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A Review of Codes and Standards For Bamboo Structural Design

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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Volume 2021, Article ID 4788381, 9 pages

Review Article
A Review of Codes and Standards for Bamboo Structural Design

Ermias A. Amede ,1 Ezra K. Hailemariama,1 Leule M. Hailemariam,2

and Denamo A. Nuramo1
Construction Management, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Structural Engineering, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Correspondence should be addressed to Ermias A. Amede; ermiasdjcuzo@gmail.com

Received 7 May 2021; Accepted 22 October 2021; Published 31 October 2021

Academic Editor: Antonio Gloria

Copyright © 2021 Ermias A. Amede et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Bamboo is a strong, fast-growing, and sustainable material. In modern times, it can be an aesthetically pleasing and low-cost
alternative to more conventional materials. Despite the literature’s consideration of bamboo’s promising potential as a resilient,
sustainable building material for structural element design, its application is limited. This is mainly due to the limited availability
of universally applicable standards and codes to guide or assist in developing the structural element design. As a result, bamboo as
an engineering material was mainly dependent on established practical traditions, intuitions of forbears, and engineering ex-
perience. This paper reviewed available structural element design standards and codes of practice. Based on the literary works, it
was possible to conclude that there is a need to develop a comprehensive universally applicable bamboo design, construction
standards, and code of practices, addressing several social and trade benefits as well as engineering recognition and enhanced
status of bamboo as an engineering material.

1. Introduction scaffolding, bamboo-reinforced concrete (bamboo exhibits

certain characteristics which limit its effectiveness as con-
The use of bamboo in several countries trend revealed it had crete reinforcement, and considerable research effort con-
been utilized for over hundreds of years in almost all aspects tinues to be directed at this subject), bamboo-based panels,
of their lives: for cooking utensils, working tools in the field, and aesthetical purposes in modern building constructions
furniture, and, of course, as a building material [1, 2]. Ar- as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. This is mainly because of
chaeological remains indicate that bamboo has been used for bamboo’s species adaptability in a variety of ecological
housing in the Ecuadorian region for thousands of years. In environments (bamboo can grow in several areas ranging
South American countries, the natives used bamboo in- from tropical lowland to highland, from rain forest in
tensively before the arrival of the European invaders who tropical countries to deserts, and from acid to alkaline soils),
never knew how to use Bamboo [3, 4]. However, until the its ability to repair soil devastation, its ripeness to be har-
1980s, its use was limited to the construction of scaffolding vested after 3 to 5 years of plantation, its capacity to produce
and simple dwellings. a cost-efficient, high-quality bamboo culm suitable for use as
Recently, some literary works have indicated that a wood supplement, and its versatility possessing high
bamboo can be used for more than just housing con- strength-to-weight ratio, which offers considerable ease
struction. It can also be used for bridges (bamboo bridges, in working with more straightforward tools [5]. Fur-
however, are generally of trestle construction and of limited thermore, bamboo’s resilience coupled with lightweight
span for carrying only light (usually pedestrian) traffic. makes bamboo an ideal material for housing in disaster-
Simple trussed constructions have also been built and have prone/earthquake-prone areas. Bamboo can withstand
been shown capable of supporting substantial loads), repetitive loadings, absorb more energy, and show more
2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Figure 1: Bamboo as a structural element.

Figure 2: Aura House, 2bds eco bamboo house.

considerable deflections before collapsing, and as such, it internationally accepted standards for structural element
is safer under Earth tremors. As a result of the conve- design. Hence, this paper reviewed the availability of ade-
niences mentioned above, there is driving interest in quate structural design codes and standards for applying
developing bamboo as a sustainable material in con- bamboo to the construction industry.
temporary buildings to reach the growing urban demand.
One of the most common challenges in designing 2. Review of the State of the Art
structural design elements using bamboo is comparing
bamboo’s physical and mechanical properties due to the 2.1. Standard and Code of Practice. The basic description of
inadequacy of a standardized and codified measurement codes and standards is commonly confusing and used in-
framework. Nevertheless, numerous studies on the physical terchangeably: but for this paper’s purpose, it is astute to
and mechanical properties of bamboo have been com- contemplate the fundamental differences they have. “A code
menced worldwide. Comparing the test results poses a tells you what you need to do, and a standard tells you how to
challenge as the testing protocol obeys different criteria. In do it [7].”
most cases, researchers prefer to use timber test protocols; Standardization is founded on the concerted involve-
this practice makes a comparison of test results difficult [6]. ment of construction stakeholders, who collectively embrace
This study was inspired by reaping bamboo’s versatility and promote the standardization process [1]. Based on a
and adaptability as a potential alternative material for the literature review, an international standardization and
construction industry. Before utilizing conventional mate- codification for bamboo construction is needed for the
rials for construction, especially in structural design ele- material to be accepted as a sustainable structural and
ments, it is astute to have a well-established scientific construction material by both designers and policymakers
backing that can validate the design. This calls for having worldwide [8, 9]. Furthermore, expectations create a
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3

demand for improved technologies that would be com- [1, 10, 11]. Countries with abundant bamboo resources, such
mercially unsuccessful otherwise [10]. This is because as China, Colombia, Ecuador, India, and Peru, have pio-
standards provide a means to maintain product quality and neered bamboo construction codes and standards [12]. The
cover technical details, such as test procedures, that building available codes and standards for structural design and
codes can cite. construction with bamboo are summarized in Tables 1 and 2
and reviewed in the following sections.

2.2. Existing Standards for Bamboo Structural Element Design.

2.3. International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
A standard serves as a common language for defining quality
In 2004 International Organization for Standards (ISO)
and establishing product safety criteria regarding materials,
published essential design guidance for whole-culm con-
craft, and structures [6]. It could be a compilation of
struction (ISO 22156). Additional standards were passed in
technical principles and instructions for designers and
September 2018 with ISO 19624 : 2018, detailing the grading
manufacturers, or it could just be a “how-to” manual. It also
procedures for visually and mechanically sorting bamboo
provides all necessary product, service, and process speci-
poles for structural applications.
fications that allow engineers to achieve common engi-
neering or technical requirements, create customer trust in
product quality, and reduce production costs through 2.3.1. ISO 22156 Bamboo: Structural Design. As a result of
standardization by manufacturing in bulk for global the significant developments taking place in code devel-
markets. opment and research throughout the world since the first
Standardization of construction materials and practices version publication of ISO 22156 in 2004, it was therefore
serves both technical and social purposes. The objective of a considered appropriate to be updated and changed from a
standard material test procedure, for instance, is to deter- design theory code to a template standard that various
mine the design value of the material accurately (e.g., countries could implement according to their species and
strength and stiffness) as well as to provide a typical frame of practices. Hence, the new updated ISO 22156 ensured its
reference for the user community. Data from such com- compliance with the new ISO bamboo standards ISO 19624
parable tests can be compiled to obtain a more reliable and ISO 22157. However, it will continue to borrow from
understanding of a material’s properties based on statistical timber standards to derive characteristic values, connection
analysis, leading to the refinement of and confidence in the testing, and shear wall testing. These standards are well
design values, leading to broader acceptance of the design suited for testing any natural lignocellulosic material and are
community’s material. Such acceptance, coupled with ad- not prescriptive in element shapes or sizes. In many other
vocacy, can lead to broader social acceptance of previously respects, ISO 22156 will pick up where G.12 left off.
marginalized vernacular construction methods. ISO 22156 stated a limitation of the applicability of the
The effort to develop bamboo material utilization standard in a similar situation, or special attention should
standards as a building and structural element had started in be given to differences between material originating from
the late 20th century. The Bureau of Indian Standards in- different localities. This standard employs the basic design
troduced the first method of testing standard for round concept that construction design calculation shall not
bamboo, IS: 6874, to realize the mechanical properties of exceed the relevant limit state or no relevant permissible
bamboo in 1973; following that in the late 1990s, a series of stress is exceeded. Limit states are states beyond which the
test standards for round bamboo were conducted in the structure no longer satisfies the design performance
Eindhoven University of Technology with the name of In- requirements.
ternational Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) that In this standard, the characteristics values are deter-
lays a foundation for the development of ISO 22156, ISO mined based on the assumption of a linear relationship
22157–1 (Bamboo—Determination of Physical and Me- between stress and strain until failure. The strength verifi-
chanical Properties—Part 1: Requirements), and ISO cation of individual members shall also be based on such a
22157–2 (Bamboo—Determination of Physical and Me- linear relation. The standard notes that the strength and
chanical Properties—Part 2: Laboratory Manual) which stiffness parameters shall be determined based on the action
were published in 2004 by the International Organization for effects to which the material will be subjected to the
Standardization (ISO) and recorded as the first step to structure. Calculating the action effects on the structure shall
standardize the utilization of bamboo for a structural design be assessed with a linear material model (elastic behavior).
element [1]. Even though ISO was instrumental in bringing The design stress calculation in this standard is rec-
bamboo’s application for structural design to the world, the ommended to have the same calculation with timbers. The
“AC 162—Acceptance for Structural Bamboo” document following design requirements must be met before a
issued by the International Conference of Building Officials structure made of bamboo can be built: (a) It shall be verified
in California in 2000 was the very first document enabling that no relevant limit state is exceeded. All relevant design
the use of bamboo as a structural material. situations and load cases shall be considered. Possible de-
Years down the road, the field has advanced due to viations from the assumed directions or positions of action
increased global interest and research. However, the need for shall be considered. (b) Calculations shall be performed
more standardization is still being refined through the work using appropriate design models (supplemented, if neces-
of universities, laboratories, and professional organizations sary, by tests) involving all relevant variables. (c) The
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Table 1: Codes for bamboo structural design.

Year of
Country Code name
Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismoresistente—chapter G.12 Estructuras de Guadua (Guadua
Colombia 2010
China 2011 JGJ 254: Technical code for the safety of bamboo scaffold in construction
Norma Ecuatoriana de la Construcción—chapter 17 Utilizacio´ n de la Guadua Angustifolia Kunth en la
Ecuador 2011
Construcción (Use of Guadua angustifolia Kunth in construction) [13]
The National Building Code of India—developed a Code of Practice for Bamboo Design-Section 3—Timber
India and Bamboo: 3B
1979 9096: Code of practice for preservation of bamboo for structural purposes
Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones, Section 3. Code E100— Diseño y Construcción con Bamboo (ICG)
Peru 2012

Table 2: Standards for bamboo structural design.

Year of
Country Code name
2004 ISO 22156 Bamboo—Structural Design
ISO 22157-1 Bamboo—Determination of Physical and Mechanical Properties—Part 1: Requirements
(ISO, 2004b) ISO
ISO 22157-2: Bamboo—Determination of Physical and Mechanical Properties—Part 2: Laboratory
2018 ISO 19624 Bamboo structures—Grading of Bamboo Culms—Basic Principles and Procedures
2014 JG/T 428: Composite ply bamboo form with steel frame
2014 GB/T 30762: Quality grading standards of main bamboo shoot
China 2007 JG/T 199: A testing method for physical and mechanical properties of bamboo used in building [15]
2000 GB/T 2690—Bamboo timber
1995 GB/T 15780: Testing methods for physical and mechanical properties of bamboo
2012 IS 6874: Method of tests for bamboos
2010 IS 6874: Method of tests for round bamboos [16]
2008 IS 6874: Method of tests for round bamboos [17]
1994 13958: Specification for bamboo mat board for general purposes
1976 8242: Method of test for split bamboo
1973 IS:6874: Method of test for round bamboo
NTC 5525: Me’ todos de Ensayo para Determinar las Propiedades Fı́sicas y Meca’ nicas de la Guadua
2007 angustifolia Kunth (methods and tests to determine the physical and mechanical properties of Guadua
Colombia angustifolia Kunth)
NTC 5407: Uniones de Estructuras con Guadua angustifolia Kunth (structural unions with Guadua
angustifolia Kunth)
Ecuador 1976 INEN 42: Bamboo Caña Guadua (bamboo cane Guadua)
USA 2013 ASTM D5456: Standard specification for evaluation of structural composite lumber products

verification of limit states and the partial safety factors shall that some bamboo scientists might have and is written to
be according to relevant national standards. (d) The loads complement ISO 19624 well.
and actions to be considered in the calculations shall be The ISO 22157 standard for bamboo structural design
according to relevant national standards. includes tests to determine strengths in compression parallel
to the fibers, flexure, shear, and tension parallel to the fibers.
In the testing method of characteristics of bamboo for
2.3.2. ISO 22157 Bamboo Structures: Determination of structural designs, the sample must be fully representative of
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Culms—Test the variability of the material proposed to be used for the
Methods. Compared to the preceding one, the revised ISO actual structure. The variability in sample selection should
22157 has been dramatically simplified. Two mechanical include origin, age, and position along the culm. None-
tests were added—one physical test (shrinkage) was re- theless, the minimum sample size stated in the standard is
moved, and procedures to ensure proper consistency and 12; the sample size required depends on the variability
accuracy were given further thought. Consideration was also (species) in the actual structure. Increasing the sample size
given to the phase of homogenization, which is that all ISO helps increase confidence and understand of the species so
standards are comparable. The outcome standard is more that the design value will be less penalized. This standard
closely compatible with current requirements for wood focus of testing shall be given to the bending and shear tests
research. However, it acknowledges the technical constraints than tension and compression tests. This standard indicates
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5

that if bamboo dries below the saturation point of the fiber, it also uses different measures to achieve the modulus of
will increase in strength. elasticity in compression, tension, and flexure. JG/T 199
The standard ISO 22157-1 [18] also contains a procedure includes a correction factor, which utilizes an analytical
to determine density at discrete locations; however, as density equation to account for moisture content in the specimen to
varies along the culm [10], this procedure was deemed of obtain strength and stiffness values.
limited value. It was adopted for a density estimation based on The standard mentioned above for design element
a representation of the culm as a hollow cylinder. construction is not the only one published by China Building
and Construction Standards concerning bamboo con-
struction. Here are a few more: JG/T 428-2014—Composite
2.3.3. ISO 19624 Bamboo Structures: Grading of Bamboo ply bamboo form with steel frame, JGJ 254-2011—Technical
Culms—Basic Principles and Procedures. Alternative grad- code for the safety of bamboo scaffold in construction.
ing procedures can be needed as bamboo is not available in a Moreover, here are some of the standards that can be re-
modularized size. ISO 19624 is merely a structure through ferred for a design of structural elements, which was initially
which grading procedures can be developed; it is not a guide published in China National Standards: GB/T 2690-
to these procedures. Grading can be done according to the 2000—Bamboo timber, GB/T 30762-2014—Quality grading
source material (e.g., bamboo species and plantation) or standards of main bamboo shoot, and GB/T 15780-
according to the end-user (i.e., what we want to use it for). 1995—Testing methods for physical and mechanical prop-
In this standard, grading is described as “the method of erties of bamboo.
sorting each piece of bamboo in a sample into grades under
outlined selection criteria.” The grading rules should be
based on characteristics known to affect bamboo elements’ 2.5. India
strength or load-bearing capacity. The ISO standard (19624) 2.5.1. Structural Design Using Bamboo—Code of Practice
proposes that these characteristics are divided into condi- (First Revision of IS 15912). The Indian standard of bamboo
tional, geometric, and dimensional properties. It defines for structural construction involves several components,
them as follows: “conditional properties refer to the state of such as the general principles involved in the design of
the material in terms of moisture content, age at the time of structural bamboo in buildings in terms of mechanical
harvesting, insect and fungal damage, and defects such as resistance and structural durability. This standard involves
fissures and longitudinal indentation. Dimensional prop- the construction of bamboo (round bamboo, split bamboo,
erties refer to diameter, wall thickness, internodal length, and glued laminated bamboo) and bamboo-based panels
and culm length. Geometrical properties refer to bow, taper, joined together with adhesives or mechanical fasteners as
and ovality.” illustrated in Figure 4. It also includes minimum strength
details, dimensional stability, grading specifications, and
2.3.4. BS ISO/NP 23478: Bamboo Structures—Glued Laminated traditional bamboo joints for quality assurance. In addition
Bamboo—Test Methods for Determination of Physical and to the steps required to define and ensure the quality of the
Mechanical Properties. The number of potential structural material and working standards to comply with the criteria
applications for bamboo culms is limited due to the circular and limitations of the design codes, construction aspects
hollow section design of the bamboo culm and the range of such as work on-site, parts manufacturing, and installation
available sizes. As a mitigation measure for the limited range are included.
of structural applications, ISO/NP 23478 developed a The following elements are not covered by the structural
standard called Engineered Bamboo Products to broaden the design using bamboo—code of practice standards: (a) limit
scope of bamboo’s application (EBPs) as shown in Figure 3. state design and structure performance and (b) scientific
Via modularizing, EBPs product that can be designed to be design of bamboo joints and fastenings. This standard
more durable and fire-resistant than bamboo culms categorizes the tested and recommended bamboo species
into three groups based on their strength properties: spe-
cifical modulus of elasticity (E), modulus of rupture (R), and
2.4. China. As a result of increased investigation and re- compressive strength.
search on bamboo construction, the China National Stan- The founding principle of bamboo grading for structural
dards established about eighty-six (86) standards related to application is its strength and stiffness properties. Based on
bamboo materials ranging from harvesting to quality as- one or a combination of the following parameters, the
surance in several aspects. standard provides a grading of bamboo for structural uti-
Full culm bamboo standards like JG/T 199 (2007): a lization: (a) diameter and length of the culm; (b) taper of the
testing method for physical and mechanical properties of culm; (c) straightness of culm; (d) internodal length and
bamboo used in buildings provides guidance for material distribution of nodes; (e) wall thickness; (f ) density and
and mechanical testing. This standard covers the physical strength; and (g) durability and seasoning. From the report
and mechanical tests found in ISO 22156 [19], although the of tests included in the standard, the strength of bamboo
methods and testing conditions are different. For example, increases as the moisture content decreases. The optimum
JG/T 199 uses parts of the culm wall for all mechanical tests. moisture content of fiber saturation point for most bamboos
In contrast, the ISO standard uses the whole culm for is around 25 percent; however, it depends on the species. The
compression, shear, and flexure tests. The Chinese standard measurement methods for moisture content are in
6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Figure 3: Engineered bamboo products.

Figure 4: Round, split, glued laminated, and mechanically fastened bamboo.

accordance with IS 6874: method of tests for bamboo. and test methods [1]. Material is treated as an equivalent to
Generally, the standard noted that matured culms should be structural composite lumber products such as laminated
seasoned to about 20 percent moisture content before use. strand lumber, laminated veneer lumber, oriented strand
lumber, and parallel strand lumber [23].
2.6. Colombia. Colombians have also developed a standard
of bamboo for utilization in constructions like NTC 5407, on 2.9. Existing Code of Practices for Bamboo Structural Element
structural joints with Guadua angustifolia Kunth [20], and Design. A standard becomes a code for practice when
NTC 5525 (on methods and tests to assess the physical and implemented by public agencies and becomes legally en-
mechanical properties of Guadua angustifolia Kunth), which forceable or integrated into a business contract [7, 24]. For
are two other Colombian standards [21]. example, in Ethiopia, the EBCS codes are legally enforceable,
while in other parts of the world, they are not. However,
those countries have their own similar codes.
2.7. Ecuador. The INEN 42 advocates the benefits of bamboo
as a building material in Ecuador, but it lacks design
2.10. Colombia. The Colombian Code, which was initially
guidance [22].
triggered with the assessment of losses due to the 1999
earthquake in Colombia, showed that 90% of casualties
2.8. USA occurred in non-bamboo homes; this instigates the Asso-
ciation of Structural Engineers in Colombia (AIS) to study
2.8.1. ASTM D5456. Standard specification for evaluating the mechanical properties of bamboo. Later in 2002, the
structural composite lumber products (ASTM 2013) is the Government of Colombia published a paper detailing local
first to recognize laminated veneer bamboo as a structural bamboo’s structural properties and codified their use in one-
product and provide guidance on manufacturing standards to two-story buildings. It was arguably the first fully
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7

developed standard for guidance and design values con- least six weeks of the felling duration, and be processed
cerning bamboo as a structural member. under IS 9096 as a certification requirement for structural
Nevertheless, the 2002 version of Colombian standard construction.
chapter E.7 (chapter E.7 is a standard that enables the use of
bamboo in structures, provided it is part of a modern
2.12. Peru. The earthquake in Peru in 2007 prompted
bahareque system) limits the role of bamboo (it contains no
additional research into the engineering properties and
guidance on beam design, and very limited and prescriptive
values of bamboo for housing, and the country later passed
values for column and connection design) to that of a
bamboo legislation in 2012. The standard discusses the
component within a system. It played an important role in
design and construction of seismic-resistant structures
acting as the template for Peru’s E.100, Ecuador’s
using bamboo. Other codes and standards, such as the
NEC–SE–GUADÚA, and the Andean standard [25]. It has
Colombian Code and ISO standards for bamboo con-
also influenced similar developments taking place in Mexico
struction, are also referred to for developing the standard.
and the Philippines.
Modified versions of the structural design calculations
In 2010 arguably, the most comprehensive developed
from the Colombian Code (although not as detailed as their
standard for structural design with bamboo was the pub-
original source) and construction design from the Ecua-
lished chapter G.12 within the Colombian NSR-10 [26].
dorian Code are included [1].
Nevertheless, it only considered the species’ Colombian
Guadua angustifolia Kunth’ and did not include the pro-
cedure of connection design value determination and listed 2.13. Ecuador. Ecuadorians issued and legislated a code of
unusual moduli of elasticity values. It is arguably the first practice for bamboo construction in 2017, owing to the
most comprehensive and developed standard for bamboo’s seismic events of 2016, such as Colombian 1999 and
structural design in the world that would allow a user to Peruvian 2007 [28]. Chapter 17 of Norma Ecuatoriana de la
undertake the complete structural design. It also contains Construcción on the utilization of Guadua angustifolia
some visual grading guidance, factors of safety, a process to Kunth in construction addresses processing, selection,
derive characteristic values, mechanical properties, design construction, and maintenance. Unlike the Colombian
procedures for beams and columns, some design values for norms on joints and preservation [8, 21], the Ecuadorian
connections, and links to chapter E.7, shear wall strength [22] did not include the design calculations; however, it
values. described the process.
Even though more recent efforts within ISO and backed
by INBAR have taken the lead in codifying bamboo for 3. Conclusions and Future Remarks
structural design elements, two codes stand out in this field:
the Colombian design code chapters E.7 and G.12 [26]. Bamboo has a long and well-established application as an
alternative, sustainable construction material, though its use for
a structural design element is restricted. This is mainly because
2.11. India. The National Building Code of India, 2005 de- of the absence of enough design standards and codes of practice
veloped a Code of Practice for Bamboo Design (Part 6 to offer a complete and thorough guideline. As a result, the
Structural Design-Section 3—Timber and Bamboo: 3B industry has remained hesitant to use such vernacular materials
Bamboo), which was based on work done at the Forest to construct structural elements. As the design guidelines were
Research Institute in Dehra Dun, the Indian Plywood In- inadequate, the application of bamboo as an engineering
dustries Research and Training Institute in Bangalore, material was primarily based on established practical traditions,
INBAR documents, and the following Indian Standards: intuitions of forbears, and engineering experience.
6874 : 1973 Method of test for round bamboo, 8242 : 1976 Despite there are existing design and testing standards
Method of test for split bamboo, 9096 : 1979 Code of practice for full culm bamboo [18, 19, 29], they do not provide the
for preservation of bamboo for structural purposes, and foundation from which builders, engineers, and architects
13958 : 1994 Specification for bamboo mat board for general can design and construct [11]. Furthermore, the bamboo
purposes. building designers still do not have any handbooks with a clear
Section 3B of the National Building Code of India set of codes of practice and standards that assist in a full detailed
(NBCI) specifies strength limits for three classes of bamboo, design. They usually use their own experience to design a
which reflect species found in India. Although some ex- bamboo building. If we ask people how they design a bamboo
amples of bamboo joints and connections are given, there is building, they often answer that they can do it because they
no detailing on measurements and capacity [27]. Although have some experience, but they have no specific knowledge.
the identification of bamboo species based on anatomical Those who have experience with designing bamboo buildings
appearance for structural purposes is not yet perfected, it is are confident of their design capabilities [3].
recommended that experienced sorters use morphological It is a constraint for the progress of bamboo as an en-
valuation to identify full-standing culms. A total of twenty gineering and building material in developing countries.
(20) Indian bamboo species were evaluated systemically, National standards that rectify this problem can open the
with 16 bamboo species being recommended for structural way for engineers and designers to work with bamboo.
applications in round form. The code also recommends that Hence, developing such standards and codes would pave a
bamboo must be mature for at least four years, be used for at way to promote the use and applications of the material like
8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

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