Thousand Thrones Expansion 2 Print
Thousand Thrones Expansion 2 Print
Thousand Thrones Expansion 2 Print
Expansion 2
A Supplement for Warhammer
Fantasy Roleplay
— Introduction —
This booklet is the second in a series of free, downloadable expansions to augment The Thousand Thrones campaign
for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. If you expect to play this campaign in the future, you should stop reading now.
Major spoilers are contained within the first few paragraphs of the next page. Certain NPCs and adventure locations
may be useful outside The Thousand Thrones, but these web booklets are designed first and foremost to enhance the
printed campaign and thus their utility as standalones is limited. The campaign book can be purchased from www.
Writing and Design: Jude Hornborg, Wayde Zalken, Steven and Dawn Lewis,
Jerzy Smiałek, Dan White, Chuck Morrison, Simon Crowe,
Tim Eccles, Alexander Bateman, Rob Gonzalez
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2010. All Rights Reserved. Games Workshop, the
Games Workshop logo, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the Warhammer Fan-
tasy Roleplay logo, Fantasy Flight Games, the Fantasy Flight Games logo and all associated
races and race insignia, marks, names, characters, illustrations, and images from the War-
hammer universe are either ®, TM, and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2004, variably
registered in the UK and other countries around the world. All rights reserved.
— Contents —
Vampire Prophecies:
Necrarchs and Blood Dragons................................3
Featured Personality: Lord De Trois....................................6
Wolfenburg Interludes..................................34
Death Cult of Nagash.....................................................38
Interlude 1: During the Investigation..................................42
Interlude 2: After the Passion Play.....................................45
Vale of the Necrarch.....................................48
Clan of the Cave Ghouls...................................................51
Herald Encampment.......................................................53
The Tower..................................................................54
The Big Showdown.......................................................65
Interlude 3: After the Necrarch’s Tower..............................68
Vampire Prophecies
Vampire Prophecies:
— Necrarchs and Blood Dragons —
The ancient conflict between Nagash and the vampires was introduced in The Thousand Thrones campaign (pg. 156-158), and
described further in the TTT Campaign Overview and Expansion #1 (pg. 3-4). Expansion #2 takes us deeper into death’s shadow,
revealing obscure lore of the Necrarch and Blood Dragon vampires.
For reasons unrelated, these two bloodlines have remained largely undocumented by prophecy scholars. Compared to the comprehen-
sive writings on the Strigoi, Lahmian and Von Carstein bloodlines, references to the Necrarchs and Blood Dragons are limited to a few
scattered footnotes in prophecy scholarship. To contextualise the roles of these two bloodlines in vampire history, we must first return
to the story of their progenitor, Nagash.
Players should not receive access to this supplement’s background unless indicated by the adventure text.
Vampire Prophecies
After W’Soran’s destruction, the remaining Necrarchs scattered
across the Old World to build towers and take on apprentices of
their own. Vampire hunters point to abandoned wizard towers
in Ostland and Ostermark as evidence of Melkhior’s handiwork,
suggesting the ancient Necrarch might have relocated several times
over the millennia.
Before receiving the blood kiss from Melkhior, the mortal known
as Zacharias was an apprentice to the famous necromancer Dieter
Helsnicht. Zacharias attempted to usurp Melkhior as Necrarch
apprentices often do, but he was unsuccessful and was driven away
from his master’s tower.
Mortals who manage to find a Necrarch’s hidden tower rarely live Currently, Zacharias is the dominant Necrarch of the bloodline.
to tell the tale. In the rare instance when a tower is located, the But even after obtaining Melkhior’s extensive library of lore,
Necrarchs will attempt to relocate before the local nobility can or- Zacharias knows his knowledge is incomplete. He suspects other
ganise a siege. Abandoned Necrarch towers can be found scattered Necrarchs are secretly withholding truer copies of the Grimoire
throughout the Old World like grotesque husks, infused with dark Necronium, so he tirelessly searches the Empire’s forests from atop
magic and the charred remains of diabolical experiments. his zombie dragon looking for any sign of their towers.
Vampire Prophecies
Vampires’ Curse
just as randomly as allergies, but their true origin is a subject of
continued debate. The divine origins of Blood Dragon quests are
of little interest to sciontologists, because they provide no use-
The first Blood Dragon Abhorash was former captain of Lahmia’s ful information about vampiric ancestry. Old chansons are of
elite guards. Queen Neferata knew Abhorash would refuse the some value, since they describe famous Bretonnian figures such as
Elixir of Life unless she could fool him into drinking it without Landuin and Aethelbert, who encountered the questing vampire
knowing its true properties. After his transformation, the en- knights and discovered their progenitors’ identities.
raged Abhorash tried to quash his blood thirst, but eventually his
willpower failed and he grudgingly joined the vampire Council of Unlike the Necrarchs, Blood Dragon vampires do not heed the
Twelve. Abhorash was made commander-general of Lahmia and prophecies of Nagash or W’Soran. Abhorash cautioned his war-
performed with such efficiency that crime was virtually unheard of. riors to eschew all prophecies which he declared were tools of
deceit. Blood Dragons are uninterested by the Thousand Thrones
Abhorash knew that the other Nehekharan kingdoms looked at prophecies, even if they have occasionally served Nagash’s will
Lahmia with suspicion, but his proposed codes of honourable con- unknowingly.
duct were rejected by the ruling Council of Twelve. The original
vampires continued wantonly feeding on their subjects without
any regard for laws. When the gods of Nehekhara cursed the vam- The Legacy of the Red Duke
pires, Abhorash received no dispensation.
The Red Duke of Aquitaine was the first of Abhorash’s Blood
When the Nehekharan kingdoms finally overthrew Lahmia, the Dragons to achieve success in Bretonnia. In 1454, the Red Duke
disenchanted commander-general led the city’s futile defence. But returned from the Arabyan crusades and raised a powerful army
after Lahmia’s fall, Abhorash felt betrayed by his vampire kindred to conquer the duchy of Aquitaine. Although the Red Duke was
and fled north to seek a release from the curses of the Old Gods. eventually destroyed, an account of his ambitious campaign was
In 253, Abhorash found a dragon’s lair atop a mountain and slew recorded by fellow crusader Giovanni Lanfranchi and his chaplain,
the fearsome beast. Upon drinking the dragon’s blood, Abhorash Anton Aethelbert of Morr.
gained awesome power and also discovered that his ravenous ap-
petite for blood had been cured. Lanfranchi and Aethelbert
Determined to perpetuate and expand his legacy, Abhorash After the Red Duke’s conquest of Aquitaine was halted, Lan-
founded several orders of vampire knights and taught them what franchi and Aethelbert established an order of Myrmidian vampire
he knew of the vampires’ curse. Abhorash advised his knights that hunters called the Priory of the Spear. The Priory located their
they could lift their curses by undertaking heroic quests as he had base in the Empire where the crusaders believed that the scions of
done with the dragon. He also promised to return one day and Nagash were hiding. Vampirological sciontologists speculate that
lead them, before disappearing from recorded history. Many of Lanfranchi and Aethelbert were actually forced to flee the king-
Abhorash’s descendants ultimately settled in Bretonnia, exploiting dom after they learned of a scandal involving the Red Duke and
its similar culture of chivalry to spread the Blood Dragon code and the King of Bretonnia. Most of the crusaders’ lore relating to the
conquer Aquitaine and Mousillon. Red Duke has subsequently disappeared from the Priory’s base in
Today, the largest Blood Dragon order is the Ordo Draconis of
Blood Keep, hidden in the Grey Mountains between Bretonnia Nourgul the Necrarch
and the Empire.
Lanfranchi and Aethelbert were not the only scholars interested in
Blood Dragon Quests the Red Duke. One of W’Soran’s original disciples was a hideous
Necrarch named Nourgul who reportedly appeared in Araby dur-
Blood Dragons seek to lift the curses of Nagash and the Old Gods, ing the time of the crusades. Nourgul opposed Abhorash during
but their methods are different from the Necrarchs. Instead of the last era of the Reman Empire, and also harboured a vendetta
academic pursuits, the Blood Dragons undertake epic quests di- against his greatest warrior, the Red Duke.
vined from auguries gained through hallucinatory blood-drinking
ceremonies. Scholars have found references to the old Nehekharan Nourgul was also obsessed with the Tome of Wisdom, which had
gods in historical accounts of Blood Dragon quests, enabling them been moved to Myrmidia’s temple in Magritta after crusaders lib-
to speculate on the divine origins of each vampire curse. Unfor- erated Estalia in the 15th century. On several occasions Nourgul
tunately, the majority of Blood Dragon history is passed down dispatched agents to steal the Tome of Wisdom from the temple,
through oral accounts of dubious reliability. but they all failed.
Vampire Prophecies
Morrian vampire historians insist that Nourgul sought the Tome Featured Personality:
of Wisdom because Lanfranchi and Aethelbert had appended it
with secrets pertaining to the Red Duke. This cannot be confirmed Lord De Trois
however, since the tome no longer holds traces of the crusaders’
original writings. What is known for certain is that the text of The Necrarch vampire known as Lord De Trois was a Myrmidian
some chapters – particularly chapter XII – was somehow altered prelate during the twilight years of the Reman Empire. Prelate
after an incident with Nourgul 300 years later. Claudius lived at a time when Tilea was overrun with the walking
dead and the people were desperate for heroes. But Claudius be-
In 1750, Nourgul’s undead army assaulted Magritta and breached lieved that Tileans had forsaken their beloved goddess by accepting
the doors of Myrmidia’s temple, but again the Necrarch failed a bandit chieftain as the avatar of Myrmidia reborn.
to seize his coveted Tome of Wisdom. After this final defeat, all
that remained beside the altar was a pile of ashes. Nourgul was One night when Morrslieb was full, Claudius abandoned his
never seen again. Conspiracy theorists believe that the Necrarch priesthood to become the third and final member of a vampiric
modified the text during his last hours under siege in the Estalian cult led by Nourgul. Taking the name Vecrasi, he would be the
temple, while the priests of Myrmidia attribute the tome’s mysteri- Necrarch’s last apprentice to receive the blood kiss.
ous revisions to divine intervention from their goddess.
Vecrasi followed his master’s instructions to the bitter end and was
struck down. However, the killing blow sent his body plummet-
ing into a deep crevasse, denying the Raven Knights their chance
to end his existence utterly. Vecrasi would reawaken less than a
Vampire Prophecies
year later to find the tower destroyed and its treasures plundered. widely speculated to be the fated scion of Nagash. Vlad’s destruc-
Empty handed, the emaciated vampire travelled north into the tion renewed De Trois’ interest in the Books of Nagash and the
Kingdom of Bretonnia. Grimoire Necronium specifically.
Phantom of the Library While these canonical necromantic tomes had been lost to De
Trois during his wanderings, many of their principles were encod-
It was during this period when Nourgul’s third apprentice first ed in his own Historica Numeralis. With no means of obtaining
called himself by the name De Trois. At first De Trois dwelt in a the original texts, De Trois dispatched a handful of mortal servants
forest cave much like the wild Strigoi vampires, but De Trois was to locate a copy of his early masterpiece. Upon revisiting the
a Necrarch and thirsted for knowledge rather than blood. Breton- Historica Numeralis after so many years, De Trois was struck by
nian chansons of the 19th century described a “phantom of the the artistry of his old work. Furthermore, the Necrarch discovered
library” whose glowing eyes made scholars flee with a single glare. many passages that he had no recollection of ever writing.
Whenever a knight inevitably arrived to cleanse the library of its
haunt, he would find nothing but a few disturbed tomes or scrolls. Among these forgotten passages was a curious reference to the
Ballads dating back to the Red Duke’s second campaign of destruc- Tree of Hope, which was described as a nexus between the mortal
tion in the 1930’s have led Bretonnian sciontologists to conclude and divine realms. Amid pages of genealogical historiography, De
that the infamous “library phantom” was in fact a Necrarch Trois also found a series of numerological computations revealing
vampire. that, in life, Nourgul belonged to the same lineage as Nagash. The
vampire’s already unstable mind snapped under the weight of this
After the Red Duke’s conquest of Aquitaine, a series of arcane new revelation.
diagrams etched into parchments of human flesh appeared nailed
to chapel doors across the kingdom. At first, the horrid scrolls were Heralds of a New Dawn
received as ill omens, but before long the prophetesses of the Lady
began to reconsider their true purpose. It seemed that someone The sanity shattering discoveries De Trois gained from the His-
was providing the Bretonnian king with very specific insights into torica Numeralis only hastened his transformation into a deranged
the weaknesses of the Red Duke and his henchmen. megalomaniac. The insane Necrarch suddenly declared that the
Kingdom of Death was nigh, and that his followers would need to
While there were never any witnesses to the posting of the docu- document his great ascension as the fated scion of Nagash. Hence-
ments, specific details and distinctive turns of phrase support forth, De Trois referred to his followers as his “heralds”.
the sciontologists’ belief that the documents were authored by
descendants of W’Soran. The Necrarchs’ betrayal of the Red Duke Then the Necrarch set to work forging a new undead civilisation
directly contributed to his defeat and exile to the Forest of Cha- that he believed would succeed mankind in the next epoch. To
lons. Ironically, when the knights of Bretonnia located De Trois’ this end, De Trois experimented with the creation of all manner
forest lair, they assumed he was one of the Red Duke’s sorcerers in of undead constructs in his laboratory, all the while dictating his
hiding. De Trois evaded the knights for nearly 50 years until he bizarre biography to his scribes. But as De Trois’ memory became
was cornered and slain for the second time. more muddled over time, the heralds were unable to follow his
rambling narratives and the vampire despaired at the limitations of
The Forgotten Scion of Nagash mortal minds.
De Trois would wait nearly a hundred years until the Vam- For the next 400 years, De Trois entrusted the recording of his bi-
pire Wars of the 21st century for his second resurrection. The ography to a vampire apprentice called Xyzyx. Xyzyx was the only
Necrarch’s body was a broken and wizened vessel, yet his fragment- mortal to ever receive the blood kiss from De Trois, who found
ed soul was firmly anchored to the desiccated husk. The weakened internal rivalries irksome. Xyxyx was gifted in astrology and used
Necrarch wandered from Bretonnia into the lands of the Empire his talents to support his master’s proclamations with astrological
where he sought the aid of the supreme Necrarch Melkhior. How- diagrams. This arrangement continued until Xyzyx was abducted
ever, Melkhior mistrusted the scions of Nourgul and sent De Trois by the Strigoi and taken to Hunger Wood.
away, warning him never to return.
Then on a cold night in 2518, De Trois unveiled the first of his
De Trois eventually found a secluded forest vale in Ostland where new creations: a living mummy that he called Lubomir the Undy-
he convalesced for several years before erecting a tower of his own. ing. Unlike other mummies, Lubomir was nearly indistinguishable
With his tower built, De Trois resumed the transcription of his from a living man, but most importantly he retained his capacity
previous research. However, when Vlad von Carstein was defeated for creative thought. Finally, De Trois had created the perfect sub-
in 2051, De Trois’ focus changed. jects to complete the epic work his heralds had begun so long ago.
During the early Vampire Wars, many Necrarchs believed the Over the four centuries since he erected his tower, De Trois also
realisation of Nagash’s Kingdom of Death was inevitable. Vlad had time to write several volumes of algebraic poetry and even a
von Carstein was presumed to be Vashanesh reincarnated, and was stage play. The twelve-act epic drama entitled Pax Necris retold the
Vampire Prophecies
De Trois was already aware that Nagash had been served by a for-
mer champion of Khorne named Krell, and his decryption of the
Coda: Pax Necris Elven song has piqued his curiosity about the role Chaos will play
in the Kingdom of Death.
Xyzyx’s astrological charts had not confirmed Valten as the Chosen
One, and shortly after his disappearance, a young boy emerged as a
second potential scion. De Trois consulted a vast array of resources
including his own Historica Numeralis, a Lanfranchi triptych pan-
el based on the Zandri Scrolls, and myriad numerological ciphers
to confirm that the boy named Karl was indeed the harbinger of
the Kingdom of Death.
Of course Karl’s existence was no secret, and before long his small
retinue swelled into a great crusade against Chaos. Cities and
towns along the crusaders’ trail held feasts and celebrations to hon-
our their holy visitor. When the crusade arrived in Wolfenburg,
the boy was to witness a passion play. De Trois recognised that this
convergence of events could not be more auspicious.
The Necrarch Lord’s plan was for his Heralds to infiltrate the
legitimate production of Heldenhammer!, and secretly replace the
scripts with his own masterpiece, Pax Necris. None of the regular
actors would be around to object, since they were poisoned and
replaced with Herald conspirators.
Vampires’ Curse
The Vampires’ Curse has endured long after the decline of the Nehekharan gods. For more information on the Lahmian heresy, see
“Curse of the Old Gods” (TTT, pg. 157).
Curses of Nagash ful Nagash declared that vampires would forever cower in the
shadows of Sigmar’s Empire. Theologians who believe in Nagash’s
When the vampires of Lahmia joined Nagash’s war against Khem- apotheosis cite the Curse of the New Gods as firm proof of Na-
ri, the Great Necromancer manipulated their leader Vashanesh gash’s divinity. Heretical sciontoligists claim the new gods are just
using a magical ring into which he’d bound the curses of all the alternate manifestations of the old, allowing Nagash to produce
gods. Three of the Vampires’ Curses were placed by Nagash either the Curse of the New Gods by invoking the power already bound
indirectly, or as subversions of other gods’ curses. More informa- in Vashanesh’s magical ring. However, most theories neglect to
tion on the Ring of Vashanesh will be included in Expansion #5. account for the disappearance of Vashanesh’s ring prior to Nagash’s
third return. Some vampires of the Lahmian bloodline believe that
Blood Thirst Vashanesh secretly aided Nagash against Sigmar.
All vampires are afflicted with Blood Thirst since the Elixir of
Life that W’Soran originally concocted was imperfect. Although
Lifting the Curse
Nagash is often credited with masterminding the Blood Curse, it With effort and determination, the Vampires’ Curse can be lifted
was W’Soran’s inability to decipher the encryption of the Great one weakness at a time. However, most vampires are too proud
Necromancer’s texts that produced an imperfect Elixir of Life. The to dwell on their failings for very long. Vampires prefer instead to
vampires’ Elixir was in one respect superior to the original for- forget their weaknesses by indulging their hunger for power. Two
mula, for it provided immortality with only a single drink whereas exceptions are the Blood Dragons and Necrarchs; vampires of
Nagash required continual dosages. But since Nagash himself had these bloodlines do in fact seek to lift their curses.
drunk the elixir without suffering from Blood Thirst, the vampires
claim that he intentionally manipulated his formula to create the
vampires’ dependence. Blood Dragons
Blood Dragons embark upon perilous quests, taking after their
Sunlight original master Abhorash who overcame his Blood Thirst by drink-
ing the blood of a dragon. Blood Dragon knightly orders such the
Eleven curses were issued by the Nehekharan gods against the Ordo Draconis typically meet once or twice every century to par-
vampires. The twelfth curse was from Ptra the sun god, who take in blood drinking rituals and declare their individual quests.
cursed Nagash’s bloodline directly, along with many of the vam- Quest objectives are interpreted from personal visions received
pires. When Nagash later created the Ring of Vashanesh, he bound during hallucinations brought on by a glut of ritual blood.
all of the curses into his artefact, including Ptra’s curse. In the
same moment that Vashanesh removed the ring and abandoned
Nagash in his war against Alcadizaar’s army, the enraged Necro- Necrarchs
mancer uttered the power word of Ptra. By the magic of his ring,
Nagash transferred Ptra’s curse of sunlight onto all the surviving Necrarchs look toward alchemy for the solution to the Vampires’
vampires. Over time, the sunlight curse has proven to be the vam- Curse. The first Necrarch W’Soran lifted his Blood Thirst using
pires’ greatest weakness. the secrets of alchemy, and today the Necrarch bloodline is nearly
free from dependence on blood for survival. Inspired by W’Soran’s
accomplishment, Necrarchs continue experimenting with mystical
Curse of the New Gods elements in the hope of lifting the many curses that still burden
(Religious Symbols) their bloodline.
Vampires’ Curse
No Reflection Pilgrimage to the resting place Powdered glass Asaph, Asp Goddess of Beauty, Luna*
of Queen Khalida in Lybaras Magic and Vengeance
Religious Symbols Drink the blood of a major Blessed water Nagash Unknown
deity’s high priest
Sawdust Destroy a rival vampire clan Sawdust Usirian, God of the Under- Sicro
Silver Suffer defeat in battle, followed Mercury Djaf, Jackal-headed God of Odet*
by resurrection Death
Stakes Drink the blood of a vampire Rowanwood sap Sokth, God of Assassins and Tora
hunter Thieves
Sunlight Slay a mortal knight in full Gold dust Ptra the Sun God (through Lost
daylight Nagash)
Tears Pledge service to the relatives Virgin’s tears Phakth, Hawk God of the Sky Taru*
of a previous victim and Justice
Warpstone Pass through a Warp Portal Powdered Warpstone Unknown (Nurgle or The Unknown
Horned Rat?)
Running Water Journey the full length of the Spring water Subekh, Crocodile God of the Beno
Great Mortis River Rivers
Necrarch Alchemical Element: Necrarch alchemy experi-
Vampire Weakness: These represent the most common Vam- ments require years of iteration in ghastly tower laboratories.
pire Weaknesses. For full rules and examples of rare weaknesses, see Usually, the core elements associated with Vampire Weaknesses
NDM pg.113-115. are transmuted into another element or perfected into a pure form
of the original element. The resulting elixir is then consumed or
Typical Blood Dragon Quest: The specific quests under- sprinkled upon the soil around the Necrarch’s tower.
taken to lift Vampire Weaknesses vary from one knight to the
next. Most quests fail to produce the desired result upon comple- Nehekharan God: Most Vampire Weaknesses result directly
tion, but every so often a curse is indeed lifted, thus encouraging from curses pronounced by old Nehekharan gods, however several
the Blood Dragons to carry on their questing traditions. Blood curses are believed by vampirological sciontologists to originate
Dragons are occasionally manipulated by Lahmian vampires into from Chaos gods. Radical historians even trace several of the Vam-
undertaking quests serving the schemes of their immortal queen, pire Weaknesses to the work of a mysterious ancient race called the
Neferata. Old Ones, with whom early Nehekharan dynasties were reported
to have had contact.
Vampires’ Curse
Religious Symbols
Daemonsroot and
Running Water
No Reflection
Blood Thirst
Wilhelm Hollenbach X X X X X X
Mad Orlock X X X X X X
Theodora Margrave X X X X X X
Lord De Trois X X X X X
Lydia von Carstein X X X X X X
Szevelk X X X X X X
Fall of Hollenbach
Hollenbach’s Curse vanquished his foe quickly, but he knew the advantage of surprise
wouldn’t last. Hollenbach tortured the captive Strigoi with silver
Hollenbach’s most troublesome curse is a strong aversion to saw- all through the night, and then finally at daybreak, the Strigoi re-
dust. According to legend, the curse was originally pronounced by vealed that its sire was a reclusive vampire called Lonely Pieter who
the Nehekharan god of the underworld, Usirian. Sawdust was a stalked the Grootscher Marsh around Marienburg. Hollenbach set
basic ingredient in the Mortuary Cult’s mummification rituals and out in search of the vampire Pieter.
Usirian saw fit to punish the vampires for withholding their most
sacred offering of death. In truth Lonely Pieter was not the progenitor of the Drakwald
Strigoi, but merely an outcast who’d taken up residence in the
Hollenbach despises this weakness, having realised that sawdust swamp. Hollenbach’s Strigoi captive had hoped that by mislead-
is in fact quite plentiful when one is trying to avoid it. Many inn- ing the Blood Dragon, his brothers and sisters would have time to
keepers scatter sawdust over their floors to absorb spilled liquids, organise an ambush. The tortured Strigoi couldn’t have imagined
and sawdust is also used for stuffing pillows and padding crates of that Hollenbach would spend his next two years tracking the wily
fragile goods. On several occasions Hollenbach has fled in terror hermit-vampire Pieter through the Wasteland swamps. Lonely Pi-
from bewildered peasants only because they had sawdust on their eter knew the swamps well and was able to conceal his tracks from
clothing. the frustrated Hollenbach with the aid of local Strigany Bonepick-
ers. When Pieter was finally cornered and defeated, he laughed
Three years ago, Hollenbach asked his liege Walach Harkon for a whilst his body shrivelled in Hollenbach’s biting grasp. Even as
quest that might dispel the curse of Usirian. Lonely Pieter’s desiccated body burned, the Wasteland Strigany
claim his laughter could be heard echoing across the marsh.
Hollenbach’s Quest
Hollenbach is a member of the notorious cabal of vampire knights The Drakwald Strigoi
known as the Ordo Draconis. During the Ordo’s last assembly at
Blood Keep in the Grey Mountains, Hollenbach was assigned a The true progenitor of the Drakwald Strigoi is none other than
quest by grandmaster Walach Harkon. Harkon instructed Hollen- Mad Orlock, whom the PCs encounter in Chapter III (TTT pg.
bach to eradicate the feral Strigoi vampires infesting the Drakwald 81). Mad Orlock feeds upon Middenland’s rural populace with
forest south of Middenheim. reckless abandon. Some of Orlock’s eviscerated victims survive and
transform into vampires, however Orlock has no desire for com-
Though it sounded like a simple quest at first, the Drakwald panionship so he leaves these accidental thralls to survive or perish
Strigoi were capable of transforming into giant vampire bats, mak- on their own. The Drakwald Strigoi typically travel in groups of
ing them very difficult to fight in the open. Instead, Hollenbach three or more.
believed he could weaken the troublesome Strigoi by first locating
and destroying their vampire progenitor. If he could slay the Old Without a true leader, the degenerate Drakwald Strigoi have no
Strigoi Father of the Drakwald, exsanguinate and burn his corpse, singular agenda. Although these feral creatures maintain contact
then Hollenbach believed he would be able to eradicate the Strigoi with many different Strigany clans, they are not regarded as true
from the Drakwald forest entirely. Upon completion of this quest, descendants of Ushoran. Pure-blooded Strigoi vampires look down
Hollenbach believes the curse of Usirian will be lifted. upon the Drakwalders, but they sometimes deign to educate their
half-bred kin in exchange for aid. One such mentor was Akana the
Hag, who commanded the Drakwalders to capture the Necrarch
Tracking the Drakwald Strigoi astrologer Xyzyx from his master’s tower over a century ago (Ex-
pansion #1, pg. 21).
Hollenbach departed Blood Keep sated with crimson ambrosia
and ready for battle. Through information gained in the torture
Additional background on Mad Orlock, the Old Father of the
of a Strigany vagabond, Hollenbach tracked down his first Strigoi
Drakwald Strigoi, will be provided in Expansion #3.
vampire near the western edge of the Drakwald forest. Hollenbach
Fall of Hollenbach
Hollenbach and the Strigany “Gaaargh! Do not kill him, take him to the petra! *cough* The
Age of a Thousand Thrones is here! *sputter* Remember the words
Among the Wasteland Strigany who helped Lonely Pieter evade of the Damask Lady!”
Hollenbach was an old mystic (or petra) named Mariana. Mariana
saw Lonely Pieter’s destruction as another portent of the Thousand GMs choosing to introduce the Thousand Thrones prophecies
Thrones prophecies and persuaded her clan’s chieftain to organise at this early juncture should consider the consequences. PCs are
a journey to the Drakwald forest. Mariana urged the importance likely to ask many questions, so NPC responses should be planned
of capturing the vampire Hollenbach so his blood could be used accordingly. The “Damask Lady” refers to Akana the Strigoi Hag
to channel the soul of Lonely Pieter. By communing with Lonely of Hunger Wood with whom the Drakwald Strigoi have made
Pieter, the Strigany petra hoped to gain insight into the Thousand contact previously. Hollenbach knows nothing substantial of the
Thrones prophecies. Joining Karl’s crusade, the Strigany cara- vampire prophecies.
van arrived in Pfeifeldorf a week before the events of Chapter II
unfold. For more information on the Wasteland Strigany, see page Chapter III and IV
As the events of Chapters III and IV unfold, the Drakwald Strigoi
In Pfeifeldorf, Mariana communicated with local animals and seek Mariana near Altdorf to deliver Hollenbach’s body. The
learned that the wounded Hollenbach was hiding in the Von Strigoi keep Hollenbach alive but weakened during their journey
Speier mausoleum. Mariana dispatched a message into the for- to meet Mariana. Using Hollenbach’s blood as a medium, Mariana
est and several days later a flight of giant bats arrived to capture will be able to contact Lonely Pieter’s banished soul and channel
Hollenbach, followed closely by a pack of ghouls. The vampire his wisdom of the Thousand Thrones prophecies.
knight’s quest had failed.
Chapter V to VII
As the PCs explore Villa Hahn in Chapter V, the Strigoi deliver
Hollenbach to petra Mariana. Hollenbach’s armour and weapons
are sold by the enterprising Strigany. Until Chapter IX, Hol-
lenbach lies bound and naked in Mariana’s wagon in case Lonely
Pieter needs to be consulted again. Hollenbach is kept weak by
blood deprivation under the watchful eye of Mariana’s spectral
guardian. After the Wolfenburg Interlude (pg. 69) Mariana and a
handful of loyal Strigany follow Tzeentch’s call north to Kislev, still
holding Hollenbach prisoner.
If the PCs liberate Hollenbach from the Strigany before they reach
Zhidovsk, the vampire will be most grateful. He is very weak how-
ever, reducing his stats as follows: WS 7, BS 4, S 0, Ag 5, M 1.
Hollenbach is only capable of crawling back westward to redeem
himself, although he will accept a short-term alliance with PCs
who bring blood to replenish his strength (see NDM pg. 112 for
Using Wilhelm Hollenbach Vampire Feeding rules).
Hollenbach is a tragic figure with a rather pathetic story arc. For Chapter VIII and IX
nearly the entire Thousand Thrones campaign, he is either weak or
restrained, and when Hollenbach finally does escape his captors in Unless the PCs intervene, Mariana will bring Hollenbach to the
Kislev, he becomes almost immediately enthralled by Karl’s power- village of Zhidovsk in Kislev. Hollenbach is rescued from the
ful charm and ultimately serves the Black Witch’s plan. Strigany by another Ordo Draconis Blood Dragon named Lorimar
Angsthof (TTT Expansion #5) who recently joined the Vampire
Chapter II Encampment (TTT pg. 207). Unfortunately for Hollenbach, he
encounters Karl whilst searching for a good sword at the crusader
Hollenbach’s capture at the end of Chapter II presents an oppor- camp and becomes enthralled by the boy. Karl asks Hollenbach
tunity to introduce the Thousand Thrones prophecies to PCs at a to help him find his mother and Hollenbach agrees. Hollenbach
much earlier stage than the campaign otherwise would. If at least leads Karl into the Womb alongside four other victims of Karl’s
one Strigoi is reduced to 0 Wounds during the battle, the dying charm; unwitting vampire participants in the Black Witch’s soul
vampire calls after his cohorts as they fly away with the subdued transfer ritual (see Expanded Campaign Overview pg. 5 for de-
Hollenbach: tails).
Fall of Hollenbach
5 years ago: Lucas von Speier and Arnolt Schade form the 6 days ago: The Wasteland Strigany caravan arrives in Pfeifel-
Blauesblut to champion the abolition of primogeniture. dorf. Hollenbach continues to convalesce, but his healing is slowed
by lack of blood. Lucas acquires a small game animal for him.
3 years ago: Lennhardt von Speier is formally named heir to
the von Speier family holdings, much to the dismay of von Spier’s 5 days ago: The Strigany are welcomed in Pfeifeldorf for their
younger and more competent son Lucas. The Ordo Draconis cheap services. Hollenbach is served more animals by Lucas.
convenes at Blood Keep and Hollenbach receives his quest from Household pets go missing over the next few days.
Walach Harkon.
4 days ago: Lucas orders Caspar Messerschmidt to steal one of
2 years ago: Bretonnian-in-exile Francine Arouet arrives in Frau Gertrudt’s chickens. Caspar tears Hollenbach’s cloak (which
Pfeifeldorf after a rather hasty exit from Marienburg. Francine de- he wore as a disguise) on Old Man Eysen’s fence and is spotted by
cides to linger and write a pamphlet on the travails of the common town Reeve, Walther Schnee. Mariana learns of Hollenbach’s pres-
man. Hollenbach pursues the crafty Strigoi vampire Lonely Pieter ence in Pfeifeldorf by magically questioning the local animals.
through the Grootscher Marsh.
3 days ago: Caspar attends a sermon by Karl and is instantly
6 months ago: Lennhardt von Speier is tripped by Old Man converted. The Cult of the Child departs Pfeifeldorf. Frau Ger-
Eysen and has him arrested, then demands an execution. Lucas trudt harrasses Zecharius Lauer over her missing chicken. Mariana
intervenes on Eysen’s behalf and the sentence is commuted to a dispatches dozens of frightened animals into the forest with a
public flogging. Lucas is incensed at Lennhardt’s injustice. Hol- message for the Drakwald Strigoi, saying that Hollenbach is in
lenbach locates Lonely Pieter in the marsh and injures him during Pfeifeldorf.
a fierce fight, but Lonely Pieter flees.
2 days ago: The Strigany depart Pfeifeldorf. Lucas accidentally
4 months ago: Retired Imperial Mathematician Johannes kills Caspar Messerschmidt during an argument, after Caspar
Gephardt decides to settle down in Pfeifeldorf and write a book. declares his intention to abandon Lucas’ plan and follow Karl’s
Hollenbach finally catches Lonely Pieter and destroys him. crusade instead. Caspar’s death is made to look like a suicide.
1 month ago: Lorentz von Speier falls ill and is confined to 1 day ago: Zecharius Lauer assures Frau Gertrudt her chicken’s
his bed. Hollenbach arrives at the Drakwald forest and begins disappearance is being investigated, but that Messerschmidt’s
his campaign to eradicate the local Strigoi clan. The Wasteland suicide investigation must take priority. Frau Gertrudt continues
Strigany organise a mass exodus into the Drakwald. to harangue Zecharius, who is coming to his wits end.
10 days ago: Returning from a trading journey to Marienburg, Today: the PCs arrive in Pfeifeldorf.
Lucas comes across a wounded Hollenbach, the remains of his
defeated Strigoi victims and many dead ghouls. Lucas discovers
Hollenbach is a vampire, and forms a plot to discredit or kill his
cruel brother, Lennhardt. Lucas realises the danger, but he is too
desperate to care.
Featured Faction: Strigany
Ahmed’s role in the Vampire Prophecies should not become apparent until Chapter VII regardless of the PCs’ activities.
For more background on Strigos, the Strigany nomads and the Clan and Crusade
Strigoi vampires, see Expansion #1, pg. 3-5.
As far as the rest of the Crusade is concerned, the nomadic
Strigany contingent is regarded with suspicion, for their roguish
Culture and Language ways and more. Ever present rumours persist of ties between the
Strigany and vampires. To avoid unwelcome scrutiny and con-
Strigany languages and traditions have changed very little since the frontation, the Lodring Strigany caravan typically trails behind the
fall of Strigos because their people rarely partner with outsiders. main body of the crusade and makes camp on its fringes, usually
The Strigany have a natural affinity with beasts and are therefore within a defensible copse of trees.
regarded as expert animal trainers. The Strigany tongue is guttural
but also gentle, with dialects varying somewhat between clans. The Strigany do not all travel together however. Only half of the
Individual dialects place different suffixes at the ends of words; greater Strigany contingent actually follows the crusade by land.
for example a Rumanyik chieftain would be called a “domnu” The remainder sail up the Reik on heavily-laden riverboats to ren-
and their mystic a “petru”, meanwhile the Lodring counterparts dezvous with their brethren near Altdorf (TTT Chapter IV).
are addressed as “domnar” and “petra”. The Strigany believe that
absolutely nothing must go to waste, so post-mortem cannibalism Major journeys are unusual for the Wasteland Strigany unless
is widely accepted in times of famine. Their dietary habits make they’re meeting another clan for purposes of trade or marriage.
the Strigany susceptible to degenerative ghouldom. This particular journey was initiated by petra Mariana, for she car-
ries a powerful relic of Nagash that must be returned to the Great
The Lodring Strigany Necromancer’s cult in Ostland.
Lodring Strigany are unlike the other Strigany clans in the Old Lodring Strigany Demographics
World. Their skin is darker and they lead a much less mobile
lifestyle. Several scholars speculate that the Lodring aren’t actu- The Lodring Strigany clan consists of more than a dozen families
ally Strigany at all. Instead, these sceptics believe the Wasteland living in small camps throughout the Grootscher Marsh in the
Strigany are descended from refugees of Mourkain who fled their Wasteland. Although each camp is self-sufficient, the Strigany
doomed city in boats, centuries before Strigos was built upon its maintain frequent contact with their neighbours to share informa-
ruins. Another theory traces the Lodring Strigany’s origins not to tion. Since there are less than a hundred current members, the
the refugees of fallen empires, but to the nomadic desert tribes of Lodring clan must always remain vigilant.
the land now called Araby.
Featured Faction: Strigany
The Lodring Strigany are trappers and scavengers, though what The Rumanyik Strigany
they consider scavenging Marienburgers often call theft. Their
camps consist of tents, hide-covered wagons or houseboats as The Rumanyik Strigany trace their lineage to the Qu’rashi nomads
dictated by terrain and travel requirements. Normally, the Lodring who roamed the deserts near ancient Strigos. According to legend,
Strigany only interact with outsiders while trading, but scarcity of Nagash lived among the Qu’rashi following his exile from Khemri
food sometimes forces young members to leave the clan and make and sired a child who became the subject of many prophecies.
their own way in the world. Lodring Strigany families are polyga- In most respects Rumanyik customs are typical of other Strigany
mous. clans who worship the vampires of Strigos. However, their petrus
also practice a unique form of blood magic supposedly passed
The leader of the Lodring Strigany is a grizzled veteran named down from Nagash himself. The Rumanyiks’ alleged connection
Ali who has four wives. Ali’s position as clan domnar was earned with the Great Necromancer has made them favoured targets
through ritual combat when Ali was just a young man. Others of crusading templars, and thus the Rumanyiks have sought to
have challenged his leadership over the years, but Ali endures. The distance themselves from Nagash’s legacy. Strigany mothers who
Lodring Striganys’ elder mystic is a pox-scarred crone called petra believe themselves to be scions of Nagash occasionally entrust their
Mariana. Without Mariana’s support, Ali could not have remained first-born babies to the Rumanyiks.
domnar for so long. For additional information on the Qu’rashi nomads, see TTT pg.
156. The Rumanyik Strigany camp is described on TTT pg. 179.
Typical Wasteland Strigany Bonepicker
Rumanyik Demographics
The Lodring Strigany are tough people accustomed to a hard life The Rumanyiks are pedlars and scavengers who rarely venture
in the swamp. Their dour temperaments and grubby clothes are outside of Sylvania for fear of being hunted. Repeated ethnic
uncharacteristic of traditional Strigany clans. The Lodring Strigany cleansing by Myrmidian, Morrian and Sigmarite templars has
are skilled foragers with a strong sense of clan duty, and often reduced the Rumanyiks to a handful of families totalling less than
sacrifice individual gains for the good of the community. Common fifty members. Individual Rumanyik families sometimes embark
racial traits include black hair, brown skin and sharp features. on trade missions to the Border Princes and return with exotic
goods which the clan trades to wealthy Von Carstein nobles. The
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Rumanyik Strigany are led by Mama Raluca who is both clan
leader and wise woman.
32 36 31 38 36 31 34 30±
Attacks: 1; Movement: 4; Wounds: 13
Armour (Light): Leather Jack (Arms 1, Body 1)
Weapons: Hand Weapon (1d10+3), Bow (24/48, 1d10+3),
Dagger (1d10)
The clothes worn by Wasteland Strigany are drab patchworks
of cloth and leather, and they adorn themselves with charms
fashioned from the skeletons of small animals. Sling bags contain
one or two days’ rations, personal effects and assorted coins
totalling 2d10 p value.
Featured Faction: Strigany
Featured Faction: Strigany
Insanity Points: 2
Petra Mariana
Host of Fiends (WFRP pg. 205): Mariana learned the magical
Ethnicity: Rumanyik by birth, Lodring by clan exchange arts by opening her mind to the Warp. Over the years, she has
inadvertently allowed several minor daemons of Chaos to take up
Female Witch, ex-Hedge Witch, ex-Strigany Mystic residence within her body. At the start of each week, roll 1d100 on
the Petra Mariana Temperament Table to determine which Chaos
Petra Mariana is a wizened crone of unknown age and parentage. aspect influences her.
Originally hailing from the Rumanyik Strigany clan of Stirland,
Mariana was sent to the Lodring Strigany as a dowry in exchange Wheel of Dread and Pleasure (WFRP pg. 207): Mariana under-
for Mama Raluca’s marriage to the Rumanyik chieftain. Mariana goes periods of agitation followed by stretches of melancholy. Roll
has been the subject of quiet grumblings amongst the Lodrings, 1d10 on the Petra Mariana Temperament Table at the start of each
many of whom would have preferred for Raluca to stay. But over week to determine whether she’s gripped by Dread or Pleasure.
time, Mariana has proven her cunning and magical prowess many
times over. Mariana is well-versed in the mystic traditions of both
Strigany clans. On the occasions when domnar Ali has been chal- WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
lenged, Mariana has helped him retain leadership with her magical 35 34 36 44 38 42 54 35±
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Necromancy - Int), Animal Care
The winds of magic have taken a toll on petra Mariana’s sanity (see (Int), Channelling (WP), Charm (Fel), Common Knowledge
below). Her mood swings dictate the Strigany’s attitudes toward (Empire, Wasteland - Int), Drive (Str), Evaluate (Int), Gossip
outsiders, because Mariana’s daemons use her voice to spread (Fel), Haggle (Fel), Hypnotism+10 (WP), Intimidate+10 (Str),
their gods’ agendas. The Lodring Strigany are reluctant to upset Magical Sense (WP), Perception (Int), Performer (Musician
Mariana, for they fear her power. Mariana attracts many customers - Fel), Search (Int), Secret Signs (Astrologer - Int), Sleight of
to the Strigany camp with her fortune-telling act performed under Hand (Agi), Speak Language (Reikspiel, Strigany - Int), Trade
the identity of “Madame Mira”. (Apothecary - Int)
Mariana reluctantly became involved with the cult of Nagash after Talents: Hedge Magic, Petty Magic (Hedge), Sixth Sense, Rover,
Farouk’s Corpus Aeternum chapter was purged by witch hunters Witchcraft
(see Claw of Nagash, pg. 25). The Claw escaped capture using
± Mariana suffers a -10 penalty to Fel-based tests when dealing
its sinister instincts and scurried away to the Wasteland where it
with non-Strigany
ended up in Mariana’s possession. Mariana is eager to be rid of
the Claw as soon as possible, since she had daemons of her own
to contend with even before Nagash’s will began pulling at her old Combat
mind. Attacks: 1; Movement: 4; Wounds: 14
Armour: None
Weapons: Staff (1d10+1; Defensive, Pummelling)
Magic: 2
Petty Magic Spells: Protection from Rain, Ghost Step, Ill Fortune,
Witchcraft Spells: Deathsight (Death), Earth Blood (Life), Earth
Gate (Life), Fountains of Blood (Nagash – NDM pg. 119),
Master’s Voice (Beasts)
Petra Mariana wears a tattered brown cloak and walks with a
birch-wood staff. She is draped with warding charms and animal
bone jewellery. In a satchel bag, Mariana carries ingredients for
her spells: a dagger, an iron key, a small whip made of animal
hair, a pouch of grave dirt and a jar of leeches. On dangerous
expeditions, Mariana equips herself with the Claw of Nagash (see
Claw of Nagash sidebar, pg. 25). She keeps a pouch with 173 p
stashed in her wagon.
Featured Faction: Strigany
Profile: +10 Ag, -10 Int, -10 WP, -10 Fel Profile: -10 Ag, -10 WP, -20 Fel
Strigany Disposition: Hostile (-20) Strigany Disposition: Cold (-10)
26-50: Wanderlust: She looks younger than usual and has a spring in Wierdroot Binge: Her eyes are glazed and she speaks in broken
Slaanesh her step. Carousing the encampment, she sings the Hedgehog sentences. Days are spent in her wagon organising her bone col-
Song and winks suggestively at young men. lection. Nights are spent in deep slumber.
Profile: +10 Ag, -10 Int, -20 WP Profile: -10 Ag, -20 WP, -10 Fel
Strigany Disposition: Congenial (+10) Strigany Disposition: Neutral (0)
51-75: Rot and Filth: Mud covers her face and she leers with crooked, Wallowing: Her bed is a reeking nest of human waste in which
Nurgle brown teeth. She delights in touching the crusaders with her she stews for days on end. She locks her door, admitting no one.
dung-caked hands. Anguished wails are heard periodically.
Profile: +10 Ag, -10 Int, -10 WP, -20 Fel Profile: -10 Ag, -10 WP, -30 Fel
Strigany Disposition: Neutral (0) Strigany Disposition: Cold (-10)
76-100: Madame Mira: She becomes lost in her “Madame Mira” per- Prophetess of Fear: She stares at people in wide-eyed terror. Her
Tzeentch sona, and temporarily forgets her true identity. Mira’s costume is trembling voice delivers portents of impending doom. She is
a clean blue dress and a red bonnet. unresponsive to dialogue.
Profile: +10 Ag, -10 Int, -10 WP Profile: -10 Ag, -10 WP, -10 Fel
Strigany Disposition: Congenial (+10) Strigany Disposition: Cold (-10)
Featured Faction: Strigany
Strigany Reactions
of aiding the ferocious Strigoi vampire. Several weeks later, dur-
ing Chapter VII, Ahmed’s mother Suri might approach the PCs
imploring them to rescue her son.
The Striganys’ reaction to outsiders at any given time is dictated by
In truth, the Wasteland Strigany have only peripheral connections Mariana’s temperament. The Disposition scores listed on the Petra
with the vampires in the Thousand Thrones campaign. However, Mariana Temperament table reflect the attitudes of everyone in
in the process of establishing the clan’s innocence, diligent PCs the clan, not just petra Mariana. Disposition modifiers are applied
might expose petra Mariana’s collusion with Farouk and the cult of to all Fellowship-based tests by the PCs.
Madame Mira (+10) The Strigany are congenial and welcoming of guests. Mariana (as Madame Mira) is available for
Wierdroot Binge (0) customers.
Wanderlust (+10)
Rot and Filth (0) The Strigany are receptive to visitors, but may attempt to swindle them. Mariana (wearing her old
Prophetess of Fear (-10) rags) is available for customers, but the Strigany will advise PCs against seeing her.
Cruelty (-10)
Featured Faction: Strigany
Chapter I
After the attack by the Strigoi vampire Mad Orlock in Chapter III,
GMs wishing to pique the PCs’ interest in the Lodring Strigany the crusaders become even more suspicious of the Strigany. One of
can plant a reference to the recently decamped clan at the swamp the crusaders searches the caravan but uncovers no incriminating
temple in Chapter I. The journal of Stromfels priest Dahlbert evidence. In truth, Mad Orlock is a renegade Strigoi with whom
the Maw (TTT pg. 27) could be appended with a reference to the Lodring Strigany have no connection whatsoever. More details
the cult’s “Strigany guests” who occasionally come to worship at on Mad Orlock and his strange bargain with the Ruinous Powers
the swamp temple. After the PCs leave Marienburg, they might will be revealed in Expansion #3.
encounter 4-6 Strigany laggards who travel several days behind
their kinfolk. If any PCs speak out in defence of the Strigany, Ali thanks them
for their support. This would be an ideal place to have the PCs
interact with Ali’s wife Suri, who could serve as a secondary plot
Chapter II hook into Chapter VII (see Strigany Intrigue, pg. 159). If the PCs
have previously done business with the Strigany, Ali might offer to
Inquisitive PCs may learn that the Lodring Strigany stopped in
sell them exotic furs at a bargain price (see Strigany Encampment
Pfeifeldorf along with Karl’s crusade. Successful Gossip tests at the
supply wagons, pg. 23).
Wet Whistle (TTT pg. 47) concerning Frau Gertrudt’s chicken
might reveal that a group of 50 or more Strigany had been follow-
ing the crusade. They ate raw meat and collected animal bones. Chapter V
This is of course a red herring, because the animal thefts continued
after the Strigany departed three days ago, but Pfeifeldorfers are While the PCs battle Nurgle cultists in Villa Hahn, the Lodring
quick to blame the Strigany for just about anything. Strigany rendezvous with the Drakwald Strigoi and take custody
of the Blood Dragon vampire Hollenbach. Mariana wishes to per-
During the crusade’s stay in Pfeifeldorf, petra Mariana communi- form a ritual using Hollenbach’s blood to channel the prophetic
cated with the Drakwald Strigoi who appear at the end of Chapter wisdom of their former Strigoi patron, Lonely Pieter. After com-
II to capture Hollenbach the Blood Dragon vampire (see The Folly muning with Pieter, Mariana learns that the clan must continue
of Hollenbach pg. 12 for details.) following the Crusade to the east.
Featured Faction: Strigany
Camp Layout
PCs approaching the Strigany Caravan may attempt a Magical 2. Petra Mariana’s Wagon
Sense Test to detect the presence of dark magic (Dhar). If the This single-horse house wagon is old and rotted through in places.
test succeeds by 3 Degrees of Success, the source of Dhar can be The wheels are of newer construction. Bunches of dried herbs and
traced to petra Mariana’s wagon (#2), which contains the Claw of wildflowers decorate the exterior covering the worst patches of rot.
Nagash. The door has a simple lock (1 Pick Lock test to open). Trespassers
will discover that Mariana has a guardian Spectre (OWB, pg. 110).
1. Ali, Suri and Ahmed’s Wagon The Spectre always remains invisible unless called upon during
Madame Mira’s fortune-telling sessions. Unauthorised intruders
This two-horse house wagon, owned by domnar Ali, is constructed
are attacked by the Spectre’s chilling touch, causing the apparition
of sturdy weathered planks and painted with Strigany warding
to become visible. The Spectre uses its Terrifying Display to drive
symbols. The underside of the wagon is waterproofed with pitch.
away intruders capable of injuring it with magic. Mariana’s Spectre
Whenever the wagon is unoccupied its door is padlocked (2
guardian is a former Strigany lover who swore never to leave her
successful Pick Lock tests to open). Inside is a workshop littered
side. It has been assigned by Mariana to guard the Claw of Nagash
with tools, broken weapons and scraps of leather. A bead curtain
and does not leave her wagon unless instructed.
separates the sleeping area from the workshop. The floor of the
sleeping area is covered with furs and cushions. A loose ceiling
The floor of Mariana’s wagon is littered with small animal bones
board in Ali’s sleeping quarters can be discovered on a Routine
from which she creates protective charms and talismans. A heavy
(+10) Search Test. The roof cavity contains a hidden compart-
locked chest (2 Pick Lock tests to open) contains the Claw of
ment with Ali’s most valuable possessions: 21 gc, 34 s, 55 p, 3
Nagash wrapped in layers of cloth (see Claw of Nagash sidebar,
chunks of quartz (valued 1d10 gc each), a crescent-shaped bone
pg. 25). The chest also contains a clay urn with the ashes of the
pendant (Lucky Charm, WFRP pg. 123) and the Ritual Dagger of
Strigany’s Old Father, Lonely Pieter, who was recently exsanguinat-
Mourkain (see sidebar).
ed and cremated by the Blood Dragon vampire Hollenbach.
Ali’s wagon is normally occupied by himself, Suri and Ahmed,
Although Mariana’s body is infested with minor daemons, she does
along with his third wife Vera. Ali’s second wife Fatima and their
not worship the Chaos gods and her wagon contains no direct
son pilot the domnar’s barge up the Reik (see River Strigany
evidence of Chaos taint.
Flotilla, pg. 23). His first wife Zafia died from grave rot fourteen
years ago.
Featured Faction: Strigany
3. House Wagons
The Lodring Strigany live in covered wagons, some of which
have their undersides waterproofed with pitch. The waterproofed
wagons are also highly flammable. A typical house wagon contains
hand weapons, 1d5 days’ supply of food, 1d10 p and personal ef-
fects for a family of four.
4. Supply Wagons
The supply wagons are guarded closely. Two of the wagons are
packed with dry foodstuffs. The Strigany have also brought a
wagonload of muskrat and mink furs to trade with inland folk.
The Strigany have 8 Trade Units of furs, which they will barter or
sell for only 15 gc per TU (minimum 12 gc after Haggling). See
the WFRP Companion for Encumbrance and Availability values
of trade goods.
5. Horses
Wasteland Strigany draft horses are bred for slogging through
treacherous swamps. Adjust the profile for Riding Horses (WFRP
pg. 233) as follows: increase S and T to 43%, reduce M score to
6 and increase Swim skill by +20%. Two guards watch the prized
horses at all times.
Featured Faction: Strigany
River Strigany
3. Coastal Barge inquisitive PCs may learn the information listed under Lodring
Strigany Demographics (pg. 15). The other boatmen are mostly
The largest boat in the river Strigany flotilla is a 60-foot coastal
uncommunicative with outsiders.
barge capable of sailing in moderately choppy waters. The coastal
barge is normally used by the Lodring Strigany for salvaging
shipwrecks along the Wasteland’s rocky shores. On this voyage to Attacking the Flotilla
Altdorf, the coastal barge carries 14 armed Strigany Bonepickers
who are prepared to defend the flotilla in the event of attack. PCs who attack the Strigany flotilla on open water will have dif-
ficulty approaching the two smaller boats without confronting the
Using the River Strigany well-manned Coastal Barge. Aziz and his Riverboat crew are skilled
oarsmen capable of skilfully steering their craft around the Coastal
Barge in evasive manoeuvres.
PCs who travel by river may encounter the Strigany flotilla en
route to Altdorf (see Murder on the Reikaak Express, pg. 26). The
If the Strigany flotilla is attacked whilst moored, the Bonepickers
river Strigany are more welcoming of guests than their overland
will immediately attempt to unfetter the Riverboat and Swamp
counterparts, especially those who express an interest in buying
Boat and cast off from the riverbank. The two smaller boats will
furs. The river Strigany receive occasional missives from petra Mar-
remain roped to the Coastal Barge, which serves as a missile
iana’s animal servants, but the rivermen aren’t subject to Mariana’s
platform for its crew of 14 Strigany bowmen. PCs who board the
Disposition modifiers. Fatima uses her basic proficiency in Ka’doni
Swamp Boat might capture Aziz or Fatima before they can escape
mysticism to interpret the messages from petra Mariana.
overboard, in which case the Strigany will attempt to negotiate
their release.
Talking to the Boatmen
The Strigany’s primary concern is to protect the Riverboat and its
Fatima’s son Aziz is a gracious host with the smug self-assuredness cargo of furs, so they keep it fettered to the Coastal Barge at all
that’s typical of a favourite son. PCs who bought passage aboard times. In the event of the Riverboat being boarded, the Strigany
the salvaged riverboat (see pg. 26) are visited at least once daily by will abandon the Coastal Barge to counter-board the Riverboat
Aziz, and they’re invited to eat with the Strigany each night. Aziz and repel the attackers.
prefers to steer conversation away from the topic of his clan, but
Claw of Nagash
The Claw is capable of moving on its own volition when threat- The Nagashite acolytes tasked with returning the Claw to their
ened, crawling like a desiccated spider with a Movement score master are called the Corpus Aeternum. This sect has searched for
of 6. It can only be damaged by magic, and has TB 6 and 20 the Claw ever since the Great Necromancer returned for the third
Wounds. time to battle Sigmar Heldenhammer. They believe the relic serves
to anchor Nagash’s corporeal presence in the material realm, no
History: The mummified right hand of Nagash is a powerful matter how thoroughly the rest of his body is destroyed.
relic infused with dark magic and soul energy (see Remains of
Nagash, pg. 3). When Nagash returned during Sigmar’s time, he The Corpus Aeternum believe that Nagash returned weakened
discovered that his resurrected form was imperfect; weaker than during the Night of the Restless Dead in 1681, and that further
before, and he knew it was because of his missing appendage. blood sacrifice will hasten his return to full power. As long as the
Nagash fashioned a prosthetic iron hand to temporarily replace his Claw of Nagash remains intact, they contend Nagash’s corpse dust
severed talon, and it’s believed that he will reattach the true Claw will slowly drift towards the Black Pyramid of Khemri, where it
when he next returns. eventually congeals into the form of a fearsome black liche.
Interlude: Reikaak Express
“Here’s Your Ticket” the Marienburg investigation was unsuccessful, Roderick’s letter
simply instructs the PCs to meet him in Altdorf for payment. The
PCs are duly paid upon arrival in Altdorf, and later when Karl’s
The Reik river route might be chosen by PCs following the “In crusade reaches the city, Roderick employs them as spies.
The Service of Sigmar” or “We’re All Prisoners Here” adventure
hooks (TTT pg. 11-12). Both the witch hunter Roderick and
Imperial diplomat Wilhelm Schmidt can afford to purchase Poor
We’re All Prisoners Here: Having gained the information
he wanted, Wilhelm Schmidt is eager for the PCs to leave Marien-
Quality accommodations for the PCs in the cargo hold of a barge.
burg immediately. Wilhelm buys the PCs cheap, one-way tickets
up the Reik aboard a River Strigany boat (see pg. 23).
In The Service of Sigmar: After the Marienburg investiga-
tion, Roderick leaves a letter for the PCs. If the investigation Any PCs who have yet to secure an employer or benefactor must
was successful, Roderick’s letter offers a one-month employment purchase their own tickets.
contract and includes tickets aboard a Reikaak barge to Altdorf. If
Table 2.5: Accommodation Quality
Table 2.4: River Travel Times & Fares:
Marienburg to Altdorf Cost Description
Best x5 Each traveller is given a luxury cabin
Time Fare Quality with a small side room for servants
Ship 11 days 125 gc per Good, Aver- Good x2 Each traveler receives a small private
passenger age or Poor cabin with a comfortable bed
Barge (Reikaak) 23 days 7 gc per Any Average x1 Travellers sleep two or three per cabin in
passenger narrow bunks
River Strigany 20 days 4 gc per Average or Poor x 0.5 Travellers sleep in a cargo hold among
passenger Poor sacks of coal or barrels of salted fish
Interlude: Reikaak Express
Interlude: Reikaak Express
Joining the Crusade self before the situation escalates further. When Gérard heard of a
great vampiric battle near Marienburg, he suspected Mad Orlock’s
involvement. Spying on the nearby Wasteland Strigany nomads,
20 miles or so to the north, the crusade’s overland route runs more Gérard learned of their great exodus and resolved to follow in
or less parallel to the river. When PCs disembark at Altdorf, the pursuit of Mad Orlock.
crusade has just departed Pfeifeldorf (Chapter II). PCs should
be encouraged to take the north road to intercept the crusade Gérard Dunpeal is employed by the Bretonnian monastery of Sacre
instead of waiting. PCs arriving at Altdorf in less than 16 days can Bleu, so has more than adequate resources. In all scenarios, Gerard
intercept the crusade in the village of Gooten on the road south involves himself in the murder investigation; however he withholds
from Middenheim (TTT, pg. 71). Otherwise, they will miss Mad advice from snobs discriminating against the lower class. More
Orlock’s attack and instead meet the crusade closer to Altdorf. information on Gérard Dunpeal will be provided in Expansion #3.
Ancient Song of the Elves
Under the guidance of these mysterious beings, the Elves delved into the deeper secrets of magic and learned ways to manipulate the
Aethyr. But in time, the collapse of the Warp Gates and the coming of Chaos brought an end to the Golden Age, as it became known by
the Elves. The Old Ones either retreated to whence they came or were destroyed. Historical records from the time are scarce, although it
is said that the Elves are in possession of ancient chronologies and manuscripts that tell of the era.
Legend of the Sky Ship settled finally. After the door was sealed, the unnamed Runesmith
refused to deliver the three keys necessary to unlock the great vault
One historical manuscript travelled with a group of Elven settlers door and returned to his Hold instead. While the Elves were furi-
who relocated to the Old World several thousand years ago. The ous at the Runesmith’s stubborn refusal to hand over even a single
ancient tome described some of the miraculous machinery crafted key, they returned home content in the knowledge that the keys
by the Old Ones, specifically a wondrous silver Sky Ship that would be well-guarded in a presumably impregnable Dwarven
could race across the heavens with the speed of a comet. For rea- Hold.
sons unknown, the Old Ones’ Sky Ship had crashed into a moun-
taintop in the western fringes of Kislev. Parties of Elven explorers As for the unnamed Runesmith, he returned home to a hero’s wel-
were sent forth to discover the exact location of the crash site, and come. The stubborn Dwarf was celebrated by his king and clan for
did so, but the destroyed craft was not all they found... withholding the keys and denying the Elves access to a powerful
magical font they might turn against Dwarfkind. Furthermore, in
It seems that the spectacular velocity and power of the Sky Ship, reward for his courage, insolence, and foresight, the King bestowed
combined with its tremendous armour plating, was sufficient to the honourific title of “Keymaster” upon the Runesmith and
bury the craft deep within the mountain’s interior rather than charged him and his line with safeguarding the three keys.
obliterating it as the Elves expected. While the Sky Ship itself was
heavily damaged and far beyond repair, the Elves observed a curi-
ous phenomenon underway. A massive rent in the fabric of reality
known as a Warp Portal shimmered at the centre of the ruined
craft. The Elves concluded that unlike the towering Portals engi-
neered and constructed for use by the Old Ones, this Portal was
unstable and flooded the surrounding environment with Chaos
Ancient Song of the Elves
Unfortunately, much of the vast storehouse of ancient Elven lore The Lament of Lileath
had to be destroyed as the Elves decamped from the Old World,
lest their powerful secrets fall into enemy hands. While countless Elf PCs from the Laurëlorn Forest may have heard The Lament of
scrolls and manuscripts were lost, a few secrets survived with the Lileath during their youth. When encountering any details of the
Elven refugees fleeing into the Laurëlorn Forest. However, instead song, Laurëlorn Elves may attempt a Challenging (-10) Common
of carrying cumbersome scrolls that might be damaged or slow Knowledge (Elves) Test to recall a number of verses equal to their
their exodus, the clever Elves transformed their remaining scraps Degrees of Success. GMs are advised to mix up the verses’ order so
of lore into epic poems and songs that weighed nothing and would the song isn’t recalled in its correct sequence.
always survive as long as someone knew the words. The secret of
the Warp Portal and its location was encoded within the verses of At the beginning of the great darkness,
an epic song called The Lament of Lileath. Asuryan’s Chariot blazed o’er the sky,
From West to East it remained on high.
A Legacy of Obligation Then chasing the winding serpent,
It began to descend,
Many centuries after the War of the Beard was a distant memory, And amongst many heads its light came to an end.
and most of those who fought in it were long dead, a descendent
of the original Dwarf Keymaster made a pilgrimage back to the Amongst false hope of life,
mountain in Kislev so that he might inspect the vault door. In Asuryan’s Chariot found final rest,
truth, the Runesmith’s simple wish was to gaze upon the great bar- In the bough of a great tree so blessed.
rier, and behold the object his family had revered and protected for As its last light did die,
so long. It was hidden from sight,
As a rainbow winged bird took to flight.
The Runesmith told no one of his destination and travelled alone
so that no other would learn of the vault’s location in the cata- Below the great tree,
combs beneath the Crags of Shargun. The Runesmith arrived at Lileath knelt in tears,
the vault door and discovered that a small leak was venting Chaos There forming a shimmering lake of fears.
magic into surrounding caves. In fact, the entirety of the vast As the years passed by,
catacomb network was saturated by magic, and now supported Asuyran’s Chariot was lost,
a foul ecosystem of the types of fiends that are drawn to such an Buried within the lake by a thousand leaves of dust.
environment. In the end, the Keymaster did manage to fulfil his
wish to look upon the vault door, but it was his last wish as he was Then came Asuryan’s Children,
promptly ambushed and devoured. Feeling Isha’s pain,
And saw the once great tree against corruption strain.
Isha’s crying drove them onwards,
Her tears leading the way,
Deep within the tree’s roots,
Away from light of day.
Ancient Song of the Elves
Several variations of The Lament of Lileath have been authored
by musicians of other races who may have overheard parts of the
ancient song. These versions are rarely accurate since the Elves’ lan-
guage requires an experienced ear to correctly interpret its complex
idiom and subtle tones.
The Wood Elves of the Laurëlorn Forest are unaware that Mor-
larna Foamstrider, an Asur Elf from the Marienburg enclave of
Sith Rionnasc’namishathir, had transcribed the song’s verses and
ideology into a painting. Although Morlarna did not realise the
importance of the song or understand its secrets, her painting
provides a much clearer view of the song’s meaning than is evident
when it’s sung aloud. Unfortunately Morlarna and the painting
disappeared without a trace.
Early humans once believed the sun was a fiery chariot that blazed
across the sky, ridden by a now unknown god. As a result, those
scholars who follow Sigmar have mistakenly interpreted the imag-
Ancient Song of the Elves
In addition to Lord de Trois’ sinister plans for Karl (see TTT page
149), the Necrarch has also been trying to translate The Lament Lorinoc and Coriael
of Lileath correctly in the hope that he may discover its hidden
secrets. The vampire discovered a version of the song reproduced Expanding upon the Elven background presented in The Thou-
on a painting in Elven runic script. Although the Necrarch has not sand Thrones, this section examines the two Elven NPCs Lorinoc
yet discovered any obvious connections to the Vampire Prophecies, and Coriael. While TTT describes Lorinoc and the Kithband as
De Trois believes the references to “hope” and “a great tree” imply coming from Athel Loren, Coriael’s origins are unspecified. In fact,
the song’s secrets are of importance, and relate somehow to the Coriael is from the wood Elf settlement in the Laurëlorn Forest.
powers of Chaos.
When De Trois discovered a group of Elves was travelling with the
Crusade, he decided to capture Coriael and force him to reveal the Lorinoc was on his first venture outside of Athel Loren, a pilgrim-
secrets of the painting. De Trois ordered his loyal Herald servants age to the Laurëlorn Forest. The journey to the ritual site was
to strike out in the dark of night, and waylay the Elf before remov- uneventful and Lorinoc and his fellow Elves were well-received by
ing him to the Necrarch’s Vale. the Elves of the Laurëlorn. The return trip met with disaster how-
ever. Lorinoc’s party of Wood Elves were ambushed by a rampag-
Leonardo da Miragliano ing horde of Beastmen, and he was wounded and forced to flee.
Lorinoc stumbled through the Drakwald until he came upon the
The great artist and inventor Leonardo Da Miragiano was a curious Reaper’s Bounty.
soul whose greatest pleasure in life was solving challenging riddles.
When an unknown patron presented Miragliano with The Lament The Elf rested at the Bounty until he was discovered by the PCs,
of Lileath, he knew better than to simply reveal his knowledge to whom he believes led the same Beastmen horde back to the
just anyone. On the other hand, leaving the puzzle unsolved went coaching inn. The battle was furious as Lorinoc was forced to
against Miragliano’s very nature so he set himself to interpreting fight alongside humans and mutants against the savage Beastman
the song from the Elven painting. tide (TTT pg. 64). Only the timely intervention of Coriael and
his Kithband prevented Lorinoc’s demise, and the Wood Elf has
Miragliano’s interpretations were written on parchment and placed become bitter towards humans. After observing Karl’s aura, Lori-
within a Cryptex puzzle before they were delivered to the patron. noc is convinced that the boy is tainted and possibly a vessel for
Miragliano believed his interpretation of the song’s verses should Cyanathair the Corruptor to re-enter the world.
remain hidden to all but those with the necessary wisdom and
esoteric knowledge to open the device. Presumably those few indi- As a result of his ordeals, Lorinoc is beginning to show the first
viduals would possess the insight to appreciate the puzzle’s contents signs of Delirious Saviour (WFRP pg. 203) and is increasingly
(see the Necrarch Tower, pg. 64). becoming obsessed with killing Karl. If this means Lorinoc must
assert his dominance over the Kithband and turn them against the
Laurëlorn Elf, then so be it.
Optional Rule:
Children of the Gods
Coriael was originally sent to investigate the Crusade of the Child
To explain the Elves' awareness of Karl's aura (TTT pg. 71), as an when the Elves of the Laurëlorn Forest learned that the Crusade
optional rule all Elves are able to use the Magical Sense Skill as a would be entering the lands of the Empire (see Foolish Humans,
Basic Skill (WFRP pg. 89). This gives all Elves a unique bond with TTT pg. 11). The experienced scout was ordered to abandon
the Aethyr, as they are aware at a basic level the subtle influences his investigations and guide a rescue party after the Athel Loren
that the Winds of Magic have upon people and the environment. pilgrimage to the Laurëlorn didn’t return home.
Ancient Song of the Elves
Wolfenburg Interludes
— Wolfenburg Interludes —
When Karl’s crusade arrives in Wolfenburg to appeal for support from Elector Count von Raukov of Ostland, several different subplots
converge at once. GMs might have difficulty keeping track of the numerous factions and NPCs as the crusade prepares for its final pil-
grimage to Kislev. The following three interludes serve to bridge the gaps between the various subplots in TTT Chapter VI: Heralds of a
New Dawn and Chapter VII: Death Do Us Part.
The Wolfenburg Interludes also introduce a major new faction to the Thousand Thrones campaign: the Wolfenburg chapter of Nagash’s
death cult. Expansions #4 and #5 will examine other chapters of Nagash’s cult in greater depth.
Dramatis Personae Petra Mariana: Strigany mystic of the Wasteland clan, carries Claw
of Nagash, holds Hollenbach captive (Expansion #2 pg. 18).
Many different NPCs are involved in the Wolfenburg Interludes. Prelate Jan Richter: Sigmarite priest and propagandist, leads Righ-
Most of these appear in The Thousand Thrones campaign book, teous Hammers of Sigmar (TTT pg. 159).
but some are introduced for the first time in this Expansion. Suri: Strigany mother of Ahmed and wife of Ali (Expansion #2 pg.
Ahmed: Young Strigany scion of Nagash, son of Suri and stepson
of Ali (Expansion #2 pg. 17). Wilhelm Hollenbach: Blood Dragon vampire, held captive in
Mariana’s wagon (TTT pg. 56, Expansion #2 pg. 12).
Ali: Leader of Wasteland Strigany, husband of Suri and stepfather
of Ahmed (Expansion #2 pg. 17). Zigmund: Zealot-priest of Flagellants of the Skull, seeks to recover
Lanfranchi triptych from Farouk in Wurtbad (TTT pg. 163).
Amon Chakai: Greater daemon of Tzeentch, attempts to foil
Nagash’s plan by manipulating believers of the Vampire Prophecies
(Expansion #3).
Brother Frederich: Priest of Morr in Karl’s Inner Council, investi-
gates Vampire Prophecies, takes Karl to Talabheim (TTT pg. 161).
Coriael: Laurëlorn Elf, leads Kithband warriors to protect Elven
Song (TTT pg. 69, Expansion #2 pg. 32).
Ernst Krantz: Cultist of Nagash, infiltrating Flagellants of the
Skull (TTT pg. 139).
Farouk: Assassin-priest of Nagash, steals Lanfranchi triptych, kid-
naps Ahmed and directs Mariana to deliver Claw of Nagash (TTT
pg. 165, Expansion #2 pg. 20).
Gerhard Hauderhoff: Nagashite cult leader, former Sigmarite
inquisitor, instructs Niklas Greuber, seeks Crown of Sorcery (see
Expansion #4).
Helmut: Sigmarite demagogue of Karl’s Inner Council, employs
PCs to protect Karl (TTT pg. 74).
Lord De Trois: Necrarch vampire, leads Heralds of a New Dawn,
wants to drink Karl’s blood and bring about the Age of a Thousand
Thrones (TTT pg. 149, Expansion #2 pg. 6).
Lorinoc: Athel Loren Elf, wants to kill Karl and wrest control of
Kithband from Coriael (TTT pg. 150, Expansion #2 pg. 32).
Ludwig Bucholz: Mad genius and demagogue, leads Flagellants of
the Skull (TTT pg. 159).
Niklas Greuber: Necromancer-priest of Nagash, leads Wolfen-
burg chapter and reports to Gerhard Hauderhoff, awaits Claw of
Nagash from petra Mariana (Expansion #2 pg. 40). A. Leichgart’s Smithy G. Strigany Camp
Ollo Veorhoven: Agent of the Righteous Hammers of Sigmar B. Heralds’ Pavilion H. Elven Kithband
(TTT pg. 139). C. Karl’s Compound I. Cult of Nagash Chapterhouse
Otto Flick: Cultist of Nagash, infiltrating Heralds of a New D. Cult Campsite J. Raven Knight Encampment
Dawn, poisons Strigany leader Ali (Expansion #2 pg. 39). E. Bluebelt Camp K. Righteous Hammers of Sigmar
F. Forest Path L. Flagellants of the Skull
Wolfenburg Interludes
The Once Great City of mas is a single-storey building that remains largely intact, and is
now used for fencing stolen goods. The owner is an informant for
Wolfenburg the Sigmarite church (see Hammer Spy vs. Skull Spy, pg. 44).
6. Flay Court: See “Widow Curst”, TTT pg. 138. Formerly called
During the Storm of Chaos, the horde led by Surtha Lenk pene-
the Square of Standards, this rubble-strewn market was briefly
trated deep into the heart of Ostland and put the provincial capital
used as a tannery by Chaos marauders, who enjoyed skinning their
under siege. Most of Wolfenburg was sacked and put to flame, but
victims to create grisly cloaks and banners of human leather. The
a core of defenders under the leadership of Count Raukov made
Sigmarite shrine at Flay Court has been reconsecrated, but the
a desperate stand on the west bank of the River Wolfen and kept
place is still considered haunted and is therefore avoided.
that part of the city upright.
7. Hops Market: See “Bernt Hessler”, TTT pg. 139. Wolfenburg’s
Months after the Chaos hordes were routed, many of the houses
Main Platz is littered with rubbish and makeshift tents. A defiled
on Wolfenburg’s west bank still bear the scars of war machine
statue depicting Magnus the Pious and Sigmar the Great has been
damage. The eastern portion of the city lies almost entirely in
covered with canvas until it can be repaired. The hops market is
rubble and its holy temples have been desecrated. People have been
located at the west end of the plaza.
slow to return to Wolfenburg because it’s believed the ruins are still
haunted by daemons, and beastmen occasionally venture from the
8. Burned-out Smithy: See “The House of Death”, TTT pg. 139.
forest to make a meal of squatters hiding in the ruins.
Like many other squatters in Wolfenburg, poison-maker Boris
Leichgart has taken up residence above an abandoned shop.
Eastern Districts
1. Cathedral of Sigmar: Reconstruction of the Grand Cathedral
commenced in the late summer of 2523. A team of 70 work-
men has taken up residence in the nearby Hall to the Heroes of
Cults and the Crusade
Ostland, which was gutted but remains structurally intact. These
When Surtha Lenk’s hordes devastated the cathedral over a year
labourers are charged with clearing the temple site, salvaging stone
ago, Wolfenburg’s Sigmarite priesthood fell into disarray. Although
blocks from the rubble, and expanding the adjacent Garden of
repairs are underway, progess is slow and worshippers have been
Morr. The plan is for skilled Dwarfen masons to be hired next
forced to congregate at open air venues instead. Those stalwarts
spring to rebuild the cathedral’s arches. Several of the Sigmarite
who endeavour to rebuild their lives amid Wolfenburg’s ruins have
clerics who supervise the operation have been accused of paying
adopted a survivalist ethos, and a sub-cult venerating Sigmar the
their workers with jewellery taken from the city’s dead.
Golden has become popular locally. According to these fundamen-
talists, the Empire was greatest during the age of Sigmar and has
2. Citadel: The heavily damaged citadel was Wolfenburg’s base
regressed in modern times. Karl’s advisors intend to exploit the
of defense for nearly a week before the unavoidable retreat to the
locals’ nostalgia when they arrive with their own “golden boy”, and
west bank of the River Wolfen. Count Raukov only returned to his
have made plans to seek the patronage of Elector Count Valmir
Wolfenburg palace last month. In Raukov’s absence, the palace was
von Raukov.
debased by orgiastic rituals to the Lord of Pleasure and required
extensive sanctification by priests.
After Theogonist Volkmar declined to grant Karl’s crusade official
sanction, its Sigmarite affiliation was downplayed and Karl was
3. Barracks: See “Captain Yeller”, TTT pg. 139. The Wolfenburg
instead portrayed as a symbol of universal hope. Although Karl is
barracks have not yet been resanctified by priests. Only thieves
still heralded as a scion of Sigmar, the crusade itself has become
have dared to explore these buildings since the siege because they
multidenominational. One of Karl’s most trusted advisors is a
are reportedly haunted by daemons of the Blood God.
Morrite priest, and Shallyan healers also follow the crusade to
prevent disease from festering in its wake. Even Ulrican priests
4. Ostland Mint: This building was demolished on the Count’s
who normally forbid Sigmarite missionary work in their parishes
orders when the east city was evacuated. Chaos marauders have
have blessed the crusaders. Of course, the crusade’s religious plural-
no use for treasure, so von Raukov hoped to recover his province’s
ism has also enabled fringe groups like the Flagellants of the Skull
wealth from beneath the rubble when the city was liberated. The
and the Heralds of a New Dawn to join its ranks, and they in turn
mint contains over two tons of gold and silver. The buried vault’s
have been infiltrated by more sinister agents...
contents remained safe for months until a necromancer began de-
ploying zombies to excavate it from below (see Wolfenburg Death
Having already exposed the Nurglist saboteurs, Karl’s advisors are
Cult of Nagash, pg. 38).
overconfident in their ability (and the PCs’) to uproot corruption.
However, unbeknownst to the inner council, the taint of Chaos
5. Fiddler’s Inn/Ollo’s Panoramas: See “Ernst Krantz” & “Ollo
still lingers in the crusade (see Expansion #3 for more information
Verhoven”, TTT pg. 139. The abandoned Fidler’s Inn has only two
on the Ruinous Powers).
walls remaining, and half of its roof has collapsed. Ollo’s Panora-
The Once Great City of Wolfenburg
Eastern Districts
1. Cathedral of Sigmar
2. Citadel
3. Barracks
4. Ostland Mint
5. Fiddler’s Inn/Ollo’s Panoramas
6. Flay Court
7. Hops Market
8. Burned-out Smithy
Western District
9. Tree and Root Inn
10. Hospice for the Maintenance
and Education of Exposed and
Deserted Children
11. Shrine to Sigmar the Golden
12. Müeller and Schüllie’s Office
Wolfenburg Interludes
Crusade Encampment
13. Karl’s Compound
14. Heralds’ Pavilion
Buried Hellfire
Wolfenburg Interludes
Western District
9. Tree and Root Inn: This is one of the few surviving inns in
Wolfenburg. The Tree and Root once catered specifically to Elves,
Dwarfs and Halflings, but since the war it has become a regular
drinking hole for human workers and returning refugees. The inn
features a courtyard garden with wormwood plants used in the
distillation of Elven absinthe. Recently, the Cloaked Brothers have
begun monitoring customers for signs of daemonic possession.
12. Müeller and Schüllie’s Office: See sidebar pg. 41. The door
Soon after the Crusade’s arrival in Altdorf, a malevolent artefact
to this cluttered, riverside office is always locked and the windows
known as the Crown of Sorcery disappeared from the vaults below
barred. There is no signage and Brother Barnabus of Morr keeps
the Grand Temple of Sigmar. The Colleges of Magic immediately
diligent watch in the scholars’ absence.
dispatched wizards across the Empire to find the crown and fore-
stall a public scandal. Three wizards from the Colleges of Magic are
investigating the Crusade by the time it reaches Wolfenburg. Crusade Encampment
Hierophant Clarissa Engel of the Light College: this stern, 13. Karl’s Compound: See “The Compound”, TTT pg. 132.
middle-aged wizard was appointed to Karl’s inner council on the 14. Heralds’ Pavilion: See “The Green Pavilion”, TTT pg. 145.
Emperor’s direct orders. Clarissa monitors the crusade for signs of
Chaos corruption (see The Crusade’s Inner Council, pg. 42).
Hazards of a Rebuilding City
Magister Dina Schüllie, Amethyst Wizard: expert vampirologi- Rubble: shaded map areas represent neighbourhoods that were
cal sciontologist with contacts among the Dreamwalkers of Morr. demolished in the fighting. Many exterior building walls are intact
Schüllie was granted permission by Magister Patriarch Hexensohn but their interiors have been gutted by fire. Several of the city’s
to investigate connections between the Crown of Sorcery and the sturdier stone buildings remain standing like islands amidst the
Vampire Prophecies. She has joined the Crusade incognito while wreckage. PCs attempting Charge or Run Actions in rubble must
her partner Fuchs Müeller is researching dusty archives in Essen pass an Easy (+20) Agility Test or trip and fall.
(see Müeller and Schüllie sidebar, pg. 41).
Scaffolding: important buildings and fortifications are currently
Shadowmancer Gavius Klugge of the Grey College: operates under repair. Scaffolding can be climbed automatically in normal
covertly within the crusade, disguised as an old cobbler. Gavius circumstances, but requires a Very Easy (+30) Scale Sheer Surface
fears the Crown of Sorcery might have been responsible for Grand Test to climb under duress. Scaffolding is not entirely stable;
Theogonist Volkmar’s miraculous return from death a year ago. His running or fighting on the planks may cause a section to collapse
mission is to investigate corruption among the Sigmarite clergy in (10% chance).
cooperation with a cell of Cloaked Brothers in Wolfenburg.
Buried Hellfire Ammo: Wolfenburg’s eastern districts were
In the wider context of The Thousand Thrones campaign, the devastated by fearsome Hellfire cannon volleys fired by Surtha
Crown of Sorcery subplot bridges Chapters IV, V and VI. The Lenk’s Chaos Dwarf allies. Artillery rounds fired by these cannons
Crown subplot will likely have been resolved (for better or worse) were infused with daemonic Warp energy, and several cannonballs
when the PCs arrive in Wolfenburg. However, the College wizards remain buried beneath rubble despite efforts to excavate them.
who sought the artefact may be encountered in Wolfenburg Anyone venturing into the proximity of Hellfire ammo must pass
whether or not the Crown was successfully recovered (see Expan- a Very Easy (+30) Toughness Test or gain a random mutation
sion #4 for more on the Crown of Sorcery subplot). (Tome of Corruption, pg. 26).
Wolfenburg Interludes
Wolfenburg Interludes
Otto Flick
Otto and Udo: Agents of Nagash
Herr Flick is a Nagashite spy planted among De Trois’ death cult-
ists. Walking with a distinctive gait, Otto prowls the Herald’s en- Otto Flick and Udo Muckenfuss are Nagashite spies charged
campment in search of the Necrarch’s secrets. The cult of Nagash with infiltrating the Heralds of a New Dawn. High Priest Niklas
learned from Otto that De Trois himself intends to become the Greuber became aware of De Trois’ connection to the troupe after
vessel for Nagash’s fourth return, and Otto has been instructed to observing the Heralds’ plays closely over several years. Greuber
foil that plan. It was through Otto’s efforts that the Cult of Nagash surmised that De Trois’ ancient vampiric heritage inpired the
became aware of De Trois’ intent to drain Karl’s blood. necrographical nature of the Heralds’ performances.
Otto learned nothing more than that, for De Trois did not reveal At first, Otto Flick’s embalming
his ultimate plan to any of the Heralds. However, the high priests expertise was employed by the
of Nagash have been instructed by the Great Necromancer’s disem- Heralds to create alchemical and
bodied voice to ensure Karl’s safe passage to Kislev. If any vampire pyrotechnical effects for their
consumes Karl’s power before Nagash himself does, then Nagash plays. However, De Trois soon
must consume the offending vampire instead. To that end, Otto took notice of the stagehand’s
is prepared to collect De Trois’ remains if he is defeated by Karl’s aptitude and promoted him to
bodyguards after draining the boy’s blood. chief laboratory assistant. From
this priviledged position, Otto
Ali’s poisoning by Otto was intended to enable the kidnapping of has funnelled a great deal of
Ahmed for use as a decoy against De Trois. If Otto can position intelligence to Greuber concerning the Necrarch’s vision for the
Ahmed as the fated scion of Nagash instead of Karl, then perhaps Kingdom of Death. However, Otto’s promotion left Greuber with
De Trois will pursue the Strigany boy instead. Otto does not actu- no agents in the Herald encampment.
ally believe Ahmed is the fated scion of Nagash; he is only using
the boy to distract De Trois. Unbeknownst to Otto, however, Enter Udo Muckenfuss, an Oster-
Ahmed is also a decoy for Queen Neferata. The all-seeing Lahmian marker and demagogue by trade. Udo
manipulator observes Ahmed’s movements from her palace at had been forced to flee his hideout
Silver Pinnacle. in Bechafen after Margrave Hertwig’s
disappearance sparked a city-wide
Otto used several doses of the Heralds’ poison for Ali’s murder, witchhunt. Arriving in Wolfenburg
thus endangering De Trois’ plan to snatch Karl at the passion play. with only the clothes on his back, Udo
The other Heralds are unhappy with Otto’s independent decision relied upon his considerable oratory
to “test” the poison. Otto does not realise that De Trois’ determi- skills to earn a living as a raconteur of
nation to pursue Karl is unshakeable. macabre tales. Greuber took note of
Udo’s crypto-Nagashite rhetoric and
recruited him to replace Otto among
Claw, Triptych and Scion the Heralds’ ranks.
High priest of Nagash Gerhard Hauderhoff recently orchestrated
While Otto is completely loyal to Greuber and the mainstream
a meeting between Greuber and the Nagashite blood cultist
cult of Nagash, Udo secretly subscribes to an alternative Nagashite
Farouk. Farouk informed Greuber that his cell would soon receive
doctrine called Necrobiosophy. Most Nagashites believe that all life
the fabled Claw of Nagash from the Strigany. When Farouk also
will end when Nagash ascends to power in the Kingdom of Death,
revealed that he could obtain a Book of Nagash from the von
however the doctrine of Necrobiosophy contends that life will
Carstein vampires, Greuber agreed to assist his plan of stealing
merely become eternal, unbounded by the mortal coil. Greuber is
the Lanfranchi triptych panel from the Flagellants of the Skull.
not aware of Udo’s heretical leanings, but has dispatched a messen-
Greuber already had three agents embedded with the Skulls, so the
ger to the Nagashite cult in Bechafen following the agent’s recent
mission would be easy.
When Greuber informed high priest Hauderhoff of Farouk and
For more information on Udo Muckenfuss, see Clan of the Cave
Otto’s plan to poison Ali and kidnap Ahmed, the cultists’ initiative
Ghouls on pg. 51.
met with approval from Hauderhoff. Neither Hauderhoff, Greu-
ber, Farouk nor Otto actually believe Ahmed is the fated scion of
Nagash. However, Hauderhoff privately suspects that Ahmed is a
Delivering the Claw of Nagash
pawn of Neferata, so he hopes that Farouk’s kidnapping might foil
Petra Mariana is anxious to be rid of the Claw of Nagash at the
one of the vampire queen’s many schemes against Nagash. Whilst
nearest opportunity. When Farouk visited her two days ago along
the Wolfenburg Nagashites are instructed to help Farouk kidnap
the road to Wolfenburg, he instructed Mariana to deliver the Claw
Ahmed, the Claw must always remain their first priority.
to the cult’s Wolfenburg chapterhouse (I) without attracting any
Wolfenburg Interludes
attention. Farouk informed Mariana that the cult’s base is a ruined forth to create a cell of cultists in the ruined city of Wolfenburg; a
tenement located three blocks west of the Ostland mint. First task he has performed well.
Mariana must meet the necromancer Niklas Greuber, and then
Greuber will advise her on how to proceed with the delivery. Insanity Points: 3
Tracing the Triptych Delirious Saviour (WFRP pg. 203): Niklas is certain that Nagash’s
Kingdom of Death will bring prosperity to all, and save the world
The third panel of Lanfranchi’s triptych (Handout #30) depicts from the Four Powers of Chaos. He will strive to make the Great
Sigmar’s apotheosis at the Tree of Hope. At one time Lord De Trois Necromancer’s vision come true in any way he can.
owned the Sigmar triptych panel, but in 2520 it inexplicably went
missing from his library and wound up in the hands of agitator WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
Ludwig Bucholz from Nuln. Recently it was stolen from Bucholz
32 24 30 32 35 61* 63 35*#
by Farouk. Unbeknownst to De Trois, Bucholz or Farouk, the
# reduced due to Cadaverous Appearance (WFRP pg. 160)
triptych has become a tool of the daemon Amon Chakai, and now
it serves a greater purpose in fulfilling the prophecies of Tzeentch.
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic, Necromancy, Theology),
See Expansion #3 for more on the machinations of Tzeentch.
Channelling +10%, Charm, Command, Common Knowledge
(the Empire), Gossip +10%, Intimidate, Magical Sense +10%,
Nagash’s Wolfenburg Chapterhouse Perception +10%, Read/Write +10%, Ride, Search, Secret
Signs (Nagashite), Speak Arcane Language (High Nehekharan,
The cult’s base of operations is a ruined building located three al- Magick), Speak Language (Classical +10%, Nehekharan,
leys west of the Ostland mint. The building contains a prayer room Reikspiel +10%), Trade (Calligrapher)
and shrine where Greuber delivers lectures, along with Greuber’s
Talents: Dark Lore (Necromancy), Dark Magic, Fast Hands,
bedroom, library and laboratory. Two Wights (OWB pg. 118)
Lesser Magic (Move, Skywalk), Linguistics, Meditation, Petty
stand motionless on either side of the shrine, and two cultists are
Magic (Arcane), Savvy*, Suave*
usually present (use Herald stats, TTT pg. 151). The Wights resent
the mortals, and are feared by them in turn, but they grudgingly
cooperate in the name of Nagash. Niklas is also here when not Combat
overseeing the zombies at the mint (50% of the time). Attacks: 1; Movement: 4; Wounds: 15
18 zombie labourers and most of the cell’s wealth are located three Armour: None
blocks away in the Ostland mint. Weapons: Staff (1d10+1; Defensive, Pummelling)
Niklas Greuber, Necromancer-Priest of Nagash Magic: 2
Male Journeyman Necromancer, ex-Scribe, ex-Apprentice Necro- Petty Magic Spells: Arcane
mancer Dark Lore Spells: Necromancy
Ethnicity: Reiklander Trappings
Niklas Greuber wears a hooded black cloak and walks with an
This pale man with a long ebon staff. He wears a silver amulet depicting the Crown of
grey beard seems to be in his Sorcery, but it’s usually hidden under his robes. In a leather bag,
fifties or sixties. However, he’s Greuber carries ingredients for his spells: a jar of fireflies, six
very fit for his apparent age small darts, some butter, a small silver trumpet, a pouch of grave-
and appearances are indeed dust, a skull and a severed hand. Niklas owns a small library of
deceiving; Greuber’s visage necromantic grimoires, as well as anatomical, alchemical and
has aged prematurely due herbal tomes. Any and all resources of the Wolfenburg cell of the
to his extensive use of Dark Cult of Nagash are his to command, including the 1000 Gold
Magic. Crowns the Nagashites have managed to retrieve from Ostland’s
mint so far.
From an early age, Greuber
was trained in the Nagashite
stronghold hidden in the
Forest of Shadows. When the
time was right, he was sent
Wolfenburg Interludes
Vampirological Sciontologists
overlooking the River Wolfen. Whenever Müeller and Schüllie
are travelling abroad, their office is
maintained by a morose Brother of
Within the desperately undermanned ranks of vampirological Morr named Barnabus.
sciontologists, few individuals are as dedicated to unlocking the
secret history of vampires as Fuchs Müeller. Müeller has pursued Over time, the pair has amassed
a relentless mission to discover everything he could about the an extensive portfolio of ancient
accursed blood-drinkers since scrolls, crumbling manuscripts and
the mysterious abduction of his rare tomes concerning nearly every
younger brother Reiner many aspect of the vampires’ existence.
years ago. His only lead was a Outside of the abbey libraries at
small, red, flower-like blood Essen and Siegfriedhof, Müeller
stain on the neck of Reiner’s and Schüllie’s dingy riverside office
discarded nightshirt. The disap- is likely home to the most compre-
pearance and subsequent search hensive vampirological library on
for Reiner became an all-con- this side of the grave. Unofficially,
suming drive in Fuchs Müeller’s Müeller and Schüllie refer to their
life. Müeller has since dedicated collection as “the V-Files”.
himself to Morr by serving the
Order of Dreamwalkers, but he What the Sciontologists Know
never stops searching for signs
of his brother.
GMs wishing to expand upon any of the vampire-related subplots
in The Thousand Thrones may use Müeller and Schüllie to provide
In 2516, Magister Patriarch Viggo Hexensohn of the Amethyst
the PCs with vampire-related background. Dina Schüllie took an
wizards’ college signed an agreement with the Abbot of Morr at
interest in the Crusade well before its arrival in Wolfenburg, and
Essen to jointly fight the vampire menace. Fuchs Müeller was
PCs involved in the Crown of Sorcery investigation would prob-
partnered with a vampirologist from the Amethyst College named
ably have caught her attention (see Colleges and the Crown side-
Magister Dina Schüllie. The investigators were provided with an
bar pg. 37, and Expansion #4 for details). Fuchs Müeller travels
office near the temple of Morr in Wolfenburg. From their head-
frequently, and therefore might encounter the PCs at Essen (after
quarters, Müeller and Schüllie have travelled the farthest reaches
Chapter VII) or even in Kislev (Chapter VIII or IX).
of the Empire and beyond in pursuit of any manuscript or rumour
concerning vampires.
Müeller and Schüllie could conceivably provide trusted adventur-
ers with any of the Vampire Prophecies background from the TTT
When the Chaos hordes sacked Wolfenburg last year, the temple
Expansions or Campaign Overview booklet.
of Morr was demolished but the investigators managed to save
Wolfenburg Interludes
Strigany Intrigue
Soon after the PCs reunite with the Crusader encampment, Ali
stumbles toward them in the last throes of death. Ali has been
poisoned by one of the Heralds of a New Dawn, and the PCs’ in-
vestigation of Ali’s death might lead them to uncover the Necrarch
De Trois’ nefarious plan. PCs who visit the Strigany Camp (G)
during their murder investigation will probably wish to question
Ali’s wife Suri, and perhaps also petra Mariana. Remember to roll
on the Petra Mariana Temperament Table (pg. 19) for Strigany
Questioning Suri
Suri wails upon receiving the news of Ali’s death. Word spreads
quickly through the camp, causing the Strigany mamas to join in
Suri’s lamentation. The grim Strigany men swear to avenge their
leader’s murder. Three Wasteland Strigany Bonepickers (see Profile
on pg. 16) will pledge their assistance to the PCs’ investigation
unless Mariana’s temperament is Fury or Wallowing, in which case
they rush off to solve Ali’s murder case on their own.
Wolfenburg Interludes
Once Suri has recovered from her initial shock, she confides in into Wolfenburg by removing all bone charms that might reveal
PCs who pass a Routine (+10) Charm Test (modified for Strigany her as Strigany. She also uses Ghost Step (WFRP pg. 147) to cover
Disposition and good role-playing). Suri invites sympathetic PCs her tracks.
into her wagon and tells them about Mariana’s earlier warning:
Confronting Mariana
“Our all-knowing petra warned me of this. Two nights ago, she
was visited by a man from my old clan in Stirland. He is a bad Mariana’s reaction to confrontational PCs is dictated by her cur-
man named Farouk. She told me that Farouk wanted to take my rent Temperament (see pg. 19), and whether she’s encountered
only son, Ahmed. I’m certain that Ali was murdered by Farouk, so alone or with other Strigany. In her Madame Mira or Wanderlust
that he could take Ahmed from me!” Temperaments, Mariana plays the sympathy card claiming she’s
just a frail old lady who’s unfairly persecuted for being Strigany.
If the PCs offer to protect Ahmed, Suri is very grateful but insists Under the influence of any other Temperament, Mariana uses her
that her kinfolk will remain vigilant. In fact, Suri is mistaken. After Earth Gate spell (WFRP pg. 154) to escape, possibly taking an ex-
the PCs leave the camp, the Strigany point accusatory fingers at tra round to cast Fountains of Blood (NDM pg. 119) beforehand
the scion Ahmed for bringing misfortune upon them. The dis- if any Strigany Bonepickers are covering her retreat. If Mariana is
traught Suri brings Ahmed to Karl’s Compound (C) and hands her wounded, she heals herself with Earth Blood (WFRP pg. 154).
son over to the kindly Brother Frederich of Morr from Talabheim, Note that Mariana cannot use earth magic in her wagon.
to whom Suri recently confessed her dark secret.
Questioning Mariana
Mariana’s response to the PCs is governed
by her current Temperament. Mariana
did in fact speak with Farouk the Corpus The Heralds’ Repertoire
Aeternum cultist two days ago and told him
that Ahmed was the fated scion of Nagash, The PCs may encounter the Heralds of a New Dawn at either
and that Ali was his step-father. However, the crusade encampment or within the walls of Wolfenberg. The
Mariana likes Ahmed so she immediately Heralds can be found perfoming their acts either day or night
informed Suri of the planned kidnapping. depending on the type of routine. Dramatic productions including
Mariana also tipped Farouk off about the theatre and song are typically scheduled at night, while spoken-
Flagellants of the Skull, who claimed to pos- word performances and poetry are more likely to occur during
sess the panel of Lanfranchi’s famous trip- daylight hours.
tych that Farouk sought. Farouk instructed
Mariana to deliver the Claw of Nagash to Niklas Greuber at the Sing a Song of Sartosa: Ballad about a Myrmidian priest named
nearest opportunity. Claudius desperately mixing a healing draft for the Pirate King of
Sartossa to save his life. The verses of the song are rhyming cou-
Mariana will not reveal any of this information to the PCs unless plets that children enjoy singing along to.
her temperament is Wanderlust and a male PC allows her to se-
duce him. The valiant PC is brought into Mariana’s bone-cluttered The Red Duke Returns - Part VII: The Heralds’ current main at-
wagon where Hollenbach lies bound and naked. You can simply traction. A bawdy epic relating Bretonnia’s centuries-long struggle
tell the player that his character is undressed by Mariana, and then against the Red Duke told with sword duels, massive battles waged
fade the scene to black. Upon emerging from Mariana’s wagon, by puppets, and a cannonade finale.
the PC will have gained 1 IP and learned about Farouk, Ahmed
and the triptych. PCs can only learn about the Claw of Nagash by The Eye of Vecrasi: Spoken-word performance using verses from
searching Mariana’s wagon. De Trois’ algebraic poetry. The Heralds take turns reciting verses,
and then freeze their bodies in geometrical poses while others
Shadowing Mariana speak. Following is a sample verse from The Eye of Vecrasi:
PCs who are suspicious of Mariana may decide to follow her A dead leaf falling
movements. On a successful Shadowing Test or Hard (-20) Spirals tangentially
Concealment Test opposed by Mariana’s Perception 42% (32% Then another falls
if she’s manic), the crone can be shadowed venturing into Wolfen- Fractal but incongruent
burg on three occasions; first to locate the Ostland mint, and then Now the tree is dead
a second time when she makes contact with the cultist Greu- Our golden mean
ber. On her third trip into Wolfenburg, Mariana is disguised as The center of rotation
Madame Mira and carries the wrapped Claw of Nagash under her A golden spiral
arm. Mariana attempts to disguise her ethnicity when venturing
Wolfenburg Interludes
PCs are only offered bit parts in the play, so they won’t be provided
with scripts by Schumacher (see Act I - Onstage, TTT pg. 152).
However, they might deduce from Handout #35 that the actor
playing Wiseman Four is a Herald infiltrator.
Wolfenburg Interludes
The Necrarch’s Journal is blamed for Karl’s disappearance, eventually leading to Helmut’s
death and the events that shatter the Crusade (TTT pg. 186).
During the battle at the passion play, Lord de Trois accidentally
Lord de Trois flees the scene immediately after killing Karl’s double
dropped one of his vellum-bound journals on stage (TTT pg.
and returns to his lair. When De Trois’ soul transfer ritual doesn’t
155). The vampire’s tome contains numerological research and de-
produce the desired result, he flies into a rage and kills any nearby
scribes the interrogation of an Elven maiden to extract the secrets
Heralds before pursuing Karl once more into Kislev (Vampire
of a cryptic painting. Give the players Handout #36 (found at the
Encampment, TTT pg. 207).
end of this supplement) in addition to Handout #21 from the
Thousand Thrones campaign book.
’Karl’ is Alive!
Karl’s Escape to Talagaad Should the PCs defeat Lord de Trois or force him to flee the scene
before Karl’s double is killed, they are hailed as heroes. Helmut
After the passion play, Karl has disappeared once more and many approaches PCs who aided in Karl’s defence, reveals that the real
among his inner circle believe it was another kidnapping. In Karl has been spirited away, and asks the PCs for assistance (TTT
truth, Karl received a vision from the Black Witch instructing pg. 160). The Crusade’s inner council continues disguising the
him to seek out a seer by the name of Madame Yaga in Talagaad street urchin as Karl for awhile, but the boy’s followers aren’t fooled
(see Expansion #4 for more information on the Black Witch’s for very long. After the PCs’ departure, the Crusade fragments and
dream magic). Karl informed his two closest advisors Helmut and Helmut is killed (see TTT pg. 186).
Brother Frederich that Madame Yaga knew of his mother’s exact
location. Karl slipped away during the play, was concealed within a
child-sized coffin by Frederich, and was carried off to Talagaad on
’Karl’ is Missing!
a black hearse.
Heralds who manage to grab Karl’s double will take him to De
Trois’ lair where they await their lord’s return (and hopefully
’Karl’ is Dead! also his gratitude). Helmut reveals to the Inner Council that the
real Karl is safe with Brother Frederich. If the PCs ask the Inner
Should Karl’s double be killed during the play, Helmut informs Council about Karl’s abduction, they are informed that everything
everyone that the dead boy is just a lowborn street urchin, and that is under control. The Inner Council is suspiciously uninterested in
Karl is safe. Helmut then approaches PCs who protected Karl’s any claims that the Heralds have taken Karl to the vampire’s lair.
double, asking for their assistance in escorting the real Karl (TTT Helmut tries to assure Karl’s followers that their prophet will soon
pg. 160). After the PCs’ departure, the Crusade begins to fragment return, but eventually the masses grow impatient and the Crusade
even if everyone knows that Karl is still alive, because Helmut is fragments (see TTT pg. 186). This is the only scenario in which
unable to reliably tell the followers when Karl will return. Helmut Helmut survives to Chapter VIII.
Wolfenburg Interludes
Should PCs demand an explanation, Coriael says the song’s verses
Coriael intends to use the PCs as a diversion at the Necrarch’s vale Who Needs Humans?
and then abandon them to search the vampire’s lair on his own. To
convince the PCs to aid him, Coriael approaches them indepen- While Coriael makes his offer to the PCs, Lorinoc convinces the
dently and suggests that Karl was kidnapped by de Trois’ hench- Kithband to follow his leadership and not a weak Laurëlorn Elf
men. Coriael offers to guide the PCs and promises not make an who requires the help of humans. Should the PCs approach Lori-
attempt upon Karl’s life. Coriael claims to no longer be interested noc, the arrogant young Elf looks disdainfully in their direction
in Karl because De Trois might possess Elven records that are of a and then resumes talking in Eltharin. PCs displaying any sign of
higher priority. If pressed, Coriael answers: understanding Eltharin are confronted by Lorinoc, who is angered
by lesser races debasing the Elves’ great language.
“My mission does not concern you, human, and I have given my
word that I will not harm the child. Now you must choose to “Do not dare to understand or speak our language with your gut-
either accept my help or not.” tural tongue, for it hurts my ears to hear it!”
Should the PCs ask Coriael about the imprisoned Elf maiden Coriael attempts to smooth over any tensions between Lorinoc
mentioned in De Trois’ journal entry (Handout #36), Coriael and the PCs. However, Lorinoc uses Coriael’s diplomatic gesture
asks to see the journal for himself as he might know the maiden. as leverage to show his Kithband warriors that Coriael cares more
Coriael says the maiden comes from an important clan in Elftown, about placating humans than guarding the treasures of the great
Marienburg, and the PCs would be richly rewarded for rescuing Elven race. After the discussion, Lorinoc attempts to discover what
her. Any mention of the painted song is brushed aside by Coriael, the PCs have been talking about. Once again, Lorinoc cites any
who doesn’t want to reveal more information than he must. lack of candidness by the PCs as further proof that Coriael should
no longer lead the Kithband.
Wolfenburg Interludes
Vale of the Necrarch
An old and quite mad vampire known as Lord de Trois has erected a tower laboratory in a secluded forest ravine to the south-east of
Wolfenburg. Using the tower and surrounding ravine as his staging area, Lord de Trois plots and schemes to realise his own unique inter-
pretation of the Age of a Thousand Thrones.
Necrarch towers are constructed by ritual magic (see Father W’Soran’s Architect, NDM pg. 120). Lord de Trois’ tower is protected by
many natural and unnatural defences, so accessing its interior rooms will require a clever and dedicated party. The rewards for penetrating
Lord de Trois’ laboratory are proportionate to the risk however. Enterprising PCs who survive the tower’s many dangers will discover a
wealth of campaign information as well as conventional booty from the Necrarch’s hoard.
The Vale of the Necrarch is intended to provide PCs with a brief opportunity to exercise their dungeoneering skills and gain some added
insight into the direction of the central campaign. It’s important to note however, that the Vale of the Necrarch is a minor subplot, and
can be entirely ignored by GMs wishing to hasten the advancement of the main plot.
Western Lookout: PCs may observe the Tower and Moat (F) and
the Heralds’ Camp (E).
Eastern Lookout: PCs may observe the Tower and Moat (F) and
the Ghoul Cave (D).
Vale of the Necrarch
Vale of the Necrarch
Table 2.6: Traversing the Vale 5 Bad Water: A narrow brook meanders through the sun-dappled
ravine floor. Although the crystal clear stream looks inviting and
silver fish frolic in the rapids, appearances are most definitely
The GM should roll 1d10 twice if the players are travelling to a deceiving. The water is clear because it is contaminated by the ne-
known location or three times if they are exploring. After the third crotic ground-seep of De Trois’ moat, and no living organisms can
roll, explorers should discover the Cave (D) if they explored to the survive within it. Upon closer inspection, the fish exude a rotting
west, or the Herald encampment (E) if they explored to the east. smell and don’t flail about when removed from the water. Needless
to say, the water is extremely poisonous and its consumption calls
for an immediate Challenging (-10) Toughness Test to avoid a
1 Monster! (Roll 1d5): necrotic side-effect (WFRP, pg. 159).
1 Fungbeast: Somehow, Lord de Trois has managed to liberate a Fen-
beast (OWB pg. 94) from its traditional boggy confines and create
a woodland variant comprised of moss, fungal matter and decaying 6 Vampiric Remains: The forest opens upon a clearing where an
limbs. ancient temple or shrine must have stood in the distant past. All
that remains of the structure now are the cracked and overgrown
2 Alpha Spider-Ogre: One of Lord de Trois more “successful” experi-
flagstones that indicate its original size and floorplan. The skeletal
ments. He had originally created four Spider-Ogres (NDM pg.129)
to patrol his glade, but the alpha-male killed the other three. The remains of three humanoids are chained to the ground under a
alpha-male has a 5% advance to both Strength and Toughness. spot of open sky. Upon closer inspection, all three of the skeletons
exhibit the wickedly overdeveloped canine teeth that mark them
3 Grassy Knoll: The trees clear around a low grassy hill with a luscious
fruit-bearing apple tree at its peak. The white glint of bone can be as vampires. Two of the skeletons also have wooden stakes driven
seen scattered amongst the tall grass. The tree is surrounded by a ring into their chest cavities for good measure. The third is that of a
of Grave Grass (NDM pg.138) which can be spotted with a success- Strigoi vampire, and its bones have a strangely gnarled and bestial
ful Perception Test. A further Challenging (-10) Academic Knowl- shape. A successful Search Test reveals three silver pistol balls
edge (Science) Test will identify the deadly flora. Lord de Trois has a lodged in the spine and pelvis of the Strigoi.
wicked sense of humour and enjoys setting devilish traps.
4 Band of the Hand: A group of cast-off reanimated hands have 7 Smoot’s Log: The trunk of a massive overturned tree is home to
left the disposal pile and formed a gang. Uncharacteristically, these
one of Lord de Trois’ more pathetic creations, a Halfling called
1d5+3 Scuttling Hands (NDM pg.139) seem to coordinate their
attacks and will harass anyone including the Heralds and Ghouls.
Smoot who has received the Necrarch’s blood kiss. The transfor-
These Scuttling Hands do not suffer the Mindless Trait, and have mation has changed Smoot into a twisted knobby-white muta-
been known to construct simple snares and traps. tion of his former self with bright, saucer-like yellow eyes. The
transformation has also driven the Halfling insane. While Smoot
5 Ghoulish Hunters: A group of 1d5 Ghouls (OWB pg.94) stalk the
Necrarch’s Glade and the surrounding woods for interlopers and hates Lord de Trois, and offers himself as a guide to the tower,
food. The Ghouls chiefly subsist on waylaid travellers or lone woods- Smoot has a Halfling sized appetite for blood and would drink the
men who stray too deeply into the forest. Recent developments have party dry if he could. Smoot speaks with a raspy whining voice
put the Heralds of a New Dawn at the top of their menu, however. and continually refers to party members as “my delicious.”
2 Petrified Woods: The verdant greens, browns, and yellows of the 8 Smoot on Patrol: The Vampling Smoot is patrolling the Vale on
forest gradually become muted until every leaf, tree and bush is a his constant search for stray Heralds to terrorise. PCs passing a
uniform ashen grey. The only colour in the stark winter-like en- Perception Test opposed by Concealment 34 spot Smoot first.
vironment is a sticky sweet-smelling red sap that weeps from the
trees. Once distilled, the sap comprises a vital component in Lord
9 Razor Squirrels: The party comes across the fallen body of a
de Trois’ ritual to create the Undying, and is dangerous to handle
massive albino stag. The stag still breathes although one of its
(see Tower Walls, pg. 55).
front legs is twisted beneath it at a wrong angle. As the PCs look
on, Easy (+20) Perception Tests allow them to notice a cute
3 Skinsilk Forest: The path winds through a section of forest that brown squirrel appear from the underbrush. Any PCs who pass
is draped and netted by uncountable spider-webs. The webs are by two Degrees of Success or more also notice the forest has gone
not dangerous to handle, but are tacky and moist to the touch and eerily quiet. Suddenly, the cute brown squirrel launches itself at
break easily. The area is home to the rare Khemrian Loom Spider, the fallen stag, jaws unhinging to reveal disproportionately large
a nearly extinct species Lord de Trois has cultivated for its unique and ferocious looking teeth. If the PCs do not interfere, the stag
silk type. When the Khemrian Loom Spider is fed blood, its web bucks and thrashes as the squirrel chomps down. Soon the squirrel
can be harvested and woven into a fleshy patch that functions as a is joined by two and then more and more squirrels until the stag
primitive form of artificial skin for De Trois’ constructs. Fortu- becomes a frothing, blood-misted blur of bushy tails and claws.
nately, the spiders are tiny and only eat carrion, so the path is safe. The razor squirrels only hunt defenceless prey and will scatter if
Players wishing to circumvent the Skinsilk Forest can do so, but the PCs attack.
an additional roll on this table is required.
10 The Wicker Torso: The forest opens into a small clearing featur-
4 Corpsebloom: A shallow but wide trench blocks the party’s ing the long-charred remains of a massive Wicker Man construct
advance through the forest. The trench is filled to brimming with (NDM pg.140). The lower trunk and legs of the construct are
the bleached bones of countless humans and almost every conceiv- irreparably burned and now overgrown, but the upper torso,
able animal type. Sprinklings of pale yellow flowers grow from the arms and head seem to be intact. This Wicker Man is no longer
eye-sockets, rib cages, and elsewhere throughout the bone pile. animated and poses no risk to the party. A flock of magpies have
This is the lair of the Alpha Spider-Ogre (result 1:2), although he taken roost in the great wicker head, and their nest contains 22 gc
is rarely encountered here. worth of mixed coin and tarnished jewelry.
Vale of the Necrarch
It’s important to note that while the interior of the Ghoul cave
has been detailed (to a limited extent), the area is not intended to
function as a dramatic or exciting encounter for the PCs. Instead,
the cave and unique political situation of its inhabitants are rel-
evant because the Ghouls will look to exploit any attack made by
the PCs against Lord de Trois and the Heralds if possible.
1. Cave Mouth
The Cave Interior
The charnel-house smell of rotting flesh emanates from the cave
Only the topmost four areas of the Ghoul cave are detailed. In
entrance suggesting the profanities going on within. Skull-topped
reality, the caves extend much deeper underground and connect to
spikes decorate the threshold amidst a random heap of rusted
a larger cave network that is beyond the scope of this adventure.
armour, shields and broken weapons. There is a 50% chance that
The clan’s most closely guarded secret is a subterranean link to the
1d5 Ghouls are present at the cave mouth during daylight hours,
massive cavern below Lord de Trois’ tower. However, even if the
and this number rises to 80% after the sun goes down.
PCs manage to discover this link to the tower, they will face the
considerable challenge of reaching the well entrance in the cavern
ceiling high above. 2. Living Area
PCs wishing to explore the subterranean caverns may attempt an This large chamber serves as the main living area for the cave
Average (+0) Navigation Test (+10 for Dwarfs). For every Degree Ghouls. The floor is carpeted by a thick layer of broken and
of Success, add +1 to the Cavern Exploration Table result. chewed bones that click and clack when trod upon (making stealth
impossible). An enterprising Ghoul has taken the initiative and
collected skulls to arrange along the north wall in an attempt at an
Table 2.7: Cavern Exploration artistic display. The wall of skulls is impressive but unstable, and
easily topples down onto anyone interfering with it. There are al-
1-2 “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” (Tunnel stretches for ways 1d5+1 Ghouls in this area during the day, and 1d10 at night.
miles to the Middle Mountains or Skaven Under-empire)
3. Ghoul Pantry
3-4 “Haven’t we seen that stalactite before..?” (Spend 1d5
hours wandering in circles)
The Ghoul pantry is a smaller chamber featuring a natural well-
5-6 “Do you smell something?” (Exit to the Ghoul Cave) spring of glacier-cold water that fills a natural basin extending
across half the room. The water is cool, clear and would be safe
7-8 “Is that daylight?” (Tunnel exits to a minor cave. 50% of
to drink were it not for the roiling stew of dismembered human
minor exits are outside the Vale)
and animal parts bobbling on the surface. There is a 70% chance
9-10 “It’s this way!” (PCs discover an exit to the surface be- that 1d5 Ghouls are present in the pantry during daylight or night
yond the Vale, or an entrance to the Bat Cavern – pg. 65) hours.
Vale of the Necrarch
4. Ghoul Treasury
The air is damp and condensation collects on the ceiling before
cascading back downwards in a rhythmic echoing patter. This
lower chamber contains shiny baubles and rare plunder that the
Ghouls have collected over the years, mixed haphazardly amongst
the myriad bones of previous meals. The torso of a skeleton has
been carefully arranged within a niche on the north wall.
Beside the shrine are the bedroll and paltry possessions of Udo
Muckenfuss, silver-tongued demagogue and Cultist of Nagash (see
Otto and Udo sidebar, pg. 39). Udo would rather negotiate with
intruders than fight. If 3 or fewer Cave Ghouls have been killed
already, Udo proposes that perhaps the two sides share common
enemies and could work together. If more than 3 Cave Ghouls
were killed, Udo cowers behind his slavering parishioners brandish-
ing a curved dagger and warns the PCs: “Do not invoke the ire of
our Everliving Saviour!” Udo is present in the treasury 80% of the
time, holding court with 1d5 Ghouls.
Ghoul Cave
Gone Native
Although his partner Otto had warned him on numerous occa-
sions about the myriad dangers traversing De Trois’ vale, Udo had
a habit of ignoring good advice and could not resist exploring the
strange sights. Naturally, it was on one of these ill-advised sojourns
that Udo ran afoul of the Cave Ghouls and ended up as a menu
item. By the time Udo regained his senses, the Ghouls had already
devoured his left arm and were preparing to cut off the right…
Udo correctly sensed that the Cave Ghouls were starved for any
kind of leadership and would be receptive to the opportunity
presented. Of course, Udo never actually bothered to inform Otto
or the Wolfenburg cult of his new affiliation. Instead, his new plan
was to take charge of the Cave Ghouls himself and free them from
De Trois’ grasp in any way possible. If the PCs present a formida-
ble threat and launch any sort of credible attack on De Trois or the
Heralds, Udo and the Cave Ghouls are likely join the fray.
Vale of the Necrarch
A row of three unhitched wagons sit on the far side of the stage
The Heralds of a New Dawn have set up camp in a small meadow
away from the living area. The largest wagon is home to Vago
on the eastern fringe of the Necrarch’s vale. The encampment con-
Scherm, a pinch-faced Reiklander who acts as Lord de Trois’ chief
sists of a living area, an open-air theater, and a row of three wagons
archivist and playwright (see The Necrarch’s Biographer sidebar). A
parked in a quiet corner away from the stage.
small rowboat leans against the side of Vago’s wagon. The middle
wagon has been converted to a comfortable study where Vago
1. Living Area Scherm keeps a small collection of books and a writing desk. The
third and smallest wagon is home to Edo Kloppenhuffer and func-
The living area is comprised of four large tents that can comfort- tions as a small shrine to the history of theater in Altdorf.
ably accommodate thirty or more cultists, although no group
of that size has assembled here yet. These sleeping quarters are
focused around a large cooking area and two smaller tents where Herald
costumes and props are crafted for the Theater of the New Dawn.
Pigs, chickens, and even a milking cow are released from their pen Encampment
to freely roam the camp and surrounding meadow, but they have
the natural sense to avoid the forest beyond. There are always at
least 1d10+3 Typical Heralds (TTT pg. 146) living in semi-perma-
nent residence at the camp as guardians or general labourers.
If the PCs reach the camp during daylight hours, then they may Otto the Nagashite Spy
glimpse the renowned “dramatist majeure” Edo Kloppenhuffer
as he directs a scene from a new production. Any PC succeeding After working long months in De Trois’ lab, Otto has developed a
at a Routine (+10) Common Knowledge (Empire) Test recalls form of “necrotic bowel syndrome” from breathing in too many of
that Kloppenhuffer was a famous playwright who vanished from the dangerous alchemical reagents. PCs who venture near the Her-
Altdorf under a cloud of mystery after one of his productions was alds’ Encampment may stumble upon Otto, ‘pants down’ at the
closed for invoking heretical ideology. PCs who pass this test by 3+ edge of a log. Except for a sticky leaf, Otto is unarmed and proves
Degrees recall that Kloppenhuffer’s play “The Emperor in Yellow” easy to capture and interrogate. Otto reveals to his “captors” that
was only performed once, and that much of his audience killed the Necrarch’s tower holds valuable secrets but will be impossible
themselves or others after viewing the show. to breach once De Trois returns from Wolfenburg.
Edo Kloppenhuffer is among Lord de Trois’ most valued assets and Otto returned to the vale with the real Heralds. If Karl’s double
knows it. The sloop-nosed, wax-mustachioed dramaturgist is an was not killed by De Trois at the passion play, then Otto suspects
insufferable narcissist. PCs who observe him in action see Klop- the Necrarch of having a back-up plan, and wants to foil it too. If
penhuffer rehearsing a typically overwrought monologue on stage Karl’s double was killed, then Otto hopes someone has followed
before three full length mirrors as a pair of dull-eyed Undying look De Trois from Wolfenburg to slay the vampire. For more on Otto
on. Flick, see Wolfenburg Interludes pg. 39.
Vale of the Necrarch
Talents: Etiquette, Resistance to Magic, Resistance to Poison, The two Shiners’ primary tactic is to overturn a boat by hitting
Savvy, Seasoned Traveller with a total of three engulfing attacks against the craft. The PCs
can cancel out one engulfing attack for every three points of dam-
Combat age they inflict upon a Shiner. If the vampling Smoot is assisting
Attacks: 1; Movement: 4; Wounds: 14 the PCs, he warns them about the Shiners and suggests the use of
fire to combat the blobs.
Armour: None
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Cudgel) (1d10), Crossbow with 8 bolts A second and well-maintained rowboat is hidden from view behind
(1d10+4; range 24/48; reload Full) a large patch of scrub on the tower island. Unfortunately, this boat
is only visible to PCs that have already crossed.
Vale of the Necrarch
Tower Walls
Once the PCs have managed to cross the moat, their next chal-
lenge is accessing the tower itself. There are no entrances from
ground level, forcing PCs to either fly or climb to the peak.
Climbing the tower brings the party into contact with Lord de
Trois’ next level of security; a rare species of creeper-vine that
covers the exterior wall from bottom to top. After exhausting all
efforts to discover a secret door or window, the players will realise
that the only way onward is upward.
Fortunately, the thick vines are sturdy and climbable with three
successful Routine (+10) Scale Sheer Surface Tests. The twist-
ing branches and fronds of the creeper vine are coated in a sticky
crystalline substance that coats hands or anything coming into
contact with it. The sap of the creeper vine is not deadly, but
produces a mild narcotic effect when absorbed through the skin.
Those affected by the sap must pass a Toughness Test or quickly
find themselves becoming dizzy and nauseous, with the added
symptom of extreme vertigo (-20 to Scale Sheer Surface Tests).
Leather gloves are enough to protect the wearer from the effects of
the sap, although the gloves will become coated with sap and need
to be handled with care after the climb.
If Smoot is with the party, he warns of the “pointy bits” and then
climbs to the tower peak (ignoring any shouts to do otherwise).
Vale of the Necrarch
Tower Peak
Tower Observatory
After an exhausting climb and much painful effort, the PCs find
themselves standing atop the windswept crenulations at the peak of The next most prominent feature of the tower peak is a narrow
the Necrarch’s tower. The vantage point commands a magnificent side tower projecting from the side of the structure. The wooden
vista over the entire ravine, and the PCs can clearly see both the door to the side tower is not barred, and opening it reveals a nar-
Ghoul Cave and Herald Encampment if they have not previously row staircase going up. The staircase spirals steeply upwards before
identified them. landing in the cramped confines of an old observatory. Clearly, the
observatory was designed for a single occupant and will accommo-
Aside from the spectacular view, the most conspicuous feature of date two PCs at most.
the tower peak is a gaping hole opening down into the darkened
shaft of the tower interior. Those expecting a roof-hatch access into Staring skyward from its miniature perch is a tarnished and
a conventional tower with tiered floors are in for a surprise, as it antique-looking telescope. The telescope is no longer functional to
seems the entire length of the tower is hollow inside like a great look through, nor do any of the verdigris encrusted wheels turn if
cyclopean smokestack. Although the lower levels of the tower are anyone attempts to move it.
unlit and hidden in murk, the upper sections are visible through
the rooftop aperture. It seems the inner walls are lined by a matrix The tower observatory was once used by De Trois’ Necrarch ap-
of tiered prison cells extending down the entire length of the tower. prentice, Xyzyx (Expansion #1, pg. 21). Xyzyx was captured from
Animal screeches, chittering, and other less identifiable sounds the observatory by the flying Drakwald Strigoi 122 years ago. He
emanate from within the cages. was delivered to Akana the Strigoi Hag, who still has him impris-
oned in Hunger Wood as her personal astrologer.
If Smoot is with the party, he dances and cavorts on the tower peak
until the first PC reaches the top. The vampling indicates the tower
spikes are ideal anchors to tie off a rope, and then he jumps into
the hole. Anyone looking after Smoot sees him pull open one of
the interior cage doors and lunge inside (see Tower Descent Table –
Level Six, cage #3).
Vale of the Necrarch
There are six tiers of 10’ high cages ringing the interior of the
Necrarch’s tower, and another surrounding the laboratory on the Table 2.8: Tower Descent
ground floor. For every Half Action spent climbing, a PC passes (Level Six – Current Experiments)
one cage level. Each time the lead climber descends into the next
tier, the GM should roll 1d5 on the Tower Descent Table for an 1 Tentacled Horror: A shapeless monstrosity with squid-like ap-
encounter on the corresponding tier. Rolls are only made when the pendages reaches toward the adjacent climber. The climber will get
lead climber descends to the next tier. Climbers who follow the one free hack at the tentacle before it grips him. The tentacle has
TB 3 and 3 Wounds. Climbers gripped by the tentacle must pass
leader must deal with the same encounter if it has not yet been re-
a standard Strength Test or fall.
solved, and those who take their own route must roll for a unique
encounter. The cages are deep and dark enough so that climbing 2 Spider Ogre: This cell contains a Spider Ogre (NDM pg.129) that
PC’s will not be able to see inhabitants without getting close. has just recently undergone its transformation. The pain of the
metamorphosis must be maddening, and the creature’s powerful
arms reach for the adjacent climber. The arms have TB 4 and 3
Wounds although the creature will automatically retreat if injured.
3 Undead or Just Dead Gor: The prone form of an undead Gor
beastman fills this cell. Even if the listless Gor senses the PCs
approach he does nothing. This Gor has obviously undergone ex-
treme torture including the removal of its eyes. If Smoot came to
the tower with the PC’s, then it is here where they catch up with
the gore soaked vampling as he picks his teeth over the mangled
Gor. Smoot apologises for being what he is, but nevertheless an
Easy (+20) Will Power Test is required to avoid gaining 1 IP.
Table 2.7: Tower Descent
4 Dead Monster: The corpse of a recently deceased Skaven is start-
(Level Seven – Winged Creatures) ing to bloat within the cage interior. The sight of the creature
should be unnerving to the many who believe the rat-men are a
1 Undersized Carrion: A small sized version of the Carrion vulture myth. No effect.
launches itself at its unlatched cage door and the adjacent climber.
Quick thinking PCs can slam the door and latch it with a suc- 5 Empty: The cage facing the climber is thankfully devoid of inhab-
cessful Agility Test. Otherwise, the Carrion will burst forth and itants and is safe to pass. No effect.
flap its wings against the adjacent climber before flying off. PCs
assailed by the freed carrion must pass an additional Scale Sheer
Surface Test to hang on. Table 2.9: Tower Descent
2 Flying Monkey: A chattering monkey-like creature with feathers (Level Five – Failed Experiments)
and wings suddenly lunges at the adjacent climber. The PC must
pass a Willpower Test to avoid spooking and losing their grip. 1 The Spitter: This cell contains the form of a scaly demi-human
Spooked PCs can make an additional climbing test to try and with Elflike features and proportions. When a climber is near, the
hang on. Spitter will race to the cage door and unhinge its snake-like fangs
before spraying the climber with venom. The venom cannot be
3 Undead Crow: What looks to be a zombified crow squawks and dodged, but its effects are ignored with a successful Toughness
pecks at the straw within its cage. The crow screeches loudly at the Test. Those affected who fail the Toughness test suffer an onset
climbing PC but no more. No effect. of mild paranoia lasting 3d10 minutes, during which psychology
4 Dead Monster: The fly-infested corpse of a brightly feathered tests are made at a -20 penalty. The Spitter only attacks once.
rabbit-shaped lump exudes a gag-inducing smell. No effect.
2 Albino Skaven: A white furred rat-man called Skrix cowers at the
5 Empty: The cage facing the climber is thankfully devoid of inhab- back of his cage. The Skaven (OWB pg. 106) pleads with any adja-
itants and is safe to pass. cent “mannn thinnnnngs” to release it. If the lead climber releases
the Skaven, it scuttles effortlessly up the cell walls and out of the
tower. Otherwise, the Skaven will attack the next climber to pass.
The Elf Maiden Morlarna
3 Furry Goblin: PCs passing this cell are met by a strange sight.
The PCs hear sobbing from one of the cells, punctuated by a low What looks like a typical goblin is bizarrely covered with brown
voice, muttering the same words over and over in Eltharin. If they feces-matted fur. The Furry Goblin will not attack the adjacent
climber, but pelts him with moist nuggets of Goblin poop. Agility
investigate Level Three (Prisoners), the PCs find a dishevelled fig-
Tests can be made to avoid the pungent projectiles.
ure hunched in the corner with its arms wrapped around its legs.
4 Dead Monster: The dried husk of what looks like a cross between
The figure is Morlarna Foamstrider, the artist responsible for a fox and a gopher moulders in the nearest cell. No effect.
transforming The Lament of Lileath into a visual representation in 5 Empty: The cage facing the climber is thankfully devoid of inhab-
the form of a painting. Unfortunately, communication with the Elf itants and is safe to pass. No effect.
maiden is impossible since Morlana is in a deep state of shock as
the result of Lord de Trois’ myriad tortures.
Vale of the Necrarch
1 Tentacled Horror: A shapeless monstrosity with squid-like ap- 1 Enemy Ghoul: Lord de Trois personally apprehended a rogue
pendages reaches toward the adjacent climber. The climber will get ghoul traversing his vale. The Necrarch hasn’t decided what to do
one free hack at the tentacle before it grips him. The tentacle has with the Ghoul yet, but the Ghoul will attack anyone who nears
TB 3 and 2 Wounds. Climbers gripped by the tentacle must pass its cage door. The Ghoul’s arms have TB 3 and 3 Wounds. The
a standard Strength Test or fall. hunger-crazed Ghoul will attack incessantly until both arms are
severed and will then ram itself against the cage until it bleeds out.
2 Skeleton Skink: Lord de Trois’ Herald agents purchased the
mouldering desiccated corpse of a Skink from a Lustrian trader. 2 Imprisoned Crusader: Within this cage lays the wracked body of
The body was too far gone to cross-breed with any living stock, a pilgrim (use standard Beggar Profile, WFRP pg. 233) captured
but de Trois animated it as a skeleton to observe the results. from the ranks of Karl’s crusade. The pious crusader held out for
Unfortunately, de Trois was unable to command the undead Skink as long as he could, but in the end he told de Trois everything he
as he does normal Skeletons and the creature was forgotten. The knew. The crusader begs for death. No effect.
Skink attacks with the same profile as a normal Skeleton (OWB
pg. 108) 3 Elf Maiden: See Morlarna sidebar. At the rear of this cell is a
whimpering semi-conscious Elf maiden. This Elf is Morlarna, the
3 Zombie: The zombified corpse of an uncooperative Herald attacks artist responsible for the Phoenix painting within de Trois’ library.
anyone passing within arm’s length of his cage. The Herald uses Any attempt to communicate with Morlarna is doomed to fail, as
the standard profile for Zombies (WFRP pg. 231) she is in deep shock from the many tortures suffered in de Trois’
lab. Any non-Elf that attempts to touch her will send her into a
4 Dead Monster: The skeleton of what could only be a bear cub sits primal atavistic rage until they withdraw.
hunched in the small cage interior. The skeleton seems to feature
multi-vertebrate appendages that look an awful lot like tentacles. 4 Dead Monster: The exsanguinated corpse of a Lahmian vampire
No effect. lies in a twisted heap at the bottom of the cage. The corpse is
naked and stripped of all trappings. No effect.
5 Empty: The cage facing the climber is thankfully devoid of inhab-
itants and is safe to pass. No effect. 5 Empty: The cage facing the climber is thankfully devoid of inhab-
itants and is safe to pass. No effect.
Female High Elf Envoy
Any non-Elf PC that touches the maiden will send her flying
Morlarna is a young Elf maiden of the Clan Ulliogtha, situated in into a rage, clawing the nearest PC with the fingernails of her one
Elftown or Sith Rionnasc’namishathir, in Marienburg. Although remaining hand.
an aspiring artist, Morlarna’s uncle Avatil Foamstrider insisted she
visit the Elves of the Laurëlorn Forest as an introduction to the life Insanity Points: 4
of an Envoy. During her stay Morlarna fell in love with the verses
of The Lament of Lileath and encoded their words into a visual Heart of Despair (WFRP pg. 205): Having had her ears and
representation on canvas upon her return to Marienburg. painting hand mutilated by de Trois, Morlarna feels that even if she
should somehow survive this terrible ordeal her life would not be
When she worked as an Envoy, Morlarna’s painting was hung in worth living. She believes that no Elf would find her attractive and
her office so that she could think back to her time in the Laurëlorn that she will no longer be able to paint.
Forest. It was her continued love for painting that one day drew
Morlarna outside of Elftown, to visit a new client that showed in-
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
terest in her work. While walking alone to the meeting, Morlarna
was ambushed from behind, bound, gagged and carried off to Lord 35 45 36 33 55 40* 47 31
de Trois’ lair. There, she has been continually tortured for the true
meaning of the song. Having suffered terribly, Morlarna senses Skills: Common Knowledge (Elves, the Empire, the Wasteland),
nothing but darkness around her and believes all hope is lost. Drive, Evaluate, Gossip +10, Haggle, Perception, Read/Write,
Trade (Artist, Cartographer)
Should the PCs approach, Morlanna remains in the corner mutter-
ing, but it’s easy to see that her right hand is bandaged and her hair Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Dealmaker, Savvy, Excellent Vision
is matted with blood. Those making a successful Routine (+10) Traits: Night Vision
Perception Test will be able to see that her ears have been muti-
lated and gnawed upon, the tips torn and bloody. Combat
Attacks: 1; Movement: 5; Wounds: 12 (currently 4)
Upon a successful Routine (+10) Intelligence Test, PCs with
Speak Language (Eltharin) will be able to make out Verse 3 of Armour: None
The Lament of Lileath between Morlarna’s sobbing. Weapons: Unarmed (SB-4 Damage, Armour Points doubled)
Vale of the Necrarch
2 Undying Stage 2: Like the previous cell, this cage is marked with Fluid runnels carved into the granite floor sluice blood and other
a small tag that reads “Stage 2”. This subject is wrapped from waste liquids into a brick-lined well at the center of the lab. The
the neck down in dirty bandages that lend it the appearance of a
laboratory is roughly divided into two separate areas; a taxidermy
Mummy. The head of the subject is enclosed within a strangely
shaped plate helm that bears mystical glyphs and sigils. The lab complete with operating table, and an alchemical lab devoted
plate helm is actually filled with a thick solution made from the to the analysis of vampire weaknesses and their chemical compo-
blood-red sap found in the vale. The sap is extremely dangerous to nents.
handle, and any living tissue it touches reacts like an extreme case
of frost-bite. Further investigation reveals the chest cavity of the
Stage 2 subject is filled with sawdust.
1 Lugo’s Cell: This straw filled cell is the home of Lugo, Lord de The last features of de Trois’ lab are a large sacrificial altar hewn
Trois’ Spider Ogre assistant (NDM pg.129). It is Lugo who climbs from fathomless black stone, and the metal lever or “killswitch”
up and down the cell walls and fetches subjects for de Trois. Hang- that represents Lord de Trois’ last defence against intruders or
ing from Lugo’s belt is a key-ring with all the necessary keys to
insurrections from his experiment subjects.
open the cages.
2 Smoot’s Cell: This cell housed Smoot the vampling during his
Alchemical Lab
brief tenure as de Trois’ protégée. The cell has been undisturbed
since his expulsion and his old trappings remain.
The alchemical lab contains a long apothecary’s bench, topped
3 Storage: Lord de Trois has taken over one of the lowest level cells by an ingredient cabinet consisting of many small drawers. Each
to house his ever increasing collection of scientific gear and reading of the small drawers bears a tag in Classical script describing the
material. No Effect.
ingredient contained within, and the date the ingredient was col-
4 Dead Monster: This cage holds the corpse of a human member lected. The work area of the bench is cluttered with the tools of the
of the Heralds of a New Dawn. Missing chunks of flesh and other alchemy trade including a crucible, retort, alchemical still, mortar
clues suggest death by Ghoul attack. No Effect. and pestle, and subliming pots.
5 Empty: The cage facing the climber is thankfully devoid of inhab-
itants and is safe to pass. The alchemical lab offers PCs the extraordinary opportunity to
outfit themselves as true vampire hunters. But correctly ascertain-
ing which of the more than 200 ingredients contained within the
When the PCs arrive at level one, they reach the ground level labo- apothecary’s bench are helpful will require effort. Fortunately for
ratory and gain access to Lord de Trois’ inner sanctum. If Smoot is the PCs, Lord de Trois’ fragmented memory has forced him to
with the party, he becomes sentimental at the discovery of his old develop a veritable fetish for note-keeping.
gear and a gold-locket portrait of his mother.
Vale of the Necrarch
Six journals scribed in an uncommonly neat classical script list • Drawer #11 holds 6 ounces of silver dust. De Trois’ entry on sil-
every ingredient and recipe the Necrarch has studied over the last ver dust suggests it be melted and used as plating to create silvered
millennium. The information on vampire weaknesses (and most weapons.
other alchemical pursuits) is sprinkled liberally throughout all six
journals, so a brief ten minute perusal of any journal gives the • A black marble coffer stored beneath the apothecary’s bench
reader a chance to discover a desired ingredient. However, because holds 27 ounces of pure Warpstone Dust (ToC pg. 90).
of the ancient Reman Classical script used by De Trois, an Easy
(+20) Read Language (Classical) Test is required to discover the • Drawers #99-111 contain compounds for the limb replacement
vampire weaknesses and their component ingredients. Basic suc- ritual (see sidebar).
cess indicates the discovery of one ingredient, and each additional
Degree of Success reveals an additional ingredient from the list • Drawers #25-50 are filled with Necrotic Powder (TTT pg. 150),
below. Players may test once for every ten minutes spent perusing a and Lord de Trois expands on the myriad uses for the wonderful
journal. The GM should feel free to fill the other ingredient draw- substance over the course of three journals. Please note, Lord de
ers with whatever herbs or minerals he sees fit. Trois loves his necrotic powder and keeps mass quantities handy
at all times. A three foot urn in the cell storage area is filled to the
brim with the stuff.
• Drawer #132 holds seven sprigs of Daemonsroot, an extremely • An analysis of the blood-red tree sap from the petrified wood,
poisonous tuber that smells like licorice. The journal suggests and its alchemical properties in relation to the Undying project.
multiple formulas for the weaponization of the root; however a
blinding powder seems recommended above all. • Limb replacement ritual (see sidebar).
• Drawer #87 holds six dried berries from the dried Mountain Ash
plant also known as Witchbane. Lord de Trois’ journal suggests the
optimal preparation of Witchbane is to coat a weapon blade with
the oil of a berry.
• A rough hewn burlap sack filled with garlic cloves hangs from a
hook to one side of the bench. Many of the garlic cloves are loose,
but some have been strung together in a garland.
• Drawer # 54 holds four silvery ingots of the mythical Elven Taxidermy Lab
substance known as Ithilmar. This journal entry is accompanied
by exquisitely detailed plans for a dagger Lord de Trois presumably The principle components of Lord de Trois’ taxidermy lab are the
intended to forge and then forgot about. operating table and essential ingredients necessary for the three
stages of the Undying transformation. Nearby tables are cluttered
• A wicker basket containing the bright curlicues of wood-shavings to overflowing with every conceivable (and inconceivable) medi-
and sawdust sits at the side of the bench. The journal suggests the cal instrument. Glass jars filled with coloured liquids contain all
best application for sawdust is as a means to bar portals against the manner of preserved body parts and organs. Again, De Trois’ crisp
entry of vampires afflicted by Usirian’s curse. classical script appears on every jar with a neat and succinct label.
Eyes (blue), eyes (brown), tongues, livers, and kidneys are just
some of the notable tags.
Vale of the Necrarch
Limb Replacement Ritual The Undying are a fascinating sub-variety of undead. Unlike most
if not all other undead, the Undying are not inextricably bound to
Spell: Stitched Flesh putrefaction and rot. At the end of the transformation process, the
Undying appears exactly as they did before undergoing the process.
Type: Arcane Only their cold skin and waxy pallor suggest otherwise.
Language: Magic
Ironically, one of the greatest advantages of the Undying transfor-
Magic: 2 mation is also one of its weaknesses. Certainly the flesh of an Un-
Experience: 100 xp dying is pliable and can easily pass for human (Challenging (-10)
Perception Test to detect), but that same flesh is also delicate and
Ingredients: Freshly amputated limb. Your body and the limb easily susceptible to damage. While that isn’t a problem for a living
must be covered in arcane sigils from head to toe with ink mixed being, the flesh of the Undying no longer possesses the ability to
from your own blood and expensive compounds (50 gc worth / regenerate. This means that even the simplest cuts and gouges will
Drawers #99-111). last forever and spoil the illusion. Lord de Trois already has an
Conditions: The ritual must be cast in an area heavy with Dhar experimental solution to this problem, by utilizing a rare substance
magic. called Skinsilk.
Vale of the Necrarch
Mummification and Soul Fragments The killswitch lever has a small sign fastened to it with a message
scribed neatly in ancient Nehekharan. The message reads “do not
The ancient Nehekharans believed that human souls (Akhu) are pull.” Pulling the lever breaks a glass cylinder below the floor that
composed of five parts. A typical skeleton animated by necromancy allows two reactive chemicals to merge and spark, igniting the
was thought to retain only its life-force fragment (Sehkem) bound primer cord. There is a 180 second delay until the burning fuse can
to the physical shell (Kha); whilst the other four soul fragments ex- travel down the well shaft and ignite the powder keg.
isted in the Underworld. The Mortuary Cult’s earliest mummifica-
tion rituals were able to bind two soul fragments to the deceased’s Needless to say, it is highly unadvisable for the PCs to be present
body. As techniques improved over time, three (or even four) soul when the lever is pulled. There is no way to “unpull” the killswitch,
fragments could be bound to the Kha by mummification. nor is there any practical way to stop the fuse once lit. As danger-
ous as the resulting inferno would be on its own, Lord de Trois
Lord De Trois has discovered the secret of mummifying all five has engineered it to be exponentially more destructive through
soul fragments. His Undying servants retain the elusive Ba and Ab, the design of his tower. Since the towering edifice has no exterior
which govern creativity and emotion. In addition, De Trois can windows, doors, or portals other than the aperture at the top, the
bind Ren to his creations, thereby preserving memories and identi- intense heat would be concentrated within the tower like a massive
ties. By allowing the Undying to keep these soul fragments, De crucible.
Trois believes his Heralds will serve a great purpose in the King-
dom of Death. De Trois envisions a world where arts and culture All PCs caught within the tower when the explosion flares imme-
still thrive amongst spirits and walking dead. diately suffer a Damage 10 hit and must then pass an Agility Test
each following round or catch on fire. Once blazing, a character
Like the Undying, vampires themselves retain all five soul frag- loses 1d10 Wounds (no reduction for Armour) each round until
ments when their bodies first die. However, a portion of the vam- the fire is extinguished.
pire’s soul is stripped away with each destruction and subsequent
resurrection. De Trois has been destroyed twice over the centuries, Once the fireworks start, the only safe places within the tower
and now his soul is incomplete. A renowned poet in life, De Trois’s are inside the Black Altar or behind the sealed blast doors of the
artistic ability has deteriorated with the fragmentation of his Ab. library and living quarters.
Furthermore, De Trois’ Ren is trapped halfway between the mate-
rial and spirit realms, causing his memories to blur together.
The Vampling Smoot: Exit Strategies
Whenever De Trois is unable to organise the fragmented recollec-
tions from his three incarnations, he obsessively reviews journals in If the vampling Smoot has accompanied the party into Lord de
his living quarters for days at a time. Eventually, De Trois emerges Trois’ tower and survived thus far, it will eventually come time for
and dictates pronouncements to the Heralds, who are tasked with him to enact his ultimate ambition and pull the killswitch. Smoot
compiling his complete biography. Over time, De Trois’ biography despises every aspect of his daily reality as a vampire, and would
has developed into a living history of the entire world. blissfully choose non-existence over continuing even one day lon-
ger as a creature of the night. The only reason he hasn’t destroyed
himself before now is his even greater hatred for Lord de Trois, and
The Killswitch his burning desire for retribution.
Like all Necrarchs, Lord de Trois jealously guards his vast store-
If the PCs have been sympathetic to Smoot, and he has somehow
house of knowledge and research as his greatest assets. In the
managed to avoid alienating them, then seeing his old trappings
unlikely event that he perishes or is somehow destroyed, Lord de
and the picture of his mother will seal his decision to “flame out”.
Trois would prefer his collected wisdom to join him in oblivion
Smoot explains to the PCs exactly what the killswitch does, and
rather than fall into the claws of another vampire. Examining this
thanks the party for helping him this far. Smoot will wait for the
pyrrhic motive sheds unexpected light onto the reasons why Lord
PCs to escape the tower before pulling the killswitch and igniting
de Trois selected this particular spot to build a tower in the vale.
the conflagration.
It seems that a large natural cavern situated several hundred feet
Any PC taking a last look before escaping will see Lugo the Spider-
below the tower is home to a colony of nearly three thousand bats.
Ogre emerge from the Black Altar and engage the vampling in
Over the centuries, the constantly increasing pools of bat guano
a violent melee. Although Smoot is seriously outmatched by the
have produced massive pockets of methane that saturate the entire
monstrous construct, he will sacrifice advantage in the combat to
cavern. In the event of his demise, Lord de Trois has positioned a
pull the killswitch. It is up to the GM as to whether poor Smoot
keg of gunpowder to ignite the methane and be sure that no one
succeeds or not.
would benefit from his toil, or pillage his collection.
If the party or its allies have been hostile to Smoot he will pull the
The keg of gunpowder is tied through a vast network of primer
killswitch at the first convenient opportunity.
cord to a rusty steel lever built into the floor of his laboratory.
Vale of the Necrarch
• Numerology references
The Well
• Xyzyx’s old star charts
Lord de Trois built his tower upon an ancient water well that de-
scends several hundred feet into the ground. Now de Trois uses the • Sigmarian history texts, plays & epics
well chute as an access tunnel to reach the lower levels of his tower.
A narrow wrought-iron ladder descends the length of the well, • Father W’Soran’s Architect ritual (NDM pg. 120) *
making stops at the library level and his personal living quarters
before descending all the way to the bat cavern far below.
Heavy metal doors are suspended in stone slits above the portals to
both the library and living quarters. The ropes that hold the metal
doors in place can be severed with a pull from the secret lever
contained inside the black altar. This setup protects de Trois’ price-
less collection of artifacts and lore in the event of an accidental or
malicious pulling of the killswitch.
Vale of the Necrarch
• The surface of one table is covered by all twenty-seven transla- Living Quarters
tions of Myrmidia’s Book of War and their related appendices.
Each translation is annotated by a famous General with wildly The lower basement of De Trois’ tower is divided into three sub-
divergent interpretations and insights into the famous treatise. A chambers, each decorated in distinctive themes recalling specific
well-worn copy of Bellum Strategia is also present here. historical periods. De Trois’ living quarters are a private museum
designed to aid De Trois in keeping his memories organised. When
• Two tables pushed together are covered by numerous stacks of not poring over dusty tomes in the library, working in his labora-
loose pages and scrolls written in High Nehekharan. Interspersed tory or sleeping in the bat cavern, De Trois can be found meditat-
throughout the papers are many of de Trois’ notes and translations ing here. PCs with relevant Academic Knowledge or Common
written in the Classical language. Any PC with Read/Write (Clas- Knowledge skills may attempt to identify De Trois’ memorabilia.
sical) who takes the proper time to analyse this material can learn
to read High Nehekharan on a future XP advance. Reman Sub-chamber
* These texts are covered with Necrotic Powder
This sub-chamber contains antique pottery and its walls are
thumb prints. PCs who touch them will feel a
adorned with bronze weaponry from the later period of the Reman
burning sensation in their fingers.
Empire. Contained within a small marble box are three religious
icons that were earned by De Trois during the first stage of his
existence when he was Claudius, a priest of Myrmidia.
Estalian Sub-chamber
Unless the pictures are aligned in the correct order the Cryptex
will not open, and each failed attempt moves the marker further
towards the number six. If the marker reaches the number six, the
contents of the Cryptex are destroyed with a powerful acid.
Vale of the Necrarch
At some point later, a geological shift occurred and the subterra- When
nean lake shifted to another location or dried up entirely. Now the
cavern is home to a gigantic colony of bats. The rungs of the metal • Before the Heralds Return: The Heralds arrive in the vale 15
ladder actually continue beyond the bottom of the well to a perch hours after the passion play. The journey to the vale takes 10 hours
high above the cave floor. On many days, Lord de Trois enjoys (on foot) from Wolfenburg, so PCs who accompany Coriael there
descending into the pitch black cavern and hiding from the sun directly after the play will arrive 5 hours before the Heralds (i.e.
amongst the chirping bats. roughly at dawn).
A 100-foot length of rope is coiled around the ladder’s bottom • After the Heralds Return: If the PCs arrive at the vale more
rung. If uncoiled, the rope reaches all the way to the cavern floor. than 15 hours after the passion play, the surviving Herald players
A tunnel from the Bat Cavern connects to a network of subter- will have already returned without De Trois. They proceed directly
ranean passages. PCs wishing to leave the tower by this route may to the Herald encampment to rest (except the Undying, who
attempt a Routine (+10) Navigation Test (+20 for Dwarfs). For remain awake and will recognise the PCs as enemies).
each Degree of Success, add +1 to the result on the Cavern Explo-
ration Table (pg. 51). • After De Trois Returns: De Trois returns to the vale 28 hours
after the passion play. It only takes the Necrarch 6 hours to fly on
Keep in mind the Bat Cavern is very dark and filled with noxious his Giant Carrion, but the mount must first be summoned from
methane. Any form of open flame has a 25% chance to ignite its tower perch. By the time the Carrion reaches Wolfenburg to
a pocket of methane for every minute spent in the Bat Cavern fetch De Trois, dawn has already broken and De Trois must hide in
proper. A successful Easy (+20) Academic Knowledge (Science) a forest cave near the Crusade camp until the following nightfall. If
Test allows PCs to recognize the threat of combustion. Combus- the PCs arrive at the Necrarch’s tower more than 28 hours after the
tion rolls are no longer necessary once PCs have moved on to the passion play, De Trois will be present to defend his lair.
Cavern Exploration Table.
PCs entering the Bat Cavern from the tunnel network may at-
tempt a Perception Test to spot an aperture in the roof with an
iron ladder and a coiled rope. However, reaching the ladder from
below is another matter; the cavern’s ceiling is 100’ high.
• The Entrance Ramp: As stated in the Entering the Vale section,
the ideal location for the PCs to stage their final confrontation
with the Heralds and de Trois is at the base of the ramp that leads
into the ravine. The natural choke-point provides the PCs with the
best chance to receive the greater numbers of the Herald cultists.
Vale of the Necrarch
• The Necrarch’s Tower (De Trois Defending): If the PCs are un- • Coriael: See Wolfenburg Interlude pg. 46. Coriael wants to
fortunate enough to engage De Trois while he is in his tower, their recover De Trois’ Elven song secrets and escape from the vale. If he
chance to defeat him is very slight. De Trois will have access to his finds the Elf maiden Morlarna in her cage, he will feel compelled
full range of alchemical and magical supplies and the mighty Lugo to rescue her. Coriael will abandon the PCs against De Trois and
will fight at his side. try to escape, but he should be killed by Heralds or Ghouls whilst
exiting the vale. Coriael’s death is the primary reason for Lorinoc’s
• The Herald Encampment: Once the Heralds are alerted to the rage against the PCs in Chapter IX. However, if you decide to let
presence of hostile intruders, the PCs would be wise to steer clear Coriael survive the Necrarch’s vale, then the profile on page 68
of the Herald Encampment. The Heralds have suffered constant should be used during subsequent chapters.
harassment by the Cave Ghouls and have a well-rehearsed plan to
repel attackers. • Rogar of the Black Guard: See Wolfenburg Interlude pg. 45.
Rogar is primarily concerned with locating the vale and reporting
its position to the Raven Knights. However, if the PCs decide to
assault De Trois’ tower on their own, Rogar will accompany them.
The obsidian-armoured knight observes his vow of silence and
will only speak in Battle Tongue during the expedition. If the PCs
manage to recover any of De Trois’ materials, Rogar ignites a torch
and gestures at the ground. PCs might infer that the Black Guard
wants everything burned. If PCs disobey Rogar’s instruction, an
unfavourable report will be delivered to the Raven Knights and the
PCs might be forced to account for themselves later.
• Otto Flick: If the PCs manage to kill De Trois, then the Na-
gashite spy gathers the vampire’s ashes in a canopic jar and returns
them to Wolfenburg.
• The Cave Ghouls: The Ghouls living within the cave network
on the west ravine are without a leader. De Trois has abandoned
them and no longer feeds them a steady diet of flesh. They know
they have been replaced by the Heralds of a New Dawn, but they
are too afraid of De Trois to attack the Heralds openly. If the PCs
engage De Trois and/or the Heralds in open combat, there is a base
25% chance (+5% per round) that the Ghouls enter the melee as a
third party. The Ghouls know the Heralds and will attempt to kill
them first; however they will attack meddlesome PCs as well.
Vale of the Necrarch
Wolfenburg Interludes
• If the PCs pulled the Killswitch and destroyed De Trois’ tower, it Skills: Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics) +20, Academic
doesn’t matter whether the vampire was defeated or not; the rising Knowledge (Necromancy), Animal Care, Command +10,
smoke is visible for tens of miles and a company of troops will be Common Knowledge (Elves) +10), Common Knowledge (the
dispatched from Wolfenburg to investigate. Empire), Concealment +10, Dodge Blow +20, Follow Trail +10,
Gossip, Intimidate, Outdoor Survival +10, Perception +10,
• If the PCs fled the vale overland without dispatching Lord De Read/Write, Ride, Scale Sheer Surface, Search, Secret Language
Trois or destroying the tower, they may report their findings to the (Battle Tongue, Ranger Tongue), Secret Signs (Ranger), Set Trap,
authorities who will then be able to locate the vale on a map. A Shadowing +10, Silent Move +20, Speak Language (Eltharin,
company of Raven Knights will be sent to investigate, and the vale Reikspiel, Tilean), Swim
will eventually be cleansed.
Talents: Coolheaded, Disarm, Excellent Vision, Fleet Footed,
• If the PCs fled the vale via the cave network without destroying Hardy, Lightning Parry, Mighty Shot, Quick Draw, Rover,
the tower, they might become lost in the Forest of Shadows unless Rapid Reload, Seasoned Traveller, Specialist Weapon Group
they pass a Navigation Test. Lost PCs may attempt one Naviga- (Longbow, Parrying), Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike
tion Test per day until they find their way back to Wolfenburg. to Stun, Strike to Injure, Sure Shot
Upon reporting their findings to the authorities, they will have no Traits: Night Vision
way to locate the vale and their credibility will be questioned.
Wolfenburg Interludes
After Bucholz’ triptych was stolen, Krantz decided to use Farouk The Cult and the Claw
to deflect suspicion from his own espionage. Skulls flagellant-priest
Zigmund had seemed suspicious of Ernst and his two Nagashite Once the Claw of Nagash is firmly in the Wolfen-
colleagues ever since they first infiltrated the heretical Sigmarites. burg cult’s possession, it will be spirited away
Therefore, Ernst told Bucholz that his own investigations had to Kislev and used in Nagash’s final ascension.
revealed the triptych thief ’s identity as a Wurtbad blood cultist. Should the PCs get their hands on the relic, they
Bucholz promptly dispatched Zigmund and a band of zealots will likely be troubled by groups such as the cult
to find him. If Zigmund were to catch and kill Farouk, Ernst of Nagash and other dark agents of the undead,
wouldn’t mind. all of whom want to recover the Claw.
In truth Bernhardt used to belong to the same regiment as Al- Though they cannot know this, it would be safer if the PC con-
brecht. At Nordschweig he didn’t make it across the river and was front the man in the bar now. Otherwise they are awoken by a
captured by the evil marauders. After four years of hard servitude scream in the middle of the night. The main bar room is covered
Bernhardt not only survived, but escaped when Kislevite riders in flammable spirits and Bernhardt is fumbling with a tinderbox.
attacked his captors. Bernhardt’s mind has snapped by this point, Plus he has Albrecht’s daughter Meg hostage at sword point. Can
and he blames the few surviving members of his regiment for leav- the PCs diffuse the situation and save the girl and the bar?
ing him behind. He has killed six already, and Albrecht is next.
— Handouts —
Handout 35 - Page 1
Handout 35 - Page 2
Handout 36
Handout 37
Handout 38
Handout 39 Handout 40
t h a t t h e song
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of a porta cation is obscure,
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Though i i s e t h a t it lies in
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Handout 41