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Checklist ISO14001

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Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence

Audit Observations

Monitoring & Measurement 4.5.1 1) Do procedures include monitoring Review procedures. & measurement requirements? 4.5.1 2) Does the organization have documented procedures to monitor and measure on a set frequency the key characteristics of its operations that are related to the significant environmental aspects? 3) Is measuring and testing equipment retained according to procedures for proper calibration? Verify that the person responsible submits a worksheet (on an established frequency) that provides data on its operations and the status Review equipment requirements for calibration.


Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence

Audit Observations

Emergency Preparedness & Response 4.4.7 1) Have procedures been developed Review all the emergency plans and and maintained to cover emergency procedures to ensure that they are situations? referenced in related documents. 4.4.7 2) Are these procedures modified in Review the procedures for possible instances when emergency situations changes after an emergency or or accidents occur? accident; Check the emergency response procedures. 3) Have periodic tests of the emergency system been conducted? 4) Verify that employees have received appropriate emergency response training. Review records for desk top reviews or mock drills. Review training records for emergency response.

4.4.7 4.4.7

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence Review the significant aspect list and the list of procedures/work instructions to determine if all the significant aspects have some type of operational control to manage them. Review the procedures (work instructions) for operational detail, to include forms and records to complete, specific settings, data to collect, etc.

Audit Observations

Operational Control 4.4.6 1) Have operational controls (e.g., procedures, work instructions and equipment) been identified for how all significant aspects will be managed? 4.4.6 2) Are the operating criteria specified in the procedure (work instruction)?


3) Do the procedures exist to control Review the Contractor Management contractor activity? Procedure.

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence Review the document control procedure.

Audit Observations

Control of Documents 4.4.5 1) Are there document control procedures and systems in place for controlling documents required by the ISO 14001 standard? 4.4.5 4.4.5 2) Can controlled documents be located? 3) Are documents periodically reviewed, revised as necessary and approved for adequacy by authorized personnel? 4) Are current versions available?

Verify the documents are available. Ensure that the documents have been approved for use by an appropriate level of management. Ensure that documents (procedures /work instructions) are accessible to those with significant aspects associated with their jobs. Check for outdated documents; confirm that no superceded hard copies exist. Review procedure to insure that obsolete documents are removed from use.



5) Are obsolete documents promptly removed from all points of issue or otherwise against unintended use? 6) Are obsolete documents retained for legal and/or knowledge preservation purposes suitably identified? 7) Is documentation legible, dated with dates of revision, and maintained in an orderly manner? 8) Is EMS documentation retained for a specified period?



View the EMS documents; confirm it is legible, includes revision dates, and is organized. Verify that the facility follows the record retention procedures.

4.4.5 4.4.5

9) Have responsibilities been defined for Confirm that the authority for initiating the EMS the creation and revision of documents and documents and revising them is defined. (e.g., in included within a procedure? the document control procedure.)

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County

Criteria Documentation

Audit Question

Required Evidence

Audit Observations

1) Has the facility developed program materials in either paper or electronic 4.4.4 form? 4.4.4 2) Are the core elements of the management system and their interaction described? 4.4.4 3) Does the EMS program provide direction to related documentation?

View EMS Procedures, either hardcopy or electronic version. Verify the core EMS documents include all 17 elements. Verify the cross references to related programs and documentation that provide more detail. (e.g., procedures, work instructions, plans.)

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence

Audit Observations

Communication 4.4.3 1) Have the internal communications Verify by sampling the process of procedures been developed for the how EMS information is EMS? communicated between the various levels and functions within the organization or various departments. 4.4.3 2) Does a process exist to receive, document, and respond to relevant external communications? Verify by sampling, the process for receiving, documenting and responding to external communications from interested parties. (Customers, regulator, etc.)

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence Review the training needs to ensure that individuals working with significant aspects have been trained. Review written training subject matter, level of understanding, and identification of the groups or job functions.

Audit Observations

Competence, Training and Awareness 4.4.2 1) Have training needs been identified? Subject matter should include the environmental training required by law, procedures, and work instructions. Verify the organization has identified the job functions that may have significant environmental impact. 4.4.2 2) Have procedures been developed that address: a) the importance of the EMS; b) significant aspects; c) roles and responsibilities; d) consequences of departure from specified operating procedures?

Verify that employees whose work may impact the environment have been appropriately trained on the consequences of deviating from procedures. Verify that employees have been made aware of the aspects and significant aspects of their department and the benefits of following approved EMS procedures


3) Does the organization require and Review training documents. provide training with respect to emergency preparedness and response? 4) Are personnel working with Interview personnel who work with significant aspects competent based significant aspects, to assure they on education, training, or experience? have the proper understanding and are competent to do their job (if significant aspect involved) based upon criteria such as. (Licenses, experience, work instruction training, supervisor signoff, etc.)


Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence Review Organizational charts, roles, responsibilities and authorities of personnel for the environmental management system. Confirm the EMS Team is still active in implementing the EMS. Confirm the Environmental Management Representative (EMR) has been appointed, is knowledgeable about the system and report results to senior management.

Audit Observations

Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority 4.4.1 1) Have the roles, responsibilities, and authorities been defined, documented and communicated? 4.4.1 4.4.1 2) Are adequate resources committed for implementation? 3) Has a Management Representative (EMR) been identified with responsibilities for maintaining the system and reporting results to management?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence Confirm the objectives & targets have been identified for significant aspects. Have the department explain the process.

Audit Observations

Objectives, Targets and Programs 4.3.3 1) The Facility has established and maintained a program for achieving its objectives and targets. Have objectives and targets been established for the organization? 4.3.3 2) Did the department utilize the following when it established its objectives and targets: legal and other requirements; significant environmental aspects; prevention pollution; views of interested parties?

Evaluate objectives and targets.


3) Are objectives and targets Confirm objectives in the consistent with the Environmental Environmental Policy are included Policy and include a commitment to within the facilities objectives. prevention of pollution? 4) Are the objectives specific? Are they measurable? 5) Verify the individual roles and responsibilities on objectives and targets are defined. Have the organization demonstrate this. Interview appropriate employees.

4.3.3 4.3.3


6) Identify how progress toward the Ensure that monthly operating objectives and targets are tracked and reports (or similar method) include communicated to upper management. status of objectives and targets. 7) Have Environmental Programs or Review the Programs. Are they action plans been developed to linked to significant aspects? manage significant aspects? 8) Have the responsibilities and timeframes for completion been defined for who will complete activities and actions? Review the Environmental Management Programs (EMPs).




9) Have programs been modified or Verify that new projects or new programs been developed for modifications are subject to the EMS any new activities? requirements. Have the department explain the process.

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence Confirm that a procedure exists for Legal and Other Requirements. Verify legal requirements are reviewed periodically and changes documented.

Audit Observations

Legal and Other Requirements 4.3.2 1) Has a procedure been developed to identify and have access to legal and other requirements? 4.3.2 2) If the information relative to the legal requirements kept up to date?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence

Audit Observations

Evaluation of Compliance 4.5.2 4) Are environmental compliance Review completed compliance audits audits being completed on a regular and review the procedure. frequency and documented?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence

Audit Observations

Nonconformity, Corrective, & Preventive Action 4.5.3 1) Are procedures in place for Review procedure for Corrective nonconformance, corrective, and Action. Verify the procedure preventive actions? procedures been (process) addresses means for of 4.5.3 2) Have revisions to Review CAR log for changes completed as a result of corrective procedures as a result of CARs. and preventive actions?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence Review records management procedure.

Control of Records 4.5.4 1) Are procedures in place for records management, to include identification, maintenance, and disposition of environmental records? (EMS records include legal and other requirements, environmental aspects, training, monitoring data, nonconformance information, environmental audits, management reviews, emergency preparedness, etc.)


2) Are audit records and training records maintained, along with other records?

Ensure that audit records and training records are maintained as a minimum; Review other environmental records for conformance to the procedure.


3) Are environmental records legible, Review the procedures to ensure that identifiable, and traceable to the activity, product appropriate records are being or service involved? generated with requisite information. 4) Are records readily retrievable in suitable conditions? Confirm records are maintained within filing cabinets or electronic records are readily retrievable.



5) The organization has ensured that the Review records retention retention times for its environmental records are Environmental Policy. Ensure established and recorded. records management is consistent with these guidelines. 6) Are adequate records identified in the procedures and are they being generated, as appropriate? Confirm that records identified in the EMS procedures are being archived.


Audit Observations

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence Review Internal Audit Procedures.

Audit Observations

Internal Audits 4.5.5 1) Are procedures in place for periodic audits of environmental management system? 4.5.5

2) Does the audit checklist cover the Confirm all elements of ISO 14001 elements of ISO 14001? are addressed by answering the questions included on this checklist. Does the audit cover conformance to the EMS? 3) Have the results of audits been reported to management? Confirm that audit results are reviewed by management. (e.g., included on distribution and management review.)



4) Do audit procedures address audit Review the audit procedure. scope, frequency, methodology, responsibilities, and requirements for conducting and reporting audits?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence Verify the Management Review Procedure. Ensure that the management review records have been completed and documented.

Audit Observations

Management Review 4.6 1) Does top management routinely review the EMS for its suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness? 4.6

2) The Management Review Agenda Review Management review meeting should include the following items: minutes. status of objectives and targets, corrective and preventive actions, audit reports, interested party issues, and regulatory compliance.


3) Has the management review Review possible program changes as a process considered possible changes result of the management review to Environmental Policy, objectives process. and other EMS elements?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question General Requirements 4.1 1) Has the scope been documented to define the fence line to which the EMS applies? Environmental Policy 4.2 1) Has top management defined the Environmental Policy? 4.2 2) Is the Environmental Policy appropriate to the nature scale, and environmental impacts of its activities, products, or services? 3) Does the Environmental Policy include a commitment to continual improvement & pollution prevention? 4) Does the Environmental Policy include a commitment to comply with appropriate environmental laws & other requirements? 5) Does the Environmental Policy provide a framework of setting & reviewing environmental objectives & targets? 6) Is the Environmental Policy documented, implemented, maintained and communicated to all employees? How are temporary or part-time employees covered? Do employees know how their job relates to the Environmental Policy? Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Verify that activities, products and services are addressed within the scope. View the Environmental Policy and verify it is signed by top mgt. Verify that the Environmental Policy includes a description of the appropriate activities, products and services. Confirm that the Environmental Policy includes a written commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution. Confirm that the Environmental Policy includes a written commitment to meeting or exceeding all appropriate legal and other requirements. Confirm that the facility objectives are identified. (e.g., reduce energy, reduce waste.) Confirm that the Environmental Policy is given to employees and that the employees are given Environmental Policy awareness training.

Audit Observations



4.2 4.2

Environmental Policy (continued) 4.2 7) Is the Environmental Policy available to the public? Have vendors and suppliers been made aware of the Environmental Policy?

Verify that the facility has a procedure to receive and respond to inquires on the Environmental Policy, and records the responses on the external communication log.

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Environmental Aspects 4.3.1 1) Has a procedure for environmental aspects been developed? Does the procedure include the evaluation of non-routine conditions? 4.3.1 2) Have the environmental aspects been identified? Was the procedure for environmental aspects followed? Have management controls been considered in determining those that are significant? Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Confirm that a procedure exists for Environmental Aspects. Review the environmental aspects. Verify that there are meeting minutes from the EMS Team identifying the environmental aspects. Determine the process for aspects identification, the grading and ranking of significant aspects.

Audit Observations


Verify that significant aspects are managed 3) Have significant environmental aspects been communicated to employees? Determine how aspects are communicated to employees. Interview (sample) employees for awareness of the organizations aspects. Verify that objectives and targets are linked to significant aspects Confirm the review of aspects at regular intervals. Verify the aspects are up to date. Check for any new or modified process changes that require aspects review.

4.3.1 4.3.1

4) Have objectives and targets been established for each significant aspect? 5) Are aspects kept current?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Legal and Other Requirements 4.3.2 1) Has a procedure been developed to identify and have access to legal and other requirements? 4.3.2 2) If the information relative to the legal requirements kept up to date? Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Confirm that a procedure exists for Legal and Other Requirements. Verify legal requirements are reviewed periodically and changes documented.

Audit Observations

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Objectives, Targets and Programs 4.3.3 1) The Facility has established and maintained a program for achieving its objectives and targets. Have objectives and targets been established for the organization? 4.3.3 2) Did the department utilize the following when it established its objectives and targets: legal and other requirements; significant environmental aspects; prevention pollution; views of interested parties? 3) Are objectives and targets consistent with the Environmental Policy and include a commitment to prevention of pollution? 4) Are the objectives specific? Are they measurable? 5) Verify the individual roles and responsibilities on objectives and targets are defined. 6) Identify how progress toward the objectives and targets are tracked and communicated to upper management. Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Confirm the objectives & targets have been identified for significant aspects. Have the department explain the process. Evaluate objectives and targets.

Audit Observations

4.3.3 4.3.3 4.3.3 4.3.3

Confirm objectives in the Environmental Policy are included within the facilities objectives. Have the organization demonstrate this. Interview appropriate employees. Ensure that monthly operating reports (or similar method) include status of objectives and targets.

4.3.3 4.3.3 4.3.3

7) Have Environmental Programs or action plans been developed to manage Review the Programs. Are they linked to significant significant aspects? aspects? 8) Have the responsibilities and timeframes for completion been defined for Review the Environmental Management Programs who will complete activities and actions? (EMPs). 9) Have programs been modified or new programs been developed for any new Verify that new projects or modifications are subject to activities? the EMS requirements. Have the department explain the process.

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority 4.4.1 1) Have the roles, responsibilities, and authorities been defined, documented and communicated? 4.4.1 4.4.1 2) Are adequate resources committed for implementation? 3) Has a Management Representative (EMR) been identified with responsibilities for maintaining the system and reporting results to management? Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Review Organizational charts, roles, responsibilities and authorities of personnel for the environmental management system. Confirm the EMS Team is still active in implementing the EMS. Confirm the Environmental Management Representative (EMR) has been appointed, is knowledgeable about the system and report results to senior management.

Audit Observations

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Competence, Training and Awareness 4.4.2 1) Have training needs been identified? Subject matter should include the environmental training required by law, procedures, and work instructions. Verify the organization has identified the job functions that may have significant environmental impact. 4.4.2 2) Have procedures been developed that address: a) the importance of the EMS; b) significant aspects; c) roles and responsibilities; d) consequences of departure from specified operating procedures? Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Review the training needs to ensure that individuals working with significant aspects have been trained. Review written training subject matter, level of understanding, and identification of the groups or job functions. Verify that employees whose work may impact the environment have been appropriately trained on the consequences of deviating from procedures. Verify that employees have been made aware of the aspects and significant aspects of their department and the benefits of following approved EMS procedures

Audit Observations

4.4.2 4.4.2

3) Does the organization require and provide training with respect to emergency preparedness and response? 4) Are personnel working with significant aspects competent based on education, training, or experience?

Review training documents. Interview personnel who work with significant aspects, to assure they have the proper understanding and are competent to do their job (if significant aspect involved) based upon criteria such as. (Licenses, experience, work instruction training, supervisor signoff, etc.)

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County

Criteria Audit Question Required Evidence Communication 4.4.3 1) Have the internal communications procedures been developed for the EMS? Verify by sampling the process of how EMS information is communicated between the various levels and functions within the organization or various departments. 4.4.3 2) Does a process exist to receive, document, and respond to relevant external Verify by sampling, the process for receiving, communications? documenting and responding to external communications from interested parties. (Customers, regulator, etc.)

Audit Observations

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Documentation 4.4.4 4.4.4 4.4.4 Audit Question Chesterfield County

Required Evidence View EMS Procedures, either hardcopy or electronic version. Verify the core EMS documents include all 17 elements. Verify the cross references to related programs and documentation that provide more detail. (e.g., procedures, work instructions, plans.)

Audit Observations

1) Has the facility developed program materials in either paper or electronic form? 2) Are the core elements of the management system and their interaction described? 3) Does the EMS program provide direction to related documentation?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Control of Documents 4.4.5 1) Are there document control procedures and systems in place for controlling documents required by the ISO 14001 standard? 4.4.5 2) Can controlled documents be located? 4.4.5 3) Are documents periodically reviewed, revised as necessary and approved for adequacy by authorized personnel? 4.4.5 4) Are current versions available? Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Review the document control procedure. Verify the documents are available. Ensure that the documents have been approved for use by an appropriate level of management. Ensure that documents (procedures /work instructions) are accessible to those with significant aspects associated with their jobs. Check for outdated documents; confirm that no superceded hard copies exist. Review procedure to insure that obsolete documents are removed from use. View the EMS documents; confirm it is legible, includes revision dates, and is organized. Verify that the facility follows the record retention procedures. Confirm that the authority for initiating the EMS documents and revising them is defined. (e.g., in the document control procedure.)

Audit Observations

4.4.5 4.4.5 4.4.5 4.4.5 4.4.5

5) Are obsolete documents promptly removed from all points of issue or otherwise against unintended use? 6) Are obsolete documents retained for legal and/or knowledge preservation purposes suitably identified? 7) Is documentation legible, dated with dates of revision, and maintained in an orderly manner? 8) Is EMS documentation retained for a specified period? 9) Have responsibilities been defined for the creation and revision of documents and included within a procedure?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Operational Control 4.4.6 1) Have operational controls (e.g., procedures, work instructions and equipment) been identified for how all significant aspects will be managed? Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Review the significant aspect list and the list of procedures/work instructions to determine if all the significant aspects have some type of operational control to manage them. Review the procedures (work instructions) for operational detail, to include forms and records to complete, specific settings, data to collect, etc. Review the Contractor Management Procedure.

Audit Observations


2) Are the operating criteria specified in the procedure (work instruction)?


3) Do the procedures exist to control contractor activity?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Emergency Preparedness & Response 4.4.7 1) Have procedures been developed and maintained to cover emergency situations? 4.4.7 2) Are these procedures modified in instances when emergency situations or accidents occur? 4.4.7 4.4.7 3) Have periodic tests of the emergency system been conducted? 4) Verify that employees have received appropriate emergency response training. Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Review all the emergency plans and procedures to ensure that they are referenced in related documents. Review the procedures for possible changes after an emergency or accident; Check the emergency response procedures. Review records for desk top reviews or mock drills. Review training records for emergency response.

Audit Observations

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Monitoring & Measurement 4.5.1 1) Do procedures include monitoring & measurement requirements? 4.5.1 2) Does the organization have documented procedures to monitor and measure on a set frequency the key characteristics of its operations that are related to the significant environmental aspects? Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Review procedures. Verify that the person responsible submits a worksheet (on an established frequency) that provides data on its operations and the status of its objectives and targets and performance indicators. Review equipment requirements for calibration.

Audit Observations

3) Is measuring and testing equipment retained according to procedures for proper calibration? Evaluation of Compliance 4.5.2 4) Are environmental compliance audits being completed on a regular frequency and documented? Nonconformity, Corrective, & Preventive Action 4.5.3 1) Are procedures in place for nonconformance, corrective, and preventive actions? 4.5.3 2) Have revisions to procedures been completed as a result of corrective and preventive actions?


Review completed compliance audits and review the procedure. Review procedure for Corrective Action. Verify the procedure (process) addresses means for identifying the root cause andlog for changes effective correctiveresult of Review CAR implementing of procedures as a and CARs.

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County

Criteria Audit Question Required Evidence Control of Records 4.5.4 1) Are procedures in place for records management, to include identification, Review records management procedure. maintenance, and disposition of environmental records? (EMS records include legal and other requirements, environmental aspects, training, monitoring data, nonconformance information, environmental audits, management reviews, emergency preparedness, etc.) 4.5.4 2) Are audit records and training records maintained, along with other records? Ensure that audit records and training records are maintained as a minimum; Review other environmental records for conformance to the procedure. 3) Are environmental records legible, identifiable, and traceable to the activity, Review the procedures to ensure that appropriate records product or service involved? are being generated with requisite information. 4) Are records readily retrievable in suitable conditions? 5) The organization has ensured that the retention times for its environmental records are established and recorded. 6) Are adequate records identified in the procedures and are they being generated, as appropriate? Confirm records are maintained within filing cabinets or electronic records are readily retrievable. Review records retention Environmental Policy. Ensure records management is consistent with these guidelines. Confirm that records identified in the EMS procedures are being archived.

Audit Observations


4.5.4 4.5.4


Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Internal Audits 4.5.5 1) Are procedures in place for periodic audits of environmental management system? 4.5.5 2) Does the audit checklist cover the elements of ISO 14001? Does the audit cover conformance to the EMS? 4.5.5 3) Have the results of audits been reported to management? Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Review Internal Audit Procedures. Confirm all elements of ISO 14001 are addressed by answering the questions included on this checklist. Confirm that audit results are reviewed by management. (e.g., included on distribution and management review.) Review the audit procedure.

Audit Observations


4) Do audit procedures address audit scope, frequency, methodology, responsibilities, and requirements for conducting and reporting audits?

Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Criteria Audit Question Management Review 4.6 1) Does top management routinely review the EMS for its suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness? 4.6 Chesterfield County

Required Evidence Verify the Management Review Procedure. Ensure that the management review records have been completed and documented.

Audit Observations

2) The Management Review Agenda should include the following items: status Review Management review meeting minutes. of objectives and targets, corrective and preventive actions, audit reports, interested party issues, and regulatory compliance. 3) Has the management review process considered possible changes to Environmental Policy, objectives and other EMS elements? Review possible program changes as a result of the management review process.


Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence View the Environmental Policy and verify it is signed by top mgt. Verify that the Environmental Policy includes a description of the appropriate activities, products and services. Confirm that the Environmental Policy includes a written commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution.

Audit Observations

Environmental Policy 4.2 1) Has top management defined the Environmental Policy? 4.2 2) Is the Environmental Policy appropriate to the nature scale, and environmental impacts of its activities, products, or services? 4.2 3) Does the Environmental Policy include a commitment to continual improvement & pollution prevention?


4) Does the Environmental Policy include a Confirm that the Environmental Policy includes a written commitment to comply with appropriate environmental commitment to meeting or exceeding all appropriate legal and laws & other requirements? other requirements. 5) Does the Environmental Policy provide a framework Confirm that the facility objectives are identified. (e.g., reduce of setting & reviewing environmental objectives & energy, reduce waste.) targets? 6) Is the Environmental Policy documented, Confirm that the Environmental Policy is given to employees implemented, maintained and communicated to all and that the employees are given Environmental Policy employees? How are temporary or part-time employees awareness training. covered? Do employees know how their job relates to the Environmental Policy? 7) Is the Environmental Policy available to the public? Have vendors and suppliers been made aware of the Environmental Policy? Verify that the facility has a procedure to receive and respond to inquires on the Environmental Policy, and records the responses on the external communication log.




Environmental Management System Internal Audit Checklist

Auditor: Date of Audit: Chesterfield County


Audit Question

Required Evidence Confirm that a procedure exists for Environmental Aspects.

Audit Observations

Environmental Aspects 4.3.1 1) Has a procedure for environmental aspects been developed? Does the procedure include the evaluation of non-routine conditions? 4.3.1 2) Have the environmental aspects been identified? Was the procedure for environmental aspects followed? Have management controls been considered in determining those that are significant?

Review the environmental aspects. Verify that there are meeting minutes from the EMS Team identifying the environmental aspects. Determine the process for aspects identification, the grading and ranking of significant aspects.

Verify that significant aspects are managed 4.3.1 3) Have significant environmental aspects been communicated to employees? Determine how aspects are communicated to employees. Interview (sample) employees for awareness of the organizations aspects. 4.3.1 4.3.1 4) Have objectives and targets been established for each significant aspect? 5) Are aspects kept current? Verify that objectives and targets are linked to significant aspects Confirm the review of aspects at regular intervals. Verify the aspects are up to date. Check for any new or modified process changes that require aspects review.

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