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Homework Basic 12

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Homework Basic 12

Student´s name : Brayand Snyder Siapo Torres

Teacher : Dra. Zoraida Esther Pérez Chore
1. Focus on language Find an underlined statement in the photo story
with the same meaning as each of the following:

1) I'd prefer something cheaper

It's a bit more than I want to spend

2) This shop sells good things

They have some really nice stuff

3) I don't know how to ask for a lower price

I'm not very good at bargaining

4) I don't have much money

I'm almost out of cash

5) Don't be afraid to bargain

It can't hurt to ask

6) Here's a cheaper one

Let me show you something more affordable

2. Complete the chart with your opinions of the advantages and

disadvantages of credit cards and cash. The discuss your ideas with
a partner

They help you build a financial Membership: Depending on the

history. bank and the type of card, the
membership is a periodic payment.
Points system: Most credit cards Unnecessary purchases
have a point system that
accumulates according to use.
Purchase in installments Excessively high rates
Benefits: As well as the points Uncontrol of expenses
system, some credit cards offer
discounts, access to VIP lounges
at airports and other benefits
In case of emergency: It is always Default interest
good to have a backup in an
emergency, for example, when
traveling, or simply for everyday
3. Read the salesperson’s recommendations.
Complete each statement, using the superlative form of the adjective.

1. The V5 is the newest vacuum cleaner model from Zorax.

2. The Blendex is very inexpensive. It’s the cheapest blender we sell.
3. Compared to our other washing machines, the Laundrex 300 is the easiest to
4. The focus C50 is the most popular digital camera we sell.
5. The vista PX is the lightest webcam you can buy.
6. Our customers say the My juice 500 is the most practical Juicer available today.
7. You’ll like the Morning Brew Conffeemaker. It’s the most difficult to use.
8. If you don’t want to spend a lot, the View Master is the least expensive
projector we have, but it is the best.
9. The Impress 400 isn’t the least expensive projector we have, but it is the best.


1. The smallest 4. The most convenient

2. The heaviest 5. The best
3. The most interesting 6. The most affordable
5. COMPLETE PRACTICE: Read the conversations between customers
and salespeople. The complete each conversation. Use too or
enough and an adjective from the list.

1. A: My photocopier is Too slow. I’m ready for an upgrade!

B: Ok. I have several models that are very fast. How much do you want to

2. A: These jeans aren’t Enough big. They’re very uncomfortable.

B: I’m so sorry. Let me get you a larger size. Here you go.

3. A: I like these portable speakers, but they really aren’t Enough light
for travel.
B: Then check out this pair. They’re lighter, and you can have them for $20.

4. A: Are you sure this microwave is Enough fast? I’m a pretty busy guy.
B: Absolutely. The X11 is our fastest model. And I can give you a great price.

5. A: How about this fan? Listen. It’s very quiet.

B: That’s definitely Too quiet for my bedroom. And it’s very affordable. I’ll take

6. A: This jacket is a real bargain, sir. It’s only $692.

B: $692? That’s Too expensive I don’t want to spend that much.
7. Complete the chary with notes about places in your city or town.
Include an example or a reason for each opinion you write

What are…

The best restaurant?

The best restaurant is Mi
Chinita, it offers very rich and
above all cheap dishes.

The nicest hotels?

Costa de sol y Roma, their
rooms are clean, tidy and
very nice.

The best fruits and

Mangoes and cacao, their
quality is the best in Perú.

The coolest electronic

The fan and the refrigerator,
helps us to combat the heat
in Tumbes.

The most expensive

department stores?
The hotel costa del sol offers
the rental of its rooms from
200 soles per night
The most unusual markets?
Metro, their Prices are very

The least expensive clothes?

The vividis, many people use
it for the heat, there is a lot of

The most unusual gifts?

Tienda Ramos, offers gifts for
every occasion, to surprise
the people you appreciate.

8. Complete the sentences

1. If you’re out of cash and bank is closed, you can get money from an ATM or
bank agent.
2. If there’s a service charge on your check, you probably don’t need to leave to
go to the bank.
3. In some places, you can get gifts, clothes, and food for a lower price.
4. Before you travel to a foreign country, you should check the exchange rate of
your currency and the currency of the place you’re traveling to.
5. I got a real discount in a store and I saved a lot of money.
6. It was a total waste I paid too much money.

9. Rewrite each sentence, using too or enough. For example:

1. Those cameras aren’t cheap enough.

2. This printer is too slow.
3. The inside of the fridge isn’t cool enough.
4. That restaurant is too noisy.
5. My flat screen TV isn’t big enough.
6. Those pants aren’t enough
1. those cameras are too expensive 4. That restaurant isn’t quiet enough
2. This printer is fast enough 5. My flat screen tv is too small
3. The inside of the fridge is too hot 6. Those pants are too short.
10. Choose an answer for each question


11. Complete each sentence with a possessive of the noun

1. Dean's father is an engineer
2. What is janec's e-mail address?
3. The book is kayla's
4. Nicole and Sean's class is at eight.
5. What are your brothers' occupations?
12. On a separate sheet of paper, write a question for each answer, using
What and a possessive adjective.

2. What’s their address? 5. What’s her nickname?

3. What’s his phone number? 6. What’s your email address?
4. What’s his last name? 7. What’s his address?
13. Complete sentence with a possessive adjective
1. This is my sister her husband is from Ecuador.
2. Robert is a new student here. His nickname is Bobby.
3. My Friends live in London, but their hometown is in Scotland.
4. My husband and I live in Chicago, but our children don’t.
5. I’d like you to meet your colleague Sam. He works with me at the bank.
6. I like that picture. Its colors are very nice


A. On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the sentences. Using

contractions. Then practice saying each sentence aloud

1. She is an opera singer - She’s an opera singer.

2. They are managers - They’re managers.
3. I am a student. - I’m a student.
4. Bart is from Australia. - He’s from Australia.
5. My mother is late. - She’s late.
6. Your father is nice. - He’s nice.

B. On a separate sheet of paper. Write a short answer for each question.

1. Is New York in Russia? No, it isn’t.
2. Are you a scientist? No, I’m not.
3. Are Korea and Japan in Asia? Yes, they are.
4. Is Italy a city? No, it isn’t.
5. Is it 3:00 right now? No, it isn’t.
6. Are you a student? Yes, I am.
7. Are you Canadian? No, I’m not.
8. Is your father a manager? No, he isn’t.
9. Is English difficult? No, it isn’t.


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Questions: What time does the Questions: Where’s the show?

show star?
Answers: It’s at the Cat Club
Answers: It starts at 8:55
a) Would you like to see frozen this evening? Sorry, I would.
b) Would they like to go to the concert with us? Yes, they would
c) Who would you like to eat dinner at mario’s Restaurant? We
d) Would you like to download a music video? Yes, I would
e) What would your sister to do this afternoon after class? She’d to haung
f) When would your teacher to show the video? He’d to show
A. Write negative statements.
1. Gwen likes classical music. (her sister) Her sisterdoesn’t like classical music.
2. The café closes at 6:00. (the bookstore) The bookstore doesn’t close at 6:00.
3. Neal lives in Quito. (his sister) His sisterdoesn’t livein Quito.
4. Miles works in an office. (his brother) His brother doesn’t work in an office.
5. I have a big family. (my husband) My husband doesn’t have a big family.
6. My younger brother speaks Chinese. (I) I don’t speak Chinese.
7. Kiko’s nephew likes hip-hop. (her niece) Her niece doesn’t like hip-hop.
B. Write yes/no questions.
A: Does your brother live near you?
B: No, she doesn’t. She lives in another city.
A: Does your sister drink coffee?
B: No, he doesn’t. My brother drinks tea.
A: Do you have any children?
B: No. We don’t have any yet.
A: Does your in-laws live in Mexico?
B: No- My in-laws live in Chile.
A: Does she speak English?
B: Yes, she does. My niece speaks it well
A: your cousins work here?
B: Yes, they do. My cousins work downstairs.
A: Do the bookstore open early?
B: No. The bookstore opens late.
A: What does your uncle do?
B: He’s a doctor.
A: Where do your in-laws live?
B: They live in Seoul.
A: How many cousins do you
B: I have ten of them.
A: When do you visit your
B: I visit them every weekend.
A: Where does your stepsister
B: She lives across the street.
A: Who speaks Russian?
B: My brother-in-law does.
A: Who does your niece live with?
B: She lives with my aunt.
A: When do you study?
B: I study late at night.
A: Who has three kids?
B: My younger sister does.
A: Where does your older brother
B: He studies in London.
19. Change the sentences from affirmative to negative.
a) There is some coffee in the kitchen.
b) There are some onions on the table.
c) We have some cookies.
d) They need some onions for the soup.
e) She’s buying some fruit at the market.
f) The Reeds want some eggs for breakfast.
g) I want some butter on my sandwich.
h) There is some chicken in the fridge.
i) They need some cheese for the pasta.
a) There isn’t any coffee in the kitchen.
b) There aren’t any onions on the table.
c) We don’t have any cookies
d) They don’t need any onions for the soup.
e) She isn’t buying any fruit at the market.
f) The Reeds don’t want any eggs for breakfast.
g) I don’t want any butter on my sandwich
h) There isn’t any chicken in the fridge.
i) They don’t need any cheese for the pasta.
20. Complete each sentence with some or any.
1. I don’t want any more coffee, thank you.
2. There isn’t any salt in this soup.
3. We don’t see any sandwiches on the menu.
4. They need some sugar for their tea.
5. The restaurant is making some pies for the party.
6. It’s too bad that there isn’t any soup.
7. I don’t see any menus on those tables.
8. There are some eggs for the omelet.
21. Write the plural form of each count noun.
1. Clam - Clams
2. Snack - Snacks
3. Cup - Cups
4. Olive - olives
5. Spoonful - Spoonfuls
6. Pear - Pears
7. French fry - Frenches
8. Sandwich - Sandwiches
9. Vegetable - Vegetables
10. Potato - potatoes
22. Complete the sentences with a or an
a) He has a diabetes.
b) She would like to eat a banana.
c) “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”
d) Would you like an appetizer?
e) There’s an egg on the shelf.
f) Does the restaurant serve a rice with the chicken?
g) He always gives a good advice.
h) My family loves a music.

23. Write the present participle for each base form. Follow the rules.

Turn - turning Run - running Open - opening

Stop - stopping Sit - sitting Buy - shopping
Sew - sewing Do - doing Begin - Starting
Change - changing Have - having Go - going
Rain - raining Help - helping Close - closing
Exit - exiting Eat - eating Mix - mixing
Listen - listening Write - writing Use - using
Be - being Put - posting Pay - paying
24. On a separate sheet of paper, change each affirmative
1. She’s going to the supermarket.
She isn’t going to the supermarket.
2. He’s calling his wife this afternoon.
He isn’t calling his wife this afternoon.
3. I’m cooking dinner tonight.
I’m not cooking dinner tonight.
4. The Robert are feeding their kids early.
The Robert isn’t feeding their kids early.
5. Joel’s taking the bus to the movies.
Joel isn’t taking the bus to the movies.
6. We’re getting a new printer.
We aren’t getting a new printer.
25. Write a question in the present continuous to complete each
1. A: Is Luke watching tv now? 3. A: Is she coming home later
B: No. Luke’s not watching TV
B: She’s coming home later
right now.
2. A: Is she working this morning.
4. A: Are you calling Janet
B: Yes. She’s working this
B: I’m calling Janet Hammond.
26. Complete the questions, using cues and can.
A: where can I play basketball?
B: Try the school. It isn’t far.
A: When can we have dinner?
B: How about tomorrow night?
A: Where can I go walking?
B: You can go to the park. It’s very nice.
A: How often can you exercise?
B: Not as much as I’d like to. I’m too busy.
A: Who can make breakfast?
B: What about Bill? He wakes up early.
A: Who can I speak with about classes?
B: The receptionist can help you.
27. Complete the questions and answers, using a form of have to
A: Does he have to do tomorrow?
B: He has to go to class.
A: Does she have to call the office?
B: She has to call every morning.
A: Does he have to go to the airport?
B: He has to leave here at 3:00
A: Do they have to send the form to?
B: They can’t send it. They have to take it to the office.
A: Do you have to meet after class?
B: I have to meet my sister. We’re going to the movies.
A: Do they have to help the teacher after class?
B: Chris and Tania. They have to clean the board.

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