002 Tacr en
002 Tacr en
002 Tacr en
Prepared by Mark Kelly, Joel Main, David Jackman, and Joe Lundeen
Ohio, United States
For Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Republic
of Indonesia (DG MIGAS)
This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and
ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents. (For project preparatory technical
assistance: All the views expressed herein may not be incorporated into the proposed project’s design.
TA-9189 INO: Pilot Carbon Capture and Storage Activity in the
Natural Gas Processing Sector
Prepared for:
Asian Development Bank
Project Manager – Shannon Cowlin, SCowlin@adb.org
ADB Contract – 137806-S53178
Executing Agency – Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia (DG MIGAS)
Prepared by:
505 King Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1
Section 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Gundih CCS Pilot Design Overview .............................................................................. 3
1.2 New Injection Well Location........................................................................................... 6
Section 2. Surface Facilities Design ........................................................................................... 11
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Basis of Design ............................................................................................................ 11
2.3 Design Specification .................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Process Description ..................................................................................................... 13
Equipment Description................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Control Philosophy....................................................................................................... 15
Section 3. Transport Facilities Design ........................................................................................ 17
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 17
3.2 Basis of Design ............................................................................................................ 18
3.3 Design Specification .................................................................................................... 18
Section 4. Subsurface Facilities Design ...................................................................................... 21
4.1 Geologic Overview of the Injection Well Location........................................................ 21
4.2 Injection Well Basis of Design ..................................................................................... 25
4.2.1 Location and Trajectory ................................................................................... 26
4.2.2 Well Size .......................................................................................................... 27
4.2.3 Materials of Construction ................................................................................. 27
4.2.4 Operational considerations .............................................................................. 28
4.2.5 Other Considerations ....................................................................................... 28
4.3 Site Characterization ................................................................................................... 28
4.3.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................ 28
4.3.2 Existing Data .................................................................................................... 28
4.3.3 Open Boreole Geophysical Logging Program ................................................. 31
4.3.4 Coring Program................................................................................................ 32
4.3.5 Reservoir Hydraulic and Geotechnical Testing ................................................ 33
4.4 Injection Well Design ................................................................................................... 34
4.4.1 Directional Drilling Plan .................................................................................... 35
4.4.2 Casing Design.................................................................................................. 38
4.4.3 Completion Details ........................................................................................... 42
4.4.4 Well Plugging and Abandonment..................................................................... 45
4.5 Operations and Maintenance....................................................................................... 46
4.6 CO2 Monitoring Program ............................................................................................. 48
Section 5. Cost Information......................................................................................................... 49
5.1 Surface Facilities Costs ............................................................................................... 49
5.2 Transportation.............................................................................................................. 51
List of Tables
Table 1-1. Components of the Gundih CCS pilot Project (ITB et al. 2015),
recommendations from Battelle (2018), and final design incorporated in the
current study................................................................................................................ 5
Table 4-1. Basis of design requirements for the Gundih pilot CO2 injection well. ....................... 25
Table 4-2. Summary of available general well data in the Gundih Field. .................................... 29
Table 4-3. Summary of the available geophysical log data in the Gundih Field. ........................ 30
Table 4-4. Summary of recommended petrophysical logs and logging intervals. ....................... 32
Table 4-5. Summary of proposed core acquisition details. ......................................................... 33
Table 4-6. Summary of proposed core analyses. ....................................................................... 33
Table 4-7. Prognosis for the geologic formations to be encountered during drilling. .................. 35
Table 4-8. Details for the directional drilling plan. ....................................................................... 36
Table 4-9. borehole and casing depths and diameters s for the pilot well in the Gundih
Field........................................................................................................................... 38
Table 4-10. Casing specifications. .............................................................................................. 39
Table 4-11. Proposed wellhead and Christmas Tree API design specifications. ........................ 43
Table 4-12. Subsurface Monitoring Objectives and Methods for the Gundhh Pilot-Scake
CCS Project............................................................................................................... 48
Table 5-1. Major purchased equipment cost data. ...................................................................... 49
Table 5-2. Total project cost estimates for 150 TPD scenario. ................................................... 50
Table 5-3. Annual Operating Costs for surface facility equipment. ............................................. 51
Table 5-4. Estimated cost for subsurface component of pilot project. ........................................ 52
List of Figures
Figure 1-1. Conceptual schematic of the original Gundih Pilot Project Design (from ITB
et al., 2015). ................................................................................................................ 4
Figure 1-2. Gundih gas processing plant schematic showing possible tap points for the
pilot-scale treatment system. ....................................................................................... 5
Figure 1-3. Location of the Gundih Area showing the three gas fields KTB, RBT, and
KDL. ............................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 1-4. The three candidate injection well locations evaluated by ITB (2019): INJ-2
(directional well), INJ-3 (directional well) and INJ-4 (vertical well). ............................. 7
Figure 1-5. Total mole fraction CO2 case 2C kv/kh 0.5 (a) initial; (b) end of injection
2021; (c) end of contract 2035; (d) after 100 years (source: ITB, 2019). .................... 8
Figure 1-6. Total mole fraction CO2 case 2B kv/kh 0.5 (a) initial; (b) end of injection 2021;
(c) end of contract 2035; (d) after 100 years (source: ITB, 2019) ............................... 9
Figure 1-7. Total mole fraction CO2 case 2A kv/kh 0.5 (a) initial; (b) end of injection 2021;
(c) end of contract 2035; (d) after 100 years (source: ITB, 2019). ............................ 10
Figure 2-1. Process arrangement displaying H2S absorber outlet as CO2 tapping point. ........... 11
Figure 2-2. Surface equipment process flow. ............................................................................. 12
Figure 2-3. Diagram displaying the process flow of the surface facilities associated with
the pilot project. ......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 3-1. Layout of Pipelines (yellow line) from Gundih CPP to the INJ-2 injection well. ........ 17
Figure 3-2. Elevation Profile Route from the INJ-2 injection site to the Gundih CPP.................. 17
Figure 3-3. Diagram displaying pipe and valve arrangement for flow measurement at
each project location. ................................................................................................ 19
Figure 4-1. The Gundih Block is comprised of three structural culminations (KDL, RBT,
KTB) within the Randublatung physiographic province of east Java. The
contoured structural map of the Kujung Formation surface reveals three
reefal structures......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 4-2. Stratigraphic column for the Gundih Block with caprock and reservoir
depicted. Depth indicated is for top of Kujung Formation. Actual CO2 storage
depth is potentially deeper depending on injection location within or adjacent
to the reef. ................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 4-3. Example well logs for the KTB site from the KTB-2 well. ......................................... 24
Figure 4-4. Example static earth models for the Gundih Block. At left, the water
saturation model implies where gas accumulation (orange color) occurs up-
dip within the reef structures. At right, the platform margin reef facies provide
good opportunity for CO2 storage. ............................................................................. 24
Figure 4-5. Trajectory and depth of proposed injection well at the INJ-02 location (ITB,
2019). (Note that the bottomhole delta MD value should be 4100 m rather
than 3600 m) ............................................................................................................. 27
Figure 4-6. Generalized Stratigraphy of the East Java Basin. .................................................... 35
Figure 4-7. Planned well deviation in cross-sectional view showing mud weights used for
wells KTB-1 and KTB-2. ............................................................................................ 37
Figure 4-8. Diagram of casing details for the Gundih Field pilot CO2 Injection well. ................... 40
Figure 4-9. Example wellhead and Christmas tree design. ........................................................ 44
Figure 4-10. Example Instrumentation Flange showing Penetration for Instrument Line. .......... 45
Figure 5-1. Injection Well Costs totaling $17,638,770 (does not include monitoring) ................. 53
Figure 5-2. Total Project Cost Estimate for the Gundih 2-year 150 t/d Pilot CCS Project .......... 54
Executive Summary
This document presents an updated feasibility study for the Gundih pilot carbon capture and
storage project, which is authorized under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Technical
Assistance TA-9189 “Pilot Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Project in the Natural Gas
Processing Sector (49204-002)” for evaluation and development of carbon capture and storage
(CCS) technologies for mitigation of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from anthropogenic
sources. This feasibility study provides a near-final design for a two-year, 100,000 tonne, CO2
capture and storage project at a site in Central Java, Indonesia. The project outlined in this
document represents a major revision to the original pilot project design, which was
documented in ITB (2015). The major differences are: the target CO2 mass for the two-year
project has been increased to 100,000 tonnes from 20,000 tonnes; CO2 will be transported from
the source (Gundih Central Processing Plant) to the injection site via pipeline rather than truck;
and injection will take place at a new location in close proximity to the CPP, requiring a new
injection well. Selection of a new injection site was conducted by ITB as part of their scope
under their Center of Excellence (COE) contract with ADB. This feasibility study document
provides a design, operations and maintenance requirements, subsurface monitoring plan, and
a cost estimate for the two-year pilot CCS project. The pilot system includes the following
functional components:
• Surface facility (source gas treatment (H2S removal, dehydration, and compression);
• Pipeline;
• Flow measurement facility;
• Injection well;
• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) control system (computers, networked
data communications and graphical user interfaces) for high-level process supervisory
• Subsurface monitoring infrastructure (in-well and above-ground monitoring equipment and
instrumentation, multiple geophysical arrays cemented in shallow boreholes).
This Feasibility Study document is one of three documents that together provide an executable
plan for the Gundih pilot CCS project. The other two companion documents are:
Section 1. Introduction
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is providing technical assistance to the Republic of
Indonesia under TA-9189 INO: Pilot Carbon Capture and Storage Activity in the Natural Gas
Processing Sector (49204-002) for evaluation and development of carbon capture and storage
(CCS) technologies for mitigation of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from anthropogenic
sources. As part of this effort, Battelle (Battelle’s team members include Trimeric Corporation,
Elnusa, and Serenity West Pacific Corp.) was selected in April 2018 to provide technical
advisory support for the project. In the initial phase of work, Battelle conducted a due diligence
and state of readiness review of the proposed Gundih pilot storage project as described in the
original feasibility study for the project (ITB, 2015). As a part of the initial phase of work, Battelle
also reviewed other information and documents that became available after the 2015 feasibility
study was released that proposed modifications to the original project design. A list of
documents and information reviewed is provided in Battelle (2018).
Based on the recommendations made by Battelle (2018) following the initial project review, ADB
directed Battelle to conduct a more detailed due diligence assessment of the Gundih Project.
The primary objectives of the current phase of work are to: 1) update the Gundih pilot project
feasibility study (reference) to reflect changes in the injection well location and other aspects as
needed, 2) prepare a project risk assessment, project delivery plans, and a project assurance
framework consistent with the technical approach defined in the feasibility study; and 3) develop
procurement documents suitable for soliciting budgetary quotes (typically +/- 20% accuracy)..
Collectively, this information will enable the ADB Board to determine whether the projects
should proceed to field execution phase.
This document presents the updated feasibility study; the other requirements described above,
i.e., objective 2) (project risk assessment, project delivery plans, and a project assurance
framework and objective 3) (procurement documents suitable for soliciting budgetary quotes)
are each provided in a separate companion document to this feasibility study. This document
includes the following information:
Table 1-1, along with the final design decision incorporated in this document. Battelle (2018)
recommendations include identifying a new injection site that is closer to the CPP with
amenable properties for the injection test, so that the cost of CO2 pipeline transport would be
more comparable to truck transport, and the cost and risk associated with truck transport can be
reduced. Battelle also recommended a cost-benefit analysis to select the best-suited
transportation option. This was done as part of the current study, and as a result, the pipeline
option was selected. This reduces treatment at the central processing plant (CPP) because
liquefaction is eliminated, and handling requirements are essentially eliminated both at the CPP
and the injection site. In exchange, compression of the CO2 at the CPP is added for the pipeline
option. In this study, the “tap point” for obtaining CO2 at the Gundih CPP, a subject of extensive
discussion due to inconsistent performance of the Bio-SRU (sulfur removal unit), is downstream
of the H2S absorber so the source gas to the pilot project has a lower hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
concentration. This assumes that the Bio-SRU performance becomes consistent at its design
treatment H2S concentration of 3,000 ppm. ADB has indicated that they will not support the pilot
study if the Bio-SRU cannot be operated consistently to achieve this level.
Figure 1-1. Conceptual schematic of the original Gundih Pilot Project Design (from ITB et al., 2015).
Table 1-1. Components of the Gundih CCS pilot Project (ITB et al. 2015), recommendations from
Battelle (2018), and final design incorporated in the current study.
Key Component
• Capture 30 tonnes of CO2 per day (20,000 tonnes over two years) from the Gundih natural gas
central processing plant (CPP) in Central Java,
• Transport the CO2 via truck to the Jepon field about 60 km away where it would be injected into an
existing well (Jepon-1), and
• Conduct subsurface and surface monitoring in the vicinity of the injection site for two years.
Recommendations from Battelle (2018)
• The location of the tap point for the source gas will have a significant impact on the pilot project
design. Assuming the Bio-SRU performance becomes consistent at its design outlet H2S
concentration of 3,000 ppm, the tap point should be downstream of the H2S absorber (see location 2
in Figure 1-2) so the source gas to the Pilot Project has a lower H2S concentration. A lower H2S
concentration translates into lower operating costs and a better fit for a solid scavenger system. If the
operating costs can be kept reasonable, the lower capital cost of a scavenger system can be a good
fit for a pilot project.
• Transportation: trucking over large distances is not recommended; try to locate the new injection site
close to the CPP so that both trucking and pipeline are both viable;
• The Jepon-1 well is not recommended for use as the injection well due to integrity issues.
Furthermore, the geology of the area around the Jepon-1 well is not suitable for a pilot injection test.
A new injection site closer to the CPP needs to be selected so that CO2 transport via pipeline could
be considered as an alternative to trucking. In the case of the pipeline option, the CO2 capture
process would not require a liquefaction step and the dehydration method could be with glycol. Both
actions would result in less capital and operating cost for the pilot.
• Conduct subsurface and surface monitoring in the vicinity of the injection site for two years but adjust
monitoring design to new site geology/conditions.
Final Design Incorporated in the current Feasibility Study Document
• The tap point for the source gas will downstream of the H2S absorber (see location 1 in Figure 1-2).
• CO2 transport via pipeline
• A new injection site has been selected at the Gundih CPP. Injection rate for the Pilot increased from
30 t/d (20,0000 tonnes over 2 years) to 150 t/d (100,000 tonnes over 2 years).
• Subsurface and surface monitoring will be conducted in the vicinity of the injection site for two years.
Figure 1-2. Gundih gas processing plant schematic showing possible tap points for the pilot-scale
treatment system.
Figure 1-3. Location of the Gundih Area showing the three gas fields KTB, RBT, and KDL.
To determine the best location for the injection well, ITB (2019) modeled CO2 injection and
spreading at three locations each with multiple injection rates. The three candidate injection
locations were chosen based on properties of the reservoir, including i.e. porosity, permeability,
and distance of well to reservoir target. In all simulations, the CO2 was injected near the bottom
of the reservoir to minimize the potential for CO2 injection to adversely affect production of
methane gas from the upper portion of the reservoir. The three injection locations are referred to
as INJ-2, INJ-3, and INJ-4. Three injection rates were simulated for each of the three well
locations, including 0.57 MMSCFD for two years (30 tonnes/day), 2.85 MMSCFD for two years
(100 tonnes/day), and 15 MMSCFD for 10 years (800 tonnes/day). The second scenario (2.85
MMSCFD for two years) is the design case for the Pilot Test. The first rate (0.57 MMSCFD for
two years) was the injection design included in the original feasibility study (ITB et al., 2015) and
was reevaluated by ITB for the purpose of comparing the quality of the new sites under
consideration to the original Jepon-1 well site. The third injection rate (2.85 MMSCFD for 10
years) was evaluated by ITB to assess the feasibility of injecting 100% of the CPP plant CO2
The surface location for all three candidate injection wells is the well pad for the existing KTB-4
production well; however, the trajectory for each of the wells is different and consequently so is
the bottomhole depth (total well depth includes horizontal and vertical lengths), and location, as
shown in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4. The three candidate injection well locations evaluated by ITB (2019): INJ-2 (directional well),
INJ-3 (directional well) and INJ-4 (vertical well).
The rationale for INJ-2 was to locate the injector well far from the productive gas zones,
although the permeability is not highly favorable (average permeability near INJ-2 well is 14
mD). On the other hand, INJ-3 and INJ-4 are both located in areas with better porosity and
permeability, but closer to the productive gas zone. The rationale for INJ-04 (vertical well) is to
minimize total well depth and therefore cost relative to INJ-2 and INJ-3.
Figure 1-5, Figure 1-6, and Figure 1-7 are the cross section of simulated CO2 movement for the
most conservative scenario for each of the three wells (plotted in CO2 mole fraction grid) for the
design injection rate of 100,000 tonnes over two years (2.85 MMSCFD for two years). The light
blue grid is the gas productive zone, the dark blue is the water zone / aquifer and the red is the
CO2 injected. Other model scenarios are provided in the ITB (2019) report. Based on these
results and other factors (e.g. proximity to the CPP, injection well INJ-02 was selected for the
purpose of developing an injection well design and cost estimate for this feasibility study)(note:
INJ-2 was selected because initially ITB only modeled this well location and the modeling
results for the INJ-3 and INJ-4 locations were not available in time to develop a well design for
this report. However, using the information provided in this report, a well design and cost
estimate could easily be developed for these other two locations).
Figure 1-5. Total mole fraction CO2 case 2C kv/kh 0.5 (a) initial; (b) end of injection 2021; (c) end of
contract 2035; (d) after 100 years (source: ITB, 2019).
Figure 1-6. Total mole fraction CO2 case 2B kv/kh 0.5 (a) initial; (b) end of injection 2021; (c) end of
contract 2035; (d) after 100 years (source: ITB, 2019)
Figure 1-7. Total mole fraction CO2 case 2A kv/kh 0.5 (a) initial; (b) end of injection 2021; (c) end of
contract 2035; (d) after 100 years (source: ITB, 2019).
Figure 2-1. Process arrangement displaying H2S absorber outlet as CO2 tapping point.
Past studies have evaluated the process and cost benefits of selecting take-off location 1
(downstream of the H2S absorber) for the CO2 source or take-off location 2 (upstream of the
H2S absorber). The cost of H2S removal has been shown to be a significant component of the
pilot project and the H2S concentration at location 1 is about 10% of location 2. Using take-off
point 1 for the pilot takes advantage of the existing H2S treatment at the Gundih CPP and
reduces the overall equipment size and cost of H2S treatment required for the pilot project. The
CO2 source and process design outlined in this report represent a balance between capital and
operating costs for the pilot project, keeping the overall costs reasonable for a two-year injection
specification of equipment for suppliers to develop commercial offerings is discussed in the next
The gas composition and conditions used for the surface equipment design is based on the data
in the 2017 ICoE report. The composition (dry basis) of this stream is shown in the figure, but
the stream is water saturated from the Gundih CPP.
The process equipment was also designed to meet the CO2 product specification of:
Figure 2-3. Diagram displaying the process flow of the surface facilities associated with the pilot project.
countercurrent to the gas flow in the vessel. Dehydrated CO2 leaves the top of the vessel, while
rich TEG (TEG that contains the dissolved water) leaves the bottom of the vessel. There is
typically a pressure reduction step in a flash vessel that releases some CO2 (usually vented, but
can be routed to lower suction stage of compressor), followed by one (1) or more heat
exchange steps between the rich TEG on its way to the regenerator and the lean TEG on its
way from the regenerator back to the absorber.
Following water removal, the dry CO2 stream from the contactor is routed back to the
compressor and the 5th stage of compression boosts the stream to 2,100 psig for transport to
the injection well. The discharge of the compressor is higher than the required injection pressure
of 2,000 psig to account for pressure drop loss that can occur in measurement and the pipeline.
The flow rate into and out of the pipeline will be measured to provide a means of continuously
monitoring the integrity of the line.
Equipment Description
Select process information is listed below for the major equipment to provide context to the
requirements of the surface equipment of the pilot project.
• Each vessel is designed to meet the 50 ppmv requirement on its own, flow through one (1)
vessel during bed change out
• Vessel isolation venting pressure for bed change out is manual operation
• Spent scavenger is disposed of following waste disposal testing; material is not regarded as
a hazardous waste in similar applications
• Two (2) bed system will handle upsets (periods of higher H2S levels) and still meet the
product specification, but the time between change outs would be reduced
• Materials of construction (MOC) for the scavenger vessels for sour, water saturated CO2 are
typically 304L or 316L stainless steel
• No automation of the isolation valve at the take-off location inside the Gundih CPP facility. If
pilot plant operations shut down, manual valve to the pilot unit will be closed and CO2 source
flow will route to thermal oxidizer as today.
• Emergency shutdown valves (ESV) will be located on the inlet gas to the pilot process, at the
inlet to the pipeline, and at the outlet of the pipeline. These valves will operate to isolate the
system in case of an operational upset.
• Inlet H2S concentration will not be measured, the data from the Gundih CPP will be used to
track this parameter.
• The performance of the H2S treatment system will be monitored with an online analyzer in
the process area or at the pipeline inlet.
• The performance of the TEG dehydration system will be monitored with an online analyzer in
the process or at the pipeline inlet.
• The compressor package will include a PLC unit to monitor and control the operation.
• The H2S removal system will not have automation.
• The TEG dehydration system will include a PLC unit to monitor and control operation.
• The flow into and out of the pipeline will be measured through orifice meters and the surface
injection condition monitored at the well site.
• Data from the well site and the injection well will be transferred to the pilot surface facility
location via fiber optic cable.
• PLC data and instrumentation from site and injection location will be integrated into HMI
(human machine interface) screens for operators to monitor injection and a data historian will
pull and store required information.
The control approach will be further defined during the detailed engineering phase of the
project. In addition, the site specifications and company specifications (mechanical, electrical,
civil, instrumentation, and other areas) of Pertamina will be referred to in order to refine the
equipment packages and be the basis of the onsite work performed by the general contractor or
Figure 3-1. Layout of Pipelines (yellow line) from Gundih CPP to the INJ-2 injection well.
Figure 3-2. Elevation Profile Route from the INJ-2 injection site to the Gundih CPP.
Examples of items furnished by the Company for projects of this type include:
Figure 3-3. Diagram displaying pipe and valve arrangement for flow measurement at each project
Figure 4-1. The Gundih Block is comprised of three structural culminations (KDL, RBT, KTB) within the
Randublatung physiographic province of east Java. The contoured structural map of the Kujung
Formation surface reveals three reefal structures.
Good CO2 storage potential exists at all three structures but the KTB area was selected to host
the CO2 injection well because of its close proximity to the Gundih CPP (less than 2 miles or 3.2
km). Additionally, the Kujung occurs at a shallower depth compared to the other two structures
(therefore well costs will be lower) yet deep enough so that the CO2 will exist as a supercritical
liquid when injected. (Figure 4-2). The reservoir rock is overlain by the Tuban Formation, an
interlayered claystone and limestone, which has served as a seal for hydrocarbons in this reef.
The stratigraphic column in Figure 4-2 shows the lithostratigraphy for this potential storage site.
Figure 4-2. Stratigraphic column for the Gundih Block with caprock and reservoir depicted. Depth
indicated is for top of Kujung Formation. Actual CO2 storage depth is potentially deeper depending on
injection location within or adjacent to the reef.
Example well logs for the KBT-2 well indicate that the reservoir rock in the vicinity of the
proposed injection well location is largely comprised of clean limestone (Figure 4-3). Effective
porosity (track 9 in Figure 4-3) averages 5% with frequent peaks as high at 10%. The gamma
ray log (track 4 in Figure 4-3) indicates an abrupt transition from the Kujung Formation into the
overlying Tuban claystone (caprock). Three drill stem tests (DSTs) were conducted in the KBT-2
well within the reservoir (tracks 2 and 3 in Figure 4-3); however, these were only for the purpose
of collecting fluid samples and not for determining reservoir hydraulic properties. The Tuban
caprock is generally lacking data. Formation testing, coring, advanced logging, and packer
testing will be conducted within the caprock and reservoir, if borehole conditions allow, to better
characterize the injectivity, storage, and containment potential of the formations.
Figure 4-3. Example well logs for the KTB site from the KTB-2 well.
Significant static earth modeling has already been conducted (ITB, 2019) for the Gundih block
and this work provides the necessary background for selecting a potential injection well location.
Water saturation modeling (Figure 4-4) reveals where hydrocarbons have accumulated in the
structural traps in the Kujung (below the Tuban claystone, not shown). Facies modeling for the
KTB site shows that it is largely comprised of platform marine reef carbonates (Figure 4-4).
Figure 4-4. Example static earth models for the Gundih Block. At left, the water saturation model implies
where gas accumulation (orange color) occurs up-dip within the reef structures. At right, the platform
margin reef facies provide good opportunity for CO2 storage.
Table 4-1. Basis of design requirements for the Gundih pilot CO2 injection well.
Criteria Criteria Value
Location and • Inject into Kujung Formation Avoid injected CO2 from reaching gas zone
trajectory of but do not interfere with gas
injection well production
• Start from existing well pad at Well INJ-02 was chosen for the purpose of
Gundih field developing a well design for this feasibility study
(proposed location for INJ-02 is the well pad for
existing production well KTB-04 – see Figure 1-4
for location; see Figure 4-5 below for trajectory)
• Preferred bottomhole target Based on modeling (ITB, 2019)
• Well perforation interval – Based on modeling (ITB, 2019)
(3896 to 3916 m MD) –
Well size CO2 total injection amount 100,000 tonnes (2.85 MMSCFD; assumes 20,805
during two-year pilot study MMSCF/tonne)
Daily CO2 injection rate: 137 to 183 tonnes/day
• minimum daily injection rate
assumes continuous injection
over two-year period;
• upper bound daily injection
rate assumes well is
operational only 75% of the
• Packer and tubing string Size (diam.) of (injection tubing must be able to
required accommodate design injection rate without
excessive friction head loss
• Accommodate subsurface (in- 2-7/8 in. diam tubing inside 5-1/2 in. diam. casing;
well) monitoring 8-1/2 in. diam. borehole.
̶ Real-time bottom-hole P/T
̶ fiber optic cable outside
deep casing string
• Borehole large enough to Minimum 7-7/8 inch diam.
accommodate wireline testing
tools (e.g., Schlumberger
MDT; Baker RCX)
Table 4-1 (continued). Basis of design requirements for the Gundih pilot CO2 injection well.
Figure 4-5. Trajectory and depth of proposed injection well at the INJ-02 location (ITB, 2019). (Note that
the bottomhole delta MD value should be 4100 m rather than 3600 m)
materials were specified for the tubulars (tubing, casing) because of the anticipated short
service life of the well and low levels of H2S (<50 ppm).
4.3.1 Objectives
A geologic characterization program will be implemented in the injection well borehole during
drilling to better characterize the distribution of important reservoir and caprock properties.
These properties will be incorporated into the site-specific reservoir model, which will be used to
help decide certain well completion details (e.g., perforation intervals) and to forecast the lateral
and vertical spreading of the injected CO2. Because no monitoring wells are planned for this
project, extra reliance will be placed on the model to forecast/track the CO2 plume during the
operational period. Hence, it is essential that the model accurately represents the subsurface
geology, which requires detailed characterization data.
The objectives of this Site Characterization Plan are to summarize the existing data available to
the Gundih CCS project and to identify the types of data that will be collected for the project as
part of the borehole characterization effort. The rationale is to conduct a detailed
characterization of near wellbore geology to identify CO2 injection interval(s) and confining units
in support of the development of an accurate reservoir model. The borehole characterization
program elements include geophysical logging, coring, core testing and analysis, packer testing,
stress measurements (mini-frac testing), borehole seismic, and other reservoir testing methods.
reservoir data associated with them. In addition to the borehole data, 3D and 2D seismic data
exists across the study area and have been used, along with the borehole data, to generate the
initial static earth model created by ITB (2019). The tables below summarize the relevant
existing data in the Gundih field. These tables also identify data gaps that are to be filled by the
data collection program for the proposed injection well. A more complete overview of the
existing data in the Gundih Field and the modeling work that has been done to date can be
found in ITB (2019).
Table 4-2. Summary of available general well data in the Gundih Field.
Well Well Well Well Well Well Well Well Well
Data Type 1 1 2 3TW 4 6ST 1A 2 3ST
Petrophysical Well Logs ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
& Core Data Petrographic
✔ ✔ --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Microscope & --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
X-ray Diffraction
Mud Log ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Routine Core
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Special Core
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Well & Well Report:
Reservoir Cutting, Mud ✔ ✔ --- ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ --- ---
Data Drilling
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ --- ✔
Static Pressure
✔ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Well Test ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
PVT ✔ ✔ ✔ --- ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ---
*See section 8.4.4 Core Analyses for explanation of routine and special core analysis. Mudlogging
A mud log will be compiled during drilling. Mud loggers inspect formation cuttings produced
during drilling and identify which formation was being drilled, approximate elevations for the
formation’s top and bottom, and the formation’s lithology. They work closely with the rig crew to
develop this information and to use it for more efficient drilling. The mud loggers also monitor
gas production from the well. This information is used by the mud engineers to formulate the
drilling fluid, and to help to ensure safety of the crews against the presence of harmful gasses.
Additional geophysical borehole characterization data will be collected via a vertical seismic
profile (VSP) gather that will be performed post well completion.
The recommended coring program includes up to 240 ft of whole core and up to 120 sidewall
core samples from the caprock and reservoir intervals
Special core analysis refers to any measurements that are not part of routine core analysis.
Reservoir properties measured include relative permeability and capillary pressure.
Petrographic and mineralogical studies include thin sections and X-ray diffraction. These
measurements are usually made in selected intervals and formations.
The core analysis program for the Gundih CCS Project will build upon information from the
current wells at the Gundih Field.
Table 4-7. Prognosis for the geologic formations to be encountered during drilling.
Formation Name Pilot Well Prognosis RBT-01A Well
Lidah Surface Surface
Mundu NA 515.87 m TVD
Ledok NA 773.10 m TVD
Wonocolo 284 m TVD 1022.60 m TVD
Ngrayong 1006 m TVD 1528.90 m TVD
Tawun/Tuban 1596 m TVD 2151.0 m TVD
Kujung 2964 m TVD 2939.60 m TVD
Ngimbang 3490 m TVD NA
will be deviated N30°E at an angle of 30° to achieve the correct trajectory. Figure 4-7 shows the
planned trajectory for the injection well at the INJ-2 location. Note that the well is vertical to a
depth of approximately 300 m below that depth and will be deviated using either a rotary
steerable or a downhole motor. A rotary steerable system (RSS) is preferred because it will drill
the well more efficiently and less time will be spent adjusting/orienting the tool face with
aggressive bit usage (issues with a motor when trying to control the tool-face) and maximizing
drilling parameters.
Figure 4-7. Planned well deviation in cross-sectional view showing mud weights used for wells KTB-1 and
Sliding with a mud motor could pose challenges due to weight stacking. The weight stacking is
more profound when water-based mud (WBM) is used because the friction factor is higher than
the synthetic oil-based mud (SOBM). Another advantage of using a RSS is that it will result in a
smoother borehole and therefore make it easier to install casing. This will also aid in improved
borehole conditions, which is important for the extensive logging and formation evaluation
program. A mud motor creates "micro-doglegs" which increase the tortuosity of the hole section
which, depending on the severity, will increase the chance the drilling assembly becomes stuck
due to key-seating. RSS continuous rotation and higher rotating speed will also help improve
hole cleaning of the well.
Table 4-9. Borehole and casing depths and diameters for the pilot well in the Gundih Field.
Hole Size Diameter Shoe Depth Formation
(inches) (Inches) (m MD) Setting Depth
Driven/Drilled 30 30 Surface
26 20 300 Wonocolo
17 ½ 13 1094 Ngrayong
12¼ x 14¾. 11 ¾a TBD Tuban
12 ¼ 9 b 2346 - 3356 Tuban
8½ 5½ 0 – 4100 Kujung
a. Contingency casing liner
b. Casing liner
Figure 4-8. Diagram of casing details for the Gundih Field pilot CO2 Injection well.
The 36-inch borehole hole section will initially be drilled with a 17½-in. pilot hole using a WBM. It
will then be opened up with a 17½-in. bull nose x 26-in. x 36-in. hole opening assembly. At total
depth the hole will be back reamed and a 30 bbl Hi-Vis pill will be pumped and displaced with
WBM gel.
The conductor string section will be cemented with approximately 80 barrels (bbl) of 1.9 specific
gravity slurry, that will cement the entire length (surface to 30 m MD) of the casing string.
temperature gradient in this well, a mud cooling unit may be needed in the deeper sections of
the well.
This section of the well will likely be cemented using a single stage cement job with a 1.68
specific gravity lead slurry followed by a 1.9 specific gravity tail slurry. The annular space will be
cemented along the entire length of the liner.
The well will be perforated to allow communication/injection into the selected zones. The
perforation details, including depths, density [holes per foot], hole diameter and penetration
distance) will be determined after the well has been drilled and the characterization activities
have been completed.
Using the U.S. EPA Class VI regulations as guidance, the CO2 will be injected into the desired
formation(s) through tubing. The tubing diameter will likely be 2 -inch to allow sufficient
injection into the reservoir and will be compatible with the carbon dioxide stream. The tubing will
also be designed with burst strength to withstand the injection pressure and the collapse
strength to withstand the pressure in the annulus between the tubing and the casing.
Consideration should be given to a metal-to-metal seal tubing connection due the higher than
normal temperature fluctuation that can occur in the Gundih Field. The precise length/depth of
tubing required will be determined once the injection zones have been selected.
Annular Fluid
The annular space above the packer between the 5½-inch injection casing and the 2 -inch
injection tubing will be filled with fluid to provide structural support for the injection tubing. If
required, a small positive pressure can be applied at the surface and continuously monitored to
ensure there are no leaks in the tubing, packer or casing. The maximum annulus surface
pressure will not exceed a value that would result in a pressure at the top of the packer that is
greater than the pressure inside the tubing when the bottom-hole injection pressure is at the
maximum allowable pressure.
The annular fluid will be a diluted salt solution such as KCl, NaCl, CaCl2, or similar. The fluid will
be mixed onsite using dry salt and clean fresh water or delivered pre-mixed. The fluid will also
be filtered to ensure that solids do not settle at the packer or other components installed in the
annulus. In addition, the annular fluid will contain additives and inhibitors including a corrosion
inhibitor, biocide/bactericide (to prevent harmful bacteria), and an oxygen scavenger
The wellhead and Christmas tree will meet the requirements of API SPEC 6A – Specification for
Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment Twenty-First Edition (2019) The wellhead and
Christmas tree will be composed of materials compatible with the injected fluid to minimize
corrosion. All components that are in contact with the CO2 injection fluid will be made of a
corrosion resistant alloy or a conventional material with a corrosion resistant inlay for flow
wetted component surfaces. The wellhead and Christmas tree will also be designed to
withstand the pressure and temperature conditions expected. Table 4-11 presents the
specifications for the wellhead and Christmas tree and Figure 4-9 presents an example diagram
of the wellhead/Christmas tree construction.
Table 4-11. Proposed wellhead and Christmas Tree API design specifications.
Bottom Top Pressure
Connection Connection Rating Material Temperature
Section (inches) (inches) (psi) Classification Rating
Section A 20 21 ¼ 3,000 TBD TBD
Section B 21 ¼ 11 5,000 TBD TBD
Section B2* 11 11 5,000 TBD TBD
Section C** 11 11 5,000 TBD TBD
THA*** 11 4 /16 5,000 TBD TBD
Xmas Tree 4 1/16 - 5,000 TDB TBD
*Section B2 Casing annulus monitoring instrumentation ported section
**Section C Tubing annulus monitoring instrumentation port access incorporated into tubing head
adapter and ported tubing hanger.
*** THA Tubing Head Adapter
The well will be equipped with fiber optic cable(s) outside the 5-1/2 in. casing and real-time
bottom-hole pressure and a temperature monitoring sensor on the outside of the tubing string.
This will require the inclusion of ported adaptor flange sections that will incorporate pressure
sealing ports. An example is shown in Figure 4-10.
Figure 4-10. Example Instrumentation Flange Showing Penetration for Instrument Line.
corrosive aspects of carbon dioxide/water mixtures, and protect any USDWs. Any necessary
revisions to the well plugging plan, to address new information collected during logging and
testing of the well will be made after construction, logging and testing of the well have been
After injection has been terminated, the well will be flushed with a kill weight brine fluid. A
minimum of three tubing volumes will be injected without exceeding the fracture
gradient/pressure. The bottom hole pressure will be measured, and the well will be logged and
pressure tested to ensure mechanical integrity, inside and outside the casing, prior to plugging.
At least one of the following logs, as described in 40 CFR §146.92(a), will be conducted to verify
external mechanical integrity prior to plugging operations:
• Temperature Log
• Noise Log
• Oxygen Activation Log
Should a loss of mechanical integrity be discovered, the well will be repaired prior to proceeding
with plugging operations. The anulus of all casing strings extending to surface will have been
cemented to surface during the well construction phase and will not be retrievable at
abandonment. When injection has been terminated permanently, the injection tubing and packer
will be retrieved and the well plugged with either, balanced cement plugs or a combination of
cement retainers and cement plugs. In the event the packer cannot be retrieved, the tubing will
be cut with an electric line tubing cutter leaving the packer in the well after which a cement
retainer will be used for plugging the injection formation below the packer.
All casing strings will be cut off approximately three feet subgrade, in accordance with
regulatory requirements, and a blanking plate with the well information welded to the cutoff
Wellhead Equipment
The wellhead (including Christmas Tree) components will need to be checked for leaks, proper
function, and general condition on a daily or weekly basis. This should be completed with visual
and audible inspections. The wellhead will be visually inspected for cracks, fluid flow out of the
wellhead, and the general condition of the wellhead components for oxidation or ill-fitting
connections. In addition, localized frost-covered equipment can provide an indication of a leak in
the wellhead or piping. Often even small leaks are audible, and the operator should listen to the
surface equipment for any indication of leaks. Automated valves controlling the flow of CO2 into
the well should also be checked for acceptable condition. Any leaks or improper function should
be reported. Periodically, the automated and manually operated valves should be checked for
proper operation. The valves should be fully closed and fully opened to confirm the valves hold
pressure and allow proper CO2 flow to the well. The electronic relays or physical actuators on
automated valves should be checked to confirm that they “trip” properly. The inspection of the
valves should be performed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. All moving parts
and seals should be properly lubricated according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Downhole Equipment
Annular pressure monitoring/testing can provide data to monitor the integrity of the well. Annular
pressure testing is performed on the annular space between the injection tubing and injection
casing to examine the integrity of the tubing, packer, and long casing string before injection
commences and following any workover event that involves removing the tubing/packer.
Monitoring/testing can also be performed between the individual casing strings in order to
confirm the integrity of the outer casing strings and cement between the strings.
After the tubing string and packer have been set at the desired depth and the annular space has
been filled with fluid, an annular pressure test (mechanical integrity test) should be conducted to
confirm proper sealing of the equipment prior to commencing injection. During the test, the
tubing/casing annulus should be increased to an appropriate value (e.g., the U.S. EPA
regulations require a test pressure between 300 and 2,000 psi but is dependent upon the
maximum allowable injection pressure), an appropriate duration (e.g., 15 minutes to one hour)
to detect changes that could indicate leakage. A maximum pressure loss or gain of 5% would
indicate acceptable integrity.
During injection operations, annulus pressure will be maintained at a small positive pressure;
therefore, an annular pressure maintenance system is required to control the pressure in the
annular space. O&M activities should include regular inspection of the annular pressure
maintenance system components (e.g., air/nitrogen cylinders, tubing, gauges, transducer, data
logger, etc.).
The interior condition of the tubing must be maintained to prevent plugging and interference of
CO2 injection. Indicators of plugged tubing would be an increase in wellhead tubing pressure
without a corresponding increase in the tubing pressure at the depth of the reservoir. Depending
on the cause of the plugging (hydrates, lubricants from the compressors, or corrosion) actions
can be made to remedy the issue. Hydrates are often addressed with the injection of methanol
into the injection lines and organic lubricants can often be remedied with an organic solvent.
Corrosion of the tubing may require replacement of sections of the tubing or the entire tubing
Table 4-12. Subsurface Monitoring Objectives and Methods for the Gundih Pilot-Scale CCS
Monitoring Focus Objective Method
Point of Injection Monitor/document the chemical Periodically sample CO2 fluid and
composition and physical properties submit to commercial laboratory or
(e.g., pH, density, viscosity) of the analyze on site
injection fluid
Monitor/document surface and P&T sensors with real-time readout
bottomhole injection pressure and and data logging capability will be used
temperature data during the two-year to record continuous data stream
injection period
Monitor pressure buildup in the Injection fall-off tests conducted
injection reservoir periodically (e.g., every 3 months)
Monitor injection well skin for indication
of plugging or other obstructions
Detect vertical leakage of CO2 or brine Pulsed Neutron Capture log monitoring
from the injection reservoir to overlying or
layers via the well-formation annulus Continuous DTS monitoring for
temperature anomalies
Reservoir Monitor lateral and vertical spreading DAS; DSS; DTS
monitoring of CO2 in the injection reservoir
Detect changes in shallow Periodically collect and sample
groundwater aquifer chemistry due to samples of the shallow groundwater.
CO2 or brine leakage and analyze
Detect pressure/CO2 impact to existing Monitor produced fluids for increase in
gas-production well CO2
Detect induced seismicity Multiple shallow boreholes will be
instrumented with geophone array that
will continuously monitor seismicity.
• Compressor – USA quote basis from multiple CO2 compressor projects (include import duty)
• H2S removal – Vertis quote (four vessel system adjusted to represent two vessel system)
• Dehydration – Vertis quote
• Pipeline – Elnusa quote
Minor process components listed below were estimated based on previous project experience:
• Piping required between CPP Gundih and injection well (500-ft of 8-in. pipe for 150 TPD)
• Shutdown valve (SDV), moisture analyzer, and flow measurement for pipeline and injection
well site
• Piping and instrumentation costs for pipeline flow measurement and injection well site
• Fiber optic cable for installation into ditch during pipeline construction
A summary of the major purchased equipment cost data used in the cost analysis is shown
below in Table 5-1.
The basis for budgetary quotes was 150 TPD, the equipment estimates for 30 TPD were
extrapolated using the ratio of design capacity or characteristic size to the 0.6 power (the 6/10
rule). For the H2S scavenging system the Vertis quote of four vessels was reduced by 50% to
serve as the cost basis. A two-vessel system would still have a bed life of 19 days; this change
out frequency is acceptable for a two-year test period, and the capital savings is significant. The
budgetary quote for the dehydration system was four to five times the expected cost for
equipment of this size based on USA project experience. A second quote was not available, so
the quote obtained is used for the project cost basis. Consideration should be given to
fabrication of the dehydration system in the USA if the Indonesian estimate does not change
The total project costs were estimated using a conventional, early project phase factored
method. Factors are included for installation at the plant (piping, labor, etc.) as well as taxes,
freight, and fees; a 20% contingency is also included. The total project cost estimates are
summarized in Table 5-2 for 150 TPD. The spreadsheet calculations are provided in Appendix
A. Lower installation factors were applied to the equipment as most are packaged systems and
much of what would be installation costs (e.g., most of the piping, instrumentation, and
engineering) for loose equipment are included in the packaged system purchased costs.
At the lower end of the table, the initial fill of H2S scavenger and glycol are listed. These costs
and the pipeline costs are not part of the contingency that is listed below the subtotal of project
costs. A contingency of 20% is shown for the project to reflect the level of cost uncertainty and
not having full scope definition or firm quotes for all project components.
Table 5-2. Total project cost estimates for 150 TPD scenario.
150 TPD Capture Pipeline & Well Site
Costs Costs Total
Major Equipment
Piping from CPP to Pilot $72,500 $72,500
Compressor Package $2,398,600 $2,398,600
H2S Scavenger System $775,000 $775,000
Dehydration $560,000 $560,000
Metering $100,000 $100,000
Total Major Equipment $3,806,100 $100,000 $3,906,100
Site/Foundations $228,400 $40,000 $268,400
Structural/Lifts $304,500 $25,000 $329,500
Piping $570,900 $60,000 $630,900
Instrumentation $304,500 $40,000 $344,500
Electrical $228,400 $25,000 $253,400
Total Installation $1,636,700 $190,000 $1,826,700
Tax/Freight/Fees $939,200 $67,800 $1,007,000
Engineering $255,300 $32,600 $287,900
Inspection/Oversight $127,600 $24, 500 $152,100
SulfaTreat 2242 Fill $140,600 $140,600
Glycol Fill $15,000 $15,000
Pipeline (TIC) $303,000 $303,000
Fiber Optic Cable $50,000 $50,000
The total project cost was also estimated for a pilot facility to capture and transport 30 TPD.
Although this flow rate is lower than the size required to inject 100,000 tons of CO2 in a two-year
test period, comparing costs of the different plant capacities provides some context for how
projects costs change with the different injection rates. For 30 TPD capacity, the installed cost
for the capture equipment was estimated at $4,190,000. For the pipeline and well location, the
installed cost was estimated at $761,900. The total installed project cost for the 30 TPD pilot
was estimated at $4,951,900. As shown in Table 5-2, the total project cost for 150 TPD was
estimated at $9,046,400. Although the flow rate of the 30 TPD pilot is 20% the rate of the 150
TPD pilot, the estimated cost is roughly 55% of the 150 TPD pilot.
The operating expenses estimated for the surface facility equipment include scavenger costs,
power costs (NG and electricity), and maintenance costs (Table 5-3). The largest of these costs
is for the scavenger used to remove H2S from the gas stream.
5.2 Transportation
The project costs for CO2 transport included two flow measurement facilities (inlet and outlet of
pipeline) and a 4.3 km pipeline. The installed cost for the pipeline was estimated by Elnusa
based on current material pricing and cost experience from similar pipeline projects. For the flow
measurement facilities, the total projects costs were estimated using the early project phase
factored method discussed previously. The total project cost estimates for the CO2 pipeline and
well site component of the pilot project are summarized above. Additional cost information for
the analysis is included in Appendix A.
sidewall coring), drilling rig fuel, completion, and monitoring. Cost estimates for the well
drilling/completion components were obtained from historical Pertamina authorization for
expenditure (AFE) documents and recent vendor quotes. A comprehensive and detailed cost
breakdown for the injection well is provided in Appendix B to this document. Note that the
monitoring costs included in the estimate in Table 5-4 ($5,000,000) is a lump sum estimate of all
monitoring (borehole seismic, surface seismic, microseismic, surface atmospheric monitoring,
pressure and temperature monitoring, etc.). The assumption is made that the funding for
monitoring would be provided by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency).
Figure 5-1. Injection Well Costs totaling $17,638,770 (does not include monitoring)
5.4 Summary
The total combined costs for the two-year 150 t/d pilot project is estimated to be $$36,573,170.
A breakdown of costs into major categories is provided in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2. Total Project Cost Estimate for the Gundih 2-year 150 t/d Pilot CCS Project
American Petroleum Institute (API). (2019). Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree
Equipment Twenty-First Edition
Battelle (2018). “TA-9189 INO: Pilot Carbon Capture and Storage Activity in the Natural Gas
Processing Sector Review of Proposed Pilot CO2 Capture and Storage Project in Gundih
Field”; prepared for Asian Development Bank under ADB Contract – 137806-S53178,
Executing Agency – Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources, Republic of Indonesia (DG MIGAS).
Battelle (2019). Gundih Project Management and Assurance Plan for ADB.
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). (2015). Technical Report of CCS Gundih Pilot Project
Feasibility Study for ADB. ITB: Bandung.
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Indonesia Center of Excellence of CCS and CCUS. (2019).
ADB-ITB Knowledge Partnership Program. ITB: Bandung.
TOTAL = A $1,553,045
SITE/FOUNDATIONS 0.06-0.2 0.1 X A $155,305 Use low end of range, eq is skidded mostly
STRUCTURES 0.15-0.3 0.08 X A $124,244 Limited need for structure for skids, use low value
EQUIPMENT ERECTION 0.15-0.3 0.04 X A $62,122 Mostly putting skids in place, use low number
PIPING 0.4-1.1 0.2 X A $310,609 Limited piping needs, low value
INSULATION 0-0.06 X A $0
PAINT 0.05-0.1 0.04 X A $62,122 Skids should be painted, low end value
FIRE PROTECTION 0.01-0.06 0.015 X A $23,296 H2S present in existing plant at tie-in
INSTRUMENTS 0.4-0.8 0.15 X A $232,957 Low value, skids instrumented
ELECTRICAL 0.15-0.4 0.1 X A $155,305 skids pre wired, use lower value, but add some for switchgear
ENGINEERING FACTOR = 0.06 X SUBTOTAL $189,918 use low value since skid cost includes vendor engr
TOTAL = A $3,806,104
SITE/FOUNDATIONS 0.06-0.2 0.06 X A $228,366 Use low end of range, eq is skidded mostly
STRUCTURES 0.15-0.3 0.05 X A $190,305 Limited need for structure for skids, use low value
EQUIPMENT ERECTION 0.15-0.3 0.03 X A $114,183 Mostly putting skids in place, use low number
PIPING 0.4-1.1 0.12 X A $456,732 Limited piping needs, low value
PAINT 0.05-0.1 0.02 X A $76,122 Skids should be painted, low end value
FIRE PROTECTION 0.01-0.06 0.01 X A $38,061 H2S present in existing plant at tie-in
INSTRUMENTS 0.4-0.8 0.08 X A $304,488 Low value, skids instrumented
ELECTRICAL 0.15-0.4 0.06 X A $228,366 skids pre wired, use lower value, large engines to be NG drive
ENGINEERING FACTOR = 0.04 X SUBTOTAL $255,275 use low value since skid cost includes vendor engr
TOTAL = A $100,000
SITE/FOUNDATIONS 0.06-0.2 0.4 X A $40,000
STRUCTURES 0.15-0.3 0.15 X A $15,000 pipe supports or vent
EQUIPMENT ERECTION 0.15-0.3 0.1 X A $10,000
PIPING 0.4-1.1 0.5 X A $50,000 open area, limited piping
INSULATION 0-0.06 0 X A $0
PAINT 0.05-0.1 0.1 X A $10,000 limited piping
FIRE PROTECTION 0.01-0.06 0 X A $0
INSTRUMENTS 0.4-0.8 0.4 X A $40,000 flow and P/T msmst
ELECTRICAL 0.15-0.4 0.25 X A $25,000
ENGINEERING FACTOR = 0.08 X SUBTOTAL $32,620 use low value since skid cost includes vendor engr
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE № : TBA
CONTRACT AREA № : Pertamina Asset IV WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well DATE : 27-Aug-2019
PLATFORM/TRIPOD : Onshore Drilling Unit
FIELD/STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban
SPUD DATE : TBA RIG DAYS : 70.42 days days
COMPLETION DATE : TBA TOTAL DEPTH (ft.) : 13,451 feet feet
CLOSE OUT DATE : COMPLETION TYPE : CO2 Injection & Monitoring Completion WELL STATUS :
0 ft
2,000 ft
3,000 ft
4,000 ft
6,000 ft
7,000 ft
8,000 ft
9,000 ft
10,000 ft
12,000 ft
Full Core 12,280 ft
13,000 ft
5½" @ 13,451 ft
14,000 ft
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE № : TBA
CONTRACT AREA № : Pertamina Asset IV WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well DATE : 27-Aug-2019
PLATFORM/TRIPOD : Onshore Drilling Unit
FIELD/STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban
SPUD DATE : TBA RIG DAYS : 70.42 days days
COMPLETION DATE : TBA TOTAL DEPTH (m.) : 4,100 meters meters
CLOSE OUT DATE : COMPLETION TYPE : CO2 Injection & Monitoring Completion WELL STATUS :
0.00 m
250.00 m
20" @ 300.00 m
500.00 m
750.00 m
1000.00 m
1250.00 m
1500.00 m
13 " @ 1497.00
1750.00 m
2000.00 m
DEPTH (meters RTE MD)
2250.00 m
2500.00 m
2750.00 m
3000.00 m
4000.00 m
5½" @ 4100.00 m
4250.00 m
4500.00 m
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE No. : TBA
CONTRACT AREA : Gundhi Field WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well
CONTRACT AREA : Pertamina Asset IV FIELD STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban DATE : 27-Aug-19
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Size Grade Connection
1 30 inchCasing feet 90 $372.00 $33,480
2 30 inch Drive Sub each 1 $16,900.00 $16,900
3 Drive Shoe Joint each 1 $15,700.00 $15,700
4 20 inch Cas 133 ppf, K-55 BTC feet 1,082 $113.00 $122,311
5 20 inch Float Shoe BTC each 1 $11,300.00 $11,300
6 Float Shoe Stinger BTC each 1 $2,600.00 $2,600
8 9 inch line 53.5 ppf, N-80 LTC feet 6,629 $56.00 $371,230
with 500 ft overlap into 13 inch casing
Approved By: Position: Date: August 27, 2019 Approved By: Position Date:
Revision Date : 8/27/2019 GUNDIH CCS Pilot Well Budgetary AFE.xlsx SCH20-1 Page 5 of 10
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE No. : TBA
CONTRACT AREA : Gundhi Field WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well
CONTRACT AREA : Pertamina Asset IV FIELD STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban DATE : 27-Aug-19
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Revision Date : 8/27/2019 GUNDIH CCS Pilot Well Budgetary AFE.xlsx SCH20-2 Page 6 of 10
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE № : TBA
CONTRACT AREA : Gundhi Field WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well
CONTRACT AREA : Pertamina Asset IV FIELD STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban DATE : 27-Aug-19
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Revision Date : 8/27/2019 GUNDIH CCS Pilot Well Budgetary AFE.xlsx SCH20-3 Page 7 of 10
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE No. : TBA
CONTRACT AREA : Gundhi Field WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well
CONTRACT AREA : Pertamina Asset IV FIELD STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban DATE : 27-Aug-19
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Approved By: Position: Date: August 27, 2019 Approved By: Position Date:
Revision Date : 8/27/2019 GUNDIH CCS Pilot Well Budgetary AFE.xlsx SCH20-4 Page 8 of 10
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE№. : TBA
CONTRACT AREA : Gundhi Field WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well
CONTRACT AREA No. : Pertamina Asset IV FIELD STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban DATE : 27-Aug-19
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Liner Hanger
9 x 13 inch Liner hanger, liner top packer & accessories set 1 $161,415.00 $161,415
3 Packer
5½ inch Non-feed through CO2 Resistant, Re-settable 300 °F each 1 $28,000.00 $28,000
Revision Date : 8/27/2019 GUNDIH CCS Pilot Well Budgetary AFE.xlsx SCH20-5 Page 9 of 10
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE № : TBA
CONTRACT AREA № : Pertamina Asset IV WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well DATE : 27-Aug-2019
PLATFORM/TRIPOD : Onshore Drilling Unit
FIELD/STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban
SPUD DATE : TBA RIG DAYS : 15.00 days days
COMPLETION DATE : TBA TOTAL DEPTH (m.) : meters meters
CLOSE OUT DATE : COMPLETION TYPE : CO2 Injection Well Abandonment WELL STATUS : Abandoned
Downhole Deployment Valve (DDV) and Rotating Control Device (RCD) .................................... 17
Liner Hanger ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Tubing ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Tubing Specifications & Load Cases .................................................................................................. 17
Tubing Packer ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Completion Equipment ........................................................................................................................ 18
Annular Fluid ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Wellhead and Xmas Tree ..................................................................................................................... 18
CO2 Downhole Well Monitoring Equipment ....................................................................................... 21
Distributed Acoustic Sensor (DAS)/Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) ................................... 21
Coaxial Pressure & Temperature Monitoring Cable ......................................................................... 22
Multi-Conduit and Monitoring Cable Flat-Pack ................................................................................ 22
Downhole Monitoring Equipment .................................................................................................... 23
Well Integrity ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Cement and Its Degradation Due to CO2 Injection ........................................................................... 24
Casing Pressure Testing .................................................................................................................... 25
References ............................................................................................................................................ 48
The Gundih pilot CCS project is intended to store 20,000 MT up to 100,000 MT of CO2 over a two
year period. Gundih project assets are owned and operated by Pertamina EP Asset IV and the project
is funded by a Technical Assistance facility, Pilot Carbon Capture and Storage Activity in the Natural
Gas Processing Sector (49204-002) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to the Republic of
Indonesia for the purpose of evaluation and development of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
technologies for mitigation of CO2 emissions from anthropogenic sources.
This drilling prognosis and conceptual well design is primarily based on KTB – 01, RBT – 03 & KDL - 01
well data and associated reports available and is intended to provide insight into the subsurface
drilling challenges that can be expected when drilling a well in the geological structures found in the
Gundih Field area.
In support in the selection of a bottom-hole target zone extensive subsurface geological modelling
has been conducted by Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in conjunction with Battelle Memorial
Institute, in an effort to determine an optimum CO2 geological storage structure that will provide the
capability to monitor CO2 storage and retention.
Additionally, focus is placed on current casing, drilling and cementing practices and where significant
improvements can be made to enhance drilling performance and well integrity.
Secondary Objective
Upon reaching the 12¼-inch hole section TD at the base of the Tuban Formation and prior
to setting the 9 -inch casing, evaluate the calciturbidite sequence typically found at the
transition between the Tuban and Kujung Formations for potential for CO2 sequestration.
(g) Sampling of fluid pressures from potential CO2 injection, hydrocarbon and water bearing
(h) Comprehensive injectivity testing of any potential CO2 injection formations should analysis
prove encouraging.
(i) Comprehensive evaluation of the sealing cap rock in the lower Tuban Formation.
Pore Pressure
Based on the KTB-1 Pressure Profile provided above, the overpressure commencing in the Wonocolo
and continuing through the Ngrayong and Tuban formations above the Kujung reservoir section,
could pose issues, in that event, 9 -inch casing would be required to be set early due to over-
pressured and potentially unstable hole conditions. Whereby drilling to TD would have to be
conducted in 6-inch hole and a 4½-inch liner run in which case any MDT or equivalent hole size
logging could not be conducted.
In this transient pressure zone (Wonocol-Nrayong-Tuban) it is felt an 11¾-inch contingency liner may
be required for potential setting at the onset of the second pressure increase, as indicated in Fig 2
above. In the KTB-01 well the pressure increase can be considered significant, based on mud weight.
Pore pressure then drops back to slightly above normal pressure in the Kujung. The 9 -inch casing is
required set at the base of the Tuban formation prior to penetrating the Kujung Formation in an
effort to avoid significant mud losses. The secondary objective calciturbidite transition sequence,
prior to the 8½-inch hole section, is required evaluated and either cored or, if not possible, side-wall
core samples obtained.
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Overpressure onset depth (TVDSS) varies between the three main Gundih structures:
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Geothermal Gradient
Based on the highest recorded Bottom Hole Static Temperature (BHST) of 165 °C (330 °F) in the KDL
– 01 Well and a surface ambient temperature of 28°C (82°F). The geothermal gradient has been
calculated to be;
• 3.836 °C/100 m
• 2.104 °F/100 ft.
Formation Tops
Prognosed Depth Offset Well Depth
Top of Formation
Pilot CCS Well RBT – 01A
Lidah Surface Surface
Mundu 515.87m TVD
Ledok 773.10m TVD
Wonocolo 284 m TVD 1022.60m TVD
Ngrayong 1006 m TVD 1528.90m TVD
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Well Sections
It is planned that the well be drilled in 4 sections with a driven surface conductor and contingency
liner as summarized below:
Hole Size Shoe Depth Formation Setting
(inches) (m TVD/MD) Depth
Driven/Drilled 30” 30 m Surface
12¼”/26” 20” 300 m Wonocolo
17 ½” 13 ” 1596 m /1776 m Ngrayong
12¼” x 14¾“* 11 ¾”* TBA Tuban
12 ¼” 9 ” 2964 m/3356 m Tuban
8 ½” 5 ½” 3490 m/3963 m Kujung
*Contingency Liner
Casing Design
The construction materials selected for the casing and the casing design must be appropriate
for the fluids and stresses encountered at the site-specific down-hole environment. Carbon
dioxide in combination with water forms carbonic acid, which is corrosive to many materials.
Native fluids can also contain corrosive elements such as brines and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). In
Formation Tops have been based on existing offset wells in the area and will be revised on
completion of the static earth and dynamic geological modelling. Casing sizes and setting depths
have been selected from:
Casing Connections
Buttress Thread Connections (BTC) are typically used on the casing strings found in the Gundih
Functional Aspects
• to provide a leak resistance to internal or external fluid pressures
• to have good geometry in order not to increase the outer diameter or reduce the inner
diameter of the casing string significantly
Operational Aspects
• easy to make-up in the field
• easy to break-out in the field
• reusable
To fulfil these aspects, the connections are provided, in almost all cases, with connection
threads. Connections based on welding or gluing techniques and snap-on connectors are
available for casing but will not be utilized, in this case.
For many years the API thread connections, with or without a resilient seal ring, have been the
standard in well casing strings. These standardized connections are:
However, during the last decades there has been a shift away from relatively simple and
inexpensive shallow wells to complicated completions for deep, often corrosive and high
pressure/temperature wells. This trend entailed the need for connections with better seals than
the API connections, and led to the development of the so-called Premium connections.
Threaded casing connections can be divided in two groups, namely the integral connections and
the threaded and coupled connections. Each group can further be divided into several types,
depending on the sealing mechanism and the existence of a torque shoulder.
Integral Connections
• integral connections halve the number of threaded connections, and thus the number of
potential leakage paths.
• there is no possibility of receiving a coupling made of a different, and thus wrong, material
• in general, the integral type of connections has higher torque capacity than the threaded
and coupled connection. This is because integral connections are generally designed with an
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external torque shoulder, while for most threaded and coupled connections the torque
shoulder is located at the pin nose.
• there is a risk of "ringworm" corrosion. This corrosion can occur at the upset region of joints
in the presence of CO2. During the upsetting process the pipe ends are heated and heavily
deformed, which results in a difference in steel microstructure compared to the pipe. It has
been found that this microstructure is highly sensitive to CO2 corrosion so that pits can form
quite rapidly. The observed corrosion has a characteristic morphology called ringworm
attack. To avoid this problem it is necessary to use tubulars which have been fully heat
treated after upsetting.
• the manufacturing process of threaded and coupled connections is a lot simpler than that of
integral connections as no upsetting or swaging is required.
• with threaded and coupled connections there is less risk of leakage due to geometric errors
in the machined connection parts. Generally, the geometric error in machined couplings is
smaller than the error in machined pipe ends. Pins and boxes, machined on long tubulars,
may show geometry errors in the shape of a clover leaf. This is usually caused by movements
of the long unsupported section of the casing joint.
• there has also been a move towards the use of more highly alloyed steel grades which
cannot be satisfactorily hot-worked to produce the upset pipe ends necessary for an integral
Thread Forms
• API round type thread, a tapered thread with stabbing and loading flanks of 30° and rounded
crests and roots.
• API buttress type thread, a tapered thread with stabbing and loading flanks of 10° and 3°
respectively, and flat crests and roots, parallel to the thread cone.
• API extremeline thread, a tapered thread with stabbing and loading flanks of 6°, and flat
crests and roots parallel to the pipe axis.
Modified buttress threads used for Premium connections. Several thread forms have been
developed which are provided with one of the following modifications or combinations thereof:
the thread profile has thread crests and roots parallel to the pipe axis rather than being parallel
to the thread cone; a clearance at the pin thread crest, in order to ensure a better control of the
thread friction during make-up; a change in the angle of the stabbing flank, ranging from +10° to
+45° in order to improve the connection stabbing performance; a change in the angle of the
loading flank, ranging from +3° to -15° in order to increase the tensile capacity of the
connection; a change in the pitch of the threads (single or double pitch change) in order to
provide a more uniform stress distribution in the connection threads under tensile or
compressive loads.
Two step thread has two sections of different diameter, each provided with free running, non-
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interfering, threads either straight or tapered. A design with three shoulders which has the
advantage of an increased over-torque capacity. In contrast, a non-interfering thread has the risk
of inadvertently backing-out of the connection.
Wedge shape thread is based on an interlocking dovetail thread profile. The loading flank is
machined with a greater pitch than the stabbing flank to produce a thread that wedges together
during make-up, eliminating the need for an additional torque shoulder. The applicable make-up
torques of these connections tend to be higher than that of connections with modified buttress
thread profiles and a shoulder.
11010.50 ft.
13451.44 ft.
13451.44 ft.
Casing Accessories
Float Equipment
Casing float equipment and cement plugs required are to meet or exceed the casing
specification and temperature rating. Cement plugs are to be rated for the expected
temperature and casing test pressure of 80% of the maximum rated casing pressure.
Multi-Stage Cementing
In some cases, cementing along the well casing from the injection zone up to the ground
surface in a single stage may not be possible. The pressure exerted by the cement column
increases as the height of the column increases. In very deep wells the pressure may
become so great that the cement pumps can no longer maintain the pressure, or the
pressure from the cement column under construction may fracture weaker formations. In
some cases, highly fractured formations or formations with large voids may not allow
cement to circulate to the surface, as the cement will flow into the fractures and voids in
the formation instead of stacking vertically in a column up to the ground surface. If single
stage cementing cannot be successfully performed, multi-staged cementing may be used
[40 CFR §146.86(b) (4)]. Multi-staged cementing can be two-stage, three-stage, or
continuous two-stage cementing.
To successfully accomplish two-stage cementing, the cement is pushed out of the well bore
using a fluid. Two plugs, often referred to as bombs because of their shape, are then
dropped. The first plug closes the section of the well below the collar and stops cement
from flowing into the lower portion of the well. The second plug (or opening bomb) opens
the cement ports in the collar allowing cement to flow into the annulus between the casing
and formation through the cement collar. Cement is then circulated down the well bore,
out the cement ports, into the annulus between the casing and formation, and up to the
ground surface. Once cementing is complete, a third plug is dropped to close the cement
ports (Lyons and Plisga, 2005). If the time between the first and second stage is long
enough for the cement to begin to set, care should be taken that the first stage is stopped
significantly below the cement ports.
cementing, except that two cement collars are used instead of one. The method used will
largely be determined by the characteristics of the well bore. If there are two weak
formations where circulation is lost or the well is very deep, three-stage cementing may be
Liner Hanger
There are no specific regulations for liner hangers in this application, however in this instance, the
regulatory requirements that govern the selection of packer materials and technical requirements is
U.S. EPA Class VI regulations require that injection occur through tubing. The tubing must be
compatible with the carbon dioxide stream [40 CFR §146.86(c) (1)]. Tubing materials are generally
similar to the casing well materials. The tubing should also be designed with the same types of
stresses in mind. The tubing must be designed with burst strength to withstand the injection
pressure and the collapse strength to withstand the pressure in the annulus between the tubing
and the casing [40 CFR §146.86(b) (1)]. Consideration should be given to a metal-to-metal seal
tubing connection due the higher than normal temperature fluctuation that can occur in the
Gundih Field.
Tubing Packer
U.S. EPA Class VI regulations also require that injection occur through a packer, set opposite a
cemented interval at a depth approved by the UIC Program Director, and compatible with the
carbon dioxide stream [40 CFR §146.86(c)(1) and (2)].
Packers are often made from a hardened rubber such as Buna-N or nitrile rubbers and are nickel
plated. Proper materials for packers are important as they are likely to come into contact with
corrosive fluids such as carbon dioxide or corrosive brines at some point during the project life.
The packer must be compatible with any fluids it may come into contact with [40 CFR §146.86(c)
(1)]. Placement of the packer can also be an important consideration, influenced by numerous
factors. If the packer is placed above the confining layer, it will allow logs to be run next to the
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casing through the confining layer without having to pull the tubing. Alternatively, placing the
packer close to the perforations may allow instruments used for carbon dioxide plume tracking,
such as geophones, to be placed closer to the expected plume. Packer placement can also affect
how mechanical integrity tests are conducted and may affect the stress placed on well
components. Consideration should be given to these factors, in order to select the best location
Completion Equipment
The well completion equipment, from bottom up, (Fig 6) will comprise:
Annular Fluid
The annular space above the packer between the 5½-inch long string casing and the
-inch injection tubing will be filled with fluid to provide structural support for the
injection tubing. If required, fluid pressure measure at the surface within the annulus
will be maintained so as to exceed the maximum injection pressure within the
injection tubing at the elevation of the injection zone. Under this requirement, the
maximum annulus surface pressure will not exceed a value that is more than ~200 psi
The annular fluid will be a diluted saline solution such as potassium chloride (KCl),
sodium chloride (NaCl-), calcium chloride (CaCl2), or similar solution. The fluid will be
mixed onsite using dry salt and clean fresh water. The fluid is also to be filtered to
ensure that solids do not settle at the packer or on other components installed in the
The annular fluid will contain additives and inhibitors including a corrosion inhibitor,
biocide/bactericide (to prevent harmful bacteria), and an oxygen scavenger.
• Material Class – with specific attention to wetted surfaces subject to CO2 and
H2S exposure.
o As defined by NACE MR 0175
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The wellhead and Xmas tree will be composed of materials compatible with the injected fluid to
minimize corrosion. All components that are in contact with CO2 injection fluid will be made of a
corrosion resistant alloy or a conventional material with a corrosion resistant inlay for flow wetted
component surfaces.
Specific to CO2 monitoring requirements will be the inclusion of ported adaptor flange sections to
the wellhead that will incorporate pressure sealing ports for monitoring instrumentation and control
lines. An example is shown in Figure 6 below.
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Figure 7 Example of CCS Multiple Monitoring Configured Conceptual Wellhead & Xmas Tree
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Figure 11 Typical Geophone and Flat Pack Installation on CO2 injection tubing.
Well Integrity
Cement and Its Degradation Due to CO2 Injection
Portland cement systems are used conventionally for zonal isolation in oil or gas production
wells. It is thus crucial to study how such cement behaves at depth in CO2-rich fluids and
understand the chemical interactions between injected CO2 and existing cements that could
potentially lead to leakage. Portland cement is thermodynamically unstable in CO2-rich
environments and can degrade rapidly upon exposure to CO2 in the presence of water. As
CO2-laden water diffuses into the cement matrix, the dissociated acid (H2CO3) reacts with
the free calcium hydroxide and the calcium-silicate-hydrate gel. The reaction products are
soluble and migrate out of the cement matrix. Eventually, the compressive strength of the
set cement decreases and the permeability and porosity increase leading to loss of zonal
There are mainly three different chemical reactions involved in cement-CO2 interaction: (1)
formation of carbonic acid, (2) carbonation of calcium hydroxide and/or cement hydrates,
and (3) dissolution of calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
Cement is important for providing structural support of the casing, preventing contact of the
casing with corrosive formation fluids, and preventing vertical movement of carbon dioxide.
Some of the most current research indicates that a good cement job is one of the key factors
in effective zonal isolation.
During the injection phase, cement will only encounter dry CO2. However, after the injection
phase and all the free CO2 around the wellbore had been dissolved in the brine, the wellbore
will be attacked by carbonic acid (H2CO3). The carbonic acid will only attack the reservoir
portion of the production (long string) casing, therefore special consideration of CO2 cement
needs only to be considered for the reservoir, the primary seal and a safety zone above the
reservoir. Regular cement should be placed over the CO2-resistant cement. However since
two different cement slurries will be used, CO2-resistant cement that is compatible with
regular Portland cement has to be used to prevent flash setting. The cement must be able to
maintain a low permeability over lengthy exposure to reservoir conditions in a CO2 injection
and storage scenario. Long-term carbon sequestration conditions include a contact of set
cement with supercritical CO2 (>31 °C at 1059 psi) and brine solutions at increased pressure
and temperature and decreased pH.
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Underground gas storage operations and CO2 sequestration in aquifers rely on both proper
wellbore construction and sealing function of the cap rock. The potential leakage paths are
the migration CO2 along the wellbore due to poor cementation and flow through the cap
rock. The permeability and integrity of the cement will determine how effective it is in
preventing leakage. The integrity of the cap rock is assured by an adequate fracture gradient
and by sufficient cement around the casing across the cap rock and without a micro-annulus.
Well integrity has been identified as the biggest risk contributing to leakage of CO2 from
underground storage sites. Wellbore represents the most likely route for the leakage of CO2
from geologic carbon sequestration. Abandoned wells are typically sealed with cement plugs
intended to block vertical migration of fluids. In addition, active wells are usually lined with
steel casing, with cement filling the outer annulus in order to prevent leakage between the
casing and formation rock.
Several potential leakage pathways can occur along active injection well and/or abandoned
well. These include leakage: through deterioration (corrosion) of the tubing (1), around
packer (2), through deterioration (corrosion) of the casing (3), between the outside of the
casing and the cement (4), through deterioration of the cement in the annulus (cement
fractures) (5), leakage in the annular region between the cement and the formation (6),
through the cement plug (7), and between the cement and the inside of the casing (8) .
The permeability and integrity of the cement in the annulus and in the wellbore will
determine how effective the cement is in preventing fluid leakage.
The greatest risk for the escape of CO2 may come from other wells, typically for oil and gas,
which penetrate the storage formation. Such wells need to be properly sealed in order to
ensure that they do not provide pathways for the CO2 to escape into the atmosphere.
Planning for geologic storage must take such wells into account. The escaping of CO2
through water wells is much more unlikely since water wells are usually much shallower
than the storage formation.
Cementing Program
All casing strings, with the exception of liners, will be cemented back to surface in accordance with
the requirements EPA UIC Class VI regulations (10 CFR §146.87).
Positive stand-off casing centralizers will be used on casing strings that extend to surface and liners
exposed to annuli that extend to surface, in accordance with a centralizer spacing and placement
simulation, with the exception of the surface conductor and intermediate casing string. A
temperature rated, PDC drillable float/guide shoe will be run on the bottom of the first joint with a
temperature and casing test pressure rated double-float collar above the second casing joint to
provide sufficient separation between the cement slurry and displacement fluid. The minimum two
(2) joint shoe track is intended to ensure a competent and uniform cement slurry surrounds the
casing shoe.
All casing strings and liners with a potential for exposure to CO2, H2S and associated fluids will be
cemented with a CO2 corrosion resistant cement. In an effort to effectively remove drilling fluid filter
cake from both the casing and formation, and reduce the potential for micro-annulus formation, an
effective “Mud Removal Spacer Fluid” for both the OBM and Water Based drilling fluids is to be
included as part of the cementing program.
After running a casing string that extends to the deeper higher temperature formations of the well a
pre-determined casing circulating period is required in an effort to reduce formation temperature in
the immediate wellbore at that particular depth. This is in an effort to reduce any downhole
The 5½-inch production casing is currently planned to be cemented back to surface in a multi-stage
process. The placement of a multi-stage cementing tool will be defined after further reservoir data
acquisition, engineering and analysis.
Note: As shown in the reservoir pressure profiles there is a distinct pressure regression (~1.54 SG –
1.00 SG [~12.86 ppg – 8.34 ppg]) after exiting the Tuban Formation and penetrating the Kujung. In
this case a full column of conventional weight cement, to surface, is not considered feasible.
A high temperature (~149 °C [~300 °F]), lite-weight, CO2 corrosion resistant cement slurry design is
required to cement the 5½-inch long string in a single stage cement job that exhibits the necessary
properties to conduct the cementation in a single stage whereby, eliminating the requirement for
multi-stage cementation of the 5½-inch casing string thus eliminating the potential for failure during
the multi-stage process and, a saving in rig time.
System (TDS) is to be made available. The equipment is to be suitably prepared for the
formation temperatures expected encountered. It is important that the drilling contractor
be experienced in drilling wells of the type described in this prognosis.
Formation Temperature
KDL-01 well, recorded a bottomhole temperature of 165 °C (330 °F). The geothermal
gradient for the area has been established at 3.836 °C/100 m (2.104 °F/100 ft.). Recorded
RBT – 01A well mud flowline temperature increased from 149 °C (300 °F) to 156 °C (313 °F)
through the Kujung interval (2962.0m MD/2939.6m TVD – 3112.0m MD/3090.3m TVD). Use
of a drilling fluid capable of withstanding these temperatures is a point for consideration.
Additionally, surface handling equipment (e.g. TDS, TDS hose, mud manifold, choke manifold
etc.) and surface pumping equipment and BOP elastomers are to be rated for temperatures
of this magnitude. Should drilling fluid temperature be deemed excessive consideration is to
be given to the installation of a mud cooling unit for the deeper sections of the well.
Temperature of this magnitude require that all equipment and materials used on the well be
“Fit for Purpose”.
Lost Circulation
Well Control
The combination of high pressure, high temperature, lost circulation and long hole sections
between casing points increases the risk of a well control incident. Procedures are to be
developed to handle risk management. In addition the provision of high rate water supply and
large reserve drilling mud storage.
Note: RBT – 01A recorded flowline temperature up to 156 °C (313 °F) when nearing TD of
the well. Standard BOP elastomers are rated for up to 93 °C (200 °F) with standard spherical
(annular) BOP elastomers rated for 77 °C (170 °F). BOP elastomers are to be rated for the
temperatures anticipated. High temperature BOP elastomeric components are available for
up to 177 °C (350 °F) and spherical (annular) BOP elastomer elements up to 107 °C (225 °F).
Maintaining the injection pressure below 90 percent of the injection zone fracture
pressure is a conservative requirement that prevents the injection zone from being
fractured and diminishes the likelihood of fracturing the confining zone which could result
in fluid movement out of the injection zone. In some cases, a well stimulation program
may be necessary to achieve the desired injectivity of the Class VI injection well.
Stimulation usually occurs during completion of the well and may also be conducted if
injectivity decreases over the course of the injection project.
The modeled pressures can be confirmed using technologies such as tilt-meters and micro-
seismic monitoring to monitor and refine the model; however, these technologies are still
experimental and may not be applicable in all circumstances. If additional chemicals are to
be used in stimulation it should be shown that they will not react with the confining layer.
Information on calculating the fracture pressure of a formation can be found in the Draft
UIC Program Class VI Well Site Characterization Guidance. The API Guidance Document
RF1 – Hydraulic Fracturing Operations – Well Construction and Integrity Guidelines also
contains information on ways to perform stimulation without fracturing the confining
layer. Additionally, the Draft UIC Program Class VI Well Testing and Monitoring Guidance
provides additional information on how to monitor injection pressure.
Injection between the casing and the formation is not allowed [40 CFR §146.88(b)], as it
would provide no barrier between the carbon dioxide and the formation. The Class VI Rule
requires the space between the casing and the formation to be cemented [40 CFR
Mud scavengers are also to be available as part of the drilling fluids program.
Surface and sub-surface equipment are to be “fit for purpose” in an environment containing
CO2 and H2S.
Safety equipment including 30 minute air-packs, 15 minute egress packs, breathing air
compressors, wind direction indicators and warning signs are to be made available for all
personnel on location.
A contingency plan with respect to the local population, surrounding farm and agricultural
life is to be developed.
RBT – 01A recorded flowline temperature up to 156 °C (313 °F) when nearing TD of the well.
Standard BOP elastomers are rated for up to 93 °C (200 °F) with spherical (annular) BOP
elastomers rated for 77 °C (170 °F). BOP elastomers are to be rated for the temperatures
anticipated. High temperature BOP elastomeric components are available for up to 177 °C
(350 °F) and spherical (annular) BOP elastomer elements up to 107 °C (225 °F).
Electric Logging
The electric logging program is designed to confirm the identity of potential CO2 storage
zones. Tools and logging cable are to be suitable for high temperatures (>149 °C/300 °F). In
addition electric logging services may be required to conduct intermediate VSP’s and
pressure measurements of candidate zones.
Casing Wear
Procedures are required developed to check; steel recovery in the drilling fluid and tool joint
hard banding inspection specification. And, should casing wear be suspected a casing caliper
log and additional pressure testing of casing conducted.
Annulus Pressure Testing will be conducted in accordance with §40 CFR §146.8(b)(2)
Safety equipment including 30 minute air packs, 5 minute egress pack, breathing air
compressors, wind direction indicators, warning signs will be made available.
A contingency plan with respect to the local population and surrounding farm life is to be
All drilling personnel both office based and rig based involved in the decision making and/or
supervisory capacity are to have attended a recognized well control course. These courses,
typically well specific, are designed to provide the participants with a working knowledge of
the procedures and techniques required for a CO2 injection well. Generally, broken into two
training sessions, firstly for supervisory personnel and secondly training directed at drilling
crews and service company personnel. The second course will be conducted in the field and
cover drilling issues and well control procedures to be used plus, practical drills in
implementing procedures.
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Surface Location
Figure 12: CCS-1: Pilot CO2 Injection Well Surface Location KTB-B well pad approximately 4.0 km east of Gundih CPP
The Gundih CPP and producing wells are located near the town of Cepu, Central Java. The area is
predominantly agricultural with rural villages that rely on ground water for irrigational and domestic
use. The proposed surface well location is approximately 4.0 km east of the Gundih CPP at the KTB –
B well pad.
A Rotary Steerable System (RSS) will drill the well faster with less time wasted on orienting the tool
face with aggressive bit usage (issues with a motor when trying to control the tool-face), and
maximizing drilling parameters.
Sliding with a mud motor in could pose challenges due to weight stacking. The weight stacking is
more profound when Water Base Mud (WBM) is used as the friction factor is higher than the SOBM.
A highly experienced Directional Driller (DD) is required if it is selected to drill with a motor.
An RSS will result in a smoother borehole for casing run in both 12¼-inch and 8½-inch hole section
as doglegs are even distributed in the borehole. This will also aid in improved borehole conditions
for the extensive logging and formation evaluation program. A mud motor creates "micro-doglegs"
which increase the tortuosity of the hole section if not managed well. Micro-dogleg depending on
the severity will increase the chance of the drilling assembly becoming stuck due to key-seating.
RSS continuous rotation and higher rotating speed will improve hole cleaning of the well. Mud
motors, however, have rotary speed limitations due to the deviation. Improved hole cleaning will
31 of 56
Near bit Resistivity While Drilling will enable the selection of an optimum geological point at the
base of the Tuban and casing setting point for the 9 -inch casing and is only applicable when
coupled with RSS technology. The RSS Near Bit Resistivity is approximately 1.5 m from the bit
whereas when using a mud motor, the Resistivity Tool is at least 15.0 m above the bit.
Figure 13 Gundih Pilot CO2 Injection Well Trajectory, Geological Formations & Estimated Pressure Profiles
Formation Data
Geological Summary – Based on RBT – 1A Offset Well
The location of Randublatung RBT-1A offset well was proposed to be drilled within the Blue
Horizon objective of the limestone reservoir layer in the Kujung Formation exhibiting a
porosity ranging from 19% - 24%. The reservoir trap is a barrier reef (reefal) shelf edge
increasingly controlled by basement faulting since the Eocene period.
Formation Drilling
36” Hole Section: Surface – 30m MD
The 36” hole section was initially drilled with a 17½ pilot
hole using a water base gel mud then opened up with a
17 ½” bull nose x 26” x 36” hole opening assembly from
surface to 30m. At TD the hole was back reamed and a
30 bbl Hi-Vis pill was pumped and displaced with water
Formation Drilling
Mundu Formation
518.0m MD/515.87m TVD – 17½“Hole Section: 309 – 1724m MD
787.0m MD/773.1m TVD This section was drilled from 309 – 1724m MD with
Sandstone interbedded 1.13 – 1.46 SG SOBM. Mud weight was increased at
with layers of siltstone, 354m from 1.13 – 1.25 SG, when background gas
claystone and marl. increased to 20 – 50 units. At 471m was increased from
1.25 – 1.4 SG as background gas increased and again
from 1.4 – 1.46 SG at 585m where background gas
stabilized between 60 – 80 units. From 585m MD to
hole section TD at 1724m MD background fluctuated
Ledok Formation between 50 – 120 units. Maximum gas recorded in this
section was217 units in a sandstone at 526m MD.
787.0m MD/773.1m TVD – Maximum recorded trip gas was 146 units while
1043.5m MD/1022.6m circulating the hole clean at 1456m MD. Gas in this
TVD. section consisted mostly of methane with traces of
Claystone interbedded with ethane and propane. At hole section TD (1724m MD)
sandstone and siltstone the mud weight was increased from 1.46 – 1.49 SG prior
to pulling out of the hole (POOH) and gas reduced to 25
Formation Drilling
Tuban Formation 150 units with a maximum gas reading of 297 units at
1907m MD and trip gas of 362 units at 2830m MD. At
2174.0m MD/2151.0m 2959.5m MD. Recovered samples showed
TVD 2962.0m approximately 50% limestone and 50% shale.
MD/2939.6m TVD Temperature increased with depth and ranged from 88
Shaley claystone and shale °C (191 °F) to 100 °C (212 °F) through the 12¼” hole
interbedded with section
sandstone and siltstone in The hole was cased with 9 ”, L-80, 53.5 ppf, BTC casing
upper portion with with the shoe set at 2959m MD.
intercalation shale, The cementing program comprised; 2 bbls water ahead,
siltstone and limestone 50 bbls Mud Push II, 239 bbls 1.68 SG Lead Slurry
streaks in the lower part. followed by 100 bbls 1.9 SG Tail slurry
Operations Summary
Operations associated with the drilling of CCS Pilot Well can be broken down into the following
discrete steps:
1. Move in drilling unit and associated service equipment and rig up.
2. Drive 30-inch conductor or drill 36-inch hole and run 30-inch casing and cement. Install
diverter equipment if shallow gas is considered to be a possibility.
3. Drill 12¼-inch pilot hole to the 20-inch casing setting depth taking returns to the cellar with
cellar pump returns to mud system.
4. Log pilot hole as required.
5. Open pilot hole to 26-inch
6. Run and cement 20-inch casing using “water bushing” and drill pipe inner string.
7. Rig down diverter equipment, if it has been installed, cut off 30-inch conductor at cellar
floor. Cut off 20-inch casing at pre-determine height and weld on 21¼-inch 3,000 psi WP x
20-inch SOW casing head flange. Leak test weld. Install 21¼-inch, 3,000 psi BOP stack. Test
21¼-inch BOP stack and associated surface equipment in accordance with the approved
BOP Test Procedures.
8. Make-up 17½-inch drilling assembly. RIH and drill out the 20-inch casing shoe. Drill 4.0m of
new formation and perform a Formation Integrity Test (FIT) to the predetermined value.
9. Directionally drill 17½-inch hole to 13 -inch casing setting depth.
10. Conduct wiper trip to 20-inch casing shoe and POOH.
18. Log as required and conduct formation dynamics tests of any potential CO2 injection
formations along with Side Wall Core (SWC) sampling.
19. Run and cement 9 -inch liner.
20. Nipple down 13 -inch 5,000 psi WP BOP stack. Install 13 -inch 5,000 psi x 11-inch 5,000 psi
CHA and pressure test CHA cavities. Install 13 -inch 5,000 psi WP BOP stack and associated
surface equipment in accordance to the approved BOP Test Procedures.
21. Make up 8½-inch drilling assembly. RIH and drill out 9 -inch casing shoe. Drill 4.0 m of new
formation and perform a Formation Integrity Test (FIT) to the predetermined value.
22. Control drill 8½-inch hole and penetrate the Kujung Formation. Continue drilling to the
water zone, at the base of the Kujung Formation and prior to penetrating the Ngimbang
Formation, where it is planned to conduct full-hole coring of the target injection zone.
23. RIH with core barrel assembly and core the lower portion of the Kujung Formation. POOH.
24. Conduct wiper trip from TD to the 9 -inch liner shoe. POOH
25. Log as required and conduct formation dynamics tests of potential CO2 injection formations
below the water contact.
26. Run 5½-inch “long string” casing and external down-hole monitoring equipment and cement
utilizing a multi-stage light weight cementing process. On completion of the first stage
cementation, land 5½ inch mandrel casing hanger and conduct second stage cementation
taking returns through wellhead Section B side outlets.
27. Nipple down 13 -inch 5,000 psi WP BOP stack. Install 11-inch 5,000 psi x 11-inch 5,000 psi
tubing hanger section with temperature and pressure ports. Install 13 -inch 5,000 psi WP
BOP stack and associated surface equipment in accordance to the approved BOP Test
The well will be perforated at a later date on assessment and interpretation of the data acquired
over the zone of interest.
37 of 56
Formation Evaluation
Borehole Characterization
• Conduct a detailed characterization of near wellbore geology to identify CO2
injections interval(s) in support of the development of an accurate reservoir model.
• Model accuracy is critical in the prediction of CO2 spreading/behavior.
• Modelling is a monitoring method (particularly in the case, when monitoring wells
are not available).
• Bulk Density • Triple Combo or Platform
• Caliper Express*
• Gamma Ray • Dipole Sonic
• Photo-Electric Factor
Acoustic Velocities: Formation:
• Rock Mechanical Properties • Wonocolo
• Horizontal Stress Orientation (azimuth) and • Ngrayong
anisotropy Ngrayong
• Velocity Modelling Update
Log № A Cased Hole Logging
• Cement Evaluation Log
• Caliper Express*
Identify depositional features, bedding, dip,
vugular porosity, fractures, faults and stress
orientation (if break-outs or drilling induced
fractures are present.
• Acoustic Resistivity
• Resistivity
• Neutron Porosity
• Bulk Density
Identify depositional features, bedding, dip,
vugular porosity, fractures, faults and stress • Tuban
orientation (if break-outs or drilling induced
fractures are present.
• Acoustic Resistivity
• Elemental Spectroscopy (tentative)
• Rotary Sidewall Core Sampling
Log № A Cased Hole Logging
• Cement Evaluation Log
40 of 56
Identify depositional features, bedding, dip,
vugular porosity, fractures, faults and stress
orientation (if break-outs or drilling induced
fractures are present. Formation:
• Acoustic Resistivity • Kujung
• Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Fluid Type/Saturation
• Pulsed Neutron Capture
All downhole coring equipment is to be temperature rated for reservoir conditions and
exposure to a CO2 and H2S environment.
The point at which coring will commence is to be determined in conjunction with the Drilling
Supervisor and Well Site Geologist and conveyed to Company for final concurrence. As with
any coring operations, the utmost care is to be taken when operations are conducted in a
high temperature, H2S environment of this nature. As a primary concern, the well is to be
confirmed in a stable state prior to commencement of coring operations.
Upon recovery, the core is to be catalogued, packaged in an approved method and sent to a
laboratory for analysis.
This phase will also include sidewall core sampling of the cap rock above the reservoir
section in the Tuban Formation.
Characterization Program
Well and Reservoir Hydraulic and Geo-mechanical Testing
Phase 1 – Flowmeter Logging (mechanical spinner meter logging tool) survey of the open
borehole section across the reservoir to identify candidate CO2 injection zones.
This phase of testing includes a baseline fluid logging survey conducted under static (no
injection) conditions and additional surveys conducted while injecting brine at increasing
Phase 2 – Straddle Packer Tests of candidate CO2 injection horizons and other discrete
intervals with the intervals being isolated utilizing a straddle packer testing tool.
Stress Test pumping (injection/fall-off) tests will be conducted to create mini hydraulic
fractures to characterize horizontal stress directions and formation fracture pressure.
42 of 56
Well Schematic
Well Suspension/Abandonment
At the termination of the CCS pilot program, that is expected to endure for approximately 2 years,
the decision to suspend or abandon the well will be made.
Should there be a potential for the well to either remain a CO2 injection well or a production well the
well will be suspended and left in a usable state, providing no safety or environmental concerns are
violated, i.e. Xmas Tree, production tubing, safety valve and completion packer remain in place.
In the event the well is plugged and abandoned, procedures will meet the requirements of 40 CFR
§146.92. Plugging procedure and materials will be designed to prevent any unwanted fluid
movement, to resist the corrosive aspects of carbon dioxide/water mixtures, and protect any
USDW’s. Any necessary revisions to the well plugging plan, to address new information collected
during logging and testing of the well will be made after construction, logging and testing of the well
have been completed.
After injection has been terminated, the well will be flushed with a kill weight brine fluid. A
minimum of three (3) tubing volumes will be injected without exceeding the fracture
gradient/pressure. Bottom hole pressure will be taken and the well will be logged and pressure
tested to ensure mechanical integrity, inside and outside the casing, prior to plugging. Should a loss
of mechanical integrity be discovered, the well will be repaired prior to proceeding with plugging
operations. A detailed plugging procedure is to be compiled. All casing strings extending to surface
will have been cemented to surface during the well construction phase and will not be retrievable at
All casing strings will be cut off in accordance with regulatory requirements and a blanking plate with
the well information welded to the cutoff casing.
Company will record bottom hole pressure from a downhole pressure gauge to determine kill fluid
density. At least one (1) of the following logs, as required by 40 CFR §146.92(a), will be conducted to
verify external Mechanical Integrity (MI) prior to plugging operations:
• Temperature Log
• Noise Log
• Oxygen Activation Log
Cement formulated for plugging operations shall be resistant to the carbon dioxide stream.
The suspension or abandonment of the CCS – 1 Pilot Well is to adhere to Badan Standar Nasional
Indonesia SNI 13-6910 – 2002: Drilling Operation for Safe Conduct of Onshore and Offshore in
Indonesia – Implementation. Specifically, Article 6.10 Abandonment of Wells; Sub-sections 6.10.3
Permanent Abandonment and 6.10.4 Temporary Abandonment (Suspension). It should be pointed
44 of 56
out that a well that is temporarily abandoned (suspended) shall be permitted by Pertamina as per
Go er e t Regulatio № / 9 (Ref: SNI -6910 – 2002 Appendix C1)
Clearance of Location:
• All wellheads, casing, piling and other obstructions
shall be removed to a depth of:
o 3 ft underground for onshore operations
o 15 ft below the mud line for offshore operations
• All locations shall be cleared of all obstructions.
Report on Well
Abandonment or
The well pad location shall be cleared of all Suspension to be submitted
unnecessary obstructions other than the wellhead, within 30 days of
completion of the work;
Xmas Tree and transport pipeline and do not • Complete SKK MIGAS
constitute a hazard to legitimate users of the area Formulir IX-1
45 of 56
API American Petroleum Institute
bbl Barrel
BHST Bottom Hole Static Temperature °C (°F)
BOP Blow-Out Preventer
bph Barrels per Hour
bpm Barrels per Minute
BPV Back Pressure Valve
BTC Buttress Thread Connection
BUR Build Up Rate
°C Degrees Celsius
CAL Caliper Log
Cap Rock The shale layers above a reservoir that provide geological isolation to upward
migration of CO2 and provide the primary seal
CBL Cement Bond Log
MI Mechanical Integrity
MMSCFD Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day
MT Metric tons
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Log
NPHI Neutron Porosity Log
OBM Oil Base Mud
PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (drill bit)
PEF Litho-Density Log
PHPA partially-hydrolyzed polyacrylamide
PNC Pulsed Neutron Capture Log
POOH Pull Out Of Hole
ppf Pounds Per Foot
PR Performance Requirement
psig pounds per square inch, gauge
1. B.T.H. Marbun, S.Z. Sinaga, H.S. Lie, A. Promediaz, Insitut Teknologi Bandung. 2012.
“Northwest Java and East Natuna Field: Perspective to Apply Carbon Capture and Storage
(CCS) in Indonesia”. CMTC 151319.
2. Dr. Liane Smith, Dragan Milanovic, Dr. Chee Hong Lee, Dr. Billingham. 2012. “Establishing
and Maintaining the Integrity of Wells used for Sequestration of CO2”. C2012-0001376.
3. Talibuddin Syed, SPE, TSA Inc. and Thor Cutler, EPA. 2010. “Well Integrity and Regulatory
Considerations for CO2 Injection Wells”. SPE 125839.
4. P. D’Alesio, SPE, Pro Energy, R. Poloni, P. Valente and P.A. Magarini, ENI E&P. “Well Integrity
10. Susan Carrolla, J. William Careyb David Dzombakc, Nicolas J. Huerta,d, Li LieTom Richarde,
Wooyong UmfStuart D. C. WalshaLiwei Zhangg. 2016.
a. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550, United States
b. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, United States
c. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, United States
d. National Energy Technology Laboratory, Albany, OR 97322, United States
e. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, United States
f. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99354, United States
g. National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA 15236, United States
Review: Role of Chemistry, Mechanics, and Transport on Well Integrity in CO2 storage
11. D.P. Postler, SPE, Exxon Company. 1997. “Pressure Integrity Test Interpretation”. SPE/IADC
12. Koji Takase, Japan CCS Co., Ltd; Yogesh Barhate and Hiroyuki Hashimoto, SPE, Halliburton;
and Siddhartha F. Lunkad, Formerly Halliburton. 2010. “Cement-Sheath Wellbore Integrity
for CO2 Injection and Storage Wells”. SPE 127422.
13. F. Dugo jić-Bilić, SPE, C. Tiemeyer, SPE, and J. Plank, SPE, Technische Universitaet
Muenchen. 2011. “Study on Admixtures for Calcium Aluminate Phosphate Cement Useful To
Seal CCS Wells”. SPE 141179.
35. J. Seydoux, J. Tabanou, SPE, L. Ortenzi, SPE, J.M. Denichou, Y. De Laet, and D.Omeragic,
Schlumberger; M. Iversenand M. Fejerskov, Norsk Hydro. A Deep-Resistivity Logging-While-
Drilling Device for Proactive Geosteering. OTC 15126. Offshore Technology Conference 2003
36. Shell Canada Limited, Quest Carbon Capture and Storgae Project. Measurement, Monitoring
and Verification Plan. November 2010.
52 of 56
53 of 56
54 of 56
Preamble ................................................................................................................................................. 2
RBT – A Well Pad: RBT-01A and RBT-03ST Wells .................................................................................... 3
KDL – A Well Pad: KDL-01 Well ............................................................................................................... 4
RBT – B Well Pad and RBT-02 Well ......................................................................................................... 6
KTB – A Well Pad: KTB-01, KTB-03TW & KTB-06ST Wells ....................................................................... 9
KTB – B Well Pad: KTB-02 & KTB-04 Wells ............................................................................................ 11
Gundih Central Processing Plant (CPP) ................................................................................................. 14
Page 1 of 15
Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
The second Gundih site visit took place 13th & 14th February 2019 and covered the well pad
locations, pipeline right-of-ways and Gundih Central Processing Plant.
The visit team comprised, representatives of Asian Development Bank, Battelle Memorial Institute,
Institute Technology Bandung, Elnusa and Pertamina.
Commencing, initially, with a meeting at Pertamina Asset Offices, Cepu, followed by a site visits to,
Gundih well pad locations and some pipeline right-of-ways and the central processing plant.
The site visit focused on potential candidate surface well locations for use as a CO2 pilot injection
well site. There are five (5) well pad locations in the Gundih Field; KDL, RBT – A, RBT – B, KTB – A and
KTB – B.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 2: Pipeline ROW RBT-3ST to Gundih CPP and RBT-A Well Pad approximately 32,269 m2
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
A single 6 inch flowline is contained in the pipeline right of way that passes from KDL Well Pad A to
RBT Well Pad A, through a complex agricultural rural area and river crossings onto the CPP via the
access road pipeline right of way, a distance of approximately 6,470 meters.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 7: KDL-A Well Pad Location (23,520 m2) & Pipeline ROW
Figure 8: Pipeline ROW Elevation Profile: KDL-A Well Pad to RBT-A Well Pad
Figure 9: ROW Cross Section: KDL-A Well Pad to RBT-A Well Pad
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 11: RBT-B Well Pad Location & Pipeline ROW intersecting at Gundih CPP access road.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 12: RBT-B Pipeline Elevation Profile: RBT-B to Gundih CPP Junction Point
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 15: Elevated Well Control Panel & Water Containment Pond area.
Figure 17: ROW Cross Section KDL/RBT-A/RBT-B Junction Point to Gundih CPP
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 21: KBT-A to Gundih CPP Pipeline ROW Underground Railway Crossing
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Three 6 inch flowlines traverse the pipeline right of way from KTB Well Pad A to the CPP and cross
under the provincial railway line a distance of approximately 3,900 meters. These flowlines are from
KTB – 01, KTB- 03 TW and KTB – 06 ST wells.
There are 2 – 6 inch flow lines from the wells at KTB – B Well Pad to the CPP.
KTB – B well pad location has been selected as the CO2 pilot injection candidate well location and all
planning both surface and subsurface have been made from this location.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 26: ROW Cross Section KTB-A/KTB-B Junction Point to Gundih CPP
The flowlines from KTB – A & B well pads merge at the junction shown and five flowlines continue to
the CPP perimeter boundary and production manifold.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Gundih CPP is estimated to produce 800 metric tons per day (MT/day) of emitted CO2 (15.2
mmscfd). Prior to emitting acid gas to atmosphere it is passed through a Bio-Sulfur Recovery Unit
(Bio-SRU) process that converts the H2S to elemental sulfur that is bagged and packaged. The
remaining gases are oxidized in the Thermal Oxidizing System to comply with environmental
regulations for gas emissions (max. 2,600 ppm SO2). Bleed water from the Bio-SRU is treated in the
Wet Air Oxidization Unit along with the caustic spent in the Caustic Treatment Unit. This water is
then treated for disposal well injection along with produced water from the Gas Separation Unit.
Two CO2 streams have been identified, at Gundih CPP, as potential feed streams for CO2 capture.
These streams are the outlet of the Bio-SRU (Stream 1) and the outlet of the Thermal Oxidation Unit
(TOX) (Stream 2). The outlet stream of the Bio-SRU contains 95% CO2, though odorous sulfur
compounds (H2S and mercaptans) are present in small quantities and are required to be removed
before releasing the CO2 to the atmosphere. These odorous, sulfur compounds are oxidized
(converted to SO2) in the TOX. As it is the outlet of a combustion system, the stream consists of CO2
diluted with air (N2 and excess O2) and SO2 in small quantities.
The Bio-SRU (Stream 1) emits a high CO2 stream with diluted impurities although additional CO2
purification is required to remove odorous sulfur components and waste water before the CO2
conditioning unit. A post combustion capture unit such as an amine capture column is required
should the TOX (Stream 2) be selected to separate CO2 from the associated gases such as N2, O2 and
SO2. An economic evaluation is required, based on the outlet discharge of Stream 1 and 2 to
determine which method is the most feasible taking into account all operational factors.
Depending on the technically feasible option selected there is sufficient available land area to install
a CO2 Purification Unit, CO2 Compression/Liquefaction Unit, and CO2 storage along with the selected
mode of CO2 transportation at the Gundih CPP site. The exact location at the CPP site has yet to be
determined, however, there are a number of location options available within the CPP.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
TOTAL = A $1,553,045
SITE/FOUNDATIONS 0.06-0.2 0.1 X A $155,305 Use low end of range, eq is skidded mostly
STRUCTURES 0.15-0.3 0.08 X A $124,244 Limited need for structure for skids, use low value
EQUIPMENT ERECTION 0.15-0.3 0.04 X A $62,122 Mostly putting skids in place, use low number
PIPING 0.4-1.1 0.2 X A $310,609 Limited piping needs, low value
INSULATION 0-0.06 X A $0
PAINT 0.05-0.1 0.04 X A $62,122 Skids should be painted, low end value
FIRE PROTECTION 0.01-0.06 0.015 X A $23,296 H2S present in existing plant at tie-in
INSTRUMENTS 0.4-0.8 0.15 X A $232,957 Low value, skids instrumented
ELECTRICAL 0.15-0.4 0.1 X A $155,305 skids pre wired, use lower value, but add some for switchgear
ENGINEERING FACTOR = 0.06 X SUBTOTAL $189,918 use low value since skid cost includes vendor engr
TOTAL = A $3,806,104
SITE/FOUNDATIONS 0.06-0.2 0.06 X A $228,366 Use low end of range, eq is skidded mostly
STRUCTURES 0.15-0.3 0.05 X A $190,305 Limited need for structure for skids, use low value
EQUIPMENT ERECTION 0.15-0.3 0.03 X A $114,183 Mostly putting skids in place, use low number
PIPING 0.4-1.1 0.12 X A $456,732 Limited piping needs, low value
PAINT 0.05-0.1 0.02 X A $76,122 Skids should be painted, low end value
FIRE PROTECTION 0.01-0.06 0.01 X A $38,061 H2S present in existing plant at tie-in
INSTRUMENTS 0.4-0.8 0.08 X A $304,488 Low value, skids instrumented
ELECTRICAL 0.15-0.4 0.06 X A $228,366 skids pre wired, use lower value, large engines to be NG drive
ENGINEERING FACTOR = 0.04 X SUBTOTAL $255,275 use low value since skid cost includes vendor engr
TOTAL = A $100,000
SITE/FOUNDATIONS 0.06-0.2 0.4 X A $40,000
STRUCTURES 0.15-0.3 0.15 X A $15,000 pipe supports or vent
EQUIPMENT ERECTION 0.15-0.3 0.1 X A $10,000
PIPING 0.4-1.1 0.5 X A $50,000 open area, limited piping
INSULATION 0-0.06 0 X A $0
PAINT 0.05-0.1 0.1 X A $10,000 limited piping
FIRE PROTECTION 0.01-0.06 0 X A $0
INSTRUMENTS 0.4-0.8 0.4 X A $40,000 flow and P/T msmst
ELECTRICAL 0.15-0.4 0.25 X A $25,000
ENGINEERING FACTOR = 0.08 X SUBTOTAL $32,620 use low value since skid cost includes vendor engr
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE № : TBA
CONTRACT AREA № : Pertamina Asset IV WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well DATE : 27-Aug-2019
PLATFORM/TRIPOD : Onshore Drilling Unit
FIELD/STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban
SPUD DATE : TBA RIG DAYS : 70.42 days days
COMPLETION DATE : TBA TOTAL DEPTH (ft.) : 13,451 feet feet
CLOSE OUT DATE : COMPLETION TYPE : CO2 Injection & Monitoring Completion WELL STATUS :
0 ft
2,000 ft
3,000 ft
4,000 ft
6,000 ft
7,000 ft
8,000 ft
9,000 ft
10,000 ft
12,000 ft
Full Core 12,280 ft
13,000 ft
5½" @ 13,451 ft
14,000 ft
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE № : TBA
CONTRACT AREA № : Pertamina Asset IV WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well DATE : 27-Aug-2019
PLATFORM/TRIPOD : Onshore Drilling Unit
FIELD/STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban
SPUD DATE : TBA RIG DAYS : 70.42 days days
COMPLETION DATE : TBA TOTAL DEPTH (m.) : 4,100 meters meters
CLOSE OUT DATE : COMPLETION TYPE : CO2 Injection & Monitoring Completion WELL STATUS :
0.00 m
250.00 m
20" @ 300.00 m
500.00 m
750.00 m
1000.00 m
1250.00 m
1500.00 m
13 " @ 1497.00
1750.00 m
2000.00 m
DEPTH (meters RTE MD)
2250.00 m
2500.00 m
2750.00 m
3000.00 m
4000.00 m
5½" @ 4100.00 m
4250.00 m
4500.00 m
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE No. : TBA
CONTRACT AREA : Gundhi Field WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well
CONTRACT AREA : Pertamina Asset IV FIELD STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban DATE : 27-Aug-19
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Size Grade Connection
1 30 inchCasing feet 90 $372.00 $33,480
2 30 inch Drive Sub each 1 $16,900.00 $16,900
3 Drive Shoe Joint each 1 $15,700.00 $15,700
4 20 inch Cas 133 ppf, K-55 BTC feet 1,082 $113.00 $122,311
5 20 inch Float Shoe BTC each 1 $11,300.00 $11,300
6 Float Shoe Stinger BTC each 1 $2,600.00 $2,600
8 9 inch line 53.5 ppf, N-80 LTC feet 6,629 $56.00 $371,230
with 500 ft overlap into 13 inch casing
Approved By: Position: Date: August 27, 2019 Approved By: Position Date:
Revision Date : 8/27/2019 GUNDIH CCS Pilot Well Budgetary AFE.xlsx SCH20-1 Page 5 of 10
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE No. : TBA
CONTRACT AREA : Gundhi Field WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well
CONTRACT AREA : Pertamina Asset IV FIELD STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban DATE : 27-Aug-19
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Revision Date : 8/27/2019 GUNDIH CCS Pilot Well Budgetary AFE.xlsx SCH20-2 Page 6 of 10
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE № : TBA
CONTRACT AREA : Gundhi Field WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well
CONTRACT AREA : Pertamina Asset IV FIELD STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban DATE : 27-Aug-19
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Revision Date : 8/27/2019 GUNDIH CCS Pilot Well Budgetary AFE.xlsx SCH20-3 Page 7 of 10
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE No. : TBA
CONTRACT AREA : Gundhi Field WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well
CONTRACT AREA : Pertamina Asset IV FIELD STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban DATE : 27-Aug-19
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Approved By: Position: Date: August 27, 2019 Approved By: Position Date:
Revision Date : 8/27/2019 GUNDIH CCS Pilot Well Budgetary AFE.xlsx SCH20-4 Page 8 of 10
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE№. : TBA
CONTRACT AREA : Gundhi Field WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well
CONTRACT AREA No. : Pertamina Asset IV FIELD STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban DATE : 27-Aug-19
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Liner Hanger
9 x 13 inch Liner hanger, liner top packer & accessories set 1 $161,415.00 $161,415
3 Packer
5½ inch Non-feed through CO2 Resistant, Re-settable 300 °F each 1 $28,000.00 $28,000
Revision Date : 8/27/2019 GUNDIH CCS Pilot Well Budgetary AFE.xlsx SCH20-5 Page 9 of 10
OPERATOR : Pertamina EP PROJECT TYPE : CCS Pilot Injection Well AFE № : TBA
CONTRACT AREA № : Pertamina Asset IV WELL TYPE : Onshore CCS Pilot Injection Well DATE : 27-Aug-2019
PLATFORM/TRIPOD : Onshore Drilling Unit
FIELD/STRUCTURE : Gundih Field/Kedung Tuban
SPUD DATE : TBA RIG DAYS : 15.00 days days
COMPLETION DATE : TBA TOTAL DEPTH (m.) : meters meters
CLOSE OUT DATE : COMPLETION TYPE : CO2 Injection Well Abandonment WELL STATUS : Abandoned
Downhole Deployment Valve (DDV) and Rotating Control Device (RCD) .................................... 17
Liner Hanger ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Tubing ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Tubing Specifications & Load Cases .................................................................................................. 17
Tubing Packer ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Completion Equipment ........................................................................................................................ 18
Annular Fluid ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Wellhead and Xmas Tree ..................................................................................................................... 18
CO2 Downhole Well Monitoring Equipment ....................................................................................... 21
Distributed Acoustic Sensor (DAS)/Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) ................................... 21
Coaxial Pressure & Temperature Monitoring Cable ......................................................................... 22
Multi-Conduit and Monitoring Cable Flat-Pack ................................................................................ 22
Downhole Monitoring Equipment .................................................................................................... 23
Well Integrity ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Cement and Its Degradation Due to CO2 Injection ........................................................................... 24
Casing Pressure Testing .................................................................................................................... 25
References ............................................................................................................................................ 48
The Gundih pilot CCS project is intended to store 20,000 MT up to 100,000 MT of CO2 over a two
year period. Gundih project assets are owned and operated by Pertamina EP Asset IV and the project
is funded by a Technical Assistance facility, Pilot Carbon Capture and Storage Activity in the Natural
Gas Processing Sector (49204-002) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to the Republic of
Indonesia for the purpose of evaluation and development of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
technologies for mitigation of CO2 emissions from anthropogenic sources.
This drilling prognosis and conceptual well design is primarily based on KTB – 01, RBT – 03 & KDL - 01
well data and associated reports available and is intended to provide insight into the subsurface
drilling challenges that can be expected when drilling a well in the geological structures found in the
Gundih Field area.
In support in the selection of a bottom-hole target zone extensive subsurface geological modelling
has been conducted by Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in conjunction with Battelle Memorial
Institute, in an effort to determine an optimum CO2 geological storage structure that will provide the
capability to monitor CO2 storage and retention.
Additionally, focus is placed on current casing, drilling and cementing practices and where significant
improvements can be made to enhance drilling performance and well integrity.
Secondary Objective
Upon reaching the 12¼-inch hole section TD at the base of the Tuban Formation and prior
to setting the 9 -inch casing, evaluate the calciturbidite sequence typically found at the
transition between the Tuban and Kujung Formations for potential for CO2 sequestration.
(g) Sampling of fluid pressures from potential CO2 injection, hydrocarbon and water bearing
(h) Comprehensive injectivity testing of any potential CO2 injection formations should analysis
prove encouraging.
(i) Comprehensive evaluation of the sealing cap rock in the lower Tuban Formation.
Pore Pressure
Based on the KTB-1 Pressure Profile provided above, the overpressure commencing in the Wonocolo
and continuing through the Ngrayong and Tuban formations above the Kujung reservoir section,
could pose issues, in that event, 9 -inch casing would be required to be set early due to over-
pressured and potentially unstable hole conditions. Whereby drilling to TD would have to be
conducted in 6-inch hole and a 4½-inch liner run in which case any MDT or equivalent hole size
logging could not be conducted.
In this transient pressure zone (Wonocol-Nrayong-Tuban) it is felt an 11¾-inch contingency liner may
be required for potential setting at the onset of the second pressure increase, as indicated in Fig 2
above. In the KTB-01 well the pressure increase can be considered significant, based on mud weight.
Pore pressure then drops back to slightly above normal pressure in the Kujung. The 9 -inch casing is
required set at the base of the Tuban formation prior to penetrating the Kujung Formation in an
effort to avoid significant mud losses. The secondary objective calciturbidite transition sequence,
prior to the 8½-inch hole section, is required evaluated and either cored or, if not possible, side-wall
core samples obtained.
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Overpressure onset depth (TVDSS) varies between the three main Gundih structures:
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Geothermal Gradient
Based on the highest recorded Bottom Hole Static Temperature (BHST) of 165 °C (330 °F) in the KDL
– 01 Well and a surface ambient temperature of 28°C (82°F). The geothermal gradient has been
calculated to be;
• 3.836 °C/100 m
• 2.104 °F/100 ft.
Formation Tops
Prognosed Depth Offset Well Depth
Top of Formation
Pilot CCS Well RBT – 01A
Lidah Surface Surface
Mundu 515.87m TVD
Ledok 773.10m TVD
Wonocolo 284 m TVD 1022.60m TVD
Ngrayong 1006 m TVD 1528.90m TVD
8 of 56
Well Sections
It is planned that the well be drilled in 4 sections with a driven surface conductor and contingency
liner as summarized below:
Hole Size Shoe Depth Formation Setting
(inches) (m TVD/MD) Depth
Driven/Drilled 30” 30 m Surface
12¼”/26” 20” 300 m Wonocolo
17 ½” 13 Ǫ” 1596 m /1776 m Ngrayong
12¼” x 14¾“* 11 ¾”* TBA Tuban
12 ¼” 9 ǫ” 2964 m/3356 m Tuban
8 ½” 5 ½” 3490 m/3963 m Kujung
*Contingency Liner
Casing Design
The construction materials selected for the casing and the casing design must be appropriate
for the fluids and stresses encountered at the site-specific down-hole environment. Carbon
dioxide in combination with water forms carbonic acid, which is corrosive to many materials.
Native fluids can also contain corrosive elements such as brines and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). In
Formation Tops have been based on existing offset wells in the area and will be revised on
completion of the static earth and dynamic geological modelling. Casing sizes and setting depths
have been selected from:
Casing Connections
Buttress Thread Connections (BTC) are typically used on the casing strings found in the Gundih
Functional Aspects
• to provide a leak resistance to internal or external fluid pressures
• to have good geometry in order not to increase the outer diameter or reduce the inner
diameter of the casing string significantly
Operational Aspects
• easy to make-up in the field
• easy to break-out in the field
• reusable
To fulfil these aspects, the connections are provided, in almost all cases, with connection
threads. Connections based on welding or gluing techniques and snap-on connectors are
available for casing but will not be utilized, in this case.
For many years the API thread connections, with or without a resilient seal ring, have been the
standard in well casing strings. These standardized connections are:
However, during the last decades there has been a shift away from relatively simple and
inexpensive shallow wells to complicated completions for deep, often corrosive and high
pressure/temperature wells. This trend entailed the need for connections with better seals than
the API connections, and led to the development of the so-called Premium connections.
Threaded casing connections can be divided in two groups, namely the integral connections and
the threaded and coupled connections. Each group can further be divided into several types,
depending on the sealing mechanism and the existence of a torque shoulder.
Integral Connections
• integral connections halve the number of threaded connections, and thus the number of
potential leakage paths.
• there is no possibility of receiving a coupling made of a different, and thus wrong, material
• in general, the integral type of connections has higher torque capacity than the threaded
and coupled connection. This is because integral connections are generally designed with an
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external torque shoulder, while for most threaded and coupled connections the torque
shoulder is located at the pin nose.
• there is a risk of "ringworm" corrosion. This corrosion can occur at the upset region of joints
in the presence of CO2. During the upsetting process the pipe ends are heated and heavily
deformed, which results in a difference in steel microstructure compared to the pipe. It has
been found that this microstructure is highly sensitive to CO2 corrosion so that pits can form
quite rapidly. The observed corrosion has a characteristic morphology called ringworm
attack. To avoid this problem it is necessary to use tubulars which have been fully heat
treated after upsetting.
• the manufacturing process of threaded and coupled connections is a lot simpler than that of
integral connections as no upsetting or swaging is required.
• with threaded and coupled connections there is less risk of leakage due to geometric errors
in the machined connection parts. Generally, the geometric error in machined couplings is
smaller than the error in machined pipe ends. Pins and boxes, machined on long tubulars,
may show geometry errors in the shape of a clover leaf. This is usually caused by movements
of the long unsupported section of the casing joint.
• there has also been a move towards the use of more highly alloyed steel grades which
cannot be satisfactorily hot-worked to produce the upset pipe ends necessary for an integral
Thread Forms
• API round type thread, a tapered thread with stabbing and loading flanks of 30° and rounded
crests and roots.
• API buttress type thread, a tapered thread with stabbing and loading flanks of 10° and 3°
respectively, and flat crests and roots, parallel to the thread cone.
• API extremeline thread, a tapered thread with stabbing and loading flanks of 6°, and flat
crests and roots parallel to the pipe axis.
Modified buttress threads used for Premium connections. Several thread forms have been
developed which are provided with one of the following modifications or combinations thereof:
the thread profile has thread crests and roots parallel to the pipe axis rather than being parallel
to the thread cone; a clearance at the pin thread crest, in order to ensure a better control of the
thread friction during make-up; a change in the angle of the stabbing flank, ranging from +10° to
+45° in order to improve the connection stabbing performance; a change in the angle of the
loading flank, ranging from +3° to -15° in order to increase the tensile capacity of the
connection; a change in the pitch of the threads (single or double pitch change) in order to
provide a more uniform stress distribution in the connection threads under tensile or
compressive loads.
Two step thread has two sections of different diameter, each provided with free running, non-
11 of 56
interfering, threads either straight or tapered. A design with three shoulders which has the
advantage of an increased over-torque capacity. In contrast, a non-interfering thread has the risk
of inadvertently backing-out of the connection.
Wedge shape thread is based on an interlocking dovetail thread profile. The loading flank is
machined with a greater pitch than the stabbing flank to produce a thread that wedges together
during make-up, eliminating the need for an additional torque shoulder. The applicable make-up
torques of these connections tend to be higher than that of connections with modified buttress
thread profiles and a shoulder.
11010.50 ft.
13451.44 ft.
13451.44 ft.
Casing Accessories
Float Equipment
Casing float equipment and cement plugs required are to meet or exceed the casing
specification and temperature rating. Cement plugs are to be rated for the expected
temperature and casing test pressure of 80% of the maximum rated casing pressure.
Multi-Stage Cementing
In some cases, cementing along the well casing from the injection zone up to the ground
surface in a single stage may not be possible. The pressure exerted by the cement column
increases as the height of the column increases. In very deep wells the pressure may
become so great that the cement pumps can no longer maintain the pressure, or the
pressure from the cement column under construction may fracture weaker formations. In
some cases, highly fractured formations or formations with large voids may not allow
cement to circulate to the surface, as the cement will flow into the fractures and voids in
the formation instead of stacking vertically in a column up to the ground surface. If single
stage cementing cannot be successfully performed, multi-staged cementing may be used
[40 CFR §146.86(b) (4)]. Multi-staged cementing can be two-stage, three-stage, or
continuous two-stage cementing.
To successfully accomplish two-stage cementing, the cement is pushed out of the well bore
using a fluid. Two plugs, often referred to as bombs because of their shape, are then
dropped. The first plug closes the section of the well below the collar and stops cement
from flowing into the lower portion of the well. The second plug (or opening bomb) opens
the cement ports in the collar allowing cement to flow into the annulus between the casing
and formation through the cement collar. Cement is then circulated down the well bore,
out the cement ports, into the annulus between the casing and formation, and up to the
ground surface. Once cementing is complete, a third plug is dropped to close the cement
ports (Lyons and Plisga, 2005). If the time between the first and second stage is long
enough for the cement to begin to set, care should be taken that the first stage is stopped
significantly below the cement ports.
cementing, except that two cement collars are used instead of one. The method used will
largely be determined by the characteristics of the well bore. If there are two weak
formations where circulation is lost or the well is very deep, three-stage cementing may be
Liner Hanger
There are no specific regulations for liner hangers in this application, however in this instance, the
regulatory requirements that govern the selection of packer materials and technical requirements is
U.S. EPA Class VI regulations require that injection occur through tubing. The tubing must be
compatible with the carbon dioxide stream [40 CFR §146.86(c) (1)]. Tubing materials are generally
similar to the casing well materials. The tubing should also be designed with the same types of
stresses in mind. The tubing must be designed with burst strength to withstand the injection
pressure and the collapse strength to withstand the pressure in the annulus between the tubing
and the casing [40 CFR §146.86(b) (1)]. Consideration should be given to a metal-to-metal seal
tubing connection due the higher than normal temperature fluctuation that can occur in the
Gundih Field.
Tubing Packer
U.S. EPA Class VI regulations also require that injection occur through a packer, set opposite a
cemented interval at a depth approved by the UIC Program Director, and compatible with the
carbon dioxide stream [40 CFR §146.86(c)(1) and (2)].
Packers are often made from a hardened rubber such as Buna-N or nitrile rubbers and are nickel
plated. Proper materials for packers are important as they are likely to come into contact with
corrosive fluids such as carbon dioxide or corrosive brines at some point during the project life.
The packer must be compatible with any fluids it may come into contact with [40 CFR §146.86(c)
(1)]. Placement of the packer can also be an important consideration, influenced by numerous
factors. If the packer is placed above the confining layer, it will allow logs to be run next to the
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casing through the confining layer without having to pull the tubing. Alternatively, placing the
packer close to the perforations may allow instruments used for carbon dioxide plume tracking,
such as geophones, to be placed closer to the expected plume. Packer placement can also affect
how mechanical integrity tests are conducted and may affect the stress placed on well
components. Consideration should be given to these factors, in order to select the best location
Completion Equipment
The well completion equipment, from bottom up, (Fig 6) will comprise:
Annular Fluid
The annular space above the packer between the 5½-inch long string casing and the
-inch injection tubing will be filled with fluid to provide structural support for the
injection tubing. If required, fluid pressure measure at the surface within the annulus
will be maintained so as to exceed the maximum injection pressure within the
injection tubing at the elevation of the injection zone. Under this requirement, the
maximum annulus surface pressure will not exceed a value that is more than ~200 psi
The annular fluid will be a diluted saline solution such as potassium chloride (KCl),
sodium chloride (NaCl-), calcium chloride (CaCl2), or similar solution. The fluid will be
mixed onsite using dry salt and clean fresh water. The fluid is also to be filtered to
ensure that solids do not settle at the packer or on other components installed in the
The annular fluid will contain additives and inhibitors including a corrosion inhibitor,
biocide/bactericide (to prevent harmful bacteria), and an oxygen scavenger.
• Material Class – with specific attention to wetted surfaces subject to CO2 and
H2S exposure.
o As defined by NACE MR 0175
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The wellhead and Xmas tree will be composed of materials compatible with the injected fluid to
minimize corrosion. All components that are in contact with CO2 injection fluid will be made of a
corrosion resistant alloy or a conventional material with a corrosion resistant inlay for flow wetted
component surfaces.
Specific to CO2 monitoring requirements will be the inclusion of ported adaptor flange sections to
the wellhead that will incorporate pressure sealing ports for monitoring instrumentation and control
lines. An example is shown in Figure 6 below.
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Figure 7 Example of CCS Multiple Monitoring Configured Conceptual Wellhead & Xmas Tree
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Figure 11 Typical Geophone and Flat Pack Installation on CO2 injection tubing.
Well Integrity
Cement and Its Degradation Due to CO2 Injection
Portland cement systems are used conventionally for zonal isolation in oil or gas production
wells. It is thus crucial to study how such cement behaves at depth in CO2-rich fluids and
understand the chemical interactions between injected CO2 and existing cements that could
potentially lead to leakage. Portland cement is thermodynamically unstable in CO2-rich
environments and can degrade rapidly upon exposure to CO2 in the presence of water. As
CO2-laden water diffuses into the cement matrix, the dissociated acid (H2CO3) reacts with
the free calcium hydroxide and the calcium-silicate-hydrate gel. The reaction products are
soluble and migrate out of the cement matrix. Eventually, the compressive strength of the
set cement decreases and the permeability and porosity increase leading to loss of zonal
There are mainly three different chemical reactions involved in cement-CO2 interaction: (1)
formation of carbonic acid, (2) carbonation of calcium hydroxide and/or cement hydrates,
and (3) dissolution of calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
Cement is important for providing structural support of the casing, preventing contact of the
casing with corrosive formation fluids, and preventing vertical movement of carbon dioxide.
Some of the most current research indicates that a good cement job is one of the key factors
in effective zonal isolation.
During the injection phase, cement will only encounter dry CO2. However, after the injection
phase and all the free CO2 around the wellbore had been dissolved in the brine, the wellbore
will be attacked by carbonic acid (H2CO3). The carbonic acid will only attack the reservoir
portion of the production (long string) casing, therefore special consideration of CO2 cement
needs only to be considered for the reservoir, the primary seal and a safety zone above the
reservoir. Regular cement should be placed over the CO2-resistant cement. However since
two different cement slurries will be used, CO2-resistant cement that is compatible with
regular Portland cement has to be used to prevent flash setting. The cement must be able to
maintain a low permeability over lengthy exposure to reservoir conditions in a CO2 injection
and storage scenario. Long-term carbon sequestration conditions include a contact of set
cement with supercritical CO2 (>31 °C at 1059 psi) and brine solutions at increased pressure
and temperature and decreased pH.
24 of 56
Underground gas storage operations and CO2 sequestration in aquifers rely on both proper
wellbore construction and sealing function of the cap rock. The potential leakage paths are
the migration CO2 along the wellbore due to poor cementation and flow through the cap
rock. The permeability and integrity of the cement will determine how effective it is in
preventing leakage. The integrity of the cap rock is assured by an adequate fracture gradient
and by sufficient cement around the casing across the cap rock and without a micro-annulus.
Well integrity has been identified as the biggest risk contributing to leakage of CO2 from
underground storage sites. Wellbore represents the most likely route for the leakage of CO2
from geologic carbon sequestration. Abandoned wells are typically sealed with cement plugs
intended to block vertical migration of fluids. In addition, active wells are usually lined with
steel casing, with cement filling the outer annulus in order to prevent leakage between the
casing and formation rock.
Several potential leakage pathways can occur along active injection well and/or abandoned
well. These include leakage: through deterioration (corrosion) of the tubing (1), around
packer (2), through deterioration (corrosion) of the casing (3), between the outside of the
casing and the cement (4), through deterioration of the cement in the annulus (cement
fractures) (5), leakage in the annular region between the cement and the formation (6),
through the cement plug (7), and between the cement and the inside of the casing (8) .
The permeability and integrity of the cement in the annulus and in the wellbore will
determine how effective the cement is in preventing fluid leakage.
The greatest risk for the escape of CO2 may come from other wells, typically for oil and gas,
which penetrate the storage formation. Such wells need to be properly sealed in order to
ensure that they do not provide pathways for the CO2 to escape into the atmosphere.
Planning for geologic storage must take such wells into account. The escaping of CO2
through water wells is much more unlikely since water wells are usually much shallower
than the storage formation.
Cementing Program
All casing strings, with the exception of liners, will be cemented back to surface in accordance with
the requirements EPA UIC Class VI regulations (10 CFR §146.87).
Positive stand-off casing centralizers will be used on casing strings that extend to surface and liners
exposed to annuli that extend to surface, in accordance with a centralizer spacing and placement
simulation, with the exception of the surface conductor and intermediate casing string. A
temperature rated, PDC drillable float/guide shoe will be run on the bottom of the first joint with a
temperature and casing test pressure rated double-float collar above the second casing joint to
provide sufficient separation between the cement slurry and displacement fluid. The minimum two
(2) joint shoe track is intended to ensure a competent and uniform cement slurry surrounds the
casing shoe.
All casing strings and liners with a potential for exposure to CO2, H2S and associated fluids will be
cemented with a CO2 corrosion resistant cement. In an effort to effectively remove drilling fluid filter
cake from both the casing and formation, and reduce the potential for micro-annulus formation, an
effective “Mud Removal Spacer Fluid” for both the OBM and Water Based drilling fluids is to be
included as part of the cementing program.
After running a casing string that extends to the deeper higher temperature formations of the well a
pre-determined casing circulating period is required in an effort to reduce formation temperature in
the immediate wellbore at that particular depth. This is in an effort to reduce any downhole
The 5½-inch production casing is currently planned to be cemented back to surface in a multi-stage
process. The placement of a multi-stage cementing tool will be defined after further reservoir data
acquisition, engineering and analysis.
Note: As shown in the reservoir pressure profiles there is a distinct pressure regression (~1.54 SG –
1.00 SG [~12.86 ppg – 8.34 ppg]) after exiting the Tuban Formation and penetrating the Kujung. In
this case a full column of conventional weight cement, to surface, is not considered feasible.
A high temperature (~149 °C [~300 °F]), lite-weight, CO2 corrosion resistant cement slurry design is
required to cement the 5½-inch long string in a single stage cement job that exhibits the necessary
properties to conduct the cementation in a single stage whereby, eliminating the requirement for
multi-stage cementation of the 5½-inch casing string thus eliminating the potential for failure during
the multi-stage process and, a saving in rig time.
System (TDS) is to be made available. The equipment is to be suitably prepared for the
formation temperatures expected encountered. It is important that the drilling contractor
be experienced in drilling wells of the type described in this prognosis.
Formation Temperature
KDL-01 well, recorded a bottomhole temperature of 165 °C (330 °F). The geothermal
gradient for the area has been established at 3.836 °C/100 m (2.104 °F/100 ft.). Recorded
RBT – 01A well mud flowline temperature increased from 149 °C (300 °F) to 156 °C (313 °F)
through the Kujung interval (2962.0m MD/2939.6m TVD – 3112.0m MD/3090.3m TVD). Use
of a drilling fluid capable of withstanding these temperatures is a point for consideration.
Additionally, surface handling equipment (e.g. TDS, TDS hose, mud manifold, choke manifold
etc.) and surface pumping equipment and BOP elastomers are to be rated for temperatures
of this magnitude. Should drilling fluid temperature be deemed excessive consideration is to
be given to the installation of a mud cooling unit for the deeper sections of the well.
Temperature of this magnitude require that all equipment and materials used on the well be
“Fit for Purpose”.
Lost Circulation
Well Control
The combination of high pressure, high temperature, lost circulation and long hole sections
between casing points increases the risk of a well control incident. Procedures are to be
developed to handle risk management. In addition the provision of high rate water supply and
large reserve drilling mud storage.
Note: RBT – 01A recorded flowline temperature up to 156 °C (313 °F) when nearing TD of
the well. Standard BOP elastomers are rated for up to 93 °C (200 °F) with standard spherical
(annular) BOP elastomers rated for 77 °C (170 °F). BOP elastomers are to be rated for the
temperatures anticipated. High temperature BOP elastomeric components are available for
up to 177 °C (350 °F) and spherical (annular) BOP elastomer elements up to 107 °C (225 °F).
Maintaining the injection pressure below 90 percent of the injection zone fracture
pressure is a conservative requirement that prevents the injection zone from being
fractured and diminishes the likelihood of fracturing the confining zone which could result
in fluid movement out of the injection zone. In some cases, a well stimulation program
may be necessary to achieve the desired injectivity of the Class VI injection well.
Stimulation usually occurs during completion of the well and may also be conducted if
injectivity decreases over the course of the injection project.
The modeled pressures can be confirmed using technologies such as tilt-meters and micro-
seismic monitoring to monitor and refine the model; however, these technologies are still
experimental and may not be applicable in all circumstances. If additional chemicals are to
be used in stimulation it should be shown that they will not react with the confining layer.
Information on calculating the fracture pressure of a formation can be found in the Draft
UIC Program Class VI Well Site Characterization Guidance. The API Guidance Document
RF1 – Hydraulic Fracturing Operations – Well Construction and Integrity Guidelines also
contains information on ways to perform stimulation without fracturing the confining
layer. Additionally, the Draft UIC Program Class VI Well Testing and Monitoring Guidance
provides additional information on how to monitor injection pressure.
Injection between the casing and the formation is not allowed [40 CFR §146.88(b)], as it
would provide no barrier between the carbon dioxide and the formation. The Class VI Rule
requires the space between the casing and the formation to be cemented [40 CFR
Mud scavengers are also to be available as part of the drilling fluids program.
Surface and sub-surface equipment are to be “fit for purpose” in an environment containing
CO2 and H2S.
Safety equipment including 30 minute air-packs, 15 minute egress packs, breathing air
compressors, wind direction indicators and warning signs are to be made available for all
personnel on location.
A contingency plan with respect to the local population, surrounding farm and agricultural
life is to be developed.
RBT – 01A recorded flowline temperature up to 156 °C (313 °F) when nearing TD of the well.
Standard BOP elastomers are rated for up to 93 °C (200 °F) with spherical (annular) BOP
elastomers rated for 77 °C (170 °F). BOP elastomers are to be rated for the temperatures
anticipated. High temperature BOP elastomeric components are available for up to 177 °C
(350 °F) and spherical (annular) BOP elastomer elements up to 107 °C (225 °F).
Electric Logging
The electric logging program is designed to confirm the identity of potential CO2 storage
zones. Tools and logging cable are to be suitable for high temperatures (>149 °C/300 °F). In
addition electric logging services may be required to conduct intermediate VSP’s and
pressure measurements of candidate zones.
Casing Wear
Procedures are required developed to check; steel recovery in the drilling fluid and tool joint
hard banding inspection specification. And, should casing wear be suspected a casing caliper
log and additional pressure testing of casing conducted.
Annulus Pressure Testing will be conducted in accordance with §40 CFR §146.8(b)(2)
Safety equipment including 30 minute air packs, 5 minute egress pack, breathing air
compressors, wind direction indicators, warning signs will be made available.
A contingency plan with respect to the local population and surrounding farm life is to be
All drilling personnel both office based and rig based involved in the decision making and/or
supervisory capacity are to have attended a recognized well control course. These courses,
typically well specific, are designed to provide the participants with a working knowledge of
the procedures and techniques required for a CO2 injection well. Generally, broken into two
training sessions, firstly for supervisory personnel and secondly training directed at drilling
crews and service company personnel. The second course will be conducted in the field and
cover drilling issues and well control procedures to be used plus, practical drills in
implementing procedures.
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Surface Location
Figure 12: CCS-1: Pilot CO2 Injection Well Surface Location KTB-B well pad approximately 4.0 km east of Gundih CPP
The Gundih CPP and producing wells are located near the town of Cepu, Central Java. The area is
predominantly agricultural with rural villages that rely on ground water for irrigational and domestic
use. The proposed surface well location is approximately 4.0 km east of the Gundih CPP at the KTB –
B well pad.
A Rotary Steerable System (RSS) will drill the well faster with less time wasted on orienting the tool
face with aggressive bit usage (issues with a motor when trying to control the tool-face), and
maximizing drilling parameters.
Sliding with a mud motor in could pose challenges due to weight stacking. The weight stacking is
more profound when Water Base Mud (WBM) is used as the friction factor is higher than the SOBM.
A highly experienced Directional Driller (DD) is required if it is selected to drill with a motor.
An RSS will result in a smoother borehole for casing run in both 12¼-inch and 8½-inch hole section
as doglegs are even distributed in the borehole. This will also aid in improved borehole conditions
for the extensive logging and formation evaluation program. A mud motor creates "micro-doglegs"
which increase the tortuosity of the hole section if not managed well. Micro-dogleg depending on
the severity will increase the chance of the drilling assembly becoming stuck due to key-seating.
RSS continuous rotation and higher rotating speed will improve hole cleaning of the well. Mud
motors, however, have rotary speed limitations due to the deviation. Improved hole cleaning will
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Near bit Resistivity While Drilling will enable the selection of an optimum geological point at the
base of the Tuban and casing setting point for the 9ǫ-inch casing and is only applicable when
coupled with RSS technology. The RSS Near Bit Resistivity is approximately 1.5 m from the bit
whereas when using a mud motor, the Resistivity Tool is at least 15.0 m above the bit.
Figure 13 Gundih Pilot CO2 Injection Well Trajectory, Geological Formations & Estimated Pressure Profiles
Formation Data
Geological Summary – Based on RBT – 1A Offset Well
The location of Randublatung RBT-1A offset well was proposed to be drilled within the Blue
Horizon objective of the limestone reservoir layer in the Kujung Formation exhibiting a
porosity ranging from 19% - 24%. The reservoir trap is a barrier reef (reefal) shelf edge
increasingly controlled by basement faulting since the Eocene period.
Formation Drilling
36” Hole Section: Surface – 30m MD
The 36” hole section was initially drilled with a 17½ pilot
hole using a water base gel mud then opened up with a
17 ½” bull nose x 26” x 36” hole opening assembly from
surface to 30m. At TD the hole was back reamed and a
30 bbl Hi-Vis pill was pumped and displaced with water
Formation Drilling
Mundu Formation
518.0m MD/515.87m TVD – 17½“Hole Section: 309 – 1724m MD
787.0m MD/773.1m TVD This section was drilled from 309 – 1724m MD with
Sandstone interbedded 1.13 – 1.46 SG SOBM. Mud weight was increased at
with layers of siltstone, 354m from 1.13 – 1.25 SG, when background gas
claystone and marl. increased to 20 – 50 units. At 471m was increased from
1.25 – 1.4 SG as background gas increased and again
from 1.4 – 1.46 SG at 585m where background gas
stabilized between 60 – 80 units. From 585m MD to
hole section TD at 1724m MD background fluctuated
Ledok Formation between 50 – 120 units. Maximum gas recorded in this
section was217 units in a sandstone at 526m MD.
787.0m MD/773.1m TVD – Maximum recorded trip gas was 146 units while
1043.5m MD/1022.6m circulating the hole clean at 1456m MD. Gas in this
TVD. section consisted mostly of methane with traces of
Claystone interbedded with ethane and propane. At hole section TD (1724m MD)
sandstone and siltstone the mud weight was increased from 1.46 – 1.49 SG prior
to pulling out of the hole (POOH) and gas reduced to 25
Formation Drilling
Tuban Formation 150 units with a maximum gas reading of 297 units at
1907m MD and trip gas of 362 units at 2830m MD. At
2174.0m MD/2151.0m 2959.5m MD. Recovered samples showed
TVD 2962.0m approximately 50% limestone and 50% shale.
MD/2939.6m TVD Temperature increased with depth and ranged from 88
Shaley claystone and shale °C (191 °F) to 100 °C (212 °F) through the 12¼” hole
interbedded with section
sandstone and siltstone in The hole was cased with 9ǫ”, L-80, 53.5 ppf, BTC casing
upper portion with with the shoe set at 2959m MD.
intercalation shale, The cementing program comprised; 2 bbls water ahead,
siltstone and limestone 50 bbls Mud Push II, 239 bbls 1.68 SG Lead Slurry
streaks in the lower part. followed by 100 bbls 1.9 SG Tail slurry
Operations Summary
Operations associated with the drilling of CCS Pilot Well can be broken down into the following
discrete steps:
1. Move in drilling unit and associated service equipment and rig up.
2. Drive 30-inch conductor or drill 36-inch hole and run 30-inch casing and cement. Install
diverter equipment if shallow gas is considered to be a possibility.
3. Drill 12¼-inch pilot hole to the 20-inch casing setting depth taking returns to the cellar with
cellar pump returns to mud system.
4. Log pilot hole as required.
5. Open pilot hole to 26-inch
6. Run and cement 20-inch casing using “water bushing” and drill pipe inner string.
7. Rig down diverter equipment, if it has been installed, cut off 30-inch conductor at cellar
floor. Cut off 20-inch casing at pre-determine height and weld on 21¼-inch 3,000 psi WP x
20-inch SOW casing head flange. Leak test weld. Install 21¼-inch, 3,000 psi BOP stack. Test
21¼-inch BOP stack and associated surface equipment in accordance with the approved
BOP Test Procedures.
8. Make-up 17½-inch drilling assembly. RIH and drill out the 20-inch casing shoe. Drill 4.0m of
new formation and perform a Formation Integrity Test (FIT) to the predetermined value.
9. Directionally drill 17½-inch hole to 13Ǫ-inch casing setting depth.
10. Conduct wiper trip to 20-inch casing shoe and POOH.
18. Log as required and conduct formation dynamics tests of any potential CO2 injection
formations along with Side Wall Core (SWC) sampling.
19. Run and cement 9ǫ-inch liner.
20. Nipple down 13ǫ-inch 5,000 psi WP BOP stack. Install 13ǫ-inch 5,000 psi x 11-inch 5,000 psi
CHA and pressure test CHA cavities. Install 13ǫ-inch 5,000 psi WP BOP stack and associated
surface equipment in accordance to the approved BOP Test Procedures.
21. Make up 8½-inch drilling assembly. RIH and drill out 9ǫ-inch casing shoe. Drill 4.0 m of new
formation and perform a Formation Integrity Test (FIT) to the predetermined value.
22. Control drill 8½-inch hole and penetrate the Kujung Formation. Continue drilling to the
water zone, at the base of the Kujung Formation and prior to penetrating the Ngimbang
Formation, where it is planned to conduct full-hole coring of the target injection zone.
23. RIH with core barrel assembly and core the lower portion of the Kujung Formation. POOH.
24. Conduct wiper trip from TD to the 9ǫ-inch liner shoe. POOH
25. Log as required and conduct formation dynamics tests of potential CO2 injection formations
below the water contact.
26. Run 5½-inch “long string” casing and external down-hole monitoring equipment and cement
utilizing a multi-stage light weight cementing process. On completion of the first stage
cementation, land 5½ inch mandrel casing hanger and conduct second stage cementation
taking returns through wellhead Section B side outlets.
27. Nipple down 13ǫ-inch 5,000 psi WP BOP stack. Install 11-inch 5,000 psi x 11-inch 5,000 psi
tubing hanger section with temperature and pressure ports. Install 13ǫ-inch 5,000 psi WP
BOP stack and associated surface equipment in accordance to the approved BOP Test
The well will be perforated at a later date on assessment and interpretation of the data acquired
over the zone of interest.
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Formation Evaluation
Borehole Characterization
• Conduct a detailed characterization of near wellbore geology to identify CO2
injections interval(s) in support of the development of an accurate reservoir model.
• Model accuracy is critical in the prediction of CO2 spreading/behavior.
• Modelling is a monitoring method (particularly in the case, when monitoring wells
are not available).
• Bulk Density • Triple Combo or Platform
• Caliper Express*
• Gamma Ray • Dipole Sonic
• Photo-Electric Factor
Acoustic Velocities: Formation:
• Rock Mechanical Properties • Wonocolo
• Horizontal Stress Orientation (azimuth) and • Ngrayong
anisotropy Ngrayong
• Velocity Modelling Update
Log № A Cased Hole Logging
• Cement Evaluation Log
• Caliper Express*
Identify depositional features, bedding, dip,
vugular porosity, fractures, faults and stress
orientation (if break-outs or drilling induced
fractures are present.
• Acoustic Resistivity
• Resistivity
• Neutron Porosity
• Bulk Density
Identify depositional features, bedding, dip,
vugular porosity, fractures, faults and stress • Tuban
orientation (if break-outs or drilling induced
fractures are present.
• Acoustic Resistivity
• Elemental Spectroscopy (tentative)
• Rotary Sidewall Core Sampling
Log № A Cased Hole Logging
• Cement Evaluation Log
40 of 56
Identify depositional features, bedding, dip,
vugular porosity, fractures, faults and stress
orientation (if break-outs or drilling induced
fractures are present. Formation:
• Acoustic Resistivity • Kujung
• Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Fluid Type/Saturation
• Pulsed Neutron Capture
All downhole coring equipment is to be temperature rated for reservoir conditions and
exposure to a CO2 and H2S environment.
The point at which coring will commence is to be determined in conjunction with the Drilling
Supervisor and Well Site Geologist and conveyed to Company for final concurrence. As with
any coring operations, the utmost care is to be taken when operations are conducted in a
high temperature, H2S environment of this nature. As a primary concern, the well is to be
confirmed in a stable state prior to commencement of coring operations.
Upon recovery, the core is to be catalogued, packaged in an approved method and sent to a
laboratory for analysis.
This phase will also include sidewall core sampling of the cap rock above the reservoir
section in the Tuban Formation.
Characterization Program
Well and Reservoir Hydraulic and Geo-mechanical Testing
Phase 1 – Flowmeter Logging (mechanical spinner meter logging tool) survey of the open
borehole section across the reservoir to identify candidate CO2 injection zones.
This phase of testing includes a baseline fluid logging survey conducted under static (no
injection) conditions and additional surveys conducted while injecting brine at increasing
Phase 2 – Straddle Packer Tests of candidate CO2 injection horizons and other discrete
intervals with the intervals being isolated utilizing a straddle packer testing tool.
Stress Test pumping (injection/fall-off) tests will be conducted to create mini hydraulic
fractures to characterize horizontal stress directions and formation fracture pressure.
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Well Schematic
Well Suspension/Abandonment
At the termination of the CCS pilot program, that is expected to endure for approximately 2 years,
the decision to suspend or abandon the well will be made.
Should there be a potential for the well to either remain a CO2 injection well or a production well the
well will be suspended and left in a usable state, providing no safety or environmental concerns are
violated, i.e. Xmas Tree, production tubing, safety valve and completion packer remain in place.
In the event the well is plugged and abandoned, procedures will meet the requirements of 40 CFR
§146.92. Plugging procedure and materials will be designed to prevent any unwanted fluid
movement, to resist the corrosive aspects of carbon dioxide/water mixtures, and protect any
USDW’s. Any necessary revisions to the well plugging plan, to address new information collected
during logging and testing of the well will be made after construction, logging and testing of the well
have been completed.
After injection has been terminated, the well will be flushed with a kill weight brine fluid. A
minimum of three (3) tubing volumes will be injected without exceeding the fracture
gradient/pressure. Bottom hole pressure will be taken and the well will be logged and pressure
tested to ensure mechanical integrity, inside and outside the casing, prior to plugging. Should a loss
of mechanical integrity be discovered, the well will be repaired prior to proceeding with plugging
operations. A detailed plugging procedure is to be compiled. All casing strings extending to surface
will have been cemented to surface during the well construction phase and will not be retrievable at
All casing strings will be cut off in accordance with regulatory requirements and a blanking plate with
the well information welded to the cutoff casing.
Company will record bottom hole pressure from a downhole pressure gauge to determine kill fluid
density. At least one (1) of the following logs, as required by 40 CFR §146.92(a), will be conducted to
verify external Mechanical Integrity (MI) prior to plugging operations:
• Temperature Log
• Noise Log
• Oxygen Activation Log
Cement formulated for plugging operations shall be resistant to the carbon dioxide stream.
The suspension or abandonment of the CCS – 1 Pilot Well is to adhere to Badan Standar Nasional
Indonesia SNI 13-6910 – 2002: Drilling Operation for Safe Conduct of Onshore and Offshore in
Indonesia – Implementation. Specifically, Article 6.10 Abandonment of Wells; Sub-sections 6.10.3
Permanent Abandonment and 6.10.4 Temporary Abandonment (Suspension). It should be pointed
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out that a well that is temporarily abandoned (suspended) shall be permitted by Pertamina as per
Go er e t Regulatio № / 9 (Ref: SNI -6910 – 2002 Appendix C1)
Clearance of Location:
• All wellheads, casing, piling and other obstructions
shall be removed to a depth of:
o 3 ft underground for onshore operations
o 15 ft below the mud line for offshore operations
• All locations shall be cleared of all obstructions.
Report on Well
Abandonment or
The well pad location shall be cleared of all Suspension to be submitted
unnecessary obstructions other than the wellhead, within 30 days of
completion of the work;
Xmas Tree and transport pipeline and do not • Complete SKK MIGAS
constitute a hazard to legitimate users of the area Formulir IX-1
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API American Petroleum Institute
bbl Barrel
BHST Bottom Hole Static Temperature °C (°F)
BOP Blow-Out Preventer
bph Barrels per Hour
bpm Barrels per Minute
BPV Back Pressure Valve
BTC Buttress Thread Connection
BUR Build Up Rate
°C Degrees Celsius
CAL Caliper Log
Cap Rock The shale layers above a reservoir that provide geological isolation to upward
migration of CO2 and provide the primary seal
CBL Cement Bond Log
MI Mechanical Integrity
MMSCFD Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day
MT Metric tons
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Log
NPHI Neutron Porosity Log
OBM Oil Base Mud
PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (drill bit)
PEF Litho-Density Log
PHPA partially-hydrolyzed polyacrylamide
PNC Pulsed Neutron Capture Log
POOH Pull Out Of Hole
ppf Pounds Per Foot
PR Performance Requirement
psig pounds per square inch, gauge
1. B.T.H. Marbun, S.Z. Sinaga, H.S. Lie, A. Promediaz, Insitut Teknologi Bandung. 2012.
“Northwest Java and East Natuna Field: Perspective to Apply Carbon Capture and Storage
(CCS) in Indonesia”. CMTC 151319.
2. Dr. Liane Smith, Dragan Milanovic, Dr. Chee Hong Lee, Dr. Billingham. 2012. “Establishing
and Maintaining the Integrity of Wells used for Sequestration of CO2”. C2012-0001376.
3. Talibuddin Syed, SPE, TSA Inc. and Thor Cutler, EPA. 2010. “Well Integrity and Regulatory
Considerations for CO2 Injection Wells”. SPE 125839.
4. P. D’Alesio, SPE, Pro Energy, R. Poloni, P. Valente and P.A. Magarini, ENI E&P. “Well Integrity
10. Susan Carrolla, J. William Careyb David Dzombakc, Nicolas J. Huerta,d, Li LieTom Richarde,
Wooyong UmfStuart D. C. WalshaLiwei Zhangg. 2016.
a. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550, United States
b. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, United States
c. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, United States
d. National Energy Technology Laboratory, Albany, OR 97322, United States
e. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, United States
f. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99354, United States
g. National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA 15236, United States
Review: Role of Chemistry, Mechanics, and Transport on Well Integrity in CO2 storage
11. D.P. Postler, SPE, Exxon Company. 1997. “Pressure Integrity Test Interpretation”. SPE/IADC
12. Koji Takase, Japan CCS Co., Ltd; Yogesh Barhate and Hiroyuki Hashimoto, SPE, Halliburton;
and Siddhartha F. Lunkad, Formerly Halliburton. 2010. “Cement-Sheath Wellbore Integrity
for CO2 Injection and Storage Wells”. SPE 127422.
13. F. Dugo jić-Bilić, SPE, C. Tiemeyer, SPE, and J. Plank, SPE, Technische Universitaet
Muenchen. 2011. “Study on Admixtures for Calcium Aluminate Phosphate Cement Useful To
Seal CCS Wells”. SPE 141179.
35. J. Seydoux, J. Tabanou, SPE, L. Ortenzi, SPE, J.M. Denichou, Y. De Laet, and D.Omeragic,
Schlumberger; M. Iversenand M. Fejerskov, Norsk Hydro. A Deep-Resistivity Logging-While-
Drilling Device for Proactive Geosteering. OTC 15126. Offshore Technology Conference 2003
36. Shell Canada Limited, Quest Carbon Capture and Storgae Project. Measurement, Monitoring
and Verification Plan. November 2010.
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Preamble ................................................................................................................................................. 2
RBT – A Well Pad: RBT-01A and RBT-03ST Wells .................................................................................... 3
KDL – A Well Pad: KDL-01 Well ............................................................................................................... 4
RBT – B Well Pad and RBT-02 Well ......................................................................................................... 6
KTB – A Well Pad: KTB-01, KTB-03TW & KTB-06ST Wells ....................................................................... 9
KTB – B Well Pad: KTB-02 & KTB-04 Wells ............................................................................................ 11
Gundih Central Processing Plant (CPP) ................................................................................................. 14
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
The second Gundih site visit took place 13th & 14th February 2019 and covered the well pad
locations, pipeline right-of-ways and Gundih Central Processing Plant.
The visit team comprised, representatives of Asian Development Bank, Battelle Memorial Institute,
Institute Technology Bandung, Elnusa and Pertamina.
Commencing, initially, with a meeting at Pertamina Asset Offices, Cepu, followed by a site visits to,
Gundih well pad locations and some pipeline right-of-ways and the central processing plant.
The site visit focused on potential candidate surface well locations for use as a CO2 pilot injection
well site. There are five (5) well pad locations in the Gundih Field; KDL, RBT – A, RBT – B, KTB – A and
KTB – B.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 2: Pipeline ROW RBT-3ST to Gundih CPP and RBT-A Well Pad approximately 32,269 m2
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
A single 6 inch flowline is contained in the pipeline right of way that passes from KDL Well Pad A to
RBT Well Pad A, through a complex agricultural rural area and river crossings onto the CPP via the
access road pipeline right of way, a distance of approximately 6,470 meters.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 7: KDL-A Well Pad Location (23,520 m2) & Pipeline ROW
Figure 8: Pipeline ROW Elevation Profile: KDL-A Well Pad to RBT-A Well Pad
Figure 9: ROW Cross Section: KDL-A Well Pad to RBT-A Well Pad
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 11: RBT-B Well Pad Location & Pipeline ROW intersecting at Gundih CPP access road.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 12: RBT-B Pipeline Elevation Profile: RBT-B to Gundih CPP Junction Point
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 15: Elevated Well Control Panel & Water Containment Pond area.
Figure 17: ROW Cross Section KDL/RBT-A/RBT-B Junction Point to Gundih CPP
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 21: KBT-A to Gundih CPP Pipeline ROW Underground Railway Crossing
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Three 6 inch flowlines traverse the pipeline right of way from KTB Well Pad A to the CPP and cross
under the provincial railway line a distance of approximately 3,900 meters. These flowlines are from
KTB – 01, KTB- 03 TW and KTB – 06 ST wells.
There are 2 – 6 inch flow lines from the wells at KTB – B Well Pad to the CPP.
KTB – B well pad location has been selected as the CO2 pilot injection candidate well location and all
planning both surface and subsurface have been made from this location.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Figure 26: ROW Cross Section KTB-A/KTB-B Junction Point to Gundih CPP
The flowlines from KTB – A & B well pads merge at the junction shown and five flowlines continue to
the CPP perimeter boundary and production manifold.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report
Gundih CPP is estimated to produce 800 metric tons per day (MT/day) of emitted CO2 (15.2
mmscfd). Prior to emitting acid gas to atmosphere it is passed through a Bio-Sulfur Recovery Unit
(Bio-SRU) process that converts the H2S to elemental sulfur that is bagged and packaged. The
remaining gases are oxidized in the Thermal Oxidizing System to comply with environmental
regulations for gas emissions (max. 2,600 ppm SO2). Bleed water from the Bio-SRU is treated in the
Wet Air Oxidization Unit along with the caustic spent in the Caustic Treatment Unit. This water is
then treated for disposal well injection along with produced water from the Gas Separation Unit.
Two CO2 streams have been identified, at Gundih CPP, as potential feed streams for CO2 capture.
These streams are the outlet of the Bio-SRU (Stream 1) and the outlet of the Thermal Oxidation Unit
(TOX) (Stream 2). The outlet stream of the Bio-SRU contains 95% CO2, though odorous sulfur
compounds (H2S and mercaptans) are present in small quantities and are required to be removed
before releasing the CO2 to the atmosphere. These odorous, sulfur compounds are oxidized
(converted to SO2) in the TOX. As it is the outlet of a combustion system, the stream consists of CO2
diluted with air (N2 and excess O2) and SO2 in small quantities.
The Bio-SRU (Stream 1) emits a high CO2 stream with diluted impurities although additional CO2
purification is required to remove odorous sulfur components and waste water before the CO2
conditioning unit. A post combustion capture unit such as an amine capture column is required
should the TOX (Stream 2) be selected to separate CO2 from the associated gases such as N2, O2 and
SO2. An economic evaluation is required, based on the outlet discharge of Stream 1 and 2 to
determine which method is the most feasible taking into account all operational factors.
Depending on the technically feasible option selected there is sufficient available land area to install
a CO2 Purification Unit, CO2 Compression/Liquefaction Unit, and CO2 storage along with the selected
mode of CO2 transportation at the Gundih CPP site. The exact location at the CPP site has yet to be
determined, however, there are a number of location options available within the CPP.
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Gundih CCS Site Visit Report