The log file documents a failed Git clone and deployment of a merchant application. It records the steps taken to acquire SSH keys, clone the repository from GitHub, switch to a commit, check for submodules, and begin the build process. The frontend build failed during the npm install phase due to issues with dependencies in the package-lock.json file.
The log file documents a failed Git clone and deployment of a merchant application. It records the steps taken to acquire SSH keys, clone the repository from GitHub, switch to a commit, check for submodules, and begin the build process. The frontend build failed during the npm install phase due to issues with dependencies in the package-lock.json file.
The log file documents a failed Git clone and deployment of a merchant application. It records the steps taken to acquire SSH keys, clone the repository from GitHub, switch to a commit, check for submodules, and begin the build process. The frontend build failed during the npm install phase due to issues with dependencies in the package-lock.json file.
The log file documents a failed Git clone and deployment of a merchant application. It records the steps taken to acquire SSH keys, clone the repository from GitHub, switch to a commit, check for submodules, and begin the build process. The frontend build failed during the npm install phase due to issues with dependencies in the package-lock.json file.
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133Z [INFO]: Git SSH Key acquired
2022-05-26T16:05:59.284Z [INFO]: # Cloning repository: Speed-Technology/new-merchant-app.git 2022-05-26T16:06:00.526Z [INFO]: Agent pid 133 2022-05-26T16:06:00.527Z [INFO]: Identity added: /root/.ssh/git_rsa (/root/.ssh/git_rsa) Cloning into 'new-merchant-app'... Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. 2022-05-26T16:06:00.527Z [INFO]: # Switching to commit: dba2523f01e52c1b0f51b9e541b9427e557b0e41 2022-05-26T16:06:00.561Z [INFO]: Agent pid 146 2022-05-26T16:06:00.562Z [INFO]: Identity added: /root/.ssh/git_rsa (/root/.ssh/git_rsa) Note: switching to 'dba2523f01e52c1b0f51b9e541b9427e557b0e41'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: git switch -c <new-branch-name> Or undo this operation with: git switch - Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false HEAD is now at dba2523 Merge pull request #352 from Cheetah-Speed-Technology/setup-mixpanel 2022-05-26T16:06:00.599Z [INFO]: Successfully cleaned up Git credentials 2022-05-26T16:06:00.599Z [INFO]: # Checking for Git submodules at: /codebuild/output/src456415055/src/new-merchant-app/.gitmodules 2022-05-26T16:06:00.623Z [INFO]: # Retrieving environment cache... 2022-05-26T16:06:00.684Z [INFO]: # Retrieved environment cache 2022-05-26T16:06:00.684Z [INFO]: ---- Setting Up SSM Secrets ---- 2022-05-26T16:06:00.685Z [INFO]: SSM params {"Path":"/amplify/d2a9hxkgrxv79k/staging/","WithDecryption":true} 2022-05-26T16:06:00.723Z [WARNING]: !Failed to set up process.env.secrets 2022-05-26T16:06:00.724Z [INFO]: No live updates for this build run 2022-05-26T16:06:00.728Z [INFO]: # Retrieving cache... 2022-05-26T16:06:17.707Z [INFO]: # Extracting cache... 2022-05-26T16:06:23.204Z [INFO]: # Extraction completed 2022-05-26T16:06:50.574Z [INFO]: ## Starting Backend Build ## Checking for associated backend environment... ## No backend environment association found, continuing... ## Completed Backend Build 2022-05-26T16:06:50.577Z [INFO]: {"backendDuration": 0} ## Starting Frontend Build # Starting phase: preBuild # Executing command: npm install 2022-05-26T16:06:54.478Z [WARNING]: npm 2022-05-26T16:06:54.479Z [WARNING]: ERR! Object for dependency "html-minifier- terser" is empty. npm ERR! Something went wrong. Regenerate the package-lock.json with "npm install". npm ERR! If using a shrinkwrap, regenerate with "npm shrinkwrap". 2022-05-26T16:06:54.482Z [WARNING]: 2022-05-26T16:06:54.482Z [WARNING]: npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2022-05- 26T16_06_54_478Z-debug.log 2022-05-26T16:06:54.482Z [HELP]: Outputting the npm debug log [object Promise] 2022-05-26T16:06:54.491Z [ERROR]: !!! Build failed 2022-05-26T16:06:54.491Z [ERROR]: !!! Non-Zero Exit Code detected 2022-05-26T16:06:54.492Z [INFO]: # Starting environment caching... 2022-05-26T16:06:54.492Z [INFO]: # Uploading environment cache artifact... 2022-05-26T16:06:54.632Z [INFO]: # Environment caching completed Terminating logging...