Ee Oral QB-1
Ee Oral QB-1
Ee Oral QB-1
18. Define base load, Peak load and stand by power plants.
19. What is load curve? Draw load curve for your home on a daily basis.
24. What is the effect of variable load on power plant design and operation?
33 ) Define wet , dry & superheat steam
34 ) Define dryness fraction of steam . What is its range?
45 ) classify coals .
Q.65 What are the advantages of liquid fuels over coal in TPP?
Q.66 State various liquid fuels used, What is range of their C.V.?
Q.67 State gaseous fuels used in TPP?
Q.72What are the factors considered for the selection of coal mill?
81. How dust is collected in TPP? Classify filters and separators broadly.
98. What is forced draught, induced draught and balanced draught? Sketch
106. What is dry, wet and superheated steam? Write formula for their enthalpy.
107. What is critical pressure? What is latent heat of evaporation for steam at 1 bar
147. State volume and area required for Thermal power plant per MW of
power generation?
148. Draw sketch of Rankine cycle, Reheat Cycle and regenerative open
and closed cycle?
173. Sketch Joule's Cycle P-V, T-S plot for gas turbines?
174. What are merits and demerits of open cycle Gas Turbine?
175. What are merits and demerits of closed cycle Gas Turbine?
176. Name gases used for closed cycle?
181. What is reheating in gas turbine? What is the effect of reheating on thermal
182. Which compressor is used in gas turbine? Why?
185. Define work ratio. What is work ratio for gas turbine?
191) Compare gas turbine thermal efficiency vs. steam turbine thermal efficiency.