Famous Scientists and Inventors-Merged-Compressed
Famous Scientists and Inventors-Merged-Compressed
Famous Scientists and Inventors-Merged-Compressed
Electronics Engineering
William Gilbert
William Gilbert is the one coined the word electricus, while on his pioneering
research on magnetism and static electricity. He is an English scientist, the most
distinguished man of science in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, who
first to use the terms electric attraction, electric force and magnetic pole.
Benjamin Franklin
Luigi Galvani
It was Luigi Galvani who pioneered the bioelectromagnetics, with incredible work in
animal electricity. His experiment with dead frog’s leg muscles has been the
benchmark of electrical patterns and signal from tissues as the nerves and muscles.
Charles-Augustin de Coulomb
Charles-Augustin de Coulomb had revolutionary work in the theory of attraction and
repulsion between bodies of the same and opposite electrical charge. He was able to
demonstrate an inverse square law for such forces and examine perfect conductors
and dielectrics.
Alessandro Volta
The inventions of Alessandro Volta have trademarked in electronics engineering,
especially his battery that produced a reliable, steady current of electricity. This feat
of Volta gave rise to electrochemistry, electromagnetism and the modern
applications of electricity.
Michael Faraday
Michael Faraday demonstrated significant work in static electricity. He was the first
to prove that the charge only resided on the exterior of a charged conductor, and
exterior charge had no influence on anything enclosed within a conductor. He laid
the foundation of the classical field theory, and developed the first dynamo in the
form of a copper disk rotated between the poles of a permanent magnet.
Nikola Tesla
This underrated genius named Nikola Tesla invented the alternating-current
generator, the transformer, and he high voltage coil of the picture tube. He also
developed an oscillator that generated half a million volts and a wireless world
broadcasting tower. Tesla also worked on rotary engines, microwaves, radars and
loudspeakers. With all this significant engineering work, he never got the glory he
deserved during his time because he was thought to be a madman.
Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi is an Italian inventor and engineer who developed the first
successful long-distance wireless telegraph. He broadcasted the first transatlantic
radio signal, which attained him partly the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Lee De Forest
It was Lee De Forest who invented the Audion vacuum tube, which made live radio
broadcasting possible before the invention of the transistor. It is now the key
component in all radio, telephone, radar, television and computer systems. He had
more than 300 patents.
Walter Schottky
A German physicist who laid work in solid-state physics and electronics, Walter
Schottky discovered an irregularity in the emission of thermions in a vacuum tube,
now known as the Schottky effect. He also developed the screen-grid tube and the
William B. Shockley
Nobel Prize for Physics winner William B. Shockley was responsible for the
development of the transistor, which is one of the greatest achievements in
technological history. He worked on semiconductor to control and amplify electronic
signals, with John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. They developed the point-contact
transistor, and later on, the junction transistor.
Walter H. Brattain
Walter H. Brattain shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1956 with William Shockley
and John Bardeen for the investigation of the properties of semiconductors and for
the development of the transistor.
John Bardeen
One of the Nobel Prize for Physics trio for their invention of the transistor, John
Bardeen won the same award in 1972 for the theory of superconductivity. He focused
on the electrical conduction in semiconductors and metals, and surface properties
of semiconductors.
Otto von Guericke
Invented the first electrostatic generator
Jack Kilby
Patented the first integrated circuit while at Texas Instruments, then later
patented the portable calculator
Robert Noyce
Further developed the integrated circuit to include more transistors on a silicon
Gordon Moore
Co-founded Intel in 1968 and known for “Moore’s Law” which observes that
integrated circuit complexity doubles every 2 years
The wire resists twisting, and how much twisting occurs tells you how much force
the attraction or repulsion exerted. Coulomb showed electrical attraction and
repulsion follow an inverse square law. The unit of charge (Coulomb) is named after
Born in the old university city of Tartu, Estonia (then in Russia), He was a professor at
the University of St. Petersburg. He carried out many experiments following the lead
of Faraday.
He is memorialized by the law which bears his name – the electrodynamics action of
an induced current equally opposes the mechanical inducing action- which was
later recognized to be an expression of the conservation of energy.
He was an all round universal scientist and researcher. He was one of the 19th
centuries greatest scientists.
In 1870, after analyzing all the prevalent theories of electrodynamics, he lent his
support to Maxwell’s theory which was little known on the European continent.
Joseph Swan demonstrated his electric lamp in Britain in February 1879. The
filament used carbon and had a partial vacuum and preceded Edison’s
demonstration by six months.
He worked with Maxwell’s equations to reduce the fatigue incurred in solving them.
In the process, he created a form of vector analysis called “Operational Calculus” that
replaced the differential d/dt with the algebraic variable p, thus transforming
differential equations to algebraic equations (Laplace Transforms). This increased the
speed of solution considerably.
He also proposed the ionized air layer named after him (the Heavisids layer), that
inductance can be added to transmission lines to increase transmission distance,
and that charges will increase in mass when accelerated.
Charles Proteus Steinmetz (1865-1923)
Discovered the mathematics of hysteresis loss, thus enabling engineers of the time
to reduce magnetic loss in transformers.
He also applied the mathematics of complex numbers to AC analysis and thus put
engineering design of electrical systems on a scientific basis instead of a black art.
Along with Nikola Tesla, he is responsible for wresting the generation of power away
from Edison’s inefficient DC system to the more elegant AC system.
Discovered X rays, for which he received the first Nobel Prize for physics in 1901. He
observed that barium platinocyanide crystals across the room fluoresced whenever
he turned on a Crooke’s, or cathode-ray discharge tube, even when the tube was
shielded by thin metal sheets.
Roentgen correctly hypothesized that a previously unknown form of radiation of
very short wavelength was involved, and that these X rays (a term he coined) caused
the crystals to glow. He later demonstrated the metallurgical and medical use of X
rays which later brought a revolution in medical science.
In the year 1905, Einstein elaborated on the experimental results of Max Planck who
noticed that electromagnetic energy seemed to be emitted from radiating objects
in quantities that were discrete.
The energy of these emitted quantities – the so called “light-quanta” was directly
proportional to the frequency of the radiation which was completely contrary to
classical electromagnetic theory, based on Maxwell’s equations and the laws of
Einstein used Planck’s quantum hypothesis to describe visible electromagnetic
radiation, or light. According to Einstein’s viewpoint, light could be imagined to
consist of discrete bundles of radiation. He used this interpretation to explain the
photoelectric effect, by which certain metals emit electrons when illuminated by
light with a given frequency.
Einstein’s theory, and his subsequent elaboration of it, formed the basis for much of
Quantum Mechanics.
Also known as “The Father of the Supercomputer“, along with George Amdahl,
defined the supercomputer industry in the year 1976.
Ray Prasad is Author of the textbook Surface Mount Technology: Principles and
Practice. He is an inductee to the IPC Hall of Fame, the highest honor in Electronics
Industry for his contribution to the electronics industry. He is also the recipient of the
IPC President’s Award, SMTA Member of Distinction Award, Intel Achievement
Award, and Dieter W. Bergman IPC Fellowship Medal.
As the lead engineer, Mr. Prasad introduced SMT into airplanes and defense systems
at Boeing, and as SMT program manager, he managed the global implementation
of SMT at Intel Corporation.
References: https://gineersnow.com/engineering/electronics/famous-scientists-
Topic Outcomes
Engr. Marie Angelie I. Pamplona
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI Pamplona
1. Define Electronics
• Electronics comprises
the physics,
technology and
applications that deal
with the emission, flow
and control of
electrons in vacuum
and matter.
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI Pamplona
• Electronics is an applied form of science that
deals with electrons. It handles electric circuits
containing active elements, passive elements
and other underlying techniques making it as
an important part of engineering.
• RA 5734, Sec 21 C – The science that deals
with the development and application of
devices involving the flow of electrons in
vacuum, in gaseous media, plasma and in
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI Pamplona
• RA9292, Sec 3h – The science dealing with
the development and application of devices
and systems involving the flow of electrons or
the carriers of electric charge, in a vacuum, in
gaseous media, in plasma, in semiconductors,
in solid state and/or in similar devices,
including but not limited to applications
involving optical, electromagnetic and other
energy forms when transduced or converted
into electronic signals
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI Pamplona
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI Pamplona
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI Pamplona
• Consumer Electronics
• Industrial Electronics
• Image processing
• 3D world has been evolved from a single or multiple 2D images.
Various algorithms are developed to extract 3D information from 2D
• Moreover, image processing has involved in computer graphics,
Artificial intelligence, Robotics for navigation, Inspection and
Assembly, Computer Vision for Face and gesture recognition,
Virtual reality, medical analysis.
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI Pamplona
• Medical applications
• Meteorological and Oceanographic
• Defense and Aerospace
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI Pamplona
• Automotive (Automobiles)
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI Pamplona
• Anti-collision unit
• Infotainment console
• Anti-lock braking system
• Cruise control
• Traction control
• Window regulators
• Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
• Airbag control
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI Pamplona
Thank You
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Engr. Marie Angelie I. Pamplona
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• The smallest amount of electrical charge
having the quality called negative polarity.
• Electrons orbit the center of atoms.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• The proton is a basic particle with positive
• Protons are located in the nucleus of atoms
along with neutrons, particles which have
neutral polarity.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• The outer shell is called the valence shell. Electrons in
this shell are involved in chemical reactions and they
account for electrical and thermal conductivity in metals
Is Si a conductor, insulator or semiconductor?
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Metals have one, two or three electrons in the valence
shell. The atom illustrated here is a sodium atom (Na),
with only one electron in its outer shell.
• Electrons near the nucleus have less energy than
those in more distant orbits
• Only discrete (separate and distinct) values of
electron energies exist within atomic structures
• In an atom, the orbits are grouped into energy
levels known as shells
• A given atom has fixed number of electrons. The
shells (energy levels) are designated 1,2,3 and
so on, with 1 being closest to the nucleus
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Ne= 2n2
• Valence Electrons
• This outermost shell is known as the valence
shell and electrons in this shell are called
valence electrons
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• If a valence electron acquires a sufficient amount
of energy, called ionization energy, it can actually
escape from the outer shell and the atom’s
• The departure of a valence electron leaves a
previously neutral atom with an excess of positive
charge (more protons than electrons)
• The process of losing a valence electron is known
as ionization, and the resulting positively charged
atom is called a positive ion
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Have 1 valence electron
• Materials in which electrons can move
freely from atom to atom are called
• In general all metals are good conductors.
• The purpose of conductors is to allow
electrical current to flow with minimum
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Have 8 valence electrons
• Materials in which electrons tend to stay put and
do not flow easily from atom to atom are termed
• Insulators are used to prevent the flow of
• Insulating materials such as glass, rubber, or
plastic are also called dielectrics, meaning they
can store charges.
• Dielectric materials are used in components like
capacitors which must store electric charges.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Have 4 valence electrons
• Materials which are neither conductors nor
• Common semi conductor materials are
carbon, germanium and silicone.
• Used in components like transistors
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Valence shell of an atom represents a band of
energy levels and that the valence electrons are
confined to that band.
• When an electron acquires enough additional
energy, it can leve the valence shell, become a
free electron, and exist in what is known as the
conduction band.
• The difference in energy between the valence
band and the conduction band is called an
energy gap or band gap
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Energy band diagram for an unexcited
atom in a pure (intrinsic) silicon crystal
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
1. Understand diode operation and select diodes for
various applications.
N-Type Material
P-Type Material
Intrinsic (pure) Si Semiconductor:
Thermal Excitation, Electron-Hole Pair, Recombination,
and Equilibrium
*Apply a voltage
across a piece of Si:
electron current
and hole current
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
In n - type material
n N d the donor conceratio n
n = N d ni , p pi
We call
electron the major charge carrier
hole the minor cahage carrier
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
In p - type material
p N a the acceptor conceratio n
p = N a pi , n ni
We call
hole the major charge carrier
electron the minor cahage carrier
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
The PN Junction
Steady State1
Metallurgical Junction
Na Nd
- - - - - - + + + + + +
- - - - - -
- - - - - - + + + + + +
P - - - - - - + + + + + + n
- - - - - -
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + +
Space Charge
ionized Region ionized
acceptors donors
_ _
+ +
h+ drift = h+ diffusion e- diffusion = e- drift
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
The PN Junction
Steady State
Na Junction Nd
- - - - - + + + + +
- - - - - + + + + + When no external source is
P - - - - - + + + + + n connected to the pn junction,
- - - - - + + + + +
diffusion and drift balance
Space Charge each other out for both the
ionized Region ionized
acceptors donors holes and electrons
_ _
+ +
h+ drift == h+ diffusion e- diffusion == e- drift
Space Charge Region: Also called the depletion region. This region includes the
net positively and negatively charged regions. The space charge region does not
have any free carriers. The width of the space charge region is denoted by W in pn
junction formula’s.
Metallurgical Junction: The interface where the p- and n-type materials meet.
Na & Nd: Represent the amount of negative and positive doping in number of
carriers per centimeter cubed. Usually in the range of 1015 to 1020.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
The pn junction is considered biased when an external voltage is applied. There are
types of biasing: Forward bias and Reverse bias.
These are described on then next slide.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Forward Bias: In forward bias the depletion region shrinks slightly in width. With
this shrinking the energy required for charge carriers to cross the
depletion region decreases exponentially. Therefore, as the
Vapplied > 0 applied voltage increases, current starts to flow across the
junction. The barrier potential of the diode is the voltage at which
appreciable current starts to flow through the diode. The barrier
potential varies for different materials.
Reverse Bias: Under reverse bias the depletion region widens. This causes the
electric field produced by the ions to cancel out the applied
reverse bias voltage. A small leakage current, Is (saturation
Vapplied < 0 current) flows under reverse bias conditions. This saturation
current is made up of electron-hole pairs being produced in the
depletion region. Saturation current is sometimes referred to as
scale current because of it’s relationship to junction temperature.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
* The interface in-between p-type and n-type material is
called a pn-junction.
The barrier potential VB 0.6 − 0.7V for Si and 0.3V for Ge
at 300K : as T ,VB .
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
*Reverse Bias:
majority-carrier current ceases.
* However, there is still a very
small current produced by
minority carriers.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Dailey, Denton. Electronic Devices and Circuits, Discrete and
Integrated. Prentice Hall, New Jersey: 2001. (pp 2-37,
• 2 Figure 1.10. The diode transconductance curve, pg. 7
Thank You
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
Engr. Marie Angelie I. Pamplona
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
• A straight line is defined by the parameters of the network
• It is called the load line because the intersection on the
vertical axes is defined by the applied load R
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
• The maximum ID equals E/R and the maximum VD
equals E.
• The point where the load line and the characteristics
curve intersect is the Q-point which identifies ID and VD
for a particular diode in a given circuit
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
• For the given diode configuration and diode
characteristics, determine VDQ, IDQ and VR
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
• The forward resistance of the diode is usually so small
compared to the other series elements of the network that
it can be ignored.
• In general the diode is in the “on” state if the current
established by the applied sources is such that its
direction matches that of the arrow in the diode symbol
and VD≥0.7V for silicon and VD≥0.3V for Germanium and
VD≥ 1.2V for Gallium Arsenide
• You may assume the diode is “on”, and the find the
current in the diode. If the current flows into the positive
terminal of the diode, then the assumption is right,
otherwise the diode is “off”.
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
• VD=E
• VR=0V
• ID=0A
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
• Determine Vo
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
• Determine the output level for the logic AND gate
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
• Boylestad, Robert L. (2013) Electronic Devices and
Circuits Theory 11th Edition. Pearson Inc. USA
Electronic Devices and Circuits- MAI PAMPLONA
Thank You
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Engr. Marie Angelie I. Pamplona
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• A zener diode is a special type of
diode that is designed to operate
in the reverse breakdown region.
An ordinary diode operated in this
region will usually be destroyed
due to excessive current.
• This is not the case for the zener
diode. A zener diode is heavily
doped to reduce the reverse
breakdown voltage.
• This causes a very thin depletion
layer. As a result, a zener diode
has a sharp reverse breakdown
voltage VZ. This is clear from the
reverse characteristic of zener
diode shown.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• When light-emitting diode (LED) is forward biased, the
electrons from the n-type material cross the pn junction
and recombine with holes in the p-type material.
• Recall that these free electrons are in the conduction
band and at a higher energy level than the holes in the
valence band.
• When recombination takes place, the recombining
electrons release energy in the form of heat and light. In
germanium and silicon diodes almost, the entire energy is
given up in the form of heat and emitted light is
insignificant. However, in materials like gallium arsenide,
the number of photons of light energy is sufficient to
produce quite intense visible light.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• The Figure shows the schematic symbol for a LED. The arrows are
shown as pointing away from the diode, indicating that light is being
emitted by the device when forward biased.
• Although LEDs are available in several colors (red, green, yellow and
orange are the most common), the schematic symbol is the same for
all LEDs. There is nothing in the symbol to indicate the color of a
particular LED.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• What value of series resistor is required to limit the
current through a LED to 20 mA with a forward voltage
drop of 1.6 V when connected to a 10V supply?
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• What is current through the LED in the circuit shown in the
Figure? Assume that voltage drop across the LED is 2 V.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Advantages of LED
The light-emitting diode (LED) is a solid-state light source.
LEDs have replaced incandescent lamps in many
applications because they have the following advantages:
• Low voltage
• Longer life (more than 20 years)
• Fast on-off switching
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Applications of LED
• The LED is a low-power device. The power rating of a LED is of the
order of milliwatts. This means that it is useful as an indicator but not
good for illumination. Probably the two most common applications for
visible LEDs are:
• As a power indicator.
• A LED can be used to indicate whether the power is on or not. The
Figure shows the simple use of the LED as a power indicator. When
the switch S is closed, power is applied to the load. At the same time
current also flows through the LED which lights, indicating power is
on. The resistor RS in series with the LED ensures that current rating
of the LED is not exceeded.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Seven-segment display.
• LEDs are often grouped to form seven-segment display. The Figure
shows the front of a seven segment display. It contains seven LEDs (A, B,
C, D, E, Fand G) shaped in a figure of *8.
*Note that LEDs A, B, C, D, E and F are arranged clockwise from the top
with LED G in the middle.** Each LED is called a segment because it forms
part of the character being displayed.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• A photo-diode is a reverse-biased silicon or germanium
pn junction in which reverse current increases when the
junction is exposed to light.
• The reverse current in a photo-diode is directly
proportional to the intensity of light falling on its pn
junction. This means that greater the intensity of light
falling on the pn junction of photo-diode, the greater will
be the reverse current.
• A photo-diode differs from a rectifier diode in that when its
pn junction is exposed to light, the reverse current
increases with the increase in light intensity and vice-
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Photodiode Principle
• This is explained as follows: When light (photons) falls on
the pn junction, the energy is imparted by the photons to
the atoms in the junction. This will create more free
electrons (and more holes). These additional free
electrons will increase the reverse current. As the intensity
of light incident on the pn junction increases, the reverse
current also increases. In other words, as the incident
light intensity increases, the resistance of the device
(photo-diode) decreases.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Photodiode Operation
• The Figure shows the basic photo-diode
circuit. The circuit has reverse-biased
photo-diode, resistor R and d.c. supply.
The operation of the photodiode is as
under :
(i) When no light is incident on the pn
junction of photo-diode,the
reverse current Ir is extremely
small. This is called dark current.
• The resistance of photo-diode with no
incident light is called Dark
• Dark resistance of photo-diode,
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Applications of Photodiode
• There are a large number of
applications of photodiodes.
However, we shall give two
applications of photodiodes by way
of illustration.
• (i) Alarm circuit using photo-diode.
• A photo-diode is exposed to light with an illumination of
2.5 mW/cm2. If the sensitivity of the photo-diode for the
given conditions is 37.4 μA/mW/cm2, find the reverse
current through the device.
• Solution:
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• An optoisolator (also called optocoupler) is a device that
uses light to couple a signal from its input(a photoemitter
e.g., a LED) to its output (a photodetector e.g., a photo-
• A tunnel diode is a pn junction that exhibits
negative resistance between two values of
forward voltage (i.e., between peak-point
voltage and valley-point voltage).
• A conventional diode exhibits positive
resistance when it is forward biased or
reverse biased. However, if a semiconductor
junction diode is heavily doped with
impurities, it exhibits negative resistance in
certain regions in the forward direction. Such
a diode is called tunnel diode
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Theory.
• The tunnel diode is basically a pn junction with heavy
doping of p-type and n-type semiconductor materials. In
fact, a tunnel diode is doped approximately 1000 times as
heavily as a conventional diode. This heavy doping
results in a large number of majority carriers. Because of
the large number of carriers, most are not used during the
initial recombination that produces the depletion layer. As
a result, the depletion layer is very narrow
• In comparison with conventional diode, the depletion layer
of a tunnel diode is 100 times narrower. The operation of
a tunnel diode depends upon the tunneling effect and
hence the name
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Tunneling effect.
• The heavy doping provides a large number of majority carriers.
Because of the large number of carriers, there is much drift
activity in p and n sections. This causes many valence electrons
to have their energy levels raised closer to the conduction
region. Therefore, it takes only a very small applied forward
voltage to cause conduction.
• The movement of valence electrons from the valence energy
band to the conduction band with little or no applied forward
voltage is called tunneling.
• Valence electrons seem to tunnel through the forbidden energy
band. As the forward voltage is first increased, the diode current
rises rapidly due to tunneling effect. Soon the tunneling effect is
reduced and current flow starts to Decrease as the forward
voltage across
• the diode is increased. The tunnel diode is said to have entered
the negative resistance region. As the voltage is further
increased, the tunneling effect plays less and less part until a
valley-point is reached.
• From now onwards, the tunnel diode behaves as ordinary diode
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• When the tank circuit is set into oscillations by applying voltage as shown in the
figure below
• If a tunnel diode is placed in series with the tank circuit and biased at the
centre of the negative resistance portion of its characteristic as shown in
the Figure, undamped oscillations are produced at the output.
• A junction diode which acts as a variable capacitor under
changing reverse bias is known as a varactor diode.
• When a pn junction is formed, depletion layer is created in the
junction area. Since there are no charge carriers within the
depletion zone, the zone acts as an insulator. The p-type
material with holes (considered positive) as majority carriers
and n-type material with electrons as majority carriers act as
charged plates. Thus the diode may be considered as a
capacitor with n-region and p-region forming oppositely
charged plates and with depletion zone between them acting
as a dielectric.
• This is illustrated in the Figure (i). A varactor diode is specially
constructed to have high capacitance under reverse bias.
Figure (ii) shows the symbol of varactor diode. The values of
capacitance of varactor diodes are in the picofarad
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• For normal operation, a varactor diode is always reverse
biased. The capacitance of varactor diode is found as:
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• The LC tank circuit shown in the Figure has a 1 mH
inductor. The varactor has capacitance of 100 pF when
reverse bias is 5V d.c. Determine the resonant frequency
of the circuit for this reverse bias.
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Solution:
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Named after its inventor, a
Shockley diode is a PNPN
device having two terminals
• This device acts as a switch and
consists of four alternate P-type
and N-type layers in a single
crystal. The various layers are
labelled as P1, N1, P2and N2
for identification. Since a P-
region adjacent to an N-region
may be considered a junction
diode, the Shockley diode is
equivalent to three junction
diodes connected in series as
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• (i) When Shockley diode is forward biased (i.e., anode is positive w.r.t.
cathode), diodes D1 and D3 would be forward-biased while diode D2
would be reverse-biased. Since diode D2 offers very high resistance
(being reverse biased) and the three diodes are in series, the
Shockley diode presents a very high resistance. As the forward
voltage increases, the reverse bias across D2 is also increased.
• At some forward voltage (called breakover voltage V BO ), reverse
breakdown of D2 occurs. Since this breakdown results in reduced
resistance, the Shockley diode presents a very low resistance. From
now onwards, the Shockley diode behaves as a conventional forward-
biased diode; the forward current being determined by the applied
voltage and external load resistance. This behavior of Shockley diode
is indicated on its V-I characteristic:
Electronic Devices and Circuits-MAI PAMPLONA
• Dailey, Denton. Electronic Devices and Circuits, Discrete and
Integrated. Prentice Hall, New Jersey: 2001. (pp 2-37,
• 2 Figure 1.10. The diode transconductance curve, pg. 7
Thank You
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
DC Biasing - BJTs
Chapter 4
Ch.4 Summary
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Ch.4 Summary
Operating Point
The DC input
establishes an
operating or
quiescent point
called the Q-point.
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Ch.4 Summary
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Ch.4 Summary
DC Biasing Circuits
Fixed-bias circuit
Emitter-stabilized bias circuit
Collector-emitter loop
Voltage divider bias circuit
DC bias with voltage feedback
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Ch.4 Summary
Fixed Bias
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Ch.4 Summary
IB =
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Ch.4 Summary
Collector-Emitter Loop
Collector current:
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Ch.4 Summary
ICsat = CC
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Ch.4 Summary
The Q-point is the operating point where the value of RB sets the
value of IB that controls the values of VCE and IC .
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Ch.4 Summary
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Ch.4 Summary
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory © 2013 by Pearson Higher Education, Inc
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Ch.4 Summary
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Ch.4 Summary
Adding a resistor
(RE) to the emitter
circuit stabilizes
the bias circuit.
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Ch.4 Summary
Base-Emitter Loop
From Kirchhoff’s voltage law:
+ VCC − IE RE − VBE − IE RE = 0
Since IE = ( + 1)IB:
VCC − IB RB − (β + 1)IB RE = 0
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Ch.4 Summary
Collector-Emitter Loop
From Kirchhoff’s voltage law:
IE RE + VCE + IC RC − VCC = 0
Since IE IC:
VCE = VCC – IC(RC + RE )
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Ch.4 Summary
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Ch.4 Summary
Saturation Level
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Ch.4 Summary
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Ch.4 Summary
Approximate Analysis
Where IB << I1 and I1 I2 :
VB =
R1 + R2
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Ch.4 Summary
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory © 2013 by Pearson Higher Education, Inc
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Ch.4 Summary
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory © 2013 by Pearson Higher Education, Inc
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Ch.4 Summary
Base-Emitter Loop
From Kirchhoff’s voltage law:
Solving for IB: IB =
RB + β(RC + RE )
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Ch.4 Summary
Collector-Emitter Loop
Applying Kirchoff’s voltage law:
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Ch.4 Summary
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Ch.4 Summary
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory © 2013 by Pearson Higher Education, Inc
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Ch.4 Summary
To ensure saturation:
resistance at VCEsat VCC
Rsat = Rcutoff =
saturation and cutoff: ICsat ICEO
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Ch.4 Summary
Switching Time
t on = t r + t d
t off = t s + t f
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Ch.4 Summary
Troubleshooting Hints
Approximate voltages VBE .7 V for silicon transistors
VCE 25% to 75% of VCC
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Ch.4 Summary
PNP Transistors
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Engr. Marie Angelie I. Pamplona
• The transistor is a three-layer semiconductor device
consisting of either two n- and one p-type layers of
material or two p- and one n-type layers of material. The
former is called an npn transistor, and the latter is called a
pnp transistor.
E n p n C E p n p C
• The basic operation of the transistor will now be
described using the pnp transistor:
• In the Figure
• Both biasing potentials have been applied to a pnp transistor, with the
resulting majority- and minority-carrier flows indicated. Note that the
widths of the depletion regions, indicating clearly which junction is
forward-biased and which is reverse-biased.
• As indicated also in the Figure a large number of majority carriers will
diffuse across the forward biased p–n junction into the n -type material.
• The question then is whether these carriers will contribute directly to the
base current I B or pass directly into the p -type material. Since the
sandwiched n -type material is very thin and has a low conductivity, a
very small number of these carriers will take this path of high resistance
to the base terminal.
• and find that the emitter current is the sum of the collector and
base currents. The collector current, however, comprises two
components—the majority and the minority carriers
• Input or driving
point characteristics
for a common-base
silicon transistor
• DC Mode In the dc mode the levels of IC and IE due to the
majority carriers are related by a quantity called alpha and
defined by the following equation:
• AC Mode
• For ac situations where the point of operation moves on
the characteristic curve, an ac alpha is defined by:
• The proper biasing of the common-base configuration in
the active region can be determined quickly using the
approximation IC≈IE and assuming for the moment that IB
≈0 mA.
• The result is the configuration of the Figure below of the
the pnp transistor.
• As stated earlier the base-to-collector junction is reversed
biased in the active region, but there is a point where too
large a reverse-bias voltage will lead to the avalanche
• The result is a large increase in current for small
increases in the base-to-collector voltage.
BETA (β)
• DC Mode In the dc mode the levels of IC and IB are
related by a quantity called beta and defined by the
following equation:
• The proper biasing of a common-emitter amplifier can be
determined in a manner similar to that introduced for the
common-base configuration
• The common-collector configuration is used primarily for
impedance-matching purposes since it has a high input
impedance and low output impedance, opposite to that of
the common-base and common emitter configurations.
Common-collector configuration
used for impedance-matching