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Design and Implementation of An Online Marketing Information Management System

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Research Proposal · December 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28558.79688


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1 author:

Ahmad Bafadhl
Umm Al-Qura University


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Ahmad Saeed Bafadhl

Computer Engineering Department, College of Computer and Information Systems, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Online marketing, which is also referred to as internet marketing, involves the utilization of intelligent, interactive, and
virtual components for the advancement and promotion of business goods and business ventures on the internet. Recently,
web-based communication companies have contributed to the advancement and restructuration of major economic divisions
including marketing. Being financially-effective, flexible, adaptable and fast and enjoying an extraordinary global reach,
internet marketing has achieved various unimaginable incredible gains for businesses. However, this effective, new
technique additionally involves building an online marketing system.
In order to develop an online marketing system, a number of programming technologies must be studied and understood.
These include multi-tiered architecture, server and client side scripting techniques, implementation technologies such as
HTML, CSS and a Server side programming language (such as PHP) and relational databases. This is a project with the
objective to develop a basic online marketing system where business goods and ventures can advertise their goods and
business ventures and sell seamlessly.

I. INTRODUCTION commercialization of internet soon gained enormous

1. The Internet has its origins in cold war and technological momentum and the business community quickly became
rivalry between USSR and US. In fact "while the World aware of the potential it has to offer". With increasing the
Wide Web was created in 1991, its origin dates back to number of internet users during the 1990s, entrepreneurs
1957 when the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik I started to appreciate commercial prospects of this new
satellite" (Dickey and Lewis, 2011: 2). US reacted with medium.. 3. Although there is no complete consensus on
establishment a department of Defense Advanced Research when did internet marketing exactly start, but the majority
Project Agency (DARPA) which launched in 1960s of commentators refer to 1994. So it is widely held that
ARPANET, an experimental project of computer networks "significant commercial use of the Internet began with the
from which what we now know as internet developed. first ‗banner ads‘ on web pages in 1994, and the
Since then internet contributed to science incredibly and appearance of Internet-based ‗malls‘ (the electronic
"by the late 1980s the internet was being used by many equivalent of a storefront) such as Amazon.com in 1995".
government and business institutions" (Ferguson, 2008: Statistics make it clear that this young marketplace, online
69). 2. internet was considered an inclusive communicative marketing, has had an astonishing rate of growth. So
tool of scientific and research centers for several years and amazing is the growth rate of this new paradigm of
its academic function was its dominant prior to discovering marketing that it is hard to believe how young it is. In fact
its commercial capabilities which led to its "in 1994, spending for internet marketing totaled nearly
commercialization. As Oksana (2007) puts it: "until the nothing, but increased to over $300 million in 1995. After a
mid-nineties, the research and academic communities decade later, marketing spending and internet marketing
accounted for most of the internet population but the business has exploded to nearly $500 billion (according to
Forrester Research). Today, it‘s hard to believe in having an some of the ways companies are using the Internet to create a
organization which doesn‘t have some kind of online competitive advantage.
presence." (Shirvastav and Alam, 2014: 25) This brief
historic background is concluded by pointing to the fact that in Reference [12 ] A how-to guide for automating your sales
step by step online marketing has become a much more force. This book shows IT managers, LAN administrators
sophisticated practice. So early methods of internet and Webmasters how to implement automation into an
marketing such as online advertising and email marketing organization, providing strategies for implementation using
has been followed by more younger, developed methods the Web, Lotus Notes, and intranets. It gives readers the core
such as search engine optimization or social media information necessary to implement sales force automation
marketing. across an organization, showing how to create templates for
forecasting, lead generation, sales kits, order processing, and
links to other departments. CD-ROM contains HTML
FIGURE 1. templates, sample checklists, and sales force automation
The figure shows Objectives Tree for Online marketing platform. applications.
A complete guide to planning, implementing, and managing
Web-based sales force automation systems Companies all
over the world have discovered that the use of Web-based
technologies can dramatically contribute to the effectiveness
and efficiency of their sales force, and at the same time
One of the major problems Business Marketing face in their
increase customer satisfaction. Yet, until now, there has not
campaigns is still the use of primitive promotions channels
been one comprehensive guide for sales managers,
such as press, brochure, catalogue, TV, cell phone, etc, and
Webmasters, and IT managers to get the sales process and
several offline channels which lacks a comprehensive,
harmonizing marketing framework. In this project work, we technical know-how they need to successfully integrate
present a new solution for businesses to promote their automation technologies into their organizations' business
processes. In this book, authors Kay Khandpur and Jasmine
business online to reach a wider audience. The principle Wevers take you step-by-step through such key functions of
aim of this project is to develop and implement an online the sales process as lead generation and qualification, sales
marketing system that will be useful to business owners, calls, and customer relationship management, and
with the following objectives To create a platform for demonstrate how each function can be automated using Web
businesses to reach a wider audience and increase sales and technologies. They present a comprehensive framework for
profits. To develop a general purpose store where planning and implementing SFA projects, and they review in
consumers can find products and services from the comfort
depth some commercially available tools and technologies
of home through the Internet. To implement an online
used in SFA, including a marketing encyclopedia system, a
virtual store on the Internet where customers can browse
sales configuration system, a sales reporting system, and an
the catalog and select products of interest.
entire sales force automation solution. The CD-ROM
* HTML templates for key sales activities such as lead
B. STATE RELATED WORK generation, lead qualification, sales configuration, and more
* A template for a Request for Proposal for sales force
in Reference [10] The text is well-written and presents a fine automation tools
blend of theory and practice. Hanson is true to the title of his * SFA product information and demonstration software from
book as he provides some "principles" that should indeed leading vendors
endure... I believe that this book offers a great introduction to
anyone who wants to either practice or simply learn about in Reference [11] This book offers a good alternative
Internet marketing. Chapters 8-12 are great for people perspective on how to build and maintain a data warehouse.
wanting to start e-commerce. I found the book technically It covers more of the political aspects of the process and
great and at the same time accessible to the average Joe (who offers useful tips on many of the less talked about areas of
is not a business major)! The book is a must for all data warehousing, like how to implement upgrades to your
companies and individuals doing e-commerce! This textbook software tools. It also covers the business drivers for building
is required for my E-commerce class. The book provides a a data warehousing in great detail. This would be a good
comparison of the Internet to other industries which had companion book to Kimball's Lifecycle Toolkit book. This
uncertain futures, such as radio and electricity and how those book (and CD which is included) has several very useful
industries grew. It also analyzes the some of ways companies checklists and templates as well. All in all, a good reference
are using the Internet to reduce costs. The book also explains book for the data warehouse practitioner (consultant, project
manager, architect, or analyst/programmer).
website, and other maintenance costs. All need to be
considered as an investment before starting online
in Reference [9] " Modern Information Systems for marketing of the business. Stay active on social media for
Managers is an impressive attempt to address and synthesize the branding of a business website and adopt the latest trend
technical, organizational, legal-ethical, and strategic aspects of online marketing to keep advertising business to increase
of the information systems field. It is broad in scope and its traffic continuously. It requires a continuous update of a
written for information systems' students, users, and business website and keeps it securely online through cyber
management-level decision-makers...the manual-style thefts or scams, technical faults, customer friendly and
organization of the book, its list of key terms and concepts, responsive easy accessibility of a website in devices (PC,
its numerous pro and con comparison tables, and its index tablet, mobile phones, laptop, etc.) of all screen
make it a good more-than-reference handbook for the sizes.
information systems personnel in any organization."
in Reference [8] Who will remain a loyal customer and who
won't? Which messages are most effective with which The principle aim of this project is to develop and
segments? How can customer value be maximized? This
implement an online marketing system that will be useful to
book supplies powerful tools for extracting the answers to
business owners, with the following objectives:
these and other crucial business questions from the corporate
To create a platform for businesses to reach a wider
databases where they lie buried. In the years since the first
audience and increase sales and profits.
edition of this book, data mining has grown to become an
To develop a general purpose store where consumers can
indispensable tool of modern business. In this latest edition,
find products and services from the comfort of home
Linoff and Berry have made extensive updates and revisions
through the Internet.
to every chapter and added several new ones. The book
To implement an online virtual store on the Internet where
retains the focus of earlier editions—showing marketing
customers can browse the catalog and select products of
analysts, business managers, and data mining specialists how
to harness data mining methods and techniques to solve
important business problems. While never sacrificing
accuracy for the sake of simplicity, Linoff and Berry present
even complex topics in clear, concise English with minimal
use of technical jargon or mathematical formulas. Technical
topics are illustrated with case studies and practical real- Online marketing
world examples drawn from the authors' experiences, and
every chapter contains valuable tips for practitioners. Among
the techniques newly covered, or covered in greater depth,
are linear and logistic regression models, incremental
response (uplift) modeling, naïve Bayesian models, table
Security and
lookup models, similarity models, radial basis function
networks, expectation maximization (EM) clustering, and Privacy
swarm intelligence. New chapters are devoted to data
preparation, derived variables, principal components and Speed Quality
other variable reduction techniques, and text mining. After
establishing the business context with an overview of data
mining applications, and introducing aspects of data mining Fast
Easy to use
methodology common to all data mining projects, the book processing
covers each important data mining technique in detail.

Our proposed system is built within the borders of the

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is nothing free in online
marketing, as you have to pay for every entity to earn from * Figure (1) Objectives Tree for Online
the internet. You have to invest first in setups like the marketing platform
system, internet connection, hardware, software, business
spe Secur Ea Comfort
Geome sy Geome Weig
ed ity Qual able tric hts
tric Weig to
and ity Mean hts us Design Mean
Priva e
1 1 1 1
1 3 3 2.08 0.60 Easy to
1 1 1 1
1/3 1 1/3 0.48 able
Secur 0.13 Design
Priva *Table (2) In this schedule Table (2)
cy we can see how we divide the main
part Quality to subs and use the
AHP method to rate its parts
1/3 3 1 1 0.27

*Table (1) Pairwise Comparisons

Matrix – General In this schedule Table
(1) we can see how we prefer the main
parts over each other using the AHP


1. The system displays the products in an

easy and simple way
Marketing Engineering
2. The system works on all operating

The online
3. The system provides protection and marketing
safety information
1,3 Easy to system
Maintenance displays the
4. The system bears the pressure products in
an easy and
simple way
and provides
and safety

Programming User can

2 the project on register or log
all operating in from any
systems operating

4 Programming User can

the project to browse
withstand without any
user pressure problem

Table (3) Engineering Requirements with



The system provides protection for buyers'
Registered User: (Customer. money, issues a purchase invoice for them, and
Administrator) keeps their information confidential
Login system (Username and Password)
4. The system bears the pressure
Fill the form (with the required Customer The system can bear a large number of users at
information one time, and the purchase, processing with it is
Display old orders and select one of the quick
them to display it items
Start new orders and select required
product and quantity The final system shall be modular and easy to
Fill payment detail and sent order reconnect and reconnect parts of the system. The
Administrator application should be available at any time and
Display product details and add new serve the largest number of users at the same time
Display category list and can add/modify
them There are no environmental requirements
Create, modify and display payment type
Register new administrator employees E. INTEGRITY REQUIREMENTS
(create user ID’s for the admin and
employees in-order to login) Whenever possible, system will prevent incorrect
Change current user password and after data from being introduced and shall protect itself
from accidental misuse. In the event of lost
integrity, complete system (and settings), data
Display customer orders and most recent current orders will be reloaded
Create, modify and display country from back-up source. This may be a manual
information process analogues to opening a previous copy of
a data after system has crashed.

1. The system displays the products in an easy
and simple way Provide protection to the user, save user
information, issue an electronic purchase invoice
The system should display the products in an for him
easy, smooth and difficult way

2. The system works on all operating systems


The system works on Android system and Apple Analysis is an integral part of the development cycle of any
system, and there is a dedicated website for it system. The proposed new system will make use of files and
records in table’s prepared using database to store
information about everyday transaction. Having analysed the
3. The system provides protection and safety existing system, there is need for an alternative system; the
proposed system (electronic shopping system) will eliminate
the problems experienced in the existing system.
The proposed new system is design to enhance the following:

Consistency of Data


Increases Productivity

Easy update and Maintenance Operations Variety

Speed Optimization and reduce paper work.

There are many programming languages that have facilities

for database management, such as PHP, MYSQL, Dream
Weaver, html etc

PHP is the choice for this system;

It has powerful tools for managing data in the database files it

has variable names that will make meaning even to the users
of the system. It has tools and controls used for creating forms
on the interface in the user’s friendly manner. For database,
Microsoft Access is the choice for this system since it is a
database application in which each field constraints a discrete
item of information in a standardize format. The database
management system store in multiple locations, ease data
redundancy and inconsistency. The justification for the choice
of application packages are:

It is simply to understand and manipulate

It is especially good for handing lots of data that are

commercially and industrially oriented
Base of retrieval and update of files.


Functional decomposition is a recursive process

that iteratively describes the functionality of all
system components.



INPUT: an input design refers to the designing of the


used to enter the information, as well as any form on which

users write or types information. It facilitate the entry of
data into the computer system.


OUTPUT : Output design refers to the report that the

system produces, weather or the screen, on paper or in other
media such as the web, it is perhaps the most visible part of
any system because the primary reason for using an
information system is to access the information it produces.

VI. CONCLUSION [14] www.cio.com/forums/erp/
[15] www.CRMMagazine.com,.
[16] www.CRMCommunity.com.
Designed a website and an app at the same [17] www.privacyalliance.org,
[18] www.supply-chain.org.
time that help with internet marketing. I did
this using programming, design, and
understanding control methods. The online
shopping system is more convenient than
manual shopping. The administrator of most
marketing companies will have full control
over the online shopping system as a
module for product registration, ordering
and online payment will be performed. We
do not know what the future holds for us in
terms of technologies and developments,
but we will try to develop and do what is
best for users and not to have the system
monopolize a specific area and help in
developing this area in all ways.

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