A Study of Customer Satisfaction Towards E-Wallet Payment System in Bangladesh
A Study of Customer Satisfaction Towards E-Wallet Payment System in Bangladesh
A Study of Customer Satisfaction Towards E-Wallet Payment System in Bangladesh
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Professor Dr. Constance Leyland, Dean of Business & Accounting, American National University, USA
Professor Dr. A. K. M. Ahasanul Haque, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS),
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia
Dr. Gus Del Rivero, Lecturer, California State University, Long Beach and Monterey Bay, USA
Dr. Cansu TOR KADIOĞLU, Associate Professor, Faculty of Applied Sciences, International Trade and
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Dr. Lauren VanTalia, Graduate Programs Faculty, Southern States University, San Diego, USA
Dr. Hafizah Hammad Ahmad Khan, Faculty of Business & Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Dr. Razali Haron, Associate Professor, IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), International
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Dr. Marhanum Che Mohd Salleh, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
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American Journal of Economics and Business Innovation (AJEBI)
Published by: E-Palli LLC
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Volume. 1, Issue.1, Year: 2022
American Journal of Economics and DOI: https://doi.org/10.54536/ajebi.v1i1.144
Business Innovation (AJEBI) https://journals.e-palli.org/home/index.php/ajebi
payments systems whereby people involved in technologies' acceptance and usage intention (Aydin
transactions have shown their relative interest in & Burnaz, 2016). However, the original TAM
digital payments. However, the behaviour among variables may not accurately describe fundamental
consumers regarding the use of e-wallets has not been beliefs that influence consumers' attitudes towards
found to be efficient as the technological ease of use technology use. In order to reinforce the model,
is not the only factor that changes the behaviour of researchers have further extended the TAM model by
consumers (Amin et al., 2015). applying satisfaction to generate more clarity in the
model. Phuong et al. (2020) studied the use of e-wallet
As the number of digital wallet service providers payment methods where customer satisfaction was
increases, consumers' satisfaction levels are therefore embedded to enhance the understanding of behaviour.
a matter of concern. A previous study by Amin et al. Privacy and protection are some of the extended
(2015) found that effortless technology is not only a variables that have been shown to be useful in the use
reason to change behaviour rather, but it is also of modern technologies for behavioural purposes
essential to understand gratification among people (Barry & Jan, 2018). Islam (2020) has examined the
using technology. Additionally, the ability to use the extended technology acceptance model (ETAM) to
particular technology is an important issue to opine. validate all the constructions to test satisfaction.
Self-confidence regarding the use of digital payment However, the new ETAM model has adopted self-
systems may satisfy consumers in order to attempt any efficacy to portray the incorporation between self-
behaviour. However, it is vital to consider information efficacy and satisfaction regarding the use of new
security and privacy because cases and issues of technology.
information infringement are growing worldwide. A
lack of information security expertise leads a cyber- Technological Self-efficacy
attacker to violate someone's privacy, i.e. identity
theft, credit card fraud and cybercrime (Barrett- Self-efficacy is viewed as one's judgment according to
Maitland et al., 2016). how well various courses of action can really be
carried out with many unpredicted and challenging
This paper aims to examine the factors that affect materials in different prospective circumstances
satisfaction among Bangladeshi consumers regarding (Bandura & Schunk, 1981). Earlier research focused
the use of e-wallets as a transaction method. Five more on the technical method to online learning, self-
variables such as technology self-efficacy (TSE), efficacy, e.g. computer self-efficacy (Jan, 2015;
perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived usefulness Pellas, 2014), internet self-efficacy (Lin et al., 2013;
(PU), perceived trust and payment security (PS) were Kuo et al., 2014), information-seeking behaviour
elected to investigate the relationship with related self-efficacy (Tang & Tseng, 2013).
satisfaction. Five parts of the remaining paper cover According to the study of Islam (2020), self-efficacy
literature review, study methods, results and findings was validated to describe the relationship with
and limitations, as well as future research directions. satisfaction. Satisfaction and self-efficacy were
incorporated as intrinsic motivation attributes in
LITERATURE REVIEW ETAM. Several previous studies have scrutinised the
Extended Technology Acceptance Model (ETAM relationship between self-efficacy and behavioural
intention to use (Wu et al., 2008; Ahmad et al., 2010).
In order to understand the consumer's intention to use Later, individual satisfaction was associated with self-
information system technology, several theories have efficacy (Huang, 2008). It is presumed that a
been propounded. In various literature, the TAM connection exists between CSE and satisfaction
model has been broadly studied (Davis, 1989), and it through the mediating influence of the behavioural
is actually the theory of information services that purpose of a person.
models how a specific technology is adopted and used
by individuals (Dauda & Lee, 2015). The TAM model Self-efficacy plays a significant role in terms of its
has been expanded by numerous researchers and impact on perceived ease of use (Madorin & Iwasiw,
applied to several different technologies, including e- 1999). A multivariate analysis carried out by Mutahar
learning (Cheung and Vogel, 2013; Al-Maroof and et al. (2018) posited that mobile-based technology is
Al-Emran, 2018), mobile-based technology (Barry & indeed important among Yemeni bank clients, and
Jan, 2018) and also short message services (SMS) self-efficacy was found to impact perceived ease of
advertising (Muk & Chung, 2015). According to use and perceived usefulness significantly. Self-
Vijayasarathy (2004), TAM variables are ideally efficacy is also considered as self-confidence among
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suited for a decision about embracing new people involved in mobile-based technology such as
technologies. TAM is regarded as a well-recognised mobile banking. In the mobile technology context, it
expansion of academic research to study innovative requires skill, knowledge and ability for operating
Am. J. of Econ. and Bus. Innov., 1(1); 01-13, 2022
particular mobile technology so that it can intervene typically relates to the perception of users of whether
easily (Singh & Srivastava, 2018). Multiple empirical it would require a mental effort on their part to
evidence showed a causal link between self-efficacy complete a specific technical task (Fishbein and
and perceived ease of use (Luarn and Lin, 2005; Jeong Ajzen, 1980; Rouibah et al., 2011). According to
and Yoon, 2013; Sripalawat et al., 2011). Therefore, Amin et al. (2014), the PEOU for mobile networks
the following hypotheses are proposed: would directly enhance personal innovation. Al-
Maroof and Al-Emran (2018) performed research on
H1: Technology self-efficacy has a positive impact on undergraduate students who believe that it is easy and
perceived usefulness. user-friendly to use web service technology, thus
H2: Technology self-efficacy has a positive impact on significantly impacting overall usefulness. The recent
customer satisfaction. development of mobile-based technology, such as e-
wallets, has gained tremendous attention in Malaysian
H3: Technology self-efficacy has a positive impact on markets. Empirical research on e-wallet usage
perceived ease of use. behaviour postulates that the easier mobile technology
is to use, the more it can be used in many forms or for
Perceived Usefulness
practical reasons (Karim et al., 2020). Wasiul et al.
Perceived usefulness refers to the degree to which a (2020) provided empirical evidence of smart device
person assumes their performance will be improved applications' usage intention and found that PEOU
by using a particular information system (Davis, and PU are positively associated. However,
1989). Several previous studies have been conducted determining continuous usage, users' satisfaction with
to portray the effect of perceived usefulness on using an e-wallet is central to signifying the
satisfaction. Amin et al. (2014) have studied mobile relationship between PEOU and continuation (Phuong
communication technologies through which mobile et al., 2020). Mobile phones in the globalised market
payment methods and mobile commerce websites are pretty remarkable communication devices based
have gained tremendous attention. The study found on which usability and their user interface are the
that the usefulness of mobile technology directly phenomena of satisfaction (Amin et al., 2014). Based
affects customer satisfaction. Phuong et al. (2020) on the above disputation, the following hypotheses are
have empirically investigated the continuous usage formed:
intention to use an e-wallet and found a significant
H5: Perceived ease of use has a positive impact on
association between perceived usefulness and
perceived usefulness.
satisfaction. E-government services through digital
platforms have also received a matter of concern H6: Perceived ease of use has a positive impact on
whereby satisfaction is derived from perceived consumer satisfaction.
usefulness (Sachan, Kumar, & Kumar, 2018). Mobile-
based technology has been improved and widespread Security System
throughout the Middle Eastern region like Bahrain. A Security is an important aspect when financial
quantitative analysis postulates that using mobile transactions are conducted through digital platforms.
technology such as e-wallets motivates users to Therefore, this could become one of the main barriers
continue using through satisfaction (AlKubaisi & to the implementation of electronic wallets, as
Naser, 2020). A similar study also classified the personal or financial data could be revealed and used
continuance intention to use e-wallets, but the most for fraudulent activities. Security was identified by
important factor in the new era of competitive markets Kalakota & Whinston (1997) as a threat involving an
are uttered to be consumer satisfaction. Based on the event linked to data theft, destruction, data alteration,
discussion above, the following hypothesis is fraud, breach and violence. Consumers may refuse to
approached: use mobile-based technology unless it is trustworthy
H4: Perceived usefulness has a positive impact on because e-payments require additional privacy and
customer satisfaction security features (Gitau & Nzuki, 2014). Online
transactions could increase the perceived risk of
Perceived Ease of Use clients exposing private information. Therefore, in the
e-wallet payment process, payment security features
PEOU has been considered as the primary construct
greatly affect consumer trust (Chawla and Joshi, 2019;
for assessing and analysing user acceptance of a
Shao and Yin, 2019; Phuong et al., 2020). Users and
specific technology, drawing from the literature on
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Am. J. of Econ. and Bus. Innov., 1(1); 01-13, 2022
payment infrastructure operations (Roozbahani, payment and shopping usage (Wang and Lin, 2016;
Hojjati, & Azad, 2015). Based on that, the following Chong, 2013). Based on previous research, trust and
hypotheses are proposed: satisfaction are two closely related constructs
(Liébana‐Cabanillas., 2013; Zhu et al., 2014). Trust
H7: Security system has a positive impact on has previously been examined in the context of mobile
Perceived trust. technology and found that effective mobile web
H8: Security system has a positive impact on systems are required to be trustworthy and thus build
consumer satisfaction. customer satisfaction (Amin et al., 2014). A later
study by Phuong et al. (2020) have highlighted the
Perceived Trust positive impact of trust on the continuance intention
of using an e-wallet, but trust has also been examined
Trust has been commonly exercised in prior studies,
to observe customer satisfaction with e-payments
which defines the service holder's belief in the service
(Sutia et al., 2020). Based on that, current research
provider in order to ensure the safety assessment of
proposed a hypothesis for e-wallet usage satisfaction:
the use of the relevant information system (Komiak &
Benbasat, 2004). Trust has previously been H9: Perceived trust has a positive impact on customer
recognised as an essential factor in terms of mobile satisfaction.
Technological Customer
Self-efficacy Satisfaction
Perceived Ease of
Security System
Perceived Trust
𝑒2 (.05)2
Four items from prior research (Islam, 2020) have factor analysis (CFA) was conducted (Harrington,
been adapted to measure technology self-efficacy 2009). To validate the measurement items of the
proposed model, twenty-five (25) sets of
Am. J. of Econ. and Bus. Innov., 1(1); 01-13, 2022
questionnaires were distributed to the users of undertaken, resulting in a total Cronbach alpha of
smartphones living in Dhaka city for the purpose of >0.60
the pilot test, and afterwards, a reliability test was
Demographic Profile
Table 1: Demographic profile
Measure Items Frequency Percentage
Gender Male 233 57.96
Female 169 42.04
Age below 20 31 7.710
Between 21- 30 196 48.76
31 and above 175 43.53
Monthly Income* Below BDT 20000 153 38.06
Between BDT 20001-35000 146 36.32
BDT 35001 and above 103 25.62
E-wallet I am using the most? bKash 222 55.22
Rocket 108 26.87
Nagad 53 13.18
Others 19 4.73
*Note: 1 United States Dollar (USD) = 85 Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)
Table 1 displays the descriptive data where most of Sphericity obtained .000, where it is essential to
the participants are male (57.96%) and female, found follow the minimum value of >0.60 for KMO and p-
to be 42.04%. In terms of age, the respondents were value (p<0.05) is required (Tabachnick & Fidell,
between 21-30, the most with the number of 196 2007). The total variance in the six factors explained
respondents. However, considering income among was 83.539. The Eigenvalue is generally used to
respondents, most of them earn below BDT 20000. measure the number of variables, and a cut-off value
Respondents then were asked which e-wallet they use of 1 is usually used to define factors that are dependent
the most; bKash was found to be the most useful on Eigenvalues. Accordingly, the eigenvalues for the
financial service with 55.22%, followed by Rocket at six factors were 8.604, 3.411, 2.793, 1.767, 1.524 and
26.87%. 1.114.
As suggested, the minimum threshold for Cronbach's In order to test the hypotheses, the measurement
alpha value is 0.60 (Nunnally, 1978). The reliability model was tested first for goodness-of-fit indices and
statistics of the figures range between .884 and .952, for important and appropriate factor loadings. The
surpassing the minimum threshold. The overall value hypothesised measurement model (Figure 2) was
of 23 items' reliability was obtained at .923, assessed using AMOS and presumed the association
Specifying acceptable consistency. of five latent constructions. According to the
modification indices given by AMOS, no indicators
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) were withdrawn from the measurement model as the
loads of each item were 0.7 or higher. Hair et al.
EFA is one of the most widely used statistical methods (2010) designated that any loading value of less than
mainly used to simplify data by identifying inter- 0.5 shall be considered insignificant. Table 2 displays
relationships within a variable set on the basis of the overall fit model to ensure that the model suits
strong correlations (Kline, 2013). KMO value well. The five fit indices (good-of-fit) were evaluated.
obtained 0.866 and p-value for Barlett's Test of
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Am. J. of Econ. and Bus. Innov., 1(1); 01-13, 2022
According to Hair et al. (2010), the value of CFI is by Hair et al. (2006). Present AVE-calculated study
suggested to be more than 0.90, and RMSEA should giving a good sign. Standardised loads of each item
be less than 0.08 in order to be well-suited. For ᵡ2/df, were also used to measure AVE, where the total of the
the value below three was considered to be fine and squared standardised loads was divided by the number
appropriate. The 23-item scale indicates that the of indicators. AVE was found to be between 0.659 and
model suits well and is appropriate for the agreed 0.875, which was higher than the recommended
minimum thresholds. threshold of 0.5. The paper also demonstrates CR
samples ranged from 0.810 to 0.965, which surpassed
Convergence and discriminatory validity have been the given threshold of 0.7. Therefore, it would be
carried out in order to test the measurement model. necessary to show, in an attempt to uphold
Composite reliability was measured for the discriminatory validity, that the steps that should not
assessment of convergence validity. In order to be related are not probably connected (Hair et al.,
achieve good composite reliability, a predetermined 2013). Table 3 shows the high validity of
threshold value of 0.7 was suggested by Chin (1988). discriminants as it illustrates that each factor's square
In addition, the average variance extracted (AVE) AVE exceeds all its correlations with the other factors
value should be at least 0.5 or higher, as recommended (Fornell & Larcker, 1981).
∑𝜆2 (∑𝜆 )2
∗ 𝐴𝑉𝐸 = ∑𝜆2 +∑ 𝑉𝑎𝑟(𝜀 ∗ 𝐶𝑅 = (∑𝜆 )2 +∑𝑖 𝑉𝑎𝑟(𝜀 )
𝑖 )
𝑖 𝑖 𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
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Am. J. of Econ. and Bus. Innov., 1(1); 01-13, 2022
Am. J. of Econ. and Bus. Innov., 1(1); 01-13, 2022
This study proposes a model for customer satisfaction on satisfaction stands validated. In terms of
to use e-wallets on the basis of the technology technology self-efficacy on perceived ease of use
acceptance model. In addition, to explore the (H3), it was found to have a positive relationship in
applicability of TAM from a Bangladeshi point of between, thus, in line with the previous study (Luarn
view in the satisfaction of e-wallets, the current study and Lin, 2005; Jeong and Yoon, 2013; Sripalawat et
also investigated those factors, for instance, al., 2011). It is noteworthy that throughout the
technology self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, analysis, PU was found to have no major influence on
perceived ease of use, system security, perceived trust SAT (H4), while PU was validated as a major factor
and satisfaction towards the use of e-wallet payment influencing the intention of users to implement
system. different technologies in both the original and the
extended TAM. It can be asserted that since the
Firstly, hypothesised (H1) model of technology self- majority of respondents are young adults (between 21
efficacy on perceived usefulness was examined. The and 30 years of age), Mobile technology is becoming
study found a positive association between TSE and more and more useful for the younger generation, so
PU. Since mobile technology has widely been spread they are now willing to explore the ease of use because
throughout the Middle Eastern regions, their IT usage they no longer want to prioritise its performance over
capabilities enhanced the understanding of its the easy use of mobile technology. However, a
usefulness. The current study is in line with the significant relationship was found between PEOU and
previous findings of Mutahar et al. (2018). The study PU, and the finding (H5) was consistent with the prior
then examined the relationship between technology study (Phuong et al., 2020; Wasiul et al., 2020).
self-efficacy and perceived usefulness (H2). The Similarly, H6 was also supported by explaining that a
hypothesis was found to be significant based on the positive relationship was associated between PEOU
model validation of Islam (2020), where self-efficacy and SAT; thus, the finding was congruent with Amin
et al. (2014)
Table 4: Hypotheses Testing
H Relationship SRW (β) S.E. C.R. p- value Decision
H1 PU←TSE 0.324 0.057 4.764 *** Supported
H2 SAT←TSE 0.147 0.056 3.245 0.02 Supported
H3 PEOU←TSE 0.296 0.049 4.010 *** Supported
H4 SAT←PU 0.104 0.073 1.506 0.132 Not Supported
H5 PU←PEOU 0.371 0.091 5.168 *** Supported
H6 SAT←PEOU 0.248 0.092 3.641 *** Supported
H7 PT←SS 0.286 0.064 3.987 *** Supported
H8 SAT←SS 0.487 0.067 7.871 *** Supported
H9 SAT←PT 0.144 0.071 2.438 0.015 Supported
The study then examined the security system on provided tremendous support to the TAM in the sense
perceived trust (H7), which signifies the existence of of customer satisfaction with the usage of e-payment
a positive relationship in between. Consumers through e-wallets. These present results also
perceive that the more the system is secured, the more contribute to the established research body by
it is trustworthy. Prior research by Roozbahani et al. analysing the impact of user satisfaction. In addition,
(2015) revealed the satisfaction level of Iranian the model of the current study was validated by
consumers toward e-payment where system security explaining previous related literature. The new
was found to have the strongest determinant; thus, H8 validation of the extended TAM model rectifies the
was supported in current research based on the prior prior study model by approaching the technological
study. Lastly, perceived trust is a factor that every sense where cognitive skills are required to operate a
consumer wants, at least for safety purposes. Sutia et particular system.
al. (2020), in their non-parametric study, exposed that
trust is an essential part of every cashless transaction For E-wallet providers, this research has many
based on which satisfaction level is determined. So, practical consequences. Service providers should
the current hypothesis (H9) is also in line with the concentrate on building the trust of their customers
previous study where perceived trust was found to and obtaining their satisfaction on the basis of our
influence customer satisfaction positively. findings. For operators of Bangladeshi e-payment
apps, the study offers few management implications.
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Am. J. of Econ. and Bus. Innov., 1(1); 01-13, 2022
providing its customers with suitable services will Amin, M. K., Azhar , A., Amin , A., & Akter, A.
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2015 18th International Conference on Computer and
LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH Information Technology (ICCIT) (pp. 93-98). IEEE.
The study has a few limitations as well. First of all, Amin, M., Rezaei, S., & Abolghasemi, M. (2014).
researchers only selected respondents from the Dhaka User satisfaction with mobile websites: the impact of
city area, which may not be considered the best perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use
representation of Bangladesh; thus, the study should (PEOU) and trust. Nankai Business Review
be carried out other than in Dhaka city as the number International, 5(3), 258-274.
of e-payment services are spreading nationwide.
Secondly, respondents were mostly chosen from the Amin, M., Rezaei, S., & Abolghasemi, M. (2014).
university area where students' "voluntary User satisfaction with mobile websites: the impact of
participation" assisted in completing the survey, but perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use
few responses were unexpected. It may be a reason for (PEOU) and trust. Nankai Business Review
haste or any urgency of the respondents. Thirdly, International, 5(3), 258-274.
researchers must take precautions when selecting
samples. A little formal education is a precautionary Aydin, G., & Burnaz, S. (2016). Adoption of Mobile
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