Mechanical Engineering Papers
Mechanical Engineering Papers
Mechanical Engineering Papers
I attended the BHEL Engineer Trainee written test in Mechanical stream. In Mechanical Branch there were a total of 240 questions. 120- Technical questions in Mechanical Engineering. 120- General Apptitude questions. (Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, Logical thinking, English usage).
The questions were mainly asked in Thermodynamics Engineering Mechanics Theory of machines Production tech
If you are thorough with your subject, you can really do well in this session. Five choices were given] Some questions which i remember are : 1)Unit of Entropy ans: (J/kg K or kJ/kg K)?
2)A mass of 100kg is falling from a height of 1 m and penetrates the sand into for 1 m. What is the resistance force given by sand? 3)Ratio of specific heats of air ? ans: (1.41)
4)A body weighs 3 kg in air. If it is submerged in a liquid, it weighs 2.5 kg. What is the specific gravity of the liquid ? 5)Two cars travell in same direction at 40 km/hr at a regular distance. A car comes in a opposite direction in 60km/hr. It meets each car in a gap of 8 seconds. What is the distance between them? 6)A simple problem involing in hoops stress. For sphere: M= [3/2]*p*V* [density of pressure vessel material/Maximum working stress it can tolerate] For Thin walled pressure walls: Hoops stress or stress in the radial direction =p*r/2t? 7) A problem in force calculation in a body moving in a inclined surface? 8)Composition of bronze? ans. Copper+zinc. ans. iron+chromium+nickel+carbon.
11)What percentage of carbon is preset in pig iron? ans. 4.5 to 6%. 12)Water is available at 10m height. What is the pressure available? ans= pressure=density*g*height; p=1000*9.81*10; p=98100N/m2. 13)What will happen if the speed of the centrifugal pump doubles? 14)The unit eV is widely used in ? ans. Nuclear and atomic physics.
15)What will happen to the resistance, when the diameter of the conductor is doubled? 16)The power comsumed by a electrical device is 1000W at 250V, What is the resistance in the device? ans. Power= Voltage*current, Current=Power/Voltage, Current,I=1000/250=4 amps. V=IR, Therefore R=250/4=62.5 ohms. 17)Why DC current is not used in transformer? 18)On what principle the sonar/ radar works? 19)Bending moment diagram for the UDL is in what shape? 20)Function of the distributor in petrol vehicles? 21)Which is not present in CI engines? ans. Spark timing. ans. carburrettor.
22)What will happen if one cylinder recieves more amount of fuel spray from injectors than other injectors?
23)Purpose of draft tube in hydraulic turbines? ans. The purpose of a draft tube is toconvert some of the kinetic energy of the flow from the runner (the rotating part of the turbine) intopressure energy and thereby increase the efficiency ofthe hydro power turbine. 24)What is the effect of reheater in the gas turbine? The advantage of reheater is significantly increased thrust; the disadvantage is it has very high fuel consumption and inefficiency. 25)Problems involving with fricition coefficient. 26)Factor of safety = Yeild stress/Working stress. 27)Which is the example of non parallel power transmission (Universal coupling)? 28)For perpendicular shafts worm gear is used?
29)A planet gear with 25 teeth is meshed with a sun gear of 100 teeth. Both are connected using a arm. How many rotations are needed for planet gear to complete one rotation around the sun gear? 30)What is equivalent spring constant for spring in parallel? 31) Some questions was asked related to boundary layer and vortex flow. 32) 5 questions were asked in PERT, Process planning, Product planning, Break even analysis. 33)How are tungsten and sintered composite materials are machined-Electro Discharge Machining, EDM General Apptitude: very easy. There are 120 questions . English: Detect the words with wrong spellings (5 questions). Fill in the blanks with appropriate words(5 questions). Two reading comprehensions were given(10 questions). Find the error in the sentence (8 questions).
Reasoning: Seating arrangement problems. Find the relation between them. Quantitative ability: 50% of the questions are from basic geometry . Remaining were very general and easy. But many questions are there that's y you should consider time factor and be quick.
What is difference between ASME EN & IS related welding procedures(WPS/PQR/WPQ) How to conduct the Hydro & Pnumatic test as per DIN & ASME sTANDERS? How conduct the hydro & pnumatic tests of Pressure vessels as per ASME & as per EN Standerds. what is rigging
how determine the capacity of refrigeration system? how we use condenser coils, compressor, capillarity,compressor why we maintain turbine rpm always more than what we need to run generator in thermal power plant WHY ISOMETRIC VIEW LOOK LIKE 3D? what is HVAC? what is differences between welding & brazing? EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BENCH VICE AND PIPE VICE?
what are the resorces and equipment for measurement and how we can defiend Measurement. on which part of the flywheel energ will get be stored? how much fuel is consumed on full load for a 500KVA Diesel Generator in one hour. what is the indirect method to calculate efficiency of a boiler? who is the freedom fighter
APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS 1. (a) What is a steam accumulator and its function? (b) What are the ideal working fluids for binary vapour cycle. Give reasons. (c) What are boiler mountings and accessories? Differentiate. (d) Define supersaturated flow. (e) What is condition curve? Discuss. (f) What are back pressure and extraction turbines? Illustrate. (g) What is isothermal efficiency of a compressor? (h) Define vacuum efficiency of a condenser. (i) List the various losses taking place in a steam turbine. (j) What is meant by overall efficiency of a turbine? 2. Describe spring loaded safety valve with the help of a diagram. 3. A boiler produces 8.9 kg of steam per kg of coal from feed water at 45oC. The pressure of the steam is 10.5 bar. And dryness fraction 0.96. What is equivalent evaporation from and at 100oC per kg of coal? 4. Dry saturated steam at 3.5 bar having negligible velocity expands in a convergent nozzle to 1.3 bar and dryness fraction 0.94.Calculate velocity of steam leaving nozzle. 5. What is compounding and its advantages? Describe briefly velocity compounding. 6. Describe the methods of attaching blades to turbine rotor. Section C Marks 10 each 7. Describe Striling boiler with the help of a neat diagram giving its construction and working. 8. A De-Lavel turbine is supplied 15 kg/min of steam with a velocity of 1000 m/s. The nozzle angle is 20oC. Mean blade velocity is 400 m/s and inlet and outlet angles of blades are equal. Find:
(a) Blade angles (b) Tangential force on blades (c) Power developed. 9. The piston of an air compressor has a displacement of 12 m3/min. If air intake is at 1 bar and 15oC and compressor in 70 s raises the pressure in 2 m3 receiver to 7.5 bar and temperature is 40oC, what is the volumetric efficiency of compressor? Assume initial pressure and temperature in the receiver to be 1 bar and 15oC.
1. What is a pure substance? 2. What is sensible heat, explain. 3. What is the optimum pressure of modern high-pressure boiler? 4. Name the two fluids of binary cycle 5. Why compounding of turbines is essential? 6. What is degree of under-cooling? 7. What is reheat factor? 8. What is degree of reaction? 9. Write three uses of compressed air. 10. What is function of condensing plant?
2. Using steady flow energy equation of nozzle derive the relation of critical pressure ratio for maximum discharge. 3. Steam with absolute velocity of 300 m/s is supplied through a nozzle to a single stage impulse turbine. The nozzle angle is 25o . The dia of the rotor is 1 m and has speed 2000 r.p.m. Find blade angle for zero axial thrust. If the blade velocity coefficient is 0.9 and steam flow rate is 10 kg/s calculate power. 4. Differentiate between impulse and reaction turbine. 5. Derive the maximum diagram efficiency of a reaction turbine. 6. What is a fusible plug and state where it is located in a boiler. 7. (a) A 2-stae compressor is used to compress from 1.0 bar to 16 bar. The compression is as per the law pv1.25. The temperature of air at inlet of compressor is 300K. Neglecting the clearance and assuming perfect inter-cooling, find the indicated power in kW to deliver 5 m3/min air measured at inlet conditions and find intermediate pressure also. (b) Explain the effects of air leakage in a condenser.
8. With the help neat sketch, explain the working of Babcock and Wilcox boiler and its essential features. 9. Ina single heater regenerative cycle the steam enters the turbine at 30 bar, 400 oC and exhaust pressure is 0.1 bar. The feed water heater is a direct contact type which operates at 4 bar. Find (a) efficiency (b) steam rate of the cycle.
APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS 1. What is triple point? 2. Write a note on Molllier chart. 3. Two advantages of reheat cycle. 4. Highlight the use of economizer. 5. Shoe the effect of friction in diffuser section in convergent and divergent nozzle on H-S diagram. 6. What is stage efficiency? 7. What is the condition of steam leaving from the turbine without shock? 8. Why compounding of turbines is essential? 9. What is after-cooling in air compressor? 10. What is Daltons law of partial pressure? II) What is the criterion of selecting a boiler? Distinguish between fir tube and water tube boiler. III) With the help of a neat sketch, explain the working of sterling boiler and its essential features. IV) A convergent divergent nozzle is required to discharge 2 kg of steam/sec. The nozzle is supplied with steam at 7 bar 180 oC and discharge takes place against a back pressure of 1 bar. Expansion up to throat is isentropic and frictional resistance between throat and exit is equivalent to 62 kJ/kg. Taking approach velocity 75 m/z and throat pressure is 4 bar, estimate suitable areas of throat and exit. V) Steam with absolute velocity of 300 m/s is supplied through a nozzle to a single stage impulse turbine. The nozzle angle is 25 o. The dia of rotor is 1 m and has speed of r.p.m. Find blade angles for zero axial thrust. If the blade velocity coefficient is 0.9 and steam flow rate is 10 kg/s, Calculate power. VI) Explain with a neat sketch a regenerative cycle with two bleeding points. Derive the expression for its thermal efficiency. VII) A 3 stage compressor is used to compress air from 1.0 bar to 36 bar. The compression is as per the law pv1.25. The temperature of air at inlet of compressor is 300 K. Neglecting the clearance and assuming perfect inter cooling, find out the indicated power in kW to deliver 15 m3/ min air measured at inlet conditions and find intermediate pressures also.
VIII) A surface condenser is designed to handle 9000 kg of steam per hour. The steam enters at 0.06 bar absolute and dryness fraction is 0.88. The condensate leaves at the corresponding saturation temperature. The pressure is constant throughout the condenser. Estimate the cooling water flow rate/hr if the cooling water temperature rise is limited to 10 oC. IX )(a) What do you understand by supersaturated flow in a nozzle? (b) What are the limitations of chimney draught? ENGINEERING MATERIALS & METALLURGY 1. What is the difference between ceramic and polymer? 2. Calculate the number of atoms in FCC structure. 3. Define Polymorphism. 4. What do you mean by Recrystallization? 5. What is Phase Rule? 6. Find degree of freedom at triple point. 7. Draw crystal structure of martensite. 8. Name two non-equilibrium phases of iron-carbon alloy. 9. Define true stress. 10. Why is tempering treatment done after quenching? 2. Draw [2 1 1] and (2 2 1) in BCC unit cell. 3 What do you mean by imperfect lattice? How many types of crystal defects occur in materials? Describe them. 4. How does plastic deformation occur? Describe their mechanism. What is difference between thermal and mechanical twins? 5. Find the line energy of dislocation in BCC structure. The shear modulus of material is 80.2 GN/m2 and lattice constant is 2.87 . 6. What are different equilibrium phase reactions that occur in phase diagram? Describe them. Draw a peritectic phase diagram and mark all points and lines. 7. (a) What are annealing and normalizing treatments? Explain why hypereutectoid steel is not given full annealing treatment? (b) What is T-T-T diagram? Describe how it is obtained. Mention its importance. 8. Draw a hypothetical phase diagram A-B with the help of following data: (a) Melting point of A = 1100 oC (b) Melting point of B = 1300 oC (c) Eutectic reaction occurs at 1000 oC at 40% B composition. (d) maximum solubility of B in A and A in B at eutectic temperature in 10% and 5% respectively which drops down to zero at 0 oC. Mark each line and area. How the structure of alloy will change if alloy containing 10% B composition is cooled from liquid state? 9.. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) surface hardening processes (b) Ferrite stabilizer in steels. (c) Hardenability and its measurement. ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND METALLURGY 1. Define atomic structure of metal. Give an example 2. Differentiate between annealing and normalizing. 3. Write4 phase rule. Give equation. 4. What is packing efficiency of an atom? 5. State the basic objective of the surface hardening processes. 6. What are the basic purposes for conducting the tensile test on engineering materials? 7. Define the phenomenon of slip? 8. What are crystal imperfections? Define. 9. State the general principles of phase transformation. 10. What is hardenability? II (a) What is a crystal lattice? Define a unit cell. (b) Explain the term crystallography. III (a) Classify the engineering materials? (b) Explain the behavior and physical properties of two engineering materials (e.g. plastics, composites) IV Explain time temperature transformation curve with the help of a diagram showing temperature and transformation time range. V (a) Explain the term martensitic transformation in steel. (b) List the defects in hardening and their remedies. VI Explain preferred orientation. Draw simple sketch in support of random orientation and preferred orientation and differentiate between the two. VII (a) Explain the following with the help of graph showing temperature and percentage of carbon range: (i) Tempering process, and (ii) Hardening process. (b) Define heat treatment process. VIII Draw iron carbon equilibrium diagram showing different zones of liquid and solid solution with their temperature and percentage of carbon content range. Explain the iron-carbon diagram in detail. Write its importance in the processing of ferrous materials. IX (a) Write sort notes on the following: (i) Twinning (ii) Dislocation (iii) Recrystallization. (b) State the effect of Mn on the properties of alloy steel.
THEORY OF MACHINES (a) Define Turning pair and Screw pair. Give examples. (b) What is SLIP in a belt drive? (c) List some applications of CAMS. (d) What is the difference between a DYNAMOMETER and BRAKE?
(e) Why balancing is required in rotating machinery? (f) Define Lift, Effort and Power as applied to Governors. (g) Discuss merits and demerits of CHAIN DRIVE. (h) Compare flat belt drive and Vee belt drive. (i) What is HOOKEs joint? (j) How are chains classified? 2. Sketch mechanism of OLDHAM COUPLING and explain how the motion is transmitted from one shaft to another which are parallel but not co-axial. 3. Derive the equation (T1 Tc) / (T2 Tc) = exp (mu x theta) for belt drive. 4. A reciprocating engine has a stroke of 36 cm and connecting rod four times the crank. At the instant, the crank has turned through an angle of 30 degree from the inner dead centre. The crank rotates at 200 rpm clockwise and has an acceleration of 1140 cm/sec/sec. Determine: (a) Velocity and acceleration of piston. (b) The angular velocity and angular acceleration of the connecting rod. 5. A shaft which rotates at a constant speed of 150 rpm is connected by belting to a parallel shaft 120 cm apart which has to run at 60, 80 and 100 rpm. The smallest pulley on the driver shaft is 30 cm. Determine the remaining diameters of the two stepped pulleys for cross belt and open belt. 6. Derive an equation for the friction moment of a collar thrust bearing. 7. Draw the profile of a cam with a flat faced follower as per following specification: Cam to rotate in an anticlockwise direction. Follower to move outward through a distance of 3 cm during 120 degree of cam rotation. Follower to dwell for 60 degree of cam rotation; follower to return to its initial position during 120 deg. Of cam rotation; follower to dwell for the remaining period of cam rotation. The minimum radius of the cam is 1.75 cm and the flat face of the follower is at right angle to the line of stroke of follower. The outward and return stroke are to take place with modified uniform velocity and SHM respectively. 8. A shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D weighing 200, 300, 240 and 260 kg and revolving at radii 9, 7, 10 and 12 cm n planes measured from A at 27, 42 and 72 cm. The angle between the cranks are A to B 45 degree; B to C 75 degree; C to d 135 degree. The balancing weights are to be placed in planes at 12 cm and 10 cm from A and D respectively, the distance between them being 50 cm. Find the balancing weight and angular position. 9. A Hartnell type spring loaded Governor rotates about a vertical axis. The two rotating masses weigh 1.2 kg each and move at a radius of 12 cm when the speed is 550 rpm. At this speed the arms 10 cm and 7.5 cm effective length are respectively, vertical and horizontal. The equilibrium speed is 575 rpm when the rotating masses are at their maximum radius of 14.4 cm. Determine the stiffness, the compression of the spring at 550 rpm and the radius at which the weights rotate when the equilibrium speed is 525 rpm. STRENGTH OF MATERIAL 1. (a) What is complementary shear stress? (b) What is a compound bar? (c) What is a principal stress? (d) What is point of contraflexure? (e) What do you understand by the term equivalent moment of inertia?
(f) Why do we prefer hollow shafts to solid shafts for power transmission? (g) Why is the determination of deflection important? (h) What is a thin cylinder? (i) What do you understand by slenderness ratio? (j) Differentiate between slope and deflection. 2. Derive the following relation between elastic constants:E = 2 C (1 + v) 3. Write a note on Mohrs circle of stresses. 4. A rectangular beam 100 mm deep,50 mm wide and 1.5 m long is simply supported at its ends. Vertical loads of k kN each are applied at 0.5 m and 1 m from one end. Determine and plot the distribution of longitudinal stress across the section at mid-span. 5. Derive the torsion equation for a circular shaft from the first principle. State te assumptions made. 6. a steel column 50 mm diameter is pin jointed at both ends. If E = 200 GPa and yield stress sigmao = 3-- <{a for steel, calculate the length of the column for which the failure by yielding and buckling by Eulers formula is equally likely, when the column is subjected to axial compression.Section C Marks 10 each 7. Draw the S.F. and B.M. diagram for a cantilever of length L carrying a uniformly distributed load of W per m length over its entire length. 8. A cylindrical thin drum 80 cm in diameter and 3 m long has a shell thickness of 1 cm. If the drum is subjected to an internal pressure of 2.5 N/mm2, determine the change id diameter, length and volume.Take E = 2 x 105 N/mm2, Poissons ratio = 0.25. 9. Explain how Rankine-Gordons formula is used to calculate the intensity of stress in short , intermediate and long columns. MANUFACTURING PROCESSES (a) What do you understand by nitriding? (b) What is the principle of operation in Laser Beam machining? (c) What do you understand from cyaniding? (d) Why heat treatment of welded parts is important? (e) What is reducing flame? When is it used? (f) What is the difference between a die and a punch? (g) What are the purposes of dielectric fluid used in EDM? (h) Differentiate between drawing and deep-drawing operations. (i) What are the principal microconstituents found in annealed steels? (j) Why not stainless steel extruded? 2. Prove that for a strip drawing under plain strain conditions, the maximum reduction in area is limited to 58% when friction is neglected. 3. Explain the submerged arc welding process. What are its advantages and applications? 4. Evaluate the press capacity necessary for forging a 1 m long cylindrical bloom to hexagonal section with approximately 300 mm side if the yield stress is initially 75 N/mm2 but increases to 120 N/mm2 at the end of the operation. What maximum pressure would be expected assuming mu= 0.3?
5. Explain the principle, process and applications of case-hardened technique. 6. Define hardenability and explain a method for measuring hardenability. 7.Explain the mechanism of metal removal in Ultrasonic Machining process. What are its advantages, limitations and applications? 8. Derive expression for the roll load and roll torque for cold strip rolling operation with front and back tensions present. Justify the assumptions made in the analysis. 9. Describe the various possible welding defects, their causes and remedies
APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS (a) Enlist the variables which effect the knock in S.I. engine. (b) What is SUPERCHARGING? (c) What is PREIGNITION? (d) What do you understand by PREWHIRL in dynamic compressors? (e) Explain the term SURGING in centrifugal and axial flow compressor. (f) Give principle of working of centrifugal compressor. (g) What is Diffuser Efficiency? (h) On a Temperature- entropy diagram show open cycle gas turbine cycle tieh INTERCOOLING, REHEATING and REGENERATION (i) State merits of closed cycle gas turbine. (j) Define PROPULSIVE POWER. 2. Describe in detail KNOCK RATING of S.I. fuel. 3. With a neat sketch explain the construction and working of LYSHOLM compressor. 4. A centrifugal air compressor delivers 20.5 kg/s of air with a total head pressure ratio of 4 to 1. The speed of compressor is 20,000 rpm. Inlet total head temperature is 15 oC, slip factor 0.85, power input factor 1.05 and 65% isentropic efficiency. Calculate the power input and overall diameter. 5. What is Degree of Reaction? Establish the relation for degree of reaction for axial flow compressor. 6. With a neat sketch explain the working of turbo-prop engine. 7. (a) Give industrial applications of compressed air. (b) A single stage, single sides centrifugal compressor delivers 18 kg/s of air with a pressure ratio 4 when running at 15,000 rpm. The inlet conditions are 1 bar and 20 oC. The slip factor is 0.9. The power input factor is 1.04 and the isentropic efficiency of compressor is 75% . Calculate: (i) The final temperature of air (ii) power required (iii) the tip diameter of impeller (iv) the blade angles at impeller eye which has root and tip diameter 15 cm and 20 cm.
2,8 8. A multistage axial compressor is required for compressing air at 293 K through a pressure ratio of 5 to 1.Each stage is to be 50% reaction and the mean blade sped is 275 m/s, flow coefficient 0,5 and stage loading factor 0.3 are taken for simplicity as constant for all stages. Determine the flow angles and number of stages required if the stage efficiency is 88.8 %. Assume Cp=1.005 kJ/kg K and ?=1.4 for air. 9. A gas turbine is designed to operate under the following conditions: Max Temp. : 650 oC, Pressure ratio = 5, inlet pressure and temp. = 1.05 bar and 15 oC, turbine isentropic efficiency = 86%, compressor isentropic efficiency = 82%, mechanical efficiency of compressor and turbine = 99%, efficiency of combustion = 98%. Determine the improvement inplant thermal efficiency that would result from addition of heat exchanger of 65% effectiveness. Allow a pressure loss of 0.905 bar in the heat exchanger. For air Cp=1.005 kJ/kg K, for gas Cp= 1.13 kJ/kg K. Assume that in the heat exchanger the mean specific heat of exhaust products and air is same. APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS How are the internal combustion engines classified? Give merits and demerits of four stroke and two stroke systems. What is rotary displacement compressor? Briefly explain the significance of velocity vector diagram for centrifugal compressor. Name the different components of axial flow compressors. What is surging and choking? What advantage is gained by splitting the turbine section of a gas turbine into two parts, namely the compressor turbine and power turbine? Name at least three shortcomings of the gas turbines. Give he schematic arrangement of a Ramjet propulsion unit. Define propulsion efficiency.
2. Give a detailed not on I.C. Engine versus steam engine. 3. Explain the difference between an adiabatic and isentropic process. 4. A multistage axial flow compressor absorbs 6000 H.P. when delivering 20 kg/s of air from stagnation condition of 1 kgf/cm2 and 288K. If polytropic efficiency of compression is 0.9 and if the stage stagnation pressure ratio is constant, calculate pressure at compressor outlet. 5. A turbojet engine flying at a speed of 800 km/hr consumes air at the rate of 45 kg/s. Given that the enthalpy change for the nozzle is 44l5 kcal/kg and the velocity coefficient is 0.95, calculate the thermal efficiency of the plant given h combustion is 95% and calorific value of the fuel used is 10500kcal/kg.
6. What features of the turbojet engine and the reciprocating engine are combined to give the turbo prop engine? 7. Compare the compression ignition engine with a petrol engine of similar capacity with special reference to maximum pressure, maximum speed, power weight ratio and applications. 8. (a) Air is compressed from initial pressure of 1 bar and temperature 290 K t a pressure of 5 bar. Taking g for air =1.4, Cp=1.00 kJ/kg K, calculate per kg of air delivered, the work expended if the compression is to be frictionless isothermal. (b) Describe briefly the distinction between rotary compressors and the reciprocating piston compressor. 9. (a) The centrifugal compressor of a gas turbine requires 3000 H.P. when running at 16000 r.p.m. The tip diameter of the impeller is 50 cm and the uniform width of casting of he vortex chamber between impeller and diffuser is 4 cm. Measurement show that static pressure and temperature at a radius of 27 cm are 2.5 kgf/cm2 and 110 oC. The atmosphere in the test house is 1 kgf/cm2. Assuming slip factor 0.94 and neglecting friction in the vortex chamber calculate the mass flow. (b) Describe the function of the impeller and diffuser in a centrifugal compressor APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS 1. Sketch a typical valve timing diagram of a four stroke diesel engine. 2. What is meant by ignition delay period? 3. Explain what is work input factor in centrifugal compressors. 4. Explain the advantages of Ram jet propulsion system. 5. List the positive displacement type compressors of rotary design. 6. Give comparison between reciprocating and rotary air compressors. 7. Mention methods for improvement of thermal efficiency of open cycle gas turbine plant. 8. List out the merits of gas turbine over steam turbine. 9. Give the classification of rotary compressors. 10. Write the effects of supercharging on performance of I.C. engines. II) List out the factors affecting the flame propagation in S.I. engine and explain briefly. III) What are the requirements of C.I. combustion chamber for diesel engines? IV) Explain the phenomenon of surging and choking in centrifugal compression. V) State merits and demerits of closed cycle gas turbine over open cycle . VI) Give the advantages and disadvantages of jet propulsion over other system. VII) The following data apply to a gas turbine cycle: Ambient temperature = 27 oC. Highest cycle temperature = 827 oC Inlet pressure = 1 bar. Pressure ratio = 4 bar. Compressor efficiency = 82%. Turbine efficiency = 85 %.
Calorific value of fuel = 41 MJ/kg. Combustion efficiency = 90 %. Determine specific output, thermal efficiency and specific fuel consumption. VIII) A jet propulsion unit uses 35 kg of air per second when flying at 800 km/hr. The air is compressed from 15 oC and a bar to 182 oC and 3.9 bar. The temperature of gases entering and leaving the turbine are 815 oC and 650 oC and then it enters into the nozzle. Assuming the isentropic efficiency of compressor and turbine is same and nozzle efficiency 90% and neglecting the effect of ramming and fuel mass, find the following: 1. Isentropic efficiency of compressor and turbine 2. Power required to run the compressor and 3. Thrust produced. IX) Explain the phenomenon of knocking in S.I. engine. What are the different factors which influence the knocking and methods to suppress it?
FLUID MECHANICS Define and distinguish between uniform and nonuniform flow. Define stream line, streak line, stream tube, path line. Write the momentum equation for compressible fluids in x direction. Explain Turbulent Flow, Laminar Flow. Which of the following functions represents possible irrotational flow?
(i) y = A(x2 - y2) (ii) y = A sin (px/l) + B sin (py/l) where A, B and l are constants. What is Normal Shock and how is it obtained? Find the Kinematic Viscosity in stokes of a liquid where specific gravity is 0.95 and Viscosity is 0.11 poise. Explain displacement thickness and momentum thickness. What is difference between friction drag and pressure drag? What is Mach number and its importance?
2. Derive a stream function for a flow to a line source of strength m2/s per meter. 3. Show that for Laminar flow, the point of maximum instability exists at a distance 2/3rd of pipe radius. 4. A source with strength of 0.26 m2/s and a vortex with a strength of 1 m2/s (anticlockwise) are located at origin. Determine the equation for stream function and velocity potential. 5. What size pipe should be installed to carry 5.5 x 10-3 m2/s oil with Kinematic Viscosity v = 6 x 10-6 m2/s under laminar flow conditions. 6. What is drag coefficient? Discuss its importance and on what factors does it depend.
7. Show that discharge per unit width between two parallel plates at a distance b apart, when one plate is moving at velocity V while other held stationary for the condition of zero stress at a fixed plate is Q = b V /3. 8. (a) Determine Tube Air speed, stagnation temp. and density at the nose of pitot tube comprising the speed indicator. (b) A rotational mixing device is constructed with two circular discs each 10 cm in diameter. These discs are spaced 1.2 m apart on the two ends of a horizontal rod whose centre has a vertical shaft attached to it. Estimate the power required for rotating when this mixer turns 60 revolutions per minute having following fluid properties: r = 960 kg/ m3, m = 0.08075 kg-m/s for 3000< Re < 5000 and Cd = 1.2 9. (a) An aeroplane weighing 50 kN is flying in a horizontal direction at 360 km/hr. The plane spans 15 m and has a wing surface are of 35 m2. Determine the Lift coefficient and power required to drive the plane. Assume drag coefficient Cd = 0.03, r = 1.2 kg/ m3 for air. (b) Explain the Isotropic and homogeneous turbulence. FLUID MECHANICS 1. Define Compressibility. 2. How does viscosity of fluid vary with temperature? 3. What do you understand by hydrostatic equation? 4. Differentiate between centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy. 5. Distinguish between rotational flow and irrotational flow. Give one example of each. 6. Name the different forces present in a fluid flow. For the Eulers equation of motion, which forces are taken into consideration? 7. What is free jet of liquid? 8. Define an orifice and a mouthpiece. What is the difference between the two? 9. What are the advantages of triangular notch over rectangular notch? 10. Explain the term dimensionally homogeneous equation. 2. Develop the expression for relation between gauge pressure p inside a droplet of liquid and the surface tension. 3. When will centre of pressure and centre of gravity of an immersed plane surface coincide? 4. The diameters of a pipe at the inlet and outlet are 10 cm and 15 cm respectively. Find the discharge through the pipe if the velocity of water flowing through the pipe at inlet is 5 m/s. Determine also he velocity at outlet. 5. A pitot tube is used to measure the velocity of water in a pipe. The stagnation pressure head is 6 m and static pressure head is 5 m. Calculate the velocity of flow assuming the coefficient of tube is equal to 0.98. 6. How would you distinguish between hydrodynamically smooth and rough boundaries?
7. Three pipes of different diameters and different lengths are connected in series to make a compound pipe. The ends of this compound pipe are connected two tanks whose difference of water level is H. If coefficient of friction of these pipes is same, derive the formula for the total head loss neglecting the minor losses. 8. (a) A jet of water issuing from a sharp edged vertical orifice under a constant head of 10 cm at a certain point, has the horizontal and vertical coordinates measured from the vena contracta as 20 cm and 10.5 cm respectively. Find the value of Cv if Cd = 0.60. (b) How do you account for friction loss when applying Bernoullis equation to real fluid flow? 15,5 9. (a) Can Bernoullis equation be applied to forced vortex flow? (b) The jets from a garden sprinkler are 25 mm in diameter and are normal to the 75 cm radius. If the pressure at the base of nozzle is 400 kPa, find the force of jet on the sprinkler. 5, 15
MECHANICAL MEASUREMENT & METROLOGY (a) Draw a neat sketch of centrifugal force tachometer. (b) What is the significance of Response curve in temperature measurement? (c) What is the relationship of gauge factor and Poissons ratio in resistance wire strain gauges? (d) Explain line standards and end standards (e) What is dynamic accuracy of an instrument? (f) Write the SI units and symbols for Electric Charge, Force, Pressure and Magnetic flux. (g) Draw sketch for ramp and sinusoidal input signal and state some examples. (h) What is the role of probability table for a Normal Gaussian curve? (i) Write the SI units symbols for Electric charge, force, Pressure and Magnetic flux. (j) What do you understand by velocity and acceleration transducers? 2. What are the factors involved in selection of measuring instruments? 3. The following data are expected to follow linear relationship of the form y = ax + b. Obtain the best linear relation in accordance with a least square analysis. X = 0.9, 2.3, 3.3, 4.5, 5,7, 6,7, and y = 1.1, 1.6, 2,6, 3.2, 4.0, 5.0 4. Describe the steps for proper mounting of the strain gauges. 5. Explain how the speed Is measured with stroboscope. What is the role of reference marks in measuring speed? 6. Describe the measurement circuits used for measuring change in resistance in temperature measurement. 7.. Explain the Dynamics response of the instrument for which the differential equation of motion is of Second order.
8. Explain construction, working, merits and demerits of ultrasonic type flow meters. 9. Explain the procedure to measure various pitch, diameters and thread angle for external and internal threads.
AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING (a) State the functions of an automobile transmission system. (b) List the defects in a simple single jet carburetor. (c) What do you understand by crank case dilution? (d) Cooling beyond optimum limits is not desirable. Why? (e) What are the loads coming on a chassis frame? (f) What are the various requirements of an automobile wheel? (g) Why cant you use wire wheel to mount tubeless tyre? (h) Why is synchromesh device usually not employed for the reverse gear? (i) How do you define the capacity of a storage battery and on what fators the capacity depends? (j) What is the basis of defining brake efficiency? 2. With the help of sketch explain the construction and working of a.c. mechanical fuel pump. 3. Explain the various types of water cooling systems. 4. Explain in detail how specific gravity test and open volt test is performed on battery. 5. Discuss in detail the Ackermann steering mechanism. 6. In case of brakes, explain transfer of weight during application and discuss how it affects wheel skidding 7. (a) What is the function of anti-roll device in vehicles? (b) Define the terms Camber and Castor. 8. Distinguish between semi-floating and fully floating rear axles with the aid of suitable sketches and explain their relative merits and demerits. 9. (a) Write short notes on shock absorber. (b) List down some of the causes and remedies for vehicle pulls to one side.
HEAT TRANSFER 1. What is meant by thermal resistance? 2. What is the critical radius of insulation of cylinder? 3. What is the importance of neglecting radial heat flow in fins? 4. Define Thermal Diffusivity. 5. What is the limiting value of Biot number to assume that the body is at uniform temperature? 6. Why aluminium is used as a fin material?
7. What is Weins displacement law? 8. How is the convection heat transfer coefficient defined? 9. Define pool boiling. 10. What is critical heat flux? II Establish general heat conduction equation in cylindrical co-ordinates. III If both the surfaces of a long plate with uniform heat generation are maintained at the same constant temperature, which point of the plate will attain maximum temperature and why? IV Two parallel plates (black) 1 m x 2 m are kept 1 m apart. One plate is maintained at 800 oC while the second plate is held at 200 oC. Calculate the net radiant heat exchange between the two plates. V A vertical plate of length 1 m and width 0.5 m at 92 oC is exposed to saturated steam at 100 oC. Calculate the average heat transfer coefficient. VI How does one determine the rate of heat transfer in a heat exchanger if its effectiveness is known? VII It is desired to use a shell and tube heat exchanger with one shell pass and two tube passes to cool oil from 120 oC to 50 oC. The oil flows through the tubes while the cooling water flows through the shell. The cooling water enters the heat exchanger at 20 oC and leaves it at 40 oC. Determine the correction factor to LMTD. VIII (a) An electrically heated platinum wire is submerged in saturated liquid water at 100 oC. Determine the heat flux if the excess temperature is 6 oC. (b) Give a detailed note on radiation exchange between Black bodies. IX (a) Consider an infinitely long fin of rectangular cross section and derive the relation to determine the temperature distribution in the fin. (b) It is desired to use 1 metre long tungsten steel rod (k= 54 W/mK) as a heating element to dissipate 100 kW in a fluid at 10 oC. If the maximum allowed temperature in the rod is 750 oC, determine the diameter of the heating element, assuming that the film coefficient between the heating element and the fluid is 200 W/m2K. HEAT TRANSFER 1. Define thermal conductance and thermal resistance. 2. Why thermal conductivity of metals is higher than that of a fluid? 3. What is thermal diffusivity? 4. Describe efficiency and effectiveness of fin. 5. Define forced and free convection. Give one example of each. 6. Explain significance of Biot number. 7. Discuss in brief physical mechanism of boiling. 8. What do you mean by burnout point? 9. What is characteristic length?
10. Give a concept of black body. 2. Air at 90 oC flows in a Copper tube (k=0.384 W/mK) of 4 cm inner diameter and with 0.6 cm thick walls which are heated from the outside by water at 125 oC. A scale of 0.3 cm thick is deposited on the outer surface of the tube whose thermal conductivity is 1.75 W/mK. The air and water side unit surface conductance are 221 and 3605 W/m2K respectively. Find: 1. The overall water to air transmittance 2. Water to air heat exchange 3. Temperature drop across the scale deposit. 3. A fin 0.5 cm thick and 40 mm long has its base on a plane plate which is maintained at 110 oC. The ambient air temperature is 20 oC. The conductivity of the fin material is 80W/mK and the heat transfer coefficient h= 150 W/m2K. Determine: 1. Temperature at the middle of the fin. 2. Temperature at the end of the fin. 3. Total heat dissipated by the fin. 4. Derive the expression for effectiveness by NTU method in counter flow heat exchanger. 5. Derive an expression for the shape factor of a cylindrical cavity of diameter D and depth H with respect to itself. Also calculate the set radiative heat coming out from the cavity if H=250 mm and D= 150 mm, temperature of inside surface of the cavity is 600 K and emissivity of the cavity surface is 0.75. 6. Air flows through the annulus gap of two concentric cylinders, the diameters of which are 5 cm and 15 cm respectively. Their absorptivities are 0.7 and 0.8 respectively. They are maintained at a temperature of 200 oC and 600 oC. At a certain part temperature of flowing air is 400 oC. Compare the rate of radiant heat transfer per m2 to the inner surface with the rate of convective heat transfer at that very point if the heat transfer coefficient is 41 W/m2K. Assume that no radiant heat is absorbed by the air. 7. A 66 kV transmission line carrying a current of 900 ampere is 18 mm diameter. The electrical resistance of Copper conductor is 0.076 ohm/km and thermal conductivity of copper is 380 W/mK.. The surrounding temperature is 35 oC. The combined convection and radiation coefficient for heat transfer from the wire surface to the surroundings is 14 W/m2K. Calculate the following: 1. the surface temperature f the transmission line 2. the heat generation per unit volume 3. the maximum temperature in the line. 8. In order to cool the lubricating oil for a large industrial gas turbine a counter flow concentric tube heat exchanger is used. The flow rate of cooling water through the inner tube (D1 =2 mm) is 0.21 kg/s while the flow rate of oil through the outer annulus (D2 =2 mm) is 0.21 kg/sec while the flow rate of oil through the outer annulus (Do = 45mm) is 0.11 kg/s. The inlet and outlet temperature of water is 100 oC and 60 oC respectively. The water enters at 30 oC to the exchanger. Calculate the length of the tube. Take the following properties at bulk mean temperature.
,J/kg 1312 = Engine oil at 80 oC; Cp = 3.25 x 10 -2 N-s/m2. k= 0.138 W/mK Water at 35 oC Cp=4.174 kJ/kg, = 725 x 10 -6 N-s/m2 k= 0.625 W/mK, Pr =4.85. 9. (a) Discuss the factors affecting the nucleate boiling. (b) Explain Nussett and Grasshof numbers.
MACHINE DESIGN (a) Define Machine Design (b) Explain stiffness and rigidity. (c) Differentiate endurance strength and endurance limit. (d) What is an 18-8 steel? Mention two applications of it. (e) Sketch fatigue, brittle and ductile failure. (f) What is size factor and surface finish? (g) What kind of fit would you suggest for pin of knuckle joint? (h) Discuss various types of threads used for power transmission. Give at least two applications of each. (i) How is welding stress relieved? (j) Discuss various types of labyrinth seal. 2. A machine component is subjected to 2-D stresses. The tensile stress in the x direction varies from 40 to 100 N/mm2 while the tensile stress in the y direction varies from 10 to 80 N/mm2. The frequency of variation of these stresses is equal. The corrected endurance strength of the component is 270 N/mm2. The ultimate tensile strength of the component is 60 N/mm2. Determine the factor of safety used by designer. 3. A circular shaft 50 mm in diameter is welded to a support by means of a fillet weld as shown in fig 1/ Determine the size of the weld if the permissible shear stress in the weld is limited to 100 N/mm2. (please see the attachment) 4. An M 12 steel bolt, 250 mm long is subjected to an impact load. The kinetic energy to be absorbed Is 4 J. (a) Determine the stress in the shank of the bolt if there is no threaded portion between the nut and the bolt head. (b) find the stress in the shank if the area of the shank is reduced to that of the root area of the threads. 5. A medium force 0.22mm fit on a 75 mm shaft requires a hole tolerance of 0.225 mm, a shaft tolerance of 0.223 mm and an average interference of 0.0375 mm. Determine the proper hole and shaft dimensions with basic hole standard. 6. A band brake is required to balance a torsional moment of 300 Nm on the drum shaft. The drum is to be made 360 mm in diameter and keyed to the shaft. The band is to be lined with asbestos as fabric having coefficient of friction 0.3 and arc of contact 270 degrees. The brake lever and pins are to be made of mild steel. Find the dimension of the steel lever and pins. Permissible stresses for tension and crushing for steel used are 70 N/mm2 and shear stress in 55 N/mm2. 7. A marine type flange coupling is required to transmit 2900 kW power at a speed of 100 rpm.
Flanges are connected by 8 bolts having allowable shear stress of 60 MPa. The material for shaft and bolts used is same. Design the flange coupling and determine the shaft diameter. 8.Design a knuckle joint to connect two mild steel rods. The joint has to transmit a load of 100 kN. Draw two views of the joint. 9. A horizontal power transmission shaft is supported by two bearings 1 m apart. The shaft overhangs the right hand bearing and supports a 0.75 m pitch diameter straight tooth spur gear 0.03 m from the bearing. It supports a 1.25 m flat belt pulley 0.25 m to the left of the left hand bearing. The gear weighs 3 kN and the pulley weighs 10 kn. The gear is driven by a pinion such that the tangential turning force acts upward (Ignore radial force). The pulley that delivers the power vertically downwards has a belt tension ratio of 2.5:1. The shaft must transmit 20 kW at 150 rpm. Assume transmission efficiency as 100%. Determine the shaft diameter based on maximum normal stress theory. Assume suitable other data.
INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS Draw the standard symbol for non-return type flow control valve and twin pressure valve. Why a receiver is used in a pneumatic system? What is Coanda effect? Describe with diagram. What is the lower bound approach to calculate frequency of a transfer line being down? What are the properties of a double acting compressor? Differentiate between the rotary and inline transfer f work parts. What is a work envelope of a robot? Distinguish between accuracy and repeatability of a robot. What are the properties of pneumatic energy that make it fit for the engineering applications.? Draw the graph showing the relationship between frequency of reciprocation and coefficient of friction in centre board hopper feeder. 2. What are the types of automations that can be used in a production system? Compare them for their merits and demerits. 3. An external gate hopper has a gate 6 mm wide, through which the shank of the rivets pass, the dia of the shank rivet is 5 mm, the gap between inner sleeve and the body of feeder is 2.5 mm, the distance between slots is 12.5 mm. Estimate the maximum feed rate if the efficiency with which rivets fall into slots is 30% 4. If a receiver capacity is 300 liters, the electric motor used is 7.5 kW capacity, the labour cost for 8 hour per day is Rs. 80, cost of the compressor and plant is Rs. 40,000 and the loss of air during production is 5%, what is the time needed to create a pressure of 6 bar(g) . The cost of 1m3 free air is Rs. 0.60, electricity cost is Rs. 3.50, the life of the compressor and plant is 10 years if run continuously. 5. What does it mean by edge detection? Describe a quantitative technique to find out the edge of an object.
6. Illustrate a gripper with; (a) can operated, (b) gear operated and (c) lever operated fingers 7. an emergency stop system is to be designed for a certain production machine. A single start system is used to turn on the power to machine at he beginning of the day. In addition there are three stop buttons located at different locations around the machine. Any one of which can be pressed to immediately turn off power to the machine. (a) Write the truth table for this system. (b) Write the Boolean logic expression for the system. (c) Construct the logic network diagram for the system. 8. (a) If the movement diagram for a 2 cylinder (A & B) pneumatic system is as given in Fig. 1 draw the pneumatic circuit diagram for the same. Fig. 1
(b) Draw the diagram for NOR gate and Bi-stable flip-flop. Also state about their working along with constructional details. 9. (a) Two plates of 5 mm thickness are to be welded with square butt joint as shown in Fig. 2. The welding is a square weld. The welding torch should start from position A, move to B, continue with continuous arc welding along BC in a straight line and then to move to position D. Write a VAL program in world coordinates. Plate 2
(b) What is Pattern Recognition? Briefly describe a sensing device to generate contour pictures of a workpiece. FLUID MACHINERY
1. Define the terms Gross head and Net or Effective head. 2. List the advantages of Kaplan turbine over Francis turbine. 3. List down the functions of a draft tube. 4. What is meant by scale effect? 5. List down some advantages of centrifugal pumps over displacement pumps. 6. What do you understand by specific speed of a centrifugal pump? 7. Explain the term negative slip as referred to reciprocating pumps. 8. List down the functions of air vessels. 9. Differentiate between hydraulic accumulator and hydraulic intensifier. 10. Define the term Net Positive Suction Head. 2. A jet strikes tangentially a smooth curved vane moving in the same direction as the jet, and the jet gets reversed in the direction. Show that the maximum efficiency is slightly less than 60 percent. 3. Obtain an expression for the specific speed of a hydraulic turbine and explain in brief its significance. 4. The following data relate to a Pelton wheel: Head = 72 m, speed of wheel = 240 r.p.m., shaft power of the wheel = 115 kW, speed ratio = 0.45, coefficient of velocity = 0.98, overall efficiency = 85%. Design the Pelton wheel. 5. A reaction turbine works at 450 r.p.m. under a head of 120 m. Its diameter at inlet is 1.2 m and the flow area is 0.4 m2. The angles made by absolute and relative velocities at inlet are 20o and 60o respectively with the tangential velocity. Determine: (a) the volume flow rate (b) the power developed, and (c) the hydraulic efficiency. 6. A centrifugal pump rotating at 1500 r.p.m. delivers 0.2 m3/s at a head of 15 m. Calculate the specific speed of the pump and the power input. Assume overall efficiency of the pump is 0.68. If this pump were to operate at 900 r.p.m., what would be the head, discharge and power required for homologus conditions? Assume overall efficiency remains unchanged at new r.p.m. 7. Explain with neat sketch, the construction and working of an air lift pump. Mention its advantages. 8. (a) Show from the first principles that work saved in a single-acting reciprocation pump, by fitting an air vessel is 84.8 per cent. (b) A single acting reciprocating pump operating at 120 r.p.m. has a piston diameter of 200 mm and stroke of 300 mm. The suction and delivery heads are 4 m and 20 m respectively. If the efficiency of both suction and delivery stroke is 75 per cent, determine the power required by the pump. 9. (a) What is cavitation? How can it be avoided in reaction turbines? (b) A jet of water having a velocity of 40 m/s strikes a curved vane, which is moving with
a velocity of 20 m/s. The jet makes an angle of 30 o with the direction of motion of vane at inlet and leaves at an angle of 90o to the direction of motion of vane at outlet. Determine the vane angles at inlet an FLUID MACHINERY Explain the difference between impulse and reaction turbine. Explain the term dynamic machines. Classify turbines on the basis of direction of flow. List different components of a hydraulic power plant. Explain the significance of specific speed in turbines. Explain different types of impellers used in centrifugal pumps. Why backward curved vanes are used on impellers in centrifugal pumps? Explain the term NPSH. Explain in brief function of Surge tanks. Explain working of Hydraulic Accumulator. 2. Derive Eulers equation for energy transfer and explain different terms that constitute it. 3. Explain the function of draft tubes and draw different types of draft tubes. 4. An inward flow pressure turbine has runner vanes which are radial at the inlet and inclined backward at 45o to the tangent at discharge. The guide vanes are inclined at 15o to tangent at inlet and velocity of water leaving the guides is 24 m/sec. Determine correct speed for runner and absolute velocity of water at point of discharge if diameter at entry is twice that at discharge and width at entry is 0.6 times that at discharge. 5. The single acting reciprocating pump with large air vessels on suction and delivery sides close to pump is placed at a height 3.5 m above the water level in the pump. The plunger has 30 cm diameter and stroke of 45 cm. The diameter and length of delivery pipe is 15 cm and 45 m. The pump runs with S.H.M. such that separation takes place at the beginning of suction stroke. Effective height of barometer is 8 m. F=0.1. determine the power saved by air vessels in overcoming friction. 6. Explain working of Gear pump. 7. Explain with neat sketch the operation of Kaplan turbine, governing of Kaplan turbines and their performance characteristics. 8. (a) A Pelton wheel is supplied by four pipes in parallel connected to a short common pipe leading to the nozzle. If the losses in short pipe and nozzle are small in comparison with friction losses in four pipes, show that power delivered to the wheel by jet is maximum when
In which d is nozzle diameter and l the length of each pipe. F the friction coefficient. (b) Explain the phenomenon of cavitation in pumps. 9. (a) A centrifugal pump has an impeller diameter of 30 cm. The vanes are set at an angle of 20o (backwards) with the tangent to the wheel at outlet. Diameters of suction and delivery pipes are 20 cm and 15 cm respectively. The impeller has discharge area of 0.093 sq. cm. Pressure gauges, at points on the suction and delivery pipes close to
pump and each 2 m above the water level in the sump read pressure heads of 4 m below and 28 m above atmospheric pressure respectively when the rate of discharge of water was 0.11 cum/sec. Pump requires 50 kW at 1500 r.p.m. Calculate: overall efficiency Manometric efficiency Loss of head in suction pipe. (b) Explain the term priming and discuss any priming device with neat sketch. d outlet so that the water enters and eaves the vane without shock.
REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (a) Enumerate important refrigeration applications (b) State merits of an air refrigeration system. (c) Show the vapour compression cycle as a T-S diagram when the vapour is dry and saturated at the end of compression. (d) What is the importance of hydrogen in Electolux refrigerator? (e) What is the function of flash intercooler provided in a compound vapour compression refrigeration system? (f) State the applications of vortex tube. (g) How are refrigerants classified? (h) Define Relative humidity and Specific humidity. (i) How are the fans classified? (j) List the components of cooling load estimate II An air refrigerator works between pressure limits of 1 and 4 bar. The temperature of the air entering the compressor is 15 oC and entering the expansion cylinder is 30 oC. The expansion follows the law PV1.25 = constant. Take for air cp = 1 kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.7 kJ/kg K. Find the following: (a) COP of the refrigerating cycle. (b) If the air in circulation through the system is 25 kg/ min, find the refrigeration capacity of the system. III State the effect and causes of moisture in refrigerant of refrigeration system. How can it be removed from the system? IV Describe briefly the method used for liquefaction of hydrogen. V 20 m3 of air per minute at 30 oC and 60% RH is cooled to 22 oC DBT maintaining specific humidity constant. Find the following: (a) Heat removed from air (b) R.H. of cooled air (c) WBT of the cooled air. Take air pressure = 1 bar. VI Discuss briefly a split air- conditioner. VII (a) What is subcooling and superheating? Explain with the help of a diagram. Why is superheating considered to be good in certain cases? (b) A refrigerating unit is working between 40 oC and 10 oC. The load on the unit is 5 tons. Find: (i) COP of the system
(ii) Power required to run system. Assume that the refrigerant is dry and saturated vapour leaving the evaporator and compression is isentropic. The refrigerant used is MHz. If the temperature of the refrigerant required in the evaporator is 20 oC, then, find the change in COP of the system and the power required. VIII Draw a neat diagram of lithium bromide water absorption system and explain its working. List the major field application of this system. IX The following are the design data for an air conditioning system prepared for a restaurant: Outdoor condition = 34o DBT and 28 oDBT Indoor condition = 24o DBT and 50 RH Solar heat gain through walls roof and floor = 4.4 kW Occupants = 25 Sensible heat gain per person = 85 W Latent heat gain per person =105 W Internal lighting load = 15 lamps of 100 watts capacity each plus 10 fluorescent fixtures of 80 W each. Sensible heat gain from other sources = 11.6 kW Infiltration air = 14 m3 /min Coil by ass factor = 0.15 If the return and outdoor are adiabatically mixed in the ratio 3:2 (by bass) and then passed through the conditioner: determine: (a) dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature of supply air (b) apparatus, dew point (c) capacity of the air conditioning plant. .
REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING I (a) Define one ton of refrigeration (b) Write four important applications of refrigeration. (c) Write four important applications of air-conditioning (d) Define COP of a heat pump. Also mention where heat pump is used. (e) Define compressor capacity. (f) Explain an Azeotrope. Give one practical azeotrope being used in refrigeration. (g) Explain sensible heat. Where does it exist in refrigeration? (h) Explain with a neat sketch Dry and Wet compressions. (i) Explain the difference between Lindes and Claude methods of air liquefaction. (j) Name at least two non-conventional methods of refrigeration with their salient features. II Explain Primary, Secondary and Tertiary refrigerants. Indicate at least one practical application of each type of refrigerant. III Compare vapor compression and vapor absorption refrigeration systems. Indicate which one is more preferable and why? IV A simple saturation cycle using F-12 is designed for taking a refrigeration load of 10 tons. The refrigerator and ambient temperatures are 0 oC and 30 oC respectively. A minimum temperature difference of 5 oC is required in the Evaporator and condenser for heat transfer. Find (i) Mass flow rate through the system, (ii) Power required in kW
(iii) Cylinder dimensions assuming L/D ratio as 1.2 for a single cylinder, single acting compressor if it runs at 300 rpm with volumetric efficiency of 0.9 V A cascade refrigeration system is desired to supply 20 tons of refrigeration at evaporator temperature of - 50 oC. The load at - 50 oC is absorbed by a unit using F -22 as the refrigerant and is rejected to the cascade condenser at -10 oC. A unit using F-12 as the refrigerant cools the cascade condenser. The heat transfer in the cascade condenser takes place with 15 oC temperature difference. The F-12 is condensed at 40 oC by using atmospheric water at 25 oC also sub-cooled by 5 oC in that condenser. Assuming refrigerants leave both evaporators dry and saturated and compressions are isentropic, determine COP of the system. VI Differentiate between comfort and industrial air-conditioning. Give at least two practical applications of each. VII Explain with a neat labeled sketch the Electolux refrigeration system. Also write in brief the Global Warming and Ozone Depletion Potentials. VIII A dense air refrigeration machine operating on Bell-Coleman Cycle operates between 3.4 bars and 17 bars. The temperature of the air after the cooler is 15 oC and after the refrigerator is 6 oC. For a refrigeration capacity of 6 tons, find 1. Temperatures after the compression and expansion 2. Air circulation required in the cycle per minute. 3. COP 4. Rate of water circulation required in the cooler in kg/min if the rise in temperature is limited to 30 oC. IX An ammonia vapor compression system uses one compressor with individual expansion valves and back pressure valves. The condenser temperature is 35 oC. There are two evaporators having loads of 5 tons at - 25 oC and 3 tons at - 5 oC. There is no under cooling of the liquid and vapor leaving each evaporator is saturated condition. Draw neat labeled sketch of the required components and find the COP of the system REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 1. Write any five applications of refrigeration. 2. Differentiate between Heat engine and Heat pump. 3. Compare open cycle and closed cycle refrigeration systems. 4. What is the effect of subcooling and superheating on refrigeration work in VCR systems? 5. Draw a sketch of Electolux refrigeration system. 6. Write applications of steam jet refrigeration and mention its limitations. 7. Define RSHF and Bypass factor. 8. Differentiate between Ventilation load and Infiltration load. 9. Differentiate between split A/C system and window A/C system. 10. Write the advantages of cooling towers used in refrigeration industry.
II A Bell-Coleman cycle works between 1 bar and 6 bar pressure limits. The compression and expansion indices are 1.25 and 1.3 respectively. Obtain COP and tonnage of the unit for an air flow rate of 0.5 kg/sec. Neglect clearance volume and take temperatures at the beginning of compression and expansion to be 7 oC and 37 oC respectively. III A 5 ton Freon-12 refrigeration plant has saturated suction temperature of -5 oC. The condensation takes place at 30 oC and there is no undercooling of refrigerant liquid. Assuming isentropic compression find (i) COP (ii) Mass flow rate of refrigerant (iii) power required to drive the compressor in kW. Take the following properties of Freon-12 and Cpv= 0.615 kJ/kgK. P T hf hg sg (bar) (oC) (kJ/kgK) (kJ/kgK) (kJ/kg) 8 30 130 265 1.55 3 -5 -- 250 1.57 IV Draw a neat sketch of Linde and Claude cycles and compare both cycles in their construction. V Explain with a neat sketch the working of thermostatic expansion valve. VI What are the various leak detection systems used in refrigeration industry and explain any one. VII (a) Compare VAR system with VCR system. (b) Explain with a neat sketch the working of NH3-H2O VAR system. Write its applications. VIII Write the Detailed procedure foe estimating the cooling load of a computer centre with 100 capacity. IX (a) Explain the importance o comfort chart. (b) Distinguish between water intercooling and Flash intercooling of a compound compression system.
MACHINE DESIGN 1. Chain drives are not suitable for timing applications, why? 2. Specify the conditions which must be satisfied for the hydrodynamic lubrication to be possible. 3. Enlist approximate values of efficiencies of worm drive with different number of starts. 4. In a fly wheel, the major axis of the elliptical section of the arm is in the plane of rotation. Write down the reason for this arrangement. 5. Design of a disc clutch is based on uniform wear condition. Why? 6. What do you mean by Surge in springs?
7. Sketch a 6 x 19 wire rope and name its parts. 8. What does morphology mean when applied to CAD process? 9. What is 3D CAD?
10. What is the general structure of CAD software?
II A v-belt drive transmits 25 hp from a 250 mm diameter v-pulley operating at 1800 r.p.m. to a 900 mm diameter pulley. The centre = 0.2. If the distance is 1 m and the groove angle is 40 o. Take weight of the belt is 0.01 N/cm2 and allowable stress is 2 N/mm2 for belt material, what will be the number of belts required if C-size v belts having 2.3 cm2 cross-sectional area are used? III A band brake has to absorb 4.5 kW at 150 r.p.m. For long life, the maximum pressure between band and drum is 0.7 MPa. The width of band is 50 mm = 0.12. Find the angle of wrap if the brake drum diameter is 300 and mm. IV A punching press pierces 35 holes per minute in a plate using 10 kN-m of energy per hole during each revolution. Each piercing takes 40% of the time needed to make one revolution. If the motor efficiency is 80%, find the fluctuation of energy. V Discuss the roles of computers in design process. VI Write short note on the lubrication in the gear transmission system. VII A compressor running at 250 r.p.m. is driven by a 15 kW 870 r.p.m. motor through a 14 o full depth spur gears. Estimate he module, the beam width and number of teeth on each gear. Assume suitable materials for pinion and gear. Sketch the teeth. VIII A compressor spring is required to exert a minimum force of 250 N and maximum force of 600 N. The deflection for this change of load is to be 15 mm. The spring must be fit in a hole of 300 mm diameter. The load is essentially static. Design appropriate spring and sketch the same. IX Design a journal bearing for a centrifugal pump. The load on the bearing is 3.5 kN and the journal diameter is 75 mm. The shaft runs at 900 r.p.m. The ambient temperature may be taken as 25 oC.
MECHANICAL DESIGN (a) Discuss oil pressure distribution for journal bearing for hydrodynamic bearing. (b) Name different stresses developed in flywheel. (c) Discuss the characteristics and advantages of involute tooth profiles. (d) How does the coefficient of friction in worm gearing vary with rubbing velocity? (e) What is the most likely mode of failure of a worm gearing? (f) What is meant by life of antifriction bearing? (g) Enlist the factors on which the value of coefficient of fluctuation of speed depends. (h) Design of disc clutch is based on uniform wear. Specify the reasons. (i) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of short center distance belt drives.
(j) What is chordal action in chain drives? 2. A compressor running at 300 rev/min is driven by a 15 kW 1200 rev/min motor through a 14 degree full depth gears. The center distance is 0.375 m. The motor pinion is to be of C-30 forged steel hardened and tempered, and the driven gear is to be of cast steel. Assuming medium shock condition: Determine the module, the face width, and the number of teeth on each gear. 3. Determine the power capacity of a pair of helical turning gears having a transmission ratio of 10:1. The teeth are 20 degree full depth involute, 6 mm module. The pinion has 25 teeth and rotates at 5000 rev/min. The active face width is 76 mm and the material is C-40 steel untreated. 4. A semi-elliptical spring is to carry a load of 5000 N and consists of 8 leaves 46 mm wide, two of the leaves being of full length. The spring is to be made 1000 mm between the eyes and is held at the center by a 60 mm wide band. Assume that the spring is initially stressed so as to induce an equal stress of 500 N/mm2 when fully loaded. Design the spring giving: (a) thickness of leaves (b) eye diameter (c) length of leaves (d) maximum deflection and camber 5. A V-belt transmits 11 kW at 900 rev/min of the smaller sheave. The sheave pitch diameters are 173 mm and 346 mm. The center distance is 0.76 m. If the maximum permissible working force per belt is 560 N, determine the number of belts required if the coefficient of friction is 0.15 and the groove angle of the sheaves is 34 degrees. The belt mass =0.194 kg/m. 6. A multiple disk clutch, steel on bronze is to transmit a4 kW at 750 rpm. The inner radius of contact is 40 mm and the outer radius of contact is 70 mm. The clutch operates in oil with an expected coefficient of friction 0.10. The average allowable pressure is 350 kN/m2. (a) How many total disks of steel and bronze are required? (b) What is the average pressure? 7. A full journal bearing of diameter 0.075 m and a length 0.125 m is to support a load of 20 x 103 N at the shaft speed of 1000 rev/min. The bearing temperature is to be limited to 77 degree C in a room temperature of 38 degree C. The viscosity of the oil used is 0.0098 kg/ms at 116 degree C. Find the amount of artificial cooling required by means of external oil cooler. 8. A compressor is to actuated from 10 kW electric motor. The speed of the motor shaft is 970 rpm and that of compressor is to be 330. The compressor operates in two shifts. The minimum centre distance should be 550 mm. Design a suitable chain drive. 9. A single cylinder double acting steam engine delivers 187.5 kW at 100 rpm. The maximum fluctuation of energy per revolution is 15 percent of the energy developed per revolution. The speed variation is limited to 1 percent either way from the mean. The mean diameter of the rim is 2.4 m. Design and draw flywheel.
INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 1. Define the term method study. 2. What is the scope of work study as an aid in raising productivity? 3. Differentiate between cyclegraph and chronocyclegraph. 4. Define therblig. Write the names of different therbligs. 5. Bring out the comparison between product layout and process layout. 6. Discuss the various types of values. 7. Write a note on allowances in time study. 8. What are the objectives of value engineering? 9. Under what conditions is GT layout appropriate? 10. Write down the various types of symbols used in process charts. 2. Discuss in detail the various types of charts and diagrams used for recording in method study. 3. (a) What is ergonomics? Explain the applications of ergonomics. (b) Discuss the difference between quantitative and qualitative displays. 3,2 4. (a) Material handling and plant layout are complimentary to each other. Discuss the statement. (b) State and explain the various factors affecting job design. 5. (a) What factors contribute towards selection of a problem for method study? (b) Define the term job enrichment with some suitable example. 3,2 6. Discuss the principles of motion economy. 7. (a) With respect to work sampling, what might cause bias in the data obtained if observations were made at same time every day? (b) Briefly explain the various factors that affect the selection of material handling equipment. Also describe in brief the various types of material handling systems stating their applications. 4,6 8. (a) Given the following data, calculate the production standard (pieces per hour) and standard hours for 100 pieces. The allowances are 6% for fatigue, 5% for unavoidable delays and 8% of normal time for personal needs. Performance rating = 95%. 6,4 (see table 1 ) Table 1 Observation No. Elements 1 2 0.011 0.002 0.010 0.003 0.009 0.004 0.012 0.004 1 2 3 4
3 4
0.1.00 0.205
0.110 0.195
0.090 0.200
0.100 0.210
(b) Why is it desirable always to secure permission before starting a stop watch time study? 9. (a) Discuss in brief the various phases of value engineering study. (b) Define the terms job enrichment, job enlargement and job rotation. 6,4 MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS I(a) What is meant by Natural Vibration? (b) Define Resonance (c) Mention important types of Free Vibrations. (d) What is meant by Viscous damping? (e) Define Vibration Isolation. (f) Mention the uses of Lanchester damper (g) What is an accelerometer and what is its use? (h) Define influence coefficients. (i) What is whirling speed? (j) What is continuous system? II Derive suitable expression for longitudinal vibrations for a rectangular uniform cross sectioned bar of length l fixed at one end and free at the other end. III Explain any two methods of vibration analysis. IV Determine the effect of the mass of the spring on the natural frequency of the system shown in fig. 1 below
V A body of 5 kg is supported on a spring of stiffness 200 N/m has a dashpot connected to it which produces a resistance of 0.002 N at a velocity of 1 cm/sec. In what ratio will the amplitude of vibration be reduced after 5 cycles? VI Solve the problem shown in figure below:m = 10 kg m2= 15 kg and k = 320 N/m
VII An electric motor is supported on a spring and a dashpot . the spring has the stiffness of 64 N/m and the dashpot offers resistance of 500 at 4 m/sec. The unbalanced mass of 0.5 kg rotates at 5 cm radius and the total mass of vibration system is 20 kg. The motor runs at 400 rpm. Determine a) damping factor b) amplitude vibration and phase angle c) resonant speed d) resonant amplitude and e) forces exerted by the spring and the motor.. VIII Two equal masses of weight 400 kg each and radius of gyration 40 cm are keyed to the opposite ends of a shaft 60 cm long. The shaft is 7.5 cm diameter for the first 25 cm of its length, 12.5 cm diameter for the next 10 cm and 8.5 cm for the remaining of its length. Find the frequency of free torsional vibration of the system and position of nodes. Assume G = 0.84 x 1011 N/m2. IX Use Stodolas method to find natural frequency of the system shown in Figure 3: Take: E= 1.96 x 10 11 N/m2. I = 4 x 10 -7 m2 m1= 160 kg, m2= 50 kg 0.3m
INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (a) What is audiometer? (b) Define sound power (Lw) (c) What is ISO 14001 (d) Define humidity. What instrument is used to measure humidity? (e) What is Candela?(f) What is the safe dress for machinist? (g) How should long steel bar stock be carried in the shop?
(h) Write about the hazards identification techniques. (i) Why is it dangerous to run a machine from which the guards have been removed? (j) Name the statutory bodies which are viewing safety seriously in India. 2. What are industrial wastes? Discuss the treatment, disposal and control of industrial wastes. 3. Discuss the noise isolation and noise absorption techniques used in the manufacturing industries. 4. What are the main factors to be considered in the planning o ventilation system for industries? 5. How can heat expose be controlled in industries? 6. Discuss the design factors of light installation for automobile industries. 7. Define environment aspects, environment impact, ENS audits, environment objective, environmental target, prevention of pollution. 8. (a) Discuss about industrial accidents, their nature, types and causes. (b) How can you assess the cost of industrial accident and what steps you will take to prevent accident in industries? 9. (a) Discuss about the Industrial Safety Regulation Act (Factory Act) in detail. (b) What will be the sound pressure level in decibel if r.m.s. SPL is 5 N/m3