In
present only at trace level and formed during heating and storage this study, extent of HMF content was determined by using the
of high heat treated milk and milk products (Albalá-Hurtado et al. method suggested by Cais-Sokolińska, (2005) and results are
1997; Morales and Jiménez-Pérez, 1999; Morales et al. 2000; illustrated in Fig. 4 (a). The HMF content was significantly

Indian J Dairy Sci 74(1): 39-47

Table 2 Color (L, a, b) value of UHT milk sample stored at 5°C and 30°C for 4 months

Storage period Storage L a b

(months) Temperature
0 — 87.62±0.091ns -1.80± 0.042 ns 9.33±0.042 ns
1 5°C 87.27±0.155* -1.04±0.021*** 9.41±0.018 ns
30°C 86.52±0.127*** -0.81± 0.077*** 9.80±0.049***
2 5°C 86.22± 0.12*** -0.95±0.027*** 9.55±0.023**
30°C 84.91±0.092*** -0.65± 0.056*** 9.90±0.029***
3 5°C 85.81±0.144*** -0.71±0.028*** 9.69±0.042***
30°C 80.22±0.106*** 0.030± 0.023*** 10.15±0.022***
4 5°C 84.57±0. 106*** -0.55±0.027*** 9.81±0.017***
30°C 79.84±0.098*** 0.18± 0.018*** 10.42±0.070***
Superscript are significantly different, nsp >0.05, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 ***p<0.001 from each other.

(p<0.001) increased during storage from 8.03±0.035 to 13.74 the previous study carried out by (Birlouez-Aragon et al. 1998;
±0.091 and 18.94±0.106 µmol/L at 5 and 30°C, respectively after 4 Morales et al. 2000; Elliott et al. 2003; Elliott et al. 2005; Sakkas et
month of storage. It was observed that there was about 1.7 times al. 2014) who found that the lactulose content in UHT milk is in
increase in the HMF content of the sample stored at 5°C and the range of 50–850 mg/L. Lactulose content up to 15 mg/L in
around 2.3 times increase in the sample stored at 30°C. Higher pasteurized milk and 80 mg/L in high temperature pasteurized
content of HMF in sample stored at 30°C may be due to the milk has been reported (Marconi et al. 2004; Feinberg et al. 2006).
higher rate of Maillard reaction at higher temperature. Our results Simlar trend of considerable increase in the lactulose content
are in agreement with the Cais-Sokolińska, (2005) who reported during storage was also reported (Morales et al. 2000; Elliott et
that HMF value almost doubled in the UHT milk stored at 20°C al. 2005; Feinberg et al. 2006). Morales and Jimenez-Perez (1999)
after 24 weeks. The author also revealed that increase in the observed that the maximum increase in lactulose content was at
HMF content was higher in sample stored at 20°C than that stored high temperatures and the highest value was recorded when milk
at 4 and 8°C. Morales et al. (2000) reported that in freshly processed was stored at 40 and 50°C for 90 days.
UHT milk sample, it is around 5.6-8.7 µmol/L. HMF is a product
which originates from the Maillard reaction, and hence it can be Color value
assumed that, while the Maillard reaction progresses during UHT
milk storage, the HMF content will proportionally increases Heating process, storage condition and heat induced reaction
(Morales and Jimenez-Perez, 1999). like Maillard’s reaction, causes physio chemical changes in milk,
which impacts the color of milk (Popov-Raljic et al. 2008). The
Lactulose color determination denoted in L, a, b value. L represent for the
index of lightness, b(+) represent for yellow color while b(-)
Lactulose is a semi-synthetic disaccharide consisting of represents for blue color. A (+) represent values for red color
galactose and fructose molecule. During heating of milk and milk whereas a (-) represents for green color (Manzi et al. 2013).
product lactose gets isomerized with the formation of lactulose Changes in the L, a and b values of UHT milk samples during
(4-O-ß-D-galactopyranosyl-D-fructofuranose) by Lobry de storage at 5 and 30°C are presented in Table 2. L, a and b, values
Bruyn–Alberda van Ekenstein (LA) transformation (Hashemi and of freshly processed UHT milk was observed to be 87.62±0.091,
Ashtiani, 2010). Lactulose is considered to be a suitable indicator -1.80±0.042 and 9.33±0.042. It was observed that L value
for differentiating UHT milk and pasteurized milk (Montilla et al. decreased significantly (p<0.001) to 84.57±0.106 and 79.84±0.098
2005). Fig. 4 (b) shows that the increase in lactulose concentration at 5 and 30°C, respectively after 4 months of storage. The a value
is greatly dependent on the storage time and temperature. Samples was increased significantly (p<0.001) to -0.55±0.027 and
stored at 30°C showed increase in lactulose content than samples 0.18±0.018 at 5 and 30°C, respectively, while the b value
stored at 5°C. Lactulose content in freshly processed UHT milk significantly (p<0.001) increased to 9.81±0.017 and 10.42±0.070
was observed to be 251±3.531 mg/L which was significantly at 5 and 30°C, respectively after 4 months of storage. It was
(p<0.001) increased to 284±3.535 mg/L and 345±2.121 mg/L after observed that the sample showed significant (<0.05) decrease in
storage for a period of 4 months at 5 and 30°C, respectively. L value and non-significant (p>0.05) change in the b value at
Comparing lactulose content of freshly processed UHT milk with 5°C, while that stored at 30°C showed a significant (p<0.001)
samples stored over a period of 1 month, it was observed that change in both L and b value after one month of storage period.
samples stored at 5°C showed non-significant changes (p>0.05), Sample stored at 30°C showed more changes in L, a and b value
while sample stored at 30°C showed a significant increase as compared to that stored at 5°C sample. Gaucher et al. (2008)
(p<0.001) in lactulose content. Our results are in agreement with also observed visual browning in milk samples during storage at

Indian J Dairy Sci 74(1): 39-47

40°C. Popov-Raljic et al. (2008) reported that the average Deeth HC, Lewis MJ (2017) Changes during storage of UHT milk. High
psychometric chroma b* value was significantly higher (p<0.01) temperature processing of milk and milk products. John Wiley and
Sons. pp 261-320
during storage of UHT milk with 3.2% milk fat.
Datta N, Deeth HC (2001) Age gelation of UHT milk—a review. Food and
Bioproducts processing 79:197-210
Conclusion De Block J, Merchiers M, Van Renterghem R, Moermans R (1996)
Evaluation of two methods for the determination of lactulose in
In agreement with other studies, pasteurized milk showed less milk. Int Dairy J 6: 217-222
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