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M.Sc. Program Advanced Architectural Design: Revised Version

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines a proposed 2-year Master's program in Advanced Architectural Design to be offered at the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development starting in 2014. It aims to provide a higher degree in architectural education within Ethiopia.

The aim of the Master's program is to provide specialized education in advanced architectural design, with an emphasis on building design and integration of building and context-related expertise. The program aims to develop students' individual talents and design skills.

The program will consist of several modules over 4 semesters, including design studios, technical courses, theory courses, and an independent research project. Core modules include Design Theory and Methods, Structures and Construction, Environmental Technologies, and Research Methods.



M.Sc.  Program    
Advanced  Architectural  Design  
Revised  Version  
Chair  of  Architectural  Design  III  
December  2013,  Addis  Ababa  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   2  

This  document  has  been  prepared  and  edited  by:    
Dawit  Benti     MArch.,  Lecturer,  Chair  holder  of  Architecture  and  Design  III  
Petra  Gruber       Dipl.Ing,  Dr.techn.,  Visiting  Professor,  Chair  holder  of  Architecture  and  Design  III  
Addis  Ababa,  July  2013  
Location  and  contact:  
Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Smuts  Street  
P.O.  Box  518  
Addis  Ababa  
Tel   +251(0)112  767  605  
Fax   +251(0)112  752  355    
web   www.eiabc.edu.et  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   3  

Table  of  Contents  

1   Introduction   4  
1.1   Relevance  of  the  program   4  
1.2   Need  Assessment   5  
1.3   Interview  Partners  and  Summary   5  

2   Aim  and  Framework  of  the  Program   8  

2.1   Aims  of  the  Master  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD   8  
2.2   Framework  of  the  M.Sc.  Programme  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD   8  
2.3   Module  Description   10  
2.4   Teaching/Learning  strategies  and  methods   12  
2.5   Modes  of  delivery   12  
2.6   Assessment  strategies   13  

3   Appropriateness  and  Sustainability   13  

4   Profile  of  the  Graduate   13  
5   Quality  Assurance   14  
6   Admission  and  Graduation  Requirements   14  
6.1   Admission  requirements   14  
6.2   Graduation  requirements   15  

7   Degree  Nomenclature   15  
8   List  of  Courses   16  
9   Categorisation  and  Distribution  of  Courses   17  
10   Description  of  Courses   18  
10.1   First  Semester   18  
10.2   Second  Semester   24  

11   Personnel  and  Infrastructure   37  

11.1   Qualification  of  personnel   38  
11.2   Infrastructure  at  EiABC   39  

12   Documentation  of  the  Process   39  

13   Annex   40  
13.1   Literature   40  
13.2   Weblinks   40  
13.3   Contacts   40  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   4  

1 Introduction  
Up  to  now  in  Ethiopia  architectural  education  is  given  as  an  undergraduate  degree  in  architecture  and  urban  
planning.  In  order  to  achieve  a  higher  degree  in  this  field,  students  go  abroad,  especially  to  Europe,  India  and  
the  US.  In  order  to  change  this  situation  a  home  grown  master  program  that  reflects  the  needs  of  the  country  
shall  be  offered  at  EiABC.  

The  Master  of  Science  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  is  a  2  year  full  time  Master  Program  that  specialises  in  
the  field  of  Advanced  Architectural  Design  and  shall  be  implemented  at  the  Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  
Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  starting  with  the  academic  year  2014.      

In  response  to  the  educational  needs  of  professionals,  The  Master  of  Science  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  
curriculum   places   particular   emphasis   on   the   building   as   focal   unit   of   design,   considering   and   integrating  
building   as   well   as   context   related   expertise   and   boundary   conditions.   It   provides   a   disciplined   approach   to  
architectural  design  in  a  setting  that  ensures  the  flexibility  and  latitude  necessary  for  students  to  develop  their  
individual  talents  and  skills  in  order  to  shape  the  leading  design  experts  for  the  future  of  Ethiopia.  

1.1 Relevance  of  the  program    

The   relevance   of   the   Master   in   Advanced   Architectural   Design   is   stated   in   three   dimension:   the   global,   the  
national  and  the  local  level.  Globalisation  and  the  integration  of  the  Ethiopian  economy  into  global  standards  
in   the   building   industry   requires   internationalisation   in   architectural   design   as   well   as   in   design   education.  
International  competitiveness  in  the  field  of  architecture  can  only  be  guaranteed  by  well  educated  experts  in  
the  field.  On  a  national  level,  and  according  to  Ethiopia's  Growth  and  Transformation  Plan  (GTP),  Education  
and   Training   are   key   factors   for   enhancing   economic   expansion   and   quality   of   social   development.   The   key  
priority   for   higher   education   during   the   forthcoming   five   years   will   be   ensuring   quality   and   relevance.   The  
GTP  targets  for  2014/15  for  Urban  Development  and  Housing,  projects  the  provision  of  700.000  units  and  a  
further   20%   reduction   of   slum   areas.  1     To   implement   the   plan,   requirements   on   human   resources   in   the  
coming   years,   especially   in   the   engineering   disciplines,   is   very   high.   The   extreme   pace   of   urbanisation  
challenges   high   quality   expertise   as   well   as   effectiveness   of   production.   Also   for   the   sector   of   private  
investment  the  creation  of  employment  opportunities,  planning  and  implementation  expertise  for  sustainable,  
high  quality  architectural  projects  within  the  country  is  an  essential  factor.  In  addition  to  needs  from  industry,  
the  nationwide  expanding  academic  education  calls  for  experts  in  the  built  environment  on  a  master  level.  

For   the   further   evolution   of   the   Ethiopian   Institute   of   Architecture,   Building   Construction   and   City  
Development  the  development  of  the  Master  program  in  Architecture  is  an  important  step,  as  described  in  the  
Strategic  Plan2.  The  Master  program  will  not  only  fulfil  internal  demand  of  teaching  architects,  but  also  expand  
into   research   by   knowledge   production     on   issues   of   the   built   environment.   The   program   opens   up   and  
develops  research  oriented  matters  in  order  to  build  up  capacity  for  the  future  architecture  education.  

The  Master  Programs  at  EiABC  serve  as  a  consolidation  of  the  knowledge  gained  in  the  Bachelor  Program  and  
asks   the   student   to   develop   increasingly   independent   and   more   individual   working   methods.   It   requires   a  
more   and   more   integrative   thinking   process   and   design   abilities   to   combine   the   knowledge   and   fundamentals  
of   several   disciplines   into   an   architectural   project.   EiABC   provides   comprehensive,   practice-­‐oriented   and  

1  The  Federal  Democratic  Republic  of  Ethiopia:  Growth  and  Transformation  Plan  (GTP)  2010/11-­‐2014/15  
2  Dieter,  
J.;   Hahn,   K.:   Strategic   Plan   and   Change   Management   Concept   for   Consolidating   and   Evolving   the   Ethiopian  
Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  (EiABC)  2012-­‐2015,  02/2012  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   5  

need-­‐driven   design/technology   education   that   produce   competent   graduates   who   contribute   to   them  
international  competitiveness  of  the  local  industry.  

The   Master   of   Science   Program   for   Advanced   Architectural   Design   is   part   of   the   EiABC's   matrix   of  
competences   and   study   programs.   According   to   the   Strategic   Plan,   EiABC   will   offer   the   following   Master  
Programs  until  the  Academic  Year  2015.  3  

• Master  Program  in  Urban  Design  and  Development  

• Master  Program  in  Environmental  Planning  and  Landscape  Design  
• Master  Program  in  Housing  and  Sustainable  Development  
• Master  Program  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  (the  current  proposal)  
• Master  Program  in  Construction  Management  (in  preparation)  
• Master  Program  in  Construction  Materials  and  Geotechniques  (in  preparation)  
• Master  Program  in  Preservation  &  Conservation  of  Historical  Buildings  &  Sites  (in  preparation)  
• Master  Program  in  Land  and  Property  Valuation  (in  preparation)  

The   Master   of   Science   for   Advanced   Architectural   Design   at   EiABC   will   be   the   first   Master   in   Architecture   that  
is  implemented  in  Ethiopia.  As  such,  it  will  have  a  pioneering  role  for  other  Institutes  of  Technology  to  equally  
advance  higher  academic  education  in  the  field  of  architecture.    

1.2 Need  Assessment  

There   is   a   broad   and   unquestioned   understanding   among   architects   and   engineers   from   academia   and   the  
professional   world   that   a   Master   program   in   Architectural   Design   is   urgently   needed   to   be   offered   within  
Ethiopia.   Architecture   as   a   discipline   is   a   well   established   field,   and   the   need   for   a   higher   degree   is   self-­‐
understood  in  times  of  fast  growth  of  the  country  and  internationalisation  of  economy  and  industry.  In  spite  of  
the   professional   licensing   as   a   practising   architect   in   Ethiopia   is   already   possible   with   a   Bachelor   Degree,   a  
more  intense  education  is  needed  in  order  to  achieve  responsibility  in  professional  practice.  

The  current  situation  forces  students  to  go  abroad  for  their  masters  degree,  thus  the  options  for  students  to  
achieve  a  higher  degree  is  very  limited,  and  the  number  of  architects  with  a  master  degree  is  still  very  small.  

The   need   to   establish   a   mater   in   architecture   has   been   stated   by   EiABC   and   its   precursor   institutions   since  
many   years,   being   part   of   the   strategic   development   plans.   However,   due   to   ongoing   change   processes   the  
program   has   not   been   implemented   yet.   The   dynamic   developments   on   national   level   challenges   the  
architects  profession  more  than  ever,  so  it  is  timely  to  implement  a  higher  level  academic  education.  

1.2.1 Opinions  stated  by  stakeholders  

In   a   stakeholder   meeting,   held   on   Wednesday   20.2.2013   a   framework   of   the   program   was   presented   to   a  
group  of  15  experts  from  industry4.  Based  on  four  questions,  the  following  opinions  were  stated:    

1. What  is  lacking  in  the  expertise  of  young  architect  according  to  your  experience  in  your  specific  field?  
• clarity   in   structural   systems,   understanding   flow   of   forces,   experience   in   alternative/   flexible  
structural  approach,  exposure  to  new  technology  and  material  specification  
• functional   design,   knowledge   in   the   building   service   area,   understanding   of   existing   codes   and  
3  Dieter,  
J.;   Hahn,   K.:   Strategic   Plan   and   Change   Management   Concept   for   Consolidating   and   Evolving   the   Ethiopian  
Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  (EiABC)  2012-­‐2015,  02/2012  
4  see  Documentation  and  Annex  part  of  this  document  for  detailed  information  on  stakeholders.  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   6  

• poor   understanding   of   their   leading   role   and   cooperation   with   other   disciplines,   coordination  
skills,   professional   ethics   and   lack   of   act,   project-­‐design   management,   importance   of  
time/understanding  of  planning  processes  
• lack  of  passion,  focus,  role  model  and  mentors  (philosophy),  holistic  design  approach  

2.   What   is   expected   from   architects   in   tune   with   the   development   of   the   built   environment   of   the  

• Educate  the  public  (society)  client  in  particular  

• Provide  value  and  durability  of  structure  
• Be  up  to  date  with  technology  and  innovation,  advanced  technology  assisted  by  latest  software  
• Develop  skills  towards  sustainable  solutions,  Triple  Bottom  Line:  Environment,  people,  economy  
• Research  to  current  demands  of  industry    
• Coordinate  and  lead  industry,  perform  a  change  maker  attitude,  research  oriented  mentality,  
• Critical  thinking  (standardization  the  indigenous),  adapt  codes  and  standards  based  on  Ethiopian  

3.   If  there  is  going  to  be  a  Master’s  Degree  in  Architecture  which  major  issues  should  be  dealt  effectively  
in  the  program?  

• Critical  thinking  of  context  

• Basic  understanding  of  structure,  best  practice,  rule  of  thumb  
• Modular  /  flexible  design,  design  integration  
• Understanding  the  design  process    
• Building  service  and  systems  coordination  
• Knowledge   of   material/   technology   selection/   specification,   service/energy   integration   at  
building  and  neighbourhood  level  
• Awareness  to  local  and  international  codes  and  standards    
• Leadership   and   management   skills   /   attitude,   mastering   non-­‐technical   components,   of   projects,  
project  stake  holders,  financers,  operators,  etc.  
• Sustainability  

4.   What  will  a  MSc.  in  Architecture  bring  for  your  profession/  in  your  field?  

• Optimized  design  process  

• Better  or  higher  quality,  optimised  built  environment  
• Improved  service  fees  
• Better  integration  of  building  services  into  design  plan  
• Holistic  design  capability  

1.2.2 Interview  Partners  Summary  

Selected   interview   partners5  gave   their   opinion   to   the   current   situation   in   the   architecture   profession   and   the  
architectural  education:  

• Continuing  education  and  a  Master  degree  would  improve  the  discipline's  competence.  

5  see  Documentation  and  Annex  part  of  this  document  for  detailed  information  on  interview  partners.  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   7  

• In   order   to   fulfil   the   development   agenda   of   the   nation,   architects   have   to   be   engaged   leaders   in  
educating   the   government,   the   public   and   clients   on   the   necessity   of   providing   a   healthy,   inspiring  
built  environment  through  projects  that  are  socially,  environmentally  and  economically  responsible  
and  successful.  
• To   address   the   development   goals,   the   focus   of   a   Master   degree   in   Architectural   design   should   be   on  
high   density   affordable   mixed-­‐use   development   projects,   ideally   working   off   the   grid   in   terms   of  
resources  and  energy,  on  the  introduction  of  new  construction  materials  and  techniques  and  on  the  
introduction  of  novel  computational  systems  (BIM)  to  make  the  design  process  more  efficient.  
• It   is   important   that   EiABC   maintains   its   role   as   premier   architectural   education   provider   in   the  
country,  to  attract  top  talent  and  guide  the  development  of  the  country.  
• Major   issues   that   should   be   dealt   with   effectively   in   a   Master   degree   program   should   be:   Sustainable  
design,   Design   process   optimisation,   Contextual   design,   Collaboration   with   other   disciplines,  
Leadership,  Ethics  and  social  responsibility.  

1.2.3 Conclusions  
The   content   based   technical   aspects,   that   were   mentioned   by   the   stakeholders   and   interview   partners,   had  
already   been   taken   care   of   in   the   proposed   framework,   matching   with   the   perspective   of   the   program  
proposers,   focusing   on   sustainable   building   construction   and   implementation   as   well   as   a   sound   theoretical  
base  for  contextual  design.  The  strong  emphasis  on  non-­‐technical  aspects  in  the  stakeholder  meeting  as  well  
as   the   questionnaires   was   accommodated   by   strengthening   the   respective   courses   on   ethics,   leadership,  
communication  and  critical  thinking.  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   8  

2 Aim  and  Framework  of  the  Program  

2.1 Aims  of  the  Master  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
The  goal  of  the  master  program  "Advanced  Architectural  Design"  is  to  bring  students  and  professionals  with  a  
prior  degree  in  architecture  further  in  their  professional  and  academic  training.  In  this  context  the  program  
contributes  to  the  general  advance  of  the  Ethiopian  architecture  while  preparing  its  students  for  academic  or  
professional   practice   where   their   individual   resources   and   talents   can   contribute   to   the   field   through  
practical,   intellectual   and   creative   excellence.   The     master   course   will   provide   a   platform   for   research   work  
directly   related   to   professional   practice   and   urgent   needs   regarding   to   the   capacity   building   program   in  
Ethiopia.   This   profile   is   based   on   the   vision   of   the   EiABC   to   accept   the   role   of   being   one   of   the   centres   of  
excellence  in  Africa  in  the  field  of  Architecture.  6  

On   the   academic   level,   the   program   will   enhance   the   Institute's   as   well   as   the   graduate's   research  
opportunities   and   their   international   competitiveness.   Furthermore,   the   graduates   will   be   instrumental   in   the  
further   development   of   architectural   education   in   the   country.   By   research   and   knowledge   generation   the  
academic  competence  of  EiABC  and  the  country  will  be  upgraded  and  strengthened.  On  a  business  level,  the  
program   will   deliver   graduates   for   the   dynamic   development   in   economy   and   industry.   The   graduates   are  
considered  leaders  in  their  field  prepared  to  open  their  own  ventures.  The  architect  is  considered  to  be  head  
of  the  design  and  implementation  process,  from  the  first  conceptual  sketch  to  the  handing  over  of  the  building  
to  the  client.  His  responsibility  includes  all  phases  of  planning  and  construction.  In  this  way  he  is  a  generalist  
with  a  broad  knowledge  in  all  professions  that  are  relevant  for  designing  and  implementing  projects  as  built  

The   program   of   the   M.Sc.   in   Advanced   Architectural   Design   aims   at   an   integrated   and   holistic   approach   to  
architectural   design   taking   into   account   the   most   recent   scientific   and   technological   achievements   in   order   to  
achieve  high  quality  sustainable  architectural  solutions.  The  education  in  the  program  focuses  on  the  scale  of  
the   building,   considering   the   context   as   a   base.   Real   life   requirements   like   building   codes,   laws   and  
regulations,   safety   and   security   issues,   economic   and   ecological   boundary   conditions   are   integrated   in  
teaching   and   learning   contents.   The   program   targets   mostly   large   scale   urban   projects   at   a   high   level   of  
complexity   in   terms   of   structure,   functional   program,   building   technology   and   architectural   aim.   In  
architectural  design  a  strong  emphasis  is  laid  on  an  innovative  approach  to  architectural  solutions,  as  well  as  
on  sustainability  as  a  long  term  goal.  

In   the   course   of   the   development   of   the   current   master   program   a   comparison   of   12   international   Master  
programs  in  Architectural  design  was  carried  out.  The  design  of  the  Master  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  
is  prepared  already  with  a  perspective  to  conduct  an  international  master  together  with  cooperating  partner  
universities  of  EiABC.    

2.2 Framework  of  the  M.Sc.  Programme  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
The   focus   of   this   master   program   is   on   architectural   design,   based   on   three   basic   pillars   of   education,   that   are  
explored  in  modules  and  courses.    

• Practical  knowledge  and  skills  

• Intellectual  capacity  
• Creativity  
6  AAU  Department  of  Architecture  Faculty  of  Technology:    Curriculum  reform,  Book  II,  Department  of  Architecture,  2006  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   9  

Practical   skills   and   knowledge   about   designing,   building,   constructing   and   implementing   is   the   base   for   all  
architectural   designs   and   implementations   and   should   be   strengthened   in   the   master   program.   Whereas  
practical   and   intellectual   activity   involves   retrospective   thinking,   creative   design   requires   projective   thinking.  
Retrospective   thinking   is   needed   for   the   thorough   documentation   and   analysis   of   historic   and   present  
phenomena   in   the   built   environment.   Creative   design   is   based   on   imagination   about   future   environments   and  
thus   projects   into   the   future.   Design   by   research   interconnects   the   analytic   and   the   creative   domain,   and   is  
given  a  special  focus  in  the  master  education.  It  is  an  emerging  practice  including  new  methods  and  tools  of  
simulation  in  order  to  generate  designs  and  perspectives  for  future  built  environments.  

Important  cross  sectional  areas  are  embedded  in  all  courses  and  supported  by  all  staff  members:  

• Communication  skills  
• Presentation  skills  
• Leadership  qualities  
• Critical  thinking  
• Ethical  standards  of  professional  practice    

The   curriculum   of   the   M.Sc.   in   Advanced   Architectural   Design   extends   full   time   over   2   years,   in   order   to  
provide   the   necessary   time   for   education   in   a   highly   complex   matter   and   sufficient   opportunity   for  
implementing   the   theoretical   knowledge   in   practical   exercises   and   Design   Courses.   The   total   workload   of   120  
ects  points  (86  credit  hours)  corresponds  to  this  duration  and  to  international  standards.  The  workload  per  
semester   is   30   ects   points.   This   corresponds   to   23   credit   hours   for   the   first   three   semesters   and   15   credit  
hours  for  the  master  thesis.  7  

First'year' Second'year
Context'and'setting'of'standards Design'as'a'research'field'
Intensified1studies1and1integration1of1theory1and1design1work Looking1into1the1future1of1design1and1development1of11own1projects

History,1Theory1and1Culture Electives

Contextual1Design Design1Realisation1

Advanced1Building1Structures1I+II Master1Thesis


Figure     1   Outline   of   the   M.Sc.   Program:   The   modules   and   the   Master   Thesis   are   allocated   within   a   timeframe   of  
four  semesters.  

7  The   duration   of   international   master   programs   ranges   from   12   months   to   3,5   years,   depending   on   the   entry  

requirements.  The  2  years  timeframe  together  with  the  120  ects  workload  is  considered  avarage.    
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   10  

The  curriculum  of  the  M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  is  modularised.  Modules  are  groups  of  courses  
sharing   a   specific   theme.   Modules   are   the   stable   elements   of   the   curriculum   and   represent   sustainability   for   a  
longer  time,  while  the  focus  and  number  of  courses,  the  actual  teaching  unit,  might  be  adapted  and  revised.  So  
a   maximum   of   flexibility   is   given   to   react   to   recommendations   of   commissions   and   to   the   varying   input   of  
students,  staff,  guest  lecturers  and  research  items.  In  a  future  perspective,  the  modules  can  be  used  to  embed  
the  master  program  in  international  exchange  curricula.  

The   curriculum   Master   of   Science   in   Advanced   Architectural   Design   is   structured   into   nine   modules   that  
follow  the  educational  goals  to  the  full  extent.  They  are  clearly  formulated  and  in  contents  coordinated  with  
the   program   requirements.   The   first   year   of   study   is   focused   on   the   theoretical   and   practical   base   for  
designing.   The   second   year   of   study   is   dedicated   to   implementation   and   the   integration   of   research   and  
development   into   design.   The   Master   Thesis   is   based   on   scientific   evidence   and   presents   the   solution   to   a  
design  task  of  high  complexity  and  standard.  For  this  reason  the  Master  Thesis  is  allocated  in  the  last  semester  
as  a  full  time  activity,  without  any  interference  with  other  coursework.  

2.3 Module  Description  

Each   module   consists   of   several   courses   that   can   be   adapted   over   time   according   to   the   need   of   the   further  
development  of  the  discipline,  the  adaptation  to  the  needs  of  the  profession,  and  the  expertise  of  EiABC.  The  
courses   can   consist   of   lectures,   exercises,   seminars   and   excursions.   For   a   concise   description   of   the  
coursework  refer  to  chapters  8-­‐10.  

Two  modules,  "Contextual  Design"  and  "Theory,  History  and  Culture"  reflect  the  global  level  of  architectural  
design,   setting   the   stage   as   context   for   the   building.   "Building   Science",   "Advanced   Building   Structures"   and  
"Design  Realisation"  focus  on  the  level  of  the  building  itself.  The  module  "Emergent  Technologies"  is  placed  on  
the  cutting  edge  of  science  and  technology,  leading  into  the  future.  All  theoretical  knowledge  is  applied  in  the  
module  "Design  courses"  and  in  the  Master  Thesis,  integrating  practical,  intellectual  and  creative  potential.  

Figure    2  Scheme  depicting  the  role  of  the  different  modules  with  regard  to  context  and  building.  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   11  

1 Contextual  Design  
The  module  Contextual  Design  provides  specific  knowledge  on  the  interaction  of  the  building  with  its  
environment.  The  module  deals  with  large  scale  boundary  conditions  influencing  architectural  design.  
Concepts  of  urban  and  regional  design,  sustainability  and  ecology,  social  and  cultural  context  deploy  
the  complexity  of  mutual  influence  and  dynamic  interaction.  Skills  and  tools  for  planning  in  a  large  scale  
context  are  taught  and  provided.  
2 Theory,  History  and  Culture  
Specific  themes  on  Theory,  History  and  Culture  provide  the  non  material  base  for  design.  At  the  same  
time,  this  module  lays  the  base  for  scientific  research  in  architecture  and  building  with  an  introduction  
to  scientific  design  and  practical  academic  work.  Architectural  analysis,  distillation  of  typological  rules,  
evaluation  of  architectural  projects,  and  in  depth  study  of  architecture  theory  shall  develop  a  critical  
understanding  and  a  broad  consciousness  of  possible  solutions.  Excursions  shall  deliver  a  new  
perspective  of  built  environment.  
3 Building  Science  
The  module  of  Building  Science  provides  an  extended  understanding  of  physical  processes  in  buildings  
together  with  knowledge  and  skills  to  influence  the  physical  architectural  environment.  Themes  
include  a  deep  understanding  of  the  performance  of  materials  and  profound  knowledge  of  
technological  components  enhancing  architectural  environments.  Skills  and  tools  include  
computational  simulation  of  physical  dynamics  such  as  air,  light  and  energy  flows.  
4 Advanced  Building  Structures  
The  module  Advanced  Building  Structures  is  the  core  of  the  architectural  education  in  this  master  
program.  It  provides  a  broad  expertise  on  currently  available  building  construction  technologies  and  
outstanding  examples  found  all  over  the  world.  The  inherent  interconnection  between  structural,  
material,  technical  and  spatial  design  issues  especially  in  large  scale  architectural  buildings  is  the  main  
focus  of  this  module.  
5 Design  realisation  
The  module  Design  Realisation  provides  knowledge  and  skills  important  for  the  implementation  phase  
of  architectural  projects.  It  focuses  on  real  world  boundary  conditions  for  designing  and  building,  based  
on  the  countries  laws  and  regulations,  building  codes  and  safety  and  security  standards,  and  process  
chains.  Skills  in  project  management,  communication  strategies  and  computational  tools  like  Building  
Information  Modelling  are  part  of  the  module.  
6 Emergent  Technologies  
The  module  Emergent  Technologies  deals  with  the  very  recent  developments  in  the  discipline,  
concerning  the  level  of  design  as  well  as  technology.  Computational  design  strategies  and  introduction  
into  advanced  processing  and  production  technologies  shall  provide  a  perspective  to  future  ways  of  
designing  and  building,  and  form  the  base  for  research  and  development  projects  towards  innovative  
prototypes  and  products.  
7 Electives  
Electives  are  free  to  chose  from  EiABC  or  AAU  offer,  and  should  focus  on  additional  skills  and  the  
preparation  of  the  master  thesis  in  the  following  semester.  
8 Design  Courses  
The  Design  Courses  integrate  knowledge  and  skills.  Two  large,  one  semester  long  design  courses  shall  
consolidate  the  theoretical  and  practical  input  given  by  the  other  modules.  The  third  design  course  is  
attached  to  a  research  and  developmental  approach,  in  cooperation  with  a  partner  from  outside  EiABC,  
preferably  from  industry.  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   12  

9 Master  Thesis  
The  Master  Thesis  shall  integrate  the  theoretical  and  practical  domain  into  a  creative  design  project.  
The  topic  of  the  thesis  is  defined  in  accordance  with  the  advisor  and  should  reflect  current  discussions  
and  needs,  delivering  a  novel  approach.  The  research  work  shall  start  already  in  the  third  semester,  to  
allow  for  intensive  research  and  design  work  within  the  fourth  semester.  

2.4 Teaching/Learning  strategies  and  methods  

Architecture   education   is   based   on   the   design   experience   of   the   students,   integrating   theoretical   and   practical  
knowledge  gained  in  the  other  modules.    

In   the   Master   Program,   students   are   expected   to   develop   an   increasingly   independent   working   mode.   For   this  
reason,  the  amount  of  guidance  especially  in  the  design  programs  is  gradually  reduced  over  the  schedule  of  
the   program.   Teaching   elements   like   expert   consultancy   are   introduced   to   prepare   the   students   for   their  
future   work   environment.   Teamwork   is   an   important   way   of   training   collaboration.   The   connection   to  
industry   is   strengthened   by   excursions   to   companies   and   construction   sites.   Theoretical   input   from   the  
modules  is  given  in  lectures  and  seminars,  and  is  expected  to  be  investigated  in  small  exercises  attached  to  the  
courses,  and  further  integrated  into  the  respective  design  program.  Whereas  most  coursework  is  continuously  
running  over  the  whole  semester,  some  specific  courses  are  held  as  intensive  blocks.  The  coordinator  of  the  
master  program  is  responsible  for  the  timely  implementation  of  the  different  course  structures.  

The  design  courses  as  the  foundation  of  the  program  are  held  as  studio  work,  led  and  guided  by  experienced  
architects.   The   frame   and   content   of   this   task   is   given   in   the   course   description   and   specified   by   the   staff.   The  
courses   shall   reflect   current   developments   in   the   discipline   and   in   the   country,   taking   up   important  themes   in  
the   built   environment.   The   topics   of   the   design   courses   are   set   every   semester,   so   that   actuality   of   teaching  
and  learning  is  guaranteed.    

The   students   are   expected   to   work   independently   on   given   design   tasks.   So-­‐called   table   critics   are   held   by   the  
staff  on  a  at  least  weekly  basis  over  the  development  of  their  projects.  According  to  the  specific  topic  of  the  
design   course   collaboration   with   industry,   for   example   with   producers   of   building   materials,   potential   clients,  
and   governmental   institutions   is   integrated   and   can   have   the   form   of   lectures,   presentations,   seminars   or  
intensive   workshops.   At   specific   stages   project   submissions   and   presentations   are   scheduled   with  
participation   of   experts   from   outside   the   University.   The   last   design   course   should   take   a   workshop   like  
setting,  to  allow  for  a  1:1  experience  of  the  students  with  a  practical  and  experimental  work,  that  should  lead  
to  innovative  design  proposals  or  products.  The  teaching  method  is  integrating  the  students  as  a  group  into  a  
design  and  build  process,  that  could  culminate  in  the  first  project  to  be  realised  in  their  architectural  career.    

For  the  development  of  the  student's  projects  continuous  and  individual  reviewing  and  guidance  is  essential.  
This   time   consuming   teaching   method   requires   a   good   ratio   of   teachers   to   students.   The   group   numbers   of  
students  in  design  courses  should  not  exceed  15  students.  

The   topic   for   the   Master   Thesis   is   to   be   defined   by   the   student   in   accordance   with   the   advisor   and  
demonstrates  the  capabilities  of  defining  and  designing  an  architectural  concept  based  on  scientific  research  
as  a  base.  The  student  is  expected  to  show  progress  of  the  work  in  regular  meetings  with  the  advisor.  

2.5 Modes  of  delivery  

The  program  is  delivered  in  full  time  mode,  part  time  learning  is  currently  not  included  in  the  proposal.  The  
integration  of  part  time  students  in  the  teaching  process  would  exceed  the  current  capabilities  of  EiABC.  The  
option  of  E-­‐learning  programs  should  be  considered  for  the  future.  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   13  

2.6 Assessment  strategies  

The   performance   of   the   students   is   assessed   in   different   ways   as   defined   in   the   course   descriptions.   The  
deliverables   are   defined   in   the   course   descriptions.   They   can   consist   of   research   papers,   seminar   works,  
design  exercises,  models  and  the  like.  The  design  courses  target  architectural  projects  as  an  outcome,  so  the  
expected   deliverables   are   sketches,   schemes,   drawings,   illustrations,   images,   descriptions   and   analogue   and    
digital  models  up  to  prototypes,  as  specified  in  the  course  descriptions.  For  research  and  experimental  work,  
other  forms  of  delivery  can  be  agreed  on  (new  media,  simulations,  videos,  computer  programs  and  the  like).  

Presence  in  the  courses  and  continuous  work  is  a  precondition  for  positive  evaluation.  For  theory  courses  oral  
or  written  exams  can  be  held,  or  written  deliverables  can  be  requested.  For  design  exercises  and  courses,  the  
architectural  projects  will  be  evaluated  throughout  the  course  at  major  submission  dates.  The  Master  Thesis  
has   to   be   delivered   in   English   language,   in   the   form   of   a   book   that   contains   research   as   well   as   design   work.   A  
model   of   the   project   can   be   required.   The   Master   Thesis   presentation   takes   the   form   of   a   public   defence   in  
front  of  the  evaluating  committee.  

All  evaluation  of  student  work  is  carried  out  by  the  staff  members  and  invited  professionals  from  outside  the  

3 Appropriateness  and  Sustainability  

The   program   Master   of   Science   in   Advanced   Architectural   Design   reflects   recent   developments   in   the  
discipline,  as  it  is  located  at  the  intersection  of  a  professional  and  a  thorough  scientific  education,  that  extends  
from  a  high  quality  standard  of  built  environment  into  innovative  fields.  It  is  comparable  with  other  Master  
programs   in   Architectural   Design   worldwide,   and   is   due   to   the   modular   structure   compatible   with  
international  standards.    

The   sustainability   of   the   program   is   guaranteed   by   meeting   the   urgent   demand   for   qualified   architects   on  
professional   and   academic   level.   The   implementation   of   the   program   at   EiABC   requires   faculty   resources   that  
are  either  already  available  or  have  to  be  strengthened  in  order  to  establish    a  teaching  team.    The  courses  for  
the   master   program   are   offered   by   different   chairs   and   competence   centres.   Additional   expertise   will   be  
brought   in   through   international   networks   and   by   short   term   academic   personnel   for   example   funded   by  

Publication   of   the   research   carried   out   in   the   Master   program   is   aimed   at   to   qualify   the   research   on   an  
international   level.   In   this   way   the   master   program   brings   important   issues   of   the   built   environment   from  
Ethiopian  context  to  a  global  scientific  platform.  Admission  of  students  and  staff  to  conferences  and  scientific  
committees   is   highly   encouraged.   The   research   topics   shall   be   strengthened   by   the   organisation   of   guest  
lectures,  symposia  and  conferences  at  EiABC.  

4 Profile  of  the  Graduate  

The  graduates  from  the  Master  program  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  will  be  educated  to  lead  planning  
and   implementation   processes   of   architecture   projects   from   the   first   concept   until   the   completion   and  
handing  over  to  the  client.  They  will  have  the  following  capabilities:  

• The  ability  to  act  with  Design  competence,  that  means  to  think  creatively,  to  control  and  integrate  the  
services   of   others   involved   in   the   planning   process,   to   gather   information,   define   problems,   apply  
analyses,  judge  critically  and  formulate  strategies  for  action,  taking  over  leadership  roles  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   14  

• The   ability   to   think   three-­‐dimensionally   and   to   develop   designs   methodically   in   terms   of   science,  
technology  and  artistic  quality  in  an  integrated  and  holistic  way  
• The   ability   to   act   with   theoretical   knowledge   of   art   and   culture,   social   and   economic   conditions,  
environmental  systems,  technical  and  constructive  items  and  professional  ethics  
• The  ability  to  communicate  and  interact  with  a  wide  and  diverse  range  of  stakeholders  
• Understanding  of  the  social  context  in  which  built  environments  are  procured8  
The  graduates  are  expected  to  
• Lead  an  independent  architectural  office  
• Design  complex  architectural  projects  
• Position  architectural  expertise  in  governmental  institutions  
• Pursue  their  academic  careers  with  postgraduate  studies  (PhD)  
• Teach  at  EiABC  and  other  universities  on  Master  level  

5 Quality  Assurance  
The  new  Master  program  has  undergone  extensive  peer  review  in  the  meetings  at  EiABC,  in  the  stakeholder  
workshops   and   in   the   requested   assessments.   Close   contact   to   industry   and   governmental   institutions   will  
allow  for  revision  and  adaptation  of  the  program  if  needed.  The  strategy  of  peer  review  shall  be  followed  in  
the   quality   assurance   of   the   course   assessments   and   examinations.   In   addition   to   peer   review,   student  
evaluation   will   be   carried   out   on   a   regular   basis   to   evaluate   for   example   course   structures,   teaching   methods,  
staff   competences,   facilities   and   infrastructure.   Program   revisions   shall   be   carried   out   every   two   years.   The  
competence  of  staff  and  availability  of  infrastructure  is  an  important  measure  for  the  quality  of  the  program  
and   will   be   defined   in   a   later   chapter   of   this   framework.   All   coursework   within   the   master   program   is  
supervised   by   the   program   coordinator.   The   Quality   Assurance   Office   at   EiABC   will   coordinate   continuous  

6 Admission  and  Graduation  Requirements  

6.1 Admission  requirements  
The  M.Sc.  program  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  is  open  to  applicants  from  Ethiopia  and  other  countries.  
The   applicant   must   have   qualifications   above   average   of   his/her   former   Bachelor   of   Science   Studies   in  
Architecture  of  a  duration  of  at  least  5  academic  years  and  2  years  of  professional  experience.  

He/she  must  submit  a  portfolio  of  his/her  personal  work  comprising:  

•   Curriculum  vitae  
•   Selected  work  for  B.Sc.  Degree,  graduation  project  
•   Copies  of  academic  qualifications  
•   Selected  work  of  professional  practice  and  personal  studies,  portfolio  
• Sponsorship  letter  
•   Two  recommendation  letters  (one  employer’s  and  one  teacher's  recommendation)  
•   Personal  letter  of  explaining  his/her  motivation  for  the  selected  M.Sc.  Program.  

8  AAU  Department  of  Architecture  Faculty  of  Technology:    Curriculum  reform,  Book  II,  Department  of  Architecture,  2006  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   15  

The   applicant   will   be   assessed   in   an   entrance   exam   and   invited   for   a   personal   interview   by   an   admission  
committee.  A  standardised  English  language  test  has  to  be  part  of  the  assessment.  The  program  coordinator  
prepares  the  final  recommendation  and  the  admission  committee  makes  the  final  decision  on  applications.9  

The  intake  number  is  set  by  EiABC  in  order  to  allow  for  good  implementation  of  the  program  being  adapted  to  
both  the  demand  and  the  resources.    

6.2 Graduation  requirements  

For   graduation   in   the   Master   of   Science   in   Advanced   Architectural   Design   the   successful   completion   of   the  
coursework   (no   F   allowed   for   required   courses)   according   to   the   senate   legislation   (currently   CGPA   of   3)10,  
the   delivery   and   positive   evaluation   of   the   Master   Thesis   (no   mark   lower   than   B   is   allowed)   and   the   final  
presentation  of  the  Master  Thesis  to  a   committee.  This  examining  body  consists  of  the  advisor,  one  internal  
examiner  and  one  external  examiner  and  the  program  coordinator.  

The  advisor  has  to  be  an  architect  with  a  design  competence  and  at  least  a  master  degree  and  a  permanent  
affiliation   with   EiABC.   Themes   for   the   Master   Theses   and   advisors   have   to   be   approved   by   the   program  
coordinator.  The  examiners  have  to  be  approved  by  the  Graduate  Program's  office.  External  examiners  from  
outside  EiABC  have  to  be  architects  and  have  proven  connection  to  the  topic  of  the  thesis.    

7 Degree  Nomenclature  
Graduates  from  this  program  shall  hold  the  degree  of    


ማስተር ኦፍ ሳይንስ በ አድቫንስድ አርኪቴክቸራል ዲዛይን


9  AAU  Department  of  Architecture  Faculty  of  Technology:    Curriculum  reform,  Book  II,  Department  of  Architecture,  2006  
10  AAU  Senate  Legislation  Article  83:  Academic  Probation  and  Dismissal  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   16  

8 List  of  Courses  

Module Nr Courses Method ects

1011 Contextual,Design lecture 3

1,Contextual,Design 1012 Sustainable,Design lecture,+,ex 3

1021 Contemporary,Architecture lecture,+,ex 4

2021 Architecture,Theory lecture,+,sem 4

2,Theory,,History,and,Culture 2022 Excursion excursion 2

1031 Advanced,Building,Science lecture,+,ex 4

3,Building,Science 2031 Building,Technology lecture,+,ex 4

1041 Advanced,Building,Structures,I lecture,+,ex 4

4,Advanced,Building,Structures 2041 Advanced,Building,Structures,II lecture,+,ex 4

2051 Building,Implementation/Execution lecture 2

2052 Planning,Methods,and,Tools lecture,+,ex 2

3051 Projectmanagement lecture,+,ex 2

5,Design,realisation 3052 Communication,and,Leadership seminar 2

3061 Advanced,Processing,Technologies lecture,+,ex 4

6,Emergent,Technologies 3062 Innovative,Design,Strategies lecture,+,ex 4

7,Electives NN 6

1081 Design,Course,I exercise,+,lec 12

2081 Design,Course,II exercise,+,lec 12

8,Architectural,Design 3081 Design,Course,III exercise,+,lec 12

9 4081 Master,Thesis 30
Modules.+.Master.Thesis 120

Figure    3  List  of  Modules  and  Courses  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   17  

9 Categorisation  and  Distribution  of  Courses  

According   to   the   distribution   of   the   modules,   the   distribution   of   the   courses   is   as   described   in   the   scheme  
below.  The  scheme  represents  the  amount  if  ECTS  points  for  each  course.  Each  semester  has  30  ECTS  points.  
For  the  first  three  semesters  there  are  23  equivalent  credit  hours,  for  the  master  thesis  15  credit  hours.  The  
balance  between  theoretical  and  practical  courses  is  clearly  visible.  The  theory  courses  can  be  integrated  in  
other  master  programs  in  the  future.  

First&year& Second&year


Contemporary1Architecture Lec+Ex 4 Architecture1Theory Lec+Sem 4

Electives 6

Excursion Exc 2
Contextual1Design Lec 3
Building1Implementation Lec 2 Project1Management Lec+Ex 2
Sustainable1Design1 Lec+Ex 3
Planning1Methods1and1Tools Lec+Ex 2 Communication1and1Leadership Sem 2

Advanced1Building1Science Lec+Ex 4 Building1Technology Lec+Ex 4 Advanced1Processing1Technologies Lec+Ex 4

Master1Thesis 30
Advanced1Building1Structures1I Lec+Ex 4 Advanced1Building1Structures1II Lec+Ex 4 Computational1Design1Strategies Lec+Ex 4

Design1Course1I Ex 12 Design1Course1II Ex 12 Design1Course1III1 Ex 12

Figure  4  Allocation  of  courses  in  the  study.  Light  blue:  contextual  courses,  middle;  theoretical  courses  with  a  focus  
on  the  building,  dark:  design  courses  and  master  thesis  as  application  fields.  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   18  

10 Description  of  Courses  

10.1 First  Semester  
Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  1011  
Course  Title   Contextual  Design  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   01  -­‐  Contextual  Design  
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III    
Lecturer   Chair  of  Urban  Design,  Chair  of  Architectural  Design  MSc.  Bisrat  Kifle  
Credit  hours   3  
ECTS  Credits   3  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2   2     2   6  
Course  Objectives  &   The  seminar  is  to  convey  the  necessary  knowledge  and  the  value  system  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   which  is  needed  to  devise  architectural  solutions  at  the  interface  between  
the  building  and  the  city.  Aspects  of  economy,  justice  and  ecology  have  to  
be  considered  and  the  concept  of  the  "public"  is  to  be  understood.      
Course  Description/Course   The   seminar   will   address   issues   of   physical   planning   and   public   space  
Contents   design   which   have   a   direct   influence   on   the   shape   and   function   of  
buildings.   The   interaction   between   buildings   and   public   space   will   be  
investigated   -­‐   taking   into   account   the   variety   of   cultural   contexts,   looking  
at   both   traditional   and   contemporary   typology.   On   all   levels   of   reflection,  
key  literature  will  be  discussed  and  connection  will  be  established  to  the  
topic   of   the   Design   Course.   Themes   concerning   the   specific   Ethiopian  
context  will  be  part  of  the  course.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   1  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Seminar  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Seminar  presentation  and  paper  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   Mathew   CARMONA,   Steven   TIESDELL:   Urban   Design   Reader;   Architectural   Press,   Oxford  
Susan  FAINSTEIN:  The  Just  City,  Cornell  University  Press,  2010  
Jahn   GEHL:   Life   Between   Buildings:   Using   Public   Space;   Island   Books,   Washington   D.C.,  
2011,  [1971]  
Lawrence  HAWORTH:  The  Good  City;  Indiana  University  Press,  1963    
Jane   JACOBS:   The   Death   and   Life   of   Great   American   Cities;   New   York:   Random   House,   1993  
[1961].  Lars  LERUP:  After  the  City;  MIT  Press,  2000  
Richard   SENNETT:   The   Uses   of   Disorder,   Personal   Identity   and   City   Life,   W.W.   Norton,   New  
York  1970  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   19  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  1012  
Course  Title   Sustainable  Design  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   01  -­‐  Contextual  Design    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III      
Lecturer   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III    MArch.  Dawit  Benti  
Credit  hours   3  
ECTS  Credits   3  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     2   2   6  
Course  Objectives  &   The   course   conveys   necessary   theoretical   knowledge   and   the   value  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   system,   together   with   practical   skills   which   are   needed   to   design   in   a  
sustainable  way.  Aspects  of  ecology,  energy,  economy,  society  and  culture  
have  to  be  considered.    
Course  Description/Course   The   lecture   will   present   guidelines   for   sustainable   design   together   with  
Contents   extraordinary  successful  examples  in  terms  of  energy  efficiency,  ecology  
and  social  acceptance.    Issues  of  material  and  technology  use,  design  with  
climate,   energy   design,   holistic   interpretation   of   sustainability   are  
presented  in  lectures.  A  design  project  aims  at  the  practical  application  of  
theoretical   knowledge.   The   practical   exercise   shall   be   integrated   in  
Design  Course  I.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   1  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Project  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   Expert  Journals  on  Sustainability  
Ken   YEANG:   The   Green   Skyscraper,   The   Basis   for   Designing   Sustainable  
Intensive  Buildings,  2000  
Arch+:  Post-­‐Oil  City,  2011  
Brian  EDWARDS:  Rough  Guide  to  Sustainability,  2005  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   20  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  1021  
Course  Title   Contemporary  Architecture  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   02  -­‐  Theory,  History  and  Culture    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  History  and  Theory  of  Urbanism  and  Architecture  
Lecturer   Chair   of   History   and   Theory   of   Urbanism   and   Architecture     Dr.   Heyaw  
Credit  hours   4  
ECTS  Credits   4  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
4     1   3   8  
Course  Objectives  &   The   lecture   is   to   convey   a   broad   knowledge   about   contemporary   high  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   quality   architectural   solutions.   Awareness   of   current   architectural  
tendencies   has   to   be   shaped.   The   exercise   shall   develop   skills   to   compare  
and   critically   review   architectural   typologies.   The   distillation   of  
typological  rules  shall  build  the  base  for  individual  implementations.  
Course  Description/Course   The   lecture   will   present   current   architectural   tendencies   in   form   of  
Contents   implemented   solutions   as   well   as   current   and   ongoing   research.  
Examples  from  all  over  the  world  are  presented  in  order  to  gain  a  global  
understanding  and  comparison  to  the  current  developments  in  Ethiopia.  
Ethiopian  and  International  guest  lectures  will  highlight  their  respective  
approaches.   The   lecture   also   presents   instruments   for     analysis   and   a  
comparative   view   of   architectural   solutions,   especially   in   terms   of  
functional   requirements.   Main   building   functions   like   education,  
business,   transport,   housing   etc.   will   be   discussed   on   an   exemplary   and  
typological  level.    The  exercise  part  is  attached  to  the  Design  Course  I  in  
order  to  set  the  theoretical  typological  background.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   1  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lecture  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Excercise,  Project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   Nikolaus  PEVSNER:  Lexicon  of  World  Architecture,  1987    
Dick  van  GAMEREN:  Revisions  of  Space,  An  Architectural  Manual,  2005  
Rem   KOOLHAAS:   Delirious   New   York:   a   retroactive   manifesto   for  
Manhattan,  1978  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   21  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  1031  
Course  Title   Advanced  Building  Science  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   03  -­‐  Building  Science    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Building  Sciences  
Lecturer   Chair  of  Building  Sciences  MSc.  Tesfamariam  Teshome  
Credit  hours   3  
ECTS  Credits   4  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     3   3   8  
Course  Objectives  &   The   course   is   to   intensify   knowledge   and   planning   skills   concerning  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   issues  in  building  science.    
Course  Description/Course   The   course   will   address   issues   of   advanced   building   physics   in   terms   of  
Contents   energy   and   behaviour,   including   simulation   and   planning   tools,   and  
integrated   design   practices.   Theoretical   lectures,   presentation   of  
outstanding  examples  as  well  as  introduction  to  software  tools  and  their  
application   in   a   practical   exercise   are   parts   of   this   course.   The   exercise  is  
thematically  attached  to  Design  Course  I.  

Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   1  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Exercise  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Exercise,  Project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   Expert  Journals  on  Building  Science  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   22  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  1041  
Course  Title   Advanced  Building  Structures  I  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   04  -­‐  Advanced  Building  Structures    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III      
Lecturer   Chair   of   Architecture   and   Design   III   MArch   Dawit   Benti,   Dr.   Petra   Gruber,  
NN  Chair  of  Structural  Design  
Credit  hours   3  
ECTS  Credits   4  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     3   3   8  
Course  Objectives  &   The  course  intensifies  knowledge  and  skills  about  the  design  of  advanced  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   building   structures.   Different,   also   innovative,   construction   materials   and  
their  respective  structural  possibilities  are  understood  and  implemented.  
Course  Description/Course   The   course   will   present   a   categorised   view   of   architecture   according   to  
Contents   constructive  parameters.  Advanced  and  innovative  materials,  approaches  
and  structural  solutions  are  discussed  in  depth.  The  inherent  connection  
between  material,  structure  and  space  is  the  focus  of  this  course.  Design  
parameters   and   resulting   spatial   properties   are   presented   in   theory,   by  
examples,   and   by   practical   exercises.   The   exercise   is   thematically  
attached  to  Design  Course  I.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   1  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Exercise  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Exercise,  Project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   Andrea   DEPLAZES:   Constructing   Architecture:   Materials,   Processes,  
Structures,  a  Handbook,  2005  
Specified  Material  on  different  Building  Constructions  and  Projects  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   23  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  1081  
Course  Title   Design  Course  I  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   08  -­‐  Design  Courses    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III      
Lecturer   Chairs  of  Architecture  and  Design      
Credit  hours   7  
ECTS  Credits   12  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     12   10   24  
Course  Objectives  &   The   design   course   is   the   platform   for   implementation   of   theoretical  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   knowledge   and   skills,   applied   to   a   current   design   theme.   The   resulting  
architecture   project   integrates   architectural   and   technical   quality,   and  
strives  for  novel  solutions.  
Course  Description/Course   In   the   design   course,   the   acquired   knowledge   and   skills   is   applied   to   a  
Contents   design   theme,   that   represents   an   important   current   issue   in   the   built  
environment,   and   is   also   attached   to   a   research   field   in   architecture.   It  
should   be   of   a   large   scale   and   challenging   complexity,   leading   to  
innovative   and   sustainable   solutions.   The   topic   of   the   Design   Course   I  
should   focus   on   an   urban,   contextual   building   task   to   link   with   the  
theoretical  input.  
The  topics  given  for  the  design  courses  change  every  semester,  whereas  
the   underlying   themes   represent   long   term   research   interests   of   the  
chairs.  The  chairs  of  the  Competence  Centre  of  Architectural  Design  take  
turns  to  hold  the  course.  
The   students   develop   an   architectural   project   based   on   a   defined   outline.  
Lectures   give   specific   input   for   themes   and   topics.   Highly   experienced  
lecturers   guide   the   students   in   the   design   process.   Consultants   from  
engineering   and   building   science   are   integrated   in   the   flow   of   the   course.  
The  design  course  has  to  deliver  tangible  individual  design  work.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   1  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Project  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   20%  Development  of  the  Project  
Grading  System   80%  Final  project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  Lectures  
75%  Studio  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topic  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   24  

10.2 Second  Semester  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  2021  
Course  Title   Architecture  Theory  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   02  -­‐  Theory,  History  and  Culture  
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  History  and  Theory  of  Urbanism  and  Architecture  
Lecturer   Chair   of   History   and   Theory   of   Urbanism   and   Architecture   Dr.   Heyaw  
Terefe,  Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III  Dr.  Petra  Gruber  
Credit  hours   4  
ECTS  Credits   4  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2   2     4   8  
Course  Objectives  &   The   lecture   is   to   convey   a   deepened   understanding   of   architecture  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   theory,   as   developed   based   on   sociocultural   and   philosophical  
tendencies.  The  seminar  is  intensifying  knowledge  and  skills  in  scientific  
design   and   practical   academic   work,   preparing   students   for   a   research  
oriented  career.  
Course  Description/Course   The   lecture   offers   an   intensified   discussion   of   architecture   theory   as  
Contents   philosophy   of   architecture,   encompassing   issues   of   ontology   of  
architecture   and   building,   interpretation,   authorship,   reception   and  
analysis,   style,   function   and   place.   It   also   deals   with   representation  
methods,  process  and  methods  of  designing  and  architecture  criticism.  
Current  discourse  in  architecture  theory  includes  also  design  by  research  
and   gender   studies.   The   seminar   focuses   on   research   issues   in   the   built  
environment.   Research   methods   are   discussed   using   examples   from  
different   fields   such   as   materials   research,   construction   research,  
documentation  and  recording,  urban  design  etc.    Design  by  research  as  an  
emerging   practice   will   be   another   important   theme   of   the   seminar.  
Within   this   frame   the   students   will   write   a   publication   on   a   research  
topic  and  submit  this  as  seminar  paper.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   2  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Seminar  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Seminar  paper  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   K.  Michael  HAYS:  Architecture  Theory  since  1968,  2000  
Gaston  BACHELARD:  The  poetics  of  space,  1994  
Michael  SPEAKS:  The  Critical  Landscape,  1996  
Robert  VENTURI:  Complexity  and  Contradictions  in  Architecture,  1966  
References  relevant  to  the  topic  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   25  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  2022  
Course  Title   Excursion  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   02  -­‐  Theory,  History  and  Culture    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  History  and  Theory  of  Urbanism  and  Architecture  
Lecturer   Chairs  of  Architecture  and  Design  
Credit  hours   2  
ECTS  Credits   2  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
    2   1   3  
Course  Objectives  &   The   excursion   contributes   to   the   education   of   the   students   in   terms   of  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   individual   experience   of   the   built   environment.   For   architects,   gaining   a  
broad   knowledge   of   different   settings   and   conditions   together   with  
existing  solutions  in  architecture  and  urban  design  is  a  necessity.  
Course  Description/Course   The  excursion  will  be  held  in  turns  by  the  Architecture  and  Design  chairs,  
Contents   according   to   the   theme   of   the   Design   Course   and   prevalent   research  
agendas.  The  place  and  length  of  the  excursion  will  be  defined  according  
to  the  available  resources  at  EiABC.  In  general,  excursions  are  organised  
in  a  way  that  full  working  day  programs  are  provided.  Either  preparation  
for   or   documentation   of   the   excursion   has   to   be   delivered   in   written  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   2  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Excursion,  short  paper  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   80%  Participation  
Grading  System   20%  Preparation/Documentation  
Attendance  Requirements   100%  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topic  of  the  excursion  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   26  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  2051  
Course  Title   Building  Implementation  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   05  -­‐  Design  Realisation    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Project  Management  
Lecturer   Chair  of  Project  Management  MArch  Amanuel  Teshome  
Credit  hours   2  
ECTS  Credits   2  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2       2   4  
Course  Objectives  &   The   lecture   shall   prepare   the   students   for   all   procedures   and   processes  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   needed   for   implementation   of   architecture,   giving   a   comparative   view  
grounded  on  the  Ethiopian  context.  
Course  Description/Course   The   lecture   will   confront   the   students   with   issues   of   implementing   a  
Contents   design  considering  legal  issues,  process  chains  and  role  of  the  architect  in  
professional   practice.   The   different   design   phases   and   deliverables   are  
discussed.   Building   codes,   laws   and   regulations   are   investigated   in  
comparative   view   with   international   standards   in   order   to   enable   the  
students   to   further   develop   building   codes   and   regulations   for   the  
Ethiopian   context   in   their   professional   practice.   For   the   implementation  
phase,   process   chains   concerning   bidding,   contracting,   supervision,   etc.  
are    presented  in  theory  together  with  examples  and  tools.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   1  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lecture  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   100%  Exam  
Grading  System  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topics  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   27  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  2052  
Course  Title   Planning  Methods  and  Tools  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   05  -­‐  Design  Realisation    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III    
Lecturer   Chair  of  Computer  Aided  Design  and  Geoinformatics  MAA  Melat  Assefa  
Credit  hours   2  
ECTS  Credits   2  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     1   1   4  
Course  Objectives  &   The   lecture   and   exercise   shall   intensify   skills   and   tools   for   computational  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   organisation  of  design  and  implementation  work.  
Course  Description/Course   The   lecture   and   exercise   shall   continue   the   skills   and   tools   gathered   at  
Contents   undergraduate  level.  Building  Information  Modelling  is  introduced  as  an  
indispensable   tool   for   integrated   design,   design   development,  
coordination,  simulation  and  implementation  of  complex  projects.  Other  
newly   developed   tools   and   methods   are   discussed   as   emerging,   for  
example   web   based   collaborative   platforms.   Theoretical   presentation   is  
combined  with  a  practical  exercise  that  should  take  on  projects  designed  
in  Design  Course  I  or  II.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   2  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lecture  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Exercise  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topic  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   28  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  2031  
Course  Title   Building  Technology  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   03  -­‐  Building  Science    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Building  Sciences  
Lecturer   Chair  of  Building  Sciences  MSc.  Tesfamariam  Teshome  
Credit  hours   3  
ECTS  Credits   4  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     3   3   8  
Course  Objectives  &   The   course   is   to   intensify   knowledge   and   planning   skills   concerning  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   issues  in  building  technology.    
Course  Description/Course   The   course   will   address   issues   of   advanced   building   technology,  
Contents   especially   in   large   scale   projects.   This   concerns   all   technological  
equipment,   that   current   architecture   is   equipped   with.   Based   on   the  
knowledge   of   Advanced   Building   Science,   the   respective   technological  
solutions   for   climatisation,   lighting,   supply   and   disposal   of   matter,  
information   technology,   fire   protection,   equipment   for   special   purposes  
etc.   are   discussed.   Knowledge   about   principles,   products   and  
dimensioning  of  technological  implementation  is  given  and  applied  in  an  
exercise  that  should  be  attached  to  the  Design  Course  II  theme.  
Pre-­‐requisites   Advanced  Building  Science  
Semester   2  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Exercise  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Exercise,  Project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   Klaus   DANIELS:   Technology   in   Ecological   Building:   The   Fundamentals  
and  Approaches,  Examples  and  Ideas,  1997  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   29  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  2041  
Course  Title   Advanced  Building  Structures  II  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   04  -­‐  Advanced  Building  Structures    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III    
Lecturer   Chair   of   Architecture   and   Design   III   MArch   Dawit   Benti,   Dr.   Petra   Gruber,  
NN  Chair  of  Structural  Design,  Chair  of  Building  Construction  
Credit  hours   3  
ECTS  Credits   4  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     3   3   8  
Course  Objectives  &   The  course  intensifies  knowledge  and  skills  about  the  design  of  advanced  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   building   structures.   Different,   also   innovative,   construction   materials   and  
their  respective  structural  possibilities  are  understood  and  implemented.  
Course  Description/Course   The   course   will   present   a   categorised   view   of   architecture   according   to  
Contents   constructive  parameters.  Advanced  and  innovative  materials,  approaches  
and  structural  solutions  are  discussed  in  depth.  The  inherent  connection  
between  material,  structure  and  space  is  the  focus  of  this  course.  Design  
parameters   and   resulting   spatial   properties   are   presented   in   theory,   by  
examples,   and   by   practical   exercises.   The   exercise   is   thematically  
attached  to  Design  Course  II.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   2  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Exercise  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Exercise,  Project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topics  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   30  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  2081  
Course  Title   Design  Course  II  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   08  -­‐  Design  Courses    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III      
Lecturer   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design    III  
Credit  hours   7  
ECTS  Credits   12  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     12   10   24  
Course  Objectives  &   The   design   course   is   the   platform   for   implementation   of   theoretical  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   knowledge   and   skills,   applied   to   a   current   design   theme.   The   resulting  
architecture   project   integrates   architectural   and   technical   quality,   and  
strives  for  novel  solutions.  
Course  Description/Course   In   the   design   course,   the   acquired   knowledge   and   skills   is   applied   to   a  
Contents   design   theme,   that   represents   an   important   current   issue   in   the   built  
environment,  and  is  also  attached  to  a  research  field  in  architecture.  The  
topic   of   the   Design   Course   II   should   focus   on   a   large   scale   building   task  
with   challenging   structural   and   building   science   issues   to   link   with   the  
theoretical  input,  leading  to  innovative  and  sustainable  solutions.  
The  topics  given  for  the  design  courses  change  every  semester,  whereas  
the   underlying   themes   represent   long   term   research   interests   of   the  
The   students   develop   an   architectural   project   based   on   a   defined   outline.  
Lectures   give   specific   input   for   themes   and   topics.   Highly   experienced  
lecturers   guide   the   students   in   the   design   process.   Consultants   from  
engineering   and   building   science   are   integrated   in   the   flow   of   the   course.  
The  design  course  has  to  deliver  tangible  individual  design  work.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   2  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Project  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   20%  Development  of  the  Project  
Grading  System   80%  Final  project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  Lectures  
75%  Studio  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topics  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   31  

10.3 Third  Semester  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   according  to  selection  
Course  Title   Electives  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   07  -­‐  Electives  
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III  
Lecturer   according  to  selection  
Credit  hours   6  
ECTS  Credits   6  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
Course  Objectives  &   The   electives   focus   on   additional   skills   and   the   preparation   of   the   master  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   thesis  in  the  following  semester.  
Course  Description/Course   Electives  are  free  to  chose  from  EiABC  or  AAU  offer.  All  kinds  of  courses  
Contents   can  be  chosen   that   fit  to   the   schedule   of   the   third   year   and   the   additional  
skills  and  knowledge  needed  for  the  preparation  of  the  master  thesis.  The  
content   of   the   courses   shall   reflect   the   theoretical   base   of   the   theme  
chosen  for  the  master  thesis.  
The   courses   have   to   have   a   relation   to   a   subject   being   relevant   for   the  
built   environment.   The   choice   of   electives   has   to   be   acknowledged   by   the  
program  manager.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   3  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Seminar  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   according  to  selection  
Grading  System    
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topics  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   32  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  3051  
Course  Title   Project  Management  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   05  -­‐  Design  Realisation    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Project  Management  
Lecturer   Chair  of  Project  Management  MArch  Amanuel  Teshome  
Credit  hours   2  
ECTS  Credits   2  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     1   1   4  
Course  Objectives  &   The   lecture   and   exercise   shall   prepare   the   students   for   project  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   management  work  in  professional  practice  as  well  as  scientific  work.  
Course  Description/Course   Basics,  tools  and  strategies  of  project  management  are  introduced  using  
Contents   theoretical  lectures  and  practical  exercises  with  a  focus  on  architectural  
design   and   research   projects.   Important   themes   include   cost   control,  
scheduling,   critical   path,   tasks   predecessors   and   successors,   parallel  
tasks,     resource   allocation   in   both   design   professional   and   contract  
administration,   value   engineering   concepts,   constructability   reviews,  
order   of   magnitude   cost   estimations.     The   practical   exercise   should   be  
attached   to   a   concrete   design     or   research   task   either   from   the   design  
courses  or  the  planned  master  thesis.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   3  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lecture  and  Exercise  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Exercise,  Project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topic  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   33  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  3052  
Course  Title   Communication  and  Leadership  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   05  -­‐  Design  Realisation    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Project  Management  
Lecturer   Chair  of  Project  Management  MArch  Amanuel  Teshome  
Credit  hours   2  
ECTS  Credits   2  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
  2     2   4  
Course  Objectives  &   The   seminar   shall   prepare   for   the   role   as   communicator   and   project  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   leader  in  professional  practice  as  well  as  research.  
Course  Description/Course   The   seminar   gives   a   platform   to   explore   communication   and   leadership  
Contents   skills   and   strategies   in   theoretical   and   practical   ways.   The   role   of   the  
architect  as  leader  of  the  design  process  is  a  focal  point  of  the  course.  The  
seminar  also  refers  to  the  leadership  role  in  the  architect's  office  and  the  
role  of  the  architect  in  society  as  a  responsible  designer  of  environment.  

Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   3  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Seminar  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   100%  Seminar  active  participation  
Grading  System  
Attendance  Requirements   100%  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topic  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   34  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  3061  
Course  Title   Advanced  Processing    Technologies  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   06  -­‐  Emergent  Technologies    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III  
Lecturer   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III  Dr.  Petra  Gruber  
Credit  hours   3  
ECTS  Credits   4  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     3   3   8  
Course  Objectives  &   The   course   is   to   explore   new   technologies   for   the   processing   of   materials  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   and  structures  for  implementation  in  architecture.  
Course  Description/Course   The   course   will   address   new   and   innovative   as   well   as   experimental  
Contents   technologies   to   process   materials   and   structures.   New   composite  
building   materials,   new   material   properties   due   to   functional   coatings,  
additive   manufacturing   technologies,   computational   processing   etc.   are  
important  topics.  Interdisciplinary  information  transfer  is  needed  for  this  
course,   so   guest   lectures   from   other   engineering   fields   and   industry   are  
be   integrated.   New,   especially   light   construction   materials   and   ways   of  
creation   are   be   explored   and   applied   in   practical   exercises.   New  
materials   and   construction   principles   are   specifically   interesting   for   the  
application   in   the   Ethiopian   context.   The   theme   of   the   exercise   part  
should  be  attached  to  the  Design  Course  III.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   3  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Exercise  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Exercise,  Project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   Nicola  STATTMANN:  Handbook  of  Material  Technologies,    2000  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   35  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  3062  
Course  Title   Innovative  Design  Strategies  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   06  -­‐  Emergent  Technologies  
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III      
Lecturer   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III  Dr.  Petra  Gruber,  Chair  of  Computer  
Aided  Design  MAA  Melat  Assefa  
Credit  hours   3  
ECTS  Credits   4  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     3   3   8  
Course  Objectives  &   The   course   explores   novel   architectural   design   strategies,   that   include  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   new  paradigms  and  the  use  of  computational  tools.  
Course  Description/Course   The   course   will   present   a   novel   approach   to   architectural   design   that   is  
Contents   bound  to  new  underlying  paradigms  of  biology,  ecology,  systems  thinking  
and   programming.   Computational   design   is   an   important   part   being  
explored   practically   in   design   exercises.     For   this   course,   international  
experts  are  integrated  as  short  term  lecturers.  The  theme  of  the  exercise  
part  is  decided  according  to  the  Design  Course  III.  

Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   3  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Exercise  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  Exam  
Grading  System   50%  Exercise,  Project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   Lisa   IWAMOTO:   Digital   Fabrications:   Architectural   and   Material  
Techniques,  2009  
Achim  MENGES  et  al:  Emergence:  Morphogenetic  Design  Strategies,  2004  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   36  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  3081  
Course  Title   Design  Course  III  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   08  -­‐  Design  Courses    
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III      
Lecturer   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III  MArch  Dawit  Benti  Dr.  Petra  Gruber  
Credit  hours   7  
ECTS  Credits   12  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
2     12   10   24  
Course  Objectives  &   The   design   course   is   the   platform   for   implementation   of   theoretical  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   knowledge   and   skills,   applied   to   a   current   research   theme   concerning  
materials,  structures  and  designs.  
Course  Description/Course   In  the  design  course,  the  acquired  knowledge  and  skills  from  theory  are  
Contents   applied   to   a   design   theme,   that   represents   an   important   research   issue,  
developing  further  aspects  of  materiality,  structure  and  design  concepts,  
leading   to   innovative   and   sustainable   solutions.   Collaboration   with  
industry   is   intended   in   order   to   have   a   concrete   design   task   and   a  
practical   approach,   that   allows   for   professional   collaboration.   A  
collaboration  with  the  EiABC  workshops  and  the  ProtoLab  is  integrated.  
This  course  is  a  platform  for  experimental  design  research,  that  shall  lead  
to   novel   prototypical   solutions   having   the   potential   to   be   explored   in   a  
master   thesis   or   research   project.   The   theme   of   the   Design   Course   is  
changing  every  year,  set  according  to  the  research  goals  of  the  Chair.    
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   2  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Lectures,  Project  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   40%  Development  of  the  Project  
Grading  System   60%  Final  project  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  Lectures  
75%  Studio  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topic  

M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   37  

10.4 Fourth  Semester  15  

Ethiopian  Institute  of  Architecture,  Building  Construction  and  City  Development  EiABC  
Addis  Ababa  University  AAU  
Course  Number   MAAD  4081  
Course  Title   Master  Thesis  
Degree  Program   M.Sc.  in  Advanced  Architectural  Design  MAAD  
Module  (No.  &  name)   09  -­‐  Master  Thesis  
Module  Coordinator   Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III  
Lecturer   EiABC  Advisor  as  specified  
Credit  hours   15  
ECTS  Credits   30  
  Lectures   Tutorials   Laboratory   Home  Study   Total  
    &   &   Workshop   Working  
Working  Hours  (per  week)   Seminars   Practice   Hours  
  10   20   10   40  
Course  Objectives  &   The   Master   Thesis   shall   integrate   the   theoretical   and   practical   domain  
Competences  to  be  Acquired   into   a   creative   design   project,   proving   the   design   competence   for   a  
research  based  architectural  design  task.  
Course  Description/Course   The   Master   Thesis   shall   integrate   the   theoretical   and   practical   domain  
Contents   into   a   creative   design   project.   The   topic   of   the   thesis   is   defined   in  
accordance   with   the   advisor   and   should   reflect   current   discussions   and  
needs,  delivering  a  novel  approach.  The  thesis  has  to  contain  a  theoretical  
base  and  a  design  project.  Both  parts  are  expected  to  go  beyond  state  of  
the   art   knowledge,   delivering   research   and   innovative   solutions   in   the  
discipline  of  architectural  design.  
The  advisor  has  to  be  an  architect  with  a  design  competence  and  at  least  
a   master   degree   and   a   permanent   affiliation   with   EiABC.   Advisors   and  
external   examiners   have   to   be   approved   by   the   program   coordinator.  
Meetings   with   the   advisor   take   place   regularly,   a   continuous  
development   of   the   project   is   expected   with   the   integration   of  
intermediate  submissions  being  optional.  Other  experts  from  engineering  
or  attached  fields  shall  be  consulted  according  to  the  theme  of  the  thesis.  
The  Master  Thesis  has  to  be  delivered  in  English  language,  in  the  form  of  
a   book   that   contains   research   as   well   as   design   work.   A   model   of   the  
project  can  be  required.  The  Master  Thesis  presentation  takes  the  form  of  
a  public  defence  in  front  of  the  evaluating  committee.  
Pre-­‐requisites   -­‐  
Semester   2  
Status  of  Course   Compulsory    
Teaching  &  Learning  Methods   Tutorials,  Studio  work,  Independent  Research,  Design  Exercise  
Assessment/Evaluation  &   50%  submission  of  Thesis  
Grading  System   50%   oral   presentation   to   the   examining   committee   (advisor,   two  
examiners,  program  coordinator)  
Attendance  Requirements   75%  
Literature   References  relevant  to  the  topic  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   38  

11  Personnel  and  Infrastructure  

11.1 Qualification  of  personnel  
The  program  will  be  launched  by  a  core  team  of  permanent  academic  staff  at  EiABC.  The  program  managers  
are   responsible   for   the   implementation   process.   The   current   and   future   personnel   teaching   in   the   master  
program   is   senior   staff   that   needs   to   have   at   least   a   master   qualification   together   with   professional   or  
research   experience   that   is   proved   by   realised   projects,   competition   entries,   scientific   publications,  
membership  in  professional  or  scientific  associations.  

The   availability   of   11   PhD   and   92   MSc.   holders11  at   EiABC   allows   for   a   high   quality   implementation   of   the  
program.   Additional   short   term   academic   staff   from   international   exchange   programs   will   be   integrated   to  
support  the  local  expertise.  

Qualification   Female   Male   Total      

Ethiopian   Expatriate   Ethiopian   Expatriate   Female   Male      

Diploma   1       1       1   1      

Bachelor  Degree   9       67       9   67      

Masters  Degree   15       74   3   15   77      

PhD         9   2       11      

Total   25    0   151   5   25   156     181  

Figure    5    Profile  by  Academic  Qualification  including  Gender  and  Nationality  

Academic  Rank   Female   Male   Total    

Ethiopian   Expatriate   Ethiopian   Expatriate   Female   Male    

Technical  Assistant   1       1       1   1    

Graduate  Assistant   5       15       5   15    

Assistant  Lecturer   6       54       6   54    

Lecturer   12       61   3   12   61    

Assistant  Professor         8         8    

Associate  professor         1   2     1    

Total   24       140   5   24   140   164  

 Figure    6    Profile  by  Academic  Rank  including  Gender  and  Nationality    

11  Data  collected  17.10.2012  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   39  

11.2 Governance  and  management  of  programs  

EiABC   has   an   academic   chair   system   as   the   smallest   operating   unit   of   the   institute.   The   chairs   are   highly  
specified   groups   of   people,   which   are   responsible   for   teaching,   research   and   consultancy   activities.   This  
structure  is  designed  to  establish  direct  linkages  to  the  industries,  the  business  sector  and  the  public  sectors.  
Strategic  initiatives,  competence  centres  and  networks  encourage  cross-­‐disciplinary  cooperation.    

The  head  of  graduate  studies  is  the  administrative  head  of  all  graduate  programs.  The  Chair  of  Architecture  
and   Design   III   was   appointed   by   the   Scientific   Director   to   design   and   implement   the   master   program   as  
program   coordinators.   In   the   Master   of   Advanced   Architectural   Design   11   out   of   24   chairs   contribute   their  
expertise.   Auditing   and   quality   assurance   units   are   placed   to   guarantee   an   effective   and   stream   lined  
administration  process  at  EiABC  to  support  students  and  academic  units.  

11.3 Infrastructure  at  EiABC  

The   infrastructure   at   EiABC   is   platform   for   currently   eight   different   Bachelor,   Master   and   PhD   studies   and  
with   over   3000   students12.   Being   under   constant   improvement,   it   will   provide   sufficient   workspace   for  
establishing   this   additional   program.   For   the   establishment   of   the   master   program,   a   workspace   of   at   least  
two  classes  are  needed.  The  IT  and  Media  centre  guarantee  a  up  to  date  working  environment.  As  a  research  
environment,   EiABC   houses   a   library   with   currently   around   11.400   titles.   Specific   research   and   testing  
facilities  provide  a  unique  opportunity  for  lab-­‐based  projects:  the  MRTC  is  a  materials  testing  facility,  that  is  
unique  in  Ethiopia;  the  protoLAB  offers  tools  for  digital  fabrication.    

12 Documentation  of  the  Process    

The   initial   work   on   a   Master   in   Architectural   Design   at   EiABC   stems   from   the   year   2006,   when   the   wish   to  
implement  a  Master  level  education  was  formulated  as  a  part  of  the  curriculum  reform.    

In  January  2013  the  scientific  director  of  EiABC  Joachim  Dieter  installed  the  Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  
III   to   act   as   Program   Committee,   responsible   for   the   content   and   processing   of   the   proposal   for   this   master  
program.  Based  on  the  initial  concept,  the  Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III,  Dawit  Benti  and  Petra  Gruber,  
composed  the  now  available  program  framework.  Schedule  of  development:  

• Friday  25.1.       First  chair  holder  announcement,  presentation  of  first  proposal  
• Monday  11.2.       Framework  sent  out  for  preparation  of  second  meeting  
• Monday  18.2.       Second  chair  holder  meeting  -­‐  working  group  
• Wednesday  20.2.2013   Stakeholder  meeting  -­‐  see  minutes  
• March  2013     Discussion  and  feedback  by  senior  architects  internal  and  external  
• Wednesday  22.5.2013   Full  program  description  approved  by  the  program  committee  
• Friday  24.5.2013   Full  program  description  sent  to  reviewers  
• 1st  of  July  2013     Full  program  description  approved  by  Chair  of  Architecture  and  Design  III  
• 1st  of  July  2013     Full  program  description  approved  by  EiABC  Council  
• July  2013     Reports  from  reviewers  
• July  2013     Compilation  of  documents  for  senate  submission  
• start  with  submission   Approval  process  by  senate  bodies  
• February  2014     Envisioned  start  of  Master  Programme  MAAD  

12  Data  collected  17.10.2012  
M.Sc.Program  Advanced  Architectural  Design   40  

13 Annex  
13.1 Literature  
The   Federal   Democratic   Republic   of   Ethiopia:   Growth   and   Transformation   Plan   (GTP)   2010/11-­‐
Dieter,   J.;   Hahn,   K.:   Strategic   Plan   and   Change   Management   Concept   for   Consolidating   and   Evolving  
the   Ethiopian   Institute   of   Architecture,   Building   Construction   and   City   Development   (EiABC)  
2012-­‐2015,  02/2012  
AAU  Department  of  Architecture  Faculty  of  Technology:    Curriculum  reform,  Book  II,  Department  of  
Architecture,  2006  
EiABC  Managing  Board:  Curriculum  for  Bachelor  of  Science  in  Architecture  as  of  2010/11  
UIA   Assembly:   UIA   Accord   on   Recommended   International   Standards   of   Professionalism   in  
Architectural  Practice,  July  2011  

13.2 Weblinks  
  EiABC   www.eiabc.edu.et  

13.3 Contacts  

Person   Contact   Address   Position   Link  


DI  Joachim  Dieter   T  +251  (0)  911  454  910   EiABC   Scientific  Director   www.eiabc.edu.et  

Director   for   Graduate  

Studies,   Chair   Holder  
fisseha.wegayehu@eiabc.edu.et   Urban   &   Regional  

Dr.  Fisseha  Wagayehu   T  +251  (0)  911  737  773   EiABC   Planning   www.eiabc.edu.et  

Chair   of   Architecture  
dawit.benti@eiabc.edu.et   and   Design   III,  

MSc.  Dawit  Benti   T  +251  (0)930  034  787   EiABC   Program  manager   www.eiabc.edu.et  

Chair   of   Architecture  
petra.gruber@eiabc.edu.et   and   Design   III,  

DI  Dr.  Petra  Gruber     T  +251  (0)912  650  620   EiABC   Program  manager   www.eiabc.edu.et  

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