Project Proposal For Providing Support For 15 Poor Female Children in Lalibela District
Project Proposal For Providing Support For 15 Poor Female Children in Lalibela District
Project Proposal For Providing Support For 15 Poor Female Children in Lalibela District
Alemnesh tazebew
Basic details
Name of the program provide support for 15 poor female children in lalibela district
Location Lalibela, Ethiopia
Name of the Plan international Ethiopia
implementing agency
Budget amount 943875 Birr
Project duration 10 years /will be reviewed annually/
Most of the people in lalibela are living below the poverty line and are facing many problems, like lack of
food, shelter, health care and education and thus people live in poverty especially female children are
Poverty has always been recognized as the major cause of death and disability. Poverty brings on lack of
safe drink water, inadequate food, poor health care and poor education. All these will have effect on
The families that are living in slum areas of lalibela and around lalibela are hand to mouth livers. They
are living in utter poverty. They are unable to educate their children. Some of the parents married their
children to make them to find their own job. Due to this, children are unable to continue their education.
That’s reason the children are being dropped from the school.
The need
Poverty has always been recognized as the major cause of disease, death, disability and illiteracy. Large
families in rural areas often face these problems and the earning member of the family unable to cope up
with the situation and survival becomes difficult. The relief often comes in the form of death leaving the
children as orphans and destitute. These children starve without shelter, food and clothing and roam along
the street.
In Lalibela, where the proposed project will be initiated has rented with dormitories, kitchen and toilet. As
the project aims for the holistic development of children it will be an ideal place..
To provide an opportunity for 15 poor female children to live in congenial atmosphere with
parental love to pursue their education.
To provide food, shelter, education and clothing for 15 poor female children in home in lalibela,
To provide medical care for 15 children are living in the home.
To impart moral values to children to strengthen them to become self-reliant in home lalibela,
The following activities will be undertaken in caring the children
Objectives Activities
To provide an opportunity for 15 poor female To achieve the mentioned objectives
children to live in congenial atmosphere with following activities will be implemented
parental love to pursue their education during the program period.
To provide food, shelter, education and clothing for The children are provided with food,
15 poor female children in home in lalibela, shelter, education and clothing.
Ethiopia. The children attend in school regularly and
couching is arranged to strength their
academic achievement.
The children will provide with note books,
pen and pencils.
To provide medical care to the children Health of the children is taken care and
special attention is given for those who are
weak by providing special medical care.
To make children to learn moral lessons to become The children are being brought up under
self reliant strict discipline.
The children are being thought and given
for their physical, mental and spiritual
Input Output
Shelter and facilities 15 children have access for food, shelter,
Blanket education and live in better environment.
House rent
Food stuffs
Cooking vessels
Education 15 children will attend school regularly and
Books, pens, pencils get better education
School fee
Health 15 children are keeping in good health.
Medical care
Clothing 15 children have access for school uniform,
School uniform so that they have equal opportunity with
Home uniform other children.
Stitching charges
Other facilities 15 children have good facilities for their
Tele phone better living.
Travel cost
Mode of operation
The following activities well be performed
The budget requested for one year for this project is 943875Birr a fairly detailed budget to implement the
proposed activities is prepared enclosed for better understanding.
The overall supervision and evaluation will be done by the women and child head office. Monitoring and
reporting will be carried out quarterly on all activities.
Annual report will be submitted to the donors after completion of project year and also an overall report
on the completion of the program.
Our government’s policy is to encourage the voluntary agencies in undertaking programmers to fight
against illiteracy and dropout children.
Respect- for human rights, ethics, confidentiality, privacy and individual dignity should be monitored.
Practices apply equally to poor and orphan children as to other individuals. Fighting discrimination,
enhancing respect of individual autonomy and human dignity and pursuing informed consent are all
relevant to females.
Equality- affordable care of acceptable quality should be provided to all people regardless of gender/men
and women/, age, race, ethnicity, and place of residence. More attention should be given to those groups
of the people that have more problems to access care: orphans, girls, street children, the uneducated and
the poor.
Budget Plan
Support for education for 15 poor female children in Lalibela
Budget for the period from 01/07/2013 to 30/06/2014 E.C
Time frame: 10 year/budget will be reviewed annually/
Activities/inputs Amount in birr Notes and explanation
House rent 90000 500 per house×12 month×15
Foam 37500 2500 per foam×15 children
School uniform and pair dress, 67500 4500 per item×15 children
blanket, shoe, school bag
Mobile phone 75000 5000 per phone×15 children
Food stuffs/food grain, oil, 342000 1900 per item×12 month×15
vegetables, meat/ children
School fee 3000 200 per fee×15 children
Stationary/pen, book, pencil/ 18975 1265 per item×15 children
Supplies/soap, hair oil/ 32400 180 per item×12 month×15
Internet and telephone 36000 200 per item×12 month×15
Medical expenses 7500 500 per item×15 children
Traveling expenses 54000 300 per item×12 month×15
Miscellaneous 180000 1000 per item×12 month×15
Total 943875