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It - Unit 14 - Assignment 2 Jacob May

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Plan Installation and Maintenance of Hardware in

Technology System

BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Extended Certificate in Information

and Creative Technology

Unit 14: Installing and Maintaining Computer Hardware

Due: 25 April 2022

Submitted by: Jacob May

Lecturer: Don Jenkins

I am working as an assistance to a Hardware Consultant specialising in maintaining technology systems,

we have been asked by North Wiltshire Environmental department to advise them on two computer
systems they are currently running, they are looking to upgrade both systems, so they run more

 I will need to find cost-effective up grades that will still be in budget.

 Find the best back up system and make sure I have backed up the exciting data.

The purpose of installing and maintaining hardware

 Compatibility: Is how well two hardware components work well together like for example
when a printer works with your computer hardware. The hardware that is compatible may not
always run at its highest stated performance.
 Change in system functionality: Functionality is the ability of the system to do the work
for which it was intended for but does not include a change to a design speed that is not
 Upgrade: is a new version of or addition to a hardware or software product that is already
installed or in use. Upgrading your computer can bring you more speed and storage space at a
fraction of the cost of a new computer.
 Improve productivity: Software can increase the efficiency by facilitating people's tasks. For
example, using a word processing application, such as Microsoft Word, which yields digital files,
makes the tasks of creating, editing, storing, and sharing documents much more efficient.

requirement description

I will look at both systems and decide what needs replacing or if there is a solution to repair.

CEO’s computer is not reading any data from its optical drive, so this will need replacing with an SSD
which will help to create a backup copy of any important data files.

The administrator’s computer needs to have a larger RAM to help store enough computer memory
that can be read and changed in any order to store working data and machine code, the admin’s

computer will also need Dvd Drive to burn data onto and a more efficient fan that can cope with the
usage and not cause to overheat and shutdown, upgrading to an SSD will make it quicker start up.

The CEO wants VoIP/webcams, which we will have to see if this fits into the budget.

Installation and maintenance plan

Installation activities list SSD, RAM, Dvd’s Drive.

Maintenance activities list Most SSD and Ram will last for 5 years.
Required hardware resources and These items are upgrades to the old
justification (i.e. internal and external system and will run more efficiently.
Required software resources and Make sure upgrades are made to the
justification (i.e. operating system, security/antivirus.
application software, security/antivirus
Required fault-finding tools and Make sure the computer is clean and
techniques and justification maintained and advice that if the
computer prompts for an update that it
will be done. I will need a screw driver.

Installation test plan

No. Test How test Result Comments Possible future

description was carried yes/n changes
out o
1. Is the cost of Added all the Proposal currently under Change product
the total prices of the budget but missing (blank) for a
system less products

than £150 including requirements (blank list) cheaper model
2. SSD 24.00 Y This is better than a hdd 5 Years
and a lot cheaper
3. RAM 16GB 42.00 Y Ram will be better fore 5 Years
the computer and helps
its performances manes
4. Dvd Drive £20.99 x 2 Y It is cheap and easy to 5 Years
5. VoIP/ 9.97 Y Cheap and reliable 5 Years maybe
Webcams longer.

Possible alternative solutions and reasons for rejection

Alternative Solution 1
Alternative hardware name HDD.
Hardware features Affordable, non-volatile memory.
Benefits over selected hardware Faster load times.
Reasons for rejection The SSD is more reliable than the HDD.
Alternative Solution 2

Alternative hardware name RAM 8GB
Hardware features Enough memory to run several programs.
Benefits over selected hardware Faster and can store more memory
Reasons for rejection The company would benefit more with twice
the RAM.

Justification of final decisions

 Rationale behind chosen hardware and software

Replacing and upgrading the main elements of the computer will help them to be more efficient in
their job roles now and for at least the next 5 years, where replacement and upgrades will be
needed again.

 How final decisions meet stated purpose and client’s requirements

I think the final decisions to replace the main errors of their current system and upgrade them has
in the long term worked well for the department to be more effective and efficient and I came in
under budget which exceeds the client’s expectations.

 Possible constraints and impact on the plan

The constraints I might of faced would if the hardware chosen was not compatible to the system
they had in place, but I would of done the research to make sure this was not a problem.


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