Assessment For Remote Learning
Assessment For Remote Learning
Assessment For Remote Learning
Definition of terms
refers to the wide variety of methods or
tools that educators use to evaluate,
measure, and document the academic
readiness, learning progress, skill
acquisition, or educational needs of
is where the student and the educator, or
information source, are not physically present
in a traditional classroom environment.
Information is relayed through technology,
such as discussion boards, video conferencing,
and online assessments.
remote learning is the process of
teaching and learning performed
at a distance. Rather than having
students and teachers coming
together in person, remote learning
means that students are distanced
from their teacher and their peers.
Remote testing is when students conduct assessments, such
as tests and final exams, on their own devices from their
own locations. They are often run at a specific start and end
time, to mimic the in-class environment. Instructors can
create open-book assessments that are more flexible for
students and often include multimedia components as part
of some skill-testing questions.
Remote assessment can also refer to securely proctored tests
that are conducted online. Students’ identity can be verified
online to ensure the right students are taking the test, and
their activity during the test is monitored to flag any
potential irregular behavior. Remotely proctored testing
services also Disable printing, block downloads and prevent
screenshot capture so exam content can’t be shared with
other students.
Asynchronous is the opposite of synchronous, which
means happening at the same time. Think of
―synchronous‖ as ―in synch‖ and asynchronous as
―out of synch.‖ If we're chatting on the phone, our
communication is ―synchronous.‖ We respond to
each other immediately and when we hang up, the
conversation's over..
COVID has reshaped teaching and learning in ways that
could make a teacher or other educational leader wonder—
what’s the same and what’s different about classroom
assessment in a remote or hybrid learning environment?
The principles of formative assessment are the same in a remote,
hybrid, or in-person learning environment. For example,
strategies that support the implementation of effective
and can do. That is, we need to carefully consider our learning targets
(or, similarly assessment targets, claims, or interpretations). To provide
an example learning target, albeit a simplified one, we examined a high
school science assessment task available as part of a Next Generation
Science Standards (NGSS) Storylines Unit. The learning target we
generated is that a student ―can apply their understanding of natural
selection and adaptation to explain a new phenomenon.‖
A Deep Dive into Summative Classroom
Assessment in a Remote or Hybrid Learning
achievement and progress).
the school’s existing learning management and
student/parent communication systems
web-based conferencing and communication tools
online form and survey tools
web-based document creation and editing suites
shared document systems.