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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship: Second Quarter - Module 1

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Second Quarter – Module 1:
Core Values and Principles of
Community Action Initiatives

Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship – Grade 11
Quarter 2 – Module 1: Core Values and Principles of Community Action

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Rona A. Despabiladeras

Evaluator: Elmer Valenzuela

Editor: Divina M. Diaz, Ph.D.

Ma. Theresa D. Gacosta


Layout Artist: Edsel D. Doctama

As a student, your role in nation-building is crucial. This module will help you

understand the different core values necessary

for implementing community action initiatives.

These core values will help you determine the

strategies, programs, and policies that would

empower your community.


At the end of this module, you are expected to:

 Explain the core values of community action

initiatives such as human rights, social equity, gender equality, and

participatory development.

 Identify the different core values of community action initiatives.

 Express the importance of human rights, social equity, gender equality and
participatory development in community action initiatives through a poster.



Directions: Each letter in the alphabet from A to Z

corresponds to numbers 1 to 26. Determine the words

described in each item by identifying the letter that

matches up to each number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26

1. 19 15 3 9 1 12 5 17 21 9 20 25

It refers to the fair distribution of society’s benefits, advantages and assets, not

just bylaw and in the court but in all aspects of the society.

2. 8 21 13 1 14 18 9 7 8 20 19

These are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of nationality,

residence, sex, origin, color, religion, language, or any other status.

3. 7 5 14 4 5 18 5 17 21 1 12 9 20 25

It refers to equal access to goods, services and resources and equal

opportunities in all spheres of life for both men and women.

16 1 18 20 9 3 9 16 1 20 15 18 25 4 5 22 5 12 15 16 13 5 14 20

It refers to the process through which stakeholders can influence and share

control over development initiatives and over the decisions and resources that

affect them.


Identify the concept associated with each illustration.

Choose from the options inside the box. Explain briefly

why you associated the concept with the illustration.

Participatory Development Right to Life

Right to Property Right to Liberty
Social Equity Gender Equality

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1. Concept: _____________________ 2. Concept: _____________________

Explanation: ____________________ Explanation: ____________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________



3. Concept: _____________________ 4. Concept: _____________________

Explanation: ____________________ Explanation: ____________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________


5. Concept: _____________________ 6. Concept: _____________________

Explanation: ____________________ Explanation: ____________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________

You already have a glimpse of the
concepts in this module. To gain a deeper
understanding of the core values of
community action initiatives, read the
succeeding discussions. Then answer the
activities prepared for you.


Human rights are rights inherent to all human

beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity,

language, religion, or any other status. Human rights

include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion

and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled

to these rights, without discrimination. (www.un.org)


UNIVERSAL Human rights belong to all people.

Human rights cannot be taken away unless

specific situations call for it. However, the

deprivation of a person’s right is subject to due


INTERCONNECTED Human rights are dependent on one another.

INDIVISIBLE Human rights cannot be treated in isolation.

Human rights should be respected without



The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human

rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from

all regions of the world, the declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General

Assembly in Paris on December 10, 1948 as a common standard of achievements for

all people and all nations. It has 30 articles that set out for the first time the fundamental

human rights to be universally protected. (www.un.org)


Article 1: Right to Equality

Article 2: Freedom from Discrimination

Article 3: Right to Life, Liberty, and Personal Security

Article 4: Freedom from Slavery

Article 5: Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment

Article 6: Right to Recognition as a Person Before the Law

Article 7: Right to Equality Before the Law

Article 8: Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal

Article 9: Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Exile

Article 10: Right to Fair Public Hearing

Article 11: Right to be Considered Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Article 12: Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and


Article 13: Right to Free Movement in and out of the Country

Article 14: Right to Asylum in other Countries from Persecution

Article 15: Right to a Nationality and the Freedom to Change it

Article 16: Right to Marriage and Family

Article 17: Right to Own Property

Article 18: Freedom of Belief and Religion

Article 19: Freedom of Opinion and Information

Article 20: Right of Peaceful Assembly and Association

Article 21: Right to Participate in Government and in Free Elections

Article 22: Right to Social Security

Article 23: Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions

Article 24: Right to Rest and Leisure

Article 25: Right to Adequate Living Standard

Article 26: Right to Education

Article 27: Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of Community

Article 28: Right to a Social Order that Articulates this Document

Article 29: Right to Community Duties Essential to Free and Full Development

Article 30: Freedom from State or Personal Interference in the above Rights


Identify the human rights associated with the

statement in each item. Choose your answer from

the different human rights according to the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights.

_______________________________ 1. The government provides free basic

education from Kindergarten to Grade 12 in all public schools.

_______________________________ 2. The will of the people is the basis of the

authority of the government, which is expressed through periodic elections.

_______________________________ 3. Everyone has the right to leave any country,

including his own, and to return to his country.

_______________________________ 4. Men and women of full age, without any

limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to start their own family.

_______________________________ 5. Everyone is given reasonable limitation of

working hours to rest and relax during their spare time.

You have already learned that human rights

are granted to everyone without distinction of any
kind. Human rights are essential to the full
development of individuals and communities.

There’s a lot more to learn. Keep moving!


Gender equality is the state of equal access

to resources and opportunities regardless of

gender, including economic participation and

decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs

equally, regardless of gender (en.m.wikipedia.org).

Gender equality requires equal enjoyment by women and men of socially-

valued goods, opportunities, resources, and rewards. Where gender inequality exists,

it is generally women who are excluded or disadvantaged in relation to decision-

making and access to economic and social resources (www.unfpa.org). But we should

not ignore the negative impact that gender inequality can have on men as well. For

example, societal norms regarding the appropriate behavior for men tend to put them

under pressure with regards to the need to provide materially for their family, and also

deny them opportunities of being more nurturing towards their children and wife.

According to UNICEF, gender equality means that women and men, and girls

and boys, enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities, and protections. It does not

require that girls and boys, or women and men, be the same, or that they be treated

equally alike. On a global scale, achieving gender equality also requires eliminating

harmful practices against women and girls. A critical aspect of promoting gender

equality is the empowerment of women, with a focus on identifying and redressing

power imbalances and giving women more autonomy to manage their own lives.


In the context of societal systems, equality and

equity refer to similar but slightly different concepts.

Equality generally refers to equal opportunity and the

same levels of support for all segments of the society.

Equity goes a step further and refers to offering varying levels of support depending

upon the need to achieve greater fairness of outcomes (www.diffen.com). Equality

seeks to make everyone equal; equity, on the other hand, seeks to address the

underlying and systemic differences of opportunity and access to social resources.

This is more important because we are not all the same and some people need more

help than others (projecthumancity.com).

One example of striving for social equity is affirmative action. Affirmative action

is the policy of explicitly favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination,

especially in relation to employment or education. In some countries, public

universities and government agencies set aside a certain number of slots for people

from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.

Another example of upholding social equity is the progressive tax system that

levies higher taxes on higher income brackets because those with higher incomes

presumably have a higher ability to pay. Giving preferential treatment to the elderly

and to persons with disabilites, as well as women-friendly policies in the workplace are

also other ways of promoting social equity.


A. Analyze the statements below. Write TRUE if the

statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

__________ 1. Men do not suffer from gender inequality.

_________ 2. When there is gender inequality, it is women that are more likely to be

disadvantaged and marginalized.

_________ 3. Gender equality is not just women’s issue but should concern and fully

engage men as well.

_________ 4. Gender equality means that men and women become the same.

_________ 5. Women empowerment is an important aspect of gender equality.

B. Analyze the illustrations below. Explain why the first illustration was labeled with

equality while the second was labeled with equity.

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You have understood that upholding social equity is

important in community action initiatives. Equity seeks
fairness and equality in the outcomes, not just in supports and

You have learned that gender equality exists when

both men and women enjoy the same opportunities, rights
and obligations in all spheres of life.

It’s time to learn about participatory development.

Read further and learn more!


Participatory development is a process through

which stakeholders can influence and share control

over development initiatives, and over the decisions

and resources that affect themselves. Participatory development seeks to give the

poor a part in initiatives and projects that are designed by outside organizations in the

hopes that these projects will be more sustainable and successful by involving local

stakeholders in the project goals (www.thegrassrootscollective.org).

Participatory development seeks to engage local populations in development

projects. Participation is defined as the mobilization of people to eliminate unjust

hierarchies of knowledge, power, and economic distribution. Participation is an

empowering process for people to handle challenges and influence the direction of

their own lives.

The concept of participatory development highlights involvement of the

voiceless and those who are marginalized in the development process. It gives

recognition and importance to the poor and disadvantaged people and a chance to be

heard and get involved in the development process. It encourages community

involvement most especially in social issues that affect them.


Answer the following questions.

1. Why is it necessary to incorporate participatory development in community

initiatives and projects?




2.How can we encourage participation of different stakeholders in community

initiatives and projects?



It is expected that you have already understood the
core values of community action initiatives such as human
rights, social equity, gender equality, and participatory
development. With this new knowledge, you will be able to
help empower your community.


Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the

best answer. Write it in your answer sheet.

______ 1. Which of the following statements best define human rights?

A. Human rights can be taken away from a person any time.

B. Human rights are inherent to all human beings, regardless of their status.

C. Some people are not entitled to human rights.

D. A person can be deprived of human rights without due process.

______ 2. Human rights are universal. Which of the following statements explains this


A. Human rights are dependent on one another.

B. Human rights cannot be treated in isolation.

C. Human rights belong to all people.

D. Human rights cannot be taken away.

______ 3. Which of the following statements best define social equity?

A. Equity refers to giving the same levels of support for all segments of the


B. Equity seeks to make everyone equal by giving equal amount of support.

C. Equity refers to giving varying levels of support depending upon the need to

achieve greater fairness of outcomes.

D. Equity gives equal support and opportunities and is not concerned with the


______ 4. Which of the following situations show social equity?

A. Asking the same amount of tax from all people, regardless of their jobs

B. Giving more opportunities to people residing in urban areas

C. Giving financial assistance to all, regardless of their economic status

D. Giving preferential treatment to senior citizens and PWDs

______ 5. Which statement on gender equality is correct?

A. Men do not suffer from gender inequality.

B. Gender equality means that men and women should be treated in the same


C. Gender equality requires equal access to resources and opportunities

regardless of gender.

D. The negative impact of gender inequality on men should be ignored.

______ 6. Which of the following is a critical aspect of gender equality?

A. women empowerment B. men empowerment

C. giving less opportunities to men D. giving less autonomy to women

______ 7. Which statement best describes participatory development?

A. It involves local stakeholders in the in the development projects.

B. It does not engage the local population in the project goals.

C. It only allows the participation of local government units.

D. It does not empower the local population.

______ 8. In participatory development, who are enouraged to get involved in the

development process?

A. the local government officials

B. the professionals and businessmen

C. the government employees

D. the poor and marginalized

Create a poster showing the importance

of human rights, social equity, gender equality
and participatory development in community
action initiatives.

Use the rubrics below as a guide in

making your poster.

Criteria Description Points

The poster is related to the given topic

Relevance to the Topic 20
and makes it easier to understand.

The poster shows an exceptional degree

Creativity 10
of creativity and originality.

The poster is visually appealing in terms

Visual Impact 10
of design, layout, and neatness.

Total Points 40

Congratulations for finishing this learning

module! I am sure you had a wonderful learning journey

and you will have the same in the succeeding modules.

Keep on learning!


1. Social Equity
2. Human Rights
3. Gender Equality
4. Participatory Development


1. Gender Equality
Sample Explanation: It shows balance between men and women.
2. Social Equity
Sample Explanation: It shows different levels of support depending upon the need of
the persons.
3. Right to Life
Sample Explanation: It shows a newborn baby being nurtured by caring hands.
4. Right to Liberty
Sample Explanation: It shows a person breaking free from handcuffs.
5. Right to Property
Sample Explanation: It shows ownership of a home.
6. Participatory Development
Sample Explanation: It shows people working together for a particular goal.

1. Right to Education
2. Right to Participate in Government and Free Elections
3. Right to Free Movement In and Out of the Country
4. Right to Marriage and Family
5. Right to Rest and Leisure

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True

Sample Explanation: The first illustration shows equality because the same levels of
support were given to the three persons despite the differences in their heights. As a
result, the outcome was not the same to each of them. The second illustration shows
equity because different levels of support were given to the three persons depending
on their needs. As a result, all of them achieved the desired outcomes.


1. Sample Answer: Participatory development is necessary in community initiatives

and projects to ensure that these projects will be sustainable and successful. It also
empowers the marginalized people to handle challenges and influence the direction
of their own lives.
2. Sample Answer: We can encourage participation of different stakeholders in
community initiatives and projects by making them involved in the development
process, giving them recognition and importance, and providing them a chance to be

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. D

Diffen. (n.d.). Equality vs. Equity. Retrieved on June 26, 2020 from www.diffen.com

MPH@GW. (2018). What’s the Difference Between Equity and Equality? Retrieved on June
25, 2020 from publichealthonline.gwu.edu

Project: Human City. (2017). What is Social Equity? Retrieved on June 25, 2020 from

Rappler. (2017). Things to Know: Human Rights in the Philippines. Retrieved on June 25,
2020 from www.rappler.com

The Advocates for Human Rights. (n.d.). Human Rights Basics. Retrieved on June 26, 2020
from advocatesforhumanrights.org

Tobias, R. (2017). The Centrality of Community Participation for All Community

Development Work. Retrieved on June 27, 2020 from www.grassrootscollective.org

UNFPA. (2005). Frequently Asked Questions About Gender Equality. Retrieved on June 25,
2020 from www.unfpa.org

United Nations. (n.d.). Human Rights. Retrieved on June 25, 2020 from https://www.un.org

University of Minnesota Human Rights Resource Center. (n.d.). The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. Retrieved on June 26, 2020 from hrlibrary.umn.edu

Wikipedia. (n.d.). Gender Equality. Retrieved on June 25, 2020 from en.m.wikipedia.org

Wikipedia. (n.d.). Participatory Development. Retrieved on June 25, 2020 from en.m.







Cover photo credit: Melody D. Legaspi (Rizal Integrated National School, Sorsogon City)


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