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Plastic Pollution in India: An Evaluation of Public Awareness and Consumption Behaviour

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Plastic Pollution in India: An Evaluation of Public

Awareness and Consumption Behaviour

Kanwal D. P. Singh 1, Aakriti Mathur 2
University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,
Sector 16C Dwarka, New Delhi, India,
Corresponding author: 1 email id:Kanwal.als@gmail.com 2 email id:aakritimathur14@gmail.com
© Authour(s)
OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, Ontario International Development Agency, Canada
ISSN 1923-6654 (print) ISSN 1923-6662 (online) www.oidaijsd.com
Also available at http://www.ssrn.com/link/OIDA-Intl-Journal-Sustainable-Dev.html

Abstract: Plastic is a cost-effective, durable and easy to manufacture material and its usefulness
and convenience has resulted in its ever-increasing demand. The demand for plastics has also been
fuelled by the rise of the ‘use-and-throw’ culture resulting in much of the plastics being designed
to be disposed after just one use. These single-use plastics, mostly used as packaging material,
account for a substantial chunk of the total plastics manufactured today. However, most plastic is
non-biodegradable and it takes up to a thousand years for certain types of plastics to decompose
resulting in accumulation of plastic waste, much of it ending up in oceans, causing adverse
consequences marine life. The scale of plastic pollution has become alarming with millions of
tonnes of plastic waste existing in oceans today. Single-use plastics are the responsible much of
this plastic waste and individual consumption behaviour and habits must change to reduce their
demand. Presently more than 120 states across the world have some form of regulation on the use
of certain types of single-use plastic. India has adopted plastic waste management rules and is
committed to abolish all single use plastics in India by the year 2022. While regulating the
manufacture and use of these single-use plastics through bans and taxes can influence consumer
behaviour, these regulatory policies would be most effective when coupled with increasing the
public awareness regarding the risks and harmful effects of plastic pollution, the need for such
regulatory policies and the significant impact individual consumption choices can have on
reducing the individual’s plastic consumption. This paper examines the public attitudes to
combating plastic pollution in India, extent of awareness of plastic pollution, level of public
satisfaction with government policy relating to plastic pollution and individual plastic
consumption behaviour. The methodology adopted in this research paper is empirical and
analytical and the authors will collect primary data through the means of a questionnaire to
evaluate the public attitudes to combating plastic pollution in India, extent of awareness of plastic
pollution, level of public satisfaction with government policy relating to plastic pollution and
individual plastic consumption behaviour. The questionnaire was administered to a random
sample of 110 respondents belonging to the age group of 18 – 77 years, selected from urban areas
in India. The research paper shall examine the public attitudes to combating plastic pollution in
India, extent of awareness of plastic pollution, level of public satisfaction with government policy
relating to plastic pollution and individual plastic consumption behaviourand make
recommendations for effective outreach programs regarding plastic pollution in India.
Keywords: Attitude to Plastic Pollution; Plastic Consumption Behaviour; Plastic Pollution

T he convenience of plastic has resulted in its rampant use in almost all aspects of human life and while the
usefulness of plastic cannot be underestimated, the resultant generation of plastic waste has created a massive
environmental challenge, since one of plastics main advantage its long life due to its non-biodegradability
also means that the all the plastic ever manufactured is still accumulating somewhere, much of it ending up in
oceans. According to a Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection Report
(Kershaw, 2015), majority of plastics “do not biodegrade but instead they photodegrade by breaking down into

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26 Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019

small fragments called microplastics, which are small pieces of plastic found in the ocean, commonly defined as
being < 5mm in diameter”[1].The demand has grown exponentially over the years and more than 50% of the plastic
ever produced has been produced after the year 2000(Parker, 2018)[2]. This means that in the lasttwo decades we
have generated than the preceding 5 decades. Plastic manufacturing is dependent on fossil fuels and according to a
report(World Economic Forum, 2016), if current trends continue, “by 2050 the plastic industry may account for 20%
of the world’s total oil consumption”[3].Thus, plastic production also contributes to global warming and climate
change in addition to its other adverse environmental impacts.The problem of plastic waste is exacerbated by the use
of single use plastics meant for immediate disposal usually in the form of plastic packaging, carry bags, food
packaging, plastic bottles, straws, cutlery and containers. In 2015, according to a study (Roland Geyer, 2017), 47%
of the global plastic waste generated constituted plastic packaging [4].Mismanagement of plastic waste results it
being ingested by birds and animals. It also results in toxic plastic chemicals entering the food chain leading to
various adverse health impacts. Burning of plastics also results in toxic emissions resulting in adverse health
impacts. Minimising the use of single use plastics would be an effective way of reducing plastic waste and its
adverse impacts and many countries in the world now regulate single use plastics. According to a UN Environment
report (Carole Excell, 2018) more than 120 counties regulate the use plastic bags, more than 25 counties have partial
or full bans on the use of single use plastic, and almost 30 counties have enacted some type of tax on single-use
plastics and more than 60 countries haveExtended Producer Responsibility (EPR) measures in place relating to
plastics [5].On 5th June 2018, as per newspaper reports(Mohan, 2018), on the occasion of World Environment Day,
India announced its commitment to abolish all single use plastics.[6] According to reports(Dutta, 2018),more than
20 Indian States have either a complete or partial ban on plastic bags, however these bans are not being properly
implemented.[7] India has also adopted the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 (Government of India,
2016)which have increased the thickness of plastic carry bags from 40 to 50 micron, introduced a collect back
system based on Extended Producers Responsibility, provided for Manufacture and use of non-recyclable multi-
layered plasticand also imposed a pre-registration fees on shopkeepers and street vendors willing to provide plastic
carry bags on payment of plastic waste management fee of minimum Rs. 48, 000/- at the rate of Rs. 4,000/- per
month [8]. The amended Plastic Waste Management Rules of 2018 (Government of India, 2018), laid down that the
phasing out of Multi-layered Plastic (MLP) is now applicable to MLP, which are “non-recyclable, or non-energy
recoverable, or with no alternate use”(Government of India, 2018) [9]. In addition to proper implementation of laws
relating to plastic waste management, the problem of plastic pollution, especially due to the use of single-use
plastics can also be addressed by modifying individual consumption behaviour. Raising public awareness regarding
the scope of plastic pollution, the risks, harmful effects of plastic and domestic regulatory policies would be
effective in promoting attitudes and consumption habits consistent with reducing plastic pollution and the
Government of India, must undertake initiatives to raise awareness regarding the same.
This paper examines the public attitudes to combating plastic pollution in India, extent of awareness of plastic
pollution, level of public satisfaction with government policy relating to plastic pollution and individual plastic
consumption behaviour. The methodology adopted in this research paper is empirical and analytical and the authors
have collected primary data through the means of a questionnaire to evaluate the public attitudes to combating
plastic pollution in India, extent of awareness of plastic pollution, level of public satisfaction with government
policy relating to plastic pollution and individual plastic consumption behaviour. The questionnaire was
administered to a random sample of 110 respondents belonging to the age group of 18 – 77 years, selected from
urban areas in India. The questionnaire had 40 questions and was divided into 6 parts
a. Part I had 5 questions related to attitudes to plastic pollution.
b. Part II had 5 questions on awareness regarding scope of plastic pollution
c. Part III 5 questions on awareness regarding harmful effects of plastic pollution
d. Part IV had 5 questions on awareness regarding India's response to plastic pollution
e. Part V had 5 questions on evaluation of India's response to plastic pollution
f. Part VI 15 questions on consumption behaviour.

Part I had questions number 1-5 related to attitude to plastic pollution and each question had 5 options for indicating
their opinion on the statements given. These options included strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly
disagree options. For questions 1,3,4 and 5 the answer that corelated with the most positive attitude towards
combating plastic pollution was strongly agree and was allotted 5 points and the answer that corelated with the least
positive attitude towards combating plastic pollution was allotted a score of 1 point. For question number 2 this

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Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019 27

order was reversed. Thus, each question related to attitude to plastic pollution was scored out of 25 points. Part II
had question number 6-10 related to awareness regarding scope of plastic pollution. Each question had only yes or
no options. Scores were assigned to all questions with 1 point for each response indicating awarenessregarding
scope of plastic pollution. Part III had question number 11-15 related to awareness regarding harmful effects of
plastic pollution. Each question had only yes or no options. Scores were assigned to all questions with 1 point for
each response indicating awareness regarding harmful effects of plastic pollution. Part VI had question number 16-
20 related to awareness regarding India's response to plastic pollution. Each question had only yes or no options.
Scores were assigned to all questions with 1 point for each response indicating awareness regarding India's response
to plastic pollution. Part V had question number 21-25 related to evaluation of India's response to plastic pollution.
Each question had 6 options. These options included i. Much less needs to be done showing highest level of
satisfaction with existing government policy which was allotted 5 points; ii. less needs to be done showing high
level of satisfaction with existing government policy which was allotted 4 points; iii. It is adequate showing
satisfaction with existing government policy which was allotted 3points; iv. More needs to be done showing
dissatisfaction with existing government policy which was which was allotted 2 points; v. Much more needs to be
done showing high dissatisfaction with existing government policy which was which was allotted 1 point; and vi.
Not aware showing lack of awareness of any governmental policy which was allotted 0 points. Part VI had question
number 26-40 related to plastic consumption behaviour. Each question had yes, no and not aware options. Scores
were assigned to all questions with 1 point for each consumption habit or behavior that contributes to reduction of
individual plastic waste.
Discussion and Findings
1.1. Demographic Details of Respondents. The demographic details regarding age, gender, highest level of
education and type of employment were collected from the respondents. As can be seen from Table1
below, disproportionately high number of the respondents (61.8%) are from the age group of 18-27 and
the lowest number of respondents (1.8%) are from the age group of 68-77.

Table 1: Age of Respondents

Age Group Number of respondents Percentage of Respondents

18-27 68 61.8%
28-37 24 21.8%
38-47 6 5.5%
48-57 5 4.5%
58-67 5 4.5%
68-77 2 1.8%

As can be seen from Table 2 below, the percentage of female respondents is higher with 52.7% respondents
being female.

Table 2: Gender of the Respondents

Gender Number of respondents Percentage

Male 58 52.7%
Female 52 47.3%

As can be seen from Table 3 below, the highest percentage of respondents 46.4% have post-graduation or
above as the highest level of education. The second highest percentage of respondents 39.1% have

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28 Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019

Table 3: Highest Level of Education of the respondents

Highest Level of Education Number of respondents Percentage

High School or below 13 11.8%
Diploma 3 2.7%
Graduate 43 39.1%
Post Graduate and Above 51 46.4%

As can be seen from Table 4 below majority of the respondents (44.5%) are students and the least number
of respondents (1.8%) are retired.

Table 4: Type of Employment of the respondents

Type of Employment Number of respondents Percentage

Salaried 39 35.5%
Business Owner 7 6.4%
Self Employed 10 9.1%
Student 49 44.5%
Retired 2 1.8%
Home Maker 3 2.7%

Attitude to Combating Plastic Pollution. As can be seen from Table5 below,majority of the respondents show a
positive attitude towards combating plastic pollution with more than 82% respondents strongly agreeing that Plastic
Pollution has become an international crisis and adversely effects human and animal life. More than 75%
respondents strongly agree that Plastic pollution in India is a worrying problem and 63% respondents consider
reducing plastic pollution personally important to them. Less than 6% respondents agree that no ban should be
imposed on plastic packaging.

Table 5: Attitude to Combating Plastic Pollution

Attitude to Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Reducing

Combating pollution has pollution in pollution packaging is plastic
Plastic become an India is a very adversely necessary, and pollution is
Pollution international worrying effects plant, no ban should very important
crisis problem animal and be imposed on to me
human life it personally
Strongly agree 82% 77% 83% 1% 63%
Agree 16% 19% 16% 5% 33%
Neutral 1% 4% 0% 12% 4%
Disagree 1% 0% 0% 49% 1%
Strongly 0% 0% 1% 33% 0%

1.2. Awareness of Scale of Plastic Pollution. As can be seen from the Table 6 and Fig.1 below, majority of the
respondents do not have adequate understanding of the scale of plastic pollution with less than 52%
respondents being aware of the global rate of production of plastic and less than 28% respondents being
aware of the total plastic recycled in the world. However, more than 60% respondents show an awareness
regarding single use plastic, extent of plastic waste in oceans and microplastics.

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Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019 29

Table 6: Awareness of Scale of Plastic Pollution

Awareness of scale of plastic pollution Yes No

Were you aware that the world produces more than 400 million tons of 51.8% 48.2%
plastics every year?
Were you aware that only 9% of the nine billion tonnes of plastic the world 27.3% 72.7%
has ever produced has been recycled?
Were you aware that the largest share of plastic produced is used in 63.6% 36.4%
packaging as single-use material designed for immediate disposal?
Were you aware that 150 million tonnes of plastic waste,exists in oceans 61.8% 38.2%
Were you aware that most plastics slowly break down into smaller 73.6% 26.4%
fragments known as microplastics?

Figure 1: Awareness of Scale of Plastic Pollution

Awareness of Harmful Effects of Plastic. As can be seen from the Table7 and Fig. 2 below majority of the
respondents are aware of the harmful effects of plastic with more than 87% being aware of plastic being ingested by
animals and birds and the harmful effects of burning plastic waste and more than 67% being aware of the toxic
chemicals entering the food chain via plastic as well as the increased risk of vector borne diseases from plastic waste
clogging drains etc. However less than 46% were aware of the harmful effects of Styrofoam on human health.

Table 7:Awareness of Harmful Effects of Plastic

Awareness of harmful effects of plastic Yes No

Were you aware that high concentrations of plastic materials, have been 87.3% 12.7%
found blocking the airways and stomachs of hundreds of species who
mistake them for food?
Were you aware that plastic bags can increase the transmission of vector- 68.2% 31.8%
borne diseases like malaria by clogging sewers and providing breeding
grounds for mosquitoes and pests?
Were you aware that here is evidence that the toxic chemicals added during 67.3% 32.7%
the manufacture of plastic transfer to animal tissue, eventually entering the
human food chain?
Were you aware that styrofoam products, which contain carcinogenic 45.5% 54.5%
chemicals like styrene and benzene, are highly toxic if ingested, damaging

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30 Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019

the nervous systems, lungs and reproductive organs and that the toxins in
Styrofoam containers can leach into food and drinks?
Were you aware that burning plastic waste releases harmful gases like furan 87.3% 12.7%
and dioxin which can cause cause asthma and certain types of cancer?

Figure 2: Awareness of Harmful Effects of Plastic

Awareness of India’s Response to Plastic Pollution.As can be seen from Table8 and Fig. 3 below majority of the
respondents do not have adequate awareness regarding India’s response to plastic pollution with less than 40% being
aware of India’s commitment to abolish single use plastics by 2022, and less than 32% being aware of plastic waste
management rules, 2016 or the concept of extended producer responsibility. Further less than 65 % respondents are
even aware of the plastic bans imposed in more than 20 states in India and less than 68% being aware of the
extensive single use plastic ban imposed on Delhi by the National Green Tribunal.

Table 8: Awareness of India’s Response to Plastic Pollution

Awareness of India’s response to plastic pollution Yes No

Were you aware of India’s commitment to abolish all single use plastics by 2022? 38.2% 61.8%
Were you aware that more than 20 Indian States have imposed a ban on use of 64.5% 35.5%
plastic carry bags?
Were you aware that the National Green Tribunal has banned all forms of 68.0% 32.0%
disposable plastics including bags, cutlery, cups, plates and other single-use items
in Delhi since 2017?
Are you aware of the plastic waste management rules, 2016? 30.0% 70.0%
Are you aware of the term “extended producer responsibility”? 32.0% 68.0%

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Figure 3:Awareness of India’s Response to Plastic Pollution

Evaluation of India’s response to plastic pollution

As can be seen from Table 9 and Fig.4 below, majority of the respondents are not satisfied with the government’s
response to plastic pollution with more than 65% believing that much more needs to be done. More than 60%
believe that much more needs to be done regarding reducing plastic waste and regulating disposal and recycling of
plastic waste and more than 54% believe that much more needs to be done regarding implementation of plastic bans
across the country and for disseminating information relating to harmful effects of plastic.

Table 9:Evaluation of India’s response to plastic pollution

Evaluation of India’s response to plastic pollution Much More It is Less Much Not
more needs adequ needs less aware
needs to be ate to be needs
to be done done to be
done done
Are you satisfied with the government’s response to 65.5% 26.4% 3.6% 0.0% 3.6% 0.9%
address plastic pollution?
Are you satisfied with the government’s efforts for 59.1% 31.8% 5.5% 1.8% 1.8% 0.0%
disseminating information relating to harmful effects
of plastic?
Are you satisfied with the government’s efforts for 63.6% 30.9% 2.7% 1.8% 0.9% 0.0%
reducing plastic waste?
Are you satisfied with the government’s efforts for 62.7% 29.1% 4.5% 1.8% 0.9% 0.9%
regulating disposal and recycling of plastic waste?
Are you satisfied with the government’s efforts for 54.5% 35.5% 8.2% 0.9% 0.9% 0.0%
implementation of plastic bans across the country?

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32 Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019

Figure4: Evaluation of India’s response to plastic pollution

Individual Consumption Behaviour.As can be seen from the Table and Figure below majority of the respondents
either do not adopt consumption behaviour consistent with reduction of plastic waste or are not aware of the same
with more than 50% adopting consumption behaviour consistent with reduction of plastic waste only in 6 out of 15
situations that is only 40% of the time.

Table 10: Individual Consumption Behaviour

Questions on Consumption behaviour yes no not

26. Do you segregate your waste into three streams: biodegradable, dry and 44% 45% 12%
domestic hazardous waste?
27. Do you avoid single-use plastic bags by carrying your own reusable cloth/jute 88% 10% 2%
bag and/or return single-use bags to grocery stores for them to recycle?
28. Do you recycle the plastics you no longer need? 35% 56% 8%

29. Do you ask food delivery companies to exclude single use plastic cups and 36% 57% 6%
cutlery from deliveries and/or carry your own cutlery to places that serve food
with plastic cutlery?
30. Do you bring your own reusable coffee cup when going out to get beverages, 25% 71% 4%
refuse plastic straws and/or bring your own reusable stainless steel, glass, or
bamboo straws to use instead of plastic ones?
31. Do you carry water in reusable water bottles instead of buying plastic bottles 75% 23% 2%
and/or purchase Beverages in Glass Bottles instead of Plastic?
32. Do you use re-fillable containers for food and drinks, avoid using cling wrap 52% 42% 6%
for food and/or bring a reusable container to a restaurant with you when you
expect to have leftovers?

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33. Do you buy items in bulk to reduce the amount of plastic packaging waste 57% 40% 3%
and/or avoid purchasing products in travel size packing?
34. Do you choose clothing and other personal items made from earth-friendly 56% 33% 11%
materials instead of microfibers and other synthetic fibres, which pollute our
35. Do you pick up trash in your neighbourhood and when visiting parks and 49% 48% 3%
36. Do you avoid chewing gum(which is made of synthetic rubber which is a 67% 25% 8%
plastic itself)?
37. Do you avoid using plastic based diapers and sanitary napkins opting for 25% 39% 35%
biodegradable alternatives instead?
38. Do you use zippered fabric bags for taking dry cleaned clothes instead of it 47% 32% 21%
being sheathed in plastic?
39. Do you boycott beauty products containing microbeads (little plastic 38% 22% 40%
scrubbers) that cannot be recycled and pollute water bodies?
40. Do you use solid or powdered versions of the cleaning and personal care 35% 46% 18%
products that you use such as body and hair shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and

Figure5: Individual Consumption Behaviour

Consumption Behaviour Score.The total individual consumption behaviour score was calculated by adding the
total score obtained by an individual out of a maximum of 15 points. As can be seen from the Table11 and Fig. 6
below the lowest consumption behaviour score was 1 and the highest was 15. The mean consumption behaviour

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34 Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019

score was 7.445 and the median consumption behaviour score was 7. Thus, 52.8% of the respondents scored less
than 50% on individual plastic consumption behaviour.

Table 11: Consumption Behaviour Score

Consumption Behaviour Frequency Percent

1 2 1.8
2 2 1.8
3 9 8.2
4 6 5.5
5 9 8.2
6 10 9.1
7 20 18.2
8 11 10.0
9 15 13.6
10 8 7.3
11 10 9.1
12 4 3.6
13 1 0.9
14 2 1.8
15 1 0.9

Figure6: Consumption Behaviour Score

Responses by Age. As can be seen from the Table12 and Fig.7 below the mean percentage score to all 6 sections of
the questionnaire are tabulated across various age groups. The most positive attitude to combating plastic pollution
is shown by the age group of 38-47 with a 98% mean score. The age group of 48- 57 is the least satisfied with the
government’s response to plastic pollution at 23% mean satisfaction percentage. The highest awareness regarding
the scale, harmful effects of plastics and awareness about India’s response is shown by the age group of 58-67 and
they also have the highest mean consumption behaviour scores at 52%.

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Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019 35

Table 12: Mean Scores by Age

Age Attitude to Awareness Awareness Awareness Satisfaction Consumption

plastic of scale of of harmful about India's behaviour
Pollution plastic effects of response to
pollution plastic plastic
18-27 90.9% 60.0% 70.4% 48.0% 29.9% 50.1%
28-37 92.5% 51.6% 67.4% 44.0% 28.2% 51.7%
38-47 98.0% 46.6% 83.2% 40.0% 40.6% 47.7%
48-57 93.6% 24.0% 72.0% 48.0% 23.2% 38.7%
58-67 92.0% 72.0% 96.0% 52.0% 37.6% 52.0%
68-77 94.0% 20.0% 30.0% 20.0% 26.0% 33.3%

Figure7: Mean Scores by Age

Responses by Gender. As can be seen from the Table13 and Fig. 8 below, femaleshave scored higher mean scores
in all aspects. The mean score of females on attitude to combating to plastic pollution is 94.3%, awareness of scale
of plastic pollution is 58.4%, awareness of harmful effects of plastic pollution is 78%, awareness of India’s response
to plastic pollution is 53.4% and mean consumption behaviour score is 53.3%. Women also report less satisfaction
with the government’s policies related to plastic pollution at 29.8%.

Table 13: Mean Scores by Gender

Gender Attitude to Awareness Awareness Awareness Satisfaction Consumption

plastic of scale of of harmful about India's behaviour
Pollution plastic effects of response to
pollution plastic plastic

female 94.3% 58.4% 78.0% 53.4% 29.8% 53.3%

male 89.7% 53.0% 64.8% 40.2% 30.3% 46.0%

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36 Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019

Figure8: Mean Scores by Gender

Responses by Highest level of Education. As can be seen from the Table and Figure below respondents with post-
graduation as the highest level education have the most positive attitude to combating to plastic pollution (93.6%)
whereas respondents with high school as highest level education have scored higher mean scores inawareness of
scale of plastic pollution (75.2%), awareness of harmful effects of plastic pollution (87.6%), awareness of India’s
response to plastic pollution (61.4%) as well as consumption behaviour (60%). Graduate respondents report the least
amount of satisfaction with the government’s policies related to plastic pollution (28.3%).

Table 14: Mean Scores by Highest level of Education

Highest level of Attitude Awareness Awareness Awareness Satisfaction Consumption

education to plastic of scale of of harmful of India's behaviour
Pollution plastic effects of response
pollution plastic to plastic
graduate 89.8% 54.8% 60.0% 43.6% 28.3% 45.5%
post graduate or above 93.6% 50.4% 66.8% 47.0% 31.2% 50.0%
diploma 93.3% 66.6% 70.8% 13.2% 30.6% 53.3%
high school or below 92.0% 75.2% 87.6% 61.4% 31.7% 60.0%

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Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019 37

Figure9: Mean Scores by Highest level of Education

Responses by Type of Employment. As can be seen from the Table15 and Fig.10 below retired respondents show
the most positive attitude to combating to plastic pollution (98%) and report the least amount of satisfaction with the
government’s policies related to plastic pollution (26%). Homemakers show the highest level of awareness of
harmful effects of plastic pollution (80%). Student have scored the highest mean scores in awareness of scale of
plastic pollution (61.6%), awareness of India’s response to plastic pollution (48.8%) and they have the highest mean
consumption behaviour scores (52%).

Table 15: Mean Scores by Type of Employment

Type of Attitude to Awareness Awareness Awareness Satisfaction Consumption

employment plastic of scale of of harmful ofIndia's behaviour
Pollution plastic effects of response to
pollution plastic plastic pollution
home maker 94.7% 26.6% 80.0% 40.0% 34.4% 35.5%
retired 98.0% 40.0% 60.0% 30.0% 26.0% 40.0%
self employed 92.0% 44.0% 72.0% 46.0% 27.6% 42.7%
business owner 90.8% 48.4% 68.4% 40.0% 37.6% 46.7%
salaried 92.0% 54.0% 68.2% 46.0% 30.0% 50.1%
student 91.5% 61.6% 73.4% 48.8% 29.2% 52.5%

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38 Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019

Figure10: Mean Scores by Type of Employment

Limitations of the Study

The present study has been restricted to only urban respondents and been conducted in the English language. Further
the questionnaire was administered in an entirely paperless manner by relying on google forms. This has resulted in
the study targeting only the educated and computer literate individuals situated in urban cities. Computer literacy
and access has also resulted in the underprivileged section of the population in urban cities having been excluded.
The study also sees a disproportionately large response (more than 61%) from the youth aged 18- 27 years. It also
sees a disproportionately large response from students (more than 44%). The attitude and awareness quotient
regarding plastic pollution and their consumption behavior patterns therefore does not represent the entirety of
consumers in India.
On the basis of the above discussion it is clear that in urban cities, there is a positive attitude towards combatting
plastic pollution and there exists adequate awareness regarding scale of plastic pollution and the harmful effects of
plastic pollution. However, the awareness of India’s response to plastic pollution is abysmally low. This can be
attributed to the fact that while international organisations such as UN Environment have massive outreach
programs related to scale of plastic pollution and its harmful impacts, but similar programs are not being conducted
related to India’s response to plastic pollution, leading to lack of awareness regarding the same. Due to these
international outreach programmes, there also exists a positive attitude to combat plastic pollution, however owing
to the lack of outreach programs regarding reduction of plastic pollution in the Indian market circumstances, despite
such positive attitude, the actual individual consumption behaviour consistent with reduction of plastic waste is also
very low. This conclusion is buttressed by the fact that the majority of the respondents are deeply unsatisfied by the
government’s response to addressing plastic pollution, including with regard to government’s response in
disseminating information relating to plastic pollution and implementation of plastic bans.It can be seen that women
respondents have scored higher in all areas of awareness and show more positive consumption behaviour as
compared to men. They also report lower satisfaction with government policies related to plastic pollution. It can
therefore be concluded that future outreach programs relating to plastic pollution targeting men should be
undertaken. It can also be seen that the younger and student respondents have shown the higher relating to a positive
attitude to combating plastic pollution, awareness regarding the scale, harmful effects of plastics and awareness
about India’s response as also higher consumption behaviour scores. It can therefore be concluded that the school
and college curriculums and/or classroom and extracurricular events are effective in raising awareness relating to the
problem of plastic pollution. It is therefore suggested that future outreach programs for the older urban and rural
population should also be initiated, through television, radio and social media to target all sections of the population
including the illiterate populations.

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Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019 39

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About the Authors:

Prof. Kanwal D. P. Singh is the Dean of the University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University. She has a teaching experience of twenty years in taxation, corporate laws and land laws.
She is the author of two leading textbooks on the subjects of Land Laws and Capital markets. She has authored over
forty research papers in international and national journals. She is actively involved in organizing and conducting
research projects, seminars and moot court competitions and is frequently invited to judge moot court competitions
and as a resource person for seminars, conferences and talk shows. Her areas of interest include Law Poverty and
Development, Environmental Law and Policy, Taxation Laws, and Corporate Laws. She can be contacted at

Ms. Aakriti Mathur is a Ph.D. research scholar at the University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind
Singh Indraprastha University. Her area of research relates to Climate Change and she is testing the feasibility of a
Carbon Consumption Tax for India. She is practicing as an Advocate in the Supreme Court of India and the Delhi
High Court specializing in socio-economic offences and customs and trade laws. She is also actively involved in
teaching International Trade Law as a visiting lecturer at various universities in New Delhi. Her areas of interest
include Climate Change Law and Policy, International Environmental Law, International Trade Law and Laws
relating to Socio-Economic Offences. She can be contacted at aakritimathur14@gmail.com

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40 Singh and Mathur / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12:07, 2019

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