Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Teacher Learning
Teaching Dates February 23, 2022 / 60 min. Quarter THIRD
and Time Allotted
I. Curriculum Standard
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of parallelograms
Standard and triangle similarity.
B. Performance The learner is able to investigate, analyze, and solve problems involving
Standard parallelograms and triangle similarity through appropriate and accurate
C. Learning The learner describes a proportion. M9GE – IIIf – 1
D. Learning At the end of 60 min. class, the Grade 9 students are expected to do the
Objectives following:
define proportion
illustrate proportion
explain the importance of proportion in real-life situations
Objective 2: Used research – based knowledge and principles of teaching and
learning to enhance professional practice.
For this objective, the teacher used the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy which gives
emphasis to the learning domains, the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains
that make up educational objectives.
The teacher aligned her lesson plan to Constructivism’s Principle of Teaching and used
the 4A’s Model. This principle of teaching and approach are learner-centered and active
participation of the learners is the key to this teaching style.
E. Integration of TLE (Cookery/Baking): The learners will make their recipe for cupcakes.
other learning
areas ArPan (History): Introduced the history of Golden Ratio.
ICT Integration: The learners will use google form for the pretest and post-
III. Procedures
A. Preliminary
a. Prayer / Good morning class!
Let a student lead a universal prayer for all.
Let the learners pick up pieces of paper on the floor and arrange their chairs
making sure that they follow the 1 – 2 meters distance.
b. Checking Check the attendance of learners and highlight those learners who are absent.
of Absent learners will be given printed or digital copies of the modules to keep
Attendance on with the lesson.
c. Safety
Indicator 4: Establish safe and secure learning environments to enhance
Health learning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines, and
Protocols / procedures.
Rules / The teacher consistently reminded the learners about the safety health protocols,
Guidelines DRRM procedures, and let them set their own classroom rules.
and Now that we are in the new normal set-up, what is the important thing that we
Procedures need to remember always? Safety Health Protocols, Ma’am.
Say: In case of emergencies like earthquakes, what are you going to do?
Drop, Cover, and Hold, Ma’am.
Very good! Always remember to drop, cover, and hold, find a way out, keep
distance from buildings and go to our assembly point. Our exit is located at the
back part of our room.
The teacher will show or model to the class on how to drop, cover and hold.
Say: Before we start with our class discussion, what will you do if your teacher
is talking in front? I will listen carefully, Ma’am. Avoid talking with my seatmate.
How about if you want to answer my question? I will raise my right hand,
Ma’am. Do not answer in chorus, Ma’am.
Now, let us see if you can follow our agreement today. Are you now ready?
Yes Ma’am!
d. Pre- Learners will be given a pre-assessment test to identify who among them has
assessmen advanced knowledge or no knowledge at all about the lesson.
The pre-assessment test will be in Google Form for those with smartphones
and printed copies (Zipgrade) will be given to those who don’t have
smartphones. The learner will be given 5 minutes to answer. Those who used
the google form, automatically see their scores after taking the assessment.
For printed copies, I will scan their answer sheets using Zipgrade.
ICT Integration: The teacher used google form and printed materials.
Score Interpretation:
After the pre-assessment, the teacher will identify the learners' groups based
on their scores.
e. Recall Say: In your previous classes, you encountered the concept of ratio. Ratio is
an important concept in mathematics for it is one of the fundamentals of
mathematics and many other fields of knowledge.
Say: What is Ratio? Ratio refers to the comparison of two quantities of the
same kind, Ma’am.
But before that, who among you here knows how to bake?
Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching
TLE Integration: The teacher integrated cookery/baking as the learners make a new
recipe for a cupcake.
According to The Culinary Pro, culinary ratios are one tool that helps cooks be
more efficient and productive in the kitchen without the need for recipes.
Ratios aid in recipe analysis and formulation and open up a chef’s creativity to
modify and create new recipes while helping achieve a better understanding of
the science of cooking.
According to bakeschool.com, to work with ratios and get creative, you need to
understand the roles of the ingredients used in baking and what each
ingredient contributes to a recipe. You’re also going to have to get very familiar
with the ins and outs of baking substitutions. The good news is that baking is
logical and once you understand the ingredients, the techniques, and the
ratios, you can pretty much create anything you want, with a little dose of
experimenting to perfect your final product.
Say: For your activity, I want you to complete the cupcake recipe of Susan.
Based on your pre-assessment, I will group you into two or three members.
Buddy system b
is a procedure in which two individuals, “the buddies”, operate together as
a single unit so that they are able to monitor and help each other.
c is a collaborative
d learning strategy where students worked together to
solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading.
The teacher will group the learners following the Buddy System strategy. I used buddy
system to promote friendship, better support of coursework, behavioral and social needs,
and can foster a greater sense of belonging and a more inclusive school community.
Learners will be given individual worksheets and answer the activity for 3 - 5
minutes. Afterward, they will discuss ideas with a partner and record what they
have shared following safety health protocols.
Possible Answer:
1 ½ cup flour
1 ½ stick butter
1 ½ cup sugar
3 eggs
1 ½ tsp vanilla
3 tbsp milk
Makes 18 cupcakes
The learner will show their answer to the class. The teacher will then give
feedback and appraisal to the learners.
Say: Great Job! You can now use this recipe in the future to bake cupcakes.
f. Unlocking The teacher will state the lesson objectives and unlock the difficult terms.
1. Proportion – is an equation or statement that shows the two ratios are
equal. That is, if the ratio a:b is equal to the ratio c :d , then a, b, c, and d
are said to be in proportion.
2. Means – are represented by the innermost values, which are b and c.
a :b=c :d
3. Extremes – are the values represented by the outermost values, which
are a and d. a :b=c :d
4. Fundamental Theorem of Proportionality – states that “if a line is drawn
parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in
distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.”
In the figure, we can see that the side DE is parallel to side AC of ∆ ABC . The
Fundamental Theorem of Proportionality states that a :c =b :d , which is the
same as BD : DA =BE : EC
B. Lesson
a. Activities Based on the groupings earlier, the learners will be given different tasks
according to the level of difficulty. They will be given 5 – 10 minutes to answer
the activity following the safety health protocol.
The teacher used differentiated instruction according to the ability of the learners.
Activities are aligned according to its level of difficulty.
Group 1:
Task: Identify if the ratio is proportion.
x 6
b. Analysis The learners will now present their outputs to the class. The teacher will then
ask questions based on their activities. The teacher will also give feedback and
appraisals to the learners.
Guide Questions:
Group 1:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. Differentiate the means from extremes.
Group 2 and 3:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. How did you solve for x?
Proportion is an equation or statement that shows that two ratios are equal.
That is if the ratio a:b is equal to the ratio c:d, then a, b, c, and d are said to be
in proportion. It can be written in fraction form or using the symbol “:”.
a c
= ; wherein b ≠ 0∧d ≠ 0
b d
a :b=c :d ; wherein b≠ 0∧d ≠0
Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching
English Integration: The teacher integrated the lesson about sentence and phrase. The
learner defined what is a sentence and phrase.
Say: How about phrase? Phrase does not express a complete thought/idea.
For example, the ratios 1 :3 and 2 :6 are like phrases, they don’t express a
complete idea. But if I will place an equality symbol like 1 :3=2 :6, it expresses
a complete idea.
For the example of proportion in fraction form, the extremes are the values that
a c
are hit when you draw a diagonal line from top left to bottom right, = . The
b d
means are the values that are hit when you draw a diagonal line from bottom
a c
left to right, = .
b d
In the example that uses the symbol “:”, the extremes are the values
represented by outermost values, while the means are represented by the
innermost values. means
a :b=c :d
7 ? 12
= Simplify the fractions and check if they are equal
21 36
1 1 1
= The two ratios are equal because they are both equal to .
3 3 3
Thus, 7:21=12:36 is a proportion.
Generalization: Based on our discussion, how will you know if the two ratios
show a proportion?
2 3
Rectangle AB AD
(cm) (cm)
(Nearest thousand)
Guide Question:
What have you noticed about the values of in the three cases?
Task: In this activity, the learner will play the role of a researcher. Their goal is
to discover how the golden Ratio is perceived in the human body. They will
complete the table provided by measuring and recording the indicated body
measurement of their partner. The illustration below will be their guide on how
they will perform the measurements.
B: Total height
N: height from floor to navel
F: length of the index finger
K: distance from the fingertip to the big knuckle
L: Length of the leg
H: distance from the hip to the kneecap
A: length of an arm
E: distance from the fingertip to the elbow
Fill out the table. Write the ratios in decimal form and calculate the average
The teacher translated some English terms into Chavacano and Filipino terms.
The teacher will translate in Chavacano and Filipino some parts of the body
that are in the Golden Ratio like navel to “pusod”, hips to “kadera or
bewang/baywang”, fingertip to “punta’y dedo or dulo ng daliri”, and elbow to
“kodo or siko”, kneecap to “tuhod”.
Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching
History Integration: The teacher introduced the history of the Golden Ratio or the Divine
Proportion as it relates to the proportion.
The Golden Ratio can be found not only in Greek temples and sculptures but
also, be in proportions of the human skeleton. The ratio of the total height of
the navel is a close approximation of the Golden Ratio. Ratios of many other
parts of the human body are also in the Golden Ratio.
Work Needs
Criteria Excellent Work Average Work
The measurements Some of the There are no
are accurate and measurements are measurements
Accuracy of
written with units. either inaccurate or provided in the
are not written with table.
The ratio is Some of the ratios There is no
Accuracy of Ratio
computed are computed computation for the
accurately. inaccurately. ratios.
The work is The work is The work is
presented in a clear organized but needs disorganized.
and organized further improvement
manner that is easily so that readers can
understood by the easily understand it.
Values Integration: The teacher let the learners explain the importance of proportion in
real-life situations.
From our activities and discussions today, can you cite some importance of
proportion to real-life scenarios or situations? Answers may vary
V. Assignment Study about Similarity of Triangles and Other Polygons.