Jeevan Jyoti Ashram - Docx CHILD HOME
Jeevan Jyoti Ashram - Docx CHILD HOME
Jeevan Jyoti Ashram - Docx CHILD HOME
Ms.Urmilabala Swain,
Superintendent, Jeevan Jyoti
Khandagiri Bari,Khandagiri,
Principal Contact :
Bhubaneswar-750030, India
Tel no:+91-9437800083 /9438005718
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India, one of the largest democracies in the World has a Population of over 1.2 billion as of today.
Most of the people in India are living below the poverty line and are facing many problems, viz., lack of
food, shelter, health care, education and un-employment and thus the people live in utter poverty.
Poverty has always been recognized as the major cause of death and disability. Poverty brings on lack
of safe Drinking Water, inadequate food, poor health care and poor education. All these will have
effect on health.
The poverty situations in Indian context, reflects in the State of Odisha is blink. The families in slums
and rural areas are normally large and often face the problems and the earning members of the family
unable to cope up with the situations. Sometimes they may not get work to earn. Eventually they
migrate to other places in search of livelihood or starve to meet death or disease. The struggle of the
poor starts in the womb. The child in the womb suffers from the consequences of malnutrition in the
The families that are living in slum areas of Bhubaneswar are daily wages labourers. They are living in
utter poverty. They are unable to fetch their square meal a day. Some of the parents admitting their
children in the private English medium schools. But they are unable to continue their children become
they are not able to pay the fees in the school. That’s reason the children are being dropped from the
Poverty has always been recognized as the major cause of disease, death, and disability. Now the
World Health Organization (WHO) came out with the statement the Poverty is the ‘ruthless killer’.
Large families in rural areas often face these problems and the earning members of the family unable
to cope-up with the situations and survival becomes difficult. The relief often comes in the form of
death leaving the children as orphans and destitute. These children starve without shelter, food and
clothing and roam along the streets.
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This project aims to address their shelter, food, education, health development.
To provide an opportunity for 100 orphans, semi-orphans and poor children to live in
congenial atmosphere with parental love to pursue their education.
To provide food, shelter, education and clothing for 100 orphans, semi-orphans and destitute children
in Home in Bhubaneswar, India.
To provide medical care for 100 children are living in the Home.
The following Activities will be undertaken in caring the children in the Home.
1. To provide an opportunity for children
To achieve the mentioned objectives following
to live in congenial atmosphere with
activities will be implemented during the
parental love.
Program period.
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Plates /Glass Tumblers
Trunk Boxes
100 Children have access for food,
shelter education and live in better
Food Stuffs and Provisions
Firewood/ Cooking Vessels
100 Children will attend School regularly and got
better education and acquired knowledge.
Books, Slates, Pens, Pencils, etc.,
School Fee
90% children are promoted into new classes.
Examination Fee
100 Children will get an opportunity to live on
their own with dignity.
Medicines/Medical Care Kit 100 Children are keeping in good health
School Uniform 100 Children have access for School uniform, so
Home Uniform that they are having equal opportunity with other
Stitching charges children.
Replacement of torn out Blankets
Replacement of worn out Cooking vessels, 100 Children have good facilities for their
plates and glasses better living.
Travel Children are brought up in good environment
Rent with discipline.
Honorarium /Salaries
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Jeevan Jyoti Ashram which has a long standing in the program will be undertaking the following...
Training the staff that would be responsible for work.
For all professional technical resource and the administrative assistance.
Coordinating and follow-up of the program with above mentioned aims.
External research facilities at any stages of time
Project resource mobilization
Experience share review meetings.
Staff: The Project is having the following Staff: Superintendent (Warden), Cooks and helper in addition
to the Project Manager and the Other Project Staff in the Headquarters Office to oversee the Project.
Building: The Home has five rented building structure for both theoretical and practical works and
also good accommodation for the children with all good amenities.
The Budget Requested for one year for this Project is INR. 76, 44,000 (per year) (USD $ 10, 2353.16)
A fairly detailed Budget to implement the proposed activities is prepared and enclosed for better
The overall supervision and evaluation will be done by the President. Monitoring and Reporting will be
carried out monthly/Quarterly on all activities. Different reporting forms have been used for reporting
about different activities.
The Project has monthly/quarterly reporting systems. On the basis of this, a compiled Management
Information System (MIS) and financial Statement will be prepared and submitted to the Donors by the
Annual Report will be submitted to the Donors after completion of Project each Year and also an
Overall Report on the completion of the program.
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The Government requests NGO's to undertake programmes of Homes for poor, orphan and needy
children. Our Government's Policy is to encourage the voluntary agencies in undertaking programmes
to fight against the illiteracy and dropout children. Even the Local communities and agencies make
requests as per the need in their local areas.
Care, education and support should be governed by the following principles and values:
Respect: For human rights, ethics, confidentiality, informed consent, privacy, and individual dignity
should be maintained. Practices apply equally to poor and orphan children as to other individuals.
Fighting discrimination, enhancing respect of individual autonomy and human dignity and pursuing
informed consent are all relevant to orphans.
Equality: Affordable care of acceptable quality should be provided to all children regardless of gender,
age, race, ethnicity, and place of residence. More attention is to be given to those groups of the
children that have more problems to access care: orphans, girls, street children, the uneducated and
the poor.
Jeevan Jyoti Ashram is a full-fledged organization with a registration and recognition in India as a Non-
Governmental organization. Our Organization is having experienced and competent staff to undertake
and implement program activities. The Capacity building priorities are upgraded each year on the basis
of the need.
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