Working of Institutions
Working of Institutions
Working of Institutions
➢ Major Institution -
Executive Legislature Judiciary
➢ Their Working.
➢ Detailed explanation of each Institution.
Class 9th - Civics - Working of Institution - One Shot Revision
Mandal Commission
● It was the second backward class Commission. What was there in that Report?
● Appointed in 1979, under the chairmanship of ● Many points were discussed in the
B.P. Mandal. report about backward classes.
● One of the recommendation was to
∴ Mandal Commission give 27 percent reservation to
socially and educationally backward
Why it is appointed? classes in Government Jobs.
V.P. Singh
Class 9th - Civics - Working of Institution - One Shot Revision
● In ‘India Sawhney and other vs Union of India Case’ supreme court declared that this
order of the government of India was valid and government was asked to modify the
original order.
➔ You may think that one person should take all the decision, but it is against the spirit of democracy.
➔ Institution provide an opportunity for consultation and discussion.
➔ The National Assembly of elected representatives is called Parliament. At state level this is
called State Legislative Assembly.
➔ Recall the Parliament of different countries.
● Parliament exercise some control over those who run the Government.
■ Those who run the Government can take decision only so long as they enjoy support of
the parliament. How Majority Support.
India Parliament
Who elects the member? Directly elected by people Indirectly by the MLAs
● Rajya Sabha is called ‘Upper Chamber’ and Lok Sabha is called ‘Lower Chamber’.
● Our constitution does give the Rajya sabha some special powers over the state. But on most
matters the Lok sabha exercise supreme power.
Class 9th - Civics - Working of Institution - One Shot Revision
1. During joint session, the view of the Lok Sabha is likely to prevail.
■ In case of difference between two houses Members of both the houses sit
together in joint session.
The view is Lok Sabha is likely to prevail due to large no. of members.
2. Lok Sabha exercises more powers in money matters.
■ Budget on any money related laws passed by lok Sabha cannot be rejected by Rajya
Sabha. It can only delay it by 14 days or suggest any change. Whereas Lok Sabha is not
bound follow it.
3. Lok Sabha control the council of Ministers and Prime minister.
■ Only the person who enjoy the majority support in Lok Sabha can be appoint as the
Prime Minister.
■ With “No confidence” All ministers including prime Minister can be forced to quit.
Class 9th - Civics - Working of Institution - One Shot Revision
Political Executive
➔ Elected by the people for a specific ➔ Elected on the basis of merit and
period of time. appointed on a long term basis.
➔ Vacate the position with the change in ➔ They remain in office even when the
government. ruling party changes.
➔ E.g. Political leaders ➔ E.g. Civil servant
[P.M., C.M.] [I.A.S., I.P.S. etc]
Class 9th - Civics - Working of Institution - One Shot Revision
● Why does the political executive have more power than non political executive?
● Then why did the ministers have the final say in decision making?
■ The reason is that in a democracy the will of the people is supreme.
Expert can tell the route, but someone with a larger view decides the destination.
Class 9th - Civics - Working of Institution - One Shot Revision
Prime Minister
➔ Prime Minister is not only a person, He/She is also the most important Political
Institution in the country.
● Prime Minister chairs the cabinet meetings [Coordinator, Takes final decision]
● The extent of power of P.M. depends on the personality of the person holding that position.
∴ He/She is required to heed to the views and position of coalition partners because their
support is essential for survival of government.
Class 9th - Civics - Working of Institution - One Shot Revision
Council of Ministers
From where?
● Top level leaders of the ● In-charge of smaller ● They are attached with
ruling party. ministry. the portfolio to assist
● Incharge of major ● Participate in the the cabinet ministers.
ministry. cabinet meetings only
● Inner ring of council of when specially invited.
ministers, Comprises
about 20 ministers.
The President
Powers of President
❖ What if the president does not agree on the advice given to him?
Class 9th - Civics - Working of Institution - One Shot Revision
What if the president does not agree on the advice given to him?
● But he/she is bound to act according to the advice rendered after reconsideration.
➢ President appoint the Prime Minister [Leader of majority] but in case no party or
coalition get majority in Lok Sabha then President exercises her discretionary power.
Class 9th - Civics - Working of Institution - One Shot Revision
The Judiciary
Supreme court
[Entire Nation]
High Courts
[For State]
District Courts
[For District and local level]
Class 9th - Civics - Working of Institution - One Shot Revision
❖ Supreme court is the highest court of appeal in civil and criminal cases.
Indian Judiciary is one of the most powerful Judiciary of the world. How?
● Supreme Court and High Courts have the power to interpret the constitution of the
country. [Determines the constitutional validity of any law]
● Through public interest Litigation Judiciary work for the protection of Public Interest.
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