Complex Calculators in The Classroom Theoretical and Practical Teaching in Pre-Calculus
Complex Calculators in The Classroom Theoretical and Practical Teaching in Pre-Calculus
Complex Calculators in The Classroom Theoretical and Practical Teaching in Pre-Calculus
University and older school students following scientific courses now use complex calculators
with graphical, numerical and symbolic capabilities. In this context, the design of lessons for
11th grade pre-calculus students was a stimulating challenge.
In the design of lessons, emphasising the role of mediation of calculators and the development
of schemes of use in an ‘instrumental genesis’ was productive. Techniques, often discarded in
teaching with technology, were viewed as a means to connect task to theories. Teaching
techniques of use of a complex calculator in relation with ‘traditional’ techniques was
considered to help students to develop instrumental and paper/pencil schemes, rich in
mathematical meanings and to give sense to symbolic calculations as well as graphical and
numerical approaches.
The paper looks at tasks and techniques to help students to develop an appropriate
instrumental genesis for algebra and functions, and to prepare for calculus. It then focuses on
the potential of the calculator for connecting enactive representations and theoretical calculus.
Finally, it looks at strategies to help students to experiment with symbolic concepts in
Traditionally, computers and calculators are distinct technological tools in the teaching and
learning of mathematics. Early computer use in mathematics teaching was through
programming, but more recent use tends to favour use of generic packages including software
dedicated to algebra or geometry. In the teaching and learning of algebra and calculus in the
last 10 years there have been many experiments using Computer algebra systems, like
MAPLE and DERIVE, see (Mayes, 1997). Over these years, the use of increasingly
sophisticated hand held calculators has impinged on everyday life as well as on classroom
activities. When sophisticated numerical and graphical capabilities were added, it became
clear to students and sometime to teachers that calculators could play a role in solving
problems involving functions (see Tall, 1996, Trouche, Guin, 1996).
New hand held calculators offer, to some extent, a synthesis of computer software and
calculators1. Like computers they have powerful applications: computer algebra systems,
geometric software and spreadsheet. From calculators they inherit ergonomic characteristics
(small, disposable) and numerical and graphical utilities important to the study of functions.
This paper is based on a project where every student had a relatively expensive Texas Instrument TI–92.
Manufacturers now offer complex calculators pricing like ordinary graphing calculators. For instance, the new
TI-89 has the capabilities of the TI-92, except geometry, that we did not use in the project. Looking at the
interface, the TI-92 is like a small computer (high resolution screen, alphabetical keyboard) and the TI-89 is like
a graphing calculator. This difference is not very consequential for the discussion in this paper. Casio offers also
a graphing calculator with symbolic capabilities (the GRAPH 80).
This paper presents an analysis of an attempt to integrate these powerful calculators in the
teaching of pre-calculus in France. This integration has been carried out in four classes of the
ordinary French scientific upper secondary level (11th grade)2. In this paper, I do not seek to
prove that teaching and learning with calculators is definitively better than with traditional
paper and pencil. I merely assume that these calculators are legitimate means of doing
mathematics3. From this assumption, this paper provides reflection, based on theory and
practice, on the changes that these calculators may bring to the teaching and learning of
mathematics, and a search for efficient means to use them in order that students learn
meaningful mathematics.
This TI-92 experiment is a continuation of an earlier French experience looking at the
integration of DERIVE into the study of algebra and calculus. Working in close co-operation
with a group of teachers supported by the National Ministry of Education (DISTEN group,
see Hirliman, 1996) to study the effects of this integration, we carried out a number of
classroom observations from grade 9 to grade 12 (Artigue, 1995, 1997). We also questioned
twenty five teachers and nearly five hundred of their pupils.
From this research we compiled a number of interesting insights on how technology may
support the learning of mathematics, which will be referred to later in this paper. However, an
important limitation of the DERIVE study was that students generally lacked the familiarity
with this technology necessary to really use it to support their mathematical activities and
learning. On many occasions, we saw students using their own numerical calculator to try to
solve a problem numerically, when we expected them to solve it symbolically with the help of
the computer algebra system.
So, when ‘computer-like’ calculators became available we saw the potential for easier student
access to computer algebra technology which might affect their everyday mathematical
practices, and that we would be able to observe more substantial changes. Therefore an offer
by the National Ministry of Education to support a teaching experiment for pre-calculus 11th
grade classes where every student had a TI-92, was stimulating and welcome. However, from
the DERIVE experiment, we knew that the integration of symbolic facilities into the work of
the student was not an easy project. For that reason we had to develop a theoretical approach
to this integration and design lessons/activities which could be applied in a wide range of
settings: to students at various levels of attainment, with varied attitudes to calculators and
mathematics; to teachers with distinctive epistemological views, teaching strategies and
attitudes to calculator use.
It appeared that we had to reflect on two linked set of issues.
• First, how can we conceptualise changes in the mathematical activity in a classroom when
every student has a powerful ‘computer-like’ calculator? To what extent can computer
approaches in the teaching of mathematics be used? How does our experience of using
computer algebra help us? What aspects of the work will be affected by the personal
character of the calculator?
Michele Artigue was the leader of the team. Badre Defouad and the author participated with the teachers,
Michele Duperrier and Guy Juge, to the definition of the sessions and did classroom observations and interviews.
A report on the project can be obtained from DIDIREM Université Paris VII 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France. The
project was founded by the French ministry of Education (DISTEN B 2). In the paper, ‘we’ and ‘our’ will refer
to the team. ‘I’ and ‘me’ will be used to express my own ideas and work.
Legitimacy of a technological tool is a complex question, which do not limit to improved efficiency. Use by
professional mathematicians, acceptance by parents, allowance at exams are other important factors of
• Second, what conceptualisation of calculator use, with its many multilevel capabilities,
arises in the teaching of a specific subject? What help do the numerical and graphical
utilities bring? Regarding support for algebraic calculations, do the calculators help to
build symbolic definitions of concepts? How can we think the introduction of the symbolic
capability related with a concept (the key pressed to get a derivative or a limit...)? Does it
help to students to conceptualise, if so in what way? Are these capabilities a danger ? Do
students need to be at a certain skill or conceptual level before using tools like this?
These issues, concerning both technology and mathematics, are of general interest to those
involved in mathematical education. The goal of this paper is to reflect on these issues and
explore outcomes from real teaching situations.
Constructivist approaches
When computers became available, many hopes were placed on the autonomous cognitive
activity that a learner could develop when faced with specific tasks (Artigue, 1996). The
general frame was a Piagetian approach: acting in adequately problematic settings, the learner
meets insufficiency or inconsistency of his/her knowledge. Introducing computer environment
could help to create settings of this kind. The emphasis was put on the role of purposeful
action in the conceptualisation of knowledge in opposition with the passive reception of
meaningless mathematical contents. Computer tasks appeared well suited to these
Another conception of the construction of mathematical concepts was easily adapted to
computers: many concepts, especially in algebra and calculus, appear with two linked aspects,
as a procedure and as an object. Gray and Tall (1993) introduced the name ‘procept’ to
describe this duality in many areas of mathematics including calculus concepts. Computer
activity, especially programming, can give a sense of this duality. A function, for instance,
can be defined by means of a programmed procedure, then it will be considered and
manipulated through the name of the procedure.
Repo (1994) reports on an example of this approach in the learning of calculus with the use of
DERIVE. She blames the “quite algorithm oriented” learning of mathematics prevalent in
Finnish schools, and offers six “critical activities” to activate prior knowledge of students,
to internalise the concept of derivative, co-ordinate the representations of this concept,
generalise it and understand its reversibility. I will briefly study Repo’s research because it
had a significant influence on the view of Computer Algebra Systems as “cognitive and
didactic tool to engage in reflective abstraction” (Mayes, 1997, p. 185). As for me, I see limits
in this approach and considering these will help to adjust my reflections.
Repo’s research design is that of a comparative study: a control group received “standard
mathematics teaching”, and the experimental group 50 lessons in computer room based on the
above critical activities. In an immediate post-test, the experimental group performed
significantly better on conceptual items, and in a delayed post-test it showed better retention
of algorithmic skills.
My first criticism is that no evidence is given of the influence of the computer on these
improved performances. The control group had a mainly algorithmic introduction to calculus,
Papert (1980) is an influential example of a Piagetian approach in a computer environment.
and a common consequence is that they had a low understanding of calculus and a poor long-
term retention of algorithms, so the better achievement in the experimental group may refer to
the poor performances of the control group, rather than to the computer activities. Repo’s
approach stresses an opposition between conceptual understanding and algorithmic skills, and
the activities focus on understanding. Therefore the way students acquired these long-lasting
skills is unclear. In France, approaches based on this opposition and on strong assumptions on
the role of DERIVE to enhance the conceptual learning have been tried. I argue (Lagrange,
1996) that there is a gap between these assumptions and what actually happens in the
classroom. Using symbolic computation in the teaching of mathematics requires teachers and
researchers to think in depth about the relationship between the conceptual and the technical
part of the mathematical activity rather than opposing them.
On a wider reflection Noss and Hoyles (1996, p. 21) stress the potential productivity of the
constructivist approaches, but also their limits. First, when knowledge is built trough actions
in a given computer context, pupils are able to produce powerful reflections on objects in this
context to solve difficult problems, but it is not clear that this knowledge helps with tasks
outside the computer context. It appears, therefore, very contextualised, and the
decontextualisation is a problem. Second, the ‘procedure-object’ approach is sometimes a too
rigid way for building concepts. There is no permanent necessity to consider first an
‘operative’ (Sfard, 1991) approach of concepts. In contrast, computers now offer a range of
views (or windows) on a concept wider than just the procedure-object duality. For instance,
the graphical utility is one between many views of the concept of function in a computer
environment, and the resulting plot can be considered as a procedure (tracing the plot) and as
an object (the global properties of the plot).
« Mediation is a trick of the mind » Hegel quoted by Moro, Scheuwly (1997, p.2).
sphere, Vygotskii’s assumption is that “language, (..) algebraic symbols, (..) and all possible
signs and symbols” are instruments which change the mental activity6.
This idea of mediation is useful in our project because a purely constructivist view of the use
of computers is insufficient to analyse the interaction between the user, his/her instrument and
the objects in the settings. A constructivist view assumes that the computer settings will
provide the means for a predictable and meaningful interaction. What actually happened when
we observed the use of DERIVE was different: interaction situations of the students and
DERIVE were often less productive than teachers’ expectation. Teachers generally expected
that students would build mathematical meaning from DERIVE’s feed-back. Students’
reactions and reflections did not have this meaning because their perception of the feedback
was influenced by the operation of the software (Lagrange, 1996). For instance 9th grade
students with little familiarity with DERIVE, were asked to observe the result of the Expand
command on the square of algebraic sums. The teacher expected that the students would
concentrate on regularities in this expansion like, for instance, the relation of the number of
terms in the sum and in the expansion. In contrast students reflected deeply on the order of the
terms in the expansion, which is a regularity only linked to the software. Mediation accounts
for this phenomenon because students perceived the mathematical settings through DERIVE,
and being unaware of the properties of this instrument, they could not understand that the
regularities that they found had no mathematical significance. In contrast, the teacher was an
expert both in mathematics and in DERIVE, and did not mind this regularity7.
How do contemporary instruments like computers and calculators fit with a theory of
mediation? A computer, as considered by Noss and Hoyles, is an instrument in two
dimensions: a physical object with a keyboard, a screen and so on, and an abstract operative
language. Noss and Hoyles focus on the abstract dimension of the Logo language, and
therefore meet Vygotskii’s view of mental instruments. In the use of complex calculators that
I intend to analyse, this view seems less effective, particularly in the phase where the user is
learning new capabilities. In this phase, a user sees the internal capabilities through the
features of the interface (for instance, with a TI-928, the different capabilities for solving are
seen through various entries of the algebra menus). This perception of the calculator does not
distinguish between the interface and the internal logic. This phase of learning is what I want
to analyse because, in this phase, cognitive processes are likely to appear, involving both the
calculator and mathematics.
For this reason, I prefer to consider a calculator as a complex instrument like those existing in
the area of professional working (for instance a computerised system to pilot a process) rather
than to reduce it to an addition of a neutral interface and an internal algebraic language. An
advantage of this approach is that it is easier to think about the changing relation of the user
and his/her calculator: in this relation, the user discovers together the characteristics of his/her
calculator together with the mathematical underlying features.
Quoted by Moro, Scheuwly (ibid, p. 3).
Artigue (1995) named « pseudo-transparency » this phenomenon: in the mediation, the instrument is
transparent for the teacher, but not for students.
In the paper, TI-92 may be replaced by TI-89 or other complex calculator with the same symbolic, graphic and
numeric capabilitites. See note 1.
thought in relation to instrumented activity’, Verillon and Rabardel (1995)9 stress that a
human creation, an ‘artefact’, is not immediately an instrument. A human being who wants to
use an artefact builds up his/her relation with the artefact in two directions: externally s/he
develops uses of the artefact and internally, s/he builds cognitive structures to control these
uses. After Piaget, Verillon and Rabardel describe these structures in terms of schemes, which
are mental means that a person creates to assimilate a situation. When a person acts on
settings trough an instrument his/her behaviour has a specific organisation. For that reason,
the authors10 introduces the notion of ‘instrument utilisation schemes’. These utilisation
schemes have the properties of adaptation and assimilation of the schemes and direct the uses
of the instrument by the person. Being mental structures of a person, utilisation schemes are
not given with the artefact. They are built in an ‘instrumental genesis’ which combines the
development of uses and the adaptation of schemes: when developing the first uses, a person
pilots the artefact through existing schemes, then this primitive experience is the occasion of
an adaptation of the schemes, and the better adapted schemes are a basis for developing new
uses, and so on. This genesis is both individual and social: a person builds his/her own mental
structures, but, generally, an instrument is not used by only one person and therefore the
process of adaptation takes place in a social context.
See also, in French, Rabardel (1995, p. 37).
See also Rabardel (ibid, p. 93).
Nature of TI-92 output Decisional Pragmatic Interpretative
scheme dimension dimension dimension
Graphic, Graphing in the Consider the Function is
TI-92 standard window graph of the increasing.
is a good function in the Graph is a straight
approach for the standard window line
variations of a
Algebraic, none Graphical Consider the f(x) is not a linear
criticism evidence must be algebraic function
compared to definition of the
algebraic aspects function
Analytic, Expanding an Consider another There is
TI-92 expression will algebraic something special
give a linear and a expression of the near x=0
fractional part, function
helping the
interpretation of
the graph
Graphic, Graphic display Zoom in around There are two
TI-92 will confirm x=0 and y=0 until turning points near
analytic ideas something appears zero and there is a
Trouche (1996, p. 303) produces a comprehensive analysis and classification of schemes in a search for a limit
of a function.
analysis of the function. This co-operation of schemes of different nature gives them a new
Transforming the expression of the function like in the third scheme is not a spontaneous
action. Most students initially choose the transformation randomly among the TI-92
capabilities rather than from rational reflection. Teaching can help to develop this reflection.
Switching back to the graph window, as in the fourth scheme, is quite natural. Some students
anticipate immediately the required zooming, while others take considerable time over this
decision. The latter may use trial and error processes, productive for some but unproductive
for others.
The calculus approach in the fifth scheme may derive from a teaching method. I observed,
however, that this scheme is activated only when the function is similar to standard functions
considered in the teaching. When a student is perplexed, because of an unusual function, this
scheme is not likely to appear. It may not appear with the example of Figure 1, because
variations are not perceptible in a standard window. It certainly does not appear when a
student meets a new type of function, for instance a trigonometric function when the student
is used to rational functions.
The sixth scheme is about limits. It illustrates how specific an instrumental scheme may be. In
ordinary paper and pencil practice, the notion of left and right hand limit is difficult because
their computation implies a reflection on the sign of sub-expression which is not familiar to
students. With the TI-92, the scheme described in Figure 1 works well on most functions and
contributes to give sense to this notion. However, this sense is often partial, because most
students have difficulties in interpreting the values of the limits in term of asymptotical
behaviour of the graph.
In this brief description of features of schemes appearing in a calculus task, and their
apprehension by students, the question of genesis appears with some complexity. The
development of utilisation schemes by students appears to be linked to the development of
their mathematical knowledge. But what is the nature of this link? Schemes appear to be more
or less influenced by teaching. But what is this influence, and how is teaching to be oriented
to help the development of suitable schemes, their generalisation and their co-ordination ?
These questions call for theoretical and practical reflection that I will undertake in the
following section.
In this paragraph, I look briefly at the relationship between schemes and techniques, to emphasise their
respective functions. Schemes and techniques may be viewed in a more dialectical relation. There is a wide
range, from personal hidden elementary schemes to social global schemes. The latter are more easily
rationalised. Teaching can act more directly on these schemes, very similar to techniques. See again Trouche
The text of the question
Consider the function f define for strictly positive real numbers by
f ( x ) = x ln( x ) − 2 ln( x ) − (ln( x ) ) .
⎛ 2⎞
Demonstrate that the derivative of f is given by f ' ( x ) = ⎜ 1 − ⎟ (1 + ln( x ) )
⎝ x⎠
Using the TI-92 to answer
See footnote 3.
the analysis of classroom sessions in the same year, we built our project, a series of lessons
and classroom activities that the French Ministry of Education will publish as a guideline for
teachers. We experimented this project in the second year: the teachers taught the lessons and
we did an observation like in the first year.
The aim of this paper is not to report this whole experimentation, but to emphasise the role of
teaching. Lagrange (to appear) will focus on the observation of students. It will show how, in
the first year, the acquisition of utilisation schemes was a long and complex process, effective
for some students and more problematic for others, with significant differences between
individual students and between the two classes. It will also discuss the improvement that the
project that we experimented the second year brought in students' attitudes and abilities. Here,
in this paper, from the lessons that we experimented in the second year, I offer a view on how
teaching might help the development of schemes productive to mathematical meaning. The
observation of students' genesis in the first year will be used to show the necessity of this
view14, and classroom observations in the second year will help to discuss its effectiveness.
So a student cannot rely on automatic simplification to obtain the form s/he needs for an
expression. S/he must consciously learn to use the items of the algebra menu (Factor,
Defouad (to appear) analyses more comprehensively the varied individual genesis of students.
Expand, ComDenom), to decide whether expressions are equivalent as well as anticipate the
output of a given transformation on a given expression.
The following screens (Figure 3) give a hint of the tasks involved in our scheme, to develop
students’ algebraic instrumental schemes.
Screen A Screen B
Figure 3: algebraic tasks
In a first task students had to enter the expressions on the left of the screen A and then observe
the TI-92 simplification on the right of the screen A. They then identified the mathematical
treatment: expanding, factoring, ordering, partial fractional expanding. In another task, an
expression G was given, with three other apparently similar expressions H, I, J. The student
had to find a TI-92 command to decide what expression H, I, J is equivalent to G. In this task,
x 2 − 6x + 2 −11x + 4 x 3 x 11
G was , H was + , I was − + and J was
2x − 1 2x − 1 2 4(2 x − 1) 2 4
(x + )(
7 −3 x− 7 −3 ) . By expanding G, students had no difficulty seeing that I was the
2x − 1
opposite of G (screen B). In contrast, showing that G and H are equivalent, is not
straightforward: in the screen B, the function for the reduction of a sum of rational
expressions has been used to reduce a sub-expression. Factor was the appropriate function to
obtain J from G.
Work on the equivalence of expressions proved necessary not only at the beginning of the
TI-92 use. For example, towards the end of the academic year of student TI-92 use the teacher
⎛ π⎞
asked them to differentiate the trigonometric function x → cos⎜ 3x − ⎟ by hand and with the
⎝ 6⎠
TI-92, and to explain why resulting expressions are equivalent. The application of rules of
⎛ π⎞ ⎛ π⎞
differentiation gives −3 sin⎜ 3x − ⎟ when the TI-92 gives 3 cos⎜ 3x + ⎟ . We expected that
⎝ 6⎠ ⎝ 3⎠
⎛ π⎞ ⎛ π⎞
students could give a reason like cos⎜ a + ⎟ = − sin⎜ a − ⎟ , because they knew the property
⎝ 3⎠ ⎝ 6⎠
⎛ π⎞
cos⎜ a + ⎟ = − sin(a ) but only 8 in a class of 26 were able to do that. Others expressed
⎝ 2⎠
general reasons like “the calculator doesn’t work like we do”. So the work on the equivalence
of expressions had to be continued when new expressions were introduced to help students to
build suitable utilisation schemes.
As stated before, conscious use of the algebraic capabilities of the TI-92 may help students to
focus on the most suitable form for a given task, whereas paper and pencil schemes focus on
the rules of transformation. One may reasonably think that the joint development of the TI-92
and paper/pencil schemes is able to give an understanding of the equivalence of expression.
This is an example of how paper and pencil and TI-92 practices are to be thought
complementary in teaching, rather than opposed.
Like many calculators, the TI-92 offers a graphical window and a numerical table with a wide
range of capabilities. Therefore, it may enhance early functional thinking because graphical
and numerical schemes are essential for the growth of the function concept. As seen above, in
Figure 1, notions like the variations of a function implies the co-ordination of algebraic and
graphico-numerical utilisation schemes. Able users adjust settings of the graph window to
make visible properties that they see algebraically, and use algebraic transformations to prove
properties that they read from a graph.
A relevant task for developing these schemes is the study of functions whose properties are
not obvious in a standard graph (see Figure 1 for an example, and Guin, Trouche, 1998 for
others). From a task like this, teaching may focus on techniques for useful zooming
(identifying values of interest, specifying the graph window to show those values...) and for
relevant algebraic transformation (Expand for finding the asymptotic behaviour, Solve for the
intersection with axis...). From this, students can get a better view of the treatment of
functions in the graph window.
So, the second function, y2, was systematically defined as the derivative of the first function
y1. When she had to study a function, she introduced this function as y1, and then, without
doing anything, y2 was its derivative. She did know that, but not the way it worked. So in
ordinary tasks with her calculator she was comfortable. But when she had to use another
calculator, or in a task involving two functions, she was totally confused.
Whatever the difficulties, the design of teaching modules for pre-calculus courses forced our
team to make assumptions on how, with easier symbolic calculation, teaching may obtain an
adequate balance between representations. We assumed first that easier symbolic calculation
enlarges the possibility of linking enactive representations and theoretical calculus, and also
that teaching must avoid the danger of too close an association between concepts and
symbolic manipulative schemes, wiping out other representations.
and other calculators: see note 1.
Ruthven (1997) reviewed a number of researches into CAS in mathematics education. The prevalent topic
appearing in this review was the comparison of student performances between CAS and non CAS students.
Research reports on the impact of CAS in the everyday teaching are very recently available. One of them is
Guin, Trouche (1998)’s study.
Linking enactive representations and theoretical calculus
Enactive representations (Tall, 1996) exist in the prior differential knowledge of students. For
instance, most students have a sense of the tangential behaviour of curves from their
geometrical experience. It seems important to use this knowledge as a basis for the theoretical
concept of derivative, because differentiation is an analytic answer to the question of the
tangent line for a curve defined by a function. However, in the ordinary context of paper and
pencil calculations, students cannot really question their enactive differential notions because
they would have to consider, and give sense to, expressions which are beyond their
experience17. Using symbolic computation potentially helps students to work with these
expressions and to understand their meaning.
As an example, let us consider the introduction of the concept of derivative we experimented.
It starts from the following problem: Let (G) be the graph of the function f defined by
f ( x ) = x 2 − 1 and A be the point (1 , 0). For every straight line passing through A, a number
m exists such that an equation is y = m( x − 1) . What straight line gives the best fit of the
graph (G)? Through geometrical experience students were able to guess that the line of best fit
is when m=2. But the teacher stressed that, for m=1.9 and m=2.1, the lines also fit well, and
students recognised that zooming doesn’t help to distinguish the ‘fitness’ of the three lines.
From this reflection it appeared necessary to consider the distances between an arbitrary point
on the curve, near A, and the points of same abscissa (1+h) on the lines. The first three lines
of the TI-92 main screen below display the expressions of this distance for the three lines.
The simplified forms (on the right of the screen) gave a hint of why the line fits better for
m=2. In ordinary paper and pencil practice, the expressions and simplification would have
been complex for students and would have hidden the sense of the expressions. A feature of
symbolic computation is that students were able to focus on the symbolic forms without being
Motion and velocity are other enactive differential notions that could be considered. Questioning this notion
seemed even more difficult for students. So we did not consider this notion in the introduction of the concept of
derivative. It seemed however interesting that students establish the link between this notion and the
differentiation when the concept of derivative and associated schemes were steady enough.
For a very stimulating picture of problems arising when students have to build mathematical representations of
motion, see Boyd and Rubin (1996). Interestingly, they study the effect of mediation by a non-computer
technology: the interactive video.
disturbed by the complexity of hand calculations18. Students were, moreover, able to address
the more general question of what line fits the best among all lines passing through A.
Calculating with a parameter is never easy for students at this level, but the symbolic
computation (last line of the screen) made it similar to the preceding calculations.
Furthermore, given the aim to develop students’ links between their enactive conceptions of
tangent lines and the theoretical notion of derivative, one example is clearly not enough.
Symbolic computation again may make a contribution because students were able to address
the same question, first for other points of the same graph (G), then for other functions. The
example below shows a screen for the same function defined by f ( x ) = x 2 − 1 at the point
x=2, then for a cubic function at the point x=1.
Students were however interested for knowing the reason why the expressions simplified in that form. That is
why the teacher asked them to develop and simplify with paper and pencil one of the expressions. Done
separately of the main process of solving, and for only one expression, this hand calculation gave this process a
complementary meaning without obscuring it.
This process has clear links with the formalisation of proportionality in expanding patterns of Noss and
Hoyles: pupils have a perceptive (enactive) idea of patterns in proportion, and the computer helps them to
consider a formalised relation between those patterns.
small enough’. Then students had to study by the same means standard, as well as non
regular, limits before the limit function of the TI-92 was introduced.
The concept of derivative was introduced from a geometrical representation, as outlined
above, and another two sessions focused on activities where students had first to build a
formal definition of the derivative and then as for the limits, search for derivatives of standard
as well as non regular functions. In this work, students used the symbolic and graphic
facilities of the TI-92, but not the key for the symbolic differentiation (see screens).
After this it was time to consider the symbolic aspects of the concepts, namely the algebraic
rules by which a person or a machine is able to obtain derivatives or limits of expressions.
The question was how to use the TI-92 to teach students algebraic rules that their calculator
uses, and to give those rules a meaning.
Authors introduced the “black-box-white-box process” which could be an answer to the above
Using the CAS20 as a black box enables students to discover mathematical theories,
concepts or algorithms (...) to the point where the students say ‘we are able to do what
the CAS can do’ (Heugl, 1997, p. 34).
This is, in my opinion, too simplistic a view of the support computer algebra can give: using a
CAS as a black box, students will only discover symbolic entities. Learning theories and
concepts implies wider strategies, as we have seen above. However, as the black-box-white-
box process focuses on symbolic aspects of concepts, it could be useful for teaching symbolic
For instance, students could consider several examples of how the TI-92 computes limits and
derivatives and then learn to do those calculations by themselves. In this process the student is
likely to have more self-reflection than in a formal approach where the teacher demonstrates
the rules. However, from experience, we consider that implementing such processes is not so
simple. The first problem is that in this process students are prone to see only the
manipulative aspect of the rules, even when previous teaching focused on other
representations of the concepts.
Another difficulty occurs when students have insufficient algebraic maturity to give a suitable
meaning to the feedback from the computer. Pozzi (1994) gives an example where students
had to understand the rule for the differentiation of a product of functions. They considered
( )
the differentiation of x → cos( x ) 7 x 3 + 2 x , and, using DERIVE, they obtained
( )
( 21x + 2) cos( x ) − x 7 x + 2 sin x . Then, they deeply reflected on the central part of the
2 2
Computer Algebra System
misplaced because they did not see that the central part is not a sub-expression of the
derivative. Once more, we see how good algebraic schemes are essential to be able to make
sense of computer algebra output.
Pozzi further stresses that ‘computer algebra systems can support students to make sense of
their algebraic generalisation’ but he maintains that ‘this is only likely to be achieved if
(students) use the computer to explore and verify their conclusions and not simply as a
symbolic calculator’. So students should be encouraged to make conjectures about general
properties and produce examples to test these conjectures.
As an example of this we designed a session to enable students to discover the algebraic
properties of limits and to learn how to use them.
This algebra of limits is summarised in the following TI-92 table.
In this table, the four indefinite limits appear ‘undef’. The actual aim of the lesson was that the
students bear in mind these four cases as well discovering the means to solve these limits. For
⎛ 1 1⎞
instance, they should be able to recognise that lim⎜ 4 − 2 ⎟ is indefinite and to find that this
x→0 ⎝ x x ⎠
expression has actually a value (+∞).
We asked students to experiment on an example of explicit functions and not on symbolic
notations like in the above table. The data-matrix editor21 of the TI-92 was used to support
this investigation. The teacher introduced the first examples of limits of sums to give students
a method, and to introduce the problem of indefinite cases. Students were then requested to
produce others examples of possible values for lim ( f ( x ) + g ( x )) , when lim f ( x ) = +∞ and
x →0 x →0
lim g ( x ) = −∞ . Then they had to make conjectures for products and quotients and produce
x →0
examples to illustrate these. The TI-92 gave the values of the limits but the teacher asked the
students to explain the values by qualitative reasons or by calculation.
At this time students’ knowledge about limits was new and they encountered many
difficulties recalling even simple limits. We were aware that this lack of mathematical
maturity might cause them too much to rely on the TI-92 for the calculation of limits and thus
to use try and error strategies rather than anticipating. After a first experimentation of the
lesson we decided to make the limit point zero for all the limits.
With these settings students produced a lot of examples and convinced themselves that if
lim f ( x ) = +∞ and lim g ( x ) = −∞ , lim ( f ( x ) + g ( x )) may ‘give everything’. The other
x →0 x →0 x →0
indefinite cases did not appear immediately. For example, lim ( f ( x ) × g ( x )) presented
x →0
difficulties when lim f ( x ) = +∞ and lim g ( x ) = 0 , because many students produced
x →0 x →0
examples where this limit was zero, and thought it was a general rule. But other students
This module is like a symbolic simplified spread-sheet software.
produced examples where this limit was different, and convinced the class that it is again an
indefinite case.
The need for controlled anticipation induced students to think of limits on the basis of their
prior infinitesimal knowledge and the emphasis of the teacher that their reasoning corroborate
values obtained of the TI-92 helped here. The problem of indefinite cases clearly appeared to
students, and they could easily recall them from the examples that they produced. This is an
example on how the symbolic calculator might help the students to conduct a mathematical
activity in symbolic aspects of a concept in calculus without forgetting previously constructed
A number of sessions of more open research followed these introductory lessons. This paper
is a first look into how a teaching of pre-calculus might help the development of productive
calculator use schemes. Thus, it leaves the students at a first stage of their genesis. Analysis of
the sessions would help to see how in these sessions students put their schemes at work,
questioned and enhanced them.
To conclude, I will outline the issues discussed in this paper, and point out questions for
further analysis.
The table in Figure 4 summarises the key points which arise when I tried to conceptualise
changes in the mathematical activity in a classroom when every student uses a ‘computer-
like’ calculator and to see how teaching can take this use into account in a subject like pre-
calculus. I saw the role of mediation of these calculators from the many new potentialities and
constraints that they bring : when a student has one of these for everyday work in
mathematics, his/her action depends strongly on these. Using it along a year s/he develops
schemes specific to the calculator, together with other schemes. This instrumental genesis has
its own constraints deriving from the specificity of the calculator as well as of the
mathematical topic. As a student understands a mathematical topic from the schemes s/he
builds to do tasks in this topic, teaching has to be attentive to this genesis. The teaching
experiment I did with the DIDIREM team is a practical example of how a reflection on the
instrumental genesis helps to design lessons, developing students’ suitable schemes and
connecting various representations of concepts.
The role of schemes in the understanding of mathematics is not a new idea. In contrast, the
need for conceptualising the development of specific schemes of use recently appeared in the
research studies when students uses of technology moved from occasional to regular. The
context of long term everyday use of technology forced researchers to look at this
instrumental genesis. Techniques are now seen by mathematics educators as an important
level between the tasks and the theoretical reflection. However, this role has rarely been
considered in the use of computerised tools. This paper offers to look at the techniques as
official, rational objects in the classroom and to schemes as more 'private' entities making up a
frame for the learners’ knowledge. Highlighting various techniques and encouraging
discussion on them, teaching influences students’ development of utilisation schemes and is
thus able to direct it in a mathematically productive way.
In this paper, my approach of the changes induced by a complex calculator in the learner’s
action was a broad one and issues would deserve further analysis. Particularly, I had just a
short look at the effect of calculator language use on the students’ work. A reasonable
assumption would be that this language gives students an ‘expressing power’ that they could
use when working with the calculator, and also in classroom interactions as observed by
Hoyles and Noss (ibid. p. 153). These authors however demonstrated that this potential is not
a general property of the use of technology, but a consequence of particularities of the
microworlds that they analysed. Thus a more precise analysis of students’ uses of calculator
expressions to handle objects is to be done. This analyse should search for the possible
schemes and technologies which would give sense to these uses. More generally, with or
without calculator, we have to consider the instrumental dimension in students’ work. A
deeper look into this dimension would help to appreciate the respective contributions of the
paper/pencil work and of calculator use.
Figure 4
Key points in teaching pre-calculus with complex calculators
Special thanks are extended to John Monaghan. He made many helpful suggestions on the
content as well as helping to overcome language difficulties.
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