Feeding The Hungry Ghosts
Feeding The Hungry Ghosts
Feeding The Hungry Ghosts
Every night you can make the following offering to the pretas or hungry ghosts so that they have food
to eat and water to drink. I fee l guilty for not having written this up previously, but it was only until a
friend produced the relevant picture files for this nightly procedure that I was able to finally put this
up on the website . By performing this cere mony by blessing and offering food and drink for'the
hungry ghosts, you will thereby relieve them of their sufferings and gain tremendous merit In turn.
Remember. it's hard to be a Buddha In trying to help other human beings, but It's easy to help those
lower than us on the spiritual scale of reincarnation .... namely the animals, hungry ghosts ,end hell
beings, Performing this ceremony to help the ghosts wherever you ere Is one way to help and actually
be a Buddha to others.
To perform the hungry ghost offering ce remony at night before bedtime (any time past twilight), do
the following (it take s about 5 minutes):
Now place the ring finger of your right hand on the edge of the glass. The finger juts out, but the
others are curled In and the thumb Is placed over them (for Instance, lhe first two fingers in the hand
are curled In and touch the palm, and the thumb is placed over them; the pinky Is just c urled In by
Itself) , The palm of your left hand should be facing you and the right hand palm should be facing the
glass. The glass should be held a little bit away from your body on a level equal with your heart,
You are now ready to recite for three sets the mantra string of seven "Ohm La' followed by 'So-ha"
over the glass and upon starting each round of the mantra "Ohm La', take your right fmge,r, trace the
figure "La" ab~ve ·the glass as shown In the picture below. Don't worry, the number or mantra
repetitions to purify the food and make it possible for them to partake of It wlll become c lear below.
You should keep your finger on the edge of the glass while reciting th! rema}nder of the o ffering .
Ari er reciting "Ohm Ah Hun9' near the end of the ceremony, trace the Hung syllable In the same way
as done for the ' La" syllable.
(Stroke order from starting point)
., r 2.
When Bodhisattva Avalo kltesvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita
[Wisdoml he saw that the five skandhas were e"l) ty thus securing his release
from all afflic tions and suffe rings.
Form does not differ from emptiness, emptiness does not differ from form.
Form Is Identical with e"l) tiness and emptiness is Identical with form.
The same holds likewise for sensation, conception, volit ion and consciousness.
Sariputra, all things are charac terized by emptiness rather than birt h or
destruction, purity or impurity, complete ness or deficiency.
In emptiness there are no [five skandhas of) form. sensation, conception, volition,
and consciousness.
There are no [sense organs Including the] eye, ear. nose, tongue, body nor mind.
There are no [objects of perce ption such as] appearances, sounds, smells,
tastes, tactile feelings northought.
Furthermore, there are no elements or perception from the eye to conceptual
consc iousness.
There Is no twelve-fold linked chain of existence [spanning from ignorance to
aging and deathl nor is there extinction of any twelve-fold linked chain of
existence (beginning wit h ignorance and ending wit h aging-and-death].
There Is no such thing as the fo ur Noble truths. (Therefore there Is no suffering
and pain, no origin of suffering and pain, no cessation of suffering and pain, and
no Noble Path leading to the cessation of suffering and pain].
There Is no knowledge, no attainment and no non-attainment.
I vow to constantly do all that Is good, and to stop doing all Ihat Is evil.
I vow to let any unborn good come Into being, and prevent all unbom evil from coming inl o being.
(Praise to the seven Tathagatas who oversee th is method)
15. Homage to Ihe Talhagata Immoveable
Homage to the TaI hagata Jewel Victory, Prabhutaratna
Homage to the Tathagata Wonderful Form Body, Surupakaya
Homage to the Tathagata Vast Body, Vipulakaya
Homage to the Tathag ata Courageous, Abhayankara
Homage to the Tathagata Necl arof Compassiol\ Amritaraja.
Homage to the Tathagata of Infinite Light, Amitabha.
[Note: Prabhutaratna Tathagata, the Abundant Treasures Buddha Is able to break the hungry ghosts
karma of greed so that they may rec eive perfecI blessings and merits.
Surupakaya Tathagata, the Rne Form Body Buddha Is able to remove the hungry ghosts form of
ugliness so that they may receive wholesome feature .s and forms.
Vipulakaya Tathagat a, the Broad Extensive Body Buddha Is able to enlarge the hungry ghosts throats
so that they may consume the offered food .
Abhayankara Tathagata, the Freed-from-Fear (Courageous) Buddha who is able to re move all the
hungry ghosts fears so that they may leave t he realm of ghosts.)
O you Infinite ho.s is of sp iritual beings, I make t his o f fering of food to you all, which I pray will fill all the
directions of space and Ihat all beings of your kind will partake of It.
By the practice of this meritorious deed I pray that I can repay the debts I owe to my parents, who
have done all they could for my sake, and accumulate a small measure of the merit needed for
enlightenment. May those who are still alive continue to enjoy their happy and prosperity endlessly,
while those who are no more with us may be released from suffering and bom In the Land of Bliss.
I pray that all sentient beings in t he triple world who are recipients of the auspicious modes of being,
together with those beings suffering in the three evil 1paths of existence and tormented with
calamities, may repent of all their sins and be cleansed of all their sores so that they may all be
released from the cyc le of transmigration and be borm in the Land of Purity.
We pray 10 all the Buddhas, all the Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas In the ten directions, of the past, present,
and future, and co the great transcendental wisdom Mahaprajna-paramita, that by virtue or this merit
universally prevailing, not only we but all beings shall equally attain Buddhahood.
(Recite "Ohm A.h Hung" mant ra and take your righ t finger, di p It Into the water and tra ce the
figure "Hung• a,bove the gl ass, as shown i n the picture below to finl sht he purifi cation of the
offering and enabllng the hungry ghost s l o partake of it)
17. Om Ah Hung
(Stroke order from stanlng point)
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