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Department of Electromechanical Engineering Course Title: Control System

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Department of Electromechanical Engineering

Course Title: Control System

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Chapter-2: Control system modeling and representation

1 Introduction

2 Modeling of Electrical system

3 Modeling of Mechanical system

4 Analogous systems

5 Modeling of Electromechanical system

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Mathematical Model: the set of mathematical equations describ-

ing the dynamic behaviour of the system.

The reasons to study mathematical model of the system is:

simulation and animation: test desired motions without
resorting to real experimentation
Analysis and synthesis of suitable control algorithms

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Modeling of Electrical system

Modeling of Electrical system

The basic elements of electrical system are resistor, inductor, and

The mathematical model is given by ohm’s law,

v (t) = Ri(t)


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Modeling of Electrical system

The input output relations are given by Faraday’s law,

v (t) = L


v (t) = idt
Transfer function: it is the ratio of the laplace transform of output
response to the laplace transform of input (excitation) assuming all
the initial conditions to be zero.

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Modeling of Electrical system

Example1. Consider the network shown in the Fig. below. Obtain

the relation between the applied voltage and the current in the form
of (a) Differential equation (b) Transfer function

a) Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law

di(t) 1
Ri(t) + L + i(t)dt = v (t)
dt C
b) Transfer function
Q(s) C
V (s) LCs 2 + RCs + 1
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Modeling of Electrical system

Example 2. Consider the parallel RLC network excited by a current

source. Find the (a) differential equation representation and (b)
transfer function representation of the system.

a) Using Kirchhoff’s current law

v (t) dv (t) 1
+C + v (t)dt = i(t)
R dt L

b) Transfer function

ψ(s) L
I (s) LCs 2 + LGs + 1

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Modeling of Mechanical system

Modeling of Mechanical system

Mechanical systems are classified into two types: translational and

Translational Mechanical system

There are three elements which are dominantly involved in the anal-
ysis of translational motion. These are mass, spring and damper

Mass: This represents an element which resists the motion

due to inertia. According to Newton’s second law of motion,
the inertia force is equal to mass times acceleration.

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Modeling of Mechanical system

Spring: The second element which opposes motion is the

spring. The restoring force of a spring is proportional to the

f = KX
Here X2 is the displacement of end A, whereas X1 is the displacement
of end B.
If the force is applied at end B, X = X1 − X2 , we get

f = K (x1 − x2 )

If the force is applied at end A, X = X2 − X1 , we get

f = K (X2 − X1 )
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Modeling of Mechanical system

Damper: This is an element which opposes motion due to

Coulomb frictional force: the sliding friction between dry
Viscous friction: friction between a solid body and a fluid
medium. Viscous friction is proportional to velocity.

Since f is directly proportional to velocity of the fluid

dx d
f =D = D (X1 − X2 )
dt dt
Damping coefficient is denoted by D, B or f
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Modeling of Mechanical system

Example: Determine the mathematical model and the transfer func-

tion of the system shown in the fig. below

Vertical Spring and Hanging Mass

Consider a vertical spring on which we hang a mass m; it will
stretch a distance ∆x because of the weight of the mass

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Modeling of Mechanical system

That stretch is given by ∆x = mg

k . k is the spring constant.
Now pull the mass down an additional distance x 0 , The spring is now
exerting a vertical force of
Fspring = kx
= k(∆x + x 0 ) = kx 0 + mg
Therefor the total net force contributed by the spring is given by
Fnet = Fspring − mg
Fnet = kx 0
Example: Write the equations describing the motion of the me-
chanical system. Also find the transfer function XF1(s)

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Modeling of Mechanical system

Rotational Mechanical system

There are many similarities between translational and rotational sys-
tem. The three basic elements of rotational motion are inertia (J),
damper (B) and spring (K)

Inertia (J)
The relation between torque and angular acceleration is given

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Modeling of Mechanical system

Damper (D or B)
The torque and angular velocity relation is given by,

Spring (k)
The relation between torque and angular displacement is given

Example: write the mathematical model and transfer function of

the rotational mechanical system given below

T = J θ̈ + B θ̇ + K θ
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Analogous systems

Analogous systems
Analogous systems have the same type of equations, but they
have different physical appearance. Mechanical systems, fluid
systems, thermal systems etc. may be governed by the same types
of equations as that of electrical circuits.

Thus if an analogous electrical circuit is visualized for a given me-

chanical system, it is easy to predict the behavior of the system using
the well-developed mathematical tools of electrical engineering.

Designing and constructing a model is easier in electrical

The values of the elements can be changed, because electrical
components are cheap
Making experimentation is easy with electrical circuits
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Analogous systems

There are two methods to get an analogous system.

force-voltage (f-v) analogy
Let us consider a mechanical (both translational and rotational) and
an electrical system, as shown in the fig.

Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law

di(t) 1
Ri(t) + L + i(t)dt = v (t)
dt C
Lq̈ + R q̇ + q = v (t)
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Analogous systems

force-current (f-i) analogy

Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law

v (t) dv (t) 1 1 1
+C + v (t)dt = i(t) = C ψ̈ + ψ̇ + ψ
R dt L R L

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Analogous systems

Let us consider a mechanical system shown in the fig.

Example1: Find the f-v and f-i analogy of the above mechanical

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Analogous systems

example2: Obtain mathematical model and the electrical analogy

(f-v and f-i analog circuits) for the mechanical system shown.

It is possible to transmit mechanical energy from one part of a

system to another via devices such as gear trains, chain driver and

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Modeling of Electromechanical system

Modeling of Electromechanical system


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Modeling of Electromechanical system


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