Logistics: Influence of Blockchain Technology in Manufacturing Supply Chain and Logistics
Logistics: Influence of Blockchain Technology in Manufacturing Supply Chain and Logistics
Logistics: Influence of Blockchain Technology in Manufacturing Supply Chain and Logistics
Influence of Blockchain Technology in Manufacturing Supply
Chain and Logistics
Abirami Raja Santhi 1 and Padmakumar Muthuswamy 2, *
1 Communication Business Unit, ThinkPalm Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai 600119, India;
2 Technology Center (KSSPL GES), Kennametal India Ltd., Bangalore 560073, India
* Correspondence: mpadmakumar86@gmail.com
Abstract: Background: Blockchain is a digitally managed, distributed, and decentralized ledger used
to record transactions in an immutable format. Its characteristics in providing trust, transparency, and
traceability make it attractive for applications where transactions are involved. Originally intended to
support financial transactions, the technology has gained attention even in non-financial sectors such
as health care, manufacturing, retail, and government services. Methods: For centuries, the various
functions of manufacturing industries have worked based on the relationship and trust that they
have with their upstream and downstream stakeholders. In addition, as the conventional factories are
growing into giant gigafactories, the participation of several intermediaries further complicates the
supply chain and logistics operations. Hence, the article aims to provide a comprehensive overview
of the role of blockchain technology in addressing supply chain and logistics-related challenges
by analyzing, organizing, and reviewing the literature. Results: The study shows that blockchain
technology can transform the supply chain and logistics into secure, agile, trusted, and transparent
functions. A conceptualized application scenario demonstrates the benefits of blockchain technology
in providing provenance and traceability to critical products. Conclusions: In particular, a private or
permissioned blockchain is suitable for multi-organizational businesses such as supply chain and
Citation: Raja Santhi, A.; logistics. In addition, IoT-blockchain integration, smart contracts, and asset tracking has immense
Muthuswamy, P. Influence of benefits in the future.
Blockchain Technology in
Manufacturing Supply Chain and Keywords: blockchain; manufacturing supply chain; smart contracts; asset tracking; distributed
Logistics. Logistics 2022, 6, 15. ledger; consensus mechanism; cyber security; Industry 4.0; Industry 5.0; cryptography
the visibility of products at every stage is still unaddressed [3,4]. Additionally, as these
technologies are centralized database management technologies, they are vulnerable to
manipulation and security threats. The problem with these technologies also lies in the lack
of interconnection and visibility of information across the entire supply chain participants.
For instance, the higher number of intermediaries between the manufacturer and consumer,
and globalization have increased the length of the supply chain network which resulted
in lack of visibility to product origins and shipment details [5]. The challenge is both
quantitative and qualitative. Studies have also shown that gaps in sharing information
between the supply chain participants result in sub-optimal business performance [6]. In a
nutshell, the current challenges in supply chain and logistics can be termed as the lack of
trustworthy data and data visibility, which is primarily due to the participation of many
intermediaries. As multiple individual collaborators such as suppliers, manufacturers,
dealers, and resellers are an integral part of a supply chain, effective management of in-
formation flow between the parties with the required transparency and trustworthiness is
critical. In addition, the data are crucial for accurate forecasting of demand and inventory
records, schedule material and production planning, and better inventory management [7].
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the supply chain is a well-
known issue that exposed the vulnerability of the current practices. Originally thought of
as a minor disruption, the semiconductor shortage has become a global crisis impacting
consumer electronics, automotive, medical equipment, power, and almost all the sectors.
It has put the existing supply chain network of many large-scale and well-established
industries in the spotlight and exposed their fragile infrastructure. Any such major dis-
ruption in the supply chain has the potential to derail the functioning of an organization
and can severely impact its sales and profitability. Organizations irrespective of their size,
sector, and geographical diversity were affected by the collective failure of their supply
chain network, clearly showing the inefficient processes that they currently follow. The real
problem lies in the lack of trustworthy supply chain-related data that even reputed firms
have visibility to [8]. Additionally, as many large-scale organizations rely on their multiple
vendors and suppliers throughout the globe to reduce manufacturing costs, the visibility of
data at every level and its integrity and reliability is highly critical. The increase in the num-
ber of products and global supplier network has added several complex interlinked layers
to the supply chain and lengthened logistics chain which means that there are multiple
places where something can go wrong. This made the industries realize the importance of
further digitizing their supply chain and logistics facilities and the need to adopt emerging
technologies such as blockchain to improve the integrity and visibility of data.
The arrival of “Industry 4.0” technologies, a term used to refer to the advanced digital,
computing, and networking technologies have revolutionized how different functions of
an enterprise communicate and collaborate to operate efficiently. The technologies such as
automation, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT),
and big data analytics have the potential to modernize traditional supply chain practices
by transforming them into a digitally managed and connected infrastructure. In particular,
blockchain with its unique characteristics such as reliable real-time sharing of information,
security, traceability, and immutability would make it a strong tool in the integration of
the entire supply chain infrastructure [9]. However, as the technology is relatively new
and probably immature in handling complex real-world problems, it is critical to know
the fundamental working principle of the technology in order to set a realistic expectation.
Additionally, in the context of supply chain and logistics operations, it is imperative to
understand the complexities and challenges that manufacturing industries face to estimate
the possible benefits of the technology, which leads to the following questions:
(1) What is blockchain technology and what are its characteristics, and benefits?
(2) What are the complexities and challenges in manufacturing supply chain and logistics?
(3) How blockchain technology can help address supply chain and logistics challenges?
(4) How blockchain technology can provide provenance and traceability to critical prod-
ucts and what are the potential applications of blockchain in other sectors?
Logistics 2022, 6, 15 3 of 22
(5) What are the challenges in adopting blockchain technology that must be addressed
before widespread adoption?
Hence, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the role of blockchain
technology in addressing supply chain and logistics-related challenges and answering
the critical questions through various sections by analyzing, organizing, and reviewing
the literature. The research question 1 is answered through Section 2, and the questions
2, 3, 4, and 5 are answered through Sections 3–6, respectively. Finally, the consolidated
overview, key takeaways, and future directions are explained in Section 7. The study would
emphasize businesses to question their current practices and make them think about the
integration of data-oriented transaction-driven technology such as blockchain into their
supply chain.
2. Blockchain Technology
Bitcoin was the first direct application of blockchain technology. Satoshi Nakamoto [10]
published a blueprint of blockchain technology in 2008 to avoid the double-spending
problem, over which cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum were developed.
However, the roots of the idea can be traced back to 1991 during which the concept of using
a signed chain of information as a tamper-proof electronic ledger, and a consensus model
to reach an agreement were discussed [11,12]. Later, the technology has evolved to be
used in maintaining smart digital contracts [13]. Currently, the researchers are focusing on
optimizing the technology to make it work in sync with Industry 4.0 technologies such as
IoT in handling the digital data storage requirements [14]. The terms bitcoin and blockchain
are often used interchangeably and even few papers have used the term blockchain to refer
to the public type of distributed ledger, such as bitcoin. Although blockchain is a type of
distributed ledger that uses a sequence of blocks linked to a chain, not all distributed ledger
is blockchain and bitcoin uses blockchain technology for transactions [15].
Currently, all the financial transactions between two persons or entities are carried out
through a trusted centralized third party such as banks or financial institutions. However,
blockchain technology is used to create a decentralized mechanism in which the transactions
can happen between two users without a central intermediatory. Basically, blockchain is
a distributed ledger in which a block containing the details of records and transactions is
encrypted and stored permanently in a chain. Whenever a new transaction is performed it
is added as a new block, hence maintaining the history of all transactions in an immutable
form [16]. In other words, it is a technology for storing information in a way that is
impossible to alter, manipulate, or hack. Although the users are anonymous in a blockchain
network, their identifiers and all transactions are publicly available to all the nodes (a node
is an individual system or a computer within a blockchain network) [17]. Full nodes and
light nodes are the two major blockchain nodes. Full nodes have the complete transaction
history of the blockchain and are responsible for validating new blocks. Light nodes do
not have a copy of the complete blockchain but only have the headers of blocks and they
connect to full nodes to validate the information stored in the blockchain.
Additionally, the blockchain network can have private, public, and permissioned
networks based on the access level provided to the participants. The type of blockchain
decides if all or only a few of the participants can be a part of the consensus for a block. A
public blockchain (such as Bitcoin) is a fully open and distributed network that allows all the
participants to access, maintain, and validate transactions, whereas in a private blockchain,
the transactions are accessed and validated only by a set of authorized participant nodes.
A centralized authority grants access to the participant nodes in a private blockchain.
Data privacy and the ability to select network participants make a private blockchain an
attractive option for industrial applications [18]. A permissioned network is a hybrid
system (e.g., Ripple and Stellar) in which generally all the users have read-only access to
the blockchain while the permission to publish a new block is restricted only to a few key
users through the access granted by a centralized authority [19]. The recently launched
IBM Food Trust is a cloud-based hybrid blockchain solution that brings farmers, suppliers,
Logistics 2022, 6, 15 4 of 22
and retailers into an ecosystem to improve the traceability, transparency, and efficiency of
the food supply chain. It allows participants to set custom access levels and collaborate
securely. The typical flow of transactions in a blockchain network is shown in Figure 1.
transactions. The network layer contains the data transmission protocol and verification
system. In addition, privacy and security are a part of the network layer itself [22]. A
consensus layer is responsible for the generation and validation of the blocks and enforces
the rules to reach consensus within the decentralized system. Proof of Work (PoW), Proof
of Stake (PoS), Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET),
Proof of Capacity, Proof of Burn (PoB), and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) are a few of
the consensus algorithms that can be used based on the individual business need [23]. Each
consensus algorithm works on a different principle and with an increase in the complexity
of the algorithm, the time taken to process each transaction increases. The application layer
provides the user interface that acts as the liaison between the user and the blockchain
network. Smart contracts, chaincode, and decentralized applications (DApps) are a few
examples of an application layer.
Difficulty is a number that denotes the time it would take to add a new block of the
transaction to the blockchain [27], and it depends on the number of mining nodes and the
hash rate of the network. The higher the difficulty, the greater the computing power to
verify transactions and the more secure the network. In the blockchain, mining is a process
to validate a transaction and add it to the existing blockchain network. A miner solves
a complex puzzle (termed Proof of Work or PoW) that requires hashing the transaction
and information from the previous block using a hash algorithm to create a new block and
obtain bitcoin rewards. In simple terms, hashing refers to transforming data into a digitally
encoded token that acts as a digital fingerprint of the underlying assets that can be traced
or traded using a private key. A nonce is an abbreviation for “number only used once”
and is a 32-bit random number that is used for authentication, hashing, identification, or
electronic signatures [28]. In short, mining is about guessing the nonce as fast as possible.
A Merkle root is a mathematical technique that summarizes the transaction in a block. It
validates data in a Merkel tree (or binary hash tree) and is used to verify whether the data
is corrupted, hacked, or manipulated [29]. The body of the block contains the business data
such as the transaction counter and the transaction details.
2.3.1. Immutability
Any transaction that is added to a blockchain network is immutable, which means it
cannot be altered or tampered with. The common misconceptions in maintaining digital
records such as data manipulation, deletion, or tampering of records are eliminated with
this unique characteristic of blockchain. Hence, even if a transaction is added with errors,
it cannot be overwritten or deleted, but a new transaction with correct details must be
added again as a new block. Additionally, both the original transaction with error and the
newly added transaction would be visible to the participants in chronological order with
an appropriate timestamp [30].
2.3.2. Decentralization
Decentralization is a core characteristic of blockchain, which means it neither has a
single authority to control nor a centralized server to manage or store data in the framework;
Logistics 2022, 6, 15 7 of 22
instead, it relies on a group of nodes. Hence, all the participant nodes of a blockchain net-
work act as a server that can store anything, such as cryptocurrencies, financial transactions,
contracts, or any important digital data which can be accessed using a private key [31].
to manipulation of data, lack of trust, lack of visibility to information, and data breaches.
However, blockchain, by its inherent nature, can address all these issues and empower the
users who would like to see more information about their products. Hence, the application
of blockchain technology in the manufacturing supply chain and logistics is explained in
the following sections.
adopting a suitable framework for sustainable practices and promoting a circular economy,
even businesses across the world have started focusing on how the profit is made rather
than how much profit is made. A circular economy is an alternate model to the linear
economy (take–make–waste economy), which is focused to maximize the value by reducing,
recovering, and recycling the resources to reduce pressure on the environment. This new-
age requirement for processes such as product recalls, recycling, returns, repairs, and
replacements, which are called “reverse logistics”, needs a modern solution to efficiently
track the products even many years after it has been sold.
In addition, the other modern supply chain challenges such as the presence of mul-
tiple channels to reach customers (like eCommerce, traditional retailers, drop shipping,
and third-party marketplaces), heavy fluctuation in demand, cross-border sourcing of
raw materials and spares, just-in-time manufacturing, and customers’ need for highly
customized products increases the vulnerability of the system to collapse. In a nutshell,
challenges in the manufacturing supply chain and logistics can be boiled down to “lack of
data” or in other words, not having access to timely and trustworthy data. However, most
of the challenges can be brought under one umbrella and addressed using data-focused
technology such as blockchain at every stage of the product’s life cycle.
In such a highly competitive market scenario, even a single broken link in the network
could lead to disruptions and delays that can affect the customer experience, which, in turn,
can heavily influence the top line and bottom line of a company. A typical data flow in a
manufacturing supply chain and logistics supported by various data collection systems
and blockchain technology is shown in Figure 5.
In a manufacturing supply chain, the information, or data, from the various partici-
pants such as suppliers, manufacturers, logistics providers, distributors, wholesalers, and
retailers are collected through various advanced data collection technologies such as IoT
sensors, GPS, RFID, QR codes, and APIs. At every stage, the real-time data is pushed in
the form of blocks into a blockchain network. As a blockchain system acts as a single data
source that stores all the information in an immutable and digitally distributed ledger, it is
visible to all the participants of the network. However, a permissioned system can be used
to ensure that only the key users have access to add new blocks into the system and the
other participants can only track the status of an order through their view-only access. In
addition, various third-party applications can be used to retrieve end-to-end product trace-
ability data from a blockchain network using an approved token in any required format for
visualization. The product label with a barcode or QR code can be used by the customer to
trace the origin of the product and the various value addition stages it went through at a
granular level, to obtain supply chain provenance. The transparent and immutable data
would lead to increased customer trust and satisfaction. Additionally, the tracking system
also helps the manufacturers in reducing the overhead charges involved during recalls and
validating the authenticity of the product. A few of the supply chain-specific applications
of blockchain technology are elaborated in the following section.
the globe further reduces trust. In such a low-trust scenario, the business partners tend
to see the other as a competing entity rather than a partner [40]. Hence, building trust
between them is necessary to ensure the success of the supply chain network. However,
hesitation in sharing trade secrets and IP details, the need to ensure the compliance and
regulatory standards are being followed and verify the quality of raw materials used,
and poor communication, lead to friction between the manufacturer and the supplier.
Digitization of all the physical assets used in a supply chain using IoT and linking the data
collection process to an immutable decentralized network improves the reliability of data
and fool-proof asset tracking [41]. As any data added to a blockchain cannot be altered
and needs to be validated by all the participant nodes, this enhances the trustworthiness of
the data. Additionally, it helps businesses in avoiding losses incurred due to counterfeit
and gray market parts, especially in critical and high-value products such as consumer
electronics, jewelry, pharmaceutical, automotive, defense, and aerospace components. In
a supply chain and logistics system that is integrated with a blockchain network, all the
transactions are non-editable and timestamped, meaning that it provides a very high level
of security, transparency, traceability, and trust among the participants.
Another feature of blockchain that provides trust in a blockchain-backed supply
chain is “smart contracts” that can be executed with suppliers and contractors. A smart
contract is a digital contract that is stored in a blockchain network that is automatically
executed when predefined contractual obligations are satisfied [42]. It is primarily used to
automate the execution of agreement quickly between the participants without involving
an intermediatory. The agreement can also be a workflow that triggers the next action
in the process when certain requirements are fulfilled, or a milestone is achieved. In
simple terms, it can be visualized in the same way as the “condition statement” (if-else or
if-then statements) of a programming language. In a supply chain, a smart contract can
be used to automatically verify and execute contracts, track inventory, process payments
to intermediaries, send notifications, and issue tickets without manual intervention or
cumbersome paperwork.
allows the requestor to track the origin of both tangible and intangible assets which can
eliminate fraudulent transactions [45].
Figure 6. Application scenario showing various tools used in machining automotive cylinder block.
The automotive OEM creates a quotation to purchase all the tools required to machine
a cylinder block. After the tool manufacturer accepts the quotation, an order is placed. The
preliminary process of raising a quotation and placing a purchase order can be automated
using smart contracts and stored in the blockchain network. The purchase order is automat-
ically executed if pre-defined conditions such as delivery lead time and cost commitments
are satisfied. Once the conditions are met, it triggers the manufacturing order on its own.
Based on the order, the tool manufacturer creates the required CAD drawings for the tool
body and places a manufacturing order with a tier-1 supplier. The blockchain network,
which is extended to all the participants of the supply chain, enables the supplier to add
blocks of information on the sourcing and processing stages of the steel raw material from
the time the ore is mined and formed into a billet, that is obtained from the raw material
supplier (named as the tier-2 supplier for the sake of discussion). This provides provenance
details and ensures that the raw material is sourced from a conflict-free ethical source. The
composition of the steel, mechanical and metallurgical properties such as hardness, tough-
ness, tensile strength, and other relevant details are permanently stored in the network in
the form of blocks by the tier-1 supplier for future requirements. Subsequently, the value
additions performed at various stages such as blank preparation, rough machining, finish
machining, heat treatment, and surface treatment (such as nickel plating, chrome plating,
etc.) are also added to ensure that the tool has undergone all the required processes. If
the supplier further outsources the processes such as heat treatment (to an external party
named as the tier-3 supplier) and surface treatment (to an external party named as the tier-4
supplier), the relevant supplier and process details are also added to the blockchain. The
smart contracts can be implemented to automatically trigger orders to the tier-3 and tier-4
suppliers. In a conventional supply chain, the comprehensive overview of the sourcing
and process details of the multi-layered supplier network has very reduced or no visibility
to the tool manufacturer and the automotive OEM who are at the top of the supply chain.
However, adopting blockchain provides visibility to these data transparently to the entire
supply chain from top to bottom. Additionally, by using smart contracts to automatically
trigger the succeeding processes, the tool manufacturer also obtains additional real-time
visibility to the accurate delivery date of the tool without manual intervention which can
be used to automatically schedule subsequent interdependent activities. The entire flow
of information between the automotive OEM, tool manufacturer, and multi-tier suppliers
is shown in Figure 7. Additionally, the entire flow of order data and the required docu-
Logistics 2022, 6, 15 14 of 22
mentation right from quotation, customer service, purchase, manufacturing, quality, and
shipping can be automated and stored permanently in a blockchain network.
Figure 7. Flow of supply chain information between OEM, tool manufacturer, and suppliers.
track data across the entire network with ease, while maintaining the confidentiality of the
information using a permissioned network [51].
German automaker BMW worked together with DHL, a leader in the logistics industry,
to develop a blockchain-based proof-of-concept to improve the visibility of parts shipped.
To avoid the long manual process, a private blockchain network that can show the supply
chain-related data to the participants was created. The various access level ensured that
the participants could access only the data that are of interest to them. Additionally, the
system’s capability to provide real-time shipment data to their dealers from the time an
order is placed until it is delivered has helped them in reducing manual reports and gave
better visibility to real-time data [52].
The miles clocked by the automobile odometer is a critical assessment used for the
valuation of vehicles and approving warranty claims. However, the cost of illegal tampering
with data is a common threat in the used-car market, the value of which is estimated to
be around USD 7.5 billion every year, in Germany alone. To solve the issue, Bosch, an
engineering technology company, and TÜV Rheinland, a German certification agency
collaborated to develop a blockchain-based system to prevent data manipulation in the
odometer of automobiles. The system collects the distance clocked by the odometer in
real-time using IoT sensors, timestamped, and automatically transfers it to a tamperproof
blockchain network which ensures the authenticity of the data. The technique can be
extended to logistics providers to maintain records of their fleets and assist used-vehicle
dealers [53].
Maersk, a global shipping company, has collaborated with IBM and developed a
blockchain-based trade platform to digitize the supply chain that can track end-to-end
details of shipments. The details related to the progress of goods in the supply chain,
the current location of the container, custom clearance documents, bills of lading, and all
other relevant data are made visible to all the participants of the network in a tamperproof
database. The platform provides greater visibility to goods-in-transit, eliminates cumber-
some paperwork, and improves transparency and trust among the participants. In addition,
it has the potential in avoiding delays and offer enormous cost benefits [54].
RCS Global, a leader in delivering responsible sourcing of raw materials, has partnered
with IBM and developed the Responsible Sourcing Blockchain Network. Originally devel-
oped to trace the origin of Li-ion metal used in manufacturing batteries, the technology
can support end-to-end tracking of all raw materials from mine to customer. The granular
details of the process flow from the time the metal is mined and moved to various stages,
such as smelter, cathode unit, battery unit, manufacturing plants, until it reaches an electric
vehicle or a consumer electronic can be traced. This ensures customers that the minerals
used in the product were sourced from a responsible sourcing site that is free from conflicts
and unethical practices [55].
the unique characteristics of blockchain that were discussed throughout the paper can help
the sector to manage its processes efficiently. Auditing financial results, which usually
takes days and weeks, can be considerably reduced to hours due to the availability of
trustworthy data. Automated clearance, payments and settlements, tokenizing securities
such as shares and bonds, elimination of third parties for quicker and efficient processing
of loans and credits, fool-proof asset management, decentralized database to maintain
customer records, secure and cost-effective international money transfers, and immutable
nature of transactions are a few of the benefits which a traditional banking system can gain
by adopting blockchain [56].
5.2.2. Insurance
Insurance is another key sector that involves numerous contracts in the form of
physical paperwork between multiple parties that results in delayed processing and a
lengthy settlement cycle [57]. The contracts involve cumbersome record-keeping of various
details such as customers’ personal details, nominations, premiums, renewals, claims,
investigations, and settlements. However, all the transaction details can be easily and
efficiently stored in a blockchain network which can be used to support quick claims,
automate the claim settlement, and prevent fraudulent claims. This can lead to increased
customer satisfaction and reduce the administrative cost to the insurance provider.
5.2.3. Healthcare
Currently, the health records of individuals are stored in a physical format and most
of them are lost over a period. However, blockchain can act as an interoperable and
comprehensive system to record and manage the details of individuals by automatically
pulling patient details from physicians and hospital records and storing them in a secure
network in the form of electronic medical records or health records (EMR/EHR). It also
assists physicians in understanding a patient’s medical history, which can lead to improved
diagnosis and can be used to prevent future illness. The records can also be used to buy or
renew insurance policies and initiate claims or settlements automatically. In addition, the
technology can also support maintaining a larger public health management initiative and
eliminate the circulation of counterfeit drugs and pharma products [58].
5.2.5. Education
The education institutes can make use of the immutable nature of the blockchain tech-
nology to store and track the entire transcripts digitally, such as student and staff records,
frame syllabus, and issue certificates [60]. The certificates would become a tamperproof
permanent record in the university’s blockchain network that can be easily viewed or veri-
fied by the other participating agencies such as higher education universities, employment
firms, and immigration agencies.
of blockchain technology. However, some scholars believe that all three can be achieved
without a compromise in the future [68].
However, most of the discussed challenges were related to having a public blockchain,
and they can be tackled by adopting a private blockchain which is suitable for industrial
applications such as supply chain and logistics. However, few studies that have tested
the performance of private Ethereum blockchains have also highlighted block frequency,
block size, node configuration, computational power, and consensus costs that limit the
scalability [69,70]. In addition, the cost involved in setting up a private blockchain network
for the entire supply chain would be high, complex, and unknown in many cases. To
address the challenge, a few service providers such as IBM have developed a cloud-based
blockchain network as a service for easy deployment, which can ease the setup cost
to a certain extent. With every service provider developing their blockchain protocols
and architecture, the lack of standardization could lead to blockchain applications facing
interoperability issues. The other common challenges include lack of budget, unfamiliar
technology architecture, lack of enough successful use cases, regulatory and compliance
issues, lack of awareness, and some companies seeing no significant value addition to their
current practices.
8. Conclusions
For a consumer, as the supply chain is the face of a business, organizations across
various sectors race to build an efficient and reliable management technique to protect
their business. Despite the advancement in integrating information technologies with the
traditional supply chain, challenges such as time, trust, transparency, traceability, and
security of data are unaddressed. Although most organizations have “digitalized” their
supply chain and logistics, there is currently a need for “data-driven” practices. So, the
supply chain of the future must be connected, collaborative, secure, intelligent, and scalable.
Hence, the use of modern Industry 4.0 technologies that are often called “smart factory
technologies” such as automation, artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT, cloud computing,
and big data analytics are the compelling necessities for a smart supply chain network.
Together, the technologies can assist industries to develop a transparent and trustable
supply chain ecosystem that can ease operational challenges and improve financials.
However, despite having a rosy outlook and abundant capabilities, even after a decade,
blockchain technology is still in a very nascent stage, and firms are wary of upgrading their
traditional database with blockchain. Perhaps, a novel technology does not always mean
it guarantees superior performance and successful widespread acceptance. Nevertheless,
supply chain management is the one area in which the technology would become a real
game-changer due to the involvement of multiple stakeholders, and a complex process
that demands the availability of transparent, trustable, and real-time data. However, to
achieve a mainstream adaptation, the technology must suitably address critical challenges
such as scalability, interoperability, high energy and computational power, throughput,
and high cost. Further research on the technology to overcome the challenges would
completely revolutionize the way information flow is managed in a supply chain and
logistics network. However, the success of the technology would highly depend on various
stakeholders coming together to transform their legacy practices into data-oriented digital
technology such as blockchain. Hence, based on the literature survey, it can be concluded
that blockchain technology can provide significant benefits to the supply chain and logistics
network of manufacturing companies in terms of trust, transparency, traceability, security,
and flexibility.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.R.S.; methodology, P.M.; formal analysis, A.R.S.; inves-
tigation, A.R.S.; resources, A.R.S.; data curation, A.R.S. and P.M.; writing—original draft preparation,
A.R.S. and P.M.; writing—review and editing, A.R.S. and P.M.; visualization, A.R.S. and P.M. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
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