Filipinos As Global Citizens
Filipinos As Global Citizens
Filipinos As Global Citizens
Global citizenship is the idea that a person’s identity could exceed any
geographical or political boundary around the world but also being aware of the role and
aware, well versed, and understands the wider world. It is someone who has a sense of
their own role being world citizens; he or she respects and values cultural diversity,
injustice, and is someone willing to make the world a peaceful and sustainable place.
Filipinos are marked as one of the true global citizens in the world (Panahon, 2017). As
Filipinos, we can become active members of the global village by staying updated on
global news, fighting against social injustice, participating in local and global
ourselves updated with the events happening both in our country and foreign countries.
This way, we know the situation and issues occurring in the country but also being
aware that other countries might also be facing the same problem or situation. Hence,
when see social injustice occurring in our country or in other countries, we must also be
able to support the people fighting for justice rather than just knowing that inequality and
of the global village by participating in local and global communities that promote human
rights and social equality. This way, we can help promote human rights and fight against
social inequality in non-violent ways such as presenting facts and allowing people to
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understand that people should not discriminate others simply because they differ in
race, culture, religion, nationality, or status. Hence, we should challenge intolerance and
discriminate and hate people for it. It is right to ask people why they think that way; why
they discriminate people, and if it were simply because of intolerance or ignorance, then
it is best that we challenge them. So that they would realize that there is a much wider
world out there and it is in their best interest to become open and respect differences.
Becoming an active citizen of the global village comes with advantages both for
oneself and for the country. The Philippines have created stronger bonds with other
countries while the Filipinos have freely learned and adapted different cultures from
foreign countries. Along with that, the Philippines can be supported by international
organizations, which helps the country benefit by having the best quality of education,
healthcare, security, and liberty. As for Filipinos, we become free to make our decisions
and support everyone. Global citizenship can also resolve conflicts in the country since
people around the world can support the Filipinos in achieving justice or implementing
change. Lastly, global citizenship can help Filipinos develop empathy, support, and
In conclusion, global citizenship is the ideology that people are aware of their
responsibilities and role not only in their own country, but also to the wider world.
Filipinos can become active global citizens by keeping themselves updated on issues
that are currently ongoing throughout the world. Subsequently, they can also support
global intolerance and ignorance. Becoming a global citizen has its benefits, affecting
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both the country and citizens themselves. The country can be supported by international
organizations as well as develop stronger bonds with other countries. While the
Filipinos, will be able to freely integrate and respect different cultures. Simply, being a
global citizen shows how one cares and values their country and whole world.
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