Pharmacy Level - Iii: Learning Guide #5
Pharmacy Level - Iii: Learning Guide #5
Pharmacy Level - Iii: Learning Guide #5
Learning Guide #5
Providing Compassionate,
Unit of Competence: -
Respectful and Caring Service
Providing Compassionate,
Module Title: -
Respectful and Caring Service
LG Code: HLT PHS3 M01 0919
TTLM Code: HLT PHS3 M01 0919TTLM0919v1
What is pharmaceutical?
The definition of pharmaceutical depends on the scope of pharmaceutical law, if the law
covers so many items such as drug, cosmetics, medical supplies and sanitary items, it can
be defined as follow: Pharmaceutical shall mean drug, cosmotic, medical supplies, medical
instrument and sanitary item.
Drug is any substances or mixture of substances used in the diagnosis, prevention and
treatment of a disease affecting human and animal. This will include narcotic drugs &
psychotropic substances, pesticide, medicated animal feeding stuff, poisons, radio
pharmaceuticals, blood & blood products, vaccines.
Narcotic drug: is any drug product subject to control according to Narcotic drug control
convention of the United Nations ratified by the country
Psychotropic substance is any substance subject to control according to psychotropic
substance control convention of the united Nations ratified by the country.
Poison is a substance that may cause danger to human, animal, plant or environment when
taken in a small quantity.
Cosmetic is any preparation intended to be applied to human body for cleansing beautifying,
promoting attractiveness or altering the appearance with out affecting the body’s structure or
function. Includes like skin cream, lotions, perfumes, lipstick, shampoos etc. Sanitary item is
any preparation used in the maintenance of cleanliness of human, animal & household
Pharmacy law gives certain rights for a Pharmacy personnel and it takes away
It says a Pharmacy personnel should:
Possess certain training.
Be registered and licensed to practice Pharmacy
The scope of pharmaceutical law
The scope of law on pharmaceutical depends on the range of elements included in the
definition of pharmaceutical and accordingly the law can be divided into two on such
Law dealing with drugs
Law that covers other substances and items as well as drugs
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the
next page:
Part I Write true if the statement is correct or writes false if the statement is incorrect on the
space provided.
1. Narcotic Drug means any drug subject to control according to Narcotic Drugs
Conventions of the United Nations ratified by Ethiopia.
2. Cosmetic is any preparation intended to be applied to human body for cleansing
Part II. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives and encircle your best answer.
3. Which one of the following substance is may cause damage to man, animal, plant
and environment when taken in small quantity.?
A. Food C. Drug
B. Poisons D. Cosmetic
4. The major reasons for legislation dealing with pharmaceuticals are?
A. To ensure proper implementation of pharmaceutical policy.
B. To determine the role of Pharmacy law executive agency and medical practitioners,
use of pharmaceuticals.
C. To ensure that the final customers receive pharmaceuticals of proven quality, safety
and efficacy.
D. All of the above.
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is a guide for action, containing the goals, set by the government for the pharmaceutical
center, set by the government for the pharmaceutical sector and the main strategies and
approaches for attaining them.
It provides a frame work to coordinate activities of pharmaceutical sector participants the
public and private sectors, nongovernmental organization, donors and other interrelated
parties nation’s drug policy although similar in many ways to those of other countries,
may different objectives, strategies and approaches
To ensure:
Access: equitable availability and affordability of essential drugs
Pharmacy Level III Vision :01 Sep. 2019: Page 9 of 62
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Quality: the quality, safety and efficacy of all medicines
Rational use: the promotion of therapeutically sound and cost-effective use of drugs
by health professionals and consumers.
Other Goals of NDP
Economic related goals
To reduce foreign exchange for pharmaceutical import
To provide jobs (dispensing, pre-packaging, production of pharmaceuticals)
National development goal
Develop national pharmaceutical production
To take a stand on intellectual property rights
Although specific objectives differ according to the priorities set by the government, most
common are
To ensure essential drugs available and affordable to those who need them.
To ensure the safety, efficacy and quality of all medicines provide to the public
To improve rational prescribing and dispensing practices
Economic goal
Lower the cost to the government, other health care providers and the public
Reduce the foreign exchange expenditures for drugs
National development goals
Increase skills of personnel in drug management
Protect intellectual property rights
To meet the country’s demand for essential drugs and to systematize its supply,
distribution and use.
To create conducive situations to make the prices of drugs compatible with the
people’s purchasing power.
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To ensure the safety, efficacy and quality of drugs.
To develop a domestic drug manufacturing capacity and gradual supply to the export
To expand the training of manpower and drugs research and development.
To devise ways and means for the utilization of traditional drugs in the regular health
services after ensuring their safety and efficacy.
Major components of a national drug policy
1. To maintain the practical and legal autonomy of the FBPP as a national administration
for pharmacy and medicines control and as the only federal authority responsible for
the organization, regulation and control of medicines at the national level, and for the
selection of medicines and for specifying their standards and specifications, and for
regulating their storage, distribution and dispensing.
2. To legally enable the Directorate General of Pharmacy Federal Ministry of Health to
act as the General Secretariat of the FBPP and for the Director General of Pharmacy
to be the Board Secretary General by virtue of his post.
3. The FBPP should care for its independence and hold to its powers and should not
allow any person, local or foreign body to bypass the Board or its Secretariat on any
matter which is within the jurisdiction of the Board, its Secretariat or its authorized
Based on the country’s health problems, trained manpower, financial resources and
infrastructure, a national drug list will be formulated with full consideration of safety,
efficacy, quality & cost.
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided.:
Part I. chooses the best answer from the given alternatives and encircles your best answer.
1. Which of the following guide for action, containing the goals, set by the government
for the pharmaceutical center, set by the government for the pharmaceutical sector
the main strategies and approaches for attaining them?
A. National drug policy
B. Drug supply system
C. National drug formality
2. Drug policies differ by country due to difference in፡
A. The structure of health care system
B. The number of trained pharmacist and physicians
C. The capacity of the drug regulatory agency
D. Features of pharmaceutical distribution system and
Short Answer Questions
3. List out the Major components of a national drug policy?
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A. _______________
B. _______________
C. _______________
D. _______________
is the boy of principles that govern conduct and observance of which can be enforced in courts.
It demarkets what is permissible from what is not.
It must be obeyed and followed by citizens and is subject to legal citizens sanctions or
Pharmaceutical laws
Drug is any substance or mixture of substances used for prevention, diagnosis and treatment
of a disease affecting humans or animals. It includes: narcotic drugs & psychotropic
substances, pesticides, medicated animal feed stuffs, poisons, radio pharmaceuticals,
vaccines, blood & blood products.
o Poison is a substance that may cause danger to human, animal, plant or environment when
taken in a small quantity.
Cosmetic is any preparation applied to human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting
attractiveness or altering appearance without affecting the body’s structure or function.
Sanitary item is any preparation used in maintenance of cleanliness of human, animal and
household. Eg. Detergents.
Medical supply is any article that may be used on the outer or inner part of the body for
diagnosis or treatment of disease in human or animal. Eg. Syringe & needle, laboratory
equipments and reagents, etc.
Interpreting a law
Holding trails
Receiving of evidence or testimony
Taking measures accordingly
Pharmaceutical law – is a rule of human conduct binding up on all persons engaged in practice of
Pharmacy. It is also restrictive like other laws.
Pharmacy law gives certain rights for a Pharmacy personnel and it takes away freedom. It says a
Pharmacy personnel should:
The scope of law on pharmaceutical depends on the range of elements included in the definition of
pharmaceutical and accordingly the law can be divided into two on such basis.
C. Licensing of premises
No one is allowed to establish Pharmacy establishments/practice without getting license
/authorization to do so from legally authorized bodies after assuring the fulfillment of
Types of Pharmacy establishments
- Manufacturer of pharmaceuticals
- Importer of pharmaceuticals
- exporter of pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical retail outlets
Drug shop
Rural drug vender
Pharmaceutical quality control lab.
Pharmaceutical promotion offices
D. Inspection
Pharmacy law exclusive agency is legally authorized to undertake pharmaceuticals inspection
in Pharmacy establishments in order to ascertain to whether there has been a contravention on
law act.
The agency should assign persons with adequate knowledge and experience of the selected
and policy laws, regulations and directives as inspectors.
The rights and obligations of inspectors have to be clearly indicated in the law.
Inspectors are empowered to:
enter any premises.
enter any ship, air craft, and vehicle.
take sample of any medicinal product sold/supplied
take copies of any entry
seize and detain any substance or article or document which they have reasonable cause to
Types of inspection
a) Emergency inspection
b) Regular inspection
During inspection due consideration should be given to individual rights and privacy.
Prior notice must be given to the occupier if it is intended to enter any premise used only as a
private dwelling house.
It is an offence willfully,
to obstruct a dully authorized person or
to fail to comply with any proper request by inspector
Short answer
4. What is rationality of Inspection of pharmaceutical
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Amongst colleagues:
Among family members: in case the patient is not able to make decisions (i.e. patient is in
coma or has a mental health problem)
Mostly on treatment cost if it is covered by someone (relatives, friends…) other than the
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided.
Multiple Choose
1. Which one of the following ethical dilemma happen in many ways including withdrawal from
treatment against medical advice for different reasons, because of cultural and/or religious
beliefs or personal reasons.
A. Refusal of Treatment:
B. Disclosure and Truth Telling Dilemma
C. End of Life dilemma
D. Disagreement/conflict:
2. Healthcare providers have the responsibility to tell the truth about the diagnosis, treatment,
prognosis and related issues to the patient,
A. True
B. False
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Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Proclamation (Proclamation
No. 661/2009)
This Proclamation may be cited as the “Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and
Control Proclamation No. 661/2009”.
In this Proclamation
”food” means any raw, semi-processed or processed substance for commercial purpose or to be
served for the public in any way intended for human consumption that includes water and other
drinks, chewing gum, supplementary food and any substance which has been used in the
manufacture, preparation or treatment of food, but does not include tobacco and substances used
only as medicines
1. Any food may not be manufactured, imported, exported, stored, distributed, transported or
made available for sale or use to the public without permit of the appropriate organ.
2. Any food production institution shall not change the type and production process of the food
without obtaining a permit from. And having it registered with, the executive organ.
1. No food or its raw material, additive or packaging material shall be put into use unless it
complies with the international and national safety and quality standards.
2. Any food shall be preserved in accordance with the standards set or adopted by the
appropriate organ.
3. Any person may not operate a laboratory established for food quality control unless it is
receives certificate of competence from the executive organ.
5. A certificate of competence issued in accordance with sub-article (4) of this Article shall be
renewed every year.
6. It is prohibited for any institution that engages in food production, processing, storing,
distribution and transportation to hire an employee having contact with the product and who is
infected with communicable disease.
1. Any imported food shall be accompanied by a certificate of quality and safety authenticated by
the concerned government organ of the exporting country.
2. The executive organ may issue safety certificate for export food that needs the same.
Food Irradiation
Radiation treatment of food shall be carried out upon ascertaining by the executive organ that it is
designed to meet the requirements of safety and good hygienic practice of food processing.
Narcotic Drug means any drug subject to control according to Narcotic Drugs Conventions of
the United Nations ratified by Ethiopia. This shall also include a drug that is categorized as
narcotic drug by the Authority;
A special license issued by the Authority shall be required to import, export, manufacture or
distribute narcotic drugs.
1. Any person having a permanent special license to import or export narcotic drugs or
psychotropic substances. shall apply for a special import or export permit for each
consignment; such special permit shall be valid only for ninety (90) days.
2. No person shall import or export narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances through post office
or by ship.
3. No person shall import or export narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances packing them with
other drugs or articles.
4. Any person who imports or exports narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances shall comply
with packaging guidelines issued by the Authority(Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 60 29 th June,
1999- Page 1113)
1. Only a medical practitioner who is registered and have a special license shall prescribe narcotic
2. Psychotropic substances shall be prescribed by a licensed and registered medical practitioner.
3. No medical practitioner shall prescribe narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for himself.
4. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances shall only be prescribed on a special prescription
5. The management of and standard that any prescription for narcotic drugs or psychotropic
substances shall fulfill would be set forth in the regulation to be issued pursuant to this
Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and invoices, registers, and prescriptions shall
be stored in a lockable metal cupboard or in a special room the key of which shall at all
times remain in the hands of the authorized professional.
Any person who is licensed pursuant to this Proclamation and who ceases to operate his
business shall deal with the stocks of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, invoices,
other documents, and prescriptions related to same as directed by the Authority
Any person who is licensed pursuant to this Proclamation shall keep records and send
reports about narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in accordance with a directive that
shall be issued by the Authority
“Poisons” means a substance that may cause damage to man, animal, plant and
environment when taken in small quantity. A poison by its action on tissue organ of the body
can impair function or destroy life.
Is a law governing poisons in order to ensure their proper handling transportation storage
and use as well as proper record keeping and reporting
o The lists of poisons are usually divided into two parts:
Poisons in part I
These poisons can be sold only by authorized seller of poisons i.e. from retail pharmacies
or whole sale by or under the supervision of a pharmacist
Poisons in part II
These poisons can be sold from retail pharmacy or whole sale and other shop keeper who
are listed or authorized by local regulatory authorities
A. Act of Negligence
B. Violation of law as negligence
C. Liability for Negligence
D. All of the following
3. Which one of the following drug retail out-let run by a regiDrug store
A. Drug shop
B. Community pharmacy
C. Drug vendor
D. Community pharmacist.
Part II:-Instruction Give short answer for the following questions(out of 3%)
4. List out the Prohibited activities by pharmacist/druggist(2pts)
A. _______________________________
B. _______________________________
C. _______________________________
D. _______________________________
5. Write Type of inspection(1pts)
A. _______________________________
B. _______________________________
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To ensures the safety, efficacy and quality of pharmaceutical products .
It is important to gain the information about the qualitative and quantitative composition of
substances i.e. to find out what a substance is composed of and exactly how much
Today analysis of drugs and pharmaceuticals is performed by:
analyst specializing in chromatographic, spectroscopic and wet chemical analyses.
‘Every country has legislation on bulk drugs and their pharmaceutical formulations
that sets standards and obligatory quality indices for them.
Pharmaceutical analysis deals not only with medicaments (drugs and their formulations)
But also with their precursors i.e., with the raw material on which degree of purity and
the quality of medicament depends.
Determinants of Medicine Quality
Identity: Active ingredient
Purity: Not contaminated with potentially harmful substances
Potency: Usually 90–110% of the labeled amount
Uniformity: Consistency of color, shape, size
Bioavailability: Interchangeable products?
Stability: Ensuring medicine activity for stated period
Quality is "Invisible when GOOD, Impossible to ignore when BAD"
The totality of features and characteristics of a medicinal product and its ability to
satisfy the stated and/or implied needs
Meeting requirements of specific customer needs
No person is allowed to run drug retail outlet without getting license from pharmaceutical
regulatory authority
To ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of drugs and made available
To ensure god dispensing practice or pharmaceutical
Requirement of License/Registration
3. Personnel
Procurement, storage, inventory control, dispensing, record keeping, reporting, etc. of drugs
and medical supplies or Drug Retail Out-let should done by or under the supervision or
registered adequately qualified and experienced professional
The type of technical personnel required and level of dug out-lets are:
c. 3rd Grade drug Retail out-let- usually fund in developing counties, is led usually by a
registered non-pharmacy personnel, which could be
Physician or
Veterinarian or
Nurse or
Health assistant
Junior pharmacy technician
4. Premises
Appropriate area (rooms) for storage, compounding (only in a community pharmacy) and
dispending as well as toilet are required to establish drug retail outlet
5. Equipment and facilities
Required for proper storage, dispensing, compounding (community pharmacy), record
keeping, etc. shall be fulfilled in order to open drug retail out-let
In many countries, the owner of a community pharmacist shall be a pharmacist or group or
pharmacist or the licensed pharmacist shall have a share
When the owner of a community pharmacist is group of pharmacist, dispensing of drug is
done under the management and supervision of one of them, and license is given in the
name of him/her
6. Standard Operation Procedures
Limiting distribution of drug retail outlet
Most countries have a provision in their drug legislation/regulation which determines where
each type of drug out-let should be opened
The 2nd and 3rd type Drug Out-let are usually opened in a place where there is
no/inadequate community pharmacies
Control of Practice or Drug Retail Out-let
4. Premises and hours of business
Pharmaceutical service- shall be provided at the premises specified and registered at the
time of licensing or authorization
The drug retail out-let shall:
Be open for provision of pharmaceutical service during working hours specified by the
licensing authority including night and holiday duties
Have a clearly legible sign on the outside of building as near to the main entrance as is
practicable stating
The name, level and address of the drug retail out let
Opening and closing hours name and address of drug retail out-lets which are on duty
Storage of pharmaceuticals
Store pharmaceuticals properly in accordance with the storage conditions stated on their
Store pharmaceuticals, which requires special storage condition accordingly
More control stringent is exercised on import of drugs and medical supplies than on
cosmetics and sanitary preparation
However, not require getting license to import pharmaceutical for personal use, research,
laboratory testing, donation in emergency and compelling conditions License to import
pharmaceutical is issued by Regulatory Authority after assuring the fulfilment of
A. Personnel:
Import and whole distribution of drugs and medical supplies shall be carried out under
supervision of experienced and qualified personnel usually pharmacist in most countries
In some countries, the supervision can be done by non-pharmacy personnel
B. Premises : for receiving, storing, dispatching and doing administrative works
C. Equipment and facilities: for receiving, storing, inventory control, dispatching and doing
other administrative work
D. Standard operation procedures: to be followed when ordering, port clearance, inventory
control, distributing, complaint collection and analysis, product recall, etc.
1) Marketing Authorization of Pharmaceutical
Obtaining license to import pharmaceutical especially drugs and medical supplies is not
Obtaining marketing authorization for each product from Regulatory Authority is also legally
needed in most countries
Not import and distribute pharmaceutical, which are adulterated, counterfeited and
Not use the premises for purpose other than specified in the license
Not make change of address or modify premises without getting authorization from regulatory
Distribute pharmaceutical only to those licensed or authorized institutions and in accordance
with their level
Keep and provide information as may be requested by the licensed authority
Allow inspection and keep records of imported, stocked, distributed and disposed
Institute and emergency plan, which ensure effective implementation of any recall from the
market and withhold sale/ distribution of products that have quality problems
Keep records and show to regulatory authority when requested the following documents
Marketing authorization certificates
Batch analysis certificates
Records of imported, stocked, distributed and disposed pharmaceuticals
Name and address or organization and personnel to whom pharmaceuticals are distributed
or sold
Directives and other relevant matter
License of clients
Control of export of Pharmaceuticals
No one is allowed to export pharmaceutical without getting export authorization and /or
export permit for each consignment
Manufacturers can export their products and the requirements and other control are more or
less the same as importer
In most counties, pharmaceuticals to be exported are exempted from marketing
authorization requirement
The stringency of control on pharmaceutical to be exported varies from country to county and
with the type or product
1. The Authority, based on international standards, shall prepare a list of poisons and
communicate to all concerned bodies, and issue a detailed directive on their storage,
sale and disposal.
2. No person shall manufacture, import and distribute poisons unless he first have
obtained a special permit from the Authority.
3. Any person who manufactures imports or distributes poisons shall keep detailed
records of such poisons in accordance with the directives that may be issued by the
Authority and reports to same.
Radio pharmaceuticals
1. The Authority shall issue regulations and directives regarding the storage,
distribution, use and disposal of radio pharmaceuticals in accordance with the
recommendations that it may receive from the International Atomic Energy Agency. Prohibitions
Prohibited activities
A clinical trial shall be conducted only on a human being who has given his consent in writing
and on domestic animals with the consent of the owner and on wild and sea animals when
permission of the Government is obtained, and all of which are subject to the authorization of
the Authority in accordance with the regulations issued for the implementation of this
proclamation (Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 60 29 th June, 1999- Page 1112)
Transfers the licenses issued to him to any person by way of any means shall be punishable
with imprisonment of not less than one year and not more than three years and a fine of not
less than five thousand Birr and not exceeding twenty thousand Birr.
Transfers the licenses issued to him to any person by way of any means shall be punishable
with imprisonment of not less than one year and not more than three years and a fine of not
less than five thousand Birr and not exceeding twenty thousand Birr.
2. Any licensed drug manufacturer, importer, exporter or wholesaler who sales drug to a
person without a license shall be punishable with imprisonment of not less than two years
and not exceeding five years and with a fine of not less than five thousand Birr and not
exceeding twenty thousand Birr.
4. Any person who trades drug without a certificate of competence shall be punishable with
imprisonment for not less than five years and not exceeding seven years and with a fine of
not less than twenty thousand Birr and not exceeding fifty thousand Birr
4. without sufficient reason or above the standard dose, prescribesnarcotic drugs or psychotropic
substances, even if he has a license;
years and not exceeding five years and with a fine of not less than five thousand Birr and
not exceeding twenty thousand Birr.
7. Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this Proclamation, or regulations and
directives issued pursuant to this Proclamation, shall be punishable with imprisonment of
not exceeding two years and with a fine of not exceeding ten thousand Birr
8. For the execution of this Article drug shall mean any substance excluding narcotic drugs
and psychotropic substances (Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 60 29 th June, 1999- Page 1115)
All properties used to or derived from the Commission of the offenses mentioned in Articles 33
and 34 of this Proclamation shall be confiscated
1. Any civil servant or official assigned to perform duties related to Drug Administration and Control
activities who by taking bribes or through nepotism or favoritism or other illegal relationships by
violating the Proclamation and regulations to be issued pursuant to this Proclamation;
a. Issues and renews a certificate of drug trade competence and certificate of professional
registration or mislead others to do so;
b. Authorizes the use of drugs and raw materials without making adequate evaluation or
investigation of their quality, safety and efficacy or mislead others to do so;Shall be punished with
imprisonment of not less than ten years and not exceeding fifteen years and with a fine not less
than Birr thirty thousand and not exceeding Birr fifty thousand.
3. When the offense provided for under Sub-Article (1) of this Article is committed by more than
one person, if one of them first give adequate information on the commission of the offense and
the role of the major role player(s) before the case was seen by court, Ministry of Justice may free
the person from criminal liability
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided:
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1. __________
2. _________
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a. ______________
b. ______________
c. ______________
d. ______________
10. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Code of Ethics for Pharmacists and
Pharmacy Technicians, Aug, 2007