Chapter IV
Chapter IV
Chapter IV
l _ivr
ffi#SSJffi ;nilcl ond su rope
I LgnC.Egrly Trqvels
I Don Froncisco sent his son lose for further educotion to Mqnilcr in June 1872.
pociqno found lose c boording house in Intrqmuros though lose loter trqnsferned
to q house on Colle Cqrbqllo in the Sqntq Cruz orec. In the following yecn lose
tronsferned residence to No. 6 Colle Mogallcnes. Two yeqrs loter, he becqme crn
intern (boarding student)ot Ateneo ond stoyed there until his groduotion fnom the
From 1877 to L882, Rizql studied qt the University
of Sqnto Tomqs. enrolling in the course Philosophy crnd
Letters, but shifted to Medicine q yeor qfter. During his
first yeon ot UST, he simultqneously took qt the Ateneo q
vocqtionql course leoding to being on expert surveyor.
He boqrded in the house of q centqin Concho Leyvo in
Intrqmunos, qnd lqter in Cosq Tornqsina, qt Cqlle 6. Sqnto
Tomqs, Intromuros. In Coso Tomasina, his lqndlord qnd
uncle Antonio Riverq hod o doughter, Leonon who becqme
lose's sweetheort. (For lose Rizql's love
qffqir with Leonor
Riverq land onother Leonor-Leonor Volenzuelq], reqd Rizal's crayon sketch of
Leonor Rivera, his'true love'
Appendix P: "lose Rizol's Filipino Girlfriends.") (
Sonchez, on upnight
HCgs3f issaJf hsAje_ne_o*
professor; lose Viloc
,ii:" There is o clqim thqt from the Bifion school. Rizql studied ot Colegio de Son luon his tqlent in poetry. r
, de Letnqn. The supposed story stated thqt qfter ottending his clqsses fon qlmost pointing ond sculptu:
: three months in Letrqn,lose wos qsked by the Dominicqn friqrs to look for qnother him in drowing ond 1
. school becquse of his rqdicol crnd bold suestions. him in sculptune.
However, stondqrd biogrcphies qgree thot Rizql just took the entronce
exomination in thqt institution, but Don Frqncisco sent him to enroll insteqd in
Ateneo Muhicipol in lune 1872. Run by the Jesuit congregqtion (Society of lesus), Education at the
Ateneo upheld religioi:s instnuction, qdvqnced educotion, rigid discipline, physiccl
- In 1877, Rizql enrr
culture, ond cultivqtion of the qrts, Iike music, drowing, ond pointing. (lronicolly, this
Philosophy qnd Lette:
school. which is now the orchnival of De Lq Sqlle in being exclusively luxurious,
surveyon qnd qssessc
qmong others, wqs formerly the Escuela Pra (Chority School)-q school for poor boys
his sunveyon's trqini
in Mqnilq estqblished by the city government in 1817.)
though the license w
Pqciono found lose c boording house in Intrqmuros but lose later trqnsferned mojority.
to the house of a spinsten situqted on Calle Cqrbollo in the Sqnto Cruz qneq. There
After a_ yeon ct U
he becqme acquointed with vqnious mestizos who were sqid tq be begotten by
to cure the'deteriorot
friqrs. (lose perhops hod not thought twice to befriend them, believing thot they
by the Dominican pr
were probably nice people-for ofter oll, they were 'mga anak ng pari lchildren of
ottending classes qt L
Rizol's not completing
To encourqge healthy competitions, clqsses crt the Ateneo were divided into obsolete ond repressir
two gnoups, which constqntly cornpeted ogoinst e<rch other. One gnoup, nqmed UST to improve its mo
the Romqn Empire, comprised the interns (boorders) while the other one, the
If neconds wene c
Carthoginian Empire, consisted of thJextenns (non-bosrdens). Within on empire.
finished them with vr
membens were crlso in continuous competition os they vied for the top rqnks cslled
excellent'in qll his sul
dignitcrnies- Emperon being the highest position, followed by Tnibune, Decurion,
Centurion. crnd Stondqrd-Beqner, nespectively.lnitiolly placed qt the tqil of the clqss
qs q newcomen, lose wqs soon continuolly promoted-thct just after. q month, he
Education in Euro
hqd become on Emperon receiving o religious picture os a prize.
' When the term ended, he ottoined the mqrk of 'excellent" in qll the subiects On Mcy 3, 1882, Ri
qnd in the exqmincrtions. The second yeor.lose trqnsferred nesidence to No.6 iqlle crnd Letters qt tl?e Uni
Mogcllones. He obtqined a medql cit the end of thot qcqdemic term. In the third of Novemben 1884, Rizc
yeqr. he won prizes in the Quorterly exqminctions. The following yecn, his pqnents Centnql University stui
placed him qs intenn (boording student) in the school cnd stoyed there until his and imprisoned. The ;
groduotion. At the end of the school year, he gcrnered five medqls. with which he excommuniccted by I
sqid he could somewhot repoy his father for his sqcrifices. On Mqrch 23,1877, he freedom of science qnd
received the Bqchelor: of Arts degnee. grcduating qs one of the nine students in his (lncidentally, the stree
clqss declqned "sobreso liente" or outstqnding. todoyJ hos olwoys been
. Some of his priest-pnofessors qt the Ateneo wene Jose Bech, q mqn with mood In lune of 1884, Riz<
swings qnd somewhot of o lunqtic qnd of qn uneven humor; Fnqncisco de Poulq of 23. His roting thougl
,,,,,, ,,
Sqnchez, cn upright, eqrnest, cnd coning teocher whom Rizol considered his best
professor; lose Viloclorq; qnd q certqin Mineves. At the Ateneo, Rizql Etrhivqted
his tolent in poetny, crpplied himself regulcnly to gymnqstics. qnd devoted time to
pointing ond sculpture. Don Augustin Soez, snothen professon thoughtfully guided
him in drcwing crnd pointing. crnd the Filipino Romuqldo de lesus lovingly instnucted
him in sculptune.
Educ_ation at the-U_S7
lnt877, Rizql enrolled inthe University of Sonto Tomqs, toking the counse on
Philosophy qnd Lettens. At the some time, howeven he took qt the Ateneo q lqnd-
surveyor crnd ossessor's degree (expert surveyor), c vocqtioncrl course. He finished
his sunveyor's trqining in 1877. possed the licensing exominqtion in Moy 1878
though the license wqs grqnted to him only in 1881 when he neached the oge of
After o yeqn qt UST. lose chonged course ond enrolled in Medicine to be oble
to cure the deteriorqting eyesight of his mother. Being tined of the discriminqtion
by the Dominicqn.pnofessons ogoirist Filipino students, he nonetheless stopped
ottending closses at UST in 1882. It is worthwhile to note, thqt onother reqson for
Rizql's not completing medicine ot UST wqs thot the method of instnuction wos
obsolete ond repressive. (Rizol's observqtion perhops hod served qs q chcrllenge for
UST to improve its mode of instnuction.)
If reconds wene qccurqte. Rizql h<rd tqken q totql of L9 subjects in UST and
finished them with vqried grodes, nonging from excellent to fqir. Notqbly, he got
'excellent'in oll his subjects in the Philosophy course.
got from UST. In the next school'yeon (1884-1885), he took and completed three Hfei""__E"u_{gp-e_
qdditionol subjects leading to the Doctor of Medicine degnee. He wos not oworded
the Dbctor's diplomo though for foiling to poy the fee qnd the required thesis. As mentioned, Ri
Exoctly on his 24th birthdoy, the Mqdrid university qwqrded him the degnee qnd tired of the discr
of Licentiqte in Philosophy ond Letters with the gnode of "excellent" (sobresaliente). that yeor, he thus lefr
(One cqn thus mcrke the orgument thqt Rizol wos betten.os o "philosopher" thon q poiiticol knowledge r
Dr. Hqnz Meyer, o Germqn cnthropologist; Dr. Feodor logon the quthor of, Travels in Rizql enrolled in
the Philippinee which Rizol hqd reqd os q student in Mqnilq; Dn Rudolf Vinchow, o Centrol de Modrid on
Germon cnthropologist; qnd Rudolf's son, Dn Hqns Virchow, Descriptive Anotomy infonmed Pqciono of h
professor. we had o Filipino lur
Especially qfter the heno's mortyrdom, these people who were the renowned contributing one duro.
pensonalities in the qcodeme not only in Germany but qlso in Eunope wene so proud qnd rosst pig" ("Letters
thot once in their lives they had known the educqted ond greot Filipino nomed lose Ironicoily, o yeqr (
Rizql. (A lecture thqt concentrqtes on lose Rizql's educqtion is <rvcrilcrble in Appendix fomily encountered ec
H: "lose Rizql's Educqtion.") eqt breokfqst still wen
/ 45
Lrfs inEqrep"s (
.A's mentioned, Rizql stopped ottending clqsses ot UST in 1882. for he wqs sick
qnd tined of the discriminqtony ond oppressive Dominiccrn professors. On Moy S of
thqt yeqr, he thus left for Spoin Srot only to complete his studies but qlso to widen his
politicol knowledge.through Eunopeon govennments. It is funny that
his depontune for Spoin hod gone down to history qs q "secret depcrnture". crlthough
crt leost ten people-including his thnee siblings qnd on uncle-collqborqted in his
going owcty, exc,lusive of .the unncrmed qnd unnumbered Jesuit priests ond intimote
friends who co-conspired in the plcn.
In Europe
On his woy to Mcdnid, Rizql hod mqny
stopovers. . He first disembqrked qnd
visited the town of Singopore. Onboord the
steomship "Djemnah." he possed thnough
Puntd de Gqles, Colombo, qnd Aden. En route
to Mqrseilles, he werJt qcross the histonic
wqter\Mqy of Suez Cqnal ond vislted the
Itqlian city of Noples. He left Morseilles,
Fnonce fon Bqrcelonq in on express troin.
Aften some months, Rizql left Borcelonq
Consuelo Ortiga y Rey: Depicted by
fon Mqdrid. On Septemben 16. 1882, Rizol as'Crush ng Bayan'in
met . and befniended Consuelo Ortigc y . Rizal'stime(
Rey, the prettiest of the doughters of Don
Pqblo Ortigo y Rey.the Sponish liberql qnd fonmer mqyor of Mqnilq who becqme
vice-president of the Council of the Philippines in the Ministry of Colonies. Consuelo
suggested in hen dicry entny thqt on the first doy she met Rizql, they tolked the
whole night cnd that the young Filipino said mcrny bequtiful things qbout her. (We
con sqy thus thot qs Rizql orrived in Mqdrid, "May consuelo agad siyal" For Rizql-qnd-
Consuelo's love stony, neod Appendix Q; "lose Rizol's Lovers in the Foneign Lqnds.")
Rizql enrolled in Medicine qnd, Philosophy crnd Lettens qt the Universidqd
Centrql de Modnid on November 3,1882.In Rizql's letter dqted Februory 13;1883. he
informed Pqciqno of his meeting with some Filipinos: "The Tuesday of the Cqrnivql
we hqd o Filipino luncheon ond dinner in the house of the Pqternos, eqch one
contributing one duro. We qte with our honds boiled nice, chicken qdobo. fried fish.
and roqst pig" ("Lettens between Rizol qnd Fcmily," n.d.).
Ironicolly, cr yeon often thqt sumptuous fecsting, Rizcl becqme penniless os his
fomily encountered economic negnession. One doy in lune 1884, Rizql who fqiled to
eot bneakfqst still went to school ond even won c gold medal in q contest. Lqter thqt
doy,,he ottended the dinner porty held in honor of two qword-winning Filipino
On Moy 11,1881
painter"s,luon Luno qnd Felix Resurreccion Hidolgo. In the occqsion, he delivened o exposition thene. \
very doring liberol speech (known todcy qs "Rizql's Bnindis Speech"). which becqme possing through T
so contnoversiol thot it even coused sickness to his worrying mother. (lndeed, received them qt L
being broke ond hungry could neolly moke one brover qnd more impulsive. As the pencil sketch,
one colleogue commented, "Hayop man,'pag nagugutom, tumatapang!") to Blumentritt. The
In l-885, Rizol who hod finished his two courses in Mqdrid went to Pqris, Fronce. fomily ond to fomo
From Novemben 1885 to Februory 1886, he wonked qs on qssistqnt to the celebnoted Klutschok.
ophtholmolo$ist Dr. Louis de Weckert. On Moy 1"6, the
In Febnuory 3,1886, he left Pqris fon Heidelberg, Germony. He crttended lectunes tomb of the fomous
ond troining ot the University of Heidelbeng whene he wos sqid to have completed of the universe, wf
his eye speciolizotion. Afterwqrd, Rizol settled for three months in the neorby stopped qt. Bnunn o
villoge, Wilhemsfeld, qt the postorcl house of a Protestqnt pqstor, Dr. Kqrl Ullmer' Nonfenfqls in Vienn
the newspoper Extr
It wqs during this time thqt the correspondence ond long-distcnce friendship
between lose ond Ferdinond Blumentritt begon. Rizql wrote o letter in Germqn To see the sight
and sent it with c bilinguol {sponish ond Togolog) book Aritmiteca to Blumentritt sqw pqssengens usi
who wos interested in studying lose's notive longuoge Reoching Munich, t
Nunemberg, they so
lose troveled'next to Leipzig qnd qttended some lectures ct its university.
Inquisition. Afterwq
Hoving reqched Dresden ofterwqnd, he met clnd befriended Dr. Adolph B. Meyen
thene. They olso w
the Director of the Anthropologicol ond Ethnologicol Museum. Also cr Filipinologist,
Eunope's, most beout
Meyer showed Rizol some interesting things tqken from tombs in the Philippines'
In Switzenlqnd,
In November 1886, he went to Berlin qnd further enhqnced his skills crnd
staying in Genevo. I
knowledge in ophtholmology. In thqt fomous city. not only did he leonn other
when he leqrned qb
Ianguoges but olso become member of vqrious scientific communities ond
onimqls ond plonts.
befriended mqny fqmed intellectuqls at the time. On
ridicule ond laughte
Februory 21,L887, he finished his first novel, the Nofi. ond
it come off the press o month lqten On lune 19,1882I
often they ported v,
Itoly. In Italy, Rizol w
Grcrnd Europe Toun
c visit to historicol I
With his friend Moximo Violq who loqned him some 29, he hcd seen the 1
omount to cover for the Pninting of the Nofi, Rizal trqveled Literolly ond figurot
to vqrious ploces in Eunope. Through Pqciono's remittqnce. gala talaga ang lolo mo
lose hod poid Violcl qnd decided to further explore some
ploces in Europe before returning to the Philippines.
They went first to see Potsdcrm, o city southwest of Berlin {f f qttl*om"S-g_.-e*_mir
Self-portrait of Rizal sent to
Blumentritt: The Spanish
(which lqter beccme the historicql site of the Potsdom
inscription translates: "To Confenence in L945 in which the leoders of powerful Despite being wr
my distinguished friend Don
nqtions deliberqted upon the postwqr qdministrqtion of decision to return to
Fernando Blumentritt, Proof on luly 3,1887 the ste
of my affection, Jos6 Rizall' Germcny.)
'f,i:il' r,:,,,t,
On Moy LL,L887,they left Berlin for Dresden ond witnessed the regionql flbffiili
exposition there. Wonting to see Blumentritt, they went to Leitmeritz, Bohemi"l,...
To see the sights of the Dqnube Riven they left Viennq in o boqt where they
scrw pqssengers using pqper nopkins. From Lintz, they hqd o short stoy in Solzburg.
Reaching Munich, they tcsted the locql beer qdvertised qs Germqny's finest. In
Nunemberg. they.strw the infqmous torture mqchines us'ed in the so-cqlled Cqtholic
Inquisition. Afterwqrd. they went to Ulm ond climbed Genmony's tollest cothedrql _.,
there. They olso went to Stuttgort, Boden ond then Rheinfqll where they scw
Eunope's most bequtiful wqterfqll.
In Switzerland. they toured Schaffhqusen. Bosel, Bern, qnd Lqusonne before
stqying in Genevq. Rizql's tS-dcy st<ry in Genevq wcrs generolly enjoyoble except
when he leorned obout the exhibition of some Igorots in Madrid, side by side some
onimqls ond plonts. Not only did the primitive Igorots in bahcig become objects of
ridicule cnd loughten one of them, q womqn, olso died of pneumonio.
On ]une 19. 1887. Rizql treqted Viola for it wos his (Rizql) 26th.birthdoy- Four days
qften they ponted woys-Violq went back to Barceloncr while Rizol proceeded tb
Itoly. In Itcly, Rizol went to see Turin. Milqn, Venice. qnd Florence.ln Rome, he pcid
q visit to historiccl ploces, like the Amphitheotre ond the Romun Forum. On lune
29. he hod seen the fomous the St. Peter's Church. in the Vgticon City.
Literolly ond figurotively specking, Rizql did go plcrces. (As millenniols put i\,'ttag11
gala talaga ang lolo mo!"|
fiXqt Hptngcq{t-rin
Despite being worned by fniends qnd loved ones. Jose wqs odomqnt in his
decision to return to his nqtive lqnd. Fnom q French port in Mqrseilles, he boqrded
on July 3,1887 the steqmen "Djemnch.' It sqiled to the Eost through the Suez Cqnql
l-,,, 48 e) TFIE LIFE AND woRKS oF iosE RizAL
lit ""o.rr.d
Scigon on the 30th of the month. Rizcrl then took the steqmer
"Hoiphong" ffir:ilf:g
and neqched Mqnilo neqr midnight of August 5' Toking Exciting
ii: Ait"" to cqlambq on August 8'
-".ting some friends in Mqnilo, he returned os "Germqn doctor" or 1. Goonline to w
Restoring his mother's eyesight, he begcrn to be dubbed
mqde a lot of right section),lo
"Doctor Uliman" (from the word "Aleman" which meons Genmcrn)qnd
fon o better vision' 2. Tqke the excitin
money becquse people from different ploces flocked to him
subversive ideos' Fqcebook qcco
Becouse of hi! enemies' ollegotion thqt his "Nofi" contqined
Terrero' seeing no problem #lensenismo #Ri
Rizol wos summoned by the Governor-Generol Emilio
Don lose Toviel de 3. Print screen yor
in the book, Terrero nonetheless assigned to Rizal o bodyguord,
Andr-qde, to protect the balikbayanfrom his
ln December L88z the cqlombo folks osked Rizol's crssistqnce in collecting
informotion os regords Dominico n haciendamonogement' lt
wqs in complionce with ffi[s_lfition
eststes were run' So Rizql
the order of the government to investigqte the woy frior
order hcd arbitr:orily Identificotion
hcd objectively reported, omong others, thqt the Dominicsn
increqsed the lqnd rent qnd chcrr-ged the tenqnts for nonexistent Identify the terrr
the governor-genenol to
services. Enroged by Rizol's reports, the friors pressured
.qdvise" the quthor of ,n" Nofi to lecve the country. (ln other words' 'Napuno na talega
sa kanya ang mga Pari.")
ffiS--"St e$ .!lo s-s Ac tiv i t i e s
Reod lose Rizql's Brindis Speech (for the full-text
English trqnslqtion' consult
Luno cnd Felix
the qrticle,,.lose Rizal's Brindis Speech: A Toast Honoring Juon
Resurreccion Hidolgo" in OunHappySchool'com)' Mqke o
Closs Discussion:
ct.Compore Rizol's educqtion in Ateneo crnd UST'
b. Assess Rizol's qims
qnd reqsons for studying crbrocrd'
"odvice" for Rizol to leove the
Evaluote Governor-Generql Emilio Terrero',s
country. 1(
What lose Rizol foiled to occomplish in his six-month stcry in the country during
But becquse he
"Belgic" on Apnil
his first homecoming wos to visit his girlfriend Leonor Rivena in Pongosinon. His 13. 1t
novelist ond humqn
fcther strongly opposed the ideo, sensing thqt the visit would put Leonor's fclmily
leqve his countny. Tl
in jeopordy.
ship's pcssengers w(
outbreok in the For
qrrivql of the Chiner
hil! -o*u
g-Kp" _4 g -4s
lap an
On Februqry 3,1888, Rizol soiled to Hong Kong onboord "Zofiro" ond just stoyed On Moy 6. Rizql u
inside the ship during its short stop ot Amoy. He stayed ot Victoriq Hotel in Hong Socnqmento ond wol
Kong (not in Stq. Meso)ond visited the neorby city Mocoo for two doys clong with Colorodo, Nebnqsko, I
o friend,loseMorio Bqso. Among other things, Rizoi experienced in Hong Kong the Islond, he hqd seen 1
noisy firecrocker-lqden Chinese New Yecrr qnd the morqthon lcruriqt pqrty Ironicolly, Rizol obser
chorqcterized by numerous dishes being served. (Yes, the "louriot" combo meql in concluded thot reql fr
"Chowking" originoted from thrs Chinese porty.) todoy. he would be sr
From Hong Kong, he reqched Yokohomc, lopon block guy to become r
on Februony 28 ond proceeded to Tokyo the next dcry.
:t#iat. He lived in the Spanish legotion in Tokyo upon the
invitotion of its secretory, luon Perez Cqbqllero. In Ln* Gle+t- -D_g_t_+-i!, r
Mqrch L888, he heqrd o Tokyo band nicely playing o
Europeon music ond wqs ostonished to find out ofter Onboord the ship
the gig thot some of its members were Filipinos (G' for Livenpool on Moy
Zqide & S. Zaide, 1984, p. 130). (From this informotion, on Mcy 24. A doy ofr
we ccn surmise thqt even during Rizcl's time, there stoyed briefly ot Dr. I
He then boqnded ot tI
were Filipino entertqiners in lopcrn ["]opclyuki" or
"lcpoyuko"l). he wqs lovingly serve
of his londlord. (For Riz
But if there wos ct person who wos truly
reod Appendix Q: "lose
entertoined qt the time, it wqs Rizcrl himseif who
wqs crmused by the loponese girl who would pcrss
Seiko Usui ('O-Sei-San'): Rizal's tour by the legotion every dcy. The 23-yecrr old Seiko In lune 1888, Rizr
Reinhold Rost qnd his
guide and sweetheart in JaPan. Usui whom he fondly colled'O-Sei-Son'become his
( lcnguoge, Rost hqd in l
tour guide qnd sweetheart rolled into one. (For Rizol-
qnd-Seiko's love story, read the Appendix Q: "lose libr"ory. Oun nqtionol I
os "o peorl of q mqn', (t
Rizql's Lovers in the Foreign Lqnds.")
In London, Rizol m
Filipinas, q rore book ov
president of the potrio
ond wrote orticles for t
visits in Pqris. Modnid, r
of the Mcloys). which
of Spoin crnd its (Philippines) representqtion finished and published
in the Spcnish ponlioment (Cortes Generales);
(b)the seculqrizqtion of the Philippine pcrrisfes <rnd
clengy; (c) the equolity between the Spcnish ond In Belsium
the Filipino, especiolly in entering government
service; (d) the estoblishment of government- After celebrating t
funded schools not run by the friqrs; (e) the 1889, Rizql shontly vis
qbolition of the opolo' (f.orced lqbor) crnd "vandala"
With lose Albent, Rizr
(forced sole of locol products to the government);' pnuony 28.1890. The tr
qnd (f) the necognition of humon rights
ffi $ freedom. especi<rlly the freedoms of speech ond
qdministered by the
Mqrie) where Rizql m(
with (qnother) Suzonn<
Seemingly cdvocoting rociol or cultural integrqtion,lhe Propaganda Movement of his londlodies. (For I
qnd sociology' ossimilotion is the
is thus bronded as qssimilotionist.ln onthropology reod Appendix Q: "lose
qre obsorbed
process whereby individuqls on grouPs of differing ethnic heritoge Lands.")
into the dominqnt culture of o society. The process of ossimiloting involves In Belgium. Rizql br
on the trcrits of the dominont cultune {e.g., colonizer) to such o degree
thqt the
hlidaridad using the pe
ossimiioting group (e.g., the colonized people) becomes sociolly indistinguishqble
stqnd in news thqt the Cqlqrnbc
fnom the othen members of the society. Contextuolly. the "qssimilqtionist"
be treqted qs one home. But Pqciqno told t
Rizql,s time refers moinly to the odvococy to hqve the Philippines
Dominicans in the Philil
of Spoin's provinces.
qbondoned the "qssimilqtionist" prompted lose to go to r
Rizql crnd Del pilor are soid to hqve later who would defend then
stqnd (although this is questioned by mony historiqns, especiolly those who
BrocRApHy wRrrrNcs.AND LEGAoTES oF ouR BAYANT ca
thcrt eithen Rizol on Del Pilqr \ /os even onti-revolutionary. In some sure wqys,
rpnetheless, both Rizql qnd Del Pilor inspir"ed the estoblishment ond mission of
Andres Bonifac io's revolutionqry society, the Kat ipunan).
ln France
Leoving London for good, he went to Pqris in Mqrch.1889. He shortly lived
tn the house of q friend, Vqlentin Venturo, before tnqnsfenning to o little room
where he hqd q! roommqtes two Filipinos, one of whom wos lose Albent, q student
from Mqnilq. In Ponis, Rizol frequented the Bibliotheque Nationole wonking on his
onnotqtion of the Sucesos. He spent his spcre hours in the houses of fniends like
hmq and his wife Pqz Pqrdo de Tqverq. Rizql witnessed the Universql Exposition
of Poris. hcving os its grectest qttroction the Eiffel Tower.
Rizql formed the Krdlot CIub. q temporcrry sociol club, which brought togethen
Filipinos witnessing the exposition. He olso orgonized the Indios Bravo.s, on qssoc'iqtion
which envisioned Filipinos being recognized fon their qdminqble skills in mqny
fi'elds. Rizql, likewise formed the mysterious Redencion de tos Maloyos (Redemption
of the Molcys). which qimed to pnopogote useful knowledge. In psnis, Rizql olso
finished ond published his qnnotqtion of the .gucesos.
In Belglgn**-***;_
Aften celebroting the Yuletide seqson in pqris in
1.889, Rizql shontly visited London fon the lsst tidle.
A/ith lose Albert. Rizql left pqris for Brussels on.
Jonuory 28.1890. The two stayed in <r boqnding house
cdministered by the locoby sisters (Suzcrnne ond
Mqrie) where Rizql met qnd hqd q trqnsitory offoir
with (crnother) Suzonne (qlso colled petite), the niece
cf his londlqdies. (For Rizql-qnd-suzqnne's love story,
:"eod Appendix Q: "lose Rizol's Lovers in the Foreign
-.onds.") 1
In Belgium, Rizql busied himself with writing the F/r qnd contributing for La
bkdaridad using the pen nomes Dimas Alangand Laong l,aan. when he heqnd the
news thqt the Cqlqrnbo ognorion tnouble wos getting worse, Rizql decided to go
home. But Pqciqno told him thnough o letter thcrt they lost the court cose oga'inst the
Dominicqns in the Philippines, cnd they intended to bring the cqse to Mqdrid. This
prompted lose to go to Modrid instecrd to look for o lawyen qnd influentiql people
who would defend thene the Cqlqmbo tenqnts.
In-Hi+:r**, F*
Rizql troveled to Modrid in August 1890. Along with his lowyer, Morcelo H. Rizoi proceede
del pilor, he tried to seek justlce for his fomily but could not find ony influentiol in Biorritz, o touri
Sponicnd who could helP them. for its mild ciimotr
Februory 1891, Riz
In 1890, Rizcrl olso met in Mqdrid the Filipino student Edilberto Evongelisto.
the house of the Bc
Perhcrps sensing his potentiol, Rizql counseled Evcngelisto to toke engineering in
he lqten hqd o se:
Belgium. Upon Rizcrl's odvice, Evongelisto thus mqtriculoted ot the University of
(For Rizol-qnd-Neil:
Ghent, one df the world's leodrng engineering schools then. Rizql's suggestion proved
Rizql's Lovers in thr
fruitful cs Evangelisto lqter finished civil engineering qnd qrchitecture with
highest honons. some Europeon componies offered him rewording positions, but he in Biqnritz, he
tunned them down for wonting to serve his country insteod ("Edilberto Evongelistu."
completed its mon
qnd his relqtion with deporture for Por
2013). (More interesting rnformotion obout Evongelisto's life
Rizql ore ovoiloble in Appendix O:"Rizql's Relotions with Other Filipino Pqtriots
ond stoy in Pqris, ond t
onrivql in Brussels i
his second novel ul
Rizol encountered mcrny odversities ond tribulcrtions in
printing fir.m to pri
Moonid. He heord thot his fomily wos forced to ieqve their
icrnd in Cqlombo, ond some fomily members were even
deported to for piaces. One doy, Rizal chollenged his friend
Antonio Luno to cr duel when he (Luno), being unsuccessful
in seeking Nellie Bousteqd's love, gove negotive comments Rizol went to G|
on the lody. Rizol crlso dored to o duel Wenceslco Retoncr of cheopen He lived :
the onti-Filipino newspoper La Epoca who wrote thqt Rizal's Alejondro, on engin,
fomiiy wcs not poying its lond rent. Both duels were they rented q roon
'Heneral Luna:' Rizal once
fortunotely qborted-Lunq become Rizql's good friend contents, ond compu
Rizal challenged his friend ogoln while Retcrnq even become Rizol's eventuql first hqd eoten up oll I-.:
Antonio Luna to a duel non-Filipino biogropher. (For Rizal's friendship ond rivolry qllocqtion.
with Antonio Luno, reod Appendix O:"Rizql's Relotions with The publisher F
Other Filipino Patniots cnd Henoes.") print the EI Fili on a
In Modrid, Rizql qlso heord the news of Leonor Riverq's mcrrnicrge to the tightfistedly, Rizol ro
Englishmon Henry Kipping who wcrs the choice of Leonor's mother. As if 6. But through Vole,
'rmisfortunes" were not enough. there also emerged the Del Pilar-Rizo} rivcrlny for press on September
leodership in the "Asociacion Hispano Filipino|'The supposediy heolthy eiection
for o
bid goodbye to his fr
leoder ("Responsible")produced unpleosont split qmong the Filipinos in Modnid
Rizolistqs vs. the Pilqristos). Rizol thus decided to leove Mqdrid, lest his
results in more serious foctions qmong Filipinos ih Mqdrid. Is Hsng-Ks*g"a.
In October 1891, R
which he begon wri
on Novemben 20 qnd
cose you did not noti
Rizol proceeded to toke q more-thqn-q-month vocotion
in Biorritz, o tourist town in southwestern Fronce noted
for its mild climate ond sond beoches. Arniving there in
Februory 1891, Rizql wos welcomed qs o fomily guest in
the house of the Bousteds, especiclly by Nellie with whom
he loter hqd cr serious. but fqiled, romontic relotionship.
For Rizcl-q;rd-Nglliels love story, reod Appendix Q:'Jose
Rizql's Lovers in the Foreign Lqnds.')
In Biqrritz, he continued to work on his E/ fifi ond by
'Rizal's almost wifei
completed its manuscript on Mqrch 29, the eve of his (positivelyfi pi
ln Ghent
Rizal went to Ghent in July 1891 becouse the cost of printing in the ploce wos
cheoper. He lived in q low-cost boqrding house where he hod cr roommote Jose
Alejondro, on engineering student in the University of Ghent. Tightening their belts,
they rented o room exclusive of breqkfqst. They bought q box of biscuit, counted the
contents, cnd computed for their doily rqtion for q month.lri Just 15 doys, Aleiondro
hod eoten up oll his shores whereos Rizol frugolly limited himself to his doily
The publisher F. Meyer-Vcrn Loo Press, No. 66 Vi<rqnderen Street crgreed to
print the El Fili on on instollment btrsis. Despite pcwning cll his jewels ond living
tightfistedly, Rizol ron out of funds. ond the printing hcrd to be suspended on August
6. But through Volentin Venturq's 'sqlvific" act. the "EI Filibusterismo'come off the
Dress on September 18.1891. Two weeks qfter, he visited Poris for the lost time to
bid goodbye to his friends ond compctriots.
On the evening of luly 3, Rizql speorheoded the meeting in the house of Donoteol
Ongjunco on Yloyo Stneet, Tondo, Mqnilq ottended by ot leost 20 Filipinos, including
Andnes Bonifocio ond Apolinqnio Mobini. Rizol explcined the qims of the civic
qssociqtion La Ligo Filipina. Officens were then elected, hoving Ambrosio Sqlvodon
os the president. theneby officiolly estqblishing the leogue. (More discussions bn
La Liga Filipina qre qvqilable in Appendix K: "The pnopogondq Movement, La Liga
Filipina, and Katipunan.")
lust three doys often the meeting though, Rizol wqs qrnested during his
interview with the governon-generql. Despujol showed him qnti-frior leoflets
Pobres Frailes (Poor Frians) allegedly discovened in his sisten Luciq's pillow cqses.
Imprisoned in Fort Sontiogo for qlmost ten days. Rizql wqs brought ot 12:80 q.m.
of luly 14 to the steomer "Cebu." Pcrssing through Mindoro ond Ponoy, the vessel
docked ot Dopiton in Zqmboqngo del Nonte on the evening of luly 17.
Dopiton wcts o truly scenic ploce with fine beoches, for sure o soothing ploce
f.or s balikbayanlike Rizql. But lose wcrs not there os q tourist on c vqcqtioner, fon he
wcts cl politicol exile. The ship coptoin Delgras hqnded him oven to the local Spcnish
commqndont, Ricqrdo Cqnnicero-qnd thot event signoled the stort of Rizol's life qs
o depontee in Dopitcn.