Slavery Lesson Plan
Slavery Lesson Plan
Slavery Lesson Plan
Slavery is an age-old idea that has existed for centuries where a dominant people would enslave a
less dominant group to use in activities that would give them an economic benefit. Before the
American Civil war, slavery was considered essential element to the economy of the deep South. If
they didn’t have slaves to pick cotton, the economy would have collapsed. The trip between Africa
and the United States to the plantation was quite the journey for slaves. This lesson looks at the
Trans-Atlantic slave trade, slave roles on plantations and their roles during the American Civil War.
Big Ideas:
Disparities in power alter the balance of relationships between individuals and between societies.
Curricular Competencies:
- Use Social Studies inquiry processes and skills to ask questions; gather interpret, and analyze
ideas; and to communicate findings and decisions.
- Assess the significance of people, places, events or developments, and compare varying
perspectives on their historical significance at particular times and places, from group to
- Assess how prevailing conditions and the actions of individuals affect events, decisions or
developments (cause and consequence).
- Explain and infer different perspective on past or present people, places, issues or events by
considering prevailing norms, values, worldviews and beliefs.
- Local, global and regional conflicts.
- The continuing effects of imperialism and colonialism on Indigenous peoples in Canada and
around the world.
- Global demographic shifts, including patterns of migration and population growth.
Record notes while Introduce the topic of Student will take notes Hand out the
listening to a Sway.slavery before and during by filling in the blanks vocabulary sheet to
(I can fill in the the American Civil War. as the teacher talks. the ELL student the
blanks of my notes day before and go
by listening and Turn on the Sway and Students participate in over the vocabulary
recording what is hand out the fill in the the discussion as the words. Student can
there) blank notes. teacher asks questions. work on putting
vocab words into
own words or
Define and identify Students answer dictionary
the necessary Ask questions about the questions about the
vocabulary terms context of vocabulary vocab words. Circulate around the
(in attached words found in the room while talking.
document) both presentation.
orally and in
(I can define new
vocabulary by
placing them in my
own words)
Evaluate and Hand out the History Lab Students will page Circulate around the
analyze selected and explain directions on through the document room to check in
primary and how to approach the with the teacher. with students.
secondary sources assignment and the
by conducting close primary and secondary The ELL student has
reading to pick out sources in the document. the option of working
important details to with someone to
answer the 5 w’s. Go through the first two Students will work bounce ideas off the
(I can read through questions to practice the through the first couple partner.
a primary and reading the source with of questions with the
secondary source the students. Students teacher. Remind students to
by answering the 5 will have to empathize Students work through hand in when
w’s) with the slave) the History Lab. finished the
Remind students to work document.
in full sentences.
Examine sources of
slavery by
empathy for the
character. (I can
share concern for
people from
Record what they Instruct students to fill Students will fill out Oral exit slips may be
have learned or not out an exit slip with the their exit slip before an option.
learned by filling following things: leaving.
out an exit slip. (I 1. 3 things that you
can take ownership learned
of my learning by 2. 2 things that
filling out an exit interested that
slip before leaving needs more
class) exploration
3. 1 thing you have a
question about.
(How will you check student knowledge, understanding, analysis, application, synthesis,
evaluation ability? Write 2-3 quiz/test questions below.)
(How will you mark student work? Right/Wrong, Marking Chits, Rating Scales, Rubrics,
Holistic: Attach documents)
- Discussions
- Exit Slip with 3 things learned in class, 2 things that interested you that needs
more exploration, and 1 thing that you have a question about.
- History Lab: Life in Chains to Life in America. Point values for each question are at
the end of each question.
Alrubail, R. (2016, July 7). Equity for English-language learners. Edutopia. Retrieved
May 19, 2022, from
Haynes, J. (n.d.). | six strategies for teaching ells across the content areas. TESOL Blog.
Retrieved May 19, 2022, from
. Working with ELL Students. (n.d.). Retrieved May 19, 2022, from https://bestofb-