Joining An Aerodrome Circuit
Joining An Aerodrome Circuit
Joining An Aerodrome Circuit
A procedure has been adopted for any light aircraft approaching to land at an airfield. This procedure
is joining the standard aerodrome traffic circuit and is adopted by convention rather than laid down by
regulation. There is no standardized manner to join the aerodrome circuit. This document will present
you a basic integration manner extracted from several countries regulations all around the world.
The circuit requires that an aircraft should track over at least three legs of a rectangular course
aligned with the runway or landing strip which is most into-wind, except when the air traffic controller
gives a straight-in approach or an indirect approach clearance.
Downwind leg
Base leg
Final leg
The reader of this document must know the basics of an aerodrome circuit construction.
The standard overhead joining procedure is a recommended means of complying with this rule, by
being 500 feet to 1000ft above aerodrome traffic pattern altitude and then sequencing
Pay attention that some national regulations require 500ft minimum but others shall require 1000ft
minimum above aerodrome traffic circuit. Please consult you national regulations in order to have the
adequate altitude.
This procedure gives the opportunity to carefully check the airfield area, the air sock and boundaries for
hazards – animals, power lines and other wires, ditches, obstructions - and to ascertain the whereabouts
of other traffic in, or joining, the circuit and to be seen by them.… 1/6
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If the circuit altitude is not published, or not known by the pilot, the pilot must take 1000ft AGL as
standard altitude for his aerodrome circuit.… 2/6
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When the beginning of the downwind leg is behind the aircraft and in function of nearby traffic in the
circuit, the pilot must descend to the aerodrome circuit altitude in function of traffic and can join
the beginning or the middle of the downwind leg.
This 45° integration type can be the default integration manner in some countries (like in the USA).
As a pilot, you must call the air traffic controller 2 minutes before joining the aerodrome circuit. The
air traffic controller can instruct you to join the aerodrome circuit everywhere, even if not published.
The air traffic controller can give you one of the integration solutions shown on the image below.… 4/6
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19:43, 16 February 2022
This documentation is copyrighted as part of the intellectual property of the International Virtual
Aviation Organisation.
The content of this documentation is intended for aviation simulation only and must not be used for
real aviation operations.… 5/6
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