Amalgam Answers
Amalgam Answers
Amalgam Answers
2) What is creep?
A) The Y2 phase (Sn7-8Hg) is the weakest phase and more prone to corrosion and creep and has
minimum strength.
23) Mercury rich condition in a slow setting amalgam alloy system results in?
A) Delayed expansion.
A) The bluish black discoloration of soft tissues of mouth particularly mucosa of lower jaw.
● Dental amalgam.
● Potassium amalgam.
● Sodium amalgam.
● Aluminium amalgam.
● Ammonium amalgam.
o Hand Condensation.
o Mechanical Condensation.
o Ultrasonic Condensation.
52) Reasons for the diminished use of amalgam over the years?
A) Due to poor esthetics, tarnish and corrosion and mercury toxicity.
⮚ Silver(60.5%)
⮚ Tin (24.5%)
⮚ Copper (12.3%)
⮚ Palladium (2.7%)
Liquid :
⮚ Gallium (65%)
⮚ Indium(19%)
⮚ Tin (16%).
4. Sets early.
2. Difficult to manipulate
4. High cost.
59) What are bonded amalgam restorations and what are they needed for?
A) To improve the adhesion of amalgam to enamel and dentin ,to reduce microleakage and to reinforce
the tooth structure.
4. Sets early.
2. Difficult to manipulate
4. High cost.
73) What is the True Dental Alloy and who introduced it?
A) First commercial alloy rich in silver and copper. Introduced by S. S White.
A) For lowering the temperature of D'Arcet's mineral cement by adding more mercury to it.
76) In which year was the safety of dental amalgam as a restorative material proved in the media?
A) On May 13th 1997.
✔ Copper amalgam
✔ Silver amalgam
✔ Preamalgamated alloys
✔ Amalgam with noble metals.
✔ Zinc containing
✔ Non Zinc containing
✔ Micro cut
✔ Fine cut
✔ Coarse cut
A) Marzouk, 1997.
85) Which solution is used to keep the surface of silver alloys particles clean?
A) Fluroboric acid solution is used ton keep the surface of the silver alloy particles.
90) Which restorative material is used for permanently restoring class 1,2 or 5?
A) Silver Amalgam.
● Silver : 69%
● Tin : 17%
● Copper : 13%
● Zinc : 1%
● Silver : 60%
● Tin : 25%
● Copper : 15%
● Silver : 59%
● Tin : 24%
● Copper : 13%
● Indium : 4%.
Silver : 69%
Tin : 17%
Copper : 13%
Zinc : 1%
Silver : 60%
Tin : 25%
Copper : 15%
Silver : 59%
Tin : 24%
Copper : 13%
Indium : 4%.
112) What are the factors under control of the dental operator?
A) Factors under control of operator are-
115) What does the clinical success of amalgam restoration depend on?
A) The clinical success of amalgam restoration depends upon proper cavity design and correct
manipulation of the alloy.Its advantageous because of relatively low cost, low technique sensitivity, high
compressive strength, and good wear resistance contribute to its success.
116) The cavosurface angle should be close to what in amalgam?
A) The cavosurface angle should be close to 90° in Amalgam.
123) How many sided wall is highly essential for effective condensation?
A) For effective condensation , four - wall support is highly essential.
2 - tooth fracture(1.9%)
127) High copper amalgam has compressive strength equivalent to which part of the tooth?
A) High copper amalgams have compressive strengths that range from 380 - 550Mpa and are similar to
that of enamel and dentin.
129) Regions within amalgam that are under stress undergo which type of corrosion?
A) Regions within amalgam that are under stress undergo stress corrosion.
130) Linear coefficient of thermal expansion of amalgam is how many times greater than that of the
A) Linear coefficient of thermal expansion of amalgam is 2.5 times greater than that of tooth structure.
132) Mercuroscopic expansion was originally proposed to explain the prevalance of?
A) Mercuroscopic expansion was proposed to explain the prevalence of marginal fractures associated
with occlusal amalgams.
133) What is the most common evidence of degradation of low copper amalgam?
A) The most common evidence of degradation of low copper amalgam is marginal fracture.
134) How is the rate of corrosion related to the self sealing ability?
A) Since amalgam does not bond to tooth the corrosion products seal the amalgam - tooth interface .
The rate of corrosion is more in low copper amalgam , so it's self sealing ability is more than high copper.
135) High creep rates are associated with which phase in low copper alloys?
A) Gamma 2 phase (Sn7-8Hg).
139) Excessive expansion of amalgam can affect which part of the tooth?
A) Excessive expansion of amalgam can produce pressure on the pulp and post operative sensitivity.
143) Which property of saliva inhibits the process and provides protection against corrosion?
A) Phosphate buffering capacity of saliva provides protection against corrosion.
145) Contamination during which stages causes expansion to occur during delayed expansion?
A) Manipulation.
146) What is the corrosion product formed from tin in gamma 2 phase?
A) Cu6Sn5 phase.
147) What is an ingot?
A) The various components of the amalgam alloy are combined together by melting resulting in the
formation of a block called ingot.