Logistics 05 00033 v2
Logistics 05 00033 v2
Logistics 05 00033 v2
An Integrated Impact of Blockchain on Supply
Chain Applications
Ieva Meidute-Kavaliauskiene 1, * , Bülent Yıldız 2 , Şemsettin Çiğdem 3 and Renata Činčikaitė 1
1 General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, Silo St. 5A, LT-10322 Vilnius, Lithuania;
2 Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu 37150, Turkey;
3 Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep 27310, Turkey;
* Correspondence: ieva.meidute@lka.lt; Tel.: +370-69986847
Abstract: Market conditions have become increasingly dynamic and demanding, resulting in a
challenging competitive environment. To adapt to this dynamic environment, supply chains have
become increasingly reliant on collaboration, integration, flexibility, and trust between stakehold-
ers. Therefore, the importance of new technological applications in supply chains has grown even
more. To improve supply chain flow control, modern specialized applications must be implemented.
Blockchain technology has established itself as a necessary component of today’s competitive en-
vironment. Companies should invest in blockchain technology to respond quickly to changing
market conditions and demands in today’s dynamic business environment. In this regard, this study
investigates the effect of blockchain technology utilization on supply chain transparency, supply
chain flexibility, and trust in suppliers. For this purpose, first, data were collected from the first 1000
exporting firms declared in 2019 by the Turkey Exporters Assembly using a survey method. Secondly,
Citation: Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I.;
factor analyses and regression analyses were performed with the dataset obtained from 84 compa-
Yıldız, B.; Çiğdem, Ş.; Činčikaitė, R. nies. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that blockchain technology utilization increases
An Integrated Impact of Blockchain on transparency, flexibility, and trust in supply chains. According to these results, it is suggested that
Supply Chain Applications. Logistics companies should invest in blockchain technology to make their supply chain more transparent,
2021, 5, 33. https://doi.org/10.3390/ flexible, and secure. Moreover, blockchain plays a crucial role in building mutual trust with supply
logistics5020033 chain stakeholders. Finally, the research includes some considerations on the positive implications
and potential of blockchain in collaboration and integration.
Academic Editor: Robert Handfield
Keywords: blockchain; supply chain transparency; supply chain flexibility; trust; integration; collab-
Received: 9 April 2021
Accepted: 6 May 2021
Published: 1 June 2021
operations and retain the authority to instruct their suppliers. Otherwise, they must rely
on and adhere to major regulatory firms or intermediaries [1].
Companies have been using information technologies for the optimization of supply
chain processes for many years. At first, EDI was used to improve efficiency in communica-
tion infrastructure between companies. With EDI integration, companies aimed to achieve
benefits such as faster and more efficient data flow [5], shortening order completion times,
increasing distribution flexibility, and improving customer service quality [6]. Over time,
technologies such as RFID [7] and the internet of things [8] began to be used for needs
such as supply chain agility and visibility. Although many digital technology instruments
are used to make supply chain processes more efficient today, issues about transparency,
flexibility, and trust are still not fully solved. Low transparency in supply chains causes
many problems and difficulties in security, traceability, identity documentation, and veri-
fication [1]. The relevant literature indicates that establishing a trust-based environment
in supply chains remains a significant challenge, and that trust is required for the imple-
mentation of effective supply chains [9]. Additionally, demand forecasting becomes more
difficult as product life cycles shorten and production lead times lengthen. Supply chains
are at risk of overcapacity in this situation due to low demand realization of a lack of
product availability. As a result, it is critical to developing flexible supply chains capable
of responding quickly to market reactions [1]. Blockchain can solve the issues mentioned
above because of its strong characteristics, such as decentralization, transparency, and
trust [4]. As an accurate supply chain traceability system, the potential of blockchain to
increase the transparency and auditability of material flow will also spread its adoption by
supply chains [9]. Using blockchain will help improve supply chain security, traceability,
and efficiency. Additionally, blockchain technology can increase collaboration between net-
work members with possible benefits that include decreased costs and increased efficiency.
Blockchain technology can also increase customers’ trust because it provides traceability of
products at all supply chain stages. Furthermore, blockchain technology supports fraud
prevention, positively affecting cost reduction and efficiency [10].
Blockchain is a viable method of tracking assets while guaranteeing security and data
integrity. The benefits of blockchain-based tracing include the security of information
sharing, real-time collection of product data, transparency, and visibility in the supply
chain, as well as quality control throughout the entire lifecycle [11]. Many research papers
have examined the technology’s potential applications in manual or process-intensive
roles, such as freight delivery, bill management, and inventory management [12]. It has
been emphasized as one of the advantages of blockchain technology to reduce costs by
optimizing information flows due to increasing supply chain traceability. Blockchain
technology provides these advantages by increasing the level of information sharing and
the security of shared information. Moreover, blockchain technology can create more
secure supply chains by supporting the weaknesses of other industry 4.0 components
(cyber-physical systems, internet of things, etc.) [13].
Due to the reasons listed above, it is inevitable for all companies to follow technology
closely and ensure its integration into business processes. Therefore, a new requirement to
achieve sustainable competitive advantage and adapt to changing market conditions is to
consider the use of digital technologies in supply chain processes in terms of a dynamic
market environment.
Companies in Turkey are not an exception in this case. It is vital for Turkish companies
that want to gain a strong position in the growing Turkish industrial economy and the
international market to adopt a data and information technology-based approach. Tech-
nological development provides great advantages to businesses, however it also brings
serious risks.
However, the present literature examining blockchain for Turkish companies still has
some shortcomings. For example, the available studies are mostly at the theoretical level
and empirical studies are quite insufficient. To the best of our knowledge, there is no study,
conducted on Turkish firms, which has examined the impact of blockchain technology on
Logistics 2021, 5, 33 3 of 18
supply chain transparency, supply chain flexibility, and trust in suppliers in the relevant
literature. The vast majority of this information is missing; therefore, we suggest that the
following research questions should be investigated:
RQ 1: What kind of relationships exist between blockchain technology and the supply chain dynamics?
RQ 2: Can blockchain technology improve the performance of supply chains by contributing to the
creation of more flexible, more transparent, and more reliable supply chains?
RQ 3: What are the possible implications of blockchain technology on supply chain collaboration and
supply chain integration? To address these questions, we conceptualize a structural equation model
that aims to measure influences of blockchain technology on some critical supply chain dynamics to
understand Turkish firms’ current situation. These dynamics are trust, transparency, and flexibility.
This research will give us a clearer understanding of the effects of blockchain technology on the
abovementioned supply chain dynamics.
This paper’s content is organized as follows. Section 2 of the study summarizes the
pertinent literature on blockchain technology, its relationships to research variables, and
the formulation of study hypotheses. Section 3 discusses the sample selection process,
the questionnaire, the data collection stages, and the analysis methods used in the study.
Section 4 presents the analysis findings with tables and figures. Section 5 discusses the
findings, considering the pertinent literature. Finally, Section 6 summarizes the study’s
implications and limitations and makes some recommendations for future research.
sign a transaction on the blockchain, a public key and a private key are generated for each
user [17].
Collaborative environments are often based on trust and information sharing, two
important interrelationships directly related to information technology. Blockchain tech-
nology can serve as a convenient intermediary for relationships between firms that are not
yet established or run at high costs due to a lack of trust [19]. Blockchain technology can
also provide greater visibility across all supply chains [18].
Blockchain technology has changed the way the administrative control mechanism is
regulated and maintained digitally. In the blockchain, data are transformed into digital
codes, stored in shared databases, have a higher transparency, and the risk of deletion and
revision is limited. The secret power of the blockchain lies in every deal, payment, and
all kinds of commercial and interactive activities with digital recording. With blockchain
technology, trust is shifted to computer codes by disabling human and traditional inter-
mediaries in verifying transactions [20]. When multiple changes are made simultaneously
on multiple computers, it eliminates the possibility of conflicting versions of the same
data in a distributed database. Both distributed databases and blockchains use multiple
computers for operations and administrative procedures can be compared. Banking is
primarily conducted through physical letters of credit, and the intermediaries used ensure
the global economy’s flow. Due to global financial crises, financial supply chains need to be
redesigned in the banking sector [21]. Blockchain technology can revolutionize the global
supply platform by replacing intermediaries and eliminating paperwork.
Many stakeholders have high hopes for blockchain due to its new features such as
real-time information sharing, security, accountability, immutability, and transparency [33].
With its proof-of-work and distributed database structure, blockchain technology allows
transparency to be improved. Using real-time distributed data sharing enables stakeholders
to identify quality, location, transaction, and procedural data [23]. Transparency and relia-
bility are obtained through a series of linked blocks that can be tracked on the blockchain.
Each block has a separate ID, and the hash of the previous block is found in the blockchain.
These use cases of blockchain enable product tracking, allow full product verification and
product authorization throughout the entire transactions, and provide end-to-to-end audits
based on permissions throughout the organization [34]. Blockchain reduces opportunis-
tic behavior among trading partners in information tampering, corruption, fraud, and
deception. Blockchain provides transparency in transactions between trading partners,
thereby instilling and increasing trust [35]. Blockchain accelerates product and transaction
transparency by developing an effective tool for strategic planning and better relationships
between suppliers, customers, outsourcing, 3PL, and subcontractors [33]. It can change the
supply chain into being more efficient and transparent [15].
Transparency in the supply chains, which depends on the use of blockchain technology,
is also crucial, because trust in supply chain actors is typically low due to the supply
chain’s multi-tier nature [36]. Blockchain technology can help build trust and reputation by
bringing transparency into the supply chain. A large-scale blockchain solution is capable
of completely reworking an entire network’s reputation management and detecting fraud.
The blockchain consensus provides a strong foundation for the unity of perspective and
the ability to achieve greater transparency. Establishing a decentralized supply chain based
on blockchain technology instead of a centralized one is significantly more efficient and
transparent [37].
Blockchain solves two main issues in the supply chain based on transparency, traceabil-
ity, and transaction data irreversibility. These two issues are (1) difficulty and inadequacy
to prove and claim responsibility due to insufficient information transparency; and (2)
counterfeit and inferior quality products that cannot be eliminated due to the multi-zone
and long-term characteristics of logistics [38].
Blockchain allows for better tracking and reporting, and transparency in logistics,
resulting in improved delivery timelines. With a wide distribution of supply, there is an
increased risk of conflict, mismatch, and inconsistency in the traditional supply chains.
Blockchain technology is helpful in this context. GPS-based vehicle tracking devices can be
used with blockchain. Such devices can provide data for the Blockchain, and these data
cannot be overwritten. Blockchain is great for logistics when vehicle location tracking is
involved because it reduces costs and increases efficiency. [35].
Blockchain technology offers great potential for the manufacturing industry. It pro-
vides a guaranteed degree of security, transparency, and stability that no central data
storage technology can provide. In terms of the criteria examined, blockchain can outper-
form traditional, centralized solutions and offer promising results, especially in terms of
organizational and economic criteria [39].
Therefore, the following hypothesis has been formed:
Hypothesis 1 (H1). Blockchain technology utilization significantly affects supply chain transparency.
Hypothesis 2 (H2). Blockchain technology utilization significantly affects supply chain flexibility.
Identifying these flows (e.g., freight, containers, capital, documents) helps to predict
potential bottlenecks and the risk and attack levels, including possible failures due to cyber
threats [51].
Many factors drive blockchain technology for information sharing in the supply chain,
but trust development is one of the most important [52]. In a blockchain, all transactions
are logged in a timestamped, observable manner, and confirmed. Thus, transactions cannot
be changed or deleted once all relevant parties approve them. Regarding data integrity
and security, it has the following characteristics: more security, traceability, efficiency, and
transparency in supply chain transactions can be obtained through the use of blockchain
technology [3]. Records cannot be changed on the blockchain, meaning all supply chain
members’ transactions and decisions are recorded and documented on the blockchain.
All supply chain members are permanently aware of the accuracy of these transactions.
In addition, when firms’ activities lead to controversial business results, supply chain
members monitor them and take this into account in their decisions and adjust their
activities accordingly when finalizing future transactions [53].
Another factor that creates trust in the supply chain is smart contracts that can be
used with blockchain technology. Blockchain applications and smart contracts can be used
in various areas, from insurance returns to financial transactions, corporate transactions,
traceability of products, and intellectual property protection. For this reason, the number
of blockchain and smart contract applications gradually continues to increase [54]. Smart
contracts can be applied in short supply chains with multiple tiers of suppliers and sub-
contractors. Automation can deliver accepted contracts to specified parties, application
upgrades based on agreed changes, vent occurrences, and copyright submissions [55].
When a smart contract is invoked, nodes in the blockchain run it locally with parameters.
The result is accepted and added to the blockchain if it can be mutually verified [56]. A
smart contract is a well-defined and unchanging program. All the shared ledger trans-
actions must follow strict procedures before they are posted (database log) [11]. A smart
contract is a script which has been registered on a blockchain. Once this file has been
submitted through the blockchain and validated, predefined transactions will be executed.
The terms of a smart contract are published on the blockchain; therefore, all parties can be
assured that the contract will always be executed as agreed, meaning that there are fewer
trust issues to contend [57].
Blockchain improves operations in many areas of a firm, including the supply chain,
through secure data exchange in a distributed manner. The adoption of blockchain technol-
ogy can also increase the trust of the customer. It ensures trust throughout the supply chain
and, therefore, improves the entire supply chain’s performance [15]. Blockchain technology
features such as reliability, traceability, and data accuracy mean less need for intermediaries
that cause insecure environments [58]. The use of blockchain enables end-to-end data
calibration across various supply chains, increases the security of stored data, and ensures
the real-time acquisition of all information [34]. The incorporation of blockchain technology
enables monitoring of individual suppliers’ compliance status while assuring security for
sensitive documents [59]. Reliability in supply chain functions and practices such as close
relationships with suppliers and customers, outsourcing, and just-in-time procurement,
can be improved with Blockchain [33]. Three levels of security are incorporated into the
blockchain system. Decentralization ensures that data will not be changed in any way.
Secondly, cryptographic technology secures data security while also ensuring that data
cannot be altered without knowing the correct secret key. Consensus protocols protect the
entire network by requiring that all nodes have uniform protocols [60].
Conflicting goals between buyers and suppliers in the supply chain is a factor that
negatively affects the trust in supply chains. If blockchains are used to record supply chain
data without errors, the relevant supply chain members will be held accountable, and
disclosure issues will be resolved. The negative impact of conflicting objectives will be
minimized, increasing trust in supply chains [17].
protocols protect the entire network by requiring that all nodes have uniform protocols
Conflicting goals between buyers and suppliers in the supply chain is a factor that
negatively affects the trust in supply chains. If blockchains are used to record supply chain
data without errors, the relevant supply chain members will be held accountable, and
Logistics 2021, 5, 33 8 of 18
disclosure issues will be resolved. The negative impact of conflicting objectives will be
minimized, increasing trust in supply chains [17].
Blockchain technology ensures that all transaction data can be accessed at any time
and Blockchain
from anywhere. Each event
technology ensureslogthat
creates an automatic
all transaction dataproof
can beof accessed
each block’s history,
at any time
and from and ownership
anywhere. Eachinevent
the chain. Each an
log creates firm in the blockchain
automatic technology
proof of each block’s network
location, theownership
database orinledger’s security
the chain. Eachandfirm integrity, because data
in the blockchain previously
technology entered
maintains the database
on the Blockchain or ledger’s
can neither securitynor
be deleted and integrity,
changed because
[61]. Thus,data previously
a more entered
secure data pro‐
on the Blockchain can neither be deleted nor changed [61]. Thus, a more secure
cess will increase consumers’ trust and confidence in transactions throughout the supply data process
will increase
chain. consumers’
Business trustoften
transactions and confidence in transactions
involve sensitive businessthroughout
information; thetherefore,
supply chain.
and trusttransactions
in data sharingoftenareinvolve
crucial sensitive
for supplybusiness information; therefore, faith and
chain actors.
trust in
In data sharing
contrast are crucial
to public for supply
blockchains, chain actors.blockchains grant greater privacy,
In contrast
auditability, andtoadministrative
public blockchains, permissioned
efficiency. blockchains grant
The blockchain‐based systemgreater privacy,
also maintains
auditability, and administrative efficiency. The blockchain-based system
data integrity and security. A blockchain will serve as a better solution to data manage‐ also maintains
becauseand security.
it will A blockchain
be resistant to thiswill
kindserve as a better
of attack. solution to data
The distributed management,
ledger technology
because it will be resistant to this kind of attack. The distributed
of blockchain provides highly secure and unchanging supply chain data [55]. ledger technology of
blockchain provides
Therefore, highly secure
the following and unchanging
hypothesis supply chain data [55].
has been formed:
Therefore, the following hypothesis has been formed:
Hypothesis 3 (H3): Blockchain technology utilization significantly affects supply chain trust.
Hypothesis 3 (H3). Blockchain technology utilization significantly affects supply chain trust.
The research model in which research hypotheses are shown is displayed in Figure
1. The research model in which research hypotheses are shown is displayed in Figure 1.
Supply Chain
Blockchain Technology
H2 Supply Chain Flexibility
Trust in Supplier
Figure Researchmodel.
3.3. Materials
Materials and
3.1. Sample and DataCollection
Sample and Data Collection
useddata obtained
data from
obtained 84 companies
from thatthat
84 companies are listed in theinfirst
are listed the
1000 exporting firms declared in 2019 by the Turkey Exporters Assembly. Before
first 1000 exporting firms declared in 2019 by the Turkey Exporters Assembly. Before collecting
survey data, we interviewed companies in various ways (face to face, mail, phone) and
lecting survey data, we interviewed companies in various ways (face to face, mail, phone)
asked if they were using blockchain technology and would like to participate in our study.
and asked if they were using blockchain technology and would like to participate in our
Blockchain is a technology that is still in widespread use; therefore, we did not expect
study. Blockchain is a technology that is still in widespread use; therefore, we did not
the sample size to be very large. As a result of our interviews, 88 companies stated that
expect the sample size to be very large. As a result of our interviews, 88 companies stated
they used the technology and wanted to participate in the study. We launched a survey
that they used the technology and wanted to participate in the study. We launched a sur‐
application in November 2020 and collected data by sending the questionnaire via email
vey application in November 2020 and collected data by sending the questionnaire via
from these 88 companies through surveys. Four of the questionnaires we obtained were
not suitable for analysis; therefore, we removed them from the dataset, and thus the sample
of our study consisted of 84 companies. Although this sample size is small, we believe
that the research sample is homogeneous in terms of sectors. Sectoral information of the
companies participating in the study is shown in Table 1, which is based on statements
from the companies.
Logistics 2021, 5, 33 9 of 18
Sector Frequency %
Packaging 9 10.7
Recycling 1 1.2
Pine 2 2.4
Environmental Technologies 1 1.2
Durable Goods 1 1.2
Iron and Steel 1 1.2
Electric–Electronic 2 2.4
Industrial Kitchen 2 2.4
Food 18 21.4
Carpet 2 2.4
Non-Durable Goods 4 4.8
Building 3 3.6
Paper 1 1.2
Chemistry 4 4.8
Machine 2 2.4
Printing Press 2 2.4
Furniture 3 3.6
Forest Products 1 1.2
Automotive 1 1.2
Petrochemical 3 3.6
Health 4 4.8
Solar Energy 1 1.2
Textile 9 10.7
Telecommunication 1 1.2
Cleaning 6 7.1
Total 84 100.0
measurement and structural models via separate ordinary least squares regressions, as the
name implies [65].
4. Results
The analysis of the study started with testing the validity and reliability of the mea-
surement instrument. By creating a measurement model to test the questionnaire’s validity
and reliability in the Smart-PLS program, internal consistency reliability, convergence
validity, and dissociation validity coefficients were examined. In determining the internal
consistency reliability, composite reliability (CR) coefficients were calculated. In investi-
gating the convergent validity, average variance extracted (AVE) values explained with
factor loads were used. It was expected that the factor loads were ≥0.70, the combined
reliability coefficients were ≥0.70, and the explained average variance value was ≥0.50 [66].
Cronbach’s α coefficient was used to evaluate the reliability of the scales separately. A
coefficient value of ≥0.70 indicates that the scales are at an acceptable level of reliability.
Table 2 shows the validity and reliability results of the measurement model.
Hair et al. [66] states that factor loads should be ≥0.708. The authors also suggest that
expressions with factor loads between 0.40 and 0.70 should be excluded from the model in
case of an increase in AVE or CR values. For this reason, the third and the seventh items of
the blockchain technology utilization (BTU3), (BTU7), the first item of the supply chain
transparency (SCT1), and the second item (TIS2) of the trust in supplier were excluded
from the analysis. The calculated AVE and CR values were above the threshold values;
therefore, the third item of the supply chain transparency (SCT3) and the fifth item of the
trust in supplier (TIS5) were not removed from the scale, with factor loads below 0.708.
As a result, α coefficients were obtained between 0.860 and 0.964, the CR values between
0.867 and 0.962, and the AVE values between 0.622 and 0.834. These findings show that the
scales meet the conditions for convergence validity.
Fornell and Larcker criteria and heterotrait–monotrait ratios (HTMT criteria) were
examined to verify the scale’s discriminant validity. Findings regarding the Fornell and
Larcker criteria are provided in Table 3.
Logistics 2021, 5, 33 11 of 18
According to Fornell and Larcker [67], the AVE values’ square root should be higher
than the correlations between the structures included in the study. When Table 3 is
examined, it is seen that the square root of the AVE values of each latent variable is
greater than the correlation coefficients of the variables, which means that the model meets
the Fornell-Larcker criterion for discriminant validity.
Findings regarding the HTMT criteria are given in Table 4.
The HTMT criterion proposed by Henseler, Ringle, and Sarstedt [68] expresses the
ratio of the average correlations of the expressions of all variables in the study to the
geometric means of the correlations of the expressions of the same variable. The authors
stated that if the structures to be measured are theoretically close to each other, the HTMT
coefficient should be below 0.90. If they are theoretically distant from each other, it should
be below 0.85. When Table 4 is examined, it can be observed that HTMT coefficients were
realized below the threshold values.
Before analyzing the structural equation model, correlation analysis was conducted to
assess the direction and severity of the relationship between variables. Analysis results are
given in Table 5.
Correlation analysis results showed that there was a significant relationship between
the variables in the same direction at the level of 0.01 significance. Additionally, skewness
and kurtosis values were found to be between −2 and +2. This finding shows that the
scales had a normal distribution.
The structural equation model is given in Figure 2.
Correlation analysis results showed that there was a significant relationship between
the variables in the same direction at the level of 0.01 significance. Additionally, skewness
Logistics 2021, 5, 33 and kurtosis values were found to be between −2 and +2. This finding shows that the scales 12 of 18
had a normal distribution.
The structural equation model is given in Figure 2.
Supply Chain
Transparency TIS1
Trust in
BTU4 Technology 0.444 (4.374)
Supply Chain TIS5
When the R2 values are examined, it can be seen that 17.8% of the use of blockchain
When the 2 values are examined, it can be seen that 17.8% of the use of blockchain
technology is explained by Rsupply chain flexibility, 24% by supply chain transparency,
and 19.4% bytechnology
the trust in is explained
supplier. Theby supplyprediction
model’s chain flexibility,
power for 24% theby supply chain
endogenous var‐transparency,
iables could be explained in the structural model, calculated by blindfolding analysis.the
and 19.4% by the trust in supplier. The model’s prediction power for Asendogenous
variables could be explained in the structural model, calculated
a result of the analysis, the predictive power coefficient (Q2) was more significant than by blindfolding analysis.
As athat
result 2
zero, indicating theofmodel
the analysis, the predictive
could predict power variables
endogenous coefficient[66].
(Q )ForwasFmore significant than
2 values,
0.02 is considered weak, 0.05 medium, and above 0.7 high [69]. In the research model, FFor
zero, indicating that the model could predict endogenous variables [66]. 2 F2 values,
0.02 is considered
values were determined weak, level.
at a medium 0.05 medium,
According andtoabove
Hair et0.7
[66],[69]. In the
the VIF research model, F2
inflation factor) were determined
coefficients should beatbelow
a medium level. According
the threshold value oftofive
al. [66], the VIF (variance
arity problems among the variables. VIF coefficients were below five; therefore, it could collinearity
inflation factor) coefficients should be below the threshold value of five to avoid
problems among the variables. VIF coefficients were below five; therefore, it could be
be confirmed that there was no collinearity problem between variables.
confirmed that there was no collinearity problem between variables.
The impact coefficients of the research model are given in Table 7.
The impact coefficients of the research model are given in Table 7.
Logistics 2021, 5, 33 13 of 18
As a result of the analysis, it was found that blockchain technology utilization signifi-
cantly affects supply chain flexibility and transparency. It has also been found that the use
of blockchain technology positively affects the trust of suppliers. The fact that T values
were obtained above 1.96 and that the confidence interval’s lower and upper values did
not include zero values support the significant effect. As a result of the analysis, the H1,
H2, and H3 hypotheses were supported.
and determination of key performance indicators [72] can be made more efficient and have
a positive impact on a company’s sustainability.
The third finding of the research showed us that blockchain technology is a useful
tool to build trust in supply chains. Inter-firm trust is crucial for the success of supply
chains [15] because effective collaboration which improves sustainability performance
requires a high level of information sharing [73] and trust in each other [52]. Especially
in cases of outsourcing, such as 3 PL, companies have to earn trust based on trust. This
finding of our study confirms similar results in the literature [15,33,34,58–60]. Firms have
to build trust to increase collaboration and integration. Therefore, companies can benefit
from blockchain technology in both establishing and maintaining trust.
6. Conclusions
Blockchain technology is perhaps one of the concepts which are most prevailing today.
With digitalization becoming an ordinary (even necessary) phenomenon, we have started
to digitize our assets. We call digitalization the transformation of facts into ones and zeros
(data) that can be stored, transferred, analyzed in a computer environment. We have started
to explore ways to protect all the assets that we can digitize (convert into data) with this
technology. Therefore, blockchain technology was first developed to ensure digital asset
security (i.e., cryptocurrency).
In this study, the effect of blockchain technology utilization on supply chain flexibility,
transparency, and trust has been investigated. Blockchain technology is approached with
suspicion because it is very new and not known by companies. Therefore, companies can
see their investments in this technology as huge risks. In this research, we tried to reveal
some of the benefits that the technology in question can provide to companies. For this
purpose, we determined transparency, flexibility, and trust, which are important issues for
supply chains, as dependent variables of the research.
As a result of our analysis, we found that blockchain technology utilization signifi-
cantly affects transparency, flexibility, and trust in supply chains. The relevant literature
emphasizes that companies can increase customer satisfaction, and consequently customer
loyalty, by providing more transparent supply chain processes. Moreover, supply chain
transparency can improve the level of supply chain cooperation by increasing trust between
companies. Additionally, supply chain flexibility can be an essential tool for companies to
gain a sustainable competitive advantage. According to the research results, blockchain is
an important and valuable technology in terms of all three variables. We believe that this
research will help companies alleviate their doubts about blockchain technology.
In the literature review, conducted at the beginning of this study, we could not find
a study examining blockchain technology in the context of the abovementioned supply
chain dynamics. In this respect, we believe that the research model established in our
research is original, and we hope that this study will be an essential contribution to
the existing literature. We also believe that the findings of the study will benefit all
manufacturing companies.
We can state the following about the study’s limitations and further research: This
study’s first limitation is that sample frame and size. We collected data from the companies
listed in the first 1000 exporting firms declared in 2019 by the Turkey Exporters Assembly. In
the research, we only collected data from companies using blockchain technology to ensure
irrelevancy. Therefore, we could not increase the sample size more. When this technology
becomes more widespread in the future, studies with larger samples should be carried
out. Moreover, carrying out similar studies on companies with headquarters in other
countries may contribute to better understanding the issue and performing comparisons
between countries.
Furthermore, we acknowledge the high variability in responses among companies in
the study. Thirdly, this research focused on manufacturing companies. For future research,
it is proposed to conduct studies that focus on all types of companies. It is recommended
to test the current research model, especially in the maritime transport sector, where
Logistics 2021, 5, 33 15 of 18
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.Y. and I.M.-K.; methodology, B.Y.; software, Ş.Ç.; vali-
dation, I.M.-K., Ş.Ç. and R.Č.; formal analysis, B.Y.; investigation, I.M.-K.; resources, Ş.Ç. and R.Č.;
data curation, B.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, B.Y.; writing—review and editing, I.M.-K.
and R.Č.; visualization, R.Č.; supervision I.M.-K. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data of this study are available from the authors upon request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
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